
RFC2894 - Router Renumbering for IPv6

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group M. Crawford

Request for Comments: 2894 Fermilab

Category: Standards Track August 2000

Router Renumbering for IPv6

Status of this Memo

This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the

Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for

improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet

Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state

and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2000). All Rights Reserved.

IESG Note:

This document defines mechanisms for informing a set of routers of

renumbering operations they are to perform, including a mode of

operation in environments in which the exact number of routers is

unknown. Reliably informing all routers when the actual number of

routers is unknown is a difficult problem. Implementation and

operational eXPerience will be needed to fully understand the

applicabilty and scalability ASPects of the mechanisms defined in

this document when the number of routers is unknown.


IPv6 Neighbor Discovery and Address Autoconfiguration conveniently

make initial assignments of address prefixes to hosts. Aside from

the problem of connection survival across a renumbering event, these

two mechanisms also simplify the reconfiguration of hosts when the

set of valid prefixes changes.

This document defines a mechanism called Router Renumbering ("RR")

which allows address prefixes on routers to be configured and

reconfigured almost as easily as the combination of Neighbor

Discovery and Address Autoconfiguration works for hosts. It provides

a means for a network manager to make updates to the prefixes used by

and advertised by IPv6 routers throughout a site.

Table of Contents

1. Functional Overview ....................................... 2

2. Definitions ............................................... 4

2.1. Terminology ......................................... 4

2.2. Requirements ........................................ 5

3. Message Format ............................................ 5

3.1. Router Renumbering Header ........................... 7

3.2. Message Body -- Command Message ..................... 9

3.2.1. Prefix Control Operation ...................... 9 Match-Prefix Part ....................... 9 Use-Prefix Part ......................... 11

3.3. Message Body -- Result Message ...................... 12

4. Message Processing ........................................ 14

4.1. Header Check ........................................ 14

4.2. Bounds Check ........................................ 15

4.3. Execution ........................................... 16

4.4. Summary of Effects .................................. 17

5. Sequence Number Reset ..................................... 18

6. IANA Considerations ....................................... 19

7. Security Considerations ................................... 19

7.1. Security Policy and Association Database Entries .... 19

8. Implementation and Usage Advice for Reliability ........... 20

8.1. Outline and Definitions ............................. 21

8.2. Computations ........................................ 23

8.3. Additional Assurance Methods ........................ 24

9. Usage Examples ............................................ 25

9.1. Maintaining Global-Scope Prefixes ................... 25

9.2. Renumbering a Subnet ................................ 26

10. Acknowledgments .......................................... 27

11. References ............................................... 28

12. Author's Address ......................................... 29

Appendix -- Derivation of Reliability Estimates ............... 30

Full Copyright Statement ...................................... 32

1. Functional Overview

Router Renumbering Command packets contain a sequence of Prefix

Control Operations (PCOs). Each PCO specifies an operation, a

Match-Prefix, and zero or more Use-Prefixes. A router processes each

PCO in sequence, checking each of its interfaces for an address or

prefix which matches the Match-Prefix. For every interface on which

a match is found, the operation is applied. The operation is one of

ADD, CHANGE, or SET-GLOBAL to instrUCt the router to respectively add

the Use-Prefixes to the set of configured prefixes, remove the prefix

which matched the Match-Prefix and replace it with the Use-Prefixes,

or replace all global-scope prefixes with the Use-Prefixes. If the

set of Use-Prefixes in the PCO is empty, the ADD operation does

nothing and the other two reduce to deletions.

Additional information for each Use-Prefix is included in the Prefix

Control Operation: the valid and preferred lifetimes to be included

in Router Advertisement Prefix Information Options [ND], and either

the L and A flags for the same option, or an indication that they are

to be copied from the prefix that matched the Match-Prefix.

It is possible to instruct routers to create new prefixes by

combining the Use-Prefixes in a PCO with some portion of the existing

prefix which matched the Match-Prefix. This simplifies certain

operations which are expected to be among the most common. For every

Use-Prefix, the PCO specifies a number of bits which should be copied

from the existing address or prefix which matched the Match-Prefix

and appended to the use-prefix prior to configuring the new prefix on

the interface. The copied bits are zero or more bits from the

positions immediately after the length of the Use- Prefix. If

subnetting information is in the same portion of the old and new

prefixes, this synthesis allows a single Prefix Control Operation to

define a new global prefix on every router in a site, while

preserving the subnetting structure.

Because of the power of the Router Renumbering mechanism, each RR

message includes a sequence number to guard against replays, and is

required to be authenticated and integrity-checked. Each single

Prefix Control Operation is idempotent and so could be retransmitted

for improved reliability, as long as the sequence number is current,

without concern about multiple processing. However, non-idempotent

combinations of PCOs can easily be constructed and messages

containing such combinations could not be safely reprocessed.

Therefore, all routers are required to guard against processing an RR

message more than once. To allow reliable verification that Commands

have been received and processed by routers, a mechanism for

duplicate-command notification to the management station is included.

Possibly a network manager will want to perform more renumbering, or

exercise more detailed control, than can be expressed in a single

Router Renumbering packet on the available media. The RR mechanism

is most powerful when RR packets are multicast, so IP fragmentation

is undesirable. For these reasons, each RR packet contains a

"Segment Number". All RR packets which have a Sequence Number

greater than or equal to the highest value seen are valid and must be

processed. However, a router must keep track of the Segment Numbers

of RR messages already processed and avoid reprocessing a message

whose Sequence Number and Segment Number match a previously processed

message. (This list of processed segment numbers is reset when a new

highest Sequence Number is seen.)

The Segment Number does not impose an ordering on packet processing.

If a specific sequence of operations is desired, it may be achieved

by ordering the PCOs in a single RR Command message or through the

Sequence Number field.

There is a "Test" flag which indicates that all routers should

simulate processing of the RR message and not perform any actual

reconfiguration. A separate "Report" flag instructs routers to send

a Router Renumbering Result message back to the source of the RR

Command message indicating the actual or simulated result of the

operations in the RR Command message.

The effect or simulated effect of an RR Command message may also be

reported to network management by means outside the scope of this

document, regardless of the value of the "Report" flag.

2. Definitions

2.1. Terminology


This term always refers to a 128-bit IPv6 address [AARCH]. When

referring to bits within an address, they are numbered from 0 to

127, with bit 0 being the first bit of the Format Prefix.


A prefix can be understood as an address plus a length, the latter

being an integer in the range 0 to 128 indicating how many leading

bits are significant. When referring to bits within a prefix,

they are numbered in the same way as the bits of an address. For

example, the significant bits of a prefix whose length is L are

the bits numbered 0 through L-1, inclusive.


An address A "matches" a prefix P whose length is L if the first L

bits of A are identical with the first L bits of P. (Every

address matches a prefix of length 0.) A prefix P1 with length L1

matches a prefix P2 of length L2 if L1 >= L2 and the first L2 bits

of P1 and P2 are identical.

Prefix Control Operation

This is the smallest individual unit of Router Renumbering

operation. A Router Renumbering Command packet includes zero or

more of these, each comprising one matching condition, called a

Match-Prefix Part, and zero or more substitution specifications,

called Use-Prefix Parts.


This is a Prefix against which a router compares the addresses and

prefixes configured on its interfaces.


The prefix and associated information which is to be configured on

a router interface when certain conditions are met.

Matched Prefix

The existing prefix or address which matched a Match-Prefix.

New Prefix

A prefix constructed from a Use-Prefix, possibly including some of

the Matched Prefix.

Recorded Sequence Number

The highest sequence number found in a valid message MUST be

recorded in non-volatile storage.

Note that "matches" is a transitive relation but not symmetric.

If two prefixes match each other, they are identical.

2.2. Requirements



document are to be interpreted as described in [KWORD].

3. Message Format

There are two types of Router Renumbering messages: Commands, which

are sent to routers, and Results, which are sent by routers. A third

message type is used to synchronize a reset of the Recorded Sequence

Number with the cancellation of cryptographic keys. The three types

of messages are distinguished the ICMPv6 "Code" field and differ in

the contents of the "Message Body" field.


/ IPv6 header, extension headers /


/ ICMPv6 & RR Header (16 octets) /


/ RR Message Body /


Router Renumbering Message Format

Router Renumbering messages are carried in ICMPv6 packets with Type =

138. The RR message comprises an RR Header, containing the ICMPv6

header, the sequence and segment numbers and other information, and

the RR Message Body, of variable length.

All fields marked "reserved" or "res" MUST be set to zero on

generation of an RR message, and ignored on receipt.

All implementations which generate Router Renumbering Command

messages MUST support sending them to the All Routers multicast

address with link and site scopes, and to unicast addresses of link-

local and site-local formats. All routers MUST be capable of

receiving RR Commands sent to those multicast addresses and to any of

their link local and site local unicast addresses. Implementations

SHOULD support sending and receiving RR messages addressed to other

unicast addresses. An implementation which is both a sender and

receiver of RR commands SHOULD support use of the All Routers

multicast address with node scope.

Data authentication and message integrity MUST be provided for all

Router Renumbering Command messages by appropriate IP Security

[IPSEC] means. The integrity assurance must include the IPv6

destination address and the RR Header and Message Body. See section

7, "Security Considerations".

The use of authentication for Router Renumbering Result messages is


3.1. Router Renumbering Header

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


Type Code Checksum




SegmentNumber Flags MaxDelay





Type 138 (decimal), the ICMPv6 type value assigned to Router


Code 0 for a Router Renumbering Command

1 for a Router Renumbering Result

255 for a Sequence Number Reset.

The Sequence Number Reset is described in section 5.

Checksum The ICMPv6 checksum, as specified in [ICMPV6]. The

checksum covers the IPv6 pseudo-header and all fields of

the RR message from the Type field onward.


An unsigned 32-bit sequence number. The sequence number

MUST be non-decreasing between Sequence Number Resets.


An unsigned 8-bit field which enumerates different valid

RR messages having the same SequenceNumber. No ordering

among RR messages is imposed by the SegmentNumber.

Flags A combination of one-bit flags. Five are defined and

three bits are reserved.




The flags T, R, A and S have defined meanings in an RR

Command message. In a Result message they MUST be

copied from the corresponding Command. The P flag is

meaningful only in a Result message and MUST be zero in

a transmitted Command and ignored in a received Command.

T Test command --

0 indicates that the router configuration is to be


1 indicates a "Test" message: processing is to be

simulated and no configuration changes are to be


R Result requested --

0 indicates that a Result message MUST NOT be sent

(but other forms of logging are not precluded);

1 indicates that the router MUST send a Result

message upon completion of processing the Command


A All interfaces --

0 indicates that the Command MUST NOT be applied to

interfaces which are administratively shut down;

1 indicates that the Command MUST be applied to all

interfaces regardless of administrative shutdown


S Site-specific -- This flag MUST be ignored unless

the router treats interfaces as belonging to

different "sites".

0 indicates that the Command MUST be applied to

interfaces regardless of which site they belong


1 indicates that the Command MUST be applied only to

interfaces which belong to the same site as the

interface to which the Command is addressed. If

the destination address is appropriate for

interfaces belonging to more than one site, then

the Command MUST be applied only to interfaces

belonging to the same site as the interface on

which the Command was received.

P Processed previously --

0 indicates that the Result message contains the

complete report of processing the Command;

1 indicates that the Command message was previously

processed (and is not a Test) and the responding

router is not processing it again. This Result

message MAY have an empty body.

MaxDelay An unsigned 16-bit field specifying the maximum time, in

milliseconds, by which a router MUST delay sending any

reply to this Command. Implementations MAY generate the

random delay between 0 and MaxDelay milliseconds with a

finer granularity than 1ms.

3.2. Message Body -- Command Message

The body of an RR Command message is a sequence of zero or more

Prefix Control Operations, each of variable length. The end of the

sequence MAY be inferred from the IPv6 length and the lengths of

extension headers which precede the ICMPv6 header.

3.2.1. Prefix Control Operation

A Prefix Control Operation has one Match-Prefix Part of 24 octets,

followed by zero or more Use-Prefix Parts of 32 octets each. Match-Prefix Part

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


OpCode OpLength Ordinal MatchLen


MinLen MaxLen reserved


+- -+

+- MatchPrefix -+

+- -+



OpCode An unsigned 8-bit field specifying the operation to be

performed when the associated MatchPrefix matches an

interface's prefix or address. Values are:

1 the ADD operation

2 the CHANGE operation

3 the SET-GLOBAL operation

OpLength The total length of this Prefix Control Operation, in

units of 8 octets. A valid OpLength will always be of

the form 4N+3, with N equal to the number of UsePrefix

parts (possibly zero).

Ordinal An 8-bit field which MUST have a different value in each

Prefix Control Operation contained in a given RR Command

message. The value is otherwise unconstrained.

MatchLen An 8-bit unsigned integer between 0 and 128 inclusive

specifying the number of initial bits of MatchPrefix

which are significant in matching.

MinLen An 8-bit unsigned integer specifying the minimum length

which any configured prefix must have in order to be

eligible for testing against the MatchPrefix.

MaxLen An 8-bit unsigned integer specifying the maximum length

which any configured prefix may have in order to be

eligible for testing against the MatchPrefix.

MatchPrefix The 128-bit prefix to be compared with each interface's

prefix or address. Use-Prefix Part

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


UseLen KeepLen FlagMask RAFlags


Valid Lifetime


Preferred Lifetime


VP reserved


+- -+

+- UsePrefix -+

+- -+



UseLen An 8-bit unsigned integer less than or equal to 128

specifying the number of initial bits of UsePrefix to

use in creating a new prefix for an interface.

KeepLen An 8-bit unsigned integer less than or equal to (128-

UseLen) specifying the number of bits of the prefix or

address which matched the associated Match-Prefix which

should be retained in the new prefix. The retained bits

are those at positions UseLen through (UseLen+KeepLen-1)

in the matched address or prefix, and they are copied to

the same positions in the New Prefix.

FlagMask An 8-bit mask. A 1 bit in any position means that the

corresponding flag bit in a Router Advertisement (RA)

Prefix Information Option for the New Prefix should be

set from the RAFlags field in this Use-Prefix Part. A 0

bit in the FlagMask means that the RA flag bit for the

New Prefix should be copied from the corresponding RA

flag bit of the Matched Prefix.

RAFlags An 8 bit field which, under control of the FlagMask

field, may be used to initialize the flags in Router

Advertisement Prefix Information Options [ND] which

advertise the New Prefix. Note that only two flags have

defined meanings to date: the L (on-link) and A

(autonomous configuration) flags. These flags occupy

the two leftmost bit positions in the RAFlags field,

corresponding to their position in the Prefix

Information Option.

Valid Lifetime

A 32-bit unsigned integer which is the number of seconds

for which the New Prefix will be valid [ND, SAA].

Preferred Lifetime

A 32-bit unsigned integer which is the number of seconds

for which the New Prefix will be preferred [ND, SAA].

V A 1-bit flag indicating that the valid lifetime of the

New Prefix MUST be effectively decremented in real time.

P A 1-bit flag indicating that the preferred lifetime of

the New Prefix MUST be effectively decremented in real


UsePrefix The 128-bit Use-prefix which either becomes or is used

in forming (if KeepLen is nonzero) the New Prefix. It

MUST NOT have the form of a multicast or link-local

address [AARCH].

3.3. Message Body -- Result Message

The body of an RR Result message is a sequence of zero or more Match

Reports of 24 octets. An RR Command message with the "R" flag set

will elicit an RR Result message containing one Match Report for each

Prefix Control Operation, for each different prefix it matches on

each interface. The Match Report has the following format.

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


reserved BF Ordinal MatchedLen




+- -+

+- MatchedPrefix -+

+- -+



B A one-bit flag which, when set, indicates that one or

more fields in the associated PCO were out of bounds.

The bounds check is described in section 4.2.

F A one-bit flag which, when set, indicates that one or

more Use-Prefix parts from the associated PCO were not

honored by the router because of attempted formation of

a forbidden prefix format, such as a multicast or

loopback address.

Ordinal Copied from the Prefix Control Operation whose

MatchPrefix matched the MatchedPrefix on the interface

indicated by InterfaceIndex.

MatchedLen The length of the Matched Prefix.


The router's numeric designation of the interface on

which the MatchedPrefix was configured. This MUST be

the same as the value of ipv6IfIndex which designates

that index in the SNMP IPv6 MIB General Group [IPV6MIB].

It is possible for a Result message to be larger than the Command

message which elicited it. Such a Result message may have to be

fragmented for transmission. If so, it SHOULD be fragmented to the

IPv6 minimum required MTU [IPV6].

4. Message Processing

Processing of received Router Renumbering Result messages is entirely

implementation-defined. Implementation of Command message processing

may vary in detail from the procedure set forth below, so long as the

result is not affected.

Processing of received Router Renumbering Command messages consists

of three conceptual parts: header check, bounds check, and execution.

4.1. Header Check

The ICMPv6 checksum and type are presumed to have been checked before

a Router Renumbering module receives a Command to process. In an

implementation environment where this may not be the case, those

checks MUST be made at this point in the processing.

If the ICMPv6 length derived from the IPv6 length is less than 16

octets, the message MUST be discarded and SHOULD be logged to network


If the ICMPv6 Code field indicates a Result message, a router which

is not a source of RR Command messages MUST discard the message and

SHOULD NOT log it to network management.

If the IPv6 destination address is neither an All Routers multicast

address [AARCH] nor one of the receiving router's unicast addresses,

the message MUST be discarded and SHOULD be logged to network


Next, the SequenceNumber is compared to the Recorded Sequence Number.

(If no RR messages have been received and accepted since system

initialization, the Recorded Sequence Number is zero.) This

comparison is done with the two numbers considered as unsigned

integers, not as DNS-style serial numbers. If the SequenceNumber is

less than the Recorded Sequence Number, the message MUST be discarded

and SHOULD be logged to network management.

Finally, if the SequenceNumber in the message is greater than the

Recorded Sequence Number or the T flag is set, skip to the bounds

check. Otherwise the SegmentNumber MUST now be checked. If a

correctly authenticated message with the same SequenceNumber and

SegmentNumber has not already been processed, skip to the bounds

check. Otherwise, this Command is a duplicate and not a Test

Command. If the R flag is not set, the duplicate message MUST be

discarded and SHOULD NOT be logged to network management. If R is

set, an RR Result message with the P flag set MUST be scheduled for

transmission to the source address of the Command after a random time

uniformly distributed between 0 and MaxDelay milliseconds. The body

of that Result message MUST either be empty or be a saved copy of the

Result message body generated by processing of the previous message

with the same SequenceNumber and SegmentNumber. After scheduling the

Result message, the Command MUST be discarded without further


4.2. Bounds Check

If the SequenceNumber is greater than the Recorded Sequence Number,

then the list of processed SegmentNumbers and the set of saved Result

messages, if any, MUST be cleared and the Recorded Sequence Number

MUST be updated to the value used in the current message, regardless

of subsequent processing errors.

Next, if the ICMPv6 Code field indicates a Sequence Number Reset,

skip to section 5.

At this point, if T is set in the RR header and R is not set, the

message MAY be discarded without further processing.

If the R flag is set, begin constructing an RR Result message. The

RR header of the Result message is completely determined at this time

except for the Checksum.

The values of the following fields of a PCO MUST be checked to ensure

that they are within the appropriate bounds.

OpCode must be a defined value.

OpLength must be of the form 4N+3 and consistent the the length

of the Command packet and the PCO's offset within the


MatchLen must be between 0 and 128 inclusive

UseLen, KeepLen

in each Use-Prefix Part must be between 0 and 128

inclusive, as must the sum of the two.

If any of these fields are out of range in a PCO, the entire PCO MUST

NOT be performed on any interface. If the R flag is set in the RR

header then add to the RR Result message a Match Report with the B

flag set, the F flag clear, the Ordinal copied from the PCO, and all

other fields zero. This Match Report MUST be included only once, not

once per interface.

Note that MinLen and MaxLen need not be explicitly bounds checked,

even though certain combinations of values will make any matches


4.3. Execution

For each applicable router interface, as determined by the A and S

flags, the Prefix Control Operations in an RR Command message must be

carried out in order of appearance. The relative order of PCO

processing among different interfaces is not specified.

If the T flag is set, create a copy of each interface's configuration

on which to operate, because the results of processing a PCO may

affect the processing of subsequent PCOs. Note that if all

operations are performed on one interface before proceeding to

another interface, only one interface-configuration copy will be

required at a time.

For each interface and for each Prefix Control Operation, each prefix

configured on that interface with a length between the MinLen and

MaxLen values in the PCO is tested to determine whether it matches

(as defined in section 2.1) the MatchPrefix of the PCO. The

configured prefixes are tested in an arbitrary order. Any new prefix

configured on an interface by the effect of a given PCO MUST NOT be

tested against that PCO, but MUST be tested against all subsequent

PCOs in the same RR Command message.

Under a certain condition the addresses on an interface are also

tested to see whether any of them matches the MatchPrefix. If and

only if a configured prefix "P" does have a length between MinLen and

MaxLen inclusive, does not match the MatchPrefix "M", but M does

match P (this can happen only if M is longer than P), then those

addresses on that interface which match P MUST be tested to determine

whether any of them matches M. If any such address does match M,

process the PCO as if P matched M, but when forming New Prefixes, if

KeepLen is non-zero, bits are copied from the address. This special

case allows a PCO to be easily targeted to a single specific

interface in a network.

If P does not match M, processing is finished for this combination of

PCO, interface and prefix. Continue with another prefix on the same

interface if there are any more prefixes which have not been tested

against this PCO and were not created by the action of this PCO. If

no such prefixes remain on the current interface, continue processing

with the next PCO on the same interface, or with another interface.

If P does match M, either directly or because a configured address

which matches P also matches M, then P is the Matched Prefix.

Perform the following steps.

If the Command has the R flag set, add a Match Report to the

Result message being constructed.

If the OpCode is CHANGE, mark P for deletion from the current


If the OpCode is SET-GLOBAL, mark all global-scope prefixes on the

current interface for deletion.

If there are any Use-Prefix parts in the current PCO, form the New

Prefixes. Discard any New Prefix which has a forbidden format,

and if the R flag is set in the command, set the F flag in the

Match Report for this PCO and interface. Forbidden prefix formats

include, at a minimum, multicast, unspecified and loopback

addresses. [AARCH] Any implementation MAY forbid, or allow the

network manager to forbid other formats as well.

For each New Prefix which is already configured on the current

interface, unmark that prefix for deletion and update the

lifetimes and RA flags. For each New Prefix which is not already

configured, add the prefix and, if appropriate, configure an

address with that prefix.

Delete any prefixes which are still marked for deletion, together

with any addresses which match those prefixes but do not match any

prefix which is not marked for deletion.

After processing all the Prefix Control Operations on all the

interfaces, an implementation MUST record the SegmentNumber of the

packet in a list associated with the SequenceNumber.

If the Command has the R flag set, compute the Checksum and

schedule the Result message for transmission after a random time

interval uniformly distributed between 0 and MaxDelay

milliseconds. This interval SHOULD begin at the conclusion of

processing, not the beginning. A copy of the Result message MAY

be saved to be retransmitted in response to a duplicate Command.

4.4. Summary of Effects

The only Neighbor Discovery [ND] parameters which can be affected by

Router Renumbering are the following.

A router's addresses and advertised prefixes, including the prefix


The flag bits (L and A, and any which may be defined in the

future) and the valid and preferred lifetimes which appear in a

Router Advertisement Prefix Information Option.

That unnamed property of the lifetimes which specifies whether

they are fixed values or decrementing in real time.

Other internal router information, such as the time until the next

unsolicited Router Advertisement or MIB variables MAY be affected as


All configuration changes resulting from Router Renumbering SHOULD be

saved to non-volatile storage where this facility exists. The

problem of properly restoring prefix lifetimes from non-volatile

storage exists independently of Router Renumbering and deserves

careful attention, but is outside the scope of this document.

5. Sequence Number Reset

It may prove necessary in practice to reset a router's Recorded

Sequence Number. This is a safe operation only when all

cryptographic keys previously used to authenticate RR Commands have

expired or been revoked. For this reason, the Sequence Number Reset

message is defined to accomplish both functions.

When a Sequence Number Reset (SNR) has been authenticated and has

passed the header check, the router MUST invalidate all keys which

have been used to authenticate previous RR Commands, including the

key which authenticated the SNR itself. Then it MUST discard any

saved RR Result messages, clear the list of recorded SegmentNumbers

and reset the Recorded Sequence Number to zero.

If the router has no other, unused authentication keys already

available for Router Renumbering use it SHOULD establish one or more

new valid keys. The details of this process will depend on whether

manual keying or a key management protocol is used. In either case,

if no keys are available, no new Commands can be processed.

A SNR message SHOULD contain no PCOs, since they will be ignored. If

and only if the R flag is set in the SNR message, a router MUST

respond with a Result Message containing no Match Reports. The

header and transmission of the Result are as described in section 3.

The invalidation of authentication keys caused by a valid SNR message

will cause retransmitted copies of that message to be ignored.

6. IANA Considerations

Following the policies outlined in [IANACON], new values of the Code

field in the Router Renumbering Header (section 3.1) and the OpCode

field of the Match-Prefix Part (section are to be allocated

by IETF consensus only.

7. Security Considerations

The Router Renumbering mechanism proposed here is very powerful and

prevention of spoofing it is important. Replay of old messages must,

in general, be prevented (even though a narrow class of messages

exists for which replay would be harmless). What constitutes a

sufficiently strong authentication algorithm may change from time to

time, but algorithms should be chosen which are strong against

current key-recovery and forgery attacks.

Authentication keys must be as well protected as any other Access

method that allows reconfiguration of a site's routers. Distribution

of keys must not expose them or permit alteration, and key validity

must be limited in terms of time and number of messages


Note that although a reset of the Recorded Sequence Number requires

the cancellation of previously-used authentication keys, introduction

of new keys and expiration of old keys does not require resetting the

Recorded Sequence Number.

7.1. Security Policy and Association Database Entries

The Security Policy Database (SPD) [IPSEC] of a router implementing

this specification MUST cause incoming Router Renumbering Command

packets to either be discarded or have IPsec applied. (The

determination of "discard" or "apply" MAY be based on the source

address.) The resulting Security Association Database (SAD) entries

MUST ensure authentication and integrity of the destination address

and the RR Header and Message Body, and the body length implied by

the IPv6 length and intervening extension headers. These

requirements are met by the use of the Authentication Header [AH] in

transport or tunnel mode, or the Encapsulating Security Payload [ESP]

in tunnel mode with non-NULL authentication. The mandatory-to-

implement IPsec authentication algorithms (other than NULL) seem

strong enough for Router Renumbering at the time of this writing.

Note that for the SPD to distinguish Router Renumbering from other

ICMP packets requires the use of the ICMP Type field as a selector.

This is consistent with, although not mentioned by, the Security

Architecture specification [IPSEC].

At the time of this writing, there exists no multicast key management

protocol for IPsec and none is on the horizon. Manually configured

Security Associations will therefore be common. The occurrence of

"from traffic" in the table below would therefore more realistically

be a wildcard or a fixed range. Use of a small set of shared keys

per management station suffices, so long as key distribution and

storage are sufficiently safeguarded.

A sufficient set of SPD entries for incoming traffic could select

Field SPD Entry SAD Entry

------- --------- ---------

Source wildcard from traffic

Destination wildcard from SPD

Transport ICMPv6 from SPD

ICMP Type Rtr. Renum. from SPD

Action Apply IPsec

SA Spec AH/Transport Mode

or there might be an entry for each management station and/or for

each of the router's unicast addresses and for each of the defined

All-Routers multicast addresses, and a final wildcard entry to

discard all other incoming RR messages.

The SPD and SAD are conceptually per-interface databases. This fact

may be exploited to permit shared management of a border router, for

example, or to discard all Router Renumbering traffic arriving over


8. Implementation and Usage Advice for Reliability

Users of Router Renumbering will want to be sure that every non-

trivial message reaches every intended router. Well-considered

exploitation of Router Renumbering's retransmission and response-

directing features should make that goal achievable with high

confidence even in a minimally reliable network.

In one set of cases, probably the majority, the network management

station will know the complete set of routers under its control.

Commands can be retransmitted, with the "R" (Reply-requested) flag

set in the RR header, until Results have been collected from all

routers. If unicast Security Associations (or the means for creating

them) are available, the management station may switch from multicast

to unicast transmission when the number of routers still unheard-from

is suitably small.

To maintain a list of managed routers, the management station can

employ any of several automatic methods which may be more convenient

than manual entry in a large network. Multicast RR "Test" commands

can be sent periodically and the results archived, or the management

station can use SNMP to "peek" into a link-state routing protocol

such as OSPF [OSPFMIB]. (In the case of OSPF, roughly one router per

area would need to be examined to build a complete list of routers.)

In a large dynamic network where the set of managed routers is not

known but reliable execution is desired, a scalable method for

achieving confidence in delivery is described here. Nothing in this

section affects the format or content of Router Renumbering messages,

nor their processing by routers.

A management station implementing these reliability mechanisms MUST

alert an operator who attempts to commence a set of Router

Renumbering Commands when retransmission of a previous set is not yet

completed, but SHOULD allow the operator to override the warning.

8.1. Outline and Definitions

The set of routers being managed with Router Renumbering is

considered as a set of populations, each population having a

characteristic probability of successful round-trip delivery of a

Command/Result pair. The goal is to estimate a lower bound, P, on

the round-trip probability for the whole set. With this estimate and

other data about the responses to retransmissions of the Command, a

confidence level can be computed for hypothesis that all routers have

been heard from.

If the true probability of successful round-trip communication with a

managed router were a constant, p, for all managed routers then an

estimate P of p could be derived from either of these statistics:

The expected ratio of the number of routers first heard from after

transmission (N + 1) to the number first heard from after N is

(1 - p).

When N different routers have been heard from after M

transmissions of a Command, the expected total number of Result

messages received is pNM. If R is the number of Results actually

received, then P = R/MN.

The two methods are not equivalent. The first suffers numerical

problems when the number of routers still to be heard from gets

small, so the P = R/MN estimate should be used.

Since the round-trip probability is not expected to be uniform in the

real world, and the less-reliable units are more important to a

lower-bound estimate but more likely to be missed in sampling, the

sample from which P is computed is biased toward the less-reliable

routers. After the Nth transmission interval, N > 2, neglect all

routers heard from in intervals 1 through F from the reliability

estimate, where F is the greatest integer less than one-half of N.

For example, after five intervals, only routers first heard from in

the third through fifth intervals will be counted.

A management station implementing the methods of this section should

allow the user to specify the following parameters, and default them

to the indicated values.

Ct The target delivery confidence, default 0.999.

Pp A presumptive, pessimistic initial estimate of the lower

bound of the round-trip probability, P, to prevent early

termination. (See below.) Default 0.75.

Ti The initial time between Command retransmissions. Default 4

seconds. MaxDelay milliseconds (see section 3.1) must be

added to the retransmission timer. Knowledge of the

routers' processing time for RR Commands may influence the

setting of Ti. Ti+MaxDelay is also the minimum time the

management station must wait for Results after each

transmission before computing a new confidence level. The

phrase "end of the Nth interval" means a time Ti+MaxDelay

after the Nth transmission of a Command.

Tu The upper bound on the period between Command

retransmissions. Default 512 seconds.

The following variables, some a function of the retransmission

counter N, are used in the next section.

T(N) The time between Command transmissions N and N+1 is V*T(N) +

MaxDelay, where V is random and roughly uniform in the range

[0.75, 1.0]. T(1) = Ti and for N > 1, T(N) = min(2*T(N-1),


M(N) The cumulative number of distinct routers from which replies

have been received to any of the first N transmissions of

the Command.

F=F(N) FLOOR((N-1)/2). All routers from which responses were

received in the first F intervals will be effectively

omitted from the estimate of the round-trip probability

computed at the Nth interval.

R(N,F) The total number of RR Result messages, including

duplicates, received by the end of the Nth interval from

those routers which were NOT heard from in any of the first

F intervals.

p(N) The estimate of the worst-case round-trip delivery


c(N) The computed confidence level.

An asterisk (*) is used to denote multiplication and a caret (^)

denotes exponentiation.

If the difference in reliability between the "good" and "bad" parts

of a managed network is very great, early c(N) values will be too

high. Retransmissions should continue for at least Nmin = log(1-

Ct)/log(1-Pp) intervals, regardless of the current confidence

estimate. (In fact, there's no need to compute p(N) and c(N) until

after Nmin intervals.)

8.2. Computations

Letting A = N*(M(N)-M(F))/R(N,F) for brevity, the estimate of the

round-trip delivery probability is p(N) = 1-Q, where Q is that root

of the equation

Q^N - A*Q + (A-1) = 0

which lies between 0 and 1. (Q = 1 is always a root. If N is odd

there is also a negative root.) This may be solved numerically, for

example with Newton's method (see any standard text, for example

[ANM]). The first-order approximation

Q1 = 1 - 1/A

may be used as a starting point for iteration. But Q1 should NOT be

used as an approximate solution as it always underestimates Q, and

hence overestimates p(N), which would cause an overestimate of the

confidence level.

If necessary, the spurious root Q = 1 can be divided out, leaving

Q^(N-1) + Q^(N-2) + ... + Q - (A-1) = 0

as the equation to solve. Depending on the numerical method used,

this could be desirable as it's just possible (but very unlikely)

that A=N and so Q=1 was a double root of the earlier equation.

After N > 2 (or N >= Nmin) intervals have been completed, Compute the

lower-bound reliability estimate

p(N) = R(N,F)/((N-F)*(M(N) - M(F))).

Compute the confidence estimate

c(N) = (1 - (1-p(N))^N)^(M(N) - M(F) + 1).

which is the Bayesian probability that M(N) is the number of routers

present given the number of responses which were collected, as

opposed to M(N)+1 or any greater number. It is assumed that the a

priori probability of there being K routers was no greater than that

of K-1 routers, for all K > M(N).

When c(N) >= Ct and N >= Nmin, retransmissions of the Command may

cease. Otherwise another transmission should be scheduled at a time

V*T(N) + MaxDelay after the previous (Nth) transmission, or V*T(N)

after the conclusion of processing responses to the Nth transmission,

whichever is later.

One corner case needs consideration. Divide-by-zero may occur when

computing p. This can happen only when no new routers have been

heard from in the last N-F intervals. Generally, the confidence

estimate c(N) will be close to unity by then, but in a pathological

case such as a large number of routers with reliable communication

and a much smaller number with very poor communication, the

confidence estimate may still be less than Ct when p's denominator

vanishes. The implementation may continue, and should continue if

the minimum number of transmissions given in the previous paragraph

have not yet been made. If new routers are heard from, p(N) will

again be non-singular.

Of course no limited retransmission scheme can fully address the

possibility of long-term problems, such as a partitioned network.

The network manager is expected to be aware of such conditions when

they exist.

8.3. Additional Assurance Methods

As a final means to detect routers which become reachable after

missing renumbering commands during an extended network split, a

management station MAY adopt the following strategy. When performing

each new operation, increment the SequenceNumber by more than one.

After the operation is believed complete, periodically send some

"no-op" RR Command with the R (Result Requested) flag set and a

SequenceNumber one less than the highest used. Any responses to such

a command can only come from router that missed the last operation.

An example of a suitable "no-op" command would be an ADD operation

with MatchLen = 0, MinLen = 0, MaxLen = 128, and no Use-Prefix Parts.

If old authentication keys are saved by the management station, even

the reappearance of routers which missed a Sequence Number Reset can

be detected by the transmission of no-op commands with the invalid

key and a SequenceNumber higher than any used before the key was

invalidated. Since there is no other way for a management station to

distinguish a router's failure to receive an entire sequence of

repeated SNR messages from the loss of that router's single SNR

Result Message, this is the RECOMMENDED way to test for universal

reception of a SNR Command.

9. Usage Examples

This section sketches some sample applications of Router Renumbering.

Extension headers, including required IPsec headers, between the IPv6

header and the ICMPv6 header are not shown in the examples.

9.1. Maintaining Global-Scope Prefixes

A simple use of the Router Renumbering mechanism, and one which is

expected to to be common, is the maintenance of a set of global

prefixes with a subnet structure that matches that of the site's

site-local address assignments. In the steady state this would serve

to keep the Preferred and Valid lifetimes set to their desired

values. During a renumbering transition, similar Command messages

can add new prefixes and/or delete old ones. An outline of a

suitable Command message follows. Fields not listed are presumed set

to suitable values. This Command assumes all router interfaces to be

maintained already have site-local [AARCH] addresses.

IPv6 Header

Next Header = 58 (ICMPv6)

Source Address = (Management Station)

Destination Address = FF05::2 (All Routers, site-local scope)

ICMPv6/RR Header

Type = 138 (Router Renumbering), Code = 0 (Command)

Flags = 60 hex (R, A)

First (and only) PCO:

Match-Prefix Part

OpCode = 3 (SET-GLOBAL)

OpLength = 4 N + 3 (assuming N global prefixes)

Ordinal = 0 (arbitrary)

MatchLen = 10

MatchPrefix = FEC0::0

First Use-Prefix Part

UseLen = 48 (Length of TLA ID + RES + NLA ID [AARCH])

KeepLen = 16 (Length of SLA (subnet) ID [AARCH])

FlagMask, RAFlags, Lifetimes, V & P flags -- as desired

UsePrefix = First global /48 prefix

. . .

Nth Use-Prefix Part

UseLen = 48

KeepLen = 16

FlagMask, RAFlags, Lifetimes, V & P flags -- as desired

UsePrefix = Last global /48 prefix

This will cause N global prefixes to be set (or updated) on each

applicable interface. On each interface, the SLA ID (subnet) field

of each global prefix will be copied from the existing site-local


9.2. Renumbering a Subnet

A subnet can be gracefully renumbered by setting the valid and

preferred timers on the old prefix to a short value and having them

run down, while concurrently adding adding the new prefix. Later,

the expired prefix is deleted. The first step is described by the

following RR Command.

IPv6 Header

Next Header = 58 (ICMPv6)

Source Address = (Management Station)

Destination Address = FF05::2 (All Routers, site-local scope)

ICMPv6/RR Header

Type = 138 (Router Renumbering), Code = 0 (Command)

Flags = 60 hex (R, A)

First (and only) PCO:

Match-Prefix Part

OpCode = 2 (CHANGE)

OpLength = 11 (reflects 2 Use-Prefix Parts)

Ordinal = 0 (arbitrary)

MatchLen = 64

MatchPrefix = Old /64 prefix

First Use-Prefix Part

UseLen = 0

KeepLen = 64 (this retains the old prefix value intact)

FlagMask = 0, RAFlags = 0

Valid Lifetime = 28800 seconds (8 hours)

Preferred Lifetime = 7200 seconds (2 hours)

V flag = 1, P flag = 1

UsePrefix = 0::0

Second Use-Prefix Part

UseLen = 64

KeepLen = 0

FlagMask = 0, RAFlags = 0

Lifetimes, V & P flags -- as desired

UsePrefix = New /64 prefix

The second step, deletion of the old prefix, can be done by an RR

Command with the same Match-Prefix Part (except for an OpLength

reduced from 11 to 3) and no Use-Prefix Parts. Any temptation to set

KeepLen = 64 in the second Use-Prefix Part above should be resisted,

as it would instruct the router to sidestep address configuration.

10. Acknowledgments

This protocol was designed by Matt Crawford based on an idea of

Robert Hinden and Geert Jan de Groot. Many members of the IPNG

Working Group contributed useful comments, in particular members of

the DIGITAL UNIX IPv6 team. Bill Sommerfeld provided helpful IPsec

expertise. Relentless browbeating by various IESG members may have

improved the final quality of this specification.

11. References

[AARCH] Hinden, R. and S. Deering, "IP Version 6 Addressing

Architecture", RFC2373, July 1998.

[AH] Kent, S. and R. Atkinson, "IP Authentication Header", RFC

2402, November 1998.

[ANM] Isaacson, E. and H. B. Keller, "Analysis of Numerical

Methods", John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1966.

[ESP] Kent, S. and R. Atkinson, "IP Encapsulating Security

Payload (ESP)", RFC2406, November 1998.

[IANACON] Narten, T. and H. Alvestrand, "Guidelines for Writing an

IANA Considerations Section in RFCs", BCP 26, RFC2434,

October 1998.

[ICMPV6] Conta, A. and S. Deering, "Internet Control Message

Protocol (ICMPv6) for the Internet Protocol Version 6

(IPv6)", RFC2463, December 1998.

[IPSEC] Kent, S. and R. Atkinson, "Security Architecture for the

Internet Protocol", RFC2401, November 1998.

[IPV6] Deering, S. and R. Hinden, "Internet Protocol, Version 6

(IPv6) Specification", RFC2460, December 1998.

[IPV6MIB] HaSKIN, D. and S. Onishi, "Management Information Base for

IP Version 6: Textual Conventions and General Group", RFC

2466, December 1998.

[KWORD] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate

Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC2119, March 1997.

[ND] Narten, T., Nordmark, E. and W. Simpson, "Neighbor

Discovery for IP Version 6 (IPv6)", RFC2461, December


[OSPFMIB] Baker, F. and R. Coltun, "OSPF Version 2 Management

Information Base", RFC1850, November 1995.

12. Author's Address

Matt Crawford

Fermilab MS 368

PO Box 500

Batavia, IL 60510


Phone: +1 630 840 3461

EMail: crawdad@fnal.gov

Appendix -- Derivation of Reliability Estimates

If a population S of size k is repeatedly sampled with an efficiency

p, the expected number of members of S first discovered on the nth

sampling is

m = [1 - (1-p)^n] * k

The expected total number of members of S found in samples, including

duplicates, is

r = n * p * k

Taking the ratio of m to r cancels the unknown factor k and yields an


[1 - (1-p)^n] / p = nm/r

which may be solved for p, which is then an estimator of the sampling

efficiency. (The statistical properties of the estimator will not be

examined here.) Under the substitution p = 1-q, this becomes the

first equation of Section 8.2.

With the estimator p in hand, and a count m of members of S

discovered after n samplings, we can compute the a posteriori

probability that the true size of S is m+j, for j >= 0. Let Hj

denote the hypothesis that the true size of S is m+j, and let R

denote the result that m members have been found in n samplings.


P{R Hj} = [(m+j)!/m!j!] * [1-(1-p)^n]^m * [(1-p)^n]^j

We are interested in P{H0 R}, but to find it we need to assign a

priori values to P{Hj}. Let the size of S be exponentially


P{Hj} / P{H0} = h^(-j)

for arbitrary h in (0, 1). The value of h will be eliminated from

the result.

The Bayesian method yields

P{Hj R} / P{H0 R} = [(m+j)!/m!j!] * [h*(1-p)^n]^j

The reciprocal of the sum over j >= 0 of these ratios is

P{H0 R} = [1-h*(1-p)^n] ^ (m+1)

and the confidence estimate of Section 8.2 is the h -> 1 limit of

this expression.

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and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any

kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are

included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this

document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing

the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other

Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of

developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for

copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be

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