
RFC2888 - Secure Remote Access with L2TP

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group P. Srisuresh

Request for Comments: 2888 Campio Communications

Category: Informational August 2000

Secure Remote Access with L2TP

Status of this Memo

This memo provides information for the Internet community. It does

not specify an Internet standard of any kind. Distribution of this

memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2000). All Rights Reserved.


L2TP protocol is a virtual extension of PPP across IP network

infrastrUCture. L2TP makes possible for an access concentrator (LAC)

to be near remote clients, while allowing PPP termination server

(LNS) to be located in enterprise premises. L2TP allows an enterprise

to retain control of RADIUS data base, which is used to control

Authentication, Authorization and Accountability (AAA) of dial-in

users. The objective of this document is to extend security

characteristics of IPsec to remote access users, as they dial-in

through the Internet. This is accomplished without creating new

protocols and using the existing practices of Remote Access and

IPsec. Specifically, the document proposes three new RADIUS

parameters for use by the LNS node, acting as Secure Remote Access

Server (SRAS) to mandate network level security between remote

clients and the enterprise. The document also discusses limitations

of the approach.

1. Introduction and Overview

Now-a-days, it is common practice for employees to dial-in to their

enterprise over the PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network) and

perform day-to-day operations just as they would if they were in

corporate premises. This includes people who dial-in from their home

and road warriors, who cannot be at the corporate premises. As the

Internet has become ubiquitous, it is appealing to dial-in through

the Internet to save on phone charges and save the dedicated voice

lines from being clogged with data traffic.

The document suggests an approach by which remote access over the

Internet could become a reality. The approach is founded on the

well-known techniques and protocols already in place. Remote Access

extensions based on L2TP, when combined with the security offered by

IPSec can make remote access over the Internet a reality. The

approach does not require inventing new protocol(s).

The trust model of remote access discussed in this document is viewed

principally from the perspective of an enterprise into which remote

access clients dial-in. A remote access client may or may not want to

enforce end-to-end IPsec from his/her end to the enterprise.

However, it is in the interest of the enterprise to mandate security

of every packet that it accepts from the Internet into the

enterprise. Independently, remote users may also pursue end-to-end

IPsec, if they choose to do so. That would be in addition to the

security requirement imposed by the enterprise edge device.

Section 2 has reference to the terminology used throughout the

document. Also mentioned are the limited scope in which some of these

terms may be used in this document. Section 3 has a brief description

of what constitutes remote access. Section 4 describes what

constitutes network security from an enterprise perspective. Section

5 describes the model of secure remote access as a viable solution to

enterprises. The solution presented in section 5 has some

limitations. These limitations are listed in section 6. Section 7 is

devoted to describing new RADIUS attributes that may be configured to

turn a NAS device into Secure Remote Access Server.

2. Terminology and scope

Definition of terms used in this document may be found in one of (a)

L2TP Protocol document [Ref 1], (b) IP security Architecture document

[Ref 5], or (c) Internet Key Exchange (IKE) document [Ref 8].

Note, the terms Network Access Server (NAS) and Remote Access

Server(RAS) are used interchangeably throughout the document. While

PPP may be used to carry a variety of network layer packets, the

focus of this document is limited to carrying IP datagrams only.

"Secure Remote Access Server" (SRAS) defined in this document refers

to a NAS that supports tunnel-mode IPsec with its remote clients.

Specifically, LNS is the NAS that is referred. Further, involuntary

tunneling is assumed for L2TP tunnel setup, in that remote clients

initiating PPP session and the LAC that tunnels the PPP sessions are

presumed to be distinct physical entities.

Lastly, there are a variety of transport mediums by which to tunnel

PPP packets between a LAC and LNS. Examples include Frame Relay or

ATM cloud and IP network infrastructure. For simplicity, the document

assumes a public IP infrastructure as the medium to transport PPP

packets between LAC and LNS. Security of IP packets (embedded within

PPP) in a trusted private transport medium is less of a concern for

the purposes of this document.

3. Remote Access operation

Remote access is more than mere authentication of remote clients by a

Network Access Server(NAS). Authentication, Authorization, Accounting

and routing are integral to remote access. A client must first pass

the authentication test before being granted link access to the

network. Network level services (such as IP) are granted based on the

authorization characteristics specified for the user in RADIUS.

Network Access Servers use RADIUS to scale for large numbers of users

supported. NAS also monitors the link status of the remote access


There are a variety of techniques by which remote access users are

connected to their enterprise and the Internet. At a link level, the

access techniques include ISDN digital lines, analog plain-old-

telephone-service lines, xDSL lines, cable and wireless to name a

few. PPP is the most common Layer-2 (L2)protocol used for carrying

network layer packets over these remote access links. PPP may be used

to carry a variety of network layer datagrams including IP, IPX and

AppleTalk. The focus of this document is however limited to IP

datagrams only.

L2TP is a logical extension of PPP over an IP infrastructure. While a

LAC provides termination of Layer 2 links, LNS provides the logical

termination of PPP. As a result, LNS becomes the focal point for (a)

performing the AAA operations for the remote users, (b) assigning IP

address and monitoring the logical link status (i.e., the status of

LAC-to-LNS tunnel and the link between remote user and LAC), and (c)

maintaining host-route to remote user network and providing routing

infrastructure into the enterprise.

L2TP uses control messages to establish, terminate and monitor the

status of the logical PPP sessions (from remote user to LNS). These

are independent of the data messages. L2TP data messages contain an

L2TP header, followed by PPP packets. The L2TP header identifies the

PPP session (amongst other things) to which the PPP packet belongs.

The IP packets exchanged from/to the remote user are carried within

the PPP packets. The L2TP data messages, carrying end-to-end IP

packets in an IP transport medium may be described as follows. The

exact details of L2TP protocol may be found in [Ref 1].


IP Header

(LAC <->LNS)


UDP Header


L2TP Header

(incl. PPP Sess-ID)


PPP Header

(Remote User<->LNS)


End-to-end IP packet

(to/from Remote User)


4. Requirements of an enterprise Security Gateway

Today's enterprises are aware of the various benefits of connecting

to the Internet. Internet is a vast source of Information and a means

to disseminate information and make available certain resources to

the external world. However, enterprises are also aware that security

breaches (by being connected to the Internet) can severely jeopardize

internal network.

As a result, most enterprises restrict access to a pre-defined set of

resources for external users. Typically, enterprises employ a

firewall to restrict access to internal resources and place

externally accessible servers in the DeMilitarized Zone (DMZ), in

front of the firewall, as described below in Figure 1.


( )

( )

( Internet )

( )

(_______________ )




Enterprise Router


DMZ - Network


+--+ +--+ +----------+

__ __ Firewall

/____\ /____\ +----------+

DMZ-Name DMZ-Web ...

Server Server


( )

( Internal Network )

( (private to the )

( enterprise) )

(_________________ )

Figure 1: Security model of an Enterprise using Firewall

Network Access Servers used to allow direct dial-in access (through

the PSTN) to employees are placed within the private enterprise

network so as to avoid access restrictions imposed by a firewall.

With the above model, private resources of an enterprise are

restricted for access from the Internet. Firewall may be configured

to occasionally permit access to a certain resource or service but is

not recommended on an operational basis as that could constitute a

security threat to the enterprise. It is of interest to note that

even when the firewall is configured to permit access to internal

resources from pre-defined external node(s), many internal servers,

such as NFS, enforce address based authentication and do not co-

operate when the IP address of the external node is not in corporate

IP address domain. In other Words, with the above security model, it

becomes very difficult to allow employees to access corporate

resources, via the Internet, even if you are willing to forego

security over the Internet.

With the advent of IPsec, it is possible to secure corporate data

across the Internet by employing a Security Gateway within the

enterprise. Firewall may be configured to allow IKE and IPsec packets

directed to a specific Security Gateway behind the firewall. It then

becomes the responsibility of the Security Gateway to employ the

right access list for external connections seeking entry into the

enterprise. Essentially, the access control functionality for IPsec

secure packets would be shifted to the Security Gateway (while the

access control for clear packets is retained with the firewall). The

following figure illustrates the model where a combination of

Firewall and Security Gateway control access to internal resources.


( )

( )

( Internet )

( )

(___________ )




Enterprise Router


DMZ - Network


+--+ +--+ +----------+

__ __ Firewall

/____\ /____\ +----------+

DMZ-Name DMZ-Web ...

Server Server etc. LAN


+----------+ +------------------+

LNS Security Gateway

Server (SGW)

+----------+ +------------------+


( )

( Internal Network )

( (Private to the )

( enterprise) )

(_________________ )

Figure 2: Security Model based on Firewall and Security Gateway

In order to allow employee dial-in over the Internet, an LNS may be

placed behind a firewall, and the firewall may be configured to allow

UDP access to the LNS from the Internet. Note, it may not be possible

to know all the IP addresses of the LACs located on the Internet at

configuration time. Hence, the need to allow UDP access from any node

on the Internet. The LNS may be configured to process only the L2TP

packets and drop any UDP packets that are not L2TP.

Such a configuration allows remote access over the Internet. However,

the above setup is prone to a variety of security attacks over the

Internet. It is easy for someone on the Internet to steal a remote

access session and gain access to precious resources of the

enterprise. Hence it is important that all packets are preserved with

IPsec to a security Gateway (SGW) behind the LNS, so the Security

Gateway will not allow IP packets into corporate network unless it

can authenticate the same.

The trust model of secure remote access assumes that the enterprise

and the end user are trusted domains. Everything in between is not

trusted. Any examination of the end-to-end packets by the nodes

enroute would violate this trust model. From this perspective, even

the LAC node enroute must not be trusted with the end-to-end IP

packets. Hence, location and operation of LAC is not relevant for the

discussion on security. On the other hand, location and operation of

LNS and the Security Gateway (SGW) are precisely the basis for


Having security processing done on an independent Security gateway

has the following shortcomings.

1. Given the trust model for remote access, the SGW must be

configured with a set of security profiles, access control lists

and IKE authentication parameters for each user. This mandates an

independent provisioning of security parameters on a per-user

basis. This may not be able to take advantage of the user-centric

provisioning on RADIUS, used by the LNS node.

2. Unlike the LNS, SGW may not be in the routing path of remote

access packets. I.e., there is no guarantee that the egress IP

packets will go through the chain of SGW and LNS before they are

delivered to remote user. As a result, packets may be subject to

IPSec in one direction, but not in the other. This can be a

significant threat to the remote access trust model.

3. Lastly, the SGW node does not have a way to know when a remote

user node(s) simply died or the LAC-LNS tunnel failed. Being

unable to delete the SAs for users that no longer exist could

drain the resources of the SGW. Further, the LNS cannot even

communicate the user going away to the SGW because, the SGW

maintains its peer nodes based on IKE user ID, which could be

different the user IDs employed by the LNS node.

5. Secure Remote Access

Combining the functions of IPsec Security Gateway and LNS into a

single system promises to offer a viable solution for secure remote

access. By doing this, remote access clients will use a single node

as both (a) PPP termination point providing NAS service, and (b) the

Security gateway node into the enterprise. We will refer this node as

"Secure Remote Access Server" (SRAS).

The SRAS can benefit greatly from the confluence of PPP session and

IPsec tunnel end points. PPP session monitoring capability of L2TP

directly translates to being able to monitor IPsec tunnels. Radius

based user authorization ability could be used to configure the

security characteristics for IPsec tunnel. This includes setting

access control filters and security preferences specific to each

user. This may also be extended to configuring IKE authentication and

other negotiation parameters, when automated key exchange is

solicited. Security attributes that may be defined in Radius are

discussed in detail in section 7. Needless to say, the centralized

provisioning capability and scalability of Radius helps in the

configuration of IPsec.

As for remote access, the benefit is one of IPsec security as

befitting the trust model solicited by enterprises for the end-to-end

IP packets traversing the Internet. You may use simply AH where there

is no fear of external eaves-dropping, but you simply need to

authenticate packet data, including the source of packet. You may use

ESP (including ESP-authentication), where there is no trust of the

network and you do not want to permit eaves-dropping on corporate


Operation of SRAS requires that the firewall be configured to permit

UDP traffic into the SRAS node. The SRAS node in turn will process

just the L2TP packets and drop the rest. Further, the SRAS will

require all IP packets embedded within PPP to be one of AH and ESP

packets, directed to itself. In addition, the SRAS will also permit

IKE UDP packets (with source and destination ports sets to 500)

directed to itself in order to perform IKE negotiation and generate

IPsec keys dynamically. All other IP packets embedded within PPP will

be dropped. This enforces the security policy for the enterprise by

permitting only the secure remote access packets into the enterprise.

When a PPP session is dropped, the IPsec and ISAKMP SAs associated

with the remote access user are dropped from the SRAS. All the

shortcomings listed in the previous section with LNS and SGW on two

systems disappear withe Secure Remote Access Server. Figure 3 below

is a typical description of an enterprise supporting remote access

users using SRAS system.


Remote Access +-------------+ ( )

+--+______ Link Local Access ( )

__ /___________ Concentrator----( Internet )

/____\ (LAC) ( )

RA-Host +-------------+ (____________)




Enterprise Router


DMZ - Network


+--+ +--+ +----------+

__ __ Firewall

/____\ /____\ +----------+

DMZ-Name DMZ-Web ...

Server Server etc. LAN



Secure Remote

Access Server




( )

+--+ ( Internal Network )

__------( (Private to the )

/____\ ( enterprise) )

Ent-Host (______________________)

Figure 3: Secure Remote Access Server operation in an Enterprise

The following is an illustration of secure remote access data flow as

end-to-end IP packets traverse the Internet and the SRAS. The example

shows IP packet tunneling and IPsec transformation as packets are

exchanged between a remote Access host (RA-Host) and a host within

the enterprise (say, Ent-Host).

Note, the IP packets originating from or directed to RA-Host are

shown within PPP encapsulation, whereas, all other packets are shown

simply as IP packets. It is done this way to highlight the PPP

packets encapsulated within L2TP tunnel. The PPP headers below are

identified by their logical source and destination in parenthesis.

Note, however, the source and recipient information of the PPP data

is not a part of PPP header. This is described thus, just for

clarity. In the case of an L2TP tunnel, the L2TP header carries the

PPP session ID, which indirectly identifies the PPP end points to the

LAC and the LNS. Lastly, the IPsec Headers section below include the

tunneling overhead and the AH/ESP headers that are attached to the


RA-Host to Ent-Host Packet traversal:


RA-Host LAC SRAS Ent-Host



PPP Header

(RA-Host ->SRAS)


Tunnel-Mode IPsec



End-to-end IP packet

transformed as needed





IP Header



UDP Header


L2TP Header

(incl. PPP Sess-ID)


PPP Header

(RA-Host ->SRAS)


Tunnel-Mode IPsec



End-to-end IP packet

transformed as needed





End-to-end IP packet




Ent-Host to RA-Host Packet traversal:


Ent-Host SRAS LAC RA-Host



End-to-end IP packet





IP Header



UDP Header


L2TP Header

(incl. PPP Sess-ID)


PPP Header



Tunnel-Mode IPsec



End-to-end IP packet

transformed as needed





PPP Header



Tunnel-Mode IPsec



End-to-end IP packet

transformed as needed




6. Limitations to Secure Remote Access using L2TP

The SRAS model described is not without its limitations. Below is a

list of the limitations.

1. Tunneling overhead: There is considerable tunneling overhead on

the end-to-end IP packet. Arguably, there is overlap of

information between tunneling headers. This overhead will undercut

packet throughput.

The overhead is particularly apparent at the LAC and SRAS nodes.

Specifically, the SRAS has the additional computational overhead

of IPsec processing on all IP packets exchanged with remote users.

This can be a significant bottleneck in the ability of SRAS to

scale for large numbers of remote users.

2. Fragmentation and reassembly: Large IP packets may be required to

undergo Fragmentation and reassembly at the LAC or the LNS as a

result of multiple tunnel overhead tagged to the packet.

Fragmentation and reassembly can havoc on packet throughput and

latency. However, it is possible to avoid the overhead by reducing

the MTU permitted within PPP frames.

3. Multiple identity and authentication requirement: Remote Access

users are required to authenticate themselves to the SRAS in order

to be oBTain access to the link. Further, when they require the

use of IKE to automate IPsec key exchange, they will need to

authenticate once again with the same or different ID and a

distinct authentication approach. The authentication requirements

of IKE phase 1 [Ref 8] and LCP [Ref 3] are different.

However, it is possible to have a single authentication approach

(i.e., a single ID and authentication mechanism) that can be

shared between LCP and IKE phase 1. The Extended Authentication

Protocol(EAP) [Ref 4] may be used as the base to transport IKE

authentication mechanism into PPP. Note, the configuration

overhead is not a drag on the functionality perse.

4. Weak security of Link level authentication: As LCP packets

traverse the Internet, the Identity of the remote user and the

password (if a password is used) is sent in the clear. This makes

it a target for someone on the net to steal the information and

masquerade as remote user. Note, however, this type of password

stealing will not jeopardize the security of the enterprise per

se, but could result in denial of service to remote users. An

intruder can collect the password data and simply steal the link,

but will not be able to run any IP applications subsequently, as

the SRAS will fail non-IPsec packet data.

A better approach would be to employ Extended Authentication

Protocol (EAP) [Ref 4] and select an authentication technique that

is not prone to stealing over the Internet. Alternately, the LAC

and the SRAS may be independently configured to use IPsec to

secure all LCP traffic exchanged between themselves.

7. Configuring RADIUS to support Secure Remote Access.

A centralized RADIUS database is used by enterprises to maintain the

authentication and authorization requirements of the dial-in Users.

It is also believed that direct dial-in access (e.g., through the

PSTN network is) safe and trusted and does not need any scrutiny

outside of the link level authentication enforced in LCP. This belief

is certainly not shared with the dial-in access through the Internet.

So, while the same RADIUS database may be used for a user directly

dialing-in or dialing in through the Internet, the security

requirements may vary. The following RADIUS attributes may be used to

mandate IPsec for the users dialing-in through the Internet. The

exact values for the attributes and its values may be obtained from

IANA (refer Section 10).

7.1. Security mandate based on access method

A new RADIUS attribute IPSEC_MANDATE (91) may be defined for each

user. This attribute may be given one of the following values.

NONE (=0) No IPsec mandated on the IP packets

embedded within PPP.

LNS_AS_SRAS (=1) Mandates Tunnel mode IPsec on the IP

packets embedded within PPP, only so

long as the PPP session terminates

at an LNS. LNS would be the tunnel

mode IPsec end point.

SRAS (=2) Mandates Tunnel mode IPsec on the IP

packets embedded within PPP,

irrespective of the NAS type the PPP

terminates in. I.e., the IPsec mandate

is not specific to LNS alone, and is

applicable to any NAS, terminating

PPP. NAS would be the tunnel mode

IPsec end point.

When IPSEC_MANDATE attribute is set to one of LNS_AS_SRAS or SRAS,

that would direct the NAS to drop any IP packets in PPP that are not

associated with an AH or ESP protocol. As an exception, the NAS will

continue to process IKE packets (UDP packets, with source and

destination port set to 500) directed from remote users. Further, the

security profile parameter, defined in the following section may add

additional criteria for which security is not mandatory.

7.2. Security profile for the user

A new SECURITY_PROFILE (92) parameter may be defined in RADIUS to

describe security access requirements for the users. The profile

could contain information such as the access control security

filters, security preferences and the nature of Keys (manual or

automatic generated via the IKE protocol) used for security purposes.

The SECURITY-PROFILE attribute can be assigned a filename, as a

string of characters. The contents of the file could be vendor

specific. But, the contents should include (a) a prioritized list

access control security policies, (b) Security Association security

preferences associated with each security policy.

7.3. IKE negotiation profile for the user

If the security profile of a user requires dynamic generation of

security keys, the parameters necessary for IKE negotiation may be

configured separately using a new IKE_NEGOTIATION_PROFILE (93)

parameter in RADIUS. IKE-NEGOTIATION_PROFILE attribute may be

assigned a filename, as a string of characters. The contents of the

file could however be vendor specific. The contents would typically

include (a) the IKE ID of the user and SRAS, (b) preferred

authentication approach and the associated parameters, such as a

pre-shared-key or a pointer to X.509 digital Certificate, and, (c)

ISAKMP security negotiation preferences for phase I.

8. Acknowledgements

The author would like to eXPress sincere thanks to Steve Willens for

initially suggesting this idea. The author is also thankful to Steve

for the many informal conversations which were instrumental in the

author being able to appreciate the diverse needs of the Remote

Access area.

9. Security Considerations

This document is about providing secure remote access to enterprises

via the Internet. However, the document does not address security

issues for network layers other than IP. While the document focus is

on security over the Internet, the security model provided is not

limited to the Internet or the IP infrastructure alone. It may also

be applied over other transport media such as Frame Relay and ATM

clouds. If the transport media is a trusted private network

infrastructure, the security measures described may not be as much of

an issue. The solution suggested in the document is keeping in view

the trust model between a remote user and enterprise.

10. IANA Considerations

This document proposes a total of three new RADIUS attributes to be

maintained by the IANA. These attributes IPSEC_MANDATE,


values 91, 92 and 93 respectively so as not to conflict with the

definitions for recognized radius types, as defined in


The following sub-section explains the criteria to be used by the

IANA to assign additional numbers as values to the IPSEC-MANDATE

attribute described in section 7.1.

10.1. IPSEC-MANDATE attribute Value

Values 0-2 of the IPSEC-MANDATE-Type Attribute are defined in Section

7.1; the remaining values [3-255] are available for assignment by the

IANA with IETF Consensus [Ref 11].


[1] Townsley, W., Valencia, A., Rubens, A., Pall, G., Zorn, G. and

B. Palter, "Layer Two Tunneling Protocol L2TP", RFC2661, August


[2] Rigney, C., Rubens, A., Simpson, W. and S. Willens, "Remote

Authentication Dial In User Service (RADIUS)", RFC2138, April


[3] Simpson, W., "The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)", STD 51, RFC

1661, July 1994.

[4] Blunk, L. and Vollbrecht, J. "PPP Extensible Authentication

Protocol (EAP)", RFC2284, March 1998.

[5] Kent, S. and R. Atkinson, "Security Architecture for the

Internet Protocol", RFC2401, November 1998.

[6] Kent, S. and R. Atkinson, "IP Encapsulating Security Payload

(ESP)", RFC2406, November 1998.

[7] Kent, S. and R. Atkinson, "IP Authentication Header", RFC2402,

November 1998.

[8] Harkins, D. and D. Carrel, "The Internet Key Exchange (IKE)",

RFC2409, November 1998.

[9] Piper, D., "The Internet IP Security Domain of Interpretation

for ISAKMP", RFC2407, November 1998.

[10] Reynolds, J. and J. Postel, "Assigned Numbers", STD 2, RFC1700,

October 1994.

See also http://www.iana.org/numbers.Html

[11] Narten, T. and H. Alvestrand, "Guidelines for writing an IANA

Considerations Section in RFCs", BCP 26, RFC2434, October 1998.

[12] Meyer, G., "The PPP Encryption Control Protocol (ECP)", RFC

1968, June 1996.

[13] Sklower, K. and G. Meyer, "The PPP DES Encryption Protocol,

Version 2 (DESE-bis)", RFC2419, September 1998.

Author's Address

Pyda Srisuresh

Campio Communications

630 Alder Drive

Milpitas, CA 95035


Phone: +1 (408) 519-3849

EMail: srisuresh@yahoo.com

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Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2000). All Rights Reserved.

This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to

others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it

or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published

and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any

kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are

included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this

document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing

the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other

Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of

developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for

copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be

followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than


The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be

revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.

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