
RFC2374 - An IPv6 Aggregatable Global Unicast Address Format

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group R. Hinden

Request for Comments: 2374 Nokia

Obsoletes: 2073 M. O'Dell

Category: Standards Track UUNET

S. Deering


July 1998

An IPv6 Aggregatable Global Unicast Address Format

Status of this Memo

This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the

Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for

improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet

Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state

and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (1998). All Rights Reserved.

1.0 IntrodUCtion

This document defines an IPv6 aggregatable global unicast address

format for use in the Internet. The address format defined in this

document is consistent with the IPv6 Protocol [IPV6] and the "IPv6

Addressing Architecture" [ARCH]. It is designed to facilitate

scalable Internet routing.

This documented replaces RFC2073, "An IPv6 Provider-Based Unicast

Address Format". RFC2073 will become historic. The Aggregatable

Global Unicast Address Format is an improvement over RFC2073 in a

number of areas. The major changes include removal of the registry

bits because they are not needed for route aggregation, support of

EUI-64 based interface identifiers, support of provider and exchange

based aggregation, separation of public and site topology, and new

aggregation based terminology.



document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119].

2.0 Overview of the IPv6 Address

IPv6 addresses are 128-bit identifiers for interfaces and sets of

interfaces. There are three types of addresses: Unicast, Anycast,

and Multicast. This document defines a specific type of Unicast


In this document, fields in addresses are given specific names, for

example "subnet". When this name is used with the term "ID" (for

"identifier") after the name (e.g., "subnet ID"), it refers to the

contents of the named field. When it is used with the term "prefix"

(e.g. "subnet prefix") it refers to all of the addressing bits to

the left of and including this field.

IPv6 unicast addresses are designed assuming that the Internet

routing system makes forwarding decisions based on a "longest prefix

match" algorithm on arbitrary bit boundaries and does not have any

knowledge of the internal structure of IPv6 addresses. The structure

in IPv6 addresses is for assignment and allocation. The only

exception to this is the distinction made between unicast and

multicast addresses.

The specific type of an IPv6 address is indicated by the leading bits

in the address. The variable-length field comprising these leading

bits is called the Format Prefix (FP).

This document defines an address format for the 001 (binary) Format

Prefix for Aggregatable Global Unicast addresses. The same address

format could be used for other Format Prefixes, as long as these

Format Prefixes also identify IPv6 unicast addresses. Only the "001"

Format Prefix is defined here.

3.0 IPv6 Aggregatable Global Unicast Address Format

This document defines an address format for the IPv6 aggregatable

global unicast address assignment. The authors believe that this

address format will be widely used for IPv6 nodes connected to the

Internet. This address format is designed to support both the

current provider-based aggregation and a new type of exchange-based

aggregation. The combination will allow efficient routing

aggregation for sites that connect directly to providers and for

sites that connect to exchanges. Sites will have the choice to

connect to either type of aggregation entity.

While this address format is designed to support exchange-based

aggregation (in addition to current provider-based aggregation) it is

not dependent on exchanges for it's overall route aggregation

properties. It will provide efficient route aggregation with only

provider-based aggregation.

Aggregatable addresses are organized into a three level hierarchy:

- Public Topology

- Site Topology

- Interface Identifier

Public topology is the collection of providers and exchanges who

provide public Internet transit services. Site topology is local to

a specific site or organization which does not provide public transit

service to nodes outside of the site. Interface identifiers identify

interfaces on links.

______________ ______________

--+/ \+--------------+/ \+----------

( P1 ) +----+ ( P3 ) +----+

+\______________/ ----+\______________/+-- --

+-- X1 + X2

______________ / -+ ______________ / --

+/ \+ +-+--+ \ / \+ +----+

( P2 ) / \ +( P4 )

--+\______________/ / \ \______________/

/ \



__ _/_ __ __ __

/ \ / \ / \ / \ / ( S.A ) ( S.B ) ( P5 ) ( P6 )( S.C )

\___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/

/ __ _/_ \ ___

/ \ / \ +-/ ( S.D ) ( S.E ) ( S.F )

\___/ \___/ \___/

As shown in the figure above, the aggregatable address format is

designed to support long-haul providers (shown as P1, P2, P3, and

P4), exchanges (shown as X1 and X2), multiple levels of providers

(shown at P5 and P6), and subscribers (shown as S.x) Exchanges

(unlike current NAPs, FIXes, etc.) will allocate IPv6 addresses.

Organizations who connect to these exchanges will also subscribe

(directly, indirectly via the exchange, etc.) for long-haul service

from one or more long-haul providers. Doing so, they will achieve

addressing independence from long-haul transit providers. They will

be able to change long-haul providers without having to renumber

their organization. They can also be multihomed via the exchange to

more than one long-haul provider without having to have address

prefixes from each long-haul provider. Note that the mechanisms used

for this type of provider selection and portability are not discussed

in the document.

3.1 Aggregatable Global Unicast Address Structure

The aggregatable global unicast address format is as follows:

3 13 8 24 16 64 bits





<--Public Topology---> Site



<------Interface Identifier----->


FP Format Prefix (001)

TLA ID Top-Level Aggregation Identifier

RES Reserved for future use

NLA ID Next-Level Aggregation Identifier

SLA ID Site-Level Aggregation Identifier

INTERFACE ID Interface Identifier

The following sections specify each part of the IPv6 Aggregatable

Global Unicast address format.

3.2 Top-Level Aggregation ID

Top-Level Aggregation Identifiers (TLA ID) are the top level in the

routing hierarchy. Default-free routers must have a routing table

entry for every active TLA ID and will probably have additional

entries providing routing information for the TLA ID in which they

are located. They may have additional entries in order to optimize

routing for their specific topology, but the routing topology at all

levels must be designed to minimize the number of additional entries

fed into the default free routing tables.

This addressing format supports 8,192 (2^13) TLA ID's. Additional

TLA ID's may be added by either growing the TLA field to the right

into the reserved field or by using this format for additional format


The issues relating to TLA ID assignment are beyond the scope of this

document. They will be described in a document under preparation.

3.3 Reserved

The Reserved field is reserved for future use and must be set to


The Reserved field allows for future growth of the TLA and NLA fields

as appropriate. See section 4.0 for a discussion.

3.4 Next-Level Aggregation Identifier

Next-Level Aggregation Identifier's are used by organizations

assigned a TLA ID to create an addressing hierarchy and to identify

sites. The organization can assign the top part of the NLA ID in a

manner to create an addressing hierarchy appropriate to its network.

It can use the remainder of the bits in the field to identify sites

it wishes to serve. This is shown as follows:

n 24-n bits 16 64 bits


NLA1 Site ID SLA ID Interface ID


Each organization assigned a TLA ID receives 24 bits of NLA ID space.

This NLA ID space allows each organization to provide service to

approximately as many organizations as the current IPv4 Internet can

support total networks.

Organizations assigned TLA ID's may also support NLA ID's in their

own Site ID space. This allows the organization assigned a TLA ID to

provide service to organizations providing public transit service and

to organizations who do not provide public transit service. These

organizations receiving an NLA ID may also choose to use their Site

ID space to support other NLA ID's. This is shown as follows:

n 24-n bits 16 64 bits


NLA1 Site ID SLA ID Interface ID


m 24-n-m 16 64 bits


NLA2 Site ID SLA ID Interface ID


o 24-n-m-o 16 64 bits


NLA3 Site ID SLA ID Interface ID


The design of the bit layout of the NLA ID space for a specific TLA

ID is left to the organization responsible for that TLA ID. Likewise

the design of the bit layout of the next level NLA ID is the

responsibility of the previous level NLA ID. It is recommended that

organizations assigning NLA address space use "slow start" allocation

procedures similar to [RFC2050].

The design of an NLA ID allocation plan is a tradeoff between routing

aggregation efficiency and flexibility. Creating hierarchies allows

for greater amount of aggregation and results in smaller routing

tables. Flat NLA ID assignment provides for easier allocation and

attachment flexibility, but results in larger routing tables.

3.5 Site-Level Aggregation Identifier

The SLA ID field is used by an individual organization to create its

own local addressing hierarchy and to identify subnets. This is

analogous to subnets in IPv4 except that each organization has a much

greater number of subnets. The 16 bit SLA ID field support 65,535

individual subnets.

Organizations may choose to either route their SLA ID "flat" (e.g.,

not create any logical relationship between the SLA identifiers that

results in larger routing tables), or to create a two or more level

hierarchy (that results in smaller routing tables) in the SLA ID

field. The latter is shown as follows:

n 16-n 64 bits


SLA1 Subnet Interface ID


m 16-n-m 64 bits


SLA2Subnet Interface ID


The approach chosen for structuring an SLA ID field is the

responsibility of the individual organization.

The number of subnets supported in this address format should be

sufficient for all but the largest of organizations. Organizations

which need additional subnets can arrange with the organization they

are oBTaining Internet service from to obtain additional site

identifiers and use this to create additional subnets.

3.6 Interface ID

Interface identifiers are used to identify interfaces on a link.

They are required to be unique on that link. They may also be unique

over a broader scope. In many cases an interfaces identifier will be

the same or be based on the interface's link-layer address.

Interface IDs used in the aggregatable global unicast address format

are required to be 64 bits long and to be constructed in IEEE EUI-64

format [EUI-64]. These identifiers may have global scope when a

global token (e.g., IEEE 48bit MAC) is available or may have local

scope where a global token is not available (e.g., serial links,

tunnel end-points, etc.). The "u" bit (universal/local bit in IEEE

EUI-64 terminology) in the EUI-64 identifier must be set correctly,

as defined in [ARCH], to indicate global or local scope.

The procedures for creating EUI-64 based Interface Identifiers is

defined in [ARCH]. The details on forming interface identifiers is

defined in the appropriate "IPv6 over <link>" specification such as

"IPv6 over Ethernet" [ETHER], "IPv6 over FDDI" [FDDI], etc.

4.0 Technical Motivation

The design choices for the size of the fields in the aggregatable

address format were based on the need to meet a number of technical

requirements. These are described in the following paragraphs.

The size of the Top-Level Aggregation Identifier is 13 bits. This

allows for 8,192 TLA ID's. This size was chosen to insure that the

default-free routing table in top level routers in the Internet is

kept within the limits, with a reasonable margin, of the current

routing technology. The margin is important because default-free

routers will also carry a significant number of longer (i.e., more-

specific) prefixes for optimizing paths internal to a TLA and between


The important issue is not only the size of the default-free routing

table, but the complexity of the topology that determines the number

of copies of the default-free routes that a router must examine while

computing a forwarding table. Current practice with IPv4 it is

common to see a prefix announced fifteen times via different paths.

The complexity of Internet topology is very likely to increase in the

future. It is important that IPv6 default-free routing support

additional complexity as well as a considerably larger internet.

It should be noted for comparison that at the time of this writing

(spring, 1998) the IPv4 default-free routing table contains

approximately 50,000 prefixes. While this shows that it is possible

to support more routes than 8,192 it is matter of debate if the

number of prefixes supported today in IPv4 is already too high for

current routing technology. There are serious issues of route

stability as well as cases of providers not supporting all top level

prefixes. The technical requirement was to pick a TLA ID size that

was below, with a reasonable margin, what was being done with IPv4.

The choice of 13 bits for the TLA field was an engineering

compromise. Fewer bits would have been too small by not supporting

enough top level organizations. More bits would have exceeded what

can be reasonably accommodated, with a reasonable margin, with

current routing technology in order to deal with the issues described

in the previous paragraphs.

If in the future, routing technology improves to support a larger

number of top level routes in the default-free routing tables there

are two choices on how to increase the number TLA identifiers. The

first is to eXPand the TLA ID field into the reserved field. This

would increase the number of TLA ID's to approximately 2 million.

The second approach is to allocate another format prefix (FP) for use

with this address format. Either or a combination of these

approaches allows the number of TLA ID's to increase significantly.

The size of the Reserved field is 8 bits. This size was chosen to

allow significant growth of either the TLA ID and/or the NLA ID


The size of the Next-Level Aggregation Identifier field is 24 bits.

This allows for approximately sixteen million NLA ID's if used in a

flat manner. Used hierarchically it allows for a complexity roughly

equivalent to the IPv4 address space (assuming an average network

size of 254 interfaces). If in the future additional room for

complexity is needed in the NLA ID, this may be accommodated by

extending the NLA ID into the Reserved field.

The size of the Site-Level Aggregation Identifier field is 16 bits.

This supports 65,535 individual subnets per site. The design goal

for the size of this field was to be sufficient for all but the

largest of organizations. Organizations which need additional

subnets can arrange with the organization they are obtaining Internet

service from to obtain additional site identifiers and use this to

create additional subnets.

The Site-Level Aggregation Identifier field was given a fixed size in

order to force the length of all prefixes identifying a particular

site to be the same length (i.e., 48 bits). This facilitates

movement of sites in the topology (e.g., changing service providers

and multi-homing to multiple service providers).

The Interface ID Interface Identifier field is 64 bits. This size

was chosen to meet the requirement specified in [ARCH] to support

EUI-64 based Interface Identifiers.

5.0 Acknowledgments

The authors would like to express our thanks to Thomas Narten, Bob

Fink, Matt Crawford, Allison Mankin, Jim Bound, Christian Huitema,

Scott Bradner, Brian Carpenter, John Stewart, and Daniel Karrenberg

for their review and constructive comments.

6.0 References

[ALLOC] IAB and IESG, "IPv6 Address Allocation Management",

RFC1881, December 1995.

[ARCH] Hinden, R., "IP Version 6 Addressing Architecture",

RFC2373, July 1998.

[AUTH] Atkinson, R., "IP Authentication Header", RFC1826, August


[AUTO] Thompson, S., and T. Narten., "IPv6 Stateless Address

Autoconfiguration", RFC1971, August 1996.

[ETHER] Crawford, M., "Transmission of IPv6 Packets over Ethernet

Networks", Work in Progress.

[EUI64] IEEE, "Guidelines for 64-bit Global Identifier (EUI-64)

Registration Authority",


March 1997.

[FDDI] Crawford, M., "Transmission of IPv6 Packets over FDDI

Networks", Work in Progress.

[IPV6] Deering, S., and R. Hinden, "Internet Protocol, Version 6

(IPv6) Specification", RFC1883, December 1995.

[RFC2050] Hubbard, K., Kosters, M., Conrad, D., Karrenberg, D.,

and J. Postel, "Internet Registry IP Allocation

Guidelines", BCP 12, RFC1466, November 1996.

[RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate

Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC2119, March 1997.

7.0 Security Considerations

IPv6 addressing documents do not have any direct impact on Internet

infrastructure security. Authentication of IPv6 packets is defined

in [AUTH].

8.0 Authors' Addresses

Robert M. Hinden


232 Java Drive

Sunnyvale, CA 94089


Phone: 1 408 990-2004

EMail: hinden@iprg.nokia.com

Mike O'Dell

UUNET Technologies, Inc.

3060 Williams Drive

Fairfax, VA 22030


Phone: 1 703 206-5890

EMail: mo@uunet.uu.net

Stephen E. Deering

Cisco Systems, Inc.

170 West Tasman Drive

San Jose, CA 95134-1706


Phone: 1 408 527-8213

EMail: deering@cisco.com

9.0 Full Copyright Statement

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (1998). All Rights Reserved.

This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to

others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it

or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published

and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any

kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are

included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this

document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing

the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other

Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of

developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for

copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be

followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than


The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be

revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.

This document and the information contained herein is provided on an






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