
RFC2578 - Structure of Management Information Version 2 (SMIv2)

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Network Working Group Editors of this version:

Request for Comments: 2578 K. McCloghrie

STD: 58 Cisco Systems

Obsoletes: 1902 D. Perkins

Category: Standards Track SNMPinfo

J. Schoenwaelder

TU Braunschweig

Authors of previous version:

J. Case

SNMP Research

K. McCloghrie

Cisco Systems

M. Rose

First Virtual Holdings

S. Waldbusser

International Network Services

April 1999

StrUCture of Management Information Version 2 (SMIv2)

Status of this Memo

This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the

Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for

improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet

Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state

and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (1999). All Rights Reserved.

Table of Contents

1 Introduction .................................................3

1.1 A Note on Terminology ......................................4

2 Definitions ..................................................4

2.1 The MODULE-IDENTITY macro ..................................5

2.2 Object Names and Syntaxes ..................................5

2.3 The OBJECT-TYPE macro ......................................8

2.5 The NOTIFICATION-TYPE macro ...............................10

2.6 Administrative Identifiers ................................11

3 Information Modules .........................................11

3.1 Macro Invocation ..........................................12

3.1.1 Textual Values and Strings ..............................13

RFC2578 SMIv2 April 1999

3.2 IMPORTing Symbols .........................................14

3.3 EXPorting Symbols .........................................14

3.4 ASN.1 Comments ............................................14

3.5 OBJECT IDENTIFIER values ..................................15

3.6 OBJECT IDENTIFIER usage ...................................15

3.7 Reserved KeyWords .........................................16

4 Naming Hierarchy ............................................16

5 Mapping of the MODULE-IDENTITY macro ........................17

5.1 Mapping of the LAST-UPDATED clause ........................17

5.2 Mapping of the ORGANIZATION clause ........................17

5.3 Mapping of the CONTACT-INFO clause ........................18

5.4 Mapping of the DESCRIPTION clause .........................18

5.5 Mapping of the REVISION clause ............................18

5.5.1 Mapping of the DESCRIPTION sub-clause ...................18

5.6 Mapping of the MODULE-IDENTITY value ......................18

5.7 Usage Example .............................................18

6 Mapping of the OBJECT-IDENTITY macro ........................19

6.1 Mapping of the STATUS clause ..............................19

6.2 Mapping of the DESCRIPTION clause .........................20

6.3 Mapping of the REFERENCE clause ...........................20

6.4 Mapping of the OBJECT-IDENTITY value ......................20

6.5 Usage Example .............................................20

7 Mapping of the OBJECT-TYPE macro ............................20

7.1 Mapping of the SYNTAX clause ..............................21

7.1.1 Integer32 and INTEGER ...................................21

7.1.2 OCTET STRING ............................................21

7.1.3 OBJECT IDENTIFIER .......................................22

7.1.4 The BITS construct ......................................22

7.1.5 IpAddress ...............................................22

7.1.6 Counter32 ...............................................23

7.1.7 Gauge32 .................................................23

7.1.8 TimeTicks ...............................................24

7.1.9 Opaque ..................................................24

7.1.10 Counter64 ..............................................24

7.1.11 Unsigned32 .............................................25

7.1.12 Conceptual Tables ......................................25 Creation and Deletion of Conceptual Rows .............26

7.2 Mapping of the UNITS clause ...............................26

7.3 Mapping of the MAX-Access clause ..........................26

7.4 Mapping of the STATUS clause ..............................27

7.5 Mapping of the DESCRIPTION clause .........................27

7.6 Mapping of the REFERENCE clause ...........................27

7.7 Mapping of the INDEX clause ...............................27

7.8 Mapping of the AUGMENTS clause ............................29

7.8.1 Relation between INDEX and AUGMENTS clauses .............30

7.9 Mapping of the DEFVAL clause ..............................30

7.10 Mapping of the OBJECT-TYPE value .........................31

7.11 Usage Example ............................................32

RFC2578 SMIv2 April 1999

8 Mapping of the NOTIFICATION-TYPE macro ......................34

8.1 Mapping of the OBJECTS clause .............................34

8.2 Mapping of the STATUS clause ..............................34

8.3 Mapping of the DESCRIPTION clause .........................35

8.4 Mapping of the REFERENCE clause ...........................35

8.5 Mapping of the NOTIFICATION-TYPE value ....................35

8.6 Usage Example .............................................35

9 Refined Syntax ..............................................36

10 Extending an Information Module ............................37

10.1 Object Assignments .......................................37

10.2 Object Definitions .......................................38

10.3 Notification Definitions .................................39

11 Appendix A: Detailed Sub-typing Rules ......................40

11.1 Syntax Rules .............................................40

11.2 Examples .................................................41

12 Security Considerations ....................................41

13 Editors' Addresses .........................................41

14 References .................................................42

15 Full Copyright Statement ...................................43

1. Introduction

Management information is viewed as a collection of managed objects,

residing in a virtual information store, termed the Management

Information Base (MIB). Collections of related objects are defined

in MIB modules. These modules are written using an adapted subset of

OSI's Abstract Syntax Notation One, ASN.1 (1988) [1]. It is the

purpose of this document, the Structure of Management Information

(SMI), to define that adapted subset, and to assign a set of

associated administrative values.

The SMI is divided into three parts: module definitions, object

definitions, and, notification definitions.

(1) Module definitions are used when describing information modules.

An ASN.1 macro, MODULE-IDENTITY, is used to concisely convey the

semantics of an information module.

(2) Object definitions are used when describing managed objects. An

ASN.1 macro, OBJECT-TYPE, is used to concisely convey the syntax

and semantics of a managed object.

(3) Notification definitions are used when describing unsolicited

transmissions of management information. An ASN.1 macro,

NOTIFICATION-TYPE, is used to concisely convey the syntax and

semantics of a notification.

RFC2578 SMIv2 April 1999

1.1. A Note on Terminology

For the purpose of exposition, the original Structure of Management

Information, as described in RFCs 1155 (STD 16), 1212 (STD 16), and

RFC1215, is termed the SMI version 1 (SMIv1). The current version

of the Structure of Management Information is termed SMI version 2


2. Definitions


-- the path to the root

org OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { iso 3 } -- "iso" = 1

dod OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { org 6 }

internet OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dod 1 }

Directory OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { internet 1 }

mgmt OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { internet 2 }

mib-2 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mgmt 1 }

transmission OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 10 }

experimental OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { internet 3 }

private OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { internet 4 }

enterprises OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { private 1 }

security OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { internet 5 }

snmpV2 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { internet 6 }

-- transport domains

snmpDomains OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpV2 1 }

-- transport proxies

snmpProxys OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpV2 2 }

-- module identities

snmpModules OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpV2 3 }

-- Extended UTCTime, to allow dates with four-digit years

-- (Note that this definition of ExtUTCTime is not to be IMPORTed

-- by MIB modules.)

ExtUTCTime ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE(11 13))


RFC2578 SMIv2 April 1999

-- where: YY - last two digits of year (only years

-- between 1900-1999)

-- YYYY - last four digits of the year (any year)

-- MM - month (01 through 12)

-- DD - day of month (01 through 31)

-- HH - hours (00 through 23)

-- MM - minutes (00 through 59)

-- Z - denotes GMT (the ASCII character Z)


-- For example, "9502192015Z" and "199502192015Z" represent

-- 8:15pm GMT on 19 February 1995. Years after 1999 must use

-- the four digit year format. Years 1900-1999 may use the

-- two or four digit format.

-- definitions for information modules




"LAST-UPDATED" value(Update ExtUTCTime)







RevisionPart ::=



Revisions ::=


Revisions Revision

Revision ::=

"REVISION" value(Update ExtUTCTime)


-- a character string as defined in section 3.1.1

Text ::= value(IA5String)





"STATUS" Status


RFC2578 SMIv2 April 1999




Status ::=




ReferPart ::=



-- a character string as defined in section 3.1.1

Text ::= value(IA5String)


-- names of objects

-- (Note that these definitions of ObjectName and NotificationName

-- are not to be IMPORTed by MIB modules.)

ObjectName ::=


NotificationName ::=


-- syntax of objects

-- the "base types" defined here are:


-- 8 application-defined types: Integer32, IpAddress, Counter32,

-- Gauge32, Unsigned32, TimeTicks, Opaque, and Counter64

ObjectSyntax ::=




-- note that SEQUENCEs for conceptual tables and

-- rows are not mentioned here...




RFC2578 SMIv2 April 1999

-- built-in ASN.1 types

SimpleSyntax ::=


-- INTEGERs with a more restrictive range

-- may also be used

integer-value -- includes Integer32

INTEGER (-2147483648..2147483647),

-- OCTET STRINGs with a more restrictive size

-- may also be used


OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..65535)),




-- indistinguishable from INTEGER, but never needs more than

-- 32-bits for a two's complement representation

Integer32 ::=

INTEGER (-2147483648..2147483647)

-- application-wide types

ApplicationSyntax ::=












unsigned-integer-value -- includes Gauge32



-- in network-byte order

RFC2578 SMIv2 April 1999

-- (this is a tagged type for historical reasons)

IpAddress ::=



-- this wraps

Counter32 ::=


IMPLICIT INTEGER (0..4294967295)

-- this doesn't wrap

Gauge32 ::=


IMPLICIT INTEGER (0..4294967295)

-- an unsigned 32-bit quantity

-- indistinguishable from Gauge32

Unsigned32 ::=


IMPLICIT INTEGER (0..4294967295)

-- hundredths of seconds since an epoch

TimeTicks ::=


IMPLICIT INTEGER (0..4294967295)

-- for backward-compatibility only

Opaque ::=



-- for counters that wrap in less than one hour with only 32 bits

Counter64 ::=


IMPLICIT INTEGER (0..18446744073709551615)

-- definition for objects




"SYNTAX" Syntax



"STATUS" Status



RFC2578 SMIv2 April 1999




value(VALUE ObjectName)

Syntax ::= -- Must be one of the following:

-- a base type (or its refinement),

-- a textual convention (or its refinement), or

-- a BITS pseudo-type


"BITS" "{" NamedBits "}"

NamedBits ::= NamedBit

NamedBits "," NamedBit

NamedBit ::= identifier "(" number ")" -- number is nonnegative

UnitsPart ::=

"UNITS" Text


Access ::=






Status ::=




ReferPart ::=



IndexPart ::=

"INDEX" "{" IndexTypes "}"

"AUGMENTS" "{" Entry "}"


IndexTypes ::=


IndexTypes "," IndexType

IndexType ::=



RFC2578 SMIv2 April 1999

Index ::=

-- use the SYNTAX value of the

-- correspondent OBJECT-TYPE invocation


Entry ::=

-- use the INDEX value of the

-- correspondent OBJECT-TYPE invocation


DefValPart ::= "DEFVAL" "{" Defvalue "}"


Defvalue ::= -- must be valid for the type specified in

-- SYNTAX clause of same OBJECT-TYPE macro


"{" BitsValue "}"

BitsValue ::= BitNames


BitNames ::= BitName

BitNames "," BitName

BitName ::= identifier

-- a character string as defined in section 3.1.1

Text ::= value(IA5String)


-- definitions for notifications





"STATUS" Status




value(VALUE NotificationName)

ObjectsPart ::=

"OBJECTS" "{" Objects "}"


Objects ::=


RFC2578 SMIv2 April 1999

Objects "," Object

Object ::=


Status ::=




ReferPart ::=



-- a character string as defined in section 3.1.1

Text ::= value(IA5String)


-- definitions of administrative identifiers


STATUS current


"A value used for null identifiers."

::= { 0 0 }


3. Information Modules

An "information module" is an ASN.1 module defining information

relating to network management.

The SMI describes how to use an adapted subset of ASN.1 (1988) to

define an information module. Further, additional restrictions are

placed on "standard" information modules. It is strongly recommended

that "enterprise-specific" information modules also adhere to these


Typically, there are three kinds of information modules:

(1) MIB modules, which contain definitions of inter-related managed

objects, make use of the OBJECT-TYPE and NOTIFICATION-TYPE macros;

(2) compliance statements for MIB modules, which make use of the


(3) capability statements for agent implementations which make use of

the AGENT-CAPABILITIES macros [2].

RFC2578 SMIv2 April 1999

This classification scheme does not imply a rigid taxonomy. For

example, a "standard" information module will normally include

definitions of managed objects and a compliance statement.

Similarly, an "enterprise-specific" information module might include

definitions of managed objects and a capability statement. Of

course, a "standard" information module may not contain capability


The constructs of ASN.1 allowed in SMIv2 information modules include:

the IMPORTS clause, value definitions for OBJECT IDENTIFIERs, type

definitions for SEQUENCEs (with restrictions), ASN.1 type assignments

of the restricted ASN.1 types allowed in SMIv2, and instances of

ASN.1 macros defined in this document and its companion documents [2,

3]. Additional ASN.1 macros must not be defined in SMIv2 information

modules. SMIv1 macros must not be used in SMIv2 information modules.

The names of all standard information modules must be unique (but

different versions of the same information module should have the

same name). Developers of enterprise information modules are

encouraged to choose names for their information modules that will

have a low probability of colliding with standard or other enterprise

information modules. An information module may not use the ASN.1

construct of placing an object identifier value between the module

name and the "DEFINITIONS" keyword. For the purposes of this

specification, an ASN.1 module name begins with an upper-case letter

and continues with zero or more letters, digits, or hyphens, except

that a hyphen can not be the last character, nor can there be two

consecutive hyphens.

All information modules start with exactly one invocation of the

MODULE-IDENTITY macro, which provides contact information as well as

revision history to distinguish between versions of the same

information module. This invocation must appear immediately after

any IMPORTs statements.

3.1. Macro Invocation

Within an information module, each macro invocation appears as:

<descriptor> <macro> <clauses> ::= <value>

where <descriptor> corresponds to an ASN.1 identifier, <macro> names

the macro being invoked, and <clauses> and <value> depend on the

definition of the macro. (Note that this definition of a descriptor

applies to all macros defined in this memo and in [2].)

RFC2578 SMIv2 April 1999

For the purposes of this specification, an ASN.1 identifier consists

of one or more letters or digits, and its initial character must be a

lower-case letter. Note that hyphens are not allowed by this

specification (except for use by information modules converted from

SMIv1 which did allow hyphens).

For all descriptors appearing in an information module, the

descriptor shall be unique and mnemonic, and shall not exceed 64

characters in length. (However, descriptors longer than 32

characters are not recommended.) This promotes a common language for

humans to use when discussing the information module and also

facilitates simple table mappings for user-interfaces.

The set of descriptors defined in all "standard" information modules

shall be unique.

Finally, by convention, if the descriptor refers to an object with a

SYNTAX clause value of either Counter32 or Counter64, then the

descriptor used for the object should denote plurality.

3.1.1. Textual Values and Strings

Some clauses in a macro invocation may take a character string as a

textual value (e.g., the DESCRIPTION clause). Other clauses take

binary or hexadecimal strings (in any position where a non-negative

number is allowed).

A character string is preceded and followed by the quote character

("), and consists of an arbitrary number (possibly zero) of:

- any 7-bit displayable ASCII characters except quote ("),

- tab characters,

- spaces, and

- line terminator characters (\n or \r\n).

The value of a character string is interpreted as ASCII.

A binary string consists of a number (possibly zero) of zeros and

ones preceded by a single (') and followed by either the pair ('B) or

('b), where the number is a multiple of eight.

A hexadecimal string consists of an even number (possibly zero) of

hexadecimal digits, preceded by a single (') and followed by either

the pair ('H) or ('h). Digits specified via letters can be in upper

or lower case.

Note that ASN.1 comments can not be enclosed inside any of these

types of strings.

RFC2578 SMIv2 April 1999

3.2. IMPORTing Symbols

To reference an external object, the IMPORTS statement must be used

to identify both the descriptor and the module in which the

descriptor is defined, where the module is identified by its ASN.1

module name.

Note that when symbols from "enterprise-specific" information modules

are referenced (e.g., a descriptor), there is the possibility of

collision. As such, if different objects with the same descriptor

are IMPORTed, then this ambiguity is resolved by prefixing the

descriptor with the name of the information module and a dot ("."),



(All descriptors must be unique within any information module.)

Of course, this notation can be used to refer to objects even when

there is no collision when IMPORTing symbols.

Finally, if any of the ASN.1 named types and macros defined in this

document, specifically:

Counter32, Counter64, Gauge32, Integer32, IpAddress, MODULE-


IDENTITY, TimeTicks, Unsigned32,

or any of those defined in [2] or [3], are used in an information

module, then they must be imported using the IMPORTS statement.

However, the following must not be included in an IMPORTS statement:

- named types defined by ASN.1 itself, specifically: INTEGER,


- the BITS construct.

3.3. Exporting Symbols

The ASN.1 EXPORTS statement is not allowed in SMIv2 information

modules. All items defined in an information module are

automatically exported.

3.4. ASN.1 Comments

ASN.1 comments can be included in an information module. However, it

is recommended that all substantive descriptions be placed within an

appropriate DESCRIPTION clause.

RFC2578 SMIv2 April 1999

ASN.1 comments commence with a pair of adjacent hyphens and end with

the next pair of adjacent hyphens or at the end of the line,

whichever occurs first. Comments ended by a pair of hyphens have the

effect of a single space character.


An OBJECT IDENTIFIER value is an ordered list of non-negative

numbers. For the SMIv2, each number in the list is referred to as a

sub-identifier, there are at most 128 sub-identifiers in a value, and

each sub-identifier has a maximum value of 2^32-1 (4294967295


All OBJECT IDENTIFIER values have at least two sub-identifiers, where

the value of the first sub-identifier is one of the following well-

known names:

Value Name

0 ccitt

1 iso

2 joint-iso-ccitt

(Note that this SMI does not recognize "new" well-known names, e.g.,

as defined when the CCITT became the ITU.)


OBJECT IDENTIFIERs are used in information modules in two ways:

(1) registration: the definition of a particular item is registered as

a particular OBJECT IDENTIFIER value, and associated with a

particular descriptor. After such a registration, the semantics

thereby associated with the value are not allowed to change, the

OBJECT IDENTIFIER can not be used for any other registration, and

the descriptor can not be changed nor associated with any other

registration. The following macros result in a registration:




(2) assignment: a descriptor can be assigned to a particular OBJECT

IDENTIFIER value. For this usage, the semantics associated with

the OBJECT IDENTIFIER value is not allowed to change, and a

descriptor assigned to a particular OBJECT IDENTIFIER value cannot

subsequently be assigned to another. However, multiple descriptors

can be assigned to the same OBJECT IDENTIFIER value. Such

assignments are specified in the following manner:

RFC2578 SMIv2 April 1999

mib OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mgmt 1 } -- from RFC1156

mib-2 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mgmt 1 } -- from RFC1213

fredRouter OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { flintStones 1 1 }

barneySwitch OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { flintStones bedrock(2) 1 }

Note while the above examples are legal, the following is not:

dinoHost OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { flintStones bedrock 2 }

A descriptor is allowed to be associated with both a registration and

an assignment, providing both are associated with the same OBJECT

IDENTIFIER value and semantics.

3.7. Reserved Keywords

The following are reserved keywords which must not be used as

descriptors or module names:
















4. Naming Hierarchy

The root of the suBTree administered by the Internet Assigned Numbers

Authority (IANA) for the Internet is:

internet OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { iso 3 6 1 }

That is, the Internet subtree of OBJECT IDENTIFIERs starts with the


Several branches underneath this subtree are used for network


RFC2578 SMIv2 April 1999

mgmt OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { internet 2 }

experimental OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { internet 3 }

private OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { internet 4 }

enterprises OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { private 1 }

However, the SMI does not prohibit the definition of objects in other

portions of the object tree.

The mgmt(2) subtree is used to identify "standard" objects.

The experimental(3) subtree is used to identify objects being

designed by working groups of the IETF. If an information module

produced by a working group becomes a "standard" information module,

then at the very beginning of its entry onto the Internet standards

track, the objects are moved under the mgmt(2) subtree.

The private(4) subtree is used to identify objects defined

unilaterally. The enterprises(1) subtree beneath private is used,

among other things, to permit providers of networking subsystems to

register models of their products.

5. Mapping of the MODULE-IDENTITY macro

The MODULE-IDENTITY macro is used to provide contact and revision

history for each information module. It must appear exactly once in

every information module. It should be noted that the expansion of

the MODULE-IDENTITY macro is something which conceptually happens

during implementation and not during run-time.

Note that reference in an IMPORTS clause or in clauses of SMIv2

macros to an information module is NOT through the use of the

'descriptor' of a MODULE-IDENTITY macro; rather, an information

module is referenced through specifying its module name.

5.1. Mapping of the LAST-UPDATED clause

The LAST-UPDATED clause, which must be present, contains the date and

time that this information module was last edited.

5.2. Mapping of the ORGANIZATION clause

The ORGANIZATION clause, which must be present, contains a textual

description of the organization under whose auspices this information

module was developed.

RFC2578 SMIv2 April 1999

5.3. Mapping of the CONTACT-INFO clause

The CONTACT-INFO clause, which must be present, contains the name,

postal address, telephone number, and electronic mail address of the

person to whom technical queries concerning this information module

should be sent.

5.4. Mapping of the DESCRIPTION clause

The DESCRIPTION clause, which must be present, contains a high-level

textual description of the contents of this information module.

5.5. Mapping of the REVISION clause

The REVISION clause, which need not be present, is repeatedly used to

describe the revisions (including the initial version) made to this

information module, in reverse chronological order (i.e., most recent

first). Each instance of this clause contains the date and time of

the revision.

5.5.1. Mapping of the DESCRIPTION sub-clause

The DESCRIPTION sub-clause, which must be present for each REVISION

clause, contains a high-level textual description of the revision

identified in that REVISION clause.

5.6. Mapping of the MODULE-IDENTITY value

The value of an invocation of the MODULE-IDENTITY macro is an OBJECT

IDENTIFIER. As such, this value may be authoritatively used when

specifying an OBJECT IDENTIFIER value to refer to the information

module containing the invocation.

Note that it is a common practice to use the value of the MODULE-

IDENTITY macro as a subtree under which other OBJECT IDENTIFIER

values assigned within the module are defined. However, it is legal

(and occasionally necessary) for the other OBJECT IDENTIFIER values

assigned within the module to be unrelated to the OBJECT IDENTIFIER

value of the MODULE-IDENTITY macro.

5.7. Usage Example

Consider how a skeletal MIB module might be constructed: e.g.,




RFC2578 SMIv2 April 1999



LAST-UPDATED "199505241811Z"



" Marshall T. Rose

Postal: Dover Beach Consulting, Inc.

420 Whisman Court

Mountain View, CA 94043-2186


Tel: +1 415 968 1052

Fax: +1 415 968 2510

E-mail: mrose@dbc.mtview.ca.us"


"The MIB module for entities implementing the xxxx


REVISION "9505241811Z"


"The latest version of this MIB module."

REVISION "9210070433Z"


"The initial version of this MIB module, published in


-- contact IANA for actual number

::= { experimental xx }


6. Mapping of the OBJECT-IDENTITY macro

The OBJECT-IDENTITY macro is used to define information about an

OBJECT IDENTIFIER assignment. All administrative OBJECT IDENTIFIER

assignments which define a type identification value (see

AutonomousType, a textual convention defined in [3]) should be

defined via the OBJECT-IDENTITY macro. It should be noted that the

expansion of the OBJECT-IDENTITY macro is something which

conceptually happens during implementation and not during run-time.

6.1. Mapping of the STATUS clause

The STATUS clause, which must be present, indicates whether this

definition is current or historic.

RFC2578 SMIv2 April 1999

The value "current" means that the definition is current and valid.

The value "obsolete" means the definition is obsolete and should not

be implemented and/or can be removed if previously implemented.

While the value "deprecated" also indicates an obsolete definition,

it permits new/continued implementation in order to foster

interoperability with older/existing implementations.

6.2. Mapping of the DESCRIPTION clause

The DESCRIPTION clause, which must be present, contains a textual

description of the object assignment.

6.3. Mapping of the REFERENCE clause

The REFERENCE clause, which need not be present, contains a textual

cross-reference to some other document, either another information

module which defines a related assignment, or some other document

which provides additional information relevant to this definition.

6.4. Mapping of the OBJECT-IDENTITY value

The value of an invocation of the OBJECT-IDENTITY macro is an OBJECT


6.5. Usage Example

Consider how an OBJECT IDENTIFIER assignment might be made: e.g.,


STATUS current


"The authoritative identity of the Fizbin 69 chipset."

::= { fizbinChipSets 1 }

7. Mapping of the OBJECT-TYPE macro

The OBJECT-TYPE macro is used to define a type of managed object. It

should be noted that the expansion of the OBJECT-TYPE macro is

something which conceptually happens during implementation and not

during run-time.

For leaf objects which are not columnar objects (i.e., not contained

within a conceptual table), instances of the object are identified by

appending a sub-identifier of zero to the name of that object.

Otherwise, the INDEX clause of the conceptual row object superior to

a columnar object defines instance identification information.

RFC2578 SMIv2 April 1999

7.1. Mapping of the SYNTAX clause

The SYNTAX clause, which must be present, defines the abstract data

structure corresponding to that object. The data structure must be

one of the following: a base type, the BITS construct, or a textual

convention. (SEQUENCE OF and SEQUENCE are also possible for

conceptual tables, see section 7.1.12). The base types are those

defined in the ObjectSyntax CHOICE. A textual convention is a

newly-defined type defined as a sub-type of a base type [3].

An extended subset of the full capabilities of ASN.1 (1988) sub-

typing is allowed, as appropriate to the underlying ASN.1 type. Any

such restriction on size, range or enumerations specified in this

clause represents the maximal level of support which makes "protocol

sense". Restrictions on sub-typing are specified in detail in

Section 9 and Appendix A of this memo.

The semantics of ObjectSyntax are now described.

7.1.1. Integer32 and INTEGER

The Integer32 type represents integer-valued information between

-2^31 and 2^31-1 inclusive (-2147483648 to 2147483647 decimal). This

type is indistinguishable from the INTEGER type. Both the INTEGER

and Integer32 types may be sub-typed to be more constrained than the

Integer32 type.

The INTEGER type (but not the Integer32 type) may also be used to

represent integer-valued information as named-number enumerations.

In this case, only those named-numbers so enumerated may be present

as a value. Note that although it is recommended that enumerated

values start at 1 and be numbered contiguously, any valid value for

Integer32 is allowed for an enumerated value and, further, enumerated

values needn't be contiguously assigned.

Finally, a label for a named-number enumeration must consist of one

or more letters or digits, up to a maximum of 64 characters, and the

initial character must be a lower-case letter. (However, labels

longer than 32 characters are not recommended.) Note that hyphens

are not allowed by this specification (except for use by information

modules converted from SMIv1 which did allow hyphens).


The OCTET STRING type represents arbitrary binary or textual data.

Although the SMI-specified size limitation for this type is 65535

octets, MIB designers should realize that there may be implementation

and interoperability limitations for sizes in excess of 255 octets.

RFC2578 SMIv2 April 1999


The OBJECT IDENTIFIER type represents administratively assigned

names. Any instance of this type may have at most 128 sub-

identifiers. Further, each sub-identifier must not exceed the value

2^32-1 (4294967295 decimal).

7.1.4. The BITS construct

The BITS construct represents an enumeration of named bits. This

collection is assigned non-negative, contiguous (but see below)

values, starting at zero. Only those named-bits so enumerated may be

present in a value. (Thus, enumerations must be assigned to

consecutive bits; however, see Section 9 for refinements of an object

with this syntax.)

As part of updating an information module, for an object defined

using the BITS construct, new enumerations can be added or existing

enumerations can have new labels assigned to them. After an

enumeration is added, it might not be possible to distinguish between

an implementation of the updated object for which the new enumeration

is not asserted, and an implementation of the object prior to the

addition. Depending on the circumstances, such an ambiguity could

either be desirable or could be undesirable. The means to avoid such

an ambiguity is dependent on the encoding of values on the wire;

however, one possibility is to define new enumerations starting at

the next multiple of eight bits. (Of course, this can also result in

the enumerations no longer being contiguous.)

Although there is no SMI-specified limitation on the number of

enumerations (and therefore on the length of a value), except as may

be imposed by the limit on the length of an OCTET STRING, MIB

designers should realize that there may be implementation and

interoperability limitations for sizes in excess of 128 bits.

Finally, a label for a named-number enumeration must consist of one

or more letters or digits, up to a maximum of 64 characters, and the

initial character must be a lower-case letter. (However, labels

longer than 32 characters are not recommended.) Note that hyphens

are not allowed by this specification.

7.1.5. IpAddress

The IpAddress type represents a 32-bit internet address. It is

represented as an OCTET STRING of length 4, in network byte-order.

RFC2578 SMIv2 April 1999

Note that the IpAddress type is a tagged type for historical reasons.

Network addresses should be represented using an invocation of the


7.1.6. Counter32

The Counter32 type represents a non-negative integer which

monotonically increases until it reaches a maximum value of 2^32-1

(4294967295 decimal), when it wraps around and starts increasing

again from zero.

Counters have no defined "initial" value, and thus, a single value of

a Counter has (in general) no information content. Discontinuities

in the monotonically increasing value normally occur at re-

initialization of the management system, and at other times as

specified in the description of an object-type using this ASN.1 type.

If such other times can occur, for example, the creation of an object

instance at times other than re-initialization, then a corresponding

object should be defined, with an appropriate SYNTAX clause, to

indicate the last discontinuity. Examples of appropriate SYNTAX

clause include: TimeStamp (a textual convention defined in [3]),

DateAndTime (another textual convention from [3]) or TimeTicks.

The value of the MAX-ACCESS clause for objects with a SYNTAX clause

value of Counter32 is either "read-only" or "accessible-for-notify".

A DEFVAL clause is not allowed for objects with a SYNTAX clause value

of Counter32.

7.1.7. Gauge32

The Gauge32 type represents a non-negative integer, which may

increase or decrease, but shall never exceed a maximum value, nor

fall below a minimum value. The maximum value can not be greater

than 2^32-1 (4294967295 decimal), and the minimum value can not be

smaller than 0. The value of a Gauge32 has its maximum value

whenever the information being modeled is greater than or equal to

its maximum value, and has its minimum value whenever the information

being modeled is smaller than or equal to its minimum value. If the

information being modeled subsequently decreases below (increases

above) the maximum (minimum) value, the Gauge32 also decreases

(increases). (Note that despite of the use of the term "latched" in

the original definition of this type, it does not become "stuck" at

its maximum or minimum value.)

RFC2578 SMIv2 April 1999

7.1.8. TimeTicks

The TimeTicks type represents a non-negative integer which represents

the time, modulo 2^32 (4294967296 decimal), in hundredths of a second

between two epochs. When objects are defined which use this ASN.1

type, the description of the object identifies both of the reference


For example, [3] defines the TimeStamp textual convention which is

based on the TimeTicks type. With a TimeStamp, the first reference

epoch is defined as the time when sysUpTime [5] was zero, and the

second reference epoch is defined as the current value of sysUpTime.

The TimeTicks type may not be sub-typed.

7.1.9. Opaque

The Opaque type is provided solely for backward-compatibility, and

shall not be used for newly-defined object types.

The Opaque type supports the capability to pass arbitrary ASN.1

syntax. A value is encoded using the ASN.1 Basic Encoding Rules [4]

into a string of octets. This, in turn, is encoded as an OCTET

STRING, in effect "double-wrapping" the original ASN.1 value.

Note that a conforming implementation need only be able to accept and

recognize opaquely-encoded data. It need not be able to unwrap the

data and then interpret its contents.

A requirement on "standard" MIB modules is that no object may have a

SYNTAX clause value of Opaque.

7.1.10. Counter64

The Counter64 type represents a non-negative integer which

monotonically increases until it reaches a maximum value of 2^64-1

(18446744073709551615 decimal), when it wraps around and starts

increasing again from zero.

Counters have no defined "initial" value, and thus, a single value of

a Counter has (in general) no information content. Discontinuities

in the monotonically increasing value normally occur at re-

initialization of the management system, and at other times as

specified in the description of an object-type using this ASN.1 type.

If such other times can occur, for example, the creation of an object

instance at times other than re-initialization, then a corresponding

object should be defined, with an appropriate SYNTAX clause, to

indicate the last discontinuity. Examples of appropriate SYNTAX

RFC2578 SMIv2 April 1999

clause are: TimeStamp (a textual convention defined in [3]),

DateAndTime (another textual convention from [3]) or TimeTicks.

The value of the MAX-ACCESS clause for objects with a SYNTAX clause

value of Counter64 is either "read-only" or "accessible-for-notify".

A requirement on "standard" MIB modules is that the Counter64 type

may be used only if the information being modeled would wrap in less

than one hour if the Counter32 type was used instead.

A DEFVAL clause is not allowed for objects with a SYNTAX clause value

of Counter64.

7.1.11. Unsigned32

The Unsigned32 type represents integer-valued information between 0

and 2^32-1 inclusive (0 to 4294967295 decimal).

7.1.12. Conceptual Tables

Management operations apply exclusively to scalar objects. However,

it is sometimes convenient for developers of management applications

to impose an imaginary, tabular structure on an ordered collection of

objects within the MIB. Each such conceptual table contains zero or

more rows, and each row may contain one or more scalar objects,

termed columnar objects. This conceptualization is formalized by

using the OBJECT-TYPE macro to define both an object which

corresponds to a table and an object which corresponds to a row in

that table. A conceptual table has SYNTAX of the form:


where <EntryType> refers to the SEQUENCE type of its subordinate

conceptual row. A conceptual row has SYNTAX of the form:


where <EntryType> is a SEQUENCE type defined as follows:

<EntryType> ::= SEQUENCE { <type1>, ... , <typeN> }

where there is one <type> for each subordinate object, and each

<type> is of the form:

<descriptor> <syntax>

where <descriptor> is the descriptor naming a subordinate object, and

<syntax> has the value of that subordinate object's SYNTAX clause,

RFC2578 SMIv2 April 1999

except that both sub-typing information and the named values for

enumerated integers or the named bits for the BITS construct, are

omitted from <syntax>.

Further, a <type> is always present for every subordinate object.

(The ASN.1 DEFAULT and OPTIONAL clauses are disallowed in the

SEQUENCE definition.) The MAX-ACCESS clause for conceptual tables

and rows is "not-accessible". Creation and Deletion of Conceptual Rows

For newly-defined conceptual rows which allow the creation of new

object instances and/or the deletion of existing object instances,

there should be one columnar object with a SYNTAX clause value of

RowStatus (a textual convention defined in [3]) and a MAX-ACCESS

clause value of read-create. By convention, this is termed the

status column for the conceptual row.

7.2. Mapping of the UNITS clause

This UNITS clause, which need not be present, contains a textual

definition of the units associated with that object.

7.3. Mapping of the MAX-ACCESS clause

The MAX-ACCESS clause, which must be present, defines whether it

makes "protocol sense" to read, write and/or create an instance of

the object, or to include its value in a notification. This is the

maximal level of access for the object. (This maximal level of

access is independent of any administrative authorization policy.)

The value "read-write" indicates that read and write access make

"protocol sense", but create does not. The value "read-create"

indicates that read, write and create access make "protocol sense".

The value "not-accessible" indicates an auxiliary object (see Section

7.7). The value "accessible-for-notify" indicates an object which is

accessible only via a notification (e.g., snmpTrapOID [5]).

These values are ordered, from least to greatest: "not-accessible",

"accessible-for-notify", "read-only", "read-write", "read-create".

If any columnar object in a conceptual row has "read-create" as its

maximal level of access, then no other columnar object of the same

conceptual row may have a maximal access of "read-write". (Note that

"read-create" is a superset of "read-write".)

RFC2578 SMIv2 April 1999

7.4. Mapping of the STATUS clause

The STATUS clause, which must be present, indicates whether this

definition is current or historic.

The value "current" means that the definition is current and valid.

The value "obsolete" means the definition is obsolete and should not

be implemented and/or can be removed if previously implemented.

While the value "deprecated" also indicates an obsolete definition,

it permits new/continued implementation in order to foster

interoperability with older/existing implementations.

7.5. Mapping of the DESCRIPTION clause

The DESCRIPTION clause, which must be present, contains a textual

definition of that object which provides all semantic definitions

necessary for implementation, and should embody any information which

would otherwise be communicated in any ASN.1 commentary annotations

associated with the object.

7.6. Mapping of the REFERENCE clause

The REFERENCE clause, which need not be present, contains a textual

cross-reference to some other document, either another information

module which defines a related assignment, or some other document

which provides additional information relevant to this definition.

7.7. Mapping of the INDEX clause

The INDEX clause, which must be present if that object corresponds to

a conceptual row (unless an AUGMENTS clause is present instead), and

must be absent otherwise, defines instance identification information

for the columnar objects subordinate to that object.

The instance identification information in an INDEX clause must

specify object(s) such that value(s) of those object(s) will

unambiguously distinguish a conceptual row. The objects can be

columnar objects from the same and/or another conceptual table, but

must not be scalar objects. Multiple occurrences of the same object

in a single INDEX clause is strongly discouraged.

The syntax of the objects in the INDEX clause indicate how to form

the instance-identifier:

(1) integer-valued (i.e., having INTEGER as its underlying primitive

type): a single sub-identifier taking the integer value (this

works only for non-negative integers);

RFC2578 SMIv2 April 1999

(2) string-valued, fixed-length strings (or variable-length preceded by

the IMPLIED keyword): `n' sub-identifiers, where `n' is the length

of the string (each octet of the string is encoded in a separate


(3) string-valued, variable-length strings (not preceded by the IMPLIED

keyword): `n+1' sub-identifiers, where `n' is the length of the

string (the first sub-identifier is `n' itself, following this,

each octet of the string is encoded in a separate sub-identifier);

(4) object identifier-valued (when preceded by the IMPLIED keyword):

`n' sub-identifiers, where `n' is the number of sub-identifiers in

the value (each sub-identifier of the value is copied into a

separate sub-identifier);

(5) object identifier-valued (when not preceded by the IMPLIED

keyword): `n+1' sub-identifiers, where `n' is the number of sub-

identifiers in the value (the first sub-identifier is `n' itself,

following this, each sub-identifier in the value is copied);

(6) IpAddress-valued: 4 sub-identifiers, in the familiar a.b.c.d


Note that the IMPLIED keyword can only be present for an object

having a variable-length syntax (e.g., variable-length strings or

object identifier-valued objects), Further, the IMPLIED keyword can

only be associated with the last object in the INDEX clause.

Finally, the IMPLIED keyword may not be used on a variable-length

string object if that string might have a value of zero-length.

Since a single value of a Counter has (in general) no information

content (see section 7.1.6 and 7.1.10), objects defined using the

syntax, Counter32 or Counter64, must not be specified in an INDEX

clause. If an object defined using the BITS construct is used in an

INDEX clause, it is considered a variable-length string.

Instances identified by use of integer-valued objects should be

numbered starting from one (i.e., not from zero). The use of zero as

a value for an integer-valued index object should be avoided, except

in special cases.

Objects which are both specified in the INDEX clause of a conceptual

row and also columnar objects of the same conceptual row are termed

auxiliary objects. The MAX-ACCESS clause for auxiliary objects is

"not-accessible", except in the following circumstances:

RFC2578 SMIv2 April 1999

(1) within a MIB module originally written to conform to SMIv1, and

later converted to conform to SMIv2; or

(2) a conceptual row must contain at least one columnar object which is

not an auxiliary object. In the event that all of a conceptual

row's columnar objects are also specified in its INDEX clause, then

one of them must be accessible, i.e., have a MAX-ACCESS clause of

"read-only". (Note that this situation does not arise for a

conceptual row allowing create access, since such a row will have a

status column which will not be an auxiliary object.)

Note that objects specified in a conceptual row's INDEX clause need

not be columnar objects of that conceptual row. In this situation,

the DESCRIPTION clause of the conceptual row must include a textual

explanation of how the objects which are included in the INDEX clause

but not columnar objects of that conceptual row, are used in uniquely

identifying instances of the conceptual row's columnar objects.

7.8. Mapping of the AUGMENTS clause

The AUGMENTS clause, which must not be present unless the object

corresponds to a conceptual row, is an alternative to the INDEX

clause. Every object corresponding to a conceptual row has either an

INDEX clause or an AUGMENTS clause.

If an object corresponding to a conceptual row has an INDEX clause,

that row is termed a base conceptual row; alternatively, if the

object has an AUGMENTS clause, the row is said to be a conceptual row

augmentation, where the AUGMENTS clause names the object

corresponding to the base conceptual row which is augmented by this

conceptual row augmentation. (Thus, a conceptual row augmentation

cannot itself be augmented.) Instances of subordinate columnar

objects of a conceptual row augmentation are identified according to

the INDEX clause of the base conceptual row corresponding to the

object named in the AUGMENTS clause. Further, instances of

subordinate columnar objects of a conceptual row augmentation exist

according to the same semantics as instances of subordinate columnar

objects of the base conceptual row being augmented. As such, note

that creation of a base conceptual row implies the correspondent

creation of any conceptual row augmentations.

For example, a MIB designer might wish to define additional columns

in an "enterprise-specific" MIB which logically extend a conceptual

row in a "standard" MIB. The "standard" MIB definition of the

conceptual row would include the INDEX clause and the "enterprise-

specific" MIB would contain the definition of a conceptual row using

the AUGMENTS clause. On the other hand, it would be incorrect to use

the AUGMENTS clause for the relationship between RFC2233's ifTable

RFC2578 SMIv2 April 1999

and the many media-specific MIBs which extend it for specific media

(e.g., the dot3Table in RFC2358), since not all interfaces are of

the same media.

Note that a base conceptual row may be augmented by multiple

conceptual row augmentations.

7.8.1. Relation between INDEX and AUGMENTS clauses

When defining instance identification information for a conceptual


(1) If there is a one-to-one correspondence between the conceptual rows

of this table and an existing table, then the AUGMENTS clause

should be used.

(2) Otherwise, if there is a sparse relationship between the conceptual

rows of this table and an existing table, then an INDEX clause

should be used which is identical to that in the existing table.

For example, the relationship between RFC2233's ifTable and a

media-specific MIB which extends the ifTable for a specific media

(e.g., the dot3Table in RFC2358), is a sparse relationship.

(3) Otherwise, if no existing objects have the required syntax and

semantics, then auxiliary objects should be defined within the

conceptual row for the new table, and those objects should be used

within the INDEX clause for the conceptual row.

7.9. Mapping of the DEFVAL clause

The DEFVAL clause, which need not be present, defines an acceptable

default value which may be used at the discretion of an agent when an

object instance is created. That is, the value is a "hint" to


During conceptual row creation, if an instance of a columnar object

is not present as one of the operands in the correspondent management

protocol set operation, then the value of the DEFVAL clause, if

present, indicates an acceptable default value that an agent might

use (especially for a read-only object).

Note that with this definition of the DEFVAL clause, it is

appropriate to use it for any columnar object of a read-create table.

It is also permitted to use it for scalar objects dynamically created

by an agent, or for columnar objects of a read-write table

dynamically created by an agent.

RFC2578 SMIv2 April 1999

The value of the DEFVAL clause must, of course, correspond to the

SYNTAX clause for the object. If the value is an OBJECT IDENTIFIER,

then it must be expressed as a single ASN.1 identifier, and not as a

collection of sub-identifiers.

Note that if an operand to the management protocol set operation is

an instance of a read-only object, then the error `notWritable' [6]

will be returned. As such, the DEFVAL clause can be used to provide

an acceptable default value that an agent might use.

By way of example, consider the following possible DEFVAL clauses:

ObjectSyntax DEFVAL clause

---------------- ------------

Integer32 DEFVAL { 1 }

-- same for Gauge32, TimeTicks, Unsigned32

INTEGER DEFVAL { valid } -- enumerated value

OCTET STRING DEFVAL { 'ffffffffffff'H }

DisplayString DEFVAL { "SNMP agent" }

IpAddress DEFVAL { 'c0210415'H } --


BITS DEFVAL { { primary, secondary } }

-- enumerated values that are set


-- no enumerated values are set

A binary string used in a DEFVAL clause for an OCTET STRING must be

either an integral multiple of eight or zero bits in length;

similarly, a hexadecimal string must be an even number of hexadecimal

digits. The value of a character string used in a DEFVAL clause must

not contain tab characters or line terminator characters.

Object types with SYNTAX of Counter32 and Counter64 may not have

DEFVAL clauses, since they do not have defined initial values.

However, it is recommended that they be initialized to zero.

7.10. Mapping of the OBJECT-TYPE value

The value of an invocation of the OBJECT-TYPE macro is the name of

the object, which is an OBJECT IDENTIFIER, an administratively

assigned name.

When an OBJECT IDENTIFIER is assigned to an object:

(1) If the object corresponds to a conceptual table, then only a single

assignment, that for a conceptual row, is present immediately

beneath that object. The administratively assigned name for the

conceptual row object is derived by appending a sub-identifier of

RFC2578 SMIv2 April 1999

"1" to the administratively assigned name for the conceptual table.

(2) If the object corresponds to a conceptual row, then at least one

assignment, one for each column in the conceptual row, is present

beneath that object. The administratively assigned name for each

column is derived by appending a unique, positive sub-identifier to

the administratively assigned name for the conceptual row.

(3) Otherwise, no other OBJECT IDENTIFIERs which are subordinate to the

object may be assigned.

Note that the final sub-identifier of any administratively assigned

name for an object shall be positive. A zero-valued final sub-

identifier is reserved for future use.

7.11. Usage Example

Consider how one might define a conceptual table and its

subordinates. (This example uses the RowStatus textual convention

defined in [3].)


SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647)

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The index number of the first unassigned entry in the

evaluation table, or the value of zero indicating that

all entries are assigned.

A management station should create new entries in the

evaluation table using this algorithm: first, issue a

management protocol retrieval operation to determine the

value of evalSlot; and, second, issue a management

protocol set operation to create an instance of the

evalStatus object setting its value to createAndGo(4) or

createAndWait(5). If this latter operation succeeds,

then the management station may continue modifying the

instances corresponding to the newly created conceptual

row, without fear of collision with other management


::= { eval 1 }



MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


RFC2578 SMIv2 April 1999

"The (conceptual) evaluation table."

::= { eval 2 }


SYNTAX EvalEntry

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"An entry (conceptual row) in the evaluation table."

INDEX { evalIndex }

::= { evalTable 1 }

EvalEntry ::=


evalIndex Integer32,

evalString DisplayString,

evalValue Integer32,

evalStatus RowStatus



SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647)

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"The auxiliary variable used for identifying instances of

the columnar objects in the evaluation table."

::= { evalEntry 1 }

evalString OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX DisplayString

MAX-ACCESS read-create

STATUS current


"The string to evaluate."

::= { evalEntry 2 }


SYNTAX Integer32

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The value when evalString was last evaluated, or zero if

no such value is available."

DEFVAL { 0 }

::= { evalEntry 3 }

evalStatus OBJECT-TYPE

RFC2578 SMIv2 April 1999

SYNTAX RowStatus

MAX-ACCESS read-create

STATUS current


"The status column used for creating, modifying, and

deleting instances of the columnar objects in the

evaluation table."

DEFVAL { active }

::= { evalEntry 4 }

8. Mapping of the NOTIFICATION-TYPE macro

The NOTIFICATION-TYPE macro is used to define the information

contained within an unsolicited transmission of management

information (i.e., within either a SNMPv2-Trap-PDU or InformRequest-

PDU). It should be noted that the expansion of the NOTIFICATION-TYPE

macro is something which conceptually happens during implementation

and not during run-time.

8.1. Mapping of the OBJECTS clause

The OBJECTS clause, which need not be present, defines an ordered

sequence of MIB object types. One and only one object instance for

each occurrence of each object type must be present, and in the

specified order, in every instance of the notification. If the same

object type occurs multiple times in a notification's ordered

sequence, then an object instance is present for each of them. An

object type specified in this clause must not have an MAX-ACCESS

clause of "not-accessible". The notification's DESCRIPTION clause

must specify the information/meaning conveyed by each occurrence of

each object type in the sequence. The DESCRIPTION clause must also

specify which object instance is present for each object type in the


Note that an agent is allowed, at its own discretion, to append as

many additional objects as it considers useful to the end of the

notification (i.e., after the objects defined by the OBJECTS clause).

8.2. Mapping of the STATUS clause

The STATUS clause, which must be present, indicates whether this

definition is current or historic.

The value "current" means that the definition is current and valid.

The value "obsolete" means the definition is obsolete and should not

be implemented and/or can be removed if previously implemented.

While the value "deprecated" also indicates an obsolete definition,

it permits new/continued implementation in order to foster

RFC2578 SMIv2 April 1999

interoperability with older/existing implementations.

8.3. Mapping of the DESCRIPTION clause

The DESCRIPTION clause, which must be present, contains a textual

definition of the notification which provides all semantic

definitions necessary for implementation, and should embody any

information which would otherwise be communicated in any ASN.1

commentary annotations associated with the notification. In

particular, the DESCRIPTION clause should document which instances of

the objects mentioned in the OBJECTS clause should be contained

within notifications of this type.

8.4. Mapping of the REFERENCE clause

The REFERENCE clause, which need not be present, contains a textual

cross-reference to some other document, either another information

module which defines a related assignment, or some other document

which provides additional information relevant to this definition.

8.5. Mapping of the NOTIFICATION-TYPE value

The value of an invocation of the NOTIFICATION-TYPE macro is the name

of the notification, which is an OBJECT IDENTIFIER, an

administratively assigned name. In order to achieve compatibility

with SNMPv1 traps, both when converting SMIv1 information modules

to/from this SMI, and in the procedures employed by multi-lingual

systems and proxy forwarding applications, the next to last sub-

identifier in the name of any newly-defined notification must have

the value zero.

Sections 4.2.6 and 4.2.7 of [6] describe how the NOTIFICATION-TYPE

macro is used to generate a SNMPv2-Trap-PDU or InformRequest-PDU,


8.6. Usage Example

Consider how a configuration change notification might be described:

entityMIBTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { entityMIB 2 }

entityMIBTrapPrefix OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { entityMIBTraps 0 }


STATUS current


"An entConfigChange trap is sent when the value of

entLastChangeTime changes. It can be utilized by an NMS to

trigger logical/physical entity table maintenance polls.

RFC2578 SMIv2 April 1999

An agent must not generate more than one entConfigChange

'trap-event' in a five second period, where a 'trap-event'

is the transmission of a single trap PDU to a list of

trap destinations. If additional configuration changes

occur within the five second 'throttling' period, then

these trap-events should be suppressed by the agent. An

NMS should periodically check the value of

entLastChangeTime to detect any missed entConfigChange

trap-events, e.g. due to throttling or transmission loss."

::= { entityMIBTrapPrefix 1 }

According to this invocation, the notification authoritatively

identified as

{ entityMIBTrapPrefix 1 }

is used to report a particular type of configuration change.

9. Refined Syntax

Some macros have clauses which allows syntax to be refined,

specifically: the SYNTAX clause of the OBJECT-TYPE macro, and the


CAPABILITIES macros [2]. However, not all refinements of syntax are

appropriate. In particular, the object's primitive or application

type must not be changed.

Further, the following restrictions apply:

Restrictions to Refinement of

object syntax range enumeration size

----------------- ----- ----------- ----

INTEGER (1) (2) -

Integer32 (1) - -

Unsigned32 (1) - -



BITS - (2) -

IpAddress - - -

Counter32 - - -

Counter64 - - -

Gauge32 (1) - -

TimeTicks - - -


RFC2578 SMIv2 April 1999

(1) the range of permitted values may be refined by raising the lower-

bounds, by reducing the upper-bounds, and/or by reducing the

alternative value/range choices;

(2) the enumeration of named-values may be refined by removing one or

more named-values (note that for BITS, a refinement may cause the

enumerations to no longer be contiguous); or,

(3) the size in octets of the value may be refined by raising the

lower-bounds, by reducing the upper-bounds, and/or by reducing the

alternative size choices.

No other types of refinements can be specified in the SYNTAX clause.

However, the DESCRIPTION clause is available to specify additional

restrictions which can not be expressed in the SYNTAX clause.

Further details on (and examples of) sub-typing are provided in

Appendix A.

10. Extending an Information Module

As experience is gained with an information module, it may be

desirable to revise that information module. However, changes are

not allowed if they have any potential to cause interoperability

problems "over the wire" between an implementation using an original

specification and an implementation using an updated


For any change, the invocation of the MODULE-IDENTITY macro must be

updated to include information about the revision: specifically,

updating the LAST-UPDATED clause, adding a pair of REVISION and

DESCRIPTION clauses (see section 5.5), and making any necessary

changes to existing clauses, including the ORGANIZATION and CONTACT-

INFO clauses.

Note that any definition contained in an information module is

available to be IMPORT-ed by any other information module, and is

referenced in an IMPORTS clause via the module name. Thus, a module

name should not be changed. Specifically, the module name (e.g.,

"FIZBIN-MIB" in the example of Section 5.7) should not be changed

when revising an information module (except to correct typographical

errors), and definitions should not be moved from one information

module to another.

Also note that obsolete definitions must not be removed from MIB

modules since their descriptors may still be referenced by other

information modules, and the OBJECT IDENTIFIERs used to name them

must never be re-assigned.

RFC2578 SMIv2 April 1999

10.1. Object Assignments

If any non-editorial change is made to any clause of a object

assignment, then the OBJECT IDENTIFIER value associated with that

object assignment must also be changed, along with its associated


10.2. Object Definitions

An object definition may be revised in any of the following ways:

(1) A SYNTAX clause containing an enumerated INTEGER may have new

enumerations added or existing labels changed. Similarly, named

bits may be added or existing labels changed for the BITS


(2) The value of a SYNTAX clause may be replaced by a textual

convention, providing the textual convention is defined to use the

same primitive ASN.1 type, has the same set of values, and has

identical semantics.

(3) A STATUS clause value of "current" may be revised as "deprecated"

or "obsolete". Similarly, a STATUS clause value of "deprecated"

may be revised as "obsolete". When making such a change, the

DESCRIPTION clause should be updated to explain the rationale.

(4) A DEFVAL clause may be added or updated.

(5) A REFERENCE clause may be added or updated.

(6) A UNITS clause may be added.

(7) A conceptual row may be augmented by adding new columnar objects at

the end of the row, and making the corresponding update to the

SEQUENCE definition.

(8) Clarifications and additional information may be included in the


(9) Entirely new objects may be defined, named with previously

unassigned OBJECT IDENTIFIER values.

Otherwise, if the semantics of any previously defined object are

changed (i.e., if a non-editorial change is made to any clause other

than those specifically allowed above), then the OBJECT IDENTIFIER

value associated with that object must also be changed.

RFC2578 SMIv2 April 1999

Note that changing the descriptor associated with an existing object

is considered a semantic change, as these strings may be used in an

IMPORTS statement.

10.3. Notification Definitions

A notification definition may be revised in any of the following


(1) A REFERENCE clause may be added or updated.

(2) A STATUS clause value of "current" may be revised as "deprecated"

or "obsolete". Similarly, a STATUS clause value of "deprecated"

may be revised as "obsolete". When making such a change, the

DESCRIPTION clause should be updated to explain the rationale.

(3) A DESCRIPTION clause may be clarified.

Otherwise, if the semantics of any previously defined notification

are changed (i.e., if a non-editorial change is made to any clause

other those specifically allowed above), then the OBJECT IDENTIFIER

value associated with that notification must also be changed.

Note that changing the descriptor associated with an existing

notification is considered a semantic change, as these strings may be

used in an IMPORTS statement.

RFC2578 SMIv2 April 1999

11. Appendix A: Detailed Sub-typing Rules

11.1. Syntax Rules

The syntax rules for sub-typing are given below. Note that while

this syntax is based on ASN.1, it includes some extensions beyond

what is allowed in ASN.1, and a number of ASN.1 constructs are not

allowed by this syntax.


::= <empty>

"(" <range> ["" <range>]... ")"


::= <empty>

"(" "SIZE" "(" <range> ["" <range>]... ")" ")"


::= <value>

<value> ".." <value>


::= "-" <number>





<empty> is the empty string

<number> is a non-negative integer

<hexString> is a hexadecimal string (e.g., '0F0F'H)

<binString> is a binary string (e.g, '1010'B)

<range> is further restricted as follows:

- any <value> used in a SIZE clause must be non-negative.

- when a pair of values is specified, the first value

must be less than the second value.

- when multiple ranges are specified, the ranges may

not overlap but may touch. For example, (1..4 4..9)

is invalid, and (1..4 5..9) is valid.

- the ranges must be a subset of the maximum range of the

base type.

RFC2578 SMIv2 April 1999

11.2. Examples

Some examples of legal sub-typing:

Integer32 (-20..100)

Integer32 (0..100 300..500)

Integer32 (300..500 0..100)

Integer32 (0 2 4 6 8 10)


OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..100 300..500))

OCTET STRING (SIZE(0 2 4 6 8 10))

SYNTAX TimeInterval (0..100)

SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..32))

(Note the last two examples above are not valid in a TEXTUAL

CONVENTION, see [3].)

Some examples of illegal sub-typing:

Integer32 (150..100) -- first greater than second

Integer32 (0..100 50..500) -- ranges overlap

Integer32 (0 2 0 ) -- value duplicated

Integer32 (MIN..-1 1..MAX) -- MIN and MAX not allowed

Integer32 (SIZE (0..34)) -- must not use SIZE

OCTET STRING (0..100) -- must use SIZE

OCTET STRING (SIZE(-10..100)) -- negative SIZE

12. Security Considerations

This document defines a language with which to write and read

descriptions of management information. The language itself has no

security impact on the Internet.

13. Editors' Addresses

Keith McCloghrie

Cisco Systems, Inc.

170 West Tasman Drive

San Jose, CA 95134-1706


Phone: +1 408 526 5260

EMail: kzm@cisco.com

RFC2578 SMIv2 April 1999

David Perkins


3763 Benton Street

Santa Clara, CA 95051


Phone: +1 408 221-8702

EMail: dperkins@snmpinfo.com

Juergen Schoenwaelder

TU Braunschweig

Bueltenweg 74/75

38106 Braunschweig


Phone: +49 531 391-3283

EMail: schoenw@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de

14. References

[1] Information processing systems - Open Systems Interconnection -

Specification of Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1),

International Organization for Standardization. International

Standard 8824, (December, 1987).

[2] McCloghrie, K., Perkins, D., Schoenwaelder, J., Case, J., Rose, M.

and S. Waldbusser, "Conformance Statements for SMIv2", STD 58,

RFC2580, April 1999.

[3] McCloghrie, K., Perkins, D., Schoenwaelder, J., Case, J., Rose, M.

and S. Waldbusser, "Textual Conventions for SMIv2", STD 58,

RFC2579, April 1999.

[4] Information processing systems - Open Systems Interconnection -

Specification of Basic Encoding Rules for Abstract Syntax Notation

One (ASN.1), International Organization for Standardization.

International Standard 8825, (December, 1987).

[5] The SNMPv2 Working Group, Case, J., McCloghrie, K., Rose, M. and

S. Waldbusser, "Management Information Base for Version 2 of the

Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2)", RFC1907, January


[6] The SNMPv2 Working Group, Case, J., McCloghrie, K., Rose, M. and

S. Waldbusser, "Protocol Operations for Version 2 of the Simple

Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2)", RFC1905, January 1996.

RFC2578 SMIv2 April 1999

15. Full Copyright Statement

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (1999). All Rights Reserved.

This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to

others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it

or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published

and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any

kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are

included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this

document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing

the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other

Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of

developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for

copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be

followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than


The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be

revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.

This document and the information contained herein is provided on an






McCloghrie, et al. Standards Track [Page 43]

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