
RFC2522 - Photuris: Session-Key Management Protocol

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
窄屏简体版  字體: |||超大  

Network Working Group P. Karn

Request for Comments: 2522 Qualcomm

Category: EXPerimental W. Simpson


March 1999

Photuris: Session-Key Management Protocol

Status of this Memo

This document defines an Experimental Protocol for the Internet

community. It does not specify an Internet standard of any kind.

Discussion and suggestions for improvement are requested.

Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (1999). Copyright (C) Philip Karn

and William Allen Simpson (1994-1999). All Rights Reserved.


Photuris is a session-key management protocol intended for use with

the IP Security Protocols (AH and ESP). This document defines the

basic protocol mechanisms.

Table of Contents

1. IntrodUCtion .......................................... 1

1.1 Terminology ..................................... 1

1.2 Protocol Overview ............................... 3

1.3 Security Parameters ............................. 5

1.4 LifeTimes ....................................... 6

1.4.1 Exchange LifeTimes .............................. 6

1.4.2 SPI LifeTimes ................................... 7

1.5 Random Number Generation ........................ 8

2. Protocol Details ...................................... 9

2.1 UDP ............................................. 9

2.2 Header Format ................................... 10

2.3 Variable Precision Integers ..................... 11

2.4 Exchange-Schemes ................................ 13

2.5 Attributes ...................................... 13

3. Cookie Exchange ....................................... 14

3.0.1 Send Cookie_Request ............................. 14

3.0.2 Receive Cookie_Request .......................... 15

3.0.3 Send Cookie_Response ............................ 15

3.0.4 Receive Cookie_Response ......................... 16

3.1 Cookie_Request .................................. 17

3.2 Cookie_Response ................................. 18

3.3 Cookie Generation ............................... 19

3.3.1 Initiator Cookie ................................ 19

3.3.2 Responder Cookie ................................ 20

4. Value Exchange ........................................ 21

4.0.1 Send Value_Request .............................. 21

4.0.2 Receive Value_Request ........................... 22

4.0.3 Send Value_Response ............................. 22

4.0.4 Receive Value_Response .......................... 23

4.1 Value_Request ................................... 24

4.2 Value_Response .................................. 25

4.3 Offered Attribute List .......................... 26

5. Identification Exchange ............................... 28

5.0.1 Send Identity_Request ........................... 29

5.0.2 Receive Identity_Request ........................ 29

5.0.3 Send Identity_Response .......................... 30

5.0.4 Receive Identity_Response ....................... 30

5.1 Identity_Messages ............................... 31

5.2 Attribute Choices List .......................... 33

5.3 Shared-Secret ................................... 34

5.4 Identity Verification ........................... 34

5.5 Privacy-Key Computation ......................... 36

5.6 Session-Key Computation ......................... 37

6. SPI Messages .......................................... 38

6.0.1 Send SPI_Needed ................................. 38

6.0.2 Receive SPI_Needed .............................. 39

6.0.3 Send SPI_Update ................................. 39

6.0.4 Receive SPI_Update .............................. 39

6.0.5 Automated SPI_Updates ........................... 40

6.1 SPI_Needed ...................................... 41

6.2 SPI_Update ...................................... 43

6.2.1 Creation ........................................ 44

6.2.2 Deletion ........................................ 45

6.2.3 Modification .................................... 45

6.3 Validity Verification ........................... 45

7. Error Messages ........................................ 46

7.1 Bad_Cookie ...................................... 47

7.2 Resource_Limit .................................. 47

7.3 Verification_Failure ............................ 48

7.4 Message_Reject .................................. 49

8. Public Value Exchanges ................................ 50

8.1 Modular Exponentiation Groups ................... 50

8.2 Moduli Selection ................................ 50

8.2.1 Bootstrap Moduli ................................ 51

8.2.2 Learning Moduli ................................. 51

8.3 Generator Selection ............................. 51

8.4 Exponent Selection .............................. 52

8.5 Defective Exchange Values ....................... 53

9. Basic Exchange-Schemes ................................ 54

10. Basic Key-Generation-Function ......................... 55

10.1 MD5 Hash ........................................ 55

11. Basic Privacy-Method .................................. 55

11.1 Simple MaSKINg .................................. 55

12. Basic Validity-Method ................................. 55

12.1 MD5-IPMAC Check ................................. 55

13. Basic Attributes ...................................... 56

13.1 Padding ......................................... 56

13.2 AH-Attributes ................................... 57

13.3 ESP-Attributes .................................. 57

13.4 MD5-IPMAC ....................................... 58

13.4.1 Symmetric Identification ........................ 58

13.4.2 Authentication .................................. 59

13.5 Organizational .................................. 60

APPENDICES ................................................... 61

A. Automaton ............................................. 61

A.1 State Transition Table .......................... 62

A.2 States .......................................... 65

A.2.1 Initial ......................................... 65

A.2.2 Cookie .......................................... 66

A.2.3 Value ........................................... 66

A.2.4 Identity ........................................ 66

A.2.5 Ready ........................................... 66

A.2.6 Update .......................................... 66

B. Use of Identification and Secrets ..................... 67

B.1 Identification .................................. 67

B.2 Group Identity With Group Secret ................ 67

B.3 Multiple Identities With Group Secrets .......... 68

B.4 Multiple Identities With Multiple Secrets ....... 69

OPERATIONAL CONSIDERATIONS ................................... 70

SECURITY CONSIDERATIONS ...................................... 70

HISTORY ...................................................... 71

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................. 72

REFERENCES ................................................... 73

CONTACTS ..................................................... 75

COPYRIGHT .................................................... 76

1. Introduction

Photuris [Firefly] establishes short-lived session-keys between two

parties, without passing the session-keys across the Internet. These

session-keys directly replace the long-lived secret-keys (such as

passWords and passphrases) that have been historically configured for

security purposes.

The basic Photuris protocol utilizes these existing previously

configured secret-keys for identification of the parties. This is

intended to speed deployment and reduce administrative configuration


This document is primarily intended for implementing the Photuris

protocol. It does not detail service and application interface

definitions, although it does mention some basic policy areas

required for the proper implementation and operation of the protocol


Since the basic Photuris protocol is extensible, new data types and

protocol behaviour should be expected. The implementor is especially

cautioned not to depend on values that appear in examples to be

current or complete, since their purpose is primarily pedagogical.

1.1. Terminology

In this document, the key words "MAY", "MUST, "MUST NOT", "optional",

"recommended", "SHOULD", and "SHOULD NOT", are to be interpreted as

described in [RFC-2119].

byte An 8-bit quantity; also known as "octet" in


exchange-value The publically distributable value used to calculate

a shared-secret. As used in this document, refers

to a Diffie-Hellman exchange, not the public part of

a public/private key-pair.

private-key A value that is kept secret, and is part of an

asymmetric public/private key-pair.

public-key A publically distributable value that is part of an

asymmetric public/private key-pair.

secret-key A symmetric key that is not publically

distributable. As used in this document, this is

distinguished from an asymmetric public/private

key-pair. An example is a user password.

Security Association (SA)

A collection of parameters describing the security

relationship between two nodes. These parameters

include the identities of the parties, the transform

(including algorithm and algorithm mode), the key(s)

(such as a session-key, secret-key, or appropriate

public/private key-pair), and possibly other

information such as sensitivity labelling.

Security Parameters Index (SPI)

A number that indicates a particular set of uni-

directional attributes used under a Security

Association, such as transform(s) and session-

key(s). The number is relative to the IP

Destination, which is the SPI Owner, and is unique

per IP (Next Header) Protocol. That is, the same

value MAY be used by multiple protocols to

concurrently indicate different Security Association


session-key A key that is independently derived from a shared-

secret by the parties, and used for keying one

direction of traffic. This key is changed


shared-secret As used in this document, the calculated result of

the Photuris exchange.

SPI Owner The party that corresponds to the IP Destination;

the intended recipient of a protected datagram.

SPI User The party that corresponds to the IP Source; the

sender of a protected datagram.

transform A cryptographic manipulation of a particular set of

data. As used in this document, refers to certain

well-specified methods (defined elsewhere). For

example, AH-MD5 [RFC-1828] transforms an IP datagram

into a cryptographic hash, and ESP-DES-CBC [RFC-

1829] transforms plaintext to ciphertext and back


Many of these terms are hierarchically related:

Security Association (bi-directional)

- one or more lists of Security Parameters (uni-directional)

-- one or more Attributes

--- may have a key

--- may indicate a transform

Implementors will find details of cryptographic hashing (such as

MD5), encryption algorithms and modes (such as DES), digital

signatures (such as DSS), and other algorithms in [Schneier95].

1.2. Protocol Overview

The Photuris protocol consists of several simple phases:

1. A "Cookie" Exchange guards against simple flooding attacks sent

with bogus IP Sources or UDP Ports. Each party passes a "cookie"

to the other.

In return, a list of supported Exchange-Schemes are offered by the

Responder for calculating a shared-secret.

2. A Value Exchange establishes a shared-secret between the parties.

Each party passes an Exchange-Value to the other. These values

are used to calculate a shared-secret. The Responder remains

stateless until a shared-secret has been created.

In addition, supported attributes are offered by each party for

use in establishing new Security Parameters.

3. An Identification Exchange identifies the parties to each other,

and verifies the integrity of values sent in phases 1 and 2.

In addition, the shared-secret provides a basis to generate

separate session-keys in each direction, which are in turn used

for conventional authentication or encryption. Additional

security attributes are also exchanged as needed.

This exchange is masked for party privacy protection using a

message privacy-key based on the shared-secret. This protects the

identities of the parties, hides the Security Parameter attribute

values, and improves security for the exchange protocol and

security transforms.

4. Additional messages may be exchanged to periodically change the

session-keys, and to establish new or revised Security Parameters.

These exchanges are also masked for party privacy protection in

the same fashion as above.

The sequence of message types and their purposes are summarized in

the diagram below. The first three phases (cookie, exchange, and

identification) must be carried out in their entirety before any

Security Association can be used.

Initiator Responder

========= =========

Cookie_Request ->

<- Cookie_Response

offer schemes

Value_Request ->

pick scheme

offer value

offer attributes

<- Value_Response

offer value

offer attributes

[generate shared-secret from exchanged values]

Identity_Request ->

make SPI

pick SPI attribute(s)

identify self


make privacy key(s)

mask/encrypt message

<- Identity_Response

make SPI

pick SPI attribute(s)

identify self


make privacy key(s)

mask/encrypt message

[make SPI session-keys in each direction]

SPI User SPI Owner

======== =========

SPI_Needed ->

list SPI attribute(s)

make validity key


make privacy key(s)

mask/encrypt message

<- SPI_Update

make SPI

pick SPI attribute(s)

make SPI session-key(s)

make validity key


make privacy key(s)

mask/encrypt message

Either party may initiate an exchange at any time. For example, the

Initiator need not be a "caller" in a telephony link.

The Initiator is responsible for recovering from all message losses

by retransmission.

1.3. Security Parameters

A Photuris exchange between two parties results in a pair of SPI

values (one in each direction). Each SPI is used in creating

separate session-key(s) in each direction.

The SPI is assigned by the entity controlling the IP Destination: the

SPI Owner (receiver). The parties use the combination of IP

Destination, IP (Next Header) Protocol, and SPI to distinguish the

correct Security Association.

When both parties initiate Photuris exchanges concurrently, or one

party initiates more than one Photuris exchange, the Initiator

Cookies (and UDP Ports) keep the exchanges separate. This results in

more than one initial SPI for each Destination.

To create multiple SPIs with different parameters, the parties may

also send SPI_Updates.

There is no requirement that all such outstanding SPIs be used. The

SPI User (sender) selects an appropriate SPI for each datagram


Implementation Notes:

The method used for SPI assignment is implementation dependent.

The only requirement is that the SPI be unique for the IP

Destination and IP (Next Header) Protocol.

However, selection of a cryptographically random SPI value can

help prevent attacks that depend on a predicatable sequence of

values. The implementor MUST NOT expect SPI values to have a

particular order or range.

1.4. LifeTimes

The Photuris exchange results in two kinds of state, each with

separate LifeTimes.

1) The Exchange LifeTime of the small amount of state associated with

the Photuris exchange itself. This state may be viewed as between

Internet nodes.

2) The SPI LifeTimes of the individual SPIs that are established.

This state may be viewed as between users and nodes.

The SPI LifeTimes may be shorter or longer than the Exchange

LifeTime. These LifeTimes are not required to be related to each


When an Exchange-Value expires (or is replaced by a newer value), any

unexpired derived SPIs are not affected. This is important to allow

traffic to continue without interruption during new Photuris


1.4.1. Exchange LifeTimes

All retained exchange state of both parties has an associated

Exchange LifeTime (ELT), and is subject to periodic expiration. This

depends on the physical and logistical security of the machine, and

is typically in the range of 10 minutes to one day (default 30


In addition, during a Photuris exchange, an Exchange TimeOut (ETO)

limits the wait for the exchange to complete. This timeout includes

the packet round trips, and the time for completing the

Identification Exchange calculations. The time is bounded by both

the maximum amount of calculation delay expected for the processing

power of an unknown peer, and the minimum user expectation for

results (default 30 seconds).

These Exchange LifeTimes and TimeOuts are implementation dependent

and are not disclosed in any Photuris message. The paranoid operator

will have a fairly short Exchange LifeTime, but it MUST NOT be less

than twice the ETO.

To prevent synchronization between Photuris exchanges, the

implementation SHOULD randomly vary each Exchange LifeTime within

twice the range of seconds that are required to calculate a new

Exchange-Value. For example, when the Responder uses a base ELT of

30 minutes, and takes 10 seconds to calculate the new Exchange-Value,

the equation might be (in milliseconds):

1790000 + urandom(20000)

The Exchange-Scheme, Exchange-Values, and resulting shared-secret MAY

be cached in short-term storage for the Exchange LifeTime. When

repetitive Photuris exchanges occur between the same parties, and the

Exchange-Values are discovered to be unchanged, the previously

calculated shared-secret can be used to rapidly generate new


1.4.2. SPI LifeTimes

Each SPI has an associated LifeTime, specified by the SPI owner

(receiver). This SPI LifeTime (SPILT) is usually related to the

speed of the link (typically 2 to 30 minutes), but it MUST NOT be

less than thrice the ETO.

The SPI can also be deleted by the SPI Owner using the SPI_Update.

Once the SPI has expired or been deleted, the parties cease using the


To prevent synchronization between multiple Photuris exchanges, the

implementation SHOULD randomly vary each SPI LifeTime. For example,

when the Responder uses a base SPILT of 5 minutes, and 30 seconds for

the ETO, the equation might be (in milliseconds):

285000 + urandom(30000)

There is no requirement that a long LifeTime be accepted by the SPI

User. The SPI User might never use an established SPI, or cease

using the SPI at any time.

When more than one unexpired SPI is available to the SPI User for the

same function, a common implementation technique is to select the SPI

with the greatest remaining LifeTime. However, selecting randomly

among a large number of SPIs might provide some defense against

traffic analysis.

To prevent resurrection of deleted or expired SPIs, SPI Owners SHOULD

remember those SPIs, but mark them as unusable until the Photuris

exchange shared-secret used to create them also expires and purges

the associated state.

When the SPI Owner detects an incoming SPI that has recently expired,

but the associated exchange state has not yet been purged, the

implementation MAY accept the SPI. The length of time allowed is

highly dependent on clock drift and variable packet round trip time,

and is therefore implementation dependent.

1.5. Random Number Generation

The security of Photuris critically depends on the quality of the

secret random numbers generated by each party. A poor random number

generator at either party will compromise the shared-secret produced

by the algorithm.

Generating cryptographic quality random numbers on a general purpose

computer without hardware assistance is a very tricky problem. In

general, this requires using a cryptographic hashing function to

"distill" the entropy from a large number of semi-random external

events, such as the timing of key strokes. An Excellent discussion

can be found in [RFC-1750].

2. Protocol Details

The Initiator begins a Photuris exchange under several circumstances:

- The Initiator has a datagram that it wishes to send with

confidentiality, and has no current Photuris exchange state with

the IP Destination. This datagram is discarded, and a

Cookie_Request is sent instead.

- The Initiator has received the ICMP message [RFC-1812] Destination

Unreachable: Communication Administratively Prohibited (Type 3,

Code 13), and has no current Photuris exchange state with the ICMP


- The Initiator has received the ICMP message [RFC-2521] Security

Failures: Bad SPI (Type 40, Code 0), that matches current Photuris

exchange state with the ICMP Source.

- The Initiator has received the ICMP message [RFC-2521] Security

Failures: Need Authentication (Type 40, Code 4), and has no

current Photuris exchange state with the ICMP Source.

- The Initiator has received the ICMP message [RFC-2521] Security

Failures: Need Authorization (Type 40, Code 5), that matches

current Photuris exchange state with the ICMP Source.

When the event is an ICMP message, special care MUST be taken that

the ICMP message actually includes information that matches a

previously sent IP datagram. Otherwise, this could provide an

opportunity for a clogging attack, by stimulating a new Photuris


2.1. UDP

All Photuris messages use the User Datagram Protocol header [RFC-

768]. The Initiator sends to UDP Destination Port 468.

When replying to the Initiator, the Responder swaps the IP Source and

Destination, and the UDP Source and Destination Ports.

The UDP checksum MUST be correctly calculated when sent. When a

message is received with an incorrect UDP checksum, it is silently


Implementation Notes:

It is expected that installation of Photuris will ensure that UDP

checksum calculations are enabled for the computer operating

system and later disabling by operators is prevented.

Internet Protocol version 4 [RFC-791] restricts the maximum

reassembled datagram to 576 bytes.

When processing datagrams containing variable size values, the

length must be checked against the overall datagram length. An

invalid size (too long or short) that causes a poorly coded

receiver to abort could be used as a denial of service attack.

2.2. Header Format

All of the messages have a format similar to the following, as

transmitted left to right in network order (most significant to least



~ Initiator-Cookie ~


~ Responder-Cookie ~




Initiator-Cookie 16 bytes.

Responder-Cookie 16 bytes.

Message 1 byte. Each message type has a unique value.

Initial values are assigned as follows:

0 Cookie_Request

1 Cookie_Response

2 Value_Request

3 Value_Response

4 Identity_Request

5 Secret_Response (optional)

6 Secret_Request (optional)

7 Identity_Response

8 SPI_Needed

9 SPI_Update

10 Bad_Cookie

11 Resource_Limit

12 Verification_Failure

13 Message_Reject

Further details and differences are elaborated in the individual


2.3. Variable Precision Integers


Size Value ...


Size 2, 4, or 8 bytes. The number of significant bits

used in the Value field. Always transmitted most

significant byte first.

When the Size is zero, no Value field is present;

there are no significant bits. This means "missing"

or "null". It should not be confused with the value

zero, which includes an indication of the number of

significant bits.

When the most significant byte is in the range 0

through 254 (0xfe), the field is 2 bytes. Both

bytes are used to indicate the size of the Value

field, which ranges from 1 to 65,279 significant

bits (in 1 to 8,160 bytes).

When the most significant byte is 255 (0xff), the

field is 4 bytes. The remaining 3 bytes are added

to 65,280 to indicate the size of the Value field,

which is limited to 16,776,959 significant bits (in

2,097,120 bytes).

When the most significant 2 bytes are 65,535

(0xffff), the field is 8 bytes. The remaining 6

bytes are added to 16,776,960 to indicate the size

of the Value field.

Value 0 or more bytes. Always transmitted most

significant byte first.

The bits used are right justified within byte

boundaries; that is, any unused bits are in the most

significant byte. When there are no unused bits, or

unused bits are zero filled, the value is assumed to

be an unsigned positive integer.

When the leading unused bits are ones filled, the

number is assumed to be a two's-complement negative

integer. A negative integer will always have at

least one unused leading sign bit in the most

significant byte.

Shortened forms SHOULD NOT be used when the Value includes a number

of leading zero significant bits. The Size SHOULD indicate the

correct number of significant bits.

Implementation Notes:

Negative integers are not required to be supported, but are

included for completeness.

No more than 65,279 significant bits are required to be supported.

Other ranges are vastly too long for these UDP messages, but are

included for completeness.

2.4. Exchange-Schemes


Scheme Size


Value ...


Scheme 2 bytes. A unique value indicating the Exchange-

Scheme. See the "Basic Exchange-Schemes" for


Size 2 bytes, ranging from 0 to 65,279. See "Variable

Precision Integer".

Value 0 or more bytes. See "Variable Precision Integer".

The Size MUST NOT be assumed to be constant for a particular Scheme.

Multiple kinds of the same Scheme with varying Sizes MAY be present

in any list of schemes.

However, only one of each Scheme and Size combination will be present

in any list of schemes.

2.5. Attributes


Attribute Length Value(s) ...


Attribute 1 byte. A unique value indicating the kind of

attribute. See the "Basic Attributes" for details.

When the value is zero (padding), no Length field is

present (always zero).

Length 1 byte. The size of the Value(s) field in bytes.

When the Length is zero, no Value(s) field is


Value(s) 0 or more bytes. See the "Basic Attributes" for


The Length MUST NOT be assumed to be constant for a particular

Attribute. Multiple kinds of the same Attribute with varying Lengths

MAY be present in any list of attributes.

3. Cookie Exchange

Initiator Responder

========= =========

Cookie_Request ->

<- Cookie_Response

offer schemes

3.0.1. Send Cookie_Request

The Initiator initializes local state, and generates a unique

"cookie". The Initiator-Cookie MUST be different in each new

Cookie_Request between the same parties. See "Cookie Generation" for


- If any previous exchange between the peer IP nodes has not expired

in which this party was the Initiator, this Responder-Cookie is

set to the most recent Responder-Cookie, and this Counter is set

to the corresponding Counter.

For example, a new Virtual Private Network (VPN) tunnel is about

to be established to an existing partner. The Counter is the same

value received in the prior Cookie_Response, the Responder-Cookie

remains the same, and a new Initiator-Cookie is generated.

- If the new Cookie_Request is in response to a message of a

previous exchange in which this party was the Responder, this

Responder-Cookie is set to the previous Initiator-Cookie, and this

Counter is set to zero.

For example, a Bad_Cookie message was received from the previous

Initiator in response to SPI_Needed. The Responder-Cookie is

replaced with the Initiator-Cookie, and a new Initiator-Cookie is

generated. This provides bookkeeping to detect bogus Bad_Cookie


Also, can be used for bi-directional User, Transport, and Process

oriented keying. Such mechanisms are outside the scope of this


- Otherwise, this Responder-Cookie and Counter are both set to zero.

By default, the Initiator operates in the same manner as when all

of its previous exchange state has expired. The Responder will

send a Resource_Limit when its own exchange state has not expired.

The Initiator also starts a retransmission timer. If no valid

Cookie_Response arrives within the time limit, the same

Cookie_Request is retransmitted for the remaining number of

Retransmissions. The Initiator-Cookie value MUST be the same in each

such retransmission to the same IP Destination and UDP Port.

When Retransmissions have been exceeded, if a Resource_Limit message

has been received during the exchange, the Initiator SHOULD begin the

Photuris exchange again by sending a new Cookie_Request with updated


3.0.2. Receive Cookie_Request

On receipt of a Cookie_Request, the Responder determines whether

there are sufficient resources to begin another Photuris exchange.

- When too many SPI values are already in use for this particular

peer, or too many concurrent exchanges are in progress, or some

other resource limit is reached, a Resource_Limit message is sent.

- When any previous exchange initiated by this particular peer has

not exceeded the Exchange TimeOut, and the Responder-Cookie does

not specify one of these previous exchanges, a Resource_Limit

message is sent.

Otherwise, the Responder returns a Cookie_Response.

Note that the Responder creates no additional state at this time.

3.0.3. Send Cookie_Response

The IP Source for the Initiator is examined. If any previous

exchange between the peer IP nodes has not expired, the response

Counter is set to the most recent exchange Counter plus one (allowing

for out of order retransmissions). Otherwise, the response Counter

is set to the request Counter plus one.

If (through rollover of the Counter) the new Counter value is zero

(modulo 256), the value is set to one.

If this new Counter value matches some previous exchange initiated by

this particular peer that has not yet exceeded the Exchange TimeOut,

the Counter is incremented again, until a unique Counter value is


Nota Bene:

No more than 254 concurrent exchanges between the same two peers

are supported.

The Responder generates a unique cookie. The Responder-Cookie value

in each successive response SHOULD be different. See "Cookie

Generation" for details.

The Exchange-Schemes available between the peers are listed in the


3.0.4. Receive Cookie_Response

The Initiator validates the Initiator-Cookie, and the Offered-


- When an invalid/expired Initiator-Cookie is detected, the message

is silently discarded.

- When the variable length Offered-Schemes do not match the UDP

Length, or all Offered-Schemes are obviously defective and/or

insufficient for the purposes intended, the message is silently

discarded; the implementation SHOULD log the occurance, and notify

an operator as appropriate.

- Once a valid message has been received, later Cookie_Responses

with matching Initiator-Cookies are also silently discarded, until

a new Cookie_Request is sent.

When the message is valid, an Exchange-Scheme is chosen from the list

of Offered-Schemes.

This Scheme-Choice may affect the next Photuris message sent. By

default, the next Photuris message is a Value_Request.

Implementation Notes:

Only the Initiator-Cookie is used to identify the exchange. The

Counter and Responder-Cookie will both be different from the


Various proposals for extensions utilize the Scheme-Choice to

indicate a different message sequence. Such mechanisms are

outside the scope of this document.

3.1. Cookie_Request


~ Initiator-Cookie ~


~ Responder-Cookie ~


Message Counter


Initiator-Cookie 16 bytes. A randomized value that identifies the

exchange. The value MUST NOT be zero. See "Cookie

Generation" for details.

Responder-Cookie 16 bytes. Identifies a specific previous exchange.

Copied from a previous Cookie_Response.

When zero, no previous exchange is specified.

When non-zero, and the Counter is zero, contains the

Initiator-Cookie of a previous exchange. The

specified party is requested to be the Responder in

this exchange, to retain previous party pairings.

When non-zero, and the Counter is also non-zero,

contains the Responder-Cookie of a previous

exchange. The specified party is requested to be

the Responder in this exchange, to retain previous

party pairings.

Message 0

Counter 1 byte. Indicates the number of previous exchanges.

When zero, the Responder-Cookie indicates the

Initiator of a previous exchange, or no previous

exchange is specified.

When non-zero, the Responder-Cookie indicates the

Responder to a previous exchange. This value is set

to the Counter from the corresponding

Cookie_Response or from a Resource_Limit.

3.2. Cookie_Response


~ Initiator-Cookie ~


~ Responder-Cookie ~


Message Counter Offered-Schemes ...


Initiator-Cookie 16 bytes. Copied from the Cookie_Request.

Responder-Cookie 16 bytes. A randomized value that identifies the

exchange. The value MUST NOT be zero. See "Cookie

Generation" for details.

Message 1

Counter 1 byte. Indicates the number of the current

exchange. Must be greater than zero.

Offered-Schemes 4 or more bytes. A list of one or more Exchange-

Schemes supported by the Responder, ordered from

most to least preferable. See the "Basic Exchange-

Schemes" for details.

Only one Scheme (#2) is required to be supported,

and SHOULD be present in every Offered-Schemes list.

More than one of each kind of Scheme may be offered,

but each is distinguished by its Size. The end of

the list is indicated by the UDP Length.

3.3. Cookie Generation

The exact technique by which a Photuris party generates a cookie is

implementation dependent. The method chosen must satisfy some basic


1. The cookie MUST depend on the specific parties. This prevents an

attacker from oBTaining a cookie using a real IP address and UDP

port, and then using it to swamp the victim with requests from

randomly chosen IP addresses or ports.

2. It MUST NOT be possible for anyone other than the issuing entity

to generate cookies that will be accepted by that entity. This

implies that the issuing entity will use local secret information

in the generation and subsequent verification of a cookie. It

must not be possible to deduce this secret information from any

particular cookie.

3. The cookie generation and verification methods MUST be fast to

thwart attacks intended to sabotage CPU resources.

A recommended technique is to use a cryptographic hashing function

(such as MD5).

An incoming cookie can be verified at any time by regenerating it

locally from values contained in the incoming datagram and the local

secret random value.

3.3.1. Initiator Cookie

The Initiator secret value that affects its cookie SHOULD change for

each new Photuris exchange, and is thereafter internally cached on a

per Responder basis. This provides improved synchronization and

protection against replay attacks.

An alternative is to cache the cookie instead of the secret value.

Incoming cookies can be compared directly without the computational

cost of regeneration.

It is recommended that the cookie be calculated over the secret

value, the IP Source and Destination addresses, and the UDP Source

and Destination ports.

Implementation Notes:

Although the recommendation includes the UDP Source port, this is

very implementation specific. For example, it might not be

included when the value is constant.

However, it is important that the implementation protect mutually

suspicious users of the same machine from generating the same


3.3.2. Responder Cookie

The Responder secret value that affects its cookies MAY remain the

same for many different Initiators. However, this secret SHOULD be

changed periodically to limit the time for use of its cookies

(typically each 60 seconds).

The Responder-Cookie SHOULD include the Initiator-Cookie. The

Responder-Cookie MUST include the Counter (that is returned in the

Cookie_Response). This provides improved synchronization and

protection against replay attacks.

It is recommended that the cookie be calculated over the secret

value, the IP Source and Destination addresses, its own UDP

Destination port, the Counter, the Initiator-Cookie, and the

currently Offered-Schemes.

The cookie is not cached per Initiator to avoid saving state during

the initial Cookie Exchange. On receipt of a Value_Request

(described later), the Responder regenerates its cookie for


Once the Value_Response is sent (also described later), both

Initiator and Responder cookies are cached to identify the exchange.

Implementation Notes:

Although the recommendation does not include the UDP Source port,

this is very implementation specific. It might be successfully

included in some variants.

However, it is important that the UDP Source port not be included

when matching existing Photuris exchanges for determining the

appropriate Counter.

The recommendation includes the Offered-Schemes to detect a

dynamic change of scheme value between the Cookie_Response and


Some mechanism MAY be needed to detect a dynamic change of pre-

calculated Responder Exchange-Value between the Value_Response and

Identity_Response. For example, change the secret value to render

the cookie invalid, or explicitly mark the Photuris exchange state

as expired.

4. Value Exchange

Initiator Responder

========= =========

Value_Request ->

pick scheme

offer value

offer attributes

<- Value_Response

offer value

offer attributes

[generate shared-secret from exchanged values]

4.0.1. Send Value_Request

The Initiator generates an appropriate Exchange-Value for the

Scheme-Choice. This Exchange-Value may be pre-calculated and used

for multiple Responders.

The IP Destination for the Responder is examined, and the attributes

available between the parties are listed in the Offered-Attributes.

The Initiator also starts a retransmission timer. If no valid

Value_Response arrives within the time limit, the same Value_Request

is retransmitted for the remaining number of Retransmissions.

When Retransmissions have been exceeded, if a Bad_Cookie or

Resource_Limit message has been received during the exchange, the

Initiator SHOULD begin the Photuris exchange again by sending a new


4.0.2. Receive Value_Request

The Responder validates the Responder-Cookie, the Counter, the

Scheme-Choice, the Exchange-Value, and the Offered-Attributes.

- When an invalid/expired Responder-Cookie is detected, a Bad_Cookie

message is sent.

- When too many SPI values are already in use for this particular

peer, or too many concurrent exchanges are in progress, or some

other resource limit is reached, a Resource_Limit message is sent.

- When an invalid Scheme-Choice is detected, or the Exchange-Value

is obviously defective, or the variable length Offered-Attributes

do not match the UDP Length, the message is silently discarded;

the implementation SHOULD log the occurance, and notify an

operator as appropriate.

When the message is valid, the Responder sets its Exchange timer to

the Exchange TimeOut, and returns a Value_Response.

The Responder keeps a copy of the incoming Value_Request cookie pair,

and its Value_Response. If a duplicate Value_Request is received, it

merely resends its previous Value_Response, and takes no further


4.0.3. Send Value_Response

The Responder generates an appropriate Exchange-Value for the

Scheme-Choice. This Exchange-Value may be pre-calculated and used

for multiple Initiators.

The IP Source for the Initiator is examined, and the attributes

available between the parties are listed in the Offered-Attributes.

Implementation Notes:

At this time, the Responder begins calculation of the shared-

secret. Calculation of the shared-secret is executed in parallel

to minimize delay.

This may take a substantial amount of time. The implementor

should ensure that retransmission is not blocked by this

calculation. This is not usually a problem, as retransmission

timeouts typically exceed calculation time.

4.0.4. Receive Value_Response

The Initiator validates the pair of Cookies, the Exchange-Value, and

the Offered-Attributes.

- When an invalid/expired cookie is detected, the message is

silently discarded.

- When the Exchange-Value is obviously defective, or the variable

length Offered-Attributes do not match the UDP Length, the message

is silently discarded; the implementation SHOULD log the

occurance, and notify an operator as appropriate.

- Once a valid message has been received, later Value_Responses with

both matching cookies are also silently discarded, until a new

Cookie_Request is sent.

When the message is valid, the Initiator begins its parallel

computation of the shared-secret.

When the Initiator completes computation, it sends an

Identity_Request to the Responder.

4.1. Value_Request


~ Initiator-Cookie ~


~ Responder-Cookie ~


Message Counter Scheme-Choice


~ Initiator-Exchange-Value ~


Initiator-Offered-Attributes ...


Initiator-Cookie 16 bytes. Copied from the Cookie_Response.

Responder-Cookie 16 bytes. Copied from the Cookie_Response.

Message 2

Counter 1 byte. Copied from the Cookie_Response.

Scheme-Choice 2 bytes. A value selected by the Initiator from the

list of Offered-Schemes in the Cookie_Response.

Only the Scheme is specified; the Size will match

the Initiator-Exchange-Value, and the Value(s) are



Variable Precision Integer. Provided by the

Initiator for calculating a shared-secret between

the parties. The Value format is indicated by the


The field may be any integral number of bytes in

length, as indicated by its Size field. It does not

require any particular alignment. The 32-bit

alignment shown is for convenience in the



4 or more bytes. A list of Security Parameter

attributes supported by the Initiator.

The contents and usage of this list are further

described in "Offered Attributes List". The end of

the list is indicated by the UDP Length.

4.2. Value_Response


~ Initiator-Cookie ~


~ Responder-Cookie ~


Message Reserved


~ Responder-Exchange-Value ~


Responder-Offered-Attributes ...


Initiator-Cookie 16 bytes. Copied from the Value_Request.

Responder-Cookie 16 bytes. Copied from the Value_Request.

Message 3

Reserved 3 bytes. For future use; MUST be set to zero when

transmitted, and MUST be ignored when received.


Variable Precision Integer. Provided by the

Responder for calculating a shared-secret between

the parties. The Value format is indicated by the

current Scheme-Choice specified in the


The field may be any integral number of bytes in

length, as indicated by its Size field. It does not

require any particular alignment. The 32-bit

alignment shown is for convenience in the



4 or more bytes. A list of Security Parameter

attributes supported by the Responder.

The contents and usage of this list are further

described in "Offered Attributes List". The end of

the list is indicated by the UDP Length.

4.3. Offered Attribute List

This list includes those attributes supported by the party that are

available to the other party. The attribute formats are specified in

the "Basic Attributes".

The list is composed of two or three sections: Identification-

Attributes, Authentication-Attributes, and (optional) Encapsulation-

Attributes. Within each section, the attributes are ordered from

most to least preferable.

The first section of the list includes methods of identification. An

Identity-Choice is selected from this list.

The second section of the list begins with "AH-Attributes" (#1). It

includes methods of authentication, and other operational types.

The third section of the list begins with "ESP-Attributes" (#2). It

includes methods of authentication, compression, encryption, and

other operational types. When no Encapsulation-Attributes are

offered, the "ESP-Attributes" attribute itself is omitted from the


Attribute-Choices are selected from the latter two sections of the


Support is required for the "MD5-IPMAC" (#5) attribute for both

"Symmetric Identification" and "Authentication" and they SHOULD be

present in every Offered-Attributes list.

Implementation Notes:

For example,

"MD5-IPMAC" (Symmetric Identification),


"MD5-IPMAC" (Authentication).

Since the offer is made by the prospective SPI User (sender),

order of preference likely reflects the capabilities and

engineering tradeoffs of a particular implementation.

However, the critical processing bottlenecks are frequently in the

receiver. The SPI Owner (receiver) may express its needs by

choosing a less preferable attribute.

The order may also be affected by operational policy and requested

services for an application. Such considerations are outside the

scope of this document.

The list may be divided into additional sections. These sections

will always follow the ESP-Attributes section, and are

indistinguishable from unrecognized attributes.

The authentication, compression, encryption and identification

mechanisms chosen, as well as the encapsulation modes (if any),

need not be the same in both directions.

5. Identification Exchange

Initiator Responder

========= =========

Identity_Request ->

make SPI

pick SPI attribute(s)

identify self


make privacy key(s)

mask/encrypt message

<- Identity_Response

make SPI

pick SPI attribute(s)

identify self


make privacy key(s)

mask/encrypt message

[make SPI session-keys in each direction]

The exchange of messages is ordered, although the formats and

meanings of the messages are identical in each direction. The

messages are easily distinguished by the parties themselves, by

examining the Message and Identification fields.

Implementation Notes:

The amount of time for the calculation may be dependent on the

value of particular bits in secret values used in generating the

shared-secret or identity verification. To prevent analysis of

these secret bits by recording the time for calculation, sending

of the Identity_Messages SHOULD be delayed until the time expected

for the longest calculation. This will be different for different

processor speeds, different algorithms, and different length

variables. Therefore, the method for estimating time is

implementation dependent.

Any authenticated and/or encrypted user datagrams received before

the completion of identity verification can be placed on a queue

pending completion of this step. If verification succeeds, the

queue is processed as though the datagrams had arrived subsequent

to the verification. If verification fails, the queue is


5.0.1. Send Identity_Request

The Initiator chooses an appropriate Identification, the SPI and

SPILT, a set of Attributes for the SPI, calculates the Verification,

and masks the message using the Privacy-Method indicated by the

current Scheme-Choice.

The Initiator also starts a retransmission timer. If no valid

Identity_Response arrives within the time limit, its previous

Identity_Request is retransmitted for the remaining number of


When Retransmissions have been exceeded, if a Bad_Cookie message has

been received during the exchange, the Initiator SHOULD begin the

Photuris exchange again by sending a new Cookie_Request.

5.0.2. Receive Identity_Request

The Responder validates the pair of Cookies, the Padding, the

Identification, the Verification, and the Attribute-Choices.

- When an invalid/expired cookie is detected, a Bad_Cookie message

is sent.

- After unmasking, when invalid Padding is detected, the variable

length Attribute-Choices do not match the UDP Length, or an

attribute was not in the Offered-Attributes, the message is

silently discarded.

- When an invalid Identification is detected, or the message

verification fails, a Verification_Failure message is sent.

- Whenever such a problem is detected, the Security Association is

not established; the implementation SHOULD log the occurance, and

notify an operator as appropriate.

When the message is valid, the Responder sets its Exchange timer to

the Exchange LifeTime (if this has not already been done for a

previous exchange). When its parallel computation of the shared-

secret is complete, the Responder returns an Identity_Response.

The Responder keeps a copy of the incoming Identity_Request values,

and its Identity_Response. If a duplicate Identity_Request is

received, it merely resends its previous Identity_Response, and takes

no further action.

5.0.3. Send Identity_Response

The Responder chooses an appropriate Identification, the SPI and

SPILT, a set of Attributes for the SPI, calculates the Verification,

and masks the message using the Privacy-Method indicated by the

current Scheme-Choice.

The Responder calculates the SPI session-keys in both directions.

At this time, the Responder begins the authentication and/or

encryption of user datagrams.

5.0.4. Receive Identity_Response

The Initiator validates the pair of Cookies, the Padding, the

Identification, the Verification, and the Attribute-Choices.

- When an invalid/expired cookie is detected, the message is

silently discarded.

- After unmasking, when invalid Padding is detected, the variable

length Attribute-Choices do not match the UDP Length, or an

attribute was not in the Offered-Attributes, the message is

silently discarded.

- When an invalid Identification is detected, or the message

verification fails, a Verification_Failure message is sent.

- Whenever such a problem is detected, the Security Association is

not established; the implementation SHOULD log the occurance, and

notify an operator as appropriate.

- Once a valid message has been received, later Identity_Responses

with both matching cookies are also silently discarded, until a

new Cookie_Request is sent.

When the message is valid, the Initiator sets its Exchange timer to

the Exchange LifeTime (if this has not already been done for a

previous exchange).

The Initiator calculates the SPI session-keys in both directions.

At this time, the Initiator begins the authentication and/or

encryption of user datagrams.

5.1. Identity_Messages


~ Initiator-Cookie ~


~ Responder-Cookie ~


Message LifeTime





+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

~ Identification ~


~ Verification ~


Attribute-Choices ...


... Padding


Initiator-Cookie 16 bytes. Copied from the Value_Request.

Responder-Cookie 16 bytes. Copied from the Value_Request.

Message 4 (Request) or 7 (Response)

LifeTime 3 bytes. The number of seconds remaining before the

indicated SPI expires.

When the SPI is zero, this field MUST be filled with

a random non-zero value.

Security-Parameters-Index (SPI)

4 bytes. The SPI to be used for incoming


When zero, indicates that no SPI is created in this


Identity-Choice 2 or more bytes. An identity attribute is selected

from the list of Offered-Attributes sent by the

peer, and is used to calculate the Verification.

The field may be any integral number of bytes in

length, as indicated by its Length field. It does

not require any particular alignment. The 16-bit

alignment shown is for convenience in the


Identification Variable Precision Integer, or alternative format

indicated by the Identity-Choice. See the "Basic

Attributes" for details.

The field may be any integral number of bytes in

length. It does not require any particular

alignment. The 32-bit alignment shown is for

convenience in the illustration.

Verification Variable Precision Integer, or alternative format

indicated by the Identity-Choice. The calculation

of the value is described in "Identity


The field may be any integral number of bytes in

length. It does not require any particular

alignment. The 32-bit alignment shown is for

convenience in the illustration.


0 or more bytes. When the SPI is non-zero, a list

of attributes selected from the list of Offered-

Attributes supported by the peer.

The contents and usage of this list are further

described in "Attribute Choices List". The end of

the list is indicated by the UDP Length after

removing the Padding (UDP Length - last Padding


Padding 8 to 255 bytes. This field is filled up to at least

a 128 byte boundary, measured from the beginning of

the message. The number of pad bytes are chosen


In addition, when a Privacy-Method indicated by the

current Scheme-Choice requires the plaintext to be a

multiple of some number of bytes (the block size of

a block cipher), this field is adjusted as necessary

to the size required by the algorithm.

Self-Describing-Padding begins with the value 1.

Each byte contains the index of that byte. Thus,

the final pad byte indicates the number of pad bytes

to remove. For example, when the unpadded message

length is 120 bytes, the padding values might be 1,

2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8.

The portion of the message after the SPI field is masked using the

Privacy-Method indicated by the current Scheme-Choice.

The fields following the SPI are opaque. That is, the values are set

prior to masking (and optional encryption), and examined only after

unmasking (and optional decryption).

5.2. Attribute Choices List

This list specifies the attributes of the SPI. The attribute formats

are specified in the "Basic Attributes".

The list is composed of one or two sections: Authentication-

Attributes, and/or Encapsulation-Attributes.

When sending from the SPI User to the SPI Owner, the attributes are

processed in the order listed. For example,


"Deflate" (Compression),

"XOR" (Encryption),

"DES-CBC" (Encryption),

"XOR" (Encryption),



"MD5-IPMAC" (Authentication),

would result in ESP with compression and triple encryption (inside),

and then AH authentication with sequence numbers (outside) of the ESP


The SPI Owner will naturally process the datagram in the reverse


This ordering also affects the order of key generation. Both SPI

Owner and SPI User generate the keys in the order listed.

Implementation Notes:

When choices are made from the list of Offered-Attributes, it is

not required that any Security Association include every kind of

offered attribute in any single SPI, or that a separate SPI be

created for every offered attribute.

Some kinds of attributes may be included more than once in a

single SPI. The set of allowable combinations of attributes are

dependent on implementation and operational policy. Such

considerations are outside the scope of this document.

The list may be divided into additional sections. This can occur

only when both parties recognize the affected attributes.

The authentication, compression, encryption and identification

mechanisms chosen, as well as the encapsulation modes (if any),

need not be the same in both directions.

5.3. Shared-Secret

A shared-secret is used in a number of calculations. Regardless of

the internal representation of the shared-secret, when used in

calculations it is in the same form as the Value part of a Variable

Precision Integer:

- most significant byte first.

- bits used are right justified within byte boundaries.

- any unused bits are in the most significant byte.

- unused bits are zero filled.

The shared-secret does not include a Size field.

5.4. Identity Verification

These messages are authenticated using the Identity-Choice. The

Verification value is calculated prior to masking (and optional

encryption), and verified after unmasking (and optional decryption).

The Identity-Choice authentication function is supplied with two

input values:

- the sender (SPI Owner) verification-key,

- the data to be verified (as a concatenated sequence of bytes).

The resulting output value is stored in the Verification field.

The Identity-Choice verification data consists of the following

concatenated values:

+ the Initiator Cookie,

+ the Responder Cookie,

+ the Message, LifeTime and SPI fields,

+ the Identity-Choice and Identification,

+ the SPI User Identity Verification (response only),

+ the Attribute-Choices following the Verification field,

+ the Padding,

+ the SPI Owner TBV,

+ the SPI Owner Exchange-Value,

+ the SPI Owner Offered-Attributes,

+ the SPI User TBV,

+ the SPI User Exchange-Value,

+ the SPI User Offered-Attributes,

+ the Responder Offered-Schemes.

The TBV (Three Byte Value) consists of the Counter and Scheme-Choice

fields from the Value_Request, or the Reserved field from the

Value_Response, immediately preceding the associated Exchange-Value.

Note that the order of the Exchange-Value and Offered-Attributes

fields is different in each direction, and the Identification and SPI

fields are also likely to be different in each direction. Note also

that the SPI User Identity Verification (from the Identity_Request)

is present only in the Identity_Response.

If the verification fails, the users are notified, and a

Verification_Failure message is sent, without adding any SPI. On

success, normal operation begins with the authentication and/or

encryption of user datagrams.

Implementation Notes:

This is distinct from any authentication method specified for the


The exact details of the Identification and verification-key

included in the Verification calculation are dependent on the

Identity-Choice, as described in the "Basic Attributes".

Each party may wish to keep their own trusted databases, such as

the Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) web of trust, and accept only those

identities found there. Failure to find the Identification in

either an internal or external database results in the same

Verification_Failure message as failure of the verification


The Exchange-Value data includes both the Size and Value fields.

The Offered-Attributes and Attribute-Choices data includes the

Attribute, Length and Value fields.

5.5. Privacy-Key Computation

Identification Exchange messages are masked using the Privacy-Method

indicated by the current Scheme-Choice. Masking begins with the next

field after the SPI, and continues to the end of the data indicated

by the UDP Length, including the Padding.

The Scheme-Choice specified Key-Generation-Function is used to create

a special privacy-key for each message. This function is calculated

over the following concatenated values:

+ the SPI Owner Exchange-Value,

+ the SPI User Exchange-Value,

+ the Initiator Cookie,

+ the Responder Cookie,

+ the Message, LifeTime and SPI (or Reserved) fields,

+ the computed shared-secret.

Since the order of the Exchange-Value fields is different in each

direction, and the Message, LifeTime and SPI fields are also

different in each direction, the resulting privacy-key will usually

be different in each direction.

When a larger number of keying-bits are needed than are available

from one iteration of the specified Key-Generation-Function, more

keying-bits are generated by duplicating the trailing shared-secret,

and recalculating the function. That is, the first iteration will

have one trailing copy of the shared-secret, the second iteration

will have two trailing copies of the shared-secret, and so forth.

Implementation Notes:

This is distinct from any encryption method specified for the SPI.

The length of the Padding, and other details, are dependent on the

Privacy-Method. See the "Basic Privacy-Method" list for details.

To avoid keeping the Exchange-Values in memory after the initial

verification, it is often possible to pre-compute the function

over the initial bytes of the concatenated data values for each

direction, and append the trailing copies of the shared-secret.

The Exchange-Value data includes both the Size and Value fields.

5.6. Session-Key Computation

Each SPI has one or more session-keys. These keys are generated

based on the attributes of the SPI. See the "Basic Attributes" for


The Scheme-Choice specified Key-Generation-Function is used to create

the SPI session-key for that particular attribute. This function is

calculated over the following concatenated values:

+ the Initiator Cookie,

+ the Responder Cookie,

+ the SPI Owner generation-key,

+ the SPI User generation-key,

+ the message Verification field,

+ the computed shared-secret.

Since the order of the generation-keys is different in each

direction, and the Verification field is also likely to be different

in each direction, the resulting session-key will usually be

different in each direction.

When a larger number of keying-bits are needed than are available

from one iteration of the specified Key-Generation-Function, more

keying-bits are generated by duplicating the trailing shared-secret,

and recalculating the function. That is, the first iteration will

have one trailing copy of the shared-secret, the second iteration

will have two trailing copies of the shared-secret, and so forth.

Implementation Notes:

This is distinct from any privacy-key generated for the Photuris

exchange. Different initialization data is used, and iterations

are maintained separately.

The exact details of the Verification field and generation-keys

that are included in the session-key calculation are dependent on

the Identity-Choices, as described in the "Basic Attributes".

To avoid keeping the generation-keys in memory after the initial

verification, it is often possible to pre-compute the function

over the initial bytes of the concatenated data values for each

direction, and append the trailing copies of the shared-secret.

When both authentication and encryption attributes are used for

the same SPI, there may be multiple session-keys associated with

the same SPI. These session-keys are generated in the order of

the Attribute-Choices list.

6. SPI Messages

SPI User SPI Owner

======== =========

SPI_Needed ->

list SPI attribute(s)

make validity key


make privacy key(s)

mask/encrypt message

<- SPI_Update

make SPI

pick SPI attribute(s)

make SPI session-key(s)

make validity key


make privacy key(s)

mask/encrypt message

The exchange of messages is not related to the Initiator and

Responder. Instead, either party may send one of these messages at

any time. The messages are easily distinguished by the parties.

6.0.1. Send SPI_Needed

At any time after completion of the Identification Exchange, either

party can send SPI_Needed. This message is sent when a prospective

SPI User needs particular attributes for a datagram (such as

confidentiality), and no current SPI has those attributes.

The prospective SPI User selects from the intersection of attributes

that both parties have previously offered, calculates the

Verification, and masks the message using the Privacy-Method

indicated by the current Scheme-Choice.

6.0.2. Receive SPI_Needed

The potential SPI Owner validates the pair of Cookies, the Padding,

the Verification, and the Attributes-Needed.

- When an invalid/expired cookie is detected, a Bad_Cookie message

is sent.

- When too many SPI values are already in use for this particular

peer, or some other resource limit is reached, a Resource_Limit

message is sent.

- After unmasking, when invalid Padding is detected, the variable

length Attributes-Needed do not match the UDP Length, or an

attribute was not in the Offered-Attributes, the message is

silently discarded.

- When the message verification fails, a Verification_Failure

message is sent.

- Whenever such a problem is detected, the SPI is not established;

the implementation SHOULD log the occurance, and notify an

operator as appropriate.

When the message is valid, the party SHOULD send SPI_Update with the

necessary attributes.

If an existing SPI has those attributes, that SPI is returned in the

SPI_Update with the remaining SPILT.

6.0.3. Send SPI_Update

At any time after completion of the Identification Exchange, either

party can send SPI_Update. This message has effect in only one

direction, from the SPI Owner to the SPI User.

The SPI Owner chooses the SPI and SPILT, a set of Attributes for the

SPI, calculates the Verification, and masks the message using the

Privacy-Method indicated by the current Scheme-Choice.

6.0.4. Receive SPI_Update

The prospective SPI User validates the pair of Cookies, the Padding,

the Verification, and the Attributes-Needed.

- When an invalid/expired cookie is detected, a Bad_Cookie message

is sent.

- After unmasking, when invalid Padding is detected, the variable

length Attribute-Choices do not match the UDP Length, an attribute

was not in the Offered-Attributes, or the message modifies an

existing SPI, the message is silently discarded.

- When the message verification fails, a Verification_Failure

message is sent.

- Whenever such a problem is detected, the SPI is not established;

the implementation SHOULD log the occurance, and notify an

operator as appropriate.

When the message is valid, further actions are dependent on the value

of the LifeTime field, as described later.

6.0.5. Automated SPI_Updates

Each SPI requires replacement under several circumstances:

- the volume of data processed (inhibiting probability


- exhaustion of available anti-replay Sequence Numbers,

- and expiration of the LifeTime.

In general, a determination is made upon receipt of a datagram. If

the transform specific processing finds that refreshment is needed,

an automated SPI_Update is triggered.

In addition, automated SPI_Updates allow rapid SPI refreshment for

high bandwidth applications in a high delay environment. The update

messages flow in the opposite direction from the primary traffic,

conserving bandwidth and avoiding service interruption.

When creating each SPI, the implementation MAY optionally set an

Update TimeOut (UTO); by default, to half the value of the LifeTime

(SPILT/2). This time is highly dynamic, and adjustable to provide an

automated SPI_Update long before transform specific processing. If

no new Photuris exchange occurs within the time limit, and the

current exchange state has not expired, an automated SPI_Update is


6.1. SPI_Needed


~ Initiator-Cookie ~


~ Responder-Cookie ~


Message Reserved-LT




~ Verification ~


Attributes-Needed ...


... Padding


Initiator-Cookie 16 bytes. Copied from the Value_Request.

Responder-Cookie 16 bytes. Copied from the Value_Request.

Message 8

Reserved-LT 3 bytes. For future use; MUST be filled with a

random non-zero value when transmitted, and MUST be

ignored when received.

Reserved-SPI 4 bytes. For future use; MUST be set to zero when

transmitted, and MUST be ignored when received.

Verification Variable Precision Integer, or other format

indicated by the current Scheme-Choice. The

calculation of the value is described in "Validity


The field may be any integral number of bytes in

length. It does not require any particular

alignment. The 32-bit alignment shown is for

convenience in the illustration.


4 or more bytes. A list of two or more attributes,

selected from the list of Offered-Attributes

supported by the peer.

The contents and usage of this list are as

previously described in "Attribute Choices List".

The end of the list is indicated by the UDP Length

after removing the Padding (UDP Length - last

Padding value).

Padding 8 or more bytes. The message is padded in the same

fashion specified for Identification Exchange


The portion of the message after the SPI field is masked using the

Privacy-Method indicated by the current Scheme-Choice.

The fields following the SPI are opaque. That is, the values are set

prior to masking (and optional encryption), and examined only after

unmasking (and optional decryption).

6.2. SPI_Update


~ Initiator-Cookie ~


~ Responder-Cookie ~


Message LifeTime




~ Verification ~


Attribute-Choices ...


... Padding


Initiator-Cookie 16 bytes. Copied from the Value_Request.

Responder-Cookie 16 bytes. Copied from the Value_Request.

Message 9

LifeTime 3 bytes. The number of seconds remaining before the

indicated SPI expires. The value zero indicates

deletion of the indicated SPI.

Security-Parameters-Index (SPI)

4 bytes. The SPI to be used for incoming


This may be a new SPI value (for creation), or an

existing SPI value (for deletion). The value zero

indicates special processing.

Verification Variable Precision Integer, or other format

indicated by the current Scheme-Choice. The

calculation of the value is described in "Validity


The field may be any integral number of bytes in

length. It does not require any particular

alignment. The 32-bit alignment shown is for

convenience in the illustration.


0 or more bytes. When the SPI and SPILT are non-

zero, a list of attributes selected from the list of

Offered-Attributes supported by the peer.

The contents and usage of this list are as

previously described in "Attribute Choices List".

The end of the list is indicated by the UDP Length

after removing the Padding (UDP Length - last

Padding value).

Padding 8 or more bytes. The message is padded in the same

fashion specified for Identification Exchange


The portion of the message after the SPI field is masked using the

Privacy-Method indicated by the current Scheme-Choice.

The fields following the SPI are opaque. That is, the values are set

prior to masking (and optional encryption), and examined only after

unmasking (and optional decryption).

6.2.1. Creation

When the LifeTime is non-zero, and the SPI is also non-zero, the

SPI_Update can be used to create a new SPI. When the SPI is zero,

the SPI_Update is silently discarded.

The new session-keys are calculated in the same fashion as the

Identity_Messages. Since the SPI value is always different than any

previous SPI during the Exchange LifeTime of the shared-secret, the

resulting session-keys will necessarily be different from all others

used in the same direction.

No retransmission timer is necessary. Success is indicated by the

peer use of the new SPI.

Should all creation attempts fail, eventually the peer will find that

all existing SPIs have expired, and will begin the Photuris exchange

again by sending a new Cookie_Request. When appropriate, this

Cookie_Request MAY include a Responder-Cookie to retain previous

party pairings.

6.2.2. Deletion

When the LifeTime is zero, the SPI_Update can be used to delete a

single existing SPI. When the SPI is also zero, the SPI_Update will

delete all existing SPIs related to this Security Association, and

mark the Photuris exchange state as expired. This is especially

useful when the application that needed them terminates.

No retransmission timer is necessary. This message is advisory, to

reduce the number of ICMP Security Failures messages.

Should any deletion attempts fail, the peer will learn that the

deleted SPIs are invalid through the normal ICMP Security Failures

messages, and will initiate a Photuris exchange by sending a new


6.2.3. Modification

The SPI_Update cannot be used to modify existing SPIs, such as

lengthen an existing SPI LifeTime, resurrect an expired SPI, or

add/remove an Attribute-Choice.

On receipt, such an otherwise valid message is silently discarded.

6.3. Validity Verification

These messages are authenticated using the Validity-Method indicated

by the current Scheme-Choice. The Verification value is calculated

prior to masking (and optional encryption), and verified after

unmasking (and optional decryption).

The Validity-Method authentication function is supplied with two

input values:

- the sender (SPI Owner) verification-key,

- the data to be verified (as a concatenated sequence of bytes).

The resulting output value is stored in the Verification field.

The Validity-Method verification data consists of the following

concatenated values:

+ the Initiator Cookie,

+ the Responder Cookie,

+ the Message, LifeTime and SPI (or Reserved) fields,

+ the SPI Owner Identity Verification,

+ the SPI User Identity Verification,

+ the Attribute-Choices following the Verification field,

+ the Padding.

Note that the order of the Identity Verification fields (from the

Identity_Messages) is different in each direction, and the Message,

LifeTime and SPI fields are also likely to be different in each


If the verification fails, the users are notified, and a

Verification_Failure message is sent, without adding or deleting any

SPIs. On success, normal operation begins with the authentication

and/or encryption of user datagrams.

Implementation Notes:

This is distinct from any authentication method specified for the


The Identity Verification data includes both the Size and Value

fields. The Attribute-Choices data includes the Attribute, Length

and Value fields.

7. Error Messages

These messages are issued in response to Photuris state loss or other

problems. A message has effect in only one direction. No

retransmission timer is necessary.

These messages are not masked.

The receiver checks the Cookies for validity. Special care MUST be

taken that the Cookie pair in the Error Message actually match a pair

currently in use, and that the protocol is currently in a state where

such an Error Message might be expected. Otherwise, these messages

could provide an opportunity for a denial of service attack. Invalid

messages are silently discarded.

7.1. Bad_Cookie

For the format of the 33 byte message, see "Header Format". There

are no additional fields.

Initiator-Cookie 16 bytes. Copied from the offending message.

Responder-Cookie 16 bytes. Copied from the offending message.

Message 10

This error message is sent when a Value_Request, Identity_Request,

SPI_Needed, or SPI_Update is received, and the receiver specific

Cookie is invalid or the associated exchange state has expired.

During the Photuris exchange, when this error message is received, it

has no immediate effect on the operation of the protocol phases.

Later, when Retransmissions have been exceeded, and this error

message has been received, the Initiator SHOULD begin the Photuris

exchange again by sending a new Cookie_Request with the Responder-

Cookie and Counter updated appropriately.

When this error message is received in response to SPI_Needed, the

exchange state SHOULD NOT be marked as expired, but the party SHOULD

initiate a Photuris exchange by sending a new Cookie_Request.

When this error message is received in response to SPI_Update, the

exchange state SHOULD NOT be marked as expired, and no further action

is taken. A new exchange will be initiated later when needed by the

peer to send authenticated and/or encrypted data.

Existing SPIs are not deleted. They expire normally, and are purged

sometime later.

7.2. Resource_Limit

For the format of the 34 byte message, see "Cookie_Request". There

are no additional fields.

Initiator-Cookie 16 bytes. Copied from the offending message.

Responder-Cookie 16 bytes. Copied from the offending message.

Special processing is applied to a Cookie_Request.

When the offending message Responder-Cookie and

Counter were both zero, and an existing exchange has

not yet been purged, this field is replaced with the

Responder-Cookie from the existing exchange.

Message 11

Counter 1 byte. Copied from the offending message.

When zero, the Responder-Cookie indicates the

Initiator of a previous exchange, or no previous

exchange is specified.

When non-zero, the Responder-Cookie indicates the

Responder to a previous exchange. This value is set

to the Counter from the corresponding


This error message is sent when a Cookie_Request, Value_Request or

SPI_Needed is received, and too many SPI values are already in use

for that peer, or some other Photuris resource is unavailable.

During the Photuris exchange, when this error message is received in

response to a Cookie_Request or Value_Request, the implementation

SHOULD double the retransmission timeout (as usual) for sending

another Cookie_Request or Value_Request. Otherwise, it has no

immediate effect on the operation of the protocol phases. Later,

when Retransmissions have been exceeded, and this error message has

been received, the Initiator SHOULD begin the Photuris exchange again

by sending a new Cookie_Request with the Responder-Cookie and Counter

updated appropriately.

When this error message is received in response to SPI_Needed, the

implementation SHOULD NOT send another SPI_Needed until one of the

existing SPIs associated with this exchange is deleted or has


7.3. Verification_Failure

For the format of the 33 byte message, see "Header Format". There

are no additional fields.

Initiator-Cookie 16 bytes. Copied from the offending message.

Responder-Cookie 16 bytes. Copied from the offending message.

Message 12

This error message is sent when an Identity_Message, SPI_Needed or

SPI_Update is received, and verification fails.

When this error message is received, the implementation SHOULD log

the occurance, and notify an operator as appropriate. However,

receipt has no effect on the operation of the protocol.

7.4. Message_Reject


~ Initiator-Cookie ~


~ Responder-Cookie ~


Message Bad-Message Offset


Initiator-Cookie 16 bytes. Copied from the offending message.

Responder-Cookie 16 bytes. Copied from the offending message.

Message 13

Bad-Message 1 byte. Indicates the Message number of the

offending message.

Offset 2 bytes. The number of bytes from the beginning of

the offending message where the unrecognized field

starts. The minimum value is 32.

This error message is sent when an optional Message type is received

that is not supported, or an optional format of a supported Message

is not recognized.

When this error message is received, the implementation SHOULD log

the occurance, and notify an operator as appropriate. However,

receipt has no effect on the operation of the protocol.

8. Public Value Exchanges

Photuris is based in principle on public-key cryptography,

specifically Diffie-Hellman key exchange. Exchange of public D-H

Exchange-Values based on private-secret values results in a mutual

shared-secret between the parties. This shared-secret can be used on

its own, or to generate a series of session-keys for authentication

and encryption of subsequent traffic.

This document assumes familiarity with the Diffie-Hellman public-key

algorithm. A good description can be found in [Schneier95].

8.1. Modular Exponentiation Groups

The original Diffie-Hellman technique [DH76] specified modular

exponentiation. A public-value is generated using a generator (g),

raised to a private-secret exponent (x), modulo a prime (p):

(g**x) mod p.

When these public-values are exchanged between parties, the parties

can calculate a shared-secret value between themselves:

(g**xy) mod p.

The generator (g) and modulus (p) are established by the Scheme-

Choice (see the "Basic Exchange-Schemes" for details). They are

offered in the Cookie_Response, and one pair is chosen in the


The private exponents (x) and (y) are kept secret by the parties.

Only the public-value result of the modular exponentiation with (x)

or (y) is sent as the Initiator and Responder Exchange-Value.

These public-values are represented in single Variable Precision

Integers. The Size of these Exchange-Values will match the Size of

the modulus (p).

8.2. Moduli Selection

Each implementation proposes one or more moduli in its Offered-

Schemes. Every implementation MUST support up to 1024-bit moduli.

For any particular Photuris node, these moduli need not change for

significant periods of time; likely days or weeks. A background

process can periodically generate new moduli.

For 512-bit moduli, current estimates would provide 64

(pessimistic) bit-equivalents of cryptographic strength.

For 1024-bit moduli, current estimates would range from 80

(pessimistic) through 98 (optimistic) bit-equivalents of

cryptographic strength.

These estimates are used when choosing moduli that are appropriate

for the desired Security Parameter attributes.

8.2.1. Bootstrap Moduli

Each implementation is likely to use a fixed modulus during its

bootstrap, until it can generate another modulus in the background.

As the bootstrap modulus will be widely distributed, and reused

whenever the machine reinitializes, it SHOULD be a "safe" prime (p =

2q+1) to provide the greatest long-term protection.

Implementors are encouraged to generate their own bootstrap moduli,

and to change bootstrap moduli in successive implementation releases.

8.2.2. Learning Moduli

As Photuris exchanges are initiated, new moduli will be learned from

the Responder Offered-Schemes. The Initiator MAY cache these moduli

for its own use.

Before offering any learned modulus, the implementation MUST perform

at least one iteration of probable primality verification. In this

fashion, many processors will perform verification in parallel as

moduli are passed around.

When primality verification failures are found, the failed moduli

SHOULD be retained for some (implementation dependent) period of

time, to avoid re-learning and re-testing after subsequent exchanges.

8.3. Generator Selection

The generator (g) should be chosen such that the private-secret

exponents will generate all possible public-values, evenly

distributed throughout the range of the modulus (p), without cycling

through a smaller subset. Such a generator is called a "primitive

root" (which is trivial to find when p is "safe").

Only one generator (2) is required to be supported.

Implementation Notes:

One useful technique is to select the generator, and then limit

the modulus selection sieve to primes with that generator:

2 when p (mod 24) = 11.

3 when p (mod 12) = 5.

5 when p (mod 10) = 3 or 7.

The required generator (2) improves efficiency in multiplication

performance. It is usable even when it is not a primitive root,

as it still covers half of the space of possible residues.

8.4. Exponent Selection

Each implementation generates a separate random private-secret

exponent for each different modulus. Then, a D-H Exchange-Value is

calculated for the given modulus, generator, and exponent.

This specification recommends that the exponent length be at least

twice the desired cryptographic strength of the longest session-key

needed by the strongest offered-attribute.

Based on the estimates in "Moduli Selection" (above):

For 512-bit moduli, exponent lengths of 128 bits (or more) are


For 1024-bit moduli, exponent lengths of 160 to 256 bits (or more)

are recommended.

Although the same exponent and Exchange-Value may be used with

several parties whenever the same modulus and generator are used, the

exponent SHOULD be changed at random intervals. A background process

can periodically destroy the old values, generate a new random

private-secret exponent, and recalculate the Exchange-Value.

Implementation Notes:

The size of the exponent is entirely implementation dependent, is

unknown to the other party, and can be easily changed.

Since these operations involve several time-consuming modular

exponentiations, moving them to the "background" substantially

improves the apparent execution speed of the Photuris protocol.

It also reduces CPU loading sufficiently to allow a single

public/private key-pair to be used in several closely spaced

Photuris executions, when creating Security Associations with

several different nodes over a short period of time.

Other pre-computation suggestions are described in [BGMW93, LL94,


8.5. Defective Exchange Values

Some exponents do not qualify as secret. The exponent 0 will

generate the Exchange-Value 1, and the exponent 1 will generate the

Exchange-Value g. Small exponents will be easily visible and SHOULD

be avoided where:

g**x < p.

Depending on the structure of the moduli, certain exponents can be

used for sub-group confinement attacks. For "safe" primes (p =

2q+1), these exponents are p-1 and (p-1)/2, which will generate the

Exchange-Values 1 and p-1 respectively.

When an implementation chooses a random exponent, the resulting

Exchange-Value is examined. If the Exchange-Value is represented in

less than half the number of significant bits in the modulus, then a

new random exponent MUST be chosen.

For 512-bit moduli, Exchange-Values of 2**256 or greater are


For 1024-bit moduli, Exchange-Values of 2**512 or greater are


In addition, if the resulting Exchange-Value is p-1, then a new

random exponent MUST be chosen.

Upon receipt of an Exchange-Value that fails to meet the

requirements, the Value Exchange message is silently discarded.

Implementation Notes:

Avoidance of small exponents can be assured by setting at least

one bit in the most significant half of the exponent.

9. Basic Exchange-Schemes

Initial values are assigned as follows:

(0) Reserved.

(1) Reserved.

(2) Implementation Required. Any modulus (p) with a recommended

generator (g) of 2. When the Exchange-Scheme Size is non-zero,

the modulus is contained in the Exchange-Scheme Value field in

the list of Offered-Schemes.

An Exchange-Scheme Size of zero is invalid.

Key-Generation-Function "MD5 Hash"

Privacy-Method "Simple Masking"

Validity-Method "MD5-IPMAC Check"

This combination of features requires a modulus with at least

64-bits of cryptographic strength.

(3) Exchange-Schemes 3 to 255 are intended for future well-known

published schemes.

(256) Exchange-Schemes 256 to 32767 are intended for vendor-specific

unpublished schemes. Implementors wishing a number MUST

request the number from the authors.


Exchange-Schemes 32768 to 65535 are available for cooperating

parties to indicate private schemes, regardless of vendor

implementation. These numbers are not reserved, and are

subject to duplication. Other criteria, such as the IP Source

and Destination of the Cookie_Request, are used to

differentiate the particular Exchange-Schemes available.

10. Basic Key-Generation-Function

10.1. MD5 Hash

MD5 [RFC-1321] is used as a pseudo-random-function for generating the

key(s). The key(s) begin with the most significant bits of the hash.

MD5 is iterated as needed to generate the requisite length of key


When an individual key does not use all 128-bits of the last hash,

any remaining unused (least significant) bits of the last hash are

discarded. When combined with other uses of key generation for the

same purpose, the next key will begin with a new hash iteration.

11. Basic Privacy-Method

11.1. Simple Masking

As described in "Privacy-Key Computation", sufficient privacy-key

material is generated to match the message length, beginning with the

next field after the SPI, and including the Padding. The message is

masked by XOR with the privacy-key.

12. Basic Validity-Method

12.1. MD5-IPMAC Check

As described in "Validity Verification", the Verification field value

is the MD5 [RFC-1321] hash over the concatenation of

MD5( key, keyfill, data, datafill, key, md5fill )

where the key is the computed verification-key.

The keyfill and datafill use the same pad-with-length technique

defined for md5fill. This padding and length is implicit, and does

not appear in the datagram.

The resulting Verification field is a 128-bit Variable Precision

Integer (18 bytes including Size). When used in calculations, the

Verification data includes both the Size and Value fields.

13. Basic Attributes

Implementors wishing a number MUST request the number from the

authors. Initial values are assigned as follows:

Use Type

- 0* padding

- 1* AH-Attributes

- 2+ ESP-Attributes


AEIX 255+ Organizational

A AH Attribute-Choice

E ESP Attribute-Choice

I Identity-Choice

X dependent on list location

+ feature must be recognized even when not supported

* feature must be supported (mandatory)

Other attributes are specified in companion documents.

13.1. Padding




Attribute 0

Each attribute may have value fields that are multiple bytes. To

facilitate processing efficiency, these fields are aligned on

integral modulo 8 byte (64-bit) boundaries.

Padding is accomplished by insertion of 1 to 7 Attribute 0 padding

bytes before the attribute that needs alignment.

No padding is used after the final attribute in a list.

13.2. AH-Attributes


Attribute Length


Attribute 1

Length 0

When a list of Attributes is specified, this Attribute begins the

section of the list which applies to the Authentication Header (AH).

13.3. ESP-Attributes


Attribute Length PayloadType


Attribute 2

Length 1

PayloadType 1 byte. Indicates the contents of the ESP Transform

Data field, using the IP Next Header (Protocol)

value. Up-to-date values of the IP Next Header

(Protocol) are specified in the most recent

"Assigned Numbers" [RFC-1700].

For example, when encrypting an entire IP datagram,

this field will contain the value 4, indicating IP-

in-IP encapsulation.

When a list of Attributes is specified, this Attribute begins the

section of the list which applies to the Encapsulating Security

Payload (ESP).

When listed as an Offered-Attribute, the PayloadType is set to 255.

When selected as an Attribute-Choice, the PayloadType is set to the

actual value to be used.

13.4. MD5-IPMAC


Attribute Length


Attribute 5

Length 0

13.4.1. Symmetric Identification

When selected as an Identity-Choice, the immediately following

Identification field contains an unstructured Variable Precision

Integer. Valid Identifications and symmetric secret-keys are

preconfigured by the parties.

There is no required format or content for the Identification value.

The value may be a number or string of any kind. See "Use of

Identification and Secrets" for details.

The symmetric secret-key (as specified) is selected based on the

contents of the Identification field. All implementations MUST

support at least 62 bytes. The selected symmetric secret-key SHOULD

provide at least 64-bits of cryptographic strength.

As described in "Identity Verification", the Verification field value

is the MD5 [RFC-1321] hash over the concatenation of:

MD5( key, keyfill, data, datafill, key, md5fill )

where the key is the computed verification-key.

The keyfill and datafill use the same pad-with-length technique

defined for md5fill. This padding and length is implicit, and does

not appear in the datagram.

The resulting Verification field is a 128-bit Variable Precision

Integer (18 bytes including Size). When used in calculations, the

Verification data includes both the Size and Value fields.

For both "Identity Verification" and "Validity Verification", the

verification-key is the MD5 [RFC-1321] hash of the following

concatenated values:

+ the symmetric secret-key,

+ the computed shared-secret.

For "Session-Key Computation", the symmetric secret-key is used

directly as the generation-key.

Regardless of the internal representation of the symmetric secret-

key, when used in calculations it is in the same form as the Value

part of a Variable Precision Integer:

- most significant byte first.

- bits used are right justified within byte boundaries.

- any unused bits are in the most significant byte.

- unused bits are zero filled.

The symmetric secret-key does not include a Size field.

13.4.2. Authentication

May be selected as an AH or ESP Attribute-Choice, pursuant to [RFC-

1828] et sequitur. The selected Exchange-Scheme SHOULD provide at

least 64-bits of cryptographic strength.

As described in "Session-Key Computation", the most significant 384-

bits (48 bytes) of the Key-Generation-Function iterations are used

for the key.


When negotiated with Photuris, the transform differs slightly from


The form of the authenticated message is:

MD5( key, keyfill, datagram, datafill, key, md5fill )

where the key is the SPI session-key.

The additional datafill protects against the (impractical) attack

described in [PO96]. The keyfill and datafill use the same pad-

with-length technique defined for md5fill. This padding and

length is implicit, and does not appear in the datagram.

13.5. Organizational


Attribute Length OUI


... Kind Value(s) ...


Attribute 255

Length >= 4

When the Length is four, no Value(s) field is


OUI 3 bytes. The vendor's Organizationally Unique

Identifier, assigned by IEEE 802 or IANA (see [RFC-

1700] for contact details). The bits within the

byte are in canonical order, and the most

significant byte is transmitted first.

Kind 1 byte. Indicates a sub-type for the OUI. There is

no standardization for this field. Each OUI

implements its own values.

Value(s) 0 or more bytes. The details are implementation


Some implementors might not need nor want to publish their

proprietary algorithms and attributes. This OUI mechanism is

available to specify these without encumbering the authors with

proprietary number requests.

A. Automaton

An example automaton is provided to illustrate the operation of the

protocol. It is incomplete and non-deterministic; many of the

Good/Bad semantic decisions are policy-based or too difficult to

represent in tabular form. Where conflicts appear between this

example and the text, the text takes precedence.

The finite-state automaton is defined by events, actions and state

transitions. Events include reception of external commands such as

expiration of a timer, and reception of datagrams from a peer.

Actions include the starting of timers and transmission of datagrams

to the peer.


DU13 = Communication Administratively Prohibited

SF0 = Bad SPI

SF4 = Need Authentication

SF5 = Need Authorization

WC = Want Confidentiality

RCQ+ = Receive Cookie_Request (Good)

RCQ- = Receive Cookie_Request (Bad)

RCR+ = Receive Cookie_Response (Good)

RCR- = Receive Cookie_Response (Bad)

RVQ+ = Receive Value_Request (Good)

RVQ- = Receive Value_Request (Bad)

RVR+ = Receive Value_Response (Good)

RVR- = Receive Value_Response (Bad)

RIQ+ = Receive Identity_Request (Good)

RIQ- = Receive Identity_Request (Bad)

RIR+ = Receive Identity_Response (Good)

RIR- = Receive Identity_Response (Bad)

RUN+ = Receive SPI_Needed (Good)

RUN- = Receive SPI_Needed (Bad)

RUM+ = Receive SPI_Update (Good)

RUM- = Receive SPI_Update (Bad)

RBC = Receive Bad Cookie

RRL = Receive Resource Limit

RVF = Receive Verification Failure

RMR = Receive Message Reject

TO+ = Timeout with counter > 0

TO- = Timeout with counter expired

UTO = Update TimeOut

XTO = Exchange TimeOut


scq = Send Cookie_Request

scr = Send Cookie_Response

svq = Send Value_Request

svr = Send Value_Response

siq = Send Identity_Request

sir = Send Identity_Response

sum = Send SPI_Update

se* = Send error message (see text)

sbc = Send Bad Cookie

srl = Send Resource Limit

svf = Send Verification Failure

brto = BacKOFf Retransmission TimeOut

buto = Backoff Update TimeOut

rto = Set Retransmission TimeOut

uto = Set Update TimeOut

xto = Set Exchange TimeOut

log = log operator message

A.1. State Transition Table

States are indicated horizontally, and events are read vertically.

State transitions and actions are represented in the form

action/new-state. Multiple actions are separated by commas, and may

continue on succeeding lines as space requires; multiple actions may

be implemented in any convenient order. The state may be followed by

a letter, which indicates an explanatory footnote. The dash ('-')

indicates an illegal transition.


0 1 2 3 4

Initial Cookie CookieBad Value ValueBad


DU13 rto,scq/1 rto,scq/1 rto,scq/1 3 4

SF0 rto,scq/1 1 2 3 4

SF4 rto,scq/1 1 2 3 4

SF5 rto,scq/1 1 2 3 4

WC rto,scq/1 1 2 3 4

RCR+ - rto,svq/3 rto,svq/3 3 4

RCR- 0 1 2 3 4

RVR+ - - - rto,siq/5 rto,siq/5

RVR- 0 1 2 3 4

RIR+ - - - - -

RIR- 0 1 2 3 4

RUN+ - - - - -

RUN- sbc/0 sbc/1 sbc/2 sbc/3 sbc/4

RUM+ - - - - -

RUM- sbc/0 sbc/1 sbc/2 sbc/3 sbc/4

RBC - - - 4 4

RRL - brto/2 brto/2 brto/4 brto/4

RVF - - - - -

RMR - - - - -

TO+ - scq/1 scq/2 svq/3 svq/4

TO- - 0 scq/1 0 scq/1

UTO - - - - -

XTO - 0 0 0 0


5 6 8

Identity IdentityBad Update


DU13 5 6 8

SF0 5 6 rto,scq/1

SF4 5 6 rto,scq/1

SF5 5 6 rto,scq/1

WC 5 6 sun/8

RCR+ 5 6 8

RCR- 5 6 8

RVR+ 5 6 8

RVR- 5 6 8

RIR+ uto/8 uto/8 8

RIR- svf/5 svf/6 8

RUN+ - - sum/8

RUN- sbc/5 sbc/6 se*/8

RUM+ - - 8

RUM- sbc/5 sbc/6 se*/8

RBC 6 6 rto,scq/1

RRL 5 6 buto/8

RVF log/5 log/6 log/8

RMR log/5 log/6 log/8

TO+ sim/5 sim/6 -

TO- 0 scq/1 -

UTO - - sum/8

XTO 0 0 0


0 7 8

Initial Ready Update


WC - 7 sun/8

RCQ+ scr/0 scr/7 scr/8

RCQ- srl/0 srl/7 srl/8

RVQ+ xto,svr/7 svr/7 svr/8

RVQ- sbc/0 sbc/7 sbc/8

RIQ+ - uto,sir/8 sir/8

RIQ- sbc/0 se*/7 se*/8

RUN+ - - sum/8

RUN- sbc/0 sbc/7 se*/8

RUM+ - - 8

RUM- sbc/0 sbc/7 se*/8

RBC - 7 rto,scq/1

RRL - - buto/8

RVF - - log/8

RMR - - log/8

UTO - - sum/8

XTO - 0 0

A.2. States

Following is a more detailed description of each automaton state.

The "Bad" version of a state is to indicate that the Bad_Cookie or

Resource_Limit message has been received.

A.2.1. Initial

The Initial state is fictional, in that there is no state between the


A.2.2. Cookie

In the Cookie state, the Initiator has sent a Cookie_Request, and is

waiting for a Cookie_Response. Both the Restart and Exchange timers

are running.

Note that the Responder has no Cookie state.

A.2.3. Value

In the Value state, the Initiator has sent its Exchange-Value, and is

waiting for an Identity_Message. Both the Restart and Exchange

timers are running.

A.2.4. Identity

In the Identity state, the Initiator has sent an Identity_Request,

and is waiting for an Identity_Response in reply. Both the Restart

and Exchange timers are running.

A.2.5. Ready

In the Ready state, the Responder has sent its Exchange-Value, and is

waiting for an Identity_Message. The Exchange timer is running.

A.2.6. Update

In the Update state, each party has concluded the Photuris exchange,

and is unilaterally updating expiring SPIs until the Exchange

LifeTime expires. Both the Update and Exchange timers are running.

B. Use of Identification and Secrets

Implementation of the base protocol requires support for operator

configuration of participant identities and associated symmetric


The form of the Identification and Secret fields is not constrained

to be a readable string. In addition to a simpler quoted string

configuration, an implementation MUST allow configuration of an

arbitrary stream of bytes.

B.1. Identification

Typically, the Identification is a user name, a site name, a Fully

Qualified Domain Name, or an email address which contains a user name

and a domain name. Examples include:





"Mundane Name" <user@node.site>

There is no requirement that the domain name match any of the

particular IP addresses in use by the parties.

B.2. Group Identity With Group Secret

A simple configuration approach could use a single Identity and

Secret, distributed to all the participants in the trusted group.

This might be appropriate between routers under a single

administration comprising a Virtual Private Network over the


Nota Bene:

The passwords used in these examples do not meet the "MD5-IPMAC

Symmetric Identification" recommendation for at least 64-bits of

cryptographic strength.

The administrator configures each router with the same username and


identity local "Tiny VPN 1995 November" "abracadabra"

identity remote "Tiny VPN 1995 November" "abracadabra"

When the Initiator sends its Identity_Request, the SPI Owner

Identification field is "Tiny VPN 1995 November" and the SPI Owner

secret-key is "abracadabra".

When the Responder sends its Identity_Response, the SPI Owner

Identification field is "Tiny VPN 1995 November" and the SPI Owner

secret-key is "abracadabra". The SPI User Identification is "Tiny

VPN 1995 November" (taken from the request), and the SPI User

secret-key is "abracadabra".

Note that even in the face of implementations with very poor random

number generation yielding the same random numbers for both parties

at every step, and with this completely identical configuration, the

addition of the SPI User Verification field in the response

calculation is highly likely to produce a different Verification

value (see "Identity Verification"). In turn, the different

Verification values affect the calculation of SPI session-keys that

are highly likely to be different in each direction (see "Session-Key


B.3. Multiple Identities With Group Secrets

A more robust configuration approach could use a separate Identity

and Secret for each party, distributed to the participants in the

trusted group. This might be appropriate for authenticated firewall


An administrator has one or more networks, and a number of mobile

users. It is desirable to restrict Access to authorized external

users. The example boundary router is

The administrator gives each user a different username and password,

together with a group username and password for the router.

The administrator configures (in part):

identity local "199511@router.site" "FalDaRah"

identity remote "Happy_Wanderer@router.site" "FalDaRee"

Each mobile user adds commands to tunnel and authenticate.

route addprivate tunnel

secure authenticate-only

identity local "Happy_Wanderer@router.site" "FalDaRee"

identity remote "199511@router.site" "FalDaRah"

identity remote "199512@router.site" "FalDaHaHaHaHaHaHa"

When the mobile Initiator sends its Identity_Request, the SPI Owner

Identification field is "Happy_Wanderer@router.site" and the SPI

Owner secret-key is "FalDaRee".

When the firewall Responder sends its Identity_Response, the SPI

Owner Identification field is "199511@router.site" and the SPI Owner

secret-key is "FalDaRah". The SPI User Identification field is

"Happy_Wanderer@router.site" (taken from the request), and the SPI

User secret-key is "FalDaRee".

In this example, the mobile user is already prepared for a monthly

password changeover, where the router might identify itself as


B.4. Multiple Identities With Multiple Secrets

Greater security might be achieved through configuration of a pair of

secrets between each party. As before, one secret is used for

initial contact to any member of the group, but another secret is

used between specific parties. Compromise of one secret or pair of

secrets does not affect any other member of the group. This might be

appropriate between the routers forming a boundary between

cooperating Virtual Private Networks that establish local policy for

each VPN member access.

One administrator configures:

identity local "Apple" "all for one"

identity local "Apple-Baker" "Apple to Baker" "Baker"

identity remote "Baker" "one for all"

identity remote "Baker-Apple" "Baker to Apple"

Another configures:

identity local "Baker" "one for all"

identity local "Baker-Apple" "Baker to Apple" "Apple"

identity remote "Apple" "all for one"

identity remote "Apple-Baker" "Apple to Baker"

When the Initiator sends its Identity_Request, the SPI Owner

Identification field is "Apple" and the SPI Owner secret-key is "all

for one".

When the Responder sends its Identity_Response, finding that the

special pairing exists for "Apple" (in this example, indicated by a

third field), the SPI Owner Identification field is "Baker-Apple" and

the SPI Owner secret-key is "Baker to Apple". The SPI User

Identification is "Apple" (taken from the request), and the SPI User

secret-key is "all for one".

Operational Considerations

The specification provides only a few configurable parameters, with

defaults that should satisfy most situations.


Default: 3.

Initial Retransmission TimeOut (IRTO)

Default: 5 seconds.

Exchange TimeOut (ETO)

Default: 30 seconds. Minimum: Retransmissions * IRTO.

Exchange LifeTime (ELT)

Default: 30 minutes. Minimum: 2 * ETO.

SPI LifeTime (SPILT)

Default: 5 minutes. Minimum: 3 * ETO.

Each party configures a list of known identities and symmetric


In addition, each party configures local policy that determines what

access (if any) is granted to the holder of a particular identity.

For example, the party might allow anonymous FTP, but prohibit

Telnet. Such considerations are outside the scope of this document.

Security Considerations

Photuris was based on currently available tools, by experienced

network protocol designers with an interest in cryptography, rather

than by cryptographers with an interest in network protocols. This

specification is intended to be readily implementable without

requiring an extensive background in cryptology.

Therefore, only minimal background cryptologic discussion and

rationale is included in this document. Although some review has

been provided by the general cryptologic community, it is anticipated

that design decisions and tradeoffs will be thoroughly analysed in

subsequent dissertations and debated for many years to come.

Cryptologic details are reserved for separate documents that may be

more readily and timely updated with new analysis.


The initial specification of Photuris, now called version 1 (December

1994 to March 1995), was based on a short list of design

requirements, and simple experimental code by Phil Karn. Only one

modular exponentiation form was used, with a single byte index of

pre-specified group parameters. The transform attributes were

selected during the public value exchange. Party privacy was

protected in the identification signature exchange with standard ESP


Upon submission for review by the IP Security Working Group, a large

number of features were demanded. A mere 254 future group choices

were not deemed enough; it was expanded to two bytes (and renamed

schemes), and was expanded again to carry variable parameters. The

transform attributes were made variable length to accomodate optional

parameters. Every other possible parameter was made negotiable.

Some participants were unable to switch modes on the UDP sockets to

use standard ESP transforms for only some messages, and party privacy

was integrated into the protocol. The message headers were

reorganized, and selection of transform attributes was delayed until

the identification exchange. An additional update message phase was


Version 2 (July 1995 to December 1995) specification stability was

achieved in November 1995 by moving most parameters into separate

documents for later discussion, and leaving only a few mandatory

features in the base specification. Within a month, multiple

interoperable implementations were produced.

Unfortunately, in a fit of demagoguery, the IP Security Working Group

decided in a straw poll to remove party privacy protection, and the

Working Group chair terminated the meeting without allowing further

discussion. Because the identification exchange messages required

privacy to function correctly, the messages were reorganized again.

Party privacy and other optional schemes were split into a separate


The implementors established a separate discussion group. Version 3

(April 1996 to June 1997) enjoyed a long period of specification

stability and multiple implementations on half a dozen platforms.

Meanwhile, the IP Security Working Group has developed a competing

specification with large numbers of negotiable parameters. Also, the

PPP Extensions Working Group has deployed link security transforms.

Version 4 (July 1997 onward) attempts to maintain a semblance of

interface compatibility with these other efforts. Minor changes are

specified in transform padding format and key generation. More than

one value is permitted per scheme, giving greater latitude in choice

for future extensions. The opportunity is taken to return party

privacy to the base document, and make small semantic changes in

automated updates and error recovery. All ESP transform attributes

are moved to separate documents, to (hopefully) avoid future

incompatible changes to the base document.


Thou shalt make no law restricting the size of integers that may

be multiplied together, nor the number of times that an integer

may be multiplied by itself, nor the modulus by which an integer

may be reduced. [Prime Commandment]

Phil Karn was principally responsible for the design of the protocol

phases, particularly the "cookie" anti-clogging defense, developed

the initial testing implementation, and provided much of the design

rationale text (now removed to a separate document).

William Simpson was responsible for the packet formats and

attributes, additional message types, editing and formatting. All

such mistakes are his responsibility.

This protocol was later discovered to have many elements in common

with the Station-To-Station authentication protocol [DOW92].

Angelos Keromytis developed the first completely independent

implementation (circa October 1995). Also, he suggested the cookie

exchange rate limitation counter.

Paul C van Oorschot suggested signing both the public exponents and

the shared-secret, to provide an authentication-only version of

identity verification. Also, he provided text regarding moduli,

generator, and exponent selection (now removed to a separate


Hilarie Orman suggested adding secret "nonces" to session-key

generation for asymmetric public/private-key identity methods (now

removed to a separate document), and provided extensive review of the

protocol details.

Bart Preneel and Paul C van Oorschot in [PO96] recommended padding

between the data and trailing key when hashing for authentication.

Niels Provos developed another independent implementation (circa May

1997), ported to AIX, Linux, OpenBSD, and Solaris. Also, he made

suggestions regarding automated update, and listing multiple moduli

per scheme.

Bill Sommerfeld suggested including the authentication symmetric

secret-keys in the session-key generation, and using the Cookie

values on successive exchanges to provide bi-directional user-

oriented keying (now removed to a separate document).

Oliver Spatscheck developed the second independent implementation

(circa December 1995) for the Xkernel.

International interoperability testing between early implementors

provided the impetus for many of the implementation notes herein, and

numerous refinements in the semantics of the protocol messages.

Randall Atkinson, Steven Bellovin, Wataru Hamada, James Hughes, Brian

LaMacchia, Cheryl Madson, Lewis McCarthy, Perry Metzger, Bob Quinn,

Ron Rivest, Rich Schroeppel, and Norman Shulman provided useful

critiques of earlier versions of this document.

Special thanks to the Center for Information Technology Integration

(CITI) for providing computing resources.


[BGMW93] E. Brickell, D. Gordon, K. McCurley, and D. Wilson, "Fast

Exponentiation with Precomputation (Extended Abstract)",

Advances in Cryptology -- Eurocrypt '92, Lecture Notes in

Computer Science 658 (1993), Springer-Verlag, 200-207.

Also U.S. Patent #5,299,262, E.F. Brickell, D.M. Gordon,

K.S. McCurley, "Method for exponentiating in

cryptographic systems", 29 Mar 1994.

[DH76] Diffie, W., and Hellman, H.E., "New Directions in

Cryptography", IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, v

IT-22 n 6 pp 644-654, November 1976.

[DOW92] Whitfield Diffie, Paul C van Oorshot, and Michael J

Wiener, "Authentication and Authenticated Key Exchanges",

Designs, Codes and Cryptography, v 2 pp 107-125, Kluwer

Academic Publishers, 1992.

[Firefly] "Photuris" is the latin name for the firefly. "Firefly"

is in turn the name for the USA National Security

Administration's (classified) key exchange protocol for

the STU-III secure telephone. Informed speculation has

it that Firefly is based on very similar design


[LL94] Lim, C.H., Lee, P.J., "More flexible exponentiation with

precomputation", Advances in Cryptology -- Crypto '94,

Lecture Notes in Computer Science 839 (1994), Springer-

Verlag, pages 95-107.

[Prime Commandment]

A derivation of an apocryphal quote from the usenet list


[PO96] Bart Preneel, and Paul C van Oorshot, "On the security of

two MAC algorithms", Advances in Cryptology -- Eurocrypt

'96, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1070 (May 1996),

Springer-Verlag, pages 19-32.

[RFC-768] Postel, J., "User Datagram Protocol", STD 6,

USC/Information Sciences Institute, August 1980.

[RFC-791] Postel, J., "Internet Protocol", STD 5, USC/Information

Sciences Institute, September 1981.

[RFC-1321] Rivest, R., "The MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm", MIT

Laboratory for Computer Science, April 1992.

[RFC-1700] Reynolds, J., and Postel, J., "Assigned Numbers", STD 2,

USC/Information Sciences Institute, October 1994.

[RFC-1812] Baker, F., Editor, "Requirements for IP Version 4

Routers", Cisco Systems, June 1995.

[RFC-1828] Metzger, P., Simpson, W., "IP Authentication using Keyed

MD5", July 1995.

[RFC-1829] Karn, P., Metzger, P., Simpson, W., "The ESP DES-CBC

Transform", July 1995.

[RFC-2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate

Requirement Levels", BCP 14, Harvard University, March


[RFC-2521] Karn, P., and Simpson, W., "ICMP Security Failures

Messages", March 1999.

[Rooij94] P. de Rooij, "Efficient exponentiation using

precomputation and vector addition chains", Advances in

Cryptology -- Eurocrypt '94, Lecture Notes in Computer

Science, Springer-Verlag, pages 403-415.


Schneier, B., "Applied Cryptography Second Edition", John

Wiley & Sons, New York, NY, 1995. ISBN 0-471-12845-7.


Comments about this document should be discussed on the

photuris@adk.gr mailing list.

Questions about this document can also be directed to:

Phil Karn

Qualcomm, Inc.

6455 Lusk Blvd.

San Diego, California 92121-2779


karn@unix.ka9q.ampr.org (preferred)

William Allen Simpson


Computer Systems Consulting Services

1384 Fontaine

Madison Heights, Michigan 48071


wsimpson@GreenDragon.com (preferred)

Full Copyright Statement

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (1999). Copyright (C) Philip Karn

and William Allen Simpson (1994-1999). All Rights Reserved.

This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to

others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it

or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published

and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any

kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are

included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this

document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing

the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other

Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of

developing Internet standards (in which case the procedures for

copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be

followed), or as required to translate it into languages other than


The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be

revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.

This document and the information contained herein is provided on an






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