
RFC2772 - 6Bone Backbone Routing Guidelines

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
窄屏简体版  字體: |||超大  

Network Working Group R. Rockell

Request for Comments: 2772 Sprint

Obsoletes: 2546 R. Fink

Category: Informational ESnet

February 2000

6Bone Backbone Routing Guidelines

Status of this Memo

This memo provides information for the Internet community. It does

not specify an Internet standard of any kind. Distribution of this

memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2000). All Rights Reserved.


The 6Bone is an Ipv6 testbed to assist in the evolution and

deployment of IPv6. Because of this, it is important that the core

backbone of the IPv6 network maintain stability, and that all

operators have a common set of rules and guidelines by which to

deploy IPv6 routing equipment.

This document provides a set of guidelines for all 6bone routing

equipment operators to use as a reference for efficient and stable

deployment of 6bone routing systems. As the complexity of the 6Bone

grows,the adherence to a common set of rules becomes increasingly

important in order for an efficient, scalable backbone to exist.

Table of Contents

1. IntrodUCtion.................................................. 2

2. Scope of this document........................................ 3

3. Common Rules for the 6bone.................................... 3

3.1 Link-local prefixes...................................... 3

3.2 Site-local prefixes...................................... 4

3.3 Loopback and unspecified prefixes........................ 5

3.4 Multicast prefixes....................................... 5

3.5 IPv4 compatible prefixes................................. 5

3.6 IPv4-mapped prefixes..................................... 6

3.7 Default routes........................................... 6

3.8 Yet undefined unicast prefixes........................... 6

3.9 Inter-site links......................................... 6

3.10 6to4 Prefixes........................................... 7

3.11 Aggregation & advertisement issues...................... 7

4. Routing Policies for the 6bone................................ 7

5. The 6Bone Registry............................................ 8

6. Guidelines for new sites joining the 6Bone.................... 9

7. Guidelines for 6Bone pTLA sites............................... 9

8. 6Bone Operations group........................................ 11

9. Common rules enforcement for the 6bone........................ 11

10. Security Considerations...................................... 12

11. References................................................... 12

12. Authors' Addresses........................................... 13

13. Full Copyright Statement..................................... 14

1. Introduction

The 6Bone is an IPv6 testbed to assist in the evolution and

deployment of IPv6. Because of this, it is important that the core

backbone of the IPv6 network maintain stability, and that all

operators have a common set of rules and guidelines by which to

deploy IPv6 routing equipment.

This document provides a set of guidelines for all 6bone routing

equipment operators to use as a reference for efficient and stable

deployment of 6bone routing systems. As the complexity of the 6Bone

grows,the adherence to a common set of rules becomes increasingly

important in order for an efficient, scalable backbone to exist.

This document uses BGP-4 with Multiprotocol Extensions for BGP-4 as

defined [RFC2283], commonly referred to as BGP4+, as the currently

accepted EGP.



document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119].

2. Scope of this document

This document is a best-practices Informational document aimed at

IPv6 entities which operate under the 6Bone IPv6 testbed TLA


3. Common Rules for the 6bone

This section details common rules governing the routing of the 6Bone.

They are derived from the issues encountered on the 6Bone, with

respect to the routes advertised, handling of special addresses, and


1) link local prefixes

2) site local prefixes

3) loopback and unspecified prefixes

4) multicast prefixes

5) IPv4-compatible prefixes

6) IPv4-mapped prefixes

7) default routes

8) yet undefined unicast prefixes (from a different /3 prefix)

9) inter-site links issues

10) 6to4 prefixes

11) aggregation & advertisement issues

3.1 Link-local prefixes

This link-local prefix (FE80::/10) MUST NOT be advertised through

either an IGP or an EGP. Under no circumstance should this prefix be

seen in the 6Bone backbone routing table.

By definition, the link-local prefix has a scope limited to a

specific link. Since the prefix is the same on all IPv6 links,

advertising it in any routing protocol does not make sense and,

worse, may introduce nasty error conditions.

Well known cases where link-local prefixes could be advertised by

mistake include, but are not limited to:

- a router advertising all directly connected network prefixes

including the link-local one

- subnetting of the link-local prefix

In such cases, vendors should be urged to correct their code. While

vendors should be encouraged to fix the problem, the ultimate

responsibility lies on the operator of that IPv6 site to correct the

problem through whatever means necessary.

Should a pTLA discover link-local prefixes coming from another pTLA,

it is the responsibility of the pTLA leaking the routes to filter

these, and correct the problem in a timely fashion. Should a pTLA

discover that a downstream of that pTLA is leaking link-local

prefixes, it is the pTLA's responsibility to ensure that these

prefixes are not leaked to other pTLA's, or to other downstreams of

that pTLA.

Failure to filter such routes in a timely fashion may result in the

manual shutting down of BGP4+ sessions to that pTLA, from other


(Also, it is each pTLA, pNLA, and end-site's responsibility to not

only filter their own BGP4+ sessions appropriately to peers, but to

filter routes coming from peers as well, and to only allow those

routes that fit the aggregation model, and do not cause operational


3.2 Site-local prefixes

Site local prefixes (in the FEC0::/10 range) MAY be advertised by

IGP's or EGP's within a site. The precise definition of a site is

ongoing work of the IPng working group, but should generally include

a group of nodes that are operating under one administrator or group

of administrators, or a group of nodes which are used for a common


Site-local prefixes MUST NOT be advertised across transit pNLAs,

pTLAs, or leaf-sites.

Again, should site-local prefixes be leaked outside of a given site,

it is the responsibility of the site to fix the problem in a timely

manner, either through filters, or via other means which remove the

operational impact that those prefixes had on the peering sites

involved. However, every site SHOULD filter not only outbound on

their EGP, but also inbound, in order to ensure proper routing

announcements are not only sent, but also received.

3.3 Loopback and unspecified prefixes

The loopback prefix (::1/128) and the unspecified prefix (::0/128)

MUST NOT be advertised by any routing protocol.

The same responsibility lies with the party guilty of advertising the

loopback or unspecified prefix as in Section 3.1 and 3.2.

3.4 Multicast prefixes

Multicast prefixes MUST NOT be advertised by any unicast routing

protocol. Multicast routing protocols are designed to respect the

semantics of multicast and MUST therefore be used to route packets

with multicast destination addresses (in the range of FF00::/8).

Multicast address scopes MUST be respected on the 6Bone. Only global

scope multicast addresses MAY be routed across transit pNLAs and

pTLAs. There is no requirement on a pTLA to route multicast packets

at the time of the writing of this memo.

Organization-local multicasts (in the FF08::/16 or FF18::/16 ranges)

MAY be routed across a pNLA to its leaf sites.

Site-local multicasts MUST NOT be routed toward transit pNLAs or


Link-local multicasts and node-local multicasts MUST NOT be routed at


3.5 IPv4 compatible prefixes

Sites may choose to use IPv4 compatible addresses (::a.b.c.d where

a.b.c.d represents the octets of an IPv4 address) internally. As

there is no real rationale today for doing so, these address SHOULD

NOT be used or routed in the 6Bone.

The ::/96 IPv4-compatible prefixes MAY be advertised by IGPs.

IPv4 compatible prefixes MUST NOT be advertised by EGPs to transit

pNLAs or pTLAs.

Should ::/96 IPv4-compatible prefixes be leaked into an EGP, it is

the responsibility of the party who is advertising the route to fix

the problem, either through proper filters, or through other means,

while it remains in the best interest of all particiapants of the

6Bone to filter both outbound and inbound at their IGP borders.

3.6 IPv4-mapped prefixes

IPv4-mapped prefixes (::FFFF:a.b.c.d where a.b.c.d represents the

octets of an IPv4 address) MAY be advertised by IGPs within a site.

It may be useful for some IPv6 only nodes within a site to have such

a route pointing to a translation device, to aid in deployment of


IPv4-mapped prefixes MUST NOT be advertised by EGPs.

3.7 Default routes

6Bone core pTLA routers MUST be default-free.

pTLAs MAY advertise a default route to any downstream peer (non-pTLA

site). Transit pNLAs MAY advertise a default route to any of their

downstreams (other transit pNLA or leaf site).

Should a default route be redistributed into an EGP and found on any

pTLA EGP sessions, it is the responsibility of the pTLA to fix this

problem immediately upon realization of the route's existence, and

the responsibility of the guilty pTLA to push the entity from which

the default route was originated, should the default route have

originated from downstream of a pTLA.

3.8 Yet undefined unicast prefixes

Yet undefined unicast prefixes from a format prefix other than

2000::/3 MUST NOT be advertised by any routing protocol in the 6Bone.

In particular, RFC2471 test addresses MUST NOT be advertised on the


Routing of global unicast prefixes outside the 6Bone range

(3ffe::/16), and routing of global unicast prefixes yet undelegated

in the range (3ffe::/16) are discussed in section 4, Routing

policies, below.

3.9 Inter-site links

Global IPv6 addresses must be used for the end points of inter-site

links. In particular, IPv4 compatible addresses MUST NOT be used for


Sites MAY use Other addressing schemes for Inter-site links, but

these addresses MUST NOT be advertised into the IPv6 global routing


Prefixes for inter-site links MUST NOT be injected in the global

routing tables.

3.10 6to4 Prefixes

The 6to4 prefix, or some portion thereof, MAY be announced by any

pTLA which has a current implementation of 6to4 in their IPv6

network. However, as 6to4 implementors gain more operational

eXPerience, it MAY be necessary to change this in some way. At the

time of the writing of this docuement, any pTLA MAY announce the 6to4

prefix into global EBGP. However, in order to announce this block,

the pTLA MUST have a 6to4 router active, sourcing this prefix


This section subject to change, and MAY vary, depending on 6to4

progress within the NGTRANS working group.

3.11 Aggregation & advertisement issues

Route aggregation MUST be performed by any border router talking EGP

with any other IPv6 sites. More-specifics MUST NOT be leaked into or

across the IPv6 6Bone backbone.

4. Routing Policies for the 6bone

Leaf sites or pNLAs MUST only advertise to an upstream provider the

prefixes assigned by that provider. Advertising a prefix assigned by

another provider to a provider is not acceptable, and breaks the

aggregation model. A site MUST NOT advertise a prefix from another

provider to a provider as a way around the multi-homing problem.

However, in the interest of testing new solutions, one may break this

policy, so long as ALL affected parties are aware of this test, and

all agree to support this testing. These policy breaks MUST NOT

affect the 6bone routing table globally.

To clarify, if one has two upstream pNLA or pTLA providers, (A and B

for this example), one MUST only announce the prefix delegated to one

by provider A to provider A, and one MUST only announce the prefeix

delegated by one from provider B upstream to provider B. There exists

no circumstance where this should be violated, as it breaks the

aggregation model, and could globally affect routing decisions if

downstreams are able to leak other providers' more specific

delegations up to a pTLA. As the IPNG working group works through the

multi-homing problem, there may be a need to alter this rule

slightly, to test new strategies for deployment. However, in the case

of current specifications at the time of this writing, there is no

reason to advertise more specifics, and pTLA's MUST adhere to the

current aggregation model.

Site border routers for pNLA or leaf sites MUST NOT advertise

prefixes more specific (longer) than the prefix that was allocated by

their upstream provider.

All 6bone pTLAs MUST NOT advertise prefixes longer than a given pTLA

delegation (currently /24 or /28) to other 6bone pTLAs unless special

peering arrangements are implemented. When such special peering

aggreements are in place between any two or more 6bone pTLAs, care

MUST be taken not to leak the more specifics to other 6bone pTLAs not

participating in the peering aggreement. 6bone pTLAs which have such

agreements in place MUST NOT advertise other 6bone pTLA more

specifics to downstream 6bone pNLAs or leaf sites, as this will break

the best-path routing decision.

The peering agreements across the 6Bone may be by nature non-

commercial, and therefore MAY allow transit traffic, if peering

agreements of this nature are made. However, no pTLA is REQUIRED to

give or receive transit service from another pTLA.

Eventually, the Internet registries will assign prefixes under other

than the 6Bone TLA (3FFE::/16). As of the time this document was

written in 1999, the Internet registries were starting to assign /35

sub-TLA (sTLA) blocks from the 2001::/16 TLA. Others will certainly

be used in the future.

The organizations receiving prefixes under these newer TLAs would be

expected to want to establish peering and connectivity relationships

with other IPv6 networks, both in the newer TLA space and in the

6bone pTLA space. Peering between new TLA's and the current 6Bone

pTLA's MAY occur, and details such as transit, and what routes are

received by each, are outside of general peering rules as stated in

this memo, and are left up to the members of those TLA's and pTLA's

that are establishing said peerings. However, it is expected that

most of the rules discussed here are equally applicable to new TLAs.

5. The 6Bone Registry

The 6Bone registry is a RIPE-181 database with IPv6 extensions used

to store information about the 6Bone, and its sites. The 6bone is

Accessible at:


Each 6Bone site MUST maintain the relevant entries in the 6Bone

registry. In particular, the following object MUST be present for all

6Bone leaf sites, pNLAs and pTLAs:

- IPv6-site: site description

- Inet6num: prefix delegation (one record MUST exist for each


- Mntner: contact info for site maintance/administration staff.

Other object MAY be maintained at the discretion of the sites such as

routing policy descriptors, person, or role objects. The Mntner

object MUST make reference to a role or person object, but those MAY

NOT necessarily reside in the 6Bone registry. They can be stored

within any of the Internet registry databases (ARIN, APNIC, RIPE-NCC,


6. Guidelines for new sites joining the 6Bone

New sites joining the 6Bone should seek to connect to a transit pNLA

or a pTLA within their region, and preferably as close as possible to

their existing IPv4 physical and routing path for Internet service.

The 6Bone web site at <http://www.6bone.net> has various information

and tools to help find candidate 6bone networks.

Any site connected to the 6Bone MUST maintain a DNS server for

forward name lookups and reverse address lookups. The joining site

MUST maintain the 6Bone objects relative to its site, as describe in

section 5.

The upstream provider MUST delegate the reverse address translation

zone in DNS to the joining site, or have an agreement in place to

perform primary DNS for that downstream. The provider MUST also

create the 6Bone registry inet6num object reflecting the delegated

address space.

Up to date informatino about how to join the 6Bone is available on

the 6Bone Web site at <http://www.6bone.net>.

7. Guidelines for 6Bone pTLA sites

The following rules apply to qualify for a 6Bone pTLA allocation. It

should be recognized that holders of 6Bone pTLA allocations are

expected to provide production quality backbone network services for

the 6Bone.

1. The pTLA Applicant must have a minimum of three (3) months

qualifying experience as a 6Bone end-site or pNLA transit. During

the entire qualifying period the Applicant must be operationally

providing the following:

a. Fully maintained, up to date, 6Bone Registry entries for their

ipv6-site inet6num, mntner, and person objects, including each

tunnel that the Applicant has.

b. Fully maintained, and reliable, BGP4+ peering and connectivity

between the Applicant's boundary router and the appropriate

connection point into the 6Bone. This router must be IPv6

pingable. This criteria is judged by members of the 6Bone

Operations Group at the time of the Applicant's pTLA request.

c. Fully maintained DNS forward (AAAA) and reverse (ip6.int)

entries for the Applicant's router(s) and at least one host


d. A fully maintained, and reliable, IPv6-accessible system

providing, at a mimimum, one or more web pages, describing the

Applicant's IPv6 services. This server must be IPv6 pingable.

2. The pTLA Applicant MUST have the ability and intent to provide

"production-quality" 6Bone backbone service. Applicants must

provide a statement and information in support of this claim.

This MUST include the following:

a. A support staff of two persons minimum, three preferable, with

person attributes registered for each in the ipv6-site object

for the pTLA applicant.

b. A common mailbox for support contact purposes that all support

staff have acess to, pointed to with a notify attribute in the

ipv6-site object for the pTLA Applicant.

3. The pTLA Applicant MUST have a potential "user community" that

would be served by its becoming a pTLA, e.g., the Applicant is a

major provider of Internet service in a region, country, or focus

of interest. Applicant must provide a statement and information in

support this claim.

4. The pTLA Applicant MUST commit to abide by the current 6Bone

operational rules and policies as they exist at time of its

application, and agree to abide by future 6Bone backbone

operational rules and policies as they evolve by consensus of the

6Bone backbone and user community.

When an Applicant seeks to receive a pTLA allocation, it will apply

to the 6Bone Operations Group (see section 8 below) by providing to

the Group information in support of its claims that it meets the

criteria above.

8. 6Bone Operations Group

The 6Bone Operations Group is the group in charge of monitoring and

policing adherence to the current rules. Membership in the 6Bone

Operations Group is mandatory for, and restricted to, sites connected

to the 6Bone.

The 6Bone Operations Group is currently defined by those members of

the existing 6Bone mailing list who represent sites participating in

the 6Bone. Therefore it is incumbent on relevant site contacts to

join the 6Bone mailing list. Instructions on how to join the list are

maintained on the 6Bone web site at < http://www.6bone.net>.

9. Common rules enforcement for the 6bone

Participation in the 6Bone is a voluntary and benevolent undertaking.

However, participating sites are expected to adhere to the rules and

policies described in this document in order to maintain the 6Bone as

a quality tool for the deployment of, and transition to, IPv6

protocols and the products implementing them.

The following is in support of policing adherence to 6Bone rules and


1. Each pTLA site has committed to implement the 6Bone's rules and

policies, and SHOULD try to ensure they are adhered to by sites

within their administrative control, i.e. those to who prefixes

under their respective pTLA prefix have been delegated.

2. When a site detects an issue, it SHOULD first use the 6Bone

registry to contact the site maintainer and work the issue.

3. If nothing happens, or there is disagreement on what the right

solution is, the issue SHOULD be brought to the 6Bone Operations


4. When the problem is related to a product issue, the site(s)

involved SHOULD be responsible for contacting the product vendor

and work toward its resolution.

5. When an issue causes major operational problems, backbone sites

SHOULD decide to temporarily set filters in order to restore


10. Security Considerations

The result of incorrect entries in routing tables is usually

unreachable sites. Having guidelines to aggregate or reject routes

will clean up the routing tables. It is expected that using these

rules and policies, routing on the 6Bone will be less sensitive to

denial of service attacks due to misleading routes.

The 6Bone is an IPv6 testbed to assist in the evolution and

deployment of IPv6. Therefore, denial of service or packet disclosure

are to be expected. However, it is the pTLA from where the attack

originated who has ultimate responsibility for isolating and fixing

problems of this nature. It is also every 6Bone site's responsibility

to safely introduce new test systems into the 6Bone, by placing them

at a strategically safe places which will have minimal impact on

other 6Bone sites, should bugs or misconfigurations occur.

11. References

[RFC2373] Hinden, R. and S. Deering, "IP Version 6 Addressing

Architecture", RFC2373, July 1998.

[RFC2471] Hinden, R., Fink, R. and J. Postel, "IPv6 Testing Address

Allocation", RFC2471, December 1998.

[RFC2546] Durand, A. and B. Buclin, "6Bone Routing Practice", RFC

2546, March 1999

[RFC2080] Malkin, G. and R. Minnear, "RIPng for IPv6", RFC2080,

January 1997.

[RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate

Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC2119, March 1997.

[RFC2283] Bates, T., Chandra, R., Katz, D. and Y. Rekhter,

"Multiprotocol Extensions for BGP-4", RFC2283, March


[RIPE-181] Bates, T., Gerich, E., Joncheray, L., Jouanigot, J.,

Karrenberg, D., Terpstra, M. and J. Yu, Representation

of IP Routing Policies in a Routing Registry. Technical

Report ripe-181, RIPE, RIPE NCC, Amsterdam, Netherlands,

October 1994.

12. Authors' Addresses

Rob Rockell

EMail: rrockell@sprint.net

Bob Fink

EMail: fink@es.net

13. Full Copyright Statement

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2000). All Rights Reserved.

This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to

others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it

or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published

and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any

kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are

included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this

document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing

the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other

Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of

developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for

copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be

followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than


The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be

revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.

This document and the information contained herein is provided on an







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