
RFC2680 - A One-way Packet Loss Metric for IPPM

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Network Working Group G. Almes

Request for Comments: 2680 S. Kalidindi

Category: Standards Track M. Zekauskas

Advanced Network & Services

September 1999

A One-way Packet Loss Metric for IPPM

Status of this Memo

This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the

Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for

improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet

Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state

and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (1999). All Rights Reserved.

1. IntrodUCtion

This memo defines a metric for one-way packet loss across Internet

paths. It builds on notions introduced and discussed in the IPPM

Framework document, RFC2330 [1]; the reader is assumed to be

familiar with that document.

This memo is intended to be parallel in structure to a companion

document for One-way Delay ("A One-way Delay Metric for IPPM") [2];

the reader is assumed to be familiar with that document.



document are to be interpreted as described in RFC2119 [5].

Although RFC2119 was written with protocols in mind, the key words

are used in this document for similar reasons. They are used to

ensure the results of measurements from two different implementations

are comparable, and to note instances when an implementation could

perturb the network.

The structure of the memo is as follows:

+ A 'singleton' analytic metric, called Type-P-One-way-Loss, is

introduced to measure a single observation of packet transmission

or loss.

+ Using this singleton metric, a 'sample', called Type-P-One-way-

Loss-Poisson-Stream, is introduced to measure a sequence of

singleton transmissions and/or losses measured at times taken from

a Poisson process.

+ Using this sample, several 'statistics' of the sample are defined

and discussed.

This progression from singleton to sample to statistics, with clear

separation among them, is important.

Whenever a technical term from the IPPM Framework document is first

used in this memo, it will be tagged with a trailing asterisk. For

example, "term*" indicates that "term" is defined in the Framework.

1.1. Motivation:

Understanding one-way packet loss of Type-P* packets from a source

host* to a destination host is useful for several reasons:

+ Some applications do not perform well (or at all) if end-to-end

loss between hosts is large relative to some threshold value.

+ Excessive packet loss may make it difficult to support certain

real-time applications (where the precise threshold of "excessive"

depends on the application).

+ The larger the value of packet loss, the more difficult it is for

transport-layer protocols to sustain high bandwidths.

+ The sensitivity of real-time applications and of transport-layer

protocols to loss become especially important when very large

delay-bandwidth products must be supported.

The measurement of one-way loss instead of round-trip loss is

motivated by the following factors:

+ In today's Internet, the path from a source to a destination may

be different than the path from the destination back to the source

("asymmetric paths"), such that different sequences of routers are

used for the forward and reverse paths. Therefore round-trip

measurements actually measure the performance of two distinct

paths together. Measuring each path independently highlights the

performance difference between the two paths which may traverse

different Internet service providers, and even radically different

types of networks (for example, research versus commodity

networks, or ATM versus packet-over-SONET).

+ Even when the two paths are symmetric, they may have radically

different performance characteristics due to asymmetric queueing.

+ Performance of an application may depend mostly on the performance

in one direction. For example, a file transfer using TCP may

depend more on the performance in the direction that data flows,

rather than the direction in which acknowledgements travel.

+ In quality-of-service (QoS) enabled networks, provisioning in one

direction may be radically different than provisioning in the

reverse direction, and thus the QoS guarantees differ. Measuring

the paths independently allows the verification of both


It is outside the scope of this document to say precisely how loss

metrics would be applied to specific problems.

1.2. General Issues Regarding Time

{Comment: the terminology below differs from that defined by ITU-T

documents (e.g., G.810, "Definitions and terminology for

synchronization networks" and I.356, "B-ISDN ATM layer cell transfer

performance"), but is consistent with the IPPM Framework document.

In general, these differences derive from the different backgrounds;

the ITU-T documents historically have a telephony origin, while the

authors of this document (and the Framework) have a computer systems

background. Although the terms defined below have no direct

equivalent in the ITU-T definitions, after our definitions we will

provide a rough mapping. However, note one potential confusion: our

definition of "clock" is the computer operating systems definition

denoting a time-of-day clock, while the ITU-T definition of clock

denotes a frequency reference.}

Whenever a time (i.e., a moment in history) is mentioned here, it is

understood to be measured in seconds (and fractions) relative to UTC.

As described more fully in the Framework document, there are four

distinct, but related notions of clock uncertainty:


Synchronization measures the extent to which two clocks agree on

what time it is. For example, the clock on one host might be

5.4 msec ahead of the clock on a second host. {Comment: A rough

ITU-T equivalent is "time error".}


Accuracy measures the extent to which a given clock agrees with

UTC. For example, the clock on a host might be 27.1 msec behind

UTC. {Comment: A rough ITU-T equivalent is "time error from



Resolution measures the precision of a given clock. For

example, the clock on an old Unix host might advance only once

every 10 msec, and thus have a resolution of only 10 msec.

{Comment: A very rough ITU-T equivalent is "sampling period".}


Skew measures the change of accuracy, or of synchronization,

with time. For example, the clock on a given host might gain

1.3 msec per hour and thus be 27.1 msec behind UTC at one time

and only 25.8 msec an hour later. In this case, we say that the

clock of the given host has a skew of 1.3 msec per hour relative

to UTC, which threatens accuracy. We might also speak of the

skew of one clock relative to another clock, which threatens

synchronization. {Comment: A rough ITU-T equivalent is "time


2. A Singleton Definition for One-way Packet Loss

2.1. Metric Name:


2.2. Metric Parameters:

+ Src, the IP address of a host

+ Dst, the IP address of a host

+ T, a time

2.3. Metric Units:

The value of a Type-P-One-way-Packet-Loss is either a zero

(signifying successful transmission of the packet) or a one

(signifying loss).

2.4. Definition:

>>The *Type-P-One-way-Packet-Loss* from Src to Dst at T is 0<< means

that Src sent the first bit of a Type-P packet to Dst at wire-time* T

and that Dst received that packet.

>>The *Type-P-One-way-Packet-Loss* from Src to Dst at T is 1<< means

that Src sent the first bit of a type-P packet to Dst at wire-time T

and that Dst did not receive that packet.

2.5. Discussion:

Thus, Type-P-One-way-Packet-Loss is 0 exactly when Type-P-One-way-

Delay is a finite value, and it is 1 exactly when Type-P-One-way-

Delay is undefined.

The following issues are likely to come up in practice:

+ A given methodology will have to include a way to distinguish

between a packet loss and a very large (but finite) delay. As

noted by Mahdavi and Paxson [3], simple upper bounds (such as the

255 seconds theoretical upper bound on the lifetimes of IP

packets [4]) could be used, but good engineering, including an

understanding of packet lifetimes, will be needed in practice.

{Comment: Note that, for many applications of these metrics, there

may be no harm in treating a large delay as packet loss. An audio

playback packet, for example, that arrives only after the playback

point may as well have been lost.}

+ If the packet arrives, but is corrupted, then it is counted as

lost. {Comment: one is tempted to count the packet as received

since corruption and packet loss are related but distinct

phenomena. If the IP header is corrupted, however, one cannot be

sure about the source or destination IP addresses and is thus on

shaky grounds about knowing that the corrupted received packet

corresponds to a given sent test packet. Similarly, if other

parts of the packet needed by the methodology to know that the

corrupted received packet corresponds to a given sent test packet,

then such a packet would have to be counted as lost. Counting

these packets as lost but packet with corruption in other parts of

the packet as not lost would be inconsistent.}

+ If the packet is duplicated along the path (or paths) so that

multiple non-corrupt copies arrive at the destination, then the

packet is counted as received.

+ If the packet is fragmented and if, for whatever reason,

reassembly does not occur, then the packet will be deemed lost.

2.6. Methodologies:

As with other Type-P-* metrics, the detailed methodology will depend

on the Type-P (e.g., protocol number, UDP/TCP port number, size,


Generally, for a given Type-P, one possible methodology would proceed

as follows:

+ Arrange that Src and Dst have clocks that are synchronized with

each other. The degree of synchronization is a parameter of the

methodology, and depends on the threshold used to determine loss

(see below).

+ At the Src host, select Src and Dst IP addresses, and form a test

packet of Type-P with these addresses.

+ At the Dst host, arrange to receive the packet.

+ At the Src host, place a timestamp in the prepared Type-P packet,

and send it towards Dst.

+ If the packet arrives within a reasonable period of time, the one-

way packet-loss is taken to be zero.

+ If the packet fails to arrive within a reasonable period of time,

the one-way packet-loss is taken to be one. Note that the

threshold of "reasonable" here is a parameter of the methodology.

{Comment: The definition of reasonable is intentionally vague, and

is intended to indicate a value "Th" so large that any value in

the closed interval [Th-delta, Th+delta] is an equivalent

threshold for loss. Here, delta encompasses all error in clock

synchronization along the measured path. If there is a single

value after which the packet must be counted as lost, then we

reintroduce the need for a degree of clock synchronization similar

to that needed for one-way delay. Therefore, if a measure of

packet loss parameterized by a specific non-huge "reasonable"

time-out value is needed, one can always measure one-way delay and

see what percentage of packets from a given stream exceed a given

time-out value.}

Issues such as the packet format, the means by which Dst knows when

to eXPect the test packet, and the means by which Src and Dst are

synchronized are outside the scope of this document. {Comment: We

plan to document elsewhere our own work in describing such more

detailed implementation techniques and we encourage others to as


2.7. Errors and Uncertainties:

The description of any specific measurement method should include an

accounting and analysis of various sources of error or uncertainty.

The Framework document provides general guidance on this point.

For loss, there are three sources of error:

+ Synchronization between clocks on Src and Dst.

+ The packet-loss threshold (which is related to the synchronization

between clocks).

+ Resource limits in the network interface or software on the

receiving instrument.

The first two sources are interrelated and could result in a test

packet with finite delay being reported as lost. Type-P-One-way-

Packet-Loss is 0 if the test packet does not arrive, or if it does

arrive and the difference between Src timestamp and Dst timestamp is

greater than the "reasonable period of time", or loss threshold. If

the clocks are not sufficiently synchronized, the loss threshold may

not be "reasonable" - the packet may take much less time to arrive

than its Src timestamp indicates. Similarly, if the loss threshold

is set too low, then many packets may be counted as lost. The loss

threshold must be high enough, and the clocks synchronized well

enough so that a packet that arrives is rarely counted as lost. (See

the discussions in the previous two sections.)

Since the sensitivity of packet loss measurement to lack of clock

synchronization is less than for delay, we refer the reader to the

treatment of synchronization errors in the One-way Delay metric [2]

for more details.

The last source of error, resource limits, cause the packet to be

dropped by the measurement instrument, and counted as lost when in

fact the network delivered the packet in reasonable time.

The measurement instruments should be calibrated such that the loss

threshold is reasonable for application of the metrics and the clocks

are synchronized enough so the loss threshold remains reasonable.

In addition, the instruments should be checked to ensure the that the

possibility a packet arrives at the network interface, but is lost

due to congestion on the interface or to other resource exhaustion

(e.g., buffers) on the instrument is low.

2.8. Reporting the metric:

The calibration and context in which the metric is measured MUST be

carefully considered, and SHOULD always be reported along with metric

results. We now present four items to consider: Type-P of the test

packets, the loss threshold, instrument calibration, and the path

traversed by the test packets. This list is not exhaustive; any

additional information that could be useful in interpreting

applications of the metrics should also be reported.

2.8.1. Type-P

As noted in the Framework document [1], the value of the metric may

depend on the type of IP packets used to make the measurement, or

"Type-P". The value of Type-P-One-way-Delay could change if the

protocol (UDP or TCP), port number, size, or arrangement for special

treatment (e.g., IP precedence or RSVP) changes. The exact Type-P

used to make the measurements MUST be accurately reported.

2.8.2. Loss threshold

The threshold (or methodology to distinguish) between a large finite

delay and loss MUST be reported.

2.8.3. Calibration results

The degree of synchronization between the Src and Dst clocks MUST be

reported. If possible, possibility that a test packet that arrives

at the Dst network interface is reported as lost due to resource

exhaustion on Dst SHOULD be reported.

2.8.4. Path

Finally, the path traversed by the packet SHOULD be reported, if

possible. In general it is impractical to know the precise path a

given packet takes through the network. The precise path may be

known for certain Type-P on short or stable paths. If Type-P

includes the record route (or loose-source route) option in the IP

header, and the path is short enough, and all routers* on the path

support record (or loose-source) route, then the path will be

precisely recorded. This is impractical because the route must be

short enough, many routers do not support (or are not configured for)

record route, and use of this feature would often artificially worsen

the performance observed by removing the packet from common-case

processing. However, partial information is still valuable context.

For example, if a host can choose between two links* (and hence two

separate routes from Src to Dst), then the initial link used is

valuable context. {Comment: For example, with Merit's NetNow setup,

a Src on one NAP can reach a Dst on another NAP by either of several

different backbone networks.}

3. A Definition for Samples of One-way Packet Loss

Given the singleton metric Type-P-One-way-Packet-Loss, we now define

one particular sample of such singletons. The idea of the sample is

to select a particular binding of the parameters Src, Dst, and Type-

P, then define a sample of values of parameter T. The means for

defining the values of T is to select a beginning time T0, a final

time Tf, and an average rate lambda, then define a pseudo-random

Poisson process of rate lambda, whose values fall between T0 and Tf.

The time interval between successive values of T will then average


{Comment: Note that Poisson sampling is only one way of defining a

sample. Poisson has the advantage of limiting bias, but other

methods of sampling might be appropriate for different situations.

We encourage others who find such appropriate cases to use this

general framework and submit their sampling method for


3.1. Metric Name:


3.2. Metric Parameters:

+ Src, the IP address of a host

+ Dst, the IP address of a host

+ T0, a time

+ Tf, a time

+ lambda, a rate in reciprocal seconds

3.3. Metric Units:

A sequence of pairs; the elements of each pair are:

+ T, a time, and

+ L, either a zero or a one

The values of T in the sequence are monotonic increasing. Note that

T would be a valid parameter to Type-P-One-way-Packet-Loss, and that

L would be a valid value of Type-P-One-way-Packet-Loss.

3.4. Definition:

Given T0, Tf, and lambda, we compute a pseudo-random Poisson process

beginning at or before T0, with average arrival rate lambda, and

ending at or after Tf. Those time values greater than or equal to T0

and less than or equal to Tf are then selected. At each of the times

in this process, we oBTain the value of Type-P-One-way-Packet-Loss at

this time. The value of the sample is the sequence made up of the

resulting <time, loss> pairs. If there are no such pairs, the

sequence is of length zero and the sample is said to be empty.

3.5. Discussion:

The reader should be familiar with the in-depth discussion of Poisson

sampling in the Framework document [1], which includes methods to

compute and verify the pseudo-random Poisson process.

We specifically do not constrain the value of lambda, except to note

the extremes. If the rate is too large, then the measurement traffic

will perturb the network, and itself cause congestion. If the rate

is too small, then you might not capture interesting network

behavior. {Comment: We expect to document our experiences with, and

suggestions for, lambda elsewhere, culminating in a "best current

practices" document.}

Since a pseudo-random number sequence is employed, the sequence of

times, and hence the value of the sample, is not fully specified.

Pseudo-random number generators of good quality will be needed to

achieve the desired qualities.

The sample is defined in terms of a Poisson process both to avoid the

effects of self-synchronization and also capture a sample that is

statistically as unbiased as possible. The Poisson process is used

to schedule the delay measurements. The test packets will generally

not arrive at Dst according to a Poisson distribution, since they are

influenced by the network.

{Comment: there is, of course, no claim that real Internet traffic

arrives according to a Poisson arrival process.

It is important to note that, in contrast to this metric, loss rates

observed by transport connections do not reflect unbiased samples.

For example, TCP transmissions both (1) occur in bursts, which can

induce loss due to the burst volume that would not otherwise have

been observed, and (2) adapt their transmission rate in an attempt to

minimize the loss rate observed by the connection.}

All the singleton Type-P-One-way-Packet-Loss metrics in the sequence

will have the same values of Src, Dst, and Type-P.

Note also that, given one sample that runs from T0 to Tf, and given

new time values T0' and Tf' such that T0 <= T0' <= Tf' <= Tf, the

subsequence of the given sample whose time values fall between T0'

and Tf' are also a valid Type-P-One-way-Packet-Loss-Poisson-Stream


3.6. Methodologies:

The methodologies follow directly from:

+ the selection of specific times, using the specified Poisson

arrival process, and

+ the methodologies discussion already given for the singleton Type-

P-One-way-Packet-Loss metric.

Care must be given to correctly handle out-of-order arrival of test

packets; it is possible that the Src could send one test packet at

TS[i], then send a second one (later) at TS[i+1], while the Dst could

receive the second test packet at TR[i+1], and then receive the first

one (later) at TR[i].

3.7. Errors and Uncertainties:

In addition to sources of errors and uncertainties associated with

methods employed to measure the singleton values that make up the

sample, care must be given to analyze the accuracy of the Poisson

arrival process of the wire-times of the sending of the test packets.

Problems with this process could be caused by several things,

including problems with the pseudo-random number techniques used to

generate the Poisson arrival process. The Framework document shows

how to use the Anderson-Darling test verify the accuracy of the

Poisson process over small time frames. {Comment: The goal is to

ensure that the test packets are sent "close enough" to a Poisson

schedule, and avoid periodic behavior.}

3.8. Reporting the metric:

The calibration and context for the underlying singletons MUST be

reported along with the stream. (See "Reporting the metric" for


4. Some Statistics Definitions for One-way Packet Loss

Given the sample metric Type-P-One-way-Packet-Loss-Poisson-Stream, we

now offer several statistics of that sample. These statistics are

offered mostly to be illustrative of what could be done.

4.1. Type-P-One-way-Packet-Loss-Average

Given a Type-P-One-way-Packet-Loss-Poisson-Stream, the average of all

the L values in the Stream. In addition, the Type-P-One-way-Packet-

Loss-Average is undefined if the sample is empty.

Example: suppose we take a sample and the results are:

Stream1 = <

<T1, 0>

<T2, 0>

<T3, 1>

<T4, 0>

<T5, 0>


Then the average would be 0.2.

Note that, since healthy Internet paths should be operating at loss

rates below 1% (particularly if high delay-bandwidth products are to

be sustained), the sample sizes needed might be larger than one would

like. Thus, for example, if one wants to discriminate between

various fractions of 1% over one-minute periods, then several hundred

samples per minute might be needed. This would result in larger

values of lambda than one would ordinarily want.

Note that although the loss threshold should be set such that any

errors in loss are not significant, if the possibility that a packet

which arrived is counted as lost due to resource exhaustion is

significant compared to the loss rate of interest, Type-P-One-way-

Packet-Loss-Average will be meaningless.

5. Security Considerations

Conducting Internet measurements raises both security and privacy

concerns. This memo does not specify an implementation of the

metrics, so it does not directly affect the security of the Internet

nor of applications which run on the Internet. However,

implementations of these metrics must be mindful of security and

privacy concerns.

There are two types of security concerns: potential harm caused by

the measurements, and potential harm to the measurements. The

measurements could cause harm because they are active, and inject

packets into the network. The measurement parameters MUST be

carefully selected so that the measurements inject trivial amounts of

additional traffic into the networks they measure. If they inject

"too much" traffic, they can skew the results of the measurement, and

in extreme cases cause congestion and denial of service.

The measurements themselves could be harmed by routers giving

measurement traffic a different priority than "normal" traffic, or by

an attacker injecting artificial measurement traffic. If routers can

recognize measurement traffic and treat it separately, the

measurements will not reflect actual user traffic. If an attacker

injects artificial traffic that is accepted as legitimate, the loss

rate will be artificially lowered. Therefore, the measurement

methodologies SHOULD include appropriate techniques to reduce the

probability measurement traffic can be distinguished from "normal"

traffic. Authentication techniques, such as digital signatures, may

be used where appropriate to guard against injected traffic attacks.

The privacy concerns of network measurement are limited by the active

measurements described in this memo. Unlike passive measurements,

there can be no release of existing user data.

6. Acknowledgements

Thanks are due to Matt Mathis for encouraging this work and for

calling attention on so many occasions to the significance of packet


Thanks are due also to Vern Paxson for his valuable comments on early

drafts, and to Garry Couch and Will Leland for several useful


7. References

[1] Paxson, V., Almes,G., Mahdavi, J. and M. Mathis, "Framework for

IP Performance Metrics", RFC2330, May 1998.

[2] Almes, G., Kalidindi, S. and M. Zekauskas, "A One-way Delay

Metric for IPPM", RFC2679, September 1999.

[3] Mahdavi, J. and V. Paxson, "IPPM Metrics for Measuring

Connectivity", RFC2678, September 1999.

[4] Postel, J., "Internet Protocol", STD 5, RFC791, September 1981.

[5] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement

Levels", BCP 14, RFC2119, March 1997.

[6] Bradner, S., "The Internet Standards Process -- Revision 3", BCP

9, RFC2026, October 1996.

8. Authors' Addresses

Guy Almes

Advanced Network & Services, Inc.

200 Business Park Drive

Armonk, NY 10504


Phone: +1 914 765 1120

EMail: almes@advanced.org

Sunil Kalidindi

Advanced Network & Services, Inc.

200 Business Park Drive

Armonk, NY 10504


Phone: +1 914 765 1128

EMail: kalidindi@advanced.org

Matthew J. Zekauskas

Advanced Network & Services, Inc.

200 Business Park Drive

Armonk, NY 10504


Phone: +1 914 765 1112

EMail: matt@advanced.org

9. Full Copyright Statement

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (1999). All Rights Reserved.

This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to

others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it

or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published

and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any

kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are

included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this

document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing

the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other

Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of

developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for

copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be

followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than


The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be

revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.

This document and the information contained herein is provided on an







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