
RFC1864 - The Content-MD5 Header Field

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Network Working Group J. Myers

Request For Comments: 1864 Carnegie Mellon

Obsoletes: 1544 M. Rose

Dover Beach Consulting, Inc.

October 1995

The Content-MD5 Header Field

Status of this Memo

This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the

Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for

improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet

Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state

and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.


This memo specifies an optional header field, Content-MD5, for use

with MIME-conformant messages.

Table of Contents

1. IntrodUCtion .............................................. 1

2. Generation of the Content-MD5 Field ....................... 2

3. Processing the Content-MD5 field .......................... 3

4. Security Considerations ................................... 3

5. Acknowledgements .......................................... 3

6. References ................................................ 3

7. Authors' Addresses ........................................ 4

1. Introduction

Despite all of the mechanisms provided by MIME [1] which attempt to

protect data from being damaged in the course of email transport, it

is still desirable to have a mechanism for verifying that the data,

once decoded, are intact. For this reason, this memo defines the use

of an optional header field, Content-MD5, which may be used as a

message integrity check (MIC), to verify that the decoded data are

the same data that were initially sent. The Content-MD5 header may

also be placed in the encapsulated headers of an object of type

message/external-body, to be used to verify that the retreived and

decoded data are the same data that were initially referenced.

MD5 is an algorithm for computing a 128 bit "digest" of arbitrary-

length data, with a high degree of confidence that any alterations in

the data will be reflected in alterations in the digest. The MD5

algorithm itself is defined in [2]. This memo specifies how the

algorithm may be used as an integrity check for MIME mail.

2. Generation of the Content-MD5 Field

The Content-MD5 field is generated by only an originating user agent.

Message relays and gateways are eXPressly forbidden from generating a

Content-MD5 field.

Use of the Content-MD5 field is completely optional, but its use is

recommended whenever data integrity is desired, but Privacy-Enhanced

Mail services [3] are not available. (Consult Section 4 for further

details.) The Content-MD5 field may only be added to MIME entities of

a `leaf' nature, i.e., the Content-MD5 field may be used with any

content type other than multipart or message/rfc822.

To generate the value of the Content-MD5 field, the MD5 algorithm is

computed on the canonical form of the MIME entity's object. In

particular, this means that the sender applies the MD5 algorithm on

the data immediately after conversion to canonical form, before

applying any content-transfer-encoding, and that the receiver also

applies the MD5 algorithm on the canonical form, after undoing any

content-transfer-encoding. For textual data, this means the MD5

algorithm must be computed on data in which the canonical form for

newlines applies, that is, in which each newline is represented by a

CR-LF pair. The canonical encoding model of MIME is described in

Appendix G of [1].

The output of the MD5 algorithm is a 128 bit digest. When viewed in

network byte order (big-endian order), this yields a sequence of 16

octets of binary data. These 16 octets are then encoded according to

the base64 algorithm in order to oBTain the value that is placed in

the Content-MD5 field. Thus, if the application of the MD5 algorithm

over the raw data of a MIME entity results in a digest having the

(unlikely) value of "Check Integrity!", then that MIME entity's

header could contain the field

Content-MD5: Q2hlY2sgSW50ZWdyaXR5IQ==

Finally, as discussed in Appendix B of [1], textual data is regularly

altered in the normal delivery of mail. Because the addition or

deletion of trailing white space will result in a different digest,

either the quoted-printable or base64 algorithm should be employed as

a content-transfer-encoding when the Content-MD5 field is used.

3. Processing the Content-MD5 field

If the Content-MD5 field is present, a recipient user agent may

choose to use it to verify that the contents of a MIME entity have

not been modified during transport. Message relays and gateways are

expressly forbidden to alter their processing based on the presence

of the Content-MD5 field. However, a message gateway is allowed to

remove the Content-MD5 field if the corresponding MIME entity is

translated into a different content-type.

4. Security Considerations

This document specifies a data integrity service that protects data

from accidental modification while in transit from the sender to the

recipient. A secure data integrity service, such as that provided by

Privacy Enhanced Mail [3], is conjectured to protect data from all


5. Acknowledgements

This memo is based almost entirely on text originally written by

Nathaniel Borenstein of Bellcore. In addition, several improvements

were suggested by Keith Moore of the University of Tennessee,


6. References

[1] Borenstein, N., and N. Freed, "MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail

Extensions) Part One: Mechanisms for Specifying and Describing

the Format of Internet Message Bodies", RFC1521, Bellcore,

Innosoft, September 1993.

[2] Rivest, R., "The MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm", RFC1321, MIT

Laboratory for Computer Science and RSA Data Security, Inc.,

April 1992.

[3] Linn, J., "Privacy Enhancement for Internet Electronic Mail, Part

I: Message Encryption and Authentication Procedures", RFC1421,

IAB IRTF PSRG, IETF PEM WG, February 1993.

7. Authors' Addresses

John G. Myers

Carnegie Mellon University

EMail: jgm+@cmu.edu

Marshall T. Rose

Dover Beach Consulting, Inc.

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