
RFC2699 - Request for Comments Summary RFCNumbers 2600-2699

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Network Working Group S. Ginoza

Request for Comments: 2699 ISI

Category: Informational May 2000

Request for Comments Summary

RFCNumbers 2600-2699

Status of This Memo

This RFCis a slightly annotated list of the 100 RFCs from RFC2600

through RFCs 2699. This is a status report on these RFCs. This memo

provides information for the Internet community. It does not specify

an Internet standard of any kind. Distribution of this memo is


Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (1998). All Rights Reserved.


Many RFCs, but not all, are Proposed Standards, Draft Standards, or

Standards. Since the status of these RFCs may change during the

standards processing, we note here only that they are on the

standards track. Please see the latest edition of "Internet Official

Protocol Standards" for the current state and status of these RFCs.

In the following, RFCs on the standards track are marked [STANDARDS-


RFCAuthor Date Title

--- ------ ---- -----

2699 Ginoza Apr 2000 Request for Comments Summary

This memo.

2698 Heinanen Sep 1999 A Two Rate Three Color Marker

This document defines a Two Rate Three Color Marker (trTCM), which can

be used as a component in a Diffserv traffic conditioner. This memo

provides information for the Internet community.

2697 Heinanen Sep 1999 A Single Rate Three Color Marker

This document defines a Single Rate Three Color Marker (srTCM), which

can be used as component in a Diffserv traffic conditioner. This memo

provides information for the Internet community.

2696 Weider Sep 1999 LDAP Control Extension for

Simple Paged Results


This document describes an LDAPv3 control extension for simple paging of

search results. This memo provides information for the Internet


2695 Chiu Sep 1999 Authentication Mechanisms for


This document describes two authentication mechanisms created by Sun

Microsystems that are commonly used in conjunction with the ONC Remote

Procedure Call (ONC RPC Version 2) protocol. This memo provides

information for the Internet community.

2694 Srisuresh Sep 1999 DNS extensions to Network

Address Translators (DNS_ALG)

This document identifies the need for DNS extensions to NATs and

outlines how a DNS Application Level Gateway (DNS_ALG) can meet the

need. This memo provides information for the Internet community.

2693 Ellison Sep 1999 SPKI Certificate Theory

This document gives the theory behind SPKI certificates and ACLs without

going into technical detail about those strUCtures or their uses. This

memo defines an EXPerimental Protocol for the Internet community.

2692 Ellison Sep 1999 SPKI Requirements

The SPKI Working Group first established a list of things one might want

to do with certificates (attached at the end of this document), and then

summarized that list of desires into requirements. This document

presents that summary of requirements. This memo defines an

Experimental Protocol for the Internet community.

2691 Bradner Sep 1999 A Memorandum of Understanding

for an ICANN Protocol Support


This is the text of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that was

signed by ICANN, the IETF, the ITU-T, W3C and ETSI on July 14, 1999 in

Oslo. This MoU creates the Protocol Support Organization (PSO) within

the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). This

memo provides information for the Internet community.

2690 Bradner Sep 1999 A Proposal for an MOU-Based

ICANN Protocol Support


This is a copy of the proposal for an MOU-based Protocol Supporting

Organization that was submitted to ICANN on April 23, 1999. This memo

provides information for the Internet community.

2689 Bormann Sep 1999 Providing Integrated Services

over Low-bitrate Links

This document describes an architecture for providing integrated

services over low-bitrate links, such as modem lines, ISDN B-channels,

and sub-T1 links. This memo provides information for the Internet


2688 Jackowski Sep 1999 Integrated Services Mappings

for Low Speed Networks

This document defines the service mappings of the IETF Integrated

Services for low-bitrate links, specifically the controlled load and

guaranteed services. [STANDARDS-TRACK]

2687 Bormann Sep 1999 PPP in a Real-time Oriented

HDLC-like Framing

This document proposes the suspend/resume-oriented solution for the

real-time encapsulation format part of the architecture. [STANDARDS-


2686 Bormann Sep 1999 The Multi-Class Extension to

Multi-Link PPP

This document proposes the fragment-oriented solution for the real-time

encapsulation format part of the architecture. [STANDARDS-TRACK]

2685 Fox Sep 1999 Virtual Private Networks


This document proposes a format for a globally unique VPN identifier.


2684 Grossman Sep 1999 Multiprotocol Encapsulation

over ATM Adaptation Layer 5

This memo replaces RFC1483. It describes two encapsulations methods

for carrying network interconnect traffic over AAL type 5 over ATM.


2683 Leiba Sep 1999 IMAP4 Implementation


The IMAP4 specification describes a rich protocol for use in building

clients and servers for storage, retrieval, and manipulation of

electronic mail. Because the protocol is so rich and has so many

implementation choices, there are often trade-offs that must be made and

issues that must be considered when designing such clients and servers.

This document attempts to outline these issues and to make

recommendations in order to make the end products as interoperable as

possible. This memo provides information for the Internet community.

2682 Widjaja Sep 1999 Performance Issues in VC-Merge

Capable ATM LSRs

This document investigates the impact of VC merging on the additional

buffer required for the reassembly buffers and other buffers. This memo

provides information for the Internet community.

2681 Almes Sep 1999 A Round-trip Delay Metric for IPP

This memo defines a metric for round-trip delay of packets across

Internet paths. [STANDARDS-TRACK]

2680 Almes Sep 1999 A One-way Packet Loss Metric

for IPPM

This memo defines a metric for one-way packet loss across Internet


2679 Almes Sep 1999 A One-way Delay Metric for IPPM

This memo defines a metric for one-way delay of packets across Internet


2678 Mahdavi Sep 1999 IPPM Metrics for Measuring


This memo defines a series of metrics for connectivity between a pair of

Internet hosts. [STANDARDS-TRACK]

2677 Greene Sep 1999 Definitions of Managed Objects

for the NBMA Next Hop

Resolution Protocol (NHRP)

This memo defines a portion of the Management Information Base (MIB) for

use with network management protocols in the Internet community.


2676 Apostolopoulos Aug 1999 QoS Routing Mechanisms

and OSPF Extensions

This memo describes extensions to the OSPF protocol to support QoS

routes. The focus of this document is on the algorithms used to compute

QoS routes and on the necessary modifications to OSPF to support this

function, e.g., the information needed, its format, how it is

distributed, and how it is used by the QoS path selection process. This

memo defines an Experimental Protocol for the Internet community.

2675 Borman Aug 1999 IPv6 Jumbograms

This document describes the IPv6 Jumbo Payload option, which provides

the means of specifying such large payload lengths. It also describes

the changes needed to TCP and UDP to make use of jumbograms.


2674 Bell Sep 1999 Definitions of Managed Objects

for Bridges with Traffic

Classes, Multicast Filtering

and Virtual LAN Extensions

This memo defines a portion of the Management Information Base (MIB) for

use with network management protocols in TCP/IP based internets.


2673 Crawford Aug 1999 Binary Labels in the

Domain Name System

This document defines a "Bit-String Label" which may appear within

domain names. This new label type compactly represents a sequence of

"One-Bit Labels" and enables resource records to be stored at any bit-

boundary in a binary-named section of the domain name tree.


2672 Crawford Aug 1999 Non-Terminal DNS Name


This document defines a new DNS Resource Record called "DNAME", which

provides the capability to map an entire suBTree of the DNS name space

to another domain. [STANDARDS-TRACK]

2671 Vixie Aug 1999 Extension Mechanisms

for DNS (EDNS0)

The Domain Name System's wire protocol includes a number of fixed fields

whose range has been or soon will be exhausted and does not allow

clients to advertise their capabilities to servers. This document

describes backward compatible mechanisms for allowing the protocol to


2670 St. Johns Aug 1999 Radio Frequency (RF)

Interface Management

Information Base for

MCNS/DOCSIS compliant

RF interfaces

This memo defines a portion of the Management Information Base (MIB) for

use with network management protocols in the Internet community. In

particular, it defines a basic set of managed objects for SNMP-based

management of MCNS/DOCSIS compliant Radio Frequency (RF) interfaces.


2669 St. Johns Aug 1999 DOCSIS Cable Device MIB

Cable Device Management

Information Base for

DOCSIS compliant Cable

Modems and Cable Modem

Termination Systems

This memo defines a portion of the Management Information Base (MIB) for

use with network management protocols in the Internet community. In

particular, it defines a basic set of managed objects for SNMP-based

management of DOCSIS 1.0 compliant Cable Modems and Cable Modem

Termination Systems. [STANDARDS-TRACK]

2668 Smith Sep 1999 Definitions of Managed Objects

for IEEE 802.3 Medium

Attachment Units (MAUs)

This memo defines a portion of the Management Information Base (MIB) for

use with network management protocols in the Internet community.


2667 Thaler Aug 1999 IP Tunnel MIB

This memo defines a Management Information Base (MIB) for use with

network management protocols in the Internet community. In particular,

it describes managed objects used for managing tunnels of any type over

IPv4 networks. [STANDARDS-TRACK]

2666 Flick Sep 1999 Definitions of Object

Identifiers for Identifying

Ethernet Chip Sets

This memo defines OBJECT IDENTIFIER values for use with network

management protocols in the Internet community. This memo provides

information for the Internet community.

2665 Flick Sep 1999 Definitions of Managed Objects

for the Ethernet-like

Interface Types

This memo defines a portion of the Management Information Base (MIB) for

use with network management protocols in the Internet community.


2664 Plzak Aug 1999 FYI on Questions and Answers

Answers to Commonly Asked "New

Internet User" Questions

This memo provides an overview to the new Internet User. The intended

audience is the common Internet user of today, thus it attempts to

provide a more consumer oriented approach to the Internet rather than

going into any depth about a topic. This memo provides information for

the Internet community.

2663 Srisuresh Aug 1999 IP Network Address Translator

(NAT) Terminology and


This document attempts to describe the operation of NAT devices and the

associated considerations in general, and to define the terminology used

to identify various flavors of NAT. This memo provides information for

the Internet community.

2662 Bathrick Aug 1999 Definitions of Managed Objects

for the ADSL Lines

This document defines a standard SNMP MIB for ADSL lines based on the

ADSL Forum standard data model. [STANDARDS-TRACK]

2661 Townsley Aug 1999 Layer Two Tunneling Protocol


This document describes the Layer Two Tunneling Protocol (L2TP).


2660 Rescorla Aug 1999 The Secure HyperText Transfer


This memo describes a syntax for securing messages sent using the

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), which forms the basis for the World

Wide Web. This memo defines an Experimental Protocol for the Internet


2659 Rescorla Aug 1999 Security Extensions For Html

This memo describes a syntax for embedding S-HTTP negotiation parameters

in HTML documents. This memo defines an Experimental Protocol for the

Internet community.

2658 McKay Aug 1999 RTP Payload Format for

PureVoice(tm) Audio

This document describes the RTP payload format for PureVoice(tm) Audio.


2657 Hedberg Aug 1999 LDAPv2 Client vs. the Index Mesh

LDAPv2 clients as implemented according to RFC1777 have no notion on

referral. The integration between such a client and an Index Mesh, as

defined by the Common Indexing Protocol, heavily depends on referrals

and therefore needs to be handled in a special way. This document

defines one possible way of doing this. This memo defines an

Experimental Protocol for the Internet community.

2656 Hardie Aug 1999 Registration Procedures for

SOIF Template Type

The registration procedure described in this document is specific to

SOIF template types. This memo defines an Experimental Protocol for the

Internet community.

2655 Hardie Aug 1999 CIP Index Object Format for

SOIF Objects

This document describes SOIF, the Summary Object Interchange Format, as

an index object type in the context of the CIP framework. This memo

defines an Experimental Protocol for the Internet community.

2654 Hedberg Aug 1999 A Tagged Index Object for use

in the Common Indexing


This document defines a mechanism by which information servers can

exchange indices of information from their databases by making use of

the Common Indexing Protocol (CIP). This document defines the structure

of the index information being exchanged, as well as the appropriate

meanings for the headers that are defined in the Common Indexing

Protocol. This memo defines an Experimental Protocol for the Internet


2653 Allen Aug 1999 CIP Transport Protocols

This document specifies three protocols for transporting CIP requests,

responses and index objects, utilizing TCP, mail, and HTTP.


2652 Allen Aug 1999 MIME Object Definitions for

the Common Indexing Protocol


This document describes the definitions of those objects as well as the

methods and requirements needed to define a new index type.


2651 Allen Aug 1999 The Architecture of the Common

Indexing Protocol (CIP)

This document describes the CIP framework, including its architecture

and the protocol specifics of exchanging indices. [STANDARDS-TRACK]

2650 Meyer Aug 1999 Using RPSL in Practice

This document is a tutorial on using the Routing Policy Specification

Language (RPSL) to describe routing policies in the Internet Routing

Registry (IRR). This memo provides information for the Internet


2649 Greenblatt Aug 1999 An LDAP Control and Schema for

Holding Operation Signatures

This document describes an LDAP message control which allows for the

retrieval of digitally signed information. This document defines an LDAP

v3 based mechanism for signing Directory operations in order to create a

secure journal of changes that have been made to each directory entry.

This memo defines an Experimental Protocol for the Internet community.

2648 Moats Aug 1999 A URN Namespace for IETF


This document proposes the "ietf" namespace, which consists of the RFC

family of documents (RFCs, STDs, FYIs, and BCPs) developed by the IETF

and published by the RFCEditor and the minutes of working groups (WG)

and birds of a feather (BOF) meetings that occur during IETF

conferences. [STANDARDS-TRACK]

2647 Newman Aug 1999 Benchmarking Terminology for

Firewall Performance

This document defines terms used in measuring the performance of

firewalls. It extends the terminology already used for benchmarking

routers and switches with definitions specific to firewalls.


2646 Gellens Aug 1999 The Text/Plain Format Parameter

This memo proposes a new parameter to be used with Text/Plain, and, in

the presence of this parameter, the use of trailing whitespace to

indicate flowed lines. This results in an encoding which appears as

normal Text/Plain in older implementations, since it is in fact normal


2645 Gellens Aug 1999 ON-DEMAND MAIL RELAY (ODMR)

SMTP with Dynamic IP Addresses

This memo proposes a new service, On-Demand Mail Relay (ODMR), which is

a profile of SMTP, providing for a secure, extensible, easy to implement

approach to the problem. [STANDARDS-TRACK]

2644 Bradner Aug 1999 Benchmarking Methodology for

Network Interconnect Devices

This document discusses and defines a number of tests that may be used

to describe the performance characteristics of a network interconnecting

device. In addition to defining the tests this document also describes

specific formats for reporting the results of the tests. This memo

provides information for the Internet community.

2643 Ruffen Aug 1999 Cabletron's SecureFast VLAN

Operational Model

Cabletron's SecureFast VLAN (SFVLAN) product implements a distributed

connection-oriented switching protocol that provides fast forwarding of

data packets at the MAC layer. The product uses the concept of virtual

LANs (VLANs) to determine the validity of call connection requests and

to scope the broadcast of certain flooded messages. This memo provides

information for the Internet community.

2642 Kane Aug 1999 Cabletron's VLS Protocol


VLSP provides support for equal-cost multipath routing, and recalculates

routes quickly in the face of topological changes, utilizing a minimum

of routing protocol traffic. This memo provides information for the

Internet community.

2641 Hamilton Aug 1999 Cabletron's VlanHello Protocol


The VlanHello protocol is part of the InterSwitch Message Protocol

(ISMP) which provides interswitch communication between switches running

Cabletron's SecureFast VLAN (SFVLAN) product. Switches use the

VlanHello protocol to discover their neighboring switches and establish

the topology of the switch fabric. This memo provides information for

the Internet community.

2640 Curtin Jul 1999 Internationalization of the

File transfer Protocol

This document addresses the internationalization (I18n) of FTP, which

includes supporting the multiple character sets and languages found

throughout the Internet community. This is achieved by extending the

FTP specification and giving recommendations for proper

internationalization support. [STANDARDS-TRACK]

2639 Hastings Jul 1999 Internet Printing

Protocol/1.0: Implementer's


This document contains information that supplements the IPP Model and

Semantics and the IPP Transport and Encoding documents. It is intended

to help implementers understand IPP/1.0 and some of the considerations

that may assist them in the design of their client and/or IPP object

implementations. This memo provides information for the Internet


2638 Nichols Jul 1999 A Two-bit Differentiated

Services Architecture for

the Internet

This document presents a differentiated services architecture for the

internet. This memo provides information for the Internet community.

2637 Hamzeh Jul 1999 Point-to-Point Tunneling

Protocol (PPTP)

This document specifies a protocol which allows the Point to Point

Protocol (PPP) to be tunneled through an IP network. This memo provides

information for the Internet community.

2636 Gellens Jul 1999 Wireless Device Configuration


This paper describes a viable and attractive means to provide

OTASP/OTAPA via IS-707, using the ACAP protocol. This memo provides

information for the Internet community.

2635 Hambridge Jun 1999 DON'T SPEW A Set of Guidelines

for Mass Unsolicited Mailings

and Postings

This document explains why mass unsolicited electronic mail messages are

harmful in the Internetworking community. This memo provides

information for the Internet community.

2634 Hoffman Jun 1999 Enhanced Security Services for


This document describes four optional security service extensions for


2633 Ramsdell Jun 1999 S/MIME Version 3 Message


This document describes a protocol for adding cryptographic signature

and encryption services to MIME data. [STANDARDS-TRACK]

2632 Ramsdell Jun 1999 S/MIME Version 3 Certificate


S/MIME (Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions), provides a method

to send and receive secure MIME messages. Before using a public key to

provide security services, the S/MIME agent MUST certify that the public

key is valid. S/MIME agents MUST use PKIX certificates to validate

public keys as described in the Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure

(PKIX) Certificate and CRL Profile. [STANDARDS-TRACK]

2631 Rescorla Jun 1999 Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement


This document standardizes one particular Diffie-Hellman variant, based

on the ANSI X9.42 draft, developed by the ANSI X9F1 working group.


2630 Housley Jun 1999 Cryptographic Message Syntax

This document describes the Cryptographic Message Syntax. This syntax

is used to digitally sign, digest, authenticate, or encrypt arbitrary


2629 Rose Jun 1999 Writing I-Ds and RFCs using XML

This memo presents a technique for using XML (Extensible Markup

Language) as a source format for documents in the Internet-Drafts (I-Ds)

and Request for Comments (RFC) series. This memo provides information

for the Internet community.

2628 Smyslov Jun 1999 Simple Cryptographic Program

Interface (Crypto API)

This document describes a simple Application Program Interface to

cryptographic functions. This memo provides information for the

Internet community.

2627 Wallner Jun 1999 Key Management for Multicast:

Issues and Architectures

This report contains a discussion of the difficult problem of key

management for multicast communication sessions. It focuses on two main

areas of concern with respect to key management, which are, initializing

the multicast group with a common net key and rekeying the multicast

group. This memo provides information for the Internet community.

2626 Nesser II Jun 1999 The Internet and the

Millennium Problem (Year 2000)

The Year 2000 Working Group (WG) has conducted an investigation into the

millennium problem as it regards Internet related protocols. This

investigation only targeted the protocols as documented in the Request

For Comments Series (RFCs). This investigation discovered little reason

for concern with regards to the functionality of the protocols. A few

minor cases of older implementations still using two digit years (ala

RFC850) were discovered, but almost all Internet protocols were given a

clean bill of health. Several cases of "period" problems were

discovered, where a time field would "roll over" as the size of field

was reached. In particular, there are several protocols, which have 32

bit, signed integer representations of the number of seconds since

January 1, 1970 which will turn negative at Tue Jan 19 03:14:07 GMT

2038. Areas whose protocols will be effected by such problems have been

notified so that new revisions will remove this limitation. This memo

provides information for the Internet community.

2625 Rajagopal Jun 1999 IP and ARP over Fibre Channel

The purpose of this document is to specify a way of encapsulating IP and

Address Resolution Protocol(ARP) over Fibre Channel and also to describe

a mechanism(s) for IP address resolution. [STANDARDS-TRACK]

2624 Shepler Jun 1999 NFS Version 4 Design


This design considerations document is meant to present more detail than

the working group charter. Specifically, it presents the areas that the

working group will investigate and consider while developing a protocol

specification for NFS version 4. This memo provides information for the

Internet community.

2623 Eisler Jun 1999 NFS Version 2 and Version 3

Security Issues and the NFS

Protocol's Use of RPCSEC_GSS

and Kerberos V5

This memorandum clarifies various security issues involving the NFS

protocol (Version 2 and Version 3 only) and then describes how the

Version 2 and Version 3 of the NFS protocol use the RPCSEC_GSS security

flavor protocol and Kerberos V5. [STANDARDS-TRACK]

2622 Alaettinoglu Jun 1999 Routing Policy Specification

Language (RPSL)

RPSL allows a network operator to be able to specify routing policies at

various levels in the Internet hierarchy; for example at the Autonomous

System (AS) level. At the same time, policies can be specified with

sufficient detail in RPSL so that low level router configurations can be

generated from them. RPSL is extensible; new routing protocols and new

protocol features can be introduced at any time. [STANDARDS-TRACK]

2621 Zorn Jun 1999 RADIUS Accounting Server MIB

This memo defines a set of extensions which instrument RADIUS accounting

server functions. This memo provides information for the Internet


2620 Aboba Jun 1999 RADIUS Accounting Client MIB

This memo defines a set of extensions which instrument RADIUS accounting

client functions. This memo provides information for the Internet


2619 Zorn Jun 1999 RADIUS Authentication Server MIB

This memo defines a set of extensions which instrument RADIUS

authentication server functions. [STANDARDS-TRACK]

2618 Aboba Jun 1999 RADIUS Authentication Client MIB

This memo defines a set of extensions which instrument RADIUS

authentication client functions. [STANDARDS-TRACK]

2617 Franks Jun 1999 HTTP Authentication: Basic and

Digest Access Authentication

This document provides the specification for HTTP's authentication

framework, the original Basic authentication scheme and a scheme based

on cryptographic hashes, referred to as "Digest Access Authentication".


2616 Fielding Jun 1999 Hypertext Transfer Protocol --


HTTP has been in use by the World-Wide Web global information initiative

since 1990. This specification defines the protocol referred to as

"HTTP/1.1", and is an update to RFC2068. [STANDARDS-TRACK]

2615 Malis Jun 1999 PPP over SONET/SDH

This document describes the use of PPP over Synchronous Optical Network

(SONET) and Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) circuits. [STANDARDS-


2614 Kempf Jun 1999 An API for Service Location

This document describes standardized APIs for SLP in C and Java. This

memo provides information for the Internet community.

2613 Waterman Jun 1999 Remote Network Monitoring MIB

Extensions for Switched

Networks Version 1.0

This memo defines a portion of the Management Information Base (MIB) for

use with network management protocols in TCP/IP-based internets. In

particular, it defines objects for managing remote network monitoring

devices in switched networks environments. [STANDARDS-TRACK]

2612 Adams Jun 1999 The CAST-256 Encryption Algorithm

This document describes an existing algorithm that can be used to

satisfy this requirement. Included are a description of the cipher and

the key scheduling algorithm, the s-boxes, and a set of test vectors

(Appendix A). This memo provides information for the Internet


2611 Daigle Jun 1999 URN Namespace Definition


This document lays out general definitions of and mechanisms for

establishing URN "namespaces". This document specifies an Internet Best

Current Practices for the Internet Community, and requests discussion

and suggestions for improvements.

2610 Perkins Jun 1999 DHCP Options for Service

Location Protocol

The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol provides a framework for passing

configuration information to hosts on a TCP/IP network. Entities using

the Service Location Protocol need to find out the address of Directory

Agents in order to transact messages. Another option provides an

assignment of scope for configuration of SLP User and Service Agents.


2609 Guttman Jun 1999 Service Templates and Service:


This document describes a formal procedure for defining and

standardizing new service types and attributes for use with the

"service:" scheme. [STANDARDS-TRACK]

2608 Guttman Jun 1999 Service Location Protocol,

Version 2

The Service Location Protocol provides a scalable framework for the

discovery and selection of network services. Using this protocol,

computers using the Internet need little or no static configuration of

network services for network based applications. This is especially

important as computers become more portable, and users less tolerant or

able to fulfill the demands of network system administration.


2607 Aboba Jun 1999 Proxy Chaining and Policy

Implementation in Roaming

This document describes how proxy chaining and policy implementation can

be supported in roaming systems. This memo provides information for the

Internet community.

2606 Eastlake Jun 1999 Reserved Top Level DNS Names

To reduce the likelihood of conflict and confusion, a few top level

domain names are reserved for use in private testing, as examples in

documentation, and the like. In addition, a few second level domain

names reserved for use as examples are documented. This document

specifies an Internet Best Current Practices for the Internet Community,

and requests discussion and suggestions for improvements.

2605 Mansfield Jun 1999 Directory Server Monitoring MIB

This memo defines a portion of the Management Information Base (MIB) for

use with network management protocols in the Internet community.


2604 Gellens Jun 1999 Wireless Device Configuration


This paper describes a viable and attractive means to provide

OTASP/OTAPA via IS-707, using the ACAP protocol. This memo provides

information for the Internet community.

2603 Davison Jun 1999 ILMI-Based Server Discovery

for NHRP

This memo defines how ILMI-based Server Discovery, which provides a

method for ATM-attached hosts and routers to dynamically determine the

ATM addresses of servers, shall be used to locate NHRP servers.


2602 Davison Jun 1999 ILMI-Based Server Discovery

for MARS

This memo defines how ILMI-based Server Discovery, which provides a

method for ATM-attached hosts and routers to dynamically determine the

ATM addresses of servers, shall be used to locate MARS servers.


2601 Davison Jun 1999 ILMI-Based Server Discovery


This memo defines how ILMI-based Server Discovery, which provides a

method for ATM-attached hosts and routers to dynamically determine the

ATM addresses of servers, shall be used to locate ATMARP servers.


2600 Reynolds Mar 2000 Internet Official Protocol


This memo is published by the RFCEditor in accordance with Section 2.1

of "The Internet Standards Process -- Revision 3", RFC2026, which

specifies the rules and procedures by which all Internet standards are

set. This memo is prepared by the RFCEditor for the IESG and IAB.

Please see http://www.rfc-editor.org for later updates to this document.


Security Considerations

Security issues are not discussed in this memo.

Author's Address

Sandy Ginoza

University of Southern California

Information Sciences Institute

4676 Admiralty Way

Marina Del Rey, CA 90292

Phone: (310) 822-1511

EMail: ginoza@isi.edu

Full Copyright Statement

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (1998). All Rights Reserved.

This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to

others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it

or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published

and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any

kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are

included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this

document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing

the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other

Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of

developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for

copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be

followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than


The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be

revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.

This document and the information contained herein is provided on an






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