
RFC1946 - Native ATM Support for ST2+

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group S. Jackowski

Request for Comments: 1946 NetManage Incorporated

Category: Informational May 1996

Native ATM Support for ST2+

Status of This Memo

This memo provides information for the Internet community. This memo

does not specify an Internet standard of any kind. Distribution of

this memo is unlimited.


As the demand for networked realtime services grows, so does the need

for shared networks to provide deterministic delivery services. SUCh

deterministic delivery services demand that both the source

application and the network infrastructure have capabilities to

request, setup, and enforce the delivery of the data. Collectively

these services are referred to as bandwidth reservation and Quality

of Service (QoS).

The IETF is currently working on an integrated services model to

support realtime services on the Internet The IETF has not yet

focused on the integration of ATM and its inherent QoS and bandwidth

allocation mechanisms for delivery of realtime traffic over shared

wires. (ATM hardware and interfaces provide the network

infrastructure for the determinitic data delivery, however the host

resident protocol stacks and applications need more attention.)

Current IETF efforts underway in the IP over ATM (ipatm) working

group rely on intserv, rsvp and ST2 to address QoS issues for ATM. As

such, RFC1577 and the ATM Forum's Lan Emulation do not provide

direct QoS and bandwidth allocation capabilities to network

applications. Without providing a mapping of reservations-style QoS

to ATM signalling, ATM will remain a 'wire' rather than a shared

media infrastructure component.

This memo describes a working implementation which enables

applications to directly invoke ATM services in the following


- ATM to internet,

- internet to ATM, and

- internet to internet across ATM.

Table of Contents

1.0 Introduction...............................................2

2.0 ST-2 and ST-2+.............................................5

3.0 Implementation Issues for Reservations over ATM............6

3.1 Addressing.................................................6

3.2 Changes to Bandwidth and QoS...............................6

3.3 Multicasting...............................................7

3.4 Receiver Initiated JOIN Requests to Multicast Groups.......8

3.5 Computation of QoS Parameters..............................8

3.6 Use of HELLOs..............................................9

4.0 Reservation Signalling with ATM............................9

4.1 Embedded Reservation Signalling within Q.2931.............10

4.2 In-Band Reservation Signalling............................11

4.3 Dedicated Virtual Circuits for Reservation Signalling.....12

4.4 Reservation Signalling via IP over ATM or LAN Emulation...13

4.5 Summary of Reservation Signalling Options.................14

5.0 Mapping Reservation QoS to ATM QoS........................15

5.1 CPCS-SDU Size Computation.................................16

5.2 PCR Computation...........................................17

5.3 Maximum End to End Transit Delay..........................17

5.4 Maximum Bit Error Rate....................................18

5.5 Accumulated Mean Delay....................................18

5.6 Accumulated Delay Variance (jitter).......................18

6.0 Data Stream Transmission..................................18

7.0 Implementation Considerations and Conclusions.............19

8.0 Security Considerations...................................20

9.0 References................................................20

10.0 Author's Address..........................................21

1.0 Introduction

The ATM Forum and the IETF seem to approach ATM networking


The ATM forum appeaars to believe that host systems require no

protocols beyond OSI layer 2 to deal with ATM. They define a layer 2

API and Q.2931 signaling for all new applications.

LAN Emulation, a mechanism to make the ATM interface appear to be a

LAN/internet, is intended to support 'legacy' network applications.

LAN emulation does not provide applications any visibility of the ATM

features, nor does it provide a mechanism to allow applications to

request specific ATM services. With LAN Emulation, application

traffic shares virtual circuits with no policing or guarantees of

service. LAN Emulation simply extends LAN characteristics to ATM.

Thus far, the IETF, through RFC1577[1] treats an ATM network as a

wire. The ipatm working group has eXPlicitly left issues of specific

QoS handling out of their specifications and working documents.

Current approaches do not give the application Access to individual

virtualcircuits and their associated guaranteed bandwidth and QoS.

Instead, all IP traffic between two hosts shares virtual circuits

with no granularity assigned to application-specific traffic or QoS


Thus, neither LAN Emulation nor RFC1577 (IP over ATM) uses the

features of ATM that make it a unique and desirable technology. RFC

1821 (Integration of Realtime Services in an IP-ATM Network

Architecture) [2] raises many of the issues associated with current

IETF efforts towards integrating ATM into the Internet, but it does

not propose any solutions.

This document offers a framework for provision of native ATM

circuits for applications which require bandwidth guarantees and QoS.

It identifies the requirements of a native ATM protocol which is

complementary to standard IP and describes one working


This document recognizes the fact that it is critical that such a

native ATM protocol is consistent in the four topologies described

in [2]:

* Communication across an ATM-only network between two hosts

directly connected to the ATM network,

* Communication between ATM connected hosts which involves some

non-ATM subnets,

* Communication between a host on a non-ATM subnet and a host

directly connected to ATM,

* Communication between two hosts, neither of which has a direct

ATM connection, but which may make use of one or more ATM

networks for some part of the path.

That is, to the host systems, the underlying type of network remains

transparent even when QoS is involved in internet, ATM, and mixed

networking environments. To make this consistency possible, the

'native ATM' protocol must also be:

* Multicast capable, to optimize transmission overhead and

support ATM multipoint facilities,

* Routable, to enable transmissions across subnets and


* QoS knowledgeable, to take advantage of ATM QoS facilities,

* Capable of Bandwidth/QoS Reservation to allocate proper

facilities for application traffic as it travels across

different types of networks: to effectively extend virtual

circuits across internets, and

* Capable of policing to ensure proper packet scheduling

behavior and to protect guaranteed services at merge points.

Clearly the protocol should support reservations. Reservation

protocols enable creation of 'virtual circuits' with guaranteed

bandwidth and QoS on the LAN or internet, and simultaneously can act

as signaling mechanisms to routers or ATM interfaces to request

provisioning of circuits. Use of a reservation protocol makes

characteristics of mixed networks (LANs, internet, ATM, ISDN)

transparent to the host systems. That is, a reservation will allow

the host or router to provision ATM circuits which match the

reservation, but in mixed networks, will allow routers and host to

provide bandwidth reservation and QoS across the non-ATM interfaces

as well. Effectively, the reservation maps ATM virtual circuits to

reservations on subnets and internets.

This creates a consistent End-to-End, QoS-guaranteed service for

mixed network topologies.

While it is beyond the scope of this document, the same requirements

apply to mixed ISDN networks and are currently being explored by the

ITU for their H.323, H.223, and T.123 standards.

Arguably, the reservation protocol that provides this end-to-end

guaranteed service should be connection-oriented to facilitate

mapping of real connections (ATM or ISDN) with virtual connections on

the LAN/internet. [2] points out the shortcomings of IP and RSVP [3]

in the ATM environment. Most notable among these are the difficulty

of mapping connectionless traffic to ATM connections, the constant

softstate refreshes of RSVP (and merging of RESV messages), the

receiver orientation of RSVP, and the dependence on IP multicast.

[6] is an Excellent document that proposes solutions to many of the

issues raised in [2], but the solutions recommend modifications to

the current RSVP and ATM implementations. Recently, issues of

incompatibility with the current IP over ATM model, VC explosions due

to use of multicast groups and VC explosions due to features

associated with heterogeneous receivers suggest that the current

version of RSVP may be inappropriate for ATM implementations.

Since ATM is connection-oriented, hard state, and origin-oriented for

transmission, signaling, and multicast, and is bandwidth and QoS

knowledgeable, perhaps the simplest and most elegant approach to a

native protocol for ATM would include a protocol that shares these


In surveying protocols described in IETF RFCs and Internet Drafts,

only two seem to meet these requirements: Experimental Internet

Stream Protocol: Version 2 (RFC1190) [4] and Internet STream

Protocol Version 2+ (RFC1819) [5]; ST2 and ST2+ respectively.

2.0 ST2 and ST2+

Both ST2 and ST2+ have been given the Internet Protocol Version 5

(IPv5) designation. In fact, ST2+ is an updated version of ST2.

Both protocols are origin-oriented reservation and multicast

protocols that provide bandwidth and QoS guarantees through

internets. Unlike IPv4 or IPv6, ST2 and ST2+ are connection-

oriented, subscribing to the philosophy that once a connection is

established, protocol and routing overhead can be substantially

reduced. This carries forward to QoS and Bandwidth Reservation as

well, simplifying the implementation of QoS guarantees. THESE





Both ST2 and ST2+ really consist of two protocols: SCMP and ST. SCMP

is analogous to ICMP in that it is the control and signaling

protocol, while ST is the low-overhead streaming protocol. ST-2

uses standard IP addresses during connection setup, but then reduces

header overhead by including a stream identifier in each data packet.

ST2+ includes simplification of many of the original ST2 features as

well as clarification of the ST2 specification. Among these

simplifications and clarifications are:

1) Much simpler connection setup.

2) Flow Specification independence and consolidation of experimental

Flow Specifications.

3) Clarification on the implementation of Groups of Streams.

4) Clarification of leaf-initiated JOINs in multicast trees (several

ST2 implementations had done this).

While there continues to be a dramatic increase in the use of ST2

for videoconferencing, video on demand, telemetry applications and

networked virtual reality, ST2+ has no commercial implementations

and is not yet supported by any router vendors. This is because ST2+

was released as an RFClate in the summer of 1995. It is expected

that several implementations will appear over the coming months. As

such, the approach described in this document applies to both

protocols, and, in fact, would be valid for any other similar

protocol used to establish 'native' ATM circuits. Since ST2 and ST2+

are so similar, this document will refer to 'the ST2 protocols'

generically in describing an implementation approach to both. Where

particular features of ST2+ are required or affect implementation,

'ST2+ ' will be used specifically.

3.0 Implementation Issues for Reservations over ATM

As described above, ST is a connection-oriented, hard state, origin-

oriented multicast protocol and thus maps fairly well to ATM.

However, ST-2 has several features that may be difficult to support

in the current version of ATM signaling with Q.2931 and UNI 3.1.

Among these are:

1) Addressing.

2) Changes to Bandwidth and QoS.

3) Multicasting.

4) Receiver initiated JOINs to multicast groups.

5) Computation of certain QoS parameters.

6) Use of HELLOs.

The degree of difficulty in supporting these functions is dependent

on the signaling mechanism chosen. See Section 4 for descriptions of

possible signaling approaches and their respective impact on the

features listed above.

3.1 Addressing

Of course mapping an Internet address to ATM address is always

problematic. It would be possible to set up a well known ARP server

to resolve the IP addresses of targets. However, the widespread

deployment of IP over ATM and LAN emulation in host-based ATM

drivers, and the assumption that most host systems will be running

some IP applications that do not need specific QoS and bandwidth

provisioning, suggests that use of ARP facilities provided by IP

over ATM and LAN Emulation is the most obvious choice for address


It should be noted that ATMARP returns the ATM address. For some

implementations (particularly kernel-based protocols), an NSAP

address is also required. Since these addresses are often difficult

to get from the ATM network itself in advance of the connection, it

may be necessary to invoke out-of-band signaling mechanisms to pass

this address, or it may be better to create an NSAP address server.

3.2 Changes to Bandwidth and QoS

Both ST-2 and ST-2+ allow the origin to dynamically change the QoS

and Bandwidth of a particular stream. At this time Q.2931 and UNI

3.1 do not support this feature. Until this capability is available,

full support of the SCMP CHANGE message for dedicated ATM circuits

(one reservation = one ATM circuit) can only be implemented by

tearing down the existing VC for a stream and establishing a new one

if efficient use of ATM resources are to be preserved.

Of course, the CHANGE message can simply be passed across the ATM

virtual circuit to the hosts or routers. This would allow the hosts

to relax resource requirements locally, and permit routers to relax

access to downstream circuits, but the ATM VC itself, would still

retain excessive bandwidth.

In addition, if the implementation allows sharing of virtual circuits

by multiple streams, the bandwidth/QoS of individual streams within

the VC can be CHANGEd.

3.3 Multicasting

ST-2 and ST-2+ support origin-oriented multicasting. That is, the

origin of a stream explicitly specifies the addresses of the targets

it wants involved in the connection. In addition, the origin can Add

or drop targets as desired. Aside from receiver-initiated JOINs

(discussed in section 3.4), there is a one to one mapping between

ST-2 multicast and ATM multipoint connections. Origin-initiated

additions can be accomplished through an ADDPARTY, and drops can be

done through DROPPARTY.

A key goal in implementation of a native ATM protocol is to ensure

consistent implementation for unicast and multicast data transfers.

One difficulty in doing this with ATM Virtual Circuits is the fact

that point-to-point circuits are duplex, while multipoint circuits

are simplex. This means that for multicast connections to be mapped

to multipoint ATM Virtual Circuits, any two-way, end-to-end signaling

must be done out of band. An alternative is to let the local

reservation agent act as a split/merge point for the connection by

establishing point-to-point Virtual Circuits for each member of the

multicast group directly connected to the ATM network. For multicast

group members not directly connected to the ATM network, traffic can

be multicast to the router connected at the edge across a single

virtual circuit associated with the reservation.

Section 4 describes alternative mechanisms for implementing


Included in each discussion is the optimal means for mapping

multicast to ATM point-to-point or multipoint circuits.

Note that the fact that ST-2 does not rely on IP multicast is a

strong advantage in implementation of a native protocol for ATM. The

one-to-one mapping of ST-2 multicast connections to ATM multipoint

virtual circuits minimizes the number of circuits required to support

large multicast groups.

3.4 Receiver Initiated JOINs to Multicast Groups

ST-2+ provides an in-band mechanism to permit receivers to join an

existing stream. Based on an origin-established authorization level,

the JOIN can be refused immediately, can be allowed with notification

of the origin, or can be allowed without notifying the origin. This

capability is made available through a new SCMP JOIN message. If the

receiver knows the IP address of the origin and the Stream ID, he can

join the stream if authorized to do so.

Note that since the JOIN flows from the receiver to the origin, there

will be issues in trying to support this feature with Q.2931 and UNI

3.1. The JOIN may have to be sent out of band depending on the

signaling mechanism chosen (section 4) because of the uni-directional

flow for point to multipoint ATM connections. This is supposed to

change with availability of UNI 4.0.

ST-2 did not support receiver initiated JOINs (unlike ST-2+).

However, most implementations created an out-of-band, or SCMP

extension to support this facility. Again, depending on the SCMP

signaling mechanism chosen, this feature may be difficult to support.

3.5 Computation of QoS Parameters

The recommended flow specifications (flowspecs) for ST-2 and ST-2+

include parameters that are not currently available to ATM virtual

circuits through Q.2931 and UNI 3.1. The mapping of packet rate to

cell rate, packet delay to cell delay, and other translatable QoS

parameters is described in section 5. However, the ST-2 flowspecs

also include parameters like accumulated end-to-end delay and

accumulated jitter. These parameters assume that the SCMP messages

follow the same path as the data. Depending on the signaling

mechanism chosen, this may not be true with ATM and thus certain QoS

parameters may be rendered useless.

It should also be noted that since ST-2 connections are simplex, all

QoS parameters are specified separately for each direction of data

transfer. Thus two connections and two QoS negotiations are required

for a duplex connection. To take advantage of the full duplex nature

of point-to-point ATM connections, special multiplexing of ST

connections would be required by ST-2 agents.

3.6 Use of HELLOs

Both ST-2 and ST-2+ support HELLO messages. HELLOs are intended to

assure that the neighboring agent is alive. Failure to respond to a

HELLO indicates that the connection is down and that the reservation

for that particular link should be freed.

While the ATM network will notify an ST-2 agent if the network

connection is down, there is still the possibility that the

connection is intact but that the ST-2 agent itself is down.

Knowledge of the neighboring agent's status is increasingly important

when multiple ST-2 connections share virtual circuits, when the

neighboring agents are routers, and when there are multiple dedicated

virtual circuits between agents.

As such, HELLO is a desirable feature. Note that some signaling

schemes (section 4), provide less than optimal support for HELLO.

4.0 Reservation Signaling with ATM

Use of Permanent Virtual Circuits (PVCs) for reservation signaling

presents no problem for ST-2, ST-2+, or RSVP. Each circuit is

considered to be a dedicated link to the next hop. If the PVCs are

to be shared, reservation protocols can divide and regulate the

bandwidth just as they would with any other link type.

Where ATM connections become more interesting is when the ATM network

takes on the role of an extended LAN or internet. To do this,

Switched Virtual Circuits are used to establish dynamic connections

to various endpoints and routers. The ITU-TS Q.2931 SETUP message is

used to request a connection from the network with specific bandwidth

and QoS requirements, and a CONNECT message is received by the origin

to indicate that connection establishment is complete.

For IP over ATM and LAN Emulation, SVCs are established between

endpoints and data traffic for a given destination shares the SVCs.

There is no mechanism to allow specific QoS guarantees for the

traffic, nor is there a mechanism to set up virtual circuits with

specific bandwidth and QoS for a particular type of traffic. This is

what reservation protocols will attempt to do. The goal is to use

reservations to request establishment of individual virtual circuits

with matching bandwidth and QoS for each reservation. This will

guarantee the requirements of the application while taking full

advantage of the ATM network's capabilities.

There are four possible mechanisms to perform reservation signaling

over ATM:

1) Embedding reservation signaling equivalents within the ATM Q.2931


2) Signaling in-band with the data.

3) Signaling over dedicated signaling VCs.

4) Implicitly sharing existing VCs for IP over ATM or LAN Emulation.

Note that ATM circuits are not necessarily reliable. As such, the

reliability mechanisms provided by SCMP must be maintained to assure

delivery of all reservation signaling messages.

4.1 Embedded Reservation Signaling Equivalents within ATM Q.2931


The basic idea in embedding reservation signaling within the ATM

controls is to use the Q.2931 SETUP and CONNECT messages to establish

both reservations and dedicated data paths (virtual circuits) across

the ATM network. This eliminates the need for dedicated signaling

channels, in-band signaling, or out of band mechanisms to communicate

between endpoints. Since SETUP and CONNECT include bandwidth and QoS

information, the basic concept is sound. In fact, this approach will

speed network connection by preventing multiple passes at

establishing a reservation and associated connection. This normally

results from the fact that most higher layer protocols (network and

transport) first require a link to signal their connection

requirements. As such, with ATM, the ATM virtual circuit must be

established before the network and/or transport protocols can do

their own signaling.

Embedded reservation signaling allows the reservation information to

be carried in the SETUP and CONNECT messages, allowing the

reservation protocol to do its signaling simultaneously with the ATM


[7] describes a clever way of combining the reservation signaling

with the ATM control plane signaling for ST-2. This 'simultaneous

connection establishment' process will optimize the establishment of

circuits and minimize connection setup time while simultaneously

eliminating unnecessary network layer signaling in ST-2. To be

effective, [7] requires enhancements to Q.2931 signaling and to the

ST-2 protocol implementations. In addition, it currently only

applies to point-to-point connections and will not work with

multipoint largely due to the simplex nature of multipoint

communication in current ATM implementations.

Implementation of multicast for Embedded Reservation Signaling is

done as described above: the reservation agent at the edge of the ATM

network must create point-to-point virtual circuits for each target

that is directly connected to the ATM network, and for each router

that supports downstream targets. This ensures two-way signaling

between targets and the origin.

Signaling itself is quite simple:

CONNECT maps directly to one or more (multicast) Q.2931


ACCEPT maps directly to Q.2931 CONNECTACK.

CHANGE/CHANGE REQUEST are not supported.

DISCONNECT maps directly to Q.2931 RELEASE.

HELLOs are not needed.

Unfortunately, the flowspec in the reservation protocol CONNECT

message cannot be passed across the ATM network in the signaling

messages and thus must be regenerated by the receiving agent.

In addition, User Data, which can be sent in most SCMP messages

cannot be supported without substantial changes to current Q.2931


One of the additional complexities with embedding the reservation

signaling occurs in heterogeneous networks. Since ATM signaling only

operates point to point across the ATM network itself, if the

endpoints reside on other types of networks or subnets, the routers

at the edge of the ATM networks must generate and regenerate

endpoint-based signaling messages on behalf of the host reservation

agents. In particular, CONNECT and ACCEPT messages and their

associated flowspecs must be regenerated. Refer to Section 5 for

details on the QoS mappings and on which QoS parameters can be

recreated for the generated flowspecs.

This approach is worth revisiting as an optimal signaling method in

pure ATM network environments once ATM signaling capabilities expand.

However, for heterogeneous networks, other signaling mechanisms may

be more appropriate.

4.2 In-Band Reservation Signaling

In-Band Reservation Signaling is the easiest signaling mechanism to

implement. When the applications requests a reservation, the

reservation agent simply sets up ATM virtual circuits to the

endpoints with the QoS specified in the CONNECT request. When

ACCEPTed, all subsequent data transmissions proceed on the virtual


Once again, to support multicast, the reservation agent must create

individual point-to-point virtual circuits to the targets which are

directly connected to the ATM network, as well as to routers which

can access downstream targets.

Since signaling is done in-band, all reservation signaling messages

can be passed between agents. However, some minimal additional

bandwidth must be allocated in the Q.2931 SETUP to allow for the

signaling messages themselves.

Note that the primary disadvantage to In-Band Reservation Signaling

is the fact that it does not make use of the multipoint capabilities

of ATM and will thus overreserve ATM network bandwidth and create a

larger than necessary number of virtual circuits.

4.3 Dedicated Reservation Signaling Virtual Circuits

One mechanism that can be used to take advantage of the full data

transmission capabilities of ATM networks is to use Dedicated Virtual

Circuits for reservation signaling. This guarantees a two-way

signaling pipe between the endpoints in a connection while enabling

the data transmission to take advantage of the multipoint

capabilities of ATM. Data and Signaling are done over separate

virtual circuits.

When an application requests a reservation, the reservation agent

reviews the list of targets in the CONNECT request. For any targets

which have no current signaling virtual circuits established, the

agent establishes UBR (unspecified bit rate) virtual circuits and

forwards the CONNECT message to the targets over these virtual

circuits. ATMARP is used to resolve any endpoint addresses. For any

targets for which there already exist signaling virtual circuits, the

agent simply forwards the CONNECT message over the existing virtual


Once an ACCEPT message is received, the agent issues a Q.2931 SETUP

to the associated target. Upon receipt of a CONNECTACK, data can

begin to flow. As additional ACCEPTs are received, the Q.2931

ADDPARTY message is used to add a target to the multicast and

multipoint connection. Depending on the cause of any ADDPARTY

failure, the agent may attempt to establish a dedicated point-to-

point virtual circuit to complete the multicast group.

DISCONNECT requests result in Q.2931 DROPPARTY messages and will

cause a member to be dropped from a multicast and multipoint

connection. When all targets are dropped from a multipoint

connection, a RELEASE can be issued to take down the virtual circuit.

Signaling virtual circuits are shared among reservations while data

circuits are dedicated to a particular reservation. Once all

reservations to a given endpoint are terminated, the signaling

virtual circuit to that endpoint can be RELEASEd.

Note that this approach would allow the NSAP address to be passed as

user data in the ACCEPT message to enable a kernel-based reservation

protocol to establish the dedicated data circuit. In addition,

because the connectivity to the endpoint is identical to that of the

data circuit, this approach assures the fact that accumulated

information in the flowspecs retains it validity.

4.4 Reservation Signaling via IP over ATM or LAN Emulation

As described in the previous section, it would be possible to set up

unique SVCs for SCMP signaling, however, since the streaming,

connection-oriented data transport offered by ST-2 is intended to be

complementary to IP and other connectionless protocol

implementations, it would be simpler and more elegant to simply use

classical IP over ATM (RFC1577) mechanisms, or to use LAN Emulation.

The widespread deployment of IP over ATM and LAN emulation in host-

based ATM drivers, and the assumption that most host systems will be

running applications that do not need specific QoS and bandwidth

provisioning, makes this the most straightforward (if not performance

optimal) solution for signaling. Once an end-to-end acceptance of a

reservation request is completed via normal LAN or IP transmission,

then a unique direct virtual circuit can be established for each data


If LAN Emulation is used, as long as the ST-2 implementation allows

for different paths for SCMP and data, there would be no changes to

the signaling mechanisms employed by the reservation agent.

For IP over ATM, all SCMP messages would be encapsulated in IP as

described in both RFC1190 and RFC1819. This is required because

current ATM drivers will not accept Ipv5 packets, and most drivers do

not provide direct access to the shared signaling virtual circuits

used for IP.

In either case, LAN Emulation or IP over ATM, the reservation agent

would handle SCMP messages as it normally does. However, once the

first ACCEPT is received for a reservation request, a dedicated

virtual circuit is established for the data flow. Subsequent ACCEPTs

will result in the use of ADDPARTY to add multicast targets to the

multipoint virtual circuit. In fact, processing of

multipoint/multicast is identical to that described in section 4.3.

Once again, the use of an out-of-band signaling mechanism makes it

possible to carry the NSAP address of the target in the ACCEPT


One potential drawback to using LAN Emulation or SCMP messages

encapsulated in IP over ATM, is the fact that there is no guarantee

that the connectivity achieved to reach the target via signaling has

any relationship to the data path. This means that accumulated

values in the flowspec may be rendered useless.

In addition, it is possible that the targets will actually reside

outside the ATM network. That is, there may be no direct ATM access

to the Targets and it may be difficult to identify ATM addresses of

the associated ATM connected routers. This approach will involve

some additional complexity in routing to the targets. However, since

ST-2 is intended to run with IP, if ATM vendors would accept IPv5

packets or would allow direct access to the IP over ATM signaling

virtual circuits, this approach would be optimal in minimizing the

number of virtual circuits required.

4.5 Summary of Reservation Signaling Approaches

Embedded Reservation Signaling (section 4.1) is ideal for homogeneous

ATM connections, but requires extensions to existing ATM signaling

to support multipoint connections. In-Band Reservation Signaling

(section 4.2) is the easiest to implement, but cannot employ

multipoint connections either.

Perhaps the simplest way to do this is similar to what is suggested

in [6]: separate the reservation signaling from the actual data

flows, mapping the data flows directly to ATM circuits while doing

the signaling separately.

While there is significant complexity in doing this for IP traffic

and RSVP, the ST2 protocols lend themselves to this quite well. In

fact, because SCMP reservation signaling results in streaming,

multicast connections, the 'Shortcut' mechanism described in [6],

which can bypass routers where direct ATM connections are possible,

is automatically available to ST2 streams.

Using Reservation Signaling over LAN Emulation or IP over ATM

(section 4.4) is one multipoint-capable approach to implement in

hosts since most ATM drivers shipping today provide both IP over ATM

and LAN Emulation, as well as associated address resolution

mechanisms. However, it is not complete in its ability to accurately

depict flowspec parameters or to resolve host ATM addresses. In

addition, to be optimal, ATM vendors would either have to support

IPv5 in their drivers or allow direct access to the IP signaling

virtual circuits. Thus the current ideal approach to implementation

of the ST2 protocols over ATM is to use shared Dedicated Reservation

Signaling Virtual Circuits (section 4.3) for signaling of

reservations, and then to establish appropriate multipoint ATM

virtual circuits for the data flows.

5.0 Mapping of Reservation QoS to ATM QoS

QoS negotiation in ST-2 (and ST-2+) is done via a two-way


The origin proposes a QoS for the connection in a Flow Specification

(Flowspec) associated with the CONNECT message. Most of the

network-significant QoS parameters in the Flowspec include both a

minimum and a desired value. Each ST agent along the path to the

Target validates its ability to provide the specified QoS (at least

the minimum value for each), updates certain values in the Flowspec,

and propagates the CONNECT until it reaches the Target. The Target

can either ACCEPT the Flowspec or REFUSE it if it cannot meet at

least the minimum QoS requirements. Negotiation takes place as part

of the process in that the Target can specify changes to the desired

QoS values as long as the new value meets at least the minimum

requirements specified by the Origin system. In addition, both the

Target and the Origin can assess actual network performance by

reviewing the values that are accumulated along the path.

The primary Reservation QoS parameters that impact an ATM network


ST-2 (RFC1190) ST-2+ (RFC1819)

Desired PDU Bytes, Desired Message Size,

Limit on PDU Bytes (minimum). Limit on Message Size.

Desired PDU Rate, Desired Rate,

Limit on PDU Rate (minimum). Limit on Rate.

Minimum Transmission Rate in Bytes.

Limit on Delay (maximum). Desired Delay,

Limit on Delay.

Maximum Bit Error Rate.

Accumulated Delay.

Accumulated Delay Variance (Jitter).

Q.2931 ATM signaling offers the following QoS parameters:

- Cumulative Transit Delay,

- Maximum End to End Transit Delay.

- Forward Peak Cell Rate (PCR),

- Backward Peak Cell Rate (PCR).

- Forward Maximum CPCS-SDU size,

- Backward Maximum CPCS-SDU size.

- Forward QoS Class,

- Backward QoS Class.

- B-LLI (one byte user protocol information).

As previously noted, reservation protocols (ST and RSVP) make QoS

reservations in one direction only. Thus, depending on the type of

signaling used (see Section 4), the 'Backward' ATM parameters may not

be useful. In particular, if Multipoint ATM connections are used to

map multicast reservations, these parameters are not available.

However, it would be possible to implement a multiplexing scheme to

enable reservations to share bi-directional point-to-point ATM

connections if the reservation agent creates a split/merge point at

the ATM boundary and sets up only point-to-point VC connections to


The CPCS-SDU parameters are AAL Parameters which are used by the AAL

entity to break packets into cells. As such, these parameters are

not modified by the network and could conceivably be used for

additional end-to-end signaling, along with the B-LLI.

Finally, QoS Class is somewhat limited in its use and implementation.

While IP over ATM recommends use of Class 0 (Unspecified QoS), this

is not sufficient for guaranteed connections. Instead, Class 1 with

CLP=0 will provide at least minimum QoS services for the traffic.

5.1 CPCS-SDU Size Computation

The CPCS-SDU size computation is the easiest QoS mapping. Since ST-2

does not require a Service Specific Convergence Sublayer (SSCS), if

AAL 5 is used, the ST packet size plus 8 bytes (for the AAL 5

Trailer) will be the CPCS-SDU size. Note that the ST-2 packet size

also includes an 8-byte header for ST-2. Thus the CPCS-SDU size is:

CPCS-SDUsize = PDUbytes + 8 + 8.

For ST-2+, the header is larger than for ST-2, so the CPCS-SDU size


CPCS-SDUsize = PDUbytes + 12 + 8.

5.2 PCR Computation

The Peak Cell Rate (PCR) computation is only slightly more complex.

The PCR will be the peak packet rate divided by the ATM payload size.

Since PDU rates in ST-2 are specified in tenths of packets per

second, AAL 5 requires an 8 byte trailer, and the ATM payload size is

48 bytes, the computation for PCR proceeds as follows:

The requested maximum byte transmission rate for ST-2 is:

PDUbytes * PDUrate * 10.

Accounting for the AAL 5 and ST headers, the maximum byte rate


Bytes per second = (PDUbytes + 8 + 8) * PDUrate * 10.

Translating into cells and eliminating the possibility of a

fractional PDU:

PCR = ((PDUbytes + 8 + 8 + 48) / 48) * PDUrate * 10.

For ST-2+, not only is the header size 12 bytes, but the Rate is in

messages per second, not tenths of packets per second. Thus, the PCR

for ST-2+ is:

PCR = ((PDUbytes + 12 + 8 + 48) / 48) * PDUrate.

5.3 Maximum End to End Transit Delay.

The End to End Transit Delay is a little more complex. The

requested end to end delay must account for not only the PDU size as

requested by the user, but the additional 8-byte AAL 5 header as

well. The translation of the user-requested LimitOn Delay is

preserved as long as the delay computation is based on the CPCS-SDU

size instead of the PDU size.

In addition to the end to end delay introduced by the ATM network,

there is additional delay created by the fragmentation of packets.

Reassembly of these packets can only be accomplished at the rate at

which they are received. The time (in milliseconds) required to

receive a cell (inter-cell arrival time) is:

T = 1000 / PCR.

The number of cells in a CPCS-SDU is:

C = (CPCS-SDUsize + 48) / 48.

Thus the delay for a packet is:

LimitonDelay = (C - 1) * T + MaxCellTransitDelay.

Therefore, the requested Maximum End to End Transit delay is:

MaxCellTransitDelay = Limiton Delay - (C-1) * T.

5.4 Maximum Bit Error Rate

Q.2931 signaling does not offer the ability to directly specify the

requested bit error rate or a corresponding cell error rate.

Instead, this service is supposed to be offered through selection of

QoS class.

Since these classes have few actual implementations, at this time,

there is no effective mapping for bit error rate.

5.5 Accumulated Mean Delay

ST allows accumulation of the Mean Delay generated by each ST agent

node and intervening circuits. With an ATM circuit each agent should

factor in the overhead of the ATM connection. The delay associated

with the ATM circuit is reflected in the Q.2931 CONNECT message as

the Cummulative Transit Delay. Since this is a cell-based

computation, the delay experienced for an ST packet, including the

CPCS-SDU header and ST header is, as computed in Section 5.3:

Delay = (C - 1) * T + CummulativeTransit Delay.

5.6 Accumulated Delay Variance (Jitter)

Cell Delay Variance is not currently available as a Q.2931 parameter.

Thus, we can assume that the reassembly of cells into packets will

be consistent, since the cell transmission rate should be constant

for each packet. As such, except as noted by the specific ATM

service, the ST agent should use its standard mechanisms for tracking

packet arrival times and use this for Accumulated Delay Variance.

6.0 Data Stream Transmission

Once virtual circuits for data transmission are established though

one of the mechanisms described in section 4, the ST data must be

transmitted over the connection. RFC1483 describes mechanisms for

encapsulating packet transmissions over AAL5. While the LLC

encapsulation could be used, it is not necessary. If it is used, the

computations in section 5 should be redone to include the LLC headers

in addition to the AAL5 trailer currently used. These new values

should be substituted for the QoS values in the SETUP message.

Instead, ST data packets can be encapsulated in standard AAL5 format

with an 8 byte trailer and sent directly over the data virtual

circuit. The mechanisms for computing the QoS values in the SETUP

message are described in section 5.

7.0 Implementation Experience and Conclusions

All of the signaling mechanisms described in Section 4 were

implemented and tested in a mixed ATM network/routed LAN environment.

Initially it appeared that the best approach was to do signaling via

IP over ATM or LANE. However, because it required IP encapsulation

of the SCMP packets (for IP over ATM), and because some applications

use the accumulated values in the flowspecs (which are not guaranteed

to be accurate in LANE and IP/ATM), using virtual circuits dedicated

to SCMP signaling turned out to be the best implementation for

taking full advantage of the ATM features.

Also, the issue of mapping ATM address to E.164 NSAP addresses was

resolved through an external signaling mechanism (the User Data field

of the ST-2 CONNECT and ACCEPT messages). It appears that ATM

vendors need to implement a consistent addressing mechanism

throughout their interfaces.

From a performance point of view, using ST over ATM provided more

than triple the performance of raw IP. The differences became

increasingly clear as more simultaneous applications were run. This

resulted in dedicated virtual circuits for the ST traffic while the

IP traffic suffered (saw inconsistent performance) over shared

circuits. Even more dramatic were results in mixed network

environments where all traffic shared the same LAN/router

connections, and, when both IP and ST traffic was sent, the ST

traffic maintained its quality while the IP traffic saw increasing

variation in performance.

Clearly, using a connection-oriented, origin-oriented reservation

protocol to provide consistent end-to-end guaranteed QoS and

bandwidth in mixed ATM/internet environments is not only feasible, it

results in dramatic performance and quality improvements for

transmission of realtime traffic.

8.0 Security Considerations

This memo raises no security considerations. However, with their

connection-oriented and origin controlled natures, ST-2 and ST-2+

lend themselves to better internet security. Discussion of this is

beyond the scope of this document.

9.0 References

[1] Laubach, M., "Classical IP and ARP over ATM", RFC1577, Hewlett

Packard Laboratories, December, 1993.

[2] Borden, M., Crawley, E., Davie, B., and S. Batsell, "Integration

of Real-time Services in an IP-ATM network Architecture", RFC

1821, August 1995.

[3] Braden, R., Zhang, L., Estrin, D., Herzog, S., and S. Jamin,

"Resource ReSerVation Protocol (RSVP Version 1 Functional

Specification", Work in Progress, November 1995.

[4] Topolcic, C., "Experimental Internet Stream Protocol: Version 2

(ST-II)", RFC1190, October 1990.

[5] DelGrossi, L., and L. Berger, "Internet STream Protocol Version

2+", RFC1819, July 1995.

[6] V. Firoiu, R. Guerin, D. Kandlur, A. Birman "Provisioning of

RSVP-based Services over a Large ATM Network', IBM T.J. Watson

Research Center, October 1995.

[7] S. Damaskos, A. Anastassios Gavras, "Connection Oriented

Protocols over ATM: A Case Study", German National Research

Corporation for Mathematics and Data Processing (GMD) and

Research Centre for Open Communications Systems (FOKUS), February


[8] Heinanen, J., "Multiprotocol Encapsulation over ATM Adaptation

Layer 5", RFC1483, July 1993.

[9] M. Graf, T. Kober, H. Stuttgen, "ST-II over ATM Implementation

Issues", IBM European Networking Center, October 1995.

10.0 Author's Address

Steve Jackowski

NetManage Incorporated

269 Mt. Hermon Road, Suite 201

Scotts Valley, Ca 95066

Phone: (408) 439-6834

Fax: (408) 438-5115

EMail: Stevej@NetManage.com

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