
RFC1949 - Scalable Multicast Key Distribution

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group A. Ballardie

Request for Comments: 1949 University College London

Category: EXPerimental May 1996

Scalable Multicast Key Distribution

Status of this Memo

This memo defines an Experimental Protocol for the Internet

community. This memo does not specify an Internet standard of any

kind. Discussion and suggestions for improvement are requested.

Distribution of this memo is unlimited.


The benefits of multicasting are becoming ever-more apparent, and its

use mUCh more widespread. This is evident from the growth of the

MBONE [1]. Providing security services for multicast, such as traffic

integrity, authentication, and confidentiality, is particularly

problematic since it requires securely distributing a group (session)

key to each of a group's receivers. Traditionally, the key

distribution function has been assigned to a central network entity,

or Key Distribution Centre (KDC), but this method does not scale for

wide-area multicasting, where group members may be widely-distributed

across the internetwork, and a wide-area group may be densely


Even more problematic is the scalable distribution of sender-specific

keys. Sender-specific keys are required if data traffic is to be

authenticated on a per-sender basis.

This memo provides a scalable solution to the multicast key

distribution problem.

NOTE: this proposal requires some simple support mechanisms, which,

it is recommended here, be integrated into version 3 of IGMP. This

support is described in Appendix B.

1. Introduction

Growing concern about the integrity of Internet communication [13]

(routing information and data traffic) has led to the development of

an Internet Security Architecture, proposed by the IPSEC working

group of the IETF [2]. The proposed security mechanisms are

implemented at the network layer - the layer of the protocol stack at

which networking resources are best protected [3].

Unlike many network layer protocols, the Core Based Tree (CBT)

multicast protocol [4] makes explicit provision for security; it has

its own protocol header, unlike existing IP multicast schemes

[10,11], and other recently proposed schemes [12].

In this document we describe how the CBT multicast protocol can

provide for the secure joining of a CBT group tree, and how this same

process can provide a scalable solution to the multicast key

distribution problem. These security services are an integral part

of the CBT protocol [4]. Their use is optional, and is dependent on

each individual group's requirements for security. Furthermore, the

use of the CBT multicast protocol for multicast key distribution does

not preclude the use of other multicast protocols for the actual

multicast communication itself, that is, CBT need only be the vehicle

with which to distribute keys.

Secure joining implies the provision for authentication, integrity,

and optionally, confidentiality, of CBT join messages. The scheme we

describe provides for the authentication of tree nodes (routers) and

receivers (end-systems) as part of the tree joining process. Key

distribution (optional) is an integral part of secure joining.

Network layer multicast protocols, such as DVMRP [7] and M-OSPF [9],

do not have their own protocol header(s), and so cannot provision for

security in themselves; they must rely on whatever security is

provided by IP itself. Multicast key distribution is not addressed to

any significant degree by the new IP security architecture [2].

The CBT security architecture is independent of any particular

cryptotechniques, although many security services, such as

authentication, are easier if public-key cryptotechniques are


What follows is an overview of the CBT multicasting. The description

of our proposal in section 6.1 assumes the reader is reasonably

familiar with the CBT protocol. Details of the CBT architecture and

protocol can be found in [7] and [4], respectively.

2. Overview of BCT Multicasting

CBT is a new architecture for local and wide-area IP multicasting,

being unique in its utilization of just one shared delivery tree per

group, as opposed to the source-based delivery tree approach of

existing IP multicast schemes, such as DVMRP and MOSPF.

A shared multicast delivery tree is built around several so-called

core routers. A group receiver's local multicast router is required

to explicitly join the corresponding delivery tree after receiving an

IGMP [8] group membership report over a directly connected interface.

A CBT join message is targeted at one of the group's core routers.

The resulting acknowledgement traverses the reverse-path of the join,

resulting in the creation of a tree branch. Routers along these

branches are called non-core routers for the group, and there exists

a parent-child relationship between adjacent routers along a branch

of the same tree (group).

3. How the CBT Architecture Complements Security

The CBT architecture requires "leaf" routers to explicitly join a CBT

tree. Hence, CBT is not data driven; the ack associated with a join

"fixes" tree state in the routers that make up the tree. This so-

called "hard state" remains until the tree re-configures, for

example, due to receivers leaving the group, or because an upstream

failure has occurred. The CBT protocol incorporates mechanisms

enabling a CBT tree to repair itself in the event of the latter.

As far as the establishment of an authenticated multicast

distribution tree is concerned, DVMRP, M-OSPF, and PIM, are at a

disadvan- tage; the nature of their "soft state" means a delivery

tree only exists as long as there is data flow. Also, routers

implementing a multicast protocol that builds its delivery tree based

on a reverse-path check (like DVMRP and PIM dense mode) cannot be

sure of the previous-hop router, but only the interface a multicast

packet arrived on.

These problems do not occur in the CBT architecture. CBT's hard state

approach means that all routers that make up a delivery tree know who

their on-tree neighbours are; these neighbours can be authenticated

as part of delivery tree set-up. As part of secure tree set-up,

neighbours could exchange a secret packet handle for inclusion in the

CBT header of data packets exchanged between those neighbours,

allowing for the simple and efficient hop-by-hop authentication of

data packets (on-tree).

The presence of tree focal points (i.e. cores) provides CBT trees

with natural authorization points (from a security viewpoint) -- the

formation of a CBT tree requires a core to acknowledge at least one

join in order for a tree branch to be formed. Thereafter,

authorization and key distribution capability can be passed on to

joining nodes that are authenticated.

In terms of security, CBT's hard state approach offers several

additional advantages: once a multicast tree is established, tree

state maintained in the routers that make up the tree does not time

out or change necessarily to reflect underlying unicast topology.

The security implications of this are that nodes need not be subject

to repeated authentication subsequent to a period of inactivity, and

tree nodes do not need to re-authenticate themselves as a result of

an underlying unicast topology change, unless of course, an network

(node) failure has occurred.

Hard-state protocol mechanisms are often thought of as being less

fault tolerant than soft-state schemes, but there are pros and cons

to both approaches; we see here that security is one of the pros.

4. The Multicast Key Distribution Problem

We believe that multicast key distribution needs to be combined with

group Access control. Without group access control, there is no point

in employing multicast key distribution, since, if there are no group

restrictions, then it should not matter to whom multicast information

is divulged.

There are different ways of addressing group access control. The

group access control we describe requires identifying one group

member (we suggest in [14] that this should be the group initiator)

who has the ability to create, modify and delete all or part of a

group access control list. The enforcement of group access control

may be done by a network entity external to the group, or by a group


The essential problem of distributing a session (or group) key to a

group of multicast receivers lies in the fact that some central key

management entity, such as a key distribution centre (KDC) (A Key

Distribution Centre (KDC) is a network entity, usually residing at a

well-known address. It is a third party entity whose responsibility

it to generate and distribute symmetric key(s) to peers, or group

receivers in the case of multicast, wishing to engage in a "secure"

communication. It must therefore be able to identify and reliably

authenticate requestors of symmetric keys.), must authenticate each

of a group's receivers, as well as securely distribute a session key

to each of them. This involves encrypting the relevant message n

times, once with each secret key shared between the KDC and

corresponding receiver (or alternatively, with the public key of the

receiver), before multicasting it to the group. (Alternatively, the

KDC could send an encrypted message to each of the receivers

individually, but this does not scale either.) Potentially, n may be

very large. Encrypting the group key with the secret key (of a

secret-public key pair) of the KDC is not an option, since the group

key would be accessible to anyone holding the KDC's public key, and

public keys are either well-known or readily available. In short,

existing multicast key distribution methods do not scale.

The scaling problem of secure multicast key distribution is

compounded for the case where sender-specific keys need to be

distributed to a group. This is required for sender-specific

authentication of data traffic. It is not possible to achieve per-

sender authentication, given only a group session key.

Recently a proposal has emerged, called the Group Key Management

Protocol (GKMP) [15]. This was designed for military networks, but

the authors have demonstrated how the architecture could be applied

to a network like the Internet, running receiver-oriented multicast


GKMP goes a considerable way to addressing the problems of multicast

key distribution: it does not rely on a centralised KDC, but rather

places the burden of key management on a group member(s). This is the

approach adopted by the CBT solution, but our solution can take this

distributed approach further, which makes our scheme that much more

scalable. Furthermore, our scheme is relatively simple.

The CBT model for multicast key distribution is unique in that it is

integrated into the CBT multicast protocol itself. It offers a

simple, low-cost, scalable solution to multicast key distribution. We

describe the CBT multicast key distribution approach below.

5. Multicast Security Associations

The IP security architecture [2] introduces the concept of "Security

Associations" (SAs), which must be negotiated in advance during the

key management phase, using a protocol such as Photuris [20], or

ISAKMP [21]. A Security Association is normally one-way, so if two-

way communication is to take place (e.g. a typical TCP connection),

then two Security Associations need to be negotiated. During the

negotiation phase, the destination system normally assigns a Security

Parameter Index to the association, which is used, together with the

destination address (or, for the sender, the sender's user-id) to

index into a Security Association table, maintained by the

communicating parties. This table enables those parties to index the

correct security parameters pertinent to an association. The

security association parameters include authentication algorithm,

algorithm mode, cryptographic keys, key lifetime, sensitivity level,


The establishment of Security Associations (SA) for multicast

communication does not scale using protocols like Photuris, or

ISAKMP. This is why it is often assumed that a multicast group will

be part of a single Security Association, and hence share a single

SPI. It is assumed that one entity (or a pair of entities) creates

the SPI "by some means" (which may be an SA negotiation protocol,

like [20] and [21]), which is then simply multicast, together with

the SA parameters, to the group for subsequent use. However, this

precludes multicast receivers from performing sender-specific origin

authentication; all a receiver can be sure of is that the sender is

part of the multicast Security Association.

We advocate that the primary core, either alone, or in conjunction

with the group initiator, establish the security parameters to be

used in the group communication. These are distributed as part of the

secure join process. Thereafter, individual senders can distribute

their own key and security parameters to the group. In the case of

the latter, there are two cases to consider:

+ the sender is already a group member. In this case, the sender

can decide upon/generate its own security parameters, and multi-

cast them to the group using the current group session key.

+ the sender is not a group member. In this case, before the

sender begins sending, it must first negotiate the security

parameters with the primary core, using a protocol such as Pho-

turis [20] or ISAKMP [21]. Once completed, the primary core

multicasts (securely) the new sender's session key and security

parameters to the group.

Given that we assume the use of asymmetric cryptotechniques

throughout, this scheme provides a scalable solution to multicast

origin authentication.

Sender-specific keys are also discussed in section 8.

6. The CBT Multicast Key Distribution Model

The security architecture we propose allows not only for the secure

joining of a CBT multicast tree, but also provides a solution to the

multicast key distribution problem [16]. Multicast key distribution

is an optional, but integral, part of the secure tree joining

process; if a group session key is not required, its distribution may

be omitted.

The use of CBT for scalable multicast key distribution does not

preclude the use of other multicast protocols for the actual

multicast communication. CBT could be used solely for multicast key

distribution -- any multicast protocol could be used for the actual

multicast communication itself.

The model that we propose does not rely on the presence of a

centralised KDC -- indeed, the KDC we propose need not be dedicated

to key distribution. We are proposing that each group have its own

group key distribution centre (GKDC), and that the functions it

provides should be able to be "passed on" to other nodes as they join

the tree. Hence, our scheme involves truly distributed key

distribution capability, and is therefore scalable. It does not

require dedicated KDCs. We are proposing that a CBT primary core

initially take on the role of a GKDC.

6.1 Operational Overview

When a CBT group is created, it is the group initiator's

responsibility to create a multicast group access control list (ACL)

[14]. It is recommended that this list is a digitally signed

"document", the same as (or along the lines of) an X.509 certificate

[9], such that it can be authenticated. The group initiator

subsequently unicasts the ACL to the primary core for the group. This

communication is not part of the CBT protocol. The ACL's digital

signature ensures that it cannot be modified in transit without

detection. If the group membership itself is sensitive information,

the ACL can be additionally encrypted with the public key of the

primary core before being sent. The ACL can be an "inclusion" list

or an "exclusion" list, depending on whether group membership

includes relatively few, or excludes relatively few.

The ACL described above consists of group membership (inclusion or

exclusion) information, which can be at the granularity of hosts or

users. How these granularities are specified is outside the scope of

this document. Additionally, it may be desirable to restrict key

distribution capability to certain "trusted" nodes (routers) in the

network, such that only those trusted nodes will be given key

distribution capability should they become part of a CBT delivery

tree. For this case, an additional ACL is required comprising

"trusted" network nodes.

The primary core creates a session key subsequent to receiving and

authenticating the message containing the access control list. The

primary core also creates a key encrypting key (KEK) which is used

for re-keying the group just prior to an old key exceeding its life-

time. This re-keying strategy means that an active key is less

likely to become compromised during its lifetime.

The ACL(s), group key, and KEK are distributed to secondary cores as

they become part of the distribution tree.

Any tree node with this information can authenticate a joining

member, and hence, secure tree joining and multicast session key

distribution are truly distributed across already authenticated tree


6.2 Integrated Join Authentication and Multicast Key Distribution

For simplicity, in our example we assume the presence of an

internetwork-wide asymmetric key management scheme, such as that

proposed in [17]. However, we are not precluding the use of

symmetric cryptographic techniques -- all of the security services we

are proposing, i.e. integrity, authentication, and confidentiality,

can all be achieved using symmetric cryptography, albeit a greater

expense, e.g. negotiation with a third party to establish pairwise

secret keys. For these reasons, we assume that a public (asymmetric)

key management scheme is globally available, for example, through the

Domain Name System (DNS) [17] or World Wide Web [18].

NOTE: given the presence of asymmetric keys, we can assume digital

signatures provide integrity and origin authentication services


The terminology we use here is described in Appendix A. We formally

define some additional terms here:

+ grpKey: group key used for encrypting group data traffic.

+ ACL: group access control list.

+ KEK: key encrypting key, used for re-keying a group with a new

group key.

+ SAparams: Security Association parameters, including SPI.

+ group access package (grpAP): sent from an already verified tree

node to a joining node.

[token_sender, [ACL]^SK_core, {[grpKey, KEK,


{[grpKey, KEK, SAparams]^SK_core}^PK_next-hop]^SK_sender

NOTE: SK_core is the secret key of the PRIMARY core.

As we have already stated, the elected primary core of a CBT tree

takes on the initial role of GKDC. In our example, we assume that a

group access control list has already been securely communicated to

the primary core. Also, it is assumed the primary core has already

participated in a Security Association estabishment protocol [20,21],

and thus, holds a group key, a key-encrypting key, and an SPI.

NOTE, there is a minor modification required to the CBT protocol

[4], which is as follows: when a secondary core receives a join,

instead of sending an ack followed by a re-join to the primary,

the secondary forwards the join to the primary; the ack travels

from the primary (or intermediate on-tree router) back to the join

origin. All routers (or only specific routers) become GKDCs after

they receive the ack.

We now demonstrate, by means of an example, how CBT routers join a

tree securely, and become GKDCs. For clarity, in the example, it is

assumed all routers are authorised to become GKDCs, i.e. there is no

trusted-router ACL.

In the diagram below, only one core (the primary) is shown. The

process of a secondary joining the primary follows exactly what we

describe here.

In the diagram, host h wishes to join multicast group G. Its local

multicast router (router A) has not yet joined the CBT tree for the

group G.

b b b-----b



b---b b------b

/ \ / KEY....

/ \/

b C C = Core (Initial Group Key Dist'n Centre)

/ \ A, B, b = non-core routers

/ / \ ======= LAN where host h is located

B b------b

\ NOTE: Only one core is shown, but typically

host h A a CBT tree is likely to comprise several.



Figure 1: Example of Multicast Key Distribution using CBT

A branch is created as part of the CBT secure tree joining process,

as follows:

+ Immediately subsequent to a multicast application starting up on

host h, host h immediately sends an IGMP group membership

report, addressed to the group. This report is not suppressible

(see Appendix B), like other IGMP report types, and it also

includes the reporting host's token, which is digitally signed

h --> DR (A): [[token_h]^SK_h, IGMP group membership report]

(A host's token differs in two respects compared with tokens

defined in [9]. To refresh, a token assists a recipient in the

verification process, and typically contains: recipient's

unique identity, a timestamp, and a pseudo-random number. A

token is also usually digitally signed by its originator.

Firstly, A host's token does not contain the intended

recipient's identity, since this token may need to traverse

several CBT routers before reaching a GKDC. A host does not

actually know which router, i.e. GKDC, will actually

acknowledge the join that it invoked. Secondly, the host's

token is digitally signed -- this is usual for a token.

However, tokens generated by routers need not be explicitly

digitally signed because the JOIN-REQUESTs and JOIN-ACKs that

carry them are themselves digitally signed.)

+ In response to receiving the IGMP report, the local designated

router (router A) authenticates the host's enclosed token. If

successful, router A formulates a CBT join-request, whose target

is core C (the primary core). Router A includes its own token in

the join, as well as the signed token received from host h. The

join is digitally signed by router A.

NOTE 1: router A, like all CBT routers, is configured with the

unicast addresses of a prioritized list of cores, for different

group sets, so that joins can be targeted accordingly.

NOTE 2: the host token is authenticated at most twice, once by

the host's local CBT router, and once by a GKDC. If the local

router is already a GKDC, then authentication only happens once.

If the local router is not already a GKDC, a failed authentica-

tion check removes the overhead of generating and sending a CBT


Router A unicasts the join to the best next-hop router on the

path to core C (router B).

A --> B: [[token_A], [token_h]^SK_h, JOIN-REQUEST]^SK_A

+ B authenticates A's join-request. If successful, B repeats the

previous step, but now the join is sent from B to C (the pri-

mary, and target), and the join includes B's token. Host h's

token is copied to this new join.

B --> C: [[token_B], [token_h]^SK_h, JOIN-REQUEST]^SK_B

+ C authenticates B's join. As the tree's primary authorization

point (and GKDC), C also authenticates host h, which triggered

the join process. For this to be successful, host h must be

included in the GKDC's access control list for the group. If h

is not in the corresponding access control list, authentication

is redundant, and a join-nack is returned from C to B, which

eventually reaches host h's local DR, A.

Assuming successful authentication of B and h, C forms a group

access package (grpAP), encapsulates it in a join-ack, and digi-

tally signs the complete message. C's token, host h's signed

token, a signed ACL, and two (group key, KEK) pairs are included

in the group access package; one for the originating host, and

one for the next-hop CBT router to which the join-ack is des-

tined. Each key pair is digitally signed by the issuer, i.e. the

primary core for the group. The host key pair is encrypted using

the public key of the originating host, so as to be only deci-

pherable by the originating host, and the other key pair is

encrypted using the public key of the next-hop router to which

the ack is destined -- in this case, B. Host h's token is used

by the router connected to the subnet where h resides so as to

be able to identify the new member.

C --> B: [[token^h]^SK_h, grpAP, JOIN-ACK]^SK_C

+ B authenticates the join-ack from C. B extracts its encrypted

key pair from the group access package, decrypts it, authenti-

cates the primary core, and stores the key pair in encrypted

form, using a local key. B also verifies the digital signature

included with the access control list. It subsequently stores

the ACL in an appropriate table. The originating host key pair

remains enciphered.

The other copy of router B's key pair is taken and deciphered

using its secret key, and immediately enciphered with the public

key of next-hop to which a join-ack must be passed, i.e. router

A. A group access package is formulated by B for A. It contains

B's token, the group ACL (which is digitally signed by the pri-

mary core), a (group key, KEK) pair encrypted using the public

key of A, and the originating host's key pair, already

encrypted. The group access package is encapsulated in a join-

ack, the complete message is digitally signed by B, then for-

warded to A.

B --> A: [[token^h]^SK_h, grpAP, JOIN-ACK]^SK_B

+ A authenticates the join-ack received from B. A copy of the

encrypted key pair that is for itself is extracted from the

group access package and deciphered, and the key issuer (primary

core) is authenticated. If successful, the enciphered key pair

is stored by A. The digital signature of the included access

control list is also verified, and stored in an appropriate

table. The key pair encrypted for host h is extracted from the

group access package, and is forwarded directly to host h, which

is identified from the presence of its signed token. On

receipt, host h decrypts the key pair for subsequent use, and

stores the SA parameters in its SA table.

A --> h: [[token^h]^SK_h, {grpKey, KEK, SAparams}^PK_h]

Going back to the initial step of the tree-joining procedure, if the

DR for the group being joined by host h were already established as

part of the corresponding tree, it would already be a GKDC. It would

therefore be able to directly pass the group key and KEK to host h

after receiving an IGMP group membership report from h:

A --> h: [[token^h]^SK_h, {grpKey, KEK, SAparams}^PK_h]

If paths, or nodes fail, a new route to a core is gleaned as normal

from the underlying unicast routing table, and the re-joining process

(see [4]) occurs in the same secure fashion.

7. A Question of Trust

The security architecture we have described, involving multicast key

distribution, assumes that all routers on a delivery tree are trusted

and do not misbehave. A pertinent question is: is it reasonable to

assume that network routers do not misbehave and are adequately

protected from malicious attacks?

Many would argue that this is not a reasonable assumption, and

therefore the level of security should be increased to discount the

threat of misbehaving routers. As we described above, routers

periodically decrypt key pairs in order to verify them, and/or re-

encrypt them to pass them on to joining neighbour routers.

In view of the above, we suggest that if more stringent security is

required, the model we presented earlier should be slightly amended

to accommodate this requirement. However, depending on the security

requirement and perceived threat, the model we presented may be


We recommend the following change to the model already presented

above, to provide a higher level of security:

All join-requests must be authenticated by a core router, i.e. a join

arriving at an on-tree router must be forwarded upstream to a core if

the join is identified as being a "secure" join (as indicated by the

presence of a signed host token).

The implication of this is that key distribution capability remains

with the core routers and is not distributed to non-core routers

whose joins have been authenticated. Whilst this makes our model

somewhat less distributed than it was before, the concept of key

distribution being delegated to the responsibility of individual

groups remains. Our scheme therefore retains its attractiveness over

centralized schemes.

8. The Multicast Distribution of Sender-Specific Keys

Section 5, in part, discussed the scalable distribution of sender-

specific keys and sender-specific security parameters to a multicast

group, for both member-senders, and non-member senders. If asymmetric

cryptotechniques are employed, this allows for sender-specific origin


For member-senders, the following message is multicast to the group,

encrypted using the current group session key, prior to the new

sender transmitting data:

{[sender_key, senderSAparams]^SK_sender}^group_key

Non-member senders must first negotiate (e.g. using Photuris or

ISAKMP) with the primary core, to establish the security association

parameters, and the session key, for the sender. The sender, of

course, is subject to access control at the primary. Thereafter, the

primary multicasts the sender-specific session key, together with

sender's security parameters to the group, using the group's current

session key. Receivers are thus able to perform origin


Photuris or ISAKMP

1. sender <----------------------> primary core

2. {[sender_key, senderSAparams]^SK_primary}^group_key

For numerous reasons, it may be desirable to exclude certain group

members from all or part of a group's communication. We cannot offer

any solution to providing this capability, other than requiring new

keys to be distributed via the establishment of a newly-formed group

(CBT tree).

9. Summary

This memo has offered a scalable solution to the multicast key

distribution problem. Our solution is based on the CBT architecture

and protocol, but this should not preclude the use of other multicast

protocols for secure multicast communication subsequent to key

distribution. Furthermore, virtually all of the functionality present

in our solution is in-built in the secure version of the CBT

protocol, making multicast key distribution an optional, but integral

part, of the CBT protocol.

Appendix A

The following terminology is used throughout this document:

+ PK_A indicates the public key of entity A.

+ SK_A indicates the secret key of entity A. The secret key can be

used by a sender to digitally sign a digest of the message,

which is computed using a strong, one-way hash function, such as

MD5 [19].

+ Unencrypted messages will appear enclosed within square brack-

ets, e.g. [X, Y, Z]. If a message is digitally signed, a super-

script will appear outside the right hand bracket, indicating

the message signer. Encrypted messages appear enclosed within

curly braces, with a superscript on the top right hand side out-

side the closing curly brace indicating the encryption key, e.g.

{X, Y, Z}^{PK_A}.

+ a token is information sent as part of a strong authentication

exchange, which aids a receiver in the message verification pro-

cess. It consists of a timestamp, t (to demonstrate message

freshness), a random, non-repeating number, r (to demonstrate

message originality), and the unique name of the message

recipient (to demonstrate that the message is indeed intended

for the recipient). A digital signature is appended to the

token by the sender (which allows the recipient to authenticate

the sender). The token is as follows:

[t_A, r_A, B]^{SK_A} -- token sent from A to B.

+ A --> B: -- denotes a message sent from A to B.

Appendix B

The group access controls described in this document require a few

simple support mechanisms, which, we recommend, be integrated into

version 3 of IGMP. This would be a logical inclusion to IGMP, given

that version 3 is expected to accommodate a variety of multicast

requirements, including security. Furthermore, this would remove the

need for the integration of a separate support protocol in hosts.

To refresh, IGMP [8] is a query/response multicast support protocol

that operates between a multicast router and attached hosts.

Whenever an multicast application starts on a host, that host

generates a small number of IGMP group membership reports in quick

succession (to overcome potential loss). Thereafter, a host only

issues a report in response to an IGMP query (issued by the local

multicast router), but only if the host has not received a report for

the same group (issued by some other host on the same subnet) before

the host's IGMP random response timer expires. Hence, IGMP,

incorporates a report "suppression" mechanism to help avoid "IGMP

storms" on a subnet, and generally conserve bandwidth.

We propose that IGMP accommodate "secure joins" - IGMP reports that

indicate the presence of a digitally signed host (or user) token.

These report types must not be suppressible, as is typically the case

with IGMP reports; it must be possible for each host to independently

report its group presence to the local router, since a GKDC bases its

group access control decision on this information.

This functionality should not adversely affect backwards

compatibility with earlier versions of IGMP that may be present on

the same subnet; the new reports will simply be ignored by older IGMP

versions, which thus continue to operate normally.

Security Considerations

Security issues are discussed throughout this memo.

Author's Address

Tony Ballardie,

Department of Computer Science,

University College London,

Gower Street,

London, WC1E 6BT,


Phone: ++44 (0)71 419 3462

EMail: A.Ballardie@cs.ucl.ac.uk


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