
RFC2656 - Registration Procedures for SOIF Template Types

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Network Working Group T. Hardie

Request For Comments: 2656 Equinix

Category: EXPerimental August 1999

Registration Procedures for SOIF Template Types

Status of this Memo

This memo defines an Experimental Protocol for the Internet

community. It does not specify an Internet standard of any kind.

Discussion and suggestions for improvement are requested.

Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (1999). All Rights Reserved.


The Summary Object Interchange Format [Ref. 1] was first defined by

the Harvest Project [Ref 2.] in January 1994. SOIF was derived from

a combination of the Internet Anonymous FTP Archives IETF Working

Group (IAFA) templates [Ref 3.] and the BiBTeX bibliography format

[Ref 4.]. The combination was originally noted for its advantages of

providing a convenient and intuitive way for delimiting objects

within a stream, and setting apart the URL for easy object Access or

invocation, while still preserving compatibility with IAFA templates.

SOIF uses named template types to indicate the attributes which may

be contained within a particular summary object. Within the context

of a single application, private agreement on the definition of

template types has been adequate. As SOIF objects are moved among

applications, however, the need for standard, well-specified, and

easily identifiable template types increases. This need is

particularly intense in the context of query referral, where

knowledge of an attribute's definition and the allowed data types for

specific values is crUCial. For a discussion of this in the context

of the Common Indexing Protocol, see [Ref. 1].

The registration procedure described in this document is specific to

SOIF template types. There is ongoing work within the IETF to

specify a more generic schema registration facility[Ref. 5]. It is

not yet clear whether the results of that work will encompass the

ability to register entities like SOIF template types. If it does

so, the registration of SOIF template types may be shifted to that

method and registry. Should that occur, appropriate pointers will be

created in cooperation with the Registrar to ensure that no

registrations are lost.

1. Registrar

The initial registrar of SOIF template types will be the Internet

Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA).

2. Defining Template Types

Each SOIF object is composed of 3 fundamental components: a template

type IDENTIFIER, a URL, and zero or more ATTRIBUTE-VALUE pairs. See

[Ref 1.] for the formal grammar of SOIF and a description of how

these components interrelate. As part of the registration process,

registrants must: propose a template type IDENTIFER; list the

ATTRIBUTEs which the template may contain; identify whether each

ATTRIBUTE is mandatory or optional; and specifiy the data type and

encoding appropriate for the VALUEs associated with each ATTRIBUTE.

2.1 The template type IDENTIFIER

The IDENTIFIER for the template type is assigned at registration

based on a proposal from the registrant. It is, however, at the sole

discretion of the registrars to assign specific IDENTIFIERS. While

they will normally assign the IDENTIFIERs proposed by registrants,

they may choose to modify a proposed IDENTIFIER to avoid conflict

with other existing or proposed template types.

Because of the pre-installed base of servers using privately agreed

upon template types, applications using SOIF need to be able to

ascertain whether a referenced template type has been registered. In

order to accomplish this, all template type IDENTIFIERS for template

types registered with the IANA will begin with the ASCII string

"IANA-". An IANA-registered template type based on the GILS

specification, for example, might be registered as "IANA-GILS".

Should other registrars emerge over time, similar strings must be

established and used to compose template type IDENTIFIERS which they


2.2 The URL

The URL associated with a particular summary object is determined by

the application generating the object. Applications must generate

valid URLs according to the rules of [Ref 6.], but there is no

restriction on what sorts of URLs may be associated with particular

template types. The use of a particular template type indicates the

type of information contained in the summary object, not how the

inital resource being summarized was accessed. This ASPect of SOIF

summary objects is therefor not subject to registration.


Where an ATTRIBUTE associated with a proposed template type exactly

matches an ATTRIBUTE previously defined in a registered template

type, the proposed ATTRIBUTE should be defined by reference to the

existing, registered ATTRIBUTE. This allows query referral meshes to

easily map queries against ATTRIBUTEs derived from different template

types and provides an easy method for extending or restricting an

existing template type to match an application's particular needs.

In such cases, the ATTRIBUTE for the newly registered template type

will have the same name, description, and allowed values as the

ATTRIBUTE in the existing registered template type.

Where no existing ATTRIBUTE may be referenced, registrants must

specify each ATTRIBUTE's name, description, and allowed values.

2.3.1 ATTRIBUTE names

To handle multiple VALUEs for the same ATTRIBUTE, SOIF uses a naming

convention, appending a hyphen and a positive integer to the base

ATTRIBUTE name to create a unique ATTRIBUTE IDENTIFIER. For example,

the ATTRIBUTE IDENTIFIERs "Publisher-1", "Publisher-2", and

"Publisher-3" can be used to associate three VALUEs with the

ATTRIBUTE named "Publisher". In order to provide for the unimpeded

operation of this convention, ATTRIBUTE names may not terminate with

a hyphen followed by an integer. ATTRIBUTE names are otherwise

restricted only by the grammar defined in [Ref. 1].

In general, registrants will probably wish to propose ATTRIBUTE names

which are short, mnemonic, and intuitively associated with the

characterstic that the ATTRIBUTE describes. While these may be

generally laudable goals, it must be remembered that the application

interface need not present the raw ATTRIBUTE name to the end user;

indeed, in situations where the end user's language does not use the

ASCII character set, the interface must map the ATTRIBUTE name to an

appropriate local representation. Since ATTRIBUTE definitions are

provided as part of the registration process, registrants should

avoid attempting to overload the ATTRIBUTE name with information

which belongs in the description.

2.3.2 ATTRIBUTE descriptions

ATTRIBUTE descriptions for ATTRIBUTEs registered with the IANA must

be in English, though mappings to other languages may be proposed as

part of the ATTRIBUTE description. ATTRIBUTE descriptions should

propose clear criteria for establishing whether an object posseses a

particular ATTRIBUTE. Descriptions should also include at least two

examples of how each attribute relates to an object being summarized,

using, where possible, objects which are broadly available to a wide

variety of audiences. If several ATTRIBUTEs within a template type

inter-relate, the descriptions of each may reference the others; care

must be taken, however, that the resulting descriptions are not

circular. Where fully realized specifications of the ATTRIBUTEs have

been created in other contexts, the salient text from those

descriptions should be quoted and appropriate references cited.

2.3.3 Required and Optional Attributes

Each ATTRIBUTE registered for a template type must be marked either

required or optional. Note that marking an ATTRIBUTE required does

not imply that it may not have a null value; it implies only that it

must appear in all templates of that registered template type.


For each ATTRIBUTE, the registrant must specify the data format and,

if appropriate, the language, character set, and encoding. Where

possible, the registrant should include references to a precise and

openly available specification of the format. The registrant must

also specify the appropriate matching semantics for the ATTRIBUTE if

these are not strictly implied by the data format and encoding. The

registrant must also note whether null values are permitted.

3. Versioning

Creating a revision of a template type is functionally similar to

creating a new template type. A Registrant may propose as a name any

derivative allowed under the rules of section 4.1 and [Ref. 1] to the

new template type. ATTRIBUTEs retained across versions without

modification should be referenced as described in section 4.3.

Modified ATTRIBUTEs must be described as if new. A registrant may

note a relationship between a proposed template type and an existing

template type as part of the registration process. The following

three relationships are currently defined:

Successor: for proposed template types intended to replace an

existing template type.

Variant: for proposed template types whose ATTRIBUTEs are either a

superset or a subset of an existing template type.

Alternate: for proposed template types which share a large number of

ATTRIBUTEs with an existing template type but whose ATTRIBUTEs do not

form a strict superset or subset of an existing template type.

Note that there may be relationships between ATTRIBUTEs of different

template types without there being a named relationship between the

template types themselves.

4. Security

SOIF template types which are intended for applications which will

pass summary objects over the global Internet should contain

authentication ATTRIBUTEs. SOIF summary objects lacking

authentication ATTRIBUTEs must be treated as unreliable indicators of

the referenced resource's content and should only be used where other

aspects of the environment provide sufficient security to prevent

spoofing. Given, however, that particular template types may be

intended for environments with such security, there is no requirement

that registered template types contain authentication ATTRIBUTEs.

The application developer must select or propose a template type

appropriate for the intended appliation environment; if none is

available with suitable authentication ATTRIBUTEs, the provisions of

section 4.3 make it easy for the developer to propose an extension to

an existing template type with the appropriate authentication


5. References

[1] Hardie, T., Bowman, M., Hardy, D., Schwartz, M. and D. Wessels,

"CIP Index Object Format for SOIF Objects", RFC2655, August


[2] The Harvest Information Discovery and Access System:


[3] D. Beckett, IAFA Templates in Use as Internet Metadata, 4th

Int'l WWW Conference, December 1995,


[4] L. Lamport, LaTeX: A Document Preparation System, Addison-

Wesley, Reading, Mass., 1986.

[5] IETF Schema Registration Working Group.


[6] Berners-Lee, T., Masinter, L. and M. McCahill, "Uniform Resource

Locators (URL)", RFC1738, December 1994.

6. Author's Address

Ted Hardie


901 Marshall Street

Redwood City, CA 94063 USA

EMail: hardie@equinix.com

Appendix A.

An Example Registration Form

1. Registrant's Name ________________________________________

2. Registrant's Organization ________________________________

3. Registrant's email address _______________________________

4. Registrant's postal address ______________________________




5. Registrant's telephone number ____________________________

6. Proposed Template Type IDENTIFIER: IANA-__________________

7. If this Template Type relates to an existing Template Type

list the Template Type(s) and the relationship:

Template Type ___________________ Relationship ______________

8. For each ATTRIBUTE in this Template type, provide the

following information:

a) NAME _____________________________________________________

b) Reference Template Type __________________________________

If there is no registered Template Type which has already

specified this attribute, provide the following information:

c) ATTRIBUTE Description ____________________________________














d) Required [] or Optional []?

e) Data Type and ecoding for this VALUE _____________________



f) If a specific language and character set are expected, list

them here ___________________________________________________

g) Is a null value permitted? Yes [] No []

7. Full Copyright Statement

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (1999). All Rights Reserved.

This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to

others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it

or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published

and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any

kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are

included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this

document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing

the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other

Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of

developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for

copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be

followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than


The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be

revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.

This document and the information contained herein is provided on an







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