
RFC2515 - Definitions of Managed Objects for ATM Management

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group K. Tesink, Editor

Request for Comments: 2515 Bell Communications Research

Obsoletes: 1695 February 1999

Category: Standards Track

Definitions of Managed Objects

for ATM Management

Status of this Memo

This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the

Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for

improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet

Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state

and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (1999). All Rights Reserved.

Table of Contents

1 Abstract ............................................. 2

2 The SNMP Network Management Framework ................. 2

3 ATM Terminology ....................................... 3

3.1 VCL/VPL and VCC/VPC ................................. 3

3.2 PVC, SVC and Soft PVC ............................... 5

3.3 Traffic Management Parameters ....................... 6

3.3.1 Traffic Policing and Traffic Shaping Parameters

.................................................... 6

3.3.2 Cell Loss Priority ................................ 6

3.3.3 QoS Class ......................................... 6

3.3.4 Service Category .................................. 7

3.4 Max Active and Max Current VPI and VCI Bits ......... 7

4 Overview .............................................. 8

4.1 Background .......................................... 8

4.2 StrUCture of the MIB ................................ 9

4.3 ATM Interface Configuration Table ................... 9

4.4 ATM Interface DS3 PLCP and TC Layer Tables .......... 9

4.5 ATM Virtual Link and Cross-Connect Tables ........... 9

5 Application of MIB II to ATM .......................... 10

5.1 The System Group .................................... 10

5.2 The Interface Group ................................. 10

5.2.1 Support of the ATM Cell Layer by ifTable .......... 10

6 Support of the AAL3/4 Based Interfaces ................ 12

7 Support of the AAL5 Managed Objects ................... 12

7.1 Managing AAL5 in a Switch ........................... 12

7.2 Managing AAL5 in a Host ............................. 14

7.3 Support of AAL5 by ifTable .......................... 15

7.4 Support of Proprietary Virtual Interface by ifT-

able ............................................... 16

7.5 AAL5 Connection Performance Statistics Table ........ 17

8 ILMI MIBs and the ATM Managed Objects ................. 18

9 Definitions ........................................... 20

10 Acknowledgments ...................................... 83

11 References ........................................... 83

12 Security Considerations .............................. 85

13 Author's Address ..................................... 85

14 Intellectual Property ................................ 86

15 Full Copyright Statement ............................. 87

1. Abstract

This memo defines a portion of the Management Information Base (MIB)

for use with network management protocols in the Internet community.

In particular, it describes objects used for managing ATM-based

interfaces, devices, networks and services.

This memo replaces RFC1695 [24]. Changes relative to RFC1695 are

summarized in the MIB module's REVISION clause.

Textual Conventions used in this MIB are defined in [6] and [19].

2. The SNMP Network Management Framework

The SNMP Management Framework presently consists of five major


0 An overall architecture, described in RFC2271 [1].

0 Mechanisms for describing and naming objects and events

for the purpose of management. The first version of this

Structure of Management Information (SMI) is called SMIv1 and

described in STD 16, RFC1155 [2], STD 16, RFC1212 [3] and RFC

1215 [4]. The second version, called SMIv2, is described in RFC

1902 [5], RFC1903 [6] and RFC1904 [7].

0 Message protocols for transferring management information. The

first version of the SNMP message protocol is called SNMPv1 and

described in STD 15, RFC1157 [8]. A second version of the SNMP

message protocol, which is not an Internet standards track

protocol, is called SNMPv2c and described in RFC1901 [9] and

RFC1906 [10].

The third version of the message protocol is called SNMPv3 and

described in RFC1906 [10], RFC2272 [11] and RFC2274 [12].

0 Protocol operations for Accessing management information. The

first set of protocol operations and associated PDU formats is

described in STD 15, RFC1157 [8]. A second set of protocol

operations and associated PDU formats is described in RFC1905


0 A set of fundamental applications described in RFC2273 [14] and

the view-based access control mechanism described in RFC2275


Managed objects are accessed via a virtual information store, termed

the Management Information Base or MIB. Objects in the MIB are

defined using the mechanisms defined in the SMI.

This memo specifies a MIB module that is compliant to the SMIv2. A

MIB conforming to the SMIv1 can be produced through the appropriate

translations. The resulting translated MIB must be semantically

equivalent, except where objects or events are omitted because no

translation is possible (e.g., use of Counter64). Some machine

readable information in SMIv2 will be converted into textual

descriptions in SMIv1 during the translation process. However, this

loss of machine readable information is not considered to change the

semantics of the MIB.

3. ATM Terminology

Some basic ATM terminologies are described in this section to

facilitate defining the ATM managed objects.

3.1. VCL/VPL and VCC/VPC

There are two distinct types of ATM virtual connections: Virtual

Channel Connections (VCCs) and Virtual Path Connection (VPCs). As

shown in Figures 1 and 2, ATM virtual connections consist of

concatenated series of virtual links which forms a path between two

end points, with each concatenation occurring at an ATM switch.

Virtual links of VCCs are called Virtual Channel Links (VCLs).

Virtual links of VPCs are called Virtual Path Links (VPLs). The VCI

and VPI fields in the ATM cell header associate each cell of a VCC

with a particular VCL over a given physical link. The VPI field in

the ATM cell header associates each cell of a VPC with a particular

VPL over a given physical link. Switches route cells between VCLs

(or VPLs) via a cross-connect function according to the cells'

VCI/VPI (or VPI) values.


------------ -----------


X-Connect X-Connect

VCL1 Point VCL2 Point VCL3


------------ ------------

ATM Switch ATM Switch

Figure 1: Virtual Channel Links and

Virtual Channel Connection


------------ -----------


X-Connect X-Connect

VPL1 Point VPL2 Point VPL3


------------ ------------

ATM Switch ATM Switch

Figure 2: Virtual Path Links and

Virtual Path Connection

A single ATM end-system or switch does not support the whole end-to-

end span of a VCC (or VPC). Rather, multiple ATM end-systems and/or

switches each support one piece of the VCC (or VPC). That is, each

ATM end-system (or ATM switch) at one end of the VCC/VPC supports its

end of the VCC/VPC plus the VCL or VPL on its external interface, and

each switch through which the VCC/VPC passes supports the pair of

VCLs/VPLs on its external interfaces as well as the cross-connection

of those VCLs/VPLs. Thus, the end-to-end management of a VCC or VPC

is achieved only by appropriate management of its individual pieces

in combination.

Note that for management purposes, an ATM network may be viewed as a

large distributed switch by hiding all the network's internal

connectivity as being internal to the distributed switch (as shown in

Figure 2a). This model may for example be used for Customer Network

Management (CNM) purposes.



---------- ----------


VCL1 Switch Switch VCL3


---------- ----------

ATM Network


Figure 2a: ATM Network modeled as a large distributed


A VCC has a set of traffic characteristics (i.e., bandwidth

parameters, service category parameters, etc.). VCLs inherit their

traffic characteristics from the VCC of which they are a part. VCCs

are bi-directional by definition. However, the traffic parameters in

the two directions of a connection can be symmetric or asymmetric,

i.e., the two directions can have the same or different traffic

flows. A uni-directional traffic flow across a VCC is achieved by

assigning a zero bandwidth in one direction. Note that in addition

to the bandwidth required by the user traffic flow, bandwidth is also

required for OAM cell flows, even for the zero-bandwidth direction of

a uni-directional connection. These same principles apply to VPCs.

3.2. PVC, SVC and Soft PVC

A Permanent Virtual Connection (PVC) is a provisioned VCC or VPC. A

Switched Virtual Connection (SVC) is a switched VCC or VPC that is

set up in real-time via call set-up signaling procedures. A PVC (or

an SVC) can be a point-to-point, point-to-multipoint, or multipoint-

to-multipoint VCC or VPC. A Soft PVC is a connection of which

portions are switched, while other portions are permanent (see Figure

3 and [22]).

+--------+ +--------+ +--------+

pvc ATM svc svc ATM svc svc ATM pvc

---- Switch ----------- Switch ----------- Switch ----

+--------+ +--------+ +--------+

Figure 3: An example of a Soft PVC

3.3. Traffic Management Parameters

3.3.1. Traffic Policing and Traffic Shaping Parameters

In order to allocate resources fairly among different users, some

networks police traffic at resource access points. The traffic

enforcement or policing taken at a UNI is called Usage Parameter

Control (UPC) and is conceptually activated on an incoming VCL or VPL

as shown in Figure 4. The use of the traffic enforcer at the ingress

of the connection is to make sure that the user traffic does not

exceed the negotiated traffic parameters such as the peak cell rate

associated with a specific traffic descriptor type.

---------- ----------


switch switch

O<------->X(UPC) <----------> (UPC)X<-------->O


---------- ----------

Figure 4: An Example of a UPC

In addition, traffic shaping may be performed on an outgoing VPL or

VCL at a given ATM interface. The function of the ATM traffic

shaper, conceptually either at the source or an egress point of the

connection, is to smooth the outgoing cell traffic inter-arrival

time. If policing or shaping is not performed then the policing or

shaping algorithm is not activated.

3.3.2. Cell Loss Priority

To prioritize traffic during resource congestion, ATM cells are

assigned one of the two types of Cell Loss Priority (CLP), CLP=0 and

CLP=1. ATM cells with CLP=0 have a higher priority in regard to cell

loss than ATM cells with CLP=1. Therefore, during resource

congestions, CLP=1 cells are dropped before any CLP=0 cell is


3.3.3. QoS Class

RFC1695 specified that one of a number of Quality of Service (QoS)

classes is assigned to a VCC or VPC by associating the object

atmTrafficQoSClass with each VCL or VPL. However, new insights in

ATM traffic management have caused this object to be deprecated.

3.3.4. Service Category

Replacing QoS Class, VPLs and VCLs are qualified in terms of their

service category (atmServiceCategory). When properly configured, VCLs

(or VPLs) concatenated to form a VCC (or VPC) will all have the same

service category class as that of the VCC (or VPC).

3.4. Max Active and Max Current VPI and VCI Bits

A manager may wish to configure the maximum number of VPI and VCI

bits that can be used to identify VPIs and VCIs on a given ATM

interface. This value can be less than or equal to the maximum

number of bits supported by the interface hardware, and is referred

to in the MIB as the Max Active VPI Bits and Max Active VCI Bits.

However, a manager may not be able to configure the Max Active Bits

on both ends of an ATM link. For example, the manager may not be

allowed write access to the peer's MIB, or there may be hardware

limitations on the peer device. Therefore, the two ATM devices may

use ILMI to negotiate "Max Current" VPI and VCI bits, which is the

maximum number of bits that both interfaces are willing to support.

This is illustrated in Figure 5. The relationship between the

different parameters is illustrated in Figure 6. Note that if ILMI

negotiation is not supported, then the devices have no choice but to

use the configured Max Active bits, and assume that it has been

configured to the same value on both ends of the link.

+--------+ +--------+ +--------+


Device -------------- Device -------------- Device

+--------+ +--------+ +--------+

IF a: Max Active VPI Bits = 6 (configured)

Max Current VPI Bits = 6 (negotiated)

IF b: Max Active VPI Bits = 8 (configured)

Max Current VPI Bits = 6 (negotiated)

IF c: Max Active VPI Bits = 8 (configured)

Max Current VPI Bits = 8 (negotiated)

IF d: Max Active VPI Bits = 8 (configured)

Max Current VPI Bits = 8 (negotiated)

(between IF a and IF b, the minimum of the two configured

"Max Active VPI Bits" is 6, so both interfaces set their

"Max Current VPI Bits" to 6. Since IF c and IF d both

are configured with "Max Active VPI Bits" of 8, they

set their "Max Current VPI Bits" to 8.)

Figure 5




^ ^ ^ ^

Max bits Max Bits Max Max

supported supported Active (config.) current (negotiated)

by MIB by h/w Bits Bits

Figure 6

4. Overview

ATM management objects are used to manage ATM interfaces, ATM virtual

links, ATM cross-connects, AAL5 entities and AAL5 connections

supported by ATM hosts, ATM switches and ATM networks. This section

provides an overview and background of how to use this MIB and other

potential MIBs for this purpose.

The purpose of this memo is primarily to manage ATM PVCs. ATM SVCs

are also represented by the management information in this MIB.

However, full management of SVCs may require additional capabilities

which are beyond the scope of this memo.

4.1. Background

In addition to the MIB module defined in this memo, other MIB modules

are necessary to manage ATM interfaces, links and cross-connects.

Examples include MIB II for general system and interface management

[16][17], the DS3 or SONET MIBs for management of physical

interfaces, and, as appropriate, MIB modules for applications that

make use of ATM, such as SMDS. These MIB modules are outside the

scope of this specification.

The current specification of this ATM MIB is based on SNMPv2-SMI.

4.2. Structure of the MIB

The managed ATM objects are arranged into the following tables:

(1) ATM interface configuration table

(2) ATM interface DS3 PLCP and TC sublayer tables

(3) ATM traffic parameter table

(4) ATM interface virtual link (VPL/VCL) configuration


(5) ATM VP/VC cross-connect tables

(6) AAL5 connection performance statistics table

Note that, managed objects for activation/deactivation of OAM cell

flows and ATM traps notifying virtual connection or virtual link

failures are outside the scope of this memo.

4.3. ATM Interface Configuration Table

This table contains information on ATM cell layer configuration of

local ATM interfaces on an ATM device in addition to the information

on such interfaces contained in the ifTable.

4.4. ATM Interface DS3 PLCP and TC Layer Tables

These tables provide performance statistics of the DS3 PLCP and TC

sublayer of local ATM interfaces on a managed ATM device. DS3 PLCP

and TC sublayer are currently used to carry ATM cells respectively

over DS3 and SONET transmission paths.

4.5. ATM Virtual Link and Cross-Connect Tables

ATM virtual link and cross-connect tables model bi-directional ATM

virtual links and ATM cross-connects. The ATM VP/VC link tables are

implemented in an ATM host, ATM switch and ATM network. The ATM

switch and ATM network also implement the ATM VP/VC cross-connect

tables. Both link and cross-connect tables are implemented in a

carrier's network for Customer Network Management (CNM) purposes.

The ATM virtual link tables are used to create, delete or modify ATM

virtual links in an ATM host, ATM switch and ATM network. ATM

virtual link tables along with the cross-connect tables are used to

create, delete or modify ATM cross-connects in an ATM switch or ATM

network (e.g., for CNM purposes).

For a PVC, the cross-connect between two VPLs is represented in the

atmVpCrossConnectTable of the ATM-MIB, indexed by the

atmVplCrossConnectIdentifier values for the two VPLs, and the cross-

rconnect between two VCLs is represented in the

atmVcCrossConnectTable of the ATM-MIB, indexed by the

atmVclCrossConnectIdentifier values for the two VCLs.

For an SVC or Soft PVC the VPL and VCL tables defined in this memo

are used. Hoewever, for an SVC or Soft PVC the cross-connect between

two VPLs is represented in the atmSvcVpCrossConnectTable of the

ATM2-MIB, indexed by the atmVplCrossConnectIdentifier values for the

two VPLs, and the cross-connect between two VCLs is represented in

the atmSvcVcCrossConnectTable of the ATM2-MIB, indexed by the

atmVclCrossConnectIdentifier values for the two VCLs.

Note: The ATM2-MIB module was being defined in a separate memo at the

time of this publication. Please consult the RFCDirectory for an

exact reference.

5. Application of MIB II to ATM

5.1. The System Group

For the purposes of the sysServices object in the System Group of MIB

II [16], ATM is a data link layer protocol. Thus, for ATM switches

and ATM networks, sysServices will have the value "2".

5.2. The Interface Group

The Interfaces Group of MIB II defines generic managed objects for

managing interfaces. This memo contains the media-specific

extensions to the Interfaces Group for managing ATM interfaces.

This memo assumes the interpretation of the Interfaces Group to be in

accordance with [17] which states that the interfaces table (ifTable)

contains information on the managed resource's interfaces and that

each sub-layer below the internetwork layer of a network interface is

considered an interface. Thus, the ATM cell layer interface is

represented as an entry in the ifTable. This entry is concerned with

the ATM cell layer as a whole, and not with individual virtual

connections which are managed via the ATM-specific managed objects

specified in this memo. The inter-relation of entries in the ifTable

is defined by Interfaces Stack Group defined in [17].

5.2.1. Support of the ATM Cell Layer by ifTable

Some specific interpretations of ifTable for the ATM cell layer


Object Use for the generic ATM layer

====== =============================

ifIndex Each ATM port is represented by an ifEntry.

ifDescr Description of the ATM interface.

ifType The value that is allocated for ATM is 37.

ifSpeed The total bandwidth in bits per second

for use by the ATM layer.

ifPhysAddress The interface's address at the ATM protocol

sublayer; the ATM address which would be used as the value

of the Called Party Address Information Element (IE) of a

signalling message for a connection which either:

- would terminate at this interface, or

- for which the Called Party Address IE

would need to be replaced by the Called Party SubAddress

IE before the message was forwarded to any other


For an interface on which signalling is not supported,

then the interface does not necessarily have an address,

but if it does, then ifPhysAddress is the address which

would be used as above in the event that signalling were

supported. If the interface has multiple such addresses,

then ifPhysAddress is its primary address. If the

interface has no addresses, then ifPhysAddress is an octet

string of zero length. Address encoding is as per [20].

Note that addresses assigned for purposes other than those

listed above (e.g., an address associated with the service

provider side of a public network UNI) may be represented

through atmInterfaceSubscrAddress.

ifAdminStatus See [17].

ifOperStatus Assumes the value down(2) if the ATM cell

layer is down.

ifLastChange See [17].

ifInOctets The number of received octets over the

interface, i.e., the number of received, assigned cells

multiplied by 53.

ifOutOctets The number of transmitted octets over the interface,

i.e., the number of transmitted, assigned cells multiplied

by 53.

ifInErrors The number of cells dropped due to uncorrectable HEC


ifInUnknownProtos The number of received cells discarded during cell

header validation, including cells with unrecognized

VPI/VCI values, and cells with invalid cell header

patterns. If cells with undefined PTI values are

discarded, they are also counted here.

ifOutErrors See [17].

ifName Textual name (unique on this system) of the

interface or an octet string of zero length.

ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable Default is disabled (2).

ifConnectorPresent Set to false (2).

ifHighSpeed See [17].

ifHCInOctets The 64-bit version of ifInOctets; supported

if required by the compliance statements in [17].

ifHCOutOctets The 64-bit version of ifOutOctets; supported

if required by the compliance statements in [17].

ifAlias The non-volatile 'alias' name for the interface

as specified by a network manager.

6. Support of the AAL3/4 Based Interfaces

For the management of AAL3/4 CPCS layer, see [18].

7. Support of the AAL5 Managed Objects

Support of AAL5 managed objects in an ATM switch and ATM host are

described below.

7.1. Managing AAL5 in a Switch

Managing AAL5 in a switch involves:

(1) performance management of an AAL5 entity as

an internal resource in a switch

(2) performance management of AAL5 per virtual connection

AAL5 in a switch is modeled as shown in Figure 7 and 8. AAL5 will be

managed in a switch for only those virtual connections that carry

AAL5 and are terminated at the AAL5 entity in the switch. Note that,

the virtual channels within the ATM UNIs carrying AAL5 will be

switched by the ATM switching fabric (termed as ATM Entity in the

figure) to the virtual channels on a proprietary internal interface

associated with the AAL5 process (termed as AAL5 Entity in the

figure). Therefore, performance management of the AAL5 resource in

the switch will be modeled using the ifTable through an internal

(pseudo-ATM) virtual interface and the AAL5 performance management

per virtual connection will be supported using an additional AAL5

connection table in the ATM MIB. The association between the AAL5

virtual link at the proprietary virtual, internal interface and the

ATM virtual link at the ATM interface will be derived from the

virtual channel cross-connect table and the virtual channel link

table in the ATM MIB. Note that for the proprietary virtual interface

the traffic transmit and receive conventions in the virtual channel

link table are as follows:

Transmitting traffic: ATM Entity ---> AAL5 Entity

Receiving traffic: ATM Entity <--- AAL5 Entity






-----Prop. Virtual Interface






---------------- ATM UNIs

v v v v v

Figure 7: Model of an AAL5 Entity in a Switch




Prop. Virtual



Figure 8: AAL5 Entity's Interface Stack in a Switch

7.2. Managing AAL5 in a Host

Managing AAL5 in a host involves managing the AAL5 sublayer interface

as shown in Figure 9 and 10. The AAL5 sublayer is stacked directly

over the ATM sublayer. The ifTable is applied to the AAL5 sublayer

as defined in Section 10.3.










____ ATM UNI


Figure 9: Model of an AAL5 Entity in a Host




ATM Layer


Physical Layer


Figure 10: AAL5 Entity's Interface Stack in a Host

7.3. Support of AAL5 by ifTable

The AAL5 entity in an ATM device (e.g., switch or host) is managed

using the ifTable. There are additional counters specified for AAL5

than those specified in the ATM B-ICI document [21]. Specific

interpretations of ifTable for the AAL5 CPCS layer are as follows.

Object Use for AAL5 CPCS layer entity

====== ==============================

ifIndex Each AAL5 entity is represented by an ifEntry.

ifDescr Description of the AAL5 entity.

ifType The value that is allocated for AAL5 is 49.

ifMtu Set to the largest PDU size for the

AAL5 CPCS layer that can be processed

by the AAL5 entity.

ifSpeed Set to 0.

ifPhysAddress An octet string of zero length.

ifAdminStatus See [17].

ifOperStatus Assumes the value down(2) if the AAL5

layer is down.

ifLastChange See [17].

ifInOctets The number of received AAL5 CPCS PDU octets.

ifOutOctets The number of AAL5 CPCS PDU octets


ifInUcastPkts The number of received AAL5 CPCS PDUs passed

to a higher-layer.

ifOutUcastPkts The number of AAL5 CPCS PDUs received from a

higher-layer for transmission.

[Note: The number of AAL5 PDUs actually

transmitted is the number received from a

higher-layer for transmission minus any which

are counted by ifOutErrors and ifOutDiscards.]

ifInErrors Number of errored AAL5 CPCS PDUs received.

The types of errors counted include CRC-32 errors,

SAR time-out errors, and oversized SDU errors.

ifInUnknownProtos Set to 0.

ifInDiscards Number of received AAL5 CPCS PDUs discarded.

Possible reason may be input buffer overflow.

ifOutErrors Number of AAL5 CPCS PDUs that could not

be transmitted due to errors.

ifOutDiscards Number of AAL5 CPCS PDUs received for

transmission that are discarded.

Possible reason may be output buffer


ifInMulticastPkts Set to 0.

ifInBroadcastPkts Set to 0.

ifOutMulticastPkts Set to 0.

ifOutBroadcastPkts Set to 0.

ifName Textual name (unique on this system) of the

AAL5 entity or an octet string of zero length.

ifHighSpeed Set to 0.

ifConnectorPresent Set to false (2).

ifPromiscuousMode Set to false(2).

ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable Default is disabled (2).

ifAlias The non-volatile 'alias' name for the interface

as specified by a network manager.

7.4. Support of Proprietary Virtual Interface by ifTable

Specific interpretations of ifTable for the proprietary virtual,

internal interface associated with an AAL5 entity in an ATM switch

are as follows.

Object Use for proprietary virtual, internal interface

associated with AAL entities

====== ===============================================

ifIndex Each proprietary virtual, internal interface

associated with AAL entities is represented by an


ifDescr Description of the proprietary virtual, internal

interface associated with AAL entities.

ifType The value that is allocated for proprietary

virtual, internal interface is 53.

ifSpeed See [17]. Set to 0 if the speed is not


ifPhysAddress See [17]. An octet string of zero length

if no address is used for this interface.

ifAdminStatus See [17].

ifOperStatus See [17].

ifLastChange See [17].

ifName Textual name (unique on this system) of the

interface or an octet string of zero length.

ifHighSpeed See [17]. Set to 0 if the speed is not known.

ifConnectorPresent Set to false (2).

ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable Default is disabled (2).

ifAlias The non-volatile 'alias' name for the interface

as specified by a network manager.

7.5. AAL5 Connection Performance Statistics Table

An AAL5 connection table is used to provide AAL5 performance

information for each AAL5 virtual connection that is terminated at

the AAL5 entity contained within an ATM switch or host.

8. ILMI MIBs and the ATM Managed Objects

The ILMI MIBs are specified by the ATM Forum as a set of several

MIBs, all currently defined in the ILMI Specification [23]. The ILMI

protocols and MIBs allow two connected ATM Interface Management

Entities (IMEs) to exchange bi-directional parameters, mainly to

facilitate auto-configuration between ATM peer entities. The support

of the ATM management functions by the ILMI MIBs and those contained

in this memo are compared in Table 1. In this table, "yes" in the

"ILMI MIBs" column indicates that the management functions are

supported by the ILMI MIBs. The parenthesized numbers in the "This

memo" column correspond to the sets of tables enumerated in Section


For that subset of management information which the ILMI MIBs and

this memo have in common, every effort has been made to retain

identical semantics and syntax, even though the MIB objects are

identified using different OBJECT IDENTIFIERs.

Table 1 - Structuring of ATM Managed Objects



ATM Mgmt.Inf. ATM Managed Objects memo MIBs


Local Interface Information:


ATM interface: (1) port identifier ATM MIB

physical layer (2) physical transmission types (1)*yes

configuration (3) operational status MIB II *

(4) administrative status **

(5) last change status


ATM interface: (1) active VPI/VCI fields ATM MIB

cell layer (2) maximum number of VPCs/VCCs (1) yes

configuration (3) configured VPCs/VCCs **

(4) ILMI VPI/VCI values

(5) Neighbor system info

(6) Max. number of VPI/VCI bits yes

(7) ATM Subscribed Address


ATM interface:(1) received/transmitted cells

cell layer (2) cells with HEC error MIB II yes

performance (3) cell header validation errors



ATM interface:(1)DS3 PLCP severely errored ATM MIB

PLCP & TC framing seconds (2)

layer (2)DS3 PLCP unavailable seconds no

performance (3)DS3 PLCP alarm state

(4)out of cell delineation events

(5)TC alarm state


VP/VC link: (1)VPI or VPI/VCI value ATM MIB

configuration (2)VCL or VPL operational status (3,4)yes

(3)VCL/VPL administrative status ***

(4)VCL/VPL last change status

(5)transmit/receive traffic/

service category parameters

(6)AAL type

(7)transmit/receive AAL5 SDU size

(8)AAL5 encapsulation type

(9)connection topology type

(10)use of call control


VP/VC (1)cross-connect identifier

Cross-connect:(2)port identifier of one

configuration end

(3)port identifier of the other ATM MIB

end (5)no

(4)VPI or VPI/VCI value

of one end

(5)VPI or VPI/VCI value of

the other end

(6)VC/VP cross-connect

operational status

(7)VC/VP cross-connect

administrative status

(8)VC/VP last change status


VCC AAL5 CPCS (1)PDUs discarded for CRC errors ATM MIB

layer: (2)PDUs discarded due to (6)

performance reassembly time out no

(3)PDUs discarded due to large



AAL5 entity: (1)received/transmitted PDUs

(2)PDUs discarded due to

protocol errors MIB II no

(3)a set of configuration/state



*The operational, administrative, and last change status of the ATM

interface and the physical transmission type shall be supported by

the interface table in MIB II [16][17]. ILMI does not contain the

administrative and last change status of the ATM interface.

** The ILMI MIB contains read-only objects for various parameters at

the ATM interface level.

***The ILMI MIBs contain local and end-to-end operational status of

the VPC/VCC segment. However, it does not contain the VPC/VCC

administrative and last change status and the VCC AAL information.

9. Definitions




Counter32, Integer32, IpAddress, mib-2


DisplayString, RowStatus, TruthValue




InterfaceIndex, ifIndex


AtmAddr, AtmConnKind, AtmConnCastType,

AtmServiceCategory, AtmTrafficDescrParamIndex,

AtmVpIdentifier, AtmVcIdentifier,

AtmVorXAdminStatus, AtmVorXLastChange,

AtmVorXOperStatus, atmNoClpNoScr



LAST-UPDATED "9810191200Z"



" Kaj Tesink

Postal: Bellcore

331 Newman Springs Road

Red Bank, NJ 07701

Tel: 732-758-5254

Fax: 732-758-2269

E-mail: kaj@bellcore.com"


"This is the MIB Module for ATM and AAL5-related

objects for managing ATM interfaces, ATM virtual

links, ATM cross-connects, AAL5 entities, and

and AAL5 connections."

REVISION "9810191200Z"


"The initial revision of this module was published

as RFC1695. Key revisions include:

o Textual Conventions and OBJECT IDENTITIES have

been moved to a separate MIB module.

o Applicability of objects to PVCs, SVCs and Soft

PVCs has been clarified.

o DEFVAL clauses have been added.

o The relationship of ifIndex values with different

layers and sublayers related to ATM has been


o atmTrafficQosClass has been deprecated

and replaced with atmServiceCategory.

o atmInterfaceCurrentMaxVpiBits and

atmInterfaceCurrentMaxVciBits have been added with

a description on their relationship with other


o atmInterfaceAddressType and atmInterfaceAdminAddress

have been deprecated and replaced by


o atmInterfaceTCAlarmState has been clarified.

o atmTrafficDescrParamIndexNext has been introduced

in order to provide a manager a free

atmTrafficDescrParamIndex value.

o The atmTrafficFrameDiscard capability has been added.

o A connection topology type (atmVpl/VclCastType) and

a call control type (atmVpl/VclConnKind) have been


o aal2 has been added to atmVccAalType."

REVISION "9406072245Z"


"The RFC1695 version of this MIB module."

::= { mib-2 37 }

atmMIBObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {atmMIB 1}

-- {atmMIBObjects 1} has been moved to a separate

-- specification [19].

-- This ATM MIB Module consists of the following tables:

-- (1) ATM Interface configuration table

-- (2) ATM Interface DS3 PLCP table

-- (3) ATM Interface TC Sublayer table

-- (4) Atm Traffic Descriptor table

-- (5) ATM Interface VPL configuration table

-- (6) ATM Interface VCL configuration table

-- (7) ATM VP Cross Connect table (for PVCs)

-- (8) ATM VC Cross Connect table (for PVCs)

-- (9) ATM Interface AAL5 VCC performance statistics

-- table

-- ATM Interface Configuration Parameters Table

-- This table contains ATM specific

-- configuration information associated with

-- an ATM interface beyond those

-- supported using the ifTable.

atmInterfaceConfTable OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AtmInterfaceConfEntry

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"This table contains ATM local interface

configuration parameters, one entry per ATM

interface port."

::= { atmMIBObjects 2 }

atmInterfaceConfEntry OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX AtmInterfaceConfEntry

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"This list contains ATM interface configuration

parameters and state variables and is indexed

by ifIndex values of ATM interfaces."

INDEX { ifIndex }

::= { atmInterfaceConfTable 1}

AtmInterfaceConfEntry ::= SEQUENCE {

atmInterfaceMaxVpcs INTEGER,

atmInterfaceMaxVccs INTEGER,

atmInterfaceConfVpcs INTEGER,

atmInterfaceConfVccs INTEGER,

atmInterfaceMaxActiveVpiBits INTEGER,

atmInterfaceMaxActiveVciBits INTEGER,

atmInterfaceIlmiVpi AtmVpIdentifier,

atmInterfaceIlmiVci AtmVcIdentifier,

atmInterfaceAddressType INTEGER,

atmInterfaceAdminAddress AtmAddr,

atmInterfaceMyNeighborIpAddress IpAddress,

atmInterfaceMyNeighborIfName DisplayString,

atmInterfaceCurrentMaxVpiBits INTEGER,

atmInterfaceCurrentMaxVciBits INTEGER,

atmInterfaceSubscrAddress AtmAddr


atmInterfaceMaxVpcs OBJECT-TYPE


MAX-ACCESS read-write

STATUS current


"The maximum number of VPCs (PVPCs and SVPCs)

supported at this ATM interface. At the ATM UNI,

the maximum number of VPCs (PVPCs and SVPCs)

ranges from 0 to 256 only."

::= { atmInterfaceConfEntry 1}

atmInterfaceMaxVccs OBJECT-TYPE


MAX-ACCESS read-write

STATUS current


"The maximum number of VCCs (PVCCs and SVCCs)

supported at this ATM interface."

::= { atmInterfaceConfEntry 2}

atmInterfaceConfVpcs OBJECT-TYPE


MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The number of VPCs (PVPC, Soft PVPC and SVPC)

currently in use at this ATM interface. It includes

the number of PVPCs and Soft PVPCs that are configured

at the interface, plus the number of SVPCs

that are currently established at the


At the ATM UNI, the configured number of

VPCs (PVPCs and SVPCs) can range from

0 to 256 only."

::= { atmInterfaceConfEntry 3}

atmInterfaceConfVccs OBJECT-TYPE


MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The number of VCCs (PVCC, Soft PVCC and SVCC)

currently in use at this ATM interface. It includes

the number of PVCCs and Soft PVCCs that are configured

at the interface, plus the number of SVCCs

that are currently established at the


::= { atmInterfaceConfEntry 4}

atmInterfaceMaxActiveVpiBits OBJECT-TYPE


MAX-ACCESS read-write

STATUS current


"The maximum number of active VPI bits

configured for use at the ATM interface.

At the ATM UNI, the maximum number of active

VPI bits configured for use ranges from

0 to 8 only."

::= { atmInterfaceConfEntry 5}

atmInterfaceMaxActiveVciBits OBJECT-TYPE


MAX-ACCESS read-write

STATUS current


"The maximum number of active VCI bits

configured for use at this ATM interface."

::= { atmInterfaceConfEntry 6}

atmInterfaceIlmiVpi OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX AtmVpIdentifier

MAX-ACCESS read-write

STATUS current


"The VPI value of the VCC supporting

the ILMI at this ATM interface. If the values of

atmInterfaceIlmiVpi and atmInterfaceIlmiVci are

both equal to zero then the ILMI is not

supported at this ATM interface."

DEFVAL { 0 }

::= { atmInterfaceConfEntry 7}

atmInterfaceIlmiVci OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX AtmVcIdentifier

MAX-ACCESS read-write

STATUS current


"The VCI value of the VCC supporting

the ILMI at this ATM interface. If the values of

atmInterfaceIlmiVpi and atmInterfaceIlmiVci are

both equal to zero then the ILMI is not

supported at this ATM interface."

DEFVAL { 16 }

::= { atmInterfaceConfEntry 8}

atmInterfaceAddressType OBJECT-TYPE







MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS deprecated


"The type of primary ATM address configured

for use at this ATM interface."

::= { atmInterfaceConfEntry 9 }

-- The atmInterfaceAdminAddress object has been replaced by

-- atmInterfaceSubscrAddress.

atmInterfaceAdminAddress OBJECT-TYPE


MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS deprecated


"The primary address assigned for administrative purposes,

for example, an address associated with the

service provider side of a public network UNI

(thus, the value of this address corresponds

with the value of ifPhysAddress at the host side).

If this interface has no assigned administrative

address, or when the address used for

administrative purposes is the same as that used

for ifPhysAddress, then this is an octet string of

zero length."

::= { atmInterfaceConfEntry 10 }

atmInterfaceMyNeighborIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX IpAddress

MAX-ACCESS read-write

STATUS current


"The IP address of the neighbor system connected to

the far end of this interface, to which a Network

Management Station can send SNMP messages, as IP

datagrams sent to UDP port 161, in order to access

network management information concerning the

operation of that system. Note that the value

of this object may be oBTained in different ways,

e.g., by manual configuration, or through ILMI

interaction with the neighbor system."

::= { atmInterfaceConfEntry 11 }

atmInterfaceMyNeighborIfName OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX DisplayString

MAX-ACCESS read-write

STATUS current


"The textual name of the interface on the neighbor

system on the far end of this interface, and to

which this interface connects. If the neighbor

system is manageable through SNMP and supports

the object ifName, the value of this object must

be identical with that of ifName for the ifEntry

of the lowest level physical interface

for this port. If this interface does not have a

textual name, the value of this object is a zero

length string. Note that the value of this object

may be obtained in different ways, e.g., by manual

configuration, or through ILMI interaction with

the neighbor system."

::= { atmInterfaceConfEntry 12 }

atmInterfaceCurrentMaxVpiBits OBJECT-TYPE


MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The maximum number of VPI Bits that may

currently be used at this ATM interface.

The value is the minimum of

atmInterfaceMaxActiveVpiBits, and the

atmInterfaceMaxActiveVpiBits of the interface's

UNI/NNI peer.

If the interface does not negotiate with

its peer to determine the number of VPI Bits

that can be used on the interface, then the

value of this object must equal


::= { atmInterfaceConfEntry 13 }

atmInterfaceCurrentMaxVciBits OBJECT-TYPE


MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The maximum number of VCI Bits that may

currently be used at this ATM interface.

The value is the minimum of

atmInterfaceMaxActiveVciBits, and the

atmInterfaceMaxActiveVciBits of the interface's

UNI/NNI peer.

If the interface does not negotiate with

its peer to determine the number of VCI Bits

that can be used on the interface, then the

value of this object must equal


::= { atmInterfaceConfEntry 14 }

atmInterfaceSubscrAddress OBJECT-TYPE


MAX-ACCESS read-write

STATUS current


"The identifier assigned by a service provider

to the network side of a public network UNI.

If this interface has no assigned service provider

address, or for other interfaces this is an octet string

of zero length."

::= { atmInterfaceConfEntry 15 }

-- The ATM Interface DS3 PLCP Table

-- This table contains the DS3 PLCP configuration and

-- state parameters of those ATM interfaces

-- which use DS3 PLCP for carrying ATM cells over DS3.

atmInterfaceDs3PlcpTable OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AtmInterfaceDs3PlcpEntry

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"This table contains ATM interface DS3 PLCP

parameters and state variables, one entry per

ATM interface port."

::= { atmMIBObjects 3}

atmInterfaceDs3PlcpEntry OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX AtmInterfaceDs3PlcpEntry

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"This list contains DS3 PLCP parameters and

state variables at the ATM interface and is

indexed by the ifIndex value of the ATM interface."

INDEX { ifIndex }

::= { atmInterfaceDs3PlcpTable 1}

AtmInterfaceDs3PlcpEntry ::= SEQUENCE {

atmInterfaceDs3PlcpSEFSs Counter32,

atmInterfaceDs3PlcpAlarmState INTEGER,

atmInterfaceDs3PlcpUASs Counter32


atmInterfaceDs3PlcpSEFSs OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Counter32

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The number of DS3 PLCP Severely Errored Framing

Seconds (SEFS). Each SEFS represents a

one-second interval which contains

one or more SEF events."

::= { atmInterfaceDs3PlcpEntry 1}

atmInterfaceDs3PlcpAlarmState OBJECT-TYPE






MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"This variable indicates if there is an

alarm present for the DS3 PLCP. The value

receivedFarEndAlarm means that the DS3 PLCP

has received an incoming Yellow

Signal, the value incomingLOF means that

the DS3 PLCP has declared a loss of frame (LOF)

failure condition, and the value noAlarm

means that there are no alarms present.

Transition from the failure to the no alarm state

occurs when no defects (e.g., LOF) are received

for more than 10 seconds."

::= { atmInterfaceDs3PlcpEntry 2}

atmInterfaceDs3PlcpUASs OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Counter32

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The counter associated with the number of

Unavailable Seconds encountered by the PLCP."

::= { atmInterfaceDs3PlcpEntry 3}

-- The ATM Interface TC Sublayer Table

-- This table contains TC sublayer configuration and

-- state parameters of those ATM interfaces

-- which use TC sublayer for carrying ATM cells over

-- SONET/SDH or DS3.

atmInterfaceTCTable OBJECT-TYPE


MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"This table contains ATM interface TC

Sublayer parameters and state variables,

one entry per ATM interface port."

::= { atmMIBObjects 4}

atmInterfaceTCEntry OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX AtmInterfaceTCEntry

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"This list contains TC Sublayer parameters

and state variables at the ATM interface and is

indexed by the ifIndex value of the ATM interface."

INDEX {ifIndex }

::= { atmInterfaceTCTable 1}

AtmInterfaceTCEntry ::= SEQUENCE {

atmInterfaceOCDEvents Counter32,

atmInterfaceTCAlarmState INTEGER


atmInterfaceOCDEvents OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Counter32

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The number of times the Out of Cell

Delineation (OCD) events occur. If seven

consecutive ATM cells have Header Error

Control (HEC) violations, an OCD event occurs.

A high number of OCD events may indicate a

problem with the TC Sublayer."

::= { atmInterfaceTCEntry 1}

atmInterfaceTCAlarmState OBJECT-TYPE





MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"This variable indicates if there is an

alarm present for the TC Sublayer. The value

lcdFailure(2) indicates that the TC Sublayer

is currently in the Loss of Cell Delineation

(LCD) defect maintenance state. The value

noAlarm(1) indicates that the TC Sublayer

is currently not in the LCD defect

maintenance state."

::= { atmInterfaceTCEntry 2}

-- ATM Traffic Descriptor Parameter Table

-- This table contains a set of self-consistent

-- ATM traffic parameters including the

-- ATM traffic service category.

-- The ATM virtual link tables (i.e., VPL and VCL tables)

-- will use this ATM Traffic Descriptor table

-- to assign traffic parameters and service category

-- to the receive and transmit directions of

-- the ATM virtual links (i.e., VPLs and VCLs).

-- The ATM VPL or VCL table will indicate a row

-- in the atmTrafficDescrParamTable

-- using its atmTrafficDescrParamIndex value.

-- The management application can then compare a set of

-- ATM traffic parameters with a single value.

-- If no suitable row(s) in the atmTrafficDescrParamTable

-- exists, the manager must create a new row(s) in this

-- table. If such a row is created, agent checks the

-- sanity of that set of ATM traffic parameter values.

-- The manager may use atmTrafficDescrParamIndexNext

-- in order to obtain a free atmTrafficDescrParamIndex

-- value.

-- When creating a new row, the parameter values

-- will be checked for self-consistency.

-- Predefined/template rows may be supported.

-- A row in the atmTrafficDescrParamTable is deleted

-- by setting the atmTrafficDescrRowStatus to destroy(6).

-- The agent will check whether this row is still in use

-- by any entry of the atmVplTable or atmVclTable.

-- The agent denies the request if the row is still in

-- use.

-- The ATM Traffic Descriptor Parameter Table

atmTrafficDescrParamTable OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AtmTrafficDescrParamEntry

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"This table contains information on ATM traffic

descriptor type and the associated parameters."

::= { atmMIBObjects 5}

atmTrafficDescrParamEntry OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX AtmTrafficDescrParamEntry

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"This list contains ATM traffic descriptor

type and the associated parameters."

INDEX {atmTrafficDescrParamIndex}

::= { atmTrafficDescrParamTable 1}

AtmTrafficDescrParamEntry ::= SEQUENCE {

atmTrafficDescrParamIndex AtmTrafficDescrParamIndex,

atmTrafficDescrType OBJECT IDENTIFIER,

atmTrafficDescrParam1 Integer32,

atmTrafficDescrParam2 Integer32,

atmTrafficDescrParam3 Integer32,

atmTrafficDescrParam4 Integer32,

atmTrafficDescrParam5 Integer32,

atmTrafficQoSClass INTEGER,

atmTrafficDescrRowStatus RowStatus,

atmServiceCategory AtmServiceCategory,

atmTrafficFrameDiscard TruthValue


atmTrafficDescrParamIndex OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX AtmTrafficDescrParamIndex (1..2147483647)

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"This object is used by the virtual link

table (i.e., VPL or VCL table)

to identify the row of this table.

When creating a new row in the table

the value of this index may be obtained

by retrieving the value of


::= { atmTrafficDescrParamEntry 1}

atmTrafficDescrType OBJECT-TYPE


MAX-ACCESS read-create

STATUS current


"The value of this object identifies the type

of ATM traffic descriptor.

The type may indicate no traffic descriptor or

traffic descriptor with one or more parameters.

These parameters are specified as a parameter

vector, in the corresponding instances of the







DEFVAL { atmNoClpNoScr }

::= { atmTrafficDescrParamEntry 2}

atmTrafficDescrParam1 OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Integer32

MAX-ACCESS read-create

STATUS current


"The first parameter of the ATM traffic descriptor

used according to the value of


DEFVAL { 0 }

::= { atmTrafficDescrParamEntry 3}

atmTrafficDescrParam2 OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Integer32

MAX-ACCESS read-create

STATUS current


"The second parameter of the ATM traffic descriptor

used according to the value of


DEFVAL { 0 }

::= { atmTrafficDescrParamEntry 4}

atmTrafficDescrParam3 OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Integer32

MAX-ACCESS read-create

STATUS current


"The third parameter of the ATM traffic descriptor

used according to the value of


DEFVAL { 0 }

::= { atmTrafficDescrParamEntry 5}

atmTrafficDescrParam4 OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Integer32

MAX-ACCESS read-create

STATUS current


"The fourth parameter of the ATM traffic descriptor

used according to the value of


DEFVAL { 0 }

::= { atmTrafficDescrParamEntry 6}

atmTrafficDescrParam5 OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Integer32

MAX-ACCESS read-create

STATUS current


"The fifth parameter of the ATM traffic descriptor

used according to the value of


DEFVAL { 0 }

::= { atmTrafficDescrParamEntry 7}

atmTrafficQoSClass OBJECT-TYPE


MAX-ACCESS read-create

STATUS deprecated


"The value of this object identifies the QoS Class.

Four Service classes have been

specified in the ATM Forum UNI Specification:

Service Class A: Constant bit rate video and

Circuit emulation

Service Class B: Variable bit rate video/audio

Service Class C: Connection-oriented data

Service Class D: Connectionless data

Four QoS classes numbered 1, 2, 3, and 4 have

been specified with the aim to support service

classes A, B, C, and D respectively.

An unspecified QoS Class numbered `0' is used

for best effort traffic."

DEFVAL { 0 }

::= { atmTrafficDescrParamEntry 8}

atmTrafficDescrRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX RowStatus

MAX-ACCESS read-create

STATUS current


"This object is used to create

a new row or modify or delete an

existing row in this table."

DEFVAL { active }

::= {atmTrafficDescrParamEntry 9}

atmServiceCategory OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX AtmServiceCategory

MAX-ACCESS read-create

STATUS current


"The ATM service category."

DEFVAL { ubr }

::= { atmTrafficDescrParamEntry 10}

atmTrafficFrameDiscard OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX TruthValue

MAX-ACCESS read-create

STATUS current


"If set to 'true', this object indicates that the network

is requested to treat data for this connection, in the

given direction, as frames (e.g. AAL5 CPCS_PDU's) rather

than as individual cells. While the precise

implementation is network-specific, this treatment may

for example involve discarding entire frames during

congestion, rather than a few cells from many frames."

DEFVAL { true }

::= { atmTrafficDescrParamEntry 11 }

-- ATM Interface Virtual Path Link (VPL) Table

-- This table contains configuration and state

-- information of a bi-directional Virtual Path Link

-- (VPL)

-- This table can be used to create, delete or modify

-- a VPL that is terminated in an ATM host or switch.

-- This table can also be used to create, delete or

-- modify a VPL which is cross-connected to another

-- VPL.

-- In the example below, the traffic flows on the receive

-- and transmit directions of the VPLs are characterized

-- by atmVplReceiveTrafficDescrIndex and

-- atmVplTransmitTrafficDescrIndex respectively.

-- The cross-connected VPLs are identified by

-- atmVplCrossConnectIdentifier.

-- ________________________________


-- VPL ATM Host, Switch, or Network VPL

-- receive receive

-- ========> X X <=======

-- <======== X X ========>

-- transmit transmit

-- ______________________________

-- The ATM Interface VPL Table



MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"The Virtual Path Link (VPL) table. A

bi-directional VPL is modeled as one entry

in this table. This table can be used for

PVCs, SVCs and Soft PVCs.

Entries are not present in this table for

the VPIs used by entries in the atmVclTable."

::= { atmMIBObjects 6}


SYNTAX AtmVplEntry

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"An entry in the VPL table. This entry is

used to model a bi-directional VPL.

To create a VPL at an ATM interface,

either of the following procedures are used:

Negotiated VPL establishment

(1) The management application creates

a VPL entry in the atmVplTable

by setting atmVplRowStatus to createAndWait(5).

This may fail for the following reasons:

- The selected VPI value is unavailable,

- The selected VPI value is in use.

Otherwise, the agent creates a row and

reserves the VPI value on that port.

(2) The manager selects an existing row(s) in the


thereby, selecting a set of self-consistent

ATM traffic parameters and the service category

for receive and transmit directions of the VPL.

(2a) If no suitable row(s) in the

atmTrafficDescrParamTable exists,

the manager must create a new row(s)

in that table.

(2b) The manager characterizes the VPL's traffic

parameters through setting the

atmVplReceiveTrafficDescrIndex and the

atmVplTransmitTrafficDescrIndex values

in the VPL table, which point to the rows

containing desired ATM traffic parameter values

in the atmTrafficDescrParamTable. The agent

will check the availability of resources and

may refuse the request.

If the transmit and receive service categories

are inconsistent, the agent should refuse the


(3) The manager activates the VPL by setting the

the atmVplRowStatus to active(1).

If this set is successful, the agent has

reserved the resources to satisfy the requested

traffic parameter values and the service category

for that VPL.

(4) If the VPL terminates a VPC in the ATM host

or switch, the manager turns on the

atmVplAdminStatus to up(1) to turn the VPL

traffic flow on. Otherwise, the

atmVpCrossConnectTable must be used

to cross-connect the VPL to another VPL(s)

in an ATM switch or network.

One-Shot VPL Establishment

A VPL may also be established in one step by a

set-request with all necessary VPL parameter

values and atmVplRowStatus set to createAndGo(4).

In contrast to the negotiated VPL establishment

which allows for detailed error checking

(i.e., set errors are eXPlicitly linked to

particular resource acquisition failures),

the one-shot VPL establishment

performs the setup on one operation but

does not have the advantage of step-wise

error checking.

VPL Retirement

A VPL is released by setting atmVplRowStatus to

destroy(6), and the agent may release all

associated resources."

INDEX {ifIndex, atmVplVpi }

::= { atmVplTable 1}

AtmVplEntry ::= SEQUENCE {

atmVplVpi AtmVpIdentifier,

atmVplAdminStatus AtmVorXAdminStatus,

atmVplOperStatus AtmVorXOperStatus,

atmVplLastChange AtmVorXLastChange,





atmVplCrossConnectIdentifier INTEGER,

atmVplRowStatus RowStatus,

atmVplCastType AtmConnCastType,

atmVplConnKind AtmConnKind



SYNTAX AtmVpIdentifier

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"The VPI value of the VPL."

::= { atmVplEntry 1}

atmVplAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX AtmVorXAdminStatus

MAX-ACCESS read-create

STATUS current


"This object is instanciated only for a VPL

which terminates a VPC (i.e., one which is

NOT cross-connected to other VPLs).

Its value specifies the desired

administrative state of the VPL."

DEFVAL { down }

::= { atmVplEntry 2}

atmVplOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX AtmVorXOperStatus

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The current operational status of the VPL."

::= { atmVplEntry 3}

atmVplLastChange OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX AtmVorXLastChange

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The value of sysUpTime at the time this

VPL entered its current operational state."

::= { atmVplEntry 4 }

atmVplReceiveTrafficDescrIndex OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX AtmTrafficDescrParamIndex

MAX-ACCESS read-create

STATUS current


"The value of this object identifies the row

in the atmTrafficDescrParamTable which

applies to the receive direction of the VPL."

DEFVAL { 0 }

::= { atmVplEntry 5}

atmVplTransmitTrafficDescrIndex OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX AtmTrafficDescrParamIndex

MAX-ACCESS read-create

STATUS current


"The value of this object identifies the row

in the atmTrafficDescrParamTable which

applies to the transmit direction of the VPL."

DEFVAL { 0 }

::= { atmVplEntry 6}

atmVplCrossConnectIdentifier OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX INTEGER (0..2147483647)

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"This object is instantiated only for a VPL

which is cross-connected to other VPLs

that belong to the same VPC. All such

associated VPLs have the same value of this

object, and all their cross-connections are

identified either by entries that are indexed

by the same value of atmVpCrossConnectIndex in

the atmVpCrossConnectTable of this MIB module or by

the same value of the cross-connect index in

the cross-connect table for SVCs and Soft PVCs

(defined in a separate MIB module).

At no time should entries in these respective

cross-connect tables exist simultaneously

with the same cross-connect index value.

The value of this object is initialized by the

agent after the associated entries in the

atmVpCrossConnectTable have been created."

::= {atmVplEntry 7}

atmVplRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX RowStatus

MAX-ACCESS read-create

STATUS current


"This object is used to create, delete

or modify a row in this table.

To create a new VCL, this object is

initially set to 'createAndWait' or

'createAndGo'. This object should not be

set to 'active' unless the following columnar

objects have been set to their desired value

in this row:

atmVplReceiveTrafficDescrIndex and


The DESCRIPTION of atmVplEntry provides

further guidance to row treatment in this table."

DEFVAL { createAndWait }

::= {atmVplEntry 8}

atmVplCastType OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX AtmConnCastType

MAX-ACCESS read-create

STATUS current


"The connection topology type."

DEFVAL { p2p }

::= {atmVplEntry 9}

atmVplConnKind OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX AtmConnKind

MAX-ACCESS read-create

STATUS current


"The use of call control."

DEFVAL { pvc }

::= {atmVplEntry 10}

-- ATM Interface Virtual Channel Link (VCL) Table

-- This table contains configuration and state

-- information of a bi-directional Virtual Channel

-- Link (VCL) at an ATM interface.

-- This table can be used to create, delete or modify

-- a VCL that is terminated in an ATM host or switch.

-- This table can also be

-- used to create, delete or modify a VCL that is

-- cross-connected to another VCL.

-- The ATM Interface VCL Table



MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"The Virtual Channel Link (VCL) table. A

bi-directional VCL is modeled as one entry

in this table. This table can be used for

PVCs, SVCs and Soft PVCs."

::= { atmMIBObjects 7}


SYNTAX AtmVclEntry

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"An entry in the VCL table. This entry is

used to model a bi-directional VCL.

To create a VCL at an ATM interface,

either of the following procedures are used:

Negotiated VCL establishment

(1) The management application creates

a VCL entry in the atmVclTable

by setting atmVclRowStatus to createAndWait(5).

This may fail for the following reasons:

- The selected VPI/VCI values are unavailable,

- The selected VPI/VCI values are in use.

Otherwise, the agent creates a row and

reserves the VPI/VCI values on that port.

(2) The manager selects an existing row(s) in the


thereby, selecting a set of self-consistent

ATM traffic parameters and the service category

for receive and transmit directions of the VCL.

(2a) If no suitable row(s) in the

atmTrafficDescrParamTable exists,

the manager must create a new row(s)

in that table.

(2b) The manager characterizes the VCL's traffic

parameters through setting the

atmVclReceiveTrafficDescrIndex and the

atmVclTransmitTrafficDescrIndex values

in the VCL table, which point to the rows

containing desired ATM traffic parameter values

in the atmTrafficDescrParamTable. The agent

will check the availability of resources and

may refuse the request.

If the transmit and receive service categories

are inconsistent, the agent should refuse the


(3) The manager activates the VCL by setting the

the atmVclRowStatus to active(1) (for

requirements on this activation see the

description of atmVclRowStatus).

If this set is successful, the agent has

reserved the resources to satisfy the requested

traffic parameter values and the service category

for that VCL.

(4) If the VCL terminates a VCC in the ATM host

or switch, the manager turns on the

atmVclAdminStatus to up(1) to turn the VCL

traffic flow on. Otherwise, the

atmVcCrossConnectTable must be used

to cross-connect the VCL to another VCL(s)

in an ATM switch or network.

One-Shot VCL Establishment

A VCL may also be established in one step by a

set-request with all necessary VCL parameter

values and atmVclRowStatus set to createAndGo(4).

In contrast to the negotiated VCL establishment

which allows for detailed error checking

(i.e., set errors are explicitly linked to

particular resource acquisition failures),

the one-shot VCL establishment

performs the setup on one operation but

does not have the advantage of step-wise

error checking.

VCL Retirement

A VCL is released by setting atmVclRowStatus to

destroy(6), and the agent may release all

associated resources."

INDEX {ifIndex, atmVclVpi, atmVclVci }

::= { atmVclTable 1}

AtmVclEntry ::= SEQUENCE {

atmVclVpi AtmVpIdentifier,

atmVclVci AtmVcIdentifier,

atmVclAdminStatus AtmVorXAdminStatus,

atmVclOperStatus AtmVorXOperStatus,

atmVclLastChange AtmVorXLastChange,





atmVccAalType INTEGER,

atmVccAal5CpcsTransmitSduSize INTEGER,

atmVccAal5CpcsReceiveSduSize INTEGER,

atmVccAal5EncapsType INTEGER,

atmVclCrossConnectIdentifier INTEGER,

atmVclRowStatus RowStatus,

atmVclCastType AtmConnCastType,

atmVclConnKind AtmConnKind



SYNTAX AtmVpIdentifier

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"The VPI value of the VCL."

::= { atmVclEntry 1}


SYNTAX AtmVcIdentifier

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"The VCI value of the VCL."

::= { atmVclEntry 2}

atmVclAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX AtmVorXAdminStatus

MAX-ACCESS read-create

STATUS current


"This object is instanciated only for a VCL which

terminates a VCC (i.e., one which is NOT

cross-connected to other VCLs). Its value

specifies the desired administrative state of

the VCL."

DEFVAL { down }

::= { atmVclEntry 3}

atmVclOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX AtmVorXOperStatus

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The current operational status of the VCL."

::= { atmVclEntry 4}

atmVclLastChange OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX AtmVorXLastChange

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The value of sysUpTime at the time this VCL

entered its current operational state."

::= { atmVclEntry 5 }

atmVclReceiveTrafficDescrIndex OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX AtmTrafficDescrParamIndex

MAX-ACCESS read-create

STATUS current


"The value of this object identifies the row

in the ATM Traffic Descriptor Table which

applies to the receive direction of this VCL."

DEFVAL { 0 }

::= { atmVclEntry 6}

atmVclTransmitTrafficDescrIndex OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX AtmTrafficDescrParamIndex

MAX-ACCESS read-create

STATUS current


"The value of this object identifies the row

of the ATM Traffic Descriptor Table which applies

to the transmit direction of this VCL."

DEFVAL { 0 }

::= { atmVclEntry 7}










MAX-ACCESS read-create

STATUS current


"An instance of this object only exists when the

local VCL end-point is also the VCC end-point,

and AAL is in use.

The type of AAL used on this VCC.

The AAL type includes AAL1, AAL2, AAL3/4,

and AAL5. The other(4) may be user-defined

AAL type. The unknown type indicates that

the AAL type cannot be determined."

DEFVAL { aal5 }

::= { atmVclEntry 8 }

atmVccAal5CpcsTransmitSduSize OBJECT-TYPE


MAX-ACCESS read-create

STATUS current


"An instance of this object only exists when the

local VCL end-point is also the VCC end-point,

and AAL5 is in use.

The maximum AAL5 CPCS SDU size in octets that is

supported on the transmit direction of this VCC."

DEFVAL { 9188 }

::= { atmVclEntry 9 }

atmVccAal5CpcsReceiveSduSize OBJECT-TYPE


MAX-ACCESS read-create

STATUS current


"An instance of this object only exists when the

local VCL end-point is also the VCC end-point,

and AAL5 is in use.

The maximum AAL5 CPCS SDU size in octets that is

supported on the receive direction of this VCC."

DEFVAL { 9188 }

::= { atmVclEntry 10 }

atmVccAal5EncapsType OBJECT-TYPE













MAX-ACCESS read-create

STATUS current


"An instance of this object only exists when the

local VCL end-point is also the VCC end-point,

and AAL5 is in use.

The type of data encapsulation used over

the AAL5 SSCS layer. The definitions reference

RFC1483 Multiprotocol Encapsulation

over ATM AAL5 and to the ATM Forum

LAN Emulation specification."

DEFVAL { llcEncapsulation }

::= { atmVclEntry 11 }

atmVclCrossConnectIdentifier OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX INTEGER (0..2147483647)

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"This object is instantiated only for a VCL

which is cross-connected to other VCLs

that belong to the same VCC. All such

associated VCLs have the same value of this

object, and all their cross-connections are

identified either by entries that are indexed

by the same value of atmVcCrossConnectIndex in

the atmVcCrossConnectTable of this MIB module or by

the same value of the cross-connect index in

the cross-connect table for SVCs and Soft PVCs

(defined in a separate MIB module).

At no time should entries in these respective

cross-connect tables exist simultaneously

with the same cross-connect index value.

The value of this object is initialized by the

agent after the associated entries in the

atmVcCrossConnectTable have been created."

::= {atmVclEntry 12}

atmVclRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX RowStatus

MAX-ACCESS read-create

STATUS current


"This object is used to create, delete or

modify a row in this table. To create

a new VCL, this object is initially set

to 'createAndWait' or 'createAndGo'.

This object should not be

set to 'active' unless the following columnar

objects have been set to their desired value

in this row:



In addition, if the local VCL end-point

is also the VCC end-point:


In addition, for AAL5 connections only:


atmVccAal5CpcsReceiveSduSize, and

atmVccAal5EncapsType. (The existence

of these objects imply the AAL connection type.).

The DESCRIPTION of atmVclEntry provides

further guidance to row treatment in this table."

DEFVAL { createAndWait }

::= {atmVclEntry 13}

atmVclCastType OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX AtmConnCastType

MAX-ACCESS read-create

STATUS current


"The connection topology type."

DEFVAL { p2p }

::= {atmVclEntry 14}

atmVclConnKind OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX AtmConnKind

MAX-ACCESS read-create

STATUS current


"The use of call control."

DEFVAL { pvc }

::= {atmVclEntry 15}

-- ATM Virtual Path (VP) Cross Connect Table

-- This table contains configuration and state

-- information of point-to-point,

-- point-to-multipoint, or multipoint-to-multipoint

-- VP cross-connects for PVCs.

-- This table has read-create access and can be used

-- to cross-connect the VPLs together in an ATM switch

-- or network. The atmVpCrossConnectIndex

-- is used to associate the related

-- VPLs that are cross-connected together.

-- The ATM VP Cross Connect Table

-- models each bi-directional VPC

-- cross-connect as a set of entries in

-- the atmVpCrossConnectTable. A

-- point-to-point VPC cross-connect is modeled

-- as one entry; a point-to-multipoint (N leafs) VPC

-- cross-connect as N entries in this table; and

-- a multipoint-to-multipoint (N parties) VPC cross-

-- connect as N(N-1)/2 entries in this table.

-- In the latter cases, all the N (or N(N-1)/2) entries

-- are associated with a single VPC cross-connect by

-- having the same value of atmVpCrossConnectIndex.

-- _________________________________________


-- Low ATM Switch or Network High

-- port port

-- _____>> from low to high VPC traffic flow >>______

-- << from high to low VPC traffic flow <<


-- _______________________________________


-- The terms low and high are chosen to represent

-- numerical ordering of the two interfaces associated

-- with a VPC cross-connect. That is, the ATM interface

-- with the lower value of ifIndex is termed 'low',

-- while the other ATM interface associated with the

-- VPC cross-connect is termed 'high'. This terminology

-- is used to provide directional information; for

-- example, the atmVpCrossConnectL2HOperStatus applies

-- to the low->high direction, and

-- atmVpCrossConnectH2LOperStatus applies to the

-- high->low direction, as illustrated above.

atmVpCrossConnectIndexNext OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX INTEGER (0..2147483647)

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"This object contains an appropriate value to

be used for atmVpCrossConnectIndex when creating

entries in the atmVpCrossConnectTable. The value

0 indicates that no unassigned entries are

available. To obtain the atmVpCrossConnectIndex

value for a new entry, the manager issues a

management protocol retrieval operation to obtain

the current value of this object. After each

retrieval, the agent should modify the value to

the next unassigned index.

After a manager retrieves a value the agent will

determine through its local policy when this index

value will be made available for reuse."

::= { atmMIBObjects 8 }

-- The ATM VP Cross Connect Table

atmVpCrossConnectTable OBJECT-TYPE


MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"The ATM VP Cross Connect table for PVCs.

An entry in this table models two

cross-connected VPLs.

Each VPL must have its atmConnKind set

to pvc(1)."

::= { atmMIBObjects 9 }

atmVpCrossConnectEntry OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX AtmVpCrossConnectEntry

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"An entry in the ATM VP Cross Connect table.

This entry is used to model a bi-directional

ATM VP cross-connect which cross-connects

two VPLs.

Step-wise Procedures to set up a VP Cross-connect

Once the entries in the atmVplTable are created,

the following procedures are used

to cross-connect the VPLs together.

(1) The manager obtains a unique

atmVpCrossConnectIndex by reading the

atmVpCrossConnectIndexNext object.

(2) Next, the manager creates a set of one

or more rows in the ATM VP Cross Connect

Table, one for each cross-connection between

two VPLs. Each row is indexed by the ATM

interface port numbers and VPI values of the

two ends of that cross-connection.

This set of rows specifies the topology of the

VPC cross-connect and is identified by a single

value of atmVpCrossConnectIndex.

Negotiated VP Cross-Connect Establishment

(2a) The manager creates a row in this table by

setting atmVpCrossConnectRowStatus to

createAndWait(5). The agent checks the

requested topology and the mutual sanity of

the ATM traffic parameters and

service categories, i.e., the row creation

fails if:

- the requested topology is incompatible with

associated values of atmVplCastType,

- the requested topology is not supported

by the agent,

- the traffic/service category parameter values

associated with the requested row are

incompatible with those of already existing

rows for this VP cross-connect.

[For example, for setting up

a point-to-point VP cross-connect, the

ATM traffic parameters in the receive direction

of a VPL at the low end of the cross-connect

must equal to the traffic parameters in the

transmit direction of the other VPL at the

high end of the cross-connect,

otherwise, the row creation fails.]

The agent also checks for internal errors

in building the cross-connect.

The atmVpCrossConnectIndex values in the

corresponding atmVplTable rows are filled

in by the agent at this point.

(2b) The manager promotes the row in the

atmVpCrossConnectTable by setting

atmVpCrossConnectRowStatus to active(1). If

this set is successful, the agent has reserved

the resources specified by the ATM traffic

parameter and Service category values

for each direction of the VP cross-connect

in an ATM switch or network.

(3) The manager sets the

atmVpCrossConnectAdminStatus to up(1) in all

rows of this VP cross-connect to turn the

traffic flow on.

One-Shot VP Cross-Connect Establishment

A VP cross-connect may also be established in

one step by a set-request with all necessary

parameter values and atmVpCrossConnectRowStatus

set to createAndGo(4).

In contrast to the negotiated VP cross-connect

establishment which allows for detailed error

checking (i.e., set errors are explicitly linked

to particular resource acquisition failures),

the one-shot VP cross-connect establishment

performs the setup on one operation but does not

have the advantage of step-wise error checking.

VP Cross-Connect Retirement

A VP cross-connect identified by a particular

value of atmVpCrossConnectIndex is released by:

(1) Setting atmVpCrossConnectRowStatus of all

rows identified by this value of

atmVpCrossConnectIndex to destroy(6).

The agent may release all

associated resources, and the

atmVpCrossConnectIndex values in the

corresponding atmVplTable row are removed.

Note that a situation when only a subset of

the associated rows are deleted corresponds

to a VP topology change.

(2) After deletion of the appropriate

atmVpCrossConnectEntries, the manager may

set atmVplRowStatus to destroy(6) the

associated VPLs. The agent releases

the resources and removes the associated

rows in the atmVplTable.

VP Cross-connect Reconfiguration

At the discretion of the agent, a VP

cross-connect may be reconfigured by

adding and/or deleting leafs to/from

the VP topology as per the VP cross-connect

establishment/retirement procedures.

Reconfiguration of traffic/service category parameter

values requires release of the VP cross-connect

before those parameter values may by changed

for individual VPLs."

INDEX { atmVpCrossConnectIndex,




atmVpCrossConnectHighVpi }

::= { atmVpCrossConnectTable 1 }

AtmVpCrossConnectEntry ::= SEQUENCE {

atmVpCrossConnectIndex INTEGER,

atmVpCrossConnectLowIfIndex InterfaceIndex,

atmVpCrossConnectLowVpi AtmVpIdentifier,

atmVpCrossConnectHighIfIndex InterfaceIndex,

atmVpCrossConnectHighVpi AtmVpIdentifier,

atmVpCrossConnectAdminStatus AtmVorXAdminStatus,

atmVpCrossConnectL2HOperStatus AtmVorXOperStatus,

atmVpCrossConnectH2LOperStatus AtmVorXOperStatus,

atmVpCrossConnectL2HLastChange AtmVorXLastChange,

atmVpCrossConnectH2LLastChange AtmVorXLastChange,

atmVpCrossConnectRowStatus RowStatus


atmVpCrossConnectIndex OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX INTEGER (1..2147483647)

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"A unique value to identify this VP cross-connect.

For each VPL associated with this cross-connect,

the agent reports this cross-connect index value

in the atmVplCrossConnectIdentifier attribute of

the corresponding atmVplTable entries."

::= { atmVpCrossConnectEntry 1 }

atmVpCrossConnectLowIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX InterfaceIndex

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"The ifIndex value of the ATM interface for

this VP cross-connect. The term low implies

that this ATM interface has the numerically lower

ifIndex value than the other ATM interface

identified in the same atmVpCrossConnectEntry."

::= { atmVpCrossConnectEntry 2 }

atmVpCrossConnectLowVpi OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX AtmVpIdentifier

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"The VPI value at the ATM interface

associated with the VP cross-connect that is

identified by atmVpCrossConnectLowIfIndex."

::= { atmVpCrossConnectEntry 3 }

atmVpCrossConnectHighIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX InterfaceIndex

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"The ifIndex value of the ATM interface for

this VP cross-connect. The term high implies that

this ATM interface has the numerically higher

ifIndex value than the other ATM interface

identified in the same atmVpCrossConnectEntry."

::= { atmVpCrossConnectEntry 4 }

atmVpCrossConnectHighVpi OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX AtmVpIdentifier

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"The VPI value at the ATM interface

associated with the VP cross-connect that is

identified by atmVpCrossConnectHighIfIndex."

::= { atmVpCrossConnectEntry 5 }

atmVpCrossConnectAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX AtmVorXAdminStatus

MAX-ACCESS read-create

STATUS current


"The desired administrative status of this

bi-directional VP cross-connect."

DEFVAL { down }

::= { atmVpCrossConnectEntry 6 }

atmVpCrossConnectL2HOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX AtmVorXOperStatus

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The operational status of the VP cross-connect

in one direction; (i.e., from the low to

high direction)."

::= { atmVpCrossConnectEntry 7 }

atmVpCrossConnectH2LOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX AtmVorXOperStatus

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The operational status of the VP cross-connect

in one direction; (i.e., from the high to

low direction)."

::= { atmVpCrossConnectEntry 8 }

atmVpCrossConnectL2HLastChange OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX AtmVorXLastChange

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The value of sysUpTime at the time this

VP cross-connect entered its current operational

state in the low to high direction."

::= { atmVpCrossConnectEntry 9 }

atmVpCrossConnectH2LLastChange OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX AtmVorXLastChange

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The value of sysUpTime at the time this

VP cross-connect entered its current operational

in the high to low direction."

::= { atmVpCrossConnectEntry 10 }

atmVpCrossConnectRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX RowStatus

MAX-ACCESS read-create

STATUS current


"The status of this entry in the

atmVpCrossConnectTable. This object is used to

create a cross-connect for cross-connecting

VPLs which are created using the atmVplTable

or to change or delete an existing cross-connect.

This object must be initially set

to `createAndWait' or 'createAndGo'.

To turn on a VP cross-connect,

the atmVpCrossConnectAdminStatus

is set to `up'."

DEFVAL { createAndWait }

::= { atmVpCrossConnectEntry 11 }

-- ATM Virtual Channel (VC) Cross Connect Table

-- This table contains configuration and state

-- information of point-to-point,

-- point-to-multipoint or multipoint-to-multipoint

-- VC cross-connects for PVCs.

-- This table has read-create access and is used

-- to cross-connect the VCLs together in an ATM switch

-- or network that belong to a VC connection.

-- The atmVcCrossConnectIndex is used to associate

-- the related VCLs that are cross-connected together.

-- The model using step-wise procedures described for setting

-- up a VP cross-connect is also used for setting up

-- a VC cross-connect.

atmVcCrossConnectIndexNext OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX INTEGER (0..2147483647)

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"This object contains an appropriate value to

be used for atmVcCrossConnectIndex when creating

entries in the atmVcCrossConnectTable. The value

0 indicates that no unassigned entries are

available. To obtain the atmVcCrossConnectIndex

value for a new entry, the manager issues a

management protocol retrieval operation to obtain

the current value of this object. After each

retrieval, the agent should modify the value to

the next unassigned index.

After a manager retrieves a value the agent will

determine through its local policy when this index

value will be made available for reuse."

::= { atmMIBObjects 10 }

-- The ATM VC Cross Connect Table

atmVcCrossConnectTable OBJECT-TYPE


MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"The ATM VC Cross Connect table for PVCs.

An entry in this table models two

cross-connected VCLs.

Each VCL must have its atmConnKind set

to pvc(1)."

::= { atmMIBObjects 11 }

atmVcCrossConnectEntry OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX AtmVcCrossConnectEntry

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"An entry in the ATM VC Cross Connect table.

This entry is used to model a bi-directional ATM

VC cross-connect cross-connecting two end points.

Step-wise Procedures to set up a VC Cross-connect

Once the entries in the atmVclTable are created,

the following procedures are used

to cross-connect the VCLs together to

form a VCC segment.

(1) The manager obtains a unique

atmVcCrossConnectIndex by reading the

atmVcCrossConnectIndexNext object.

(2) Next, the manager creates a set of one

or more rows in the ATM VC Cross Connect

Table, one for each cross-connection between

two VCLs. Each row is indexed by the ATM

interface port numbers and VPI/VCI values of

the two ends of that cross-connection.

This set of rows specifies the topology of the

VCC cross-connect and is identified by a single

value of atmVcCrossConnectIndex.

Negotiated VC Cross-Connect Establishment

(2a) The manager creates a row in this table by

setting atmVcCrossConnectRowStatus to

createAndWait(5). The agent checks the

requested topology and the mutual sanity of

the ATM traffic parameters and

service categories, i.e., the row creation

fails if:

- the requested topology is incompatible with

associated values of atmVclCastType,

- the requested topology is not supported

by the agent,

- the traffic/service category parameter values

associated with the requested row are

incompatible with those of already existing

rows for this VC cross-connect.

[For example, for setting up

a point-to-point VC cross-connect, the

ATM traffic parameters in the receive direction

of a VCL at the low end of the cross-connect

must equal to the traffic parameters in the

transmit direction of the other VCL at the

high end of the cross-connect,

otherwise, the row creation fails.]

The agent also checks for internal errors

in building the cross-connect.

The atmVcCrossConnectIndex values in the

corresponding atmVclTable rows are filled

in by the agent at this point.

(2b) The manager promotes the row in the

atmVcCrossConnectTable by setting

atmVcCrossConnectRowStatus to active(1). If

this set is successful, the agent has reserved

the resources specified by the ATM traffic

parameter and Service category values

for each direction of the VC cross-connect

in an ATM switch or network.

(3) The manager sets the

atmVcCrossConnectAdminStatus to up(1)

in all rows of this VC cross-connect to

turn the traffic flow on.

One-Shot VC Cross-Connect Establishment

A VC cross-connect may also be established in

one step by a set-request with all necessary

parameter values and atmVcCrossConnectRowStatus

set to createAndGo(4).

In contrast to the negotiated VC cross-connect

establishment which allows for detailed error

checking i.e., set errors are explicitly linked to

particular resource acquisition failures), the

one-shot VC cross-connect establishment

performs the setup on one operation but does

not have the advantage of step-wise error


VC Cross-Connect Retirement

A VC cross-connect identified by a particular

value of atmVcCrossConnectIndex is released by:

(1) Setting atmVcCrossConnectRowStatus of all rows

identified by this value of

atmVcCrossConnectIndex to destroy(6).

The agent may release all

associated resources, and the

atmVcCrossConnectIndex values in the

corresponding atmVclTable row are removed.

Note that a situation when only a subset of

the associated rows are deleted corresponds

to a VC topology change.

(2) After deletion of the appropriate

atmVcCrossConnectEntries, the manager may

set atmVclRowStatus to destroy(6) the

associated VCLs. The agent releases

the resources and removes the associated

rows in the atmVclTable.

VC Cross-Connect Reconfiguration

At the discretion of the agent, a VC

cross-connect may be reconfigured by

adding and/or deleting leafs to/from

the VC topology as per the VC cross-connect

establishment/retirement procedures.

Reconfiguration of traffic/service category parameter

values requires release of the VC cross-connect

before those parameter values may by changed

for individual VCLs."

INDEX { atmVcCrossConnectIndex,






atmVcCrossConnectHighVci }

::= { atmVcCrossConnectTable 1 }

AtmVcCrossConnectEntry ::= SEQUENCE {

atmVcCrossConnectIndex INTEGER,

atmVcCrossConnectLowIfIndex InterfaceIndex,

atmVcCrossConnectLowVpi AtmVpIdentifier,

atmVcCrossConnectLowVci AtmVcIdentifier,

atmVcCrossConnectHighIfIndex InterfaceIndex,

atmVcCrossConnectHighVpi AtmVpIdentifier,

atmVcCrossConnectHighVci AtmVcIdentifier,

atmVcCrossConnectAdminStatus AtmVorXAdminStatus,

atmVcCrossConnectL2HOperStatus AtmVorXOperStatus,

atmVcCrossConnectH2LOperStatus AtmVorXOperStatus,

atmVcCrossConnectL2HLastChange AtmVorXLastChange,

atmVcCrossConnectH2LLastChange AtmVorXLastChange,

atmVcCrossConnectRowStatus RowStatus


atmVcCrossConnectIndex OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX INTEGER (1..2147483647)

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"A unique value to identify this VC cross-connect.

For each VCL associated with this cross-connect,

the agent reports this cross-connect index value

in the atmVclCrossConnectIdentifier attribute of

the corresponding atmVclTable entries."

::= { atmVcCrossConnectEntry 1 }

atmVcCrossConnectLowIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX InterfaceIndex

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"The ifIndex value of the ATM interface for this

VC cross-connect. The term low implies

that this ATM interface has the numerically lower

ifIndex value than the other ATM interface

identified in the same atmVcCrossConnectEntry."

::= { atmVcCrossConnectEntry 2 }

atmVcCrossConnectLowVpi OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX AtmVpIdentifier

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"The VPI value at the ATM interface

associated with the VC cross-connect that is

identified by atmVcCrossConnectLowIfIndex."

::= { atmVcCrossConnectEntry 3 }

atmVcCrossConnectLowVci OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX AtmVcIdentifier

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"The VCI value at the ATM interface

associated with this VC cross-connect that is

identified by atmVcCrossConnectLowIfIndex."

::= { atmVcCrossConnectEntry 4 }

atmVcCrossConnectHighIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX InterfaceIndex

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"The ifIndex value for the ATM interface for

this VC cross-connect. The term high implies

that this ATM interface has the numerically higher

ifIndex value than the other ATM interface

identified in the same atmVcCrossConnectEntry."

::= { atmVcCrossConnectEntry 5 }

atmVcCrossConnectHighVpi OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX AtmVpIdentifier

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"The VPI value at the ATM interface

associated with the VC cross-connect that is

identified by atmVcCrossConnectHighIfIndex."

::= { atmVcCrossConnectEntry 6 }

atmVcCrossConnectHighVci OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX AtmVcIdentifier

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"The VCI value at the ATM interface

associated with the VC cross-connect that is

identified by atmVcCrossConnectHighIfIndex."

::= { atmVcCrossConnectEntry 7 }

atmVcCrossConnectAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX AtmVorXAdminStatus

MAX-ACCESS read-create

STATUS current


"The desired administrative status of this

bi-directional VC cross-connect."

DEFVAL { down }

::= { atmVcCrossConnectEntry 8 }

atmVcCrossConnectL2HOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX AtmVorXOperStatus

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The current operational status of the

VC cross-connect in one direction; (i.e.,

from the low to high direction)."

::= { atmVcCrossConnectEntry 9 }

atmVcCrossConnectH2LOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX AtmVorXOperStatus

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The current operational status of the

VC cross-connect in one direction; (i.e.,

from the high to low direction)."

::= { atmVcCrossConnectEntry 10 }

atmVcCrossConnectL2HLastChange OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX AtmVorXLastChange

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The value of sysUpTime at the time this

VC cross-connect entered its current

operational state in low to high direction."

::= { atmVcCrossConnectEntry 11 }

atmVcCrossConnectH2LLastChange OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX AtmVorXLastChange

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The value of sysUpTime at the time this

VC cross-connect entered its current

operational state in high to low direction."

::= { atmVcCrossConnectEntry 12 }

atmVcCrossConnectRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX RowStatus

MAX-ACCESS read-create

STATUS current


"The status of this entry in the

atmVcCrossConnectTable. This object is used to

create a new cross-connect for cross-connecting

VCLs which are created using the atmVclTable

or to change or delete existing cross-connect.

This object must be initially set to

`createAndWait' or 'createAndGo'.

To turn on a VC cross-connect,

the atmVcCrossConnectAdminStatus

is set to `up'."

DEFVAL { createAndWait }

::= { atmVcCrossConnectEntry 13 }

-- AAL5 Virtual Channel Connection Performance Statistics

-- Table

-- This table contains the AAL5

-- performance statistics of a VCC at the

-- interface associated with an AAL5 entity in an ATM

-- host or ATM switch.

aal5VccTable OBJECT-TYPE


MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"This table contains AAL5 VCC performance


::= { atmMIBObjects 12 }

aal5VccEntry OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Aal5VccEntry

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"This list contains the AAL5 VCC

performance parameters and is indexed

by ifIndex values of AAL5 interfaces

and the associated VPI/VCI values."

INDEX { ifIndex, aal5VccVpi, aal5VccVci }

::= { aal5VccTable 1 }

Aal5VccEntry ::= SEQUENCE {

aal5VccVpi AtmVpIdentifier,

aal5VccVci AtmVcIdentifier,

aal5VccCrcErrors Counter32,

aal5VccSarTimeOuts Counter32,

aal5VccOverSizedSDUs Counter32



SYNTAX AtmVpIdentifier

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"The VPI value of the AAL5 VCC at the

interface identified by the ifIndex."

::= { aal5VccEntry 1 }


SYNTAX AtmVcIdentifier

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"The VCI value of the AAL5 VCC at the

interface identified by the ifIndex."

::= { aal5VccEntry 2 }

aal5VccCrcErrors OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Counter32

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The number of AAL5 CPCS PDUs received with

CRC-32 errors on this AAL5 VCC at the

interface associated with an AAL5 entity."

::= { aal5VccEntry 3 }

aal5VccSarTimeOuts OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Counter32

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The number of partially re-assembled AAL5

CPCS PDUs which were discarded

on this AAL5 VCC at the interface associated

with an AAL5 entity because they

were not fully re-assembled within the

required time period. If the re-assembly

timer is not supported, then this object

contains a zero value."

::= { aal5VccEntry 4 }

aal5VccOverSizedSDUs OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Counter32

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The number of AAL5 CPCS PDUs discarded

on this AAL5 VCC at the interface

associated with an AAL5 entity because the

AAL5 SDUs were too large."

::= { aal5VccEntry 5 }


-- The following object may be used in conjunction with

-- the atmTrafficDescrParamTable for the creation of

-- new table entries.


atmTrafficDescrParamIndexNext OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX INTEGER (0..2147483647)

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"This object contains an appropriate value to

be used for atmTrafficDescrParamIndex when

creating entries in the


The value 0 indicates that no unassigned

entries are available. To obtain the

atmTrafficDescrParamIndex value for a new

entry, the manager issues a management

protocol retrieval operation to obtain the

current value of this object. After each

retrieval, the agent should modify the value

to the next unassigned index.

After a manager retrieves a value the agent will

determine through its local policy when this index

value will be made available for reuse."

::= { atmMIBObjects 13 }

-- Conformance Information

atmMIBConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { atmMIB 2 }


::= { atmMIBConformance 1 }


::= { atmMIBConformance 2 }

-- Compliance Statements


STATUS current


"The compliance statement for SNMP entities

including networks which have ATM and

AAL5 interfaces."

MODULE -- this module


-- ****** Interface and Traffic Descriptor Support ***


MANDATORY-GROUPS {atmInterfaceConfGroup2,

atmTrafficDescrGroup2 }

OBJECT atmInterfaceMaxVpcs

MIN-ACCESS read-only


"Write access is not required."

OBJECT atmInterfaceMaxVccs

MIN-ACCESS read-only


"Write access is not required."

OBJECT atmInterfaceMaxActiveVpiBits

MIN-ACCESS read-only


"Write access is not required.

At the ATM UNI the maximum number of

active VPI bits configured for use ranges

from 0 to 8 only.

Implementations may support smaller ranges."

OBJECT atmInterfaceMaxActiveVciBits

MIN-ACCESS read-only


"Write access is not required.

Implementations may support smaller ranges."

OBJECT atmInterfaceIlmiVpi

MIN-ACCESS read-only


"Write access is not required."

OBJECT atmInterfaceIlmiVci

MIN-ACCESS read-only


"Write access is not required."

OBJECT atmInterfaceMyNeighborIpAddress

MIN-ACCESS read-only


"Write access is not required."

OBJECT atmInterfaceMyNeighborIfName

MIN-ACCESS read-only


"Write access is not required."

OBJECT atmInterfaceSubscrAddress

MIN-ACCESS read-only


"Write access is not required."

OBJECT atmTrafficDescrParamIndexNext


"This object is only required for systems

that support the creation of entries in

the atmTrafficDescrParamTable."

OBJECT atmTrafficDescrType

MIN-ACCESS read-only


"Write access is not required."

OBJECT atmTrafficDescrParam1

MIN-ACCESS read-only


"Write access is not required."

OBJECT atmTrafficDescrParam2

MIN-ACCESS read-only


"Write access is not required."

OBJECT atmTrafficDescrParam3

MIN-ACCESS read-only


"Write access is not required."

OBJECT atmTrafficDescrParam4

MIN-ACCESS read-only


"Write access is not required."

OBJECT atmTrafficDescrParam5

MIN-ACCESS read-only


"Write access is not required."

OBJECT atmServiceCategory

MIN-ACCESS read-only


"Write access is not required."

OBJECT atmTrafficDescrRowStatus

SYNTAX INTEGER {active(1)}

-- subset of RowStatus

MIN-ACCESS read-only


"Write access is not required, and only one

of the six enumerated values for the

RowStatus textual convention need be

supported, specifically: active(1)."

OBJECT atmTrafficFrameDiscard

MIN-ACCESS read-only


"Write access is not required."


-- ****** DS3 PLCP Support **************************


GROUP atmInterfaceDs3PlcpGroup


"This group is mandatory only for those

ATM interfaces which implement the

DS3 PLCP layer."


-- ****** TC Sublayer Support ********************************


GROUP atmInterfaceTCGroup


"This group is mandatory only for those

ATM interfaces which implement the

TC Sublayer."


-- ****** VPC Support *******************************


GROUP atmVpcTerminationGroup2


"This group is mandatory only for those

ATM interfaces which implement ATM

VPLs that terminate VPCs (i.e., ones which

are NOT cross-connected to other VPLs)."

GROUP atmVplCrossConnectGroup


"This group is mandatory only for those

ATM interfaces which implement ATM

VPLs that are not associated with VCLs

and are cross-connected to other VPLs

for VPCs."

GROUP atmVpPvcCrossConnectGroup


"This group is mandatory only for those

ATM interfaces which implement ATM

VPLs that are not associated with VCLs

and are cross-connected to other VPLs

for permanent VPCs (i.e., PVCs).

This group is not used to crossconnect

a PVC with an SVC to form a Soft PVC."

OBJECT atmVplAdminStatus

MIN-ACCESS read-only


"Write access is not required."

OBJECT atmVplReceiveTrafficDescrIndex

MIN-ACCESS read-only


"Write access is not required."

OBJECT atmVplTransmitTrafficDescrIndex

MIN-ACCESS read-only


"Write access is not required."

OBJECT atmVplRowStatus

SYNTAX INTEGER {active(1)}

-- subset of RowStatus

MIN-ACCESS read-only


"Write access is not required, and only one

of the six enumerated values for the

RowStatus textual convention need be

supported, specifically: active(1)."

OBJECT atmVplCastType

MIN-ACCESS read-only


"Write access is not required."

OBJECT atmVplConnKind

MIN-ACCESS read-only


"Write access is not required."

OBJECT atmVpCrossConnectAdminStatus

MIN-ACCESS read-only


"Write access is not required."

OBJECT atmVpCrossConnectRowStatus

SYNTAX INTEGER {active(1)}

-- subset of RowStatus

MIN-ACCESS read-only


"Write access is not required, and only one

of the six enumerated values for the

RowStatus textual convention need be

supported, specifically: active(1)."


-- ****** VCC Support *******************************


GROUP atmVccTerminationGroup2


"This group is mandatory only for those

ATM interfaces which implement ATM

VCLs that terminate VCCs (i.e., ones which

are NOT cross-connected to other VCLs)."

GROUP atmVclCrossConnectGroup


"This group is mandatory only for those

ATM interfaces which implement ATM

VCLs that are cross-connected to other VCLs

for VCCs."

GROUP atmVcPvcCrossConnectGroup


"This group is mandatory only for those

ATM interfaces which implement ATM

VCLs that are cross-connected to other

VCLs for permanent VCCs (i.e., PVCs).

This group is not used to crossconnect

a PVC with an SVC to form a Soft PVC."

OBJECT atmVclAdminStatus

MIN-ACCESS read-only


"Write access is not required."

OBJECT atmVclReceiveTrafficDescrIndex

MIN-ACCESS read-only


"Write access is not required."

OBJECT atmVclTransmitTrafficDescrIndex

MIN-ACCESS read-only


"Write access is not required."

OBJECT atmVccAalType

MIN-ACCESS read-only


"Write access is not required."

OBJECT atmVclRowStatus

SYNTAX INTEGER {active(1)}

-- subset of RowStatus

MIN-ACCESS read-only


"Write access is not required, and only one

of the six enumerated values for the

RowStatus textual convention need be

supported, specifically: active(1)."

OBJECT atmVclCastType

MIN-ACCESS read-only


"Write access is not required."

OBJECT atmVclConnKind

MIN-ACCESS read-only


"Write access is not required."

OBJECT atmVcCrossConnectAdminStatus

MIN-ACCESS read-only


"Write access is not required."

OBJECT atmVcCrossConnectRowStatus

SYNTAX INTEGER { active(1)}

-- subset of RowStatus

MIN-ACCESS read-only


"Write access is not required, and only one

of the six enumerated values for the

RowStatus textual convention need be

supported, specifically: active(1)."


-- ****** AAL5 Support ******************************


GROUP aal5VccGroup


"This group is mandatory for the

AAL5 virtual connections only."

OBJECT atmVccAal5CpcsTransmitSduSize

MIN-ACCESS read-only


"Write access is not required."

OBJECT atmVccAal5CpcsReceiveSduSize

MIN-ACCESS read-only


"Write access is not required."

OBJECT atmVccAal5EncapsType

MIN-ACCESS read-only


"Write access is not required."

::= { atmMIBCompliances 2 }

-- Units of Conformance

atmInterfaceDs3PlcpGroup OBJECT-GROUP

OBJECTS {atmInterfaceDs3PlcpSEFSs,



STATUS current


"A collection of objects providing information

about DS3 PLCP layer at an ATM interface."

::= { atmMIBGroups 3 }

atmInterfaceTCGroup OBJECT-GROUP

OBJECTS { atmInterfaceOCDEvents,

atmInterfaceTCAlarmState }

STATUS current


"A collection of objects providing information

about TC sublayer at an ATM interface."

::= { atmMIBGroups 4 }


OBJECTS {atmVccAal5CpcsTransmitSduSize,



aal5VccCrcErrors, aal5VccSarTimeOuts,

aal5VccOverSizedSDUs }

STATUS current


"A collection of objects providing

AAL5 configuration and performance statistics

of a VCC."

::= { atmMIBGroups 9 }

atmInterfaceConfGroup2 OBJECT-GROUP


atmInterfaceMaxVpcs, atmInterfaceMaxVccs,

atmInterfaceConfVpcs, atmInterfaceConfVccs,









atmInterfaceSubscrAddress }

STATUS current


"A collection of objects providing configuration

information about an ATM interface."

::= { atmMIBGroups 10 }

atmTrafficDescrGroup2 OBJECT-GROUP


atmTrafficDescrType, atmTrafficDescrParam1,

atmTrafficDescrParam2, atmTrafficDescrParam3,

atmTrafficDescrParam4, atmTrafficDescrParam5,

atmTrafficDescrRowStatus, atmServiceCategory,


atmTrafficDescrParamIndexNext }

STATUS current


"A collection of objects providing information

about ATM traffic descriptor type and

the associated parameters."

::= { atmMIBGroups 11 }

atmVpcTerminationGroup2 OBJECT-GROUP

OBJECTS {atmVplOperStatus, atmVplAdminStatus,




atmVplRowStatus, atmVplCastType,

atmVplConnKind }

STATUS current


"A collection of objects providing information

about a VPL at an ATM interface which

terminates a VPC (i.e., one which is NOT

cross-connected to other VPLs)."

::= { atmMIBGroups 12 }

atmVccTerminationGroup2 OBJECT-GROUP

OBJECTS {atmVclOperStatus, atmVclAdminStatus,




atmVccAalType, atmVclRowStatus,

atmVclCastType, atmVclConnKind }

STATUS current


"A collection of objects providing information

about a VCL at an ATM interface

which terminates a VCC (i.e., one which is

NOT cross-connected to other VCLs)."

::= { atmMIBGroups 13 }

atmVplCrossConnectGroup OBJECT-GROUP

OBJECTS { atmVplReceiveTrafficDescrIndex,


atmVplOperStatus, atmVplLastChange,


atmVplCastType, atmVplConnKind }

STATUS current


"A collection of objects providing

information about the VPLs that

are cross-connected together."

::= { atmMIBGroups 14 }

atmVpPvcCrossConnectGroup OBJECT-GROUP

OBJECTS { atmVpCrossConnectAdminStatus,







atmVpCrossConnectIndexNext }

STATUS current


"A collection of objects providing

information about a VP cross-connect

for PVCs. These objects are not used

for Soft PVCs or SVCs."

::= { atmMIBGroups 15 }

atmVclCrossConnectGroup OBJECT-GROUP

OBJECTS { atmVclReceiveTrafficDescrIndex,


atmVclOperStatus, atmVclLastChange,


atmVclCastType, atmVclConnKind }

STATUS current


"A collection of objects providing

information about the VCLs that

are cross-connected together."

::= { atmMIBGroups 16 }

atmVcPvcCrossConnectGroup OBJECT-GROUP

OBJECTS { atmVcCrossConnectAdminStatus,







atmVcCrossConnectIndexNext }

STATUS current


"A collection of objects providing

information about a VC cross-connect

for PVCs. These objects are not used

for Soft PVCs or SVCs."

::= { atmMIBGroups 17 }

-- Deprecated Definitions - Objects

-- atmInterfaceAddressType

-- atmTrafficQoSClass

-- Deprecated Definitions - Compliance


STATUS deprecated


"The compliance statement for SNMP entities

including networks which have ATM and

AAL5 interfaces."

MODULE -- this module

MANDATORY-GROUPS {atmInterfaceConfGroup,


OBJECT atmInterfaceMaxVpcs

MIN-ACCESS read-only


"Write access is not required."

OBJECT atmInterfaceMaxVccs

MIN-ACCESS read-only


"Write access is not required."

OBJECT atmInterfaceMaxActiveVpiBits

MIN-ACCESS read-only


"Write access is not required."

OBJECT atmInterfaceMaxActiveVciBits

MIN-ACCESS read-only


"Write access is not required."

OBJECT atmInterfaceIlmiVpi

MIN-ACCESS read-only


"Write access is not required."

OBJECT atmInterfaceIlmiVci

MIN-ACCESS read-only


"Write access is not required."

OBJECT atmInterfaceMyNeighborIpAddress

MIN-ACCESS read-only


"Write access is not required."

OBJECT atmInterfaceMyNeighborIfName

MIN-ACCESS read-only


"Write access is not required."

OBJECT atmTrafficDescrType

MIN-ACCESS read-only


"Write access is not required."

OBJECT atmTrafficDescrParam1

MIN-ACCESS read-only


"Write access is not required."

OBJECT atmTrafficDescrParam2

MIN-ACCESS read-only


"Write access is not required."

OBJECT atmTrafficDescrParam3

MIN-ACCESS read-only


"Write access is not required."

OBJECT atmTrafficDescrParam4

MIN-ACCESS read-only


"Write access is not required."

OBJECT atmTrafficDescrParam5

MIN-ACCESS read-only


"Write access is not required."

OBJECT atmTrafficQoSClass

MIN-ACCESS read-only


"Write access is not required."

OBJECT atmTrafficDescrRowStatus

SYNTAX INTEGER {active(1)}

-- subset of RowStatus

MIN-ACCESS read-only


"Write access is not required, and only one

of the six enumerated values for the

RowStatus textual convention need be

supported, specifically: active(1)."

GROUP atmInterfaceDs3PlcpGroup


"This group is mandatory only for those

ATM interfaces which implement the

DS3 PLCP layer."

GROUP atmInterfaceTCGroup


"This group is mandatory only for those

ATM interfaces which implement the

TC Sublayer."

GROUP atmVpcTerminationGroup


"This group is mandatory only for those

ATM interfaces which implement ATM

VPLs that terminate VPCs (i.e., ones which

are NOT cross-connected to other VPLs)."

GROUP atmVpCrossConnectGroup


"This group is mandatory only for those

ATM interfaces which implement ATM

VPLs that are not associated with VCLs

and are cross-connected to other VPLs."

OBJECT atmVplAdminStatus

MIN-ACCESS read-only


"Write access is not required."

OBJECT atmVplReceiveTrafficDescrIndex

MIN-ACCESS read-only


"Write access is not required."

OBJECT atmVplTransmitTrafficDescrIndex

MIN-ACCESS read-only


"Write access is not required."

OBJECT atmVplRowStatus

SYNTAX INTEGER {active(1)}

-- subset of RowStatus

MIN-ACCESS read-only


"Write access is not required, and only one

of the six enumerated values for the

RowStatus textual convention need be

supported, specifically: active(1)."

OBJECT atmVpCrossConnectAdminStatus

MIN-ACCESS read-only


"Write access is not required."

OBJECT atmVpCrossConnectRowStatus

SYNTAX INTEGER {active(1)}

-- subset of RowStatus

MIN-ACCESS read-only


"Write access is not required, and only one

of the six enumerated values for the

RowStatus textual convention need be

supported, specifically: active(1)."

GROUP atmVccTerminationGroup


"This group is mandatory only for those

ATM interfaces which implement ATM

VCLs that terminate VCCs (i.e., ones which

are NOT cross-connected to other VCLs)."

GROUP atmVcCrossConnectGroup


"This group is mandatory only for those

ATM interfaces which implement ATM

VCLs that are cross-connected to

other VCLs."

OBJECT atmVclAdminStatus

MIN-ACCESS read-only


"Write access is not required."

OBJECT atmVclReceiveTrafficDescrIndex

MIN-ACCESS read-only


"Write access is not required."

OBJECT atmVclTransmitTrafficDescrIndex

MIN-ACCESS read-only


"Write access is not required."

OBJECT atmVccAalType

MIN-ACCESS read-only


"Write access is not required."

OBJECT atmVclRowStatus

SYNTAX INTEGER {active(1)}

-- subset of RowStatus

MIN-ACCESS read-only


"Write access is not required, and only one

of the six enumerated values for the

RowStatus textual convention need be

supported, specifically: active(1)."

OBJECT atmVcCrossConnectAdminStatus

MIN-ACCESS read-only


"Write access is not required."

OBJECT atmVcCrossConnectRowStatus

SYNTAX INTEGER { active(1)}

-- subset of RowStatus

MIN-ACCESS read-only


"Write access is not required, and only one

of the six enumerated values for the

RowStatus textual convention need be

supported, specifically: active(1)."

GROUP aal5VccGroup


"This group is mandatory for the

AAL5 virtual connections only."

OBJECT atmVccAal5CpcsTransmitSduSize

MIN-ACCESS read-only


"Write access is not required."

OBJECT atmVccAal5CpcsReceiveSduSize

MIN-ACCESS read-only


"Write access is not required."

OBJECT atmVccAal5EncapsType

MIN-ACCESS read-only


"Write access is not required."

::= { atmMIBCompliances 1 }

-- Deprecated Definitions - Groups

atmInterfaceConfGroup OBJECT-GROUP


atmInterfaceMaxVpcs, atmInterfaceMaxVccs,

atmInterfaceConfVpcs, atmInterfaceConfVccs,








atmInterfaceMyNeighborIfName }

STATUS deprecated


"A collection of objects providing configuration

information about an ATM interface."

::= { atmMIBGroups 1 }

atmTrafficDescrGroup OBJECT-GROUP


atmTrafficDescrType, atmTrafficDescrParam1,

atmTrafficDescrParam2, atmTrafficDescrParam3,

atmTrafficDescrParam4, atmTrafficDescrParam5,

atmTrafficQoSClass, atmTrafficDescrRowStatus}

STATUS deprecated


"A collection of objects providing information

about ATM traffic descriptor type and

the associated parameters."

::= { atmMIBGroups 2 }

atmVpcTerminationGroup OBJECT-GROUP

OBJECTS {atmVplOperStatus, atmVplAdminStatus,




atmVplRowStatus }

STATUS deprecated


"A collection of objects providing

information about a VPL at an ATM interface

which terminates a VPC

(i.e., one which is NOT cross-connected

to other VPLs)."

::= { atmMIBGroups 5 }

atmVccTerminationGroup OBJECT-GROUP

OBJECTS {atmVclOperStatus, atmVclAdminStatus,




atmVccAalType, atmVclRowStatus }

STATUS deprecated


"A collection of objects providing information

about a VCL at an ATM interface

which terminates a VCC (i.e., one which is

NOT cross-connected to other VCLs)."

::= { atmMIBGroups 6 }

atmVpCrossConnectGroup OBJECT-GROUP

OBJECTS { atmVplReceiveTrafficDescrIndex,


atmVplOperStatus, atmVplRowStatus,








atmVpCrossConnectIndexNext }

STATUS deprecated


"A collection of objects providing

information about a VP cross-connect

and the associated VPLs that are

cross-connected together."

::= { atmMIBGroups 7 }

atmVcCrossConnectGroup OBJECT-GROUP

OBJECTS { atmVclReceiveTrafficDescrIndex,


atmVclOperStatus, atmVclRowStatus,








atmVcCrossConnectIndexNext }

STATUS deprecated


"A collection of objects providing

information about a VC cross-connect

and the associated VCLs that are

cross-connected together."

::= { atmMIBGroups 8 }

-- {atmMIB 3} has been used by [19].


10. Acknowledgments

This memo is the result of the work of the AToMMIB Working Group.

11. References

[1] Harrington, D., Presuhn, R. and B. Wijnen, "An

Architecture for Describing SNMP Management Frameworks", RFC

2271, January 1998.

[2] Rose, M. and K. McCloghrie, "Structure and Identification of

Management Information for TCP/IP-based Internets", STD 16, RFC

1155, May 1990.

[3] Rose, M. and K. McCloghrie, "Concise MIB Definitions", STD 16,

RFC1212, March 1991.

[4] Rose, M., "A Convention for Defining Traps for use with the

SNMP", RFC1215, March 1991.

[5] SNMPv2 Working Group, Case, J., McCloghrie, K., Rose, M. and S.

Waldbusser, "Structure of Management Information for Version 2

of the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2)", RFC1902,

January 1996.

[6] SNMPv2 Working Group, Case, J., McCloghrie, K., Rose, M. and S.

Waldbusser, "Textual Conventions for Version 2 of the Simple

Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2)", RFC1903, January 1996.

[7] SNMPv2 Working Group, Case, J., McCloghrie, K., Rose, M. and S.

Waldbusser, "Conformance Statements for Version 2 of the Simple

Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2)", RFC1904, January 1996.

[8] Case, J., Fedor, M., Schoffstall, M. and J. Davin, "Simple

Network Management Protocol", STD 15, RFC1157, May 1990.

[9] SNMPv2 Working Group, Case, J., McCloghrie, K., Rose, M. and S.

Waldbusser, "Introduction to Community-based SNMPv2", RFC1901,

January 1996.

[10] SNMPv2 Working Group, Case, J., McCloghrie, K., Rose, M. and S.

Waldbusser, "Transport Mappings for Version 2 of the Simple

Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2)", RFC1906, January 1996.

[11] Case, J., Harrington D., Presuhn R. and B. Wijnen, "Message

Processing and Dispatching for the Simple Network Management

Protocol (SNMP)", RFC2272, January 1998.

[12] Blumenthal, U. and B. Wijnen, "User-based Security Model (USM)

for version 3 of the Simple Network Management Protocol

(SNMPv3)", RFC2274, January 1998.

[13] SNMPv2 Working Group, Case, J., McCloghrie, K., Rose, M. and S.

Waldbusser, "Protocol Operations for Version 2 of the Simple

Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2)", RFC1905, January 1996.

[14] Levi, D., Meyer, P. and B. Stewart, MPv3 Applications", RFC

2273, January 1998.

[15] Wijnen, B., Presuhn, R. and K. McCloghrie, "View-based Access

Control Model (VACM) for the Simple Network Management Protocol

(SNMP)", RFC2275, January 1998.

[16] McCloghrie, K. and M. Rose, Editors, "Management Information

Base for Network Management of TCP/IP-based internets: MIB-II",

STD 17, RFC1213, March 1991.

[17] McCloghrie, K. and F. Kastenholz, "The Interfaces Group MIB",

RFC2233, November 1997.

[18] Brown, T. and K. Tesink, "Definitions of Managed Objects for

SMDS Interfaces", RFC1694, May 1994.

[19] Noto, M., Spiegel, E. and K. Tesink, Editors, "Definitions of

Textual Conventions and OBJECT-IDENTITIES for ATM Management",

RFC2514, February 1999.

[20] ATM Forum, ATM User-Network Interface, Version 3.0 (UNI 3.0)

Specification, 1994.

[21] ATM Forum, B-ICI Specification, Version 2.0, af-bici-0013.002,

November 1995.

[22] "ATM Forum Private Network-Network Interface Specification,

Version 1.0 (PNNI 1.0)", af-sig-0055.000, March 1996.

[23] "ATM Forum Integrated Local Management Interface (ILMI)

Specification", Version 4.0", af-ilmi-0065.000, September 1996.

[24] Ahmed, M. and K. Tesink, "Definitions of Managed Objects for ATM

Management Version 8.0 using SMIv2", RFC1695, August 1994.

12. Security Considerations

There are a number of management objects defined in this MIB that

have a MAX-ACCESS clause of read-write and/or read-create. Such

objects may be considered sensitive or vulnerable in some network

environments. The support for SET operations in a non-secure

environment without proper protection can have a negative effect on

network operations.

The managed objects in this MIB contain sensitive information since,

collectively, they allow tracing and influencing of virtual

connections in ATM switches or networks and provide information of

their traffic characteristics.

It is thus important to control even GET access to these objects and

possibly to even encrypt the values of these object when sending them

over the network via SNMP. Not all versions of SNMP provide features

for such a secure environment.

SNMPv1 by itself is not a secure environment. Even if the network

itself is secure (for example by using IPSec), even then, there is no

control as to who on the secure network is allowed to access and

GET/SET (read/change/create/delete) the objects in this MIB.

It is recommended that the implementers consider the security

features as provided by the SNMPv3 framework. Specifically, the use

of the User-based Security Model RFC2274 [12] and the View-based

Access Control Model RFC2275 [15] is recommended.

It is then a customer/user responsibility to ensure that the SNMP

entity giving access to an instance of this MIB, is properly

configured to give access to the objects only to those principals

(users) that have legitimate rights to indeed GET or SET

(change/create/delete) them.

13. Author's Address

Kaj Tesink


331 Newman Springs Road

P.O. Box 7020

Red Bank, NJ 07701-7020

Phone: (732) 758-5254

EMail: kaj@bellcore.com

14. Intellectual Property

The IETF takes no position regarding the validity or scope of any

intellectual property or other rights that might be claimed to

pertain to the implementation or use of the technology described in

this document or the extent to which any license under such rights

might or might not be available; neither does it represent that it

has made any effort to identify any such rights. Information on the

IETF's procedures with respect to rights in standards-track and

standards-related documentation can be found in BCP-11. Copies of

claims of rights made available for publication and any assurances of

licenses to be made available, or the result of an attempt made to

obtain a general license or permission for the use of such

proprietary rights by implementors or users of this specification can

be obtained from the IETF Secretariat.

The IETF invites any interested party to bring to its attention any

copyrights, patents or patent applications, or other proprietary

rights which may cover technology that may be required to practice

this standard. Please address the information to the IETF Executive


15. Full Copyright Statement

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (1999). All Rights Reserved.

This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to

others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it

or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published

and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any

kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are

included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this

document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing

the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other

Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of

developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for

copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be

followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than


The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be

revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.

This document and the information contained herein is provided on an






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