
RFC1755 - ATM Signaling Support for IP over ATM

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group M. Perez

Request for Comments: 1755 ISI

Category: Standards Track F. Liaw

FORE Systems, Inc.

A. Mankin

E. Hoffman


D. Grossman

Motorola Codex

A. Malis

Ascom Timeplex, Inc.

February 1995

ATM Signaling Support for IP over ATM

Status of this Memo

This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the

Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for

improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet

Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state

and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.


This memo describes the ATM call control signaling exchanges needed

to support Classical IP over ATM implementations as described in RFC

1577 [LAUB94]. ATM endpoints will incorporate ATM signaling services

as specified in the ATM Forum User-Network Interface (UNI)

Specification Version 3.1 [ATMF94]. IP over ATM implementations

utilize the services of local ATM signaling entities to establish and

release ATM connections. This memo should be used to define the

support required by IP over ATM implementations from their local ATM

signaling entities.

This document is an implementors guide intended to foster

interoperability among RFC1577, RFC1483, and UNI ATM signaling. It

applies to IP hosts and routers which are also ATM endsystems and

assumes ATM networks that completely implement the ATM Forum UNI

Specification Version 3.1. Unless eXPlicitly stated, no distinction

is made between the Private and Public UNI.

UNI 3.1 is considered an erratum to the UNI 3.0 specification. It has

been prodUCed by the ATM Forum, largely for reasons of alignment with

Recommendation Q.2931. Although UNI 3.1 is based on UNI 3.0 there are

several changes that make the two versions incompatible. A

description of how to support IP over ATM using UNI 3.0 is found in

Appendix B.

Table of Contents

1. Conventions ............................................... 3

2. Overview .................................................. 3

3. Use of Protocol Procedures ................................ 4

3.1 VC Establishment ..................................... 4

3.2 Multiprotocol Support on VCs ........................ 4

3.3 Support for Multiple VCs ............................. 5

3.4 VC Teardown........................................... 6

4. Overview of UNI Call Setup Signaling ...................... 6

5. Overview of Call Establishment Message Content ............ 7

6. Information Elements with Endpoint Significance ........... 8

6.1 ATM Adaptation Layer Parameters ...................... 8

6.2 Broadband Low Layer Information ..................... 8

6.2.1 Framework for Protocol Layering ............... 9

7. Information Elements with Significance to the ATM Network . 11

7.1 ATM Traffic Descriptor ............................... 11

7.2 Broadband Bearer Capability .......................... 15

7.3 QoS Parameter......................................... 16

7.4 ATM Addressing Information ........................... 16

8. Dealing with Failure of Call Establishment................. 18

9. Security Considerations .................................... 18

10. Open Issues ............................................... 19

11. Acknowledgements........................................... 19

12. References ................................................ 19

13. Authors' Addresses ........................................ 20

Appendix A Sample Signaling Messages ......................... 22

Appendix B IP over ATM using UNI 3.0 Signaling ............... 25

Appendix C Combinations of Traffic Related Parameters ........ 27

Appendix D Frame Relay Interworking .......................... 28

1. Conventions

The following language conventions are used in the items of

specification in this document:

o MUST, SHALL, or MANDATORY -- the item is an absolute requirement

of the specification.

o SHOULD or RECOMMEND -- this item SHOULD generally be followed for

all but exceptional circumstances.

o MAY or OPTIONAL -- the item is truly optional and MAY be followed

or ignored according to the needs of the implementor.

2. Overview

In a Switched Virtual Connection (SVC) environment, ATM virtual

channel connections (VCCs) are dynamically established and released

as needed. This is accomplished using the ATM call/connection control

signaling protocol, which operates between ATM endsystems and the ATM

network. The signaling entities use the signaling protocol to

establish and release calls (association between ATM endpoints) and

connections (VCCs). Signaling procedures include the use of

addressing to locate ATM endpoints and allocation of resource in the

network for the connection. It also provides indication and

negotiation between ATM endpoints for selection of end-to-end

protocols and their parameters. This memo describes how the

signaling protocol is used in support of IP over ATM, and, in

particular, the information exchanged in the signaling protocol to

effect this support.

IP address to ATM address resolution and routing issues are not in

the scope of this memo, and are treated as part of IP in figure 1.

+--------------+ +------+ +----------+

<---> IP / ARP

<---> This RFC1577

ATM Memo +----------+

signaling <---> RFC1483

+------+ +----------+

-------------> AAL 5


-------------> ATM

+--------------+ +----------+

Figure 1.

Relationship of this memo to IP, RFC1483,

ATM signaling, ATM and AAL5

3. Use of Protocol Procedures

The following requirements are motivated to provide implementation

guidelines on how multiple ATM connections between peer systems

SHOULD be managed, to prevent connection thrashing and related


3.1. VC Establishment

The owner of an existing VCC is defined to be the entity within the

ATM endsystem that establishes the connection. An ATM endsystem MAY

establish an ATM call when it has a datagram to send and either there

is no existing VCC that it can use for this purpose, it chooses not

to use an existing VCC, (e.g., for reasons of route optimization or

quality of service), or the VCC owner does not allow sharing.

To reduce the latency of the address resolution procedure at the

called station, the following procedure MAY be used:

If a VCC is established using the LLC/SNAP encapsulation, the calling

endstation of the VCC MAY send an InARP_REQUEST to the called

endstation after the connection is established (i.e. received a

CONNECT message) and before the calling endstation sends the first

data packet. In addition, the calling endstation MAY send its data

packets without waiting for the InARP_REPLY. An endstation MAY

respond, generate, and manage its ATMARP table according to the

procedures specified in RFC1293 [BRAD92], Section 7, "Protocol

Operation", during the life time of the VCC.

To avoid establishing multiple VCCs to the same endstation, a called

endstation MAY associate the calling party number in the SETUP

message with the established VCC. This VCC MAY be used to transmit

data packets destined to a endstation whose ATMARP resolution results

in an ATM address that is the same as the associated calling party

number. Sharing of VCCs is subject to the policies configured at the

endstation as described in section 4.3 of this recommendation.

3.2. Multiprotocol Support on VCs

When two ATM endsystems run multiple protocols, an ATM connection MAY

be shared among two or more datagram protocol entities, as long as

the VCC owner allows sharing and if the encapsulation allows proper

multiplexing and demultiplexing (i.e. the LLC/SNAP encapsulation).

This indication of sharing a VCC MAY be by configuration or via an

API. Similarly, the Internet layer supports multiplexing of multiple

end-to-end transport sessions. To properly detect idle connections

while sharing a VCC among more than one higher layer protocol

entities, the ATM endsystem MUST monitor the traffic at the lowest

multiplexing layer.

3.3. Support for Multiple VCs

An ATMARP server or client MAY establish an ATM call when it has a

datagram to send and either there is no existing VCC that it can use

for this purpose, it chooses not to use an existing VCC, or the owner

of the VCC does not allow sharing. Note that there might be VCCs to

the destination which are used for IP, but an ARP server might prefer

to use a separate VCC for ARP only. The ATMARP server or client MAY

maintain or release the call as specified in RFC1577. However, if

the VCC is shared among several protocol entities, the ATMARP client

or server SHALL NOT disconnect the call as suggested in RFC1577.

Systems MUST be able to support multiple connections between peer

systems (without regard to which peer system initiated each

connection). They MAY be configured to only allow one such

connection at a time.

If a receiver accepts more than one call from a single source, that

receiver MUST then accept incoming PDUs on the additional

connection(s), and MAY transmit on the additional connections.

Receivers SHOULD NOT accept the incoming call, only to close the

connection or ignore PDUs from the connection.

Because opening multiple connections is specifically allowed,

algorithms to prevent connection call collision, such as the one

found in section of ISO/IEC 8473 [ISO8473], MUST NOT be


While allowing multiple connections is specifically desired and

allowed, implementations MAY choose (by configuration) to permit only

a single connection to some destinations. Only in such a case, if a

colliding incoming call is received while a call request is pending,

the incoming call MUST be rejected. Note that this MAY result in a

failure to establish a connection. In such a case, each system MUST

wait at least a configurable collision retry time in the range 1 to

10 seconds before retrying. Systems MUST add a random increment,

with exponential bacKOFf.

3.4. VC Teardown

Either endsystem MAY close a connection. If the connection is closed

or reset while a datagram is being transmitted, the datagram is lost.

Systems SHOULD be able to configure a minimum holding time for

connections to remain open as long as the endpoints are up. (Note

that holding time, the time the connection has been open, differs

from idle time.) A suggested default value for the minimum holding

time is 60 seconds.

Because some public networks MAY charge for connection holding time,

and connections MAY be a scarce resource in some networks or

endsystems, each system implementing a Public ATM UNI interface MUST

support the use of a configurable inactivity timer to clear

connections that are idle for some period of time. The timer's range

SHOULD include a range from a small number of minutes to "infinite".

A default value of 20 minutes is RECOMMENDED. Systems which only

implement a Private ATM UNI interface SHOULD support the inactivity

timer. If implemented, the inactivity timer MUST monitor traffic in

both directions of the connection.

4. Brief Overview of UNI Call Setup Signaling Procedures and Messages

This section provides a summary of point-to-point signaling

procedures. Readers are referred to [ATMF93].

UNI signaling messages used for point-to-point call/connection

control are the following:

Call Setup Call Release

---------- ------------





An ATM endpoint initiates a call request by sending a SETUP message

to the network. The network processes the call request to determine

if the call can be progressed. If so, the network indicates the value

of the newly allocated VPCI/VCI in its first response to the the

SETUP message, which is either a CALL PROCEEDING or CONNECT message.

If a call cannot be accepted, by the network or destination ATM end-

point, a RELEASE COMPLETE is sent. At the destination ATM endpoint,

the network offers the call using the SETUP message. If the

destination endpoint is able to accept the call, it responds with a

CONNECT message (which MAY be preceded by a CALL PROCEEDING);

otherwise, it sends a RELEASE COMPLETE message. See Appendix A,

Section 2 for guidance on the use of the CALL PROCEEDING message.

Call release can be initiated by either endpoint or (rarely) by the

network. When an endpoint wishes to release a call, it sends a

RELEASE message to the network. The network responds with a RELEASE

COMPLETE message, frees up resources associated with the call, and

initiates clearing toward the other endpoint. The network initiates

clearing by sending a RELEASE message to the ATM endpoint, which

reponds by sending a RELEASE COMPLETE message. Upon receipt of the

RELEASE COMPLETE message, the network frees any resources associated

with the call.

5. Overview of Call Establishment Message Content

Signaling messages are structured to contain mandatory and optional

variable length information elements (IEs). IEs are further

subdivided into octet groups, which in turn are divided into fields.

IEs contain information related to the call, which is relevant to the

network, the peer endpoint or both. Selection of optional IEs and

the content of mandatory and optional IEs in a call establishment

message determines the parties to and nature of the communication

over the ATM connection. For example, the call establishment message

for a call which will be used for constant bitrate video over AAL 1

will have different contents than a call which will be used for IP

over AAL 5.

A SETUP message which establishes an ATM connection to be used for IP

and multiprotocol interconnection calls MUST contain the following


AAL Parameters

ATM Traffic Descriptor

Broadband Bearer Capability

Broadband Low Layer Information

QoS Parameter

Called Party Number

Calling Party Number

and MAY, under certain circumstance contain the following IEs:

Calling Party Subaddress

Called Party Subaddress

Transit Network Selection

In UNI 3.1, the AAL Parameters and the Broadband Low Layer

Information IEs are optional in a SETUP message. However, in support

of IP over ATM these two IEs MUST be included. Appendix A shows an

example SETUP message coded in the manner indicated in this memo.

6. Information Elements with Endpoint to Endpoint Significance

This section describes the coding of, and procedures surrounding,

information elements in a SETUP message with significance only to the

endpoints of an ATM call supporting IP.

6.1. ATM Adaptation Layer Parameters

The AAL Parameters IE (see section and Annex F of [ATMF93])

carries information about the ATM Adaptation Layer (AAL) to be used

on the connection. RFC1483 specifies encapsulation of IP over AAL 5.

Thus, AAL 5 MUST be indicated in the "AAL type" field.

Coding and procedure related to the 'Forward and Backward Maximum

CPCS-SDU Size' fields are discussed in [ATKI94]. Values may range

from zero to 65,535. Although the default IP over AAL 5/ATM is 9188

bytes, endstations are encouraged to support MTU sizes up to and

including 64k.

Ordinarily, no Service Specific Convergence Sublayer (SSCS) will be

used for multiprotocol interconnect over AAL5. Therefore, the SSCS

'type' field SHOULD be absent or, if present, coded to Null SSCS.

Format and field values of AAL Parameters IE




aal_type 5 (AAL 5)

fwd_max_sdu_size_identifier 140

fwd_max_sdu_size 65,535 (desired IP MTU)

bkw_max_sdu_size_identifier 129

bkw_max_sdu_size 65,535 (desired IP MTU)

sscs_type identifier 132

sscs_type 0 (null SSCS)


6.2. Broadband Low Layer Information

Selection of an encapsulation to support IP over an ATM VCC is done

using the Broadband Low Layer Information (B-LLI) IE, along with the

AAL Parameters IE, and the B-LLI negotiation procedure.

RFC1577 specifies LLC/SNAP as the default encapsulation. This

encapsulation MUST be implemented by all endstations. LLC

encapsulation MUST be signaled in the B-LLI as shown below.

Signaling indication of other encapsulations is discussed in Appendix

D, Section 4. Note that only LLC is indicated in the B-LLI. It is up

to the LLC layer to look into the encapsulation header of the packets

following call setup. A B-LLI specifying both LLC and a layer_3_id

SNAP layer is not recommended. If in those packets, the SNAP header

indicates IP, it is the LLC layer's job to hand the packets up to IP.

Format of B-LLI IE indicating LLC/SNAP encapsulation




layer_2_id 2

user_information_layer 12 (lan_llc - ISO 8802/2)


6.2.1. Framework for Protocol Layering

The support of connectionless services from a connection oriented

link layer exposes general problems of connection management,

specifically the problems of connection acceptance, assignment of

quality of service, and connection shutdown. For a connection to be

associated with the correct protocol on the called host, it is

necessary for information about one or more layers of protocol

identification to be associated with a connection "management entity"

or "endpoint". This association is what we call a binding in this

memo. In this section we attempt to describe a framework for a

usable binding or service architecture given the available IEs in the

ATM call control messages.

It is important to distinguish between two basic uses of protocol

identification elements present in the UNI setup message. The first

is the description of the protocol encapsulation that will be used on

the data packet over the virtual connection, the second is the entity

that will be responsible for managing the call. All protocols present

in various IEs MUST be used to encapsulate the call, but the most

specific, or highest, layer specified SHOULD manage the call. This

defines a hierarchy of services and provides a framework for

applications, including LLC and IP, to terminate calls. This

hierarchy provides a clear mechanism for support of higher level

protocol and application bindings, when their use and specification

is defined in the appropriate standards bodies.

In general, it would be desirable to allow data packets to be stored

directly into an application's address space after connection is

established. This is possible only if we have both encapsulation and

managing entity indications in the signaling message.

The B-LLI is the only information element currently available in UNI

3.1 for designating protocol endpoints. It contains codepoints that

describe layer 2 and layer 3 protocol entities associated with the

call. There are other information elements under consideration in the

ATM Forum and ITU, which could come to play a significant role in the

description of application to connection binding, but their use is

not yet defined, and they are not part of the framework described by

RFC1577. They include B-HLI, for containing information for a higher

layer protocol, Network Layer Information (NLI) to contain

information for the network layer, and UUI, which is meant to carry

information for use by the top level application.

The following figure shows a B-LLI that MAY be used for specifying in

call setup that IP will manage the call and that this VC will be used

only for IP traffic. Called parties MUST accept this B-LLI. The

caller using VC MUST use LLC-SNAP encapsulation on all IP datagrams,

despite the fact that the caller views the VC as dedicated to IP.

The reason for this requirement is that while we require receivers to

accept this form of call setup, they may choose whether or not to

multiplex the call through LLC, in other Words to ignore the Layer 3

information. This choice is dependent on the receiver's

implementation's protocol architecture and is local to the receiver.

Format of B-LLI IE indicating VC ownership by IP

(NOTE: LLC/SNAP encapsulation is still used)




layer_2_id 2

user_information_layer 12 (lan_llc - ISO 8802/2)

layer_3_id 3

ISO/IEC TR 9577 IPI 204 (0xCC)


Null-encapsulated VCs are described in RFC1483. Such a VC would

result in the most direct form of binding a VC to IP. However, the

method of signaling for this type of VC has not yet been integrated

into the IP over ATM context. For completeness, we mention that the

signaling would use a B-LLI containing the layer 3 identifier with

the ISO/IEC TR-9577 protocol codepoint and omitting the layer 2

identifier [ATMF93]. Since no layer 2 is specified, frames produced

by AAL processing would be given directly to IP. Processing of this

B-LLI is not required at this time.

7. Information Elements with Significance to the ATM Network

This section describes the coding of, and procedures surrounding,

information elements with significance to the ATM network, as well as

the endpoints of an ATM call supporting multiprotocol operation.

The standards, implementation agreements, research and experience

surrounding such issues as traffic management, quality of service and

bearer service description are still evolving. Much of this material

is cast to give the greatest possible latitude to ATM network

implementation and service offerings. ATM endsystems need to match

the traffic contract and bearer service they request from the network

to the capabilities offered by the network. Therefore, this memo can

only offer what, at the present time, are the most appropriate and

efficient coding rules to follow for setting up IP and ATMARP VCCs.

Future revisions of this memo may take advantage of ATM services and

capabilities that are not yet available.

7.1. ATM Traffic Descriptor

The ATM traffic descriptor characterizes the ATM virtual connection

in terms of peak cell rate (PCR), sustainable cell rate (SCR), and

maximum burst size. This information is used to allocate resources

(e.g., bandwidth, buffering) in the network. In general, the ATM

traffic descriptor for supporting multiprotocol interconnection over

ATM will be driven by factors such as the capacity of the network,

conformance definition supported by the network, performance of the

ATM endsystem and (for public networks) cost of services.

The most convenient model of IP behavior corresponds to the Best

Effort Capability (see section of [ATMF93]). If this

capability is offered by the ATM network(s), it MAY be requested by

including the Best Effort Indicator, the peak cell rate forward

(CLP=0+1) and peak cell rate backward (CLP=0+1) fields in the ATM

Traffic Descriptor IE. When the Best Effort Capability is used, no

guarantees are provided by the network, and in fact, throughput may

be zero at any time. This type of behavior is also described by RFC

1633 [BRAD94].

Format and field values of ATM Traffic Descriptor IE




fwd_peak_cell_rate_0+1_identifier 132

fwd_peak_cell_rate_0+1 (link rate)

bkw_peak_cell_rate_0+1_identifier 133

bkw_peak_cell_rate_0+1 (link rate)

best_effort_indication 190


When the network does not support Best Effort Capability or more

predictable ATM service is desired for IP, more specific traffic

parameters MAY be specified and the Best Effort capability not used.

Doing so includes use of two other traffic-related IEs and is

discussed in the following paragraphs and sections.

The Traffic Descriptor IE is accompanied by the Broadband Bearer

Capability IE and the QoS Parameter IE. Together these define the

signaling view of ATM traffic management. In this memo, we present

an agreed-on, required subset of traffic management capabilities, as

specified by using the three IEs. The figure immediately below shows

the set of the allowable combinations of traffic parameters which all

IP over ATM endsystems MUST support in their ATM signaling. The

subset includes Best Effort in the form of a non-guaranteed bitrate

combination (the rightmost column of the table below); a type of

traffic description that is intended for ATM "pipes", for example

between two routers (the middle column); and a type of traffic

description that will allow initial use of token-bucket style

characterizations of the source, as presented in RFC1363 [PART92]

and RFC1633, for example (the leftmost column).

Combinations of Traffic Related Paramenters

that MUST be supported in the SETUP message


Broadband Bearer



Broadband Bearer C X X


Traffic Type



Timing Required YES &&


Traffic Descriptor





PCR (CLP=0+1) S S S




SCR (CLP=0+1) S




MBS (CLP=0+1) S


Best Effort S


Tagging NO NO NO



QOS Classes 0 0 0


S = Specified

& = Parameter is coded to either "no indication" or VBR or octet 5a

(Traffic Type/Timing Required) is absent; these three codings are

treated as equivalent

&& = Parameter is coded to either "no indication" or "No" or octet 5a

is absent; these three codings are treated as equivalent

Use of other allowable combinations of traffic parameters listed in

the large table in Appendix C may work, since they are allowed by

[ATMF94], but this will depend on the the calling endsystem, the

network, and the called endsystem.

If Best Effort service is not use, link rate SHOULD not be requested

as the peak cell rate. Without any knowledge of the application, it

is RECOMMENDED that a fraction, such as 1/10th, of the the link

bandwidth be requested.

[ATMF93] does not provide any capability for negotiation of the ATM

traffic descriptor paramenters. This means that:

a) the calling endsystem SHOULD have some prior knowledge as to

the traffic contract that will be acceptable to both the

called endsystem and the network.

b) if, in response to a SETUP message, a calling endsystem


message followed by a RELEASE COMPLETE message, with cause

#37, User Cell Rate Unavailable, it MAY examine the

diagnostic field of the Cause IE and reattempt the call after

selecting smaller values for the parameter(s) indicated. If

the RELEASE COMPLETE or RELEASE message is received with cause

#73, Unsupported combination of traffic parameter, it MAY

try other combinations from table 5-7 and 5-8 of [ATMF93].

c) the called endsystem SHOULD examine the ATM traffic descriptor

IE in the SETUP message. If it is unable to process cells at

the Forward PCR indicated, it SHOULD clear the call with cause

#37, User Cell Rate Unavailable.

7.2. Broadband Bearer Capability

Broadband Bearer Connection Oriented Service Type X (BCOB-X) or Type

C (BCOB-C) are both applicable for multiprotocol interconnection,

depending on the service(s) provided by the ATM network and the

capabilities (e.g., for traffic shaping) of the ATM endsystem. The

table in the previous section showed the use of BCOB-X and BCOB-C

with other parameters. The figure below shows format and field

values for a BCOB-X when the Traffic Descriptor IE indicates Best


Format and field values of Broadband Bearer Capability IE




spare 0

bearer_class 16 (BCOC-X)

spare 0

traffic_type 0 (no indication)

timing_reqs 0 (no indication)

susceptibility_to_clipping 0 (not suscept)

spare 0

user_plane_configuration 0 (point_to_point)


IP over ATM signaling MUST permit BCOB-C and BCOB-X, in the

combinations shown in the previous section. It MAY also permit one

of the allowable combinations shown in Appendix C.

Currently, there is no capability for negotiation of the broadband

bearer capability. This means that:

a) the calling endsystem SHOULD have some prior knowledge as to

the broadband bearer capability that will be acceptable to

both the called endsystem and the network.

b) if, in response to a SETUP message, a calling endsystem


message followed by a RELEASE COMPLETE message, with cause

#57, bearer capability not authorized or #58 bearer capability

not presently available, it MAY reattempt the call after

selecting another bearer capability.

7.3. QoS Parameter

The Unspecified QoS class (Class 0) is the only QoS class that must

be supported by all networks and the only QoS class allowed when

using the Best Effort service. The Specified QoS Class for Connection

Oriented Data Transfer (Class 3) or the Specified QoS Class for

Connectionless Data Transfer (Class 4) may be applicable to

multiprotocol over ATM, but their use has to be negotiated with the

network provider. The combinations of QoS parameters with the ATM

Traffic Descriptor and the Broadband Bearer Capability are detailed

in the Traffic Descriptor section and in Appendix C.

Format and field values of QoS Parameters IE




qos_class_fwd 0 (class 0)

qos_class_bkw 0 (class 0)


[ATMF93] does not provide any capability for negotiation of Quality

of Service parameters. This means that:

a) the calling endsystem SHOULD have some prior knowledge as to

the QoS classes offered by the ATM network in conjunction with

the requested Broadband Bearer Service and Traffic Descriptor.

b) if, in response to a SETUP message, a calling endsystem


message followed by a RELEASE COMPLETE message, with cause

#49, Quality of Service Unavailable, it MAY reattempt the call

after selecting another QoS class.

Note: The two-bit 'coding standard' field of the General Information

octet in the IE header, SHOULD be set to '00' now that the ITU-T has

standardized QoS class 0. Endsystems SHOULD treat either value ('11'

or '00') as requesting the ITU-T QoS class.

7.4. ATM Addressing Information

ATM addressing information is carried in the Called Party Number,

Calling Party Number, and, under certain circumstance, Called Party

Subaddress, and Calling Party Subaddress IE. Section 5.8 of [ATMF93]

provides the procedure for an ATM endsystem to learn its own ATM

address from the ATM network, for use in populating the Calling Party

Number IE. Section [ATMF94] describes the syntax and

semantics of the calling party subaddress IE.

RFC1577 RECOMMENDS that a router be able to provide multiple LIS

support with a single physical ATM interface that may have one or

more individual ATM endsystem addresses. Use of the Selector field

in the NSAPAs and E.164 addresses (in the NSAP format) is identified

as a way to differentiate up to 256 different LISs for the same ESI.

Therefore, an IP router MAY associate the IP addresses of the various

LISs it supports with distinct ATM addresses differentiated only by

the SEL field. If an IP router does this association, then its

signaling entity MUST carry in the SETUP message the ATM addresses

corresponding to the particular IP entity requesting the call, and

the IP entity it is requesting a call to. These ATM addresses are

carried in the Calling and Called Party Number IEs respectively.

Native E.164 addresses do not support a SEL field. For IP routers

residing in a Public UNI where native E.164 addresses are used it is

RECOMMENDED that multiple E.164 addresses be used to support multiple

LISs. Note: multiple LIS support is the only recommended use of the

SEL field. Use of this field is not recommended for selection of

higher level applications.

Resolution of IP addresses to ATM addresses is required of hosts and

routers which are ATM endsystems that use ATM SVCs. RFC1577 provides

a mechanism for doing IP to ATM address resolution in the classical

IP model.

Format and field values of Called and Calling Party Number IE




type_of_number (international number / unknown)

addr_plan_ident (ISDN / ATM Endsystem Address)

addr_number (E.164 / ATM Endsystem Address)





type_of_number (international number / unknown)

addr_plan_ident (ISDN / ATM Endsystem Address)

presentation_indic (presentation allowed)

spare 0

screening_indic (user provided verified & passed)

addr_number (E.164 / ATM Endsystem Address


8. Dealing with Failure of Call Establishment

If an ATM call attempt fails with any of the following causes, the

situation SHOULD be treated as Network Unreachable (if the called ATM

endsystem is a router) or Host Unreachable (if the called ATM

endsystem is a host). See the treatment of Network and Host

Unreachable conditions in RFC1122 [BRAD89].

# 1 unallocated (unassigned) number

# 3 no route to destination

# 17 user busy

# 18 no user reponding

# 27 destination out of order

# 38 network out of order

# 41 temporary failure

# 47 resource unavailable, unspecified

If an ATM call attempt fails with any of the following causes, the

ATM endsystem MAY retry the call, changing (or adding) the IE(s)

indicated by the cause code and diagnostic.

# 2 no route to specified transit network

# 21 call rejected

# 22 number changed

# 23 user rejects call with CLIR

# 37 user cell rate unavailable

# 49 quality of service unavailable

# 57 bearer capability not authorized

# 58 bearer capability not presently available

# 65 bearer capability not implemented

# 73 unsupported combination of traffic parameter

# 88 incompatible destination

# 91 invalid transmit network selection

# 78 AAL parameter cannot be supported

9. Security Considerations

Not all of the security issues relating to IP over ATM are clearly

understood at this time, due to the fluid state of ATM

specifications, newness of the technology, and other factors. Future

revisions of this specification will address the security

capabilities that future signaling standards may offer to IP over ATM


10. Open Issues

o This document version is specifically an RFC1577/RFC1483

implementation document. Although RFC1577 and RFC1483

specify an LLC/SNAP encapsulation, which is inherently a

multiprotocol encapsulation, it is beyond to scope of this

document to go into any multiprotocol specifications other than

to point out some examples (see Appendix D for an example of

NLPID encapsulation).

11. Acknowledgments

The authors wish to thank the work of their colleagues who attend the

IP over ATM working group; the ATM Forum Technical Committee; the ATM

Signaling Subworking Group in ANSI-Accredited Technical Subcommittee

T1S1; the ATM Access Signaling experts in ITU-T (formerly CCITT)

Study Group 11. Rao Cherukuri (IBM) and Jeff Kiel (formerly with

Bellcore, presently with BellSouth) were particularly valuable in

coordinating among T1S1, ITU-T and the ATM Forum to make sure that

the needs of multiprotocol over ATM could be expressed in the ATM

signaling protocol.


[ATKI94] Atkinson, R., "Default IP MTU over ATM AAL5", RFC1626,

Naval Research Laboratory, May 1994.

[ATMF94] ATM Forum, "ATM User-Network Interface Specification Version

3.1", 1994.

[ATMF93] ATM Forum, "ATM User-Network Interface Specification Version

3.0", (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1993).

[BRAD89] Braden, R., Editor, "Requirements for Internet Hosts --

Communication Layers", STD 3, RFC1122, USC/Information Science

Institute, October 1989.

[BRAD94] Braden, R., Clark, D., and S. Shenker, "Integrated Service

in the Internet Architecture: An Overview", RFC1633,

USC/Information Science Institute, June 1994.

[BRAD92] Bradley, T., and C. Brown, "Inverse Address Resolution

Protocol", RFC1293, Wellfleet Communications, Inc., January


[HEIN93] Heinanen, J., "Multiprotocol Encapsulation over ATM

Adaptation Layer 5", RFC1483, Telecom Finland, July 1993.

[ISO8473] ISO/IEC 8473, Information processing systems - Data

communications - Protocol for providing the connectionless-mode

network service, 1988.

[ISO9577] Information Technology - Telecommunication and information

exchange between systems - Protocol identification in the network

layer ISO/IEC TR9577 (International Standards Organization:

Geneva, 1990).

[LAUB93] Laubach, M., "Classical IP and ARP over ATM", RFC1577,

Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, December 1993.

[PART92] Partridge, C., "A Proposed Flow Specification", RFC1363,

BBN, September 1992.

[Q.2931] Broadband Integrated Service Digital Network (B-ISDN)

Digital Subscriber Signaling System No.2 (DSS2) User Network

Interface Layer 3 Specification for Basic Call/Connection Control

ITU-T Recommendation Q.2931, (International Telecommunication

Union: Geneva, 1994)

Authors' Addresses

Maryann Perez Maher

USC/Information Sciences Institute

4350 N. Fairfax Drive Suite 400

Arlington, VA 22203

Phone: 703-807-0132

EMail: perez@isi.edu

Fong-Ching Liaw

FORE Systems, Inc.

174 Thorn Hill Road

Warrendale, PA 15086-7535

Phone: (412) 772-8668

EMail: fong@fore.com

Allison Mankin

USC/Information Sciences Institute

4350 N. Fairfax Drive Suite 400

Arlington, VA 22203

Phone: 703-807-0132

EMail: mankin@isi.edu

Eric Hoffman

USC/Information Sciences Institute

4350 N. Fairfax Drive Suite 400

Arlington, VA 22203

Phone: 703-807-0132

EMail: hoffman@isi.edu

Dan Grossman

Motorola Codex

Phone: 617-821-7333

EMail: dan@merlin.dev.cdx.mot.com

Andrew G. Malis

Ascom Timeplex, Inc.

Advanced Products Business Unit

289 Great Road Suite 205

Acton, MA 01720

Phone: (508) 266-4522

EMail: malis@maelstrom.timeplex.com

Appendix A. Sample Signaling Messages

1. SETUP and CONNECT messages

This appendix shows sample codings of the SETUP and CONNECT signaling

messages. The fields in the IE header are not shown.



Information Elements/

Fields Value/(Meaning)

-------------------- ---------------


aal_type 5 (AAL 5)

fwd_max_sdu_size_ident 140

fwd_max_sdu_size (send IP MTU value)

bkw_max_sdu_size_ident 129

bkw_max_sdu_size (recv IP MTU value)

sscs_type identifier 132

sscs_type 0 (null SSCS)


fwd_peak_cell_rate_0_1_ident 132

fwd_peak_cell_rate_0_1 (link rate)

bkw_peak_cell_rate_0_1_ident 133

bkw_peak_cell_rate_0_1 (link rate)

best_effort_indication 190


spare 0

bearer_class 16 (BCOC-X)

spare 0

traffic_type 0 (no indication)

timing_reqs 0 (no indication)

susceptibility_to_clipping 0 (not susceptible to


spare 0

user_plane_configuration 0 (point_to_point)


layer_2_id 2

user_information_layer 12 (lan_llc (ISO 8802/2)


qos_class_fwd 0 (class 0)

qos_class_bkw 0 (class 0)


type_of_number (international number / unknown)

addr_plan_ident (ISDN / ATM Endsystem Address)

number (E.164 / ATM Endsystem Address)


type_of_number (international number / unknown)

addr_plan_ident (ISDN / ATM Endsystem Address)

presentation_indic (presentation allowed)

spare 0

screening_indic (user_provided verified and passed)

number (E.164 / ATM Endsystem Address)


Figure 1.

Sample contents of SETUP message

[* : optional, ignored if present]

In IP over ATM environments the inclusion of the "AAL parameters" IE

is *mandatory* to allow for MTU size negotiation between the source

and destination. The "Broadband Low Layer Information" IE is also

mandatory for specifying the IP encapsulation scheme.



Information Elements/

Fields Value

-------------------- -----


aal_type 5 (AAL 5)

fwd_max_sdu_size_ident 140

fwd_max_sdu_size (send IP MTU value)

bkw_max_sdu_size_ident 129

bkw_max_sdu_size (recv IP MTU value)

sscs_type identifier 132

sscs_type 0 (null SSCS)


layer_2_id 2

user_information_layer 12 (lan_llc (ISO 8802/2)

connection identifier

spare 0

vp_assoc_signaling 1 (explicit indication of VPCI)

preferred_exclusive 0 (exclusive vpci/vci)

vpci (assigned by network)

vci (assigned by network)


Figure 2.

Sample contents of CONNECT message

As in the SETUP message, IP over ATM environments demand the

inclusion of the "AAL parameters" IE so that the destination may

specify the MTU size that it is willing to receive.

2. Hints on Use of CALL PROCEEDING Message

Use of the CALL PROCEEDING message is beneficial in implementations

where the called party's ATM signaling entity and AAL Users are

decoupled. An arriving SETUP may result in an immediate CALL

PROCEEDING response from the called party's ATM signaling entity,

while it locally queries the called IP-ATM entity to see if the

SETUP's conditions are acceptable. The acceptance of the SETUP's

conditions would then cause the ATM signaling entity to issue a

CONNECT back to the switch. The two possible refusal modes at the

called party then become:

a) Called party has no IP-ATM entity resident. Issue RELEASE

COMPLETE in response to SETUP.

b) Called party has a resident IP-ATM entity, so CALL PROCEEDING

was issued. The IP-ATM entity rejects the call request, so a

RELEASE is issued instead (to be acknowledged by the network


Appendix B. IP over ATM using UNI 3.0 Signaling

This appendix describes how to support IP over ATM using UNI 3.0

signalling. Differences in the coding or semantics of each relevant

IE is given.

1. AAL parameter

Values for maximum SDU size may range from one (not zero) to 64K.

A 'mode' field is an allowable field in UNI 3.0. Nevertheless, this

'mode' field SHOULD be omitted from the AAL Parameters IE and MUST be

ignored by the destination endsystem.

2. Traffic Management Related IEs

In UNI 3.0 issues of traffic management were less understood than in

UNI 3.1. UNI 3.0 does not contain a guide to coordinating the use of

the User Cell Rate IE (Traffic Descriptor IE in UNI 3.1), Broadband

Bearer Capability IE, and QoS parameters IE. Therefore, the

recommendation for specifying parameters in these IEs is the same as

that given above when using UNI 3.1. The following section merely

describes relevant differences in names and code values.

2.1 ATM User Cell Rate (instead of ATM Traffic Descriptor)

The ATM Traffic Descriptor IE is refered to as 'ATM User Cell Rate'

IE in UNI 3.0. Also, the value for the cause 'user cell rate

unavailable' is #51.

2.3 QoS parameters

The two-bit 'coding standard' field of the General Information octet

in the IE header, should be set to '11' inidicating that the IE is a

standard defined for the network (as opposed to an ITU-TS standard)

present on the network side of the interface.

3. ATM Addressing Information

In UNI 3.1, the 'ATM Endsystem Address' type was introduced to

differentiate ATM addresses from OSI NSAPs. In UNI 3.0, 'ATM

Endsystem Address' is not a valid type. Therefore, in the called and

calling party subaddress IEs the three-bit 'type of subaddress' field

MUST specify 'NSAP' (value = 001) when using the subaddress IE to

carry ATM addresses.

4. Dealing with Failure of Call Establishment

In UNI 3.0 the there are certain cause values which are different

than UNI 3.1. Two relevant differences are the following:

'AAL Parameter Cannot Be Supported' is #93 (#78 in UNI 3.1), and

'User Cell Rate Unavailable' is #51 (#37 in UNI 3.1).

Appendix C.

Combinations of Traffic Related Parameters

tha MAY be supported in the SETUP message


Broadband Bearer



Broadband Bearer A,C X X C X C X A,C X X C X


Traffic Type

(CBR,VBR) CBR & & & CBR& & &


Timing Required Y && && && Y && &&


Traffic Descriptor





PCR (CLP=0+1) S S S S S S S S S S S S




SCR (CLP=0+1) S S




MBS (CLP=0+1) S S


Best Effort S S


Tagging Y/NY/NY/NY/NY/NN N N N N N N



QOS Classes * * * * * * * * * * 0 0


(Table 2 is a reproduction of Table F-1 of Appendix F in [ATMF 94].)

PCR = Peak Cell Rate, SCR = Sustainable Cell Rate,

MBS = Maximum Burst Size

Y = Yes, N = No, S = Specified

Y/N = either "Yes" or "No" is allowed

* = allowed QoS class values are a network option. Class 0 is

always supported for alignment with ITU-T

& = parameter is coded to either "no indication" or VBR or

octet 5a(Traffic Type/Timing Required) is absent; these three

codings are treated as equivalent

&& = parameter is coded to either "no indication" or "No" or

octet 5a(Traffic Type/Timing Required) is absent; these three

codings are treated as equivalent

A blank entry in the table indicates that the parameter is not


Appendix D. Frame Relay Interworking

1. RFC1490 over FR-SSCS vs. RFC1483 over null-SSCS

Procedures for Frame Relay to ATM signaling interworking have not yet

been specified by ITU-T, the ATM Forum, or the Frame Relay Forum. If

an ATM endsystem wishes to use FR-SSCS, FR-SSCS and RFC1490

encapsulation must both be be specified in the SETUP message.

Nevertheless, since neither LLC encapsulation nor VC-multiplexing

will interoperate when used over FR-SSCS, these two encapsulations

cannot be negotiated as alternatives to RFC1490 encapsulation (see

Section 4, Encapsulation Negotiation).

In ATM environments the SSCS layer is part of the AAL functionality.

The SSCS serves to coordinate the needs of a protocol above with the

requirements of next lower layer, the Common Part Convergence

Sublayer (CPCS). For example, the UNI ATM signaling protocol runs on

top of a signaling SSCS which among other things provides an assured

transfer service for signaling messages. Since the SSCS is considered

part of the AAL, the SSCS type is specified as one of the parameters

in the AAL Parameters IE. To date there has not been an SSCS defined

for data transmission in ATM and this type field is usually set to


The exception occurs when doing FR interworking where an ATM

endsystem may choose to use the FR-SSCS over AAL 5 in order to

communicate with a FR endsystem. In that case the SSCS type in the

AAL Parameters IE of the SETUP message is set to 'FR-SSCS'.

Also included in a SETUP message is an indication in the B-LLI IE of

the protocol layers to be used above the AAL. In particular, ATM

connections established to carry connectionless network interconnect

traffic require a layer above the AAL for multiplexing multiple

protocols over a single VC [HEIN 93]. As mentioned above, RFC1577

defines LLC as default multiplexing layer for IP over AAL5.

Specification of the SSCS restricts the encapsulation protocol used

over it, since RFC1483 (in addition to applicable ITU standards)

defines the use of RFC1490 encapsulation over the FR-SSCS, and LLC

or null encapsulation otherwise. The fact that it is not possible,

in the UNI 3.0 signaling specification, to negotiate between the FR-

SSCS and null-SSCS can result in interoperability restrictions

between stations that implement and wish to use the FR-SSCS and those

that do not, even though they both are using IP. The guidelines in

the following section were developed to decrease the chance that such

interoperability restrictions occur.

2. Scenarios for Interworking

The following discussion uses the terms "network interworking" and

"service interworking". "Network interworking" uses FR-SSCS over

AAL5 between the InterWorking Unit (IWU) and the ATM endsystem, and

the ATM endsystem is aware that the other endpoint is a FR/ATM

Network IWU. "Service interworking" aims to make the operation

transparent to the ATM endsystem by adding encapsulation translation

and other payload processing in the FR/ATM Service IWU to allow the

ATM endsystem to operate as if it were talking to another ATM


The most common scenario where FR-SSCS could be negotiated is between

an ATM endsystem and a FR/ATM network IWU to allow connectivity among

an ATM endsystem and a FR endsystem residing behind a FR/ATM network


-------- --------

------- -------


(FR) -----> IWU -----> switch -----> (ATM)

------- -------

-------- --------

-----> --------------------->

FR call ATM call

A network IWU can place a call to an ATM host (on behalf of a FR

host) by signaling for FR-SSCS and assuming that the ATM endsystem

supports FR-SSCS. The B-LLI IE SHALL be encoded to indicate RFC1490

encapsulation and the SSCS type field of the AAL Parameters IE SHALL

be coded to indicate FR-SSCS. If the FR-SSCS negotiation fails

because the called ATM host does not support FR-SSCS, the IWU can

retry the call negotiating for LLC encapsulation or VC-multiplexing.

However, the IWU can only attempt the retry if it is able to do FR-

ATM service interworking. Such service interworking adds extra

processing overhead during the call.

The even more problematic case occurs when a call is requested in the

opposite direction, i.e. when an ATM host places a call to a host

residing behind an IWU.

-------- --------

------- -------


(FR) <----- IWU <----- switch <----- (ATM)

------- -------

-------- --------

<----- <---------------------

FR call ATM call

Not knowing that the destination resides behind an IWU, the calling

host will negotiate for the default LLC encapsulation (possibly

requesting VC-multiplexing as an alternative). In this situation the

IWU can accept the call and do the necessary service interworking or

reject the call specifying 'AAL Parameters not supported'. If the IWU

rejects the call it risks the possibility that calling host does not

support FR-SSCS or simply does not retry and the call will never be


3. Possible Alternatives

While Frame Relay interworking is possible, it is not possible to

negotiate FR-SSCS with LLC encapsulation or VC-multiplexing, which

decreases the chances of completing an ATM call. However,

interoperability can be increased using the following alternatives:

1. Maintaining external knowledge that a particular destination uses

FR-SSCS. This knowledge can be configured, or in the future added to

some network host database.

2. In the absence of such external knowledge, an ATM endsystem is

required to negotiate for the default LLC encapsulation (possibly

requesting VC-multiplexing as an alternative). There are three sub-


2a. The IWU supports service interworking and network interworking,

and prefers service interworking. The IWU simply accepts the call

using LLC encapsulation.

2b. The IWU supports service interworking and network interworking,

and prefers network interworking. The IWU simply accepts the call,

but attempts to open a parallel connection back to the original ATM

endsystem negotiating the FR-SSCS use. If the connection is

accepted, the IWU closes the service interworking connection.

2c. The IWU supports network interworking only. The IWU rejects the

call specifying 'AAL Parameters not supported', and then attempts to

open a connection back to the original ATM endsystem negotiating the

FR-SSCS use.

4. Encapsulation negotiation

The call/connection control signaling protocol includes a mechanism

to support negotiation of encapsulation for endsystems that support

more than one. This section describes the procedures for negotiation

of an encapsulation.

The B-LLI negotiation procedures (see Annex C of [ATMF93]) are

initiated by the calling ATM endsystem by including up to three

instances of the B-LLI IE in the SETUP message in descending order of

preference (following the rule for repeating IE in section of


The following is the list of the three possible combinations that B-

LLI IE instances MAY be included in the SETUP message. Each instance

is referred to by its encapsulation name as it appears in RFC1483,

and corresponding section labels from Appendix D of the ATM Forum UNI

3.0 specification.

a) LLC/SNAP encapsulation (D.3.1)

In this case, the calling ATM endsystem can only send and receive

packets preceded by an LLC/SNAP identification. This memo requires

that hosts and routers which are ATM endsystems implement LLC/SNAP


b) VC-multiplexing (D.3.2) and LLC/SNAP (D.3.1)

The calling ATM endsystem prefers to use VC multiplexing, but is

willing to agree to use LLC/SNAP encapsulation instead, if the called

ATM endsytem only supports LLC/SNAP.

c) RFC1490 encapsulation (NLPID multiplexing) over FRSSCS

(D.3.3, omitting octets 7a and 7b and MUST have FR-SSCS in SSCS

type of AAL Parameters IE.)

The calling ATM endsystem can only send and receive packets using RFC

1490 encapsulation (NLPID multiplexing) over FRSSCS. Use of RFC1490

encapsulation presently cannot be negotiated as an alternative to LLC

encapsulation or VC-multiplexing. If the B-LLI IE is encoded to

indicate RFC1490 encapsulation, the SSCS type field of the AAL

Parameters IE SHALL coded to indicate FRSSCS. Note that the AAL

Parameters IE can not be coded to indicate both NULL and FR-SSCS and

neither LLC encapsulation nor VC-multiplexing will be interoperable

when used over FR-SSCS.

The called ATM endsystem SHALL select the encapsulation method it is

able to support from the B-LLI IE present in SETUP message. If it

supports more than one of the encapsulations indicated in the SETUP

message, it MUST select the one which appears first in the SETUP

message. The called ATM endsystem then includes the B-LLI IE content

corresponding to the selected encapsulation in the CONNECT message.

If the called endsystem does not support any encapsulation indicated

in the incoming SETUP message, it SHALL clear the call with cause

#88, incompatible destination. If the received SETUP message does

not include the B-LLI IE, the call SHALL be cleared with cause #21,

"call rejected", with diagnostics indicating rejection reason =

information element missing and the B-LLI IE identifier. As

described in Annex C of [ATMF93], if the calling ATM endpoint

receives a CONNECT message that does not contain a B-LLI IE, it SHALL

assume the encapsulation indicated in the first BLLI IE that it

included in the SETUP message.

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