
RFC2871 - A Framework for Telephony Routing over IP

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group J. Rosenberg

Request for Comments: 2871 dynamicsoft

Category: Informational H. Schulzrinne

Columbia University

June 2000

A Framework for Telephony Routing over IP

Status of this Memo

This memo provides information for the Internet community. It does

not specify an Internet standard of any kind. Distribution of this

memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2000). All Rights Reserved.


This document serves as a framework for Telephony Routing over IP

(TRIP), which supports the discovery and exchange of IP telephony

gateway routing tables between providers. The document defines the

problem of telephony routing exchange, and motivates the need for the

protocol. It presents an architectural framework for TRIP, defines

terminology, specifies the various protocol elements and their

functions, overviews the services provided by the protocol, and

discusses how it fits into the broader context of Internet telephony.

Table of Contents

1 IntrodUCtion ........................................ 2

2 Terminology ......................................... 2

3 Motivation and Problem Definition ................... 4

4 Related Problems .................................... 6

5 Relationship with BGP ............................... 7

6 Example Applications of TRIP ........................ 8

6.1 Clearinghouses ...................................... 8

6.2 Confederations ...................................... 9

6.3 Gateway Wholesalers ................................. 9

7 Architecture ........................................ 11

8 Elements ............................................ 12

8.1 IT Administrative Domain ............................ 12

8.2 Gateway ............................................. 13

8.3 End Users ........................................... 14

8.4 Location Server ..................................... 14

9 Element Interactions ................................ 16

9.1 Gateways and Location Servers ....................... 16

9.2 Location Server to Location Server .................. 16

9.2.1 Nature of Exchanged Information ..................... 17

9.2.2 Quality of Service .................................. 18

9.2.3 Cost Information .................................... 19

10 The Front End ....................................... 19

10.1 Front End Customers ................................. 19

10.2 Front End Protocols ................................. 20

11 Number Translations ................................. 21

12 Security Considerations ............................. 22

13 Acknowledgments ..................................... 23

14 Bibliography ........................................ 23

15 Authors' Addresses .................................. 24

16 Full Copyright Statement ............................ 25

1 Introduction

This document serves as a framework for Telephony Routing over IP

(TRIP), which supports the discovery and exchange of IP telephony

gateway routing tables between providers. The document defines the

problem of telephony routing exchange, and motivates the need for the

protocol. It presents an architectural framework for TRIP, defines

terminology, specifies the various protocol elements and their

functions, overviews the services provided by the protocol, and

discusses how it fits into the broader context of Internet telephony.

2 Terminology

We define the following terms. Note that there are other definitions

for these terms, outside of the context of gateway location. Our

definitions aren't general, but refer to the specific meaning here:

Gateway: A device with some sort of circuit switched network

connectivity and IP connectivity, capable of initiating and

terminating IP telephony signaling protocols, and capable of

initiating and terminating telephone network signaling


End User: The end user is usually (but not necessarily) a human

being, and is the party who is the ultimate initiator or

recipient of calls.

Calling Device: The calling device is a physical entity which has

IP connectivity. It is under the direction of an end user who

wishes to place a call. The end user may or may not be directly

controlling the calling device. If the calling device is a PC,

the end user is directly controlling it. If, however, the

calling device is a telephony gateway, the end user may be

Accessing it through a telephone.

Gatekeeper: The H.323 gatekeeper element, defined in [1].

SIP Server: The Session Initiation Protocol proxy or redirect

server defined in [2].

Call Agent: The MGCP call agent, defined in [3].

GSTN: The Global Switched Telephone Network, which is the worldwide

circuit switched network.

Signaling Server: A signaling server is an entity which is capable

of receiving and sending signaling messages for some IP

telephony signaling protocol, such as H.323 or SIP. Generally

speaking, a signaling server is a gatekeeper, SIP server, or

call agent.

Location Server (LS): A logical entity with IP connectivity which

has knowledge of gateways that can be used to terminate calls

towards the GSTN. The LS is the main entity that participates in

Telephony Routing over IP. The LS is generally a point of

contact for end users for completing calls to the telephony

network. An LS may also be responsible for propagation of

gateway information to other LS's. An LS may be coresident with

an H.323 gatekeeper or SIP server, but this is not required.

Internet Telephony Administrative Domain (ITAD): The set of

resources (gateways and Location Servers) under the control of a

single administrative authority. End users are customers of an


Provider: The administrator of an ITAD.

Location Server Policy: The set of rules which dictate how a

location server processes information it sends and receives via

TRIP. This includes rules for aggregating, propagating,

generating, and accepting information.

End User Policy: Preferences that an end user has about how a call

towards the GSTN should be routed.

Peers: Two LS's are peers when they have a persistent association

between them over which gateway information is exchanged.

Internal peers: Peers that both reside within the same ITAD.

External peers: Peers that reside within different ITADs.

Originating Location Server: A Location Server which first

generates a route to a gateway in its ITAD.

Telephony Routing Information Base (TRIB): The database of gateways

an LS builds up as a result of participation in TRIP.

3 Motivation and Problem Definition

As IP telephony gateways grow in terms of numbers and usage, managing

their operation will become increasingly complex. One of the

difficult tasks is that of gateway location, also known as gateway

selection, path selection, gateway discovery, and gateway routing.

The problem occurs when a calling device (such as a telephony gateway

or a PC with IP telephony software) on an IP network needs to

complete a call to a phone number that represents a terminal on a

circuit switched telephone network. Since the intended target of the

call resides in a circuit switched network, and the caller is

initiating the call from an IP host, a telephony gateway must be

used. The gateway functions as a conversion point for media and

signaling, converting between the protocols used on the IP network,

and those used in the circuit switched network.

The gateway is, in essence, a relaying point for an application layer

signaling protocol. There may be many gateways which could possibly

complete the call from the calling device on the IP network to the

called party on the circuit switched network. Choosing such a gateway

is a non-trivial process. It is complicated because of the following


Number of Candidate Gateways: It is anticipated that as IP

telephony becomes widely deployed, the number of telephony

gateways connecting the Internet to the GSTN will become large.

Attachment to the GSTN means that the gateway will have

connectivity to the nearly one billion terminals reachable on

this network. This means that every gateway could theoretically

complete a call to any terminal on the GSTN. As such, the

number of candidate gateways for completing a call may be very


Business Relationships: In reality, the owner of a gateway is

unlikely to make the gateway available to any user who wishes to

connect to it. The gateway provides a useful service, and incurs

cost when completing calls towards the circuit switched network.

As a result, providers of gateways will, in many cases, wish to

charge for use of these gateways. This may restrict usage of the

gateway to those users who have, in some fashion, an established

relationship with the gateway provider.

Provider Policy: In all likelihood, an end user who wishes to make

use of a gateway service will not compensate the gateway

provider directly. The end user may have a relationship with an

IP telephony service provider which acts as an intermediary to

providers of gateways. The IP telephony service provider may

have gateways of its own as well. In this case, the IP telephony

service provider may have policies regarding the usage of

various gateways from other providers by its customers. These

policies must figure into the selection process.

End User Policy: In some cases, the end user may have specific

requirements regarding the gateway selection. The end user may

need a specific feature, or have a preference for a certain

provider. These need to be taken into account as well.

Capacity: All gateways are not created equal. Some are large,

capable of supporting hundreds or even thousands of simultaneous

calls. Others, such as residential gateways, may only support

one or two calls. The process for selecting gateways should

allow gateway capacity to play a role. It is particularly

desirable to support some form of load balancing across gateways

based on their capacities.

Protocol and Feature Compatibilities: The calling party may be

using a specific signaling or media protocol that is not

supported by all gateways.

From these issues, it becomes evident that the selection of a gateway

is driven in large part by the policies of various parties, and by

the relationships established between these parties. As such, there

cannot be a global "Directory of gateways" in which users look up

phone numbers. Rather, information on availability of gateways must

be exchanged by providers, and subject to policy, made available

locally and then propagated to other providers. This would allow each

provider to build up its own local database of available gateways -

such a database being very different for each provider depending on


From this, we can conclude that a protocol is needed between

administrative domains for exchange of gateway routing information.

The protocol that provides these functions is Telephony Routing over

IP (TRIP). TRIP provides a specific set of functions:

o Establishment and maintenance of peering relationships between


o Exchange and synchronization of telephony gateway routing

information between providers;

o Prevention of stable routing loops for IP telephony signaling


o Propagation of learned gateway routing information to other

providers in a timely and scalable fashion;

o Definition of the syntax and semantics of the data which

describe telephony gateway routes.

TRIP can be generally summarized as an inter-domain IP telephony

gateway routing protocol.

4 Related Problems

At a high level, the problem TRIP solves appears to be a mapping

problem: given an input telephone number, determine, based on some

criteria, the address of a telephony gateway. For this reason, the

gateway location problem is often called a "phone number to IP

address translation problem". This is an over-simplification,

however. There are at least three separate problems, all of which can

be classified as a "phone number to IP address translation problem",

and only one of which is addressed by TRIP:

o Given a phone number that corresponds to a terminal on a

circuit switched network, determine the IP address of a

gateway capable of completing a call to that phone number.

o Given a phone number that corresponds to a specific host on

the Internet (this host may have a phone number in order to

facilitate calls to it from the circuit switched network),

determine the IP address of this host.

o Given a phone number that corresponds to a user of a terminal

on a circuit switched network, determine the IP address of an

IP terminal which is owned by the same user.

The last of these three mapping functions is useful for services

where the PC serves as an interface for the phone. One such service

is the delivery of an instant message to a PC when the user's phone

rings. To deliver this service, a switch in the GSTN is routing a

call towards a phone number. It wishes to send an Instant Message to

the PC for this user. This switch must somehow have access to the IP

network, in order to determine the IP address of the PC corresponding

to the user with the given phone number. The mapping function is a

name to address translation problem, where the name happens to be

represented by a string of digits. Such a translation function is

best supported by directory protocols. This problem is not addressed

by TRIP.

The second of these mappings is needed to facilitate calls from

traditional phones to IP terminals. When a user on the GSTN wishes to

call a user with a terminal on the IP network, they need to dial a

number identifying that terminal. This number could be an IP address.

However, IP addresses are often ephemeral, assigned on demand by DHCP

[4] or by dialup network access servers using PPP [5]. The number

could be a hostname, oBTained through some translation of groups of

numbers to letters. However, this is cumbersome. It has been proposed

instead to assign phone numbers to IP telephony terminals. A caller

on the GSTN would then dial this number as they would any other. This

number serves as an alternate name for the IP terminal, in much the

same way its hostname serves as a name. A switch in the GSTN must

then access the IP network, and obtain the mapping from this number

to an IP address for the PC. Like the previous case, this problem is

a name to address translation problem, and is best handled by a

directory protocol. It is not addressed by TRIP.

The first mapping function, however, is fundamentally an address to

route translation problem. It is this problem which is considered by

TRIP. As discussed in Section 3, this mapping depends on local

factors such as policies and provider relationships. As a result, the

database of available gateways is substantially different for each

provider, and needs to be built up through specific inter-provider

relationships. It is for this reason that a directory protocol is not

appropriate for TRIP, whereas it is appropriate for the others.

5 Relationship with BGP

TRIP can be classified as a close cousin of inter-domain IP routing

protocols, such as BGP [6]. However, there are important differences

between BGP and TRIP:

o TRIP runs at the application layer, not the network layer,

where BGP resides.

o TRIP runs between servers which may be separated by many

intermediate networks and IP service providers. BGP runs

between routers that are usually adjacent.

o The information exchanged between TRIP peers describes routes

to application layer devices, not IP routers, as is done with


o TRIP assumes the existence of an underlying IP transport

network. This means that servers which exchange TRIP routing

information need not act as forwarders of signaling messages

that are routed based on this information. This is not true in

BGP, where the peers must also act as forwarding points (or

name an adjacent forwarding hop) for IP packets.

o The purpose of TRIP is not to establish global connectivity

across all ITADs. It is perfectly reasonable for there to be

many small islands of TRIP connectivity. Each island

represents a closed set of administrative relationships.

Furthermore, each island can still have complete connectivity

to the entire GSTN. This is in sharp contrast to BGP, where

the goal is complete connectivity across the Internet. If a

set of AS's are isolated from some other set because of a BGP

disconnect, no IP network connectivity exists between them.

o Gateway routes are far more complex than IP routes (since they

reside at the application, not the network layer), with many

more parameters which may describe them.

o BGP exchanges prefixes which represent a portion of the IP

name space. TRIP exchanges phone number ranges, representing a

portion of the GSTN numbering space. The organization and

hierarchies in these two namespaces are different.

These differences means that TRIP borrows many of the concepts from

BGP, but that it is still a different protocol with its own specific

set of functions.

6 Example Applications of TRIP

TRIP is a general purpose tool for exchanging IP telephony routes

between providers. TRIP does not, in any way, dictate the structure

or nature of the relationships between those providers. As a result,

TRIP has applications for a number of common cases for IP telephony.

6.1 Clearinghouses

A clearinghouse is a provider that serves as an exchange point

between a number of other providers, called the members of the

clearinghouse. Each member signs on with the clearinghouse. As part

of the agreement, the member makes their gateways available to the

other members of the clearinghouse. In exchange, the members have

access to the gateways owned by the other members of the

clearinghouse. When a gateway belonging to one member makes a call,

the clearinghouse plays a key role in determining which member

terminates the call.

TRIP can be applied here as the tool for exchanging routes between

the members and the clearinghouse. This is shown in Figure 1.

There are 6 member companies, M1 through M6. Each uses TRIP to send

and receive gateway routes with the clearinghouse provider.

6.2 Confederations

We refer to a confederation as a group of providers which all agree

to share gateways with each other in a full mesh, without using a

central clearinghouse. Such a configuration is shown in Figure 2.

TRIP would run between each pair of providers.

6.3 Gateway Wholesalers

------ ------


\ /

------ \ / ------

\ \ / -------------- \ / /

------ \---- ----/ ------

M3 -------- Clearinghouse-------- M4

------ /---- ----\ ------

/ -------------- ------ / \ ------

/ \

M5 M6

------ ------

Figure 1: TRIP in the Clearinghouse Application

------ ------


M1 M2

\ /

------ \ / ------


/\ <-----TRIP

------ / \ ------

/ \

M3 M4


------ ------

Figure 2: TRIP for Confederations

In this application, there are a number of large providers of

telephony gateways. Each of these resells its gateway services to

medium sized providers. These, in turn, resell to local providers who

sell directly to consumers. This is effectively a pyramidal

relationship, as shown in Figure 3.




/ \ <------- TRIP

------ ------

M2 M3

------ ------

/ \ / ------ ------ ------

M4 M5 M6

------ ------ ------

Figure 3: TRIP for Wholesalers

Note that in this example, provider M5 resells gateways from both M2

and M3.

7 Architecture

Figure 4 gives the overall architecture of TRIP.


----------------- ------------------

---- ----


---- \ ---- ---- / ----

LS ---------------- LS

---- ---- / ---- \ ----

GW / / EU

---- / ----


------------------ / ------------------



--------- /----------



/ ---- \

---- ----


---- ----

---- ----

GW / \ EU

---- ----



Figure 4: TRIP Architecture

There are a number of Internet Telephony administrative domains

(ITAD's), each of which has at least one Location Server (LS). The

LS's, through an out-of-band means, called the intra-domain protocol,

learn about the gateways in their domain. The intra-domain protocol

is represented by the lines between the GW and LS elements in ITAD1

in the Figure. The LS's have associations with other LS's, over which

they exchange gateway information. These associations are established

administratively, and are set up when the IT administrative domains

have some kind of agreements in place regarding exchange of gateway

information. In the figure, the LS in ITAD1 is connected to the LS in

ITAD2, which is in turn connected to the LS in ITAD3. Through

Telephony Routing over IP (TRIP), the LS in ITAD2 learns about the

two gateways in ITAD1. This information is accessed by end users

(EUs) in ITAD2 through the front-end. The front-end is a non-TRIP

protocol or mechanism by which the LS databases are accessed. In

ITAD3, there are both EUs and gateways. The LS in ITAD3 learns about

the gateways in ITAD1 through a potentially aggregated advertisement

from the LS in ITAD2.

8 Elements

The architecture in Figure 4 consists of a number of elements. These

include the IT administrative domain, end user, gateway, and location


8.1 IT Administrative Domain

An IT administrative domain consists of zero or more gateways, at

least one Location Server, and zero or more end users. The gateways

and LS's are those which are under the administrative control of a

single authority. This means that there is one authority responsible

for dictating the policies and configuration of the gateways and


An IT administrative domain need not be the same as an autonomous

system. While an AS represents a set of physically connected

networks, an IT administrative domain may consist of elements on

disparate networks, and even within disparate autonomous systems.

The end users within an IT administrative domain are effectively the

customers of that IT administrative domain. They are interested in

completing calls towards the telephone network, and thus need access

to gateways. An end user may be a customer of one IT administrative

domain for one call, and then a customer of a different one for the

next call.

An IT administrative domain need not have any gateways. In this case,

its LS learns about gateways in other domains, and makes these

available to the end users within its domain. In this case, the IT

administrative domain is effectively a virtual IP telephony gateway

provider. This is because it provides gateway service, but may not

actually own or administer any gateways.

An IT administrative domain need not have any end users. In this

case, it provides "wholesale" gateway service, making its gateways

available to customers in other IT administrative domains.

An IT administrative domain need not have gateways nor end users. In

this case, the ITAD only has LS's. The ITAD acts as a reseller,

learning about other gateways, and then aggregating and propagating

this information to other ITAD's which do have customers.

8.2 Gateway

A gateway is a logical device which has both IP connectivity and

connectivity to some other network, usually a public or private

telephone network. The function of the gateway is to translate the

media and signaling protocols from one network technology to the

other, achieving a transparent connection for the users of the


A gateway has a number of attributes which characterize the service

it provides. Most fundamental among these are the range of phone

numbers to which it is willing to provide service. This range may be

broken into subranges, and associated with each, some cost metric or

cost token. This token indicates some notion of cost or preference

for completing calls for this part of the telephone number range.

A gateway has attributes which characterize the volume of service

which it can provide. These include the number of ports it has (i.e.,

the number of simultaneous phone calls it can support), and the

access link speed. These two together represent some notion of the

capacity of the gateway. The metric is useful for allowing Location

Servers to decide to route calls to gateways in proportion to the

value of the metric, thus achieving a simple form of load balancing.

A gateway also has attributes which characterize the type of service

it provides. This includes, but is not limited to, signaling

protocols supported, telephony features provided, speech codecs

understood, and encryption algorithms which are implemented. These

attributes may be important in selecting a gateway. In the absence of

baseline required features across all gateways (an admirable, but

difficult goal), such a set of attributes is required in order to

select a gateway with which communications can be established. End

users which have specific requirements for the call (such as a user

requesting a business class call, in which case certain call features

may need to be supported) may wish to make use of such information as


Some of these attributes are transported in TRIP to describe

gateways, and others are not. This depends on whether the metric can

be reasonably aggregated, and whether it is something which must be

conveyed in TRIP before the call is set up (as opposed to negotiated

or exchanged by the signaling protocols themselves). The philosophy

of TRIP is to keep it simple, and to favor scalability above

abundance of information. TRIP's attribute set is readily extensible.

Flags provide information that allow unknown attributes to be

reasonably processed by an LS.

8.3 End Users

An end user is an entity (usually a human being) which wishes to

complete a call through a gateway from an IP network to a terminal on

a telephone network. An end user may be a user logged on at a PC with

some Internet telephony software. The end user may also be connected

to the IP network through an ingress telephone gateway, which the

user accessed from telephone handset. This is the case for what is

referred to as "phone to phone" service with the IP network used for

interexchange transport.

End users may, or may not be aware that there is a telephony routing

service running when they complete a call towards the telephone

network. In cases where they are aware, end users may have

preferences for how a call is completed. These preferences might

include call features which must be supported, quality metrics, owner

or administrator, and cost preferences.

TRIP does not dictate how these preferences are combined with those

of the provider to yield the final gateway selection. Nor does TRIP

support the transport of these preferences to the LS. This transport

can be accomplished using the front end, or by some non-protocol


8.4 Location Server

The Location Server (LS) is the main functional entity of TRIP. It

is a logical device which has access to a database of gateways,

called the Telephony Routing Information Base (TRIB). This database

of gateways is constructed by combining the set of locally available

gateways and the set of remote gateways (learned through TRIP) based

on policy. The LS also eXPorts a set of gateways to its peer LS's in

other ITAD's. The set of exported gateways is constructed from the set

of local gateways and the set of remote gateways (learned through

TRIP) based on policy. As such, policy plays a central role in the LS

operation. This flow of information is shown in Figure 5.

Intra-domain protocol

\ /



TRIP--> Gateways POLICY Gateways -->TRIP

IN Out

\ /

Telephony Routing

Information Base

Figure 5: Flow of Information in TRIP

The TRIB built up in the LS allows it to make decisions about IP

telephony call routing. When a signaling message arrives at a

signaling server, destined for a telephone network address, the LS's

database can provide information which is useful for determining a

gateway or an additional signaling server to forward the signaling

message to. For this reason, an LS may be coresident with a signaling

server. When they are not coresident, some means of communication

between the LS and the signaling server is needed. This communication

is not specifically addressed by TRIP, although it is possible that

TRIP might meet the needs of such a protocol.

An ITAD must have at least one LS in order to participate in TRIP.

An ITAD may have more than one LS, for purposes of load balancing,

ease of management, or any other reason. In that case, communications

between these LS's may need to take place in order to synchronize

databases and share information learned from external peers. This is

often referred to as the interior component of an inter-domain

protocol. TRIP includes such a function.

Figure 5 shows an LS learning about gateways within the ITAD by means

of an intra-domain protocol. There need not be an intra-domain

protocol. An LS may operate without knowledge of any locally run

gateways. Or, it may know of locally run gateways, but through static

configuration. An LS may also be co-resident with a gateway, in which

case it would know about the gateway that it is co-resident with.

9 Element Interactions

9.1 Gateways and Location Servers

Gateways must somehow propagate information about their

characteristics to an LS within the same ITAD. This LS may, in turn,

further propagate this information outside of the ITAD by means of

TRIP. This LS is called an originating LS for that gateway. When an

LS nis not coresident with the gateway, the means by which the

information gets propagated is not within the scope of TRIP. The

protocol used to accomplish this is generally called an intra-domain


One way in which the information can be propagated is with the

Service Location Protocol (SLP) [7]. The gateway can contain a

Service Agent (SA), and the LS can act as a Directory Agent (DA). SLP

defines procedures by which service information is automatically

propagated to DA's from SA's. In this fashion, an LS can learn about

gateways in the ITAD.

An alternate mechanism for the intra-domain protocol is via the

registration procedures of SIP or H.323. The registration procedures

provide a means by which users inform a gatekeeper or SIP server

about their address. Such a registration procedure could be extended

to allow a gateway to effectively register as well.

LDAP [8] might also be used for the intra-domain protocol. A gateway

can use LDAP to add an entry for itself into the database. If the LS

also plays the role of the LDAP server, it will be able to learn

about all those gateways in its ITAD.

The intra-domain protocol which is used may be different from IT

administrative domain to IT administrative domain, and is a matter of

local configuration. There may also be more than one intra-domain

protocol in a particular ITAD. An LS can also function without an

intra-domain protocol. It may learn about gateways through static

configuration, or may not know of any local gateways.

9.2 Location Server to Location Server

The interaction between LS's is what is defined by TRIP. LS's within

the same ITAD use TRIP to synchronize information amongst themselves.

LS's within different ITADs use TRIP to exchange gateway information

according to policy. In the former case the LS's are referred to as

internal peers, and in the latter case, external peers.

LS's communicate with each other through persistent associations. An

LS may be connected to one or more other LS's. LS's need not be

physically adjacent or part of the same autonomous system. The

association between a pair of LS's is normally set up

administratively. Two LS's are configured to communicate with each

other when their administrators have an agreement in place to

exchange gateway information. While TRIP does not provide an

autodiscovery procedure for peer LS's to discover each other, one

could possibly be used. Such a procedure might be useful for finding

a backup peer LS when a crash occurs. Alternatively, in an

environment where the business relationships between peers become

more standardized, peers might be allowed to discover each other

through protocols like the Service Location Protocol (SLP) [9].

Determination about whether autodiscovery should or should not be

used is at the discretion of the administrator.

The syntax and semantics of the messages exchanged over the

association between LS's are dictated by TRIP. The protocol does not

dictate the nature of the agreements which must be in place. TRIP

merely provides a transport means to exchange whatever gateway

routing information is deemed appropriate by the administrators of

the system. Details are provided in the TRIP protocol specification


The rules which govern which gateway information is generated,

propagated, and accepted by a gateway is called a location server

policy. TRIP does not dictate or mandate any specific policy.

9.2.1 Nature of Exchanged Information

The information exchanged by the LS's is a set of routing objects.

Each routing object minimally consists of a range of telephone

numbers which are reachable, and an IP address or host name which is

the application-layer "next hop" towards a gateway which can reach

that range. Routing objects are learned from the intra-domain

protocol, static configuration, or from LS's in remote ITAD's. An LS

may aggregate these routing objects together (merging ranges of

telephone numbers, and replacing the IP address with its own IP

address, or with the IP address of a signaling server with which the

LS is communicating) and then propagate them to another LS. The

decision about which objects to aggregate and propagate is known as a

route selection operation. The administrator has great latitude in

selecting which objects to aggregate and propagate, so long as they

are within the bounds of correct protocol operation (i.e., no loops

are formed). The selection can be made based on information learned

through TRIP, or through any out of band means.

A routing object may have additional information which characterizes

the service at the gateway. These attributes include things like

protocols, features supported, and capacity. Greater numbers of

attributes can provide useful information, however, they come at a

cost. Aggregation becomes difficult with more and more information,

impacting the scalability of the protocol.

Aggregation plays a central role in TRIP. In order to facilitate

scalability, routing objects can be combined into larger aggregates

before being propagated. The mechanisms by which this is done are

specified in TRIP. Aggregation of application layer routes to

gateways is a non-trivial problem. There is a fundamental tradeoff

between aggregatability and verbosity. The more information that is

present in a TRIP routing object, the more difficult it is to


Consider a simple example of two gateways, A and B, capable of

reaching some set of telephone numbers, X and Y, respectively. C is

an LS for the ITAD in which A and B are resident. C learns of A and B

through some other means. As it turns out, X and Y can be combined

into a single address range, Z. C has several options. It can

propagate just the advertisement for A, just the advertisement for B,

propagate both, or combine them and propagate the aggregate

advertisement. In this case C chooses the latter approach, and sends

a single routing object to one of its peers, D, containing address

range Z and its own address, since it is also a signaling server. D

is also a signaling server.

Some calling device, E, wishes to place a phone call to telephone

number T, which happens to be in the address range X. E is configured

to use D as its default H.323 gatekeeper. So, E sends a call setup

message to D, containing destination address T. D determines that the

address T is within the range Z. As D had received a routing object

from C containing address range Z, it forwards the call setup message

to C. C, in turn, sees that T is within range X, and so it forwards

the call setup to A, which terminates the call signaling and

initiates a call towards the telephone network.

9.2.2 Quality of Service

One of the factors which is useful to consider when selecting a

gateway is "QoS" - will a call through this gateway suffer

sufficiently low loss, delay, and jitter? The quality of a call

depends on two components - the QoS on the path between the caller

and gateway, and the capacity of the gateway itself (measured in

terms of number of circuits available, link capacity, DSP resources,

etc.). Determination of the latter requires intricate knowledge of

underlying network topologies, and of where the caller is located.

This is something handled by QoS routing protocols, and is outside

the scope of TRIP.

However, gateway capacity is not dependent on the caller location or

path characteristics. For this reason, a capacity metric of some form

is supported by TRIP. This metric represents the static capacity of

the gateway, not the dynamic available capacity which varies

continuously during the gateways operation. LS's can use this metric

as a means of load balancing of calls among gateways. It can also be

used as an input to any other policy decision.

9.2.3 Cost Information

Another useful attribute to propagate is a pricing metric. This might

represent the amount a particular gateway might charge for a call.

The metric can be an index into a table that defines a pricing

structure according to a pre-existing business arrangement, or it can

contain a representation of the price itself. TRIP itself does not

define a pricing metric, but one can and should be defined as an

extension. Using an extension for pricing means more than one such

metric can be defined.

10 The Front End

As a result of TRIP, the LS builds up a database (the TRIB) of

gateway routes. This information is made available to various

entities within the ITAD. The way in which this information is made

available is called the front end. It is the visible means by which

TRIP services are exposed outside of the protocol.

10.1 Front End Customers

There are several entities which might use the front end to access

the TRIB. These include, but are not limited to:

Signaling Servers: Signaling servers receive signaling messages

(such as H.323 or SIP messages) whose purpose is the initiation

of IP telephony calls. The destination address of these calls

may be a phone number corresponding to a terminal on the GSTN.

In order to route these calls to an appropriate gateway, the

signaling server will need access to the database built up in

the LS.

End Users: End users can directly query the LS to get routing

information. This allows them to provide detailed information on

their requirements. They can then go and contact the next hop

signaling server or gateway towards that phone number.

Administrators: Administrators may need to access the TRIB for

maintenance and management functions.

When a signaling server contacts the LS to route a phone number, it

is usually doing so because a calling device (on behalf of an end

user) has attempted to set up a call. As a result, signaling servers

effectively act as proxies for end users when accessing the LS

database. The communication between the calling devices and their

proxies (the signaling servers) is through the signaling protocol.

The advantage of this proxy approach is that the actual LS

interaction is hidden from the calling device. Therefore, whether the

call is to a phone number or IP address is irrelevant. The routing in

the case of phone numbers takes place transparently. Proxy mode is

also advantageous for thin clients (such as standalone IP telephones)

which do not have the interfaces or processing power for a direct

query of the LS.

The disadvantage of the proxy approach is the same as its advantage -

the LS interaction is hidden from the calling device (and thus the

end user). In some cases, the end user may have requirements as to

how they would like the call to be routed. These include preferences

about cost, quality, administrator, or call services and protocols.

These requirements are called the end user policy. In the proxy

approach, the user effectively accesses the service through the

signaling protocol. The signaling protocol is not likely to be able

to support expression of complex call routing preferences from end

users (note however, that SIP does support some forms of caller

preferences for call routing [10]). Therefore, direct access from the

end user to the LS can provide much richer call routing services.

When the end user policy is presented to the LS (either directly or

through the signaling protocol), it is at the discretion of the LS

how to make use of it. The location server may have its own policies

regarding how end user preferences are handled.

10.2 Front End Protocols

There are numerous protocols that can be used in the front end to

access the LS database. TRIP does not specify or restrict the

possibilities for the front end. It is not clear that it is necessary

or even desirable for there to be a single standard for the front

end. The various protocols have their strengths and weaknesses. One

may be the right solution in some cases, and another in different


Some of the possible protocols for the front end are:

Service Location Protocol (SLP): SLP has been designed to fit

exactly this kind of function. SLP is ideal for locating servers

described by a set of attributes. In this case, the server is a

gateway (or next hop towards the gateway), and the attributes

are the end user policy. The end user is an SLP UA, and the LS

is an SLP DA. The Service Query is used to ask for a gateway

with a particular set of attributes.

Open Settlements Protocol (OSP): OSP [11] is a client server

protocol. It allows the client to query a server with a phone

number, and get back the address of a next hop, along with

authorization tokens to use for the call. In this case, the

server can be an LS. The routing table it uses to respond to OSP

queries is the one built up using TRIP.

Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP): LDAP is used for

accessing distributed databases. Since the LS server contains a

database, LDAP could be used to query it.

Web Page: The LS could have a web front end. Users could enter

queries into a form, and the matching gateways returned in the

response. This access mechanism is more appropriate for human

access, however. A signaling server would not likely access the

front end through a web page.

TRIP: The protocols discussed above are all of the query-response

type. There is no reason why the LS access must be of this form.

It is perfectly acceptable for the access to be through complete

database synchronization, so that the entity accessing the LS

database effectively has a full copy of it. If this approach

were desired, TRIP itself is an appropriate mechanism. This

approach has obvious drawbacks, but nothing precludes it from

being done.

11 Number Translations

The model for TRIP is that of many gateways, each of which is willing

to terminate calls towards some set of phone numbers. Often, this set

will be based on the set of telephone numbers which are in close

geographic proximity to the gateway. For example, a gateway in New

York might be willing to terminate calls to the 212 and 718 area

codes. Of course, it is up to the administrator to decide on what

phone numbers the gateway is willing to call.

However, certain phone numbers don't represent GSTN terminals at all,

but rather they represent services or virtual addresses. An example

of such numbers are freephone and LNP numbers. In the telephone

network, these are actually mapped to routable telephone numbers,

often based on complex formulae. A classic example is time-of-day-

based translation.

While nothing prevents a gateway from advertising reachability to

these kinds of numbers, this usage is highly discouraged. Since TRIP

is a routing protocol, the routes it propagates should be to routable

numbers, not to names which are eventually translated to routable

numbers. Numerous problems arise when TRIP is used to propagate

routes to these numbers:

o Often, these numbers have only local significance. Calls to a

freephone number made from New York might terminate in a New

York Office of a company, while calls made from California

will terminate in a California branch. If this freephone

number is injected into TRIP by a gateway in New York, it

could be propagated to other LS's with end users in

California. If this route is used, calls may be not be routed

as intended.

o The call signaling paths might be very suboptimal. Consider a

gateway in New York that advertises a ported number that maps

to a phone in California. This number is propagated by TRIP,

eventually being learned by an LS with end users in

California. When one of them dials this number, the call is

routed over the IP network towards New York, where it hits the

gateway, and then is routed over the GSTN back to California.

This is a waste of resources. Had the ported number been

translated before the gateway routing function was invoked, a

California gateway could have been accessed directly.

As a result, it is more efficient to perform translations of these

special numbers before the LS routing databases are accessed. How

this translation is done is outside the scope of TRIP. It can be

accomplished by the calling device before making the call, or by a

signaling server before it accesses the LS database.

12 Security Considerations

Security is an important component in TRIP. The TRIP model assumes a

level of trust between peer LS's that exchange information. This

information is used to propagate information which determines where

calls will be routed. If this information were incorrect, it could

cause complete misrouting of calls. This enables a significant denial

of service attack. The information might also be propagated to other

ITADs, causing the problem to potentially spread. As a result, mutual

authentication of peer LS's is critical. Furthermore, message

integrity is required.

TRIP messages may contain potentially sensitive information. They

represent the routing capabilities of an ITAD. Such information might

be used by corporate competitors to determine the network topology

and capacity of the ITAD. As a result, encryption of messages is also

supported in TRIP.

As routing objects can be passed via one LS to another, there is a

need for some sort of end to end authentication as well. However,

aggregation will cause the routing objects to be modified, and

therefore authentication can only take place from the point of last

aggregation to the receiving LS's.

13 Acknowledgments

The authors would like to thank Randy Bush, Mark Foster, Dave Oran,

Hussein Salama, and Matt Squire for their useful comments on this


14 Bibliography

[1] International Telecommunication Union, "Visual telephone systems

and equipment for local area networks which provide a non-

guaranteed quality of service," Recommendation H.323,

Telecommunication Standardization Sector of ITU, Geneva,

Switzerland, May 1996.

[2] Handley, M., Schulzrinne, H., Schooler, E. and J. Rosenberg,

"SIP: Session Initiation Protocol", RFC2543, March 1999.

[3] Arango, M., Dugan, A., Elliott, I., Huitema, C. and S. Pickett,

"Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP) Version 1.0", RFC2705,

October 1999.

[4] Droms, R., "Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol", RFC2131,

March 1997.

[5] Simpson, W., "The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)," STD 51, RFC

1661, July 1994.

[6] Rekhter Y. and T. Li, "A Border Gateway Protocol 4 (BGP-4)", RFC

1771, March 1995.

[7] Veizades, J., Guttman, E., Perkins, C. and S. Kaplan, "Service

Location Protocol", RFC2165, June 1997.

[8] Yeong, W., Howes, T. and S. Kille, "Lightweight Directory Access

Protocol", RFC1777, March 1995.

[9] Guttman, E., Perkins, C., Veizades, J. and M. Day, "Service

Location Protocol, Version 2", RFC2608, June 1999.

[10] Schulzrinne H. and J. Rosenberg, "SIP caller preferences and

callee capabilities", Work in progress.

[11] European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI),

Telecommunications and Internet Protocol Harmonization Over

Networks (TIPHON), "Inter-domain pricing, authorization, and

usage exchange," Technical Specification 101 321 version 1.4.2,

ETSI, 1998.

15 Authors' Addresses

Jonathan Rosenberg


72 Eagle Rock Avenue

First Floor

East Hanover, NJ 07936

Email: jdrosen@dynamicsoft.com

Henning Schulzrinne

Columbia University

M/S 0401

1214 Amsterdam Ave.

New York, NY 10027-7003

Email: schulzrinne@cs.columbia.edu

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