
RFC1752 - The Recommendation for the IP Next Generation Protocol

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Network Working Group S. Bradner

Request for Comments: 1752 Harvard University

Category: Standards Track A. Mankin


January 1995

The Recommendation for the IP Next Generation Protocol

Status of this Memo

This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the

Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for

improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet

Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state

and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.


This document presents the recommendation of the IPng Area Directors

on what should be used to replace the current version of the Internet

Protocol. This recommendation was accepted by the Internet

Engineering Steering Group (IESG).

Table of Contents

1. Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

2. Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

3. A Direction for IPng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

4. IPng Area. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

5. ALE Working Group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

5.1 ALE Projections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

5.2 Routing Table Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

5.3 Address Assignment Policy Recommendations. . . . . . . . 8

6. IPng Technical Requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

6.1 The IPng Technical Criteria document . . . . . . . . . . 9

7. IPng Proposals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

7.1 CATNIP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

7.2 SIPP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

7.3 TUBA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

8. IPng Proposal Reviews. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

8.1 CATNIP Reviews . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

8.2 SIPP Reviews . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

8.3 TUBA Reviews . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

8.4 Summary of Proposal Reviews. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

9. A Revised Proposal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

10 Assumptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

10.1 Criteria Document and Timing of Recommendation . . . . . 18

10.2 Address Length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

11. IPng Recommendation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

11.1 IPng Criteria Document and IPng. . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

11.2 IPv6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

12. IPv6 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

12.1 IPv6 Header Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

12.2 Extension Headers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

12.2.1 Hop-by-Hop Option Header . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

12.2.2 IPv6 Header Options. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

12.2.3 Routing Header . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

12.2.4 Fragment Header. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

12.2.5 Authentication Header. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

12.2.6 Privacy Header . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

12.2.7 End-to-End Option Header . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

13. IPng Working Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

14. IPng Reviewer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

15. Address Autoconfiguration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

16. Transition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

16.1 Transition - Short Term. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

16.2 Transition - Long Term . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

17. Other Address Families . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

18. Impact on Other IETF Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

19. Impact on non-IETF standards and on prodUCts . . . . . . 39

20. APIs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

21. Future of the IPng Area and Working Groups . . . . . . . 40

22. Security Considerations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

23. Authors' Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

Appendix A Summary of Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

Appendix B IPng Area Directorate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

Appendix C Documents Referred to the IPng Working Groups. . . . 46

Appendix D IPng Proposal Overviews. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

Appendix E RFC1550 White Papers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

Appendix F Additional References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

Appendix G Acknowledgments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

1. Summary

The IETF started its effort to select a successor to IPv4 in late

1990 when projections indicated that the Internet address space would

become an increasingly limiting resource. Several parallel efforts

then started eXPloring ways to resolve these address limitations

while at the same time providing additional functionality. The IETF

formed the IPng Area in late 1993 to investigate the various

proposals and recommend how to proceed. We developed an IPng

technical criteria document and evaluated the various proposals

against it. All were found wanting to some degree. After this

evaluation, a revised proposal was offered by one of the working

groups that resolved many of the problems in the previous proposals.

The IPng Area Directors recommend that the IETF designate this

revised proposal as the IPng and focus its energy on bringing a set

of documents defining the IPng to Proposed Standard status with all

deliberate speed.

This protocol recommendation includes a simplified header with a

hierarchical address structure that permits rigorous route

aggregation and is also large enough to meet the needs of the

Internet for the foreseeable future. The protocol also includes

packet-level authentication and encryption along with plug and play

autoconfiguration. The design changes the way IP header options are

encoded to increase the flexibility of introducing new options in the

future while improving performance. It also includes the ability to

label traffic flows.

Specific recommendations include:

* current address assignment policies are adequate

* there is no current need to reclaim underutilized assigned network


* there is no current need to renumber major portions of the Internet

* CIDR-style assignments of parts of unassigned Class A address space

should be considered

* "Simple Internet Protocol Plus (SIPP) Spec. (128 bit ver)"

[Deering94b] be adopted as the basis for IPng

* the documents listed in Appendix C be the foundation of the IPng


* an IPng Working Group be formed, chaired by Steve Deering and Ross


* Robert Hinden be the document editor for the IPng effort

* an IPng Reviewer be appointed and that Dave Clark be the reviewer

* an Address Autoconfiguration Working Group be formed, chaired by

Dave Katz and Sue Thomson

* an IPng Transition Working Group be formed, chaired by Bob Gilligan

and TBA

* the Transition and Coexistence Including Testing Working Group be


* recommendations about the use of non-IPv6 addresses in IPv6

environments and IPv6 addresses in non-IPv6 environments be


* the IESG commission a review of all IETF standards documents for

IPng implications

* the IESG task current IETF working groups to take IPng into account

* the IESG charter new working groups where needed to revise old

standards documents

* Informational RFCs be solicited or developed describing a few

specific IPng APIs

* the IPng Area and Area Directorate continue until main documents

are offered as Proposed Standards in late 1994

* support for the Authentication Header be required

* support for a specific authentication algorithm be required

* support for the Privacy Header be required

* support for a specific privacy algorithm be required

* an "IPng framework for firewalls" be developed

2. Background

Even the most farseeing of the developers of TCP/IP in the early

1980s did not imagine the dilemma of scale that the Internet faces

today. 1987 estimates projected a need to address as many as 100,000

networks at some vague point in the future. [Callon87] We will reach

that mark by 1996. There are many realistic projections of many

millions of interconnected networks in the not too distant future.

[Vecchi94, Taylor94]

Further, even though the current 32 bit IPv4 address structure can

enumerate over 4 billion hosts on as many as 16.7 million networks,

the actual address assignment efficiency is far less than that, even

on a theoretical basis. [Huitema94] This inefficiency is exacerbated

by the granularity of assignments using Class A, B and C addresses.

In August 1990 during the Vancouver IETF meeting, Frank Solensky,

Phill Gross and Sue Hares projected that the current rate of

assignment would exhaust the Class B space by March of 1994.

The then obvious remedy of assigning multiple Class C addresses in

place of Class B addresses introduced its own problem by further

expanding the size of the routing tables in the backbone routers

already growing at an alarming rate.

We faced the dilemma of choosing between accepting either limiting

the rate of growth and ultimate size of the Internet, or disrupting

the network by changing to new techniques or technologies.

The IETF formed the Routing and Addressing (ROAD) group in November

1991 at the Santa Fe IETF meeting to explore this dilemma and guide

the IETF on the issues. The ROAD group reported their work in March

1992 at the San Diego IETF meeting. [Gross92] The impact of the

recommendations ranged from "immediate" to "long term" and included

adopting the CIDR route aggregation proposal [Fuller93] for reducing

the rate of routing table growth and recommending a call for

proposals "to form working groups to explore separate approaches for

bigger Internet addresses."

In the late spring of 1992 the IAB issued "IP version 7" [IAB92],

concurring in the ROAD group's endorsement of CIDR and also

recommending "an immediate IETF effort to prepare a detailed and

organizational plan for using CLNP as the basis for IPv7." After

spirited discussion, the IETF decided to reject the IAB's

recommendation and issue the call for proposals recommended by the

ROAD group. This call was issued in July 1992 at the Boston IETF

meeting and a number of working groups were formed in response

During the July 1993 Amsterdam IETF meeting an IPng (IP Next

Generation) Decision Process (ipdecide) BOF was held. This BOF "was

intended to help re-focus attention on the very important topic of

making a decision between the candidates for IPng. The BOF focused on

the issues of who should take the lead in making the recommendation

to the community and what criteria should be used to reach the

recommendation." [Carpen93]

3. A Direction for IPng

In September 1993 Phill Gross, chair of the IESG issued "A Direction

for IPng". [Gross94] In this memo he summarized the results of the

ipdecide BOF and open IESG plenary in Amsterdam.

* The IETF needs to move toward closure on IPng.

* The IESG has the responsibility for developing an IPng

recommendation for the Internet community.

* The procedures of the recommendation-making process should be open

and published well in advance by the IESG.

* As part of this process, the IPng WGs may be given new milestones

and other guidance to aid the IESG.

* There should be ample opportunity for community comment prior to

final IESG recommendation.

The memo also announced "a temporary, ad hoc, 'area' to deal

specifically with IPng issues." Phill asked two of the current IESG

members, Allison Mankin (Transport Services Area) and Scott Bradner

(Operational Requirements Area), to act as Directors for the new

area. The Area Directors were given a specific charge on how to

investigate the various IPng proposals and how to base their

recommendation to the IETF. It was also requested that a specific

recommendation be made.

* Establish an IPng directorate.

* Ensure that a completely open process is followed.

* Develop an understanding of the level of urgency and the time

constraints imposed by the rate of address assignment and rate of

growth in the routing tables.

* Recommend the adoption of assignment policy changes if warranted.

* Define the scope of the IPng effort based on the understanding of

the time constraints.

* Develop a clear and concise set of technical requirements and

decision criteria for IPng.

* Develop a recommendation about which of the current IPng candidates

to accept, if any.

4. IPng Area

After the IPng Area was formed, we recruited a directorate. (Appendix

B) The members of the directorate were chosen both for their general

and specific technical expertise. The individuals were then asked to

have their management authorize this participation in the process and

confirm that they understood the IETF process.

We took great care to ensure the inclusion of a wide spectrum of

knowledge. The directors are experts in security, routing, the needs

of large users, end system manufacturers, Unix and non-Unix

platforms, router manufacturers, theoretical researchers, protocol

architecture, and the operating regional, national, and international

networks. Additionally, several members of the directorate were

deeply involved in each of the IPng proposal working groups.

The directorate functions as a direction-setting and preliminary

review body as requested by the charge to the area. The directorate

engages in biweekly conference calls, participates in an internal

mailing list and corresponds actively on the Big-Internet mailing

list. The directorate held open meetings during the March 1994

Seattle and July 1994 Toronto IETF meetings as well as two additional

multi-day retreats. To ensure that the IPng process was as open as

possible, we took minutes during these meetings and then published

them. Additionally, we placed the archives of the internal IPng

mailing list on an anonymous FTP site. (Hsdndev.harvard.edu:


5. ALE Working Group

We needed a reasonable estimate of the time remaining before we

exhausted the IPv4 address space in order to determine the scope of

the IPng effort. If the time remaining was about the same needed to

deploy a replacement, then we would have select the IPng which would

only fix the address limitations since we would not have enough time

to develop any other features. If more time seemed available, we

could consider additional improvements.

The IETF formed an Address Lifetime Expectations (ALE) Working Group

in 1993 "to develop an estimate for the remaining lifetime of the

IPv4 address space based on currently known and available

technologies." [Solens93a] Tony Li of Cisco Systems and Frank

Solensky of FTP Software are the co-chairs. The IETF also charged

the working group to consider if developing more stringent address

allocation and utilization policies might provide more time for the


5.1 ALE Projections

The ALE Working Group met during the November 1993 Houston,

[Solens93b] March 1994 Seattle [Bos93] and July 1994 Toronto

[Solens94] IETF meetings. They projected at the Seattle meeting,

later confirmed at the Toronto meeting that, using the current

allocation statistics, the Internet would exhaust the IPv4 address

space between 2005 and 2011.

Some members of the ipv4-ale and big-internet mailing lists called

into question the reliability of this projection. It has been

criticized as both too optimistic and as too pessimistic.

Some people pointed out that this type of projection makes an

assumption of no paradigm shifts in IP usage. If someone were to

develop a new 'killer application', (for example cable-TV set top

boxes.) The resultant rise in the demand for IP addresses could make

this an over-estimate of the time available.

There may also be a problem with the data used to make the

projection. The InterNIC allocates IP addresses in large chunks to

regional Network Information Centers (NICs) and network providers.

The NICs and the providers then re-allocate addresses to their

customers. The ALE projections used the InterNIC assignments without

regard to the actual rate of assignment of addresses to the end

users. They did the projection this way since the accuracy of the

data seems quite a bit higher. While using this once-removed data

may add a level of over-estimation since it assumes the rate of large

block allocation will continue, this may not be the case.

These factors reduce the reliability of the ALE estimates but, in

general, they seem to indicate enough time remaining in the IPv4

address space to consider adding features in an IPng besides just

expanding the address size even when considering time required for

development, testing, and deployment.

5.2 Routing Table Size

Another issue in Internet scaling is the increasing size of the

routing tables required in the backbone routers. Adopting the CIDR

block address assignment and aggregating routes reduced the size of

the tables for awhile but they are now expanding again. Providers now

need to more aggressively advertise their routes only in aggregates.

Providers must also advise their new customers to renumber their

networks in the best interest of the entire Internet community.

The problem of exhausting the IPv4 address space may be moot if this

issue is ignored and if routers cannot be found that can keep up with

the table size growth. Before implementing CIDR the backbone routing

table was growing at a rate about 1.5 times as fast as memory


We should also note that even though IPng addresses are designed with

aggregation in mind switching to IPng will not solve the routing

table size problem unless the addresses are assigned rigorously to

maximize the affect of such aggregation. This efficient advertising

of routes can be maintained since IPng includes address

autoconfiguration mechanisms to allow easy renumbering if a customer

decides to switch providers. Customers who receive service from more

than one provider may limit the ultimate efficiency of any route

aggregation. [Rekhter94]

5.3 Address Assignment Policy Recommendations

The IESG Chair charged the IPng Area to consider recommending more

stringent assignment policies, reclaiming some addresses already

assigned, or making a serious effort to renumber significant portions

of the Internet. [Gross94]

The IPng Area Directors endorse the current address assignment

policies in view of the ALE projections. We do not feel that anyone

should take specific efforts to reclaim underutilized addresses

already assigned or to renumber forcefully major portions of the

Internet. We do however feel that we should all encourage network

service providers to assist new customers in renumbering their

networks to conform to the provider's CIDR assignments.

The ALE Working Group recommends that we consider assigning CIDR-type

address blocks out of the unassigned Class A address space. The IPng

Area Directors concur with this recommendation.

6. IPng Technical Requirements

The IESG provided an outline in RFC1380 [Gross92] of the type of

criteria we should use to determine the suitability of an IPng

proposal. The IETF further refined this understanding of the

appropriate criteria with the recommendations of a Selection Criteria

BOF held during the November 1992 IETF meeting in Washington D.C.

[Almqu92] We felt we needed to get additional input for determining

the requirements and issued a call for white papers. [Bradner93] This

call, issued as RFC1550, intended to reach both inside and outside

the traditional IETF constituency to get the broadest possible

understanding of the requirements for a data networking protocol with

the broadest possible application.

We received twenty one white papers in response to the RFC1550

solicitation. ( Appendix E) We received responses from the

industries that many feel will be the major providers of data

networking services in the future; the cable TV industry [Vecchi94],

the cellular industry [Taylor94], and the electric power industry

[Skelton94]. In addition, we received papers that dealt with

military applications [Adam94, Syming94, Green94], ATM [Brazd94],

mobility [Simpson94], accounting [Brown94], routing [Estrin94a,

Chiappa94], security [Adam94, Bell94b, Brit94, Green94, Vecchi94,

Flei94], large corporate networking [Britt94, Fleisch94], transition

[Carpen94a, Heager94], market acceptance [Curran94, Britt94], host

implementations [Bound94], as well as a number of other issues.

[Bello94a, Clark94, Ghisel94]

These white papers, a Next Generation Requirements (ngreq) BOF

(chaired by Jon Crowcroft and Frank Kastenholz) held during the March

1994 Seattle IETF meeting, discussions within the IPng Area

Directorate and considerable discussion on the big-internet mailing

list were all used by Frank Kastenholz and Craig Partridge in

revising their earlier criteria draft [Kasten92] to produce

"Technical Criteria for Choosing IP The Next Generation (IPng)."

[Kasten94] This document is the "clear and concise set of technical

requirements and decision criteria for IPng" called for in the charge

from the IESG Chair. We used this document as the basic guideline

while evaluating the IPng proposals.

6.1 The IPng Technical Criteria document

The criteria described in this document include: (from Kasten94)

* complete specification - The proposal must completely describe the

proposed protocol. We must select an IPng by referencing specific

documents, not to future work.

* architectural simplicity - The IP-layer protocol should be as

simple as possible with functions located elsewhere that are more

appropriately performed at protocol layers other than the IP layer.

* scale - The IPng Protocol must allow identifying and addressing at

least 10**9 leaf-networks (and preferably much more)

* topological flexibility - The routing architecture and protocols

ofIPng must allow for many different network topologies. They must

not assume that the network's physical structure is a tree.

* performance - A state of the art, commercial grade router must be

able to process and forward IPng traffic at speeds capable of fully

utilizing common, commercially available, high-speed media at the


* robust service - The network service and its associated routing and

control protocols must be robust.

* transition - The protocol must have a straightforward transition

plan from IPv4.

* media independence - The protocol must work across an internetwork

of many different LAN, MAN, and WAN media, with individual link

speeds ranging from a ones-of-bits per second to hundreds of

gigabits per second.

* datagram service - The protocol must support an unreliable datagram

delivery service.

* configuration ease - The protocol must permit easy and largely

distributed configuration and operation. Automatic configuration of

hosts and routers is required.

* security - IPng must provide a secure network layer.

* unique names - IPng must assign unique names to all IP-Layer

objects in the global, ubiquitous, Internet. These names may or

may not have any location, topology, or routing significance.

* Access to standards - The protocols that define IPng and its

associated protocols should be as freely available and

redistributable as the IPv4 and related RFCs. There must be no

specification-related licensing fees for implementing or selling

IPng software.

* multicast support - The protocol must support both unicast and

multicast packet transmission. Dynamic and automatic routing of

multicasts is also required.

* extensibility - The protocol must be extensible; it must be able

to evolve to meet the future service needs of the Internet. This

evolution must be achievable without requiring network-wide

software upgrades.

* service classes - The protocol must allow network devices to

associate packets with particular service classes and provide them

with the services specified by those classes.

* mobility - The protocol must support mobile hosts, networks and


* control protocol - The protocol must include elementary support for

testing and debugging networks. (e.g., ping and traceroute)

* tunneling support - IPng must allow users to build private

internetworks on top of the basic Internet Infrastructure. Both

private IP-based internetworks and private non-IP-based (e.g., CLNP

or AppleTalk) internetworks must be supported.

7. IPng Proposals

By the time that the IPng Area was formed, the IETF had already aimed

a considerable amount of IETF effort at solving the addressing and

routing problems of the Internet. Several proposals had been made

and some of these reached the level of having a working group

chartered. A number of these groups subsequently merged forming

groups with a larger consensus. These efforts represented different

views on the issues which confront us and sought to optimize

different ASPects of the possible solutions.

By February 1992 the Internet community developed four separate

proposals for IPng [Gross92], "CNAT" [Callon92a], "IP Encaps"

[Hinden92a], "Nimrod" [Chiappa91], and "Simple CLNP" [Callon92b]. By

December 1992 three more proposals followed; "The P Internet

Protocol" (PIP) [Tsuchiya92], "The Simple Internet Protocol" (SIP)

[Deering92] and "TP/IX" [Ullmann93]. After the March 1992 San Diego

IETF meeting "Simple CLNP" evolved into "TCP and UDP with Bigger

Addresses" (TUBA) [Callon92c] and "IP Encaps" evolved into "IP

Address Encapsulation" (IPAE) [Hinden92b].

By November 1993, IPAE merged with SIP while still maintaining the

name SIP. This group then merged with PIP and the resulting working

group called themselves "Simple Internet Protocol Plus" (SIPP). At

the same time the TP/IX Working Group changed its name to "Common

Architecture for the Internet" (CATNIP).

None of these proposals were wrong nor were others right. All of the

proposals would work in some ways providing a path to overcome the

obstacles we face as the Internet expands. The task of the IPng Area

was to ensure that the IETF understand the offered proposals, learn

from the proposals and provide a recommendation on what path best

resolves the basic issues while providing the best foundation upon

which to build for the future.

The IPng Area evaluated three IPng proposals as they were described

in their RFC1550 white papers: CATNIP [McGovern94] , SIPP

[Hinden94a] and TUBA. [Ford94a]. The IESG viewed Nimrod as too much

of a research project for consideration as an IPng candidate. Since

Nimrod represents one possible future Internet routing strategy we

solicited a paper describing any requirements Nimrod would put on an

IPng to add to the requirements process. [Chiappa94]


"Common Architecture for the Internet (CATNIP) was conceived as a

convergence protocol. CATNIP integrates CLNP, IP, and IPX. The CATNIP

design provides for any of the transport layer protocols in use, for

example TP4, CLTP, TCP, UDP, IPX and SPX, to run over any of the

network layer protocol formats: CLNP, IP (version 4), IPX, and

CATNIP. With some attention paid to details, it is possible for a

transport layer protocol (such as TCP) to operate properly with one

end system using one network layer (e.g., IP version 4) and the other

using some other network protocol, such as CLNP." [McGovern94]

"The objective is to provide common ground between the Internet, OSI,

and the Novell protocols, as well as to advance the Internet

technology to the scale and performance of the next generation of

internetwork technology."

"CATNIP supports OSI Network Service Access Point (NSAP) format

addresses. It also uses cache handles to provide both rapid

identification of the next hop in high performance routing as well as

abbreviation of the network header by permitting the addresses to be

omitted when a valid cache handle is available. The fixed part of the

network layer header carries the cache handles." [Sukonnik94]

7.2 SIPP

"Simple Internet Protocol Plus (SIPP) is a new version of IP which is

designed to be an evolutionary step from IPv4. It is a natural

increment to IPv4. It was not a design goal to take a radical step

away from IPv4. Functions which work in IPv4 were kept in SIPP.

Functions which didn't work were removed. It can be installed as a

normal software upgrade in internet devices and is interoperable with

the current IPv4. Its deployment strategy was designed to not have

any 'flag' days. SIPP is designed to run well on high performance

networks (e.g., ATM) and at the same time is still efficient for low

bandwidth networks (e.g., wireless). In addition, it provides a

platform for new internet functionality that will be required in the

near future." [Hinden94b]

"SIPP increases the IP address size from 32 bits to 64 bits, to

support more levels of addressing hierarchy and a much greater number

of addressable nodes. SIPP addressing can be further extended, in

units of 64 bits, by a facility equivalent to IPv4's Loose Source and

Record Route option, in combination with a new address type called

'cluster addresses' which identify topological regions rather than

individual nodes."

"SIPP changes in the way IP header options are encoded allows for

more efficient forwarding, less stringent limits on the length of

options, and greater flexibility for introducing new options in the

future. A new capability is added to enable the labeling of packets

belonging to particular traffic 'flows' for which the sender requests

special handling, such as non-default quality of service or 'real-

time' service." [Hinden94a]

7.3 TUBA

"The TCP/UDP Over CLNP-Addressed Networks (TUBA) proposal seeks to

minimize the risk associated with migration to a new IP address

space. In addition, this proposal is motivated by the requirement to

allow the Internet to scale, which implies use of Internet

applications in a very large ubiquitous worldwide Internet. It is

therefore proposed that existing Internet transport and application

protocols continue to operate unchanged, except for the replacement

of 32-bit IP addresses with larger addresses. TUBA does not mean

having to move over to OSI completely. It would mean only replacing

IP with CLNP. TCP, UDP, and the traditional TCP/IP applications would

run on top of CLNP." [Callon92c]

"The TUBA effort will expand the ability to route Internet packets by

using addresses which support more hierarchy than the current

Internet Protocol (IP) address space. TUBA specifies the continued

use of Internet transport protocols, in particular TCP and UDP, but

specifies their encapsulation in ISO 8473 (CLNP) packets. This will

allow the continued use of Internet application protocols such as

FTP, SMTP, TELNET, etc. TUBA seeks to upgrade the current system by

a transition from the use of IPv4 to ISO/IEC 8473 (CLNP) and the

corresponding large Network Service Access Point (NSAP) address

space." [Knopper94]

"The TUBA proposal makes use of a simple long-term migration proposal

based on a gradual update of Internet Hosts (to run Internet

applications over CLNP) and DNS servers (to return larger addresses).

This proposal requires routers to be updated to support forwarding of

CLNP (in addition to IP). However, this proposal does not require

encapsulation nor translation of packets nor address mapping. IP

addresses and NSAP addresses may be assigned and used independently

during the migration period. Routing and forwarding of IP and CLNP

packets may be done independently." ([Callon92c]

8. IPng Proposal Reviews

The IPng Directorate discussed and reviewed the candidate proposals

during its biweekly teleconferences and through its mailing list. In

addition, members of the Big-Internet mailing list discussed many of

the aspects of the proposals, particularly when the Area Directors

posted several specific questions to stimulate discussion. [Big]

The directorate members were requested to each evaluate the proposals

in preparation for a two day retreat held near Chicago on May 19th

and 20th 1994. The retreat opened with a roundtable airing of the

views of each of the participants, including the Area Directors, the

Directorate and a number of guests invited by the working group

chairs for each for the proposals. [Knopper94b] We will publish

these reviews as well as a more detailed compendium review of each of

the proposals as companion memos.

The following table summarizes each of the three proposals reviewed

against the requirements in the IPng Criteria document. They do not

necessarily reflect the views of the Area Directors. "Yes" means the

reviewers mainly felt the proposal met the specific criterion. "No"

means the reviewers mainly felt the proposal did not meet the

criterion. "Mixed" means that the reviewers had mixed reviews with

none dominating. "Unknown" means that the reviewers mainly felt the

documentation did not address the criterion.


------ ---- ----

complete spec no yes mostly

simplicity no no no

scale yes yes yes

topological flex yes yes yes

performance mixed mixed mixed

robust service mixed mixed yes

transition mixed no mixed

media indepdnt yes yes yes

datagram yes yes yes

config. ease unknown mixed mixed

security unknown mixed mixed

unique names mixed mixed mixed

access to stds yes yes mixed

multicast unknown yes mixed

extensibility unknown mixed mixed

service classes unknown yes mixed

mobility unknown mixed mixed

control proto unknown yes mixed

tunneling unknown yes mixed

8.1 CATNIP Reviews

All the reviewers felt that CATNIP is not completely specified.

However, many of the ideas in CATNIP are innovative and a number of

reviewers felt CATNIP shows the best vision of all of the proposals.

The use of Network Service Attachment Point Addresses (NSAPs) is well

thought out and the routing handles are innovative.

While the goal of uniting three major protocol families, IP, ISO-CLNP

and Novell IPX is laudable our consensus was that the developers had

not developed detailed enough plans to support realizing that goal.

The plans they do describe suffer from the complexity of trying to be

the union of a number of existing network protocols. Some reviewers

felt that CATNIP is basically maps IPv4, IPX, and SIPP addresses into

NSAPs and, as such, does not deal with the routing problems of the

current and future Internet.

Additionally the reviewers felt that CATNIP has poor support for

multicasting and mobility and does not specifically deal with such

important topics as security and autoconfiguration.

8.2 SIPP Reviews

Most of the reviewers, including those predisposed to other

proposals, felt as one reviewer put it, that SIPP is an

"aesthetically beautiful protocol well tailored to compactly satisfy

today's known network requirements." The SIPP Working Group has been

the most dynamic over the last year, producing a myriad of

documentation detailing almost all of the aspects necessary to

produce a complete protocol description.

The biggest problem the reviewers had with SIPP was with IPAE, SIPP's

transition plan. The overwhelming feeling was that IPAE is fatally

flawed and could not be made to work reliably in an operational


There was significant disagreement about the adequacy of the SIPP 64

bit address size. Although you can enumerate 10**15 end nodes in 64

bits people have different views about how much inefficiency real-

world routing plans introduce. [Huitema94] The majority felt that 64

bit addresses do not provide adequate space for the hierarchy

required to meet the needs of the future Internet. In addition since

no one has any experience with extended addressing and routing

concepts of the type proposed in SIPP, the reviewers generally felt

quite uncomfortable with this methodology. The reviewers also felt

that the design introduces some significant security issues.

A number of reviewers felt that SIPP did not address the routing

issue in any useful way. In particular, there has been no serious

attempt made at developing ways to abstract topology information or

to aggregate information about areas of the network.

Finally, most of the reviewers questioned the level of complexity in

the SIPP autoconfiguration plans as well as in SIPP in general, other

than the header itself.

8.3 TUBA Reviews

The reviewers generally felt that the most important thing that TUBA

has offers is that it is based on CLNP and there is significant

deployment of CLNP-capable routers throughout the Internet. There

was considerably less agreement that there was significant deployment

of CLNP-capable hosts or actual networks running CLNP. Another

strong positive for TUBA is the potential for convergence of ISO and

IETF networking standards. A number of reviewers pointed out that,

if TUBA were to be based on a changed CLNP then the advantage of an

existing deployed infrastructure would be lost and that the

convergence potential would be reduced.

A number of aspects of CLNP were felt to be a problem by the

reviewers including the inefficiencies introduced by the lack of any

particular Word alignment of the header fields, CLNP source route,

the lack of a flow ID field, the lack of a protocol ID field, and the

use of CLNP error messages in TUBA. The CLNP packet format or

procedures would have to be modified to resolve at least some of

these issues.

There seems to be a profound disagreement within the TUBA community

over the question of the ability of the IETF to modify the CLNP

standards. In our presentation in Houston we said that we felt that

"clone and run" was a legitimate process. This is also what the IAB

proposed in "IP version 7". [IAB92] The TUBA community has not

reached consensus that this view is reasonable. While many,

including a number of the CLNP document authors, are adamant that

this is not an issue and the IETF can make modifications to the base

standards, many others are just as adamant that the standards can

only be changed through the ISO standards process. Since the

overwhelming feeling within the IETF is that the IETF must 'own' the

standards on which it is basing its future, this disagreement within

the TUBA community was disquieting.

For a number of reasons, unfortunately including prejudice in a few

cases, the reviews of the TUBA proposals were much more mixed than

for SIPP or CATNIP. Clearly TUBA meets the requirements for the

ability to scale to large numbers of hosts, supports flexible

topologies, is media independent and is a datagram protocol. To the

reviewers, it was less clear that TUBA met the other IPng

requirements and these views varied widely.

There was also disagreement over the advisability of using NSAPs for

routing given the wide variety of NSAP allocation plans. The

Internet would have to restrict the use of NSAPs to those which are

allocated with the actual underlying network topology in mind if the

required degree of aggregation of routing information is to be


8.4 Summary of Proposal Reviews

To summarize, significant problems were seen in all three of the

proposals. The feeling was that, to one degree or another, both SIPP

and TUBA would work in the Internet context but each exhibited its

own problems. Some of these problems would have to be rectified

before either one would be ready to replace IPv4, much less be the

vehicle to carry the Internet into the future. Other problems could

be addressed over time. CATNIP was felt to be too incomplete to be


9. A Revised Proposal

As mentioned above, there was considerable discussion of the

strengths and weaknesses of the various IPng proposals during the

IPng 'BigTen' retreat on May 19th and 20th 1994. [Knopper94b] After

this retreat Steve Deering and Paul Francis, two of the co-chairs of

the SIPP Working Group, sent a message to the sipp mailing list

detailing the discussions at the retreat and proposing some changes

in SIPP. [Deering94a]

The message noted "The recurring (and unsurprising) concerns about

SIPP were:

(1) complexity/manageability/feasibility of IPAE, and

(2) adequacy/correctness/limitations of SIPP's addressing and routing

model, especially the use of loose source routing to accomplish

'extended addressing'".

They "proposed to address these concerns by changing SIPP as follows:

* Change address size from 8 bytes to 16 bytes (fixed-length).

* Specify optional use of serverless autoconfiguration of the 16-byte

address by using IEEE 802 address as the low-order ("node ID")


* For higher-layer protocols that use internet-layer addresses as

part of connection identifiers (e.g., TCP), require that they use

the entire 16-byte addresses.

* Do *not* use Route Header for extended addressing."

After considerable discussion on the sipp and big-internet mailing

lists about these proposed changes, the SIPP working group published

a revised version of SIPP [Deering94b], a new addressing architecture

[Francis94], and a simplified transition mechanism [Gillig94a].

These were submitted to the IPng Directorate for their consideration.

This proposal represents a synthesis of multiple IETF efforts with

much of the basic protocol coming from the SIPP effort, the

autoconfiguration and transition portions influenced by TUBA, the

addressing structure is based on the CIDR work and the routing header

evolving out of the SDRP deliberations.

10. Assumptions

10.1 Criteria Document and Timing of Recommendation

In making the following recommendations we are making two assumptions

of community consensus; that the IPng criteria document represents

the reasonable set of requirements for an IPng, and that a specific

recommendation should be made now and that from this point on the

IETF should proceed with a single IPng effort.

As described above, the IPng Technical Criteria document [Kasten94]

was developed in a open manner and was the topic of extensive

discussions on a number of mailing lists. We believe that there is a

strong consensus that this document accurately reflects the

community's set of technical requirements which an IPng should be

able to meet.

A prime topic of discussion on the big-internet mailing list this

spring as well as during the open IPng directorate meeting in

Seattle, was the need to make a specific IPng recommendation at this

time. Some people felt that additional research would help resolve

some of the issues that are currently unresolved. While others

argued that selecting a single protocol to work on would clarify the

picture for the community, focus the resources of the IETF on

finalizing its details, and, since the argument that there were open

research items could be made at any point in history, there might

never be a 'right' time.

Our reading of the community is that there is a consensus that a

specific recommendation should be made now. This is consistent with

the views expressed during the ipdecide BOF in Amsterdam [Gross94]

and in some of the RFC1550 white papers [Carpen94a].

There is no particular reason to think that the basic recommendation

would be significantly different if we waited for another six months

or a year. Clearly some details which are currently unresolved could

be filled in if the recommendation were to be delayed, but the

current fragmentation of the IETF's energies limits the efficiency of

this type of detail resolution. Concentrating the resources of the

IETF behind a single effort seems to us to be a more efficient way to


10.2 Address Length

One of the most hotly discussed aspects of the IPng design

possibilities was address size and format. During the IPng process

four distinct views were expressed about these issues:

1. The view that 8 bytes of address are enough to meet the current

and future needs of the Internet (squaring the size of the IP

address space). More would waste bandwidth, promote inefficient

assignment, and cause problems in some networks (such as mobiles

and other low speed links).

2. The view that 16 bytes is about right. That length supports easy

auto-configuration as well as organizations with complex internal

routing topologies in conjunction with the global routing topology

now and well into the future.

3. The view that 20 byte OSI NSAPs should be used in the interests of

global harmonization.

4. The view that variable length addresses which might be smaller or

larger than 16 bytes should be used to embrace all the above

options and more, so that the size of the address could be

adjusted to the demands of the particular environment, and to

ensure the ability to meet any future networking requirements.

Good technical and engineering arguments were made for and against

all of these views. Unanimity was not achieved, but we feel that a

clear majority view emerged that the use of 16 byte fixed length

addresses was the best compromise between efficiency, functionality,

flexibility, and global applicability. [Mankin94]

11. IPng Recommendation

After a great deal of discussion in many forums and with the

consensus of the IPng Directorate, we recommend that the protocol

described in "Simple Internet Protocol Plus (SIPP) Spec. (128 bit

ver)" [Deering94b] be adopted as the basis for IPng, the next

generation of the Internet Protocol. We also recommend that the

other documents listed in Appendix C be adopted as the basis of

specific features of this protocol.

This proposal resolves most of the perceived problems, particularly

in the areas of addressing, routing, transition and address

autoconfiguration. It includes the broad base of the SIPP proposal

effort, flexible address autoconfiguration features, and a merged

transition strategy. We believe that it meets the requirements

outlined in the IPng Criteria document and provides the framework to

fully meet the needs of the greater Internet community for the

foreseeable future.

11.1 IPng Criteria Document and IPng

A detailed review of how IPng meets the requirements set down in the

IPng Criteria document [Kasten94] will soon be published. Following

is our feelings about the extent to which IPng is responsive to the


* complete specification - the base specifications for IPng are

complete but transition and address autoconfiguration do remain to

be finalized

* architectural simplicity - the protocol is simple, easy to explain

and uses well established paradigms

* scale - an address size of 128 bits easily meets the need to

address 10**9 networks even in the face of the inherent

inefficiency of address allocation for efficient routing

* topological flexibility - the IPng design places no constraints on

network topology except for the limit of 255 hops

* performance - the simplicity of processing, the alignment of the

fields in the headers, and the elimination of the header checksum

will allow for high performance handling of IPng data streams

* robust service - IPng includes no inhibitors to robust service and

the addition of packet-level authentication allows the securing of

control and routing protocols without having to have separate


* transition - the IPng transition plan is simple and realistically

covers the transition methods that will be present in the


* media independence - IPng retains IPv4's media independence, it may

be possible to make use of IPng's Flow Label in some connection-

oriented media such as ATM

* datagram service - IPng preserves datagram service as its basic

operational mode, it is possible that the use of path MTU discovery

will complicate the use of datagrams in some cases

* configuration ease - IPng will have easy and flexible address

autoconfiguration which will support a wide variety of environments

from nodes on an isolated network to nodes deep in a complex


* security - IPng includes specific mechanisms for authentication and

encryption at the internetwork layer; the security features do rely

on the presence of a yet to be defined key management system

* unique names - IPng addresses may be used as globally unique names

although they do have topological significance

* access to standards - all of the IPng standards will be published

as RFCs with unlimited distribution

* multicast support - IPng specifically includes multicast support

* extensibility - the use of extension headers and an expandable

header option feature will allow the introduction of new features

into IPng when needed in a way that minimizes the disruption of the

existing network

* service classes - the IPng header includes a Flow Label which may

be used to differentiate requested service classes

* mobility - the proposed IPv4 mobility functions will work with IPng

* control protocol - IPng includes the familiar IPv4 control protocol


* tunneling support - encapsulation of IPng or other protocols within

IPng is a basic capability described in the IPng specifications

11.2 IPv6

The IANA has assigned version number 6 to IPng. The protocol itself

will be called IPv6.

The remainder of this memo is used to describe IPv6 and its features.

This description is an overview snapshot. The standards documents

themselves should be referenced for definitive specifications. We

also make a number of specific recommendations concerning the details

of the proposed protocol, the procedures required to complete the

definition of the protocol, and the IETF working groups we feel are

necessary to accomplish the task.

12. IPv6 Overview

IPv6 is a new version of the Internet Protocol, it has been designed

as an evolutionary, rather than revolutionary, step from IPv4.

Functions which are generally seen as working in IPv4 were kept in

IPv6. Functions which don't work or are infrequently used were

removed or made optional. A few new features were added where the

functionality was felt to be necessary.

The important features of IPv6 include: [Hinden94c]

* expanded addressing and routing capabilities - The IP address size

is increased from 32 bits to 128 bits providing support for a much

greater number of addressable nodes, more levels of addressing

hierarchy, and simpler auto-configuration of addresses.

The scaleability of multicast routing is improved by adding a

"scope" field to multicast addresses.

A new type of address, called a "cluster address" is defined to

identify topological regions rather than individual nodes. The use

of cluster addresses in conjunction with the IPv6 source route

capability allows nodes additional control over the path their

traffic takes.

* simplified header format - Some IPv4 header fields have been

dropped or made optional to reduce the common-case processing cost

of packet handling and to keep the bandwidth overhead of the IPv6

header as low as possible in spite of the increased size of the

addresses. Even though the IPv6 addresses are four time longer

than the IPv4 addresses, the IPv6 header is only twice the size of

the IPv4 header.

* support for extension headers and options - IPv6 options are placed

in separate headers that are located in the packet between the IPv6

header and the transport-layer header. Since most IPv6 option

headers are not examined or processed by any router along a

packet's delivery path until it arrives at its final destination,

this organization facilitates a major improvement in router

performance for packets containing options. Another improvement is

that unlike IPv4, IPv6 options can be of arbitrary length and not

limited to 40 bytes. This feature plus the manner in which they are

processed, permits IPv6 options to be used for functions which were

not practical in IPv4.

A key extensibility feature of IPv6 is the ability to encode,

within an option, the action which a router or host should perform

if the option is unknown. This permits the incremental deployment

of additional functionality into an operational network with a

minimal danger of disruption.

* support for authentication and privacy - IPv6 includes the

definition of an extension which provides support for

authentication and data integrity. This extension is included as a

basic element of IPv6 and support for it will be required in all


IPv6 also includes the definition of an extension to support

confidentiality by means of encryption. Support for this extension

will be strongly encouraged in all implementations.

* support for autoconfiguration - IPv6 supports multiple forms of

autoconfiguration, from "plug and play" configuration of node

addresses on an isolated network to the full-featured facilities

offered by DHCP.

* support for source routes - IPv6 includes an extended function

source routing header designed to support the Source Demand Routing

Protocol (SDRP). The purpose of SDRP is to support source-initiated

selection of routes to complement the route selection provided by

existing routing protocols for both inter-domain and intra-domain

routes. [Estrin94b]

* simple and flexible transition from IPv4 - The IPv6 transition plan

is aimed at meeting four basic requirements: [Gillig94a]

- Incremental upgrade. Existing installed IPv4 hosts and routers

may be upgraded to IPv6 at any time without being dependent on

any other hosts or routers being upgraded.

- Incremental deployment. New IPv6 hosts and routers can be

installed at any time without any prerequisites.

- Easy Addressing. When existing installed IPv4 hosts or routers

are upgraded to IPv6, they may continue to use their existing

address. They do not need to be assigned new addresses.

- Low start-up costs. Little or no preparation work is needed in

order to upgrade existing IPv4 systems to IPv6, or to deploy new

IPv6 systems.

* quality of service capabilities - A new capability is added to

enable the labeling of packets belonging to particular traffic

"flows" for which the sender has requested special handling, such

as non-default quality of service or "real-time" service.

12.1 IPv6 Header Format

The IPv6 header, although longer than the IPv4 header, is

considerably simplified. A number of functions that were in the IPv4

header have been relocated in extension headers or dropped.



Version Flow Label


Payload Length Next Header Hop Limit


+ +

+ Source Address +

+ +


+ +

+ Destination Address +

+ +


* Version - Internet Protocol version number. IPng has been assigned

version number 6. (4-bit field)

* Flow Label - This field may be used by a host to label those

packets for which it is requesting special handling by routers

within a network, such as non-default quality of service or "real-

time" service. (28-bit field)

* Payload Length - Length of the remainder of the packet following

the IPv6 header, in octets. To permit payloads of greater than 64K

bytes, if the value in this field is 0 the actual packet length

will be found in an Hop-by-Hop option. (16-bit unsigned integer)

* Next Header - Identifies the type of header immediately following

the IPv6 header. The Next Header field uses the same values as the

IPv4 Protocol field (8-bit selector field)

* Hop Limit - Used to limit the impact of routing loops. The Hop

Limit field is decremented by 1 by each node that forwards the

packet. The packet is discarded if Hop Limit is decremented to

zero. (8-bit unsigned integer)

* Source Address - An address of the initial sender of the packet.

(128 bit field)

* Destination Address - An address of the intended recipient of the

packet (possibly not the ultimate recipient, if an optional Routing

Header is present). (128 bit field)

12.2 Extension Headers

In IPv6, optional internet-layer information is encoded in separate

headers that may be placed between the IPv6 header and the

transport-layer header in a packet. There are a small number of such

extension headers, each identified by a distinct Next Header value.

[From a number of the documents listed in Appendix C.]

12.2.1 Hop-by-Hop Option Header

The Hop-by-Hop Options header is used to carry optional

information that must be examined by every node along a packet's

delivery path. The Hop-by-Hop Options header is identified by a

Next Header value of 0 in the IPv6 header, and has the following



Next Header Hdr Ext Len

+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +

. .

. Options .

. .


* Next Header - Identifies the type of header immediately

following the Hop-by-Hop Options header. Uses the same values

as the IPv4 Protocol field. (8-bit selector)

* Hdr Ext Len - Length of the Hop-by-Hop Options header in 8-octet

units, not including the first 8 octets. (8-bit unsigned


* Options - Contains one or more TLV-encoded options. (Variable-

length field, of length such that the complete Hop-by-Hop

Options header is an integer multiple of 8 octets long.)

12.2.2 IPv6 Header Options

Two of the currently-defined extension headers -- the Hop-by-Hop

Options header and the End-to-End Options header -- may carry a

variable number of Type-Length-Value (TLV) encoded "options", of

the following format:

+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- - - - - - - - -

Option Type Opt Data Len Option Data

+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- - - - - - - - -

* Option Type - identifier of the type of option (8-bit field)

* Opt Data Len - Length of the Option Data field of this option,

in octets. (8-bit unsigned integer)

* Option Data - Option-Type-specific data. (Variable-length field)

The Option Type identifiers are internally encoded such that their

highest-order two bits specify the action that must be taken if

the processing IPv6 node does not recognize the Option Type:

00 - skip over this option and continue processing the header

01 - discard the packet

10 - discard the packet and send an ICMP Unrecognized Type message

to the packet's Source Address, pointing to the unrecognized

Option Type

11 - undefined.

In the case of Hop-by-Hop options only, the third-highest-order

bit of the Option Type specifies whether or not the Option Data of

this option shall be included in the integrity assurance

computation performed when an Authentication header is present.

Option data that changes en route must be excluded from that


12.2.3 Routing Header

The Routing header is used by an IPv6 source to list one or more

intermediate nodes (or topological clusters) to be "visited" on

the way to a packet's destination. This particular form of the

Routing Header is designed to support SDRP. [Estrin94b]

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


Next Header Routing Type=1 MF Reserved SrcRouteLen


NextHopPtr Strict/Loose Bit Mask


. .

. Source Route .

. .


* Next Header - Identifies the type of header immediately

following the Routing Header. Uses the same values as the IPv4

Protocol field. (8-bit selector)

* Routing Type - Indicates the type of routing supported by this

header. Value must be 1.

* MRE flag - Must Report Errors. If this bit is set to 1, and a

router can not further forward a packet (with an incompletely

traversed source route), as specified in the Source Route, the

router must generate an ICMP error message. If this bit is set

to 0, and a router can not further forward a packet (with an

incompletely traversed source route), as specified in the Source

Route, the router should not generate an ICMP error message.

* F flag - Failure of Source Route Behavior. If this bit it set

to 1, it indicates that if a router can not further forward a

packet (with an incompletely traversed source route), as

specified in the Source Route, the router must set the value of

the Next Hop Pointer field to the value of the Source Route

Length field, so that the subsequent forwarding will be based

solely on the destination address. If this bit is set to 0, it

indicates that if a router can not further forward a packet

(with an incompletely traversed source route), as specified in

the Source Route, the router must discard the packet.

* Reserved - Initialized to zero for transmission; ignored on


* SrcRouteLen - Source Route Length - Number of source route

elements/hops in the SDRP Routing header. Length of SDRP

routing header can be calculated from this value (length =

SrcRouteLen * 16 + 8) This field may not exceed a value of 24.

(8 bit unsigned integer)

* NextHopPtr - Next Hop Pointer- Index of next element/hop to be

processed; initialized to 0 to point to first element/hop in the

source route. When Next Hop Pointer is equal to Source Route

Length then the Source Route is completed. (8 bit unsigned


* Strict/Loose Bit Mask - The Strict/Loose Bit Mask is used when

making a forwarding decision. If the value of the Next Hop

Pointer field is N, and the N-th bit in the Strict/Loose Bit

Mask field is set to 1, it indicates that the next hop is a

Strict Source Route Hop. If this bit is set to 0, it indicates

that the next hop is a Loose Source Route Hop. (24 bit


* Source Route - A list of IPv6 addresses indicating the path that

this packet should follow. A Source Route can contain an

arbitrary intermix of unicast and cluster addresses. (integral

multiple of 128 bits)

12.2.4 Fragment Header

The Fragment header is used by an IPv6 source to send payloads

larger than would fit in the path MTU to their destinations.

(Note: unlike IPv4, fragmentation in IPv6 is performed only by

source nodes, not by routers along a packet's delivery path) The

Fragment header is identified by a Next Header value of 44 in the

immediately preceding header, and has the following format:


Next Header Reserved Fragment Offset ResM




* Next Header - Identifies the type of header immediately

following the Fragment header. Uses the same values as the IPv4

Protocol field. (8 bit selector)

* Reserved, Res - Initialized to zero for transmission; ignored on


* Fragment Offset - The offset, in 8-octet units, of the following

payload, relative to the start of the original, unfragmented

payload. (13-bit unsigned integer)

* M flag - 1 = more fragments; 0 = last fragment.

* Identification - A value assigned to the original payload that

is different than that of any other fragmented payload sent

recently with the same IPv6 Source Address, IPv6 Destination

Address, and Fragment Next Header value. (If a Routing header

is present, the IPv6 Destination Address is that of the final

destination.) The Identification value is carried in the

Fragment header of all of the original payload's fragments, and

is used by the destination to identify all fragments belonging

to the same original payload. (32 bit field)

12.2.5 Authentication Header

The Authentication header is used to provide authentication and

integrity assurance for IPv6 packets. Non-repudiation may be

provided by an authentication algorithm used with the

Authentication header, but it is not provided with all

authentication algorithms that might be used with this header.

The Authentication header is identified by a Next Header value of

51 in the immediately preceding header, and has the following



Next Header Auth Data Len Reserved


Security Association ID


. .

. Authentication Data .

. .


* Next Header - Identifies the type of header immediately

following the Authentication header. Uses the same values as

the IPv4 Protocol field. (8-bit selector)

* Auth Data Len - Length of the Authentication Data field in 8-

octet units. (8-bit unsigned integer)

* Reserved - Initialized to zero for transmission; ignored on


* Security Assoc. ID - When combined with the IPv6 Source Address,

identifies to the receiver(s) the pre-established security

association to which this packet belongs. (32 bit field)

* Authentication Data - Algorithm-specific information required

to authenticate the source of the packet and assure its

integrity, as specified for the pre-established security

association. (Variable-length field, an integer multiple of 8

octets long.)

12.2.6 Privacy Header

The Privacy Header seeks to provide confidentiality and integrity

by encrypting data to be protected and placing the encrypted data

in the data portion of the Privacy Header. Either a transport-

layer (e.g., UDP or TCP) frame may be encrypted or an entire IPv6

datagram may be encrypted, depending on the user's security

requirements. This encapsulating approach is necessary to provide

confidentiality for the entire original datagram. If present, the

Privacy Header is always the last non-encrypted field in a packet.

The Privacy Header works between hosts, between a host and a

security gateway, or between security gateways. This support for

security gateways permits trustworthy networks to exist without

the performance and monetary costs of security, while providing

security for traffic transiting untrustworthy network segments.


Security Association Identifier (SAID)


. Initialization Vector .


Next Header* Length* Reserved*


Protected Data* +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+




* Security Association Identifier (SAID) - Identifies the security

association for this datagram. If no security association has

been established, the value of this field shall be 0x0000. A

security association is normally one-way. An authenticated

communications session between two hosts will normally have two

SAIDs in use (one in each direction). The receiving host uses

the combination of SAID value and originating address to

distinguish the correct association. (32 bit value)

* Initialization Vector - This field is optional and its value

depends on the SAID in use. For example, the field may contain

cryptographic synchronization data for a block oriented

encryption algorithm. It may also be used to contain a

cryptographic initialization vector. A Privacy Header

implementation will normally use the SAID value to determine

whether this field is present and, if it is, the field's size

and use. (presence and length dependent on SAID)

* Next Header - encrypted - Identifies the type of header

immediately following the Privacy header. Uses the same values

as the IPv4 Protocol field. (8 bit selector)

* Reserved - encrypted - Ignored on reception.

* Length - encrypted - Length of the Privacy Header in 8-octet

units, not including the first 8 octets. (8-bit unsigned


* Protected Data - encrypted - This field may contain an entire

encapsulated IPv6 datagram, including the IPv6 header, a

sequence of zero or more IPv6 options, and a transport-layer

payload, or it may just be a sequence of zero or more IPv6

options followed by a transport-layer payload. (variable


* trailer (Algorithm-dependent Trailer) - encrypted - A field

present to support some algorithms which need to have padding

(e.g., to a full cryptographic block size for block-oriented

encryption algorithms) or for storage of authentication data for

use with a encryption algorithm that provides confidentiality

without authentication. It is present only when the algorithm

in use requires such a field. (presence and length dependent on


12.2.7 End-to-End Option Header

The End-to-End Options header is used to carry optional

information that needs to be examined only by a packet's

destination node(s). The End-to-End Options header is identified

by a Next Header value of TBD in the immediately preceding header,

and has the same format as the Hop-by-Hop Option Header except for

the ability to exclude an option from the authentication integrity

assurance computation.

13. IPng Working Group

We recommend that a new IPng Working Group be formed to produce

specifications for the core functionality of the IPv6 protocol suite.

The working group will carry out the recommendations of the IPng Area

Directors as outlined at the July 1994 IETF and in this memo. We

recommend that this working group be chaired by Steve Deering of

Xerox PARC and Ross Callon of Wellfleet.

The primary task of the working group is to produce a set of

documents that define the basic functions, interactions, assumptions,

and packet formats for IPv6. We recommend that Robert Hinden of Sun

Microsystems be the editor for these documents. The documents listed

in Appendix C will be used by the working group to form the basis of

the final document set.

The work of the IPng Working Group includes:

* complete the IPv6 overview document

* complete the IPv6 detailed operational specification

* complete the IPv6 Addressing Architecture specification

* produce specifications for IPv6 encapsulations over various media

* complete specifications for the support of packets larger than 64KB

* complete specifications of the DNS enhancements required to support


* complete specification of ICMP, IGMP and router discovery for

support of IPv6.

* complete specification of path MTU discovery for IPv6

* complete specifications of IPv6 in IPv6 tunneling

* complete the suggested address format and assignment plan

* coordinate with the Address Autoconfiguration Working Group

* coordinate with the NGTRANS and TACIT Working Groups

* complete specifications of authentication and privacy support


The working group should also consider a few selected enhancements


* consider ways to compress the IPv6 header in the contexts of native

IPv6, multiple IPv6 packets in a flow, and encapsulated IPv6

* consider specifying support for a larger minimum MTU

14. IPng Reviewer

Currently it is the task of the IPng Area Directors, the IPng

Directorate and the chairs of the proposed ipng working group to

coordinate the activities of the many parallel efforts currently

directed towards different aspects of IPng. While this is possible

and currently seems to be working well it can not be maintained over

the long run because, among other reasons, the IPng Area will be

dissolved eventually and its Directorate disbanded. It will also

become much more difficult as IPng related activities start up in

other IETF areas.

We recommend that an IPng Reviewer be appointed to be specifically

responsible for ensuring that a consistent view of IPv6 is maintained

across the related working groups. We feel that this function is

required due to the complex nature of the interactions between the

parts of the IPng effort and due to the distribution of the IPng

related work amongst a number of IETF areas. We recommend that Dave

Clark of MIT be offered this appointment.

This would be a long-term task involving the review of on-going

activities. The aim is not for the IPng Reviewer to make

architectural decisions since that is the work of the various working

groups, the IAB, and the IETF as a whole.. The aim is to spot gaps or

misunderstandings before they reach the point where functionality or

interworkability is threatened.

15. Address Autoconfiguration

As data networks become more complex the need to be able to bypass at

least some of the complexity and move towards "plug and play" becomes

ever more acute. The user can not be expected to be able to

understand the details of the network architecture or know how to

configure the network software in their host. In the ideal case, a

user should be able to unpack a new computer, plug it into the local

network and "just" have it work without requiring the entering of any

special information. Security concerns may restrict the ability to

offer this level of transparent address autoconfiguration in some

environments but the mechanisms must be in place to support whatever

level of automation which the local environment feels comfortable


The basic requirement of "plug and play" operation is that a host

must be able to acquire an address dynamically, either when attaching

to a network for the first time or when the host needs to be

readdressed because the host moved or because the identity of the

network has changed. There are many other functions required to

support a full "plug and play" environment. [Berk94] Most of these

must be addressed outside of the IPv6 Area but a focused effort to

define a host address autoconfiguration protocol is part of the IPv6


We recommend that a new Address Autoconfiguration Working Group

(addrconf) be formed with Dave Katz of Cisco Systems and Sue Thomson

of Bellcore as co-chairs. The purpose of this working group is to

design and specify a protocol for allocating addresses dynamically to

IPv6 hosts. The address configuration protocol must be suitable for

a wide range of network topologies, from a simple isolated network to

a sophisticated globally connected network. It should also allow for

varying levels of administrative control, from completely automated

operation to very tight oversight.

The scope of this working group is to propose a host address

autoconfiguration protocol which supports the full range of

topological and administrative environments in which IPv6 will be

used. It is the intention that, together with IPv6 system discovery,

the address autoconfiguration protocol will provide the minimal

bootstrapping information necessary to enable hosts to acquire

further configuration information (such as that provided by DHCP in

IPv4). The scope does not include router configuration or any other

host configuration functions. However, it is within the scope of the

working group to investigate and document the interactions between

this work and related functions including system discovery, DNS

autoregistration, service discovery, and broader host configuration

issues, to facilitate the smooth integration of these functions.


The working group is expected to complete its work around the end of

1994 and disband at that time. The group will use "IPv6 Address

Autoconfiguration Architecture" [Katz94b] draft document as the basis

of their work.

16. Transition

The transition of the Internet from IPv4 to IPv6 has to meet two

separate needs. There is a short term need to define specific

technologies and methods to transition IPv4 networks, including the

Internet, into IPv6 networks and an IPv6 Internet. There is also a

long term need to do broad-based operational planning for transition,

including developing methods to allow decentralized migration

strategies, understanding the ramifications of a long period of

coexistence when both protocols are part of the basic infrastructure,

developing an understanding of the type and scope of architectural

and interoperability testing that will be required to ensure a

reliable and manageable Internet in the future.

16.1 Transition - Short Term

Any IPng transition plan must take into account the realities of what

types of devices vendors will build and network managers will deploy.

The IPng transition plan must define the procedures required to

successfully implement the functions which vendors will be likely to

include in their devices. This is the case even if there are good

arguments to recommend against a particular function, header

translation for example. If products will exist it is better to have

them interoperate than not.

We recommend that a new IPng Transition (NGTRANS) Working Group be

formed with Bob Gilligan of Sun Microsystems and xxx of yyy as co-

chairs to design the mechanisms and procedures to support the

transition of the Internet from IPv4 to IPv6 and to give advice on

what procedures and techniques are preferred.

The work of the group will fall into three areas:

* Define the processes by which the Internet will make the transition

from IPv4 to IPv6. As part of this effort, the group will produce

a document explaining to the general Internet community what

mechanisms will be employed in the transition, how the transition

will work, the assumptions about infrastructure deployment inherent

in the operation of these mechanisms, and the types of

functionality that applications developers will be able to assume

as the protocol mix changes over time.

* Define and specify the mandatory and optional mechanisms that

vendors should implement in hosts, routers, and other components of

the Internet in order for the transition to be carried out. Dual-

stack, encapsulation and header translation mechanisms must all be

defined, as well as the interaction between hosts using different

combinations of these mechanisms. The specifications produced will

be used by people implementing these IPv6 systems.

* Articulate a concrete operational plan for the Internet to make the

transition from IPv4 to IPv6. The result of this work will be a

transition plan for the Internet that network operators and

Internet subscribers can execute.


The working group is expected to complete its work around the end of

1994 and disband at that time. The group will use the "Simple SIPP

Transition (SST)" [Gilig94a] overview document as the starting point

for its work.

16.2 Transition - Long Term

There are a number of transition related topics in addition to

defining the specific IPv4 to IPv6 mechanisms and their deployment,

operation and interaction. The ramifications and procedures of

migrating to a new technology or to a new version of an existing

technology must be fully understood.

We recommend that the Transition and Coexistence Including Testing

(TACIT) Working Group, which was started a few months ago, explore

some of the basic issues associated with the deployment of new

technology into an established Internet. The TACIT Working Group

will focus on the generic issues of transition and will not limit

itself to the upcoming transition to IPv6 because, over time,

enhancements to IPv6 (IPv6ng) will be developed and accepted. At

that point they will need to be deployed into the then existing

Internet. The TACIT Working Group will be more operationally

oriented than the NGTRANS Working Group and will continue well into

the actual IPv6 transition.

The main areas of exploration are:

* Make the transition from a currently deployed protocol to a new

protocol while accommodating heterogeneity and decentralized


* Since it is often difficult or impossible to replace all legacy

systems or software, it is important to understand the

characteristics and operation of a long period of coexistence

between a new protocol and the existing protocol.

* The Internet must now be considered a utility. We are far removed

from a time when a new technology could be deployed to see if it

would work in large scale situations. Rigorous architectural and

interoperability testing must be part of the predeployment phase of

any proposed software for the Internet. Testing the scaling up

behaviors and robustness of a new protocol will offer particular

challenges. The WG should determine if there are lessons to be

learned from: OSPF, BGP4 and CIDR Deployment, the AppleTalk 1 to 2

transition, DECnet Phase 4 to Phase 5 planning and transition,

among others.

The TACIT Working Group will explore each of these facets of the

deployment of new technology and develop a number of documents to

help guide users and managers of affected data networks and provide

to the IETF:

* Detailed descriptions of problem areas in transition and

coexistence, both predicted, based on lessons learned, and observed

as the IPv6 process progresses.

* Recommendations for specific testing procedures.

* Recommendations for coexistence operations procedures

* Recommendations for the smoothing of decentralized transition



17. Other Address Families

There are many environments in which there are one or more network

protocols already deployed or where a significant planning effort has

been undertaken to create a comprehensive network addressing plan. In

such cases there may be a temptation to integrate IPv6 into the

environment by making use of an existing addressing plan to define

all or part of the IPv6 addresses. The advantage of doing this is

that it permits unified management of address space among multiple

protocol families. The use of common addresses can help facilitate

transition from other protocols to IPv6.

If the existing addresses are globally unique and assigned with

regard to network topology this may be a reasonable idea. The IETF

should work with other organizations to develop algorithms that could

be used to map addresses between IPv6 and other environments. The

goal for any such mapping must be to provide an unambiguous 1 to 1

map between individual addresses.

Suggestions have been made to develop mapping algorithms for Novell

IPX addresses, some types of OSI NSAPs, E164 addresses and SNA

addresses. Each of these possibilities should be carefully examined

to ensure that use of such an algorithm solves more problems than it

creates. In some cases it may be better to recommend either that a

native IPng addressing plan be developed instead, or that an IPv6

address be used within the non-IP environment. [Carpen94b]

We recommend that, in conjunction with other organizations,

recommendations about the use of non-IPv6 addresses in IPv6

environments and IPv6 addresses in non-IPv6 environments be


18. Impact on Other IETF Standards

Many current IETF standards are affected by IPv6. At least 27 of the

current 51 full Internet Standards must be revised for IPv6, along

with at least 6 of the 20 Draft Standards and at least 25 of the 130

Proposed Standards. [Postel94]

In some cases the revisions consist of simple changes to the text,

for example, in a number of RFCs an IP address is referred to in

passing as a "32 bit IP address" even though IP addresses are not

directly used in the protocol being defined. All of the standards

track documents will have to be checked to see if they contain such


In most of the rest of the cases revisions to the protocols,

including packet formats, will be required. In many of these cases

the address is just being carried as a data element and a revised

format with a larger field for the address will have no effect on the

functional paradigm.

In the remaining cases some facet of the operation of the protocol

will be changed as a result of IPv6. For example, the security and

source route mechanisms are fundamentally changed from IPv4 with

IPv6. Protocols and applications that relied on the IPv4

functionality will have to be redesigned or rethought to use the

equivalent function in IPv6.

In a few cases this opportunity should be used to determine if some

of the RFCs should be moved to historic, for example EGP [Mills84]

and IP over ARCNET. [Provan91]

The base IPng Working Group will address some of these, existing IETF

working groups can work on others, while new working groups must be

formed to deal with a few of them. The IPng Working Group will be

responsible for defining new versions of ICMP, ARP/RARP, and UDP. It

will also review RFC1639, "FTP Operation Over Big Address Records

(Foobar)" [Piscit94] and RFC1191 "Path MTU Discovery" [Mogul90]

Existing working groups will examine revisions for some of the

routing protocols: RIPv2, IS-IS, IDRP and SDRP. A new working group

may be required for OSPF.

The existing DHCP Working Group may be able to revise DHCP and

examine BOOTP.

A TCPng Working Group will be formed soon, and new working groups

will have to be formed to deal with standards such as SNMP, DNS, NTP,

NETbios, OSI over TCP, Host Requirements, and Kerberos as well as

reviewing most of the RFCs that define IP usage over various media.

In addition to the standards track RFCs mentioned above there are

many Informational and Experimental RFCs which would be affected as

well as numerous Internet Drafts (and those standards track RFCs that

we missed).

We recommend that the IESG commission a review of all standards track

RFCs to ensure that a full list of affected documents is compiled. We

recommend that the IESG charge current IETF working groups with the

task of understanding the impact of IPv6 on their proposals and,

where appropriate, revise the documents to include support for IPv6.

We recommend that the IESG charter new working groups where required

to revise other standards RFCs.

19. Impact on non-IETF standards and on products

Many products and user applications which rely on the size or

structure of IPv4 addresses will need to be modified to work with

IPv6. While the IETF can facilitate an investigation of the impacts

of IPv6 on non-IETF standards and products, the primary

responsibility for doing so resides in the other standards bodies and

the vendors.

Examples of non-IETF standards that are effected by IPv6 include the

POSIX standards, Open Software Foundation's DCE and DME, X-Open, Sun

ONC, the Andrew File System and MIT's Kerberos. Most products that

provide specialized network security including firewall-type devices

are among those that must be extended to support IPv6.

20. APIs

It is traditional to state that the IETF does not "do" APIs. While

there are many reasons for this, the one most commonly referenced is

that there are too many environments where TCP/IP is used, too many

different operating systems, programming languages, and platforms.

The feeling is that the IETF should not get involved in attempting to

define a language and operating system independent interface in the

face of such complexity.

We feel that this historical tendency for the IETF to avoid dealing

with APIs should be reexamined in the case of IPv6. We feel that in

a few specific cases the prevalence of a particular type of API is

such that a single common solution for the modifications made

necessary by IPv6 should be documented.

We recommend that Informational RFCs be solicited or developed for

these few cases. In particular, the Berkeley-style sockets

interface, the UNIX TLI and XTI interfaces, and the WINSOCK

interfaces should be targeted. A draft document exists which could

be developed into the sockets API description. [Gillig94b]

21. Future of the IPng Area and Working Groups

In our presentation at the Houston IETF meeting we stated that the

existing IPng proposal working groups would not be forced to close

down after the recommendation was made. Each of them has been

working on technologies that may have applications in addition to

their IPng proposal and these technologies should not be lost.

Since the Toronto IETF meeting the existing IPng working groups have

been returned to the Internet Area. The group members may decide to

close down the working groups or to continue some of their efforts.

The charters of the working groups must be revised if they choose to

continue since they would no longer be proposing an IPng candidate.

In Toronto the chairs of the SIPP Working Group requested that the

SIPP Working Group be concluded. The chairs of the TUBA Working

Group requested that the TUBA working group be understood to be in

hiatus until a number of the documents in process were completed, at

which time they would request that the working group be concluded.

We recommend that the IPng Area and its Directorate continue until

the basic documents have entered the standards track in late 1994 or

early 1995 and that after such time the area be dissolved and those

IPng Area working groups still active be moved to their normal IETF


22. Security Considerations

The security of the Internet has long been questioned. It has been

the topic of much press coverage, many conferences and workshops.

Almost all of this attention has been negative, pointing out the many

places where the level of possible security is far less than that

deemed necessary for the current and future uses of the Internet. A

number of the RFC1550 White Papers specifically pointed out the

requirement to improve the level of security available [Adam94,

Bell94b, Brit94, Green94, Vecchi94, Flei94] as does "Realizing the

Information Future". [Nat94]

In February of 1994, the IAB convened a workshop on security in the

Internet architecture. The report of this workshop [IAB94] includes

an exploration of many of the security problem areas and makes a

number of recommendations to improve the level of security that the

Internet offers its users.

We feel that an improvement in the basic level of security in the

Internet is vital to its continued success. Users must be able to

assume that their exchanges are safe from tampering, diversion and

exposure. Organizations that wish to use the Internet to conduct

business must be able to have a high level of confidence in the

identity of their correspondents and in the security of their

communications. The goal is to provide strong protection as a matter

of course throughout the Internet.

As the IAB report points out, many of the necessary tools are not a

function of the internetworking layer of the protocol. These higher

level tools could make use of strong security features in the

internetworking layer if they were present. While we expect that

there will be a number of special high-level security packages

available for specific Internet constituencies, support for basic

packet-level authentication will provide for the adoption of a much

needed, widespread, security infrastructure throughout the Internet.

It is best to separate the support for authentication from the

support for encryption. One should be able to use the two functions

independently. There are some applications in which authentication

of a corespondent is sufficient and others where the data exchanged

must be kept private.

It is our recommendation that IPv6 support packet authentication as a

basic and required function. Applications should be able to rely on

support for this feature in every IPv6 implementation. Support for a

specific authentication algorithm should also be mandated while

support for additional algorithms should be optional.

Thus we recommend that support for the Authentication Header be

required in all compliant IPv6 implementations.

We recommend that support for a specific authentication algorithm be

required. The specific algorithm should be determined by the time

the IPv6 documents are offered as Proposed Standards.

We recommend that support for the Privacy Header be required in IPv6


We recommend that support for a privacy authentication algorithm be

required. The specific algorithm should be determined by the time the

IPv6 documents are offered as Proposed Standards.

Clearly, a key management infrastructure will be required in order to

enable the use of the authentication and encryption headers.

However, defining such an infrastructure is outside the scope of the

IPv6 effort. We do note that there are on-going IETF activities in

this area. The IPv6 transition working groups must coordinate with

these activities.

Just as clearly, the use of authentication and encryption may add to

the cost and impact the performance of systems but the more secure

infrastructure is worth the penalty. Whatever penalty there is

should also decrease in time with improved software and hardware


The use of firewalls is increasing on the Internet. We hope that the

presence of the authentication and privacy features in IPv6 will

reduce the need for firewalls, but we do understand that they will

continue to be used for the foreseeable future. In this light, we

feel that clear guidance should be given to the developers of

firewalls on the best ways to design and configure them when working

in an IPv6 environment.

We recommend that an "IPv6 framework for firewalls" be developed.

This framework should explore the ways in which the Authentication

Header can be used to strengthen firewall technology and detail how

the IPv6 packet should be analyzed by a firewall.

Some aspects of security require additional study. For example, it

has been pointed out [Vecchi94] that, even in non-military

situations, there are places where procedures to thwart traffic

analysis will be required. This could be done by the use of

encrypted encapsulation, but this and other similar requirements must

be addressed on an on-going basis by the Security Area of the IETF.

The design of IPv6 must be flexible enough to support the later

addition of such security features.

We believe that IPv6 with its inherent security features will provide

the foundation upon which the Internet can continue to expand its

functionality and user base.

23. Authors' Addresses

Scott Bradner

Harvard University

10 Ware St.

Cambridge, MA 02138

Phone: +1 617 495 3864

EMail: sob@harvard.edu

Allison Mankin

USC/Information Sciences Institute

4350 North Fairfax Drive, Suite 400

Arlington, VA 22303

Phone: +1 703-807-0132

EMail: mankin@isi.edu

Appendix A - Summary of Recommendations

5.3 Address Assignment Policy Recommendations

changes in address assignment policies are not recommended

reclamation of underutilized assigned addresses is not currently


efforts to renumber significant portions of the Internet are not

currently recommended

recommend consideration of assigning CIDR-type address blocks out

of unassigned Class A addressees

11. IPng Recommendation

recommend that "Simple Internet Protocol Plus (SIPP) Spec. (128

bit ver)" [Deering94b] be adopted as the basis for IPng

recommend that the documents listed in Appendix C be the basis of


13. IPng Working Group

recommend that an IPng Working Group be formed, chaired by Steve

Deering and Ross Callon

recommend that Robert Hinden be the document editor for the IPng


14. IPng Reviewer

recommend that an IPng Reviewer be appointed and that Dave Clark

be that reviewer

15. Address Autoconfiguration

recommend that an Address Autoconfiguration Working Group be

formed, chaired by Dave Katz and Sue Thomson

16.1 Transition - Short Term

recommend that an IPng Transition Working Group be formed, chaired

by Bob Gilligan and TBA

16.2 Transition - Long Term

recommend that the Transition and Coexistence Including Testing

Working Group be chartered

17. Other Address Families

recommend that recommendations about the use of non-IPv6 addresses

in IPv6 environments and IPv6 addresses in non-IPv6

environments be developed

18. Impact on Other IETF Standards

recommend the IESG commission a review of all standards track RFCs

recommend the IESG charge current IETF working groups with the

task of understanding the impact of IPng on their proposals

and, where appropriate, revise the documents to include support

for IPng

recommend the IESG charter new working groups where required to

revise other standards RFCs

20. APIs

recommend that Informational RFCs be developed or solicited for a

few of the common APIs

21. Future of the IPng Area and Working Groups

recommend that the IPng Area and Area Directorate continue until

main documents are offered as Proposed Standards in late 1994

22. Security Considerations

recommend that support for the Authentication Header be required

recommend that support for a specific authentication algorithm be


recommend that support for the Privacy Header be required

recommend that support for a specific privacy algorithm be


recommend that an "IPng framework for firewalls" be developed

Appendix B - IPng Area Directorate

J. Allard - Microsoft <jallard@microsoft.com>

Steve Bellovin - AT&T <smb@research.att.com>

Jim Bound - Digital <bound@zk3.dec.com>

Ross Callon - Wellfleet <rcallon@wellfleet.com>

Brian Carpenter - CERN <


Dave Clark - MIT <ddc@lcs.mit.edu >

John Curran - NEARNET <curran@nic.near.net>

Steve Deering - Xerox <deering@parc.xerox.com>

Dino Farinacci - Cisco <dino@cisco.com>

Paul Francis - NTT <francis@slab.ntt.jp>

Eric Fleischmann - Boeing <ericf@atc.boeing.com>

Mark Knopper - Ameritech <mak@aads.com>

Greg Minshall - Novell <minshall@wc.novell.com>

Rob Ullmann - Lotus <ariel@world.std.com>

Lixia Zhang - Xerox <lixia@parc.xerox.com>

Daniel Karrenberg of RIPE joined the Directorate when it was formed

but had to withdraw due to the demands of his day job.

Since the Toronto IETF meeting Paul Francis has resigned from the

Directorate to pursue other interests. Robert Hinden of Sun

Microsystems and Yakov Rekhter of IBM joined.

Appendix C - Documents Referred to the IPng Working Groups

[Deering94b] Deering, S., "Simple Internet Protocol Plus (SIPP) Spec.

(128 bit ver)", Work in Progress.

[Francis94] Francis, P., "SIPP Addressing Architecture", Work in


[Rekhter94] Rekhter, Y., and T. Li, "An Architecture for IPv6 Unicast

Address Allocation", Work in Progress.

[Gillig94a] Gilligan, R., "Simple SIPP Transition (SST) Overview",

Work in Progress.

[Gillig94b] Gilligan, R., Govindan, R., Thomson, S., and J. Bound,

"SIPP Program Interfaces for BSD Systems", Work in Progress.

[Atkins94a] Atkinson, R., "SIPP Security Architecture", Work in


[Atkins94b] Atkinson, R., "SIPP Authentication Header", Work in


[Ford94b] Ford, P., Li, T., and Y. Rekhter, "SDRP Routing Header for

SIPP-16", Work in Progress.

[Hinden94c] Hinden, R., "IP Next Generation Overview", Work in


Appendix D - IPng Proposal Overviews

[Ford94a] Ford, P., and M. Knopper, "TUBA as IPng: A White Paper",

Work in Progress.

[Hinden94a] Hinden, R., "Simple Internet Protocol Plus White Paper",

RFC1710, Sun Microsystems, October 1994.

[McGovern94] McGovern, M., and R. Ullmann, "CATNIP: Common

Architecture for the Internet", RFC1707, Sunspot Graphics, Lotus

Development Corp., October 1994.

Appendix E - RFC1550 White Papers

[Adam94] Adamson, B., "Tactical Radio Frequency Communication

Requirements for IPng", RFC1677, NRL, August 1994.

[Bello94a] Bellovin, S., "On Many Addresses per Host", RFC1681, AT&T

Bell Laboratories, August 1994.

[Bello94b] Bellovin, S., "Security Concerns for IPng", RFC1675, AT&T

Bell Laboratories, August 1994.

[Bound94] Bound, J., "IPng BSD Host Implementation Analysis", RFC

1682, Digital Equipment Corporation, August 1994.

[Brazd94] Brazdziunas, C., "IPng Support for ATM Services", RFC1680,

Bellcore, August 1994.

[Britt94] Britton, E., and J. Tavs, "IPng Requirements of Large

Corporate Networks", RFC1678, IBM, August 1994.

[Brownl94] Brownlee, J., "Accounting Requirements for IPng", RFC

1672, University of Auckland, August 1994.

[Carpen94a] Carpenter, B., "IPng White Paper on Transition and Other

Considerations", RFC1671, CERN, August 1994.

[Chiappa94] Chiappa, N., "IPng Technical Requirements Of the Nimrod

Routing and Addressing Architecture", RFC1753, December 1994.

[Clark94] Clark, R., Ammar, M., and K. Calvert, "Multiprotocol

Interoperability In IPng", RFC1683, Georgia Institute of

Technology, August 1994.

[Curran94] Curran, J., "Market Viability as a IPng Criteria", RFC

1669, BBN, August 1994.

[Estrin94a] Estrin, D., Li, T., and Y. Rekhter, "Unified Routing

Requirements for IPng", RFC1668, USC, cisco Systems, IBM, August


[Fleisch94] Fleischman, E., "A Large Corporate User's View of IPng",

RFC1687, Boeing Computer Services, August 1994.

[Green94] Green, D., Irey, P., Marlow, D., and K. O'Donoghue, "HPN

Working Group Input to the IPng Requirements Solicitation", RFC

1679, NSWC-DD, August 1994.

[Ghisel94] Ghiselli, A., Salomoni, D., and C. Vistoli, "INFN

Requirements for an IPng", RFC1676, INFN/CNAF, August 1994.

[Heager94] Heagerty, D., "Input to IPng Engineering Considerations",

RFC1670, CERN, August 1994.

[Simpson94] Simpson, W. "IPng Mobility Considerations", RFC1688,

Daydreamer, August 1994.

[Skelton94] Skelton, R., "Electric Power Research Institute Comments

on IPng", RFC1673, EPRI, August 1994.

[Syming94] Symington, S., Wood, D., and J. Pullen, "Modeling and

Simulation Requirements for IPng", RFC1667, MITRE, George Mason

University, August 1994.

[Taylor94] Taylor, M., "A Cellular Industry View of IPng", RFC1674,

CDPD Consortium, August 1994.

[Vecchi94] Vecchi, M., "IPng Requirements: A Cable Television

Industry Viewpoint", RFC1686, Time Warner Cable, August 1994.

Appendix F - Additional References

[Almqu92] Almquist, P., "Minutes of the Selection Criteria BOF",

Washington DC IETF, November 1992, (ietf/nov92/select-minutes-


[Berkow94] Berkowitz, H., "IPng and Related Plug-and-Play Issues and

Requirements", Work in Progress, September 1994.

[Bos94] Bos, E. J., "Minutes of the Address Lifetime Expectations BOF

(ALE)", Seattle IETF, March 1994, (ietf/ale/ale-minutes-


[Big] Archives of the big-internet mailing list, on munnari.oz.au in


[Bradner93] Bradner, S., and A. Mankin, "IP: Next Generation (IPng)

White Paper Solicitation", RFC1550, Harvard University, NRL,

December 1993.

[Callon87] Callon, R., "A Proposal for a Next Generation Internet

Protocol", Proposal to X3S3, December 1987.

[Callon92a] Callon, R., "CNAT", Work in Progress.

[Callon92b] Callon, R., "Simple CLNP", Work in Progress.

[Callon92c] Callon, R., "TCP and UDP with Bigger Addresses (TUBA), A

Simple Proposal for Internet Addressing and Routing", RFC1347,

DEC, June 1992.

[Carpen93] Carpenter, B. and T. Dixon, "Minutes of the IPng Decision

Process BOF (IPDECIDE)", /ietf/93jul/ipdecide-minutes-93jul.txt,

August 1993.

[Carpen94b] Carpenter, B, and J. Bound, "Recommendations for OSI NSAP

usage in IPv6", Work in Progress.

[Chiappa91] Chiappa, J., "A New IP Routing and Addressing

Architecture", Work in Progress.

[Clark91] Clark, D., Chapin, L., Cerf, V., Braden, R., and R. Hobby,

"Towards the Future Internet Architecture", RFC1287, MIT, BBN,

CNRI, ISI, UC Davis, December 1991.

[Deering92] Deering, S., "The Simple Internet Protocol", Big-Internet

mailing list, 22 Sept. 1992.

[Deering94a] Deering, S., and P. Francis, Message to sipp mailing

list, 31 May 1994.

[Estrin94b] Estrin, D., Zappala, D., Li, T., Rekhter, Y., and K.

Varadhan, "Source Demand Routing: Packet Format and Forwarding

Specification (Version 1)" Work in Progress.

[Fuller93] Fuller, V., Li, T., Yu, J., and K. Varadhan, "Classless

Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR): an Address Assignment and Aggregation

Strategy", RFC1519, BARRNet, cisco Systems, MERIT, OARnet,

September 1993.

[Gillig94c] Gilligan, B., "IPng Transition (ngtrans)", Work in


[Gross92} Gross, P., and P. Almquist, "IESG Deliberations on Routing

and Addressing", RFC1380, ANS, Stanford University, November


[Gross94] Gross, P. "A Direction for IPng", RFC1719, MCI, December


[Hinden92a] Hinden, R., "New Scheme for Internet Routing and

Addressing (ENCAPS)", Work in Progress.

[Hinden94b] Hinden, R., Deering, S., and P. Francis, "Simple Internet

Protocol Plus", Working Group Charter, April 1994.

[Hinden92b] Hinden, R., and D. Crocker, "A Proposal for IP Address

Encapsulation (IPAE): A Compatible version of IP with Large

Addresses", Work in Progress.

[Huston94] Huston, G., and A. Bansal, draft charter for the

"Transition and Coexistence Including Testing (TACIT) Working

Group, June 1994.

[Huitema93] Huitema, C., "IAB Recommendations for an Intermediate

Strategy to Address the Issue of Scaling", RFC1481, INRIA, July


[Huitema94] Huitema, C., "The H ratio for address assignment

efficiency", RFC1715, INRIA, October 1994.

[IAB92] Internet Architecture Board, "IP Version 7", Work in


[IAB94] Braden, R., Clark, D., Crocker, S., and C. Huitema, "Report

of IAB Workshop on Security in the Internet Architecture -

February 8-10, 1994", RFC1636, USC/Informaiton Sciences

Institute, MIT Laboratory for Computer Science, Trusted

Information Systems, Inc., INRIA, IAB Chair, June 1994.

[Kasten92] Kastenholz, F, and C. Partridge, "IPv7 Technical

Criteria", Work in Progress.

[Kasten94] Partridge, C., and F. Kastenholz, "Technical Criteria for

Choosing IP: The Next Generation (IPng)", RFC1726, BBN Systems

and Technologies, FTP Software, December 1994.

[Knopper94a] Knopper, M., and P. Ford, "TCP/UDP Over CLNP-Addressed

Networks (TUBA)", Working Group Charter, January 1994.

[Knopper94b] Knopper, M., and D. Piscitello, "Minutes of the BigTen

IPng Retreat, May 19 & 20 1994".

[Leiner93] Leiner, B., and Y. Rekhter, "The MultiProtocol Internet",

RFC1560, USRA, IBM, December 1993.

[Mankin94] Mankin, A., and S. Bradner, message to big-internet, tuba,

sipp, catnip and ietf mailing lists, 7 July 1994.

[Mills84] Mills, D. "Exterior Gateway Protocol Formal Specification",

RFC904, UDEL, April 1984.

[Mogul90] Mogul, J., and S. Deering, "Path MTU Discovery", RFC1191,

DECWRL, Stanford University, November 1990.

[Nat94] National Research Council, "Realizing the Information Future:

The Internet and Beyond", National Academy Press, 1994.

[Piscit94] Piscitello, D., "FTP Operation Over Big Address Records

(FOOBAR)", RFC1639, Core Competence, June 1994.

[Provan91] Provan, D., "Transmitting IP Traffic over ARCNET

Networks", RFC1051, Novell, February 1991.

[Postel94] Postel, J., Editor, "Internet Official Protocol

Standards", RFC1720, USC/Information Sciences Institute, November


[Solens93a] Solensky, F., and T. Li, "Charter for the Address

Lifetime Expectations Working Group", FTP Software, Cisco Systems,

November 1993.

[Solens93b] Solensky, F., "Minutes of the Address Lifetime

Expectations BOF (ALE)", Houston IETF, November 1993,


[Solens94] Solensky, F., "Minutes of the Address Lifetime

Expectations BOF (ALE)", Toronto IETF, July 1994, (ietf/ale/ale-


[Sukonnik94] Sukonnik, V., "Common Architecture for Next-Generation

IP (catnip), Working Group Charter, April 1994.

[Tsuchiya92] Tsuchiya, P., "The 'P' Internet Protocol", Work in


[Ullmann93] Ullmann, R., "TP/IX: The Next Internet", RFC1475,

Process Software Corporation, June 1993.

Appendix G - Acknowledgments

Reaching this stage of the recommendation would not have been even

vaguely possible without the efforts of many people. In particular,

the work of IPng Directorate (listed in Appendix B), Frank Kastenholz

and Craig Partridge (the authors of the Criteria document) along with

Jon Crowcroft (who co-chaired the ngreq BOF) was critical. The work

and cooperation of the chairs, members and document authors of the

three IPng proposal working groups, the ALE working group and the

TACIT working group laid the groundwork upon which this

recommendation sits.

We would also like to thank the many people who took the time to

respond to RFC1550 and who provided the broad understanding of the

many requirements of data networking that any proposal for an IPng

must address.

The members of the IESG, the IAB, and the always active participants

in the various mailing lists provided us with many insights into the

issues we faced.

Many other individuals gave us sometimes spirited but always useful

counsel during this process. They include (in no particular order)

Radia Perlman, Noel Chiappa, Peter Ford, Dave Crocker, Tony Li, Dave

Piscitello, Vint Cerf and Dan Lynch.

Thanks to David Williams and Cheryl Chapman who took on the

occasionally impossible task of ensuring that what is written here

resembles English to some degree.

To all of the many people mentioned above and those we have skipped

in our forgetfulness, thank you for making this task doable.

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