
RFC2678 - IPPM Metrics for Measuring Connectivity

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Network Working Group J. Mahdavi

Request for Comments: 2678 Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center

Obsoletes: 2498 V. Paxson

Category: Standards Track Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

September 1999

IPPM Metrics for Measuring Connectivity

Status of this Memo

This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the

Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for

improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet

Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state

and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (1999). All Rights Reserved.

1. IntrodUCtion

Connectivity is the basic stuff from which the Internet is made.

Therefore, metrics determining whether pairs of hosts (IP addresses)

can reach each other must form the base of a measurement suite. We

define several such metrics, some of which serve mainly as building

blocks for the others.

This memo defines a series of metrics for connectivity between a pair

of Internet hosts. It builds on notions introduced and discussed in

RFC2330, the IPPM framework document. The reader is assumed to be

familiar with that document.

The structure of the memo is as follows:

+ An analytic metric, called Type-P-Instantaneous-Unidirectional-

Connectivity, will be introduced to define one-way connectivity at

one moment in time.

+ Using this metric, another analytic metric, called Type-P-

Instantaneous-Bidirectional-Connectivity, will be introduced to

define two-way connectivity at one moment in time.

+ Using these metrics, corresponding one- and two-way analytic

metrics are defined for connectivity over an interval of time.

+ Using these metrics, an analytic metric, called Type-P1-P2-

Interval-Temporal-Connectivity, will be introduced to define a

useful notion of two-way connectivity between two hosts over an

interval of time.

+ Methodologies are then presented and discussed for estimating

Type-P1-P2-Interval-Temporal-Connectivity in a variety of


Careful definition of Type-P1-P2-Interval-Temporal-Connectivity and

the discussion of the metric and the methodologies for estimating it

are the two chief contributions of the memo.

2. Instantaneous One-way Connectivity

2.1. Metric Name:


2.2. Metric Parameters:

+ Src, the IP address of a host

+ Dst, the IP address of a host

+ T, a time

2.3. Metric Units:


2.4. Definition:

Src has *Type-P-Instantaneous-Unidirectional-Connectivity* to Dst at

time T if a type-P packet transmitted from Src to Dst at time T will

arrive at Dst.

2.5. Discussion:

For most applications (e.g., any TCP connection) bidirectional

connectivity is considerably more germane than unidirectional

connectivity, although unidirectional connectivity can be of interest

for some security applications (e.g., testing whether a firewall

correctly filters out a "ping of death"). Most applications also

require connectivity over an interval, while this metric is

instantaneous, though, again, for some security applications

instantaneous connectivity remains of interest. Finally, one might

not have instantaneous connectivity due to a transient event such as

a full queue at a router, even if at nearby instants in time one does

have connectivity. These points are addressed below, with this

metric serving as a building block.

Note also that we have not eXPlicitly defined *when* the packet

arrives at Dst. The TTL field in IP packets is meant to limit IP

packet lifetimes to 255 seconds (RFC791). In practice the TTL field

can be strictly a hop count (RFC1812), with most Internet hops being

much shorter than one second. This means that most packets will have

nowhere near the 255 second lifetime. In principle, however, it is

also possible that packets might survive longer than 255 seconds.

Consideration of packet lifetimes must be taken into account in

attempts to measure the value of this metric.

Finally, one might assume that unidirectional connectivity is

difficult to measure in the absence of connectivity in the reverse

direction. Consider, however, the possibility that a process on

Dst's host notes when it receives packets from Src and reports this

fact either using an external channel, or later in time when Dst does

have connectivity to Src. Such a methodology could reliably measure

the unidirectional connectivity defined in this metric.

3. Instantaneous Two-way Connectivity

3.1. Metric Name:


3.2. Metric Parameters:

+ A1, the IP address of a host

+ A2, the IP address of a host

+ T, a time

3.3. Metric Units:


3.4. Definition:

Addresses A1 and A2 have *Type-P-Instantaneous-Bidirectional-

Connectivity* at time T if address A1 has Type-P-Instantaneous-

Unidirectional-Connectivity to address A2 and address A2 has Type-P-

Instantaneous-Unidirectional-Connectivity to address A1.

3.5. Discussion:

An alternative definition would be that A1 and A2 are fully connected

if at time T address A1 has instantaneous connectivity to address A2,

and at time T+dT address A2 has instantaneous connectivity to A1,

where T+dT is when the packet sent from A1 arrives at A2. This

definition is more useful for measurement, because the measurement

can use a reply from A2 to A1 in order to assess full connectivity.

It is a more complex definition, however, because it breaks the

symmetry between A1 and A2, and requires a notion of quantifying how

long a particular packet from A1 takes to reach A2. We postpone

discussion of this distinction until the development of interval-

connectivity metrics below.

4. One-way Connectivity

4.1. Metric Name:


4.2. Metric Parameters:

+ Src, the IP address of a host

+ Dst, the IP address of a host

+ T, a time

+ dT, a duration

{Comment: Thus, the closed interval [T, T+dT] denotes a time


4.3. Metric Units:


4.4. Definition:

Address Src has *Type-P-Interval-Unidirectional-Connectivity* to

address Dst during the interval [T, T+dT] if for some T' within [T,

T+dT] it has Type-P-instantaneous-connectivity to Dst.

5. Two-way Connectivity

5.1. Metric Name:


5.2. Metric Parameters:

+ A1, the IP address of a host

+ A2, the IP address of a host

+ T, a time

+ dT, a duration

{Comment: Thus, the closed interval [T, T+dT] denotes a time


5.3. Metric Units:


5.4. Definition:

Addresses A1 and A2 have *Type-P-Interval-Bidirectional-Connectivity*

between them during the interval [T, T+dT] if address A1 has Type-P-

Interval-Unidirectional-Connectivity to address A2 during the

interval and address A2 has Type-P-Interval-Unidirectional-

Connectivity to address A1 during the interval.

5.5. Discussion:

This metric is not quite what's needed for defining "generally

useful" connectivity - that requires the notion that a packet sent

from A1 to A2 can elicit a response from A2 that will reach A1. With

this definition, it could be that A1 and A2 have full-connectivity

but only, for example, at time T1 early enough in the interval [T,

T+dT] that A1 and A2 cannot reply to packets sent by the other. This

deficiency motivates the next metric.

6. Two-way Temporal Connectivity

6.1. Metric Name:


6.2. Metric Parameters:

+ Src, the IP address of a host

+ Dst, the IP address of a host

+ T, a time

+ dT, a duration

{Comment: Thus, the closed interval [T, T+dT] denotes a time


6.3. Metric Units:


6.4. Definition:

Address Src has *Type-P1-P2-Interval-Temporal-Connectivity* to

address Dst during the interval [T, T+dT] if there exist times T1 and

T2, and time intervals dT1 and dT2, such that:

+ T1, T1+dT1, T2, T2+dT2 are all in [T, T+dT].

+ T1+dT1 <= T2.

+ At time T1, Src has Type-P1 instantanous connectivity to Dst.

+ At time T2, Dst has Type-P2 instantanous connectivity to Src.

+ dT1 is the time taken for a Type-P1 packet sent by Src at time T1

to arrive at Dst.

+ dT2 is the time taken for a Type-P2 packet sent by Dst at time T2

to arrive at Src.

6.5. Discussion:

This metric defines "generally useful" connectivity -- Src can send a

packet to Dst that elicits a response. Because many applications

utilize different types of packets for forward and reverse traffic,

it is possible (and likely) that the desired responses to a Type-P1

packet will be of a different type Type-P2. Therefore, in this

metric we allow for different types of packets in the forward and

reverse directions.

6.6. Methodologies:

Here we sketch a class of methodologies for estimating Type-P1-P2-

Interval-Temporal-Connectivity. It is a class rather than a single

methodology because the particulars will depend on the types P1 and


6.6.1. Inputs:

+ Types P1 and P2, addresses A1 and A2, interval [T, T+dT].

+ N, the number of packets to send as probes for determining


+ W, the "waiting time", which bounds for how long it is useful to

wait for a reply to a packet.

Required: W <= 255, dT > W.

6.6.2. Recommended values:

dT = 60 seconds.

W = 10 seconds.

N = 20 packets.

6.6.3. Algorithm:

+ Compute N *sending-times* that are randomly, uniformly distributed

over [T, T+dT-W].

+ At each sending time, transmit from A1 a well-formed packet of

type P1 to A2.

+ Inspect incoming network traffic to A1 to determine if a

successful reply is received. The particulars of doing so are

dependent on types P1 & P2, discussed below. If any successful

reply is received, the value of the measurement is "true". At

this point, the measurement can terminate.

+ If no successful replies are received by time T+dT, the value of

the measurement is "false".

6.6.4. Discussion:

The algorithm is inexact because it does not (and cannot) probe

temporal connectivity at every instant in time between [T, T+dT].

The value of N trades off measurement precision against network

measurement load. The state-of-the-art in Internet research does not

yet offer solid guidance for picking N. The values given above are

just guidelines.

6.6.5. Specific methodology for TCP:

A TCP-port-N1-port-N2 methodology sends TCP SYN packets with source

port N1 and dest port N2 at address A2. Network traffic incoming to

A1 is interpreted as follows:

+ A SYN-ack packet from A2 to A1 with the proper acknowledgement

fields and ports indicates temporal connectivity. The measurement

terminates immediately with a value of "true". {Comment: if, as a

side effect of the methodology, a full TCP connection has been

established between A1 and A2 -- that is, if A1's TCP stack

acknowledges A2's SYN-ack packet, completing the three-way

handshake -- then the connection now established between A1 and A2

is best torn down using the usual FIN handshake, and not using a

RST packet, because RST packets are not reliably delivered. If

the three-way handshake is not completed, however, which will

occur if the measurement tool on A1 synthesizes its own initial

SYN packet rather than going through A1's TCP stack, then A1's TCP

stack will automatically terminate the connection in a reliable

fashion as A2 continues transmitting the SYN-ack in an attempt to

establish the connection. Finally, we note that using A1's TCP

stack to conduct the measurement complicates the methodology in

that the stack may retransmit the initial SYN packet, altering the

number of probe packets sent.}

+ A RST packet from A2 to A1 with the proper ports indicates

temporal connectivity between the addresses (and a *lack* of

service connectivity for TCP-port-N1-port-N2 - something that

probably should be addressed with another metric).

+ An ICMP port-unreachable from A2 to A1 indicates temporal

connectivity between the addresses (and again a *lack* of service

connectivity for TCP-port-N1-port-N2). {Comment: TCP

implementations generally do not need to send ICMP port-

unreachable messages because a separate mechanism is available

(sending a RST). However, RFC1122 states that a TCP receiving an

ICMP port-unreachable MUST treat it the same as the equivalent

transport-level mechanism (for TCP, a RST).}

+ An ICMP host-unreachable or network-unreachable to A1 (not

necessarily from A2) with an enclosed IP header matching that sent

from A1 to A2 *suggests* a lack of temporal connectivity. If by

time T+dT no evidence of temporal connectivity has been gathered,

then the receipt of the ICMP can be used as additional information

to the measurement value of "false".

{Comment: Similar methodologies are needed for ICMP Echo, UDP, etc.}

7. Acknowledgments

The comments of Guy Almes, Martin Horneffer, Jeff Sedayao, and Sean

Shapira are appreciated.

8. Security Considerations

As noted in RFC2330, active measurement techniques, such as those

defined in this document, can be abused for denial-of-service attacks

disguised as legitimate measurement activity. Furthermore, testing

for connectivity can be used to probe firewalls and other security

mechnisms for weak spots.

9. References

[RFC1812] Baker, F., "Requirements for IP Version 4 Routers", RFC

1812, June 1995.

[RFC1122] Braden, R., Editor, "Requirements for Internet Hosts --

Communication Layers", STD, 3, RFC1122, October 1989.

[RFC2330] Paxson, V., Almes, G., Mahdavi, J. and M. Mathis,

"Framework for IP Performance Metrics", RFC2330, May


[RFC791] Postel, J., "Internet Protocol", STD 5, RFC791, September


10. Authors' Addresses

Jamshid Mahdavi

Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center

4400 5th Avenue

Pittsburgh, PA 15213


EMail: mahdavi@psc.edu

Vern Paxson

MS 50A-3111

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

University of California

Berkeley, CA 94720


Phone: +1 510/486-7504

EMail: vern@ee.lbl.gov

11. Full Copyright Statement

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (1999). All Rights Reserved.

This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to

others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it

or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published

and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any

kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are

included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this

document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing

the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other

Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of

developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for

copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be

followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than


The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be

revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.

This document and the information contained herein is provided on an







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