
RFC1858 - Security Considerations for IP Fragment Filtering

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group G. Ziemba

Request for Comments: 1858 Alantec

Category: Informational D. Reed


P. Traina

cisco Systems

October 1995

Security Considerations for IP Fragment Filtering

Status of This Memo

This memo provides information for the Internet community. This memo

does not specify an Internet standard of any kind. Distribution of

this memo is unlimited.


IP fragmentation can be used to disguise TCP packets from IP filters

used in routers and hosts. This document describes two methods of

attack as well as remedies to prevent them.

1. Background

System administrators rely on manufacturers of networking equipment

to provide them with packet filters; these filters are used for

keeping attackers from Accessing private systems and information,

while permitting friendly agents to transfer data between private

nets and the Internet. For this reason, it is important for network

equipment vendors to anticipate possible attacks against their

equipment and to implement robust mechanisms to deflect sUCh attacks.

The growth of the global Internet has brought with it an increase in

"undesirable elements" manifested in antisocial behavior. Recent

months have seen the use of novel attacks on Internet hosts, which

have in some cases led to the compromise of sensitive data.

Increasingly sophisticated attackers have begun to eXPloit the more

suBTle ASPects of the Internet Protocol; fragmentation of IP packets,

an important feature in heterogeneous internetworks, poses several

potential problems which we explore here.

2. Filtering IP Fragments

IP packet filters on routers are designed with a user interface that

hides packet fragmentation from the administrator; conceptually, an

IP filter is applied to each IP packet as a complete entity.

One approach to fragment filtering, described by Mogul [1], involves

keeping track of the results of applying filter rules to the first

fragment (FO==0) and applying them to subsequent fragments of the

same packet. The filtering module would maintain a list of packets

indexed by the source address, destination address, protocol, and IP

ID. When the initial (FO==0) fragment is seen, if the MF bit is set,

a list item would be allocated to hold the result of filter access

checks. When packets with a non-zero FO come in, look up the list

element with a matching SA/DA/PROT/ID and apply the stored result

(pass or block). When a fragment with a zero MF bit is seen, free

the list element.

Although this method (or some refinement of it) might successfully

remove any trace of the offending whole packet, it has some

difficulties. Fragments that arrive out of order, possibly because

they traveled over different paths, violate one of the design

assumptions, and undesired fragments can leak through as a result.

Furthermore, if the filtering router lies on one of several parallel

paths, the filtering module will not see every fragment and cannot

guarantee complete fragment filtering in the case of packets that

should be dropped.

Fortunately, we do not need to remove all fragments of an offending

packet. Since "interesting" packet information is contained in the

headers at the beginning, filters are generally applied only to the

first fragment. Non-first fragments are passed without filtering,

because it will be impossible for the destination host to complete

reassembly of the packet if the first fragment is missing, and

therefore the entire packet will be discarded.

The Internet Protocol allows fragmentation of packets into pieces so

small as to be impractical because of data and computational

overhead. Attackers can sometimes exploit typical filter behavior

and the ability to create peculiar fragment sequences in order to

sneak otherwise disallowed packets past the filter. In normal

practice, such pathalogical fragmentation is never used, so it is

safe to drop these fragments without danger of preventing normal


3. Tiny Fragment Attack

With many IP implementations it is possible to impose an unusually

small fragment size on outgoing packets. If the fragment size is

made small enough to force some of a TCP packet's TCP header fields

into the second fragment, filter rules that specify patterns for

those fields will not match. If the filtering implementation does

not enforce a minimum fragment size, a disallowed packet might be

passed because it didn't hit a match in the filter.

STD 5, RFC791 states:

Every internet module must be able to forward a datagram of 68

octets without further fragmentation. This is because an internet

header may be up to 60 octets, and the minimum fragment is 8


Note that, for the purpose of security, it is not sufficient to

merely guarantee that a fragment contains at least 8 octets of data

beyond the IP header because important transport header information

(e.g., the CODE field of the TCP header) might be beyond the 8th data


3.1 Example of the Tiny Fragment Attack

In this example, the first fragment contains only eight octets of

data (the minimum fragment size). In the case of TCP, this is

sufficient to contain the source and destination port numbers, but

it will force the TCP flags field into the second fragment.

Filters that attempt to drop connection requests (TCP datagrams

having SYN=1 and ACK=0) will be unable to test these flags in the

first octet, and will typically ignore them in subsequent




+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+

... Fragment Offset = 0 ...

+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+



Source Port Destination Port


Sequence Number




+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+

... Fragment Offset = 1 ...

+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+



Acknowledgment Number



Offset Reserved RCssYI Window



3.2 Prevention of the Tiny Fragment Attack

In a router, one can prevent this sort of attack by enforcing

certain limits on fragments passing through, namely, that the

first fragment be large enough to contain all the necessary header


There are two ways to guarantee that the first fragment of a

"passed" packet includes all the required fields, one direct, the

other indirect.

3.2.1 Direct Method

There is some number TMIN which is the minimum length of a

transport header required to contain "interesting" fields

(i.e., fields whose values are significant to packet filters).

This length is measured from the beginning of the transport

header in the original unfragmented IP packet.

Note that TMIN is a function of the transport protocol involved

and also of the particular filters currently configured.

The direct method involves computing the length of the

transport header in each zero-offset fragment and comparing it

against TMIN. If the transport header length is less than

TMIN, the fragment is discarded. Non-zero-offset fragments

need not be checked because if the zero-offset fragment is

discarded, the destination host will be unable to complete

reassembly. So far we have:

if FO=0 and TRANSPORTLEN < tmin then


However, the "interesting" fields of the common transport

protocols, except TCP, lie in the first eight octets of the

transport header, so it isn't possible to push them into a

non-zero-offset fragment. Therefore, as of this writing, only

TCP packets are vulnerable to tiny-fragment attacks and the

test need not be applied to IP packets carrying other transport

protocols. A better version of the tiny fragment test might

therefore be:

if FO=0 and PROTOCOL=TCP and TRANSPORTLEN < tmin then


As discussed in the section on overlapping fragments below,

however, this test does not block all fragmentation attacks,

and is in fact unnecessary when a more general technique is


3.2.2 Indirect Method

The indirect method relies on the observation that when a TCP

packet is fragmented so as to force "interesting" header fields

out of the zero-offset fragment, there must exist a fragment

with FO equal to 1.

If a packet with FO==1 is seen, conversely, it could indicate

the presence, in the fragment set, of a zero-offset fragment

with a transport header length of eight octets Discarding this

one-offset fragment will block reassembly at the receiving host

and be as effective as the direct method described above.

4. Overlapping Fragment Attack

RFC791, the current IP protocol specification, describes a

reassembly algorithm that results in new fragments overwriting any

overlapped portions of previously-received fragments.

Given such a reassembly implementation, an attacker could construct a

series of packets in which the lowest (zero-offset) fragment would

contain innocuous data (and thereby be passed by administrative

packet filters), and in which some subsequent packet having a non-

zero offset would overlap TCP header information (destination port,

for instance) and cause it to be modified. The second packet would

be passed through most filter implementations because it does not

have a zero fragment offset.

RFC815 outlines an improved datagram reassembly algorithm, but it

concerns itself primarily with filling gaps during the reassembly

process. This RFCremains mute on the issue of overlapping


Thus, fully-compliant IP implementations are not guaranteed to be

immune to overlapping-fragment attacks. The 4.3 BSD reassembly

implementation takes care to avoid these attacks by forcing data from

lower-offset fragments to take precedence over data from higher-

offset fragments. However, not all IP implementations are based on

the original BSD code, and it is likely that some of them are


4.1 Example of the Overlapping Fragment Attack

In this example, fragments are large enough to satisfy the minimum

size requirements described in the previous section. The filter

is configured to drop TCP connection request packets.

The first fragment contains values, e.g., SYN=0, ACK=1, that

enable it to pass through the filter unharmed.

The second fragment, with a fragment offset of eight octets,

contains TCP Flags that differ from those given in the first

fragment, e.g., SYN=1, ACK=0. Since this second fragment is not a

0-offset fragment, it will not be checked, and it, too will pass

through the filter.

The receiving host, if it conforms fully to the algorithms given

in RFC791, will reconstitute the packet as a connection request

because the "bad" data arrived later.



+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+

... Fragment Offset = 0 ...

+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+



Source Port Destination Port


Sequence Number


Acknowledgment Number



Offset Reserved RCSSYI Window







(Other data)




+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+

... Fragment Offset = 1 ...

+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+



Acknowledgment Number



Offset Reserved RCSSYI Window







(Other data)


If the receiving host has a reassembly algorithm that prevents new

data from overwriting data received previously, we can send

Fragment 2 first, followed by Fragment 1, and accomplish the same

successful attack.

4.2 Prevention of the Overlapping Fragment Attack

Since no standard requires that an overlap-safe reassembly

algorithm be used, the potential vulnerability of hosts to this

attack is quite large.

By adopting a better strategy in a router's IP filtering code, one

can be assured of blocking this "attack". If the router's

filtering module enforces a minimum fragment offset for fragments

that have non-zero offsets, it can prevent overlaps in filter

parameter regions of the transport headers.

In the case of TCP, this minimum is sixteen octets, to ensure that

the TCP flags field is never contained in a non-zero-offset

fragment. If a TCP fragment has FO==1, it should be discarded

because it starts only eight octets into the transport header.

Conveniently, dropping FO==1 fragments also protects against the

tiny fragment attack, as discussed earlier.

RFC791 demands that an IP stack must be capable of passing an 8

byte IP data payload without further fragmentation (fragments sit

on 8 byte boundaries). Since an IP header can be up to 60 bytes

long (including options), this means that the minimum MTU on a

link should be 68 bytes.

A typical IP header is only 20 bytes long and can therefore carry

48 bytes of data. No one in the real world should EVER be

generating a TCP packet with FO=1, as it would require both that a

previous system fragmenting IP data down to the 8 byte minimum and

a 60 byte IP header.

A general algorithm, then, for ensuring that filters work in the

face of both the tiny fragment attack and the overlapping fragment

attack is:



If filtering based on fields in other transport protocol headers

is provided in a router, the minimum could be greater, depending

on the position of those fields in the header. In particular, if

filtering is permitted on data beyond the sixteenth octet of the

transport header, either because of a flexible user interface or

the implementation of filters for some new transport protocol,

dropping packets with FO==1 might not be sufficient.

5. Security Considerations

This memo is concerned entirely with the security implications of

filtering fragmented IP packets.

6. Acknowledgements

The attack scenarios described above grew from discussions that took

place on the firewalls mailing list during May of 1995. Participants

included: Darren Reed <avalon@coombs.anu.edu.au>, Tom Fitzgerald

<fitz@wang.com>, and Paul Traina <pst@cisco.com>.

7. References

[1] Mogul, J., "Simple and Flexible Datagram Access Controls for

Unix-based Gateways", Digital Equipment Corporation, March 1989.

[2] Postel, J., Editor, "Internet Protocol - DARPA Internet Program

Protocol Specification", STD 5, RFC791, USC/Information Sciences

Institute, September 1981.

[3] Postel, J., Editor, "Transmission Control Protocol - DARPA

Internet Program Protocol Specification", STD 7, RFC793,

USC/Information Sciences Institute, September 1981.

[4] Clark, D., "IP Datagram Reassembly Algorithms", RFC815, MIT

Laboratory for Computer Science/Computer Systems and

Communications Group, July 1982.

Authors' Addresses

G. Paul Ziemba


2115 O'Nel Drive

San Jose, CA 95131

EMail: paul@alantec.com

Darren Reed


1275A Malvern Rd

Melbourne, Vic 3144


EMail: darrenr@cyber.com.au

Paul Traina

cisco Systems, Inc.

170 W. Tasman Dr.

San Jose, CA 95028

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