
RFC2360 - Guide for Internet Standards Writers

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group G. Scott, Editor

Request for Comments: 2360 Defense Information Systems Agency

BCP: 22 June 1998

Category: Best Current Practice

Guide for Internet Standards Writers

Status of this Memo

This document specifies an Internet Best Current Practices for the

Internet Community, and requests discussion and suggestions for

improvements. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (1998). All Rights Reserved.


This document is a guide for Internet standard writers. It defines

those characteristics that make standards coherent, unambiguous, and

easy to interpret. In addition, it singles out usage believed to

have led to unclear specifications, resulting in non-interoperable

interpretations in the past. These guidelines are to be used with

RFC2223, "InstrUCtions to RFCAuthors".

Table of Contents

1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

2 General Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

2.1 Discussion of Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

2.2 Protocol Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

2.3 Target Audience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

2.4 Level of Detail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

2.5 Change Logs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

2.6 Protocol Versions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

2.7 Decision History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

2.8 Response to Out of Specification Behavior . . . . . . . . . 6

2.9 The Liberal/Conservative Rule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

2.10 Handling of Protocol Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

2.11 Indicating Requirement Levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

2.12 Notational Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

2.13 IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

2.14 Network Management Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

2.15 Scalability Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

2.16 Network Stability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

2.17 Internationalization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

2.18 Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

3 Specific Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

3.1 Packet Diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

3.2 Summary Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

3.3 State Machine Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

4 Document Checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

5 Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

6 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

7 Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

8 Editor's Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

9 Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

10 Full Copyright Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

1 Introduction

This document is a guide for Internet standard writers. It offers

guidelines on how to write a standards-track document with clarity,

precision, and completeness. These guidelines are based on both

prior successful and unsuccessful IETF specification eXPeriences.

These guidelines are to be used with RFC2223, "Instructions to RFC

Authors", or its update. Note that some guidelines may not apply in

certain situations.

The goal is to increase the possibility that multiple implementations

of a protocol will interoperate. Writing specifications to these

guidelines will not guarantee interoperability. However, a

recognized barrier to the creation of interoperable protocol

implementations is unclear specifications.

Many will benefit from having well-written protocol specifications.

Implementers will have a better chance to conform to the protocol

specification. Protocol testers can use the specification to derive

unambiguous testable statements. Purchasers and users of the

protocol will have a better understanding of its capabilities.

For further information on the process for standardizing protocols

and procedures please refer to BCP 9/RFC2026, "The Internet

Standards Process -- Revision 3". In addition, some considerations

for protocol design are given in RFC1958, "Architectural Principles

of the Internet".

2 General Guidelines

It is important that multiple readers and implementers of a standard

have the same understanding of a document. To this end, information

should be orderly and detailed. The following are general guidelines

intended to help in the production of such a document. The IESG may

require that all or some of the following sections appear in a

standards track document.

2.1 Discussion of Security

If the Internet is to achieve its full potential in commercial,

governmental, and personal affairs, it must assure users that their

information transfers are free from tampering or compromise. Well-

written security sections in standards-track documents can help

promote the confidence level required. Above all, new protocols and

practices must not worsen overall Internet security.

A significant threat to the Internet comes from those individuals who

are motivated and capable of exploiting circumstances, events, or

vulnerabilities of the system to cause harm. In addition, deliberate

or inadvertent user behavior may expose the system to attack or

exploitation. The harm could range from disrupting or denying

network service, to damaging user systems. Additionally, information

disclosure could provide the means to attack another system, or

reveal patterns of behavior that could be used to harm an individual,

organization, or network. This is a particular concern with

standards that define a portion of the Management Information Base


Standards authors must accept that the protocol they specify will be

subject to attack. They are responsible for determining what attacks

are possible, and for detailing the nature of the attacks in the

document. Otherwise, they must convincingly argue that attack is not

realistic in a specific environment, and restrict the use of the

protocol to that environment.

After the document has exhaustively identified the security risks the

protocol is exposed to, the authors must formulate and detail a

defense against those attacks. They must discuss the applicable

countermeasures employed, or the risk the user is accepting by using

the protocol. The countermeasures may be provided by a protocol

mechanism or by reliance on external mechanisms. Authors should be

knowledgeable of existing security mechanisms, and reuse them if

practical. When a cryptographic algorithm is used, the protocol

should be written to permit its substitution with another algorithm

in the future. Finally, the authors should discuss implementation

hints or guidelines, e.g., how to deal with untrustworthy data or

peer systems.

Security measures will have an impact within the environment that

they are used. Perhaps users will now be constrained on what they

can do in the Internet, or will experience degradation in the speed

of service. The effects the security measures have on the protocol's

use and performance should be discussed.

The discussion of security can be concentrated in the Security

Considerations section of the document, or throughout the document

where it is relevant to particular parts of the specification. An

advantage of the second approach is that it ensures security is an

integral part of the protocol's development, rather than something

that is a follow-on or secondary effort. If security is discussed

throughout the document, the Security Considerations section must

summarize and refer to the appropriate specification sections. This

will insure that the protocol's security measures are emphasized to

implementer and user both.

Within the Security Considerations section, a discussion of the path

not taken may be appropriate. There may be several security

mechanisms that were not selected for a variety of reasons: cost or

difficulty of implementation, or ineffectiveness for a given network

environment. By listing the mechanisms they did not use and the

reasons, editors can demonstrate that the protocol's WG gave security

the necessary thought. In addition, this gives the protocol's users

the information they need to consider whether one of the non-selected

mechanisms would be better suited to their particular requirements.

A document giving further guidance on security topics is in

development. Authors should oBTain a copy of the completed RFCto

help them prepare the security portion of the standard.

Finally, it is no longer acceptable that Security Considerations

sections consist solely of statements to the effect that security was

not considered in preparing the standard.

Some examples of Security Considerations sections are found in STD

33/RFC1350, STD 51/RFC1662, and STD 53/RFC1939. RFC2316, "Report

of the IAB Security Architecture Workshop", provides additional

information in this topic area.

2.2 Protocol Description

Standards track documents must include a description of the protocol.

This description must address the protocol's purpose, intended

functions, services it provides, and, the arena, circumstances, or

any special considerations of the protocol's use.

The authors of a protocol specification will have a great deal of

knowledge as to the reason for the protocol. However, the reader is

more likely to have general networking knowledge and experience,

rather than expertise in a particular protocol. An explanation of

it's purpose and use will give the reader a reference point for

understanding the protocol, and where it fits in the Internet. The

STD 54/RFC2328 was recommended to the STDGUIDE working group as

providing a good example of this in its "Protocol Overview" section.

The protocol's general description must also provide information on

the relationship between the different parties to the protocol. This

can be done by showing typical packet sequences.

This also applies to the algorithms used by a protocol. A detailed

description of the algorithms or citation of readily available

references that give such a description is necessary.

2.3 Target Audience

RFCs have been written with many different purposes, ranging from the

technical to the administrative. Those written as standards should

clearly identify the intended audience, for example, designers,

implementers, testers, help desk personnel, educators, end users, or

others. If there are multiple audiences being addressed in the

document, the section for each audience needs to be identified. The

goal is to help the reader discover and focus on what they have

turned to the document for, and avoid what they may find confusing,

diverting, or extraneous.

2.4 Level of Detail

The author should consider what level of descriptive detail best

conveys the protocol's intent. Concise text has several advantages.

It makes the document easier to read. Such text reduces the chance

for conflict between different portions of the specification. The

reader can readily identify the required protocol mechanisms in the

standard. In addition, it makes it easier to identify the

requirements for protocol implementation. A disadvantage of concise

descriptions is that a reader may not fully comprehend the reasoning

behind the protocol, and thus make assumptions that will lead to

implementation errors.

Longer descriptions may be necessary to explain purpose, background,

rationale, implementation experience, or to provide tutorial

information. This helps the reader understand the protocol. Yet,

several dangers exist with lengthy text. Finding the protocol

requirements in the text is difficult or confusing. The same

mechanism may have multiple descriptions, which leads to

misinterpretation or conflict. Finally, it is more difficult to

comprehend, a consideration as English is not the native language of

the many worldwide readers of IETF standards.

One approach is to divide the standard into sections: one describing

the protocol concisely, while another section consists of explanatory

text. The STD 3/RFC1122/RFC1123 and STD 54/RFC2328 provides

examples of this method.

2.5 Change Logs

As a document moves along the standards track, from Proposed to Draft

or Draft to Full, or cycles in level, it will undergo changes due to

better understanding of the protocol or implementation experience. To

help implementers track the changes being made a log showing what has

changed from the previous version of the specification is required

(see Appendix).

2.6 Protocol Versions

Often the standard is specifying a new version of an existing

protocol. In such a case, the authors should detail the differences

between the previous version and the new version. This should

include the rationale for the changes, for example, implementation

experience, changes in technology, responding to user demand, etc.

2.7 Decision History

In standards development, reaching consensus requires making

difficult choices. These choices are made through working group

discussions or from implementation experience. By including the

basis for a contentious decision, the author can prevent future

revisiting of these disagreements when the original parties have

moved on. In addition, the knowledge of the "why" is as useful to an

implementer as the description of "how". For example, the

alternative not taken may have been simpler to implement, so

including the reasons behind the choice may prevent future

implementers from taking nonstandard shortcuts.

2.8 Response to Out of Specification Behavior

A detail description of the actions taken in case of behavior that is

deviant from or exceeds the specification is useful. This is an area

where implementers often differ in opinion as to the appropriate

response. By specifying a common response, the standard author can

reduce the risk that different implementations will come in to


The standard should describe responses to behavior explicitly

forbidden or out of the boundaries defined by the specification. Two

possible approaches to such cases are discarding, or invoking error-

handling mechanisms. If discarding is chosen, detailing the

disposition may be necessary. For instance, treat dropped frames as

if they were never received, or reset an existing connection or

adjacency state.

The specification should describe actions taken when a critical

resource or a performance-scaling limit is exceeded. This is

necessary for cases where a risk of network degradation or

operational failure exists. In such cases, a consistent behavior

between implementations is necessary.

2.9 The Liberal/Conservative Rule

A rule, first stated in STD 5/RFC791, recognized as having benefits

in implementation robustness and interoperability is:

"Be liberal in what you accept, and

conservative in what you send".

Or establish restrictions on what a protocol transmits, but be able

to deal with every conceivable error received. Caution is urged in

applying this approach in standards track protocols. It has in the

past lead to conflicts between vendors when interoperability fails.

The sender accuses the receiver of failing to be liberal enough, and

the receiver accuses the sender of not being conservative enough.

Therefore, the author is obligated to provide extensive detail on

send and receive behavior.

To avoid any confusion between the two, recommend that standard

authors specify send and receive behavior separately. The

description of reception will require the most detailing. For

implementations are expected to continue operating regardless of

error received. Therefore, the actions taken to achieve that result,

need to be laid out in the protocol specification. Standard authors

should concern themselves on achieving a level of cooperation that

limits network disruption, not just how to survive on the network.

The appearance of undefined information or conditions must not cause

a network or host failure. This requires specification on how to

attempt acceptance of most of the packets. Two approaches are

available, either using as much of the packet's content as possible,

or invoking error procedures. The author should specify a dividing

line on when to take which approach.

A case for consideration is that of a routing protocol, where

acceptance of flawed information can cause network failure. For

protocols such as this, the specification should identify packets

that could have different interpretations and mandate that they be

rejected completely or the nature of the attempt to recover some

information from them. For example, routing updates that contain

more data than the tuple count shows. The protocol authors should

consider whether some trailing data can be accepted as additional

routes, or to reject the entire packet as suspect because it is non-


2.10 Handling of Protocol Options

Specifications with many optional features increase the complexity of

the implementation and the chance of non-interoperable

implementations. The danger is that different implementations may

specify some combination of options that are unable to interoperate

with each other.

As the document moves along the standard track, implementation

experience shall determine the need for each option. Implementation

shall show whether the option should be a mandatory part of the

protocol or remain an option. If an option is not implemented as the

document advances, it must be removed from the protocol before it

reaches draft standard status.

Therefore, options shall only be present in a protocol to address a

real requirement. For example, options can support future

extensibility of the protocol, a particular market, e.g., the

financial industry, or a specific network environment, e.g., a

network constrained by limited bandwidth. They shall not be included

as a means to "buy-off" a minority opinion. Omission of the optional

item shall have no interoperability consequences for the

implementation that does so.

One possible approach is to document protocol options in a separate

specification. This keeps the main protocol specification clean and

makes it clear that the options are not required to implement the

protocol. Regardless of whether they appear within the specification

or in a separate document, the text shall discuss the full

implications of either using the option or not, and the case for

choosing either course. As part of this, the author needs to

consider and describe how the options are used alongside other

protocols. The text must also specify the default conditions of all

options. For security checking options the default condition is on

or enabled.

There are occasions when mutually exclusive options appear within the

protocol. That is, the implementation of an optional feature

precludes the implementation of the other optional feature. For

clarity, the author needs to state when to implement one or the

other, what the effect of choosing one over the other is, and what

problems the implementer or user may face. The choice of one or the

other options shall have no interoperability consequences between

multiple implementations.

2.11 Indicating Requirement Levels

The BCP 14/RFC2119, "Key Words for use in RFCs to Indicate

Requirement Level", defines several words that are necessary for

writing a standards track document. Editors of standards track

documents must not deviate from the definitions provided as they are

intended to identify interoperability requirements or limit

potentially harmful behavior. The capitalization of these words is

the accepted norm, and can help in identifying an unintentional or

unreasonable requirement. These words have been used in several RFCs

the first instances being STD 3/RFC1122/RFC1123.

2.12 Notational Conventions

Formal syntax notations can be used to define complicated protocol

concepts or data types, and to specify values of these data types.

This permits the protocol to be written without concern on how the

implementation is constructed, or how the data type is represented

during transfer. The specification is simplified because it can be

presented as "axioms" that will be proven by implementation.

The formal specification of the syntax used should be referenced in

the text of the standard. Any extensions, subsets, alterations, or

exceptions to that formal syntax should be defined within the


The STD 11/RFC822 provides an example of this. In RFC822 (Section

2 and Appendix D) the Backus-Naur Form (BNF) meta-language was

extended to make its representation smaller and easier to understand.

Another example is STD 16/RFC1155 (Section 3.2) where a subset of

the Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) is defined.

The author of a standards track protocol needs to consider several

things before they use a formal syntax notation. Is the formal

specification language being used parseable by an existing machine?

If no parser exists, is there enough information provided in the

specification to permit the building of a parser? If not, it is

likely the reader will not have enough information to decide what the

notation means. In addition, the author should remember machine

parseable syntax is often unreadable by humans, and can make the

specification excessive in length. Therefore, syntax notations

cannot take the place of a clearly written protocol description.

2.13 IANA Considerations

The common use of the Internet standard track protocols by the

Internet community requires that unique values be assigned to

parameter fields. An IETF WG does not have the authority to assign

these values for the protocol it developed. The Internet Assigned

Numbers Authority (IANA) is the central authority for the assignment

of unique parameter values for Internet protocols. The authors of a

developing protocol need to coordinate with the IANA the rules and

procedures to manage the number space. This coordination needs to be

completed prior to submitting the Internet Draft to the standards


A document is in preparation that discusses issues related to

identifier assignment policy and guidelines on specific text to task

IANA with its administration. Standard authors should obtain a copy

of it when it is finalized as an RFC.

For further information on parameter assignment and current

assignments, authors can reference STD 2, RFC1700, "Assigned

Numbers" (http://www.iana.org).

2.14 Network Management Considerations

When relevant, each standard needs to discuss how to manage the

protocol being specified. This management process should be

compatible with the current IETF Standard management protocol. In

addition, a MIB must be defined within the standard or in a companion

document. The MIB must be compatible with current Structure of

Management Information (SMI) and parseable using a tool such as

SMICng. Where management or a MIB is not necessary this section of

the standard should explain the reason it is not relevant to the


2.15 Scalability Considerations

The standard should establish the limitations on the scale of use,

e.g., tens of millions of sessions, gigabits per second, etc., and

establish limits on the resources used, e.g., round trip time,

computing resources, etc. This is important because it establishes

the ability of the network to accommodate the number of users and the

complexity of their relations. The STD 53/RFC1939 has an example of

such a section. If this is not applicable to the protocol, an

explanation of why not should be included.

2.16 Network Stability

A standard should discuss the relationship between network topology

and convergence behavior. As part of this, any topology that would

be troublesome for the protocol should be identified. Additionally,

the specification should address any possible destabilizing events,

and means by which the protocol resists or recovers from them. The

purpose is to insure that the network will stabilize, in a timely

fashion, after a change, and that a combination of errors or events

will not plunge the network into chaos. The STD 34/RFC1058, as an

example, has sections which discuss how that protocol handles the

affects of changing topology.

The obvious case this would apply to is a routing protocol. However,

an application protocol could also have dynamic behavior that would

affect the network. For example, a messaging protocol could suddenly

dump a large number of messages onto the network. Therefore, editors

of an application protocol will have to consider possible impacts to

network stability and convergence behavior.

2.17 Internationalization

At one time the Internet had a geographic boundary and was English

only. The Internet now extends internationally. Therefore, data is

interchanged in a variety of languages and character sets. In order

to meet the requirements of an international Internet, a standard

must conform to the policies stated in BCP 18/RFC2277, "IETF Policy

on Character Sets and Languages".

2.18 Glossary

Every standards track RFCshould have a glossary, as words can have

many meanings. By defining any new words introduced, the author can

avoid confusing or misleading the implementers. The definition

should appear on the word's first appearance within the text of the

protocol specification, and in a separate glossary section.

It is likely that definition of the protocol will rely on many words

frequently used in IETF documents. All authors must be knowledgeable

of the common accepted definitions of these frequently used words.

FYI 18/RFC1983, "Internet Users' Glossary", provides definitions

that are specific to the Internet. Any deviation from these

definitions by authors is strongly discouraged. If circumstances

require deviation, an author should state that he is altering the

commonly accepted definition, and provide rationale as to the

necessity of doing so. The altered definition must be included in

the Glossary section.

If the author uses the word as commonly defined, she does not have to

include the definition in the glossary. As a minimum, FYI 18/RFC

1983 should be referenced as a source.

3 Specific Guidelines

The following are guidelines on how to present specific technical

information in standards.

3.1 Packet Diagrams

Most link, network, and transport layer protocols have packet

descriptions. Packet diagrams included in the standard are very

helpful to the reader. The preferred form for packet diagrams is a

sequence of long words in network byte order, with each word

horizontal on the page and bit numbering at the top:

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


Version Prio. Flow Label


In cases where a packet is strongly byte-aligned rather than word-

aligned (e.g., when byte-boundary variable-length fields are used),

display packet diagrams in a byte-wide format. The author can use

different height boxes for short and long words, and broken boxes for

variable-length fields:

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


Length N


+ Address +


+ (N bytes) +


+ 2-byte field +


3.2 Summary Tables

The specifications of some protocols are particularly lengthy,

sometimes covering a hundred pages or more. In such cases, the

inclusion of a summary table can reduce the risk of conformance

failure by an implementation through oversight. A summary table

itemizes what in a protocol is mandatory, optional, or prohibited.

Summary tables do not guarantee conformance, but serve to assist an

implementer in checking that they have addressed all protocol


The summary table will consist of, as a minimum, four (4) columns:

Protocol Feature, Section Reference, Status, and

References/Footnotes. The author may add columns if they further

explain or clarify the protocol.

In the Protocol Feature column, list the protocol's characteristics,

for example, a command word. We recommend grouping series of related

transactions under descriptive headers, for example, RECEPTION.

Section reference directs the implementer to the section, paragraph,

or page that describes the protocol feature in detail.

Status indicates whether the feature is mandatory, optional, or

prohibited. The author can use either a separate column for each

possibility, or a single column with appropriate codes. These codes

need to be defined at the start of the summary table to avoid

confusion. Possible status codes:

M - must or mandatory

MN - must not

O - optional

S - should

SN - should not

X - prohibited

In the References/Footnotes column authors can point to other RFCs

that are necessary to consider in implementing this protocol feature,

or any footnotes necessary to explain the implementation further.

The STD 3/RFC1122/RFC1123 provides examples of summary tables.

3.3 State Machine Descriptions

A convenient method of presenting a protocol's behavior is as a

state-machine model. That is, a protocol can be described by a

series of states resulting from a command, operation, or transaction.

State-machine models define the variables and constants that

establish a state, the events that cause state transitions and the

actions that result from those transitions. Through these models, an

understanding of the protocol's dynamic operation as sequence of

state transitions that occur for any given event is possible. State

transitions can be detailed by diagrams, tables, or time lines.

Note that state-machine models are never to take the place of

detailed text description of the specification. They are adjuncts to

the text. The protocol specification shall always take precedence in

the case of a conflict.

When using a state transition diagram, show each possible protocol

state as a box connected by state transition arcs. The author should

label each arc with the event that causes the transition, and, in

parentheses, any actions taken during the transition. The STD 5/RFC

1112 provides an example of such a diagram. As ASCII text is the

preferred storage format for RFCs, only simple diagrams are possible.

Tables can summarize more complex or extensive state transitions.

In a state transition table, the different events are listed

vertically and the different states are listed horizontally. The

form, action/new state, represents state transitions and actions.

Commas separate multiple actions, and succeeding lines are used as

required. The authors should present multiple actions in the order

they must be executed, if relevant. Letters that follow the state

indicate an explanatory footnote. The dash ('-') indicates an

illegal transition. The STD 51/RFC1661 provides an example of such

a state transition table. The initial columns and rows of that table

follow as an example:


0 1 2 3 4 5

Events Initial Starting Closed Stopped Closing Stopping


Up 2 irc,scr/6 - - - -

Down - - 0 tls/1 0 1

Open tls/1 1 irc,scr/6 3r 5r 5r

Close 0 tlf/0 2 2 4 4

TO+ - - - - str/4 str/5

TO- - - - - tlf/2 tlf/3

The STD 18/RFC904 also presents state transitions in table format.

However, it lists transitions in the form n/a, where n is the next

state and a represents the action. The method in RFC1661 is

preferred as new state logically follows action. In addition, RFC

904's Appendix C models transitions as the Cartesian product of two

state machines. This is a more complex representation that may be

difficult to comprehend for those readers that are unfamiliar with

the format. We recommend that authors present tables as defined in

the previous paragraph.

A final method of representing state changes is by a time line. The

two sides of the time line represent the machines involved in the

exchange. The author lists the states the machines enter as time

progresses (downward) along the outside of time line. Within the

time line, show the actions that cause the state transitions. An


client server


SYN_SENT -----------------------

\ syn j

-----------------> SYN_RCVD


syn k, ack j+1 /

ESTABLISHED <----------------------

4 Document Checklist

The following is a checklist based on the above guidelines that can

be applied to a document:

o Does it identify the security risks? Are countermeasures for each

potential attack provided? Are the effects of the security

measures on the operating environment detailed?

o Does it explain the purpose of the protocol or procedure? Are the

intended functions and services addressed? Does it describe how it

relates to existing protocols?

o Does it consider scaling and stability issues?

o Have procedures for assigning numbers been coordinated with IANA?

o Does it discuss how to manage the protocol being specified? Is a

MIB defined?

o Is a target audience defined?

o Does it reference or explain the algorithms used in the protocol?

o Does it give packet diagrams in recommended form, if applicable?

o Is there a change log?

o Does it describe differences from previous versions, if


o Does it separate explanatory portions of the document from


o Does it give examples of protocol operation?

o Does it specify behavior in the face of incorrect operation by

other implementations?

o Does it delineate which packets should be accepted for processing

and which should be ignored?

o If multiple descriptions of a requirement are given, does it

identify one as binding?

o How many optional features does it specify? Does it separate them

into option classes?

o Have all combinations of options or option classes been examined

for incompatibility?

o Does it explain the rationale and use of options?

o Have all mandatory and optional requirements be identified and

documented by the accepted key words that define Internet

requirement levels?

o Does it conform to the current internationalization policies of

the IETF?

o Are the recommended meanings for common Internet terms used?

o If not, are new or altered definitions for terms given in a


5 Security Considerations

This document does not define a protocol or procedure that could be

subject to an attack. It establishes guidelines for the information

that should be included in RFCs that are to be submitted to the

standards track. In the area of security, IETF standards authors are

called on to define clearly the threats faced by the protocol and the

way the protocol does or does not provide security assurances to the


6 References

[RFC791] Postel, J., "Internet Protocol (IP)", STD 5, RFC791

September 1981.

[RFC904] Mills, D., "Exterior Gateway Protocol formal

specification", RFC904, April 1984.

[RFC1058] Hedrick, C., "Routing Information Protocol", STD 34,

RFC1058, June 1988.

[RFC1112] Deering, S., "Host extensions for IP multicasting",

STD 5, RFC1112, August 1989.

[RFC1122] Braden, R., "Requirements for Internet Hosts --

Communication Layers", STD 3, RFC1122, October 1989.

[RFC1123] Braden, R., "Requirements for Internet hosts --

Application and Support", STD 3, RFC1123, October 1989.

[RFC1311] Postel, J., "Introduction to the STD Notes", RFC1311,

March 1992.

[RFC1350] Sollins, K., "The TFTP Protocol (Revision 2)", STD 33,

RFC1350, July 1992.

[RFC1661] Simpson, W., "The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)", STD 51,

RFC1661, July 1994.

[RFC1662] Simpson, W., "PPP in HLDC-like Framing", STD 51, RFC1662,

July 1994.

[RFC1700] Reynolds, J., and J. Postel, "Assigned Numbers", STD 2,

RFC1700, October 1994. (http://www.iana.org)

[RFC1939] Meyers, J., and M. Rose, "Post Office Protocol - Version

3", STD 53, RFC1939, May 1996.

[RFC1958] Carpenter, B., "Architectural Principles of the Internet",

RFC1958, June 1996.

[RFC1983] Malkin, G., "Internet Users' Glossary", FYI 18, RFC1983,

August 1996.

[RFC2026] Bradner, S., "The Internet Standards Process -- Revision 3",

RFC2026, October 1996.

[RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate

Requirement Level", BCP 14, RFC2119, March 1997.

[RFC2328] Moy, J., "OSPF Version 2", STD 54, RFC2328, April 1998.

[RFC2223] Postel, J. and J. Reynolds, "Instructions to RFCAuthors",

RFC2223, October 1997.

[RFC2277] Alvestrand, H., "IETF Policy on Character Sets and

Language", RFC2277, January 1998.

[RFC2316] Bellovin, S., "Report of the IAB Security Architecture

Workshop", RFC2316, April 1998.

7 Acknowledgments

Peter Desnoyers and Art Mellor began the work on this document.

Others that contributed were:

Bernard Aboba

Harald T. Alvestrand

Fred Baker

Scott Bradner

Brian Carpenter

Robert Elz

Dirk Fieldhouse

Dale Francisco

Gary Malkin

Neal McBurnett

Thomas Narten

Craig Partridge

Vern Paxson

Mike O'Dell

Henning Schulzrinne

Kurt Starsinic

James Watt

8 Editor's Address

Gregor D. Scott

Director, Defense Information Systems Agency


Ft. Monmouth, NJ 07703-5613


Phone: (732) 427-6856

Fax: (732) 532-0853

EMail: scottg@ftm.disa.mil

9 Appendix


The following changes were made following IESG review:

References to RFC1543 were changed to RFC2223 that obsoleted it.

In section 2.1, "export control" was dropped as a valid reason for

not selecting a security mechanism. In addition, ambiguous or

conflicting sentences were removed.

In section 2.1 reference made to RFC2315 as an additional source of


Section 2.5 was changed to highlight the Change Log's purpose as

assistance to implementers.

The IANA Considerations section (2.13) was rewritten to highlight

that the IANA guidelines document is work in progress but should be

used when it becomes available.

Section 3.4 Character Sets was deleted and replaced by section 2.17


Spelling and grammar corrections were made.


A sentence pointing to a pending document that further addresses IANA

considerations was added to section 2.13. The current draft of that

document is draft-iesg-iana-considerations-02.txt. A clause stating

that the IANA established the assignment policies was removed since it

appeared to conflict with the intent of the referenced ID.

Placeholders for the BCP and RFCnumber have been added to the text

and reference section.

A new section (2.5) requiring change logs as documents progress along

the standards track was added.

References to RFC2044 were changed to RFC2279 that obsoleted it.

Spelling and grammar corrections were made.


A paragraph pointing to a pending document that further addresses

security was updated.

10 Full Copyright Statement

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (1998). All Rights Reserved.

This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to

others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it

or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published

and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any

kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are

included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this

document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing

the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other

Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of

developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for

copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be

followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than


The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be

revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.

This document and the information contained herein is provided on an






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