
RFC1910 - User-based Security Model for SNMPv2

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group G. Waters, Editor

Request for Comments: 1910 Bell-Northern Research Ltd.

Category: EXPerimental February 1996

User-based Security Model for SNMPv2

Status of this Memo

This memo defines an Experimental Protocol for the Internet

community. This memo does not specify an Internet standard of any

kind. Discussion and suggestions for improvement are requested.

Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Table of Contents

1. IntrodUCtion ................................................ 2

1.1 Threats .................................................... 3

1.2 Goals and Constraints ...................................... 4

1.3 Security Services .......................................... 5

1.4 Mechanisms ................................................. 5

1.4.1 Digest Authentication Protocol ........................... 7

1.4.2 Symmetric Encryption Protocol ............................ 8

2. Elements of the Model ....................................... 10

2.1 SNMPv2 Users ............................................... 10

2.2 Contexts and Context Selectors ............................. 11

2.3 Quality of Service (qoS) ................................... 13

2.4 Access Policy .............................................. 13

2.5 Replay Protection .......................................... 13

2.5.1 agentID .................................................. 14

2.5.2 agentBoots and agentTime ................................. 14

2.5.3 Time Window .............................................. 15

2.6 Error Reporting ............................................ 15

2.7 Time Synchronization ....................................... 16

2.8 Proxy Error Propagation .................................... 16

2.9 SNMPv2 Messages Using this Model ........................... 16

2.10 Local Configuration Datastore (LCD) ....................... 18

3. Elements of Procedure ....................................... 19

3.1 Generating a Request or Notification ....................... 19

3.2 Processing a Received Communication ........................ 20

3.2.1 Additional Details ....................................... 28 ASN.1 Parsing Errors ................................... 28 Incorrectly Encoded Parameters ......................... 29 Generation of a Report PDU ............................. 29 Cache Timeout .......................................... 29

3.3 Generating a Response ...................................... 30

4. Discovery ................................................... 30

5. Definitions ................................................. 31

4.1 The USEC Basic Group ....................................... 32

4.2 Conformance Information .................................... 35

4.2.1 Compliance Statements .................................... 35

4.2.2 Units of Conformance ..................................... 35

6. Security Considerations ..................................... 36

6.1 Recommended Practices ...................................... 36

6.2 Defining Users ............................................. 37

6.3 Conformance ................................................ 38

7. Editor's Address ............................................ 38

8. Acknowledgements ............................................ 39

9. References .................................................. 39

Appendix A Installation ........................................ 41

Appendix A.1 Agent Installation Parameters ..................... 41

Appendix A.2 PassWord to Key Algorithm ......................... 43

Appendix A.3 Password to Key Sample ............................ 44

1. Introduction

A management system contains: several (potentially many) nodes, each

with a processing entity, termed an agent, which has access to

management instrumentation; at least one management station; and, a

management protocol, used to convey management information between

the agents and management stations. Operations of the protocol are

carried out under an administrative framework which defines

authentication, authorization, access control, and privacy policies.

Management stations execute management applications which monitor and

control managed elements. Managed elements are devices such as

hosts, routers, terminal servers, etc., which are monitored and

controlled via access to their management information.

The Administrative Infrastructure for SNMPv2 document [1] defines an

administrative framework which realizes effective management in a

variety of configurations and environments.

In this administrative framework, a security model defines the

mechanisms used to achieve an administratively-defined level of

security for protocol interactions. Although many such security

models might be defined, it is the purpose of this document, User-

based Security Model for SNMPv2, to define the first, and, as of this

writing, only, security model for this administrative framework.

This administrative framework includes the provision of an access

control model. The enforcement of access rights requires the means

to identify the entity on whose behalf a request is generated. This

SNMPv2 security model identifies an entity on whose behalf an SNMPv2

message is generated as a "user".

1.1. Threats

Several of the classical threats to network protocols are applicable

to the network management problem and therefore would be applicable

to any SNMPv2 security model. Other threats are not applicable to

the network management problem. This section discusses principal

threats, secondary threats, and threats which are of lesser


The principal threats against which this SNMPv2 security model should

provide protection are:

Modification of Information

The modification threat is the danger that some unauthorized entity

may alter in-transit SNMPv2 messages generated on behalf of an

authorized user in such a way as to effect unauthorized management

operations, including falsifying the value of an object.


The masquerade threat is the danger that management operations not

authorized for some user may be attempted by assuming the identity

of another user that has the appropriate authorizations.

Two secondary threats are also identified. The security protocols

defined in this memo do provide protection against:

Message Stream Modification

The SNMPv2 protocol is typically based upon a connectionless

transport service which may operate over any subnetwork service.

The re-ordering, delay or replay of messages can and does occur

through the natural operation of many such subnetwork services.

The message stream modification threat is the danger that messages

may be maliciously re-ordered, delayed or replayed to an extent

which is greater than can occur through the natural operation of a

subnetwork service, in order to effect unauthorized management



The disclosure threat is the danger of eavesdropping on the

exchanges between managed agents and a management station.

Protecting against this threat may be required as a matter of local


There are at least two threats that an SNMPv2 security protocol need

not protect against. The security protocols defined in this memo do

not provide protection against:

Denial of Service

An SNMPv2 security protocol need not attempt to address the broad

range of attacks by which service on behalf of authorized users is

denied. Indeed, such denial-of-service attacks are in many cases

indistinguishable from the type of network failures with which any

viable network management protocol must cope as a matter of course.

Traffic Analysis

In addition, an SNMPv2 security protocol need not attempt to

address traffic analysis attacks. Indeed, many traffic patterns

are predictable - agents may be managed on a regular basis by a

relatively small number of management stations - and therefore

there is no significant advantage afforded by protecting against

traffic analysis.

1.2. Goals and Constraints

Based on the foregoing account of threats in the SNMP network

management environment, the goals of this SNMPv2 security model are

as follows.

(1) The protocol should provide for verification that each received

SNMPv2 message has not been modified during its transmission

through the network in such a way that an unauthorized management

operation might result.

(2) The protocol should provide for verification of the identity of the

user on whose behalf a received SNMPv2 message claims to have been


(3) The protocol should provide for detection of received SNMPv2

messages, which request or contain management information, whose

time of generation was not recent.

(4) The protocol should provide, when necessary, that the contents of

each received SNMPv2 message are protected from disclosure.

In addition to the principal goal of supporting secure network

management, the design of this SNMPv2 security model is also

influenced by the following constraints:

(1) When the requirements of effective management in times of network

stress are inconsistent with those of security, the design should

prefer the former.

(2) Neither the security protocol nor its underlying security

mechanisms should depend upon the ready availability of other

network services (e.g., Network Time Protocol (NTP) or key

management protocols).

(3) A security mechanism should entail no changes to the basic SNMP

network management philosophy.

1.3. Security Services

The security services necessary to support the goals of an SNMPv2

security model are as follows.

Data Integrity

is the provision of the property that data has not been altered or

destroyed in an unauthorized manner, nor have data sequences been

altered to an extent greater than can occur non-maliciously.

Data Origin Authentication

is the provision of the property that the claimed identity of the

user on whose behalf received data was originated is corroborated.

Data Confidentiality

is the provision of the property that information is not made

available or disclosed to unauthorized individuals, entities, or


For the protocols specified in this memo, it is not possible to

assure the specific originator of a received SNMPv2 message; rather,

it is the user on whose behalf the message was originated that is


For these protocols, it not possible to oBTain data integrity without

data origin authentication, nor is it possible to obtain data origin

authentication without data integrity. Further, there is no

provision for data confidentiality without both data integrity and

data origin authentication.

The security protocols used in this memo are considered acceptably

secure at the time of writing. However, the procedures allow for new

authentication and privacy methods to be specified at a future time

if the need arises.

1.4. Mechanisms

The security protocols defined in this memo employ several types of

mechanisms in order to realize the goals and security services

described above:

- In support of data integrity, a message digest algorithm is

required. A digest is calculated over an appropriate portion of an

SNMPv2 message and included as part of the message sent to the


- In support of data origin authentication and data integrity, a

secret value is both inserted into, and appended to, the SNMPv2

message prior to computing the digest; the inserted value

overwritten prior to transmission, and the appended value is not

transmitted. The secret value is shared by all SNMPv2 entities

authorized to originate messages on behalf of the appropriate user.

- To protect against the threat of message delay or replay (to an

extent greater than can occur through normal operation), a set of

time (at the agent) indicators and a request-id are included in

each message generated. An SNMPv2 agent evaluates the time

indicators to determine if a received message is recent. An SNMPv2

manager evaluates the time indicators to ensure that a received

message is at least as recent as the last message it received from

the same source. An SNMPv2 manager uses received authentic

messages to advance its notion of time (at the agent). An SNMPv2

manager also evaluates the request-id in received Response messages

and discards messages which do not correspond to outstanding


These mechanisms provide for the detection of messages whose time

of generation was not recent in all but one circumstance; this

circumstance is the delay or replay of a Report message (sent to a

manager) when the manager has has not recently communicated with

the source of the Report message. In this circumstance, the

detection guarantees only that the Report message is more recent

than the last communication between source and destination of the

Report message. However, Report messages do not request or contain

management information, and thus, goal #3 in Section 1.2 above is

met; further, Report messages can at most cause the manager to

advance its notion of time (at the agent) by less than the proper


This protection against the threat of message delay or replay does

not imply nor provide any protection against unauthorized deletion

or suppression of messages. Other mechanisms defined independently

of the security protocol can also be used to detect the re-

ordering, replay, deletion, or suppression of messages containing

set operations (e.g., the MIB variable snmpSetSerialNo [15]).

- In support of data confidentiality, an encryption algorithm is

required. An appropriate portion of the message is encrypted prior

to being transmitted.

1.4.1. Digest Authentication Protocol

The Digest Authentication Protocol defined in this memo provides for:

- verifying the integrity of a received message (i.e., the message

received is the message sent).

The integrity of the message is protected by computing a digest

over an appropriate portion of a message. The digest is computed

by the originator of the message, transmitted with the message, and

verified by the recipient of the message.

- verifying the user on whose behalf the message was generated.

A secret value known only to SNMPv2 entities authorized to generate

messages on behalf of this user is both inserted into, and appended

to, the message prior to the digest computation. Thus, the

verification of the user is implicit with the verification of the

digest. (Note that the use of two copies of the secret, one near

the start and one at the end, is recommended by [14].)

- verifying that a message sent to/from one SNMPv2 entity cannot be

replayed to/as-if-from another SNMPv2 entity.

Included in each message is an identifier unique to the SNMPv2

agent associated with the sender or intended recipient of the

message. Also, each message containing a Response PDU contains a

request-id which associates the message to a recently generated


A Report message sent by one SNMPv2 agent to one SNMPv2 manager can

potentially be replayed to another SNMPv2 manager. However, Report

messages do not request or contain management information, and

thus, goal #3 in Section 1.2 above is met; further, Report messages

can at most cause the manager to advance its notion of time (at the

agent) by less than the correct amount.

- detecting messages which were not recently generated.

A set of time indicators are included in the message, indicating

the time of generation. Messages (other than those containing

Report PDUs) without recent time indicators are not considered

authentic. In addition, messages containing Response PDUs have a

request-id; if the request-id does not match that of a recently

generated request, then the message is not considered to be


A Report message sent by an SNMPv2 agent can potentially be

replayed at a later time to an SNMPv2 manager which has not

recently communicated with that agent. However, Report messages do

not request or contain management information, and thus, goal #3 in

Section 1.2 above is met; further, Report messages can at most

cause the manager to advance its notion of time (at the agent) by

less than the correct amount.

This protocol uses the MD5 [3] message digest algorithm. A 128-bit

digest is calculated over the designated portion of an SNMPv2 message

and included as part of the message sent to the recipient. The size

of both the digest carried in a message and the private

authentication key is 16 octets.

This memo allows the same user to be defined on multiple SNMPv2

agents and managers. Each SNMPv2 agent maintains a value, agentID,

which uniquely identifies the agent. This value is included in each

message sent to/from that agent. Messages sent from a SNMPv2 dual-

role entity [1] to a SNMPv2 manager include the agentID value

maintained by the dual-role entity's agent. On receipt of a message,

an agent checks the value to ensure it is the intended recipient, and

a manager uses the value to ensure that the message is processed

using the correct state information.

Each SNMPv2 agent maintains two values, agentBoots and agentTime,

which taken together provide an indication of time at that agent.

Both of these values are included in an authenticated message sent

to/received from that agent. Authenticated messages sent from a

SNMPv2 dual-role entity to a SNMPv2 manager include the agentBoots

and agentTime values maintained by the dual-role entity's agent. On

receipt, the values are checked to ensure that the indicated time is

within a time window of the current time. The time window represents

an administrative upper bound on acceptable delivery delay for

protocol messages.

For an SNMPv2 manager to generate a message which an agent will

accept as authentic, and to verify that a message received from that

agent is authentic, that manager must first achieve time

synchronization with that agent. Similarly, for a manger to verify

that a message received from an SNMPv2 dual-role entity is authentic,

that manager must first achieve time synchronization with the dual-

role entity's agent.

1.4.2. Symmetric Encryption Protocol

The Symmetric Encryption Protocol defined in this memo provides

support for data confidentiality through the use of the Data

Encryption Standard (DES) in the Cipher Block Chaining mode of

operation. The designated portion of an SNMPv2 message is encrypted

and included as part of the message sent to the recipient.

Two organizations have published specifications defining the DES: the

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) [5] and the

American National Standards Institute [6]. There is a companion

Modes of Operation specification for each definition (see [7] and

[8], respectively).

The NIST has published three additional documents that implementors

may find useful.

- There is a document with guidelines for implementing and using the

DES, including functional specifications for the DES and its modes

of operation [9].

- There is a specification of a validation test suite for the DES

[10]. The suite is designed to test all ASPects of the DES and is

useful for pinpointing specific problems.

- There is a specification of a maintenance test for the DES [11].

The test utilizes a minimal amount of data and processing to test

all components of the DES. It provides a simple yes-or-no

indication of correct operation and is useful to run as part of an

initialization step, e.g., when a computer reboots.

This Symmetric Encryption Protocol specifies that the size of the

privacy key is 16 octets, of which the first 8 octets are a DES key

and the second 8 octets are a DES Initialization Vector. The 64-bit

DES key in the first 8 octets of the private key is a 56 bit quantity

used directly by the algorithm plus 8 parity bits - arranged so that

one parity bit is the least significant bit of each octet. The

setting of the parity bits is ignored by this protocol.

The length of an octet sequence to be encrypted by the DES must be an

integral multiple of 8. When encrypting, the data is padded at the

end as necessary; the actual pad value is irrelevant.

If the length of the octet sequence to be decrypted is not an

integral multiple of 8 octets, the processing of the octet sequence

is halted and an appropriate exception noted. When decrypting, the

padding is ignored.

2. Elements of the Model

This section contains definitions required to realize the security

model defined by this memo.

2.1. SNMPv2 Users

Management operations using this security model make use of a defined

set of user identities. For any SNMPv2 user on whose behalf

management operations are authorized at a particular SNMPv2 agent,

that agent must have knowledge of that user. A SNMPv2 manager that

wishes to communicate with a particular agent must also have

knowledge of a user known to that agent, including knowledge of the

applicable attributes of that user. Similarly, a SNMPv2 manager that

wishes to receive messages from a SNMPv2 dual-role entity must have

knowledge of the user on whose behalf the dual-role entity sends the


A user and its attributes are defined as follows:


An octet string representing the name of the user.


An indication of whether messages sent on behalf of this user can

be authenticated, and if so, the type of authentication protocol

which is used. One such protocol is defined in this memo: the

Digest Authentication Protocol.


If messages sent on behalf of this user can be authenticated, the

(private) authentication key for use with the authentication

protocol. Note that a user's authentication key will normally be

different at different agents.


An indication of whether messages sent on behalf of this user can

be protected from disclosure, and if so, the type of privacy

protocol which is used. One such protocol is defined in this memo:

the Symmetric Encryption Protocol.


If messages sent on behalf of this user can be protected from

disclosure, the (private) privacy key for use with the privacy

protocol. Note that a user's privacy key will normally be

different at different agents.

2.2. Contexts and Context Selectors

An SNMPv2 context is a collection of management information

accessible (locally or via proxy) by an SNMPv2 agent. An item of

management information may exist in more than one context. An SNMPv2

agent potentially has access to many contexts. Each SNMPv2 message

contains a context selector which unambiguously identifies an SNMPv2

context accessible by the SNMPv2 agent to which the message is

directed or by the SNMPv2 agent associated with the sender of the


For a local SNMPv2 context which is realized by an SNMPv2 entity,

that SNMPv2 entity uses locally-defined mechanisms to access the

management information identified by the SNMPv2 context.

For a proxy SNMPv2 context, the SNMPv2 entity acts as a proxy SNMPv2

agent to access the management information identified by the SNMPv2


The term remote SNMPv2 context is used at an SNMPv2 manager to

indicate a SNMPv2 context (either local or proxy) which is not

realized by the local SNMPv2 entity (i.e., the local SNMPv2 entity

uses neither locally-defined mechanisms, nor acts as a proxy SNMPv2

agent to access the management information identified by the SNMPv2


Proxy SNMPv2 contexts are further categorized as either local-proxy

contexts or remote-proxy contexts. A proxy SNMPv2 agent receives

Get/GetNext/GetBulk/Set operations for a local-proxy context, and

forwards them with a remote-proxy context; it receives SNMPv2-Trap

and Inform operations for a remote-proxy context, and forwards them

with a local-proxy context; for Response operations, a proxy SNMPv2

agent receives them with either a local-proxy or remote-proxy

context, and forwards them with a remote-proxy or local-proxy

context, respectively.

For the non-proxy situation:


Manager <----------------> Agent

the type of context is:




Manager remote


Agent local


agentID of Agent


contextSelector locally unique


For proxy:

context-B context-C

Manager <----------------> Proxy <----------------> Agent


the type and identity of the contexts are:


context-B context-C


Manager remote --


Proxy-Agent local-proxy remote-proxy


Agent -- local


agentID of Proxy agent of Agent


contextSelector locally unique locally unique


The combination of an agentID value and a context selector provides a

globally-unique identification of a context. When a context is

accessible by multiple agents (e.g., including by proxy SNMPv2

agents), it has multiple such globally-unique identifications, one

associated with each agent which can access it. In the example above,

"context-B" and "context-C" are different names for the same context.

2.3. Quality of Service (qoS)

Messages are generated with a particular Quality of Service (qoS),


- without authentication and privacy,

- with authentication but not privacy,

- with authentication and privacy.

All users are capable of having messages without authentication and

privacy generated on their behalf. Users having an authentication

protocol and an authentication key can have messages with

authentication but not privacy generated on their behalf. Users

having an authentication protocol, an authentication key, a privacy

protocol and a privacy key can have messages with authentication and

privacy generated on their behalf.

In addition to its indications of authentication and privacy, the qoS

may also indicate that the message contains an operation that may

result in a report PDU being generated (see Section 2.6 below).

2.4. Access Policy

An administration's access policy determines the access rights of

users. For a particular SNMPv2 context to which a user has access

using a particular qoS, that user's access rights are given by a list

of authorized operations, and for a local context, a read-view and a

write-view. The read-view is the set of object instances authorized

for the user when reading objects. Reading objects occurs when

processing a retrieval (get, get-next, get-bulk) operation and when

sending a notification. The write-view is the set of object

instances authorized for the user when writing objects. Writing

objects occurs when processing a set operation. A user's access

rights may be different at different agents.

2.5. Replay Protection

Each SNMPv2 agent (or dual-role entity) maintains three objects:

- agentID, which is an identifier unique among all agents in (at

least) an administrative domain;

- agentBoots, which is a count of the number of times the agent has

rebooted/re-initialized since agentID was last configured; and,

- agentTime, which is the number of seconds since agentBoots was last


An SNMPv2 agent is always authoritative with respect to these

variables. It is the responsibility of an SNMPv2 manager to

synchronize with the agent, as appropriate. In the case of an SNMPv2

dual-role entity sending an Inform-Request, it is that entity acting

in an agent role which is authoritative with respect to these

variables for the Inform-Request.

An agent is required to maintain the values of agentID and agentBoots

in non-volatile storage.

2.5.1. agentID

The agentID value contained in an authenticated message is used to

defeat attacks in which messages from a manager are replayed to a

different agent and/or messages from one agent (or dual-role entity)

are replayed as if from a different agent (or dual-role entity).

When an agent (or dual-role entity) is first installed, it sets its

local value of agentID according to a enterprise-specific algorithm

(see the definition of agentID in Section 4.1).

2.5.2. agentBoots and agentTime

The agentBoots and agentTime values contained in an authenticated

message are used to defeat attacks in which messages are replayed

when they are no longer valid. Through use of agentBoots and

agentTime, there is no requirement for an SNMPv2 agent to have a

non-volatile clock which ticks (i.e., increases with the passage of

time) even when the agent is powered off. Rather, each time an

SNMPv2 agent reboots, it retrieves, increments, and then stores

agentBoots in non-volatile storage, and resets agentTime to zero.

When an agent (or dual-role entity) is first installed, it sets its

local values of agentBoots and agentTime to zero. If agentTime ever

reaches its maximum value (2147483647), then agentBoots is

incremented as if the agent has rebooted and agentTime is reset to

zero and starts incrementing again.

Each time an agent (or dual-role entity) reboots, any SNMPv2 managers

holding that agent's values of agentBoots and agentTime need to re-

synchronize prior to sending correctly authenticated messages to that

agent (see Section 2.7 for re-synchronization procedures). Note,

however, that the procedures do provide for a notification to be

accepted as authentic by a manager, when sent by an agent which has

rebooted since the manager last re-synchronized.

If an agent (or dual-role entity) is ever unable to determine its

latest agentBoots value, then it must set its agentBoots value to


Whenever the local value of agentBoots has the value 0xffffffff, it

latches at that value and an authenticated message always causes an

usecStatsNotInWindows authentication failure.

In order to reset an agent whose agentBoots value has reached the

value 0xffffffff, manual intervention is required. The agent must be

physically visited and re-configured, either with a new agentID

value, or with new secret values for the authentication and privacy

keys of all users known to that agent.

2.5.3. Time Window

The Time Window is a value that specifies the window of time in which

a message generated on behalf of any user is valid. This memo

specifies that the same value of the Time Window, 150 seconds, is

used for all users.

2.6. Error Reporting

While processing a received communication, an SNMPv2 entity may

determine that the message is unacceptable (see Section 3.2). In

this case, the appropriate counter from the snmpGroup [15] or

usecStatsGroup object groups is incremented and the received message

is discarded without further processing.

If an SNMPv2 entity acting in the agent role makes such a

determination and the qoS indicates that a report may be generated,

then after incrementing the appropriate counter, it is required to

generate a message containing a report PDU, with the same user and

context as the received message, and to send it to the transport

address which originated the received message. For all report PDUs,

except those generated due to incrementing the usecStatsNotInWindows

counter, the report PDU is unauthenticated. For those generated due

to incrementing usecStatsNotInWindows, the report PDU is

authenticated only if the received message was authenticated.

The report flag in the qoS may only be set if the message contains a

Get, GetNext, GetBulk, Set operation. The report flag should never

be set for a message that contains a Response, Inform, SNMPv2-Trap or

Report operation. Furthermore, a report PDU is never sent by an

SNMPv2 entity acting in a manager role.

2.7. Time Synchronization

Time synchronization, required by a management entity in order to

proceed with authentic communications, has occurred when the

management entity has obtained local values of agentBoots and

agentTime from the agent that are within the agent's time window. To

remain synchronized, the local values must remain within the agent's

time window and thus must be kept loosely synchronized with the

values stored at the agent. In addition to keeping a local version

of agentBoots and agentTime, a manager must also keep one other local

variable, latestReceivedAgentTime. This value records the highest

value of agentTime that was received by the manager from the agent

and is used to eliminate the possibility of replaying messages that

would prevent the manager's notion of the agentTime from advancing.

Time synchronization occurs as part of the procedures of receiving a

message (Section 3.2, step 9d). As such, no explicit time

synchronization procedure is required by a management entity. Note,

that whenever the local value of agentID is changed (e.g., through

discovery) or when a new secret is configured, the local values of

agentBoots and latestReceivedAgentTime should be set to zero. This

will cause the time synchronization to occur when the next authentic

message is received.

2.8. Proxy Error Propagation

When a proxy SNMPv2 agent receives a report PDU from a proxied agent

and it is determined that a proxy-forwarded request cannot be

delivered to the proxied agent, then the snmpProxyDrops counter [15]

is incremented and a report PDU is generated and transmitted to the

transport address from which the original request was received.

(Note that the receipt of a report PDU containing snmpProxyDrops as a

VarBind, is included among the reasons why a proxy-forwarded request

cannot be delivered.)

2.9. SNMPv2 Messages Using this Model

The syntax of an SNMPv2 message using this security model differs

from that of an SNMPv1 [2] message as follows:

- The version component is changed to 2.

- The data component contains either a PDU or an OCTET STRING

containing an encrypted PDU.

The SNMPv1 community string is now termed the "parameters" component

and contains a set of administrative information for the message.

Only the PDU is protected from disclosure by the privacy protocol.

This exposes the administrative information to eavesdroppers.

However, malicious use of this information is considered to be a

Traffic Analysis attack against which protection is not provided.

For an authenticated SNMPv2 message, the message digest is applied to

the entire message given to the transport service. As such, message

generation first privatizes the PDU, then adds the message wrapper,

and then authenticates the message.

An SNMPv2 message is an ASN.1 value with the following syntax:

Message ::=



INTEGER { v2 (2) },



-- <model=1>

-- <qoS><agentID><agentBoots><agentTime><maxSize>

-- <userLen><userName><authLen><authDigest>

-- <contextSelector>











a concatenation of the following values in network-byte order. If

the first octet (<model>) is one, then

<qoS> = 8-bits of quality-of-service


7654 3210 meaning

---- ---- --------------------------------

.... ..00 no authentication nor privacy

.... ..01 authentication, no privacy

.... ..1. authentication and privacy

.... .1.. generation of report PDU allowed

where bit 7 is the most significant bit.

<agentID> = 12 octets

a unique identifier for the agent (or dual-role entity).

<agentBoots> = 32-bits

an unsigned quantity (0..4294967295) in network-byte order.

<agentTime> = 32-bits

an unsigned quantity (0..2147483647) in network-byte order.

<maxSize> = 16-bits

an unsigned quantity (484..65507) in network-byte order, which

identifies the maximum message size which the sender of this

message can receive using the same transport domain as used

for this message.

<userLen> = 1 octet

the length of following <userName> field.

<userName> = 1..16 arbitrary octets

the user on whose behalf this message is sent.

<authLen> = 1 octet

the length of following <authDigest> field.

<authDigest> = 0..255 octets

for authenticated messages, the authentication digest.

Otherwise, the value has zero-length on transmission and is

ignored on receipt.

<contextSelector> = 0..40 arbitrary octets

the context selector which in combination with agentID

identifies the SNMPv2 context containing the management

information referenced by the SNMPv2 message.


an SNMPv2 PDU as defined in [12].


the encrypted form of an SNMPv2 PDU.

2.10. Local Configuration Datastore (LCD)

Each SNMPv2 entity maintains a local conceptually database, called

the Local Configuration Datastore (LCD), which holds its known set of

information about SNMPv2 users and other associated (e.g., access

control) information. An LCD may potentially be required to hold

information about multiple SNMPv2 agent entities. As such, the

<agentID> should be used to identify a particular agent entity in the


It is a local implementation issue as to whether information in the

LCD is stored information or whether it is obtained dynamically

(e.g., as a part of an SNMPv2 manager's API) on an as-needed basis.

3. Elements of Procedure

This section describes the procedures followed by an SNMPv2 entity in

processing SNMPv2 messages.

3.1. Generating a Request or Notification

This section describes the procedure followed by an SNMPv2 entity

whenever it generates a message containing a management operation

(either a request or a notification) on behalf of a user, for a

particular context and with a particular qoS value.

(1) Information concerning the user is extracted from the LCD. The

transport domain and transport address to which the operation is to

be sent is determined. The context is resolved into an agentID

value and a contextSelector value.

(2) If the qoS specifies that the message is to be protected from

disclosure, but the user does not support both an authentication

and a privacy protocol, or does not have configured authentication

and privacy keys, then the operation cannot be sent.

(3) If the qoS specifies that the message is to be authenticated, but

the user does not support an authentication protocol, or does not

have a configured authentication key, then the operation cannot be


(4) The operation is serialized (i.e., encoded) according to the

conventions of [13] and [12] into a PDUs value.

(5) If the operation is a Get, GetNext, GetBulk, or Set then the report

flag in the qoS is set to the value 1.

(6) An SNMPv2 message is constructed using the ASN.1 Message syntax:

- the version component is set to the value 2.

- if the qoS specifies that the message is to be protected from

disclosure, then the octet sequence representing the serialized

PDUs value is encrypted according to the user's privacy protocol

and privacy key, and the encrypted data is encoded as an octet

string and is used as the data component of the message.

- if the qoS specifies that the message is not to be protected from

disclosure, then the serialized PDUs value is used directly as

the value of the data component.

- the parameters component is constructed using:

- the requested qoS, userName, agentID and context selector,

- if the qoS specifies that the message is to be authenticated or

the management operation is a notification, then the current

values of agentBoots, and agentTime corresponding to agentID

from the LCD are used. Otherwise, the <agentBoots> and

<agentTime> fields are set to zero-filled octets.

- the <maxSize> field is set to the maximum message size which

the local SNMPv2 entity can receive using the transport domain

which will be used to send this message.

- if the qoS specifies that the message is to be authenticated,

then the <authDigest> field is temporarily set to the user's

authentication key. Otherwise, the <authDigest> field is set

to the zero-length string.

(7) The constructed Message value is serialized (i.e., encoded)

according to the conventions of [13] and [12].

(8) If the qoS specifies that the message is to be authenticated, then

an MD5 digest value is computed over the octet sequence

representing the concatenation of the serialized Message value and

the user's authentication key. The <authDigest> field is then set

to the computed digest value.

(9) The serialized Message value is transmitted to the determined

transport address.

3.2. Processing a Received Communication

This section describes the procedure followed by an SNMPv2 entity

whenever it receives an SNMPv2 message. This procedure is

independent of the transport service address at which the message was

received. For clarity, some of the details of this procedure are

left out and are described in Section 3.2.1 and its sub-sections.

(1) The snmpInPkts counter [15] is incremented. If the received

message is not the serialization (according to the conventions of

[13]) of a Message value, then the snmpInASNParseErrs counter [15]

is incremented, and the message is discarded without further


(2) If the value of the version component has a value other than 2,

then the message is either processed according to some other

version of this protocol, or the snmpInBadVersions counter [15] is

incremented, and the message is discarded without further


(3) The value of the <model> field is extracted from the parameters

component of the Message value. If the value of the <model> field

is not 1, then either the message is processed according to some

other security model, or the usecStatsBadParameters counter is

incremented, and the message is discarded without further


(4) The values of the rest of the fields are extracted from the

parameters component of the Message value.

(5) If the <agentID> field contained in the parameters is unknown then:

- a manager that performs discovery may optionally create a new LCD

entry and continue processing; or

- the usecStatsUnknownContexts counter is incremented, a report PDU

is generated, and the received message is discarded without

further processing.

(6) The LCD is consulted for information about the SNMPv2 context

identified by the combination of the <agentID> and

<contextSelector> fields. If information about this SNMPv2 context

is absent from the LCD, then the usecStatsUnknownContexts counter

is incremented, a report PDU is generated, and the received message

is discarded without further processing.

(7) Information about the value of the <userName> field is extracted

from the LCD. If no information is available, then the

usecStatsUnknownUserNames counter is incremented, a report PDU [1]

is generated, and the received message is discarded without further


(8) If the information about the user indicates that it does not

support the quality of service indicated by the <qoS> field, then

the usecStatsUnsupportedQoS counter is incremented, a report PDU is

generated, and the received message is discarded without further


(9) If the <qoS> field indicates an authenticated message and the

user's authentication protocol is the Digest Authentication

Protocol described in this memo, then:

a) the local values of agentBoots and agentTime corresponding to

the value of the <agentID> field are extracted from the LCD.

b) the value of <authDigest> field is temporarily saved. A new

serialized Message is constructed which differs from that

received in exactly one respect: that the <authDigest> field

within it has the value of the user's authentication key. An

MD5 digest value is computed over the octet sequence

representing the concatenation of the new serialized Message and

the user's authentication key.

c) if the LCD information indicates the SNMPv2 context is of type

local (i.e., an agent), then:

- if the computed digest differs from the saved authDigest

value, then the usecStatsWrongDigestValues counter is

incremented, a report PDU is generated, and the received

message is discarded without further processing. However, if

the snmpEnableAuthenTraps object [15] is enabled, then the

SNMPv2 entity sends authenticationFailure traps [15] according

to its configuration.

- if any of the following conditions is true, then the message

is considered to be outside of the Time Window:

- the local value of agentBoots is 0xffffffff;

- the <agentBoots> field differs from the local value of

agentBoots; or,

- the value of the <agentTime> field differs from the local

notion of agentTime by more than +/- 150 seconds.

- if the message is considered to be outside of the Time Window

then the usecStatsNotInWindows counter is incremented, an

authenticated report PDU is generated (see section 2.7), and

the received message is discarded without further processing.

d) if the LCD information indicates the SNMPv2 context is not

realized by the local SNMPv2 entity (i.e., a manager), then:

- if the computed digest differs from the saved authDigest

value, then the usecStatsWrongDigestValues counter is

incremented and the received message is discarded without

further processing.

- if all of the following conditions are true:

- if the <qoS> field indicates that privacy is not in use;

- the SNMPv2 operation type determined from the ASN.1 tag

value associated with the PDU's component is a Report;

- the Report was generated due to a usecStatsNotInWindows

error condition; and,

- the <agentBoots> field is greater than the local value of

agentBoots, or the <agentBoots> field is equal to the

local value of agentBoots and the <agentTime> field is

greater than the value of latestReceivedAgentTime,

then the LCD entry corresponding to the value of the <agentID>

field is updated, by setting the local value of agentBoots

from the <agentBoots> field, the value latestReceivedAgentTime

from the <agentTime> field, and the local value of agentTime

from the <agentTime> field.

- if any of the following conditions is true, then the message

is considered to be outside of the Time Window:

- the local value of agentBoots is 0xffffffff;

- the <agentBoots> field is less than the local value of

agentBoots; or,

- the <agentBoots> field is equal to the local value of

agentBoots and the <agentTime> field is more than 150

seconds less than the local notion of agentTime.

- if the message is considered to be outside of the Time Window

then the usecStatsNotInWindows counter is incremented, and the

received message is discarded without further processing;

however, time synchronization procedures may be invoked. Note

that this procedure allows for <agentBoots> to be greater than

the local value of agentBoots to allow for received messages

to be accepted as authentic when received from an agent that

has rebooted since the manager last re-synchronized.

- if at least one of the following conditions is true:

- the <agentBoots> field is greater than the local value of

agentBoots; or,

- the <agentBoots> field is equal to the local value of

agentBoots and the <agentTime> field is greater than the

value of latestReceivedAgentTime,

then the LCD entry corresponding to the value of the <agentID>

field is updated, by setting the local value of agentBoots

from the <agentBoots> field, the local value

latestReceivedAgentTime from the <agentTime> field, and the

local value of agentTime from the <agentTime> field.

(10) If the <qoS> field indicates use of a privacy protocol, then the

octet sequence representing the data component is decrypted

according to the user's privacy protocol to obtain a serialized

PDUs value. Otherwise the data component is assumed to directly

contain the PDUs value.

(11) The SNMPv2 operation type is determined from the ASN.1 tag value

associated with the PDUs component.

(12) If the SNMPv2 operation type is a Report, then the request-id in

the PDU is correlated to an outstanding request, and if the

correlation is successful, the appropriate action is taken (e.g.,

time synchronization, proxy error propagation, etc.); in

particular, if the report PDU indicates a usecStatsNotInWindows

condition, then the outstanding request may be retransmitted (since

the procedure in Step 9d above should have resulted in time


(13) If the SNMPv2 operation type is either a Get, GetNext, GetBulk, or

Set operation, then:

a) if the LCD information indicates that the SNMPv2 context is of

type remote or remote-proxy, then the

usecStatsUnauthorizedOperations counter is incremented, a report

PDU is generated, and the received message is discarded without

further processing.

b) the LCD is consulted for access rights authorized for

communications using the indicated qoS, on behalf of the

indicated user, and concerning management information in the

indicated SNMPv2 context for the particular SNMPv2 operation


c) if the SNMPv2 operation type is not among the authorized access

rights, then the usecStatsUnauthorizedOperations counter is

incremented, a report PDU is generated, and the received message

is discarded without further processing.

d) The information extracted from the LCD concerning the user and

the SNMPv2 context, together with the sending transport address

of the received message is cached for later use in generating a

response message.

e) if the LCD information indicates the SNMPv2 context is of type

local, then the management operation represented by the PDUs

value is performed by the receiving SNMPv2 entity with respect

to the relevant MIB view within the SNMPv2 context according to

the procedures set forth in [12], where the relevant MIB view is

determined according to the user, the agentID, the

contextSelector, the qoS values and the type of operation


f) if the LCD information indicates the SNMPv2 context is of type

local-proxy, then:

i. the user, qoS, agentID, contextSelector and transport address

to be used to forward the request are extracted from the LCD.

If insufficient information concerning the user is currently

available, then snmpProxyDrops counter [15] is incremented, a

report PDU is generated, and the received message is


ii. if an administrative flag in the LCD indicates that the

message is to be forwarded using the SNMPv1 administrative

framework, then the procedures described in [4] are invoked.

Otherwise, a new SNMPv2 message is constructed: its PDUs

component is copied from that in the received message except

that the contained request-id is replaced by a unique value

(this value will enable a subsequent response message to be

correlated with this request); the <userName>, <qoS>,

<agentID> and <contextSelector> fields are set to the values

extracted from the LCD; the <maxSize> field is set to the

minimum of the value in the received message and the local

system's maximum message size for the transport domain which

will be used to forward the message; and finally, the message

is authenticated and/or protected from disclosure according

to the qoS value.

iii. the information cached in Step 13d above is augmented with

the request-id of the received message as well as the

request-id, agentID and contextSelector of the constructed


iv. the constructed message is forwarded to the extracted

transport address.

(14) If the SNMPv2 operation type is an Inform, then:

a) if the LCD information indicates the SNMPv2 context is of type

local or local-proxy then the usecStatsUnauthorizedOperations

counter is incremented, a report PDU is generated, and the

received message is discarded without further processing.

b) if the LCD information indicates the SNMPv2 context is of type

remote, then the Inform operation represented by the PDUs value

is performed by the receiving SNMPv2 entity according to the

procedures set forth in [12].

c) if the LCD information indicates the SNMPv2 context is of type

remote-proxy, then:

i. a single unique request-id is selected for use by all

forwarded copies of this request. This value will enable the

first response message to be correlated with this request;

other responses are not required and should be discarded when

received, since the agent that originated the Inform only

requires one response to its Inform.

ii. information is extracted from the LCD concerning all

combinations of userName, qoS, agentID, contextSelector and

transport address with which the received message is to be


iii. for each such combination whose access rights permit Inform

operations to be forwarded, a new SNMPv2 message is

constructed, as follows: its PDUs component is copied from

that in the received message except that the contained

request-id is replaced by the value selected in Step i above;

its <userName>, <qoS>, <agentID> and <contextSelector> fields

are set to the values extracted in Step ii above; and its

<maxSize> field is set to the minimum of the value in the

received message and the local system's maximum message size

for the transport domain which will be used to forward this


iv. for each constructed SNMPv2 message, information concerning

the <userName>, <qoS>, <agentID>, <contextSelector>,

request-id and sending transport address of the received

message, as well as the request- id, agentID and

contextSelector of the constructed message, is cached for

later use in generating a response message.

v. each constructed message is forwarded to the appropriate

transport address extracted from the LCD in step ii above.

(15) If the SNMPv2 operation type is a Response, then:

a) if the LCD information indicates the SNMPv2 context is of type

local, then the usecStatsUnauthorizedOperations counter is

incremented, a report PDU is generated, and the received message

is discarded without further processing.

b) if the LCD information indicates the SNMPv2 context is of type

remote, then the Response operation represented by the PDUs

value is performed by the receiving SNMPv2 entity according to

the procedures set forth in [12].

c) if the LCD information indicates the SNMPv2 context is of type

local-proxy or remote-proxy, then:

i. the request-id is extracted from the PDUs component of the

received message. The context's agentID and contextSelector

values together with the extracted request-id are used to

correlate this response message to the corresponding values

for a previously forwarded request by inspecting the cache of

information as augmented in Substep iii of Step 13f above or

in Substep iv of 14c above. If no such correlated

information is found, then the received message is discarded

without further processing.

ii. a new SNMPv2 message is constructed: its PDUs component is

copied from that in the received message except that the

contained request-id is replaced by the value saved in the

correlated information from the original request; its

<userName>, <qoS>, <agentID> and <contextSelector> fields are

set to the values saved from the received message. The

<maxSize> field is set to the minimum of the value in the

received message and the local system's maximum message size

for the transport domain which will be used to forward the

message. The message is authenticated and/or protected from

disclosure according to the saved qoS value.

iii. the constructed message is forwarded to the transport

address saved in the correlated information as the sending

transport address of the original request.

iv. the correlated information is deleted from the cache of


(16) If the SNMPv2 operation type is a SNMPv2-Trap, then:

a) if the LCD information indicates the SNMPv2 context is of type

local or local-proxy, then the usecStatsUnauthorizedOperations

counter is incremented, a report PDU is generated, and the

received message is discarded without further processing.

b) if the LCD information indicates the SNMPv2 context is of type

remote, then the SNMPv2-Trap operation represented by the PDUs

value is performed by the receiving SNMPv2 entity according to

the procedures set forth in [12].

c) if the LCD information indicates the SNMPv2 context is of type

remote-proxy, then:

i. a unique request-id is selected for use in forwarding the


ii. information is extracted from the LCD concerning all

combinations of userName, qoS, agentID, contextSelector and

transport address with which the received message is to be


iii. for each such combination whose access rights permit

SNMPv2-Trap operations to be forwarded, a new SNMPv2 message

is constructed, as follows: its PDUs component is copied from

that in the received message except that the contained

request-id is replaced by the value selected in Step i above;

its <userName>, <qoS>, <agentID> and <contextSelector> fields

are set to the values extracted in Step ii above.

iv. each constructed message is forwarded to the appropriate

transport address extracted from the LCD in step ii above.

3.2.1. Additional Details

For the sake of clarity and to prevent the above procedure from being

even longer, the following details were omitted from the above

procedure. ASN.1 Parsing Errors

For ASN.1 parsing errors, the snmpInASNParseErrs counter [15] is

incremented and a report PDU is generated whenever such an ASN.1

parsing error is discovered. However, if the parsing error causes

the information able to be extracted from the message to be

insufficient for generating a report PDU, then the report PDU is not

sent. Incorrectly Encoded Parameters

For an incorrectly encoded parameters component of the Message value

(e.g., incorrect or inconsistent value of the <userLen> or <authLen>

fields), the usecStatsBadParameters counter is incremented. Since the

encoded parameters are in error, the report flag in the qoS cannot be

reliably determined. Thus, no report PDU is generated for the

incorrectly encoded parameters error condition. Generation of a Report PDU

Some steps specify that the received message is discarded without

further processing whenever a report PDU is generated. However:

- An SNMPv2 manager never generates a report PDU.

- If the operation type can reliably be determined and it is

determined to be a Report, SNMPv2-Trap, Inform, or a Response then

a report PDU is not generated.

- A report PDU is only generated when the report flag in the qoS is

set to the value 1.

A generated report PDU must always use the current values of agentID,

agentBoots, and agentTime from the LCD. In addition, a generated

report PDU must whenever possible contain the same request-id value

as in the PDU contained in the received message. Meeting this

constraint normally requires the message to be further processed just

enough so as to extract its request-id. There are two situations in

which the SNMPv2 request-id cannot be determined. The first situation

occurs when the userName is unknown and the qoS indicates that the

message is encrypted. The other situation is when there is an ASN.1

parsing error. In cases where the the request-id cannot be

determined, the default request-id value 2147483647 is used. Cache Timeout

Some steps specify that information is cached so that a Response

operation may be correlated to the appropriate Request operation.

However, a number of situations could cause the cache to grow without

bound. One such situation is when the Response operation does not

arrive or arrives "late" at the entity. In order to ensure that the

cache does not grow without bound, it is recommended that cache

entries be deleted when they are determined to be no longer valid. It

is an implementation dependent decision as to how long cache entries

remain valid, however, caching entries more than 150 seconds is not

useful since any use of the cache entry after that time would

generate a usecStatsNotInWindows error condition.

3.3. Generating a Response

The procedure for generating a response to an SNMPv2 management

request is identical to the procedure for transmitting a request (see

Section 3.1), with these exceptions:

- The response is sent on behalf of the same user and with the same

value of the agentID and contextSelector as the request.

- The PDUs value of the responding Message value is the response

which results from performing the operation specified in the

original PDUs value.

- The authentication protocol and other relevant information for the

user is obtained, not from the LCD, but rather from information

cached (in Step 13d) when processing the original message.

- The serialized Message value is transmitted using any transport

address belonging to the agent for the transport domain from which

the corresponding request originated - even if that is different

from any transport information obtained from the LCD.

- If the qoS specifies that the message is to be authenticated or the

response is being generated by a SNMPv2 entity acting in an agent

role, then the current values of agentBoots and agentTime from the

LCD are used. Otherwise, the <agentBoots> and <agentTime> fields

are set to zero-filled octets.

- The report flag in the qoS is set to the value 0.

4. Discovery

This security model requires that a discovery process obtain

sufficient information about an SNMPv2 entity's agent in order to

communicate with it. Discovery requires the SNMPv2 manager to learn

the agent's agentID value before communication may proceed. This may

be accomplished by formulating a get-request communication with the

qoS set to noAuth/noPriv, the userName set to "public", the agentID

set to all zeros (binary), the contextSelector set to "", and the

VarBindList left empty. The response to this message will be an

reportPDU that contains the agentID within the <parameters> field

(and containing the usecStatsUnknownContexts counter in the

VarBindList). If authenticated communication is required then the

discovery process may invoke the procedure described in Section 2.7

to synchronize the clocks.

5. Definitions



MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, Counter32, Unsigned32,








LAST-UPDATED "9601120000Z"



" Glenn W. Waters

Postal: Bell-Northern Research, Ltd.

P.O. Box 3511, Station C

Ottawa, ON, K1Y 4H7


Tel: +1 613 763 3933

E-mail: gwaters@bnr.ca"


"The MIB module for SNMPv2 entities implementing the user-

based security model."

::= { snmpModules 6 }

usecMIBObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { usecMIB 1 }

-- Textual Conventions


STATUS current


"An agent's administratively-unique identifier.

The value for this object may not be all zeros or all 'ff'H.

The initial value for this object may be configured via an

operator console entry or via an algorithmic function. In

the later case, the following guidelines are recommended:

1) The first four octets are set to the binary equivalent

of the agent's SNMP network management private

enterprise number as assigned by the Internet Assigned

Numbers Authority (IANA). For example, if Acme

Networks has been assigned { enterprises 696 }, the

first four octets would be assigned '000002b8'H.

2) The remaining eight octets are the cookie whose

contents are determined via one or more enterprise-

specific methods. Such methods must be designed so as

to maximize the possibility that the value of this

object will be unique in the agent's administrative

domain. For example, the cookie may be the IP address

of the agent, or the MAC address of one of the

interfaces, with each address suitably padded with

random octets. If multiple methods are defined, then

it is recommended that the cookie be further divided

into one octet that indicates the method being used and

seven octets which are a function of the method."


-- the USEC Basic group


-- a collection of objects providing basic instrumentation of

-- the SNMPv2 entity implementing the user-based security model

usecAgent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { usecMIBObjects 1 }



MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The agent's administratively-unique identifier."

::= { usecAgent 1 }

agentBoots OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Unsigned32

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The number of times that the agent has re-initialized

itself since its initial configuration."

::= { usecAgent 2 }


SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..2147483647)

UNITS "seconds"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The number of seconds since the agent last incremented the

agentBoots object."

::= { usecAgent 3 }


SYNTAX INTEGER (484..65507)

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The maximum length in octets of an SNMPv2 message which

this agent will accept using any transport mapping."

::= { usecAgent 4 }

-- USEC statistics


-- a collection of objects providing basic instrumentation of

-- the SNMPv2 entity implementing the user-based security model

usecStats OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { usecMIBObjects 2 }

usecStatsUnsupportedQoS OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Counter32

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The total number of packets received by the SNMPv2 entity

which were dropped because they requested a quality-of-

service that was unknown to the agent or otherwise


::= { usecStats 1 }

usecStatsNotInWindows OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Counter32

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The total number of packets received by the SNMPv2 entity

which were dropped because they appeared outside of the

agent's window."

::= { usecStats 2 }

usecStatsUnknownUserNames OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Counter32

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The total number of packets received by the SNMPv2 entity

which were dropped because they referenced a user that was

not known to the agent."

::= { usecStats 3 }

usecStatsWrongDigestValues OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Counter32

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The total number of packets received by the SNMPv2 entity

which were dropped because they didn't contain the expected

digest value."

::= { usecStats 4 }

usecStatsUnknownContexts OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Counter32

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The total number of packets received by the SNMPv2 entity

which were dropped because they referenced a context that

was not known to the agent."

::= { usecStats 5 }

usecStatsBadParameters OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Counter32

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The total number of packets received by the SNMPv2 entity

which were dropped because the <parameters> field was

improperly encoded or had invalid syntax."

::= { usecStats 6 }

usecStatsUnauthorizedOperations OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Counter32

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The total number of packets received by the SNMPv2 entity

which were dropped because the PDU type referred to an

operation that is invalid or not authorized."

::= { usecStats 7 }

-- conformance information




OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { usecMIBConformance 1 }

usecMIBGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { usecMIBConformance 2 }

-- compliance statements


STATUS current


"The compliance statement for SNMPv2 entities which

implement the SNMPv2 USEC model."

MODULE -- this module

MANDATORY-GROUPS { usecBasicGroup,

usecStatsGroup }

::= { usecMIBCompliances 1 }

-- units of conformance

usecBasicGroup OBJECT-GROUP

OBJECTS { agentID,



agentSize }

STATUS current


"A collection of objects providing identification, clocks,

and capabilities of an SNMPv2 entity which implements the

SNMPv2 USEC model."

::= { usecMIBGroups 1 }

usecStatsGroup OBJECT-GROUP

OBJECTS { usecStatsUnsupportedQoS,






usecStatsUnauthorizedOperations }

STATUS current


"A collection of objects providing basic error statistics of

an SNMPv2 entity which implements the SNMPv2 USEC model."

::= { usecMIBGroups 2 }


6. Security Considerations

6.1. Recommended Practices

This section describes practices that contribute to the secure,

effective operation of the mechanisms defined in this memo.

- A management station must discard SNMPv2 responses for which

neither the request-id component nor the represented management

information corresponds to any currently outstanding request.

Although it would be typical for a management station to do this as

a matter of course, when using these security protocols it is

significant due to the possibility of message duplication

(malicious or otherwise).

- A management station must generate unpredictable request-ids in

authenticated messages in order to protect against the possibility

of message duplication (malicious or otherwise).

- A management station should perform time synchronization using

authenticated messages in order to protect against the possibility

of message duplication (malicious or otherwise).

- When sending state altering messages to a managed agent, a

management station should delay sending successive messages to the

managed agent until a positive acknowledgement is received for the

previous message or until the previous message expires.

No message ordering is imposed by the SNMPv2. Messages may be

received in any order relative to their time of generation and each

will be processed in the ordered received. Note that when an

authenticated message is sent to a managed agent, it will be valid

for a period of time of approximately 150 seconds under normal

circumstances, and is subject to replay during this period.

Indeed, a management station must cope with the loss and re-

ordering of messages resulting from anomalies in the network as a

matter of course.

However, a managed object, snmpSetSerialNo [15], is specifically

defined for use with SNMPv2 set operations in order to provide a

mechanism to ensure the processing of SNMPv2 messages occurs in a

specific order.

- The frequency with which the secrets of an SNMPv2 user should be

changed is indirectly related to the frequency of their use.

Protecting the secrets from disclosure is critical to the overall

security of the protocols. Frequent use of a secret provides a

continued source of data that may be useful to a cryptanalyst in

exploiting known or perceived weaknesses in an algorithm. Frequent

changes to the secret avoid this vulnerability.

Changing a secret after each use is generally regarded as the most

secure practice, but a significant amount of overhead may be

associated with that approach.

Note, too, in a local environment the threat of disclosure may be

less significant, and as such the changing of secrets may be less

frequent. However, when public data networks are the communication

paths, more caution is prudent.

6.2. Defining Users

The mechanisms defined in this document employ the notion of "users"

having access rights. How "users" are defined is subject to the

security policy of the network administration. For example, users

could be individuals (e.g., "joe" or "jane"), or a particular role

(e.g., "operator" or "administrator"), or a combination (e.g., "joe-

operator", "jane-operator" or "joe-admin"). Furthermore, a "user"

may be a logical entity, such as a manager station application or set

of manager station applications, acting on behalf of a individual or

role, or set of individuals, or set of roles, including combinations.

Appendix A describes an algorithm for mapping a user "password" to a

16 octet value for use as either a user's authentication key or

privacy key (or both). Passwords are often generated, remembered,

and input by a human. Human-generated passwords may be less than the

16 octets required by the authentication and privacy protocols, and

brute force attacks can be quite easy on a relatively short ASCII

character set. Therefore, the algorithm is Appendix A performs a

transformation on the password. If the Appendix A algorithm is used,

agent implementations (and agent configuration applications) must

ensure that passwords are at least 8 characters in length.

Because the Appendix A algorithm uses such passwords (nearly)

directly, it is very important that they not be easily guessed. It

is suggested that they be composed of mixed-case alphanumeric and

punctuation characters that don't form words or phrases that might be

found in a dictionary. Longer passwords improve the security of the

system. Users may wish to input multiword phrases to make their

password string longer while ensuring that it is memorable.

Note that there is security risk in configuring the same "user" on

multiple systems where the same password is used on each system,

since the compromise of that user's secrets on one system results in

the compromise of that user on all other systems having the same


The algorithm in Appendix A avoids this problem by including the

agent's agentID value as well as the user's password in the

calculation of a user's secrets; this results in the user's secrets

being different at different agents; however, if the password is

compromised the algorithm in Appendix A is not effective.

6.3. Conformance

To be termed a "Secure SNMPv2 implementation", an SNMPv2


- must implement the Digest Authentication Protocol.

- must, to the maximal extent possible, prohibit access to the

secret(s) of each user about which it maintains information in a LCD,

under all circumstances except as required to generate and/or

validate SNMPv2 messages with respect to that user.

- must implement the SNMPv2 USEC MIB.

In addition, an SNMPv2 agent must provide initial configuration in

accordance with Appendix A.1.

Implementation of the Symmetric Encryption Protocol is optional.

7. Editor's Address

Glenn W. Waters

Bell-Northern Research Ltd.

P.O. Box 3511, Station C

Ottawa, Ontario K1Y 4H7


Phone: +1 613 763 3933

EMail: gwaters@bnr.ca

8. Acknowledgements

This document is the result of significant work by three major


Keith McCloghrie (Cisco Systems, kzm@cisco.com)

Marshall T. Rose (Dover Beach Consulting, mrose@dbc.mtview.ca.us)

Glenn W. Waters (Bell-Northern Research Ltd., gwaters@bnr.ca)

The authors wish to acknowledge James M. Galvin of Trusted

Information Systems who contributed significantly to earlier work on

which this memo is based, and the general contributions of members of

the SNMPv2 Working Group, and, in particular, Aleksey Y. Romanov and

Steven L. Waldbusser.

A special thanks is extended for the contributions of:

Uri Blumenthal (IBM)

Shawn Routhier (Epilogue)

Barry Sheehan (IBM)

Bert Wijnen (IBM)

9. References

[1] McCloghrie, K., Editor, "An Administrative Infrastructure for

SNMPv2", RFC1909, Cisco Systems, January 1996.

[2] Case, J., Fedor, M., Schoffstall, M., and J. Davin, "Simple

Network Management Protocol", STD 15, RFC1157, SNMP Research,

Performance Systems International, MIT Laboratory for Computer

Science, May 1990.

[3] Rivest, R., "The MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm", RFC1321, MIT

Laboratory for Computer Science, April 1992.

[4] The SNMPv2 Working Group, Case, J., McCloghrie, K., Rose, M., and

S. Waldbusser, "Coexistence between Version 1 and Version 2 of

the Internet-standard Network Management Framework", RFC1908,

January 1996.

[5] Data Encryption Standard, National Institute of Standards and

Technology. Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS)

Publication 46-1. Supersedes FIPS Publication 46, (January, 1977;

reaffirmed January, 1988).

[6] Data Encryption Algorithm, American National Standards Institute.

ANSI X3.92-1981, (December, 1980).

[7] DES Modes of Operation, National Institute of Standards and

Technology. Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS)

Publication 81, (December, 1980).

[8] Data Encryption Algorithm - Modes of Operation, American National

Standards Institute. ANSI X3.106-1983, (May 1983).

[9] Guidelines for Implementing and Using the NBS Data Encryption

Standard, National Institute of Standards and Technology. Federal

Information Processing Standard (FIPS) Publication 74, (April,


[10] Validating the Correctness of Hardware Implementations of the NBS

Data Encryption Standard, National Institute of Standards and

Technology. Special Publication 500-20.

[11] Maintenance Testing for the Data Encryption Standard, National

Institute of Standards and Technology. Special Publication 500-61,

(August, 1980).

[12] The SNMPv2 Working Group, Case, J., McCloghrie, K., Rose, M., and

S., Waldbusser, "Protocol Operations for Version 2 of the Simple

Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2)", RFC1905, January 1996.

[13] The SNMPv2 Working Group, Case, J., McCloghrie, K., Rose, M., and

S. Waldbusser, "Transport Mappings for Version 2 of the Simple

Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2)", RFC1906, January 1996.

[14] Krawczyk, H., "Keyed-MD5 for Message Authentication", Work in

Progress, IBM, June 1995.

[15] The SNMPv2 Working Group, Case, J., McCloghrie, K., Rose, M., and

S. Waldbusser, "Management Information Base for Version 2 of the

Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2)", RFC1907

January 1996.

APPENDIX A - Installation

A.1. Agent Installation Parameters

During installation, an agent is configured with several parameters.

These include:

(1) a security posture

The choice of security posture determines the extent of the view

configured for unauthenticated access. One of three possible

choices is selected:


semi-secure, or


(2) one or more transport service addresses

These parameters may be specified explicitly, or they may be

specified implicitly as the same set of network-layer addresses

configured for other uses by the device together with the well-

known transport-layer "port" information for the appropriate

transport domain [13]. The agent listens on each of these

transport service addresses for messages sent on behalf of any user

it knows about.

(3) one or more secrets

These are the authentication/privacy secrets for the first user to

be configured.

One way to accomplish this is to have the installer enter a

"password" for each required secret. The password is then

algorithmically converted into the required secret by:

- forming a string of length 1,048,576 octets by repeating the

value of the password as often as necessary, truncating

accordingly, and using the resulting string as the input to the

MD5 algorithm. The resulting digest, termed "digest1", is used in

the next step.

- a second string of length 44 octets is formed by concatenating

digest1, the agent's agentID value, and digest1. This string is

used as input to the MD5 algorithm. The resulting digest is the

required secret (see Appendix A.2).

With these configured parameters, the agent instantiates the

following user, context, views and access rights. This configuration

information should be readOnly (persistent).

- One user:

privacy not supported privacy supported

--------------------- -----------------

<userName> "public" "public"

<authProtocol> Digest Auth. Protocol Digest Auth. Protocol

<authPrivateKey> authentication key authentication key

<privProtocol> none Symmetric Privacy Protocol

<privPrivateKey> -- privacy key

- One local context with its <contextSelector> as the empty-string.

- One view for authenticated access:

- the <all> MIB view is the "internet" subtree.

- A second view for unauthenticated access. This view is configured

according to the selected security posture. For the "very-secure"


- the <restricted> MIB view is the union of the "snmp" [15],

"usecAgent" and "usecStats" subtrees.

For the "semi-secure" posture:

- the <restricted> MIB view is the union of the "snmp" [15],

"usecAgent", "usecStats" and "system" subtrees.

For the "minimum-secure" posture:

- the <restricted> MIB view is the "internet" subtree.

- Access rights to allow:

- read-only access for unauthenticated messages on behalf of the

user "public" to the <restricted> MIB view of contextSelector


- read-write access for authenticated but not private messages

on behalf of the user "public" to the <all> MIB view of

contextSelector "".

- if privacy is supported, read-write access for authenticated

and private messages on behalf of the user "public" to the

<all> MIB view of contextSelector "".

A.2. Password to Key Algorithm

The following code fragment demonstrates the password to key

algorithm which can be used when mapping a password to an

authentication or privacy key. (The calls to MD5 are as documented in


void password_to_key(password, passwordlen, agentID, key)

u_char *password; /* IN */

u_int passwordlen; /* IN */

u_char *agentID; /* IN - pointer to 12 octet long agentID */

u_char *key; /* OUT - caller supplies pointer to 16

octet buffer */ {


u_char *cp, password_buf[64];

u_long password_index = 0;

u_long count = 0, i;

MD5Init (&MD); /* initialize MD5 */

/* loop until we've done 1 Megabyte */

while (count < 1048576) {

cp = password_buf;

for(i = 0; i < 64; i++) {

*cp++ = password[ password_index++ % passwordlen ];


* Take the next byte of the password, wrapping to the

* beginning of the password as necessary.



MDupdate (&MD, password_buf, 64);

count += 64;


MD5Final (key, &MD); /* tell MD5 we're done */

/* localize the key with the agentID and pass through MD5

to produce final key */

memcpy (password_buf, key, 16);

memcpy (password_buf+16, agentID, 12);

memcpy (password_buf+28, key, 16);

MD5Init (&MD);

MDupdate (&MD, password_buf, 44);

MD5Final (key, &MD);

return; }

A.3. Password to Key Sample

The following shows a sample output of the password to key algorithm.

With a password of "maplesyrup" the output of the password to key

algorithm before the key is localized with the agent's agentID is:

'9f af 32 83 88 4e 92 83 4e bc 98 47 d8 ed d9 63'H

After the intermediate key (shown above) is localized with the

agentID value of:

'00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02'H

the final output of the password to key algorithm is:

'52 6f 5e ed 9f cc e2 6f 89 64 c2 93 07 87 d8 2b'H

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