
RFC3024 - Reverse Tunneling for Mobile IP, revised

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group G. Montenegro, Editor

Request for Comments: 3024 Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Obsoletes: 2344 January 2001

Category: Standards Track

Reverse Tunneling for Mobile IP, revised

Status of this Memo

This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the

Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for

improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet

Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state

and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2001). All Rights Reserved.


Mobile Internet Protocol (IP) uses tunneling from the home agent to

the mobile node's care-of address, but rarely in the reverse

direction. Usually, a mobile node sends its packets through a router

on the foreign network, and assumes that routing is independent of

source address. When this assumption is not true, it is convenient

to establish a topologically correct reverse tunnel from the care-of

address to the home agent.

This document proposes backwards-compatible extensions to Mobile IP

to support topologically correct reverse tunnels. This document does

not attempt to solve the problems posed by firewalls located between

the home agent and the mobile node's care-of address.

This document obsoletes RFC2344.

Table of Contents

1. IntrodUCtion ................................................... 3

1.1. Terminology .................................................. 4

1.2. Assumptions .................................................. 4

1.3. Justification ................................................ 5

2. Overview ....................................................... 5

3. New Packet Formats ............................................. 6

3.1. Mobility Agent Advertisement Extension ....................... 6

3.2. Registration Request ......................................... 6

3.3. Encapsulating Delivery Style Extension ....................... 7

3.4. New Registration Reply Codes ................................. 8

4. Changes in Protocol Behavior ................................... 9

4.1. Mobile Node Considerations ................................... 9

4.1.1. Sending Registration Requests to the Foreign Agent ......... 9

4.1.2. Receiving Registration Replies from the Foreign Agent ...... 10

4.2. Foreign Agent Considerations ................................. 10

4.2.1. Receiving Registration Requests from the Mobile Node ....... 11

4.2.2. Relaying Registration Requests to the Home Agent ........... 11

4.3. Home Agent Considerations .................................... 11

4.3.1. Receiving Registration Requests from the Foreign Agent ..... 12

4.3.2. Sending Registration Replies to the Foreign Agent .......... 12

5. Mobile Node to Foreign Agent Delivery Styles ................... 13

5.1. Direct Delivery Style ........................................ 13

5.1.1. Packet Processing .......................................... 13

5.1.2. Packet Header Format and Fields ............................ 13

5.2. Encapsulating Delivery Style ................................. 14

5.2.1 Packet Processing ........................................... 14

5.2.2. Packet Header Format and Fields ............................ 15

5.3. Support for Broadcast and Multicast Datagrams ................ 16

5.4. Selective Reverse Tunneling .................................. 16

6. Security Considerations ........................................ 17

6.1. Reverse-tunnel Hijacking and Denial-of-Service Attacks ....... 17

6.2. Ingress Filtering ............................................ 18

6.3. Reverse Tunneling for Disparate Address Spaces ............... 18

7. IANA Considerations ............................................ 18

8. Acknowledgements ............................................... 18

References ........................................................ 19

Editor and Chair Addresses ........................................ 20

Appendix A: Disparate Address Space Support ....................... 21

A.1. Scope of the Reverse Tunneling Solution ................... 21

A.2. Terminating Forward Tunnels at the Foreign Agent .......... 24

A.3. Initiating Reverse Tunnels at the Foreign Agent ........... 26

A.4. Limited Private Address Scenario .......................... 26

Appendix B: Changes from RFC2344 .................................. 29

Full Copyright Statement .......................................... 30

1. Introduction

Section 1.3 of the Mobile IP specification [1] lists the following


It is assumed that IP unicast datagrams are routed based on the

destination address in the datagram header (i.e., not by source


Because of security concerns (for example, IP spoofing attacks), and

in accordance with RFC2267 [8] and CERT [3] advisories to this

effect, routers that break this assumption are increasingly more


In the presence of such routers, the source and destination IP

address in a packet must be topologically correct. The forward

tunnel complies with this, as its endpoints (home agent address and

care-of address) are properly assigned addresses for their respective

locations. On the other hand, the source IP address of a packet

transmitted by the mobile node does not correspond to the network

prefix from where it emanates.

This document discusses topologically correct reverse tunnels.

Mobile IP does dictate the use of reverse tunnels in the context of

multicast datagram routing and mobile routers. However, the source

IP address is set to the mobile node's home address, so these tunnels

are not topologically correct.

Notice that there are several uses for reverse tunnels regardless of

their topological correctness:

- Mobile routers: reverse tunnels obviate the need for recursive

tunneling [1].

- Multicast: reverse tunnels enable a mobile node away from home

to (1) join multicast groups in its home network, and (2)

transmit multicast packets such that they emanate from its home

network [1].

- The TTL of packets sent by the mobile node (for example, when

sending packets to other hosts in its home network) may be so

low that they might eXPire before reaching their destination.

A reverse tunnel solves the problem as it represents a TTL

decrement of one [5].

1.1. Terminology

The discussion below uses terms defined in the Mobile IP

specification. Additionally, it uses the following terms:

Forward Tunnel

A tunnel that shuttles packets towards the mobile node. It

starts at the home agent, and ends at the mobile node's care-of


Reverse Tunnel

A tunnel that starts at the mobile node's care-of address and

terminates at the home agent.



document are to be interpreted as described in RFC2119 [9].

1.2. Assumptions

Mobility is constrained to a common IP address space (that is, the

routing fabric between, say, the mobile node and the home agent is

not partitioned into a "private" and a "public" network).

This document does not attempt to solve the firewall traversal

problem. Rather, it assumes one of the following is true:

- There are no intervening firewalls along the path of the

tunneled packets.

- Any intervening firewalls share the security association

necessary to process any authentication [6] or encryption [7]

headers which may have been added to the tunneled packets.

The reverse tunnels considered here are symmetric, that is, they use

the same configuration (encapsulation method, IP address endpoints)

as the forward tunnel. IP in IP encapsulation [2] is assumed unless

stated otherwise.

Route optimization [4] introduces forward tunnels initiated at a

correspondent host. Since a mobile node may not know if the

correspondent host can decapsulate packets, reverse tunnels in that

context are not discussed here.

1.3. Justification

Why not let the mobile node itself initiate the tunnel to the home

agent? This is indeed what it should do if it is already operating

with a topologically correct co-located care-of address.

However, one of the primary objectives of the Mobile IP specification

is not to require this mode of operation.

The mechanisms outlined in this document are primarily intended for

use by mobile nodes that rely on the foreign agent for forward tunnel

support. It is desirable to continue supporting these mobile nodes,

even in the presence of filtering routers.

2. Overview

A mobile node arrives at a foreign network, listens for agent

advertisements and selects a foreign agent that supports reverse

tunnels. It requests this service when it registers through the

selected foreign agent. At this time, and depending on how the

mobile node wishes to deliver packets to the foreign agent, it also

requests either the Direct or the Encapsulating Delivery Style

(section 5).

In the Direct Delivery Style, the mobile node designates the foreign

agent as its default router and proceeds to send packets directly to

the foreign agent, that is, without encapsulation. The foreign agent

intercepts them, and tunnels them to the home agent.

In the Encapsulating Delivery Style, the mobile node encapsulates all

its outgoing packets to the foreign agent. The foreign agent

decapsulates and re-tunnels them to the home agent, using the foreign

agent's care-of address as the entry-point of this new tunnel.

3. New Packet Formats

3.1. Mobility Agent Advertisement Extension

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


Type Length Sequence Number


Lifetime RBHFMGVT reserved


zero or more Care-of Addresses


The only change to the Mobility Agent Advertisement Extension [1] is

the additional 'T' bit:

T Agent offers reverse tunneling service.

A foreign agent that sets the 'T' bit MUST support the Direct

Delivery Style. Encapsulating Delivery Style SHOULD be supported as

well (section 5).

Using this information, a mobile node is able to choose a foreign

agent that supports reverse tunnels. Notice that if a mobile node

does not understand this bit, it simply ignores it as per [1].

3.2. Registration Request

Reverse tunneling support is added directly into the Registration

Request by using one of the "rsvd" bits. If a foreign or home agent

that does not support reverse tunnels receives a request with the 'T'

bit set, the Registration Request fails. This results in a

registration denial (failure codes are specified in section 3.4).

Home agents SHOULD NOT object to providing reverse tunnel support,

because they "SHOULD be able to decapsulate and further deliver

packets addressed to themselves, sent by a mobile node" [1]. In the

case of topologically correct reverse tunnels, the packets are not

sent by the mobile node as distinguished by its home address.

Rather, the outermost (encapsulating) IP source address on such

datagrams is the care-of address of the mobile node.

In Registration Requests sent by a mobile node, the Time to Live

field in the IP header MUST be set to 255. This limits a denial of

service attack in which malicious hosts send false Registration

Requests (see Section 6).

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


Type SBDMGVT- Lifetime


Home Address


Home Agent


Care-of Address




Extensions ...


The only change to the Registration Request packet is the additional

'T' bit:

T If the 'T' bit is set, the mobile node asks its home

agent to accept a reverse tunnel from the care-of

address. Mobile nodes using a foreign agent care-of

address ask the foreign agent to reverse-tunnel its


3.3. Encapsulating Delivery Style Extension

The Encapsulating Delivery Style Extension MAY be included by the

mobile node in registration requests to further specify reverse

tunneling behavior. It is expected to be used only by the foreign

agent. Accordingly, the foreign agent MUST consume this extension

(that is, it must not relay it to the home agent or include it in

replies to the mobile node). As per Section of [1], the

mobile node MUST include the Encapsulating Delivery Style Extension

after the Mobile-Home Authentication Extension, and before the

Mobile-Foreign Authentication Extension, if present.

The Encapsulating Delivery Style Extension MUST NOT be included if

the 'T' bit is not set in the Registration Request.

If this extension is absent, Direct Delivery is assumed.

Encapsulation is done according to what was negotiated for the

forward tunnel (that is, IP in IP is assumed unless specified

otherwise). For more details on the delivery styles, please refer to

section 5.

Foreign agents SHOULD support the Encapsulating Delivery Style


0 1

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5


Type Length






3.4. New Registration Reply Codes

Foreign and home agent registration replies MUST convey if the

reverse tunnel request failed. These new reply codes are defined:

Service denied by the foreign agent:

74 requested reverse tunnel unavailable

75 reverse tunnel is mandatory and 'T' bit not set

76 mobile node too distant

79 delivery style not supported

NOTE: Code 79 has not yet been assigned by IANA.


Service denied by the home agent:

137 requested reverse tunnel unavailable

138 reverse tunnel is mandatory and 'T' bit not set

139 requested encapsulation unavailable

In response to a Registration Request with the 'T' bit set, mobile

nodes may receive (and MUST accept) code 70 (poorly formed request)

from foreign agents and code 134 (poorly formed request) from home

agents. However, foreign and home agents that support reverse

tunneling MUST use codes 74 and 137, respectively.

In addition to setting the 'T' bit, the mobile node also MAY request

the Encapsulating Delivery Style by including the corresponding

extension. If a foreign agent does not implement the Encapsulating

Delivery Style, it MUST respond to the mobile node with code 79

(delivery style not supported). This also applies if the foreign

agent does not support a requested delivery style that may be defined

in the future.

Absence of the 'T' bit in a Registration Request MAY elicit denials

with codes 75 and 138 at the foreign agent and the home agent,


Forward and reverse tunnels are symmetric, that is, both are able to

use the same tunneling options negotiated at registration. This

implies that the home agent MUST deny registrations if an unsupported

form of tunneling is requested (code 139). Notice that Mobile IP [1]

already defines the analogous failure code 72 for use by the foreign


4. Changes in Protocol Behavior

Unless otherwise specified, behavior specified by Mobile IP [1] is

assumed. In particular, if any two entities share a mobility

security association, they MUST use the appropriate Authentication

Extension (Mobile-Foreign, Foreign-Home or Mobile-Home Authentication

Extension) when exchanging registration protocol datagrams. An

admissible authentication extension (for example the Mobile-Home

Authentication Extension) MUST always be present to authenticate

registration messages between a mobile node and its home agent.

Reverse tunneling imposes additional protocol processing requirements

on mobile entities. Differences in protocol behavior with respect to

Mobile IP [1] are specified in the subsequent sections.

4.1. Mobile Node Considerations

This section describes how the mobile node handles registrations that

request a reverse tunnel.

4.1.1. Sending Registration Requests to the Foreign Agent

In addition to the considerations in [1], a mobile node sets the 'T'

bit in its Registration Request to petition a reverse tunnel.

The mobile node MUST set the TTL field of the IP header to 255. This

is meant to limit the reverse tunnel hijacking attack (Section 6).

The mobile node MAY optionally include an Encapsulating Delivery

Style Extension.

4.1.2. Receiving Registration Replies from the Foreign Agent

Possible valid responses are:

- A registration denial issued by either the home agent or the

foreign agent:

a. The mobile node follows the error checking guidelines in

[1], and depending on the reply code, MAY try modifying the

registration request (for example, by eliminating the

request for alternate forms of encapsulation or delivery

style), and issuing a new registration.

b. Depending on the reply code, the mobile node MAY try zeroing

the 'T' bit, eliminating the Encapsulating Delivery Style

Extension (if one was present), and issuing a new

registration. Notice that after doing so the registration

may succeed, but due to the lack of a reverse tunnel data

transfer may not be possible.

- The home agent returns a Registration Reply indicating that the

service will be provided.

In this last case, the mobile node has succeeded in establishing a

reverse tunnel between its care-of address and its home agent. If

the mobile node is operating with a co-located care-of address, it

MAY encapsulate outgoing data such that the destination address of

the outer header is the home agent. This ability to selectively

reverse-tunnel packets is discussed further in section 5.4.

If the care-of address belongs to a separate foreign agent, the

mobile node MUST employ whatever delivery style was requested (Direct

or Encapsulating) and proceed as specified in section 5.

A successful registration reply is an assurance that both the foreign

agent and the home agent support whatever alternate forms of

encapsulation (other than IP in IP) were requested. Accordingly, the

mobile node MAY use them at its discretion.

4.2. Foreign Agent Considerations

This section describes how the foreign agent handles registrations

that request a reverse tunnel.

4.2.1. Receiving Registration Requests from the Mobile Node

A foreign agent that receives a Registration Request with the 'T' bit

set processes the packet as specified in the Mobile IP specification

[1], and determines whether it can accommodate the forward tunnel

request. If it cannot, it returns an appropriate code. In

particular, if the foreign agent is unable to support the requested

form of encapsulation it MUST return code 72. If it cannot support

the requested form of delivery style it MUST return code 79 (delivery

style not supported).

The foreign agent MAY reject Registration Requests without the 'T'

bit set by denying them with code 75 (reverse tunnel is mandatory and

'T' bit not set).

The foreign agent MUST verify that the TTL field of the IP header is

set to 255. Otherwise, it MUST reject the registration with code 76

(mobile node too distant). The foreign agent MUST limit the rate at

which it sends these registration replies to a maximum of one per


As a last check, the foreign agent verifies that it can support a

reverse tunnel with the same configuration. If it cannot, it MUST

return a Registration Reply denying the request with code 74

(requested reverse tunnel unavailable).

4.2.2. Relaying Registration Requests to the Home Agent

Otherwise, the foreign agent MUST relay the Registration Request to

the home agent.

Upon receipt of a Registration Reply that satisfies validity checks,

the foreign agent MUST update its visitor list, including indication

that this mobile node has been granted a reverse tunnel and the

delivery style expected (section 5).

While this visitor list entry is in effect, the foreign agent MUST

process incoming traffic according to the delivery style, encapsulate

it and tunnel it from the care-of address to the home agent's


4.3. Home Agent Considerations

This section describes how the home agent handles registrations that

request a reverse tunnel.

4.3.1. Receiving Registration Requests from the Foreign Agent

A home agent that receives a Registration Request with the 'T' bit

set processes the packet as specified in the Mobile IP specification

[1] and determines whether it can accommodate the forward tunnel

request. If it cannot, it returns an appropriate code. In

particular, if the home agent is unable to support the requested form

of encapsulation it MUST return code 139 (requested encapsulation


The home agent MAY reject registration requests without the 'T' bit

set by denying them with code 138 (reverse tunnel is mandatory and '

T' bit not set).

As a last check, the home agent determines whether it can support a

reverse tunnel with the same configuration as the forward tunnel. If

it cannot, it MUST send back a registration denial with code 137

(requested reverse tunnel unavailable).

Upon receipt of a Registration Reply that satisfies validity checks,

the home agent MUST update its mobility bindings list to indicate

that this mobile node has been granted a reverse tunnel and the type

of encapsulation expected.

4.3.2. Sending Registration Replies to the Foreign Agent

In response to a valid Registration Request, a home agent MUST issue

a Registration Reply to the mobile node.

After a successful registration, the home agent may receive

encapsulated packets addressed to itself. Decapsulating such packets

and blindly injecting them into the network is a potential security

weakness (section 6.1). Accordingly, the home agent MUST implement,

and, by default, SHOULD enable the following check for encapsulated

packets addressed to itself:

The home agent searches for a mobility binding whose care-of

address is the source of the outer header, and whose mobile node

address is the source of the inner header.

If no such binding is found, or if the packet uses an encapsulation

mechanism that was not negotiated at registration the home agent MUST

silently discard the packet and SHOULD log the event as a security


Home agents that terminate tunnels unrelated to Mobile IP (for

example, multicast tunnels) MAY turn off the above check, but this

practice is discouraged for the aforementioned reasons.

While the registration is in effect, a home agent MUST process each

valid reverse tunneled packet (as determined by checks like the

above) by decapsulating it, recovering the original packet, and then

forwarding it on behalf of its sender (the mobile node) to the

destination address (the correspondent host).

5. Mobile Node to Foreign Agent Delivery Styles

This section specifies how the mobile node sends its data traffic via

the foreign agent. In all cases, the mobile node learns the foreign

agent's link-layer address from the link-layer header in the agent


5.1. Direct Delivery Style

This delivery mechanism is very simple to implement at the mobile

node, and uses small (non-encapsulated) packets on the link between

the mobile node and the foreign agent (potentially a very slow link).

However, it only supports reverse-tunneling of unicast packets, and

does not allow selective reverse tunneling (section 5.4).

5.1.1. Packet Processing

The mobile node MUST designate the foreign agent as its default

router. Not doing so will not guarantee encapsulation of all the

mobile node's outgoing traffic, and defeats the purpose of the

reverse tunnel. The foreign agent MUST:

- detect packets sent by the mobile node, and

- modify its forwarding function to encapsulate them before


5.1.2. Packet Header Format and Fields

This section shows the format of the packet headers used by the

Direct Delivery style. The formats shown assume IP in IP

encapsulation [2].

Packet format received by the foreign agent (Direct Delivery Style):

IP fields:

Source Address = mobile node's home address

Destination Address = correspondent host's address

Upper Layer Protocol

Packet format forwarded by the foreign agent (Direct Delivery Style):

IP fields (encapsulating header):

Source Address = foreign agent's care-of address

Destination Address = home agent's address

Protocol field: 4 (IP in IP)

IP fields (original header):

Source Address = mobile node's home address

Destination Address = correspondent host's address

Upper Layer Protocol

These fields of the encapsulating header MUST be chosen as follows:

IP Source Address

Copied from the Care-of Address field within the Registration


IP Destination Address

Copied from the Home Agent field within the most recent

successful Registration Reply.

IP Protocol Field

Default is 4 (IP in IP [2]), but other methods of encapsulation

MAY be used as negotiated at registration time.

5.2. Encapsulating Delivery Style

This mechanism requires that the mobile node implement encapsulation,

and explicitly directs packets at the foreign agent by designating it

as the destination address in a new outermost header. Mobile nodes

that wish to send either broadcast or multicast packets MUST use the

Encapsulating Delivery Style.

5.2.1 Packet Processing

The foreign agent does not modify its forwarding function. Rather,

it receives an encapsulated packet and after verifying that it was

sent by the mobile node, it:

- decapsulates to recover the inner packet,

- re-encapsulates, and sends it to the home agent.

If a foreign agent receives an un-encapsulated packet from a mobile

node which had explicitly requested the Encapsulated Delivery Style,

then the foreign agent MUST NOT reverse tunnel such a packet and

rather MUST forward it using standard, IP routing mechanisms.

5.2.2. Packet Header Format and Fields

This section shows the format of the packet headers used by the

Encapsulating Delivery style. The formats shown assume IP in IP

encapsulation [2].

Packet format received by the foreign agent (Encapsulating Delivery


IP fields (encapsulating header):

Source Address = mobile node's home address

Destination Address = foreign agent's address

Protocol field: 4 (IP in IP)

IP fields (original header):

Source Address = mobile node's home address

Destination Address = correspondent host's address

Upper Layer Protocol

The fields of the encapsulating IP header MUST be chosen as follows:

IP Source Address

The mobile node's home address.

IP Destination Address

The address of the agent as learned from the IP source address

of the agent's most recent successful registration reply.

IP Protocol Field

Default is 4 (IP in IP [2]), but other methods of encapsulation

MAY be used as negotiated at registration time.

Packet format forwarded by the foreign agent (Encapsulating Delivery


IP fields (encapsulating header):

Source Address = foreign agent's care-of address

Destination Address = home agent's address

Protocol field: 4 (IP in IP)

IP fields (original header):

Source Address = mobile node's home address

Destination Address = correspondent host's address

Upper Layer Protocol

These fields of the encapsulating IP header MUST be chosen as


IP Source Address

Copied from the Care-of Address field within the Registration


IP Destination Address

Copied from the Home Agent field within the most recent

successful Registration Reply.

IP Protocol Field

Default is 4 (IP in IP [2]), but other methods of encapsulation

MAY be used as negotiated at registration time.

5.3. Support for Broadcast and Multicast Datagrams

If a mobile node is operating with a co-located care-of address,

broadcast and multicast datagrams are handled according to Sections

4.3 and 4.4 of the Mobile IP specification [1]. Mobile nodes using a

foreign agent care-of address MAY have their broadcast and multicast

datagrams reverse-tunneled by the foreign agent. However, any mobile

nodes doing so MUST use the encapsulating delivery style.

This delivers the datagram only to the foreign agent. The latter

decapsulates it and then processes it as any other packet from the

mobile node, namely, by reverse tunneling it to the home agent.

5.4. Selective Reverse Tunneling

Packets destined to local resources (for example, a nearby printer)

might be unaffected by ingress filtering. A mobile node with a co-

located care-of address MAY optimize delivery of these packets by not

reverse tunneling them. On the other hand, a mobile node using a

foreign agent care-of address MAY use this selective reverse

tunneling capability by requesting the Encapsulating Delivery Style,

and following these guidelines:

Packets NOT meant to be reversed tunneled:

Sent using the Direct Delivery style. The foreign agent MUST

process these packets as regular traffic: they MAY be

forwarded but MUST NOT be reverse tunneled to the home agent.

Packets meant to be reverse tunneled:

Sent using the Encapsulating Delivery style. The foreign agent

MUST process these packets as specified in section 5.2: they

MUST be reverse tunneled to the home agent.

6. Security Considerations

The extensions outlined in this document are subject to the security

considerations outlined in the Mobile IP specification [1].

Essentially, creation of both forward and reverse tunnels involves an

authentication procedure, which reduces the risk for attack.

6.1. Reverse-tunnel Hijacking and Denial-of-Service Attacks

Once the tunnel is set up, a malicious node could hijack it to inject

packets into the network. Reverse tunnels might exacerbate this

problem, because upon reaching the tunnel exit point packets are

forwarded beyond the local network. This concern is also present in

the Mobile IP specification, as it already dictates the use of

reverse tunnels for certain applications.

Unauthenticated exchanges involving the foreign agent allow a

malicious node to pose as a valid mobile node and re-direct an

existing reverse tunnel to another home agent, perhaps another

malicious node. The best way to protect against these attacks is by

employing the Mobile-Foreign and Foreign-Home Authentication

Extensions defined in [1].

If the necessary mobility security associations are not available,

this document introduces a mechanism to reduce the range and

effectiveness of the attacks. The mobile node MUST set to 255 the

TTL value in the IP headers of Registration Requests sent to the

foreign agent. This prevents malicious nodes more than one hop away

from posing as valid mobile nodes. Additional codes for use in

registration denials make those attacks that do occur easier to


With the goal of further reducing the attacks the Mobile IP Working

Group considered other mechanisms involving the use of

unauthenticated state. However, these introduce the possibilities of

denial-of-service attacks. The consensus was that this was too much

of a trade-off for mechanisms that guarantee no more than weak (non-

cryptographic) protection against attacks.

6.2. Ingress Filtering

There has been some concern regarding the long-term effectiveness of

reverse-tunneling in the presence of ingress filtering. The

conjecture is that network administrators will target reverse-

tunneled packets (IP in IP encapsulated packets) for filtering. The

ingress filtering recommendation spells out why this is not the case


Tracking the source of an attack is simplified when the source is

more likely to be "valid."

6.3. Reverse Tunneling for Disparate Address Spaces

There are security implications involved with the foreign agent's

using link-layer information to select the proper reverse tunnel for

mobile node packets (section A.3). Unauthenticated link-layers allow

a malicious mobile node to misuse another's existing reverse tunnel,

and inject packets into the network.

For this solution to be viable, the link-layer MUST securely

authenticate traffic received by the foreign agent from the mobile

nodes. Unauthenticated link-layer technologies (for example shared

ethernet) are not recommended to implement disparate address support.

7. IANA Considerations

The Encapsulating Delivery Style extension defined in section 3.3 is

a Mobile IP registration extension as defined in [1]. IANA assigned

the value of 130 for this purpose at the time of the publication of


The Code values defined in section 3.4 are error codes as defined in

[1]. They correspond to error values associated with rejection by

the home and foreign agents. At the time of the publication of RFC

2344, IANA assigned codes 74-76 for the foreign agent rejections and

codes 137-139 for the home agent rejections. The code for 'delivery

style not supported' has been assigned a value of 79 by the IANA for

this purpose.

8. Acknowledgements

The encapsulating style of delivery was proposed by Charlie Perkins.

Jim Solomon has been instrumental in shaping this document into its

present form. Thanks to Samita Chakrabarti for helpful comments on

disparate address space support, and for most of the text in section



[1] Perkins, C., "IP Mobility Support", RFC2002, October 1996.

[2] Perkins, C., "IP Encapsulation within IP", RFC2003, October


[3] Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT), "IP Spoofing Attacks

and Hijacked Terminal Connections", CA-95:01, January 1995.

Available via anonymous FTP from info.cert.org in


[4] Perkins, C. and D. Johnson, "Route Optimization in Mobile IP",

Work in Progress.

[5] Manuel Rodriguez, private communication, August 1995.

[6] Kent, S. and R. Atkinson, "IP Authentication Header", RFC2402,

November 1998.

[7] Kent, S. and R. Atkinson, "IP Encapsulating Payload", RFC2406,

November 1998.

[8] Ferguson, P. and D. Senie, "Network Ingress Filtering: Defeating

Denial of Service Attacks which employ IP Source Address

Spoofing", RFC2267, January 1998.

[9] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement

Levels", BCP 14, RFC2119, March 1997.

[10] Farinacci, D., Li, T., Hanks, S., Meyer, D. and P. Traina,

"Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE)", RFC2784, March 2000.

[11] Aboba, B. and M. Beadles, "The Network Access Identifier", RFC

2486, January 1999.

[12] Rekhter, Y., Moskowitz, B., Karrenberg, D., de Groot, G.J. and

E. Lear, "Address Allocation for Private Internets", BCP 5, RFC

1918, February 1996.

[13] Dommety, G., "Key and Sequence Number Extensions to GRE", RFC

2890, August 2000.

Editor and Chair Addresses

Questions about this document may be directed at:

Gabriel E. Montenegro

Sun Microsystems

Laboratories, Europe

29, chemin du Vieux Chene

38240 Meylan


Phone: +33 476 18 80 45

EMail: gab@sun.com

The working group can be contacted via the current chairs:

Basavaraj Patil

Nokia Networks

6000 Connection Drive

Irving, TX 75039


Phone: +1 972-894-6709

Fax : +1 972-894-5349

EMail: Raj.Patil@nokia.com

Phil Roberts


1501 West Shure Drive

Arlington Heights, IL 60004


Phone: +1 847-632-3148

EMail: QA3445@email.mot.com

Appendix A: Disparate Address Space Support

Mobile IP [1] assumes that all the entities involved (mobile

node, foreign agent and home agent) have addresses within the

same globally routable address space. In many deployment

scenarios, when a mobile node leaves its home network it may

wander into a region where its home address is not routable or

known by the local routing fabric. Similarly, the IP addresses

of the foreign agent and the home agent may belong to disparate

address spaces, which precludes their exchanging registration

protocol messages directly. These issues are possible

particularly if the entities involved use addresses from the

ranges specified in RFC1918 [12] to support private networks.

Accurately speaking, the use of private addresses is not the

only cause. It may, in fact, be the most common, but the root of

the problem lies in the use of disparate address spaces. For

example, corporations often have several properly allocated

address ranges. They typically advertise reachability to only a

subset of those ranges, leaving the others for use exclusively

within the corporate network. Since these ranges are not

routable in the general Internet, their use leads to the same

problems encountered with "private" addresses, even though they

are not taken from the ranges specified in RFC1918.

Even if the mobile node, home agent and foreign agent all reside

within the same address space, problems may arise if the

correspondent node does not. However, this problem is not

specific to Mobile IP, and is beyond the scope of this

document. The next section limits even further the scope of the

issues relevant to this document. A subsequent section explains

how reverse tunneling may be used to tackle them.

A.1. Scope of the Reverse Tunneling Solution

Reverse tunneling (as defined in this document) may be used to

cope with disparate address spaces, within the following


- There are no provisions to solve the case in which the

correspondent node and the mobile node are in disparate

address spaces. This limits the scope of the problem to

only those issues specific to Mobile IP.

- The foreign agent and the home agent are directly reachable

to each other by virtue of residing in the same address

space. This limits the scope of the problem to only the

simplest of cases. This also implies that the registration

protocol itself has a direct path between the foreign

agent and the home agent, and, in this respect, is not

affected by disparate address spaces. This restriction

also applies to mobile nodes operating with a co-located

care-of address. In this case, reverse tunneling is a

complete and elegant solution.

- There are no additional protocol elements beyond those

defined by Mobile IP [1] and reverse tunneling. In

particular, additional extensions to the registration

requests or replies, or additional bits in the

header--although potentially useful--are outside the scope

of this document.

In spite of the limitations, reverse tunneling may be used to

solve the most common issues. The range of problems that can be

solved are best understood by looking at some simple diagrams:


Mc Fa Fb Hb Hc Yc


Addr space A Addr space B Addr space C

In this diagram, there are three disparate address spaces: A, B and

C. The home agent (HA) has one address each on address spaces B and

C, and the foreign agent (FA), on address spaces A and B. The mobile

node's (MN) has a permanent address, Mc, within address space C.

In the most common scenario both A and C are "private" address

spaces, and B is the public Internet.

Suppose MN sends a packet to correspondent node (Y) in its home

network. Presumably, MN has no difficulties delivering this packet

to the FA, because it does so using layer 2 mechanisms. Somehow, the

FA must realize that this packet must be reverse tunneled, and it

must fetch the proper binding to do so. Possible mechanisms are

outlined in section A.3.

However, once the packet is in address space B it becomes non-

routable. Note that ingress filtering only exacerbates the problem,

because it adds a requirement of topological significance to the

source IP address in addition to the that of the destination address.

As Mobile IP matures, others entities may be defined (for example,

AAA servers). Their addition places even more requirements on the

address spaces in use.

Reverse tunneling adds a topologically significant IP header to the

packet (source IP address of Fb, destination of Hb) during its

transit within address space B. Assuming IP in IP encapsulation

(although others, like GRE are also possible), this is what the

packet looks like:




Fb->Hb Mc->Yc



HA receives this packet, recovers the original packet, and since it

is cognizant of address space C, delivers it to the appropriate


Of course, for this to happen, the care-of address registered by the

MN is not the usual Fa, but Fb. How this happens is outside the

scope of this document. Some possible mechanisms are:

- FA recognizes mobile nodes whose addresses fall within the

private address ranges specified by RFC1918. In this case, the

foreign agent could force the use of Fb as the care-of address,

perhaps by rejecting the initial registration request with an

appropriate error message and supplemental information.

- FA could be configured to always advertise Fb as long as H->Fb

and Fb->H are guaranteed to be valid forward and reverse

tunnels, respectively, for all values of H. Here, H is the

address of any home agent whose mobile nodes may register via


- FA could indicate that it supports disparate address spaces via

a currently undefined 'P' bit in its advertisements, and an

indication of the relevant address space for any or all of its

care-of addressed by including an NAI [11] or a realm indicator

(perhaps a variant of the NAI). Alternatively, mobile nodes so

configured could solicit the NAI or realm indicator information

in response to advertisements with the 'P' bit set.

Additionally, the mobile node needs to supply the appropriate address

for its home agent: Hb instead of the usual Hc. How this happens is

outside the scope of this document. Some possible mechanisms are:

- This determination could be triggered in response to using the

foreign agent's Fb as the care-of address.

- The mobile node could always use Hb as its home agent address,

specially (1) if Hb is routable within address space C, or (2)

if MN is certain never to be at home (in some configurations,

the mobile nodes are always roaming).

- The mobile node could be configured with different home agent

addresses and their corresponding address space (perhaps

indicated via an NAI [11] or a variant of it).

Another major issue introduced by private addresses is that of two or

more mobile nodes with the same numeric IP address:


Mc=M H1b H1c

[MN1]-------+ +----[HA1]----+---------


space C

Address Address +----------

Space Fa-[FA]-Fb Space

A B +---------


space D

[MN2]-------+ +----[HA2]----+---------

Md=M H2b H2d

Suppose there are two address spaces A and B, and a foreign agent

(FA) with interfaces on both. There are two home agents (HA1 and

HA2) in address space B, with addresses H1b and H2b, respectively.

Each of the home agents has an interface in a private address space

in addition to address space B: HA1 has H1c on C, and HA2 has H2d on

D. MN1 and MN2 are two mobile nodes with home addresses Mc and Md,

corresponding to address space C and D, respectively.

If Mc and Md are private addresses as defined in RFC1918, they may be

numerically equivalent (both equal to M). Because of this, the

foreign agent can no longer rely on only the mobile node's home

address to disambiguate amongst its different bindings.

A.2. Terminating Forward Tunnels at the Foreign Agent

In figure A1, suppose the correspondent node Y sends a packet to the

mobile node at address Mc. The packet is intercepted by the home

agent at Hc and tunneled towards the mobile node via address Fb.

Once the packet reaches FA (via address Fb), the foreign agent must

identify which of its registered mobile nodes is the ultimate

destination for the internal packet. In order to do so, it needs to

identify the proper binding via a tuple guaranteed to be unique among

all of its mobile nodes.

The unique tuple sufficient for demultiplexing IP in IP packets

[IPIP] (protocol 4) is:

- destination IP address of the encapsulated (internal) header

This is mobile node MN's home address (Mc in the above

example). At first glance, it seems like this is unique among

all mobile nodes, but as mentioned above, with private

addresses another mobile may have an address Md numerically

equivalent to Mc.

- source IP address of the external header

This, the remote end of the tunnel, is Hb in the above example.

- destination IP address of the external header

This, the local end of the tunnel, is Fb in the above example.

The three values above are learned from a successful registration and

are the mobile node's home address, the home agent's address and the

care-of address. Thus, it is possible to identify the right binding.

Once FA identifies the ultimate destination of the packet, Mc, it

delivers the internal packet using link layer mechanisms.

GRE packets [10] (protocol 47) are only handled if their Protocol

Type field has a value of 0x800 (other values are outside the scope

of this document), and are demultiplexed based on the same tuple as

IP in IP packets. In GRE terminology, the tuple is:

- destination IP address of the payload (internal) packet

- source IP address of the delivery (external) packet

- destination IP address of the delivery (external) packet

Notice that the Routing, Sequence Number, Strict Source Route and Key

fields have been deprecated from GRE [10]. However, a separate

document specifies their use [13].

The above tuples work for IP-in-IP or GRE encapsulation, and assume

that the inner packet is in the clear. Encapsulations which encrypt

the inner packet header are outside the scope of this document.

A.3. Initiating Reverse Tunnels at the Foreign Agent

In figure A3, suppose mobile node M1 sends a packet to a

correspondent node in its home address space, C, and mobile node M2

sends a packet to a correspondent node in its home address space, D.

At FA, the source addresses for both packets will be seen as M, thus

this is not sufficient information. The unique tuple required to

identify the proper binding is:

- link-layer information related to the MN

This may be in the form of a MAC address, a PPP session (or

incoming interface) or channel coding for a digital cellular

service. Device ID's can also be used in this context.

- source IP address of the IP header.

As was pointed out, this by itself is not guaranteed to be


This information must be established and recorded at registration

time. The above items are sufficient for the foreign agent to select

the proper binding to use. This, in turn, produces the address of

the home agent, and the reverse tunneling options negotiated during

the registration process. The foreign agent can now proceed with

reverse tunneling.

A.4. Limited Private Address Scenario

The Limited Private Address Scenario (LPAS) has received much

attention from the cellular wireless industry, so it is useful to

define it and to clarify what its requirements are.

LPAS is a subset of the disparate address space scenario discussed in

this appendix. This section explains how LPAS could be deployed

given the current state of the Mobile IP specifications.


+----+ IF1=COA1+-------+ HAA2 +-----+

MN1------------------------ FA --------- HA2

+----+ +------------ +-----+










The above figure presents a very simple scenario in which private

addresses are used. Here, "private addresses" are strictly those

defined in RFC1918 [12]. In this deployment scenario, the only

entities that have private addresses are the mobile nodes. Foreign

agent and home agent addresses are publicly routable on the general

Internet. More specifically, the care-of addresses advertised by the

foreign agents (COA1 and COA2 in Figure A4) and the home agent

addresses used by mobile nodes in registration requests (HAA1 and

HAA2 in Figure A4) are publicly routable on the general Internet. As

a consequence, any Mobile IP tunnels can be established between any

home agent home address and any foreign agent care-of address.

Also, note that two different mobile nodes (MN1 and MN2) with the

same private address ( are visiting the same foreign agent

FA. This is supported as long as MN1 and MN2 are serviced by

different home agents. Hence, from any given home agent's

perspective, each mobile node has a unique IP address, even if it

happens to be a private address as per RFC1918.

Operation in the presence of route optimization [4] is outside the

scope of this document.

Requirements for the above private address scenario:

Mobile node requirements:

Mobile nodes intending to use private addresses with Mobile IP

MUST set the 'T' bit and employ reverse tunneling. Mobile

node's private addresses within a given address space MUST be

unique. Thus two mobile nodes belonging to a single home agent

cannot have the same private addresses. Thus, when receiving

or sending tunneled traffic for a mobile node, the tunnel

endpoints are used to disambiguate amongst conflicting mobile

node addresses.

If the mobile node happens to register with multiple home

agents simultaneously through the same foreign agent, there

must be some link-layer information that is distinct for each

mobile node. If no such distinct link-layer information is

available, the mobile nodes MUST use unique address.

Foreign agent requirements:

All advertising interfaces of the foreign agent MUST have

publicly routable care-of address. Thus, a mobile node with a

private address visits the foreign agent only in its publicly

routable network.

Foreign agents MUST support reverse tunneling in order to

support private addressed mobile nodes. If a foreign agent

receives a registration request from a mobile node with a

private address, and the mobile node has not set the 'T' bit,

the foreign agent SHOULD reject it.

When delivering packets to or receiving packets from mobile

nodes, foreign agents MUST disambiguate among mobile node with

conflicting private addresses by using link-layer information

as mentioned previously (Appendix section A.2 and A.3). A

foreign agent in absence of route optimization, should make

sure that two mobile nodes visiting the same foreign agent

corresponds with each other through their respective home


If a foreign agent supports reverse tunneling, then it MUST

support the simple scenario of private address support

described in this section.

Home agent requirements:

Any home agent address used by mobile nodes in registration

request MUST be a publicly routable address. Home agents will

not support overlapping private home addresses, thus each

private home address of a mobile node registered with a home

agent is unique. When the 'T' bit is set in the registration

request from the mobile node, the home agent MUST recognize and

accept registration request from mobile nodes with private

addresses. Also, the home agent SHOULD be able to assign

private addresses out of its address pool to mobile nodes for

use as home addresses. This does not contravene home agent

processing in section 3.8 of [1].

Appendix B: Changes from RFC2344

This section lists the changes with respect to the previous version

of this document (RFC2344).

- Added Appendix A on support for Disparate Addresses spaces and

private addresses.

- Added the corresponding section (6.3) under 'Security


- Made Encapsulating Delivery Support optional by demoting from

a MUST to a should. This also required defining a new error

code 79 (assigned by IANA).

- Mentioned the possibility of an admissible authentication

extension which may be different from the Mobile-Home

authentication extension.

- An IANA considerations section was added.

Full Copyright Statement

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2001). All Rights Reserved.

This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to

others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it

or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published

and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any

kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are

included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this

document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing

the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other

Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of

developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for

copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be

followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than


The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be

revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.

This document and the information contained herein is provided on an







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Internet Society.

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