
RFC2707 - Job Monitoring MIB - V1.0

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
窄屏简体版  字體: |||超大  

Network Working Group R. Bergman

Request for Comments: 2707 DataprodUCts Corp.

Category: Informational T. Hastings, Ed.

Xerox Corporation

S. Isaacson

Novell, Inc.

H. Lewis

IBM Corp.

November 1999

Job Monitoring MIB - V1.0

Status of this Memo

This memo provides information for the Internet community. It does

not specify an Internet standard of any kind. Distribution of this

memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (1999). All Rights Reserved.


This MIB module uses an unconventional scheme for modeling management

information (on top of the SNMP model) which is unique to this MIB.

The IESG recommends against using this document as an example for the

design of future MIBs.

The "Printer Working Group" industry consortium is not an IETF

working group, and the IETF does not recognize the Printer Working

Group as a standards-setting body. This document is being published

solely to provide information to the Internet community regarding a

MIB that might be deployed in the marketplace. Publication of this

document as an RFCis not an endorsement of this MIB.


This document provides a printer industry standard SNMP MIB for (1)

monitoring the status and progress of print jobs (2) oBTaining

resource requirements before a job is processed, (3) monitoring

resource consumption while a job is being processed and (4)

collecting resource accounting data after the completion of a job.

This MIB is intended to be implemented (1) in a printer or (2) in a

server that supports one or more printers. Use of the object set is

not limited to printing. However, support for services other than

printing is outside the scope of this Job Monitoring MIB. Future

extensions to this MIB may include, but are not limited to, fax

machines and scanners.

Table of Contents


1.1 Types of Information in the MIB 5

1.2 Types of Job Monitoring Applications 6


2.1 System Configurations for the Job Monitoring MIB 11

2.1.1 Configuration 1 - client-printer 11

2.1.2 Configuration 2 - client-server-printer - agent in the

server 12

2.1.3 Configuration 3 - client-server-printer - client

monitors printer agent and server 14


3.1 Conformance Considerations 15

3.1.1 Conformance Terminology 16

3.1.2 Agent Conformance Requirements 16 MIB II System Group objects 17 MIB II Interface Group objects 17 Printer MIB objects 17

3.1.3 Job Monitoring Application Conformance Requirements 17

3.2 The Job Tables and the Oldest Active and Newest Active

Indexes 18

3.3 The Attribute Mechanism and the Attribute Table(s) 20

3.3.1 Conformance of Attribute Implementation 21

3.3.2 Useful, 'Unknown', and 'Other' Values for Objects and

Attributes 21

3.3.3 Index Value Attributes 22

3.3.4 Data Sub-types and Attribute Naming Conventions 22

3.3.5 Single-Value (Row) Versus Multi-Value (MULTI-ROW)

Attributes 23

3.3.6 Requested Objects and Attributes 23

3.3.7 Consumption Attributes 24

3.3.8 Attribute Specifications 24

3.3.9 Job State Reason bit definitions 43 JmJobStateReasons1TC specification 44 JmJobStateReasons2TC specification 47 JmJobStateReasons3TC specification 51 JmJobStateReasons4TC specification 51

3.4 Monitoring Job Progress 51

3.5 Job Identification 55

3.5.1 The Job Submission ID specifications 56

3.6 Internationalization Considerations 60

3.6.1 Text generated by the server or device 61

3.6.2 Text supplied by the job submitter 61

3.6.3 'DateAndTime' for representing the date and time 63

3.7 IANA and PWG Registration Considerations 63

3.7.1 PWG Registration of enums 63 Type 1 enumerations 64 Type 2 enumerations 64 Type 3 enumeration 64

3.7.2 PWG Registration of type 2 bit values 65

3.7.3 PWG Registration of Job Submission Id Formats 65

3.7.4 PWG Registration of MIME types/sub-types for document-

formats 65

3.8 Security Considerations 65

3.8.1 Read-Write objects 65

3.8.2 Read-Only Objects In Other User's Jobs 66

3.9 Notifications 66


Textual conventions for this MIB module 68

JmUTF8StringTC 68

JmJobStringTC 68

JmNaturalLanguageTagTC 68

JmTimeStampTC 69

JmJobSourcePlatformTypeTC 69

JmFinishingTC 70

JmPrintQualityTC 71

JmPrinterResolutionTC 71

JmTonerEconomyTC 72

JmBooleanTC 72

JmMediumTypeTC 72

JmJobCollationTypeTC 74

JmJobSubmissionIDTypeTC 74

JmJobStateTC 75

JmAttributeTypeTC 78

JmJobServiceTypesTC 81

JmJobStateReasons1TC 83

JmJobStateReasons2TC 83

JmJobStateReasons3TC 83

JmJobStateReasons4TC 84

The General Group (MANDATORY) 84

jmGeneralJobSetIndex (Int32(1..32767)) 85

jmGeneralNumberOfActiveJobs (Int32(0..)) 86

jmGeneralOldestActiveJobIndex (Int32(0..)) 86

jmGeneralNewestActiveJobIndex (Int32(0..)) 86

jmGeneralJobPersistence (Int32(15..)) 87

jmGeneralAttributePersistence (Int32(15..)) 87

jmGeneralJobSetName (UTF8String63) 88

The Job ID Group (MANDATORY) 88

jmJobSubmissionID (OCTET STRING(SIZE(48))) 89

jmJobIDJobSetIndex (Int32(0..32767)) 90

jmJobIDJobIndex (Int32(0..)) 91

The Job Group (MANDATORY) 91

jmJobIndex (Int32(1..)) 92

jmJobState (JmJobStateTC) 92

jmJobStateReasons1 (JmJobStateReasons1TC) 93

jmNumberOfInterveningJobs (Int32(-2..)) 93

jmJobKOctetsPerCopyRequested (Int32(-2..)) 94

jmJobKOctetsProcessed (Int32(-2..)) 94

jmJobImpressionsPerCopyRequested (Int32(-2..)) 95

jmJobImpressionsCompleted (Int32(-2..)) 96

jmJobOwner (JobString63) 96

The Attribute Group (MANDATORY) 97

jmAttributeTypeIndex (JmAttributeTypeTC) 98

jmAttributeInstanceIndex (Int32(1..32767)) 99

jmAttributeValueAsInteger (Int32(-2..)) 99

jmAttributeValueAsOctets (Octets63) 100






10 INDEX 111

11 Full Copyright Statement 114

1 Introduction

This specification defines an official Printer Working Group (PWG)

[PWG] standard SNMP MIB for the monitoring of jobs on network

printers. This specification is being published as an IETF

Information Document for the convenience of the Internet community.

In consultation with the IETF Application Area Directors, it was

concluded that this MIB specification properly belongs as an

Information document, because this MIB monitors a service node on the

network, rather than a network node proper.

The Job Monitoring MIB is intended to be implemented by an agent

within a printer or the first server closest to the printer, where

the printer is either directly connected to the server only or the

printer does not contain the job monitoring MIB agent. It is

recommended that implementations place the SNMP agent as close as

possible to the processing of the print job. This MIB applies to

printers with and without spooling capabilities. This MIB is

designed to be compatible with most current commonly-used job

submission protocols. In most environments that support high

function job submission/job control protocols, like ISO DPA [iso-

dpa], those protocols would be used to monitor and manage print jobs

rather than using the Job Monitoring MIB.

The Job Monitoring MIB consists of a General Group, a Job Submission

ID Group, a Job Group, and an Attribute Group. Each group is a

table. All Accessible objects are read-only. The General Group

contains general information that applies to all jobs in a job set.

The Job Submission ID table maps the job submission ID that the

client uses to identify a job to the jmJobIndex that the Job

Monitoring Agent uses to identify jobs in the Job and Attribute

tables. The Job table contains the MANDATORY integer job state and

status objects. The Attribute table consists of multiple entries per

job that specify (1) job and document identification and parameters,

(2) requested resources, and (3) consumed resources during and after

job processing/printing. A larger number of job attributes are

defined as textual conventions that an agent SHALL return if the

server or device implements the functionality so represented and the

agent has access to the information.

1.1 Types of Information in the MIB

The job MIB is intended to provide the following information for the

indicated Role Models in the Printer MIB [print-mib] (Appendix D -

Roles of Users).


Provide the ability to identify the least busy printer. The

user will be able to determine the number and size of jobs

waiting for each printer. No attempt is made to actually

predict the length of time that jobs will take.

Provide the ability to identify the current status of the

user's job (user queries).

Provide a timely indication that the job has completed and

where it can be found.

Provide error and diagnostic information for jobs that did not

successfully complete.


Provide a presentation of the state of all the jobs in the

print system.

Provide the ability to identify the user that submitted the

print job.

Provide the ability to identify the resources required by each


Provide the ability to define which physical printers are

candidates for the print job.

Provide some idea of how long each job will take. However,

exact estimates of time to process a job is not being

attempted. Instead, objects are included that allow the

operator to be able to make gross estimates.

Capacity Planner:

Provide the ability to determine printer utilization as a

function of time.

Provide the ability to determine how long jobs wait before

starting to print.


Provide information to allow the creation of a record of

resources consumed and printer usage data for charging users or

groups for resources consumed.

Provide information to allow the prediction of consumable usage

and resource need.

The MIB supports printers that can contain more than one job at a

time, but still be usable for low end printers that only contain a

single job at a time. In particular, the MIB supports the needs of

Windows and other PC environments for managing low-end direct-connect

(serial or parallel) and networked devices without unnecessary

overhead or complexity, while also providing for higher end systems

and devices.

1.2 Types of Job Monitoring Applications

The Job Monitoring MIB is designed for the following types of

monitoring applications:

1. Monitor a single job starting when the job is submitted and

ending a defined period after the job completes. The Job

Submission ID table provides the map to find the specific job

to be monitored.

2. Monitor all 'active' jobs in a queue, which this

specification generalizes to a "job set". End users may use

such a program when selecting a least busy printer, so the

MIB is designed for such a program to start up quickly and

find the information needed quickly without having to read

all (completed) jobs in order to find the active jobs.

System operators may also use such a program, in which case

it would be running for a long period of time and may also be

interested in the jobs that have completed. Finally such a

program may be used to provide an enhanced console and

logging capability.

3. Collect resource usage for accounting or system utilization

purposes that copy the completed job statistics to an

accounting system. It is recognized that depending on

accounting programs to copy MIB data during the job-retention

period is somewhat unreliable, since the accounting program

may not be running (or may have crashed). Such a program is

also eXPected to keep a shadow copy of the entire Job

Attribute table including completed, canceled, and aborted

jobs which the program updates on each polling cycle. Such a

program polls at the rate of the persistence of the Attribute

table. The design is not optimized to help such an

application determine which jobs are completed, canceled, or

aborted. Instead, the application SHOULD query each job that

the application's shadow copy shows was not complete,

canceled, or aborted at the previous poll cycle to see if it

is now complete or canceled, plus any new jobs that have been


The MIB provides a set of objects that represent a compatible subset

of job and document attributes of the ISO DPA standard [iso-dpa] and

the Internet Printing Protocol (IPP) [ipp-model], so that coherence

is maintained between these two protocols and the information

presented to end users and system operators by monitoring

applications. However, the job monitoring MIB is intended to be used

with printers that implement other job submitting and management

protocols, such as IEEE 1284.1 (TIPSI) [tipsi], as well as with ones

that do implement ISO DPA. Thus the job monitoring MIB does not

require implementation of either the ISO DPA or IPP protocols.

The MIB is designed so that an additional MIB(s) can be specified in

the future for monitoring multi-function (scan, FAX, copy) jobs as an

augmentation to this MIB.

2 Terminology and Job Model

This section defines the terms that are used in this specification

and the general model for jobs in alphabetical order.

NOTE - Existing systems use conflicting terms, so these terms are

drawn from the ISO 10175 Document Printing Application (DPA)

standard [iso-dpa]. For example, PostScript systems use the term

session for what is called a job in this specification and the

term job to mean what is called a document in this specification.

Accounting Application: The SNMP management application that copies

job information to some more permanent medium so that another

application can perform accounting on the data for Accountants, Asset

Managers, and Capacity Planners use.

Agent: The network entity that accepts SNMP requests from a monitor

or accounting application and provides access to the instrumentation

for managing jobs modeled by the management objects defined in the

Job Monitoring MIB module for a server or a device.

Attribute: A name, value-pair that specifies a job or document

instruction, a status, or a condition of a job or a document that has

been submitted to a server or device. A particular attribute NEED

NOT be present in each job instance. In other Words, attributes are

present in a job instance only when there is a need to express the

value, either because (1) the client supplied a value in the job

submission protocol, (2) the document data contained an embedded

attribute, or (3) the server or device supplied a default value. An

agent MAY represent an attribute as an entry (row) in the Attribute

table in this MIB in which entries are present only when necessary.

Attributes are identified in this MIB by an enum.

Client: The network entity that end users use to submit jobs to

spoolers, servers, or printers and other devices, depending on the

configuration, using any job submission protocol over a serial or

parallel port to a directly-connected device or over the network to a

networked-connected device.

Device: A hardware entity that (1) interfaces to humans, such as a

device that produces marks on paper or scans marks on paper to

produce an electronic representation, (2) accesses digital media,

such as CD-ROMs, or (3) interfaces electronically to another device,

such as sends FAX data to another FAX device.

Document: A sub-section within a job that contains print data and

document instructions that apply to just the document.

Document Instruction: An instruction specifying how to process the

document. Document instructions MAY be passed in the job submission

protocol separate from the actual document data, or MAY be embedded

in the document data or a combination, depending on the job

submission protocol and implementation.

End User: A user that uses a client to submit a print job. See


Impression: For a print job, an impression is the passage of the

entire side of a sheet by the marker, whether or not any marks are

made and independent of the number of passes that the side makes past

the marker. Thus a four pass color process counts as a single

impression, as does highlight color. Impression counters count all

kinds: monochrome, highlight color, and full process color, while

full color counters only count full color impressions, and high light

color counters only count high light color impressions.

One-sided processing involves one impression per sheet. Two-sided

processing involves two impressions per sheet. If a two-sided

document has an odd number of pages, the last sheet still counts as

two impressions, if that sheet makes two passes through the marker or

the marker marks on both sides of a sheet in a single pass. Two-up

printing is the placement of two logical pages on one side of a sheet

and so is still a single impression. See "page" and "sheet".

NOTE - Since impressions include blank sides, it is suggested that

accounting application implementers consider charging for sheets,

rather than impressions, possibly using the value of the sides

attribute to select different charges for one-sided versus two-sided

printing, since some users may think that impressions don't include

blank sides.

Internal Collation: The production of the sheets for each document

copy performed within the printing device by making multiple passes

over either the source or an intermediate representation of the


Job: A unit of work whose results are expected together without

interjection of unrelated results. A job contains one or more


Job Accounting: The activity of a management application of

accessing the MIB and recording what happens to the job during and

after the processing of the job.

Job Instruction: An instruction specifying how, when, or where the

job is to be processed. Job instructions MAY be passed in the job

submission protocol or MAY be embedded in the document data or a

combination depending on the job submission protocol and


Job Monitoring (using SNMP): The activity of a management

application of accessing the MIB and (1) identifying jobs in the job

tables being processed by the server, printer or other devices, and

(2) displaying information to the user about the processing of the


Job Monitoring Application: The SNMP management application that End

Users, and System Operators use to monitor jobs using SNMP. A

monitor MAY be either a separate application or MAY be part of the

client that also submits jobs. See "monitor".

Job Set: A group of jobs that are queued and scheduled together

according to a specified scheduling algorithm for a specified device

or set of devices. For implementations that embed the SNMP agent in

the device, the MIB job set normally represents all the jobs known to

the device, so that the implementation only implements a single job

set. If the SNMP agent is implemented in a server that controls one

or more devices, each MIB job set represents a job queue for (1) a

specific device or (2) set of devices, if the server uses a single

queue to load balance between several devices. Each job set is

disjoint; no job SHALL be represented in more than one MIB job set.

Monitor: Short for Job Monitoring Application.

Page: A page is a logical division of the original source document.

Number up is the imposition of more than one page on a single side of

a sheet. See "impression" and "sheet" and "two-up".

Proxy: An agent that acts as a concentrator for one or more other

agents by accepting SNMP operations on the behalf of one or more

other agents, forwarding them on to those other agents, gathering

responses from those other agents and returning them to the original

requesting monitor.

Queuing: The act of a device or server of ordering (queuing) the

jobs for the purposes of scheduling the jobs to be processed.

Printer: A device that puts marks on media.

Server: A network entity that accepts jobs from clients and in turn

submits the jobs to printers and other devices that may be directly

connected to the server via a serial or parallel port or may be on

the network. A server MAY be a printer supervisor control program,

or a print spooler.

Sheet: A sheet is a single instance of a medium, whether printing on

one or both sides of the medium. See "impression" and "page".

SNMP Information Object: A name, value-pair that specifies an

action, a status, or a condition in an SNMP MIB. Objects are

identified in SNMP by an OBJECT IDENTIFIER.

Spooler: A server that accepts jobs, spools the data, and decides

when and on which printer to print the job. A spooler is a client to

a printer or a printer supervisor, depending on implementation.

Spooling: The act of a device or server of (1) accepting jobs and

(2) writing the job's attributes and document data on to secondary


Stacked: When a media sheet is placed in an output bin of a device.

Supervisor: A server that contains a control program that controls a

printer or other device. A supervisor is a client to the printer or

other device.

System Operator: A user that uses a monitor to monitor the system

and carries out tasks to keep the system running.

System Administrator: A user that specifies policy for the system.

Two-up: The placement of two pages on one side of a sheet so that

each side or impressions counts as two pages. See "page" and


User: A person that uses a client or a monitor. See "end user".

2.1 System Configurations for the Job Monitoring MIB

This section enumerates the three configurations in which the Job

Monitoring MIB is intended to be used. To simplify the pictures, the

devices are shown as printers. See section 1.1 entitled "Types of

Information in the MIB".

The diagram in the Printer MIB [print-mib] entitled: "One Printer's

View of the Network" is assumed for this MIB as well. Please refer

to that diagram to aid in understanding the following system


2.1.1 Configuration 1 - client-printer

In the client-printer configuration 1, the client(s) submit jobs

directly to the printer, either by some direct connect, or by network


The job submitting client and/or monitoring application monitor jobs

by communicating directly with an agent that is part of the printer.

The agent in the printer SHALL keep the job in the Job Monitoring MIB

as long as the job is in the printer, plus a defined time period

after the job enters the completed state in which accounting programs

can copy out the accounting data from the Job Monitoring MIB.

all end-user ######## SNMP query

+-------+ +--------+ ---- job submission

monitor client

+---#---+ +--#--+--+

# #

# ############

# #




PRINTER <--------+

Print Job Delivery Channel


Figure 2-1 - Configuration 1 - client-printer - agent in the printer

The Job Monitoring MIB is designed to support the following

relationships (not shown in Figure 2-1):

1. Multiple clients MAY submit jobs to a printer.

2. Multiple clients MAY monitor a printer.

3. Multiple monitors MAY monitor a printer.

4. A client MAY submit jobs to multiple printers.

5. A monitor MAY monitor multiple printers.

2.1.2 Configuration 2 - client-server-printer - agent in the server

In the client-server-printer configuration 2, the client(s) submit

jobs to an intermediate server by some network connection, not

directly to the printer. While configuration 2 is included, the

design center for this MIB is configurations 1 and 3.

The job submitting client and/or monitoring application monitor jobs

by communicating directly with:

A Job Monitoring MIB agent that is part of the server (or a front

for the server)

There is no SNMP Job Monitoring MIB agent in the printer in

configuration 2, at least that the client or monitor are aware. In

this configuration, the agent SHALL return the current values of the

objects in the Job Monitoring MIB both for jobs the server keeps and

jobs that the server has submitted to the printer. The Job

Monitoring MIB agent obtains the required information from the

printer by a method that is beyond the scope of this document. The

agent in the server SHALL keep the job in the Job Monitoring MIB in

the server as long as the job is in the printer, plus a defined time

period after the job enters the completed state in which accounting

programs can copy out the accounting data from the Job Monitoring


all end-user

+-------+ +----------+

monitor client ######## SNMP query

+---+---# +---#----+-+ **** non-SNMP cntrl

# # ---- job submission

# #

# #






control *




PRINTER <---------+

Print Job Delivery Channel


Figure 2-2 - Configuration 2 - client-server-printer - agent in the


The Job Monitoring MIB is designed to support the following

relationships (not shown in Figure 2-2):

1. Multiple clients MAY submit jobs to a server.

2. Multiple clients MAY monitor a server.

3. Multiple monitors MAY monitor a server.

4. A client MAY submit jobs to multiple servers.

5. A monitor MAY monitor multiple servers.

6. Multiple servers MAY submit jobs to a printer.

7. Multiple servers MAY control a printer.

2.1.3 Configuration 3 - client-server-printer - client monitors printer

agent and server

In the client-server-printer configuration 3, the client(s) submit

jobs to an intermediate server by some network connection, not

directly to the printer. That server does not contain a Job

Monitoring MIB agent.

The job submitting client and/or monitoring application monitor jobs

by communicating directly with:

1. The server using some undefined protocol to monitor jobs in

the server (that does not contain the Job Monitoring MIB) AND

2. A Job Monitoring MIB agent that is part of the printer to

monitor jobs after the server passes the jobs to the printer.

In such configurations, the server deletes its copy of the

job from the server after submitting the job to the printer

usually almost immediately (before the job does much

processing, if any).

In configuration 3, the agent (in the printer) SHALL keep the values

of the objects in the Job Monitoring MIB that the agent implements

updated for a job that the server has submitted to the printer. The

agent SHALL obtain information about the jobs submitted to the

printer from the server (either in the job submission protocol, in

the document data, or by direct query of the server), in order to

populate some of the objects the Job Monitoring MIB in the printer.

The agent in the printer SHALL keep the job in the Job Monitoring MIB

as long as the job is in the Printer, and longer in order to

implement the completed state in which monitoring programs can copy

out the accounting data from the Job Monitoring MIB.

all end-user

+-------+ +----------+

monitor client ######## SNMP query

+---+---* +---*----+-+ **** non-SNMP query

# * * ---- job submission

# * *

# * *

# *=====v====v==+


# server


# +----#-----+--+

# optional#

# ##########

# #




PRINTER <---------+

Print Job Delivery Channel


Figure 2-3 - Configuration 3 - client-server-printer - client

monitors printer agent and server

The Job Monitoring MIB is designed to support the following

relationships (not shown in Figure 2-3):

1. Multiple clients MAY submit jobs to a server.

2. Multiple clients MAY monitor a server.

3. Multiple monitors MAY monitor a server.

4. A client MAY submit jobs to multiple servers.

5. A monitor MAY monitor multiple servers.

6. Multiple servers MAY submit jobs to a printer.

7. Multiple servers MAY control a printer.

3 Managed Object Usage

This section describes the usage of the objects in the MIB.

3.1 Conformance Considerations

In order to achieve interoperability between job monitoring

applications and job monitoring agents, this specification includes

the conformance requirements for both monitoring applications and


3.1.1 Conformance Terminology

This specification uses the verbs: "SHALL", "SHOULD", "MAY", and

"NEED NOT" to specify conformance requirements according to RFC2119

[RFC2119] as follows:

"SHALL": indicates an action that the subject of the sentence

must implement in order to claim conformance to this specification

"MAY": indicates an action that the subject of the sentence does

not have to implement in order to claim conformance to this

specification, in other words that action is an implementation


"NEED NOT": indicates an action that the subject of the sentence

does not have to implement in order to claim conformance to this

specification. The verb "NEED NOT" is used instead of "may not",

since "may not" sounds like a prohibition.

"SHOULD": indicates an action that is recommended for the subject

of the sentence to implement, but is not required, in order to

claim conformance to this specification.

3.1.2 Agent Conformance Requirements

A conforming agent:

1. SHALL implement all MANDATORY groups in this specification.

2. SHALL implement any attributes if (1) the server or device

supports the functionality represented by the attribute and (2)

the information is available to the agent.

3. SHOULD implement both forms of an attribute if it implements an

attribute that permits a choice of INTEGER and OCTET STRING

forms, since implementing both forms may help management

applications by giving them a choice of representations, since

the representation are equivalent. See the JmAttributeTypeTC


NOTE - This MIB, like the Printer MIB, is written following the

subset of SMIv2 that can be supported by SMIv1 and SNMPv1

implementations. MIB II System Group objects

The Job Monitoring MIB agent SHALL implement all objects in the

System Group of MIB-II [mib-II], whether the Printer MIB [print-mib]

is implemented or not. MIB II Interface Group objects

The Job Monitoring MIB agent SHALL implement all objects in the

Interfaces Group of MIB-II [mib-II], whether the Printer MIB [print-

mib] is implemented or not. Printer MIB objects

If the agent is providing access to a device that is a printer, the

agent SHALL implement all of the MANDATORY objects in the Printer MIB

[print-mib] and all the objects in other MIBs that conformance to the

Printer MIB requires, such as the Host Resources MIB [hr-mib]. If

the agent is providing access to a server that controls one or more

direct-connect or networked printers, the agent NEED NOT implement

the Printer MIB and NEED NOT implement the Host Resources MIB.

3.1.3 Job Monitoring Application Conformance Requirements

A conforming job monitoring application:

1. SHALL accept the full syntactic range for all objects in all

MANDATORY groups and all MANDATORY attributes that are

required to be implemented by an agent according to Section

3.1.2 and SHALL either present them to the user or ignore


2. SHALL accept the full syntactic range for all attributes,

including enum and bit values specified in this specification

and additional ones that may be registered with the PWG and

SHALL either present them to the user or ignore them. In

particular, a conforming job monitoring application SHALL not

malfunction when receiving any standard or registered enum or

bit values. See Section 3.7 entitled "IANA and PWG

Registration Considerations".

3. SHALL NOT fail when operating with agents that materialize

attributes after the job has been submitted, as opposed to

when the job is submitted.

4. SHALL, if it supports a time attribute, accept either form of

the time attribute, since agents are free to implement either

time form.

3.2 The Job Tables and the Oldest Active and Newest Active Indexes

The jmJobTable and jmAttributeTable contain objects and attributes,

respectively, for each job in a job set. These first two indexes


1. jmGeneralJobSetIndex - which job set

2. jmJobIndex - which job in the job set

In order for a monitoring application to quickly find that active

jobs (jobs in the pending, processing, or processingStopped states),

the MIB contains two indexes:

1. jmGeneralOldestActiveJobIndex - the index of the active job

that has been in the tables the longest.

2. jmGeneralNewestActiveJobIndex - the index of the active job

that has been most recently added to the tables.

The agent SHALL assign the next incremental value of jmJobIndex to

the job, when a new job is accepted by the server or device to which

the agent is providing access. If the incremented value of

jmJobIndex would exceed the implementation-defined maximum value for

jmJobIndex, the agent SHALL 'wrap' back to 1. An agent uses the

resulting value of jmJobIndex for storing information in the

jmJobTable and the jmAttributeTable about the job.

It is recommended that the largest value for jmJobIndex be much

larger than the maximum number of jobs that the implementation can

contain at a single time, so as to minimize the premature re-use of a

jmJobIndex value for a newer job while clients retain the same '

stale' value for an older job.

It is recommended that agents that are providing access to

servers/devices that already allocate job-identifiers for jobs as

integers use the same integer value for the jmJobIndex. Then

management applications using this MIB and applications using other

protocols will see the same job identifiers for the same jobs.

Agents providing access to systems that contain jobs with a job

identifier of 0 SHALL map the job identifier value 0 to a jmJobIndex

value that is one higher than the highest job identifier value that

any job can have on that system. Then only job 0 will have a

different job-identifier value than the job's jmJobIndex value.

NOTE - If a server or device accepts jobs using multiple job

submission protocols, it may be difficult for the agent to meet the

recommendation to use the job-identifier values that the server or

device assigns as the jmJobIndex value, unless the server/device

assigns job-identifiers for each of its job submission protocols from

the same job-identifier number space.

Each time a new job is accepted by the server or device that the

agent is providing access to AND that job is to be 'active' (pending,

processing, or processingStopped, but not pendingHeld), the agent

SHALL copy the value of the job's jmJobIndex to the

jmGeneralNewestActiveJobIndex object. If the new job is to be '

inactive' (pendingHeld state), the agent SHALL not change the value

of jmGeneralNewestActiveJobIndex object (though the agent SHALL

assign the next incremental jmJobIndex value to the job).

When a job transitions from one of the 'active' job states (pending,

processing, processingStopped) to one of the 'inactive' job states

(pendingHeld, completed, canceled, or aborted), with a jmJobIndex

value that matches the jmGeneralOldestActiveJobIndex object, the

agent SHALL advance (or wrap) the value to the next oldest 'active'

job, if any. See the JmJobStateTC textual-convention for a

definition of the job states.

Whenever a job transitions from one of the 'inactive' job states to

one of the 'active' job states (from pendingHeld to pending or

processing), the agent SHALL update the value of either the

jmGeneralOldestActiveJobIndex or the jmGeneralNewestActiveJobIndex

objects, or both, if the job's jmJobIndex value is outside the range

between jmGeneralOldestActiveJobIndex and


When all jobs become 'inactive', i.e., enter the pendingHeld,

completed, canceled, or aborted states, the agent SHALL set the value

of both the jmGeneralOldestActiveJobIndex and

jmGeneralNewestActiveJobIndex objects to 0.

NOTE - Applications that wish to efficiently access all of the active

jobs MAY use jmGeneralOldestActiveJobIndex value to start with the

oldest active job and continue until they reach the index value equal

to jmGeneralNewestActiveJobIndex, skipping over any pendingHeld,

completed, canceled, or aborted jobs that might intervene.

If an application detects that the jmGeneralNewestActiveJobIndex is

smaller than jmGeneralOldestActiveJobIndex, the job index has

wrapped. In this case, the application SHALL reset the index to 1

when the end of the table is reached and continue the GetNext

operations to find the rest of the active jobs.

NOTE - Applications detect the end of the jmAttributeTable table when

the OID returned by the GetNext operation is an OID in a different

MIB. There is no object in this MIB that specifies the maximum value

for the jmJobIndex supported by the implementation.

When the server or device is power-cycled, the agent SHALL remember

the next jmJobIndex value to be assigned, so that new jobs are not

assigned the same jmJobIndex as recent jobs before the power cycle.

3.3 The Attribute Mechanism and the Attribute Table(s)

Attributes are similar to information objects, except that attributes

are identified by an enum, instead of an OID, so that attributes may

be registered without requiring a new MIB. Also an implementation

that does not have the functionality represented by the attribute can

omit the attribute entirely, rather than having to return a

distinguished value. The agent is free to materialize an attribute

in the jmAttributeTable as soon as the agent is aware of the value of

the attribute.

The agent materializes job attributes in a four-indexed


1. jmGeneralJobSetIndex - which job set

2. jmJobIndex - which job in the job set

3. jmAttributeTypeIndex - which attribute

4. jmAttributeInstanceIndex - which attribute instance for those

attributes that can have multiple values per job.

Some attributes represent information about a job, such as a file-

name, a document-name, a submission-time or a completion time. Other

attributes represent resources required, e.g., a medium or a

colorant, etc. to process the job before the job starts processing OR

to indicate the amount of the resource consumed during and after

processing, e.g., pages completed or impressions completed. If both

a required and a consumed value of a resource is needed, this

specification assigns two separate attribute enums in the textual


NOTE - The table of contents lists all the attributes in order. This

order is the order of enum assignments which is the order that the

SNMP GetNext operation returns attributes. Most attributes apply to

all three configurations covered by this MIB specification (see

section 2.1 entitled "System Configurations for the Job Monitoring

MIB"). Those attributes that apply to a particular configuration are

indicated as 'Configuration n:' and SHALL NOT be used with other


3.3.1 Conformance of Attribute Implementation

An agent SHALL implement any attribute if (1) the server or device

supports the functionality represented by the attribute and (2) the

information is available to the agent. The agent MAY create the

attribute row in the jmAttributeTable when the information is

available or MAY create the row earlier with the designated 'unknown'

value appropriate for that attribute. See next section.

If the server or device does not implement or does not provide access

to the information about an attribute, the agent SHOULD NOT create

the corresponding row in the jmAttributeTable.

3.3.2 Useful, 'Unknown', and 'Other' Values for Objects and Attributes

Some attributes have a 'useful' Integer32 value, some have a 'useful'

OCTET STRING value, some MAY have either or both depending on

implementation, and some MUST have both. See the JmAttributeTypeTC

textual convention for the specification of each attribute.

SNMP requires that if an object cannot be implemented because its

values cannot be accessed, then a compliant agent SHALL return an

SNMP error in SNMPv1 or an exception value in SNMPv2. However, this

MIB has been designed so that 'all' objects can and SHALL be

implemented by an agent, so that neither the SNMPv1 error nor the

SNMPv2 exception value SHALL be generated by the agent. This MIB has

also been designed so that when an agent materializes an attribute,

the agent SHALL materialize a row consisting of both the

jmAttributeValueAsInteger and jmAttributeValueAsOctets objects.

In general, values for objects and attributes have been chosen so

that a management application will be able to determine whether a '

useful', 'unknown', or 'other' value is available. When a useful

value is not available for an object, that agent SHALL return a

zero-length string for octet strings, the value 'unknown(2)' for

enums, a '0' value for an object that represents an index in another

table, and a value '-2' for counting integers.

Since each attribute is represented by a row consisting of both the

jmAttributeValueAsInteger and jmAttributeValueAsOctets MANDATORY

objects, SNMP requires that the agent SHALL always create an

attribute row with both objects specified. However, for most

attributes the agent SHALL return a "useful" value for one of the

objects and SHALL return the 'other' value for the other object. For

integer only attributes, the agent SHALL always return a zero-length

string value for the jmAttributeValueAsOctets object. For octet

string only attributes, the agent SHALL always return a '-1' value

for the jmAttributeValueAsInteger object.

3.3.3 Index Value Attributes

A number of attributes are indexes in other tables. Such attribute

names end with the word 'Index'. If the agent has not (yet) assigned

an index value for a particular index attribute for a job, the agent

SHALL either: (1) return the value 0 or (2) not add this attribute to

the jmAttributeTable until the index value is assigned. In the

interests of brevity, the semantics for 0 is specified once here and

is not repeated for each index attribute specification and a DEFVAL

of 0 is implied, even though the DEFVAL for jmAttributeValueAsInteger

is -2.

3.3.4 Data Sub-types and Attribute Naming Conventions

Many attributes are sub-typed to give a more specific data type than

Integer32 or OCTET STRING. The data sub-type of each attribute is

indicated on the first line(s) of the description. Some attributes

have several different data sub-type representations. When an

attribute has both an Integer32 data sub-type and an OCTET STRING

data sub-type, the attribute can be represented in a single row in

the jmAttributeTable. In this case, the data sub-type name is not

included as the last part of the name of the attribute, e.g.,

documentFormat(38) which is both an enum and/or a name. When the

data sub-types cannot be represented by a single row in the

jmAttributeTable, each such representation is considered a separate

attribute and is assigned a separate name and enum value. For these

attributes, the name of the data sub-type is the last part of the

name of the attribute: Name, Index, DateAndTime, TimeStamp, etc. For

example, documentFormatIndex(37) is an index.

NOTE: The Table of Contents also lists the data sub-type and/or data

sub-types of each attribute, using the textual-convention name when

such is defined. The following abbreviations are used in the Table

of Contents as shown:

'Int32(-2..)' Integer32 (-2..2147483647)

'Int32(0..)' Integer32 (0..2147483647)

'Int32(1..)' Integer32 (1..2147483647)

'Int32(m..n)' For all other Integer ranges, the lower

and upper bound of the range is


'UTF8String63' JmUTF8StringTC (SIZE(0..63))

'JobString63' JmJobStringTC (SIZE(0..63))

'Octets63' OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..63))

'Octets(m..n)' For all other OCTET STRING ranges, the

exact range is indicated.

3.3.5 Single-Value (Row) Versus Multi-Value (MULTI-ROW) Attributes

Most attributes have only one row per job. However, a few attributes

can have multiple values per job or even per document, where each

value is a separate row in the jmAttributeTable. Unless indicated

with 'MULTI-ROW:' in the JmAttributeTypeTC description, an agent

SHALL ensure that each attribute occurs only once in the

jmAttributeTable for a job. Most of the 'MULTI-ROW' attributes do

not allow duplicate values, i.e., the agent SHALL ensure that each

value occurs only once for a job. Only if the specification of the '

MULTI-ROW' attribute also says "There is no restriction on the same

xxx occurring in multiple rows" can the agent allow duplicate values

to occur for the job.

NOTE - Duplicates are allowed for 'extensive' 'MULTI-ROW' attributes,

such as fileName(34) or documentName(35) which are specified to be '

per-document' attributes, but are not allowed for 'intensive' '

MULTI-ROW' attributes, such as mediumConsumed(171) and

documentFormat(38) which are specified to be 'per-job' attributes.

3.3.6 Requested Objects and Attributes

A number of objects and attributes record requirements for the job.

Such object and attribute names end with the word 'Requested'. In

the interests of brevity, the phrase 'requested' means: (1) requested

by the client (or intervening server) in the job submission protocol

and may also mean (2) embedded in the submitted document data, and/or

(3) defaulted by the recipient device or server with the same

semantics as if the requester had supplied, depending on

implementation. Also if a value is supplied by the job submission

client, and the server/device determines a better value, through

processing or other means, the agent MAY return that better value for

such object and attribute.

3.3.7 Consumption Attributes

A number of objects and attributes record consumption. Such

attribute names end with the word 'Completed' or 'Consumed'. If the

job has not yet consumed what that resource is metering, the agent

either: (1) SHALL return the value 0 or (2) SHALL not add this

attribute to the jmAttributeTable until the consumption begins. In

the interests of brevity, the semantics for 0 is specified once here

and is not repeated for each consumption attribute specification and

a DEFVAL of 0 is implied, even though the DEFVAL for

jmAttributeValueAsInteger is -2.

3.3.8 Attribute Specifications

This section specifies the job attributes.

In the following definitions of the attributes, each description

indicates whether the useful value of the attribute SHALL be

represented using the jmAttributeValueAsInteger or the

jmAttributeValueAsOctets objects by the initial tag: 'INTEGER:' or '

OCTETS:', respectively.

Some attributes allow the agent implementer a choice of useful values

of either an integer, an octet string representation, or both,

depending on implementation. These attributes are indicated with '


A very few attributes require both objects at the same time to

represent a pair of useful values (see mediumConsumed(171)). These

attributes are indicated with 'INTEGER:' AND 'OCTETS:' tags. See the

jmAttributeGroup for the descriptions of these two MANDATORY objects.

NOTE - The enum assignments are grouped logically with values

assigned in groups of 20, so that additional values may be registered

in the future and assigned a value that is part of their logical


Values in the range 2**30 to 2**31-1 are reserved for private or

experimental usage. This range corresponds to the same range

reserved in IPP. Implementers are warned that use of such values may

conflict with other implementations. Implementers are encouraged to

request registration of enum values following the procedures in

Section 3.7.1.

NOTE: No attribute name exceeds 31 characters.

The standard attribute types are:

jmAttributeTypeIndex Datatype

-------------------- --------

other(1), Integer32 (-2..2147483647)



INTEGER: and/or OCTETS: An attribute that is not in the

list and/or that has not been approved and registered with

the PWG.


+ Job State attributes (3 - 19 decimal)


+ The following attributes specify the state of a job.


jobStateReasons2(3), JmJobStateReasons2TC

INTEGER: Additional information about the job's current state

that augments the jmJobState object. See the description under

the JmJobStateReasons1TC textual-convention.

jobStateReasons3(4), JmJobStateReasons3TC

INTEGER: Additional information about the job's current state

that augments the jmJobState object. See the description under

JmJobStateReasons1TC textual-convention.

jobStateReasons4(5), JmJobStateReasons4TC

INTEGER: Additional information about the job's current state

that augments the jmJobState object. See the description under

JmJobStateReasons1TC textual-convention.

processingMessage(6), JmUTF8StringTC (SIZE(0..63))

OCTETS: MULTI-ROW: A coded character set message that is

generated by the server or device during the processing of the

job as a simple form of processing log to show progress and any

problems. The natural language of each value is specified by

the corresponding processingMessageNaturalLangTag(7) value.

NOTE - This attribute is intended for such conditions as

interpreter messages, rather than being the printable form of

the jmJobState and jmJobStateReasons1 objects and

jobStateReasons2, jobStateReasons3, and jobStateReasons4

attributes. In order to produce a localized printable form of

these job state objects/attribute, a management application

SHOULD produce a message from their enum and bit values.

NOTE - There is no job description attribute in IPP/1.0 that

corresponds to this attribute and this attribute does not

correspond to the IPP/1.0 'job-state-message' job description

attribute, which is just a printable form of the IPP 'job-state'

and 'job-state-reasons' job attributes.

There is no restriction for the same message occurring in

multiple rows.

processingMessageNaturalLangTag(7), OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..63))

OCTETS: MULTI-ROW: The natural language of the corresponding

processingMessage(6) attribute value. See section 3.6.1,

entitled 'Text generated by the server or device'.

If the agent does not know the natural language of the job

processing message, the agent SHALL either (1) return a zero

length string value for the processingMessageNaturalLangTag(7)

attribute or (2) not return the

processingMessageNaturalLangTag(7) attribute for the job.

There is no restriction for the same tag occurring in multiple

rows, since when this attribute is implemented, it SHOULD have a

value row for each corresponding processingMessage(6) attribute

value row.

jobCodedCharSet(8), CodedCharSet

INTEGER: The MIBenum identifier of the coded character set that

the agent is using to represent coded character set objects and

attributes of type 'JmJobStringTC'. These coded character set

objects and attributes are either: (1) supplied by the job

submitting client or (2) defaulted by the server or device when

omitted by the job submitting client. The agent SHALL represent

these objects and attributes in the MIB either (1) in the coded

character set as they were submitted or (2) MAY convert the

coded character set to another coded character set or encoding

scheme as identified by the jobCodedCharSet(8) attribute. See

section 3.6.2, entitled 'Text supplied by the job submitter'.

These MIBenum values are assigned by IANA [IANA-charsets] when

the coded character sets are registered. The coded character

set SHALL be one of the ones registered with IANA [IANA] and the

enum value uses the CodedCharSet textual-convention from the

Printer MIB. See the JmJobStringTC textual-convention.

If the agent does not know what coded character set was used by

the job submitting client, the agent SHALL either (1) return the

'unknown(2)' value for the jobCodedCharSet(8) attribute or (2)

not return the jobCodedCharSet(8) attribute for the job.

jobNaturalLanguageTag(9), OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..63))

OCTETS: The natural language of the job attributes supplied by

the job submitter or defaulted by the server or device for the

job, i.e., all objects and attributes represented by the '

JmJobStringTC' textual-convention, such as jobName,

mediumRequested, etc. See Section 3.6.2, entitled 'Text

supplied by the job submitter'.

If the agent does not know what natural language was used by the

job submitting client, the agent SHALL either (1) return a zero

length string value for the jobNaturalLanguageTag(9) attribute

or (2) not return jobNaturalLanguageTag(9) attribute for the



+ Job Identification attributes (20 - 49 decimal)


+ The following attributes help an end user, a system

+ operator, or an accounting program identify a job.


jobURI(20), OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..63))

OCTETS: MULTI-ROW: The job's Universal Resource

Identifier (URI) [RFC1738]. See IPP [ipp-model] for

example usage.

NOTE - The agent may be able to generate this value on each

SNMP Get operation from smaller values, rather than having

to store the entire URI.

If the URI exceeds 63 octets, the agent SHALL use multiple

values, with the next 63 octets coming in the second value,


NOTE - IPP [ipp-model] has a 1023-octet maximum length for

a URI, though the URI standard itself and HTTP/1.1 specify

no maximum length.

jobAccountName(21), OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..63))

OCTETS: Arbitrary binary information which MAY be coded

character set data or encrypted data supplied by the

submitting user for use by accounting services to allocate

or categorize charges for services provided, such as a

customer account name or number.

NOTE: This attribute NEED NOT be printable characters.

serverAssignedJobName(22), JmJobStringTC (SIZE(0..63))

OCTETS: Configuration 3 only: The human readable string

name, number, or ID of the job as assigned by the server

that submitted the job to the device that the agent is

providing access to with this MIB.

NOTE - This attribute is intended for enabling a user to

find his/her job that a server submitted to a device when

either the client does not support the jmJobSubmissionID or

the server does not pass the jmJobSubmissionID through to

the device.

jobName(23), JmJobStringTC (SIZE(0..63))

OCTETS: The human readable string name of the job as

assigned by the submitting user to help the user

distinguish between his/her various jobs. This name does

not need to be unique.

This attribute is intended for enabling a user or the

user's application to convey a job name that MAY be printed

on a start sheet, returned in a query result, or used in

notification or logging messages.

In order to assist users to find their jobs for job

submission protocols that don't supply a jmJobSubmissionID,

the agent SHOULD maintain the jobName attribute for the

time specified by the jmGeneralJobPersistence object,

rather than the (shorter) jmGeneralAttributePersistence


If this attribute is not specified when the job is

submitted, no job name is assumed, but implementation

specific defaults are allowed, such as the value of the

documentName attribute of the first document in the job or

the fileName attribute of the first document in the job.

The jobName attribute is distinguished from the jobComment

attribute, in that the jobName attribute is intended to

permit the submitting user to distinguish between different

jobs that he/she has submitted. The jobComment attribute

is intended to be free form additional information that a

user might wish to use to communicate with himself/herself,

such as a reminder of what to do with the results or to

indicate a different set of input parameters were tried in

several different job submissions.

jobServiceTypes(24), JmJobServiceTypesTC

INTEGER: Specifies the type(s) of service to which the job

has been submitted (print, fax, scan, etc.). The service

type is bit encoded with each job service type so that more

general and arbitrary services can be created, such as

services with more than one destination type, or ones with

only a source or only a destination. For example, a job

service might scan, faxOut, and print a single job. In

this case, three bits would be set in the jobServiceTypes

attribute, corresponding to the hexadecimal values: 0x8 +

0x20 + 0x4, respectively, yielding: 0x2C.

Whether this attribute is set from a job attribute supplied

by the job submission client or is set by the recipient job

submission server or device depends on the job submission

protocol. This attribute SHALL be implemented if the

server or device has other types in addition to or instead

of printing.

One of the purposes of this attribute is to permit a

requester to filter out jobs that are not of interest. For

example, a printer operator may only be interested in jobs

that include printing.

jobSourceChannelIndex(25), Integer32 (0..2147483647)

INTEGER: The index of the row in the associated Printer

MIB [print-mib] of the channel which is the source of the

print job.

jobSourcePlatformType(26), JmJobSourcePlatformTypeTC

INTEGER: The source platform type of the immediate

upstream submitter that submitted the job to the server

(configuration 2) or device (configuration 1 and 3) to

which the agent is providing access. For configuration 1,

this is the type of the client that submitted the job to

the device; for configuration 2, this is the type of the

client that submitted the job to the server; and for

configuration 3, this is the type of the server that

submitted the job to the device.

submittingServerName(27), JmJobStringTC (SIZE(0..63))

OCTETS: For configuration 3 only: The administrative name

of the server that submitted the job to the device.

submittingApplicationName(28), JmJobStringTC (SIZE(0..63))

OCTETS: The name of the client application (not the server

in configuration 3) that submitted the job to the server or


jobOriginatinGhost(29), JmJobStringTC (SIZE(0..63))

OCTETS: The name of the client host (not the server host

name in configuration 3) that submitted the job to the

server or device.

deviceNameRequested(30), JmJobStringTC (SIZE(0..63))

OCTETS: The administratively defined coded character set

name of the target device requested by the submitting user.

For configuration 1, its value corresponds to the Printer

MIB [print-mib]: prtGeneralPrinterName object. For

configuration 2 and 3, its value is the name of the logical

or physical device that the user supplied to indicate to

the server on which device(s) they wanted the job to be


queueNameRequested(31), JmJobStringTC (SIZE(0..63))

OCTETS: The administratively defined coded character set

name of the target queue requested by the submitting user.

For configuration 1, its value corresponds to the queue in

the device for which the agent is providing access. For

configuration 2 and 3, its value is the name of the queue

that the user supplied to indicate to the server on which

device(s) they wanted the job to be processed.

NOTE - typically an implementation SHOULD support either

the deviceNameRequested or queueNameRequested attribute,

but not both.

physicalDevice(32), hrDeviceIndex


JmUTF8StringTC (SIZE(0..63))

INTEGER: MULTI-ROW: The index of the physical device MIB

instance requested/used, such as the Printer MIB [print-mib].

This value is an hrDeviceIndex value. See the Host

Resources MIB [hr-mib].


OCTETS: MULTI-ROW: The name of the physical device to

which the job is assigned.

numberOfDocuments(33), Integer32 (-2..2147483647)

INTEGER: The number of documents in this job.

The agent SHOULD return this attribute if the job has more

than one document.

fileName(34), JmJobStringTC (SIZE(0..63))

OCTETS: MULTI-ROW: The coded character set file name or

URI [URI-spec] of the document.

There is no restriction on the same file name occurring in

multiple rows.

documentName(35), JmJobStringTC (SIZE(0..63))

OCTETS: MULTI-ROW: The coded character set name of the


There is no restriction on the same document name occurring

in multiple rows.

jobComment(36), JmJobStringTC (SIZE(0..63))

OCTETS: An arbitrary human-readable coded character text

string supplied by the submitting user or the job

submitting application program for any purpose. For

example, a user might indicate what he/she is going to do

with the printed output or the job submitting application

program might indicate how the document was produced.

The jobComment attribute is not intended to be a name; see

the jobName attribute.

documentFormatIndex(37), Integer32 (0..2147483647)

INTEGER: MULTI-ROW: The index in the prtInterpreterTable

in the Printer MIB [print-mib] of the page description

language (PDL) or control language interpreter that this

job requires/uses. A document or a job MAY use more than

one PDL or control language.

NOTE - As with all intensive attributes where multiple rows

are allowed, there SHALL be only one distinct row for each

distinct interpreter; there SHALL be no duplicates.

NOTE - This attribute type is intended to be used with an

agent that implements the Printer MIB and SHALL not be used

if the agent does not implement the Printer MIB. Such an

agent SHALL use the documentFormat attribute instead.

documentFormat(38), PrtInterpreterLangFamilyTC



INTEGER: MULTI-ROW: The interpreter language family

corresponding to the Printer MIB [print-mib]

prtInterpreterLangFamily object, that this job

requires/uses. A document or a job MAY use more than one

PDL or control language.


OCTETS: MULTI-ROW: The document format registered as a

media type [iana-media-types], i.e., the name of the MIME

content-type/subtype. Examples: 'application/postscript',

'application/vnd.hp-PCL', 'application/pdf', 'text/plain'

(US-ASCII SHALL be assumed), 'text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1',

and 'application/octet-stream'. The IPP 'document-format'

job attribute uses these same values with the same semantics.

See the IPP [ipp-model] 'mimeMediaType' attribute syntax and

the document-format attribute for further examples and



+ Job Parameter attributes (50 - 67 decimal)


+ The following attributes represent input parameters

+ supplied by the submitting client in the job submission

+ protocol.


jobPriority(50), Integer32 (-2..100)

INTEGER: The priority for scheduling the job. It is used by

servers and devices that employ a priority-based scheduling


A higher value specifies a higher priority. The value 1 is

defined to indicate the lowest possible priority (a job which a

priority-based scheduling algorithm SHALL pass over in favor of

higher priority jobs). The value 100 is defined to indicate the

highest possible priority. Priority is expected to be evenly or

'normally' distributed across this range. The mapping of

vendor-defined priority over this range is implementation-

specific. -2 indicates unknown.

jobProcessAfterDateAndTime(51), DateAndTime (SNMPv2-TC)

OCTETS: The calendar date and time of day after which the job

SHALL become a candidate to be scheduled for processing. If the

value of this attribute is in the future, the server SHALL set

the value of the job's jmJobState object to pendingHeld and add

the jobProcessAfterSpecified bit value to the job's

jmJobStateReasons1 object. When the specified date and time

arrives, the server SHALL remove the jobProcessAfterSpecified

bit value from the job's jmJobStateReasons1 object and, if no

other reasons remain, SHALL change the job's jmJobState object

to pending.

jobHold(52), JmBooleanTC

INTEGER: If the value is 'true(4)', a client has explicitly

specified that the job is to be held until explicitly released.

Until the job is explicitly released by a client, the job SHALL

be in the pendingHeld state with the jobHoldSpecified value in

the jmJobStateReasons1 attribute.

jobHoldUntil(53), JmJobStringTC (SIZE(0..63))

OCTETS: The named time period during which the job SHALL become

a candidate for processing, such as 'evening', 'night', '

weekend', 'second-shift', 'third-shift', etc., (supported values

configured by the system administrator). See IPP [ipp-model]

for the standard keyword values. Until that time period

arrives, the job SHALL be in the pendingHeld state with the

jobHoldUntilSpecified value in the jmJobStateReasons1 object.

The value 'no-hold' SHALL indicate explicitly that no time

period has been specified; the absence of this attribute SHALL

indicate implicitly that no time period has been specified.

outputBin(54), Integer32 (0..2147483647)


JmJobStringTC (SIZE(0..63))

INTEGER: MULTI-ROW: The output subunit index in the Printer

MIB [print-mib]


OCTETS: MULTI-ROW: the name or number (represented as ASCII

digits) of the output bin to which all or part of the job is

placed in.

sides(55), Integer32 (-2..2)

INTEGER: MULTI-ROW: The number of sides, '1' or '2', that any

document in this job requires/used.

finishing(56), JmFinishingTC

INTEGER: MULTI-ROW: Type of finishing that any document in

this job requires/used.


+ Image Quality attributes (requested and consumed) (70 - 87)


+ For devices that can vary the image quality.


printQualityRequested(70), JmPrintQualityTC

INTEGER: MULTI-ROW: The print quality selection requested for

a document in the job for printers that allow quality


printQualityUsed(71), JmPrintQualityTC

INTEGER: MULTI-ROW: The print quality selection actually used

by a document in the job for printers that allow quality


printerResolutionRequested(72), JmPrinterResolutionTC

OCTETS: MULTI-ROW: The printer resolution requested for a

document in the job for printers that support resolution


printerResolutionUsed(73), JmPrinterResolutionTC

OCTETS: MULTI-ROW: The printer resolution actually used by a

document in the job for printers that support resolution


tonerEcomonyRequested(74), JmTonerEconomyTC

INTEGER: MULTI-ROW: The toner economy selection requested for

documents in the job for printers that allow toner economy


tonerEcomonyUsed(75), JmTonerEconomyTC

INTEGER: MULTI-ROW: The toner economy selection actually used

by documents in the job for printers that allow toner economy


tonerDensityRequested(76) Integer32 (-2..100)

INTEGER: MULTI-ROW: The toner density requested for a document

in this job for devices that can vary toner density levels.

Level 1 is the lowest density and level 100 is the highest

density level. Devices with a smaller range, SHALL map the

1-100 range evenly onto the implemented range.

tonerDensityUsed(77), Integer32 (-2..100)

INTEGER: MULTI-ROW: The toner density used by documents in

this job for devices that can vary toner density levels. Level

1 is the lowest density and level 100 is the highest density

level. Devices with a smaller range, SHALL map the 1-100 range

evenly onto the implemented range.


+ Job Progress attributes (requested and consumed) (90-109)


+ Pairs of these attributes can be used by monitoring

+ applications to show an indication of relative progress

+ to users. See section 3.4, entitled:

+ 'Monitoring Job Progress'.


jobCopiesRequested(90), Integer32 (-2..2147483647)

INTEGER: The number of copies of the entire job that are to be


jobCopiesCompleted(91), Integer32 (-2..2147483647)

INTEGER: The number of copies of the entire job that have been

completed so far.

documentCopiesRequested(92), Integer32 (-2..2147483647)

INTEGER: The total count of the number of document copies

requested for the job as a whole. If there are documents A, B,

and C, and document B is specified to produce 4 copies, the

number of document copies requested is 6 for the job.

This attribute SHALL be used only when a job has multiple

documents. The jobCopiesRequested attribute SHALL be used when

the job has only one document.

documentCopiesCompleted(93), Integer32 (-2..2147483647)

INTEGER: The total count of the number of document copies

completed so far for the job as a whole. If there are documents

A, B, and C, and document B is specified to produce 4 copies,

the number of document copies starts a 0 and runs up to 6 for

the job as the job processes.

This attribute SHALL be used only when a job has multiple

documents. The jobCopiesCompleted attribute SHALL be used when

the job has only one document.

jobKOctetsTransferred(94), Integer32 (-2..2147483647)

INTEGER: The number of K (1024) octets transferred to the

server or device to which the agent is providing access. This

count is independent of the number of copies of the job or

documents that will be produced, but it is only a measure of the

number of bytes transferred to the server or device.

The agent SHALL round the actual number of octets transferred up

to the next higher K. Thus 0 octets SHALL be represented as '

0', 1-1024 octets SHALL BE represented as '1', 1025-2048 SHALL

be '2', etc. When the job completes, the values of the

jmJobKOctetsPerCopyRequested object and the

jobKOctetsTransferred attribute SHALL be equal.

NOTE - The jobKOctetsTransferred can be used with the

jmJobKOctetsPerCopyRequested object in order to produce a

relative indication of the progress of the job for agents that

do not implement the jmJobKOctetsProcessed object.

sheetCompletedCopyNumber(95), Integer32 (-2..2147483647)

INTEGER: The number of the copy being stacked for the current

document. This number starts at 0, is set to 1 when the first

sheet of the first copy for each document is being stacked and

is equal to n where n is the nth sheet stacked in the current

document copy. See section 3.4 , entitled 'Monitoring Job


sheetCompletedDocumentNumber(96), Integer32 (-2..2147483647)

INTEGER: The ordinal number of the document in the job that is

currently being stacked. This number starts at 0, increments to

1 when the first sheet of the first document in the job is being

stacked, and is equal to n where n is the nth document in the

job, starting with 1.

Implementations that only support one document jobs SHOULD NOT

implement this attribute.

jobCollationType(97), JmJobCollationTypeTC

INTEGER: The type of job collation. See also Section 3.4,

entitled 'Monitoring Job Progress'.


+ Impression attributes (110 - 129 decimal)


+ See the definition of the terms 'impression', 'sheet',

+ and 'page' in Section 2.


+ See also jmJobImpressionsPerCopyRequested and

+ jmJobImpressionsCompleted objects in the jmJobTable.


impressionsSpooled(110), Integer32 (-2..2147483647)

INTEGER: The number of impressions spooled to the server or

device for the job so far.

impressionsSentToDevice(111), Integer32 (-2..2147483647)

INTEGER: The number of impressions sent to the device for the

job so far.

impressionsInterpreted(112), Integer32 (-2..2147483647)

INTEGER: The number of impressions interpreted for the job so



Integer32 (-2..2147483647)

INTEGER: The number of impressions completed by the device for

the current copy of the current document so far. For printing,

the impressions completed includes interpreting, marking, and

stacking the output. For other types of job services, the

number of impressions completed includes the number of

impressions processed.

This value SHALL be reset to 0 for each document in the job and

for each document copy.

fullColorImpressionsCompleted(114), Integer32 (-2..2147483647)

INTEGER: The number of full color impressions completed by the

device for this job so far. For printing, the impressions

completed includes interpreting, marking, and stacking the

output. For other types of job services, the number of

impressions completed includes the number of impressions

processed. Full color impressions are typically defined as those

requiring 3 or more colorants, but this MAY vary by

implementation. In any case, the value of this attribute counts

by 1 for each side that has full color, not by the number of

colors per side (and the other impression counters are

incremented, except highlightColorImpressionsCompleted(115)).


Integer32 (-2..2147483647)

INTEGER: The number of highlight color impressions

completed by the device for this job so far. For printing,

the impressions completed includes interpreting, marking,

and stacking the output. For other types of job services,

the number of impressions completed includes the number of

impressions processed. Highlight color impressions are

typically defined as those requiring black plus one other

colorant, but this MAY vary by implementation. In any

case, the value of this attribute counts by 1 for each side

that has highlight color (and the other impression counters

are incremented, except



+ Page attributes (130 - 149 decimal)


+ See the definition of 'impression', 'sheet', and 'page'

+ in Section 2.


pagesRequested(130), Integer32 (-2..2147483647)

INTEGER: The number of logical pages requested by the job

to be processed.

pagesCompleted(131), Integer32 (-2..2147483647)

INTEGER: The number of logical pages completed for this

job so far.

For implementations where multiple copies are produced by

the interpreter with only a single pass over the data, the

final value SHALL be equal to the value of the

pagesRequested object. For implementations where multiple

copies are produced by the interpreter by processing the

data for each copy, the final value SHALL be a multiple of

the value of the pagesRequested object.

NOTE - See the impressionsCompletedCurrentCopy and

pagesCompletedCurrentCopy attributes for attributes that

are reset on each document copy.

NOTE - The pagesCompleted object can be used with the

pagesRequested object to provide an indication of the

relative progress of the job, provided that the

multiplicative factor is taken into account for some

implementations of multiple copies.

pagesCompletedCurrentCopy(132), Integer32 (-2..2147483647)

INTEGER: The number of logical pages completed for the

current copy of the document so far. This value SHALL be

reset to 0 for each document in the job and for each

document copy.


+ Sheet attributes (150 - 169 decimal)


+ See the definition of 'impression', 'sheet', and 'page'

+ in Section 2.


sheetsRequested(150), Integer32 (-2..2147483647)

INTEGER: The total number of medium sheets requested to be

produced for this job.

Unlike the jmJobKOctetsPerCopyRequested and

jmJobImpressionsPerCopyRequested attributes, the

sheetsRequested(150) attribute SHALL include the

multiplicative factor contributed by the number of copies

and so is the total number of sheets to be produced by the

job, as opposed to the size of the document(s) submitted.

sheetsCompleted(151), Integer32 (-2..2147483647)

INTEGER: The total number of medium sheets that have

completed marking and stacking for the entire job so far

whether those sheets have been processed on one side or on


sheetsCompletedCurrentCopy(152), Integer32 (-2..2147483647)

INTEGER: The number of medium sheets that have completed

marking and stacking for the current copy of a document in

the job so far whether those sheets have been processed on

one side or on both.

The value of this attribute SHALL be 0 before the job

starts processing and SHALL be reset to 1 after the first

sheet of each document and document copy in the job is

processed and stacked.


+ Resources attributes (requested and consumed) (170 - 189)


+ Pairs of these attributes can be used by monitoring

+ applications to show an indication of relative usage to

+ users, i.e., a 'thermometer'.


mediumRequested(170), JmMediumTypeTC


JmJobStringTC (SIZE(0..63))



OCTETS: MULTI-ROW: the name of the medium that is

required by the job.

NOTE - The name (JmJobStringTC) values correspond to the

name values of the prtInputMediaName object in the Printer

MIB [print-mib] and the name, size, and input tray values

of the IPP 'media' attribute [ipp-model].

mediumConsumed(171), Integer32 (-2..2147483647)


JmJobStringTC (SIZE(0..63))

INTEGER: MULTI-ROW: The number of sheets


OCTETS: MULTI-ROW: the name of the medium that has been

consumed so far whether those sheets have been processed on

one side or on both.

This attribute SHALL have both Integer32 and OCTET STRING

(represented as JmJobStringTC) values.

NOTE - The name (JmJobStringTC) values correspond to the

name values of the prtInputMediaName object in the Printer

MIB [print-mib] and the name, size, and input tray values

of the IPP 'media' attribute [ipp-model].

colorantRequested(172), Integer32 (-2..2147483647)


JmJobStringTC (SIZE(0..63))

INTEGER: MULTI-ROW: The index (prtMarkerColorantIndex) in

the Printer MIB [print-mib]


OCTETS: MULTI-ROW: the name of the colorant requested.

NOTE - The name (JmJobStringTC) values correspond to the

name values of the prtMarkerColorantValue object in the

Printer MIB. Examples are: red, blue.

colorantConsumed(173), Integer32 (-2..2147483647)


JmJobStringTC (SIZE(0..63))

INTEGER: MULTI-ROW: The index (prtMarkerColorantIndex) in

the Printer MIB [print-mib]


OCTETS: MULTI-ROW: the name of the colorant consumed.

NOTE - The name (JmJobStringTC) values correspond to the

name values of the prtMarkerColorantValue object in the

Printer MIB. Examples are: red, blue

mediumTypeConsumed(174), Integer32 (-2..2147483647)


JmJobStringTC (SIZE(0..63))

INTEGER: MULTI-ROW: The number of sheets of the indicated

medium type that has been consumed so far whether those

sheets have been processed on one side or on both


OCTETS: MULTI-ROW: the name of that medium type.

This attribute SHALL have both Integer32 and OCTET STRING

(represented as JmJobStringTC) values.

NOTE - The type name (JmJobStringTC) values correspond to

the type name values of the prtInputMediaType object in the

Printer MIB [print-mib]. Values are: 'stationery',

'transparency', 'envelope', etc. These medium type names

correspond to the enum values of JmMediumTypeTC used in the

mediumRequested attribute.

mediumSizeConsumed(175), Integer32 (-2..2147483647)


JmJobStringTC (SIZE(0..63))

INTEGER: MULTI-ROW: The number of sheets of the indicated

medium size that has been consumed so far whether those

sheets have been processed on one side or on both


OCTETS: MULTI-ROW: the name of that medium size.

This attribute SHALL have both Integer32 and OCTET STRING

(represented as JmJobStringTC) values.

NOTE - The size name (JmJobStringTC) values correspond to

the size name values in the Printer MIB [print-mib]

Appendix B. These size name values are also a subset of

the keyword values defined by [ipp-model] for the 'media'

Job Template attribute. Values are: 'letter', 'a', 'iso-

a4', 'jis-b4', etc.


+ Time attributes (set by server or device) (190 - 209 decimal)


+ This section of attributes are ones that are set by the

+ server or device that accepts jobs. Two forms of time are

+ provided. Each form is represented in a separate attribute.

+ See section 3.1.2 and section 3.1.3 for the

+ conformance requirements for time attribute for agents and

+ monitoring applications, respectively. The two forms are:


+ 'DateAndTime' is an 8 or 11 octet binary encoded year,

+ month, day, hour, minute, second, deci-second with

+ optional offset from UTC. See SNMPv2-TC [SMIv2-TC].


+ NOTE: 'DateAndTime' is not printable characters; it is

+ binary.


+ 'JmTimeStampTC' is the time of day measured in the number of

+ seconds since the system was booted.


jobSubmissionToServerTime(190), JmTimeStampTC



INTEGER: Configuration 3 only: The time


OCTETS: the date and time that the job was submitted to

the server (as distinguished from the device which uses


jobSubmissionTime(191), JmTimeStampTC



INTEGER: Configurations 1, 2, and 3: The time


OCTETS: the date and time that the job was submitted to

the server or device to which the agent is providing


jobStartedBeingHeldTime(192), JmTimeStampTC



INTEGER: The time


OCTETS: the date and time that the job last entered the

pendingHeld state. If the job has never entered the

pendingHeld state, then the value SHALL be '0' or the

attribute SHALL not be present in the table.

jobStartedProcessingTime(193), JmTimeStampTC



INTEGER: The time


OCTETS: the date and time that the job started processing.

jobCompletionTime(194), JmTimeStampTC



INTEGER: The time


OCTETS: the date and time that the job entered the

completed, canceled, or aborted state.

jobProcessingCPUTime(195) Integer32 (-2..2147483647)

UNITS 'seconds'

INTEGER: The amount of CPU time in seconds that the job

has been in the processing state. If the job enters the

processingStopped state, that elapsed time SHALL not be

included. In other words, the jobProcessingCPUTime value

SHOULD be relatively repeatable when the same job is

processed again on the same device.

3.3.9 Job State Reason bit definitions

The JmJobStateReasonsNTC (N=1..4) textual-conventions are used with

the jmJobStateReasons1 object and jobStateReasonsN (N=2..4),

respectively, to provide additional information regarding the current

jmJobState object value. These values MAY be used with any job state

or states for which the reason makes sense.

NOTE - While values cannot be added to the jmJobState object without

impacting deployed clients that take actions upon receiving

jmJobState values, it is the intent that additional

JmJobStateReasonsNTC enums can be defined and registered without

impacting such deployed clients. In other words, the

jmJobStateReasons1 object and jobStateReasonsN attributes are

intended to be extensible.

NOTE - The Job Monitoring MIB contains a superset of the IPP values

[ipp-model] for the IPP 'job-state-reasons' attribute, since the Job

Monitoring MIB is intended to cover other job submission protocols as

well. Also some of the names of the reasons have been changed from '

printer' to 'device', since the Job Monitoring MIB is intended to

cover additional types of devices, including input devices, such as

scanners. JmJobStateReasons1TC specification

The following standard values are defined (in hexadecimal) as powers

of two, since multiple values MAY be used at the same time. For ease

of understanding, the JmJobStateReasons1TC reasons are presented in

the order in which the reasons are likely to occur (if implemented),

starting with the 'jobIncoming' value and ending with the '

jobCompletedWithErrors' value.

other 0x1

The job state reason is not one of the standardized or

registered reasons.

unknown 0x2

The job state reason is not known to the agent or is


jobIncoming 0x4

The job has been accepted by the server or device, but the

server or device is expecting (1) additional operations from the

client to finish creating the job and/or (2) is

accessing/accepting document data.

submissionInterrupted 0x8

The job was not completely submitted for some unforeseen reason,

such as: (1) the server has crashed before the job was closed by

the client, (2) the server or the document transfer method has

crashed in some non-recoverable way before the document data was

entirely transferred to the server, (3) the client crashed or

failed to close the job before the time-out period.

jobOutgoing 0x10

Configuration 2 only: The server is transmitting the job to the


jobHoldSpecified 0x20

The value of the job's jobHold(52) attribute is TRUE. The job

SHALL NOT be a candidate for processing until this reason is

removed and there are no other reasons to hold the job.

jobHoldUntilSpecified 0x40

The value of the job's jobHoldUntil(53) attribute specifies a

time period that is still in the future. The job SHALL NOT be a

candidate for processing until this reason is removed and there

are no other reasons to hold the job.

jobProcessAfterSpecified 0x80

The value of the job's jobProcessAfterDateAndTime(51) attribute

specifies a time that is still in the future. The job SHALL NOT

be a candidate for processing until this reason is removed and

there are no other reasons to hold the job.

resourcesAreNotReady 0x100

At least one of the resources needed by the job, such as media,

fonts, resource objects, etc., is not ready on any of the

physical devices for which the job is a candidate. This

condition MAY be detected when the job is accepted, or

subsequently while the job is pending or processing, depending

on implementation.

deviceStoppedPartly 0x200

One or more, but not all, of the devices to which the job is

assigned are stopped. If all of the devices are stopped (or the

only device is stopped), the deviceStopped reason SHALL be used.

deviceStopped 0x400

The device(s) to which the job is assigned is (are all) stopped.

jobInterpreting 0x800

The device to which the job is assigned is interpreting the

document data.

jobPrinting 0x1000

The output device to which the job is assigned is marking media.

This value is useful for servers and output devices which spend

a great deal of time processing (1) when no marking is happening

and then want to show that marking is now happening or (2) when

the job is in the process of being canceled or aborted while the

job remains in the processing state, but the marking has not yet

stopped so that impression or sheet counts are still increasing

for the job.

jobCanceledByUser 0x2000

The job was canceled by the owner of the job, i.e., by a user

whose name is the same as the value of the job's jmJobOwner

object, or by some other authorized end-user, such as a member

of the job owner's security group.

jobCanceledByOperator 0x4000

The job was canceled by the operator, i.e., by a user who has

been authenticated as having operator privileges (whether local

or remote).

jobCanceledAtDevice 0x8000

The job was canceled by an unidentified local user, i.e., a user

at a console at the device.

abortedBySystem 0x10000

The job (1) is in the process of being aborted, (2) has been

aborted by the system and placed in the 'aborted' state, or (3)

has been aborted by the system and placed in the 'pendingHeld'

state, so that a user or operator can manually try the job


processingToStopPoint 0x20000

The requester has issued an operation to cancel or interrupt the

job or the server/device has aborted the job, but the

server/device is still performing some actions on the job until

a specified stop point occurs or job termination/cleanup is


This reason is recommended to be used in conjunction with the

processing job state to indicate that the server/device is still

performing some actions on the job while the job remains in the

processing state. After all the job's resources consumed

counters have stopped incrementing, the server/device moves the

job from the processing state to the canceled or aborted job


serviceOffLine 0x40000

The service or document transform is off-line and accepting no

jobs. All pending jobs are put into the pendingHeld state.

This situation could be true if the service's or document

transform's input is impaired or broken.

jobCompletedSuccessfully 0x80000

The job completed successfully.

jobCompletedWithWarnings 0x100000

The job completed with warnings.

jobCompletedWithErrors 0x200000

The job completed with errors (and possibly warnings too).

The following additional job state reasons have been added to

represent job states that are in ISO DPA [iso-dpa] and other job

submission protocols:

jobPaused 0x400000

The job has been indefinitely suspended by a client issuing an

operation to suspend the job so that other jobs may proceed

using the same devices. The client MAY issue an operation to

resume the paused job at any time, in which case the agent SHALL

remove the jobPaused values from the job's jmJobStateReasons1

object and the job is eventually resumed at or near the point

where the job was paused.

jobInterrupted 0x800000 The job has been

interrupted while processing by a client

issuing an operation that specifies another job to be run

instead of the current job. The server or device will

automatically resume the interrupted job when the interrupting

job completes.

jobRetained 0x1000000

The job is being retained by the server or device with all of

the job's document data (and submitted resources, such as fonts,

logos, and forms, if any). Thus a client could issue an

operation to the server or device to either (1) re-do the job

(or a copy of the job) on the same server or device or (2)

resubmit the job to another server or device. When a client

could no longer re-do/resubmit the job, such as after the

document data has been discarded, the agent SHALL remove the

jobRetained value from the jmJobStateReasons1 object.

These bit definitions are the equivalent of a type 2 enum except

that combinations of bits may be used together. See section The remaining bits are reserved for future

standardization and/or registration. JmJobStateReasons2TC specification

The following standard values are defined (in hexadecimal) as powers

of two, since multiple values MAY be used at the same time.

cascaded 0x1

An outbound gateway has transmitted all of the job's job and

document attributes and data to another spooling system.

deletedByAdministrator 0x2

The administrator has deleted the job.

discardTimeArrived 0x4

The job has been deleted due to the fact that the time specified

by the job's job-discard-time attribute has arrived.

postProcessingFailed 0x8

The post-processing agent failed while trying to log accounting

attributes for the job; therefore the job has been placed into

the completed state with the jobRetained jmJobStateReasons1

object value for a system-defined period of time, so the

administrator can examine it, resubmit it, etc.

jobTransforming 0x10

The server/device is interpreting document data and producing

another electronic representation.

maxJobFaultCountExceeded 0x20

The job has faulted several times and has exceeded the

administratively defined fault count limit.

devicesNeedAttentionTimeOut 0x40

One or more document transforms that the job is using needs

human intervention in order for the job to make progress, but

the human intervention did not occur within the site-settable

time-out value.

needsKeyOperatorTimeOut 0x80

One or more devices or document transforms that the job is using

need a specially trained operator (who may need a key to unlock

the device and gain access) in order for the job to make

progress, but the key operator intervention did not occur within

the site-settable time-out value.

jobStartWaitTimeOut 0x100

The server/device has stopped the job at the beginning of

processing to await human action, such as installing a special

cartridge or special non-standard media, but the job was not

resumed within the site-settable time-out value and the

server/device has transitioned the job to the pendingHeld state.

jobEndWaitTimeOut 0x200

The server/device has stopped the job at the end of processing

to await human action, such as removing a special cartridge or

restoring standard media, but the job was not resumed within the

site-settable time-out value and the server/device has

transitioned the job to the completed state.

jobPasswordWaitTimeOut 0x400

The server/device has stopped the job at the beginning of

processing to await input of the job's password, but the

password was not received within the site-settable time-out


deviceTimedOut 0x800

A device that the job was using has not responded in a period

specified by the device's site-settable attribute.

connectingToDeviceTimeOut 0x1000

The server is attempting to connect to one or more devices which

may be dial-up, polled, or queued, and so may be busy with

traffic from other systems, but server was unable to connect to

the device within the site-settable time-out value.

transferring 0x2000

The job is being transferred to a down stream server or

downstream device.

queuedInDevice 0x4000

The server/device has queued the job in a down stream server or

downstream device.

jobQueued 0x8000

The server/device has queued the document data.

jobCleanup 0x10000

The server/device is performing cleanup activity as part of

ending normal processing.

jobPasswordWait 0x20000

The server/device has selected the job to be next to process,

but instead of assigning resources and starting the job

processing, the server/device has transitioned the job to the

pendingHeld state to await entry of a password (and dispatched

another job, if there is one).

validating 0x40000

The server/device is validating the job after accepting the job.

queueHeld 0x80000

The operator has held the entire job set or queue.

jobProofWait 0x100000

The job has produced a single proof copy and is in the

pendingHeld state waiting for the requester to issue an

operation to release the job to print normally, obeying any job

and document copy attributes that were originally submitted.

heldForDiagnostics 0x200000

The system is running intrusive diagnostics, so that all jobs

are being held.

noSpaceOnServer 0x800000

There is no room on the server to store all of the job.

pinRequired 0x1000000

The System Administrator settable device policy is (1) to

require PINs, and (2) to hold jobs that do not have a pin

supplied as an input parameter when the job was created.

exceededAccountLimit 0x2000000

The account for which this job is drawn has exceeded its limit.

This condition SHOULD be detected before the job is scheduled so

that the user does not wait until his/her job is scheduled only

to find that the account is overdrawn. This condition MAY also

occur while the job is processing either as processing begins or

part way through processing.

heldForRetry 0x4000000

The job encountered some errors that the server/device could not

recover from with its normal retry procedures, but the error

might not be encountered if the job is processed again in the

future. Example cases are phone number busy or remote file

system in-accessible. For such a situation, the server/device

SHALL transition the job from the processing to the pendingHeld,

rather than to the aborted state.

The following values are from the X/Open PSIS draft standard:

canceledByShutdown 0x8000000

The job was canceled because the server or device was shutdown

before completing the job.

deviceUnavailable 0x10000000

This job was aborted by the system because the device is

currently unable to accept jobs.

wrongDevice 0x20000000

This job was aborted by the system because the device is unable

to handle this particular job; the spooler SHOULD try another

device or the user should submit the job to another device.

badJob 0x40000000

This job was aborted by the system because this job has a major

problem, such as an ill-formed PDL; the spooler SHOULD not even

try another device.

These bit definitions are the equivalent of a type 2 enum except that

combinations of them may be used together. See section JmJobStateReasons3TC specification

This textual-convention is used with the jobStateReasons3 attribute

to provides additional information regarding the jmJobState object.

The following standard values are defined (in hexadecimal) as powers

of two, since multiple values may be used at the same time:

jobInterruptedByDeviceFailure 0x1

A device or the print system software that the job was using has

failed while the job was processing. The server or device is

keeping the job in the pendingHeld state until an operator can

determine what to do with the job.

These bit definitions are the equivalent of a type 2 enum except that

combinations of them may be used together. See section The

remaining bits are reserved for future standardization and/or

registration. JmJobStateReasons4TC specification

This textual-convention is used with the jobStateReasons4 attribute

to provides additional information regarding the jmJobState object.

The following standard values are defined (in hexadecimal) as powers

of two, since multiple values MAY be used at the same time.

None defined at this time.

These bit definitions are the equivalent of a type 2 enum except that

combinations of them may be used together. See section The

remaining bits are reserved for future standardization and/or


3.4 Monitoring Job Progress

There are a number of objects and attributes for monitoring the

progress of a job. These objects and attributes count the number of

K octets, impressions, sheets, and pages requested or completed. For

impressions and sheets, "completed" means stacked, unless the

implementation is unable to detect when each sheet is stacked, in

which case stacked is approximated when processing of each sheet

completes. There are objects and attributes for the overall job and

for the current copy of the document currently being stacked. For

the latter, the rate at which the various objects and attributes

count depends on the sheet and document collation of the job.

Job Collation included sheet collation and document collation. Sheet

collation is defined to be the ordering of sheets within a document

copy. Document collation is defined to be ordering of document

copies within a multi-document job. There are three types of job

collation (see terminology definitions in Section 2):

1.uncollatedSheets(3) - No collation of the sheets within each

document copy, i.e., each sheet of a document that is to produce

multiple copies is replicated before the next sheet in the

document is processed and stacked. If the device has an output

bin collator, the uncollatedSheets(3) value may actually produce

collated sheets as far as the user is concerned (in the output

bins). However, when the job collation is the to a monitoring

application between a device that has an output bin collator and

one that does not.

2.collatedDocuments(4) - Collation of the sheets within each

document copy is performed within the printing device by making

multiple passes over either the source or an intermediate

representation of the document. In addition, when there are

multiple documents per job, the i'th copy of each document is

stacked before the j'th copy of each document, i.e., the

documents are collated within each job copy. For example, if a

job is submitted with documents, A and B, the job is made

available to the end user as: A, B, A, B, .... The '

collatedDocuments(4)' value corresponds to the IPP [ipp-model] '

separate-documents-collated-copies' value of the "multiple-

document-handling" attribute.

If jobCopiesRequested or documentCopiesRequested = 1, then

jobCollationType is defined as 4.

3.uncollatedDocuments(5) - Collation of the sheets within each

document copy is performed within the printing device by making

multiple passes over either the source or an intermediate

representation of the document. In addition, when there are

multiple documents per job, all copies of the first document in

the job are stacked before the any copied of the next document in

the job, i.e., the documents are uncollated within the job. For

example, if a job is submitted with documents, A and B, the job

is mad available to the end user as: A, A, ..., B, B, .... The

'uncollatedDocuments(5)' value corresponds to the IPP [ipp-model]

'separate-documents-uncollated-copies' value of the "multiple-

document-handling" attribute.

Consider the following four variables that are used to monitor the

progress of a job's impressions:

1.jmJobImpressionsCompleted - counts the total number of

impressions stacked for the job

2.impressionsCompletedCurrentCopy - counts the number of

impressions stacked for the current document copy

3.sheetCompletedCopyNumber - identifies the number of the copy for

the current document being stacked where the first copy is 1.

4.sheetCompletedDocumentNumber - identifies the current document

within the job that is being stacked where the first document in

a job is 1. NOTE: this attribute SHOULD NOT be implemented for

implementations that only support one document per job.

For each of the three types of job collation, a job with three copies

of two documents (1, 2), where each document consists of 3

impressions, the four variables have the following values as each

sheet is stacked for one-sided printing:

Job Collation Type = uncollatedSheets(3)

jmJobImpressions Impressions sheetCompleted sheetCompleted

Completed CompletedCurrent CopyNumber DocumentNumber


0 0 0 0

1 1 1 1

2 1 2 1

3 1 3 1

4 2 1 1

5 2 2 1

6 2 3 1

7 3 1 1

8 3 2 1

9 3 3 1

10 1 1 2

11 1 2 2

12 1 3 2

13 2 1 2

14 2 2 2

15 2 3 2

16 3 1 2

17 3 2 2

18 3 3 2

Job Collation Type = collatedDocuments(4)

JmJobImpressions Impressions sheetCompleted sheetCompleted

Completed CompletedCurrent CopyNumber DocumentNumber


0 0 0 0

1 1 1 1

2 2 1 1

3 3 1 1

4 1 1 2

5 2 1 2

6 3 1 2

7 1 2 1

8 2 2 1

9 3 2 1

10 1 2 2

11 2 2 2

12 3 2 2

13 1 3 1

14 2 3 1

15 3 3 1

16 1 3 2

17 2 3 2

18 3 3 2

Job Collation Type = uncollatedDocuments(5)

jmJobImpressions Impressions sheetCompleted sheetCompleted

Completed CompletedCurrent CopyNumber DocumentNumber


0 0 0 0

1 1 1 1

2 2 1 1

3 3 1 1

4 1 2 1

5 2 2 1

6 3 2 1

7 1 3 1

8 2 3 1

9 3 3 1

10 1 1 2

11 2 1 2

12 3 1 2

13 1 2 2

14 2 2 2

15 3 2 2

16 1 3 2

17 2 3 2

18 3 3 2

3.5 Job Identification

There are a number of attributes that permit a user, operator or

system administrator to identify jobs of interest, such as jobURI,

jobName, jobOriginatingHost, etc. In addition, there is a

jmJobSubmissionID object that is a text string table index. Being a

table index allows a monitoring application to quickly locate and

identify a particular job of interest that was submitted from a

particular client by the user invoking the monitoring application

without having to scan the entire job table. The Job Monitoring MIB

needs to provide for identification of the job at both sides of the

job submission process. The primary identification point is the

client side. The jmJobSubmissionID allows the monitoring application

to identify the job of interest from all the jobs currently "known"

by the server or device. The value of jmJobSubmissionID can be

assigned by either the client's local system or a downstream server

or device. The point of assignment depends on the job submission

protocol in use.

The server/device-side identifier, called the jmJobIndex object,

SHALL be assigned by the SNMP Job Monitoring MIB agent when the

server or device accepts the jobs from submitting clients. The

jmJobIndex object allows the interested party to obtain all objects

desired that relate to a particular job. See Section 3.2, entitled '

The Job Tables and the Oldest Active and Newest Active Indexes' for

the specification of how the agent SHALL assign the jmJobIndex


The MIB provides a mapping table that maps each jmJobSubmissionID

value to a corresponding jmJobIndex value generated by the agent, so

that an application can determine the correct value for the

jmJobIndex value for the job of interest in a single Get operation,

given the Job Submission ID. See the jmJobIDGroup.

In some configurations there may be more than one application program

that monitors the same job when the job passes from one network

entity to another when it is submitted. See configuration 3. When

there are multiple job submission IDs, each entity MAY supply an

appropriate jmJobSubmissionID value. In this case there would be a

separate entry in the jmJobSubmissionID table, one for each

jmJobSubmissionID. All entries would map to the same jmJobIndex that

contains the job data. When the job is deleted, it is up to the

agent to remove all entries that point to the job from the

jmJobSubmissionID table as well.

The jobName attribute provides a name that the user supplies as a job

attribute with the job. The jobName attribute is not necessarily

unique, even for one user, let alone across users.

3.5.1 The Job Submission ID specifications

This section specifies the formats for each of the registered Job

Submission Ids. This format is used by the JmJobSubmissionIDTypeTC.

Each job submission ID is a fixed-length, 48-octet printable US-ASCII

[US-ASCII] coded character string containing no control characters,

consisting of the following fields:

octet 1: The format letter identifying the format. The

US-ASCII characters '0-9', 'A-Z', and 'a-z' are assigned

in order giving 62 possible formats.

octets 2-40: A 39-character, US-ASCII trailing SPACE

filled field specified by the format letter, if the data

is less than 39 ASCII characters.

octets 41-48: A sequential or random US-ASCII number to

make the ID quasi-unique.

If the client does not supply a job submission ID in the job

submission protocol, then the agent SHALL assign a job submission ID

using any of the standard formats that are reserved for the agent.

Clients SHALL not use formats that are reserved for agents and agents

SHALL NOT use formats that are reserved for clients, in order to

reduce conflicts in ID generation. See the description for which

formats are reserved for clients or for agents.

Registration of additional formats may be done following the

procedures described in Section 3.7.3.

The format values defined at the time of completion of this

specification are:


Letter Description

------ ------------

'0' Job Owner generated by the server/device

octets 2-40: The last 39 bytes of the jmJobOwner object.

octets 41-48: The US-ASCII 8-decimal-digit sequential number

assigned by the agent.

This format is reserved for agents.

NOTE - Clients wishing to use a job submission ID that

incorporates the job owner, SHALL use format '8', not

format '0'.

'1' Job Name

octets 2-40: The last 39 bytes of the jobName attribute.

octets 41-48: The US-ASCII 8-decimal-digit random number

assigned by the client.

This format is reserved for clients.

'2' Client MAC address

octets 2-40: The client MAC address: in hexadecimal with

each nibble of the 6 octet address being '0'-'9' or

'A' - 'F' (uppercase only). Most significant octet first.

octets 41-48: The US-ASCII 8-decimal-digit sequential number

assigned by the client.

This format is reserved for clients.

'3' Client URL

octets 2-40: The last 39 bytes of the client URL [URI-spec].

octets 41-48: The US-ASCII 8-decimal-digit sequential number

assigned by the client.

This format is reserved for clients.

'4' Job URI

octets 2-40: The last 39 bytes of the URI [URI-spec]

assigned by the server or device to the job when the job

was submitted for processing.

octets 41-48: The US-ASCII 8-decimal-digit sequential number

assigned by the agent.

This format is reserved for agents.

'5' POSIX User Number

octets 2-40: The last 39 bytes of a user number, such as

POSIX user number.

octets 41-48: The US-ASCII 8-decimal-digit sequential number

assigned by the client.

This format is reserved for clients.

'6' User Account Number

octets 2-40: The last 39 bytes of the user account number.

octets 41-48: The US-ASCII 8-decimal-digit sequential number

assigned by the client.

This format is reserved for clients.

'7' DTMF Incoming FAX routing number

octets 2-40: The last 39 bytes of the DTMF incoming FAX

routing number.

octets 41-48: The US-ASCII 8-decimal-digit sequential number

assigned by the client.

This format is reserved for clients.

'8' Job Owner supplied by the client

octets 2-40: The last 39 bytes of the job owner name (that the

agent returns in the jmJobOwner object).

octets 41-48: The US-ASCII 8-decimal-digit sequential number

assigned by the client.

This format is reserved for clients. See format '0' which is

reserved for agents.

'9' Host Name

octets 2-40: The last 39 bytes of the host name with trailing

SPACES that submitted the job to this server/device using

a protocol, such as LPD [RFC1179] which includes the host

name in the job submission protocol.

octets 41-48: The US-ASCII 8-decimal-digit leading zero

representation of the job id generated by the submitting

server (configuration 3) or the client (configuration 1

and 2), such as in the LPD protocol.

This format is reserved for clients.

'A' AppleTalk Protocol

octets 2-40: Contains the AppleTalk printer name, with the

first character of the name in octet 2. AppleTalk printer

names are a maximum of 31 characters. Any unused portion

of this field shall be filled with spaces.

octets 41-48: '00000XXX', where 'XXX' is the 3-digit US-ASCII

decimal representation of the Connection Id.

This format is reserved for agents.

'B' NetWare PServer

octets 2-40: Contains the Directory Path Name as recorded by

the Novell File Server in the queue directory. If the

string is less than 40 octets, the left-most character in

the string shall appear in octet position 2. Otherwise,

only the last 39 bytes shall be included. Any unused

portion of this field shall be filled with spaces.

octets 41-48: '000XXXXX' The US-ASCII representation of the

Job Number as per the NetWare File Server Queue Management


This format is reserved for agents.

'C' Server Message Block protocol (SMB)

octets 2-40: Contains a decimal (US-ASCII coded)

representation of the 16 bit SMB Tree Id field, which

uniquely identifies the connection that submitted the job

to the printer. The most significant digit of the numeric

string shall be placed in octet position 2. All unused

portions of this field shall be filled with spaces. The

SMB Tree Id has a maximum value of 65,535.

octets 41-48: The US-ASCII 8-decimal-digit leading zero

representation of the File Handle returned from the device

to the client in response to a Create Print File command.

This format is reserved for agents.

'D' Transport Independent Printer/System Interface (TIP/SI)

octets 2-40: Contains the Job Name from the Job Control-Start

Job (JC-SJ) command. If the Job Name portion is less than

40 octets, the left-most character in the string shall

appear in octet position 2. Any unused portion of this

field shall be filled with spaces. Otherwise, only the

last 39 bytes shall be included.

octets 41-48: The US-ASCII 8-decimal-digit leading zero

representation of the jmJobIndex assigned by the agent.

This format is reserved for agents, since the agent supplies

octets 41-48, though the client supplies the job name.

See format '1' reserved to clients to submit job name ids

in which they supply octets 41-48.

'E' IPDS on the MVS or VSE platform

octets 2-40: Contains bytes 2-27 of the XOH Define Group

Boundary Group ID triplet. Octet position 2 MUST carry

the value x'01'. Bytes 28-40 MUST be filled with spaces.

octets 41-48: The US-ASCII 8-decimal-digit leading zero

representation of the jmJobIndex assigned by the agent.

This format is reserved for agents, since the agent supplies

octets 41-48, though the client supplies the job name.

'F' IPDS on the VM platform

octets 2-40: Contains bytes 2-31 of the XOH Define Group

Boundary Group ID triplet. Octet position 2 MUST carry

the value x'02'. Bytes 32-40 MUST be filled with spaces.

octets 41-48: The US-ASCII 8-decimal-digit leading zero

representation of the jmJobIndex assigned by the agent.

This format is reserved for agents, since the agent supplies

octets 41-48, though the client supplies the file name.

'G' IPDS on the OS/400 platform

octets 2-40: Contains bytes 2-36 of the XOH Define Group

Boundary Group ID triplet. Octet position 2 MUST carry

the value x'03'. Bytes 37-40 MUST be filled with spaces.

octets 41-48: The US-ASCII 8-decimal-digit leading zero

representation of the jmJobIndex assigned by the agent.

This format is reserved for agents, since the agent supplies

octets 41-48, though the client supplies the job name.

NOTE - the job submission id is only intended to be unique between a

limited set of clients for a limited duration of time, namely, for

the life time of the job in the context of the server or device that

is processing the job. Some of the formats include something that is

unique per client and a random number so that the same job submitted

by the same client will have a different job submission id. For

other formats, where part of the id is guaranteed to be unique for

each client, such as the MAC address or URL, a sequential number

SHOULD suffice for each client (and may be easier for each client to

manage). Therefore, the length of the job submission id has been

selected to reduce the probability of collision to an extremely low

number, but is not intended to be an absolute guarantee of

uniqueness. None-the-less, collisions are remotely possible, but

without bad consequences, since this MIB is intended to be used only

for monitoring jobs, not for controlling and managing them.

3.6 Internationalization Considerations

This section describes the internationalization considerations

included in this MIB.

3.6.1 Text generated by the server or device

There are a few objects and attributes generated by the server or

device that SHALL be represented using the Universal Multiple-Octet

Coded Character Set (UCS) [ISO-10646]. These objects and attributes

are always supplied (if implemented) by the agent, not by the job

submitting client:

1. jmGeneralJobSetName object

2. processingMessage(6) attribute

3. physicalDevice(32) (name value) attribute

The character encoding scheme for representing these objects and

attributes SHALL be UTF-8 as REQUIRED by RFC2277 [RFC2277]. The '

JmUTF8StringTC' textual convention is used to indicate UTF-8 text


NOTE - For strings in 7-bit US-ASCII, there is no impact since the

UTF-8 representation of 7-bit ASCII is identical to the US-ASCII

[US-ASCII] encoding.

The text contained in the processingMessage(6) attribute is generated

by the server/device. The natural language for the

processingMessage(6) attribute is identified by the

processingMessageNaturalLangTag(7) attribute. The

processingMessageNaturalLangTag(7) attribute uses the

JmNaturalLanguageTagTC textual convention which SHALL conform to the

language tag mechanism specified in RFC1766 [RFC1766]. The

JmNaturalLanguageTagTC value is the same as the IPP [ipp-model] '

naturalLanguage' attribute syntax. RFC1766 specifies that a US-

ASCII string consisting of the natural language followed by an

optional country field. Both fields use the same two-character codes

from ISO 639 [ISO-639] and ISO 3166 [ISO-3166], respectively, that

are used in the Printer MIB for identifying language and country.

Examples of the values of the processingMessageNaturalLangTag(7)

attribute include:

1. 'en' for English

2. 'en-us' for US English

3. 'fr' for French

4. 'de' for German

3.6.2 Text supplied by the job submitter

All of the objects and attributes represented by the 'JmJobStringTC'

textual-convention are either (1) supplied in the job submission

protocol by the client that submits the job to the server or device

or (2) are defaulted by the server or device if the job submitting

client does not supply values. The agent SHALL represent these

objects and attributes in the MIB either (1) in the coded character

set as they were submitted or (2) MAY convert the coded character set

to another coded character set or encoding scheme. In any case, the

resulting coded character set representation SHOULD be UTF-8 [UTF-8],

but SHALL be one in which the code positions from 0 to 31 is not

used, 32 to 127 is US-ASCII [US-ASCII], 127 is not unused, and the

remaining code positions 128 to 255 represent single-byte or multi-

byte graphic characters structured according to ISO 2022 [ISO-2022]

or are unused.

The coded character set SHALL be one of the ones registered with IANA

[IANA] and SHALL be identified by the jobCodedCharSet attribute in

the jmJobAttributeTable for the job. If the agent does not know what

coded character set was used by the job submitting client, the agent

SHALL either (1) return the 'unknown(2)' value for the

jobCodedCharSet attribute or (2) not return the jobCodedCharSet

attribute for the job.

Examples of coded character sets which meet this criteria for use as

the value of the jobCodedCharSet job attribute are: US-ASCII [US-

ASCII], ISO 8859-1 (Latin-1) [ISO-8859-1], any ISO 8859-n, HP Roman8,

IBM Code Page 850, Windows Default 8-bit set, UTF-8 [UTF-8], US-ASCII

plus JIS X0208-1990 Japanese [JIS X0208], US-ASCII plus GB2312-1980

PRC Chinese [GB2312]. See the IANA registry of coded character sets

[IANA charsets].

Examples of coded character sets which do not meet this criteria are:

national 7-bit sets conforming to ISO 646 (except US-ASCII), EBCDIC,

and ISO 10646 (Unicode) [ISO-10646]. In order to represent Unicode

characters, the UTF-8 [UTF-8] encoding scheme SHALL be used which has

been assigned the MIBenum value of '106' by IANA.

The jobCodedCharSet attribute uses the imported 'CodedCharSet'

textual-convention from the Printer MIB [printmib].

The natural language for attributes represented by the textual-

convention JmJobStringTC is identified either (1) by the

jobNaturalLanguageTag(9) attribute or is keywords in US-English (as

in IPP). A monitoring application SHOULD attempt to localize

keywords into the language of the user by means of some lookup

mechanism. If the keyword value is not known to the monitoring

application, the monitoring application SHOULD assume that the value

is in the natural language specified by the job's

jobNaturalLanguageTag(9) attribute and SHOULD present the value to

its user as is. The jobNaturalLanguageTag(9) attribute value SHALL

have the same syntax and semantics as the

processingMessageNaturalLangTag(7) attribute, except that the

jobNaturalLanguageTag(9) attribute identifies the natural language of

attributes supplied by the job submitter instead of the natural

language of the processingMessage(6) attribute. See Section 3.6.1.

3.6.3 'DateAndTime' for representing the date and time

This MIB also contains objects that are represented using the

DateAndTime textual convention from SMIv2 [SMIv2-TC]. The job

management application SHALL display such objects in the locale of

the user running the monitoring application.

3.7 IANA and PWG Registration Considerations

This MIB does not require any additional registration schemes for

IANA, but does depend on registration schemes that other Internet

standards track specifications have set up. The names of these IANA

registration assignments under the /in-notes/iana/assignments/ path:

1.printer-language-numbers - used as enums in the documentFormat(38)


2.media-types - uses as keywords in the documentFormat(38) attribute

3.character-sets - used as enums in the jobCodedCharSet(8) attribute

The Printer Working Group (PWG) will handle registration of

additional enums after approving this standard, according to the

procedures described in this section:

3.7.1 PWG Registration of enums

This specification uses textual conventions to define enumerated

values (enums) and bit values. Enumerations (enums) and bit values

are sets of symbolic values defined for use with one or more objects

or attributes. All enumeration sets and bit value sets are assigned

a symbolic data type name (textual convention). As a convention the

symbolic name ends in "TC" for textual convention. These

enumerations are defined at the beginning of the MIB module


The PWG has defined several type of enumerations for use in the Job

Monitoring MIB and the Printer MIB [print-mib]. These types differ

in the method employed to control the addition of new enumerations.

Throughout this document, references to "type n enum", where n can be

1, 2 or 3 can be found in the various tables. The definitions of

these types of enumerations are: Type 1 enumerations

Type 1 enumeration: All the values are defined in the Job Monitoring

MIB specification (RFCfor the Job Monitoring MIB). Additional

enumerated values require a new RFC.

There are no type 1 enums in the current document. Type 2 enumerations

Type 2 enumeration: An initial set of values are defined in the Job

Monitoring MIB specification. Additional enumerated values are

registered with the PWG.

The following type 2 enums are contained in the current document:

1. JmUTF8StringTC

2. JmJobStringTC

3. JmNaturalLanguageTagTC

4. JmTimeStampTC

5. JmFinishingTC [same enum values as IPP "finishing" attribute]

6. JmPrintQualityTC [same enum values as IPP "print-quality"


7. JmTonerEconomyTC

8. JmMediumTypeTC

9. JmJobSubmissionIDTypeTC


11.JmJobStateTC [same enum values as IPP "job-state" attribute]


For those textual conventions that have the same enum values as the

indicated IPP Job attribute are simultaneously registered by the PWG

for use with IPP [ipp-model] and the Job Monitoring MIB. Type 3 enumeration

Type 3 enumeration: An initial set of values are defined in the Job

Monitoring MIB specification. Additional enumerated values are

registered through the PWG without PWG review.

There are no type 3 enums in the current document.

3.7.2 PWG Registration of type 2 bit values

This memo contains the following type 2 bit value textual-


1. JmJobServiceTypesTC

2. JmJobStateReasons1TC

3. JmJobStateReasons2TC

4. JmJobStateReasons3TC

5. JmJobStateReasons4TC

These textual-conventions are defined as bits in an Integer so that

they can be used with SNMPv1 SMI. The jobStateReasonsN (N=1..4)

attributes are defined as bit values using the corresponding

JmJobStateReasonsNTC textual-conventions.

The registration of JmJobServiceTypesTC and JmJobStateReasonsNTC bit

values follow the procedures for a type 2 enum as specified in


3.7.3 PWG Registration of Job Submission Id Formats

In addition to enums and bit values, this specification assigns a

single ASCII digit or letter to various job submission ID formats.

See the JmJobSubmissionIDTypeTC textual-convention and the object.

The registration of JobSubmissionID format numbers follows the

procedures for a type 2 enum as specified in Section

3.7.4 PWG Registration of MIME types/sub-types for document-formats

The documentFormat(38) attribute has MIME type/sub-type values for

indicating document formats which IANA registers as "media type"

names. The values of the documentFormat(38) attribute are the same

as the corresponding Internet Printing Protocol (IPP) "document-

format" Job attribute values [ipp-model].

3.8 Security Considerations

3.8.1 Read-Write objects

All objects are read-only, greatly simplifying the security

considerations. If another MIB augments this MIB, that MIB might

accept SNMP Write operations to objects in that MIB whose effect is

to modify the values of read-only objects in this MIB. However, that

MIB SHALL have to support the required access control in order to

achieve security, not this MIB.

3.8.2 Read-Only Objects In Other User's Jobs

The security policy of some sites MAY be that unprivileged users can

only get the objects from jobs that they submitted, plus a few

minimal objects from other jobs, such as the

jmJobKOctetsPerCopyRequested and jmJobKOctetsProcessed objects, so

that a user can tell how busy a printer is. Other sites MAY allow

all unprivileged users to see all objects of all jobs. This MIB does

not require, nor does it specify how, such restrictions would be

implemented. A monitoring application SHOULD enforce the site

security policy with respect to returning information to an

unprivileged end user that is using the monitoring application to

monitor jobs that do not belong to that user, i.e., the jmJobOwner

object in the jmJobTable does not match the user's user name.

An operator is a privileged user that would be able to see all

objects of all jobs, independent of the policy for unprivileged


3.9 Notifications

This MIB does not specify any notifications. For simplicity,

management applications are expected to poll for status. The

jmGeneralJobPersistence and jmGeneralAttributePersistence objects

assist an application to determine the polling rate. The resulting

network traffic is not expected to be significant.

4 MIB specification

The following pages constitute the actual Job Monitoring MIB.




Integer32 FROM SNMPv2-SMI



-- The following textual-conventions are needed to implement

-- certain attributes, but are not needed to compile this MIB.

-- They are provided here for convenience:


-- DateAndTime FROM SNMPv2-TC

-- PrtInterpreterLangFamilyTC,

-- CodedCharSet FROM Printer-MIB

-- Use the enterprises arc assigned to the PWG which is pwg(2699).

-- Group all PWG mibs under mibs(1).


LAST-UPDATED "9902190000Z"

ORGANIZATION "Printer Working Group (PWG)"


"Tom Hastings

Postal: Xerox Corp.

Mail stop ESAE-231

701 S. Aviation Blvd.

El Segundo, CA 90245

Tel: (301)333-6413

Fax: (301)333-5514

E-mail: hastings@cp10.es.xerox.com

Send questions and comments to the Printer Working Group (PWG)

using the Job Monitoring Project (JMP) Mailing List:


For further information, including how to subscribe to the

jmp mailing list, access the PWG web page under 'JMP':


Implementers of this specification are encouraged to join the

jmp mailing list in order to participate in discussions on any

clarifications needed and registration proposals being reviewed

in order to achieve consensus."


"The MIB module for monitoring job in servers, printers, and

other devices.

Version: 1.0"

-- revision history

REVISION "9902190000Z"

DESCRIPTION " This version published as RFC2707"

::= { enterprises pwg(2699) mibs(1) jobmonMIB(1) }

-- Textual conventions for this MIB module



STATUS current


"To facilitate internationalization, this TC represents

information taken from the ISO/IEC IS 10646-1 character set,

encoded as an octet string using the UTF-8 character encoding


See section 3.6.1, entitled: 'Text generated by the server or




STATUS current


"To facilitate internationalization, this TC represents

information using any coded character set registered by IANA as

specified in section 3.7. While it is recommended that the

coded character set be UTF-8 [UTF-8], the actual coded

character set SHALL be indicated by the value of the

jobCodedCharSet(8) attribute for the job.

See section 3.6.2, entitled: 'Text supplied by the job




STATUS current


"An IETF RFC1766-compliant 'language tag', with zero or more

sub-tags that identify a natural language. While RFC1766

specifies that the US-ASCII values are case-insensitive, this

MIB specification requires that all characters SHALL be lower

case in order to simplify comparing by management applications.

See section 3.6.1, entitled: 'Text generated by the server or

device' and section 3.6.2, entitled: 'Text supplied by the job




STATUS current


"The simple time at which an event took place. The units are

in seconds since the system was booted.

NOTE - JmTimeStampTC is defined in units of seconds, rather

than 100ths of seconds, so as to be simpler for agents to

implement (even if they have to implement the 100ths of a

second to comply with implementing sysUpTime in MIB-II[mib-


NOTE - JmTimeStampTC is defined as an Integer32 so that it can

be used as a value of an attribute, i.e., as a value of the

jmAttributeValueAsInteger object. The TimeStamp textual-

convention defined in SNMPv2-TC [SMIv2-TC] is defined as an

APPLICATION 3 IMPLICIT INTEGER tag, not an Integer32 which is


INTEGER, so cannot be used in this MIB as one of the values of


SYNTAX INTEGER (0..2147483647)

JmJobSourcePlatformTypeTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION

STATUS current


"The source platform type that can submit jobs to servers or

devices in any of the 3 configurations.

This is a type 2 enumeration. See Section See also

IANA operating-system-names registry."




sptUNIX(3), -- UNIX

sptOS2(4), -- OS/2

sptPCDOS(5), -- DOS

sptNT(6), -- NT

sptMVS(7), -- MVS

sptVM(8), -- VM

sptOS400(9), -- OS/400

sptVMS(10), -- VMS

sptWindows(11), -- Windows

sptNetWare(12) -- NetWare



STATUS current


"The type of finishing operation.

These values are the same as the enum values of the IPP

'finishings' attribute. See Section


Some other finishing operation besides one of the specified

or registered values.


The finishing is unknown.


Perform no finishing.


Bind the document(s) with one or more staples. The exact

number and placement of the staples is site-defined.


Holes are required in the finished document. The exact

number and placement of the holes is site-defined. The

punch specification MAY be satisfied (in a site- and

implementation-specific manner) either by

drilling/punching, or by substituting pre-drilled media.


Select a non-printed (or pre-printed) cover for the

document. This does not supplant the specification of a

printed cover (on cover stock medium) by the document



Binding is to be applied to the document; the type and

placement of the binding is product-specific.

This is a type 2 enumeration. See Section"











STATUS current


"Print quality settings.

These values are the same as the enum values of the IPP 'print-

quality' attribute. See Section

This is a type 2 enumeration. See Section"


other(1), -- Not one of the specified or registered

-- values.

unknown(2), -- The actual value is unknown.

draft(3), -- Lowest quality available on the printer.

normal(4), -- Normal or intermediate quality on the

-- printer.

high(5) -- Highest quality available on the printer.


JmPrinterResolutionTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION

STATUS current


"Printer resolutions.

Nine octets consisting of two 4-octet SIGNED-INTEGERs followed

by a SIGNED-BYTE. The values are the same as those specified

in the Printer MIB [printmib]. The first SIGNED-INTEGER

contains the value of prtMarkerAddressabilityXFeedDir. The

second SIGNED-INTEGER contains the value of

prtMarkerAddressabilityFeedDir. The SIGNED-BYTE contains the

value of prtMarkerAddressabilityUnit.

Note: the latter value is either 3 (tenThousandsOfInches) or 4

(micrometers) and the addressability is in 10,000 units of

measure. Thus the SIGNED-INTEGERs represent integral values in

either dots-per-inch or dots-per-centimeter.

The syntax is the same as the IPP 'printer-resolution'

attribute. See Section"



STATUS current


"Toner economy settings.

This is a type 2 enumeration. See Section"


unknown(2), -- unknown.

off(3), -- Off. Normal. Use full toner.

on(4) -- On. Use less toner than normal.



STATUS current


"Boolean true or false value.

This is a type 2 enumeration. See Section"


unknown(2), -- unknown.

false(3), -- FALSE.

true(4) -- TRUE.



STATUS current


"Identifies the type of medium.


The type is neither one of the values listed in this

specification nor a registered value.


The type is not known.


Separately cut sheets of an opaque material.


Separately cut sheets of a transparent material.


Envelopes that can be used for conventional mailing



Envelopes that are not preprinted and have no windows.


Envelopes that have windows for addressing purposes.


Continuously connected sheets of an opaque material

connected along the long edge.


Continuously connected sheets of an opaque material

connected along the short edge.


Media with tabs.


Form medium composed of multiple layers not pre-attached to

one another; each sheet MAY be drawn separately from an

input source.




Form medium composed of multiple layers which are pre-

attached to one another, e.g. for use with impact printers.

This is a type 2 enumeration. See Section These enum

values correspond to the keyword name strings of the

prtInputMediaType object in the Printer MIB [print-mib]. There

is no printer description attribute in IPP/1.0 that represents

these values."

















STATUS current


"This value is the type of job collation. Implementations that

don't support multiple documents or don't support multiple

copies SHALL NOT support the uncollatedDocuments(5) value.

This is a type 2 enumeration. See Section See also

Section 3.4, entitled 'Monitoring Job Progress'."




uncollatedSheets(3), -- sheets within each document copy

-- are not collated: 1 1 ..., 2 2 ...,

-- No corresponding value of IPP

-- "multiple-document-handling"

collatedDocuments(4), -- internal collated sheets,

-- documents: A, B, A, B, ...

-- Corresponds to IPP "multiple-

-- document-handling"='separate-

-- documents-collated-copies'

uncollatedDocuments(5) -- internal collated sheets,

-- documents: A, A, ..., B, B, ...

-- Corresponds to IPP "multiple-

-- document-handling"='separate-

-- documents-uncollated-copies'



STATUS current


"Identifies the format type of a job submission ID.

Each job submission ID is a fixed-length, 48-octet printable

US-ASCII [US-ASCII] coded character string containing no

control characters, consisting of the fields defined in section


This is like a type 2 enumeration. See section 3.7.3."

SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(1)) -- ASCII '0'-'9', 'A'-'Z', 'a'-'z'


STATUS current


"The current state of the job (pending, processing, completed,

etc.). The following figure shows the normal job state


+----> canceled(7)


+---> pending(3) -------> processing(5) ------+------> completed(9)

^ ^ --->+ +----> aborted(8)

v v /

+---> pendingHeld(4) processingStopped(6) ---+

Figure 4 - Normal Job State Transitions

Normally a job progresses from left to right. Other state

transitions are unlikely, but are not forbidden. Not shown are

the transitions to the canceled state from the pending,

pendingHeld, and processingStopped states.

Jobs in the pending, processing, and processingStopped states

are called 'active', while jobs in the pendingHeld, canceled,

aborted, and completed states are called 'inactive'. Jobs

reach one of the three terminal states: completed, canceled, or

aborted, after the jobs have completed all activity, and all

MIB objects and attributes have reached their final values for

the job.

These values are the same as the enum values of the IPP 'job-

state' job attribute. See Section


The job state is not known, or its state is indeterminate.


The job is a candidate to start processing, but is not yet



The job is not a candidate for processing for any number of

reasons but will return to the pending state as soon as the

reasons are no longer present. The job's

jmJobStateReasons1 object and/or jobStateReasonsN (N=2..4)

attributes SHALL indicate why the job is no longer a

candidate for processing. The reasons are represented as

bits in the jmJobStateReasons1 object and/or

jobStateReasonsN (N=2..4) attributes. See the

JmJobStateReasonsNTC (N=1..4) textual convention for the

specification of each reason.


One or more of:

1. the job is using, or is attempting to use, one or

more purely software processes that are analyzing,

creating, or interpreting a PDL, etc.,

2. the job is using, or is attempting to use, one or

more hardware devices that are interpreting a PDL,

making mark on a medium, and/or performing finishing,

such as stapling, etc., OR

3. (configuration 2) the server has made the job ready

for printing, but the output device is not yet printing

it, either because the job hasn't reached the output

device or because the job is queued in the output

device or some other spooler, awaiting the output

device to print it.

When the job is in the processing state, the entire job

state includes the detailed status represented in the

device MIB indicated by the hrDeviceIndex value of the

job's physicalDevice attribute, if the agent implements

such a device MIB.

Implementations MAY, though they NEED NOT, include

additional values in the job's jmJobStateReasons1 object

to indicate the progress of the job, such as adding the

jobPrinting value to indicate when the device is actually

making marks on a medium and/or the processingToStopPoint

value to indicate that the server or device is in the

process of canceling or aborting the job.


The job has stopped while processing for any number of

reasons and will return to the processing state as soon

as the reasons are no longer present.

The job's jmJobStateReasons1 object and/or the job's

jobStateReasonsN (N=2..4) attributes MAY indicate why the

job has stopped processing. For example, if the output

device is stopped, the deviceStopped value MAY be

included in the job's jmJobStateReasons1 object.

NOTE - When an output device is stopped, the device

usually indicates its condition in human readable form

at the device. The management application can obtain

more complete device status remotely by querying the

appropriate device MIB using the job's deviceIndex

attribute(s), if the agent implements such a device MIB


A client has canceled the job and the server or device

has completed canceling the job AND all MIB objects and

attributes have reached their final values for the job.

While the server or device is canceling the job, the

job's jmJobStateReasons1 object SHOULD contain the

processingToStopPoint value and one of the

canceledByUser, canceledByOperator, or canceledAtDevice

values. The canceledByUser, canceledByOperator, or

canceledAtDevice values remain while the job is in the

canceled state.


The job has been aborted by the system, usually while the

job was in the processing or processingStopped state and

the server or device has completed aborting the job AND

all MIB objects and attributes have reached their final

values for the job. While the server or device is

aborting the job, the job's jmJobStateReasons1 object MAY

contain the processingToStopPoint and abortedBySystem

values. If implemented, the abortedBySystem value SHALL

remain while the job is in the aborted state.


The job has completed successfully or with warnings or

errors after processing and all of the media have been

successfully stacked in the appropriate output bin(s) AND

all MIB objects and attributes have reached their final

values for the job. The job's jmJobStateReasons1 object

SHOULD contain one of: completedSuccessfully,

completedWithWarnings, or completedWithErrors values.

This is a type 2 enumeration. See Section"












STATUS current


"The type of the attribute which identifies the attribute.

NOTE - The enum assignments are grouped logically with values

assigned in groups of 20, so that additional values may be

registered in the future and assigned a value that is part of

their logical grouping.

Values in the range 2**30 to 2**31-1 are reserved for private

or experimental usage. This range corresponds to the same

range reserved in IPP. Implementers are warned that use of

such values may conflict with other implementations.

Implementers are encouraged to request registration of enum

values following the procedures in Section 3.7.1.

See Section 3.2 entitled 'The Attribute Mechanism' for a

description of this textual-convention and its use in the

jmAttributeTable. See Section 3.3.8 for the specification of

each attribute. The comment(s) after each enum assignment

specifies the data type(s) of the attribute.

This is a type 2 enumeration. See Section"


other(1), -- Integer32 (-2..2147483647)



-- Job State attributes:

jobStateReasons2(3), -- JmJobStateReasons2TC

jobStateReasons3(4), -- JmJobStateReasons3TC

jobStateReasons4(5), -- JmJobStateReasons4TC

processingMessage(6), -- JmUTF8StringTC (SIZE(0..63))



jobCodedCharSet(8), -- CodedCharSet

jobNaturalLanguageTag(9), -- OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..63))

-- Job Identification attributes:

jobURI(20), -- OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..63))

jobAccountName(21), -- OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..63))

serverAssignedJobName(22), -- JmJobStringTC (SIZE(0..63))

jobName(23), -- JmJobStringTC (SIZE(0..63))

jobServiceTypes(24), -- JmJobServiceTypesTC

jobSourceChannelIndex(25), -- Integer32 (0..2147483647)

jobSourcePlatformType(26), -- JmJobSourcePlatformTypeTC

submittingServerName(27), -- JmJobStringTC (SIZE(0..63))

submittingApplicationName(28), -- JmJobStringTC (SIZE(0..63))

jobOriginatingHost(29), -- JmJobStringTC (SIZE(0..63))

deviceNameRequested(30), -- JmJobStringTC (SIZE(0..63))

queueNameRequested(31), -- JmJobStringTC (SIZE(0..63))

physicalDevice(32), -- hrDeviceIndex


-- JmUTF8StringTC (SIZE(0..63))

numberOfDocuments(33), -- Integer32 (-2..2147483647)

fileName(34), -- JmJobStringTC (SIZE(0..63))

documentName(35), -- JmJobStringTC (SIZE(0..63))

jobComment(36), -- JmJobStringTC (SIZE(0..63))

documentFormatIndex(37), -- Integer32 (0..2147483647)

documentFormat(38), -- PrtInterpreterLangFamilyTC



-- Job Parameter attributes:

jobPriority(50), -- Integer32 (-2..100)

jobProcessAfterDateAndTime(51), -- DateAndTime (SNMPv2-TC)

jobHold(52), -- JmBooleanTC

jobHoldUntil(53), -- JmJobStringTC (SIZE(0..63))

outputBin(54), -- Integer32 (0..2147483647)


-- JmJobStringTC (SIZE(0..63))

sides(55), -- Integer32 (-2..2)

finishing(56), -- JmFinishingTC

-- Image Quality attributes:

printQualityRequested(70), -- JmPrintQualityTC

printQualityUsed(71), -- JmPrintQualityTC

printerResolutionRequested(72), -- JmPrinterResolutionTC

printerResolutionUsed(73), -- JmPrinterResolutionTC

tonerEcomonyRequested(74), -- JmTonerEconomyTC

tonerEcomonyUsed(75), -- JmTonerEconomyTC

tonerDensityRequested(76), -- Integer32 (-2..100)

tonerDensityUsed(77), -- Integer32 (-2..100)

-- Job Progress attributes:

jobCopiesRequested(90), -- Integer32 (-2..2147483647)

jobCopiesCompleted(91), -- Integer32 (-2..2147483647)

documentCopiesRequested(92), -- Integer32 (-2..2147483647)

documentCopiesCompleted(93), -- Integer32 (-2..2147483647)

jobKOctetsTransferred(94), -- Integer32 (-2..2147483647)

sheetCompletedCopyNumber(95), -- Integer32 (-2..2147483647)


-- Integer32 (-2..2147483647)

jobCollationType(97), -- JmJobCollationTypeTC

-- Impression attributes:

impressionsSpooled(110), -- Integer32 (-2..2147483647)

impressionsSentToDevice(111), -- Integer32 (-2..2147483647)

impressionsInterpreted(112), -- Integer32 (-2..2147483647)


-- Integer32 (-2..2147483647)


-- Integer32 (-2..2147483647)


-- Integer32 (-2..2147483647)

-- Page attributes:

pagesRequested(130), -- Integer32 (-2..2147483647)

pagesCompleted(131), -- Integer32 (-2..2147483647)

pagesCompletedCurrentCopy(132), -- Integer32 (-2..2147483647)

-- Sheet attributes:

sheetsRequested(150), -- Integer32 (-2..2147483647)

sheetsCompleted(151), -- Integer32 (-2..2147483647)

sheetsCompletedCurrentCopy(152),-- Integer32 (-2..2147483647)

-- Resource attributes:

mediumRequested(170), -- JmMediumTypeTC


-- JmJobStringTC (SIZE(0..63))

mediumConsumed(171), -- Integer32 (-2..2147483647)

-- AND

-- JmJobStringTC (SIZE(0..63))

colorantRequested(172), -- Integer32 (-2..2147483647)


-- JmJobStringTC (SIZE(0..63))

colorantConsumed(173), -- Integer32 (-2..2147483647)


-- JmJobStringTC (SIZE(0..63))

mediumTypeConsumed(174), -- Integer32 (-2..2147483647)

-- AND

-- JmJobStringTC (SIZE(0..63))

mediumSizeConsumed(175), -- Integer32 (-2..2147483647)

-- AND

-- JmJobStringTC (SIZE(0..63))

-- Time attributes:

jobSubmissionToServerTime(190), -- JmTimeStampTC


-- DateAndTime

jobSubmissionTime(191), -- JmTimeStampTC


-- DateAndTime

jobStartedBeingHeldTime(192), -- JmTimeStampTC


-- DateAndTime

jobStartedProcessingTime(193), -- JmTimeStampTC


-- DateAndTime

jobCompletionTime(194), -- JmTimeStampTC


-- DateAndTime

jobProcessingCPUTime(195) -- Integer32 (-2..2147483647)



STATUS current


"Specifies the type(s) of service to which the job has been

submitted (print, fax, scan, etc.). The service type is

represented as an enum that is bit encoded with each job

service type so that more general and arbitrary services can be

created, such as services with more than one destination type,

or ones with only a source or only a destination. For example,

a job service might scan, faxOut, and print a single job. In

this case, three bits would be set in the jobServiceTypes

attribute, corresponding to the hexadecimal values: 0x8 + 0x20

+ 0x4, respectively, yielding: 0x2C.

Whether this attribute is set from a job attribute supplied by

the job submission client or is set by the recipient job

submission server or device depends on the job submission

protocol. With either implementation, the agent SHALL return a

non-zero value for this attribute indicating the type of the


One of the purposes of this attribute is to permit a requester

to filter out jobs that are not of interest. For example, a

printer operator MAY only be interested in jobs that include

printing. That is why the attribute is in the job

identification category.

The following service component types are defined (in

hexadecimal) and are assigned a separate bit value for use with

the jobServiceTypes attribute:

other 0x1

The job contains some instructions that are not one of the

identified types.

unknown 0x2

The job contains some instructions whose type is unknown to

the agent.

print 0x4

The job contains some instructions that specify printing

scan 0x8

The job contains some instructions that specify scanning

faxIn 0x10

The job contains some instructions that specify receive fax

faxOut 0x20

The job contains some instructions that specify sending fax

getFile 0x40

The job contains some instructions that specify accessing

files or documents

putFile 0x80

The job contains some instructions that specify storing

files or documents

mailList 0x100

The job contains some instructions that specify

distribution of documents using an electronic mail system.

These bit definitions are the equivalent of a type 2 enum

except that combinations of them MAY be used together. See


SYNTAX INTEGER (0..2147483647) -- 31 bits, all but sign bit


STATUS current


"The JmJobStateReasonsNTC (N=1..4) textual-conventions are used

with the jmJobStateReasons1 object and jobStateReasonsN

(N=2..4), respectively, to provide additional information

regarding the current jmJobState object value. These values

MAY be used with any job state or states for which the reason

makes sense. See section for the specification of each

bit value defined for use with the JmJobStateReasons1TC.

These bit definitions are the equivalent of a type 2 enum

except that combinations of bits may be used together. See


SYNTAX INTEGER (0..2147483647) -- 31 bits, all but sign bit


STATUS current


"This textual-convention is used with the jobStateReasons2

attribute to provides additional information regarding the

jmJobState object. See section for the specification

of JmJobStateReasons2TC. See section for the

description under JmJobStateReasons1TC for additional

information that applies to all reasons.

These bit definitions are the equivalent of a type 2 enum

except that combinations of them may be used together. See


SYNTAX INTEGER (0..2147483647) -- 31 bits, all but sign bit


STATUS current


"This textual-convention is used with the jobStateReasons3

attribute to provides additional information regarding the

jmJobState object. See section for the specification

of JmJobStateReasons3TC. See section for the

description under JmJobStateReasons1TC for additional

information that applies to all reasons.

These bit definitions are the equivalent of a type 2 enum

except that combinations of them may be used together. See

section "

SYNTAX INTEGER (0..2147483647) -- 31 bits, all but sign bit


STATUS current


"This textual-convention is used in the jobStateReasons4

attribute to provides additional information regarding the

jmJobState object. See section for the specification

of JmJobStateReasons4TC. See section for the

description under JmJobStateReasons1TC for additional

information that applies to all reasons.

These bit definitions are the equivalent of a type 2 enum

except that combinations of them may be used together. See


SYNTAX INTEGER (0..2147483647) -- 31 bits, all but sign bit

jobmonMIBObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jobmonMIB 1 }

-- The General Group (MANDATORY)

-- The jmGeneralGroup consists entirely of the jmGeneralTable.

jmGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jobmonMIBObjects 1 }

jmGeneralTable OBJECT-TYPE


MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"The jmGeneralTable consists of information of a general nature

that are per-job-set, but are not per-job. See Section 2

entitled 'Terminology and Job Model' for the definition of a

job set.

The MANDATORY-GROUP macro specifies that this group is


::= { jmGeneral 1 }

jmGeneralEntry OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX JmGeneralEntry

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"Information about a job set (queue).

An entry SHALL exist in this table for each job set."

INDEX { jmGeneralJobSetIndex }

::= { jmGeneralTable 1 }

JmGeneralEntry ::= SEQUENCE {

jmGeneralJobSetIndex Integer32 (1..32767),

jmGeneralNumberOfActiveJobs Integer32 (0..2147483647),

jmGeneralOldestActiveJobIndex Integer32 (0..2147483647),

jmGeneralNewestActiveJobIndex Integer32 (0..2147483647),

jmGeneralJobPersistence Integer32 (15..2147483647),

jmGeneralAttributePersistence Integer32 (15..2147483647),

jmGeneralJobSetName JmUTF8StringTC (SIZE(0..63))


jmGeneralJobSetIndex OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Integer32 (1..32767)

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"A unique value for each job set in this MIB. The jmJobTable

and jmAttributeTable tables have this same index as their

primary index.

The value(s) of the jmGeneralJobSetIndex SHALL be persistent

across power cycles, so that clients that have retained

jmGeneralJobSetIndex values will access the same job sets upon

subsequent power-up.

An implementation that has only one job set, such as a printer

with a single queue, SHALL hard code this object with the value


See Section 2 entitled 'Terminology and Job Model' for the

definition of a job set.

Corresponds to the first index in jmJobTable and


::= { jmGeneralEntry 1 }

jmGeneralNumberOfActiveJobs OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647)

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The current number of 'active' jobs in the jmJobIDTable,

jmJobTable, and jmAttributeTable, i.e., the total number of

jobs that are in the pending, processing, or processingStopped

states. See the JmJobStateTC textual-convention for the exact

specification of the semantics of the job states."

DEFVAL { 0 } -- no jobs

::= { jmGeneralEntry 2 }

jmGeneralOldestActiveJobIndex OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647)

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The jmJobIndex of the oldest job that is still in one of the

'active' states (pending, processing, or processingStopped).

In other words, the index of the 'active' job that has been in

the job tables the longest.

If there are no active jobs, the agent SHALL set the value of

this object to 0.

See Section 3.2 entitled 'The Job Tables and the Oldest Active

and Newest Active Indexes' for a description of the usage of

this object."

DEFVAL { 0 } -- no active jobs

::= { jmGeneralEntry 3 }

jmGeneralNewestActiveJobIndex OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647)

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The jmJobIndex of the newest job that is in one of the

'active' states (pending, processing, or processingStopped).

In other words, the index of the 'active' job that has been

most recently added to the job tables.

When all jobs become 'inactive', i.e., enter the pendingHeld,

completed, canceled, or aborted states, the agent SHALL set the

value of this object to 0.

See Section 3.2 entitled 'The Job Tables and the Oldest Active

and Newest Active Indexes' for a description of the usage of

this object."

DEFVAL { 0 } -- no active jobs

::= { jmGeneralEntry 4 }

jmGeneralJobPersistence OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Integer32 (15..2147483647)

UNITS "seconds"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The minimum time in seconds for this instance of the Job Set

that an entry SHALL remain in the jmJobIDTable and jmJobTable

after processing has completed, i.e., the minimum time in

seconds starting when the job enters the completed, canceled,

or aborted state.

Configuring this object is implementation-dependent.

This value SHALL be equal to or greater than the value of

jmGeneralAttributePersistence. This value SHOULD be at least

60 which gives a monitoring or accounting application one

minute in which to poll for job data."

DEFVAL { 60 } -- one minute

::= { jmGeneralEntry 5 }

jmGeneralAttributePersistence OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Integer32 (15..2147483647)

UNITS "seconds"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The minimum time in seconds for this instance of the Job Set

that an entry SHALL remain in the jmAttributeTable after

processing has completed , i.e., the time in seconds starting

when the job enters the completed, canceled, or aborted state.

Configuring this object is implementation-dependent.

This value SHOULD be at least 60 which gives a monitoring or

accounting application one minute in which to poll for job


DEFVAL { 60 } -- one minute

::= { jmGeneralEntry 6 }

jmGeneralJobSetName OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX JmUTF8StringTC (SIZE(0..63))

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The human readable name of this job set assigned by the system

administrator (by means outside of this MIB). Typically, this

name SHOULD be the name of the job queue. If a server or

device has only a single job set, this object can be the

administratively assigned name of the server or device itself.

This name does not need to be unique, though each job set in a

single Job Monitoring MIB SHOULD have distinct names.

NOTE - If the job set corresponds to a single printer and the

Printer MIB is implemented, this value SHOULD be the same as

the prtGeneralPrinterName object in the draft Printer MIB

[print-mib-draft]. If the job set corresponds to an IPP

Printer, this value SHOULD be the same as the IPP 'printer-

name' Printer attribute.

NOTE - The purpose of this object is to help the user of the

job monitoring application distinguish between several job sets

in implementations that support more than one job set.

See the OBJECT compliance macro for the minimum maximum length

required for conformance."

DEFVAL { ''H } -- empty string

::= { jmGeneralEntry 7 }

-- The Job ID Group (MANDATORY)

-- The jmJobIDGroup consists entirely of the jmJobIDTable.

jmJobID OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jobmonMIBObjects 2 }



MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"The jmJobIDTable provides a correspondence map (1) between the

job submission ID that a client uses to refer to a job and (2)

the jmGeneralJobSetIndex and jmJobIndex that the Job Monitoring

MIB agent assigned to the job and that are used to access the

job in all of the other tables in the MIB. If a monitoring

application already knows the jmGeneralJobSetIndex and the

jmJobIndex of the job it is querying, that application NEED NOT

use the jmJobIDTable.

The MANDATORY-GROUP macro specifies that this group is


::= { jmJobID 1 }



MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"The map from (1) the jmJobSubmissionID to (2) the

jmGeneralJobSetIndex and jmJobIndex.

An entry SHALL exist in this table for each job currently known

to the agent for all job sets and job states. There MAY be

more than one jmJobIDEntry that maps to a single job. This

many to one mapping can occur when more than one network entity

along the job submission path supplies a job submission ID.

See Section 3.5. However, each job SHALL appear once and in

one and only one job set."

INDEX { jmJobSubmissionID }

::= { jmJobIDTable 1 }

JmJobIDEntry ::= SEQUENCE {

jmJobSubmissionID OCTET STRING(SIZE(48)),

jmJobIDJobSetIndex Integer32 (0..32767),

jmJobIDJobIndex Integer32 (0..2147483647)


jmJobSubmissionID OBJECT-TYPE


MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"A quasi-unique 48-octet fixed-length string ID which

identifies the job within a particular client-server

environment. There are multiple formats for the

jmJobSubmissionID. Each format SHALL be uniquely identified.

See the JmJobSubmissionIDTypeTC textual convention. Each

format SHALL be registered using the procedures of a type 2

enum. See section 3.7.3 entitled: 'PWG Registration of Job

Submission Id Formats'.

If the requester (client or server) does not supply a job

submission ID in the job submission protocol, then the

recipient (server or device) SHALL assign a job submission ID

using any of the standard formats that have been reserved for

agents and adding the final 8 octets to distinguish the ID from

others submitted from the same requester.

The monitoring application, whether in the client or running

separately, MAY use the job submission ID to help identify

which jmJobIndex was assigned by the agent, i.e., in which row

the job information is in the other tables.

NOTE - fixed-length is used so that a management application

can use a shortened GetNext varbind (in SNMPv1 and SNMPv2) in

order to get the next submission ID, disregarding the remainder

of the ID in order to access jobs independent of the trailing

identifier part, e.g., to get all jobs submitted by a

particular jmJobOwner or submitted from a particular MAC


See the JmJobSubmissionIDTypeTC textual convention.

See APPENDIX B - Support of Job Submission Protocols."

::= { jmJobIDEntry 1 }


SYNTAX Integer32 (0..32767)

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"This object contains the value of the jmGeneralJobSetIndex for

the job with the jmJobSubmissionID value, i.e., the job set

index of the job set in which the job was placed when that

server or device accepted the job. This 16-bit value in

combination with the jmJobIDJobIndex value permits the

management application to access the other tables to obtain the

job-specific objects for this job.

See jmGeneralJobSetIndex in the jmGeneralTable."

DEFVAL { 0 } -- 0 indicates no job set index

::= { jmJobIDEntry 2 }


SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647)

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"This object contains the value of the jmJobIndex for the job

with the jmJobSubmissionID value, i.e., the job index for the

job when the server or device accepted the job. This value, in

combination with the jmJobIDJobSetIndex value, permits the

management application to access the other tables to obtain the

job-specific objects for this job.

See jmJobIndex in the jmJobTable."

DEFVAL { 0 } -- 0 indicates no jmJobIndex value.

::= { jmJobIDEntry 3 }

-- The Job Group (MANDATORY)

-- The jmJobGroup consists entirely of the jmJobTable.

jmJob OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jobmonMIBObjects 3 }



MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"The jmJobTable consists of basic job state and status

information for each job in a job set that (1) monitoring

applications need to be able to access in a single SNMP Get

operation, (2) that have a single value per job, and (3) that

SHALL always be implemented.

The MANDATORY-GROUP macro specifies that this group is


::= { jmJob 1 }



MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"Basic per-job state and status information.

An entry SHALL exist in this table for each job, no matter what

the state of the job is. Each job SHALL appear in one and only

one job set.

See Section 3.2 entitled 'The Job Tables'."

INDEX { jmGeneralJobSetIndex, jmJobIndex }

::= { jmJobTable 1 }

JmJobEntry ::= SEQUENCE {

jmJobIndex Integer32 (1..2147483647),

jmJobState JmJobStateTC,

jmJobStateReasons1 JmJobStateReasons1TC,

jmNumberOfInterveningJobs Integer32 (-2..2147483647),

jmJobKOctetsPerCopyRequested Integer32 (-2..2147483647),

jmJobKOctetsProcessed Integer32 (-2..2147483647),

jmJobImpressionsPerCopyRequested Integer32 (-2..2147483647),

jmJobImpressionsCompleted Integer32 (-2..2147483647),

jmJobOwner JmJobStringTC (SIZE(0..63))



SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647)

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"The sequential, monatonically increasing identifier index for

the job generated by the server or device when that server or

device accepted the job. This index value permits the

management application to access the other tables to obtain the

job-specific row entries.

See Section 3.2 entitled 'The Job Tables and the Oldest Active

and Newest Active Indexes'.

See Section 3.5 entitled 'Job Identification'.

See also jmGeneralNewestActiveJobIndex for the largest value of


See JmJobSubmissionIDTypeTC for a limit on the size of this

index if the agent represents it as an 8-digit decimal number."

::= { jmJobEntry 1 }



MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The current state of the job (pending, processing, completed,

etc.). Agents SHALL implement only those states which are

appropriate for the particular implementation. However,

management applications SHALL be prepared to receive all the

standard job states.

The final value for this object SHALL be one of: completed,

canceled, or aborted. The minimum length of time that the

agent SHALL maintain MIB data for a job in the completed,

canceled, or aborted state before removing the job data from

the jmJobIDTable and jmJobTable is specified by the value of

the jmGeneralJobPersistence object."

DEFVAL { unknown } -- default is unknown

::= { jmJobEntry 2 }

jmJobStateReasons1 OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX JmJobStateReasons1TC

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"Additional information about the job's current state, i.e.,

information that augments the value of the job's jmJobState


Implementation of any reason values is OPTIONAL, but an agent

SHOULD return any reason information available. These values

MAY be used with any job state or states for which the reason

makes sense. Since the Job State Reasons will be more dynamic

than the Job State, it is recommended that a job monitoring

application read this object every time jmJobState is read.

When the agent cannot provide a reason for the current state of

the job, the value of the jmJobStateReasons1 object and

jobStateReasonsN attributes SHALL be 0.

The jobStateReasonsN (N=2..4) attributes provide further

additional information about the job's current state."

DEFVAL { 0 } -- no reasons

::= { jmJobEntry 3 }

jmNumberOfInterveningJobs OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Integer32 (-2..2147483647)

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The number of jobs that are expected to complete processing

before this job has completed processing according to the

implementation's queuing algorithm, if no other jobs were to be

submitted. In other words, this value is the job's queue

position. The agent SHALL return a value of 0 for this

attribute when the job is the next job to complete processing

(or has completed processing)."

DEFVAL { 0 } -- default is no intervening jobs.

::= { jmJobEntry 4 }

jmJobKOctetsPerCopyRequested OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Integer32 (-2..2147483647)

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The total size in K (1024) octets of the document(s) being

requested to be processed in the job. The agent SHALL round

the actual number of octets up to the next highest K. Thus 0

octets is represented as '0', 1-1024 octets is represented as

'1', 1025-2048 is represented as '2', etc.

In computing this value, the server/device SHALL NOT include

the multiplicative factors contributed by (1) the number of

document copies, and (2) the number of job copies, independent

of whether the device can process multiple copies of the job or

document without making multiple passes over the job or

document data and independent of whether the output is collated

or not. Thus the server/device computation is independent of

the implementation and indicates the size of the document(s)

measured in K octets independent of the number of copies."

DEFVAL { -2 } -- the default is unknown(-2)

::= { jmJobEntry 5 }

jmJobKOctetsProcessed OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Integer32 (-2..2147483647)

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The total number of octets processed by the server or device

measured in units of K (1024) octets so far. The agent SHALL

round the actual number of octets processed up to the next

higher K. Thus 0 octets is represented as '0', 1-1024 octets

is represented as '1', 1025-2048 octets is '2', etc. For

printing devices, this value is the number interpreted by the

page description language interpreter rather than what has been

marked on media.

For implementations where multiple copies are produced by the

interpreter with only a single pass over the data, the final

value SHALL be equal to the value of the

jmJobKOctetsPerCopyRequested object. For implementations where

multiple copies are produced by the interpreter by processing

the data for each copy, the final value SHALL be a multiple of

the value of the jmJobKOctetsPerCopyRequested object.

NOTE - See the impressionsCompletedCurrentCopy and

pagesCompletedCurrentCopy attributes for attributes that are

reset on each document copy.

NOTE - The jmJobKOctetsProcessed object can be used with the

jmJobKOctetsPerCopyRequested object to provide an indication of

the relative progress of the job, provided that the

multiplicative factor is taken into account for some

implementations of multiple copies."

DEFVAL { 0 } -- default is no octets processed.

::= { jmJobEntry 6 }

jmJobImpressionsPerCopyRequested OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Integer32 (-2..2147483647)

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The total size in number of impressions of the document(s)


In computing this value, the server/device SHALL NOT include

the multiplicative factors contributed by (1) the number of

document copies, and (2) the number of job copies, independent

of whether the device can process multiple copies of the job or

document without making multiple passes over the job or

document data and independent of whether the output is collated

or not. Thus the server/device computation is independent of

the implementation and reflects the size of the document(s)

measured in impressions independent of the number of copies.

See the definition of the term 'impression' in Section 2."

DEFVAL { -2 } -- default is unknown(-2)

::= { jmJobEntry 7 }

jmJobImpressionsCompleted OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Integer32 (-2..2147483647)

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The total number of impressions completed for this job so far.

For printing devices, the impressions completed includes

interpreting, marking, and stacking the output. For other

types of job services, the number of impressions completed

includes the number of impressions processed.

NOTE - See the impressionsCompletedCurrentCopy and

pagesCompletedCurrentCopy attributes for attributes that are

reset on each document copy.

NOTE - The jmJobImpressionsCompleted object can be used with

the jmJobImpressionsPerCopyRequested object to provide an

indication of the relative progress of the job, provided that

the multiplicative factor is taken into account for some

implementations of multiple copies.

See the definition of the term 'impression' in Section 2 and

the counting example in Section 3.4 entitled 'Monitoring Job


DEFVAL { 0 } -- default is no octets

::= { jmJobEntry 8 }


SYNTAX JmJobStringTC (SIZE(0..63))

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The coded character set name of the user that submitted the

job. The method of assigning this user name will be system

and/or site specific but the method MUST ensure that the name

is unique to the network that is visible to the client and

target device.

This value SHOULD be the most authenticated name of the user

submitting the job.

See the OBJECT compliance macro for the minimum maximum length

required for conformance."

DEFVAL { ''H } -- default is empty string

::= { jmJobEntry 9 }

-- The Attribute Group (MANDATORY)

-- The jmAttributeGroup consists entirely of the jmAttributeTable.


-- Implementation of the objects in this group is MANDATORY.

-- See Section 3.1 entitled 'Conformance Considerations'.

-- An agent SHALL implement any attribute if (1) the server or device

-- supports the functionality represented by the attribute and (2) the

-- information is available to the agent.

jmAttribute OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jobmonMIBObjects 4 }

jmAttributeTable OBJECT-TYPE


MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"The jmAttributeTable SHALL contain attributes of the job and

document(s) for each job in a job set. Instead of allocating

distinct objects for each attribute, each attribute is

represented as a separate row in the jmAttributeTable.

The MANDATORY-GROUP macro specifies that this group is

MANDATORY. An agent SHALL implement any attribute if (1) the

server or device supports the functionality represented by the

attribute and (2) the information is available to the agent. "

::= { jmAttribute 1 }

jmAttributeEntry OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX JmAttributeEntry

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"Attributes representing information about the job and

document(s) or resources required and/or consumed.

Each entry in the jmAttributeTable is a per-job entry with an

extra index for each type of attribute (jmAttributeTypeIndex)

that a job can have and an additional index

(jmAttributeInstanceIndex) for those attributes that can have

multiple instances per job. The jmAttributeTypeIndex object

SHALL contain an enum type that indicates the type of attribute

(see the JmAttributeTypeTC textual-convention). The value of

the attribute SHALL be represented in either the

jmAttributeValueAsInteger or jmAttributeValueAsOctets objects,

and/or both, as specified in the JmAttributeTypeTC textual-


The agent SHALL create rows in the jmAttributeTable as the

server or device is able to discover the attributes either from

the job submission protocol itself or from the document PDL.

As the documents are interpreted, the interpreter MAY discover

additional attributes and so the agent adds additional rows to

this table. As the attributes that represent resources are

actually consumed, the usage counter contained in the

jmAttributeValueAsInteger object is incremented according to

the units indicated in the description of the JmAttributeTypeTC


The agent SHALL maintain each row in the jmAttributeTable for

at least the minimum time after a job completes as specified by

the jmGeneralAttributePersistence object.

Zero or more entries SHALL exist in this table for each job in

a job set.

See Section 3.3 entitled 'The Attribute Mechanism' for a

description of the jmAttributeTable."

INDEX { jmGeneralJobSetIndex, jmJobIndex, jmAttributeTypeIndex,

jmAttributeInstanceIndex }

::= { jmAttributeTable 1 }

JmAttributeEntry ::= SEQUENCE {

jmAttributeTypeIndex JmAttributeTypeTC,

jmAttributeInstanceIndex Integer32 (1..32767),

jmAttributeValueAsInteger Integer32 (-2..2147483647),

jmAttributeValueAsOctets OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..63))


jmAttributeTypeIndex OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX JmAttributeTypeTC

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"The type of attribute that this row entry represents.

The type MAY identify information about the job or document(s)

or MAY identify a resource required to process the job before

the job start processing and/or consumed by the job as the job

is processed.

Examples of job attributes (i.e., apply to the job as a whole)

that have only one instance per job include:

jobCopiesRequested(90), documentCopiesRequested(92),

jobCopiesCompleted(91), documentCopiesCompleted(93), while

examples of job attributes that may have more than one instance

per job include: documentFormatIndex(37), and


Examples of document attributes (one instance per document)

include: fileName(34), and documentName(35).

Examples of required and consumed resource attributes include:

pagesRequested(130), mediumRequested(170), pagesCompleted(131),

and mediumConsumed(171), respectively."

::= { jmAttributeEntry 1 }

jmAttributeInstanceIndex OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Integer32 (1..32767)

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"A running 16-bit index of the attributes of the same type for

each job. For those attributes with only a single instance per

job, this index value SHALL be 1. For those attributes that

are a single value per document, the index value SHALL be the

document number, starting with 1 for the first document in the

job. Jobs with only a single document SHALL use the index

value of 1. For those attributes that can have multiple values

per job or per document, such as documentFormatIndex(37) or

documentFormat(38), the index SHALL be a running index for the

job as a whole, starting at 1."

::= { jmAttributeEntry 2 }

jmAttributeValueAsInteger OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Integer32 (-2..2147483647)

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The integer value of the attribute. The value of the

attribute SHALL be represented as an integer if the enum

description in the JmAttributeTypeTC textual-convention

definition has the tag: 'INTEGER:'.

Depending on the enum definition, this object value MAY be an

integer, a counter, an index, or an enum, depending on the

jmAttributeTypeIndex value. The units of this value are

specified in the enum description.

For those attributes that are accumulating job consumption as

the job is processed as specified in the JmAttributeTypeTC

textual-convention, SHALL contain the final value after the job

completes processing, i.e., this value SHALL indicate the total

usage of this resource made by the job.

A monitoring application is able to copy this value to a

suitable longer term storage for later processing as part of an

accounting system.

Since the agent MAY add attributes representing resources to

this table while the job is waiting to be processed or being

processed, which can be a long time before any of the resources

are actually used, the agent SHALL set the value of the

jmAttributeValueAsInteger object to 0 for resources that the

job has not yet consumed.

Attributes for which the concept of an integer value is

meaningless, such as fileName(34), jobName, and

processingMessage, do not have the 'INTEGER:' tag in the

JmAttributeTypeTC definition and so an agent SHALL always

return a value of '-1' to indicate 'other' for the value of the

jmAttributeValueAsInteger object for these attributes.

For attributes which do have the 'INTEGER:' tag in the

JmAttributeTypeTC definition, if the integer value is not (yet)

known, the agent either (1) SHALL not materialize the row in

the jmAttributeTable until the value is known or (2) SHALL

return a '-2' to represent an 'unknown' counting integer value,

a '0' to represent an 'unknown' index value, and a '2' to

represent an 'unknown(2)' enum value."

DEFVAL { -2 } -- default value is unknown(-2)

::= { jmAttributeEntry 3 }

jmAttributeValueAsOctets OBJECT-TYPE


MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The octet string value of the attribute. The value of the

attribute SHALL be represented as an OCTET STRING if the enum

description in the JmAttributeTypeTC textual-convention

definition has the tag: 'OCTETS:'.

Depending on the enum definition, this object value MAY be a

coded character set string (text), such as 'JmUTF8StringTC', or

a binary octet string, such as 'DateAndTime'.

Attributes for which the concept of an octet string value is

meaningless, such as pagesCompleted, do not have the tag

'OCTETS:' in the JmAttributeTypeTC definition and so the agent

SHALL always return a zero length string for the value of the

jmAttributeValueAsOctets object.

For attributes which do have the 'OCTETS:' tag in the

JmAttributeTypeTC definition, if the OCTET STRING value is not

(yet) known, the agent either SHALL NOT materialize the row in

the jmAttributeTable until the value is known or SHALL return a

zero-length string."

DEFVAL { ''H } -- empty string

::= { jmAttributeEntry 4 }

-- Notifications and Trapping

-- Reserved for the future

jobmonMIBNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jobmonMIB 2 }

-- Conformance Information

jmMIBConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jobmonMIB 3 }

-- compliance statements


STATUS current


"The compliance statement for agents that implement the

job monitoring MIB."

MODULE -- this module


jmGeneralGroup, jmJobIDGroup, jmJobGroup, jmAttributeGroup }

OBJECT jmGeneralJobSetName

SYNTAX JmUTF8StringTC (SIZE(0..8))


"Only 8 octets maximum string length NEED be supported by the


OBJECT jmJobOwner

SYNTAX JmJobStringTC (SIZE(0..16))


"Only 16 octets maximum string length NEED be supported by the



::= { jmMIBConformance 1 }

jmMIBGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jmMIBConformance 2 }

jmGeneralGroup OBJECT-GROUP


jmGeneralNumberOfActiveJobs, jmGeneralOldestActiveJobIndex,

jmGeneralNewestActiveJobIndex, jmGeneralJobPersistence,

jmGeneralAttributePersistence, jmGeneralJobSetName}

STATUS current


"The general group."

::= { jmMIBGroups 1 }



jmJobIDJobSetIndex, jmJobIDJobIndex }

STATUS current


"The job ID group."

::= { jmMIBGroups 2 }



jmJobState, jmJobStateReasons1, jmNumberOfInterveningJobs,

jmJobKOctetsPerCopyRequested, jmJobKOctetsProcessed,

jmJobImpressionsPerCopyRequested, jmJobImpressionsCompleted,

jmJobOwner }

STATUS current


"The job group."

::= { jmMIBGroups 3 }

jmAttributeGroup OBJECT-GROUP


jmAttributeValueAsInteger, jmAttributeValueAsOctets }

STATUS current


"The attribute group."

::= { jmMIBGroups 4 }


5 Appendix A - Implementing the Job Life Cycle

The job object has well-defined states and client operations that

affect the transition between the job states. Internal server and

device actions also affect the transitions of the job between the job

states. These states and transitions are referred to as the job's

life cycle.

Not all implementations of job submission protocols have all of the

states of the job model specified here. The job model specified here

is intended to be a superset of most implementations. It is the

purpose of the agent to map the particular implementation's job life

cycle onto the one specified here. The agent MAY omit any states not

implemented. Only the processing and completed states are required

to be implemented by an agent. However, a conforming management

application SHALL be prepared to accept any of the states in the job

life cycle specified here, so that the management application can

interoperate with any conforming agent.

The job states are intended to be user visible. The agent SHALL make

these states visible in the MIB, but only for the subset of job

states that the implementation has. Some implementations MAY need to

have sub-states of these user-visible states. The jmJobStateReasons1

object and the jobStateReasonsN (N=2..4) attributes can be used to

represent the sub-states of the jobs.

Job states are intended to last a user-visible length of time in most

implementations. However, some jobs may pass through some states in

zero time in some situations and/or in some implementations.

The job model does not specify how accounting and auditing is

implemented, except to assume that accounting and auditing logs are

separate from the job life cycle and last longer than job entries in

the MIB. Jobs in the completed, aborted, or canceled states are not

logs, since jobs in these states are accessible via SNMP protocol

operations and SHALL be removed from the Job Monitoring MIB tables

after a site-settable or implementation-defined period of time. An

accounting application MAY copy accounting information incrementally

to an accounting log as a job processes, or MAY be copied while the

job is in the canceled, aborted, or completed states, depending on

implementation. The same is true for auditing logs.

The jmJobState object specifies the standard job states. The normal

job state transitions are shown in the state transition diagram

presented in Figure 4.

6 APPENDIX B - Support of Job Submission Protocols

A companion PWG document, entitled "Job Submission Protocol Mapping

Recommendations for the Job Monitoring MIB" [protomap] contains the

recommended usage of each of the objects and attributes in this MIB

with a number of job submission protocols. In particular, which job

submission ID format should be used is indicated for each job

submission protocol.

Some job submission protocols have support for the client to specify

a job submission ID. A second approach is to enhance the document

format to embed the job submission ID in the document data. This

second approach is independent of the job submission protocol. This

appendix lists some examples of these approaches.

Some PJL implementations wrap a banner page as a PJL job around a job

submitted by a client. If this results in multiple job submission

IDs, the agent SHALL create multiple jmJobIDEntry rows in the

jmJobIDTable that each point to the same job entry in the job tables.

See the specification of the jmJobIDEntry.

7 References

[BCP-11] Bradner S. and R. Hovey, "The Organizations

Involved in the IETF Standards Process", BCP 11,

RFC2028, October 1996.

[GB2312] GB 2312-1980, "Chinese People's Republic of China

(PRC) mixed one byte and two byte coded character


[hr-mib] Grillo, P. and S. Waldbusser, "Host Resources

MIB", RFC1514, September 1993.

[iana] Reynolds, J. and J. Postel, "Assigned Numbers",

STD 2, RFC1700, October 1994.

[IANA-charsets] Coded Character Sets registered by IANA and

assigned an enum value for use in the CodedCharSet

textual convention imported from the Printer MIB.

See FTP://ftp.isi.edu/in-


[iana-media-types] IANA Registration of MIME media types (MIME

content types/subtypes). See


[ipp-model] deBry, R., Hastings, T., Herriot, R., Issaacson,

S. and P. Powell, "The Internet Printing

Protocol/1.0: Model and Semantics", RFC2566,

April 1999.

[ISO-639] ISO 639:1988 (E/F) - Code for Representation of

names of languages - The International

Organization for Standardization, 1st edition,


[ISO-646] ISO/IEC 646:1991, "Information technology -- ISO

7-bit coded character set for information

interchange", JTC1/SC2.

[ISO-2022] ISO/IEC 2022:1994 - "Information technology --

Character code structure and extension

techniques", JTC1/SC2.

[ISO-3166] ISO 3166:1988 (E/F) - Codes for representation of

names of countries - The International

Organization for Standardization, 3rd edition,


[ISO-8859-1] ISO/IEC 8859-1:1987, "Information technology --

8-bit single byte coded graphic character sets -

Part 1: Latin alphabet No. 1, JTC1/SC2."

[ISO-10646] ISO/IEC 10646-1:1993, "Information technology --

Universal Multiple-Octet Coded Character Set (UCS)

- Part 1: Architecture and Basic Multilingual

Plane, JTC1/SC2.

[iso-dpa] ISO/IEC 10175-1:1996 "Information technology --

Text and Office Systems -- Document Printing

Application (DPA) -- Part 1: Abstract service

definition and procedures. See


[JIS X0208] JIS X0208-1990, "Japanese two byte coded character


[mib-II] McCloghrie, K. and M. Rose, "Management

Information Base for Network Management of

TCP/IP-based internets: MIB-II", STD 17, RFC1213,

March 1991.

[print-mib] Smith, R., Wright, F., Hastings, T., Zilles, S.

and J. Gyllenskog, "Printer MIB", RFC1759, March


[print-mib-draft] Turner, R., "Printer MIB", Work in Progress,

[protomap] Bergman, R., "Job Submission Protocol Mapping

Recommendations for the Job Monitoring MIB", RFC

2708, November 1999.

[pwg] The Printer Working Group is a printer industry

consortium open to any individuals. For more

information, access the PWG web page:


[RFC1179] McLaughlin, L., III, "Line Printer Daemon

Protocol", RFC1179, August 1990.

[RFC1738] Berners-Lee, T., Masinter, L. and M., McCahill,

"Uniform Resource Locators (URL)", RFC1738,

December 1994.

[RFC1766] Avelstrand, H., "Tags for the Identification of

Languages", RFC1766, March 1995.

[RFC2026] Bradner, S., "The Internet Standards Process --

Revision 3", BCP 9, RFC2026, October 1996.

[RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Keywords for use in RFCs to Indicate

Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC2119, March 1997.

[RFC2277] Alvestrand, H., "IETF Policy on Character Sets and

Languages", BCP 18, RFC2277, January 1998.

[RFC2278] Freed, N. and J. Postel, "IANA CharSet

Registration Procedures", BCP 19, RFC2278,

January 1998.

[SMIv2-SMI] McCloghrie, K., Perkins, D. and J. Schoenwaelder,

"Structure of Management Information Version 2

(SMIv2)", STD 58, RFC2578, April 1999.

[SMIv2-TC] McCloghrie, K., Perkins, D. and J. Schoenwaelder,

"Textual Conventions for SMIv2", STD 58, RFC2579,

April 1999.

[tipsi] IEEE 1284.1, Transport-independent Printer System

Interface (TIPSI).

[URI-spec] Berners-Lee, T., Fielding, R. and L. Masinter,

"Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI), Generic

Syntax", RFC2396, August 1998.

[US-ASCII] Coded Character Set - 7-bit American Standard Code

for Information Interchange, ANSI X3.4-1986.

[UTF-8] Yergeau, F., "UTF-8, a transformation format of

ISO 10646", RFC2279, January 1998.

8 Notices

The IETF takes no position regarding the validity or scope of any

intellectual property or other rights that might be claimed to

pertain to the implementation or use of the technology described in

this document or the extent to which any license under such rights

might or might not be available; neither does it represent that it

has made any effort to identify any such rights. Information on the

IETF's procedures with respect to rights in standards-track and

standards-related documentation can be found in BCP-11 [BCP-11].

Copies of claims of rights made available for publication and any

assurances of licenses to be made available, or the result of an

attempt made to obtain a general license or permission for the use of

such proprietary rights by implementers or users of this

specification can be obtained from the IETF Secretariat.

The IETF invites any interested party to bring to its attention any

copyrights, patents or patent applications, or other proprietary

rights which may cover technology that may be required to practice

this standard. Please address the information to the IETF Executive


9 Authors' Addresses

Ron Bergman

Dataproducts Corp.

1757 Tapo Canyon Road

Simi Valley, CA 93063-3394

Phone: 805-578-4421

Fax: 805-578-4001

EMail: rbergma@dpc.com

Tom Hastings

Xerox Corporation, ESAE-231

737 Hawaii St.

El Segundo, CA 90245

Phone: 310-333-6413

Fax: 310-333-5514

EMail: hastings@cp10.es.xerox.com

Scott A. Isaacson

Novell, Inc.

122 E 1700 S

Provo, UT 84606

Phone: 801-861-7366

Fax: 801-861-4025

EMail: scott_isaacson@novell.com

Harry Lewis

IBM Corporation

6300 Diagonal Hwy

Boulder, CO 80301

Phone: (303) 924-5337

EMail: harryl@us.ibm.com

Send questions and comments to the Printer Working Group (PWG)

using the Job Monitoring Project (JMP) Mailing List: jmp@pwg.org

To learn how to subscribe, send email to: jmp-request@pwg.org

Implementers of this specification are encouraged to join the jmp

mailing list in order to participate in discussions on any

clarifications needed and registration proposals for additional

attributes and values being reviewed in order to achieve consensus.

For further information, access the PWG web page under "JMP":


Other Participants:

Chuck Adams - Tektronix

Jeff Barnett - IBM

Keith Carter, IBM Corporation

Jeff Copeland - QMS

Andy Davidson - Tektronix

Roger deBry - IBM

Mabry Dozier - QMS

Lee Farrell - Canon

Steve Gebert - IBM

Robert Herriot - Sun Microsystems Inc.

Shige Kanemitsu - Kyocera

David Kellerman - Northlake Software

Rick Landau - Digital

Pete Loya - HP

Ray Lutz - Cognisys

Jay Martin - Underscore

Mike MacKay, Novell, Inc.

Stan McConnell - Xerox

Carl-Uno Manros, Xerox, Corp.

Pat Nogay - IBM

Bob Pentecost - HP

Rob Rhoads - Intel

David Roach - Unisys

Stuart Rowley - Kyocera

Hiroyuki Sato - Canon

Bob Setterbo - Adobe

Gail Songer, EFI

Mike Timperman - Lexmark

Randy Turner - Sharp

William Wagner - Digital Products

Jim Walker - Dazel

Chris Wellens - Interworking Labs

Rob Whittle - Novell

Don Wright - Lexmark

Lloyd Young - Lexmark

Atsushi Yuki - Kyocera

Peter Zehler, Xerox, Corp.


This index includes the textual conventions, the objects, and the

attributes. Textual conventions all start with the prefix: "JM" and

end with the suffix: "TC". Objects all starts with the prefix:

"jm" followed by the group name. Attributes are identified with

enums, and so start with any lower case letter and have no special


colorantConsumed, 40

colorantRequested, 40

deviceNameRequested, 30

documentCopiesCompleted, 35

documentCopiesRequested, 35

documentFormat, 31

documentFormatIndex, 31

documentName, 31

fileName, 31

finishing, 33

fullColorImpressionsCompleted, 37

highlightColorImpressionsCompleted, 37

impressionsCompletedCurrentCopy, 37

impressionsInterpreted, 37

impressionsSentToDevice, 37

impressionsSpooled, 36

jmAttributeInstanceIndex, 99

jmAttributeTypeIndex, 98

JmAttributeTypeTC, 78

jmAttributeValueAsInteger, 99

jmAttributeValueAsOctets, 100

JmBooleanTC, 72

JmFinishingTC, 70

jmGeneralAttributePersistence, 87

jmGeneralJobPersistence, 87

jmGeneralJobSetIndex, 85

jmGeneralJobSetName, 88

jmGeneralNewestActiveJobIndex, 86

jmGeneralNumberOfActiveJobs, 86

jmGeneralOldestActiveJobIndex, 86

JmJobCollationTypeTC, 74

jmJobIDJobIndex, 91

jmJobIDJobSetIndex, 90

jmJobImpressionsCompleted, 96

jmJobImpressionsPerCopyRequested, 95

jmJobIndex, 92

jmJobKOctetsPerCopyRequested, 94

jmJobKOctetsProcessed, 94

jmJobOwner, 96

JmJobServiceTypesTC, 81

JmJobSourcePlatformTypeTC, 69

jmJobState, 92

jmJobStateReasons1, 93

JmJobStateReasons1TC, 83

JmJobStateReasons2TC, 83

JmJobStateReasons3TC, 83

JmJobStateReasons4TC, 84

JmJobStateTC, 75

JmJobStringTC, 68

jmJobSubmissionID, 89

JmJobSubmissionIDTypeTC, 74

JmMediumTypeTC, 72

JmNaturalLanguageTagTC, 68

jmNumberOfInterveningJobs, 93

JmPrinterResolutionTC, 71

JmPrintQualityTC, 71

JmTimeStampTC, 69

JmTonerEconomyTC, 72

JmUTF8StringTC, 68

jobAccountName, 27

jobCodedCharSet, 26

jobCollationType, 36

jobComment, 31

jobCompletionTime, 43

jobCopiesCompleted, 35

jobCopiesRequested, 35

jobHold, 33

jobHoldUntil, 33

jobKOctetsTransferred, 35

jobName, 28

jobNaturalLanguageTag, 27

jobOriginatingHost, 30

jobPriority, 32

jobProcessAfterDateAndTime, 32

jobProcessingCPUTime, 43

jobServiceTypes, 29

jobSourceChannelIndex, 29

jobSourcePlatformType, 29

jobStartedBeingHeldTime, 42

jobStartedProcessingTime, 43

jobStateReasons2, 25

jobStateReasons3, 25

jobStateReasons4, 25

jobSubmissionTime, 42

jobSubmissionToServerTime, 42

jobURI, 27

mediumConsumed, 40

mediumRequested, 39

mediumSizeConsumed, 41

mediumTypeConsumed, 41

numberOfDocuments, 30

other, 25

outputBin, 33

pagesCompleted, 38

pagesCompletedCurrentCopy, 38

pagesRequested, 38

physicalDevice, 30

printerResolutionRequested, 34

printerResolutionUsed, 34

printQualityRequested, 34

printQualityUsed, 34

processingMessage, 25

processingMessageNaturalLangTag, 26

queueNameRequested, 30

serverAssignedJobName, 28

sheetCompletedCopyNumber, 36

sheetCompletedDocumentNumber, 36

sheetsCompleted, 39

sheetsCompletedCurrentCopy, 39

sheetsRequested, 39

sides, 33

submittingApplicationName, 29

submittingServerName, 29

tonerDensityRequested, 34

tonerDensityUsed, 34

tonerEcomonyRequested, 34

tonerEcomonyUsed, 34

11 Full Copyright Statement

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (1999). All Rights Reserved.

This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to

others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it

or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published

and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any

kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are

included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this

document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing

the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other

Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of

developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for

copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be

followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than


The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be

revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.

This document and the information contained herein is provided on an







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