
RFC1773 - Experience with the BGP-4 protocol

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Network Working Group P. Traina

Request for Comments: 1773 cisco Systems

Obsoletes: 1656 March 1995

Category: Informational

EXPerience with the BGP-4 protocol

Status of this Memo

This memo provides information for the Internet community. This memo

does not specify an Internet standard of any kind. Distribution of

this memo is unlimited.


The purpose of this memo is to document how the requirements for

advancing a routing protocol to Draft Standard have been satisfied by

Border Gateway Protocol version 4 (BGP-4). This report documents

experience with BGP. This is the second of two reports on the BGP

protocol. As required by the Internet Architecure Board (IAB) and

the Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG), the first report will

present a performance analysis of the BGP protocol.

The remaining sections of this memo document how BGP satisfies

General Requirements specified in Section 3.0, as well as

Requirements for Draft Standard specified in Section 5.0 of the

"Internet Routing Protocol Standardization Criteria" document [1].

This report is based on the initial work of Peter Lothberg (Ebone),

Andrew Partan (Alternet), and several others. Details of their work

were presented at the Twenty-fifth IETF meeting and are available

from the IETF proceedings.

Please send comments to iwg@ans.net.


The BGP protocol has been developed by the IDR (formerly BGP) Working

Group of the Internet Engineering Task Force. I would like to

express deepest thanks to Yakov Rekhter and Sue Hares, co-chairs of

the IDR working group. I'd also like to explicitly thank Yakov

Rekhter and Tony Li for the review of this document as well as

constructive and valuable comments.


BGP is an inter-autonomous system routing protocol designed for

TCP/IP internets. Version 1 of the BGP protocol was published in RFC

1105. Since then BGP Versions 2, 3, and 4 have been developed.

Version 2 was documented in RFC1163. Version 3 is documented in RFC

1267. The changes between versions 1, 2 and 3 are explained in

Appendix 2 of [2]. All of the functionality that was present in the

previous versions is present in version 4.

BGP version 2 removed from the protocol the concept of "up", "down",

and "horizontal" relations between autonomous systems that were

present in version 1. BGP version 2 introduced the concept of path

attributes. In addition, BGP version 2 clarified parts of the

protocol that were "under-specified".

BGP version 3 lifted some of the restrictions on the use of the

NEXT_HOP path attribute, and added the BGP Identifier field to the

BGP OPEN message. It also clarifies the procedure for distributing

BGP routes between the BGP speakers within an autonomous system.

BGP version 4 redefines the (previously class-based) network layer

reachability portion of the updates to specify prefixes of arbitrary

length in order to represent multiple classful networks in a single

entry as discussed in [5]. BGP version 4 has also modified the AS-

PATH attribute so that sets of autonomous systems, as well as

individual ASs may be described. In addition, BGP version for has

redescribed the INTER-AS METRIC attribute as the MULTI-EXIT



Possible applications of BGP in the Internet are documented in [3].

The BGP protocol was developed by the IDR Working Group of the

Internet Engineering Task Force. This Working Group has a mailing

list, iwg@ans.net, where discussions of protocol features and

operation are held. The IDR Working Group meets regularly during the

quarterly Internet Engineering Task Force conferences. Reports of

these meetings are published in the IETF's Proceedings.


A BGP-4 Management Information Base has been published [4]. The MIB

was written by Steve Willis (Wellfleet), John Burruss (Wellfleet),

and John Chu (IBM).

Apart from a few system variables, the BGP MIB is broken into two

tables: the BGP Peer Table and the BGP Received Path Attribute Table.

The Peer Table reflects information about BGP peer connections, such

as their state and current activity. The Received Path Attribute

Table contains all attributes received from all peers before local

routing policy has been applied. The actual attributes used in

determining a route are a subset of the received attribute table.

Security Considerations

BGP provides flexible and extendible mechanism for authentication and

security. The mechanism allows to support schemes with various

degree of complexity. All BGP sessions are authenticated based on

the BGP Identifier of a peer. In addition, all BGP sessions are

authenticated based on the autonomous system number advertised by a

peer. As part of the BGP authentication mechanism, the protocol

allows to carry encrypted digital signature in every BGP message.

All authentication failures result in sending the NOTIFICATION

messages and immediate termination of the BGP connection.

Since BGP runs over TCP and IP, BGP's authentication scheme may be

augmented by any authentication or security mechanism provided by

either TCP or IP.

However, since BGP runs over TCP and IP, BGP is vulnerable to the

same denial of service or authentication attacks that are present in

any other TCP based protocol.


There are multiple independent interoperable implementations of BGP

currently available. This section gives a brief overview of the

implementations that are currently used in the operational Internet.

They are:

- cisco Systems

- gated consortium

- 3COM

- Bay Networks (Wellfleet)

- Proteon

To facilitate efficient BGP implementations, and avoid commonly made

mistakes, the implementation experience with BGP-4 in with cisco's

implementation was documented as part of RFC1656 [4].

Implementors are strongly encouraged to follow the implementation

suggestions outlined in that document and in the appendix of [2].

Experience with implementing BGP-4 showed that the protocol is

relatively simple to implement. On the average BGP-4 implementation

takes about 2 man/months effort, not including any restructuring that

may be needed to support CIDR.

Note that, as required by the IAB/IESG for Draft Standard status,

there are multiple interoperable completely independent


Operational experience

This section discusses operational experience with BGP and BGP-4.

BGP has been used in the production environment since 1989, BGP-4

since 1993. This use involves at least two of the implementations

listed above. Production use of BGP includes utilization of all

significant features of the protocol. The present production

environment, where BGP is used as the inter-autonomous system routing

protocol, is highly heterogeneous. In terms of the link bandwidth it

varies from 28 Kbits/sec to 150 Mbits/sec. In terms of the actual

routes that run BGP it ranges from a relatively slow performance

PC/RT to a very high performance RISC based CPUs, and includes both

the special purpose routers and the general purpose workstations

running UNIX.

In terms of the actual topologies it varies from a very sparse

(spanning tree of ICM) to a quite dense (NSFNET backbone).

At the time of this writing BGP-4 is used as an inter-autonomous

system routing protocol between ALL significant autonomous systems,

including, but by all means not limited to: Alternet, ANS, Ebone,

ICM, IIJ, MCI, NSFNET, and Sprint. The smallest know backbone

consists of one router, whereas the largest contains nearly 90 BGP

speakers. All together, there are several hundred known BGP speaking


BGP is used both for the exchange of routing information between a

transit and a stub autonomous system, and for the exchange of routing

information between multiple transit autonomous systems. There is no

distinction between sites historically considered backbones vs

"regional" networks.

Within most transit networks, BGP is used as the exclusive carrier of

the exterior routing information. At the time of this writing within

a few sites use BGP in conjunction with an interior routing protocol

to carry exterior routing information.

The full set of exterior routes that is carried by BGP is well over

20,000 aggregate entries representing several times that number of

connected networks.

Operational experience described above involved multi-vendor

deployment (cisco, and "gated").

Specific details of the operational experience with BGP in Alternet,

ICM and Ebone were presented at the Twenty-fifth IETF meeting

(Toronto, Canada) by Peter Lothberg (Ebone), Andrew Partan (Alternet)

and Paul Traina (cisco).

Operational experience with BGP exercised all basic features of the

protocol, including authentication, routing loop suppression and the

new features of BGP-4, enhanced metrics and route aggregation.

Bandwidth consumed by BGP has been measured at the interconnection

points between CA*Net and T1 NSFNET Backbone. The results of these

measurements were presented by Dennis Ferguson during the Twenty-

first IETF, and are available from the IETF Proceedings. These

results showed clear superiority of BGP as compared with EGP in the

area of bandwidth consumed by the protocol. Observations on the

CA*Net by Dennis Ferguson, and on the T1 NSFNET Backbone by Susan

Hares confirmed clear superiority of the BGP protocol family as

compared with EGP in the area of CPU requirements.

Migration to BGP version 4

On multiple occasions some members of IETF expressed concern about

the migration path from classful protocols to classless protocols

such as BGP-4.

BGP-4 was rushed into production use on the Internet because of the

exponential growth of routing tables and the increase of memory and

CPU utilization required by BGP. As such, migration issues that

normally would have stalled deployment were cast aside in favor of

pragmatic and intelligent deployment of BGP-4 by network operators.

There was much discussion about creating "route exploders" which

would enumerate individual class-based networks of CIDR allocations

to BGP-3 speaking routers, however a cursory examination showed that

this would vastly hasten the requirement for more CPU and memory

resources for these older implementations. There would be no way

internal to BGP to differentiate between known used networks and the

unused portions of the CIDR allocation.

The migration path chosen by the majority of the operators was known

as "CIDR, default, or die!"

To test BGP-4 operation, a virtual "shadow" Internet was created by

linking Alternet, Ebone, ICM, and cisco over GRE based tunnels.

Experimentation was done with actual live routing information by

establishing BGP version 3 connections with the production networks

at those sites. This allowed extensive regression testing before

deploying BGP-4 on production equipment.

After testing on the shadow network, BGP-4 implementations were

deployed on the production equipment at those sites. BGP-4 capable

routers negotiated BGP-4 connections and interoperated with other

sites by speaking BGP-3. Several test aggregate routes were injected

into this network in addition to class-based networks for

compatibility with BGP-3 speakers.

At this point, the shadow-Internet was re-chartered as an

"operational experience" network. tunnel connections were

established with most major transit service operators so that

operators could gain some understanding of how the introduction of

aggregate networks would affect routing.

After being satisfied with the initial deployment of BGP-4, a number

of sites chose to withdraw their class-based advertisements and rely

only on their CIDR aggregate advertisements. This provided

motivation for transit providers who had not migrated to either do

so, accept a default route, or lose connectivity to several popular



BGP version 4 re-defined the old INTER-AS metric as a MULTI-EXIT-

DISCRIMINATOR. This value may be used in the tie breaking process

when selecting a preferred path to a given address space. The MED is

meant to only be used when comparing paths received from different

external peers in the same AS to indicate the preference of the

originating AS.

The MED was purposely designed to be a "weak" metric that would only

be used late in the best-path decision process. The BGP working

group was concerned that any metric specified by a remote operator

would only affect routing in a local AS if no other preference was

specified. A paramount goal of the design of the MED was insure that

peers could not "shed" or "absorb" traffic for networks that they


The LOCAL-PREFERENCE attribute was added so a local operator could

easily configure a policy that overrode the standard best path

determination mechanism without configuring local preference on each


One shortcoming in the BGP4 specification was a suggestion for a

default value of LOCAL-PREF to be assumed if none was provided.

Defaults of 0 or the maximum value each have range limitations, so a

common default would aid in the interoperation of multi-vendor

routers in the same AS (since LOCAL-PREF is a local administration

knob, there is no interoperability drawback across AS boundaries).

Another area where more exploration is required is a method whereby

an originating AS may influence the best path selection process. For

example, a dual-connected site may select one AS as a primary transit

service provider and have one as a backup.

/---- transit B ---- end-customer transit A----

\---- transit C ----/

In a topology where the two transit service providers connect to a

third provider, the real decision is performed by the third provider

and there is no mechanism for indicating a preference should the

third provider wish to respect that preference.

A general purpose suggestion that has been brought up is the

possibility of carrying an optional vector corresponding to the AS-

PATH where each transit AS may indicate a preference value for a

given route. Cooperating ASs may then chose traffic based upon

comparison of "interesting" portions of this vector according to

routing policy.

While protecting a given ASs routing policy is of paramount concern,

avoiding extensive hand configuration of routing policies needs to be

examined more carefully in future BGP-like protocols.

Internal BGP in large autonomous systems

While not strictly a protocol issue, one other concern has been

raised by network operators who need to maintain autonomous systems

with a large number of peers. Each speaker peering with an external

router is responsible for propagating reachability and path

information to all other transit and border routers within that AS.

This is typically done by establishing internal BGP connections to

all transit and border routers in the local AS.

In a large AS, this leads to an n^2 mesh of TCP connections and some

method of configuring and maintaining those connections. BGP does

not specify how this information is to be propagated, so

alternatives, such as injecting BGP attribute information into the

local IGP have been suggested. Also, there is effort underway to

develop internal BGP "route reflectors" or a reliable multicast

transport of IBGP information which would reduce configuration,

memory and CPU requirements of conveying information to all other

internal BGP peers.

Internet Dynamics

As discussed in [7], the driving force in CPU and bandwidth

utilization is the dynamic nature of routing in the Internet. As the

net has grown, the number of changes per second has increased. We

automatically get some level of damping when more specific NLRI is

aggregated into larger blocks, however this isn't sufficient. In

Appendix 6 of [2] are descriptions of dampening techniques that

should be applied to advertisements. In future specifications of

BGP-like protocols, damping methods should be considered for

mandatory inclusion in compliant implementations.


The BGP-4 protocol has been developed by the IDR/BGP Working Group of

the Internet Engineering Task Force. I would like to express thanks

to Yakov Rekhter for providing RFC1266. I'd also like to explicitly

thank Yakov Rekhter and Tony Li for their review of this document as

well as their constructive and valuable comments.

Author's Address

Paul Traina

cisco Systems, Inc.

170 W. Tasman Dr.

San Jose, CA 95134

EMail: pst@cisco.com


[1] Hinden, R., "Internet Routing Protocol Standardization Criteria",

RFC1264, BBN, October 1991.

[2] Rekhter, Y., and T. Li, "A Border Gateway Protocol 4 (BGP-4)",

RFC1771, T.J. Watson Research Center, IBM Corp., cisco Systems,

March 1995.

[3] Rekhter, Y., and P. Gross, Editors, "Application of the Border

Gateway Protocol in the Internet", RFC1772, T.J. Watson Research

Center, IBM Corp., MCI, March 1995.

[4] Willis, S., Burruss, J., and J. Chu, "Definitions of Managed

Objects for the Fourth Version of the Border Gateway Protocol

(BGP-4) using SMIv2", RFC1657, Wellfleet Communications Inc.,

IBM Corp., July 1994.

[5] Fuller V., Li. T., Yu J., and K. Varadhan, "Classless Inter-

Domain Routing (CIDR): an Address Assignment and Aggregation

Strategy", RFC1519, BARRNet, cisco, MERIT, OARnet, September


[6] Traina P., "BGP-4 Protocol Document Roadmap and Implementation

Experience", RFC1656, cisco Systems, July 1994.

[7] Traina P., "BGP Version 4 Protocol Analysis", RFC1774, cisco

Systems, March 1995.

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