
RFC1854 - SMTP Service Extension for Command Pipelining

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Network Working Group N. Freed

Request For Comments: 1854 Innosoft International, Inc.

Category: Standards Track A. Cargille, WG Chair

October 1995

SMTP Service Extension

for Command Pipelining

Status of this Memo

This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the

Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for

improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet

Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state

and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.


This memo defines an extension to the SMTP service whereby a server

can indicate the extent of its ability to accept multiple commands in

a single TCP send operation. Using a single TCP send operation for

multiple commands can improve SMTP performance significantly.


Although SMTP is widely and robustly deployed, certain extensions may

nevertheless prove useful. In particular, many parts of the Internet

make use of high latency network links.

SMTP's intrinsic one command-one response structure is significantly

penalized by high latency links, often to the point where the factors

contributing to overall connection time are dominated by the time

spent waiting for responses to individual commands (turnaround time).

In the best of all worlds it would be possible to simply deploy SMTP

client software that makes use of command pipelining: batching up

multiple commands into single TCP send operations. Unfortunately, the

original SMTP specification [1] did not eXPlicitly state that SMTP

servers must support this. As a result a non-trivial number of

Internet SMTP servers cannot adequately handle command pipelining.

Flaws known to exist in deployed servers include:

(1) Connection handoff and buffer flushes in the middle of

the SMTP dialogue. Creation of server processes for

incoming SMTP connections is a useful, obvious, and

harmless implementation technique. However, some SMTP

servers defer process forking and connection handoff

until some intermediate point in the SMTP dialogue.

When this is done material read from the TCP connection

and kept in process buffers can be lost.

(2) Flushing the TCP input buffer when an SMTP command

fails. SMTP commands often fail but there is no reason

to flush the TCP input buffer when this happens.

Nevertheless, some SMTP servers do this.

(3) Improper processing and promulgation of SMTP command

failures. For example, some SMTP servers will refuse to

accept a DATA command if the last RCPT TO command

fails, paying no attention to the success or failure of

prior RCPT TO command results. Other servers will

accept a DATA command even when all previous RCPT TO

commands have failed. Although it is possible to

accommodate this sort of behavior in a client that

employs command pipelining, it does complicate the

construction of the client unnecessarily.

This memo uses the mechanism described in [2] to define an extension

to the SMTP service whereby an SMTP server can declare that it is

capable of handling pipelined commands. The SMTP client can then

check for this declaration and use pipelining only when the server

declares itself capable of handling it.

1. Framework for the Command Pipelining Extension

The Command Pipelining extension is defined as follows:

(1) the name of the SMTP service extension is Pipelining;

(2) the EHLO keyWord value associated with the extension is


(3) no parameter is used with the PIPELINING EHLO keyword;

(4) no additional parameters are added to either the MAIL

FROM or RCPT TO commands.

(5) no additional SMTP verbs are defined by this extension;


(6) the next section specifies how support for the

extension affects the behavior of a server and client


2. The Pipelining Service Extension

When a client SMTP wishes to employ command pipelining, it first

issues the EHLO command to the server SMTP. If the server SMTP

responds with code 250 to the EHLO command, and the response includes

the EHLO keyword value PIPELINING, then the server SMTP has indicated

that it can accommodate SMTP command pipelining.

2.1. Client use of pipelining

Once the client SMTP has confirmed that support exists for the

pipelining extension, the client SMTP may then elect to transmit

groups of SMTP commands in batches without waiting for a response to

each individual command. In particular, the commands RSET, MAIL FROM,

SEND FROM, SOML FROM, SAML FROM, and RCPT TO can all appear anywhere

in a pipelined command group. The EHLO, DATA, VRFY, EXPN, TURN,

QUIT, and NOOP commands can only appear as the last command in a

group since their success or failure produces a change of state which

the client SMTP must accommodate. (NOOP is included in this group so

it can be used as a synchronization point.)

Additional commands added by other SMTP extensions may only appear as

the last command in a group unless otherwise specified by the

extensions that define the commands.

The actual transfer of message content is explicitly allowed to be

the first "command" in a group. That is, the RSET/MAIL FROM sequence

necessary to initiate a new message transaction can be placed in the

same group as the final transfer of the headers and body of the

previous message.

Client SMTP implementations that employ pipelining MUST check ALL

statuses associated with each command in a group. For example, if

none of the RCPT TO recipient addresses were accepted the client must

then check the response to the DATA command -- the client cannot

assume that the DATA command will be rejected just because none of

the RCPT TO commands worked. If the DATA command was properly

rejected the client SMTP can just issue RSET, but if the DATA command

was accepted the client SMTP should send a single dot.

Command statuses MUST be coordinated with responses by counting each

separate response and correlating that count with the number of

commands known to have been issued. Multiline responses MUST be

supported. Matching on the basis of either the error code value or

associated text is expressly forbidden.

Client SMTP implementations MAY elect to operate in a nonblocking

fashion, processing server responses immediately upon receipt, even

if there is still data pending transmission from the client's

previous TCP send operation. If nonblocking operation is not

supported, however, client SMTP implementations MUST also check the

TCP window size and make sure that each group of commands fits

entirely within the window. The window size is usually, but not

always, 4K octets. Failure to perform this check can lead to

deadlock conditions.

Clients MUST NOT confuse responses to multiple commands with

multiline responses. Each command requires one or more lines of

response, the last line not containing a dash between the response

code and the response string.

2.2. Server support of pipelining

A server SMTP implementation that offers the pipelining extension:

(1) MUST NOT flush or otherwise lose the contents of the

TCP input buffer under any circumstances whatsoever.

(2) SHOULD issue a positive response to the DATA command if

and only if one or more valid RCPT TO addresses have

been previously received.

(3) MUST NOT, after issuing a positive response to a DATA

command with no valid recipients and subsequently

receiving an empty message, send any message whatsoever

to anybody.

(4) SHOULD elect to store responses to grouped RSET, MAIL


commands in an internal buffer so they can sent as a


(5) MUST NOT buffer responses to EHLO, DATA, VRFY, EXPN,


(6) MUST NOT buffer responses to unrecognized commands.

(7) MUST send all pending responses immediately whenever

the local TCP input buffer is emptied.

(8) MUST NOT make assumptions about commands that are yet

to be received.

(9) SHOULD issue response text that indicates, either

implicitly or explicitly, what command the response


The overriding intent of these server requirements is to make it as

easy as possible for servers to conform to these pipelining


3. Examples

Consider the following SMTP dialogue that does not use pipelining:

S: <wait for open connection>

C: <open connection to server>

S: 220 innosoft.com SMTP service ready

C: HELO dbc.mtview.ca.us

S: 250 innosoft.com

C: MAIL FROM:<mrose@dbc.mtview.ca.us>

S: 250 sender <mrose@dbc.mtview.ca.us> OK

C: RCPT TO:<ned@innosoft.com>

S: 250 recipient <ned@innosoft.com> OK

C: RCPT TO:<dan@innosoft.com>

S: 250 recipient <dan@innosoft.com> OK

C: RCPT TO:<kvc@innosoft.com>

S: 250 recipient <kvc@innosoft.com> OK


S: 354 enter mail, end with line containing only "."


C: .

S: 250 message sent


S: 221 goodbye

The client waits for a server response a total of 9 times in this

simple example. But if pipelining is employed the following dialogue

is possible:

S: <wait for open connection>

C: <open connection to server>

S: 220 innosoft.com SMTP service ready

C: EHLO dbc.mtview.ca.us

S: 250-innosoft.com


C: MAIL FROM:<mrose@dbc.mtview.ca.us>

C: RCPT TO:<ned@innosoft.com>

C: RCPT TO:<dan@innosoft.com>

C: RCPT TO:<kvc@innosoft.com>


S: 250 sender <mrose@dbc.mtview.ca.us> OK

S: 250 recipient <ned@innosoft.com> OK

S: 250 recipient <dan@innosoft.com> OK

S: 250 recipient <kvc@innosoft.com> OK

S: 354 enter mail, end with line containing only "."


C: .


S: 250 message sent

S: 221 goodbye

The total number of turnarounds has been reduced from 9 to 4.

The next example illustrates one possible form of behavior when

pipelining is used and all recipients are rejected:

S: <wait for open connection>

C: <open connection to server>

S: 220 innosoft.com SMTP service ready

C: EHLO dbc.mtview.ca.us

S: 250-innosoft.com


C: MAIL FROM:<mrose@dbc.mtview.ca.us>

C: RCPT TO:<nsb@thumper.bellcore.com>

C: RCPT TO:<galvin@tis.com>


S: 250 sender <mrose@dbc.mtview.ca.us> OK

S: 550 remote mail to <nsb@thumper.bellore.com> not allowed

S: 550 remote mail to <galvin@tis.com> not allowed

S: 554 no valid recipients given


S: 221 goodbye

The client SMTP waits for the server 4 times here as well. If the

server SMTP does not check for at least one valid recipient prior to

accepting the DATA command, the following dialogue would result:

S: <wait for open connection>

C: <open connection to server>

S: 220 innosoft.com SMTP service ready

C: EHLO dbc.mtview.ca.us

S: 250-innosoft.com


C: MAIL FROM:<mrose@dbc.mtview.ca.us>

C: RCPT TO:<nsb@thumper.bellcore.com>

C: RCPT TO:<galvin@tis.com>


S: 250 sender <mrose@dbc.mtview.ca.us> OK

S: 550 remote mail to <nsb@thumper.bellore.com> not allowed

S: 550 remote mail to <galvin@tis.com> not allowed

S: 354 enter mail, end with line containing only "."

C: .


S: 554 no valid recipients

S: 221 goodbye

4. Security Considerations

This RFCdoes not discuss security issues and is not believed to

raise any security issues not endemic in electronic mail and present

in fully conforming implementations of [1].

5. Acknowledgements

This document is based on the SMTP service extension model presented

in RFC1425. Marshall Rose's description of SMTP command pipelining

in his book "The Internet Message" also served as a source of

inspiration for this extension.

6. References

[1] Postel, J., "Simple Mail Transfer Protocol", STD 10

RFC821, USC/Information Sciences Institute, August


[2] Klensin, J., Freed, N., Rose, M., Stefferud, E.,

and D. Crocker, "SMTP Service Extensions", RFC1651,

MCI, Innosoft, Dover Beach Consulting, Inc.,

Network Management Associates, Inc., Silicon Graphics,

Inc., July 1994.

7. Author's Address

Ned Freed

Innosoft International, Inc.

1050 East Garvey Avenue South

West Covina, CA 91790


Phone: +1 818 919 3600

Fax: +1 818 919 3614

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