
RFC2752 - Identity Representation for RSVP

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group S. Yadav

Request for Comments: 2752 R. Yavatkar

Category: Standards Track Intel

R. Pabbati

P. Ford

T. Moore


S. Herzog


January 2000

Identity Representation for RSVP

Status of this Memo

This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the

Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for

improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet

Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state

and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2000). All Rights Reserved.


This document describes the representation of identity information in

POLICY_DATA object [POL-EXT] for supporting policy based admission

control in RSVP. The goal of identity representation is to allow a

process on a system to securely identify the owner and the

application of the communicating process (e.g. user id) and convey

this information in RSVP messages (PATH or RESV) in a secure manner.

We describe the encoding of identities as RSVP policy element. We

describe the processing rules to generate identity policy elements

for multicast merged flows. Subsequently, we describe representations

of user identities for Kerberos and Public Key based user

authentication mechanisms. In summary we describe the use of this

identity information in an operational setting.

1. Conventions used in this document



document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC-2119].

2. IntrodUCtion

RSVP [RFC2205] is a resource reservation setup protocol designed for

an integrated services Internet [RFC1633]. RSVP is used by a host to

request specific quality of service (QoS) from the network for

particular application data streams or flows. RSVP is also used by

routers to deliver QoS requests to all nodes along the path(s) of the

flows and to establish and maintain state to provide the requested

service. RSVP requests will generally result in resources being

reserved in each node along the data path. RSVP allows particular

users to oBTain preferential Access to network resources, under the

control of an admission control mechanism. Permission to make a

reservation is based both upon the availability of the requested

resources along the path of the data and upon satisfaction of policy

rules. Providing policy based admission control mechanism based on

user identity or application is one of the prime requirements.

In order to solve these problems and implement identity based policy

control it is required to identify the user and/or application making

a RSVP request.

This document proposes a mechanism for sending identification

information in the RSVP messages and enables authorization decisions

based on policy and identity.

We describe the authentication policy element (AUTH_DATA) contained

in the POLICY_DATA object. User process can generate an AUTH_DATA

policy element and gives it to RSVP process (service) on the

originating host. RSVP service inserts AUTH_DATA into the RSVP

message to identify the owner (user and/or application) making the

request for network resources. Network elements, such as routers,

authenticate request using the credentials presented in the AUTH_DATA

and admit the RSVP message based on admission policy. After a request

has been authenticated, first hop router installs the RSVP state and

forwards the new policy element returned by the Policy Decision Point


3. Policy Element for Authentication Data

3.1 Policy Data Object Format

POLICY_DATA objects contain policy information and are carried by

RSVP messages. A detail description of the format of POLICY_DATA

object can be found in "RSVP Extensions for Policy Control" [POL-


3.2 Authentication Data Policy Element

In this section, we describe a policy element (PE) called

authentication data (AUTH_DATA). AUTH_DATA policy element contains a

list of authentication attributes.


Length P-Type = Identity Type


// Authentication Attribute List //



The length of the policy element (including the Length and P-

Type) is in number of octets (MUST be a multiple of 4) and

indicates the end of the authentication attribute list.

P-Type (Identity Type)

Type of identity information contained in this Policy Element

supplied as the Policy element type (P-type). The Internet

Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) acts as a registry for policy

element types for identity as described in the [POL-EXT].

Initially, the registry contains the following P-Types for


1 AUTH_USER Authentication scheme to identify users

2 AUTH_APP Authentication scheme to identify


Authentication Attribute List

Authentication attributes contain information specific to

authentication method and type of AUTH_DATA. The policy element

provides the mechanism for grouping a collection of

authentication attributes.

3.3 Authentication Attributes

Authentication attributes MUST be encoded as a multiple of 4 octets,

attributes that are not a multiple of 4 octets long MUST be padded to

a 4-octet boundary.


Length A-Type SubType


Value ...



The length field is two octets and indicates the actual length of

the attribute (including the Length and A-Type fields) in number

of octets. The length does not include any bytes padding to the

value field to make the attribute multiple of 4 octets long.


Authentication attribute type (A-Type) field is one octet. IANA

acts as a registry for A-Types as described in the section 9,

IANA Considerations. Initially, the registry contains the

following A-Types:

1 POLICY_LOCATOR Unique string for locating the

admission policy (such as X.500 DN

described in [RFC1779]).

2 CREDENTIAL User credential such as Kerberos

ticket, or digital certificate.

Application credential such as

application ID.

3 DIGITAL_SIGNATURE Digital signature of the

authentication data policy element.

4 POLICY_ERROR_OBJECT Detailed information on policy



Authentication attribute sub-type field is one octet. Value of

SubType depends on A-type.


The value field contains the attribute specific information.

3.3.1 Policy Locator

POLICY_LOCATOR is used to locate the admission policy for the user

or application. Distinguished Name (DN) is unique for each User or

application hence a DN is used as policy locator.


Length A-Type SubType


OctetString ...



Length of the attribute, which MUST be >= 4.




Following sub types for POLICY_LOCATOR are defined. IANA acts as

a registry for POLICY_LOCATOR sub types as described in the

section 9, IANA Considerations. Initially, the registry contains

the following sub types for POLICY_LOCATOR:

1 ASCII_DN OctetString contains the X.500 DN as described

in the RFC1779 as an ASCII string.

2 UNICODE_DN OctetString contains the X.500 DN described in

the RFC1779 as an UNICODE string.

3 ASCII_DN_ENCRYPT OctetString contains the encrypted X.500

DN. The Kerberos session key or digital

certificate private key is used for encryption.

For Kerberos encryption the format is the same

as returned from gss_seal [RFC1509].

4 UNICODE_DN_ENCRYPT OctetString contains the encrypted

UNICODE X.500 DN. The Kerberos session key or

digital certificate private key is used for

encryption. For Kerberos encryption the format

is the same as returned from gss_seal [RFC



The OctetString field contains the DN.

3.3.2 Credential

CREDENTIAL indicates the credential of the user or application to be

authenticated. For Kerberos authentication method the CREDENTIAL

object contains the Kerberos session ticket. For public key based

authentication this field contains a digital certificate.

A summary of the CREDENTIAL attribute format is shown below. The

fields are transmitted from left to right.


Length A-Type SubType


OctetString ...



Length of the attribute, which MUST be >= 4.




IANA acts as a registry for CREDENTIAL sub types as described in

the section 9, IANA Considerations. Initially, the registry

contains the following sub types for CREDENTIAL:

1 ASCII_ID OctetString contains user or application

identification in plain ASCII text string.

2 UNICODE_ID OctetString contains user or application

identification in plain UNICODE text string.

3 KERBEROS_TKT OctetString contains Kerberos ticket.

4 X509_V3_CERT OctetString contains X.509 V3 digital

certificate [X.509].

5 PGP_CERT OctetString contains PGP digital certificate.


The OctetString contains the user or application credential.

3.3.3 Digital Signature

The DIGITAL_SIGNATURE attribute MUST be the last attribute in the

attribute list and contains the digital signature of the AUTH_DATA

policy element. The digital signature signs all data in the

AUTH_DATA policy element up to the DIGITAL_SIGNATURE. The algorithm

used to compute the digital signature depends on the authentication

method specified by the CREDENTIAL SubType field.

A summary of DIGITAL_SIGNATURE attribute format is described below.


Length A-Type SubType


OctetString ...



Length of the attribute, which MUST be >= 4.

ti3 A-Type



No sub types for DIGITAL_SIGNATURE are currently defined. This

field MUST be set to 0.


OctetString contains the digital signature of the AUTH_DATA.

3.3.4 Policy Error Object

This attribute is used to carry any specific policy control errors

generated by a node when processing/validating an Authentication Data

Policy Element. When a RSVP policy node (local policy decision point

or remote PDP) encounters a request that fails policy control due to

its Authentication Policy Element, it SHOULD add a POLICY_ERROR_CODE

containing additional information about the reason the failure

occurred into the policy element. This will then cause an appropriate

PATH_ERROR or RESV_ERROR message to be generated with the policy

element and appropriate RSVP error code in the message, which is

returned to the request's source.

The AUTH_DATA policy element in the PATH or RSVP message SHOULD not

contain the POLICY_ERROR_OBJECT attribute. These are only inserted

into PATH_ERROR and RESV_ERROR messages when generated by policy

aware intermediate nodes.


Length A-Type SubType(0)


0 (Reserved) ErrorValue


OctetString ...



Length of the attribute, which MUST be >= 8.




A 32-bit bit code containing the reason that the policy decision

point failed to process the policy element. Following values have

been defined.

1 ERROR_NO_MORE_INFO No information is available.

2 UNSUPPORTED_CREDENTIAL_TYPE This type of credentials is

not supported.

3 INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGES The credentials do not have

sufficient privilege.

4 EXPIRED_CREDENTIAL The credential has expired.

5 IDENTITY_CHANGED Identity has changed.


The OctetString field contains information from the policy

decision point that MAY contain additional information about the

policy failure. For example, it may include a human-readable

message in the ASCII text.

4. Authentication Data Formats

Authentication attributes are grouped in a policy element to

represent the identity credentials.

4.1 Simple User Authentication

In simple user authentication method the user login ID (in plain

ASCII or UNICODE text) is encoded as CREDENTIAL attribute. A summary

of the simple user AUTH_DATA policy element is shown below.


Length P-type = AUTH_USER




OctetString (User's Distinguished Name) ...




OctetString (User's login ID) ...


4.2 Kerberos User Authentication

Kerberos [RFC1510] authentication uses a trusted third party (the

Kerberos Distribution Center - KDC) to provide for authentication of

the user to a network server. It is assumed that a KDC is present and

both host and verifier of authentication information (router or PDP)

implement Kerberos authentication.

A summary of the Kerberos AUTH_DATA policy element is shown below.


Length P-type = AUTH_USER




OctetString (User's Distinguished Name) ...




OctetString (Kerberos Session Ticket) ...


4.2.1. Operational Setting using Kerberos Identities

An RSVP enabled host is configured to construct and insert AUTH_DATA

policy element into RSVP messages that designate use of the Kerberos

authentication method (KERBEROS_TKT). Upon RSVP session

initialization, the user application contacts the KDC to obtain a

Kerberos ticket for the next network node or its PDP. A router when

generating a RSVP message contacts the KDC to obtain a Kerberos

ticket for the next hop network node or its PDP. The identity of the

PDP or next network hop can be statically configured, learned via

DHCP or maintained in a Directory service. The Kerberos ticket is

sent to the next network node (which may be a router or host) in a

RSVP message. The KDC is used to validate the ticket and

authentication the user sending RSVP message.

4.3 Public Key based User Authentication

In public key based user authentication method digital certificate is

encoded as user credentials. The digital signature is used for

authenticating the user. A summary of the public key user AUTH_DATA

policy element is shown below.


Length P-type = AUTH_USER




OctetString (User's Distinguished Name) ...




OctetString (User's Digital Certificate) ...




OctetString (Digital signature) ...


4.3.1. Operational Setting for public key based authentication

Public key based authentication assumes following:

- RSVP service requestors have a pair of keys (private key and

public key).

- Private key is secured with the user.

- Public keys are stored in digital certificates and a trusted

party, certificate authority (CA) issues these digital


- The verifier (PDP or router) has the ability to verify the

digital certificate.

RSVP requestor uses its private key to generate DIGITAL_SIGNATURE.

User Authenticators (router, PDP) use the user's public key (stored

in the digital certificate) to verify the signature and authenticate

the user.

4.4 Simple Application Authentication

The application authentication method encodes the application

identification such as an executable filename as plain ASCII or



Length P-type = AUTH_APP




OctetString (Application Identity attributes in

the form of a Distinguished Name) ...




OctetString (Application Id, e.g., vic.exe)


5. Operation

+-----+ +-----+

PDP -------+ PDP

+-----+ ................... +-----+

: :

+--------+ : Transit : +-------+

+---- Router ------: Network : ------- Router--+

+--------+ : : +-------+


Host A B C D

Figure 1: User and Application Authentication using AUTH_DATA PE

Network nodes (hosts/routers) generate AUTH_DATA policy elements,

contents of which are depend on the identity type used and the

authentication method used. These generally contain authentication

credentials (Kerberos ticket or digital certificate) and policy

locators (which can be the X.500 Distinguished Name of the user or

network node or application names). Network nodes generate AUTH_DATA

policy element containing the authentication identity when making the

RSVP request or forwarding a RSVP message.

Network nodes generate user AUTH_DATA policy element using the

following rules

1. For unicast sessions the user policy locator is copied from the

previous hop. The authentication credentials are for the current

network node identity.

2. For multicast messages the user policy locator is for the current

network node identity. The authentication credentials are for the

current network node.

Network nodes generate application AUTH_DATA policy element using the

following rules:

1. For unicast sessions the application AUTH_DATA is copied from the

previous hop.

2. For multicast messages the application AUTH_DATA is either the

first application AUTH_DATA in the message or chosen by the PDP.

6. Message Processing Rules

6.1 Message Generation (RSVP Host)

An RSVP message is created as specified in [RFC2205] with following


1. RSVP message MAY contain multiple AUTH_DATA policy elements.

2. Authentication policy element (AUTH_DATA) is created and the

IdentityType field is set to indicate the identity type in the

policy element.

- DN is inserted as POLICY_LOCATOR attribute.

- Credentials such as Kerberos ticket or digital certificate are

inserted as the CREDENTIAL attribute.

3. POLICY_DATA object (containing the AUTH_DATA policy element) is

inserted in the RSVP message in appropriate place. If INTEGRITY

object is not computed for the RSVP message then an INTEGRITY

object SHOULD be computed for this POLICY_DATA object, as

described in the [POL_EXT], and SHOULD be inserted as a Policy

Data option.

6.2 Message Reception (Router)

RSVP message is processed as specified in [RFC2205] with following


1. If router is not policy aware then it SHOULD send the RSVP message

to the PDP and wait for response. If the router is policy unaware

then it ignores the policy data objects and continues processing

the RSVP message.

2. Reject the message if the response from the PDP is negative.

3. Continue processing the RSVP message.

6.3 Authentication (Router/PDP)

1. Retrieve the AUTH_DATA policy element. Check the PE type field and

return an error if the identity type is not supported.

2. Verify user credential

- Simple authentication: e.g. Get user ID and validate it, or get

executable name and validate it.

- Kerberos: Send the Kerberos ticket to the KDC to obtain the

session key. Using the session key authenticate the user.

- Public Key: Validate the certificate that it was issued by a

trusted Certificate Authority (CA) and authenticate the user or

application by verifying the digital signature.

7. Error Signaling

If PDP fails to verify the AUTH_DATA policy element then it MUST

return policy control failure (Error Code = 02) to the PEP. The error

values are described in [RFC2205] and [POL-EXT]. Also PDP SHOULD

supply a policy data object containing an AUTH_DATA Policy Element

with A-Type=POLICY_ERROR_CODE containing more details on the Policy

Control failure (see section 3.3.4). The PEP will include this Policy

Data object in the outgoing RSVP Error message.

8. IANA Considerations

Following the policies outlined in [IANA-CONSIDERATIONS],

authentication attribute types (A-Type)in the range 0-127 are

allocated through an IETF Consensus action, A-Type values between

128-255 are reserved for Private Use and are not assigned by IANA.

Following the policies outlined in [IANA-CONSIDERATIONS],

POLICY_LOCATOR SubType values in the range 0-127 are allocated

through an IETF Consensus action, POLICY_LOCATOR SubType values

between 128-255 are reserved for Private Use and are not assigned by


Following the policies outlined in [IANA-CONSIDERATIONS], CREDENTIAL

SubType values in the range 0-127 are allocated through an IETF

Consensus action, CREDENTIAL SubType values between 128-255 are

reserved for Private Use and are not assigned by IANA.

9. Security Considerations

The purpose of this memo is to describe a mechanism to authenticate

RSVP requests based on user identity in a secure manner. RSVP

INTEGRITY object is used to protect the policy object containing user

identity information from security (replay) attacks. Combining the

AUTH_DATA policy element and the INTEGRITY object results in a secure

access control that enforces authentication based on both the

identity of the user and the identity of the originating node.

Simple authentication does not contain credential that can be

securely authenticated and is inherently less secured.

The Kerberos authentication mechanism is reasonably well secured.

User authentication using a public key certificate is known to

provide the strongest security.

10. Acknowledgments

We would like to thank Andrew Smith, Bob Lindell and many others for

their valuable comments on this memo.

11. References

[ASCII] Coded Character Set -- 7-Bit American Standard

Code for Information Interchange, ANSI X3.4-


[IANA-CONSIDERATIONS] Alvestrand, H. and T. Narten, "Guidelines for

Writing an IANA Considerations Section in

RFCs", BCP 26, RFC2434, October 1998.

[POL-EXT] Herzog, S., "RSVP Extensions for Policy

Control", RFC2750, January 2000.

[POL-FRAME] Yavatkar, R., Pendarakis, D. and R. Guerin, "A

Framework for Policy-based Admission Control

RSVP", RFC2753, January 2000.

[RFC1510] Kohl, J. and C. Neuman, "The Kerberos Network

Authentication Service (V5)", RFC1510,

September 1993.

[RFC1704] Haller, N. and R. Atkinson, "On Internet

Authentication", RFC1704, October 1994.

[RFC1779] Killie, S., "A String Representation of

Distinguished Names", RFC1779, March 1995.

[RFC2205] Braden, R., Zhang, L., Berson, S., Herzog, S.

and S. Jamin, "Resource ReSerVation Protocol

(RSVP) - Version 1 Functional Specification",

RFC2205, September 1997.

[RFC2209] Braden, R. and L. Zhang, "Resource ReSerVation

Protocol (RSVP) - Version 1 Message Processing

Rules", RFC2209, September 1997.

[UNICODE] The Unicode Consortium, "The Unicode Standard,

Version 2.0", Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA,


[X.509] Housley, R., Ford, W., Polk, W. and D. Solo,

"Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure

Certificate and CRL Profile", RFC2459, January


[X.509-ITU] ITU-T (formerly CCITT) Information technology -

Open Systems Interconnection - The Directory:

Authentication Framework Recommendation X.509

ISO/IEC 9594-8

12. Author Information

Satyendra Yadav

Intel, JF3-206

2111 NE 25th Avenue

Hillsboro, OR 97124

EMail: Satyendra.Yadav@intel.com

Raj Yavatkar

Intel, JF3-206

2111 NE 25th Avenue

Hillsboro, OR 97124

EMail: Raj.Yavatkar@intel.com

Ramesh Pabbati


1 Microsoft Way

Redmond, WA 98054

EMail: rameshpa@microsoft.com

Peter Ford


1 Microsoft Way

Redmond, WA 98054

EMail: peterf@microsoft.com

Tim Moore


1 Microsoft Way

Redmond, WA 98054

EMail: timmoore@microsoft.com

Shai Herzog

IPHighway, Inc.

55 New York Avenue

Framingham, MA 01701

EMail: herzog@iphighway.com

13. Full Copyright Statement

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2000). All Rights Reserved.

This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to

others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it

or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published

and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any

kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are

included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this

document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing

the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other

Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of

developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for

copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be

followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than


The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be

revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.

This document and the information contained herein is provided on an







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