
RFC3082 - Notification and Subscription for SLP

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group J. Kempf

Request for Comments: 3082 J. Goldschmidt

Category: EXPerimental Sun Microsystems

March 2001

Notification and Subscription for SLP

Status of this Memo

This memo defines an Experimental Protocol for the Internet

community. It does not specify an Internet standard of any kind.

Discussion and suggestions for improvement are requested.

Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2001). All Rights Reserved.


The Service Location Protocol (SLP) provides mechanisms whereby

service agent clients can advertise and user agent clients can query

for services. The design is very mUCh demand-driven, so that user

agents only oBTain service information when they specifically ask for

it. There exists another class of user agent applications, however,

that requires notification when a new service appears or disappears.

In the RFC2608 design, these applications are forced to poll the

network to catch changes. In this document, we describe a protocol

for allowing such clients to be notified when a change occurs,

removing the need for polling.

1. Introduction

The Service Location Protocol (SLP) [1] provides a mechanism for

service agent (SA) clients to advertise network services and for user

agent (UA) clients to find them. The mechanism is demand-driven.

UAs obtain service information by actively querying for it, and do

not obtain any information unless they do so. While this design

satisfies the requirements for most applications, there are some

applications that require more timely information about the

appearance or disappearance in the services of interest.

Ideally, these applications would like to be notified when a new

service comes up or when a service disappears. In order to obtain

this information with SLP as described in RFC2608, such applications

must poll the network to periodically refresh their local cache of

available service advertisements.

An example of such a client is a desktop GUI that wants to display

network service icons as soon as they appear to provide users with an

accurate picture of all services available to them.

Because polling is inefficient and wasteful of network and processor

resources, we would like to provide these applications a mechanism

whereby they can be explicitly notified of changes. In this

document, we describe a scalable mechanism allowing UAs to be

notified of changes in service availability.

2. Notation Conventions



document are to be interpreted as described in RFC2119 [2].

3. Terminology

In this section, we present some additional terminology beyond that

in [1] and [3].

Notification - A message sent to an interested agent informing that

agent that a service has appeared or disappeared.

Subscription - A request to be informed about changes in service

availability for a particular service type and scopes.

4. Design Considerations

The primary design consideration in a notification protocol for SLP

is that we would like it to exhibit the same high degree of

scalability and robustness that the base SLP protocol exhibits.

Notification should work in small networks with only a few SAs, as

well as large enterprise networks with thousands of SAs and hundreds

of DAs. Small networks should not be required to deploy DAs in order

to receive the benefits of notification. We also want to assure that

notification in large networks does not cause heavy processing loads

to fall on any one particular SLP agent. This requires that the task

of notification be distributed rather than centralized, to avoid

loading down one agent with doing all the notification work.

Finally, we would like the notification scheme to be robust in the

face of DA failures, just as the base SLP design is.

An important consideration is that the UA clients obtain

notifications of SA events in a timely fashion. If a UA has

subscribed to notification for a particular service type, the UA

should receive such notification regardless of the state of

intervening DAs. SLP is transparent with respect to DAs supporting a

particular scope; that is, a UA can use any DA with a particular

scope and expect to get the same service advertisements.

Notifications should exhibit the same property. Whether or not a UA

receives a notification should not depend on the DA to which they

happen to connect. This preserves the DAs' identity as a pure cache.

Another goal is that the notification messages contain enough

information about the triggering event that the UA can determine

whether or not it is of interest in the large majority of cases

without having to issue another SLP request a priori. The UA may, of

course, issue an SLP request for related reasons, but it should not

have to issue a request to obtain more information on the event that

triggered the notification in most cases. This reduces the amount of

network traffic related to the event.

In order to simplify implementation, we would like to use similar

mechanisms for notification in large and small networks. The

mechanisms are not identical, obviously, but we want to avoid having

radically different mechanisms that require completely separate

implementations. Having similar mechanisms reduces the amount of

code in UA and SA clients.

A minor goal is to make use of existing SLP message types and

mechanisms wherever possible. This reduces the amount of code

necessary to implement the notification mechanism, because much code

can be reused between the base SLP and the notification mechanism.

In particular, we expect to make use of the SLP extension mechanism

in certain cases to support subscription.

5. Notification Design Description

In order to support scalability, we split the design into two parts.

A small network design is used when no DAs are present in the

network. A large network design is used in networks with DAs. The

following subsections describe the two designs.

5.1 Small Network Design

In networks without DAs, UAs are notified by an SA when the SA

initially appears, and when the SA disappears. This allows UAs to

know about the list of service types the SA supports. In small

networks, there is no centralized agent available to administer

subscriptions for newly appearing SAs. This rules out any kind of

subscription design in which a UA subscribes to notifications for a

particular service type in particular scopes of interest, because a

newly appearing SA can't tell whether or not there are any

subscriptions without a centralizing agent to tell it.

As a result, SAs perform notification when they come on line and

prior to shutting down regardless of their scope or service type, if

they are capable of performing notification. This means that a UA

receives notification of all types of changes for all scopes and

service types, and consequently must be prepared to filter out those

changes in which it is not interested (other scopes, other service


The design requires SAs to perform notification by IP multicasting

(or broadcasting in IPv4 if multicast is not available) SLP SrvReg or

SrvDereg messages using the multicast transmit algorithm described in

Section 9.0. The port number for notifications is not the default

SLP port, because that port is only Accessible to privileged users on

some operating systems, but rather the port 1847, as assigned by


In IPv4, the SA performs multicast on the SLP multicast address

(, default TTL 255) and is administratively scoped in

the same manner as SLP [4]. IPv4 UAs interested in notification join

the multicast group and listen on port 1847. In

IPv6, the multicast is performed to the scoped IPv6 addresses for the

service type advertised, as described in [8]. The SA advertises on

all addresses up to and including the largest multicast scope that it

supports. IPv6 UAs interested in notification join the multicast

groups corresponding to the multicast scopes and service type in

which they are interested and listen on port 1847. For example, an

IPv6 UA that has access to site local scope and is interested in a

service type whose hash is 42, calculated according to the algorithm

in [8], joins the groups FF01:0:0:0:0:0:10042 through


5.2 Large Network Design

In networks with DAs, a DA supporting a particular scope can act as

an intermediary for administering UA subscriptions. A subscription

consists of a service type and a collection of scopes. A UA

interested in being notified about changes in a particular service

type attaches the Subscribe extension to a SrvRqst message sent to

the DA. The DA obtains multicast group addresses for notification

based on the algorithm described in Section 8.0 and puts them into a

NotifyAt extension which it attaches to the SrvRply. The UA listens

on the group addresses in the reply for notifications.

When a new subscription comes in, existing SAs are informed about the

subscription using the following procedure. The DA compares the

service type and scopes in the new subscription against a list of

existing subscriptions. If no previous subscription has the same

service type and scopes, the DA MUST multicast a DAAdvert, using the

multicast transmit algorithm described in Section 9.0, and MUST

include the NotifyAt extension with the multicast group addresses for

notification. If an existing subscription covers the same service

type and scopes as the new subscription, the DA MUST NOT multicast a


A DA MUST keep track of subscriptions it has arranged as well as

subscriptions arranged by other DAs in any scopes with which the DA

is configured. To avoid multiple multicast NotifyAt messages, a DA

MUST wait a random amount of time, uniformly distributed between 0

and 3 seconds before sending the multicast DAAdvert with NotifyAt.

During this period, the DA MUST listen for NotifyAt messages that

match the one from the new subscription. If a matching NotifyAt is

detected, the DA MUST not multicast.

When a new SA registers with a DA that has existing subscriptions,

the new SA is informed of notifications it should perform using the

following procedure. If the service type and scopes in the new SA's

SrvReg messages match an existing subscription, a NotifyAt containing

the multicast addresses for notification MUST be included in the

SrvAck. If the SA doesn't support notification, it simply ignores

the extension. If the service type and scopes in the new SA's SrvReg

do not match any existing subscriptions, the DA MUST NOT include a


The DA itself MUST also perform notification, according to the

multicast transmit algorithm, when a service advertisement times out.

Time-out of a service advertisement results in the DA multicasting a

SrvDereg for the deregistered URL. This allows interested UAs to be

informed of the service advertisement's demise even if the SA has

disappeared without deregistering. A DA MUST NOT perform

notification when it receives a SrvReg from an SA, however, that is

the job of the SA.

As in small networks, notification is performed primarily by SAs. If

an SA receives a DAAdvert or SrvAck with a NotifyAt extension and the

following conditions are met:

1. The SA supports notification.

2. The SA's service type matches the service type in the

NotifyAt extension.

3. The SA's scopes match one of the scopes of the NotifyAt


then the SA saves the multicast addresses that correspond to the

scopes and service types it supports. The SA MUST perform

notification immediately after the SA has performed the SrvReg or

SrvDereg with the DA. An SA that has detected a DA in its scopes

MUST NOT multicast any notifications unless it receives a NotifyAt

extension in a SrvAck with service type and scopes matching the SA's

service type and scopes.

6. Subscribe Extension

The Subscribe extension has the following format:

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


Extension Type = 0x0004 Extension Length


Ex. Len. (ct) Abs. Type Fl.


The scope list and service type of the extension are taken from the

accompanying SrvRqst. The abstract type flag indicates whether the

UA is interested in hearing from all SAs advertising concrete

instances of an abstract type [3], and is only of interest if the

service type in the SrvRqst is a concrete type. If the flag is 1,

the UA is interested in hearing from all SAs advertising concrete

types having the same abstract type as the type of the SrvRqst. If

the flag is 0, the UA is only interested in hearing from SAs

supporting the particular concrete type in the SrvRqst. If the

service type in the accompanying SrvRqst is not a concrete type, the

flag is ignored.

7. NotifyAt Extension

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


Extension Type = 0x0005 Extension Length


Ext. Len (ct) Subscription Lifetime SGL List Len. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+

SGL L. Len (ct) Scope/Group List +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+

Length of Service Type Name Service Type Name +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+

The service type name is in the same format as in the SrvRqst. The

scope/group list is a list of scope names and multicast group

addresses. The following ABNF [5] syntax describes the list:

sglist = sgitem / sgitem "," sglist

sgitem = scope-name ":" ip-addr

ip-addr = ipv4-number ipv6-number

scope-name = ; See RFC2608 for the format of scope names.

ipv4-number = 1*3DIGIT 3("." 1*3DIGIT)

ipv6-number = ;See RFC2373 [9] Section 2.2

An example of a scope/group list for IPv4 is:


An example of a scope/group listfor IPv6 is:


The scope/group list gives the multicast addresses to use for

notifications involving the service type for the given scopes.

The service type name can be a simple type name, an abstract type

name, or a concrete type name. If the name is an abstract type name,

all SAs advertising the abstract type MUST notify. If the name is a

concrete or simple type name, ONLY those SAs advertising the simple

or concrete type MUST notify, others MUST NOT notify. A DA that

receives a subscription for a concrete type with the abstract type

flag set, MUST include the abstract type name in all the NotifyAt

messages it sends. If the DA receives a subscription for a concrete

type with the abstract type flag not set, the DA MUST NOT include the

abstract type, but rather MUST include the concrete type name.

There are three cases in which an agent may receive a NotifyAt

extension: in a SrvRply returned to a UA, in a multicast DAAdvert,

and in a SrvAck returned to an SA. The three subsections below

describe the response in each of these cases.

7.1 NotifyAt received with SrvRply

When a UA sends a SrvRqst with a Subscribe extension, the DA responds

with a SrvRply including a NotifyAt. The DA MUST NOT unicast a

NotifyAt to a UA with any other message and MUST NOT send a NotifyAt

unless a SrvRqst with a Subscribe extension was received.

The UA responds by setting up a multicast listener to the group

addresses included in the extension on the SLP notification port

1847. The UA MAY also want to note the expiration lifetime of the

subscription assigned by the DA, and reissue a subscription before

the lifetime expires.

7.2 NotifyAt received with Multicast DAAdvert

The DA multicasts a NotifyAt with a DAAdvert using the multicast

transmit algorithm when a UA has requested notification and the

scopes and service type in the subscription were not previously seen.

This message informs existing SAs having the service type and scopes

in the announcement that they should multicast notifications when

they shut down.

A receiving SA participating in notification responds by noting the

multicast address if the service type and scopes match. When the SA

is about to go down, the SA MUST first unicast a SrvDereg without

attribute tag list to its DAs (as per standard SLP), then it MUST

multicast the same SrvDereg message according to the multicast

transmit algorithm. The SA MUST cease performing notification when

the subscription lifetime expires, unless a subsequent NotifyAt is

received prolonging the subscription.

A UA that is performing passive DA detection will naturally also

receive the extension, but the UA SHOULD ignore the extension.

7.3 NotifyAt received with SrvAck

An SA can receive a NotifyAt with a SrvAck when it first comes up and

registers itself with a DA. If the DA has any subscriptions from UAs

for the service type and scopes represented by the SA, it MUST return

a NotifyAt with the SrvAck.

The SA upon receiving the NotifyAt immediately multicasts the same

SrvReg it sent to the DA, according to the multicast transmit

algorithm. The SA MUST only perform the multicast algorithm once,

even if it registers with more than one DA and receives the NotifyAt

in reply from more than one. Prior to its demise and after

deregistering with a DA, the SA MUST notify with the same SrvDereg,

as described in Section 7.2.

8. Multicast Address Allocation

Enterprise networks that allow SLP notification SHOULD deploy the

Multicast Address Allocation Architecture (MAAA) including

administratively scoped multicast and Multicast Address Dynamic

Client Allocation Protocol (MADCAP) [6].

If it is not possible to obtain a multicast address for use in SLP

notifications, the SLP multicast address is used.

If the MAAA infrastructure is deployed, DAs and SAs obtain their

scope configuration from MADCAP, because the SLP scopes are the same

as the MADCAP scopes. Each SLP scope MUST correspond to a multicast

scope name, in the sense of [6]. In such a case, a DA allocates,

using MADCAP, a new multicast group address for each new service

type/scope pair to which a UA subscribes. The allocation is made by

MADCAP from the multicast address range for the scope. In this way,

only those UAs interested in the service type and scopes in the

subscription receive the multicast notification. The DA sets up the

lease on the multicast address to correspond with the duration of the

subscription. If the MADCAP server runs out of addresses, the SLP

multicast group is used as a last resort.

For example, if the multicast scope has an address range of

through, the notification group address for service

type X in scope A could be and for service type Y in scope

B could be

9. Multicast Transmit Algorithm

The DA and SAs use a multicast transmit algorithm similar to that

used for discovering services in SLP, described in RFC2608 [1],

except the agent performing the notification doesn't wait for

replies. The agent performing the notification transmits a

notification message repeatedly over a period of 15 seconds, backing

off exponentially on the duration of the time interval between the

multicasts. The rationale for this algorithm is to limit the

duration and scope of the multicast announcement while still

repeating the announcement enough times to increase the probability

that one message gets through.

For an SA, a notification message is either a SrvReg or a SrvDereg

message, depending on whether the SA is registering a new service or

deregistering a service. When a new service is registered, the

SrvReg message MUST have the fresh bit set in the SLP header. The

entire list of attributes for the service SHOULD be included. The

SrvDereg message MUST NOT include an attribute tag list.

Notifications MUST NOT be transmitted at any other time, to minimize

multicast traffic.

Since a SrvReg could contain attribute lists of arbitrary length, the

message could potentially overflow the packet MTU for UDP. If an

attribute list causes a packet MTU overflow, the SA MUST set the

overflow bit in the SLP header. The attribute list in the

notification message MUST be formatted so that a UA can use the

attributes even if an overflow occurs. If a UA needs more attributes

than are transmitted in the notification message, it can contact the

SA (if no DA is present) or the DA for the attributes it needs.

A DA multicasts a DAAdvert when a subscription comes in containing a

service type and scopes that do not match any on the DA's list of

known subscriptions. The same algorithm MUST be used. If the

combination of the DA attributes and the NotifyAt message cause the

DAAdvert to overflow a UDP packet, DA attributes MUST be truncated to

allow the NotifyAt to fit and the overflow bit MUST be set in the

header. An SA knows that the purpose of the message is to inform it

of a new subscription rather than for passive advertisement, because

of the extension, and it can therefore ignore the DA attribute list

field if the overflow bit is set in the header. A DA also transmits

a SrvDereg message when a service advertisement is deregistered due

to timeout, following the same rules as for an SA.

10.0 DA Disappearance

Robustness to DA failure is an important goal of the design. When a

DA disappears due to unforeseen circumstances, subscription

information from UAs is lost. UAs continue to get notifications from

existing SAs. However, new SAs will not be informed of the

subscription unless other DAs also have the subscription information.

Because a UA may not discover a new DA until it tries to perform an

active request, the UA could potentially miss the appearance of new

services. For this reason, UAs that are concerned about receiving

notification of absolutely every service that appears SHOULD issue

subscriptions to every newly discovered DA that supports the scopes

it supports. Similarly, if a DA disappears through controlled

shutdown, a UA performing passive discovery can detect the shutdown

and reissue the subscription to an alternate DA.

On the SA side, when a DA goes down, existing SAs continue to notify

until the subscription expires. Before ceasing to notify, an SA MUST

determine whether the DA is still active and, if not, verify with

another DA whether the subscription has been extended. If no other

DA is available, the SA MUST ignore the subscription expiration time

and continue notifying until a new DA is discovered. When a new DA

is discovered the SA must send a new SrvReg to the DA, according to

RFC2608 [1]. The replying SrvAck contains a NotifyAt extension if

the UA has renewed its subscription with the DA. If the SrvAck does

not contain a NotifyAt message the SA MUST continue to notify until

the subscription expires. If a UA is interested in continuing the

notification, it renews the subscription with the new DA prior to the

expiration of the old one, and so the SA is informed to continue


Note that this procedure still does not inform SAs that come up

between the time a newly booted DA comes up and the time the UA has

renewed its subscription with the newly booted DA. If this situation

is of concern, multiple DAs can be used to assure that all

subscriptions are covered when a DA goes down.

11. Network Administration Considerations

In SLP networks with DAs as described in RFC2608, the only multicast

is the SrvRqst for DAAdverts performed during active DA discovery,

and unsolicited DAAdverts sent periodically by the DA for passive

discovery. There is no multicast involved in UA queries or SA

registrations. This allows network administrators to set up DAs for

a particular collection of IP subnets and confine all service

discovery traffic to unicast between the SA and UA clients and the

DA. Administratively scoped multicast can additionally be used to

limit the extent of active DA discovery and passive DA advertising.

The amount of multicast involved is not high and DHCP DA and scope

configuration can be used to limit which DAs a particular UA or SA

client sees, or to inhibit multicast entirely so that UAs and SAs

only use configured DAs.

With notification, however, multicast traffic involving events in SAs

becomes available. Because DAs request multicast addresses based on

scope and service type, the multicast associated with particular

events should only propagate to those subnets in which UAs and SAs of

the same scope are interacting. Routers should be configured with

administrative multicast scoping to limit multicast. If DAs are not

deployed (or the MAAA is not deployed), however, the amount of

multicast on the SLP multicast address when notifications are being

used could quickly become very large. Therefore, it is crucial that

DAs supporting notification be deployed in large networks where UA

clients are interested in notification.

12. Security Considerations

The SrvReg and SrvDereg messages contain authentication blocks for

all SLP SPIs supported by the DAs with which the SA registers. Since

these SPIs are necessarily the same as those that UAs can verify, a

UA receiving a multicast notification is in a position to verify the

notification. It does so by selecting the authentication block or

blocks that it can verify. If authentication fails, either due to

lack of an authentication block, or lack of the proper SPI, the UA

simply discards the notification. In a network without DAs, the SPIs

of the UA and SA must also match.

13. IANA Considerations

The SLP Notification services use the IANA-assigned port number of

1847. The SLP extension identifiers assigned by IANA are 0x0004 for

Subscribe and 0x0005 for NotifyAt.

14. Acknowledgements

The authors would like to thank Charles Perkins, of Nokia, and Erik

Guttman and Jonathan Wood, of Sun Microsystems, for their stimulating

discussion and suggestions during the initial phases of the

subscription/notification design. We would also like to thank Erik

for his intense scrutiny of the specification during the later

phases. His comments were instrumental in refining the design.

Shivaun Albright, of HP, motivated simplification of the protocol to

focus on initial registration and deregistration only. Vaishali

Mithbaokar implemented the simplified protocol.

15. References

[1] Guttman, E., Perkins, C., Veizades, J. and M. Day, "Service

Location Protocol", RFC2608, July 1999.

[2] Bradner, S., "Key Words for Use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement

Levels", BCP 14, RFC2119, March 1997.

[3] Guttman, E., Perkins, C. and J. Kempf, "Service Templates and

service: Schemes", RFC2609, July 1999.

[4] Meyer, D., "Administratively Scoped IP Multicast", RFC2365, July


[5] Crocker, D. and P. Overell, "Augmented BNF for Syntax

Specifications: ABNF", RFC2234, November 1997.

[6] Hanna, S., Patel,B. and M. Shah, "Multicast Address Dynamic

Client Allocation Protocol (MADCAP)", RFC2730, December 1999.

[7] http://www.isi.edu/in-notes/iana/assignments/multicast-addresses

[8] Guttman, E., "Service Location Protocol Modifications for IPv6",

Work in Progress.

[9] Hinden, R. and S. Deering, "IP Version 6 Addressing

Architecture", RFC2375, July 1997.

16. Author's Addresses

James Kempf

Sun Microsystems


901 San Antonio Rd.

Palo Alto, CA 94040


Phone: +1 650 786 5890

EMail: james.kempf@sun.com

Jason Goldschmidt

Sun Microsystems


901 San Antonio Rd.

Palo Alto, CA 94040


Phone: +1 650 786 3502

EMail: jason.goldschmidt@sun.com

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