
RFC2834 - ARP and IP Broadcast over HIPPI-800

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group J.-M. Pittet

Request for Comments: 2834 Silicon Graphics Inc.

Obsoletes: 1374 May 2000

Category: Standards Track

ARP and IP Broadcast over HIPPI-800

Status of this Memo

This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the

Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for

improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet

Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state

and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2000). All Rights Reserved.


This document specifies a method for resolving IP addresses to ANSI

High-Performance Parallel Interface (HIPPI) hardware addresses and

for emulating IP broadcast in a logical IP subnet (LIS) as a direct

extension of HARP. This memo defines a HARP that will interoperate

between HIPPI-800 and HIPPI-6400 (also known as Gigabyte System

Network, GSN). This document (when combined with RFC-2067 "IP over

HIPPI") obsoletes RFC-1374.

Table of Contents

1. IntrodUCtion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

2. Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

3. Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

3.1 Global Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

3.2 Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

4. IP Subnetwork Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

4.1 Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

4.2 HIPPI LIS Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

5. HIPPI Address Resolution Protocol - HARP . . . . . . . . 7

5.1 HARP Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

5.1.1 Selecting the authoritative HARP service . . . 8

5.1.2 HARP registration phase . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

5.1.3 HARP operational phase . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

5.2 HARP Client Operational Requirements . . . . . . . . . . 11

5.3 Receiving Unknown HARP Messages . . . . . . . . . . . 12

5.4 HARP Server Operational Requirements . . . . . . . . 12

5.5 HARP and Permanent ARP Table Entries . . . . . . . . 14

5.6 HARP Table Aging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

6. HARP Message Encoding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

6.1 HIPPI-LE Header of HARP Messages . . . . . . . . . . 15

6.1.1 IEEE 802.2 LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

6.1.2 SNAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

6.1.3 Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

6.2 HIPPI Hardware Address Formats and Requirements . . . 18

6.2.1 48-bit Universal LAN MAC Addresses . . . . . . 18

6.3 HARP and InHARP Message Formats . . . . . . . . . . . 19

6.3.1 Example Message encodings . . . . . . . . . . . 22

6.3.2 HARP_NAK message format . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

6.3.3 Combined HIPPI-LE and HARP message addresses . 22

7. Broadcast and Multicast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

7.1 Protocol for an IP Broadcast Emulation Server - PIBES 23

7.2 IP Broadcast Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

7.3 IP Multicast Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

7.4 A Note on Broadcast Emulation Performance . . . . . . 24

8. HARP for Scheduled Transfer Protocol . . . . . . . . . . 25

9. Discovery of One's Own Switch Address . . . . . . . . . . 25

10. Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

11. Open Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

12. HARP Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

12.1 Registration Phase of Client Y on Non-broadcast HW . 27

12.2 Registration Phase of Client Y on Broadcast Hardware 28

12.3 Operational Phase (phase II) . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

12.3.1 Standard successful HARP_Resolve example . . 29

12.3.2 Standard non-successful HARP_Resolve example 30

13. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

14. Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

15. Changes from RFC-1374 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

16. Author's Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

17. Full Copyright Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

1. Introduction

The ANSI High-Performance Parallel Interface (HIPPI) is a dual

simplex data channel. HIPPI can send and receive data

simultaneously at 800 or 1600 megabits per second. Between 1987 and

1997, the ANSI X3T11.1 HIPPI working group (now known as NCITS T11.1)

Standardized five documents that bear on the use of HIPPI as a

network interface. They cover the physical and electrical

specification (HIPPI-PH [1]), the framing of a stream of bytes

(HIPPI-FP [2]), encapsulation of IEEE 802.2 LLC (HIPPI-LE [3]), the

behavior of a physical layer switch (HIPPI-SC [4]) and the physical-

level and optical specification (HIPPI-Serial [5]). HIPPI-LE also

implies the encapsulation of Internet Protocol[5]. The reader should

be familiar with the ANSI HIPPI documents. Approved ANSI NCITS

standards are available from ANSI (http://www.ansi.org). The working

documents of the T11.1 working group may be oBTained from the T11 web

page (http://www.t11.org/).

HIPPI switches can be used to connect a variety of computers and

peripheral equipment for many purposes, but the working group stopped

short of describing their use as Local Area Networks. RFC-2067 [15]

describes the encapsulation of IP over HIPPI-800. This memo takes up

where the working group and RFC-2067 [15] left off and defines

address resolution and LIS IP broadcast emulation for HIPPI-800


While investigating possible solutions for HARP it became evident

that IP broadcast could easily be emulated for both HIPPI-800 and

HIPPI-6400 hardware types. This is useful since HIPPI switches are

not required to implement broadcast but many standard networking

protocols rely on broadcast. This memo therefore further addresses

the emulation of LIS IP broadcast as an extension of HARP.

2 Terminology



document are to be interpreted as described in RFC-2119 [18].

3. Definitions

3.1 Global concepts used

In the following discussion, the terms "requester" and "target" are

used to identify the port initiating the address resolution request

and the port whose address it wishes to discover, respectively. If

not all switches in the LIS support broadcast then there will be a

HARP server providing the address resolution service and it will be

the source of the reply. If on the other hand all switches support

broadcast then the source address of a reply will be the target's

target address.

Values are decimal unless otherwise noted. Formatting follows IEEE

802.1A canonical bit order and and HIPPI-FP bit and byte order.

3.2 Glossary


A distribution mode which transmits a message to all ports.

Particularly also the port sending the message.


Both terms are used to refer to networks such as Ethernet, FDDI, and

other 802 LAN types, as distinct from HIPPI-SC LANs.


The HIPPI port that receives data from a HIPPI Source.


HARP describes the whole set of HIPPI address resolution encodings

and algorithms defined in this memo. HARP is a combination and

adaptation of the Internet Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) RFC-826

[13] and Inverse ARP (InARP) [7] (see section 5). HARP also describes

the HIPPI specific version of ARP [10] (i.e. the protocol and the

HIPPI specific encoding).

HARP table

Each host has a HARP table which contains the IP to hardware address

mapping of IP members.


An implementation of HIPPI in serial fashion on coaxial cable or

optical fiber. (see [5])


The HARP Request Address List. A list of ULAs to which HARP messages

are sent when resolving names to addresses (see section 4.2).

Hardware (HW) address

The hardware address of a port consisting of an I-Field and an

optional ULA (see section 6.2). Note: the term port as used in this

document refers to a HIPPI port and is roughly equivalent to the term

"interface" as commonly used in other IP documents.


An entity, usually a computer system, that may have one or more HIPPI

ports and which may serve as a client or a HARP server.


An entity consisting of one HIPPI Source/Destination dual simplex

pair that is connected by parallel or serial HIPPI to a HIPPI-SC

switch and that transmits and receives IP datagrams.


The Protocol for Internet Broadcast Emulation Server (see section 7).

Switch Address

A value used as the address of a port on a HIPPI-SC network. It is

transmitted in the I-field. HIPPI-SC switches map Switch Addresses

to physical switch port numbers. The switch address is extended with

a mode byte to form an I-Field (see [4] and 6.2.2)


The HIPPI port that generates data to send to a HIPPI Destination.

Universal LAN MAC Address (ULA)

A 48-bit globally unique address, administered by the IEEE, assigned

to each port on an Ethernet, FDDI, 802 network, or HIPPI-SC LAN.

4. IP Subnetwork Configuration

4.1 Background

ARP (address resolution protocol) as defined in [12] was meant to

work on the 'local' cable. This definition gives the ARP protocol a

local logical IP subnet (LIS) scope. In the LIS scenario, each

separate administrative entity configures its hosts and routers

within the LIS. Each LIS operates and communicates independently of

other LIS's on the same HIPPI network.

HARP has LIS scope only and serves all ports in the LIS.

Communication to ports located outside of the local LIS is usually

provided via an IP router. This router is a HIPPI port attached to

the HIPPI network that is configured as a member of one or more

LIS's. This configuration MAY result in a number of disjoint LIS's

operating over the same HIPPI network. Using this model, ports of

different IP subnets SHOULD communicate via an intermediate IP router

even though it may be possible to open a direct HIPPI connection

between the two IP members over the HIPPI network. This is a

consequence of using IP and choosing to have multiple LIS's on the

same HIPPI fabric.

By default, the HARP method detailed in section 5 and the classical

LIS routing model MUST be available to any IP member client in the


4.2 HIPPI LIS Requirements

The requirement for IP members (hosts, routers) operating in a HIPPI

LIS configuration is:

o All members of the LIS SHALL have the same IP network/subnet

address and address mask [6].

The following list identifies the set of HIPPI-specific parameters

that MUST be implemented in each IP station connected to the HIPPI


o HIPPI Hardware Address:

The HIPPI hardware address of an individual IP port MUST contain

the port's Switch Address (see section 9). The address SHOULD also

contain a non-zero ULA address. If there is no ULA then that field

MUST be zero.

o HARP Request Address List (HRAL):

The HRAL is an ordered list of two or more addresses identifying

the address resolution service(s). All HARP clients MUST be

configured identically, i.e. all ports MUST have the same

addresses(es) in the HRAL.

The HRAL MUST contain at least two HIPPI HW addresses identifying

the individual HARP service(s) that have authoritative

responsibility for resolving HARP requests of all IP members

located within the LIS.

By default the first address MUST be the reserved address for

broadcast, i.e. the address for "IP traffic conventionally

directed to the IEEE 802.1 broadcast address: 0xFE1" [4]. The ULA

for this HARP service entry SHALL be FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF.

It is REQUIRED that the second address be the address for

"Messages pertaining to (the) ... address resolution requests:

0xFE0" [4]. The ULA for this HARP server entry is


Therefore, the HRAL entries are sorted in the following order:

1st ** : broadcast address (0x07000FE1 FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF),

2nd ** : official HARP server address (0x07000FE0 00:00:00:00:00:00),

3rd & on: any additional HARP server addresses will be sorted in

decreasing order of the 12bit destination switch

address portion of their I-Field (see section 6.2).


Within the restrictions mentioned above and in Section 6.2.2, local

administration choose address(es) for the additional HARP services

which they will put into the HRAL.

An example of such a list:

1st entry: 0x07000FE1 FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF

2nd entry: 0x07000FE0 00:00:00:00:00:00

3rd entry: 0x07000001 <Alternate-HARP-server-ula>


Manual configuration of the addresses and address lists presented in

this section is implementation dependent and beyond the scope of this


5. HIPPI Address Resolution Protocol - HARP

Address resolution within the HIPPI LIS SHALL make use of the HIPPI

Address Resolution Protocol (HARP) and the Inverse HIPPI Address

Resolution Protocol (InHARP). HARP provides the same functionality as

the Internet Address Resolution Protocol (ARP). HARP is based on ARP

which is defined in RFC-826 [13]. Knowing the Internet address,

conventional networks use ARP to discover another port's hardware

address. HARP presented in this section further specifies the

combination of the original protocol definitions to form a coherent

address resolution service that is independent of the hardware's

broadcast capability.

InHARP is based on the original Inverse ARP (InARP) protocol

presented in [7]. Knowing its hardware address, InARP is used to

discover the other party's Internet address.

This memo further REQUIRES the PIBES (see section 7 below) extension

to the HARP protocol, guaranteeing broadcast service to upper layer

protocols like IP.

Internet addresses are assigned independent of ULAs and switch

addresses. Before using HARP, each port MUST know its IP and its

hardware addresses. The ULA is optional but is RECOMMENDED if

bridging to conventional networks is desired.

5.1 HARP Algorithm

This section defines the behavior and requirements for HARP

implementations on both broadcast and non-broadcast capable HIPPI-SC

networks. HARP creates a table in each port which maps the IP address

of each port to a hardware address, so that when an application

requests a connection to a remote port by its IP address, the

hardware address can be determined, a correct HIPPI-LE header can be

built, and a connection to the port can be established using the

correct Switch Address in the I-field.

HARP is a two phase protocol. The first phase is the registration

phase and the second phase is the operational phase. In the

registration phase the port detects if it is connected to broadcast

hardware or not. The InHARP protocol is used in the registration

phase. In case of non-broadcast capable hardware, the InHARP

Protocol will register and establish a table entry with the server.

The operational phase works much like conventional ARP with the

exception of the message format.

5.1.1 Selecting the authoritative HARP service

Within the HIPPI LIS, there SHALL be an authoritative HARP service.

At each point in time there is only one authoritative HARP service.

To select the authoritative HARP service, each port needs to

determine if it is connected to a broadcast network.

The port SHALL send an InHARP_REQUEST to the first address in its

HRAL (0x07000FE1 FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF). If the port sees its own

InHARP_REQUEST, then it is connected to a broadcast capable network.

In this case, the rest of the HRAL is ignored and the authoritative

HARP service is the broadcast entry.

If the port is connected to a non-broadcast capable network, then the

port SHALL send the InHARP_REQUEST to all of the remaining entries in

the HRAL. Every address which sends an InHARP_REPLY is considered to

be a responsive HARP server. The authoritative HARP service SHALL be

the HARP server which appears first in the HRAL.

The sequence of the HRAL is only important for deciding which address

will be the authoritative one. On a non-broadcast network, the port

is REQUIRED to keep "registered" with all HARP server addresses in

the HRAL (NOTE: not the broadcast address since it is not a HARP

server address). If for instance the authoritative HARP service is

non-responsive, then the port will consider the next address in the

HRAL as a candidate for the authoritative address and send an


The authoritative HARP server SHOULD be considered non-responsive

when it has failed to reply to: (1) one or more registration requests

by the client (see section 5.1.2 and 5.2), (2) any two HARP_REQUESTs

in the last 120 seconds or (3) if an external agent has detected

failure of the authoritative HARP server. The details of such an

external agent and its interaction with the HARP client are beyond

the scope of this document. Should an authoritative HARP server

become non-responsive, then the registration process SHOULD be

restarted. Alternative methods for choosing an authoritative HARP

service are not prohibited.

5.1.2 HARP registration phase

HARP clients SHALL initiate the registration phase by sending an

InHARP_REQUEST message using the addresses in the HRAL in order. The

client SHALL terminate the registration phase and transition into the

operational phase, either when it receives its own InHARP_REQUEST or

when it receives an InHARP_REPLY from at least one of the HARP

servers and when it has determined the authoritative HARP service as

described in section 5.1.1.

When ports are initiated they send an InHARP_REQUEST to the

authoritative address as described in section 5.1.2. The first

address to be tried will be the broadcast address "0x07000FE1

FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF". There are two outcomes:

1. The port sees its own InHARP_REQUEST: then the port is connected

to a broadcast capable network. The first address becomes and

remains the authoritative address for the HARP service.

2. The port does not receive its InHARP_REQUEST: then the port is

connected to a non-broadcast capable network.

In the second case, the port SHALL choose the next address in the

HRAL as a candidate for a authoritative address and send an

InHARP_REQUEST to that address: (0x07000FE0 00:00:00:00:00:00).

o If the port receives its own message, then the port itself is the

HARP server and the port is REQUIRED to provide broadcast services

using the PIBES (see section 7).

o If the port receives an InHARP_REPLY, then it is a HARP client and

not a HARP server.

In both cases, the current candidate address becomes the

authoritative HARP service address.

If the client determines it is connected to a non-broadcast capable

network then the client SHALL continue to retry each non-broadcast

HARP server address in the HRAL at least once every 5 seconds until

one of these two termination criteria are met for each address.

InHARP is an application of the InARP protocol for a purpose not

originally intended. The purpose is to accomplish registration of

port IP address mappings with a HARP server if one exists or detect

hardware broadcast capability.

If the HIPPI-SC LAN supports broadcast, then the client will see its

own InHARP_REQUEST message and SHALL complete the registration phase.

The client SHOULD further note that it is connected to a broadcast

capable network and use this information for aging the HARP server

entry and for IP broadcast emulation as specified in sections 5.4 and

5.6 respectively.

If the client doesn't see its own InHARP_REQUEST, then it SHALL await

an InHARP_REPLY before completing the registration phase. This will

also provide the client with the protocol address by which the HARP

server is addressable. This will be the case when the client happens

to be connected to a non-broadcast capable HIPPI-SC network.

5.1.3 HARP operational phase

Once a HARP client has completed its registration phase it enters the

operational phase. In this phase of the protocol, the HARP client

SHALL gain and refresh its own HARP table which contains the IP to HW

address mapping of IP members by sending HARP_REQUESTS to the

authoritative address in the HRAL and receiving HARP_REPLYs. The

client is fully operational during the operational phase.

In the operational phase, the client's behavior for requesting HARP

resolution is the same for broadcast or non-broadcast networks.

The target of an address resolution request updates its address

mapping tables with any new information it can find in the request.

If it is the target port it SHALL formulate and send a reply message.

A port is the target of an address resolution request if at least ONE

of the following statements is true of the request:

1. The port's IP address is in the target protocol address field

(ar$tpa) of the HARP message.

2. The port's ULA (if non-zero), is in the ULA part of the Target

Hardware Address field (ar$tha) of the message.

3. The port's switch address is in the Target Switch Address field of

Target Hardware Address field (ar$tha) of the message (see section


4. The port is a HARP server.

NOTE: It is RECOMMENDED that all HARP servers run on a ports which

each have a non-zero ULA.

5.2 HARP Client Operational Requirements

The HARP client is responsible for contacting the HARP server(s) to

have its own HARP information registered and to gain and refresh its

own HARP entry/information about other IP members. This means, as

noted above, that HARP clients MUST be configured with the hardware

address of the HARP server(s) in the HRAL.

HARP clients MUST:

1. When an interface is enabled (e.g. "ifconfig <interface> up" with

an IP address) or assigned the first or an additional IP address

(i.e. an IP alias), the client SHALL initiate the registration


2. In the operational phase the client MUST respond to HARP_REQUEST

and InHARP_REQUEST messages if it is the target port. If an

interface has multiple IP addresses (e.g., IP aliases) then the

client MUST cycle through all the IP addresses and generate an

InHARP_REPLY for each such address. In that case an InHARP_REQUEST

will have multiple replies. (Refer to Section 7, "Protocol

Operation" in RFC-1293 [7].)

3. React to address resolution reply messages appropriately to build

or refresh its own client HARP table entries. All solicited and

unsolicited HARP_REPLYs from the authoritative HARP server SHALL

be used to update and refresh its own client HARP table entries.

EXPlanation: This allows the HARP server to update the clients

when one of server's mappings change, similar to what is

accomplished on Ethernet with gratuitous ARP.

4. Generate and transmit InHARP_REQUEST messages as needed and

process InHARP_REPLY messages appropriately (see section 5.1.2 and

5.6). All InHARP_REPLY messages SHALL be used by the client to

build or refresh its HARP table entries. (Refer to Section 7,

"Protocol Operation" in [7].)

If the registration phase showed that the hardware does not support

broadcast, then the client MUST refresh its own entry for the HARP

server, created during the registration phase, at least once every 15

minutes. This can be accomplished either through the exchange of a

HARP request/reply with the HARP server or by repeating step 1. To

decrease the redundant network traffic, this timeout SHOULD be reset

after each HARP_REQUEST/HARP_REPLY exchange.

Explanation: The HARP_REQUEST shows the HARP server that the client

is still alive. Receiving a HARP_REPLY indicates to the client that

the server must have seen the HARP_REQUEST.

If the registration phase shows that the underlying network supports

broadcast, then periodic InHARP_REQUEST/InHARP_REPLY operations of

step 4 are NOT REQUIRED.

5.3 Receiving Unknown HARP Messages

If a HARP client receives a HARP message with an operation code

(ar$op) that it does not support, it MUST gracefully discard the

message and continue normal operation. A HARP client is NOT REQUIRED

to return any message to the sender of the undefined message.

5.4 HARP Server Operational Requirements

A HARP server MUST accept HIPPI connections from other HIPPI ports.

The HARP server expects an InHARP_REQUEST as the first message from

the client. A server examines the IP source address, the hardware

source address of the InHARP_REQUEST and adds or updates its HARP

table entry <IP address(es), switch address, ULA> as well as the

time stamp.

A HARP server SHALL reply to HARP_REQUESTs and InHARP_REQUESTs based

on the information which it has in its HARP table. The HARP server

SHALL reply with a HARP_REPLY or a InHARP_REPLY, if it has the

requested information in its tables; otherwise it SHALL reply with a

HARP_NAK. The HARP server replies SHALL contain the hardware type and

corresponding format of the request (see also section 6).

The following table shows all possible source address combinations on

an incoming message and the actions to be taken. "linked" indicates

that an existing "IP entry" is linked to a "hardware entry". It is

possible to have an existing "IP entry" and to have an existing

"hardware entry" but neither is linked to the other.


# IP entry HW entry misc Action


1 exists exists linked *

2 exists exists not linked *, a, b, e, f

3 exists new not linked *, a, b, d, e, f

4 new exists not linked *, c, e, f

5 new new not linked *, c, d, e, f



*: update timeout value

a: break the existing IP -> hardware (HW) - old link

b: delete HW(old) -> IP link and decrement HW(old) refcount, if

refcount = 0, delete HW(old)

c: create new IP entry

d: create new HW entry

e: add new IP -> HW link to IP entry

f: add new HW -> IP link to HW entry

Examples of when this could happen (Numbers match lines in above


1: supplemental message

Just update timer.

2: move an IP alias to an existing interface

If the IP source address of the InHARP_REQUEST duplicates a table

entry IP address (e.g. IPa <-> HWa) and the InHARP_REQUEST

hardware source address matches a hardware address entry (e.g. HWb

<-> IPb), but they are not linked together, then:

- HWa entry needs to have its reference to the current IPa

address removed.

- HWb needs to have a new reference to IPa added

- IPa needs to be linked to HWb

3: move IP address to a new interface

If the InHARP_REQUEST requester's IP source address duplicates a

table entry IP address and the InHARP_REQUEST hardware source

address does not match the table entry hardware address, then a

new HW entry SHALL be created. The requestor's IP address SHALL be

moved from the original HW entry to the new one (see above).

4: add IP alias to table

If the InHARP_REQUEST requester's hardware source address

duplicates a hardware source address entry, but there is no IP

entry matching the received IP address, then the IP address SHALL

be added to the hardware entries previous IP address(es). (E.g.

adding an IP alias).

5: fresh entry, add it

Standard case, create both entries and link them.

A server MUST update the HARP table entry's timeout for each

HARP_REQUEST. Explanation: if the client is sending HARP requests to

the server, then the server SHOULD note that the client is still

"alive" by updating the timeout on the client's HARP table entry.

A HARP server SHOULD use the PIBES (see section 7) to send out

HARP_REPLYs to all hardware addresses in its table when the HARP

server table changes mappings. This feature decreases the time of

stale entries in the clients.

If there are multiple addresses in the HRAL, then a server needs to

act as a client to the other servers.

5.5 HARP and Permanent ARP Table Entries

An IP station MUST have a mechanism (e.g. manual configuration) for

determining what permanent entries it has. The details of the

mechanism are beyond the scope of this memo. The permanent entries

allow interoperability with legacy HIPPI adapters which do not yet

implement dynamic HARP and use a table-based static ARP. Permanent

entries are not aged.

The HARP server SHOULD use the static entries to resolve incoming

HARP_REQUESTs from the clients. This feature eliminates the need for

maintaining a static HARP table on the client ports.

5.6 HARP Table Aging

HARP table aging MUST be supported since IP addresses, especially IP

aliases and also interfaces (with their ULA), are likely to move.

When so doing the mapping in the clients own HARP table/cache becomes

invalid and stale.

o When a client's HARP table entry ages beyond 15 minutes, a HARP

client MUST invalidate the table entry.

o When a server's HARP table entry ages beyond 20 minutes, the HARP

server MUST delete the table entry.

NOTE: the client SHOULD revalidate a HARP table entry before it ages,

thus restarting the aging time when the table entry is successfully

revalidated. The client MAY continue sending traffic to the port

referred to by this entry while revalidation is in progress, as long

as the table entry has not aged. The client MUST revalidate an aged

entry prior to transmitting any non-address-resolution traffic to the

port referred to by this entry.

The client revalidates the entry by querying the HARP server with a

HARP_REQUEST. If a valid reply is received (e.g. HARP_REPLY), the

entry is updated. If the address resolution service cannot resolve

the entry (e.g. HARP_NAK, "host not found"), the associated table

entry is removed. If the address resolution service is not available

(i.e. "server failure") the client MUST attempt to revalidate the

entry by transmitting an InHARP_REQUEST to the hardware address of

the entry in question and updating the entry on receipt of an

InHARP_REPLY. If the InHARP_REQUEST attempt fails to return an

InHARP_REPLY, the associated table entry is removed.

6. HARP Message Encoding

The HARP Message is encapsulated over HIPPI-FP and HIPPI-LE headers.

The HARP FP header values are to be set as defined in RFC-2067 "IP

over HIPPI" [15]. The following sections detail the HIPPI-LE field

contents and HARP message structure and contents. In a broadcast

capable network the client MAY also support Type 1 and 6, Ethernet

and IEEE 802 ARP packet formats.

6.1 HIPPI-LE Header of HARP Messages

The HIPPI message format for Internet datagrams shall conform to the

HIPPI-FP [2] and HIPPI-LE [3] standards. The length of a HIPPI

message, including trailing fill, shall be a multiple of eight bytes

as required by HIPPI-LE. The HIPPI-LE header fields of HARP and

InHARP requests and replies SHALL be:

FC (3 bits) SHALL contain zero.

Double-wide SHOULD be set according to HIPPI-LE [3]. This memo does

NOT address the implications on HARP when this bit is set to 1

indicating the possibility of a port being able to accept 64-bit

HIPPI connections.

Message_Type SHALL contain 0 to indicate a data message. HARP

messages are identified using the Ethertype and the message type in

the ar$op field of the HARP message.

Destination_Switch_Address, SHALL be the Switch Address of the

destination port.

Destination_IEEE_Address SHALL be the ULA of the destination port, if

known, otherwise zero.

Destination_Address_Type SHALL be 2, a 12-bit logical address. The

behavior with type = 1, source routing, is NOT defined in this


Source_Switch_Address in requests SHALL be the sender's Switch


Source_IEEE_Address SHALL be the sender's ULA if known, otherwise


Source_Address_Type SHALL be 2, a 12-bit logical address. The

behavior with type = 1, source routing, is NOT defined in this


6.1.1 IEEE 802.2 LLC

The IEEE 802.2 LLC Header SHALL begin in the first byte of the


The LLC value for SSAP-DSAP-CTL SHALL be 0xAA-AA-03 (3 bytes)

indicating the presence of a SNAP header.

6.1.2 SNAP

The OUI value for Organization Code SHALL be 0x00-00-00 (3 bytes)

indicating that the following two-bytes is an Ethertype.

The Ethertype value SHALL be set as defined in Assigned Numbers [16]:

InHARP = InARP = HARP = ARP = 2054 = 0x0806.

The total size of the LLC/SNAP header is fixed at 8-bytes.

6.1.3 HIPPI-LE header Diagram


31 28 23 21 15 10 7 2 0


0 04 = IP ULP 10 000 03 0


1 n + 8


2 [LA] WM_Type 000 Dest. Switch Addr


3 D_A_T S_A_T 000 Source Switch Addr


4 00 00


5 Destination ULA


6 [LA]


7 Source ULA


8 AA AA 03 00


9 00 00 Ethertype (2054)


10 Message byte 0 Message byte 1 Message byte 2 . . .


. . .

+ ------------+---------------+---------------+---------------+

. . . byte (n-2) byte (n-1) FILL




HIPPI Message Format

Words 0-1: HIPPI-FP Header

Words 2-7: D1_Area (HIPPI-LE Header)

Words 8-9: D2_Area (IEEE 802.2 LLC/SNAP)

Words 10-(N-1): D2_Area (HARP message)

(n+8) is the nb of bytes in the HARP message, incl. LLC/SNAP.

+====+ denotes the boundary between D1_Area and D2_Area.

[LA] fields are zero unless used otherwise locally.


"W" = Double_Wide field SHALL be 0

"M_Type" = Message_Type field SHALL be set according to


"D_A_T" = Destination_Address_Type SHALL be 2

"S_A_T" = Source_Address_Type SHALL be 2

[FILL] bytes complete the HIPPI message to an even

number of 32 bit words. The number of fill bytes

is not counted in the data length.

6.2 HIPPI Hardware Address Formats and Requirements

For HIPPI-800, the Hardware Address is a 10-byte unit that SHALL

contain the Switch Address AND the ULA. The format of a hardware

address is:

31 23 15 7 0


Mode Byte 00 0 X XX


ULA byte 0 ULA byte 1 ULA byte 2 ULA byte 3


ULA byte 4 ULA byte 5


Where "XXX" is the 12 bit HIPPI logical address defined in HIPPI-SC

[4]. Details on ULA see next section.

Two switch addresses are considered to be the same when they have the

same 12 bit destination HIPPI logical address.

NOTE: In the case of HIPPI-6400, the hardware address is ONLY the 6-

byte ULA. Therefore the length of the hardware address clearly

defines which version of HIPPI is being used.

6.2.1 48-bit Universal LAN MAC Addresses

IEEE Standard 802.1A [11] specifies the Universal LAN MAC Address

format. The globally unique part of the 48-bit space is administered

by the IEEE. Each port on a HIPPI-SC LAN SHOULD be assigned a ULA.

Multiple ULAs may be used if a port contains more than one IEEE 802.2

LLC protocol entity.

The format of the HIPPI hardware address within its HARP message

follows IEEE 802.1A canonical bit order and HIPPI-FP bit and byte

order. For example the requester's ULA part of the HIPPI hardware

address would decompose to:

31 23 15 7 0


ULA byte 0 LG ULA byte 1 ULA byte 2 ULA byte 3


ULA byte 4 ULA byte 5


Universal LAN MAC Address Format

L (U/L bit) = 1 for Locally administered addresses,

0 for Universal.

G (I/G bit) = 1 for Group addresses,

0 for Individual.

The use of ULAs is OPTIONAL, but RECOMMENDED. The use of ULAs is

REQUIRED if a port wishes to interoperate with a conventional


ULAs may also be used by bridging devices that replace HIPPI hardware

headers with the MAC headers of other LANs.

6.3 HARP and InHARP Message Formats

The HARP protocols use the HIPARP hardware type (ar$hrd) [16],

protocol type (ar$pro), and operation code (ar$op) data formats as

the ARP, and InARP protocols [15,7]. In addition, HARP makes use of

an additional operation code for ARP_NAK introduced with [12]. The

remainder of the HARP/InHARP message format is different than the

ARP/InARP message format defined in [15,7,10] and it is also

different from the format defined in the first "IP and ARP on HIPPI"

RFC-1374 [14].

HARP messages SHALL be transmitted with the HIPARP hardware type code

of 28 (decimal). Furthermore, HARP messages SHALL be accepted if

received with hardware type codes of either 28, 1 or 6 (decimal).

The HARP message has several fields that have the following format

and values:

Data sizes and field meaning:

ar$hrd 16 bits Hardware type

ar$pro 16 bits Protocol type of the protocol fields below

ar$op 16 bits Operation code (request, reply, or NAK)

ar$pln 8 bits byte length of each protocol address

ar$rhl 8 bits requester's HIPPI hardware address length (q)

ar$thl 8 bits target's HIPPI hardware address length (x)

ar$rpa 32 bits requester's protocol address

ar$tpa 32 bits target's protocol address

ar$rha qbytes requester's HIPPI Hardware address

ar$tha xbytes target's HIPPI Hardware address

Where :

ar$hrd - SHALL contain 28. (HIPARP)

ar$pro - SHALL contain the IP protocol code 2048 (decimal).

ar$op - SHALL contain the operational value (decimal):





10 for HARP_NAK

ar$pln - SHALL contain 4.

ar$rln - SHALL contain 10 IF this is a HIPPI-800 HW address

ELSE, for HIPPI-6400, it SHALL contain 6.

ar$thl - SHALL contain 10 IF this is a HIPPI-800 HW address

ELSE, for HIPPI-6400, it SHALL contain 6.

ar$rha - in requests and NAKs it SHALL contain the requester's

HW address. In replies it SHALL contain the target

port's HW address.

ar$rpa - in requests and NAKs it SHALL contain the requester's IP

address if known, otherwise zero.

In other replies it SHALL contain the target

port's IP address.

ar$tha - in requests and NAKs it SHALL contain the target's

HW address if known, otherwise zero.

In other replies it SHALL contain the requester's

HW addressA.

ar$tpa - in requests and NAKs it SHALL contain the

target's IP address if known, otherwise zero.

In other replies it SHALL contain the requester's

IP address.

The format of the six bytes of the ULA SHALL be the same as required

in the HIPPI-LE header (see section 6.2), except for the alignment of

the ULAs with respect to the 32-bit HIPPI word, which is different

between ARP and HIPPI-LE. No bit reversal is necessary as is

required with FDDI.

31 28 23 21 15 10 7 2 0


0 04 10 000 03 0


1 45


2 [LA] WMsgT= 0 000 Dest. Switch Addr


3 2 2 000 Source Switch Addr


4 00 00


5 Destination ULA


6 [LA]


7 Source ULA


8 AA AA 03 00


9 00 00 Ethertype (2054)


10 hrd (28) pro (2048)


11 op (ar$op) pln (6) rhl (q)


12 thl = (x) Requester IP Address upper (24 bits)


13 Req. IP lower Target IP Address upper (24 bits)


14 Tgt. IP lower Requester HIPPI Hardware Address bytes 0 - 2


15 Requester HIPPI Hardware Address bytes 3 - 6


16 Requester HW Address bytes 7 - q Tgt HW byte 0


17 Target HIPPI Hardware Address bytes 1 - 4


18 Target HIPPI Hardware Address bytes 5 - 8


19 Tgt HW byte 9-x FILL FILL FILL


HARP - InHARP Message

6.3.1 Example Message encodings:



HARP ar$rpa = IPy HARP ar$tpa = IPa

HARP ar$rha = SWy ULAy HARP ar$tha = 0 **

** is what we would like to find out

HARP_REPLY message format

HARP ar$op = 2 (HARP_REPLY)

HARP ar$rpa = IPa HARP ar$tpa = IPy

HARP ar$rha = SWa ULAa * HARP ar$tha = SWy ULAy

* answer we were looking for

InHARP_REQUEST message format


HARP ar$rpa = IPy HARP ar$tpa = 0 **

HARP ar$rha = SWy ULAy HARP ar$tha = SWa ULAa

** is what we would like to find out

InHARP_REPLY message format

HARP ar$op = 9 (InHARP_REPLY)

HARP ar$rpa = IPs * HARP ar$tpa = IPy

HARP ar$rha = SWa ULAa HARP ar$tha = SWy ULAy

* answer we were looking for

6.3.2 HARP_NAK message format

The HARP_NAK message format is the same as the received HARP_REQUEST

message format with the operation code set to HARP_NAK; i.e. the

HARP_REQUEST message data is copied byte for byte for transmission

with the HARP_REQUEST operation code changed to the HARP_NAK value.

HARP makes use of an additional operation code for HARP_NAK. Hence,

HARP_NAK MUST be implemented.

6.3.3 Combined HIPPI-LE and HARP message addresses

The combined HIPPI-LE/HARP message contains ten addresses, two for

the destination and two for the source of the message, three for the

requester and three for the target:

Destination Switch Address (HIPPI-LE)

Destination ULA (HIPPI_LE)

Source Switch Address (HIPPI-LE)


Requester IP Address (HARP)

Requester ULA (HARP)

Requester Switch Address (HARP)

Target IP Address (HARP)

Target ULA (HARP)

Target Switch Address (HARP)


The following relations are true for a HARP_REQUEST and


LIS without broadcast - Dest SW Addr = HARP server SW Addr

(with HARP server) Dest ULA = HARP server ULA

Source SW Addr = Requester's SW Addr

Source ULA = Requester's ULA

7 Broadcast and Multicast

HIPPI-SC does not require switches to support broadcast. Broadcast

support has therefore been absent from many HIPPI networks.

During its registration phase, every port, including HARP server(s),

discover if the underlying medium is capable of broadcast (see

section 5.1.2). Should this not be the case, then the HARP server(s)

MUST emulate broadcast through an IP broadcast emulation server.

A HIPPI IP broadcast server (PIBES) is an extension to the HARP

server and only makes sense when the LIS does not inherently support

broadcast. The PIBES allows common upper layer networking protocols

(RIP, TCP, UDP, etc.) to Access IP LIS broadcast.

7.1 Protocol for an IP Broadcast Emulation Server - PIBES

To emulate broadcast within an LIS, a PIBES SHALL use the currently

valid HARP table of the HARP server as a list of addresses called the

target list. The broadcast server SHALL validate that all incoming

messages have a source address which corresponds to an address in the

target list. Only messages addressed to the IP LIS broadcast

addresses, multicast address or are considered valid

messages for broadcasting. Invalid messages MUST be dropped. All

valid incoming messages shall be forwarded to all addresses in the

target list.

It is RECOMMENDED that the broadcast server run on the same port as

the HARP server since this memo does not define the protocol for

exchanging the valid HARP table. The default address to use for the

broadcast address is the operational HARP server address.

7.2 IP Broadcast Address

This memo only defines IP broadcast. It is independent of the

underlying hardware addressing and broadcast capabilities. Any port

can differentiate between IP traffic directed to itself and a

broadcast message sent to it by looking at the IP address. All IP

broadcast messages SHALL use the IP LIS broadcast address or.

It is RECOMMENDED that the PIBES run on the same port as the HARP

server. In that case, the PIBES SHALL use the same address as the

HARP server.

7.3 IP Multicast Address

HIPPI does not directly support multicast address, therefore there

are no mappings available from IP multicast addresses to HIPPI

multicast services. Current IP multicast implementations (i.e. MBONE

and IP tunneling, see [9]) will continue to operate over HIPPI-based

logical IP subnets if all IP multicast packets are sent using the

same algorithm as if the packet were being sent to

7.4 A Note on Broadcast Emulation Performance

It is obvious that a broadcast emulation service (as defined in

section 7.1) has an inherent performance limit. In an LIS with n

ports, the upper bound on the bandwidth that such a service can

broadcast is:

(total bandwidth)/(n+1)

since each message must first enter the broadcast server, accounting

for the additional 1, and then be sent to all n ports. The broadcast

server could forward the message destined to the port on which it

runs internally, thus reducing (n+1) to (n) in a first optimization.

This service is adequate for the standard networking protocols such

as RIP, OSPF, NIS, etc. since they usually use a small fraction of

the network bandwidth for broadcast. For these purposes, the

broadcast emulation server as defined in this memo allows the HIPPI

network to look similar to an Ethernet network to the higher layers.

It is further obvious that such an emulation cannot be used to

broadcast high bandwidth traffic. For such a solution, hardware

support for true broadcast is required.

8 HARP for Scheduled Transfer Protocol[17]

This RFCalso applies for resolving addresses used with Scheduled

Transfer (STP) over HIPPI-800 instead of IP. This RFC's message

types and algorithms can be used for STP (since STP uses Internet

Addresses) as long as there is also an IP over HIPPI implementation

on all of the ports.

9 Discovery of One's Own Switch Address

This HARP specification assumes that each port has prior knowledge of

its own hardware address. This address may be manually configured,

by means outside the scope of this memo or a port may discover its

own logical address through the algorithm described below.

Ports are NOT REQUIRED to implement this switch address discovery

protocol but are encouraged to do so since it reduces the

administrative overhead. The algorithm presented in this section is

based on John Renwick's work as detailed in RFC-1374 [14]. The

concept of the discovery process is to scan all possible switch

addresses. The messages that are received will be the ones containing

one of our switch addresses.

If a port implements this algorithm it SHALL form a HIPPI-LE message

as defined in HIPPI-LE: containing an Self_Address_Resolution_Request

(see [3]) PDU Type, a Source_IEEE_Address and

Destination_IEEE_Address (set to the correct ULA for the sender), and

the Source_Switch_Address and Destination_Switch_Address.

This self address resolution message uses the same HIPPI-LE message

format as described in HIPPI-SC and HIPPI-LE: the Self Address

Resolution Request PDU and Self Address Resolution Response PDU type

codes and no piggybacked ULP data. The HIPPI-LE header contents for

the request are:

HIPPI-LE Message_Type is = 3, Self Addr. Resolution Request

HIPPI-LE Destination_Address_Type = 0 (undefined)

HIPPI-LE Destination_Switch_Address = X (X element scan range)

HIPPI-LE Source_Address_Type = 0 (undefined)

HIPPI-LE Source_Switch_Address = 0 (unknown)

HIPPI-LE Destination_IEEE_Address = 0

HIPPI-LE Source_IEEE_Address = my ULA

There is no D2 data; the message contains only the HIPPI-FP header

and D1_Area with the HIPPI-LE header.

Ports SHALL start the scan with a configurable logical address

(default 0x000) and increment the value for by one for each

subsequent try. The port SHALL continue until it sees its own self

address resolution request or it has reached the end, which may be

another configurable value (default 0xFFF). It is RECOMMENDED that

the range of addresses to scan be configurable since some networks

have equipment that does not gracefully handle HIPPI-LE messages.

After a port sends the[se] request[s], two positive outcomes are


o the port receives its own request(s), and obtains one of its own

Switch Address, or

o the port receives an AR_S_Response with the

Destination_Switch_Address filled in.

10 Security Considerations

HARP messages are not authenticated which is a potentially flaw that

could allow corrupt information to be introduced into the server


There are other known security issues relating to port impersonation

via the address resolution protocols used in the Internet [8]. No

special security mechanisms have been added to the address resolution

mechanism defined here for use with networks using HARP.

Not all of the security issues relating to ARP over HIPPI are clearly

understood at this time. However, given the security hole ARP allows,

other concerns are probably minor.

11 Open Issues

Synchronization and coordination of multiple HARP servers and

multiple broadcast servers are left for further study.

12 HARP Examples

Assume a HIPPI-SC switch is installed with three connected ports: x,

y, and a. Each port has a unique hardware address that consists of

Switch Address (e.g. SWx, SWy, SWa) and unique ULA (ULAx, ULAy and

ULAa, respectively). There is a HARP server connected to a switch

port that is mapped to the address HWa (SWa, ULAa), this address is

the authoritative HIPPI hardware address in the HRAL (HARP Request

Address List).

The HARP server's table is empty. Ports X and Y each know their own

hardware address. Eventually they want to talk to each other; each

knows the other's IP address (from the port database) but neither

knows the other's ULA or Switch Address. Both ports X and Y have

their interfaces configured DOWN.

NOTE: The LLC, SNAP, Ethertype, HIPPI-LE Message Type, ar$hrd,

ar$pro, ar$pln fields are left out from the examples below since they

are constant. Likewise, ar$rhl = ar$thl = 9 are omitted since these

are all HIPPI-800 examples.

12.1 Registration Phase of Client Y on Non-broadcast Hardware

Port Y starts: its HARP table entry state for the server: PENDING

1. Port Y initiates its interface and sends an InHARP_REQUEST to HWa

after starting a table entry for HWa.

HIPPI-LE Destination_Switch_Address = SWa

HIPPI-LE Source_Switch_Address = SWy

HIPPI-LE Destination_IEEE_Address = ULAa

HIPPI-LE Source_IEEE_Address = ULAy


HARP ar$rpa = IPy

HARP ar$tpa = 0 **

HARP ar$rha = SWy ULAy

HARP ar$tha = SWa ULAa

** is what we would like to find out

2. HARP server receives Y's InHARP_REQUEST, it examines the source

addresses and scans its tables for a match. Since this is the

first time Y connects to this server there is no entry and one

will be created and time stamped with the information from the

InHARP_REQUEST. The HARP server will then send a InHARP_REPLY

including its IP address.

HIPPI-LE Destination_Switch_Address = SWy

HIPPI-LE Source_Switch_Address = SWa

HIPPI-LE Destination_IEEE_Address = ULAy

HIPPI-LE Source_IEEE_Address = ULAa

HARP ar$op = 9 (InHARP_REPLY)

HARP ar$rpa = IPs *

HARP ar$tpa = IPy

HARP ar$rha = SWa ULAa

HARP ar$tha = SWy ULAy

* answer we were looking for

3. Port Y examines the incoming InHARP_REPLY, completes its table

entry for the HARP server. The client's HARP table entry for the

server now passes into the VALID state and is usable for regular

HARP traffic. Receiving this reply ensures that the HARP server

has properly registered the client.

12.2 Registration Phase of Client Y on Broadcast Capable Hardware

If there is a broadcast capable network then the authoritative

address in the HRAL would be mapped to the broadcast address, HWb =

SWb, ULAb (likely 0xFE1 and FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF).

Port Y starts: its HARP table entry state for HWa: PENDING

1. Port Y initiates its interface and sends an InHARP_REQUEST to HWa,

in this example the broadcast address, after starting a table


HIPPI-LE Destination_Switch_Address = SWb

HIPPI-LE Source_Switch_Address = SWy

HIPPI-LE Destination_IEEE_Address = ULAb

HIPPI-LE Source_IEEE_Address = ULAy


HARP ar$rpa = IPy

HARP ar$tpa = 0 **

HARP ar$rha = SWy ULAy

HARP ar$tha = SWb ULAb

** is what we would like to find out

2. Since the network is a broadcast network, client Y will receive a

copy of its InHARP_REQUEST. Client Y examines the source

addresses. Since they are the same as what Y filled in the

InHARP_REQUEST, Y can deduce that it is connected to a broadcast

medium. Port Y completes its table entry for HWa. This entry will

not timeout since it is considered unlikely for a particular

underlying hardware type to change between broadcast and non-

broadcast; therefore this mapping will never change.

12.3 Operational Phase (phase II)

The Operational Phase of the HARP protocol as specified in this memo

is the same for both broadcast and non-broadcast capable HIPPI

hardware. The authoritative address in the HRAL for this example will

be HWa: <SWa, ULAa> and IPs for simplicity reasons.

12.3.1 Standard successful HARP_Resolve example

Assume the same process (steps 1-3 of section 10.1) happened for port

X. Then the state of X and Y's tables is: the HARP server table entry

is in the VALID state. So lets look at the message traffic when X

tries to send a message to Y. Since X doesn't have an entry for Y,

1. Port X connects to the authoritative address of the HRAL and sends

a HARP_REQUEST for Y's hardware address:

HIPPI-LE Destination_Switch_Address = SWa

HIPPI-LE Source_Switch_Address = SWx

HIPPI-LE Destination_IEEE_Address = ULAa

HIPPI-LE Source_IEEE_Address = ULAx


HARP ar$rpa = IPx

HARP ar$tpa = IPy

HARP ar$rha = SWx ULAx

HARP ar$tha = 0 **

** is what we would like to find out

2. The HARP server receives the HARP request and updates its entry

for X if necessary. It then generates a HARP_REPLY with Y's

hardware address information.

HIPPI-LE Destination_Switch_Address = SWx

HIPPI-LE Source_Switch_Address = SWa

HIPPI-LE Destination_IEEE_Address = ULAx

HIPPI-LE Source_IEEE_Address = ULAa

HARP ar$op = 2 (HARP_Reply)

HARP ar$rpa = IPy

HARP ar$tpa = IPx

HARP ar$rha = SWy ULAy *

HARP ar$tha = SWx ULAx

* answer we were looking for

3. Port X connects to port Y and transmits an IP message with the

following information in the HIPPI-LE header:

HIPPI-LE Destination_Switch_Address = SWy

HIPPI-LE Source_Switch_Address = SWx

HIPPI-LE Destination_IEEE_Address = ULAy

HIPPI-LE Source_IEEE_Address = ULAx

If there had been a broadcast capable HIPPI network, the target ports

would themselves have received the HARP_REQUEST of step 2 above and

responded to them in the same way the HARP server did.

12.3.2 Standard non-successful HARP_Resolve example

Like in 12.3.1, assume that X and Y are fully registered with the

HARP server. Then the state of X and Y's HARP server table entry is:

VALID. So lets look at the message traffic when X tries to send a

message to Q. Further assume that interface Q is NOT configured UP,

i.e. it is DOWN. Since X doesn't have an entry for Q,

1. Port X connects to the HARP server switch address and sends a

HARP_REQUEST for Q's hardware address:

HIPPI-LE Destination_Switch_Address = SWa

HIPPI-LE Source_Switch_Address = SWx

HIPPI-LE Destination_IEEE_Address = ULAa

HIPPI-LE Source_IEEE_Address = ULAx


HARP ar$rpa = IPx

HARP ar$tpa = IPq

HARP ar$rha = SWx ULAx

HARP ar$tha = 0 **

** is what we would like to find out

2. The HARP server receives the HARP request and updates its entry

for X if necessary. It then looks up IPq in its tables and doesn't

find it. The HARP server then generates a HARP_NAK reply message.

HIPPI-LE Destination_Switch_Address = SWx

HIPPI-LE Source_Switch_Address = SWa

HIPPI-LE Destination_IEEE_Address = ULAx

HIPPI-LE Source_IEEE_Address = ULAa

HARP ar$op = 10 (HARP_NAK)

HARP ar$rpa = IPx

HARP ar$tpa = IPq

HARP ar$rha = SWx ULAx

HARP ar$tha = 0 ***

*** No Answer, and notice that the fields do not get swapped,

i.e. the HARP message is the same as the HARP_REQUEST

except for the operation code.

If there had been a broadcast capable HIPPI network, then there would

not have been a reply.

13 References

[1] ANSI X3.183-1991(R1996), Information Technology - High-

Performance Parallel Interface - Mechanical, Electrical and

Signaling Protocol Specification; (HIPPI-PH).

[2] ANSI X3.210-1998, Information Technology - High-Performance

Parallel Interface - Framing Protocol; (HIPPI-FP).

[3] ANSI X3.218-1993, Information Technology - High-Performance

Parallel Interface - Encapsulation of ISO 8802-2 (IEEE Std

802.2) Logical Link Control Protocol Data Units; (HIPPI-LE).

[4] ANSI X3.222-1997, Information Technology - High-Performance

Parallel Interface - Physical Switch Control; (HIPPI-SC).

[5] ANSI X3.300-1997, Information Technology - High-Performance

Parallel Interface - Serial Specification; (HIPPI-Serial).

[6] Braden, R., "Requirements for Internet Hosts -- Communication

Layers", STD 3, RFC1122, October 1989.

[7] Bradely, T. and C. Brown, "Inverse Address Resolution Protocol",

RFC2390, September 1998.

[8] Bellovin, Steven M., "Security Problems in the TCP/IP Protocol

Suite", ACM Computer Communications Review, Vol. 19, Issue 2,

pp. 32-48, 1989.

[9] Deering, S, "Host Extensions for IP Multicasting", STD 5, RFC

1112, August 1989.

[10] Finlayson, R., Mann, T., Mogul, J. and M. Theimer, "A Reverse

Address Resolution Protocol", RFC903, June 1984.

[11] ANSI/IEEE Std. 802.2-1989, Information Processing Systems -

Local Area Networks - Logical Link Control, "IEEE Standards for

Local Area Networks: Logical Link Control", IEEE, New York, New

York, 1985.

[12] Laubach, Mark., "Classical IP and ARP over ATM", RFC2225, April


[13] Plummer, D., "An Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol - or -

Converting Network Addresses to 48-bit Ethernet Address for

Transmission on Ethernet Hardware", RFC826, November 1982.

[14] Renwick, J. and A. Nicholson, "IP and ARP on HIPPI", RFC1374,

October 1992.

[15] Renwick, J., "IP over HIPPI", RFC2067, January 1997.

[16] Reynolds, J. and J. Postel, "Assigned Numbers", STD 2, RFC1700,

October 1994.

[17] ANSI NCITS xxx.199x, Project 1245-D, Scheduled Transfer Protocol

ANSI NCITS, Scheduled Transfer Protocol draft standard.

[18] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement

Levels", BCP 14, RFC2119, March 1997.

14 Acknowledgments

This memo could not have come into being without the critical review

from Greg Chesson, Carlin Otto, the high performance interconnect

group of Silicon Graphics (specifically Jim Pinkerton, Brad Strand

and Jeff Young) and the expertise of the ANSI T11.1 Task Group

responsible for the HIPPI standards work.

This memo is based on the second part of [14], written by John

Renwick. ARP [13] written by Dave Plummer and Inverse ARP [7] written

by T. Bradley and C. Brown provide the fundamental algorithms of HARP

as presented in this memo. Further, the HARP server is based on

concepts and models presented in [12], written by Mark Laubach who

laid the structural groundwork for the HARP server.

15 Changes from RFC-1374 [14]

RFC-2067 obsoletes RFC-1374 but left ARP outside of its scope because

there was not enough implementation experience. This memo is an

effort to clarify and expand the definition of ARP over HIPPI as

found in RFC-1374 such that implementations will be more readily

possible, especially considering forward interoperability with


The changes from RFC-1374 [14] are:

o A new message format to acknowledge the HIPPI hardware address

format and to eliminate the requirement of HIPPI-LE ARP for HARP

to function.

o Explicit registration phase.

o Additional message formats: InHARP requests and replies as well as


o Details about the IP subnetwork configuration.

o Details about table aging.

o IP broadcast emulation.

16 Author's Address

Jean-Michel Pittet

Silicon Graphics Inc

1600 Amphitheatre Parkway

Mountain View, CA 94043

Phone: 650-933-6149

Fax: 650-933-3542

EMail: jmp@sgi.com, jmp@acm.org

17 Full Copyright Statement

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2000). All Rights Reserved.

This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to

others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it

or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published

and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any

kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are

included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this

document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing

the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other

Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of

developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for

copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be

followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than


The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be

revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.

This document and the information contained herein is provided on an







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Internet Society.

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