
RFC1775 - To Be On the Internet

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group D. Crocker

Request for Comments: 1775 Brandenburg Consulting

Category: Informational March 1995

To Be "On" the Internet

Status of this Memo

This memo provides information for the Internet community. This memo

does not specify an Internet standard of any kind. Distribution of

this memo is unlimited.


The Internet permits different levels of Access for consumers and

providers of service. The nature of those differences is quite

important in the capabilities They afford. Hence, it is appropriate

to provide terminology that distinguishes among the range, so that

the Internet community can gain some clarity when distinguishing

whether a user (or an organization) is "on" the Internet. This

document suggests four terms, for distinguishing the major classes of



The Internet is many things to many people. It began as a technology

and has grown into a global service. With the growth has come

increased complexity in details of the technology and service,

resulting in confusion when trying to determine whether a given user

is "on" the Internet. Who is on the Internet? What capabilities do

they have? This note is an attempt to aid Internet consumers and

providers in determining the basic types of end-user access that

distinguish critical differences in Internet attachment.

The list was developed primarily for the perspective of users, rather

than for the technical community. The definitions in this list take

the perspective that users are primarily interested in application

services. A curious implication is that some of the definitions do

not rely on the direct use of the underlying Internet connectivity

protocols, TCP/IP. For many technical discussions, therefore, these

terms will not be appropriate.


The following definitions move from "most" to "least" Internet

access, from the perspective of the user (consumer). The first term

is primarily applicable to Internet service providers. The remaining

terms are primarily applicable to consumers of Internet service.


This is a permanent (full-time) Internet attachment running

TCP/IP, primarily appropriate for allowing the Internet community

to access application servers, operated by Internet service

providers. Machines with Full access are directly visible to

others attached to the Internet, such as through the Internet

Protocol's ICMP Echo (ping) facility. The core of the Internet

comprises those machines with Full access.


The user runs applications that employ Internet application

protocols directly on their own computer platform, but might not

be running underlying Internet protocols (TCP/IP), might not have

full-time access, such as through dial-up, or might have

constrained access, such as through a firewall. When active,

Client users might be visible to the general Internet, but such

visibility cannot be predicted. For example, this means that most

Client access users will not be detected during an empirical

probing of systems "on" the Internet at any given moment, such as

through the ICMP Echo facility.


The user runs no Internet applications on their own platform. An

Internet service provider runs applications that use Internet

protocols on the provider's platform, for the user. User has

simplified access to the provider, such as dial-up terminal

connectivity. For Mediated access, the user is on the Internet,

but their computer platform is not. Instead, it is the computer

of the mediating service (provider) which is on the Internet.


The user has no Internet access, except through electronic mail

and through netnews, such as Usenet or a bulletin board service.

Since messaging services can be used as a high-latency -- i.e.,

slow -- transport service, the use of this level of access for

mail-enabled services can be quite powerful, though not



The test of a nomenclature is, of course, its application to real-

life situations. Two simple cases involve home users. If a user

accesses the Internet by running a terminal program on their PC and

then dials up a public service which provides the Internet

applications, then that user has Mediated Internet access. The

public service has Client or Full access, but the user does not. On

the other hand, users who access via SLIP or PPP are running Internet

applications on their own PCs and they have Client Internet access.

Many corporations now have a full-time link to the Internet. The

link is based on TCP/IP and usually has a number of Internet servers

running, for email exchange and for making public corporate data

available to the rest of the world, such as through the World Wide

Web and Gopher. Clearly, the corporation is "on" the Internet, with

Full Internet access.

What about a user in that corporation? Many corporations today

separate their internal internet from the public Internet via a

firewall. If a user from the internal internet has a desktop

computer and reaches out to the Internet, through the firewall, by

running any Internet applications, such as a Web browser, then that

user has Client Internet access.

Some corporations will not allow this, instead requiring all software

which touches the public Internet to be run on specially-administered

machines which are part of the corporation's firewall suite of

services. Hence, users must make a terminal connection to the

special machines, from there running the Internet applications. Such

users have Mediated Internet access, the same as home users who dial

up a public service.


This specification does NOT, itself, provide or define any security-

related mechanisms. However it does describe scenarios with

different security implications for users and providers. Readers of

this discussion are cautioned to consider those implications when

choosing a service.


Development of these definitions was spurred by many public and

private discussions in which confusion over Internet access reigned.

Convergence on an initial set of three terms was the result of

discussion on the Big-Internet mailing list, particularly from

comments made by Alan Barret, Howard Berkowitz, Noel Chiappa, Steve

Goldstein, Iain Hanson, Gary Malkin, Bob McKisson, Tim O'Reilly, Dave

Piscitello and Bill Simpson. Eventually, the need for a fourth

category became evident and was discussed further with the

participants on the list. This does not mean that any of them

necessarily endorses the terms and definitions provided, merely that

their notes assisted my thinking on the topic. After the initial

round of public discussion, Smoot Carl-Mitchell and John Quarterman

of Texas Internet Consulting developed terminology for similar

categories and served to prompt modification of this set, described,

here, to distinguish between provider and consumer forms of access

and emphasize the role of Full access in defining the Internet core.

6. Security Considerations

Security issues are not discussed in this memo.

7. Author's Address

David H. Crocker

Brandenburg Consulting

675 Spruce Dr.

Sunnyvale, CA 94086 USA

Phone: +1 408 246 8253

Fax: +1 408 249 6205

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