
RFC2869 - RADIUS Extensions

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
窄屏简体版  字體: |||超大  

Network Working Group C. Rigney

Request for Comments: 2869 Livingston

Category: Informational W. Willats

Cyno Technologies

P. Calhoun

Sun Microsystems

June 2000

RADIUS Extensions

Status of this Memo

This memo provides information for the Internet community. It does

not specify an Internet standard of any kind. Distribution of this

memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2000). All Rights Reserved.


This document describes additional attributes for carrying

authentication, authorization and accounting information between a

Network Access Server (NAS) and a shared Accounting Server using the

Remote Authentication Dial In User Service (RADIUS) protocol

described in RFC2865 [1] and RFC2866 [2].

Table of Contents

1. IntrodUCtion .......................................... 2

1.1 Specification of Requirements ................... 3

1.2 Terminology ..................................... 3

2. Operation ............................................. 4

2.1 RADIUS support for Interim Accounting Updates.... 4

2.2 RADIUS support for Apple Remote Access

Protocol ........................................ 5

2.3 RADIUS Support for Extensible Authentication

Protocol (EAP) .................................. 11

2.3.1 Protocol Overview ............................... 11

2.3.2 Retransmission .................................. 13

2.3.3 Fragmentation ................................... 14

2.3.4 Examples ........................................ 14

2.3.5 Alternative uses ................................ 19

3. Packet Format ......................................... 19

4. Packet Types .......................................... 19

5. Attributes ............................................ 20

5.1 Acct-Input-GigaWords ............................ 22

5.2 Acct-Output-Gigawords ........................... 23

5.3 Event-Timestamp ................................. 23

5.4 ARAP-Password ................................... 24

5.5 ARAP-Features ................................... 25

5.6 ARAP-Zone-Access ................................ 26

5.7 ARAP-Security ................................... 27

5.8 ARAP-Security-Data .............................. 28

5.9 Password-Retry .................................. 28

5.10 Prompt .......................................... 29

5.11 Connect-Info .................................... 30

5.12 Configuration-Token ............................. 31

5.13 EAP-Message ..................................... 32

5.14 Message-Authenticator ........................... 33

5.15 ARAP-Challenge-Response ......................... 35

5.16 Acct-Interim-Interval ........................... 36

5.17 NAS-Port-Id ..................................... 37

5.18 Framed-Pool ..................................... 37

5.19 Table of Attributes ............................. 38

6. IANA Considerations ................................... 39

7. Security Considerations ............................... 39

7.1 Message-Authenticator Security .................. 39

7.2 EAP Security .................................... 39

7.2.1 Separation of EAP server and PPP authenticator .. 40

7.2.2 Connection hijacking ............................ 41

7.2.3 Man in the middle attacks ....................... 41

7.2.4 Multiple databases .............................. 41

7.2.5 Negotiation attacks ............................. 42

8. References ............................................ 43

9. Acknowledgements ...................................... 44

10. Chair's Address ....................................... 44

11. Authors' Addresses .................................... 45

12. Full Copyright Statement .............................. 47

1. Introduction

RFC2865 [1] describes the RADIUS Protocol as it is implemented and

deployed today, and RFC2866 [2] describes how Accounting can be

performed with RADIUS.

This memo suggests several additional Attributes that can be added to

RADIUS to perform various useful functions. These Attributes do not

have extensive field eXPerience yet and should therefore be

considered experimental.

The Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) [3] is a PPP extension

that provides support for additional authentication methods within

PPP. This memo describes how the EAP-Message and Message-

Authenticator attributes may be used for providing EAP support within


All attributes are comprised of variable length Type-Length-Value 3-

tuples. New attribute values can be added without disturbing

existing implementations of the protocol.

1.1. Specification of Requirements

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",


document are to be interpreted as described in RFC2119 [4].

An implementation is not compliant if it fails to satisfy one or more

of the must or must not requirements for the protocols it implements.

An implementation that satisfies all the must, must not, should and

should not requirements for its protocols is said to be

"unconditionally compliant"; one that satisfies all the must and must

not requirements but not all the should or should not requirements

for its protocols is said to be "conditionally compliant."

A NAS that does not implement a given service MUST NOT implement the

RADIUS attributes for that service. For example, a NAS that is

unable to offer ARAP service MUST NOT implement the RADIUS attributes

for ARAP. A NAS MUST treat a RADIUS access-request requesting an

unavailable service as an access-reject instead.

1.2. Terminology

This document uses the following terms:

service The NAS provides a service to the dial-in user, such as PPP

or Telnet.

session Each service provided by the NAS to a dial-in user

constitutes a session, with the beginning of the session

defined as the point where service is first provided and

the end of the session defined as the point where service

is ended. A user may have multiple sessions in parallel or

series if the NAS supports that, with each session

generating a separate start and stop accounting record.

silently discard

This means the implementation discards the packet without

further processing. The implementation SHOULD provide the

capability of logging the error, including the contents of

the silently discarded packet, and SHOULD record the event

in a statistics counter.

2. Operation

Operation is identical to that defined in RFC2865 [1] and RFC2866


2.1. RADIUS support for Interim Accounting Updates

When a user is authenticated, a RADIUS server issues an Access-Accept

in response to a successful Access-Request. If the server wishes to

receive interim accounting messages for the given user it must

include the Acct-Interim-Interval RADIUS attribute in the message,

which indicates the interval in seconds between interim messages.

It is also possible to statically configure an interim value on the

NAS itself. Note that a locally configured value on the NAS MUST

override the value found in an Access-Accept.

This scheme does not break backward interoperability since a RADIUS

server not supporting this extension will simply not add the new

Attribute. NASes not supporting this extension will ignore the


Note that all information in an interim message is cumulative (i.e.

number of packets sent is the total since the beginning of the

session, not since the last interim message).

It is envisioned that an Interim Accounting record (with Acct-

Status-Type = Interim-Update (3)) would contain all of the attributes

normally found in an Accounting Stop message with the exception of

the Acct-Term-Cause attribute.

Since all the information is cumulative, a NAS MUST ensure that only

a single generation of an interim Accounting message for a given

session is present in the retransmission queue at any given time.

A NAS MAY use a fudge factor to add a random delay between Interim

Accounting messages for separate sessions. This will ensure that a

cycle where all messages are sent at once is prevented, such as might

otherwise occur if a primary link was recently restored and many

dial-up users were directed to the same NAS at once.

The Network and NAS CPU load of using Interim Updates should be

carefully considered, and appropriate values of Acct-Interim-Interval


2.2. RADIUS support for Apple Remote Access Protocol

The RADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service) protocol

provides a method that allows multiple dial-in Network Access Server

(NAS) devices to share a common authentication database.

The Apple Remote Access Protocol (ARAP) provides a method for sending

AppleTalk network traffic over point-to-point links, typically, but

not exclusively, asynchronous and ISDN switched-circuit connections.

Though Apple is moving toward ATCP on PPP for future remote access

services, ARAP is still a common way for the installed base of

Macintosh users to make remote network connections, and is likely to

remain so for some time.

ARAP is supported by several NAS vendors who also support PPP, IPX

and other protocols in the same NAS. ARAP connections in these

multi-protocol devices are often not authenticated with RADIUS, or if

they are, each vendor creates an individual solution to the problem.

This section describes the use of additional RADIUS attributes to

support ARAP. RADIUS client and server implementations that implement

this specification should be able to authenticate ARAP connections in

an interoperable manner.

This section assumes prior knowledge of RADIUS, and will go into some

detail on the operation of ARAP before entering a detailed discussion

of the proposed ARAP RADIUS attributes.

There are two features of ARAP this document does not address:

1. User initiated password changing. This is not part of RADIUS,

but can be implemented through a software process other than


2. Out-of-Band messages. At any time, the NAS can send messages to

an ARA client which appear in a dialog box on the dial-in

user's screen. These are not part of authentication and do not

belong here. However, we note that a Reply-Message attribute in

an Access-Accept may be sent down to the user as a sign-on

message of the day string using the out-of-band channel.

We have tried to respect the spirit of the existing RADIUS protocol

as much as possible, making design decisions compatible with prior

art. Further, we have tried to strike a balance between flooding the

RADIUS world with new attributes, and hiding all of ARAP operation

within a single multiplexed ARAP attribute string or within Extended

Authentication Protocol (EAP) [3] machinery.

However, we feel ARAP is enough of a departure from PPP to warrant a

small set of similarly named attributes of its own.

We have assumed that an ARAP-aware RADIUS server will be able to do

DES encryption and generate security module challenges. This is in

keeping with the general RADIUS goal of smart server / simple NAS.

ARAP authenticates a connection in two phases. The first is a "Two-

Way DES" random number exchange, using the user's password as a key.

We say "Two-Way" because the ARAP NAS challenges the dial-in client

to authenticate itself, and the dial-in client challenges the ARAP

NAS to authenticate itself.

Specifically, ARAP does the following:

1. The NAS sends two 32-bit random numbers to the dial-in client

in an ARAP msg_auth_challenge packet.

2. The dial-in client uses the user's password to DES encrypt the

two random numbers sent to it by the NAS. The dial-in client

then sends this result, the user's name and two 32-bit random

numbers of its own back to the NAS in an ARAP msg_auth_request


3. The NAS verifies the encrypted random numbers sent by the

dial-in client are what it expected. If so, it encrypts the

dial-in client's challenge using the password and sends it back

to the dial-in client in an ARAP msg_auth_response packet.

Note that if the dial-in client's response was wrong, meaning the

user has the wrong password, the server can initiate a retry sequence

up to the maximum amount of retries allowed by the NAS. In this case,

when the dial-in client receives the ARAP msg_auth_response packet it

will acknowledge it with an ARAP msg_auth_again packet.

After this first "DES Phase" the ARAP NAS MAY initiate a secondary

authentication phase using what Apple calls "Add-In Security

Modules." Security Modules are small pieces of code which run on

both the client and server and are allowed to read and write

arbitrary data across the communications link to perform additional

authentication functions. Various security token vendors use this

mechanism to authenticate ARA callers.

Although ARAP allows security modules to read and write anything they

like, all existing security modules use simple challenge and response

cycles, with perhaps some overall control information. This document

assumes all existing security modules can be supported with one or

more challenge/response cycles.

To complicate RADIUS and ARAP integration, ARAP sends down some

profile information after the DES Phase and before the Security

Module phase. This means that besides the responses to challenges,

this profile information must also be present, at somewhat unusual

times. Fortunately the information is only a few pieces of numeric

data related to passwords, which this document packs into a single

new attribute.

Presenting an Access-Request to RADIUS on behalf of an ARAP

connection is straightforward. The ARAP NAS generates the random

number challenge, and then receives the dial-in client's response,

the dial-in client's challenge, and the user's name. Assuming the

user is not a guest, the following information is forwarded in an

Access-Request packet: User-Name (up to 31 characters long),

Framed-Protocol (set to 3, ARAP), ARAP-Password, and any additional

attributes desired, such as Service-Type, NAS-IP-Address, NAS-Id,

NAS-Port-Type, NAS-Port, NAS-Port-Id, Connect-Info, etc.

The Request Authenticator is a NAS-generated 16 octet random number.

The low-order 8 octets of this number are sent to the dial-in user as

the two 4 octet random numbers required in the ARAP

msg_auth_challenge packet. Octets 0-3 are the first random number and

Octets 4-7 are the second random number.

The ARAP-Password in the Access-Request contains a 16 octet random

number field, and is used to carry the dial-in user's response to the

NAS challenge and the client's own challenge to the NAS. The high-

order octets contain the dial-in user's challenge to the NAS (2 32-

bit numbers, 8 octets) and the low-order octets contain the dial-in

user's response to the NAS challenge (2 32-bit numbers, 8 octets).

Only one of User-Password, CHAP-Password, or ARAP-Password needs to

be present in an Access-Request, or one or more EAP-Messages.

If the RADIUS server does not support ARAP it SHOULD return an

Access-Reject to the NAS.

If the RADIUS server does support ARAP, it should verify the user's

response using the Challenge (from the lower order 8 octets of the

Request Authenticator) and the user's response (from the low order 8

octets of the ARAP-Password).

If that authentication fails, the RADIUS server should return an

Access-Reject packet to the NAS, with optional Password-Retry and

Reply-Messages attributes. The presence of Password-Retry indicates

the ARAP NAS MAY choose to initiate another challenge-response cycle,

up to a total number of times equal to the integer value of the

Password-Retry attribute.

If the user is authenticated, the RADIUS server should return an

Access-Accept packet (Code 2) to the NAS, with ID and Response

Authenticator as usual, and attributes as follows:

Service-Type of Framed-Protocol.

Framed-Protocol of ARAP (3).

Session-Timeout with the maximum connect time for the user in

seconds. If the user is to be given unlimited time,

Session-Timeout should not be included in the Access-Accept

packet, and ARAP will treat that as an unlimited timeout (-1).

ARAP-Challenge-Response, containing 8 octets with the response to

the dial-in client's challenge. The RADIUS server calculates this

value by taking the dial-in client's challenge from the high order

8 octets of the ARAP-Password attribute and performing DES

encryption on this value with the authenticating user's password

as the key. If the user's password is less than 8 octets in

length, the password is padded at the end with NULL octets to a

length of 8 before using it as a key. If the user's password is

greater than 8 octets in length, an Access-Reject MUST be sent


ARAP-Features, containing information that the NAS should send to

the user in an ARAP "feature flags" packet.

Octet 0: If zero, user cannot change their password. If non-

zero user can. (RADIUS does not handle the password changing,

just the attribute which indicates whether ARAP indicates they


Octet 1: Minimum acceptable password length (0-8).

Octet 2-5: Password creation date in Macintosh format, defined

as 32 bits unsigned representing seconds since Midnight GMT

January 1, 1904.

Octet 6-9 Password Expiration Delta from create date in


Octet 10-13: Current RADIUS time in Macintosh format

Optionally, a single Reply-Message with a text string up to 253

characters long which MAY be sent down to the user to be displayed

in a sign-on/message of the day dialog.

Framed-AppleTalk-Network may be included.

Framed-AppleTalk-Zone, up to 32 characters in length, may be


ARAP defines the notion of a list of zones for a user. Along with

a list of zone names, a Zone Access Flag is defined (and used by

the NAS) which says how to use the list of zone names. That is,

the dial-in user may only be allowed to see the Default Zone, or

only the zones in the zone list (inclusive) or any zone except

those in the zone list (exclusive).

The ARAP NAS handles this by having a named filter which contains

(at least) zone names. This solves the problem where a single

RADIUS server is managing disparate NAS clients who may not be

able to "see" all of the zone names in a user zone list. Zone

names only have meaning "at the NAS." The disadvantage of this

approach is that zone filters must be set up on the NAS somehow,

then referenced by the RADIUS Filter-Id.

ARAP-Zone-Access contains an integer which specifies how the "zone

list" for this user should be used. If this attribute is present

and the value is 2 or 4 then a Filter-Id must also be present to

name a zone list filter to apply the access flag to.

The inclusion of a Callback-Number or Callback-Id attribute in the

Access-Accept MAY cause the ARAP NAS to disconnect after sending

the Feature Flags to begin callback processing in an ARAP specific


Other attributes may be present in the Access-Accept packet as well.

An ARAP NAS will need other information to finish bringing up the

connection to the dial in client, but this information can be

provided by the ARAP NAS without any help from RADIUS, either through

configuration by SNMP, a NAS administration program, or deduced by

the AppleTalk stack in the NAS. Specifically:

1. AppearAsNet and AppearAsNode values, sent to the client to tell

it what network and node numbers it should use in its datagram

packets. AppearAsNet can be taken from the Framed-AppleTalk-

Network attribute or from the configuration or AppleTalk stack

onthe NAS.

2. The "default" zone - that is the name of the AppleTalk zone in

which the dial-in client will appear. (Or can be specified

with the Framed-AppleTalk-Zone attribute.)

3. Other very NAS specific stuff such as the name of the NAS, and

smartbuffering information. (Smartbuffering is an ARAP

mechanism for replacing common AppleTalk datagrams with small

tokens, to improve slow link performance in a few common

traffic situations.)

4. "Zone List" information for this user. The ARAP specification

defines a "zone count" field which is actually unused.

RADIUS supports ARAP Security Modules in the following manner.

After DES authentication has been completed, the RADIUS server may

instruct the ARAP NAS to run one or more security modules for the

dial-in user. Although the underlying protocol supports executing

multiple security modules in series, in practice all current

implementations only allow executing one. Through the use of

multiple Access-Challenge requests, multiple modules can be

supported, but this facility will probably never be used.

We also assume that, even though ARAP allows a free-form dialog

between security modules on each end of the point-to-point link, in

actual practice all security modules can be reduced to a simple

challenge/response cycle.

If the RADIUS server wishes to instruct the ARAP NAS to run a

security module, it should send an Access-Challenge packet to the NAS

with (optionally) the State attribute, plus the ARAP-Challenge-

Response, ARAP-Features, and two more attributes:

ARAP-Security: a four octet security module signature, containing a

Macintosh OSType.

ARAP-Security-Data, a string to carry the actual security module

challenge and response.

When the security module finishes executing, the security module

response is passed in an ARAP-Security-Data attribute from the NAS

to the RADIUS server in a second Access-Request, also including the

State from the Access-Challenge. The authenticator field contains no

special information in this case, and this can be discerned by the

presence of the State attribute.

2.3. RADIUS Support for Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP)

The Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP), described in [3],

provides a standard mechanism for support of additional

authentication methods within PPP. Through the use of EAP, support

for a number of authentication schemes may be added, including smart

cards, Kerberos, Public Key, One Time Passwords, and others. In

order to provide for support of EAP within RADIUS, two new

attributes, EAP-Message and Message-Authenticator, are introduced in

this document. This section describes how these new attributes may be

used for providing EAP support within RADIUS.

In the proposed scheme, the RADIUS server is used to shuttle RADIUS-

encapsulated EAP Packets between the NAS and a backend security

server. While the conversation between the RADIUS server and the

backend security server will typically occur using a proprietary

protocol developed by the backend security server vendor, it is also

possible to use RADIUS-encapsulated EAP via the EAP-Message

attribute. This has the advantage of allowing the RADIUS server to

support EAP without the need for authentication-specific code, which

can instead reside on the backend security server.

2.3.1. Protocol Overview

The EAP conversation between the authenticating peer (dial-in user)

and the NAS begins with the negotiation of EAP within LCP. Once EAP

has been negotiated, the NAS MUST send an EAP-Request/Identity

message to the authenticating peer, unless identity is determined via

some other means such as Called-Station-Id or Calling-Station-Id.

The peer will then respond with an EAP-Response/Identity which the

the NAS will then forward to the RADIUS server in the EAP-Message

attribute of a RADIUS Access-Request packet. The RADIUS Server will

typically use the EAP-Response/Identity to determine which EAP type

is to be applied to the user.

In order to permit non-EAP aware RADIUS proxies to forward the

Access-Request packet, if the NAS sends the EAP-Request/Identity, the

NAS MUST copy the contents of the EAP-Response/Identity into the

User-Name attribute and MUST include the EAP-Response/Identity in the

User-Name attribute in every subsequent Access-Request. NAS-Port or

NAS-Port-Id SHOULD be included in the attributes issued by the NAS in

the Access-Request packet, and either NAS-Identifier or NAS-IP-

Address MUST be included. In order to permit forwarding of the

Access-Reply by EAP-unaware proxies, if a User-Name attribute was

included in an Access-Request, the RADIUS Server MUST include the

User-Name attribute in subsequent Access-Accept packets. Without the

User-Name attribute, accounting and billing becomes very difficult to


If identity is determined via another means such as Called-Station-Id

or Calling-Station-Id, the NAS MUST include these identifying

attributes in every Access-Request.

While this approach will save a round-trip, it cannot be universally

employed. There are circumstances in which the user's identity may

not be needed (such as when authentication and accounting is handled

based on Called-Station-Id or Calling-Station-Id), and therefore an

EAP-Request/Identity packet may not necessarily be issued by the NAS

to the authenticating peer. In cases where an EAP-Request/Identity

packet will not be sent, the NAS will send to the RADIUS server a

RADIUS Access-Request packet containing an EAP-Message attribute

signifying EAP-Start. EAP-Start is indicated by sending an EAP-

Message attribute with a length of 2 (no data). However, it should be

noted that since no User-Name attribute is included in the Access-

Request, this approach is not compatible with RADIUS as specified in

[1], nor can it easily be applied in situations where proxies are

deployed, such as roaming or shared use networks.

If the RADIUS server supports EAP, it MUST respond with an Access-

Challenge packet containing an EAP-Message attribute. If the RADIUS

server does not support EAP, it MUST respond with an Access-Reject.

The EAP-Message attribute includes an encapsulated EAP packet which

is then passed on to the authenticating peer. In the case where the

NAS does not initially send an EAP-Request/Identity message to the

peer, the Access-Challenge typically will contain an EAP-Message

attribute encapsulating an EAP-Request/Identity message, requesting

the dial-in user to identify themself. The NAS will then respond with

a RADIUS Access-Request packet containing an EAP-Message attribute

encapsulating an EAP-Response. The conversation continues until

either a RADIUS Access-Reject or Access-Accept packet is received.

Reception of a RADIUS Access-Reject packet, with or without an EAP-

Message attribute encapsulating EAP-Failure, MUST result in the NAS

issuing an LCP Terminate Request to the authenticating peer. A

RADIUS Access-Accept packet with an EAP-Message attribute

encapsulating EAP-Success successfully ends the authentication phase.

The RADIUS Access-Accept/EAP-Message/EAP-Success packet MUST contain

all of the expected attributes which are currently returned in an

Access-Accept packet.

The above scenario creates a situation in which the NAS never needs

to manipulate an EAP packet. An alternative may be used in

situations where an EAP-Request/Identity message will always be sent

by the NAS to the authenticating peer.

For proxied RADIUS requests there are two methods of processing. If

the domain is determined based on the Called-Station-Id, the RADIUS

Server may proxy the initial RADIUS Access-Request/EAP-Start. If the

domain is determined based on the user's identity, the local RADIUS

Server MUST respond with a RADIUS Access-Challenge/EAP-Identity

packet. The response from the authenticating peer MUST be proxied to

the final authentication server.

For proxied RADIUS requests, the NAS may receive an Access-Reject

packet in response to its Access-Request/EAP-Identity packet. This

would occur if the message was proxied to a RADIUS Server which does

not support the EAP-Message extension. On receiving an Access-Reject,

the NAS MUST send an LCP Terminate Request to the authenticating

peer, and disconnect.

2.3.2. Retransmission

As noted in [3], the EAP authenticator (NAS) is responsible for

retransmission of packets between the authenticating peer and the

NAS. Thus if an EAP packet is lost in transit between the

authenticating peer and the NAS (or vice versa), the NAS will

retransmit. As in RADIUS [1], the RADIUS client is responsible for

retransmission of packets between the RADIUS client and the RADIUS


Note that it may be necessary to adjust retransmission strategies and

authentication timeouts in certain cases. For example, when a token

card is used additional time may be required to allow the user to

find the card and enter the token. Since the NAS will typically not

have knowledge of the required parameters, these need to be provided

by the RADIUS server. This can be accomplished by inclusion of

Session-Timeout and Password-Retry attributes within the Access-

Challenge packet.

If Session-Timeout is present in an Access-Challenge packet that also

contains an EAP-Message, the value of the Session-Timeout provides

the NAS with the maximum number of seconds the NAS should wait for an

EAP-Response before retransmitting the EAP-Message to the dial-in


2.3.3. Fragmentation

Using the EAP-Message attribute, it is possible for the RADIUS server

to encapsulate an EAP packet that is larger than the MTU on the link

between the NAS and the peer. Since it is not possible for the RADIUS

server to use MTU discovery to ascertain the link MTU, the Framed-MTU

attribute may be included in an Access-Request packet containing an

EAP-Message attribute so as to provide the RADIUS server with this


2.3.4. Examples

The example below shows the conversation between the authenticating

peer, NAS, and RADIUS server, for the case of a One Time Password

(OTP) authentication. OTP is used only for illustrative purposes;

other authentication protocols could also have been used, although

they might show somewhat different behavior.

Authenticating Peer NAS RADIUS Server

------------------- --- -------------

<- PPP LCP Request-EAP



auth ->

<- PPP EAP-Request/


PPP EAP-Response/

Identity (MyID) ->





(MyID) ->




OTP/OTP Challenge

<- PPP EAP-Request/

OTP/OTP Challenge

PPP EAP-Response/

OTP, OTPpw ->





OTP, OTPpw ->




(other attributes)

<- PPP EAP-Success

PPP Authentication

Phase complete,

NCP Phase starts

In the case where the NAS first sends an EAP-Start packet to the

RADIUS server, the conversation would appear as follows:

Authenticating Peer NAS RADIUS Server

------------------- --- -------------

<- PPP LCP Request-EAP



auth ->



EAP-Message/Start ->




<- PPP EA-Request/


PPP EAP-Response/

Identity (MyID) ->





(MyID) ->




OTP/OTP Challenge

<- PPP EAP-Request/

OTP/OTP Challenge

PPP EAP-Response/

OTP, OTPpw ->





OTP, OTPpw ->




(other attributes)

<- PPP EAP-Success

PPP Authentication

Phase complete,

NCP Phase starts

In the case where the client fails EAP authentication, the

conversation would appear as follows:

Authenticating Peer NAS RADIUS Server

------------------- --- -------------

<- PPP LCP Request-EAP



auth ->


EAP-Message/Start ->




<- PPP EAP-Request/


PPP EAP-Response/

Identity (MyID) ->





(MyID) ->




OTP/OTP Challenge

<- PPP EAP-Request/

OTP/OTP Challenge

PPP EAP-Response/

OTP, OTPpw ->





OTP, OTPpw ->




<- PPP EAP-Failure

(client disconnected)

In the case that the RADIUS server or proxy does not support

EAP-Message, the conversation would appear as follows:

Authenticating Peer NAS RADIUS Server

------------------- --- -------------

<- PPP LCP Request-EAP



auth ->



EAP-Message/Start ->



<- PPP LCP Terminate

(User Disconnected)

In the case where the local RADIUS Server does support EAP-Message,

but the remote RADIUS Server does not, the conversation would appear

as follows:

Authenticating Peer NAS RADIUS Server

------------------- --- -------------

<- PPP LCP Request-EAP



auth ->



EAP-Message/Start ->




<- PPP EAP-Request/


PPP EAP-Response/


(MyID) ->




(MyID) ->



(proxied from remote

RADIUS Server)

<- PPP LCP Terminate

(User Disconnected)

In the case where the authenticating peer does not support EAP, but

where EAP is required for that user, the conversation would appear as


Authenticating Peer NAS RADIUS Server

------------------- --- -------------

<- PPP LCP Request-EAP



auth ->

<- PPP LCP Request-CHAP



auth ->

<- PPP CHAP Challenge

PPP CHAP Response ->




CHAP-Password ->



<- PPP LCP Terminate

(User Disconnected)

In the case where the NAS does not support EAP, but where EAP is

required for that user, the conversation would appear as follows:

Authenticating Peer NAS RADIUS Server

------------------- --- -------------

<- PPP LCP Request-CHAP



auth ->

<- PPP CHAP Challenge

PPP CHAP Response ->




CHAP-Password ->



<- PPP LCP Terminate

(User Disconnected)

2.3.5. Alternative uses

Currently the conversation between the backend security server and

the RADIUS server is proprietary because of lack of standardization.

In order to increase standardization and provide interoperability

between Radius vendors and backend security vendors, it is

recommended that RADIUS-encapsulated EAP be used for this


This has the advantage of allowing the RADIUS server to support EAP

without the need for authentication-specific code within the RADIUS

server. Authentication-specific code can then reside on a backend

security server instead.

In the case where RADIUS-encapsulated EAP is used in a conversation

between a RADIUS server and a backend security server, the security

server will typically return an Access-Accept/EAP-Success message

without inclusion of the expected attributes currently returned in an

Access-Accept. This means that the RADIUS server MUST add these

attributes prior to sending an Access-Accept/EAP-Success message to

the NAS.

3. Packet Format

Packet Format is identical to that defined in RFC2865 [1] and 2866


4. Packet Types

Packet types are identical to those defined in RFC2865 [1] and 2866


See "Table of Attributes" below to determine which types of packets

can contain which attributes defined here.

5. Attributes

RADIUS Attributes carry the specific authentication, authorization

and accounting details for the request and response.

Some attributes MAY be included more than once. The effect of this

is attribute specific, and is specified in each attribute

description. The order of attributes of the same type SHOULD be

preserved. The order of attributes of different types is not

required to be preserved.

The end of the list of attributes is indicated by the Length of the

RADIUS packet.

A summary of the attribute format is the same as in RFC2865 [1] but

is included here for ease of reference. The fields are transmitted

from left to right.

0 1 2

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3


Type Length Value ...



The Type field is one octet. Up-to-date values of the RADIUS Type

field are specified in the most recent "Assigned Numbers" RFC[5].

Values 192-223 are reserved for experimental use, values 224-240

are reserved for implementation-specific use, and values 241-255

are reserved and should not be used. This specification concerns

the following values:

1-39 (refer to RFC2865 [1], "RADIUS")

40-51 (refer to RFC2866 [2], "RADIUS Accounting")

52 Acct-Input-Gigawords

53 Acct-Output-Gigawords

54 Unused

55 Event-Timestamp

56-59 Unused

60-63 (refer to RFC2865 [1], "RADIUS")

64-67 (refer to [6])

68 (refer to [7])

69 (refer to [6])

70 ARAP-Password

71 ARAP-Features

72 ARAP-Zone-Access

73 ARAP-Security

74 ARAP-Security-Data

75 Password-Retry

76 Prompt

77 Connect-Info

78 Configuration-Token

79 EAP-Message

80 Message-Authenticator

81-83 (refer to [6])

84 ARAP-Challenge-Response

85 Acct-Interim-Interval

86 (refer to [7])

87 NAS-Port-Id

88 Framed-Pool

89 Unused

90-91 (refer to [6])

92-191 Unused


The Length field is one octet, and indicates the length of this

attribute including the Type, Length and Value fields. If an

attribute is received in a packet with an invalid Length, the

entire request should be silently discarded.


The Value field is zero or more octets and contains information

specific to the attribute. The format and length of the Value

field is determined by the Type and Length fields.

Note that none of the types in RADIUS terminate with a NUL (hex

00). In particular, types "text" and "string" in RADIUS do not

terminate with a NUL (hex 00). The Attribute has a length field

and does not use a terminator. Text contains UTF-8 encoded 10646

[8] characters and String contains 8-bit binary data. Servers and

servers and clients MUST be able to deal with embedded nulls.

RADIUS implementers using C are cautioned not to use strcpy() when

handling strings.

The format of the value field is one of five data types. Note

that type "text" is a subset of type "string."

text 1-253 octets containing UTF-8 encoded 10646 [8]

characters. Text of length zero (0) MUST NOT be sent;

omit the entire attribute instead.

string 1-253 octets containing binary data (values 0 through

255 decimal, inclusive). Strings of length zero (0) MUST

NOT be sent; omit the entire attribute instead.

address 32 bit unsigned value, most significant octet first.

integer 32 bit unsigned value, most significant octet first.

time 32 bit unsigned value, most significant octet first --

seconds since 00:00:00 UTC, January 1, 1970.

5.1. Acct-Input-Gigawords


This attribute indicates how many times the Acct-Input-Octets

counter has wrapped around 2^32 over the course of this service

being provided, and can only be present in Accounting-Request

records where the Acct-Status-Type is set to Stop or Interim-


A summary of the Acct-Input-Gigawords attribute format is shown

below. The fields are transmitted from left to right.

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


Type Length Value


Value (cont)



52 for Acct-Input-Gigawords.




The Value field is four octets.

5.2. Acct-Output-Gigawords


This attribute indicates how many times the Acct-Output-Octets

counter has wrapped around 2^32 in the course of delivering this

service, and can only be present in Accounting-Request records

where the Acct-Status-Type is set to Stop or Interim-Update.

A summary of the Acct-Output-Gigawords attribute format is shown

below. The fields are transmitted from left to right.

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


Type Length Value


Value (cont)



53 for Acct-Output-Gigawords.




The Value field is four octets.

5.3. Event-Timestamp


This attribute is included in an Accounting-Request packet to

record the time that this event occurred on the NAS, in seconds

since January 1, 1970 00:00 UTC.

A summary of the Event-Timestamp attribute format is shown below.

The fields are transmitted from left to right.

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


Type Length Value


Value (cont)



55 for Event-Timestamp




The Value field is four octets encoding an unsigned integer with

the number of seconds since January 1, 1970 00:00 UTC.

5.4. ARAP-Password


This attribute is only present in an Access-Request packet

containing a Framed-Protocol of ARAP.

Only one of User-Password, CHAP-Password, or ARAP-Password needs

to be present in an Access-Request, or one or more EAP-Messages.

A summary of the ARAP-Password attribute format is shown below. The

fields are transmitted from left to right.

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


Type Length Value1










70 for ARAP-Password.




This attribute contains a 16 octet string, used to carry the

dial-in user's response to the NAS challenge and the client's own

challenge to the NAS. The high-order octets (Value1 and Value2)

contain the dial-in user's challenge to the NAS (2 32-bit numbers,

8 octets) and the low-order octets (Value3 and Value4) contain the

dial-in user's response to the NAS challenge (2 32-bit numbers, 8


5.5. ARAP-Features


This attribute is sent in an Access-Accept packet with Framed-

Protocol of ARAP, and includes password information that the NAS

should sent to the user in an ARAP "feature flags" packet.

A summary of the ARAP-Features attribute format is shown below. The

fields are transmitted from left to right.

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


Type Length Value1 Value2









71 for ARAP-Features.




The Value field is a compound string containing information the

NAS should send to the user in the ARAP "feature flags" packet.

Value1: If zero, user cannot change their password. If non-zero

user can. (RADIUS does not handle the password changing, just

the attribute which indicates whether ARAP indicates they can.)

Value2: Minimum acceptable password length, from 0 to 8.

Value3: Password creation date in Macintosh format, defined as

32 unsigned bits representing seconds since Midnight GMT

January 1, 1904.

Value4: Password Expiration Delta from create date in seconds.

Value5: Current RADIUS time in Macintosh format.

5.6. ARAP-Zone-Access


This attribute is included in an Access-Accept packet with

Framed-Protocol of ARAP to indicate how the ARAP zone list for the

user should be used.

A summary of the ARAP-Zone-Access attribute format is shown below.

The fields are transmitted from left to right.

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


Type Length Value


Value (cont)



72 for ARAP-Zone-Access.




The Value field is four octets encoding an integer with one of the

following values:

1 Only allow access to default zone

2 Use zone filter inclusively

4 Use zone filter exclusively

The value 3 is skipped, not because these are bit flags, but

because 3 in some ARAP implementations means "all zones" which is

the same as not specifying a list at all under RADIUS.

If this attribute is present and the value is 2 or 4 then a

Filter-Id must also be present to name a zone list filter to apply

the access flag to.

5.7. ARAP-Security


This attribute identifies the ARAP Security Module to be used in

an Access-Challenge packet.

A summary of the ARAP-Security attribute format is shown below. The

fields are transmitted from left to right.

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


Type Length Value


Value (cont)



73 for ARAP-Security.




The Value field is four octets, containing an integer specifying

the security module signature, which is a Macintosh OSType.

(Macintosh OSTypes are 4 ascii characters cast as a 32-bit


5.8. ARAP-Security-Data


This attribute contains the actual security module challenge or

response, and can be found in Access-Challenge and Access-Request


A summary of the ARAP-Security-Data attribute format is shown below.

The fields are transmitted from left to right.

0 1 2

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3


Type Length String...



74 for ARAP-Security-Data.




The String field contains the security module challenge or

response associated with the ARAP Security Module specified in


5.9. Password-Retry


This attribute MAY be included in an Access-Reject to indicate how

many authentication attempts a user may be allowed to attempt

before being disconnected.

It is primarily intended for use with ARAP authentication.

A summary of the Password-Retry attribute format is shown below. The

fields are transmitted from left to right.

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


Type Length Value


Value (cont)



75 for Password-Retry.




The Value field is four octets, containing an integer specifying

the number of password retry attempts to permit the user.

5.10. Prompt


This attribute is used only in Access-Challenge packets, and

indicates to the NAS whether it should echo the user's response as

it is entered, or not echo it.

A summary of the Prompt attribute format is shown below. The fields

are transmitted from left to right.

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


Type Length Value


Value (cont)



76 for Prompt.




The Value field is four octets.

0 No Echo

1 Echo

5.11. Connect-Info


This attribute is sent from the NAS to indicate the nature of the

user's connection.

The NAS MAY send this attribute in an Access-Request or

Accounting-Request to indicate the nature of the user's


A summary of the Connect-Info attribute format is shown below. The

fields are transmitted from left to right.

0 1 2

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3


Type Length Text...



77 for Connect-Info.


>= 3


The Text field consists of UTF-8 encoded 10646 [8] characters.

The connection speed SHOULD be included at the beginning of the

first Connect-Info attribute in the packet. If the transmit and

receive connection speeds differ, they may both be included in the

first attribute with the transmit speed first (the speed the NAS

modem transmits at), a slash (/), the receive speed, then

optionally other information.

For example, "28800 V42BIS/LAPM" or "52000/31200 V90"

More than one Connect-Info attribute may be present in an

Accounting-Request packet to accommodate expected efforts by ITU

to have modems report more connection information in a standard

format that might exceed 252 octets.

5.12. Configuration-Token


This attribute is for use in large distributed authentication

networks based on proxy. It is sent from a RADIUS Proxy Server to

a RADIUS Proxy Client in an Access-Accept to indicate a type of

user profile to be used. It should not be sent to a NAS.

A summary of the Configuration-Token attribute format is shown below.

The fields are transmitted from left to right.

0 1 2

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3


Type Length String ...



78 for Configuration-Token.


>= 3


The String field is one or more octets. The actual format of the

information is site or application specific, and a robust

implementation SHOULD support the field as undistinguished octets.

The codification of the range of allowed usage of this field is

outside the scope of this specification.

5.13. EAP-Message


This attribute encapsulates Extended Access Protocol [3] packets

so as to allow the NAS to authenticate dial-in users via EAP

without having to understand the EAP protocol.

The NAS places any EAP messages received from the user into one or

more EAP attributes and forwards them to the RADIUS Server as part

of the Access-Request, which can return EAP messages in Access-

Challenge, Access-Accept and Access-Reject packets.

A RADIUS Server receiving EAP messages that it does not understand

SHOULD return an Access-Reject.

The NAS places EAP messages received from the authenticating peer

into one or more EAP-Message attributes and forwards them to the

RADIUS Server within an Access-Request message. If multiple EAP-

Messages are contained within an Access-Request or Access-

Challenge packet, they MUST be in order and they MUST be

consecutive attributes in the Access-Request or Access-Challenge

packet. Access-Accept and Access-Reject packets SHOULD only have

ONE EAP-Message attribute in them, containing EAP-Success or EAP-


It is expected that EAP will be used to implement a variety of

authentication methods, including methods involving strong

cryptography. In order to prevent attackers from subverting EAP by

attacking RADIUS/EAP, (for example, by modifying the EAP-Success

or EAP-Failure packets) it is necessary that RADIUS/EAP provide

integrity protection at least as strong as those used in the EAP

methods themselves.

Therefore the Message-Authenticator attribute MUST be used to

protect all Access-Request, Access-Challenge, Access-Accept, and

Access-Reject packets containing an EAP-Message attribute.

Access-Request packets including an EAP-Message attribute without

a Message-Authenticator attribute SHOULD be silently discarded by

the RADIUS server. A RADIUS Server supporting EAP-Message MUST

calculate the correct value of the Message-Authenticator and

silently discard the packet if it does not match the value sent.

A RADIUS Server not supporting EAP-Message MUST return an Access-

Reject if it receives an Access-Request containing an EAP-Message

attribute. A RADIUS Server receiving an EAP-Message attribute that

it does not understand MUST return an Access-Reject.

Access-Challenge, Access-Accept, or Access-Reject packets

including an EAP-Message attribute without a Message-Authenticator

attribute SHOULD be silently discarded by the NAS. A NAS

supporting EAP-Message MUST calculate the correct value of the

Message-Authenticator and silently discard the packet if it does

not match the value sent.

A summary of the EAP-Message attribute format is shown below. The

fields are transmitted from left to right.

0 1 2

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3


Type Length String...



79 for EAP-Message.


>= 3


The String field contains EAP packets, as defined in [3]. If

multiple EAP-Message attributes are present in a packet their

values should be concatenated; this allows EAP packets longer than

253 octets to be passed by RADIUS.

5.14. Message-Authenticator


This attribute MAY be used to sign Access-Requests to prevent

spoofing Access-Requests using CHAP, ARAP or EAP authentication

methods. It MAY be used in any Access-Request. It MUST be used

in any Access-Request, Access-Accept, Access-Reject or Access-

Challenge that includes an EAP-Message attribute.

A RADIUS Server receiving an Access-Request with a Message-

Authenticator Attribute present MUST calculate the correct value

of the Message-Authenticator and silently discard the packet if it

does not match the value sent.

A RADIUS Client receiving an Access-Accept, Access-Reject or

Access-Challenge with a Message-Authenticator Attribute present

MUST calculate the correct value of the Message-Authenticator and

silently discard the packet if it does not match the value sent.

Earlier drafts of this memo used "Signature" as the name of this

attribute, but Message-Authenticator is more precise. Its

operation has not changed, just the name.

A summary of the Message-Authenticator attribute format is shown

below. The fields are transmitted from left to right.

0 1 2

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3


Type Length String...



80 for Message-Authenticator




When present in an Access-Request packet, Message-Authenticator is

an HMAC-MD5 [9] checksum of the entire Access-Request packet,

including Type, ID, Length and authenticator, using the shared

secret as the key, as follows.

Message-Authenticator = HMAC-MD5 (Type, Identifier, Length,

Request Authenticator, Attributes)

When the checksum is calculated the signature string should be

considered to be sixteen octets of zero.

For Access-Challenge, Access-Accept, and Access-Reject packets,

the Message-Authenticator is calculated as follows, using the

Request-Authenticator from the Access-Request this packet is in

reply to:

Message-Authenticator = HMAC-MD5 (Type, Identifier, Length,

Request Authenticator, Attributes)

When the checksum is calculated the signature string should be

considered to be sixteen octets of zero. The shared secret is

used as the key for the HMAC-MD5 hash. The is calculated and

inserted in the packet before the Response Authenticator is


This attribute is not needed if the User-Password attribute is

present, but is useful for preventing attacks on other types of

authentication. This attribute is intended to thwart attempts by

an attacker to setup a "rogue" NAS, and perform online dictionary

attacks against the RADIUS server. It does not afford protection

against "offline" attacks where the attacker intercepts packets

containing (for example) CHAP challenge and response, and performs

a dictionary attack against those packets offline.

IP Security will eventually make this attribute unnecessary, so it

should be considered an interim measure.

5.15. ARAP-Challenge-Response


This attribute is sent in an Access-Accept packet with Framed-

Protocol of ARAP, and contains the response to the dial-in

client's challenge.

A summary of the ARAP-Challenge-Response attribute format is shown

below. The fields are transmitted from left to right.

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


Type Length Value...





84 for ARAP-Challenge-Response.




The Value field contains an 8 octet response to the dial-in

client's challenge. The RADIUS server calculates this value by

taking the dial-in client's challenge from the high order 8 octets

of the ARAP-Password attribute and performing DES encryption on

this value with the authenticating user's password as the key. If

the user's password is less than 8 octets in length, the password

is padded at the end with NULL octets to a length of 8 before

using it as a key.

5.16. Acct-Interim-Interval


This attribute indicates the number of seconds between each

interim update in seconds for this specific session. This value

can only appear in the Access-Accept message.

A summary of the Acct-Interim-Interval attribute format is shown

below. The fields are transmitted from left to right.

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


Type Length Value


Value (cont)



85 for Acct-Interim-Interval.




The Value field contains the number of seconds between each

interim update to be sent from the NAS for this session. The value

MUST NOT be smaller than 60. The value SHOULD NOT be smaller than

600, and careful consideration should be given to its impact on

network traffic.

5.17. NAS-Port-Id


This Attribute contains a text string which identifies the port of

the NAS which is authenticating the user. It is only used in

Access-Request and Accounting-Request packets. Note that this is

using "port" in its sense of a physical connection on the NAS, not

in the sense of a TCP or UDP port number.

Either NAS-Port or NAS-Port-Id SHOULD be present in an Access-

Request packet, if the NAS differentiates among its ports. NAS-

Port-Id is intended for use by NASes which cannot conveniently

number their ports.

A summary of the NAS-Port-Id Attribute format is shown below. The

fields are transmitted from left to right.

0 1 2

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3


Type Length Text...



87 for NAS-Port-Id.


>= 3


The Text field contains the name of the port using UTF-8 encoded

10646 [8] characters.

5.18. Framed-Pool


This Attribute contains the name of an assigned address pool that

SHOULD be used to assign an address for the user. If a NAS does

not support multiple address pools, the NAS should ignore this

Attribute. Address pools are usually used for IP addresses, but

can be used for other protocols if the NAS supports pools for

those protocols.

A summary of the Framed-Pool Attribute format is shown below. The

fields are transmitted from left to right.

0 1 2

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3


Type Length String...



88 for Framed-Pool


>= 3


The string field contains the name of an assigned address pool

configured on the NAS.

5.19. Table of Attributes

The following table provides a guide to which attributes may be found

in which kind of packets. Acct-Input-Gigawords, Acct-Output-

Gigawords, Event-Timestamp, and NAS-Port-Id may have 0-1 instances in

an Accounting-Request packet. Connect-Info may have 0+ instances in

an Accounting-Request packet. The other attributes added in this

document must not be present in an Accounting-Request.

Request Accept Reject Challenge # Attribute

0-1 0 0 0 70 ARAP-Password [Note 1]

0 0-1 0 0-1 71 ARAP-Features

0 0-1 0 0 72 ARAP-Zone-Access

0-1 0 0 0-1 73 ARAP-Security

0+ 0 0 0+ 74 ARAP-Security-Data

0 0 0-1 0 75 Password-Retry

0 0 0 0-1 76 Prompt

0-1 0 0 0 77 Connect-Info

0 0+ 0 0 78 Configuration-Token

0+ 0+ 0+ 0+ 79 EAP-Message [Note 1]

0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 80 Message-Authenticator [Note 1]

0 0-1 0 0-1 84 ARAP-Challenge-Response

0 0-1 0 0 85 Acct-Interim-Interval

0-1 0 0 0 87 NAS-Port-Id

0 0-1 0 0 88 Framed-Pool

Request Accept Reject Challenge # Attribute

[Note 1] An Access-Request that contains either a User-Password or

CHAP-Password or ARAP-Password or one or more EAP-Message attributes

MUST NOT contain more than one type of those four attributes. If it

does not contain any of those four attributes, it SHOULD contain a

Message-Authenticator. If any packet type contains an EAP-Message

attribute it MUST also contain a Message-Authenticator.

The following table defines the above table entries.

0 This attribute MUST NOT be present

0+ Zero or more instances of this attribute MAY be present.

0-1 Zero or one instance of this attribute MAY be present.

1 Exactly one instance of this attribute MUST be present.

6. IANA Considerations

The Packet Type Codes, Attribute Types, and Attribute Values defined

in this document are registered by the Internet Assigned Numbers

Authority (IANA) from the RADIUS name spaces as described in the

"IANA Considerations" section of [1], in accordance with BCP 26 [10].

7. Security Considerations

The attributes other than Message-Authenticator and EAP-Message in

this document have no additional security considerations beyond those

already identified in [1].

7.1. Message-Authenticator Security

Access-Request packets with a User-Password establish the identity of

both the user and the NAS sending the Access-Request, because of the

way the shared secret between NAS and RADIUS server is used.

Access-Request packets with CHAP-Password or EAP-Message do not have

a User-Password attribute, so the Message-Authenticator attribute

should be used in access-request packets that do not have a User-

Password, in order to establish the identity of the NAS sending the


7.2. EAP Security

Since the purpose of EAP is to provide enhanced security for PPP

authentication, it is critical that RADIUS support for EAP be secure.

In particular, the following issues must be addressed:

Separation of EAP server and PPP authenticator

Connection hijacking

Man in the middle attacks

Multiple databases

Negotiation attacks

7.2.1. Separation of EAP server and PPP authenticator

It is possible for the EAP endpoints to mutually authenticate,

negotiate a ciphersuite, and derive a session key for subsequent use

in PPP encryption.

This does not present an issue on the peer, since the peer and EAP

client reside on the same machine; all that is required is for the

EAP client module to pass the session key to the PPP encryption


The situation is more complex when EAP is used with RADIUS, since the

PPP authenticator will typically not reside on the same machine as

the EAP server. For example, the EAP server may be a backend security

server, or a module residing on the RADIUS server.

In the case where the EAP server and PPP authenticator reside on

different machines, there are several implications for security.

Firstly, mutual authentication will occur between the peer and the

EAP server, not between the peer and the authenticator. This means

that it is not possible for the peer to validate the identity of the

NAS or tunnel server that it is speaking to.

As described earlier, when EAP/RADIUS is used to encapsulate EAP

packets, the Message-Authenticator attribute is required in

EAP/RADIUS Access-Requests sent from the NAS or tunnel server to the

RADIUS server. Since the Message-Authenticator attribute involves a

HMAC-MD5 hash, it is possible for the RADIUS server to verify the

integrity of the Access-Request as well as the NAS or tunnel server's

identity. Similarly, Access-Challenge packets sent from the RADIUS

server to the NAS are also authenticated and integrity protected

using an HMAC-MD5 hash, enabling the NAS or tunnel server to

determine the integrity of the packet and verify the identity of the

RADIUS server. Moreover, EAP packets sent via methods that contain

their own integrity protection cannot be successfully modified by a

rogue NAS or tunnel server.

The second issue that arises in the case of an EAP server and PPP

authenticator residing on different machines is that the session key

negotiated between the peer and EAP server will need to be

transmitted to the authenticator. Therefore a mechanism needs to be

provided to transmit the session key from the EAP server to the

authenticator or tunnel server that needs to use the key. The

specification of this transit mechanism is outside the scope of this


7.2.2. Connection hijacking

In this form of attack, the attacker attempts to inject packets into

the conversation between the NAS and the RADIUS server, or between

the RADIUS server and the backend security server. RADIUS does not

support encryption, and as described in [1], only Access-Reply and

Access-Challenge packets are integrity protected. Moreover, the

integrity protection mechanism described in [1] is weaker than that

likely to be used by some EAP methods, making it possible to subvert

those methods by attacking EAP/RADIUS.

In order to provide for authentication of all packets in the EAP

exchange, all EAP/RADIUS packets MUST be authenticated using the

Message-Authenticator attribute, as described previously.

7.2.3. Man in the middle attacks

Since RADIUS security is based on shared secrets, end-to-end security

is not provided in the case where authentication or accounting

packets are forwarded along a proxy chain. As a result, attackers

gaining control of a RADIUS proxy will be able to modify EAP packets

in transit.

7.2.4. Multiple databases

In many cases a backend security server will be deployed along with a

RADIUS server in order to provide EAP services. Unless the backend

security server also functions as a RADIUS server, two separate user

databases will exist, each containing information about the security

requirements for the user. This represents a weakness, since security

may be compromised by a successful attack on either of the servers,

or their backend databases. With multiple user databases, adding a

new user may require multiple operations, increasing the chances for

error. The problems are further magnified in the case where user

information is also being kept in an LDAP server. In this case, three

stores of user information may exist.

In order to address these threats, consolidation of databases is

recommended. This can be achieved by having both the RADIUS server

and backend security server store information in the same backend

database; by having the backend security server provide a full RADIUS

implementation; or by consolidating both the backend security server

and the RADIUS server onto the same machine.

7.2.5. Negotiation attacks

In a negotiation attack, a rogue NAS, tunnel server, RADIUS proxy or

RADIUS server causes the authenticating peer to choose a less secure

authentication method so as to make it easier to oBTain the user's

password. For example, a session that would normally be authenticated

with EAP would instead authenticated via CHAP or PAP; alternatively,

a connection that would normally be authenticated via one EAP type

occurs via a less secure EAP type, such as MD5. The threat posed by

rogue devices, once thought to be remote, has gained currency given

compromises of telephone company switching systems, such as those

described in [11].

Protection against negotiation attacks requires the elimination of

downward negotiations. This can be achieved via implementation of

per-connection policy on the part of the authenticating peer, and

per-user policy on the part of the RADIUS server.

For the authenticating peer, authentication policy should be set on a

per-connection basis. Per-connection policy allows an authenticating

peer to negotiate EAP when calling one service, while negotiating

CHAP for another service, even if both services are accessible via

the same phone number.

With per-connection policy, an authenticating peer will only attempt

to negotiate EAP for a session in which EAP support is expected. As a

result, there is a presumption that an authenticating peer selecting

EAP requires that level of security. If it cannot be provided, it is

likely that there is some kind of misconfiguration, or even that the

authenticating peer is contacting the wrong server. Should the NAS

not be able to negotiate EAP, or should the EAP-Request sent by the

NAS be of a different EAP type than what is expected, the

authenticating peer MUST disconnect. An authenticating peer expecting

EAP to be negotiated for a session MUST NOT negotiate CHAP or PAP.

For a NAS, it may not be possible to determine whether a user is

required to authenticate with EAP until the user's identity is known.

For example, for shared-uses NASes it is possible for one reseller to

implement EAP while another does not. In such cases, if any users of

the NAS MUST do EAP, then the NAS MUST attempt to negotiate EAP for

every call. This avoids forcing an EAP-capable client to do more than

one authentication, which weakens security.

If CHAP is negotiated, the NAS will pass the User-Name and CHAP-

Password attributes to the RADIUS Server in an Access-Request packet.

If the user is not required to use EAP, then the RADIUS Server will

respond with an Access-Accept or Access-Reject packet as appropriate.

However, if CHAP has been negotiated but EAP is required, the RADIUS

server MUST respond with an Access-Reject, rather than an Access-

Challenge/EAP-Message/EAP-Request packet. The authenticating peer

MUST refuse to renegotiate authentication, even if the renegotiation

is from CHAP to EAP.

If EAP is negotiated but is not supported by the RADIUS proxy or

server, then the server or proxy MUST respond with an Access-Reject.

In these cases, the NAS MUST send an LCP-Terminate and disconnect the

user. This is the correct behavior since the authenticating peer is

expecting EAP to be negotiated, and that expectation cannot be

fulfilled. An EAP-capable authenticating peer MUST refuse to

renegotiate the authentication protocol if EAP had initially been

negotiated. Note that problems with a non-EAP capable RADIUS proxy

could prove difficult to diagnose, since a user dialing in from one

location (with an EAP-capable proxy) might be able to successfully

authenticate via EAP, while the same user dialing into another

location (and encountering an EAP-incapable proxy) might be

consistently disconnected.

8. References

[1] Rigney, C., Willens, S., Rubens, A. and W. Simpson, "Remote

Authentication Dial In User Service (RADIUS)", RFC2865, June


[2] Rigney, C., "RADIUS Accounting", RFC2866, June 2000.

[3] Blunk, L. and J. Vollbrecht, "PPP Extensible Authentication

Protocol (EAP)", RFC2284, March 1998.

[4] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement

Levels", BCP 14, RFC2119, March, 1997.

[5] Reynolds, J. and J. Postel, "Assigned Numbers", STD 2, RFC1700,

October 1994.

[6] Zorn, G., Leifer, D., Rubens, A., Shriver, J., Holdrege, M. and

I. Goyret, "RADIUS Attributes for Tunnel Protocol Support", RFC

2868, June 2000.

[7] Zorn, G., Aboba, B. and D. Mitton, "RADIUS Accounting

Modifications for Tunnel Protocol Support", RFC2867, June 2000.

[8] Yergeau, F., "UTF-8, a transformation format of ISO 10646", RFC

2279, January 1998.

[9] Krawczyk, H., Bellare, M. and R. Canetti, "HMAC: Keyed-Hashing

for Message Authentication", RFC2104, February 1997.

[10] Alvestrand, H. and T. Narten, "Guidelines for Writing an IANA

Considerations Section in RFCs", BCP 26, RFC2434, October 1998.

[11] Slatalla, M., and Quittner, J., "Masters of Deception."

HarperCollins, New York, 1995.

9. Acknowledgements

RADIUS and RADIUS Accounting were originally developed by Livingston

Enterprises (now part of Lucent Technologies) for their PortMaster

series of Network Access Servers.

The section on ARAP is adopted with permission from "Using RADIUS to

Authenticate Apple Remote Access Connections" by Ward Willats of Cyno

Technologies (ward@cyno.com).

The section on Acct-Interim-Interval is adopted with permission from

an earlier work in progress by Pat Calhoun of Sun Microsystems, Mark

Beadles of Compuserve, and Alex Ratcliffe of UUNET Technologies.

The section on EAP is adopted with permission from an earlier work in

progress by Pat Calhoun of Sun Microsystems, Allan Rubens of Merit

Network, and Bernard Aboba of Microsoft. Thanks also to Dave Dawson

and Karl Fox of Ascend, and Glen Zorn and Narendra Gidwani of

Microsoft for useful discussions of this problem space.

10. Chair's Address

The RADIUS working group can be contacted via the current chair:

Carl Rigney

Livingston Enterprises

4464 Willow Road

Pleasanton, California 94588

Phone: +1 925 737 2100

EMail: cdr@telemancy.com

11. Authors' Addresses

Questions about this memo can also be directed to:

Carl Rigney

Livingston Enterprises

4464 Willow Road

Pleasanton, California 94588

EMail: cdr@telemancy.com

Questions on ARAP and RADIUS may be directed to:

Ward Willats

Cyno Technologies

1082 Glen Echo Ave

San Jose, CA 95125

Phone: +1 408 297 7766

EMail: ward@cyno.com

Questions on EAP and RADIUS may be directed to any of the following:

Pat R. Calhoun

Network and Security Research Center

Sun Microsystems, Inc.

15 Network Circle

Menlo Park, CA 94025

Phone: +1 650 786 7733

EMail: pcalhoun@eng.sun.com

Allan C. Rubens

Tut Systems, Inc.

220 E. Huron, Suite 260

Ann Arbor, MI 48104

Phone: +1 734 995 1697

EMail: arubens@tutsys.com

Bernard Aboba

Microsoft Corporation

One Microsoft Way

Redmond, WA 98052

Phone: +1 425 936 6605

EMail: bernarda@microsoft.com

12. Full Copyright Statement

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2000). All Rights Reserved.

This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to

others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it

or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published

and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any

kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are

included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this

document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing

the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other

Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of

developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for

copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be

followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than


The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be

revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.

This document and the information contained herein is provided on an







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