
RFC2744 - Generic Security Service API Version 2 : C-bindings

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group J. Wray

Request for Comments: 2744 Iris Associates

Obsoletes: 1509 January 2000

Category: Standards Track

Generic Security Service API Version 2 : C-bindings

Status of this Memo

This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the

Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for

improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet

Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state

and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2000). All Rights Reserved.


This document specifies C language bindings for Version 2, Update 1

of the Generic Security Service Application Program Interface (GSS-

API), which is described at a language-independent conceptual level

in RFC-2743 [GSSAPI]. It obsoletes RFC-1509, making specific

incremental changes in response to implementation eXPerience and

liaison requests. It is intended, therefore, that this memo or a

sUCcessor version thereof will become the basis for subsequent

progression of the GSS-API specification on the standards track.

The Generic Security Service Application Programming Interface

provides security services to its callers, and is intended for

implementation atop a variety of underlying cryptographic mechanisms.

Typically, GSS-API callers will be application protocols into which

security enhancements are integrated through invocation of services

provided by the GSS-API. The GSS-API allows a caller application to

authenticate a principal identity associated with a peer application,

to delegate rights to a peer, and to apply security services such as

confidentiality and integrity on a per-message basis.

1. Introduction

The Generic Security Service Application Programming Interface

[GSSAPI] provides security services to calling applications. It

allows a communicating application to authenticate the user

associated with another application, to delegate rights to another

application, and to apply security services such as confidentiality

and integrity on a per-message basis.

There are four stages to using the GSS-API:

a) The application acquires a set of credentials with which it may

prove its identity to other processes. The application's

credentials vouch for its global identity, which may or may not be

related to any local username under which it may be running.

b) A pair of communicating applications establish a joint security

context using their credentials. The security context is a pair

of GSS-API data structures that contain shared state information,

which is required in order that per-message security services may

be provided. Examples of state that might be shared between

applications as part of a security context are cryptographic keys,

and message sequence numbers. As part of the establishment of a

security context, the context initiator is authenticated to the

responder, and may require that the responder is authenticated in

turn. The initiator may optionally give the responder the right

to initiate further security contexts, acting as an agent or

delegate of the initiator. This transfer of rights is termed

delegation, and is achieved by creating a set of credentials,

similar to those used by the initiating application, but which may

be used by the responder.

To establish and maintain the shared information that makes up the

security context, certain GSS-API calls will return a token data

structure, which is an opaque data type that may contain

cryptographically protected data. The caller of such a GSS-API

routine is responsible for transferring the token to the peer

application, encapsulated if necessary in an application-

application protocol. On receipt of such a token, the peer

application should pass it to a corresponding GSS-API routine

which will decode the token and extract the information, updating

the security context state information accordingly.

c) Per-message services are invoked to apply either:

integrity and data origin authentication, or confidentiality,

integrity and data origin authentication to application data,

which are treated by GSS-API as arbitrary octet-strings. An

application transmitting a message that it wishes to protect will

call the appropriate GSS-API routine (gss_get_mic or gss_wrap) to

apply protection, specifying the appropriate security context, and

send the resulting token to the receiving application. The

receiver will pass the received token (and, in the case of data

protected by gss_get_mic, the accompanying message-data) to the

corresponding decoding routine (gss_verify_mic or gss_unwrap) to

remove the protection and validate the data.

d) At the completion of a communications session (which may extend

across several transport connections), each application calls a

GSS-API routine to delete the security context. Multiple contexts

may also be used (either successively or simultaneously) within a

single communications association, at the option of the


2. GSS-API Routines

This section lists the routines that make up the GSS-API, and

offers a brief description of the purpose of each routine.

Detailed descriptions of each routine are listed in alphabetical

order in section 5.

Table 2-1 GSS-API Credential-management Routines

Routine Section Function

------- ------- --------

gss_acquire_cred 5.2 Assume a global identity; OBTain

a GSS-API credential handle for

pre-existing credentials.

gss_add_cred 5.3 Construct credentials


gss_inquire_cred 5.21 Obtain information about a


gss_inquire_cred_by_mech 5.22 Obtain per-mechanism information

about a credential.

gss_release_cred 5.27 Discard a credential handle.

Table 2-2 GSS-API Context-Level Routines

Routine Section Function

------- ------- --------

gss_init_sec_context 5.19 Initiate a security context with

a peer application

gss_accept_sec_context 5.1 Accept a security context

initiated by a

peer application

gss_delete_sec_context 5.9 Discard a security context

gss_process_context_token 5.25 Process a token on a security

context from a peer application

gss_context_time 5.7 Determine for how long a context

will remain valid

gss_inquire_context 5.20 Obtain information about a

security context

gss_wrap_size_limit 5.34 Determine token-size limit for

gss_wrap on a context

gss_export_sec_context 5.14 Transfer a security context to

another process

gss_import_sec_context 5.17 Import a transferred context

Table 2-3 GSS-API Per-message Routines

Routine Section Function

------- ------- --------

gss_get_mic 5.15 Calculate a cryptographic message

integrity code (MIC) for a

message; integrity service

gss_verify_mic 5.32 Check a MIC against a message;

verify integrity of a received


gss_wrap 5.33 Attach a MIC to a message, and

optionally encrypt the message


confidentiality service

gss_unwrap 5.31 Verify a message with attached

MIC, and decrypt message content

if necessary.

Table 2-4 GSS-API Name manipulation Routines

Routine Section Function

------- ------- --------

gss_import_name 5.16 Convert a contiguous string name

to internal-form

gss_display_name 5.10 Convert internal-form name to


gss_compare_name 5.6 Compare two internal-form names

gss_release_name 5.28 Discard an internal-form name

gss_inquire_names_for_mech 5.24 List the name-types supported by

the specified mechanism

gss_inquire_mechs_for_name 5.23 List mechanisms that support the

specified name-type

gss_canonicalize_name 5.5 Convert an internal name to an MN

gss_export_name 5.13 Convert an MN to export form

gss_duplicate_name 5.12 Create a copy of an internal name

Table 2-5 GSS-API Miscellaneous Routines

Routine Section Function

------- ------- --------

gss_add_oid_set_member 5.4 Add an object identifier to

a set

gss_display_status 5.11 Convert a GSS-API status code

to text

gss_indicate_mechs 5.18 Determine available underlying

authentication mechanisms

gss_release_buffer 5.26 Discard a buffer

gss_release_oid_set 5.29 Discard a set of object


gss_create_empty_oid_set 5.8 Create a set containing no

object identifiers

gss_test_oid_set_member 5.30 Determines whether an object

identifier is a member of a set.

Individual GSS-API implementations may augment these routines by

providing additional mechanism-specific routines if required

functionality is not available from the generic forms. Applications

are encouraged to use the generic routines wherever possible on

portability grounds.

3. Data Types and Calling Conventions

The following conventions are used by the GSS-API C-language


3.1. Integer types

GSS-API uses the following integer data type:

OM_uint32 32-bit unsigned integer

Where guaranteed minimum bit-count is important, this portable data

type is used by the GSS-API routine definitions. Individual GSS-API

implementations will include appropriate typedef definitions to map

this type onto a built-in data type. If the platform supports the

X/Open xom.h header file, the OM_uint32 definition contained therein

should be used; the GSS-API header file in Appendix A contains logic

that will detect the prior inclusion of xom.h, and will not attempt

to re-declare OM_uint32. If the X/Open header file is not available

on the platform, the GSS-API implementation should use the smallest

natural unsigned integer type that provides at least 32 bits of


3.2. String and similar data

Many of the GSS-API routines take arguments and return values that

describe contiguous octet-strings. All such data is passed between

the GSS-API and the caller using the gss_buffer_t data type. This

data type is a pointer to a buffer descriptor, which consists of a

length field that contains the total number of bytes in the datum,

and a value field which contains a pointer to the actual datum:

typedef struct gss_buffer_desc_struct {

size_t length;

void *value;

} gss_buffer_desc, *gss_buffer_t;

Storage for data returned to the application by a GSS-API routine

using the gss_buffer_t conventions is allocated by the GSS-API

routine. The application may free this storage by invoking the

gss_release_buffer routine. Allocation of the gss_buffer_desc object

is always the responsibility of the application; unused

gss_buffer_desc objects may be initialized to the value


3.2.1. Opaque data types

Certain multiple-Word data items are considered opaque data types at

the GSS-API, because their internal structure has no significance

either to the GSS-API or to the caller. Examples of such opaque data

types are the input_token parameter to gss_init_sec_context (which is

opaque to the caller), and the input_message parameter to gss_wrap

(which is opaque to the GSS-API). Opaque data is passed between the

GSS-API and the application using the gss_buffer_t datatype.

3.2.2. Character strings

Certain multiple-word data items may be regarded as simple ISO

Latin-1 character strings. Examples are the printable strings passed

to gss_import_name via the input_name_buffer parameter. Some GSS-API

routines also return character strings. All such character strings

are passed between the application and the GSS-API implementation

using the gss_buffer_t datatype, which is a pointer to a

gss_buffer_desc object.

When a gss_buffer_desc object describes a printable string, the

length field of the gss_buffer_desc should only count printable

characters within the string. In particular, a trailing NUL

character should NOT be included in the length count, nor should

either the GSS-API implementation or the application assume the

presence of an uncounted trailing NUL.

3.3. Object Identifiers

Certain GSS-API procedures take parameters of the type gss_OID, or

Object identifier. This is a type containing ISO-defined tree-

structured values, and is used by the GSS-API caller to select an

underlying security mechanism and to specify namespaces. A value of

type gss_OID has the following structure:

typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct {

OM_uint32 length;

void *elements;

} gss_OID_desc, *gss_OID;

The elements field of this structure points to the first byte of an

octet string containing the ASN.1 BER encoding of the value portion

of the normal BER TLV encoding of the gss_OID. The length field

contains the number of bytes in this value. For example, the gss_OID

value corresponding to {iso(1) identified-organization(3) icd-

ecma(12) member-company(2) dec(1011) cryptoAlgorithms(7) DASS(5)},

meaning the DASS X.509 authentication mechanism, has a length field

of 7 and an elements field pointing to seven octets containing the

following octal values: 53,14,2,207,163,7,5. GSS-API implementations

should provide constant gss_OID values to allow applications to

request any supported mechanism, although applications are encouraged

on portability grounds to accept the default mechanism. gss_OID

values should also be provided to allow applications to specify

particular name types (see section 3.10). Applications should treat

gss_OID_desc values returned by GSS-API routines as read-only. In

particular, the application should not attempt to deallocate them

with free(). The gss_OID_desc datatype is equivalent to the X/Open

OM_object_identifier datatype[XOM].

3.4. Object Identifier Sets

Certain GSS-API procedures take parameters of the type gss_OID_set.

This type represents one or more object identifiers (section 2.3). A

gss_OID_set object has the following structure:

typedef struct gss_OID_set_desc_struct {

size_t count;

gss_OID elements;

} gss_OID_set_desc, *gss_OID_set;

The count field contains the number of OIDs within the set. The

elements field is a pointer to an array of gss_OID_desc objects, each

of which describes a single OID. gss_OID_set values are used to name

the available mechanisms supported by the GSS-API, to request the use

of specific mechanisms, and to indicate which mechanisms a given

credential supports.

All OID sets returned to the application by GSS-API are dynamic

objects (the gss_OID_set_desc, the "elements" array of the set, and

the "elements" array of each member OID are all dynamically

allocated), and this storage must be deallocated by the application

using the gss_release_oid_set() routine.

3.5. Credentials

A credential handle is a caller-opaque atomic datum that identifies a

GSS-API credential data structure. It is represented by the caller-

opaque type gss_cred_id_t, which should be implemented as a pointer

or arithmetic type. If a pointer implementation is chosen, care must

be taken to ensure that two gss_cred_id_t values may be compared with

the == operator.

GSS-API credentials can contain mechanism-specific principal

authentication data for multiple mechanisms. A GSS-API credential is

composed of a set of credential-elements, each of which is applicable

to a single mechanism. A credential may contain at most one

credential-element for each supported mechanism. A credential-element

identifies the data needed by a single mechanism to authenticate a

single principal, and conceptually contains two credential-references

that describe the actual mechanism-specific authentication data, one

to be used by GSS-API for initiating contexts, and one to be used

for accepting contexts. For mechanisms that do not distinguish

between acceptor and initiator credentials, both references would

point to the same underlying mechanism-specific authentication data.

Credentials describe a set of mechanism-specific principals, and give

their holder the ability to act as any of those principals. All

principal identities asserted by a single GSS-API credential should

belong to the same entity, although enforcement of this property is

an implementation-specific matter. The GSS-API does not make the

actual credentials available to applications; instead a credential

handle is used to identify a particular credential, held internally

by GSS-API. The combination of GSS-API credential handle and

mechanism identifies the principal whose identity will be asserted by

the credential when used with that mechanism.

The gss_init_sec_context and gss_accept_sec_context routines allow

the value GSS_C_NO_CREDENTIAL to be specified as their credential

handle parameter. This special credential-handle indicates a desire

by the application to act as a default principal. While individual

GSS-API implementations are free to determine such default behavior

as appropriate to the mechanism, the following default behavior by

these routines is recommended for portability:


1) If there is only a single principal capable of initiating

security contexts for the chosen mechanism that the application

is authorized to act on behalf of, then that principal shall be

used, otherwise

2) If the platform maintains a concept of a default network-

identity for the chosen mechanism, and if the application is

authorized to act on behalf of that identity for the purpose of

initiating security contexts, then the principal corresponding

to that identity shall be used, otherwise

3) If the platform maintains a concept of a default local

identity, and provides a means to map local identities into

network-identities for the chosen mechanism, and if the

application is authorized to act on behalf of the network-

identity image of the default local identity for the purpose of

initiating security contexts using the chosen mechanism, then

the principal corresponding to that identity shall be used,


4) A user-configurable default identity should be used.


1) If there is only a single authorized principal identity capable

of accepting security contexts for the chosen mechanism, then

that principal shall be used, otherwise

2) If the mechanism can determine the identity of the target

principal by examining the context-establishment token, and if

the accepting application is authorized to act as that

principal for the purpose of accepting security contexts using

the chosen mechanism, then that principal identity shall be

used, otherwise

3) If the mechanism supports context acceptance by any principal,

and if mutual authentication was not requested, any principal

that the application is authorized to accept security contexts

under using the chosen mechanism may be used, otherwise

4)A user-configurable default identity shall be used.

The purpose of the above rules is to allow security contexts to be

established by both initiator and acceptor using the default behavior

wherever possible. Applications requesting default behavior are

likely to be more portable across mechanisms and platforms than ones

that use gss_acquire_cred to request a specific identity.

3.6. Contexts

The gss_ctx_id_t data type contains a caller-opaque atomic value that

identifies one end of a GSS-API security context. It should be

implemented as a pointer or arithmetic type. If a pointer type is

chosen, care should be taken to ensure that two gss_ctx_id_t values

may be compared with the == operator.

The security context holds state information about each end of a peer

communication, including cryptographic state information.

3.7. Authentication tokens

A token is a caller-opaque type that GSS-API uses to maintain

synchronization between the context data structures at each end of a

GSS-API security context. The token is a cryptographically protected

octet-string, generated by the underlying mechanism at one end of a

GSS-API security context for use by the peer mechanism at the other

end. Encapsulation (if required) and transfer of the token are the

responsibility of the peer applications. A token is passed between

the GSS-API and the application using the gss_buffer_t conventions.

3.8. Interprocess tokens

Certain GSS-API routines are intended to transfer data between

processes in multi-process programs. These routines use a caller-

opaque octet-string, generated by the GSS-API in one process for use

by the GSS-API in another process. The calling application is

responsible for transferring such tokens between processes in an OS-

specific manner. Note that, while GSS-API implementors are

encouraged to avoid placing sensitive information within interprocess

tokens, or to cryptographically protect them, many implementations

will be unable to avoid placing key material or other sensitive data

within them. It is the application's responsibility to ensure that

interprocess tokens are protected in transit, and transferred only to

processes that are trustworthy. An interprocess token is passed

between the GSS-API and the application using the gss_buffer_t


3.9. Status values

Every GSS-API routine returns two distinct values to report status

information to the caller: GSS status codes and Mechanism status


3.9.1. GSS status codes

GSS-API routines return GSS status codes as their OM_uint32 function

value. These codes indicate errors that are independent of the

underlying mechanism(s) used to provide the security service. The

errors that can be indicated via a GSS status code are either generic

API routine errors (errors that are defined in the GSS-API

specification) or calling errors (errors that are specific to these

language bindings).

A GSS status code can indicate a single fatal generic API error from

the routine and a single calling error. In addition, supplementary

status information may be indicated via the setting of bits in the

supplementary info field of a GSS status code.

These errors are encoded into the 32-bit GSS status code as follows:



Calling Error Routine Error Supplementary Info


Bit 31 24 23 16 15 0

Hence if a GSS-API routine returns a GSS status code whose upper 16

bits contain a non-zero value, the call failed. If the calling error

field is non-zero, the invoking application's call of the routine was

erroneous. Calling errors are defined in table 5-1. If the routine

error field is non-zero, the routine failed for one of the routine-

specific reasons listed below in table 5-2. Whether or not the upper

16 bits indicate a failure or a success, the routine may indicate

additional information by setting bits in the supplementary info

field of the status code. The meaning of individual bits is listed

below in table 5-3.

Table 3-1 Calling Errors

Name Value in field Meaning

---- -------------- -------

GSS_S_CALL_INAccessIBLE_READ 1 A required input parameter

could not be read

GSS_S_CALL_INACCESSIBLE_WRITE 2 A required output parameter

could not be written.

GSS_S_CALL_BAD_STRUCTURE 3 A parameter was malformed

Table 3-2 Routine Errors

Name Value in field Meaning

---- -------------- -------

GSS_S_BAD_MECH 1 An unsupported mechanism

was requested

GSS_S_BAD_NAME 2 An invalid name was


GSS_S_BAD_NAMETYPE 3 A supplied name was of an

unsupported type

GSS_S_BAD_BINDINGS 4 Incorrect channel bindings

were supplied

GSS_S_BAD_STATUS 5 An invalid status code was


GSS_S_BAD_MIC GSS_S_BAD_SIG 6 A token had an invalid MIC

GSS_S_NO_CRED 7 No credentials were

supplied, or the

credentials were

unavailable or


GSS_S_NO_CONTEXT 8 No context has been


GSS_S_DEFECTIVE_TOKEN 9 A token was invalid

GSS_S_DEFECTIVE_CREDENTIAL 10 A credential was invalid

GSS_S_CREDENTIALS_EXPIRED 11 The referenced credentials

have expired

GSS_S_CONTEXT_EXPIRED 12 The context has expired

GSS_S_FAILURE 13 Miscellaneous failure (see


GSS_S_BAD_QOP 14 The quality-of-protection

requested could not be


GSS_S_UNAUTHORIZED 15 The operation is forbidden

by local security policy

GSS_S_UNAVAILABLE 16 The operation or option is


GSS_S_DUPLICATE_ELEMENT 17 The requested credential

element already exists

GSS_S_NAME_NOT_MN 18 The provided name was not a

mechanism name

Table 3-3 Supplementary Status Bits

Name Bit Number Meaning

---- ---------- -------

GSS_S_CONTINUE_NEEDED 0 (LSB) Returned only by

gss_init_sec_context or

gss_accept_sec_context. The

routine must be called again

to complete its function.

See routine documentation for

detailed description

GSS_S_DUPLICATE_TOKEN 1 The token was a duplicate of

an earlier token

GSS_S_OLD_TOKEN 2 The token's validity period

has expired

GSS_S_UNSEQ_TOKEN 3 A later token has already been


GSS_S_GAP_TOKEN 4 An expected per-message token

was not received

The routine documentation also uses the name GSS_S_COMPLETE, which is

a zero value, to indicate an absence of any API errors or

supplementary information bits.

All GSS_S_xxx symbols equate to complete OM_uint32 status codes,

rather than to bitfield values. For example, the actual value of the

symbol GSS_S_BAD_NAMETYPE (value 3 in the routine error field) is

3<<16. The macros GSS_CALLING_ERROR(), GSS_ROUTINE_ERROR() and

GSS_SUPPLEMENTARY_INFO() are provided, each of which takes a GSS

status code and removes all but the relevant field. For example, the

value obtained by applying GSS_ROUTINE_ERROR to a status code removes

the calling errors and supplementary info fields, leaving only the

routine errors field. The values delivered by these macros may be

directly compared with a GSS_S_xxx symbol of the appropriate type.

The macro GSS_ERROR() is also provided, which when applied to a GSS

status code returns a non-zero value if the status code indicated a

calling or routine error, and a zero value otherwise. All macros

defined by GSS-API evaluate their argument(s) exactly once.

A GSS-API implementation may choose to signal calling errors in a

platform-specific manner instead of, or in addition to the routine

value; routine errors and supplementary info should be returned via

major status values only.

The GSS major status code GSS_S_FAILURE is used to indicate that the

underlying mechanism detected an error for which no specific GSS

status code is defined. The mechanism-specific status code will

provide more details about the error.

3.9.2. Mechanism-specific status codes

GSS-API routines return a minor_status parameter, which is used to

indicate specialized errors from the underlying security mechanism.

This parameter may contain a single mechanism-specific error,

indicated by a OM_uint32 value.

The minor_status parameter will always be set by a GSS-API routine,

even if it returns a calling error or one of the generic API errors

indicated above as fatal, although most other output parameters may

remain unset in such cases. However, output parameters that are

expected to return pointers to storage allocated by a routine must

always be set by the routine, even in the event of an error, although

in such cases the GSS-API routine may elect to set the returned

parameter value to NULL to indicate that no storage was actually

allocated. Any length field associated with such pointers (as in a

gss_buffer_desc structure) should also be set to zero in such cases.

3.10. Names

A name is used to identify a person or entity. GSS-API authenticates

the relationship between a name and the entity claiming the name.

Since different authentication mechanisms may employ different

namespaces for identifying their principals, GSSAPI's naming support

is necessarily complex in multi-mechanism environments (or even in

some single-mechanism environments where the underlying mechanism

supports multiple namespaces).

Two distinct representations are defined for names:

An internal form. This is the GSS-API "native" format for names,

represented by the implementation-specific gss_name_t type. It is

opaque to GSS-API callers. A single gss_name_t object may contain

multiple names from different namespaces, but all names should

refer to the same entity. An example of such an internal name

would be the name returned from a call to the gss_inquire_cred

routine, when applied to a credential containing credential

elements for multiple authentication mechanisms employing

different namespaces. This gss_name_t object will contain a

distinct name for the entity for each authentication mechanism.

For GSS-API implementations supporting multiple namespaces,

objects of type gss_name_t must contain sufficient information to

determine the namespace to which each primitive name belongs.

Mechanism-specific contiguous octet-string forms. A format

capable of containing a single name (from a single namespace).

Contiguous string names are always accompanied by an object

identifier specifying the namespace to which the name belongs, and

their format is dependent on the authentication mechanism that

employs the name. Many, but not all, contiguous string names will

be printable, and may therefore be used by GSS-API applications

for communication with their users.

Routines (gss_import_name and gss_display_name) are provided to

convert names between contiguous string representations and the

internal gss_name_t type. gss_import_name may support multiple

syntaxes for each supported namespace, allowing users the freedom to

choose a preferred name representation. gss_display_name should use

an implementation-chosen printable syntax for each supported name-


If an application calls gss_display_name(), passing the internal name

resulting from a call to gss_import_name(), there is no guarantee the

the resulting contiguous string name will be the same as the original

imported string name. Nor do name-space identifiers necessarily

survive unchanged after a journey through the internal name-form. An

example of this might be a mechanism that authenticates X.500 names,

but provides an algorithmic mapping of Internet DNS names into X.500.

That mechanism's implementation of gss_import_name() might, when

presented with a DNS name, generate an internal name that contained

both the original DNS name and the equivalent X.500 name.

Alternatively, it might only store the X.500 name. In the latter

case, gss_display_name() would most likely generate a printable X.500

name, rather than the original DNS name.

The process of authentication delivers to the context acceptor an

internal name. Since this name has been authenticated by a single

mechanism, it contains only a single name (even if the internal name

presented by the context initiator to gss_init_sec_context had

multiple components). Such names are termed internal mechanism

names, or "MN"s and the names emitted by gss_accept_sec_context() are

always of this type. Since some applications may require MNs without

wanting to incur the overhead of an authentication operation, a

second function, gss_canonicalize_name(), is provided to convert a

general internal name into an MN.

Comparison of internal-form names may be accomplished via the

gss_compare_name() routine, which returns true if the two names being

compared refer to the same entity. This removes the need for the

application program to understand the syntaxes of the various

printable names that a given GSS-API implementation may support.

Since GSS-API assumes that all primitive names contained within a

given internal name refer to the same entity, gss_compare_name() can

return true if the two names have at least one primitive name in

common. If the implementation embodies knowledge of equivalence

relationships between names taken from different namespaces, this

knowledge may also allow successful comparison of internal names

containing no overlapping primitive elements.

When used in large access control lists, the overhead of invoking

gss_import_name() and gss_compare_name() on each name from the ACL

may be prohibitive. As an alternative way of supporting this case,

GSS-API defines a special form of the contiguous string name which

may be compared directly (e.g. with memcmp()). Contiguous names

suitable for comparison are generated by the gss_export_name()

routine, which requires an MN as input. Exported names may be re-

imported by the gss_import_name() routine, and the resulting internal

name will also be an MN. The gss_OID constant GSS_C_NT_EXPORT_NAME

indentifies the "export name" type, and the value of this constant is

given in Appendix A. Structurally, an exported name object consists

of a header containing an OID identifying the mechanism that

authenticated the name, and a trailer containing the name itself,

where the syntax of the trailer is defined by the individual

mechanism specification. The precise format of an export name is

defined in the language-independent GSS-API specification [GSSAPI].

Note that the results obtained by using gss_compare_name() will in

general be different from those obtained by invoking

gss_canonicalize_name() and gss_export_name(), and then comparing the

exported names. The first series of operation determines whether two

(unauthenticated) names identify the same principal; the second

whether a particular mechanism would authenticate them as the same

principal. These two operations will in general give the same

results only for MNs.

The gss_name_t datatype should be implemented as a pointer type. To

allow the compiler to aid the application programmer by performing

type-checking, the use of (void *) is discouraged. A pointer to an

implementation-defined type is the preferred choice.

Storage is allocated by routines that return gss_name_t values. A

procedure, gss_release_name, is provided to free storage associated

with an internal-form name.

3.11. Channel Bindings

GSS-API supports the use of user-specified tags to identify a given

context to the peer application. These tags are intended to be used

to identify the particular communications channel that carries the

context. Channel bindings are communicated to the GSS-API using the

following structure:

typedef struct gss_channel_bindings_struct {

OM_uint32 initiator_addrtype;

gss_buffer_desc initiator_address;

OM_uint32 acceptor_addrtype;

gss_buffer_desc acceptor_address;

gss_buffer_desc application_data;

} *gss_channel_bindings_t;

The initiator_addrtype and acceptor_addrtype fields denote the type

of addresses contained in the initiator_address and acceptor_address

buffers. The address type should be one of the following:

GSS_C_AF_UNSPEC Unspecified address type

GSS_C_AF_LOCAL Host-local address type

GSS_C_AF_INET Internet address type (e.g. IP)

GSS_C_AF_IMPLINK ARPAnet IMP address type

GSS_C_AF_PUP pup protocols (eg BSP) address type

GSS_C_AF_CHAOS MIT CHAOS protocol address type

GSS_C_AF_NS XEROX NS address type

GSS_C_AF_NBS nbs address type

GSS_C_AF_ECMA ECMA address type

GSS_C_AF_DATAKIT datakit protocols address type


GSS_C_AF_SNA IBM SNA address type

GSS_C_AF_DECnet DECnet address type

GSS_C_AF_DLI Direct data link interface address type

GSS_C_AF_LAT LAT address type

GSS_C_AF_HYLINK NSC Hyperchannel address type

GSS_C_AF_APPLETALK AppleTalk address type

GSS_C_AF_BSC BISYNC 2780/3780 address type

GSS_C_AF_DSS Distributed system services address type

GSS_C_AF_OSI OSI TP4 address type

GSS_C_AF_X25 X.25

GSS_C_AF_NULLADDR No address specified

Note that these symbols name address families rather than specific

addressing formats. For address families that contain several

alternative address forms, the initiator_address and acceptor_address

fields must contain sufficient information to determine which address

form is used. When not otherwise specified, addresses should be

specified in network byte-order (that is, native byte-ordering for

the address family).

Conceptually, the GSS-API concatenates the initiator_addrtype,

initiator_address, acceptor_addrtype, acceptor_address and

application_data to form an octet string. The mechanism calculates a

MIC over this octet string, and binds the MIC to the context

establishment token emitted by gss_init_sec_context. The same

bindings are presented by the context acceptor to

gss_accept_sec_context, and a MIC is calculated in the same way. The

calculated MIC is compared with that found in the token, and if the

MICs differ, gss_accept_sec_context will return a GSS_S_BAD_BINDINGS

error, and the context will not be established. Some mechanisms may

include the actual channel binding data in the token (rather than

just a MIC); applications should therefore not use confidential data

as channel-binding components.

Individual mechanisms may impose additional constraints on addresses

and address types that may appear in channel bindings. For example,

a mechanism may verify that the initiator_address field of the

channel bindings presented to gss_init_sec_context contains the

correct network address of the host system. Portable applications

should therefore ensure that they either provide correct information

for the address fields, or omit addressing information, specifying

GSS_C_AF_NULLADDR as the address-types.

3.12. Optional parameters

Various parameters are described as optional. This means that they

follow a convention whereby a default value may be requested. The

following conventions are used for omitted parameters. These

conventions apply only to those parameters that are explicitly

documented as optional.

3.12.1. gss_buffer_t types

Specify GSS_C_NO_BUFFER as a value. For an input parameter this

signifies that default behavior is requested, while for an output

parameter it indicates that the information that would be returned

via the parameter is not required by the application.

3.12.2. Integer types (input)

Individual parameter documentation lists values to be used to

indicate default actions.

3.12.3. Integer types (output)

Specify NULL as the value for the pointer.

3.12.4. Pointer types

Specify NULL as the value.

3.12.5. Object IDs

Specify GSS_C_NO_OID as the value.

3.12.6. Object ID Sets

Specify GSS_C_NO_OID_SET as the value.

3.12.7. Channel Bindings

Specify GSS_C_NO_CHANNEL_BINDINGS to indicate that channel bindings

are not to be used.

4. Additional Controls

This section discusses the optional services that a context initiator

may request of the GSS-API at context establishment. Each of these

services is requested by setting a flag in the req_flags input

parameter to gss_init_sec_context.

The optional services currently defined are:

Delegation - The (usually temporary) transfer of rights from

initiator to acceptor, enabling the acceptor to authenticate

itself as an agent of the initiator.

Mutual Authentication - In addition to the initiator authenticating

its identity to the context acceptor, the context acceptor should

also authenticate itself to the initiator.

Replay detection - In addition to providing message integrity

services, gss_get_mic and gss_wrap should include message

numbering information to enable gss_verify_mic and gss_unwrap to

detect if a message has been duplicated.

Out-of-sequence detection - In addition to providing message

integrity services, gss_get_mic and gss_wrap should include

message sequencing information to enable gss_verify_mic and

gss_unwrap to detect if a message has been received out of


Anonymous authentication - The establishment of the security context

should not reveal the initiator's identity to the context


Any currently undefined bits within such flag arguments should be

ignored by GSS-API implementations when presented by an application,

and should be set to zero when returned to the application by the

GSS-API implementation.

Some mechanisms may not support all optional services, and some

mechanisms may only support some services in conjunction with others.

Both gss_init_sec_context and gss_accept_sec_context inform the

applications which services will be available from the context when

the establishment phase is complete, via the ret_flags output

parameter. In general, if the security mechanism is capable of

providing a requested service, it should do so, even if additional

services must be enabled in order to provide the requested service.

If the mechanism is incapable of providing a requested service, it

should proceed without the service, leaving the application to abort

the context establishment process if it considers the requested

service to be mandatory.

Some mechanisms may specify that support for some services is

optional, and that implementors of the mechanism need not provide it.

This is most commonly true of the confidentiality service, often

because of legal restrictions on the use of data-encryption, but may

apply to any of the services. Such mechanisms are required to send

at least one token from acceptor to initiator during context

establishment when the initiator indicates a desire to use such a

service, so that the initiating GSS-API can correctly indicate

whether the service is supported by the acceptor's GSS-API.

4.1. Delegation

The GSS-API allows delegation to be controlled by the initiating

application via a boolean parameter to gss_init_sec_context(), the

routine that establishes a security context. Some mechanisms do not

support delegation, and for such mechanisms attempts by an

application to enable delegation are ignored.

The acceptor of a security context for which the initiator enabled

delegation will receive (via the delegated_cred_handle parameter of

gss_accept_sec_context) a credential handle that contains the

delegated identity, and this credential handle may be used to

initiate subsequent GSS-API security contexts as an agent or delegate

of the initiator. If the original initiator's identity is "A" and

the delegate's identity is "B", then, depending on the underlying

mechanism, the identity embodied by the delegated credential may be

either "A" or "B acting for A".

For many mechanisms that support delegation, a simple boolean does

not provide enough control. Examples of additional ASPects of

delegation control that a mechanism might provide to an application

are duration of delegation, network addresses from which delegation

is valid, and constraints on the tasks that may be performed by a

delegate. Such controls are presently outside the scope of the GSS-

API. GSS-API implementations supporting mechanisms offering

additional controls should provide extension routines that allow

these controls to be exercised (perhaps by modifying the initiator's

GSS-API credential prior to its use in establishing a context).

However, the simple delegation control provided by GSS-API should

always be able to over-ride other mechanism-specific delegation

controls - If the application instructs gss_init_sec_context() that

delegation is not desired, then the implementation must not permit

delegation to occur. This is an exception to the general rule that a

mechanism may enable services even if they are not requested -

delegation may only be provided at the explicit request of the


4.2. Mutual authentication

Usually, a context acceptor will require that a context initiator

authenticate itself so that the acceptor may make an access-control

decision prior to performing a service for the initiator. In some

cases, the initiator may also request that the acceptor authenticate

itself. GSS-API allows the initiating application to request this

mutual authentication service by setting a flag when calling


The initiating application is informed as to whether or not the

context acceptor has authenticated itself. Note that some mechanisms

may not support mutual authentication, and other mechanisms may

always perform mutual authentication, whether or not the initiating

application requests it. In particular, mutual authentication my be

required by some mechanisms in order to support replay or out-of-

sequence message detection, and for such mechanisms a request for

either of these services will automatically enable mutual


4.3. Replay and out-of-sequence detection

The GSS-API may provide detection of mis-ordered message once a

security context has been established. Protection may be applied to

messages by either application, by calling either gss_get_mic or

gss_wrap, and verified by the peer application by calling

gss_verify_mic or gss_unwrap.

gss_get_mic calculates a cryptographic MIC over an application

message, and returns that MIC in a token. The application should

pass both the token and the message to the peer application, which

presents them to gss_verify_mic.

gss_wrap calculates a cryptographic MIC of an application message,

and places both the MIC and the message inside a single token. The

Application should pass the token to the peer application, which

presents it to gss_unwrap to extract the message and verify the MIC.

Either pair of routines may be capable of detecting out-of-sequence

message delivery, or duplication of messages. Details of such mis-

ordered messages are indicated through supplementary status bits in

the major status code returned by gss_verify_mic or gss_unwrap. The

relevant supplementary bits are:

GSS_S_DUPLICATE_TOKEN - The token is a duplicate of one that has

already been received and processed. Only

contexts that claim to provide replay detection

may set this bit.

GSS_S_OLD_TOKEN - The token is too old to determine whether or

not it is a duplicate. Contexts supporting

out-of-sequence detection but not replay

detection should always set this bit if

GSS_S_UNSEQ_TOKEN is set; contexts that support

replay detection should only set this bit if the

token is so old that it cannot be checked for


GSS_S_UNSEQ_TOKEN - A later token has already been processed.

GSS_S_GAP_TOKEN - An earlier token has not yet been received.

A mechanism need not maintain a list of all tokens that have been

processed in order to support these status codes. A typical

mechanism might retain information about only the most recent "N"

tokens processed, allowing it to distinguish duplicates and missing

tokens within the most recent "N" messages; the receipt of a token

older than the most recent "N" would result in a GSS_S_OLD_TOKEN


4.4. Anonymous Authentication

In certain situations, an application may wish to initiate the

authentication process to authenticate a peer, without revealing its

own identity. As an example, consider an application providing

access to a database containing medical information, and offering

unrestricted access to the service. A client of such a service might

wish to authenticate the service (in order to establish trust in any

information retrieved from it), but might not wish the service to be

able to obtain the client's identity (perhaps due to privacy concerns

about the specific inquiries, or perhaps simply to avoid being placed

on mailing-lists).

In normal use of the GSS-API, the initiator's identity is made

available to the acceptor as a result of the context establishment

process. However, context initiators may request that their identity

not be revealed to the context acceptor. Many mechanisms do not

support anonymous authentication, and for such mechanisms the request

will not be honored. An authentication token will be still be

generated, but the application is always informed if a requested

service is unavailable, and has the option to abort context

establishment if anonymity is valued above the other security

services that would require a context to be established.

In addition to informing the application that a context is

established anonymously (via the ret_flags outputs from

gss_init_sec_context and gss_accept_sec_context), the optional

src_name output from gss_accept_sec_context and gss_inquire_context

will, for such contexts, return a reserved internal-form name,

defined by the implementation.

When presented to gss_display_name, this reserved internal-form name

will result in a printable name that is syntactically distinguishable

from any valid principal name supported by the implementation,

associated with a name-type object identifier with the value

GSS_C_NT_ANONYMOUS, whose value us given in Appendix A. The

printable form of an anonymous name should be chosen such that it

implies anonymity, since this name may appear in, for example, audit

logs. For example, the string "<anonymous>" might be a good choice,

if no valid printable names supported by the implementation can begin

with "<" and end with ">".

4.5. Confidentiality

If a context supports the confidentiality service, gss_wrap may be

used to encrypt application messages. Messages are selectively

encrypted, under the control of the conf_req_flag input parameter to


4.6. Inter-process context transfer

GSS-API V2 provides routines (gss_export_sec_context and

gss_import_sec_context) which allow a security context to be

transferred between processes on a single machine. The most common

use for such a feature is a client-server design where the server is

implemented as a single process that accepts incoming security

contexts, which then launches child processes to deal with the data

on these contexts. In such a design, the child processes must have

access to the security context data structure created within the

parent by its call to gss_accept_sec_context so that they can use

per-message protection services and delete the security context when

the communication session ends.

Since the security context data structure is expected to contain

sequencing information, it is impractical in general to share a

context between processes. Thus GSS-API provides a call

(gss_export_sec_context) that the process which currently owns the

context can call to declare that it has no intention to use the

context subsequently, and to create an inter-process token containing

information needed by the adopting process to successfully import the

context. After successful completion of gss_export_sec_context, the

original security context is made inaccessible to the calling process

by GSS-API, and any context handles referring to this context are no

longer valid. The originating process transfers the inter-process

token to the adopting process, which passes it to

gss_import_sec_context, and a fresh gss_ctx_id_t is created such that

it is functionally identical to the original context.

The inter-process token may contain sensitive data from the original

security context (including cryptographic keys). Applications using

inter-process tokens to transfer security contexts must take

appropriate steps to protect these tokens in transit.

Implementations are not required to support the inter-process

transfer of security contexts. The ability to transfer a security

context is indicated when the context is created, by

gss_init_sec_context or gss_accept_sec_context setting the

GSS_C_TRANS_FLAG bit in their ret_flags parameter.

4.7. The use of incomplete contexts

Some mechanisms may allow the per-message services to be used before

the context establishment process is complete. For example, a

mechanism may include sufficient information in its initial context-

level token for the context acceptor to immediately decode messages

protected with gss_wrap or gss_get_mic. For such a mechanism, the

initiating application need not wait until subsequent context-level

tokens have been sent and received before invoking the per-message

protection services.

The ability of a context to provide per-message services in advance

of complete context establishment is indicated by the setting of the

GSS_C_PROT_READY_FLAG bit in the ret_flags parameter from

gss_init_sec_context and gss_accept_sec_context. Applications wishing

to use per-message protection services on partially-established

contexts should check this flag before attempting to invoke gss_wrap

or gss_get_mic.

5. GSS-API Routine Descriptions

In addition to the explicit major status codes documented here, the

code GSS_S_FAILURE may be returned by any routine, indicating an

implementation-specific or mechanism-specific error condition,

further details of which are reported via the minor_status parameter.

5.1. gss_accept_sec_context

OM_uint32 gss_accept_sec_context (

OM_uint32 *minor_status,

gss_ctx_id_t *context_handle,

const gss_cred_id_t acceptor_cred_handle,

const gss_buffer_t input_token_buffer,

const gss_channel_bindings_t input_chan_bindings,

const gss_name_t *src_name,

gss_OID *mech_type,

gss_buffer_t output_token,

OM_uint32 *ret_flags,

OM_uint32 *time_rec,

gss_cred_id_t *delegated_cred_handle)


Allows a remotely initiated security context between the application

and a remote peer to be established. The routine may return a

output_token which should be transferred to the peer application,

where the peer application will present it to gss_init_sec_context.

If no token need be sent, gss_accept_sec_context will indicate this

by setting the length field of the output_token argument to zero. To

complete the context establishment, one or more reply tokens may be

required from the peer application; if so, gss_accept_sec_context

will return a status flag of GSS_S_CONTINUE_NEEDED, in which case it

should be called again when the reply token is received from the peer

application, passing the token to gss_accept_sec_context via the

input_token parameters.

Portable applications should be constructed to use the token length

and return status to determine whether a token needs to be sent or

waited for. Thus a typical portable caller should always invoke

gss_accept_sec_context within a loop:

gss_ctx_id_t context_hdl = GSS_C_NO_CONTEXT;

do {


maj_stat = gss_accept_sec_context(&min_stat,











if (GSS_ERROR(maj_stat)) {

report_error(maj_stat, min_stat);


if (output_token->length != 0) {


gss_release_buffer(&min_stat, output_token);


if (GSS_ERROR(maj_stat)) {

if (context_hdl != GSS_C_NO_CONTEXT)






} while (maj_stat & GSS_S_CONTINUE_NEEDED);

Whenever the routine returns a major status that includes the value

GSS_S_CONTINUE_NEEDED, the context is not fully established and the

following restrictions apply to the output parameters:

The value returned via the time_rec parameter is undefined Unless the

accompanying ret_flags parameter contains the bit

GSS_C_PROT_READY_FLAG, indicating that per-message services may be

applied in advance of a successful completion status, the value

returned via the mech_type parameter may be undefined until the

routine returns a major status value of GSS_S_COMPLETE.

The values of the GSS_C_DELEG_FLAG,



via the ret_flags parameter should contain the values that the

implementation expects would be valid if context establishment were

to succeed.

The values of the GSS_C_PROT_READY_FLAG and GSS_C_TRANS_FLAG bits

within ret_flags should indicate the actual state at the time

gss_accept_sec_context returns, whether or not the context is fully


Although this requires that GSS-API implementations set the

GSS_C_PROT_READY_FLAG in the final ret_flags returned to a caller

(i.e. when accompanied by a GSS_S_COMPLETE status code), applications

should not rely on this behavior as the flag was not defined in

Version 1 of the GSS-API. Instead, applications should be prepared to

use per-message services after a successful context establishment,

according to the GSS_C_INTEG_FLAG and GSS_C_CONF_FLAG values.

All other bits within the ret_flags argument should be set to zero.

While the routine returns GSS_S_CONTINUE_NEEDED, the values returned

via the ret_flags argument indicate the services that the

implementation expects to be available from the established context.

If the initial call of gss_accept_sec_context() fails, the

implementation should not create a context object, and should leave

the value of the context_handle parameter set to GSS_C_NO_CONTEXT to

indicate this. In the event of a failure on a subsequent call, the

implementation is permitted to delete the "half-built" security

context (in which case it should set the context_handle parameter to

GSS_C_NO_CONTEXT), but the preferred behavior is to leave the

security context (and the context_handle parameter) untouched for the

application to delete (using gss_delete_sec_context).

During context establishment, the informational status bits

GSS_S_OLD_TOKEN and GSS_S_DUPLICATE_TOKEN indicate fatal errors, and

GSS-API mechanisms should always return them in association with a

routine error of GSS_S_FAILURE. This requirement for pairing did not

exist in version 1 of the GSS-API specification, so applications that

wish to run over version 1 implementations must special-case these



context_handle gss_ctx_id_t, read/modify context handle for new

context. Supply GSS_C_NO_CONTEXT for first

call; use value returned in subsequent calls.

Once gss_accept_sec_context() has returned a

value via this parameter, resources have been

assigned to the corresponding context, and must

be freed by the application after use with a

call to gss_delete_sec_context().

acceptor_cred_handle gss_cred_id_t, read Credential handle claimed

by context acceptor. Specify

GSS_C_NO_CREDENTIAL to accept the context as a

default principal. If GSS_C_NO_CREDENTIAL is

specified, but no default acceptor principal is

defined, GSS_S_NO_CRED will be returned.

input_token_buffer buffer, opaque, read token obtained from remote


input_chan_bindings channel bindings, read, optional Application-

specified bindings. Allows application to

securely bind channel identification information

to the security context. If channel bindings

are not used, specify GSS_C_NO_CHANNEL_BINDINGS.

src_name gss_name_t, modify, optional Authenticated name

of context initiator. After use, this name

should be deallocated by passing it to

gss_release_name(). If not required, specify


mech_type Object ID, modify, optional Security mechanism

used. The returned OID value will be a pointer

into static storage, and should be treated as

read-only by the caller (in particular, it does

not need to be freed). If not required, specify


output_token buffer, opaque, modify Token to be passed to

peer application. If the length field of the

returned token buffer is 0, then no token need

be passed to the peer application. If a non-

zero length field is returned, the associated

storage must be freed after use by the

application with a call to gss_release_buffer().

ret_flags bit-mask, modify, optional Contains various

independent flags, each of which indicates that

the context supports a specific service option.

If not needed, specify NULL. Symbolic names are

provided for each flag, and the symbolic names

corresponding to the required flags should be

logically-ANDed with the ret_flags value to test

whether a given option is supported by the

context. The flags are:


True - Delegated credentials are available

via the delegated_cred_handle


False - No credentials were delegated


True - Remote peer asked for mutual


False - Remote peer did not ask for mutual



True - replay of protected messages

will be detected

False - replayed messages will not be



True - out-of-sequence protected

messages will be detected

False - out-of-sequence messages will not

be detected


True - Confidentiality service may be

invoked by calling the gss_wrap


False - No confidentiality service (via

gss_wrap) available. gss_wrap will

provide message encapsulation,

data-origin authentication and

integrity services only.


True - Integrity service may be invoked by

calling either gss_get_mic or

gss_wrap routines.

False - Per-message integrity service



True - The initiator does not wish to

be authenticated; the src_name

parameter (if requested) contains

an anonymous internal name.

False - The initiator has been

authenticated normally.


True - Protection services (as specified

by the states of the GSS_C_CONF_FLAG

and GSS_C_INTEG_FLAG) are available

if the accompanying major status

return value is either GSS_S_COMPLETE


False - Protection services (as specified

by the states of the GSS_C_CONF_FLAG

and GSS_C_INTEG_FLAG) are available

only if the accompanying major status

return value is GSS_S_COMPLETE.


True - The resultant security context may

be transferred to other processes via

a call to gss_export_sec_context().

False - The security context is not


All other bits should be set to zero.

time_rec Integer, modify, optional

number of seconds for which the context will

remain valid. Specify NULL if not required.


gss_cred_id_t, modify, optional credential

handle for credentials received from context

initiator. Only valid if deleg_flag in

ret_flags is true, in which case an explicit

credential handle (i.e. not GSS_C_NO_CREDENTIAL)

will be returned; if deleg_flag is false,

gss_accept_context() will set this parameter to

GSS_C_NO_CREDENTIAL. If a credential handle is

returned, the associated resources must be

released by the application after use with a

call to gss_release_cred(). Specify NULL if not


minor_status Integer, modify

Mechanism specific status code.

GSS_S_CONTINUE_NEEDED Indicates that a token from the peer

application is required to complete the

context, and that gss_accept_sec_context must

be called again with that token.

GSS_S_DEFECTIVE_TOKEN Indicates that consistency checks performed on

the input_token failed.

GSS_S_DEFECTIVE_CREDENTIAL Indicates that consistency checks

performed on the credential failed.

GSS_S_NO_CRED The supplied credentials were not valid for context

acceptance, or the credential handle did not

reference any credentials.

GSS_S_CREDENTIALS_EXPIRED The referenced credentials have expired.

GSS_S_BAD_BINDINGS The input_token contains different channel

bindings to those specified via the

input_chan_bindings parameter.

GSS_S_NO_CONTEXT Indicates that the supplied context handle did not

refer to a valid context.

GSS_S_BAD_SIG The input_token contains an invalid MIC.

GSS_S_OLD_TOKEN The input_token was too old. This is a fatal error

during context establishment.

GSS_S_DUPLICATE_TOKEN The input_token is valid, but is a duplicate of

a token already processed. This is a fatal

error during context establishment.

GSS_S_BAD_MECH The received token specified a mechanism that is

not supported by the implementation or the

provided credential.

5.2. gss_acquire_cred

OM_uint32 gss_acquire_cred (

OM_uint32 *minor_status,

const gss_name_t desired_name,

OM_uint32 time_req,

const gss_OID_set desired_mechs,

gss_cred_usage_t cred_usage,

gss_cred_id_t *output_cred_handle,

gss_OID_set *actual_mechs,

OM_uint32 *time_rec)


Allows an application to acquire a handle for a pre-existing

credential by name. GSS-API implementations must impose a local

access-control policy on callers of this routine to prevent

unauthorized callers from acquiring credentials to which they are not

entitled. This routine is not intended to provide a "login to the

network" function, as such a function would involve the creation of

new credentials rather than merely acquiring a handle to existing

credentials. Such functions, if required, should be defined in

implementation-specific extensions to the API.

If desired_name is GSS_C_NO_NAME, the call is interpreted as a

request for a credential handle that will invoke default behavior

when passed to gss_init_sec_context() (if cred_usage is

GSS_C_INITIATE or GSS_C_BOTH) or gss_accept_sec_context() (if

cred_usage is GSS_C_ACCEPT or GSS_C_BOTH).

Mechanisms should honor the desired_mechs parameter, and return a

credential that is suitable to use only with the requested

mechanisms. An exception to this is the case where one underlying

credential element can be shared by multiple mechanisms; in this case

it is permissible for an implementation to indicate all mechanisms

with which the credential element may be used. If desired_mechs is

an empty set, behavior is undefined.

This routine is expected to be used primarily by context acceptors,

since implementations are likely to provide mechanism-specific ways

of obtaining GSS-API initiator credentials from the system login

process. Some implementations may therefore not support the

acquisition of GSS_C_INITIATE or GSS_C_BOTH credentials via

gss_acquire_cred for any name other than GSS_C_NO_NAME, or a name

produced by applying either gss_inquire_cred to a valid credential,

or gss_inquire_context to an active context.

If credential acquisition is time-consuming for a mechanism, the

mechanism may choose to delay the actual acquisition until the

credential is required (e.g. by gss_init_sec_context or

gss_accept_sec_context). Such mechanism-specific implementation

decisions should be invisible to the calling application; thus a call

of gss_inquire_cred immediately following the call of

gss_acquire_cred must return valid credential data, and may therefore

incur the overhead of a deferred credential acquisition.


desired_name gss_name_t, read

Name of principal whose credential

should be acquired

time_req Integer, read, optional

number of seconds that credentials

should remain valid. Specify GSS_C_INDEFINITE

to request that the credentials have the maximum

permitted lifetime.

desired_mechs Set of Object IDs, read, optional

set of underlying security mechanisms that

may be used. GSS_C_NO_OID_SET may be used

to obtain an implementation-specific default.

cred_usage gss_cred_usage_t, read

GSS_C_BOTH - Credentials may be used

either to initiate or accept

security contexts.

GSS_C_INITIATE - Credentials will only be

used to initiate security contexts.

GSS_C_ACCEPT - Credentials will only be used to

accept security contexts.

output_cred_handle gss_cred_id_t, modify

The returned credential handle. Resources

associated with this credential handle must

be released by the application after use

with a call to gss_release_cred().

actual_mechs Set of Object IDs, modify, optional

The set of mechanisms for which the

credential is valid. Storage associated

with the returned OID-set must be released by

the application after use with a call to

gss_release_oid_set(). Specify NULL if not


time_rec Integer, modify, optional

Actual number of seconds for which the

returned credentials will remain valid. If the

implementation does not support expiration of

credentials, the value GSS_C_INDEFINITE will

be returned. Specify NULL if not required

minor_status Integer, modify

Mechanism specific status code.

Function value: GSS status code

GSS_S_COMPLETE Successful completion

GSS_S_BAD_MECH Unavailable mechanism requested

GSS_S_BAD_NAMETYPE Type contained within desired_name parameter

is not supported

GSS_S_BAD_NAME Value supplied for desired_name parameter is ill


GSS_S_CREDENTIALS_EXPIRED The credentials could not be acquired

Because they have expired.

GSS_S_NO_CRED No credentials were found for the specified name.

5.3. gss_add_cred

OM_uint32 gss_add_cred (

OM_uint32 *minor_status,

const gss_cred_id_t input_cred_handle,

const gss_name_t desired_name,

const gss_OID desired_mech,

gss_cred_usage_t cred_usage,

OM_uint32 initiator_time_req,

OM_uint32 acceptor_time_req,

gss_cred_id_t *output_cred_handle,

gss_OID_set *actual_mechs,

OM_uint32 *initiator_time_rec,

OM_uint32 *acceptor_time_rec)


Adds a credential-element to a credential. The credential-element is

identified by the name of the principal to which it refers. GSS-API

implementations must impose a local access-control policy on callers

of this routine to prevent unauthorized callers from acquiring

credential-elements to which they are not entitled. This routine is

not intended to provide a "login to the network" function, as such a

function would involve the creation of new mechanism-specific

authentication data, rather than merely acquiring a GSS-API handle to

existing data. Such functions, if required, should be defined in

implementation-specific extensions to the API.

If desired_name is GSS_C_NO_NAME, the call is interpreted as a

request to add a credential element that will invoke default behavior

when passed to gss_init_sec_context() (if cred_usage is

GSS_C_INITIATE or GSS_C_BOTH) or gss_accept_sec_context() (if

cred_usage is GSS_C_ACCEPT or GSS_C_BOTH).

This routine is expected to be used primarily by context acceptors,

since implementations are likely to provide mechanism-specific ways

of obtaining GSS-API initiator credentials from the system login

process. Some implementations may therefore not support the

acquisition of GSS_C_INITIATE or GSS_C_BOTH credentials via

gss_acquire_cred for any name other than GSS_C_NO_NAME, or a name

produced by applying either gss_inquire_cred to a valid credential,

or gss_inquire_context to an active context.

If credential acquisition is time-consuming for a mechanism, the

mechanism may choose to delay the actual acquisition until the

credential is required (e.g. by gss_init_sec_context or

gss_accept_sec_context). Such mechanism-specific implementation

decisions should be invisible to the calling application; thus a call

of gss_inquire_cred immediately following the call of gss_add_cred

must return valid credential data, and may therefore incur the

overhead of a deferred credential acquisition.

This routine can be used to either compose a new credential

containing all credential-elements of the original in addition to the

newly-acquire credential-element, or to add the new credential-

element to an existing credential. If NULL is specified for the

output_cred_handle parameter argument, the new credential-element

will be added to the credential identified by input_cred_handle; if a

valid pointer is specified for the output_cred_handle parameter, a

new credential handle will be created.

If GSS_C_NO_CREDENTIAL is specified as the input_cred_handle,

gss_add_cred will compose a credential (and set the

output_cred_handle parameter accordingly) based on default behavior.

That is, the call will have the same effect as if the application had

first made a call to gss_acquire_cred(), specifying the same usage

and passing GSS_C_NO_NAME as the desired_name parameter to obtain an

explicit credential handle embodying default behavior, passed this

credential handle to gss_add_cred(), and finally called

gss_release_cred() on the first credential handle.

If GSS_C_NO_CREDENTIAL is specified as the input_cred_handle

parameter, a non-NULL output_cred_handle must be supplied.


minor_status Integer, modify

Mechanism specific status code.

input_cred_handle gss_cred_id_t, read, optional

The credential to which a credential-element

will be added. If GSS_C_NO_CREDENTIAL is

specified, the routine will compose the new

credential based on default behavior (see

description above). Note that, while the

credential-handle is not modified by

gss_add_cred(), the underlying credential

will be modified if output_credential_handle

is NULL.

desired_name gss_name_t, read.

Name of principal whose credential

should be acquired.

desired_mech Object ID, read

Underlying security mechanism with which the

credential may be used.

cred_usage gss_cred_usage_t, read

GSS_C_BOTH - Credential may be used

either to initiate or accept

security contexts.

GSS_C_INITIATE - Credential will only be

used to initiate security


GSS_C_ACCEPT - Credential will only be used to

accept security contexts.

initiator_time_req Integer, read, optional

number of seconds that the credential

should remain valid for initiating security

contexts. This argument is ignored if the

composed credentials are of type GSS_C_ACCEPT.

Specify GSS_C_INDEFINITE to request that the

credentials have the maximum permitted

initiator lifetime.

acceptor_time_req Integer, read, optional

number of seconds that the credential

should remain valid for accepting security

contexts. This argument is ignored if the

composed credentials are of type GSS_C_INITIATE.

Specify GSS_C_INDEFINITE to request that the

credentials have the maximum permitted initiator


output_cred_handle gss_cred_id_t, modify, optional

The returned credential handle, containing

the new credential-element and all the

credential-elements from input_cred_handle.

If a valid pointer to a gss_cred_id_t is

supplied for this parameter, gss_add_cred

creates a new credential handle containing all

credential-elements from the input_cred_handle

and the newly acquired credential-element; if

NULL is specified for this parameter, the newly

acquired credential-element will be added

to the credential identified by input_cred_handle.

The resources associated with any credential

handle returned via this parameter must be

released by the application after use with a

call to gss_release_cred().

actual_mechs Set of Object IDs, modify, optional

The complete set of mechanisms for which

the new credential is valid. Storage for

the returned OID-set must be freed by the

application after use with a call to

gss_release_oid_set(). Specify NULL if

not required.

initiator_time_rec Integer, modify, optional

Actual number of seconds for which the

returned credentials will remain valid for

initiating contexts using the specified

mechanism. If the implementation or mechanism

does not support expiration of credentials, the

value GSS_C_INDEFINITE will be returned. Specify

NULL if not required

acceptor_time_rec Integer, modify, optional

Actual number of seconds for which the

returned credentials will remain valid for

accepting security contexts using the specified

mechanism. If the implementation or mechanism

does not support expiration of credentials, the

value GSS_C_INDEFINITE will be returned. Specify

NULL if not required

Function value: GSS status code

GSS_S_COMPLETE Successful completion

GSS_S_BAD_MECH Unavailable mechanism requested

GSS_S_BAD_NAMETYPE Type contained within desired_name parameter

is not supported

GSS_S_BAD_NAME Value supplied for desired_name parameter is


GSS_S_DUPLICATE_ELEMENT The credential already contains an element

for the requested mechanism with overlapping

usage and validity period.

GSS_S_CREDENTIALS_EXPIRED The required credentials could not be

added because they have expired.

GSS_S_NO_CRED No credentials were found for the specified name.

5.4. gss_add_oid_set_member

OM_uint32 gss_add_oid_set_member (

OM_uint32 *minor_status,

const gss_OID member_oid,

gss_OID_set *oid_set)


Add an Object Identifier to an Object Identifier set. This routine

is intended for use in conjunction with gss_create_empty_oid_set when

constructing a set of mechanism OIDs for input to gss_acquire_cred.

The oid_set parameter must refer to an OID-set that was created by

GSS-API (e.g. a set returned by gss_create_empty_oid_set()). GSS-API

creates a copy of the member_oid and inserts this copy into the set,

expanding the storage allocated to the OID-set's elements array if

necessary. The routine may add the new member OID anywhere within

the elements array, and implementations should verify that the new

member_oid is not already contained within the elements array; if the

member_oid is already present, the oid_set should remain unchanged.


minor_status Integer, modify

Mechanism specific status code

member_oid Object ID, read

The object identifier to copied into

the set.

oid_set Set of Object ID, modify

The set in which the object identifier

should be inserted.

Function value: GSS status code

GSS_S_COMPLETE Successful completion

5.5. gss_canonicalize_name

OM_uint32 gss_canonicalize_name (

OM_uint32 *minor_status,

const gss_name_t input_name,

const gss_OID mech_type,

gss_name_t *output_name)


Generate a canonical mechanism name (MN) from an arbitrary internal

name. The mechanism name is the name that would be returned to a

context acceptor on successful authentication of a context where the

initiator used the input_name in a successful call to

gss_acquire_cred, specifying an OID set containing <mech_type> as its

only member, followed by a call to gss_init_sec_context, specifying

<mech_type> as the authentication mechanism.


minor_status Integer, modify

Mechanism specific status code

input_name gss_name_t, read

The name for which a canonical form is


mech_type Object ID, read

The authentication mechanism for which the

canonical form of the name is desired. The

desired mechanism must be specified explicitly;

no default is provided.

output_name gss_name_t, modify

The resultant canonical name. Storage

associated with this name must be freed by

the application after use with a call to


Function value: GSS status code

GSS_S_COMPLETE Successful completion.

GSS_S_BAD_MECH The identified mechanism is not supported.

GSS_S_BAD_NAMETYPE The provided internal name contains no elements

that could be processed by the specified


GSS_S_BAD_NAME The provided internal name was ill-formed.

5.6. gss_compare_name

OM_uint32 gss_compare_name (

OM_uint32 *minor_status,

const gss_name_t name1,

const gss_name_t name2,

int *name_equal)


Allows an application to compare two internal-form names to determine

whether they refer to the same entity.

If either name presented to gss_compare_name denotes an anonymous

principal, the routines should indicate that the two names do not

refer to the same identity.


minor_status Integer, modify

Mechanism specific status code.

name1 gss_name_t, read

internal-form name

name2 gss_name_t, read

internal-form name

name_equal boolean, modify

non-zero - names refer to same entity

zero - names refer to different entities

(strictly, the names are not known

to refer to the same identity).

Function value: GSS status code

GSS_S_COMPLETE Successful completion

GSS_S_BAD_NAMETYPE The two names were of incomparable types.

GSS_S_BAD_NAME One or both of name1 or name2 was ill-formed.

5.7. gss_context_time

OM_uint32 gss_context_time (

OM_uint32 *minor_status,

const gss_ctx_id_t context_handle,

OM_uint32 *time_rec)


Determines the number of seconds for which the specified context will

remain valid.


minor_status Integer, modify

Implementation specific status code.

context_handle gss_ctx_id_t, read

Identifies the context to be interrogated.

time_rec Integer, modify

Number of seconds that the context will remain

valid. If the context has already expired,

zero will be returned.

Function value: GSS status code

GSS_S_COMPLETE Successful completion

GSS_S_CONTEXT_EXPIRED The context has already expired

GSS_S_NO_CONTEXT The context_handle parameter did not identify

a valid context

5.8. gss_create_empty_oid_set

OM_uint32 gss_create_empty_oid_set (

OM_uint32 *minor_status,

gss_OID_set *oid_set)


Create an object-identifier set containing no object identifiers, to

which members may be subsequently added using the

gss_add_oid_set_member() routine. These routines are intended to be

used to construct sets of mechanism object identifiers, for input to



minor_status Integer, modify

Mechanism specific status code

oid_set Set of Object IDs, modify

The empty object identifier set.

The routine will allocate the

gss_OID_set_desc object, which the

application must free after use with

a call to gss_release_oid_set().

Function value: GSS status code

GSS_S_COMPLETE Successful completion

5.9. gss_delete_sec_context

OM_uint32 gss_delete_sec_context (

OM_uint32 *minor_status,

gss_ctx_id_t *context_handle,

gss_buffer_t output_token)


Delete a security context. gss_delete_sec_context will delete the

local data structures associated with the specified security context,

and may generate an output_token, which when passed to the peer

gss_process_context_token will instruct it to do likewise. If no

token is required by the mechanism, the GSS-API should set the length

field of the output_token (if provided) to zero. No further security

services may be obtained using the context specified by


In addition to deleting established security contexts,

gss_delete_sec_context must also be able to delete "half-built"

security contexts resulting from an incomplete sequence of

gss_init_sec_context()/gss_accept_sec_context() calls.

The output_token parameter is retained for compatibility with version

1 of the GSS-API. It is recommended that both peer applications

invoke gss_delete_sec_context passing the value GSS_C_NO_BUFFER for

the output_token parameter, indicating that no token is required, and

that gss_delete_sec_context should simply delete local context data

structures. If the application does pass a valid buffer to

gss_delete_sec_context, mechanisms are encouraged to return a zero-

length token, indicating that no peer action is necessary, and that

no token should be transferred by the application.


minor_status Integer, modify

Mechanism specific status code.

context_handle gss_ctx_id_t, modify

context handle identifying context to delete.

After deleting the context, the GSS-API will set

this context handle to GSS_C_NO_CONTEXT.

output_token buffer, opaque, modify, optional

token to be sent to remote application to

instruct it to also delete the context. It

is recommended that applications specify

GSS_C_NO_BUFFER for this parameter, requesting

local deletion only. If a buffer parameter is

provided by the application, the mechanism may

return a token in it; mechanisms that implement

only local deletion should set the length field of

this token to zero to indicate to the application

that no token is to be sent to the peer.

Function value: GSS status code

GSS_S_COMPLETE Successful completion

GSS_S_NO_CONTEXT No valid context was supplied


OM_uint32 gss_display_name (

OM_uint32 *minor_status,

const gss_name_t input_name,

gss_buffer_t output_name_buffer,

gss_OID *output_name_type)


Allows an application to obtain a textual representation of an opaque

internal-form name for display purposes. The syntax of a printable

name is defined by the GSS-API implementation.

If input_name denotes an anonymous principal, the implementation

should return the gss_OID value GSS_C_NT_ANONYMOUS as the

output_name_type, and a textual name that is syntactically distinct

from all valid supported printable names in output_name_buffer.

If input_name was created by a call to gss_import_name, specifying

GSS_C_NO_OID as the name-type, implementations that employ lazy

conversion between name types may return GSS_C_NO_OID via the

output_name_type parameter.


minor_status Integer, modify

Mechanism specific status code.

input_name gss_name_t, read

name to be displayed

output_name_buffer buffer, character-string, modify

buffer to receive textual name string.

The application must free storage associated

with this name after use with a call to


output_name_type Object ID, modify, optional

The type of the returned name. The returned

gss_OID will be a pointer into static storage,

and should be treated as read-only by the caller

(in particular, the application should not attempt

to free it). Specify NULL if not required.

Function value: GSS status code

GSS_S_COMPLETE Successful completion

GSS_S_BAD_NAME input_name was ill-formed


OM_uint32 gss_display_status (

OM_uint32 *minor_status,

OM_uint32 status_value,

int status_type,

const gss_OID mech_type,

OM_uint32 *message_context,

gss_buffer_t status_string)


Allows an application to obtain a textual representation of a GSS-API

status code, for display to the user or for logging purposes. Since

some status values may indicate multiple conditions, applications may

need to call gss_display_status multiple times, each call generating

a single text string. The message_context parameter is used by

gss_display_status to store state information about which error

messages have already been extracted from a given status_value;

message_context must be initialized to 0 by the application prior to

the first call, and gss_display_status will return a non-zero value

in this parameter if there are further messages to extract.

The message_context parameter contains all state information required

by gss_display_status in order to extract further messages from the

status_value; even when a non-zero value is returned in this

parameter, the application is not required to call gss_display_status

again unless subsequent messages are desired. The following code

extracts all messages from a given status code and prints them to


OM_uint32 message_context;

OM_uint32 status_code;

OM_uint32 maj_status;

OM_uint32 min_status;

gss_buffer_desc status_string;


message_context = 0;

do {

maj_status = gss_display_status (










(char *)status_string.value);

gss_release_buffer(&min_status, &status_string);

} while (message_context != 0);


minor_status Integer, modify

Mechanism specific status code.

status_value Integer, read

Status value to be converted

status_type Integer, read

GSS_C_GSS_CODE - status_value is a GSS status


GSS_C_MECH_CODE - status_value is a mechanism

status code

mech_type Object ID, read, optional

Underlying mechanism (used to interpret a

minor status value) Supply GSS_C_NO_OID to

obtain the system default.

message_context Integer, read/modify

Should be initialized to zero by the

application prior to the first call.

On return from gss_display_status(),

a non-zero status_value parameter indicates

that additional messages may be extracted

from the status code via subsequent calls

to gss_display_status(), passing the same

status_value, status_type, mech_type, and

message_context parameters.

status_string buffer, character string, modify

textual interpretation of the status_value.

Storage associated with this parameter must

be freed by the application after use with

a call to gss_release_buffer().

Function value: GSS status code

GSS_S_COMPLETE Successful completion

GSS_S_BAD_MECH Indicates that translation in accordance with

an unsupported mechanism type was requested

GSS_S_BAD_STATUS The status value was not recognized, or the

status type was neither GSS_C_GSS_CODE nor


5.12. gss_duplicate_name

OM_uint32 gss_duplicate_name (

OM_uint32 *minor_status,

const gss_name_t src_name,

gss_name_t *dest_name)


Create an exact duplicate of the existing internal name src_name.

The new dest_name will be independent of src_name (i.e. src_name and

dest_name must both be released, and the release of one shall not

affect the validity of the other).


minor_status Integer, modify

Mechanism specific status code.

src_name gss_name_t, read

internal name to be duplicated.

dest_name gss_name_t, modify

The resultant copy of <src_name>.

Storage associated with this name must

be freed by the application after use

with a call to gss_release_name().

Function value: GSS status code

GSS_S_COMPLETE Successful completion

GSS_S_BAD_NAME The src_name parameter was ill-formed.

5.13. gss_export_name

OM_uint32 gss_export_name (

OM_uint32 *minor_status,

const gss_name_t input_name,

gss_buffer_t exported_name)


To produce a canonical contiguous string representation of a

mechanism name (MN), suitable for direct comparison (e.g. with

memcmp) for use in authorization functions (e.g. matching entries in

an access-control list). The <input_name> parameter must specify a

valid MN (i.e. an internal name generated by gss_accept_sec_context

or by gss_canonicalize_name).


minor_status Integer, modify

Mechanism specific status code

input_name gss_name_t, read

The MN to be exported

exported_name gss_buffer_t, octet-string, modify

The canonical contiguous string form of

<input_name>. Storage associated with

this string must freed by the application

after use with gss_release_buffer().

Function value: GSS status code

GSS_S_COMPLETE Successful completion

GSS_S_NAME_NOT_MN The provided internal name was not a mechanism


GSS_S_BAD_NAME The provided internal name was ill-formed.

GSS_S_BAD_NAMETYPE The internal name was of a type not supported

by the GSS-API implementation.

5.14. gss_export_sec_context

OM_uint32 gss_export_sec_context (

OM_uint32 *minor_status,

gss_ctx_id_t *context_handle,

gss_buffer_t interprocess_token)


Provided to support the sharing of work between multiple processes.

This routine will typically be used by the context-acceptor, in an

application where a single process receives incoming connection

requests and accepts security contexts over them, then passes the

established context to one or more other processes for message

exchange. gss_export_sec_context() deactivates the security context

for the calling process and creates an interprocess token which, when

passed to gss_import_sec_context in another process, will re-activate

the context in the second process. Only a single instantiation of a

given context may be active at any one time; a subsequent attempt by

a context exporter to access the exported security context will fail.

The implementation may constrain the set of processes by which the

interprocess token may be imported, either as a function of local

security policy, or as a result of implementation decisions. For

example, some implementations may constrain contexts to be passed

only between processes that run under the same account, or which are

part of the same process group.

The interprocess token may contain security-sensitive information

(for example cryptographic keys). While mechanisms are encouraged to

either avoid placing such sensitive information within interprocess

tokens, or to encrypt the token before returning it to the

application, in a typical object-library GSS-API implementation this

may not be possible. Thus the application must take care to protect

the interprocess token, and ensure that any process to which the

token is transferred is trustworthy.

If creation of the interprocess token is successful, the

implementation shall deallocate all process-wide resources associated

with the security context, and set the context_handle to

GSS_C_NO_CONTEXT. In the event of an error that makes it impossible

to complete the export of the security context, the implementation

must not return an interprocess token, and should strive to leave the

security context referenced by the context_handle parameter

untouched. If this is impossible, it is permissible for the

implementation to delete the security context, providing it also sets

the context_handle parameter to GSS_C_NO_CONTEXT.


minor_status Integer, modify

Mechanism specific status code

context_handle gss_ctx_id_t, modify

context handle identifying the context to


interprocess_token buffer, opaque, modify

token to be transferred to target process.

Storage associated with this token must be

freed by the application after use with a

call to gss_release_buffer().

Function value: GSS status code

GSS_S_COMPLETE Successful completion

GSS_S_CONTEXT_EXPIRED The context has expired

GSS_S_NO_CONTEXT The context was invalid

GSS_S_UNAVAILABLE The operation is not supported.

5.15. gss_get_mic

OM_uint32 gss_get_mic (

OM_uint32 *minor_status,

const gss_ctx_id_t context_handle,

gss_qop_t qop_req,

const gss_buffer_t message_buffer,

gss_buffer_t msg_token)


Generates a cryptographic MIC for the supplied message, and places

the MIC in a token for transfer to the peer application. The qop_req

parameter allows a choice between several cryptographic algorithms,

if supported by the chosen mechanism.

Since some application-level protocols may wish to use tokens emitted

by gss_wrap() to provide "secure framing", implementations must

support derivation of MICs from zero-length messages.


minor_status Integer, modify

Implementation specific status code.

context_handle gss_ctx_id_t, read

identifies the context on which the message

will be sent

qop_req gss_qop_t, read, optional

Specifies requested quality of protection.

Callers are encouraged, on portability grounds,

to accept the default quality of protection

offered by the chosen mechanism, which may be

requested by specifying GSS_C_QOP_DEFAULT for

this parameter. If an unsupported protection

strength is requested, gss_get_mic will return a

major_status of GSS_S_BAD_QOP.

message_buffer buffer, opaque, read

message to be protected

msg_token buffer, opaque, modify

buffer to receive token. The application must

free storage associated with this buffer after

use with a call to gss_release_buffer().

Function value: GSS status code

GSS_S_COMPLETE Successful completion

GSS_S_CONTEXT_EXPIRED The context has already expired

GSS_S_NO_CONTEXT The context_handle parameter did not identify

a valid context

GSS_S_BAD_QOP The specified QOP is not supported by the


5.16. gss_import_name

OM_uint32 gss_import_name (

OM_uint32 *minor_status,

const gss_buffer_t input_name_buffer,

const gss_OID input_name_type,

gss_name_t *output_name)


Convert a contiguous string name to internal form. In general, the

internal name returned (via the <output_name> parameter) will not be

an MN; the exception to this is if the <input_name_type> indicates

that the contiguous string provided via the <input_name_buffer>

parameter is of type GSS_C_NT_EXPORT_NAME, in which case the returned

internal name will be an MN for the mechanism that exported the name.


minor_status Integer, modify

Mechanism specific status code

input_name_buffer buffer, octet-string, read

buffer containing contiguous string name to convert

input_name_type Object ID, read, optional

Object ID specifying type of printable

name. Applications may specify either

GSS_C_NO_OID to use a mechanism-specific

default printable syntax, or an OID recognized

by the GSS-API implementation to name a

specific namespace.

output_name gss_name_t, modify

returned name in internal form. Storage

associated with this name must be freed

by the application after use with a call

to gss_release_name().

Function value: GSS status code

GSS_S_COMPLETE Successful completion

GSS_S_BAD_NAMETYPE The input_name_type was unrecognized

GSS_S_BAD_NAME The input_name parameter could not be interpreted

as a name of the specified type

GSS_S_BAD_MECH The input name-type was GSS_C_NT_EXPORT_NAME,

but the mechanism contained within the

input-name is not supported

5.17. gss_import_sec_context

OM_uint32 gss_import_sec_context (

OM_uint32 *minor_status,

const gss_buffer_t interprocess_token,

gss_ctx_id_t *context_handle)


Allows a process to import a security context established by another

process. A given interprocess token may be imported only once. See



minor_status Integer, modify

Mechanism specific status code

interprocess_token buffer, opaque, modify

token received from exporting process

context_handle gss_ctx_id_t, modify

context handle of newly reactivated context.

Resources associated with this context handle

must be released by the application after use

with a call to gss_delete_sec_context().

Function value: GSS status code

GSS_S_COMPLETE Successful completion.

GSS_S_NO_CONTEXT The token did not contain a valid context


GSS_S_DEFECTIVE_TOKEN The token was invalid.

GSS_S_UNAVAILABLE The operation is unavailable.

GSS_S_UNAUTHORIZED Local policy prevents the import of this context

by the current process.

5.18. gss_indicate_mechs

OM_uint32 gss_indicate_mechs (

OM_uint32 *minor_status,

gss_OID_set *mech_set)


Allows an application to determine which underlying security

mechanisms are available.


minor_status Integer, modify

Mechanism specific status code.

mech_set set of Object IDs, modify

set of implementation-supported mechanisms.

The returned gss_OID_set value will be a

dynamically-allocated OID set, that should

be released by the caller after use with a

call to gss_release_oid_set().

Function value: GSS status code

GSS_S_COMPLETE Successful completion

5.19. gss_init_sec_context

OM_uint32 gss_init_sec_context (

OM_uint32 *minor_status,

const gss_cred_id_t initiator_cred_handle,

gss_ctx_id_t *context_handle, const gss_name_t target_name,

const gss_OID mech_type,

OM_uint32 req_flags,

OM_uint32 time_req,

const gss_channel_bindings_t input_chan_bindings,

const gss_buffer_t input_token

gss_OID *actual_mech_type,

gss_buffer_t output_token,

OM_uint32 *ret_flags,

OM_uint32 *time_rec )


Initiates the establishment of a security context between the

application and a remote peer. Initially, the input_token parameter

should be specified either as GSS_C_NO_BUFFER, or as a pointer to a

gss_buffer_desc object whose length field contains the value zero.

The routine may return a output_token which should be transferred to

the peer application, where the peer application will present it to

gss_accept_sec_context. If no token need be sent,

gss_init_sec_context will indicate this by setting the length field

of the output_token argument to zero. To complete the context

establishment, one or more reply tokens may be required from the peer

application; if so, gss_init_sec_context will return a status

containing the supplementary information bit GSS_S_CONTINUE_NEEDED.

In this case, gss_init_sec_context should be called again when the

reply token is received from the peer application, passing the reply

token to gss_init_sec_context via the input_token parameters.

Portable applications should be constructed to use the token length

and return status to determine whether a token needs to be sent or

waited for. Thus a typical portable caller should always invoke

gss_init_sec_context within a loop:

int context_established = 0;

gss_ctx_id_t context_hdl = GSS_C_NO_CONTEXT;


input_token->length = 0;

while (!context_established) {

maj_stat = gss_init_sec_context(&min_stat,













if (GSS_ERROR(maj_stat)) {

report_error(maj_stat, min_stat);


if (output_token->length != 0) {


gss_release_buffer(&min_stat, output_token)


if (GSS_ERROR(maj_stat)) {

if (context_hdl != GSS_C_NO_CONTEXT)






if (maj_stat & GSS_S_CONTINUE_NEEDED) {


} else {

context_established = 1;



Whenever the routine returns a major status that includes the value

GSS_S_CONTINUE_NEEDED, the context is not fully established and the

following restrictions apply to the output parameters:

The value returned via the time_rec parameter is undefined Unless

the accompanying ret_flags parameter contains the bit

GSS_C_PROT_READY_FLAG, indicating that per-message services may be

applied in advance of a successful completion status, the value

returned via the actual_mech_type parameter is undefined until the

routine returns a major status value of GSS_S_COMPLETE.



GSS_C_INTEG_FLAG and GSS_C_ANON_FLAG bits returned via the

ret_flags parameter should contain the values that the

implementation expects would be valid if context establishment

were to succeed. In particular, if the application has requested

a service such as delegation or anonymous authentication via the

req_flags argument, and such a service is unavailable from the

underlying mechanism, gss_init_sec_context should generate a token

that will not provide the service, and indicate via the ret_flags

argument that the service will not be supported. The application

may choose to abort the context establishment by calling

gss_delete_sec_context (if it cannot continue in the absence of

the service), or it may choose to transmit the token and continue

context establishment (if the service was merely desired but not


The values of the GSS_C_PROT_READY_FLAG and GSS_C_TRANS_FLAG bits

within ret_flags should indicate the actual state at the time

gss_init_sec_context returns, whether or not the context is fully


GSS-API implementations that support per-message protection are

encouraged to set the GSS_C_PROT_READY_FLAG in the final ret_flags

returned to a caller (i.e. when accompanied by a GSS_S_COMPLETE

status code). However, applications should not rely on this

behavior as the flag was not defined in Version 1 of the GSS-API.

Instead, applications should determine what per-message services

are available after a successful context establishment according

to the GSS_C_INTEG_FLAG and GSS_C_CONF_FLAG values.

All other bits within the ret_flags argument should be set to


If the initial call of gss_init_sec_context() fails, the

implementation should not create a context object, and should leave

the value of the context_handle parameter set to GSS_C_NO_CONTEXT to

indicate this. In the event of a failure on a subsequent call, the

implementation is permitted to delete the "half-built" security

context (in which case it should set the context_handle parameter to

GSS_C_NO_CONTEXT), but the preferred behavior is to leave the

security context untouched for the application to delete (using


During context establishment, the informational status bits

GSS_S_OLD_TOKEN and GSS_S_DUPLICATE_TOKEN indicate fatal errors, and

GSS-API mechanisms should always return them in association with a

routine error of GSS_S_FAILURE. This requirement for pairing did not

exist in version 1 of the GSS-API specification, so applications that

wish to run over version 1 implementations must special-case these



minor_status Integer, modify

Mechanism specific status code.

initiator_cred_handle gss_cred_id_t, read, optional

handle for credentials claimed. Supply

GSS_C_NO_CREDENTIAL to act as a default

initiator principal. If no default

initiator is defined, the function will

return GSS_S_NO_CRED.

context_handle gss_ctx_id_t, read/modify

context handle for new context. Supply

GSS_C_NO_CONTEXT for first call; use value

returned by first call in continuation calls.

Resources associated with this context-handle

must be released by the application after use

with a call to gss_delete_sec_context().

target_name gss_name_t, read

Name of target

mech_type OID, read, optional

Object ID of desired mechanism. Supply

GSS_C_NO_OID to obtain an implementation

specific default

req_flags bit-mask, read

Contains various independent flags, each of

which requests that the context support a

specific service option. Symbolic

names are provided for each flag, and the

symbolic names corresponding to the required

flags should be logically-ORed

together to form the bit-mask value. The

flags are:


True - Delegate credentials to remote peer

False - Don't delegate


True - Request that remote peer

authenticate itself

False - Authenticate self to remote peer



True - Enable replay detection for

messages protected with gss_wrap

or gss_get_mic

False - Don't attempt to detect

replayed messages


True - Enable detection of out-of-sequence

protected messages

False - Don't attempt to detect

out-of-sequence messages


True - Request that confidentiality service

be made available (via gss_wrap)

False - No per-message confidentiality service

is required.


True - Request that integrity service be

made available (via gss_wrap or


False - No per-message integrity service

is required.


True - Do not reveal the initiator's

identity to the acceptor.

False - Authenticate normally.

time_req Integer, read, optional

Desired number of seconds for which context

should remain valid. Supply 0 to request a

default validity period.

input_chan_bindings channel bindings, read, optional

Application-specified bindings. Allows

application to securely bind channel

identification information to the security


if channel bindings are not used.

input_token buffer, opaque, read, optional (see text)

Token received from peer application.

Supply GSS_C_NO_BUFFER, or a pointer to

a buffer containing the value GSS_C_EMPTY_BUFFER

on initial call.

actual_mech_type OID, modify, optional

Actual mechanism used. The OID returned via

this parameter will be a pointer to static

storage that should be treated as read-only;

In particular the application should not attempt

to free it. Specify NULL if not required.

output_token buffer, opaque, modify

token to be sent to peer application. If

the length field of the returned buffer is

zero, no token need be sent to the peer

application. Storage associated with this

buffer must be freed by the application

after use with a call to gss_release_buffer().

ret_flags bit-mask, modify, optional

Contains various independent flags, each of which

indicates that the context supports a specific

service option. Specify NULL if not

required. Symbolic names are provided

for each flag, and the symbolic names

corresponding to the required flags should be

logically-ANDed with the ret_flags value to test

whether a given option is supported by the

context. The flags are:


True - Credentials were delegated to

the remote peer

False - No credentials were delegated


True - The remote peer has authenticated


False - Remote peer has not authenticated



True - replay of protected messages

will be detected

False - replayed messages will not be



True - out-of-sequence protected

messages will be detected

False - out-of-sequence messages will

not be detected


True - Confidentiality service may be

invoked by calling gss_wrap routine

False - No confidentiality service (via

gss_wrap) available. gss_wrap will

provide message encapsulation,

data-origin authentication and

integrity services only.


True - Integrity service may be invoked by

calling either gss_get_mic or gss_wrap


False - Per-message integrity service



True - The initiator's identity has not been

revealed, and will not be revealed if

any emitted token is passed to the


False - The initiator's identity has been or

will be authenticated normally.


True - Protection services (as specified

by the states of the GSS_C_CONF_FLAG

and GSS_C_INTEG_FLAG) are available for

use if the accompanying major status

return value is either GSS_S_COMPLETE or


False - Protection services (as specified

by the states of the GSS_C_CONF_FLAG

and GSS_C_INTEG_FLAG) are available

only if the accompanying major status

return value is GSS_S_COMPLETE.


True - The resultant security context may

be transferred to other processes via

a call to gss_export_sec_context().

False - The security context is not


All other bits should be set to zero.

time_rec Integer, modify, optional

number of seconds for which the context

will remain valid. If the implementation does

not support context expiration, the value

GSS_C_INDEFINITE will be returned. Specify

NULL if not required.

Function value: GSS status code

GSS_S_COMPLETE Successful completion

GSS_S_CONTINUE_NEEDED Indicates that a token from the peer

application is required to complete the

context, and that gss_init_sec_context

must be called again with that token.

GSS_S_DEFECTIVE_TOKEN Indicates that consistency checks performed

on the input_token failed

GSS_S_DEFECTIVE_CREDENTIAL Indicates that consistency checks

performed on the credential failed.

GSS_S_NO_CRED The supplied credentials were not valid for

context initiation, or the credential handle

did not reference any credentials.

GSS_S_CREDENTIALS_EXPIRED The referenced credentials have expired

GSS_S_BAD_BINDINGS The input_token contains different channel

bindings to those specified via the

input_chan_bindings parameter

GSS_S_BAD_SIG The input_token contains an invalid MIC, or a MIC

that could not be verified

GSS_S_OLD_TOKEN The input_token was too old. This is a fatal

error during context establishment

GSS_S_DUPLICATE_TOKEN The input_token is valid, but is a duplicate

of a token already processed. This is a

fatal error during context establishment.

GSS_S_NO_CONTEXT Indicates that the supplied context handle did

not refer to a valid context

GSS_S_BAD_NAMETYPE The provided target_name parameter contained an

invalid or unsupported type of name

GSS_S_BAD_NAME The provided target_name parameter was ill-formed.

GSS_S_BAD_MECH The specified mechanism is not supported by the

provided credential, or is unrecognized by the


5.20. gss_inquire_context

OM_uint32 gss_inquire_context (

OM_uint32 *minor_status,

const gss_ctx_id_t context_handle,

gss_name_t *src_name,

gss_name_t *targ_name,

OM_uint32 *lifetime_rec,

gss_OID *mech_type,

OM_uint32 *ctx_flags,

int *locally_initiated,

int *open )


Obtains information about a security context. The caller must

already have obtained a handle that refers to the context, although

the context need not be fully established.


minor_status Integer, modify

Mechanism specific status code

context_handle gss_ctx_id_t, read

A handle that refers to the security context.

src_name gss_name_t, modify, optional

The name of the context initiator.

If the context was established using anonymous

authentication, and if the application invoking

gss_inquire_context is the context acceptor,

an anonymous name will be returned. Storage

associated with this name must be freed by the

application after use with a call to

gss_release_name(). Specify NULL if not


targ_name gss_name_t, modify, optional

The name of the context acceptor.

Storage associated with this name must be

freed by the application after use with a call

to gss_release_name(). If the context acceptor

did not authenticate itself, and if the initiator

did not specify a target name in its call to

gss_init_sec_context(), the value GSS_C_NO_NAME

will be returned. Specify NULL if not required.

lifetime_rec Integer, modify, optional

The number of seconds for which the context

will remain valid. If the context has

expired, this parameter will be set to zero.

If the implementation does not support

context expiration, the value

GSS_C_INDEFINITE will be returned. Specify

NULL if not required.

mech_type gss_OID, modify, optional

The security mechanism providing the

context. The returned OID will be a

pointer to static storage that should

be treated as read-only by the application;

in particular the application should not

attempt to free it. Specify NULL if not


ctx_flags bit-mask, modify, optional

Contains various independent flags, each of

which indicates that the context supports

(or is expected to support, if ctx_open is

false) a specific service option. If not

needed, specify NULL. Symbolic names are

provided for each flag, and the symbolic names

corresponding to the required flags

should be logically-ANDed with the ret_flags

value to test whether a given option is

supported by the context. The flags are:


True - Credentials were delegated from

the initiator to the acceptor.

False - No credentials were delegated


True - The acceptor was authenticated

to the initiator

False - The acceptor did not authenticate



True - replay of protected messages

will be detected

False - replayed messages will not be



True - out-of-sequence protected

messages will be detected

False - out-of-sequence messages will not

be detected


True - Confidentiality service may be invoked

by calling gss_wrap routine

False - No confidentiality service (via

gss_wrap) available. gss_wrap will

provide message encapsulation,

data-origin authentication and

integrity services only.


True - Integrity service may be invoked by

calling either gss_get_mic or gss_wrap


False - Per-message integrity service



True - The initiator's identity will not

be revealed to the acceptor.

The src_name parameter (if

requested) contains an anonymous

internal name.

False - The initiator has been

authenticated normally.


True - Protection services (as specified

by the states of the GSS_C_CONF_FLAG

and GSS_C_INTEG_FLAG) are available

for use.

False - Protection services (as specified

by the states of the GSS_C_CONF_FLAG

and GSS_C_INTEG_FLAG) are available

only if the context is fully

established (i.e. if the open parameter

is non-zero).


True - The resultant security context may

be transferred to other processes via

a call to gss_export_sec_context().

False - The security context is not


locally_initiated Boolean, modify

Non-zero if the invoking application is the

context initiator.

Specify NULL if not required.

open Boolean, modify

Non-zero if the context is fully established;

Zero if a context-establishment token

is expected from the peer application.

Specify NULL if not required.

Function value: GSS status code

GSS_S_COMPLETE Successful completion

GSS_S_NO_CONTEXT The referenced context could not be accessed.

5.21. gss_inquire_cred

OM_uint32 gss_inquire_cred (

OM_uint32 *minor_status,

const gss_cred_id_t cred_handle,

gss_name_t *name,

OM_uint32 *lifetime,

gss_cred_usage_t *cred_usage,

gss_OID_set *mechanisms )


Obtains information about a credential.


minor_status Integer, modify

Mechanism specific status code

cred_handle gss_cred_id_t, read

A handle that refers to the target credential.

Specify GSS_C_NO_CREDENTIAL to inquire about

the default initiator principal.

name gss_name_t, modify, optional

The name whose identity the credential asserts.

Storage associated with this name should be freed

by the application after use with a call to

gss_release_name(). Specify NULL if not required.

lifetime Integer, modify, optional

The number of seconds for which the credential

will remain valid. If the credential has

expired, this parameter will be set to zero.

If the implementation does not support

credential expiration, the value

GSS_C_INDEFINITE will be returned. Specify

NULL if not required.

cred_usage gss_cred_usage_t, modify, optional

How the credential may be used. One of the





Specify NULL if not required.

mechanisms gss_OID_set, modify, optional

Set of mechanisms supported by the credential.

Storage associated with this OID set must be

freed by the application after use with a call

to gss_release_oid_set(). Specify NULL if not


Function value: GSS status code

GSS_S_COMPLETE Successful completion

GSS_S_NO_CRED The referenced credentials could not be accessed.

GSS_S_DEFECTIVE_CREDENTIAL The referenced credentials were invalid.

GSS_S_CREDENTIALS_EXPIRED The referenced credentials have expired.

If the lifetime parameter was not passed as NULL,

it will be set to 0.

5.22. gss_inquire_cred_by_mech

OM_uint32 gss_inquire_cred_by_mech (

OM_uint32 *minor_status,

const gss_cred_id_t cred_handle,

const gss_OID mech_type,

gss_name_t *name,

OM_uint32 *initiator_lifetime,

OM_uint32 *acceptor_lifetime,

gss_cred_usage_t *cred_usage )


Obtains per-mechanism information about a credential.


minor_status Integer, modify

Mechanism specific status code

cred_handle gss_cred_id_t, read

A handle that refers to the target credential.

Specify GSS_C_NO_CREDENTIAL to inquire about

the default initiator principal.

mech_type gss_OID, read

The mechanism for which information should be


name gss_name_t, modify, optional

The name whose identity the credential asserts.

Storage associated with this name must be

freed by the application after use with a call

to gss_release_name(). Specify NULL if not


initiator_lifetime Integer, modify, optional

The number of seconds for which the credential

will remain capable of initiating security contexts

under the specified mechanism. If the credential

can no longer be used to initiate contexts, or if

the credential usage for this mechanism is

GSS_C_ACCEPT, this parameter will be set to zero.

If the implementation does not support expiration

of initiator credentials, the value

GSS_C_INDEFINITE will be returned. Specify NULL

if not required.

acceptor_lifetime Integer, modify, optional

The number of seconds for which the credential

will remain capable of accepting security contexts

under the specified mechanism. If the credential

can no longer be used to accept contexts, or if

the credential usage for this mechanism is

GSS_C_INITIATE, this parameter will be set to zero.

If the implementation does not support expiration

of acceptor credentials, the value GSS_C_INDEFINITE

will be returned. Specify NULL if not required.

cred_usage gss_cred_usage_t, modify, optional

How the credential may be used with the specified

mechanism. One of the following:




Specify NULL if not required.

Function value: GSS status code

GSS_S_COMPLETE Successful completion

GSS_S_NO_CRED The referenced credentials could not be accessed.

GSS_S_DEFECTIVE_CREDENTIAL The referenced credentials were invalid.

GSS_S_CREDENTIALS_EXPIRED The referenced credentials have expired.

If the lifetime parameter was not passed as NULL,

it will be set to 0.

5.23. gss_inquire_mechs_for_name

OM_uint32 gss_inquire_mechs_for_name (

OM_uint32 *minor_status,

const gss_name_t input_name,

gss_OID_set *mech_types )


Returns the set of mechanisms supported by the GSS-API implementation

that may be able to process the specified name.

Each mechanism returned will recognize at least one element within

the name. It is permissible for this routine to be implemented

within a mechanism-independent GSS-API layer, using the type

information contained within the presented name, and based on

registration information provided by individual mechanism

implementations. This means that the returned mech_types set may

indicate that a particular mechanism will understand the name when in

fact it would refuse to accept the name as input to

gss_canonicalize_name, gss_init_sec_context, gss_acquire_cred or

gss_add_cred (due to some property of the specific name, as opposed

to the name type). Thus this routine should be used only as a pre-

filter for a call to a subsequent mechanism-specific routine.


minor_status Integer, modify

Implementation specific status code.

input_name gss_name_t, read

The name to which the inquiry relates.

mech_types gss_OID_set, modify

Set of mechanisms that may support the

specified name. The returned OID set

must be freed by the caller after use

with a call to gss_release_oid_set().

Function value: GSS status code

GSS_S_COMPLETE Successful completion

GSS_S_BAD_NAME The input_name parameter was ill-formed.

GSS_S_BAD_NAMETYPE The input_name parameter contained an invalid or

unsupported type of name

5.24. gss_inquire_names_for_mech

OM_uint32 gss_inquire_names_for_mech (

OM_uint32 *minor_status,

const gss_OID mechanism,

gss_OID_set *name_types)


Returns the set of nametypes supported by the specified mechanism.


minor_status Integer, modify

Implementation specific status code.

mechanism gss_OID, read

The mechanism to be interrogated.

name_types gss_OID_set, modify

Set of name-types supported by the specified

mechanism. The returned OID set must be

freed by the application after use with a

call to gss_release_oid_set().

Function value: GSS status code

GSS_S_COMPLETE Successful completion

5.25. gss_process_context_token

OM_uint32 gss_process_context_token (

OM_uint32 *minor_status,

const gss_ctx_id_t context_handle,

const gss_buffer_t token_buffer)


Provides a way to pass an asynchronous token to the security service.

Most context-level tokens are emitted and processed synchronously by

gss_init_sec_context and gss_accept_sec_context, and the application

is informed as to whether further tokens are expected by the

GSS_C_CONTINUE_NEEDED major status bit. Occasionally, a mechanism

may need to emit a context-level token at a point when the peer

entity is not expecting a token. For example, the initiator's final

call to gss_init_sec_context may emit a token and return a status of

GSS_S_COMPLETE, but the acceptor's call to gss_accept_sec_context may

fail. The acceptor's mechanism may wish to send a token containing

an error indication to the initiator, but the initiator is not

expecting a token at this point, believing that the context is fully

established. Gss_process_context_token provides a way to pass such a

token to the mechanism at any time.


minor_status Integer, modify

Implementation specific status code.

context_handle gss_ctx_id_t, read

context handle of context on which token is to

be processed

token_buffer buffer, opaque, read

token to process

Function value: GSS status code

GSS_S_COMPLETE Successful completion

GSS_S_DEFECTIVE_TOKEN Indicates that consistency checks performed

on the token failed

GSS_S_NO_CONTEXT The context_handle did not refer to a valid context

5.26. gss_release_buffer

OM_uint32 gss_release_buffer (

OM_uint32 *minor_status,

gss_buffer_t buffer)


Free storage associated with a buffer. The storage must have been

allocated by a GSS-API routine. In addition to freeing the

associated storage, the routine will zero the length field in the

descriptor to which the buffer parameter refers, and implementations

are encouraged to additionally set the pointer field in the

descriptor to NULL. Any buffer object returned by a GSS-API routine

may be passed to gss_release_buffer (even if there is no storage

associated with the buffer).


minor_status Integer, modify

Mechanism specific status code

buffer buffer, modify

The storage associated with the buffer will be

deleted. The gss_buffer_desc object will not

be freed, but its length field will be zeroed.

Function value: GSS status code

GSS_S_COMPLETE Successful completion

5.27. gss_release_cred

OM_uint32 gss_release_cred (

OM_uint32 *minor_status,

gss_cred_id_t *cred_handle)


Informs GSS-API that the specified credential handle is no longer

required by the application, and frees associated resources.

Implementations are encouraged to set the cred_handle to

GSS_C_NO_CREDENTIAL on successful completion of this call.


cred_handle gss_cred_id_t, modify, optional

Opaque handle identifying credential

to be released. If GSS_C_NO_CREDENTIAL

is supplied, the routine will complete

successfully, but will do nothing.

minor_status Integer, modify

Mechanism specific status code.

Function value: GSS status code

GSS_S_COMPLETE Successful completion

GSS_S_NO_CRED Credentials could not be accessed.

5.28. gss_release_name

OM_uint32 gss_release_name (

OM_uint32 *minor_status,

gss_name_t *name)


Free GSSAPI-allocated storage associated with an internal-form name.

Implementations are encouraged to set the name to GSS_C_NO_NAME on

successful completion of this call.


minor_status Integer, modify

Mechanism specific status code

name gss_name_t, modify

The name to be deleted

Function value: GSS status code

GSS_S_COMPLETE Successful completion

GSS_S_BAD_NAME The name parameter did not contain a valid name

5.29. gss_release_oid_set

OM_uint32 gss_release_oid_set (

OM_uint32 *minor_status,

gss_OID_set *set)


Free storage associated with a GSSAPI-generated gss_OID_set object.

The set parameter must refer to an OID-set that was returned from a

GSS-API routine. gss_release_oid_set() will free the storage

associated with each individual member OID, the OID set's elements

array, and the gss_OID_set_desc.

Implementations are encouraged to set the gss_OID_set parameter to

GSS_C_NO_OID_SET on successful completion of this routine.


minor_status Integer, modify

Mechanism specific status code

set Set of Object IDs, modify

The storage associated with the gss_OID_set

will be deleted.

Function value: GSS status code

GSS_S_COMPLETE Successful completion

5.30. gss_test_oid_set_member

OM_uint32 gss_test_oid_set_member (

OM_uint32 *minor_status,

const gss_OID member,

const gss_OID_set set,

int *present)


Interrogate an Object Identifier set to determine whether a specified

Object Identifier is a member. This routine is intended to be used

with OID sets returned by gss_indicate_mechs(), gss_acquire_cred(),

and gss_inquire_cred(), but will also work with user-generated sets.


minor_status Integer, modify

Mechanism specific status code

member Object ID, read

The object identifier whose presence

is to be tested.

set Set of Object ID, read

The Object Identifier set.

present Boolean, modify

non-zero if the specified OID is a member

of the set, zero if not.

Function value: GSS status code

GSS_S_COMPLETE Successful completion

5.31. gss_unwrap

OM_uint32 gss_unwrap (

OM_uint32 *minor_status,

const gss_ctx_id_t context_handle,

const gss_buffer_t input_message_buffer,

gss_buffer_t output_message_buffer,

int *conf_state,

gss_qop_t *qop_state)


Converts a message previously protected by gss_wrap back to a usable

form, verifying the embedded MIC. The conf_state parameter indicates

whether the message was encrypted; the qop_state parameter indicates

the strength of protection that was used to provide the

confidentiality and integrity services.

Since some application-level protocols may wish to use tokens emitted

by gss_wrap() to provide "secure framing", implementations must

support the wrapping and unwrapping of zero-length messages.


minor_status Integer, modify

Mechanism specific status code.

context_handle gss_ctx_id_t, read

Identifies the context on which the message


input_message_buffer buffer, opaque, read

protected message

output_message_buffer buffer, opaque, modify

Buffer to receive unwrapped message.

Storage associated with this buffer must

be freed by the application after use use

with a call to gss_release_buffer().

conf_state boolean, modify, optional

Non-zero - Confidentiality and integrity

protection were used

Zero - Integrity service only was used

Specify NULL if not required

qop_state gss_qop_t, modify, optional

Quality of protection provided.

Specify NULL if not required

Function value: GSS status code

GSS_S_COMPLETE Successful completion

GSS_S_DEFECTIVE_TOKEN The token failed consistency checks

GSS_S_BAD_SIG The MIC was incorrect

GSS_S_DUPLICATE_TOKEN The token was valid, and contained a correct

MIC for the message, but it had already been


GSS_S_OLD_TOKEN The token was valid, and contained a correct MIC

for the message, but it is too old to check for


GSS_S_UNSEQ_TOKEN The token was valid, and contained a correct MIC

for the message, but has been verified out of

sequence; a later token has already been


GSS_S_GAP_TOKEN The token was valid, and contained a correct MIC

for the message, but has been verified out of

sequence; an earlier expected token has not yet

been received.

GSS_S_CONTEXT_EXPIRED The context has already expired

GSS_S_NO_CONTEXT The context_handle parameter did not identify

a valid context

5.32. gss_verify_mic

OM_uint32 gss_verify_mic (

OM_uint32 *minor_status,

const gss_ctx_id_t context_handle,

const gss_buffer_t message_buffer,

const gss_buffer_t token_buffer,

gss_qop_t *qop_state)


Verifies that a cryptographic MIC, contained in the token parameter,

fits the supplied message. The qop_state parameter allows a message

recipient to determine the strength of protection that was applied to

the message.

Since some application-level protocols may wish to use tokens emitted

by gss_wrap() to provide "secure framing", implementations must

support the calculation and verification of MICs over zero-length



minor_status Integer, modify

Mechanism specific status code.

context_handle gss_ctx_id_t, read

Identifies the context on which the message


message_buffer buffer, opaque, read

Message to be verified

token_buffer buffer, opaque, read

Token associated with message

qop_state gss_qop_t, modify, optional

quality of protection gained from MIC

Specify NULL if not required

Function value: GSS status code

GSS_S_COMPLETE Successful completion

GSS_S_DEFECTIVE_TOKEN The token failed consistency checks

GSS_S_BAD_SIG The MIC was incorrect

GSS_S_DUPLICATE_TOKEN The token was valid, and contained a correct

MIC for the message, but it had already been


GSS_S_OLD_TOKEN The token was valid, and contained a correct MIC

for the message, but it is too old to check for


GSS_S_UNSEQ_TOKEN The token was valid, and contained a correct MIC

for the message, but has been verified out of

sequence; a later token has already been received.

GSS_S_GAP_TOKEN The token was valid, and contained a correct MIC

for the message, but has been verified out of

sequence; an earlier expected token has not yet

been received.

GSS_S_CONTEXT_EXPIRED The context has already expired

GSS_S_NO_CONTEXT The context_handle parameter did not identify a

valid context

5.33. gss_wrap

OM_uint32 gss_wrap (

OM_uint32 *minor_status,

const gss_ctx_id_t context_handle,

int conf_req_flag,

gss_qop_t qop_req

const gss_buffer_t input_message_buffer,

int *conf_state,

gss_buffer_t output_message_buffer )


Attaches a cryptographic MIC and optionally encrypts the specified

input_message. The output_message contains both the MIC and the

message. The qop_req parameter allows a choice between several

cryptographic algorithms, if supported by the chosen mechanism.

Since some application-level protocols may wish to use tokens emitted

by gss_wrap() to provide "secure framing", implementations must

support the wrapping of zero-length messages.


minor_status Integer, modify

Mechanism specific status code.

context_handle gss_ctx_id_t, read

Identifies the context on which the message

will be sent

conf_req_flag boolean, read

Non-zero - Both confidentiality and integrity

services are requested

Zero - Only integrity service is requested

qop_req gss_qop_t, read, optional

Specifies required quality of protection. A

mechanism-specific default may be requested by

setting qop_req to GSS_C_QOP_DEFAULT. If an

unsupported protection strength is requested,

gss_wrap will return a major_status of


input_message_buffer buffer, opaque, read

Message to be protected

conf_state boolean, modify, optional

Non-zero - Confidentiality, data origin

authentication and integrity

services have been applied

Zero - Integrity and data origin services only

has been applied.

Specify NULL if not required

output_message_buffer buffer, opaque, modify

Buffer to receive protected message.

Storage associated with this message must

be freed by the application after use with

a call to gss_release_buffer().

Function value: GSS status code

GSS_S_COMPLETE Successful completion

GSS_S_CONTEXT_EXPIRED The context has already expired

GSS_S_NO_CONTEXT The context_handle parameter did not identify a

valid context

GSS_S_BAD_QOP The specified QOP is not supported by the


5.34. gss_wrap_size_limit

OM_uint32 gss_wrap_size_limit (

OM_uint32 *minor_status,

const gss_ctx_id_t context_handle,

int conf_req_flag,

gss_qop_t qop_req,

OM_uint32 req_output_size,

OM_uint32 *max_input_size)


Allows an application to determine the maximum message size that, if

presented to gss_wrap with the same conf_req_flag and qop_req

parameters, will result in an output token containing no more than

req_output_size bytes.

This call is intended for use by applications that communicate over

protocols that impose a maximum message size. It enables the

application to fragment messages prior to applying protection.

GSS-API implementations are recommended but not required to detect

invalid QOP values when gss_wrap_size_limit() is called. This routine

guarantees only a maximum message size, not the availability of

specific QOP values for message protection.

Successful completion of this call does not guarantee that gss_wrap

will be able to protect a message of length max_input_size bytes,

since this ability may depend on the availability of system resources

at the time that gss_wrap is called. However, if the implementation

itself imposes an upper limit on the length of messages that may be

processed by gss_wrap, the implementation should not return a value

via max_input_bytes that is greater than this length.


minor_status Integer, modify

Mechanism specific status code

context_handle gss_ctx_id_t, read

A handle that refers to the security over

which the messages will be sent.

conf_req_flag Boolean, read

Indicates whether gss_wrap will be asked

to apply confidentiality protection in

addition to integrity protection. See

the routine description for gss_wrap

for more details.

qop_req gss_qop_t, read

Indicates the level of protection that

gss_wrap will be asked to provide. See

the routine description for gss_wrap for

more details.

req_output_size Integer, read

The desired maximum size for tokens emitted

by gss_wrap.

max_input_size Integer, modify

The maximum input message size that may

be presented to gss_wrap in order to

guarantee that the emitted token shall

be no larger than req_output_size bytes.

Function value: GSS status code

GSS_S_COMPLETE Successful completion

GSS_S_NO_CONTEXT The referenced context could not be accessed.

GSS_S_CONTEXT_EXPIRED The context has expired.

GSS_S_BAD_QOP The specified QOP is not supported by the


6. Security Considerations

This document specifies a service interface for security facilities

and services; as such, security considerations appear throughout the

specification. Nonetheless, it is appropriate to summarize certain

specific points relevant to GSS-API implementors and calling

applications. Usage of the GSS-API interface does not in itself

provide security services or assurance; instead, these attributes are

dependent on the underlying mechanism(s) which support a GSS-API

implementation. Callers must be attentive to the requests made to

GSS-API calls and to the status indicators returned by GSS-API, as

these specify the security service characteristics which GSS-API will

provide. When the interprocess context transfer facility is used,

appropriate local controls should be applied to constrain access to

interprocess tokens and to the sensitive data which they contain.

Appendix A. GSS-API C header file gssapi.h

C-language GSS-API implementations should include a copy of the

following header-file.

#ifndef GSSAPI_H_

#define GSSAPI_H_


* First, include stddef.h to get size_t defined.


#include <stddef.h>


* If the platform supports the xom.h header file, it should be

* included here.


#include <xom.h>


* Now define the three implementation-dependent types.


typedef <platform-specific> gss_ctx_id_t;

typedef <platform-specific> gss_cred_id_t;

typedef <platform-specific> gss_name_t;


* The following type must be defined as the smallest natural

* unsigned integer supported by the platform that has at least

* 32 bits of precision.


typedef <platform-specific> gss_uint32;

#ifdef OM_STRING


* We have included the xom.h header file. Verify that OM_uint32

* is defined correctly.


#if sizeof(gss_uint32) != sizeof(OM_uint32)

#error Incompatible definition of OM_uint32 from xom.h


typedef OM_object_identifier gss_OID_desc, *gss_OID;



* We can't use X/Open definitions, so roll our own.


typedef gss_uint32 OM_uint32;

typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct {

OM_uint32 length;

void *elements;

} gss_OID_desc, *gss_OID;


typedef struct gss_OID_set_desc_struct {

size_t count;

gss_OID elements;

} gss_OID_set_desc, *gss_OID_set;

typedef struct gss_buffer_desc_struct {

size_t length;

void *value;

} gss_buffer_desc, *gss_buffer_t;

typedef struct gss_channel_bindings_struct {

OM_uint32 initiator_addrtype;

gss_buffer_desc initiator_address;

OM_uint32 acceptor_addrtype;

gss_buffer_desc acceptor_address;

gss_buffer_desc application_data;

} *gss_channel_bindings_t;


* For now, define a QOP-type as an OM_uint32


typedef OM_uint32 gss_qop_t;

typedef int gss_cred_usage_t;


* Flag bits for context-level services.


#define GSS_C_DELEG_FLAG 1




#define GSS_C_CONF_FLAG 16

#define GSS_C_INTEG_FLAG 32

#define GSS_C_ANON_FLAG 64


#define GSS_C_TRANS_FLAG 256


* Credential usage options


#define GSS_C_BOTH 0

#define GSS_C_INITIATE 1

#define GSS_C_ACCEPT 2


* Status code types for gss_display_status


#define GSS_C_GSS_CODE 1

#define GSS_C_MECH_CODE 2


* The constant definitions for channel-bindings address families


#define GSS_C_AF_UNSPEC 0

#define GSS_C_AF_LOCAL 1

#define GSS_C_AF_INET 2

#define GSS_C_AF_IMPLINK 3

#define GSS_C_AF_PUP 4

#define GSS_C_AF_CHAOS 5

#define GSS_C_AF_NS 6

#define GSS_C_AF_NBS 7

#define GSS_C_AF_ECMA 8

#define GSS_C_AF_DATAKIT 9

#define GSS_C_AF_CCITT 10

#define GSS_C_AF_SNA 11

#define GSS_C_AF_DECnet 12

#define GSS_C_AF_DLI 13

#define GSS_C_AF_LAT 14

#define GSS_C_AF_HYLINK 15


#define GSS_C_AF_BSC 17

#define GSS_C_AF_DSS 18

#define GSS_C_AF_OSI 19

#define GSS_C_AF_X25 21

#define GSS_C_AF_NULLADDR 255


* Various Null values


#define GSS_C_NO_NAME ((gss_name_t) 0)

#define GSS_C_NO_BUFFER ((gss_buffer_t) 0)

#define GSS_C_NO_OID ((gss_OID) 0)

#define GSS_C_NO_OID_SET ((gss_OID_set) 0)

#define GSS_C_NO_CONTEXT ((gss_ctx_id_t) 0)

#define GSS_C_NO_CREDENTIAL ((gss_cred_id_t) 0)

#define GSS_C_NO_CHANNEL_BINDINGS ((gss_channel_bindings_t) 0)



* Some alternate names for a couple of the above

* values. These are defined for V1 compatibility.





* Define the default Quality of Protection for per-message

* services. Note that an implementation that offers multiple

* levels of QOP may define GSS_C_QOP_DEFAULT to be either zero

* (as done here) to mean "default protection", or to a specific

* explicit QOP value. However, a value of 0 should always be

* interpreted by a GSS-API implementation as a request for the

* default protection level.




* Expiration time of 2^32-1 seconds means infinite lifetime for a

* credential or security context


#define GSS_C_INDEFINITE 0xfffffffful


* The implementation must reserve static storage for a

* gss_OID_desc object containing the value

* {10, (void *)"\x2a\x86\x48\x86\xf7\x12"

* "\x01\x02\x01\x01"},

* corresponding to an object-identifier value of

* {iso(1) member-body(2) United States(840) mit(113554)

* infosys(1) gssapi(2) generic(1) user_name(1)}. The constant

* GSS_C_NT_USER_NAME should be initialized to point

* to that gss_OID_desc.


extern gss_OID GSS_C_NT_USER_NAME;


* The implementation must reserve static storage for a

* gss_OID_desc object containing the value

* {10, (void *)"\x2a\x86\x48\x86\xf7\x12"

* "\x01\x02\x01\x02"},

* corresponding to an object-identifier value of

* {iso(1) member-body(2) United States(840) mit(113554)

* infosys(1) gssapi(2) generic(1) machine_uid_name(2)}.

* The constant GSS_C_NT_MACHINE_UID_NAME should be

* initialized to point to that gss_OID_desc.




* The implementation must reserve static storage for a

* gss_OID_desc object containing the value

* {10, (void *)"\x2a\x86\x48\x86\xf7\x12"

* "\x01\x02\x01\x03"},

* corresponding to an object-identifier value of

* {iso(1) member-body(2) United States(840) mit(113554)

* infosys(1) gssapi(2) generic(1) string_uid_name(3)}.

* The constant GSS_C_NT_STRING_UID_NAME should be

* initialized to point to that gss_OID_desc.




* The implementation must reserve static storage for a

* gss_OID_desc object containing the value

* {6, (void *)"\x2b\x06\x01\x05\x06\x02"},

* corresponding to an object-identifier value of

* {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) security(5)

* nametypes(6) gss-host-based-services(2)). The constant

* GSS_C_NT_HOSTBASED_SERVICE_X should be initialized to point

* to that gss_OID_desc. This is a deprecated OID value, and

* implementations wishing to support hostbased-service names

* should instead use the GSS_C_NT_HOSTBASED_SERVICE OID,

* defined below, to identify such names;

* GSS_C_NT_HOSTBASED_SERVICE_X should be accepted a synonym

* for GSS_C_NT_HOSTBASED_SERVICE when presented as an input

* parameter, but should not be emitted by GSS-API

* implementations




* The implementation must reserve static storage for a

* gss_OID_desc object containing the value

* {10, (void *)"\x2a\x86\x48\x86\xf7\x12"

* "\x01\x02\x01\x04"}, corresponding to an

* object-identifier value of {iso(1) member-body(2)

* Unites States(840) mit(113554) infosys(1) gssapi(2)

* generic(1) service_name(4)}. The constant

* GSS_C_NT_HOSTBASED_SERVICE should be initialized

* to point to that gss_OID_desc.




* The implementation must reserve static storage for a

* gss_OID_desc object containing the value

* {6, (void *)"\x2b\x06\01\x05\x06\x03"},

* corresponding to an object identifier value of

* {1(iso), 3(org), 6(dod), 1(internet), 5(security),

* 6(nametypes), 3(gss-anonymous-name)}. The constant

* and GSS_C_NT_ANONYMOUS should be initialized to point

* to that gss_OID_desc.




* The implementation must reserve static storage for a

* gss_OID_desc object containing the value

* {6, (void *)"\x2b\x06\x01\x05\x06\x04"},

* corresponding to an object-identifier value of

* {1(iso), 3(org), 6(dod), 1(internet), 5(security),

* 6(nametypes), 4(gss-api-exported-name)}. The constant

* GSS_C_NT_EXPORT_NAME should be initialized to point

* to that gss_OID_desc.



/* Major status codes */

#define GSS_S_COMPLETE 0


* Some "helper" definitions to make the status code macros obvious.







#define GSS_C_SUPPLEMENTARY_MASK 0177777ul


* The macros that test status codes for error conditions.

* Note that the GSS_ERROR() macro has changed slightly from

* the V1 GSS-API so that it now evaluates its argument

* only once.







* Now the actual status code definitions



* Calling errors:






* Routine errors:


#define GSS_S_BAD_MECH (1ul <<


#define GSS_S_BAD_NAME (2ul <<


#define GSS_S_BAD_NAMETYPE (3ul <<


#define GSS_S_BAD_BINDINGS (4ul <<


#define GSS_S_BAD_STATUS (5ul <<


#define GSS_S_BAD_SIG (6ul <<



#define GSS_S_NO_CRED (7ul <<


#define GSS_S_NO_CONTEXT (8ul <<


#define GSS_S_DEFECTIVE_TOKEN (9ul <<






#define GSS_S_CONTEXT_EXPIRED (12ul <<


#define GSS_S_FAILURE (13ul <<


#define GSS_S_BAD_QOP (14ul <<


#define GSS_S_UNAUTHORIZED (15ul <<


#define GSS_S_UNAVAILABLE (16ul <<


#define GSS_S_DUPLICATE_ELEMENT (17ul <<


#define GSS_S_NAME_NOT_MN (18ul <<



* Supplementary info bits:








* Finally, function prototypes for the GSS-API routines.


OM_uint32 gss_acquire_cred

(OM_uint32 , /* minor_status */

const gss_name_t, /* desired_name */

OM_uint32, /* time_req */

const gss_OID_set, /* desired_mechs */

gss_cred_usage_t, /* cred_usage */

gss_cred_id_t , /* output_cred_handle */

gss_OID_set , /* actual_mechs */

OM_uint32 * /* time_rec */


OM_uint32 gss_release_cred

(OM_uint32 , /* minor_status */

gss_cred_id_t * /* cred_handle */


OM_uint32 gss_init_sec_context

(OM_uint32 , /* minor_status */

const gss_cred_id_t, /* initiator_cred_handle */

gss_ctx_id_t , /* context_handle */

const gss_name_t, /* target_name */

const gss_OID, /* mech_type */

OM_uint32, /* req_flags */

OM_uint32, /* time_req */

const gss_channel_bindings_t,

/* input_chan_bindings */

const gss_buffer_t, /* input_token */

gss_OID , /* actual_mech_type */

gss_buffer_t, /* output_token */

OM_uint32 , /* ret_flags */

OM_uint32 * /* time_rec */


OM_uint32 gss_accept_sec_context

(OM_uint32 , /* minor_status */

gss_ctx_id_t , /* context_handle */

const gss_cred_id_t, /* acceptor_cred_handle */

const gss_buffer_t, /* input_token_buffer */

const gss_channel_bindings_t,

/* input_chan_bindings */

gss_name_t , /* src_name */

gss_OID , /* mech_type */

gss_buffer_t, /* output_token */

OM_uint32 , /* ret_flags */

OM_uint32 , /* time_rec */

gss_cred_id_t * /* delegated_cred_handle */


OM_uint32 gss_process_context_token

(OM_uint32 , /* minor_status */

const gss_ctx_id_t, /* context_handle */

const gss_buffer_t /* token_buffer */


OM_uint32 gss_delete_sec_context

(OM_uint32 , /* minor_status */

gss_ctx_id_t , /* context_handle */

gss_buffer_t /* output_token */


OM_uint32 gss_context_time

(OM_uint32 , /* minor_status */

const gss_ctx_id_t, /* context_handle */

OM_uint32 * /* time_rec */


OM_uint32 gss_get_mic

(OM_uint32 , /* minor_status */

const gss_ctx_id_t, /* context_handle */

gss_qop_t, /* qop_req */

const gss_buffer_t, /* message_buffer */

gss_buffer_t /* message_token */


OM_uint32 gss_verify_mic

(OM_uint32 , /* minor_status */

const gss_ctx_id_t, /* context_handle */

const gss_buffer_t, /* message_buffer */

const gss_buffer_t, /* token_buffer */

gss_qop_t * /* qop_state */


OM_uint32 gss_wrap

(OM_uint32 , /* minor_status */

const gss_ctx_id_t, /* context_handle */

int, /* conf_req_flag */

gss_qop_t, /* qop_req */

const gss_buffer_t, /* input_message_buffer */

int , /* conf_state */

gss_buffer_t /* output_message_buffer */


OM_uint32 gss_unwrap

(OM_uint32 , /* minor_status */

const gss_ctx_id_t, /* context_handle */

const gss_buffer_t, /* input_message_buffer */

gss_buffer_t, /* output_message_buffer */

int , /* conf_state */

gss_qop_t * /* qop_state */


OM_uint32 gss_display_status

(OM_uint32 , /* minor_status */

OM_uint32, /* status_value */

int, /* status_type */

const gss_OID, /* mech_type */

OM_uint32 , /* message_context */

gss_buffer_t /* status_string */


OM_uint32 gss_indicate_mechs

(OM_uint32 , /* minor_status */

gss_OID_set * /* mech_set */


OM_uint32 gss_compare_name

(OM_uint32 , /* minor_status */

const gss_name_t, /* name1 */

const gss_name_t, /* name2 */

int * /* name_equal */


OM_uint32 gss_display_name

(OM_uint32 , /* minor_status */

const gss_name_t, /* input_name */

gss_buffer_t, /* output_name_buffer */

gss_OID * /* output_name_type */


OM_uint32 gss_import_name

(OM_uint32 , /* minor_status */

const gss_buffer_t, /* input_name_buffer */

const gss_OID, /* input_name_type */

gss_name_t * /* output_name */


OM_uint32 gss_export_name

(OM_uint32, /* minor_status */

const gss_name_t, /* input_name */

gss_buffer_t /* exported_name */


OM_uint32 gss_release_name

(OM_uint32 *, /* minor_status */

gss_name_t * /* input_name */


OM_uint32 gss_release_buffer

(OM_uint32 , /* minor_status */

gss_buffer_t /* buffer */


OM_uint32 gss_release_oid_set

(OM_uint32 , /* minor_status */

gss_OID_set * /* set */


OM_uint32 gss_inquire_cred

(OM_uint32 , /* minor_status */

const gss_cred_id_t, /* cred_handle */

gss_name_t , /* name */

OM_uint32 , /* lifetime */

gss_cred_usage_t , /* cred_usage */

gss_OID_set * /* mechanisms */


OM_uint32 gss_inquire_context (

OM_uint32 , /* minor_status */

const gss_ctx_id_t, /* context_handle */

gss_name_t , /* src_name */

gss_name_t , /* targ_name */

OM_uint32 , /* lifetime_rec */

gss_OID , /* mech_type */

OM_uint32 , /* ctx_flags */

int , /* locally_initiated */

int * /* open */


OM_uint32 gss_wrap_size_limit (

OM_uint32 , /* minor_status */

const gss_ctx_id_t, /* context_handle */

int, /* conf_req_flag */

gss_qop_t, /* qop_req */

OM_uint32, /* req_output_size */

OM_uint32 * /* max_input_size */


OM_uint32 gss_add_cred (

OM_uint32 , /* minor_status */

const gss_cred_id_t, /* input_cred_handle */

const gss_name_t, /* desired_name */

const gss_OID, /* desired_mech */

gss_cred_usage_t, /* cred_usage */

OM_uint32, /* initiator_time_req */

OM_uint32, /* acceptor_time_req */

gss_cred_id_t , /* output_cred_handle */

gss_OID_set , /* actual_mechs */

OM_uint32 , /* initiator_time_rec */

OM_uint32 * /* acceptor_time_rec */


OM_uint32 gss_inquire_cred_by_mech (

OM_uint32 , /* minor_status */

const gss_cred_id_t, /* cred_handle */

const gss_OID, /* mech_type */

gss_name_t , /* name */

OM_uint32 , /* initiator_lifetime */

OM_uint32 , /* acceptor_lifetime */

gss_cred_usage_t * /* cred_usage */


OM_uint32 gss_export_sec_context (

OM_uint32 , /* minor_status */

gss_ctx_id_t , /* context_handle */

gss_buffer_t /* interprocess_token */


OM_uint32 gss_import_sec_context (

OM_uint32 , /* minor_status */

const gss_buffer_t, /* interprocess_token */

gss_ctx_id_t * /* context_handle */


OM_uint32 gss_create_empty_oid_set (

OM_uint32 , /* minor_status */

gss_OID_set * /* oid_set */


OM_uint32 gss_add_oid_set_member (

OM_uint32 , /* minor_status */

const gss_OID, /* member_oid */

gss_OID_set * /* oid_set */


OM_uint32 gss_test_oid_set_member (

OM_uint32 , /* minor_status */

const gss_OID, /* member */

const gss_OID_set, /* set */

int * /* present */


OM_uint32 gss_inquire_names_for_mech (

OM_uint32 , /* minor_status */

const gss_OID, /* mechanism */

gss_OID_set * /* name_types */


OM_uint32 gss_inquire_mechs_for_name (

OM_uint32 , /* minor_status */

const gss_name_t, /* input_name */

gss_OID_set * /* mech_types */


OM_uint32 gss_canonicalize_name (

OM_uint32 , /* minor_status */

const gss_name_t, /* input_name */

const gss_OID, /* mech_type */

gss_name_t * /* output_name */


OM_uint32 gss_duplicate_name (

OM_uint32 , /* minor_status */

const gss_name_t, /* src_name */

gss_name_t * /* dest_name */



* The following routines are obsolete variants of gss_get_mic,

* gss_verify_mic, gss_wrap and gss_unwrap. They should be

* provided by GSS-API V2 implementations for backwards

* compatibility with V1 applications. Distinct entrypoints

* (as opposed to #defines) should be provided, both to allow

* GSS-API V1 applications to link against GSS-API V2


* and to retain the slight parameter type differences between the

* obsolete versions of these routines and their current forms.


OM_uint32 gss_sign

(OM_uint32 , /* minor_status */

gss_ctx_id_t, /* context_handle */

int, /* qop_req */

gss_buffer_t, /* message_buffer */

gss_buffer_t /* message_token */


OM_uint32 gss_verify

(OM_uint32 , /* minor_status */

gss_ctx_id_t, /* context_handle */

gss_buffer_t, /* message_buffer */

gss_buffer_t, /* token_buffer */

int * /* qop_state */


OM_uint32 gss_seal

(OM_uint32 , /* minor_status */

gss_ctx_id_t, /* context_handle */

int, /* conf_req_flag */

int, /* qop_req */

gss_buffer_t, /* input_message_buffer */

int , /* conf_state */

gss_buffer_t /* output_message_buffer */


OM_uint32 gss_unseal

(OM_uint32 , /* minor_status */

gss_ctx_id_t, /* context_handle */

gss_buffer_t, /* input_message_buffer */

gss_buffer_t, /* output_message_buffer */

int , /* conf_state */

int * /* qop_state */


#endif /* GSSAPI_H_ */

Appendix B. Additional constraints for application binary portability

The purpose of this C-bindings document is to encourage source-level

portability of applications across GSS-API implementations on

different platforms and atop different mechanisms. Additional goals

that have not been explicitly addressed by this document are link-

time and run-time portability.

Link-time portability provides the ability to compile an application

against one implementation of GSS-API, and then link it against a

different implementation on the same platform. It is a stricter

requirement than source-level portability.

Run-time portability differs from link-time portability only on those

platforms that implement dynamically loadable GSS-API

implementations, but do not offer load-time symbol resolution. On

such platforms, run-time portability is a stricter requirement than

link-time portability, and will typically include the precise

placement of the various GSS-API routines within library entrypoint


Individual platforms will impose their own rules that must be

followed to achieve link-time (and run-time, if different)

portability. In order to ensure either form of binary portability,

an ABI specification must be written for GSS-API implementations on

that platform. However, it is recognized that there are some issues

that are likely to be common to all such ABI specifications. This

appendix is intended to be a repository for such common issues, and

contains some suggestions that individual ABI specifications may

choose to reference. Since machine architectures vary greatly, it may

not be possible or desirable to follow these suggestions on all


B.1. Pointers

While ANSI-C provides a single pointer type for each declared type,

plus a single (void *) type, some platforms (notably those using

segmented memory architectures) augment this with various modified

pointer types (e.g. far pointers, near pointers). These language

bindings assume ANSI-C, and thus do not address such non-standard

implementations. GSS-API implementations for such platforms must

choose an appropriate memory model, and should use it consistently

throughout. For example, if a memory model is chosen that requires

the use of far pointers when passing routine parameters, then far

pointers should also be used within the structures defined by GSS-


B.2. Internal structure alignment

GSS-API defines several data-structures containing differently-sized

fields. An ABI specification should include a detailed description

of how the fields of such structures are aligned, and if there is any

internal padding in these data structures. The use of compiler

defaults for the platform is recommended.

B.3. Handle types

The C bindings specify that the gss_cred_id_t and gss_ctx_id_t types

should be implemented as either pointer or arithmetic types, and that

if pointer types are used, care should be taken to ensure that two

handles may be compared with the == operator. Note that ANSI-C does

not guarantee that two pointer values may be compared with the ==

operator unless either the two pointers point to members of a single

array, or at least one of the pointers contains a NULL value.

For binary portability, additional constraints are required. The

following is an attempt at defining platform-independent constraints.

The size of the handle type must be the same as sizeof(void *), using

the appropriate memory model.

The == operator for the chosen type must be a simple bit-wise

comparison. That is, for two in-memory handle objects h1 and h2, the

boolean value of the expression

(h1 == h2)

should always be the same as the boolean value of the expression

(memcmp(&h1, &h2, sizeof(h1)) == 0)

The actual use of the type (void *) for handle types is discouraged,

not for binary portability reasons, but since it effectively disables

much of the compile-time type-checking that the compiler can

otherwise perform, and is therefore not "programmer-friendly". If a

pointer implementation is desired, and if the platform's

implementation of pointers permits, the handles should be implemented

as pointers to distinct implementation-defined types.

B.4. The gss_name_t type

The gss_name_t type, representing the internal name object, should be

implemented as a pointer type. The use of the (void *) type is

discouraged as it does not allow the compiler to perform strong

type-checking. However, the pointer type chosen should be of the

same size as the (void *) type. Provided this rule is obeyed, ABI

specifications need not further constrain the implementation of

gss_name_t objects.

B.5. The int and size_t types

Some platforms may support differently sized implementations of the

"int" and "size_t" types, perhaps chosen through compiler switches,

and perhaps dependent on memory model. An ABI specification for such

a platform should include required implementations for these types.

It is recommended that the default implementation (for the chosen

memory model, if appropriate) is chosen.

B.6. Procedure-calling conventions

Some platforms support a variety of different binary conventions for

calling procedures. Such conventions cover things like the format of

the stack frame, the order in which the routine parameters are pushed

onto the stack, whether or not a parameter count is pushed onto the

stack, whether some argument(s) or return values are to be passed in

registers, and whether the called routine or the caller is

responsible for removing the stack frame on return. For such

platforms, an ABI specification should specify which calling

convention is to be used for GSS-API implementations.


[GSSAPI] Linn, J., "Generic Security Service Application Program

Interface Version 2, Update 1", RFC2743, January 2000.

[XOM] OSI Object Management API Specification, Version 2.0 t",

X.400 API Association & X/Open Company Limited, August

24, 1990 Specification of datatypes and routines for

manipulating information objects.

Author's Address

John Wray

Iris Associates

5 Technology Park Drive,

Westford, MA 01886


Phone: +1-978-392-6689

EMail: John_Wray@Iris.com

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Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2000). All Rights Reserved.

This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to

others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it

or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published

and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any

kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are

included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this

document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing

the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other

Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of

developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for

copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be

followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than


The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be

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