
RFC2041 - Mobile Network Tracing

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
窄屏简体版  字體: |||超大  

Network Working Group B. Noble

Request for Comments: 2041 Carnegie Mellon University

Category: Informational G. Nguyen

University of California, Berkeley

M. Satyanarayanan

Carnegie Mellon University

R. Katz

University of California, Berkeley

October 1996

Mobile Network Tracing

Status of this Memo

This memo provides information for the Internet community. This memo

does not specify an Internet standard of any kind. Distribution of

this memo is unlimited.


Mobile networks are both poorly understood and difficult to

eXPeriment with. This RFCargues that mobile network tracing

provides both tools to improve our understanding of wireless

channels, as well as to build realistic, repeatable testbeds for

mobile software and systems. The RFCis a status report on our work

tracing mobile networks. Our goal is to begin discussion on a

standard format for mobile network tracing as well as a testbed for

mobile systems research. We present our format for collecting mobile

network traces, and tools to prodUCe from such traces analytical

models of mobile network behavior.

We also describe a set of tools to provide network modulation based

on collected traces. Modulation allows the emulation of wireless

channel latency, bandwidth, loss, and error rates on private, wired

networks. This allows system designers to test systems in a

realistic yet repeatable manner.

1. Introduction

How does one accurately capture and reproduce the observed behavior

of a network? This is an especially challenging problem in mobile

computing because the network quality experienced by a mobile host

can vary dramatically over time and space. Neither long-term average

measures nor simple analytical models can capture the variations in

bandwidth, latency, and signal degradation observed by such a host.

In this RFC, we describe a solution based on network tracing. Our

solution consists of two phases: trace recording and trace


In the trace recording phase, an experimenter with an instrumented

mobile host physically traverses a path of interest to him. During

the traversal, packets from a known workload are generated from a

static host. The mobile host records observations of both packets

received from the known workload as well as the device

characteristics during the workload. At the end of the traversal,

the list of observations represents an accurate trace of the observed

network behavior for this traversal. By performing multiple

traversals of the same path, and by using different workloads, one

can oBTain a trace family that collectively characterizes network

quality on that path.

In the trace modulation phase, mobile system and application software

is subjected to the network behavior observed in a recorded trace.

The mobile software is run on a LAN-attached host whose kernel is

modified to read a file containing the trace (possibly postprocessed

for efficiency,) and to delay, drop or otherwise degrade packets in

accordance with the behavior described by the trace. The mobile

software thus experiences network quality indistinguishable from that

recorded in the trace. It is important to note that trace modulation

is fully transparent to mobile software --- no source or binary

changes have to be made.

Trace-based approaches have proved to be of great value in areas such

as file system design [2, 10, 11] and computer architecture. [1, 5,

13] Similarly, we anticipate that network tracing will prove valuable

in many ASPects of mobile system design and implementation. For

example, detailed analyses of traces can provide insights into the

behavior of mobile networks and validate predictive models. As

another example, it can play an important role in stress testing and

debugging by providing the opportunity to reproduce the network

conditions under which a bug was originally uncovered. As a third

example, it enables a system under development to be subjected to

network conditions observed in distant real-life environments. As a

final example, a set of traces can be used as a benchmark family for

evaluating and comparing the adaptive capabilities of alternative

mobile system designs.

Our goal in writing this RFCis to encourage the development of a

widely-accepted standard format for network traces. Such

standardization will allow traces to be easily shared. It will also

foster the development and widespread use of trace-based benchmarks.

While wireless mobile networks are the primary motivation for this

work, we have made every effort to ensure that our work is applicable

to other types of networks. For example, the trace format and some

of the tools may be valuable in analyzing and modeling ATM networks.

The rest of this RFCis organized as follows. We begin by examining

the properties of wireless networks and substantiating the claim that

it is difficult to model such networks. Next, in Section 3, we

describe the factors that should be taken into account in designing a

trace format. We present the details of a proposed trace format

standard in Section 4. Section 5 presents a set of tools that we

have built for the collection, analysis and replay of traces.

Finally, we conclude with a discussion of related and future work.

2. Modeling Wireless Networks

Wireless channels are particularly complex to model, because of their

inherent dependence on the physical properties of radio waves (such

as reflections from "hard" surfaces, diffraction around corners, and

scattering caused by small objects) and the site specific geometries

in which the channel is formed. They are usually modeled as a time-

and distance-varying signal strength, capturing the statistical

nature of the interaction among reflected radio waves. The signal

strength can vary by several orders of magnitude (+ or - 20-30 dB)

within a short distance. While there have been many efforts to

obtain general models of radio propagation inside buildings and over

the wide area, these efforts have yielded inherently inaccurate

models that can vary from actual measurements by an order of

magnitude or more.

Signal-to-noise ratio, or SNR, is a measure of the received signal

quality. If the SNR is too low, the received signal will not be

detected at the receiver, yielding bit errors and packet losses. But

SNR is not the only effect that can lead to losses. Another is

inter-symbol interference caused by delay spread, that is, the

delayed arrival of an earlier transmitted symbol that took a

circuitous propagation path to arrive at the receiver, thereby

(partially) canceling out the current symbol. Yet another problem is

doppler shift, which causes frequency shifts in the arrived signal

due to relative velocities of the transmitter and the receiver,

thereby complicating the successful reception of the signal. If

coherent reception is being used, receiver synchronization can be


More empirically, it has been observed that wireless channels adhere

to a two state error model. In other Words, channels are usually

well behaved but occasionally go into a bad state in which many burst

errors occur within a small time interval.

Developers of network protocols and mobility algorithms must

experiment with realistic channel parameters. It is highly desirable

that the wireless network be modeled in a thoroughly reproducible

fashion. This would allow an algorithm and its variations to be

evaluated in a controlled and repeatable way. Yet the above

discussion makes it clear that whether analytical models are used or

even actual experimentation with the network itself, the results will

be either inaccurate or unlikely to be reproducible. A trace-based

approach alleviates these problems.

3. Desirable Trace Format Properties

In designing our trace format, we have been guided by three

principles. First, the format should be extensible. Second, it

should be self-describing. Third, traces should be easy to manage.

This section describes how each of these principles has affected our


Although we have found several interesting uses for network traces,

it is certain that more will evolve over time. As the traces are

used in new ways, it may be necessary to add new data to the trace

format. Rather than force the trace format to be redesigned, we have

structured the format to be extensible. There is a built-in

mechanism to add to the kinds of data that can be recorded in network


This extensibility is of little use if the tool set needs to change

as the trace format is extended. Recognizing this, we have made the

format -- particularly the extensible portions -- self-describing.

Thus, old versions of tools can continue to work with extended

traces, if perhaps in a less than optimal way.

In our experience with other tracing systems, management of trace

files is often difficult at best. Common problems include the need

to manage multiple trace files as a unit, not easily being able to

extract the salient features of large trace files, and having to use

dedicated trace management tools to perform even the simplest tasks.

To help cope with file management, we have designed the the traces to

be split or merged easily. To reduce dependence on specialized

tools, we've chosen to store some descriptive information as ASCII

strings, allowing minimal Access to the standard UNIX tool suite.

4. Trace Format

This section describes the format for network traces. We begin by

presenting the basic abstractions that are key to the trace format:

the record, and the track, a collection of related records. We then

describe the records at the beginning and end of a trace, the header

and footer. The bulk of the section describes the three kinds of

record tracks: packet, device, and general. These also make up the

bulk of the actual trace. We conclude the section with a discussion

of two special purpose records: the annotation and the trace data

loss records.

4.1. Basic Abstractions

4.1.1. Records

A record is the smallest unit of trace data. There are several

different types of records, each of which is discussed in Sections

4.2 through 4.7. All of the records share several features in

common; these features are described here.

Records are composed of fields, which are stored in network order.

Most of the fields in our records are word-sized. Although this may

be wasteful in space, we chose to leave room to grow and keep trace

management simple.

The first field in each record is a magic word, a random 32 bit

pattern that both identifies the record's type and lends some

confidence that the record is well formed. Many record types have

both required and optional fields; thus they can be of variable size.

We place every record's size in its second field. By comparing the

size of a record to the known constraints for the record's type, we

can gain further confidence that a record is well-formed. This basic

record structure is illustrated in Figure 1.

All records also contain a two-word timestamp. This timestamp can

take one of two formats: timeval or timespec. Only one of the two

formats is used in any given trace, and the format is specified at

the start of a trace file. The first word in either format is the

number of seconds that have elapsed since midnight, January 1, 1970.

The second word is the additional fractions of a second. In the

timeval format, these fractions are expressed in microseconds, in the

same way that many current operating systems express time. In the

timespec format, these fractions are expressed in nanoseconds, the

POSIX time standard. We've chosen these two values since they are

convenient, cover most current and anticipated systems' notions of

time, and offer appropriate granularity for measuring network events.


Magic Number

Size of Record


Required Fields



Optional Fields



Figure 1: Record format

4.1.2. Tracks

Many of the record types have both fixed, required fields, as well as

a set of optional fields. It is these options that provide

extensibility to our trace format. However, to provide a self-

describing trace, we need some compact way of determining which

optional fields are present in a given record. To do this, we group

related sets of packets into tracks. For example, a set of records

that captured packet activity for a single protocol between two

machines might be put together into a track. A track is a header

followed by some number of related records; the header completely

describes the format of the individual records. Records from

separate tracks can be interleaved with one another, so long as the

header for each individual track appears before any of the track's

records. Figure 2 shows an example of how records from different

tracks might be interleaved.

Track headers describe their records' content through property lists.

An entry in a property list is a two-element tuple consisting of a

name and a value. The name is a word which identifies the property

defined by this entry. Some of these properties are measured only

once for a track, for example, the address of a one-hop router in a

track recording packets from that router. Others are measured once

per record in that track, such as the signal strength of a device

which changes over time. The former, which we call header-only

properties, have their most significant name bit set. The value

field of a header-only property holds the measured value of the

property. Otherwise, the value field holds the number of words used

in each of the track's records.


Track #1 Track #1 Track #2 Track #1 Track #2

Header Entry Header Entry Entry


Figure 2: Interleaved track records

Those properties measured in each record in the track are grouped

together in a value list at the end of each such record. They appear

in the same order that was specified in the track header's property

list so that tools can properly attribute data. Thus, even if a tool

doesn't know what property a particular name represents, it can

identify which parts of a trace record are measuring that property,

and ignore them.

4.2. Trace Headers and Footers

Trace files begin with a trace header, and end with a trace footer.

The formats of these appear in Figure 3. The header specifies

whether this trace was collected on a single machine, or was merged

from several other traces. In the former case, the IP address and

host name of the machine are recorded. In the latter, the IP address

is taken from the family of Class E address, which are invalid. We

use a family of invalid addresses so that even if we cannot identify

a number of hosts participating in the trace we can still distinguish

records from distinct hosts.

#define TR_DATESZ 32

#define TR_NAMESZ 64

struct tr_header_t {

u_int32_t h_magic;

u_int32_t h_size;

u_int32_t h_time_fmt; /* usec or nsec */

struct tr_time_t h_ts; /* starting time */

char h_date[TR_DATESZ]; /* Date collected */

char h_agent[TR_NAMESZ]; /* DNS name */

u_int32_t h_agent_ip;

char h_desc[0]; /* variable size */


struct tr_end_t {

u_int32_t e_magic;

u_int32_t e_size;

struct tr_time_t e_ts; /* end time */

char e_date[32]; /* Date end written */


Figure 3: Trace header and footer records

The trace header also specifies which time stamp format is used in

the trace, and the time at which the trace begins. There is a

variable-length description that is a string meant to provide details

of how the trace was collected. The trace footer contains only the

time at which the trace ended; it serves primarily as a marker to

show the trace is complete.

Unlike other kinds of records in the trace format, the header and

footer records have several ASCII fields. This is to allow standard

utilities some access to the contents of the trace, without resorting

to specialized tools.

4.3. Packet Tracks

Measuring packet activity is the main focus of the network tracing

project. Packet activity is recorded in tracks, with a packet header

and a set of packet entries. A single track is meant to capture the

activity of a single protocol, traffic from a single router, or some

other subset of the total traffic seen by a machine. The required

portions of packet headers and entries are presented in Figure 4.

Packet track headers identify which host generated the trace records

for that track, as well as the time at which the track began. It

records the device on which these packets are received or sent, and

the protocol used to ship the packet; these allow interpretation of

device-specific or protocol-specific options. The header concludes

with the property list for the track.

struct tr_pkt_hdr_t {

u_int32_t ph_magic;

u_int32_t ph_size;

u_int32_t ph_defines; /* magic number defined */

struct tr_time_t ph_ts;

u_int32_t ph_ip; /* host generating stream */

u_int32_t ph_dev_type; /* device collected from */

u_int32_t ph_protocol; /* protocol */

struct tr_prop_lst_t ph_plist[0]; /* variable size */


struct tr_pkt_ent_t {

u_int32_t pe_magic;

u_int32_t pe_size;

struct tr_time_t pe_ts;

u_int32_t pe_psize; /* packet size */

u_int32_t pe_vlist[0]; /* variable size */


Figure 4: Packet header and entry records

A packet entry is generated for every traced packet. It contains the

size of the traced packet, the time at which the packet was sent or

received, and the list of property measurements as specified in the

track header.

The options we have defined to date are in Table 1. Several of these

have played an important role in our early experiments. ADDR_PEER

identifies the senders of traffic during the experiment. We can

determine network performance using either PKT_SENTTIME for one-way

traffic between two hosts with closely synchronized clocks, or round

trip ICMP ECHO traffic and the ICMP_PINGTIME option. Tracking

PKT_SEQUENCE numbers sheds light on both loss rates and patterns.

Section 5 discusses how these measurements are used.

4.4. Device Tracks

Our trace format records details of the devices which carry network

traffic. To date, we've found this most useful for correlating lost

packets with various signal parameters provided by wireless devices.

The required portions of device header and entry records appear in

Figure 5, and are quite simple. Device track headers identify the

host generating the track's records, the time at which the

observation starts, and the type of device that is being traced.

Each entry contains the time of the observation, and the list of

optional characteristics.


ADDR_PEER Address of peer host

ADDR_LINK Address of one-hop router

BS_LOC_X One-hop router's X coordinate (header only)

BS_LOC_Y One-hop router's Y coordinate (header only)

PKT_SEQUENCE Sequence number of packet

PKT_SENTTIME Time packet was sent

PKT_HOPS Number of hops packet took

SOCK_PORTS Sending and receiving ports

IP_PROTO Protocol number of an IP packet

ICMP_PINGTIME Roundtrip time of an ICMP ECHO/REPLY pair

ICMP_KIND Type and code of an ICMP packet

ICMP_ID The id field of an ICMP packet

PROTO_FLAGS Protocol-specific flags

PROTO_ERRLIST Protocol-specific status/error words


Table 1: Current optional fields for packet entries

struct tr_dev_hdr_t {

u_int32_t dh_magic;

u_int32_t dh_size;

u_int32_t dh_defines; /* Magic number defined */

struct tr_time_t dh_ts;

u_int32_t dh_ip; /* host generating stream */

u_int32_t dh_dev_type; /* device described */

struct tr_prop_lst_t dh_plist[0]; /* Variable size */


struct tr_dev_ent_t {

u_int32_t de_magic;

u_int32_t de_size;

struct tr_time_t de_ts;

u_int32_t de_vlist[0]; /* Variable size */


Figure 5: Device header and entry records

These optional characteristics, listed in Table 2, are mostly

concerned with the signal parameters of the wireless interfaces we

have available. Interpreting these parameters is heavily device-

dependent. We give examples of how we've used device observations in

Section 5.


DEV_ID Major and minor number of device (header only)

DEV_STATUS Device specific status registers

WVLN_SIGTONOISE Signal to noise ratio reported by WaveLAN

WVLN_SIGQUALITY Signal quality reported by WaveLAN

WVLN_SILENCELVL WaveLAN silence level


Table 2: Current optional fields for packet entries

4.5. Miscellaneous Tracks

We use miscellaneous, or general, tracks to record things that don't

fit clearly in either the packet or device model. At the moment,

physical location of a mobile host is the only attribute tracked in

general trace records. The required portion of the general header

and entry records is shown in Figure 6, the two optional properties

are in Table 3. In addition to the property list, general headers

have only the IP address of the host generating the record and the

time at which observations began. General entries have only a

timestamp, and the optional fields.

4.6. Annotations

An experimenter may occasionally want to embed arbitrary descriptive

text into a trace. We include annotation records to provide for

this. Such records are not part of a track; they stand alone. The

structure of an annotation record is shown in Figure 7. Annotations

include the time at which the annotation was inserted in the trace,

the host which inserted the annotation, and the variable-sized text

of the annotation itself.

struct tr_gen_hdr_t {

u_int32_t gh_magic;

u_int32_t gh_size;

u_int32_t gh_defines;

struct tr_time_t gh_ts;

u_int32_t gh_ip;

struct tr_prop_lst_t gh_plist[0]; /* Variable size */


struct tr_gen_ent_t {

u_int32_t ge_magic;

u_int32_t ge_size;

struct tr_time_t ge_ts;

u_int32_t ge_vlist[0]; /* Variable size */


Figure 6: General header and entry records


MH_LOC_X Mobile host's X coordinate (map-relative)

MH_LOC_Y Mobile host's Y coordinate (map-relative)

MH_LOC_LAT Mobile host's GPS latitude

MH_LOC_LON Mobile host's GPS longitude


Table 3: Current optional fields for general entries

struct tr_annote_t {

u_int32_t a_magic;

u_int32_t a_size;

struct tr_time_t a_ts;

u_int32_t a_ip;

char a_text[0]; /* variable size */


Figure 7: Annotation records

4.7. Lost Trace Data

It is possible that, during collection, some trace records may be

lost due to trace buffer overflow or other reasons. Rather than

throw such traces away, or worse, ignoring the lost data, we've

included a loss record to count the types of other records which are

lost in the course of trace collection. Loss records are shown in

Figure 8.

struct tr_loss_t {

u_int32_t l_magic;

u_int32_t l_size;

struct tr_time_t l_ts;

u_int32_t l_ip;

u_int32_t l_pkthdr;

u_int32_t l_pktent;

u_int32_t l_devhdr;

u_int32_t l_devent;

u_int32_t l_annote;


Figure 8: Loss records

5. Software Components

In this section, we describe the set of tools that have been built to

date for mobile network tracing. We believe many of these tools are

widely applicable to network tracing tasks, but some have particular

application to mobile network tracing. We begin with an overview of

the tools, their applicability, and the platforms on which they are

currently supported, as well as those they are being ported to. This

information is summarized in Table 4.

We have made every effort to minimize dependencies of our software on

anything other than protocol and device specifications. As a result,

we expect ports to other BSD-derived systems to be straightforward;

ports to other UNIX systems may be more complicated, but feasible.

There are three categories into which our tracing tools can be

placed: trace collection, trace modulation, and trace analysis.

Trace collection tools are used for generating new traces. They

record information about the general networking facilities, as well

as data specific to mobile situations: mobile host location, base

station location, and wireless device characteristics. These tools

are currently supported on BSDI, and are being ported to NetBSD. We

describe these tools in Section 5.1.

Trace modulation tools emulate the performance of a traced wireless

network on a private wired network. The trace modulation tools,

discussed in Section 5.2, are currently supported on NetBSD

platforms. They are geared toward replaying low speed/quality

networks on faster and more reliable ones, and are thus most

applicable to reproducing mobile environments.

In Section 5.3, we conclude with a set of trace processing and

analysis tools, which are currently supported on both NetBSD and BSDI

platforms. Our analyses to date have focused on properties of

wireless networks, and are most directly applicable to mobile traces.

The processing tools, however, are of general utility.


Collection Modulation Analysis


NetBSD In Progress Supported Supported

BSDI Supported Planned Supported


This table summarizes the currently supported platforms for the tracing

tool suites, and the platforms to which ports are underway.

Table 4: Tool Availability

5.1. Trace Collection Tools

The network trace collection facility comprises two key components:

the trace agent and the trace collector. They are shown in Figure 9.

The trace agent resides in the kernel where it can obtain data that

is either expensive to obtain or inaccessible from the user level.

The agent collects and buffers data in kernel memory; the user-level

trace collector periodically extracts data from this kernel buffer

and writes it to disk. The buffer amortizes the fixed costs of data

transfer across a large number of records, minimizing the impact of

data transfer on system performance. The trace collector retrieves

data through a pseudo-device, ensuring that only a single -- and

therefore complete -- trace file is being generated from a single

experiment. To provide simplicity and efficiency, the collector does

not interpret extracted data; it is instead processed off-line by the

post-processing and analysis tools described in Sections 5.2 and 5.3.

There are three sorts of data collected by the tracing tools: network

traffic, network device characteristics, and mobile host location.

The first two are collected in much the same way; we describe the

methodology in Section 5.1.1. The last is collected in two novel

ways. These collection methods are addressed in Section 5.1.2.

+-----------+ write to disk

Trace ==============>




============================================= kernel boundary


Transport Layer

----------------- +------------------+

Network Layer ------------> Trace +------+

----------------- Agent buffer

NI NI NI ------------> +------+

+-----------------+ +------------------+

This figure illustrates the components of trace collection. The NI's

are network interfaces.

Figure 9: Components of trace collection

5.1.1. Traffic and Device Collection

The trace agent exports a set of function calls for traffic and

device data collection. Traffic data is collected on a per-packet

basis. This is done via a function called from device drivers with

the packet and a device identifier as arguments. For each packet,

the trace record contains the source and destination address options.

Since our trace format assembles related packets into tracks, common

information, such as the destination address, is recorded in the

track header to reduce the record size for each packet entry. We

also record the size of each packet.

Information beyond packet size and address information is typically

protocol-dependent. For transport protocols such as UDP and TCP, for

example, we record the source and destination port numbers; TCP

packet records also contain the sequence number. For ICMP packets,

we record their type, code and additional type-dependent data. As

explained in Section 5.2.3, we record the identifier, sequence number

and time stamp for ICMP ECHOREPLY packets.

Before appending the record to the trace buffer, we check to see if

it is the first record in a track. If so, we create a new packet

track header, and write it to the buffer prior the packet entry.

Our trace collection facility provides similar mechanisms to record

device-specific data such as signal quality, signal level, and noise

level. Hooks to these facilities can be easily added to the device

drivers to invoke these tracing mechanisms. The extensible and

self-describing features of our trace format allow us to capture a

wide variety of data specific to particular network interfaces.

For wireless network devices, we record several signal quality

measurements that the interfaces provide. Although some interfaces,

such as NCR's WaveLAN, can supply this of information for every

packet received, most devices average their measurements over a

longer period of time. As a result, we only trace these measurements

periodically. It is up to the device drivers to determine the

frequency at which data is reported to the trace agent.

When devices support it, we also trace status and error events. The

types of errors, such as CRC or buffer overflow, allow us to

determine causes for some observed packet losses. For example, we

can attribute loss to either the wireless channel or the network


5.1.2. Location Tracing

At first thought, recording the position of a mobile host seems

straightforward. It can be approximated by recording the base

station (BS) with which the mobile host is communicating. However,

due to the large coverage area provided by most radio interfaces,

this information provides a loose approximation at best. In

commercial deployments, we may not be able to reliably record the

base station with which a mobile host communicates. This section

outlines our collection strategy for location information in both

outdoor and indoor environments.

The solution that we have considered for wide-area, outdoor

environments makes use of the Global Positioning System (GPS). The

longitude and latitude information provided by the GPS device is

recorded in a general track.

Indoor environments require a different approach because the

satellite signals cannot reach a GPS device inside a building. We

considered deploying an infrared network similar to the Active Badge

[14] or the ParcTab [12]; however, this significant addition to the

wireless infrastructure is not an option for most research groups.

As an alternative, we have developed a graphical tool that displays

the image of a building map and expects the user to "click" their

location as they move; the coordinates on the map are recorded in one

or more general tracks. The header of such tracks can also record

the coordinates of the base stations if they are known.

An extension can be easily added to this tool to permit multiple

maps. As the user requests that a new map be loaded into the

graphical tracing tool, a new location track is created along with an

annotation record that captures the file name of that image.

Locations of new base stations can be recorded in this new track

header. Each location track should represent a different physical

and wireless environment.

5.2. Trace Modulation Tools

A key tool we have built around our trace format is PaM, the Packet

Modulator. The idea behind PaM is to take traces that were collected

by a mobile host and distill them into modulation traces. These

modulation traces capture the networking environment seen by the

traced host, and are used by a PaM kernel to delay, drop, or corrupt

incoming and outgoing packets. With PaM, we've built a testbed that

can repeatably, reliably mimic live systems under certain mobile


There are three main components to PaM. First, we've built a kernel

capable of delaying, dropping, and corrupting packets to match the

characteristics of some observed network. Second, we've defined a

modulation trace format to describe how such a kernel should modulate

packets. Third, we've built a tool to generate modulation traces

from certain classes of raw traces collected by mobile hosts.

5.2.1. Packet Modulation

The PaM modulation tool has been placed in the kernel between the IP

layer and the underlying interfaces. The tool intercepts incoming

and outgoing packets, and may choose to drop it, corrupt it, or delay

it. Dropping an incoming or outgoing packet is easy, simply don't

forward it along. Similarly, we can corrupt a packet by flipping

some bits in the packet before forwarding it.

Correctly delaying a packet is slightly more complicated. We model

the delay a packet experiences as the time it takes the sender to put

the packet onto the network interface plus the time it takes for the

last byte to propagate to the receiver. The former, the transmission

time, is the size of the packet divided by the available bandwidth;

the latter is latency.

Our approach at delay modulation is simple -- we assume that the

actual network over which packets travel is much faster and of better

quality than the one we are trying to emulate, and can thus ignore

it. We delay the packet according to our latency and bandwidth

targets, and then decide whether to drop or corrupt it. We take care

to ensure that packet modulation does not unduly penalize other

system activity, using the internal system clock to schedule packets.

Since this clock is at a large granularity compared to delay

resolution, we try to keep the average error in scheduling to a

minimum, rather than scheduling each packet at exactly the right


5.2.2. Modulation Traces

To tell the PaM kernel how the modulation parameters change over

time, we provide it with a series of modulation-trace entries. Each

of these entries sets loss and corruption percentages, as well as

network latency and inter-byte time, which is 1/bandwidth. These

entries are stored in a trace file, the format of which is much

simpler than record-format traces, and is designed for efficiency in

playback. The format of modulation traces is shown in Figure 10.

struct tr_rep_hdr_t {

u_int32_t rh_magic;

u_int32_t rh_size;

u_int32_t rh_time_fmt; /* nsec or used */

struct tr_time_t rh_ts;

char rh_date[TR_DATESZ];

char rh_agent[TR_NAMESZ];

u_int32_t rh_ip;

u_int32_t rh_ibt_ticks; /* units/sec, ibt */

u_int32_t rh_lat_ticks; /* units/sec, lat */

u_int32_t rh_loss_max; /* max loss rate */

u_int32_t rh_crpt_max; /* max corrupt rate */

char rh_desc[0]; /* variable size */


struct tr_rep_ent_t {

u_int32_t re_magic;

struct tr_time_t re_dur; /* duration of entry */

u_int32_t re_lat; /* latency */

u_int32_t re_ibt; /* inter-byte time */

u_int32_t re_loss; /* loss rate */

u_int32_t re_crpt; /* corrupt rate */


Figure 10: Modulation trace format

Modulation traces begin with a header that is much like that found in

record-format trace headers. Modulation headers additionally carry

the units in which latency and inter-byte time are expressed, and the

maximum values for loss and corruption rates. Individual entries

contain the length of time for which the entry applies as well as the

latency, inter-byte time, loss rate, and corruption rate.

5.2.3. Trace Transformation

How can we generate these descriptive modulation traces from the

recorded observational traces described in Section 4? To ensure a

high-quality modulation trace, we limit ourselves to a very narrow

set of source traces. As our experience with modulation traces is

limited, we use a simple but tunable algorithm to generate them.

Our basic strategy for determining latency and bandwidth is tied

closely to our model of packet delays: delay is equal to

transmission time plus latency. We further assume that packets which

traversed the network near one another in time experienced the same

latency and bandwidth during transit. Given this, we look for two

packets of different size that were sent close to one another along

the same path; from the transit times and sizes of these packets, we

can determine the near-instantaneous bandwidth and latency of the

end-to-end path covered by those packets. If traced packet traffic

contains sequence numbers, loss rates are fairly easy to calculate.

Likewise, if the protocol is capable of marking corrupt packets,

corruption information can be stored and then extracted from recorded


Using timestamped packet observations to derive network latency and

bandwidth requires very accurate timing. Unfortunately, the laptops

we have on hand have clocks that drift non-negligibly. We have

chosen not to use protocols such as NTP [9] for two reasons. First,

they produce network traffic above and beyond that in the known

traced workload. Second, and perhaps more importantly, they can

cause the clock to speed up or slow down during adjustment. Such

clock movements can play havoc with careful measurement.

As a result, we can only depend on the timestamps of a single machine

to determine packet transit times. So, we use the ICMP ECHO service

to provide workloads on traced machines; the ECHO request is

timestamped on it's way out, and the corresponding ECHOREPLY is

traced. We have modified the ping program to alternate between small

and large packets. Traces that capture such altered ping traffic can

then be subject to our transformation tool.

The tool itself uses a simple sliding window scheme to generate

modulation entries. For each window position in the recorded trace,

we determine the loss rate, and the average latency and bandwidth

experienced by pairs of ICMP ECHO packets. The size and granularity

of the sliding window are parameters of the transformation; as we

gain experience both in analysis and modulation of wireless traces,

we expect to be able to recommend good window sizes.

Unfortunately, our wireless devices do not report corrupt packets;

they are dropped by the hardware without operating system

notification. However, our modulation system will also coerce any

such corruptions to an increased loss rate, duplicating the behavior

in the original network.

5.3. Trace Analysis Tools

A trace is only as useful as its processing tools. The requirements

for such tools tools include robustness, flexibility, and

portability. Having an extensible trace format places additional

emphasis on the ability to work with future versions. To this end,

we provide a general processing library as a framework for users to

easily develop customized processing tools; this library is designed

to provide both high portability and good performance.

In this section, we first present the trace library. We then

describe a set of tools for simple post-processing and preparing the

trace for further analyses. We conclude with a brief description of

our analysis tools that are applied to this minimally processed data.

5.3.1. Trace Library

The trace library provides an interface that applications can use to

simplify interaction with network traces, including functions to

read, write, and print trace records. The trace reading and writing

functions manage byte swapping as well as optional integrity checking

of the trace as it is read or written. The library employs a

buffering strategy that is optimized to trace I/O. Trace printing

facilities are provided for both debugging and parsing purposes.

5.3.2. Processing Tools

The processing tools are generally the simplest set of tools we have

built around the trace format. By far the most complicated one is

the modulation-trace transformation tool described in Section 5.2.3;

the remainder are quite simple in comparison. The first such tool is

a parser that prints the content of an entire trace. With the trace

library, it is less than a single page of C code. For each record,

it prints the known data fields along with their textual names,

followed by all the optional properties and values.

Since many analysis tasks tend to work with records of the same type,

an enhanced version of the parser can split the trace data by tracks

into many files, one per track. Each line of the output text files

contains a time stamp followed by the integer values of all the

optional data in a track entry; in this form traces are amenable to

further analysis be scripts written in an interpreted language such

as perl.

We have developed a small suite of tools providing simple functions

such as listing all the track headers and changing the trace

description as they have been needed. With the trace library, each

such tool is trivial to construct.

5.3.3. Analysis Tools

Analysis tools depend greatly on the kind of information an

experimenter wants to extract from the trace; our tools show our own

biases in experimentation. Most analyses derive common statistical

descriptions of traces, or establish some correlation between the

trace data sets.

As early users of the trace format and collection tools, we have

developed a few analysis tools to study the behavior of the wireless

networks at our disposal. We have been particularly interested in

loss characteristics of wireless channels and their relation to

signal quality and the position of the mobile host. In this section,

we briefly present some of these tools to hint at the kind of

experimentation possible with our trace format.

Loss characteristics are among the most interesting aspects of

wireless networks, and certainly among the least well understood. To

shed light on this area, we have created tools to extract the loss

information from collected traces; in addition to calculating the

standard parameters such as the packet loss rate, the tool also

derives transitional probabilities for a two-state error model.

This has proven to be a simple yet powerful model for capturing the

burstiness observed in wireless loss rates due to fading signals. To

help visualize the channel behavior in the presence of mobility, our

tool can replay the movement of the mobile host while plotting the

loss rate as it changes with time. It also allows us to zoom in the

locations along the path and obtain detailed statistics over

arbitrary time intervals.

Our traces can be further analyzed to understand the relationship

between channel behavior and the signal quality. For wireless

devices like the NCR WaveLAN, we can easily obtain measurements of

signal quality, signal strength, and noise level. We have developed

a simple statistical tool to test the correlation between measured

signal and the loss characteristics. Variations of this test are

also possible using different combinations of the three signal

measurements and the movement of the host.

The question of just how mobile such mobile hosts are can also be

investigated through our traces. Position data are provided by

traces that either involved GPS or user-supplied positions with our

trace collection tools. This data is valuable for comparing and

validating various mobility prediction algorithms. Given adequate

network infrastructure and good signal measurements, we can determine

the mobile location within a region that is significantly smaller

than the cell size. We are developing a tool to combine position

information and signal measurement from many traces to identify the

"signal quality" signature for different regions inside a building.

Once this signature database is completed and validated, it can be

used to generate position information for other traces that contain

only the signal quality information.

6. Related Work

The previous work most relevant to mobile network tracing falls into

two camps. The first, chiefly exemplified by tcpdump [7] and the BSD

Packet Filter, or BPF [8], collect network traffic data. The second,

notably Delayline [6], and the later Probe/Fault Injection Tool [4],

and the University of Lancaster's netowrk emulator [3], provide

network modulation similar to PaM.

There are many systems that record network packet traffic; the de

facto standard is tcpdump, which works in concert with a packet

filter such as BPF. The packet filter is given a small piece of code

that describes packets of interest, and the first several bytes of

each packet found to be interesting is copied to a buffer for tcpdump

to consume. This architecture is efficient, flexible, and has

rightly found great favor with the networking community.

However, tcpdump cpatures only traffic data. It records neither

information concerning mobile networking devices nor mobile host

location. Rather than adding seperate software components to a host

running tcpdump to capture this additional data, we have chosen to

follow an integrative approach to ease trace file administration. We

have kept the lessons of tcpdump and BPF to heart; namely copying

only the information necessary, and transferring data up to user

level in batches. It may well pay to investigate either

incorporating device and location information directly into BPF, or

taking the flexible filtering mechanism of BPF and including it in

our trace collection software. For the moment, we do not know

exactly what data we will need to explore the properties of mobile

networks, and therefore do not exclude any data.

There are three notable systems that provide packet modulation

similar to PaM. The earliest such work is Delayline, a system

designed to emulate wide-area networks atop local-area ones; a goal

similar to PaM's. The most striking difference between Delayline and

PaM is that Delayline's emulation takes place entirely at the user-

level, and requires applications to be recompiled against a library

emulating the BSD socket system and library calls. While this is a

portable approach that works well in the absence of kernel-level

source access, it has the disadvantage that not all network traffic

passes through the emulation layer; such traffic may have a profound

impact on the performance of the final system. Delayline also

differs from PaM in that the emulated network uses a single set of

parameters for each emulated connection; performance remains fairly

constant, and cannot change much over time.

The Lancaster network emulator was designed explicitly to model

mobile networks. Rather than providing per-host modulation, it uses

a single, central server through which all network traffic from

instrumented applications passes. While this system also does not

capture all traffic into and out of a particular host, it does allow

modulation based on multiple hosts sharing a single emulated medium.

There is a mechanism to change the parameters of emulation between

hosts, though it is fairly cumbersome. The system uses a

configuration file that can be changed and re-read while the system

is running.

The system closest in spirit to PaM is the Probe/Fault Injection

Tool. This system's design philosophy allows an arbitrary protocol

layer -- including device drivers -- to be encapsulated by a layer

below to modulate existing traffic, and a layer above to generate

test traffic. The parameters of modulation are provided by a script

in an interpreted language, presently Tcl, providing considerable

flexibility. However, there is no mechanism to synthesize such

scripts -- they must be explicitly designed. Furthermore, the use of

an interpreted language such as Tcl limits the use of PFI to user-

level implementations of network drivers, and may have performance


7. Future Work

This work is very much in its infancy; we have only begun to explore

the possible uses for mobile network traces. We have uncovered

several areas of further work.

The trace format as it stands is very IP-centric. While one could

imagine using unknown IP addresses for non-IP hosts, while using

header-only properties to encode other addressing schemes, this is

cumbersome at best. We are looking into ways to more conveniently

encode other addressing schemes, but are content to focus on IP

networks for the moment.

Two obvious questions concerning wireless media are the following.

How does a group of machines perform when sharing the same bandwidth?

How asymmetric is the performance of real-world wireless channels?

While we do have tools for merging traces taken from multiple hosts

into a single trace file, we've not yet begun to examine such

multiple-host scenarios in depth. We are also looking into

instrumenting wireless base stations as well as end-point hosts.

Much of our planned work involves the PaM testbed. First and

foremost, many wireless channels are known to be asymmetric;

splitting the replay trace into incoming and outgoing modulation

entries is of paramount importance. We would like to extend PaM to

handle multiple emulated interfaces as well as applying different

modulation parameters to packets from or to different destinations.

One could also imagine tracing performance from several different

networking environments, and switching between such environments

under application control. For example, consider a set of traces

showing radio performance at various altitudes; an airplane simulator

in a dive would switch from high-altitude modulation traces to low-

altitude ones.

Finally, we are anxious to begin exploring the properties of real-

world mobile networks, and subjecting our own mobile system designs

to PaM to see how they perform. We hope others can make use of our

tools to do the same.


The authors wish to thank Dave Johnson, who provided early pointers

to related work and helped us immeasurably in RFCformatting. We

also wish to thank those who offered comments on early drafts of the

document: Mike Davis, Barbara Denny, Mark Lewis, and Hui Zhang.

Finally, we would like to thank Bruce Maggs and Chris Hobbs, our

first customers!

This research was supported by the Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC)

and ARPA under contract numbers F196828-93-C-0193 and DAAB07-95-C-

D154, and the State of California MICRO Program. Additional support

was provided by AT&T, Hughes Aircraft, IBM Corp., Intel Corp., and

Metricom. The views and conclusions contained here are those of the

authors and should not be interpreted as necessarily representing the

official policies or endorsements, either express or implied, of

AFMC, ARPA, AT&T, Hughes, IBM, Intel, Metricom, Carnegie Mellon

University, the University of California, the State of California, or

the U.S. Government.

Security Considerations

This RFCraises no security considerations.

Authors' Addresses

Questions about this document can be directed to the authors:

Brian D. Noble

Computer Science Department

Carnegie Mellon University

5000 Forbes Avenue

Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3891

Phone: +1-412-268-7399

Fax: +1-412-268-5576

EMail: bnoble@cs.cmu.edu

Giao T. Nguyen

Room 473 Soda Hall #1776 (Research Office)

University of California, Berkeley

Berkeley, CA 94720-1776

Phone: +1-510-642-8919

Fax: +1-510-642-5775

EMail: gnguyen@cs.berkeley.edu

Mahadev Satyanarayanan

Computer Science Department

Carnegie Mellon University

5000 Forbes Avenue

Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3891

Phone: +1-412-268-3743

Fax: +1-412-268-5576

EMail: satya@cs.cmu.edu

Randy H. Katz

Room 231 Soda Hall #1770 (Administrative Office)

University of California, Berkeley

Berkeley, CA 94720-1770

Phone: +1-510-642-0253

Fax: +1-510-642-2845

EMail: randy@cs.berkeley.edu


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