
RFC3050 - Common Gateway Interface for SIP

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group J. Lennox

Request for Comments: 3050 H. Schulzrinne

Category: Informational Columbia U.

J. Rosenberg


January 2001

Common Gateway Interface for SIP

Status of this Memo

This memo provides information for the Internet community. It does

not specify an Internet standard of any kind. Distribution of this

memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2001). All Rights Reserved.


In Internet telephony, there must be a means by which new services

are created and deployed rapidly. In the World Wide Web, the Common

Gateway Interface (CGI) has served as popular means towards

programming web services. Due to the similarities between the

Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and the Hyper Text Transfer

Protocol (HTTP), CGI is a good candidate for service creation in a

SIP environment. This document defines a SIP CGI interface for

providing SIP services on a SIP server.


The IESG notes that the mechanism specified here depends on the

Common Gateway Interface. Should this interface change or be

enhanced changes in this specification may also be necessary or

appropriate. According to the W3C, the CGI is presently maintained

by the NCSA Software Development Group. See


for additional information on the current state of the CGI interface.

Table of Contents

1 IntrodUCtion ....................................... 3

2 Motivations ........................................ 4

3 Differences from HTTP CGI .......................... 5

3.1 Basic Model ........................................ 6

3.2 Persistence Model .................................. 8

3.3 SIP CGI Triggers ................................... 9

3.4 Naming ............................................. 9

3.5 Environment Variables .............................. 9

3.6 Timers ............................................. 10

4 Overview of SIP CGI ................................ 10

5 SIP CGI Specification .............................. 12

5.1 Introduction ....................................... 12

5.1.1 Relationship with HTTP CGI ......................... 12

5.1.2 Conventions of This Document ....................... 12

5.1.3 Specifications ..................................... 12

5.1.4 Terminology ........................................ 13

5.2 Notational Conventions and Generic Grammar ......... 13

5.3 Invoking the Script ................................ 14

5.4 The SIP CGI Script Command Line .................... 14

5.5 Data Input to the SIP CGI Script ................... 14

5.5.1 Message Metadata (Metavariables) ................... 14 AUTH_TYPE .......................................... 16 CONTENT_LENGTH ..................................... 16 CONTENT_TYPE ....................................... 17 GATEWAY_INTERFACE .................................. 17 Protocol-Specific Metavariables .................... 18 REGISTRATIONS ...................................... 18 REMOTE_ADDR ........................................ 19 REMOTE_HOST ........................................ 19 REMOTE_IDENT ....................................... 19 REMOTE_USER ........................................ 20 REQUEST_METHOD ..................................... 20 REQUEST_TOKEN ...................................... 21 REQUEST_URI ........................................ 21 RESPONSE_STATUS .................................... 21 RESPONSE_REASON .................................... 21 RESPONSE_TOKEN ..................................... 21 SCRIPT_COOKIE ...................................... 22 SERVER_NAME ........................................ 22 SERVER_PORT ........................................ 22 SERVER_PROTOCOL .................................... 22 SERVER_SOFTWARE .................................... 23

5.5.2 Message Bodies ..................................... 23

5.6 Data Output from the SIP CGI Script ................ 23

5.6.1 CGI Action Lines ................................... 25 Status ............................................. 25 Proxy Request ...................................... 25 Forward Response ................................... 26 Script Cookie ...................................... 26 CGI Again .......................................... 27 Default Action ..................................... 27

5.6.2 CGI Header Fields .................................. 28 Request-Token ...................................... 28 Remove ............................................. 28

5.7 Local EXPiration Handling .......................... 28

5.8 Locally-Generated Responses ........................ 29

5.9 SIP CGI and REGISTER ............................... 29

5.10 SIP CGI and CANCEL ................................. 29

5.11 SIP CGI and ACK .................................... 30

5.11.1 Receiving ACK's .................................... 30

5.11.2 Sending ACK's ...................................... 30

6 System Specifications .............................. 30

6.1 Unix ............................................... 30

6.2 Microsoft Windows .................................. 31

7 Security Considerations ............................ 31

7.1 Request Initiation ................................. 31

7.2 Authenticated and Encrypted Messages ............... 31

7.3 SIP Header Fields Containing Sensitive Information.. 32

7.4 Script Interference with the Server ................ 32

7.5 Data Length and Buffering Considerations ........... 32

8 Acknowledgements ................................... 33

9 Authors' Addresses ................................. 33

10 Bibliography ....................................... 34

11 Full Copyright Statement ........................... 35

1 Introduction

In Internet telephony, there must be a means by which new services

are created and deployed rapidly. In traditional telephony networks,

this was accomplished through IN service creation environments, which

provided an interface for creating new services, often using GUI-

based tools.

The WWW has evolved with its own set of tools for service creation.

Originally, web servers simply translated URLs into filenames stored

on a local system, and returned the file content. Over time, servers

evolved to provide dynamic content, and forms provided a means for

soliciting user input. In essence, what evolved was a means for

service creation in a web environment. There are now many means for

creation of dynamic web content, including server side javascript,

servlets, and the common gateway interface (CGI) [1].

Multimedia communications, including Internet telephony, will also

require a mechanism for creating services. This mechanism is

strongly tied to the features provided by the signaling protocols.

The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) [2] has been developed for

initiation and termination of multimedia sessions. SIP borrows

heavily from HTTP, inheriting its client-server interaction and much

of its syntax and semantics. For this reason, the web service

creation environments, and CGI in particular, seem attractive as

starting points for developing SIP based service creation


2 Motivations

CGI has a number of strengths which make it attractive as an

environment for creating SIP services:

Language independence: CGI works with perl, C, VisualBasic, tcl,

and many other languages, as long as they support Access to

environment variables.

Exposes all headers: CGI exposes the content of all the headers

in an HTTP request to the CGI application. An application

can make use of these as it sees fit, and ignore those it

doesn't care about. This allows all ASPects of an HTTP

request to be considered for creation of content. In a SIP

environment, headers have greater importance than in HTTP.

They carry critical information about the transaction,

including caller and callee, subject, contact addresses,

organizations, extension names, registration parameters and

expirations, call status, and call routes, to name a few.

It is therefore critical for SIP services to have as much

access to these headers as possible. For this reason, CGI

is very attractive.

Creation of responses: CGI is advantageous in that it can create

all parts of a response, including headers, status codes

and reason phrases, in addition to message bodies. This is

not the case for other mechanisms, such as Java servlets,

which are focused primarily on the body. In a SIP

environment, it is critical to be able to generate all

aspects of a response (and, all aspects of new or proxied

requests), since the body is usually not of central

importance in SIP service creation.

Component reuse: Many of the CGI utilities allow for easy

reading of environment variables, parsing of form data, and

often parsing and generation of header fields. Since SIP

reuses the basic RFC822 [3] syntax of HTTP, many of these

tools are applicable to SIP CGI.

Familiar environment: Many web programmers are familiar with


Ease of extensibility: Since CGI is an interface and not a

language, it becomes easy to extend and reapply to other

protocols, such as SIP.

The generality, extensibility, and detailed control and access to

information provided by CGI, coupled with the range of tools that

exist for it, which can be immediately applied to SIP, make it a good

mechanism for SIP service creation.

3 Differences from HTTP CGI

While SIP and HTTP share a basic syntax and a request-response model,

there are important differences. Proxies play a critical role in

services for SIP, while they are less important for HTTP. SIP

servers can fork requests (proxying multiple requests when a single

request is received), an important capability absent from HTTP. SIP

supports additional features, such as registrations, which are absent

from HTTP. These differences are reflected in the differences

between SIP CGI and HTTP CGI. SIP CGI runs primarily on proxy,

redirect, and registrar servers, rather than user agent servers

(which are the equivalent of origin servers in HTTP). SIP CGI allows

the script to perform specific messaging functions not supported in

HTTP CGI (such as proxying requests), and SIP CGI introduces a

persistence model that allow a script to maintain control through

multiple message exchanges. HTTP CGI has no persistence for scripts.

3.1 Basic Model

The basic model for HTTP CGI is depicted in figure 1.

----- ------------

~~~~~~~~ req --------

---------- http

client resp server

---------- w

~~~~~~~~ -------- e

----- s /\s b

net t t

e d C d s

n i G o e

v n I u r

t v

\/ e

------- r





Figure 1: HTTP CGI Model

A client issues an HTTP request, which is passed either directly to

the origin server (as shown), or is forwarded through a proxy server.

The origin server executes a CGI script, and the CGI script returns a

response, which is passed back to the client. The main job of the

script is to generate the body for the response. Only origin servers

execute CGI scripts, not proxy servers.

In a SIP server, the model is different, and is depicted in Figure 2.

~~~~~~~~ req ------- req ------- req ~~~~~~~~

------ ------- ---------

client resp server resp server resp client

------ ------- ---------

~~~~~~~~ ------- ------- --------






Figure 2: SIP CGI Model

The client generates a request, which is forwarded to a server. The

server may generate a response (such as an error or redirect

response). Or, if the server is a proxy server, the request is

proxied to another server, and eventually to a user agent, and the

response is passed back upstream, through the server, and back

towards the client. A SIP proxy server may additionally fork

requests, generating multiple requests in response to a received

request. Generally, a proxy server will not generate the content in

responses. These contain session descriptions created by user

agents. Services, such as call forward and mobility services, are

based on the decisions the server makes about (1) when, to where, and

how many requests to proxy downstream, and (2) when to send a

response back upstream. Creation of services such as ad-hoc bridging

(where the server acts as a media mixer in a multiparty call, without

being asked to do so by the end users) will require the server to

generate new requests of its own, and for it to modify and generate

the body in responses.

An HTTP server is mainly concerned about generation of responses. A

SIP server is generally concerned about performing four basic


Proxying of Requests: Receiving a request, adding or modifying

any of the headers, deciding on a set of servers to forward

the request to, and forwarding it to them.

Returning Responses: Receiving a response, adding or modifying

any of the headers, and passing the response towards the


Generating Requests: Creating a new request, originating at the

server, placing headers and a body into the message, and

sending it to a server.

Generation of Responses: Receiving a request, generating a

response to it, and sending it back to the client.

When a request is received, one or more of the above operations may

occur at once. For example, a SIP server may generate a provisional

response, generate a new request, and proxy the original request to

two servers. This implies that SIP CGI must encompass a greater set

of functions than HTTP CGI. These functions are a super-set of the

simple end-server request/response model.

3.2 Persistence Model

In HTTP CGI, a script is executed once for each request. It

generates the response, and then terminates. There is no state

maintained across requests from the same user, as a general rule

(although this can be done -- and is -- for more complex services

such as database accesses, which essentially encapsulate state in

client-side cookies or dynamically-generated URLs). A transaction is

just a single request, and a response.

In SIP CGI, since a request can generate many new and proxied

requests, these themselves will generate responses. A service will

often require these responses to be processed, and additional

requests or responses to be generated. As a result, whereas an HTTP

CGI script executes once per transaction, a SIP CGI script must

maintain control somehow over numerous events.

In order to enable this, and to stay with the original CGI model, we

mandate that a SIP CGI script executes when a message arrives, and

after generating output (in the form of additional messages),

terminate. State is maintained by allowing the CGI to return an

opaque token to the server. When the CGI script is called again for

the same transaction, this token is passed back to the CGI script.

When called for a new transaction, no token is passed.

For example, consider a request which arrives at a SIP server. The

server calls a CGI script, which generates a provisional response and

a proxied request. It also returns a token to the server, and then

terminates. The response is returned upstream towards the client,

and the request is proxied. When the response to the proxied request

arrives, the script is executed again. The environment variables are

set based on the content of the new response. The script is also

passed back the token. Using the token as its state, the script

decides to proxy the request to a different location. It therefore

returns a proxied request, and another token. The server forwards

this new request, and when the response comes, calls the CGI script

once more, and passes back the token. This time, the script

generates a final response, and passes this back to the server. The

server sends the response to the client, destroys the token, and the

transaction is complete.

3.3 SIP CGI Triggers

In many cases, calling the CGI script on the reception of every

message is inefficient. CGI scripts come at the cost of significant

overhead since they generally require creation of a new process.

Therefore, it is important in SIP CGI for a script to indicate, after

it is called the first time, under what conditions it will be called

for the remainder of the transaction. If the script is not called,

the server will take the "default" action, as specified in this

document. This allows an application designer to trade off

flexibility for computational resources. Making an analogy to the

Intelligent Network (IN) - a script is able to define the triggers

for its future execution.

So, in summary, whereas an HTTP CGI script executes once during a

transaction, a single SIP CGI script may execute many times during a

transaction, and may specify at which points it would like to have

control for the remainder of the transaction.

3.4 Naming

In HTTP CGI, the CGI script itself is generally the resource named in

the request URI of the HTTP request. This is not so in SIP. In

general, the request URI names a user to be called. The mapping to a

script to be executed may depend on other SIP headers, including To

and From fields, the SIP method, status codes, and reason phrases.

As such, the mapping of a message to a CGI script is purely a matter

of local policy administration at a server. A server may have a

single script which always executes, or it may have multiple scripts,

and the target is selected by some parts of the header.

3.5 Environment Variables

In HTTP CGI, environment variables are set with the values of the

paths and other aspects of the request. As there is no notion of a

path in SIP, some of these environment variables do not make sense.

3.6 Timers

In SIP, certain services require that the script gets called not only

when a message arrives, but when some timer expires. The classic

example of this is "call forward no answer." To be implemented with

SIP CGI, the first time the script is executed, it must generate a

proxied request, and also indicate a time at which to be called again

if no response comes. This kind of feature is not present in HTTP

CGI, and some rudimentary support for it is needed in SIP CGI.

4 Overview of SIP CGI

When a request arrives at a SIP server, initiating a new transaction,

the server will set a number of environment variables, and call a CGI

script. The script is passed the body of the request through stdin.

The script returns, on stdout, a set of SIP action lines, each of

which may be modified by CGI and/or SIP headers. This set is

delimited through the use of two carriage returns. The action lines

allow the script to specify any of the four operations defined above,

in addition to the default operation. Generating a response is done

by copying the the status line of the response into an action line of

the CGI output. For example, the following will create a 200 OK to

the original request:

SIP/2.0 200 OK

The operation of proxying a request is supported by the CGI-PROXY-

REQUEST CGI action, which takes the URL to proxy to as an argument.

For example, to proxy a request to dante@inferno.com:

CGI-PROXY-REQUEST sip:dante@inferno.com SIP/2.0

Contact: sip:server1@company.com

In this example, the server will take the original request, and

modify any header fields normally changed during the proxy operation

(such as decrementing Max-Forwards, and adding a Via field). This

message is then "merged" with the output of the CGI script - SIP

headers specified below the action line in the CGI output will be

added to the outbound request. In the above example, the Contact

header will be added. Note that the action line looks like the

request line of a SIP request message. This is done in order to

simplify parsing.

To delete headers from the outgoing request, the merge process also

supports the CGI header CGI-Remove. Like SIP headers, CGI headers

are written underneath the action line. They are extracted by the

SIP server, and used to provide the server with additional guidance.

CGI headers always begin with CGI to differentiate them from SIP

headers. In this case, the supported values for the CGI-Remove

header are the names of headers in the original message.

Returning of responses is more complex. A server may receive

multiple responses as the result of forking a request. The script

should be able to ask the server to return any of the responses it

had received previously. To support this, the server will pass an

opaque token to the script through environment variables, unique for

each response received. To return a response, a CGI script needs to

indicate which response is to be returned. For example, to return a

response named with the token abcdefghij, the following output is



Finally, if the script does not output any of the above actions, the

server does what it would normally do upon receiving the message that

triggered the script.

A SIP CGI script is normally only executed when the original request

arrives. If the script also wants to be called for subsequent

messages in a transaction -- due to responses to proxied requests, or

(in certain circumstances) ACK and CANCEL requests, it can perform

the CGI-AGAIN action:


This action applies only to the next invocation of the script; it

means to invoke the script one more time. Outputting "no" is

identical to outputting "yes" on this invocation of the script and

outputting nothing the next time the script is called.

When the script is re-executed, it may need access to some state in

order to continue processing. A script can generate one piece of

state, called a cookie, for any new request or proxied request. It

is passed to the server through the CGI-SET-COOKIE action. The

action contains a token, which is the cookie itself. The server does

not examine or parse the cookie. It is simply stored. When the

script is re-executed, the cookie is passed back to the script

through an environment variable.

CGI-SET-COOKIE khsihppii8asdl SIP/2.0

Finally, when the script causes the server to proxy a request,

responses to these requests will arrive. To ease matching of

responses to requests, the script can place a request token in the

CGI CGI-Request-Token header. This header is removed by the server

when the request is proxied. Any responses received to this request

will have the token passed in an environment variable.

5 SIP CGI Specification

5.1 Introduction

5.1.1 Relationship with HTTP CGI

This SIP CGI specification is based on work-in-progress revision 1.1

of the HTTP CGI specification [1]. That document is a product of the

CGI-WG mailing list, which is not an official IETF working group.

CGI-WG's homepage is located at the URL

http://Web.Golux.Com/coar/cgi/, and the most recent versions of the

CGI specification are available there. This specification

incorporates a great deal of text from the work-in-progress version

of that document as of February 23, 2000. A future version of this

specification may be changed to cite parts of that document by

reference instead.

5.1.2 Conventions of This Document

In this document, the key Words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED",


and "OPTIONAL" are to be interpreted as described in RFC2119 [4] and

indicate requirement levels for compliant SIP CGI implementations.

Some paragraphs are indented, like this; they give

motivations of design choices, or questions for future

discussion in the development of SIP CGI. They are not

normative to the specification of the protocol.

5.1.3 Specifications

Not all of the functions and features of SIP CGI are defined in the

main part of this specification. The following phrases are used to

describe the features which are not specified:

System-defined: The feature may differ between systems, but

must be the same for different implementations using the

same system. A system will usually identify a class of

operating systems. Some systems are defined in section 6

of this document. New systems may be defined by new

specifications without revision of this document.

Implementation-defined: The behavior of the feature may vary

from implementation to implementation, but a particular

implementation should be consistent in its behavior.

5.1.4 Terminology

This specification uses many terms defined in the SIP/2.0

specification [2]; however, the following terms are used here in a

sense which may not accord with their definitions in that document,

or with their common meaning.

metavariable: A named parameter that carries information from

the server to the script. It is not necessarily a

variable in the operating system's environment, although

that is the most common implementation.

script: The software which is invoked by the server via this

interface. It need not be a standalone program, but

could be a dynamically-loaded or shared library, or even

a subroutine in the server. It may be a set of

statements interpreted at run-time, as the term `script'

is frequently understood, but that is not a requirement

and within the context of this specification the term has

the broader definition stated.

server: The application program which invokes the script in

order to service messages.

message: A SIP request or response, typically either the one

that triggered the invocation of the CGI script, or one

that the CGI script caused to be sent.

5.2 Notational Conventions and Generic Grammar

In this specification we use the Augmented Backus-Naur Form notation

as described in appendix C of the SIP/2.0 specification, RFC2543


The following grammatical constructs are taken from other documents;

this table lists the appropriate sources.

OCTET SIP/2.0 [2] Appendix C.1

CHAR SIP/2.0 [2] Appendix C.1

digit SIP/2.0 [2] Appendix C.1

alphanum SIP/2.0 [2] Appendix C.1

token SIP/2.0 [2] Appendix C.1

hostname SIP/2.0 [2] Section 2

SIP-URL SIP/2.0 [2] Section 2

SIP-Version SIP/2.0 [2] Section 4.3.1

Status-Code SIP/2.0 [2] Section 5.1.1

Reason-Phrase SIP/2.0 [2] Section 5.1.1

media-type HTTP/1.1 [5] Section 3.7

(via SIP/2.0 [2] Section 6.16)

field-name SIP/2.0 [2] Section 6.6

Other grammatical constructs taken from outside sources are noted in

the text.

5.3 Invoking the Script

The script is invoked in a system-defined manner. Unless specified

otherwise, the file containing the script will be invoked as an

executable program.

Only one CGI script at a time may be outstanding for a SIP

transaction. If subsequently arriving responses would cause a CGI

script to be invoked, handling of them is deferred, except for ACK,

until CGI scripts for previous messages in the transaction terminate.

Messages are processed in the order they are received.

5.4 The SIP CGI Script Command Line

The server SHOULD NOT provide any command line arguments to the


Command line arguments are used for indexed queries in HTTP

CGI; HTTP indexed queries do not have an equivalent in SIP.

5.5 Data Input to the SIP CGI Script

Information about a message comes from two different sources: the

message header, and any associated content-body. Servers MUST make

portions of this information available to scripts.

5.5.1 Message Metadata (Metavariables)

Each SIP CGI server implementation MUST define a mechanism to pass

data about the message from the server to the script. The

metavariables containing these data are accessed by the script in a

system-defined manner. The representation of the characters in the

metavariables is system-defined.

The representation of metavariables MUST distinguish between

undefined values (which are not present) and null values (which are

present, but have zero length). Null values are only allowed for

those metavariables whose grammar permits this.

For historical reasons, HTTP CGI does not distinguish

between null values and undefined values. This

specification eliminates this misfeature; null values and

undefined values are semantically different.

Case is not significant in the metavariable names, in that there

cannot be two different variables whose names differ in case only.

Here they are shown using a canonical representation of capitals plus

underscore ("_"). The actual representation of the names is system

defined; for a particular system the representation MAY be defined

differently than this.

Metavariable values MUST be considered case-sensitive except as noted


The canonical metavariables defined by this specification are:





















Metavariables with names beginning with the protocol name (e.g.,

"SIP_ACCEPT") are also canonical in their description of message

header fields. The number and meaning of these fields may change

independently of this specification. (See also section

A server MAY also specify additional non-canonical metavariables. AUTH_TYPE

If the target of the message required access authentication for

external access, then the server MUST set the value of this variable

from the auth-scheme token in the message's Authorization header

field. Otherwise it is not defined.

AUTH_TYPE = "" auth-scheme

auth-scheme = "Basic" "Digest" "PGP" token

SIP access authentication schemes are described in sections 14 and 15

of the SIP/2.0 specification [2]. The auth-scheme is not case-


Servers MUST provide this metavariable to scripts if the message

header included an Authorization field that was authenticated.

For the complex authentication schemes, the server SHOULD perform the

authentication checking itself. If the authentication failed, this

metavariable SHOULD NOT be set.

If several authentication credentials, with multiple schemes, are

present in the message, this variable SHOULD be set to correspond to

the authenticated credentials with the strongest scheme the server

supports. If credentials are present for several domains, the server

SHOULD NOT perform any action on credentials from domains external to


If both Authorization and Proxy-Authorization headers are present,

the server SHOULD perform the authorizations based on the appropriate

header for the context in which it is running. For example, a server

which is a proxy server and a registrar would use Authorization

headers for REGISTER messages aimed at its local domains, and Proxy-

Authorization headers for all other messages. CONTENT_LENGTH

This metavariable is set to the size of the message-body entity

attached to the message, if any, in decimal number of octets. If no

data are attached, then this metavariable is not defined. The syntax

is the same as for the SIP Content-Length header field (section 6.15,

SIP/2.0 specification [2]).

CONTENT_LENGTH = "" 1*digit

Servers MUST provide this metavariable to scripts if the message was

a accompanied by a content-body entity, even if the message did not

include a Content-Length header field. CONTENT_TYPE

If the message includes a message-body, CONTENT_TYPE is set to the

Internet Media Type [6] of the attached entity if the type was

provided via a Content-type field in the message header, or if the

server can determine it in the absence of a supplied Content-type

field. The syntax is the same as for the SIP Content-Type header


CONTENT_TYPE = "" media-type

The type, suBType, and parameter attribute names are not case-

sensitive. Parameter values MAY be case sensitive. Media types and

their use in SIP are described in section 6.16 of the SIP/2.0

specification [2], and by reference in section 3.7 of the HTTP/1.1

specification [5].

Since in SIP the Content-Type header MUST be specified if a body is

present, servers MUST provide this metavariable to scripts if a body

was present in the original message, unless the "body" is actually an

encrypted payload. GATEWAY_INTERFACE

This metavariable is set to the dialect of SIP CGI being used by the

server to communicate with the script. Syntax:

GATEWAY_INTERFACE = "SIP-CGI" "/" major "." minor

major = 1*digit

minor = 1*digit

Note that the major and minor numbers are treated as separate

integers and hence each may be more than a single digit. Thus SIP-

CGI/2.4 is a lower version than SIP-CGI/2.13 which in turn is lower

than SIP-CGI/12.3. Leading zeros in either the major or the minor

number MUST be ignored by scripts and SHOULD NOT be generated by


This document defines the 1.1 version of the SIP CGI interface


Servers MUST provide this metavariable to scripts.

For maximal compatibility with existing HTTP CGI libraries,

we want to keep this as similar as possible to the syntax

of CGI 1.1. However, we do want it to be clear that this is

indeed SIP CGI. Making HTTP CGI's version identifier a

substring of the SIP CGI identifier seemed like a

reasonable compromise. (The existing CGI libraries we

checked do not seem to check the version.) Protocol-Specific Metavariables

These metavariables are specific to the protocol via which the method

is sent. Interpretation of these variables depends on the value of

the SERVER_PROTOCOL metavariable (see section

Metavariables with names beginning with "SIP_" contain values from

the message header, if the protocol used was SIP. Each SIP header

field name is converted to upper case, has all occurrences of "-"

replaced with "_", and has "SIP_" prepended to form the metavariable

name. Similar transformations are applied for other protocols. The

header data MAY be presented as sent by the client, or MAY be

rewritten in ways which do not change its semantics. If multiple

header fields with the same field-name are received then the server

MUST rewrite them as though they had been received as a single header

field having the same semantics before being represented in a

metavariable. Similarly, a header field that is received on more

than one line MUST be merged into a single line. The server MUST, if

necessary, change the representation of the data (for example, the

character set) to be appropriate for a CGI metavariable.

Note: these metavariables' names were changed from HTTP_*

to SIP_* since the first draft of this specification. The

intention had been to make it easier to use existing CGI

libraries unmodified, but this convenience was felt to be

outweighed by the confusion this introduced.

Servers are not required to create metavariables for all the message

header fields they receive. However, because of the relatively high

importance of headers in SIP for messages' semantic content, the

server SHOULD provide all headers which do not contain potentially

sensitive authorization information, such as Authorization. Servers

SHOULD provide protocol-specific metavariables even for information

which is available through other SIP CGI metavariables, such as


This allows a SIP CGI script to determine, if necessary,

whether the information in the other metavariables was in

the original message, or was synthesized by the server. REGISTRATIONS

This metavariable contains a list the current locations the server

has registered for the user in the Request-URI of the initial request

of a transaction. It is syntactically identical to the protocol

metavariable SIP_CONTACT, and thus is defined by section of

this document and by section 6.13 of the SIP/2.0 specification [2].

It contains all the uris, uri parameters, display names, and contact

parameters for the addresses registered with the server.

The syntax of REGISTRATIONS is identical to how SIP_CONTACT

would appear in a 302 response from a redirection server.

This allows parsing code to be re-used.

If a user's registrations change in the course of a transaction, the

server SHOULD update this metavariable accordingly for subsequent

script invocations for the transaction. REMOTE_ADDR

The IP address of the client that sent the message to the server.

This is not necessarily that of the originating user agent client or


REMOTE_ADDR = hostnumber

hostnumber = IPv4address IPv6address

The definitions of IPv4address and Ipv6address are provided in

Appendix B of RFC2373 [7].

For locally-generated responses (see section 5.8), this SHOULD be the

loopback address (i.e., for IPv4 or ::1 for IPv6).

Servers MUST supply this value to scripts. REMOTE_HOST

This is the fully qualified domain name of the host sending the

message to this server, if available, otherwise not defined. (See

section Domain names are not case sensitive.

REMOTE_HOST = hostname

Servers SHOULD provide this information to scripts. REMOTE_IDENT

The identity information supported about the connection by a RFC1413

[8] request, if available.


The server MAY choose not to support this feature, and it is

anticipated that not many implementations will, as the information is

not particularly useful in the presence of complex proxy paths. REMOTE_USER

If the message requested authentication (i.e., the AUTH_TYPE

metavariable is set), then the value of the REMOTE_USER metavariable

is set to the user-ID supplied for the authentication. For Basic

authentication this is the content of the (decoded) "userid" grammar

element; for Digest it is content of "username-value." For PGP

authentication, it is the URI specified in the "signed-by" parameter

of the Authorization header, if present, otherwise the URI part of

the From header.

If some other authentication scheme was requested, this metavariable

SHOULD be set to an appropriate component of the authorization

information identifying the user or entity associated with the

credentials. If authentication was not requested, this metavariable

is not defined.


Servers SHOULD provide this metavariable to scripts. REQUEST_METHOD

If the message triggering the script was a request, the

REQUEST_METHOD metavariable is set to the method with which the

request was made, as described in section 4.2 of the SIP/2.0

specification [2]; otherwise not defined.

REQUEST_METHOD = sip-method

sip-method = "INVITE" "BYE" "OPTIONS" "CANCEL"



extension-method = token

Note that ACK is usually not appropriate for the SIP CGI 1.1

environment; however, see section 5.11. The implications of REGISTER

in the CGI context are discussed in section 5.9, and CANCEL is

discussed in section 5.10. A SIP CGI 1.1 server MAY choose to

process some methods directly rather than passing them to scripts.

Servers MUST provide this metavariable to scripts if the triggering

message was a request. REQUEST_TOKEN


If the script specified a request token in a proxied request, this

token is returned to the server in responses to that request. Note

that this token is chosen by the script, not by the server. Each

response to a proxied request contains the same value for this token. REQUEST_URI

This metavariable is specific to requests made with SIP.

REQUEST_URI = absoluteURI ; defined in RFC2396 [9]

If the message triggering the script was a request, this variable

indicates the URI specified with the request method. This

metavariable is only defined if REQUEST_METHOD is defined; in that

case, servers MUST provide it to scripts.

This metavariable fills the roles of HTTP CGI's



If the message triggering the script was a response, this variable

indicates the numeric code specified in the response; otherwise it is

not defined. In the former case, servers MUST provide this

metavariable to scripts. RESPONSE_REASON


If the message triggering the script was a response, this variable

indicates the textual string specified in the response. RESPONSE_TOKEN


If the message triggering the script was a response, the server MUST

specify a token which subsequent invocations of the CGI script can

use to identify this response. This string is chosen by the server

and is opaque to the CGI script. See the discussion of CGI-FORWARD-

RESPONSE in section 5.6.1 below. SCRIPT_COOKIE


This is the value an earlier invocation of this script for this

transaction passed to the server in CGI action line CGI-SET-COOKIE.

See the description of that action in section below. SERVER_NAME

The SERVER_NAME metavariable is set to the name of the server.

SERVER_NAME = hostname hostnumber

Servers MUST provide this metavariable to scripts. SERVER_PORT

The SERVER_PORT metavariable is set to the port on which the message

was received.

SERVER_PORT = 1*digit

Servers MUST provide this metavariable to scripts. SERVER_PROTOCOL

The SERVER_PROTOCOL metavariable is set to the name and revision of

the protocol with which the message arrived. This will usually be

"SIP/2.0". This is not necessarily the same as the protocol version

used by the server in its response to the client.

SERVER_PROTOCOL = SIP-Version extension-version


extension-version = protocol "/" 1*digit "." 1*digit

protocol = 1*( alphanum "+" "-" "." )

extension-token = token

Servers MUST provide this metavariable to scripts. SERVER_SOFTWARE

The SERVER_SOFTWARE metavariable is set to the name and version of

the information server software handling the message (and running the



product = token [ "/" product-version ]

product-version = token

Servers MUST provide this metavariable to scripts.

5.5.2 Message Bodies

As there may be a data entity attached to the message, there MUST be

a system-defined method for the script to read these data. Unless

defined otherwise, this will be via the `standard input' file


If the metavariable CONTENT_LENGTH (see section is defined,

the server MUST supply at least that many bytes to scripts on the

standard input stream. Scripts are not obliged to read the data.

Servers MAY signal an EOF condition after CONTENT_LENGTH bytes have

been read, but are not obligated to do so. Therefore, scripts MUST

NOT attempt to read more than CONTENT_LENGTH bytes, even if more data

are available.

5.6 Data Output from the SIP CGI Script

There MUST be a system-defined method for the script to send data

back to the server or client. Unless defined otherwise, this will be

via the `standard output' file descriptor.

Servers MAY implement a timeout period within which data must be

received from scripts, a maximum number of requests or responses that

a particular CGI script can initiate, a maximum total number of

requests or responses that can be sent by scripts over the lifetime

of a transaction, or any other resource limitations it desires. If a

script exceeds one of these limitations, the server MAY terminate the

script process and SHOULD abort the transaction with either a `504

Gateway Timed Out' or a `500 Internal Server Error' response.

A SIP CGI script's output consists of any number of messages, each

corresponding to actions which the script is requesting that the

server perform. Messages consist of an action line, whose syntax is

specific to the type of action, followed by CGI header fields and SIP

header fields. Action lines determine the nature of the action

performed, and are described in section 5.6.1. CGI header fields

pass additional instructions or information to the server, and are

described in section 5.6.2.

A message MUST contain exactly one action line, MAY also contain any

number of CGI header fields and SIP header fields, and MAY contain a

SIP body.

All header fields (both SIP and CGI) occurring in an output message

MUST be specified one per line; SIP CGI 1.1 makes no provision for

continuation lines.

The generic syntax of CGI header fields is specified in section


A server MAY choose to honor only some of the requests or responses;

in particular, it SHOULD NOT accept any responses following a Status

message which sends a definitive non-success response.

The messages sent by a script are delimited as follows:

1. A message begins with an action line.

2. If the message does not contain a Content-Type header

field, or if it contains the header field "Content-Length:

0", then it is terminated by a blank line.

3. If the message contains both Content-Type and Content-

Length header fields, the message has a body consisting of

the Content-Length octets following the blank line below

the set. The next message begins after the body (and

optionally some number of blank lines). If the script

closes its output prematurely, the server SHOULD report a

500-class server error.

4. If the message contains Content-Type but not Content-

Length, the message's body similarly begins with the blank

line following the set; this body extends until the script

closes its output. In this case, this is necessarily the

last message the script can send. The server SHOULD insert

a Content-Length header containing the amount of data read

before the script closed its output.

5. If a message contains a non-zero Content-Length but does

not contain a Content-Type, it is an error. The server

SHOULD report a 500-class server error.

The output of a SIP CGI script is intended to be

syntactically identical to that of a UDP packet in which

multiple requests or responses are sent, so that the same

message parser may be used.

5.6.1 CGI Action Lines Status

Status = SIP-Version 3*digit SP reason-phrase NL

This action line causes the server to generate a SIP response and

relay it upstream towards the client. The server MUST copy the To,

From, Call-ID, and CSeq headers from the original request into the

response if these headers are not specified in the script output.

The server SHOULD copy any other headers from the request which would

normally be copied in the response if these are not specified in the

script output.

For compatibility with HTTP CGI, a server MAY interpret a message

containing a Content-Type header field and no action line as though

it contained "SIP/2.0 200 OK". This usage is deprecated. Proxy Request

Proxy-Request = "CGI-PROXY-REQUEST" SIP-URL SIP-Version

This action line causes the server to forward a request to the

specified SIP URI. It may be sent either by a script triggered by a

request, in which case the triggering request is forwarded; or by a

script triggered by a response on a server which is running

statefully, in which case the initial request of the transaction is


Any SIP header field MAY be specified below the action line.

Specified SIP headers replace all those in the original message in

their entirety; if a script wants to preserve header elements from

the original message as well as adding new ones, it can concatenate

them by the usual rules of header concatenation, and place the result

in the script output. New header fields are added to the message

after any Via headers but before any other headers.

Any headers from the original request which are not generated by the

CGI script are copied into the proxied request, after modifications

normally performed by a proxy server. In particular, the server MUST

append a Via field and decrement Max-Forwards. A server MAY perform

additional modifications as it sees fit, such as adding a Record-

Route header. A server SHOULD NOT append these headers if they are

specified in the script output.

A script MAY specify that a SIP header is to be deleted from the

message by using the CGI-Remove CGI header; see section 5.6.2.

If the message does not specify a body, the body from the initial

request is used. A message with "Content-Length: 0" is specifying an

empty body; this causes the body to be deleted from the message.

If the original request was authenticated by any means other than

`basic,' the script SHOULD NOT add, change, or remove any end-to-end

headers, as this would break the authentication. Forward Response

Forward-Response = "CGI-FORWARD-RESPONSE" Response-Name


Response-Name = response-token "this"

This action line causes the server to forward a response on to its

appropriate final destination. The same rules apply for accompanying

SIP headers and message bodies as for CGI-PROXY-REQUEST.

The specified response name may either be a response token the server

previously submitted in a RESPONSE_TOKEN metavariable, or the string

"this." The string "this" may only be sent if the message which

triggered this CGI script was a response; it indicates that this

triggering response should be forwarded. Script Cookie

Script-Cookie = "CGI-SET-COOKIE" token SIP-Version

This action line causes the server to store a script cookie, passed

as a token in the action line. Subsequent script invocations for

messages within the same transaction carry the token in a meta-

header. The script can alter the value of the cookie by subsequent

script cookie actions. This alteration will take affect for all

subsequent script invocations. CGI Again

CGI-Again = "CGI-AGAIN" ("yes" "no") SIP-Version

This action line determines whether the script will be invoked for

subsequent requests and responses for this transaction. If the

parameter "yes" is given to this action, the script will be executed

again when the next message arrives. If the parameter is "no," or

this action is not specified, the script will not be executed again,

and the server will perform its default action for all subsequent

messages. Default Action

If none of the actions CGI-PROXY-REQUEST, CGI-FORWARD-RESPONSE, or a

new response are performed -- that is to say, the script outputs only

CGI-AGAIN, CGI-SET-COOKIE, or nothing -- the script performs its

default action. The default action to take depends on the event

which triggered the script:

Request received: When the request is first received, the

default action of the server is to check whether the

domain of the server matches the domain of the Request-

URI. If it does not, the request is proxied to the

request in the Request-URI. Otherwise, the server checks

its registration database against the request, and either

proxies or redirects the request based on the action

specified by the user agent in the registration.

Proxied response received: If a response is received to a

proxied request, the server forwards the response towards

the caller if the response was a 200 or 600 class

response, and sends a CANCEL on all pending branches. If

the response was 100 class, the state machinery for that

branch is updated, and the response is proxied upstream

towards the caller unless the it was a 100 response, not

some other 1xx. For 300, 400, and 500 class responses,

an ACK is sent, and the response is forwarded upstream

towards the caller if all other branches have terminated,

and the response is the best received so far. If not all

branches have terminated, the server does nothing. If

all branches have terminated, but this response is not

the best, the best is forwarded upstream. This is the

basic algorithm outlined in the SIP specification.

5.6.2 CGI Header Fields

CGI header fields syntactically resemble SIP header fields, but their

names all begin with the string "CGI-". The SIP server MUST strip

all CGI header fields from any message before sending it, including

those it does not recognize.

CGI header fields have the generic syntax specified in section 6.6 of

the SIP/2.0 specification [2]. The field-name is not case sensitive;

the field value MUST conform to the grammar of that specific field in

the specification where it is defined. Request-Token

Request-Token = "CGI-Request-Token" ":" token

To assist in matching responses to proxied requests, the script can

place a CGI-Request-Token CGI header in a CGI-PROXY-REQUEST or new

request. This header contains a token, opaque to the server. When a

response to this request arrives, the token is passed back to the

script as a meta-header.

This allows scripts to "fork" a proxy request, and

correlate which response corresponds to which branch of the

request. Remove

Remove = "CGI-Remove" ":" 1#field-name

The CGI-Remove header allows the script to remove SIP headers from

the outgoing request or response. The value of this header is a

comma-separated list of SIP headers which should be removed before

sending out the message.

A script MAY specify headers which are not in the request; the server

SHOULD silently ignore these. A script SHOULD NOT both specify a SIP

header in its output and also list that header in a CGI-Remove

header; the result of doing this is undefined.

5.7 Local Expiration Handling

If a CGI script specifies an Expires header field along with CGI-

PROXY-REQUEST, the SIP server SHOULD track the expiration timeout

locally as well as sending the message to the remote server. When

the timeout expires, the server SHOULD generate a "408 Request

Timeout" response. The timeout response SHOULD be handled as

specified in section 5.8. At the time the request is timed out, the

server SHOULD also transmit CANCEL messages for the request.

This allows a SIP CGI script in a proxy server to implement

services like "Call Forward No Answer" to trigger after a

user-determined time, even if the remote user-agent server

is not responding or does not properly handle the Expires

header field.

5.8 Locally-Generated Responses

In a proxy environment, locally-generated responses such as "408

Request Timeout" SHOULD be sent to the CGI script in the same manner

as received messages are. However, messages which merely report a

problem with a message, such as "400 Bad Request", SHOULD NOT be.

This is the other half of the requirements for the

implementation of the "Call Forward No Answer" service,

along with the local handling of the Expires header.


The specific semantics of a SIP CGI script which is triggered by a

REGISTER request are somewhat different than that of those triggered

by call-related requests; however, allowing user control of

registration may in some cases be useful. The two specific actions

for REGISTER that need to be discussed are the response "200" and the

default action. In the former case, the server SHOULD assume that

the CGI script is handling the registration internally, and SHOULD

NOT add the registration to its internal registration database; in

the latter case, the server SHOULD add the registration to its own

database. The server also SHOULD NOT add the registration if a 3xx,

4xx, 5xx, or 6xx status was returned, or if the registration request

was proxied to another location.


SIP CGI servers SHOULD execute scripts when a CANCEL message is

received. The script SHOULD clean up any state it has for the

transaction as quickly as possible.

When a CANCEL is received at a server for an existing transaction,

the server SHOULD send a 200 OK response to the cancel and cancel all

currently outstanding branches. The transmission of the script on a

CANCEL message is purely advisory, and the script SHOULD NOT perform

any actions in response to it.

5.11 SIP CGI and ACK

5.11.1 Receiving ACK's

Under normal circumstances, if the server receives an ACK, the script

is not re-executed. If the ACK is destined for the proxy

(acknowledging a 300, 400, 500, or 600 response), the ACK causes

response retransmissions to cease. If the ACK is for a 200 response

forwarded from a downstream server, the ACK is proxied downstream.

However, if the script generated its own 200 response to an INVITE

request, the script SHOULD be re-executed with the ACK message. This

is necessary in cases where the script is causing the proxy to act as

a UAS. ACK messages can contain bodies, and would therefore be

useful to the script.

5.11.2 Sending ACK's

When the server receives a non-200 final response to an INVITE

request, it SHOULD generate an ACK on its own, and not depend on the

script to do so. There is no way in SIP CGI 1.1 to override this

behavior. However, since the server will not generate an ACK for 200

responses to INVITE, a script causing the server to act as a UAC MUST

generate ACK's for them.

6 System Specifications

6.1 Unix

The implementation of SIP CGI on a Unix operating system platform

SHOULD use environment variables as the mechanism of providing

request metadata to CGI scripts.

For Unix compatible operating systems, the following are defined:

Environment variables: These are accessed by the C library

routine getenv.

The current working Directory: The current working directory for

the script SHOULD be set to the directory containing the


Character set: The US-ASCII character set is used for the

definition of environment variable names and header field

names; the newline (NL) sequence is LF; servers SHOULD also

accept CR LF as a newline.

6.2 Microsoft Windows

The implementation of SIP CGI on 32-bit Microsoft Windows system

platforms (Windows 95, 98, NT, and 2000) SHOULD use environment

variables as the mechanism of providing request metadata to CGI


For Microsoft Windows, the following are defined:

Environment variables: These are accessed by the C library

routine getenv.

The current working directory: The current working directory for

the script SHOULD be set to the directory containing the


Character set: The US-ASCII character set is used for the

definition of environment variable names and header field

names; the newline (NL) sequence is CR LF; servers SHOULD

also accept LF as a newline.

7 Security Considerations

7.1 Request Initiation

CGI scripts are able to initiate arbitrary SIP transactions, or to

produce spoofed responses of any sort. This protocol does not

attempt to restrict the actions CGI scripts can take. Server

administrators MUST consider CGI scripts to be as security-sensitive

as their SIP server itself, and perform equivalent levels of security

review before installing them.

7.2 Authenticated and Encrypted Messages

CGI scripts must be careful not to interfere with authentication. In

particular, adding or removing header fields that are below the

Authorization header will cause the message to fail authentication at

the user agent.

When a SIP request is encrypted, the headers which are in the clear

are passed to the server according to this specification. The

encrypted portion of the request is passed to the script as a body.

Any SIP headers output by the script will be added to the message.

However, scripts should be aware that these may be discarded if they

also exist within the encrypted portion.

7.3 SIP Header Fields Containing Sensitive Information

Some SIP header fields may carry sensitive information which the

server SHOULD NOT pass on to the script unless explicitly configured

to do so. For example, if the server protects the script using the

Basic authentication scheme, then the client will send an

Authorization header field containing a username and password. If

the server, rather than the script, validates this information then

the password SHOULD NOT be passed on to the script via the


7.4 Script Interference with the Server

The most common implementation of CGI invokes the script as a child

process using the same user and group as the server process. It

SHOULD therefore be ensured that the script cannot interfere with the

server process, its configuration, or documents.

If the script is executed by calling a function linked in to the

server software (either at compile-time or run-time) then precautions

SHOULD be taken to protect the core memory of the server, or to

ensure that untrusted code cannot be executed.

7.5 Data Length and Buffering Considerations

This specification places no limits on the length of entity bodies

presented to the script. Scripts SHOULD NOT assume that statically

allocated buffers of any size are sufficient to contain the entire

submission at one time. Use of a fixed length buffer without careful

overflow checking may result in an attacker exploiting `stack-

smashing' or `stack-overflow' vulnerabilities of the operating

system. Scripts may spool large submissions to disk or other

buffering media, but a rapid succession of large submissions may

result in denial of service conditions. If the CONTENT_LENGTH of an

entity-body is larger than resource considerations allow, scripts

SHOULD respond with `413 Request Entity Too Large.'

8 Acknowledgements

This work draws extremely heavily upon the HTTP CGI specification

[1]; approximately half the text of the specification section is

taken from that document.

9 Authors' Addresses

Jonathan Lennox

Dept. of Computer Science

Columbia University

1214 Amsterdam Avenue, MC 0401

New York, NY 10027


EMail: lennox@cs.columbia.edu

Jonathan Rosenberg


72 Eagle Rock Ave.

First Floor

East Hanover, NJ 07936

EMail: jdrosen@dynamicsoft.com

Henning Schulzrinne

Dept. of Computer Science

Columbia University

1214 Amsterdam Avenue, MC 0401

New York, NY 10027


EMail: schulzrinne@cs.columbia.edu

10 Bibliography

[1] http://hoohoo.ncsa.uiuc.edu/cgi/interface.Html

[2] Handley, M, Schulzrinne, H., Schooler, E. and J. Rosenberg,

"SIP: Session Initiation Protocol", RFC2543, March 1999.

[3] Crocker, D., "Standard for the Format of ARPA Internet Text

Messages", STD 10, RFC822, August 1982.

[4] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to indicate requirement

levels", BCP 14, RFC2119, March 1997.

[5] Fielding, R., Gettys, J., Mogul, J., Frystyk, H., Masinter, L.,

Leach, P. and T. Berners-Lee, "Hypertext Transfer Protocol --

HTTP/1.1", RFC2616, June 1999.

[6] Freed, N. and N. Borenstein, "Multipurpose Internet Mail

Extensions (MIME) Part Two: Media Types", RFC2046, November


[7] Hinden, R. and S. Deering, "IP Version 6 Addressing

Architecture", RFC2373, July 1998.

[8] St. Johns, M., "Identification Protocol", RFC1413, January


[9] Berners-Lee, T., Fielding, R. and L. Masinter, "Uniform Resource

Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax", RFC2396, August 1998.

11 Full Copyright Statement

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2001). All Rights Reserved.

This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to

others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it

or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published

and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any

kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are

included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this

document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing

the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other

Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of

developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for

copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be

followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than


The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be

revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.

This document and the information contained herein is provided on an







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