
RFC3056 - Connection of IPv6 Domains via IPv4 Clouds

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
窄屏简体版  字體: |||超大  

Network Working Group B. Carpenter

Request for Comments: 3056 K. Moore

Category: Standards Track February 2001

Connection of IPv6 Domains via IPv4 Clouds

Status of this Memo

This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the

Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for

improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet

Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state

and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2001). All Rights Reserved.


This memo specifies an optional interim mechanism for IPv6 sites to

communicate with each other over the IPv4 network without eXPlicit

tunnel setup, and for them to communicate with native IPv6 domains

via relay routers. Effectively it treats the wide area IPv4 network

as a unicast point-to-point link layer. The mechanism is intended as

a start-up transition tool used during the period of co-existence of

IPv4 and IPv6. It is not intended as a permanent solution.

The document defines a method for assigning an interim unique IPv6

address prefix to any site that currently has at least one globally

unique IPv4 address, and specifies an encapsulation mechanism for

transmitting IPv6 packets using sUCh a prefix over the global IPv4


The motivation for this method is to allow isolated IPv6 domains or

hosts, attached to an IPv4 network which has no native IPv6 support,

to communicate with other such IPv6 domains or hosts with minimal

manual configuration, before they can oBTain natuve IPv6

connectivity. It incidentally provides an interim globally unique

IPv6 address prefix to any site with at least one globally unique

IPv4 address, even if combined with an IPv4 Network Address

Translator (NAT).

Table of Contents

1. Introduction................................................. 2

1.1. Terminology................................................ 4

2. IPv6 Prefix Allocation....................................... 5

2.1 Address Selection........................................... 6

3. Encapsulation in IPv4........................................ 6

3.1. Link-Local Address and NUD................................. 7

4. Maximum Transmission Unit.................................... 7

5. Unicast scenarios, scaling, and transition to normal prefixes 8

5.1 Simple scenario - all sites work the same................... 8

5.2 Mixed scenario with relay to native IPv6................... 9

5.2.1 Variant scenario with ISP relay.......................... 12

5.2.2 Summary of relay router configuration.................... 12 BGP4+ not used........................................ 12 BGP4+ used............................................ 12 Relay router scaling.................................. 13

5.2.3 Unwilling to relay....................................... 13

5.3 Sending and decapsulation rules............................ 13

5.4 Variant scenario with tunnel to IPv6 space................. 14

5.5 Fragmented Scenarios....................................... 14

5.6 Multihoming................................................ 16

5.7 Transition Considerations.................................. 16

5.8 Coexistence with firewall, NAT or RSIP..................... 16

5.9 Usage within Intranets..................................... 17

5.10 Summary of impact on routing.............................. 18

5.11. Routing loop prevention.................................. 18

6. Multicast and Anycast....................................... 19

7. ICMP messages............................................... 19

8. IANA Considerations......................................... 19

9. Security Considerations..................................... 19

Acknowledgements............................................... 20

References..................................................... 20

Authors' Addresses............................................. 22

Intellectual Property.......................................... 22

Full Copyright Statement....................................... 23

1. Introduction

This memo specifies an optional interim mechanism for IPv6 sites to

communicate with each other over the IPv4 network without explicit

tunnel setup, and for them to communicate with native IPv6 domains

via relay routers. Effectively it treats the wide area IPv4 network

as a unicast point-to-point link layer. The mechanism is intended as

a start-up transition tool used during the period of co-existence of

IPv4 and IPv6. It is not intended as a permanent solution.

The document defines a method for assigning an interim unique IPv6

address prefix to any site that currently has at least one globally

unique IPv4 address, and specifies an encapsulation mechanism for

transmitting IPv6 packets using such a prefix over the global IPv4

network. It also describes scenarios for using such prefixes during

the co-existence phase of IPv4 to IPv6 transition. Note that these

scenarios are only part of the total picture of transition to IPv6.

Also note that this is considered to be an interim solution and that

sites should migrate when possible to native IPv6 prefixes and native

IPv6 connectivity. This will be possible as soon as the site's ISP

offers native IPv6 connectivity.

The basic mechanism described in the present document, which applies

to sites rather than individual hosts, will scale indefinitely by

limiting the number of sites served by a given relay router (see

Section 5.2). It will introduce no new entries in the IPv4 routing

table, and exactly one new entry in the native IPv6 routing table

(see Section 5.10).

Although the mechanism is specified for an IPv6 site, it can equally

be applied to an individual IPv6 host or very small site, as long as

it has at least one globally unique IPv4 address. However, the

latter case raises serious scaling issues which are the subject of

further study [SCALE].

The motivation for this method is to allow isolated IPv6 sites or

hosts, attached to a wide area network which has no native IPv6

support, to communicate with other such IPv6 domains or hosts with

minimal manual configuration.

IPv6 sites or hosts connected using this method do not require IPv4-

compatible IPv6 addresses [MECH] or configured tunnels. In this way

IPv6 gains considerable independence of the underlying wide area

network and can step over many hops of IPv4 subnets. The abbreviated

name of this mechanism is 6to4 (not to be confused with [6OVER4]).

The 6to4 mechanism is typically implemented almost entirely in border

routers, without specific host modifications except a suggested

address selection default. Only a modest amount of router

configuration is required.

Sections 2 to 4 of this document specify the 6to4 scheme technically.

Section 5 discusses some, but not all, usage scenarios, including

routing ASPects, for 6to4 sites. Scenarios for isolated 6to4 hosts

are not discussed in this document. Sections 6 to 9 discuss other

general considerations.



document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119].

1.1. Terminology

The terminology of [IPV6] applies to this document.

6to4 pseudo-interface:

6to4 encapsulation of IPv6 packets inside IPv4 packets occurs

at a point that is logically equivalent to an IPv6 interface,

with the link layer being the IPv4 unicast network. This point

is referred to as a pseudo-interface. Some implementors may

treat it exactly like any other interface and others may treat

it like a tunnel end-point.

6to4 prefix:

an IPv6 prefix constructed according to the rule in Section 2


6to4 address: an IPv6 address constructed using a 6to4 prefix.

Native IPv6 address: an IPv6 address constructed using another type

of prefix than 6to4.

6to4 router (or 6to4 border router):

an IPv6 router supporting a 6to4 pseudo-interface. It is

normally the border router between an IPv6 site and a wide-area

IPv4 network.

6to4 host:

an IPv6 host which happens to have at least one 6to4 address.

In all other respects it is a standard IPv6 host.

Note: an IPv6 node may in some cases use a 6to4 address for a

configured tunnel. Such a node may function as an IPv6 host using a

6to4 address on its configured tunnel interface, and it may also

serve as a IPv6 router for other hosts via a 6to4 pseudo-interface,

but these are distinct functions.

6to4 site:

a site running IPv6 internally using 6to4 addresses, therefore

containing at least one 6to4 host and at least one 6to4 router.

Relay router:

a 6to4 router configured to support transit routing between

6to4 addresses and native IPv6 addresses.

6to4 exterior routing domain:

a routing domain interconnecting a set of 6to4 routers and

relay routers. It is distinct from an IPv6 site's interior

routing domain, and distinct from all native IPv6 exterior

routing domains.

2. IPv6 Prefix Allocation

Suppose that a subscriber site has at least one valid, globally

unique 32-bit IPv4 address, referred to in this document as V4ADDR.

This address MUST be duly allocated to the site by an address

registry (possibly via a service provider) and it MUST NOT be a

private address [RFC1918].

The IANA has permanently assigned one 13-bit IPv6 Top Level

Aggregator (TLA) identifier under the IPv6 Format Prefix 001 [AARCH,

AGGR] for the 6to4 scheme.Its numeric value is 0x0002, i.e., it is

2002::/16 when expressed as an IPv6 address prefix.

The subscriber site is then deemed to have the following IPv6 address

prefix, without any further assignment procedures being necessary:

Prefix length: 48 bits

Format prefix: 001

TLA value: 0x0002

NLA value: V4ADDR

This is illustrated as follows:

3 13 32 16 64 bits





Thus, this prefix has exactly the same format as normal /48 prefixes

assigned according to [AGGR]. It can be abbreviated as

2002:V4ADDR::/48. Within the subscriber site it can be used exactly

like any other valid IPv6 prefix, e.g., for automated address

assignment and discovery according to the normal mechanisms such as

[CONF, DISC], for native IPv6 routing, or for the "6over4" mechanism


Note that if the IPv4 address is assigned dynamically, the

corresponding IPv6 prefix will also be dynamic in nature, with the

same lifetime.

2.1 Address Selection

To ensure the correct operation of 6to4 in complex topologies, source

and destination address selection must be appropriately implemented.

If the source IPv6 host sending a packet has at least one 2002::

address assigned to it, and if the set of IPv6 addresses returned by

the DNS for the destination host contains at least one 2002::

address, then the source host must make an appropriate choice of the

source and destination addresses to be used. The mechanisms for

address selection in general are under study at the time of writing

[SELECT]. Subject to those general mechanisms, the principle that

will normally allow correct operation of 6to4 is this:

If one host has only a 6to4 address, and the other one has both a

6to4 and a native IPv6 address, then the 6to4 address should be used

for both.

If both hosts have a 6to4 address and a native IPv6 address, then

either the 6to4 address should be used for both, or the native IPv6

address should be used for both. The choice should be configurable.

The default configuration should be native IPv6 for both.

3. Encapsulation in IPv4

IPv6 packets from a 6to4 site are encapsulated in IPv4 packets when

they leave the site via its external IPv4 connection. Note that the

IPv4 interface that is carrying the 6to4 traffic is notionally

equivalent to an IPv6 interface, and is referred to below as a

pseudo-interface, although this phrase is not intended to define an

implementation technique. V4ADDR MUST be configured on the IPv4


IPv6 packets are transmitted in IPv4 packets [RFC791] with an IPv4

protocol type of 41, the same as has been assigned [MECH] for IPv6

packets that are tunneled inside of IPv4 frames. The IPv4 header

contains the Destination and Source IPv4 addresses. One or both of

these will be identical to the V4ADDR field of an IPv6 prefix formed

as specified above (see section 5 for more details). The IPv4 packet

body contains the IPv6 header and payload.

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


Version IHL Type of Service Total Length


Identification Flags Fragment Offset


Time to Live Protocol 41 Header Checksum


Source Address


Destination Address


Options Padding


IPv6 header and payload ... /


The IPv4 Time to Live will be set as normal [RFC791], as will the

encapsulated IPv6 hop limit [IPv6]. Other considerations are as

described in Section 4.1.2 of [MECH].

3.1. Link-Local Address and NUD

The link-local address of a 6to4 pseudo-interface performing 6to4

encapsulation would, if needed, be formed as described in Section 3.7

of [MECH]. However, no scenario is known in which such an address

would be useful, since a peer 6to4 gateway cannot determine the

appropriate link-layer (IPv4) address to send to.

Neighbor Unreachability Detection (NUD) is handled as described in

Section 3.8 of [MECH].

4. Maximum Transmission Unit

MTU size considerations are as described for tunnels in [MECH].

If the IPv6 MTU size proves to be too large for some intermediate

IPv4 subnet, IPv4 fragmentation will ensue. While undesirable, this

is not necessarily disastrous, unless the fragments are delivered to

different IPv4 destinations due to some form of IPv4 anycast. The

IPv4 "do not fragment" bit SHOULD NOT be set in the encapsulating

IPv4 header.

5. Unicast scenarios, scaling, and transition to normal prefixes

5.1 Simple scenario - all sites work the same

The simplest deployment scenario for 6to4 is to use it between a

number of sites, each of which has at least one connection to a

shared IPv4 Internet. This could be the global Internet, or it could

be a corporate IP network. In the case of the global Internet, there

is no requirement that the sites all connect to the same Internet

service provider. The only requirement is that any of the sites is

able to send IPv4 packets with protocol type 41 to any of the others.

By definition, each site has an IPv6 prefix in the format defined in

Section 2. It will therefore create DNS records for these addresses.

For example, site A which owns IPv4 address will create DNS

records with the IPv6 prefix {FP=001,TLA=0x0002,NLA=}/48

(i.e., 2002:c001:0203::/48). Site B which owns address

will create DNS records with the IPv6 prefix

{FP=001,TLA=0x0002,NLA=}/48 (i.e., 2002:09fe:fdfc::/48).

When an IPv6 host on site B queries the DNS entry for a host on site

A, or otherwise obtains its address, it obtains an address with the

prefix {FP=001,TLA=0x0002,NLA=}/48 and whatever SLA and

Interface ID applies. The converse applies when a host on site A

queries the DNS for a host on site B. IPv6 packets are formed and

transmitted in the normal way within both sites.


Wide Area IPv4 Network


/ _______________________________/_ ____________________\____________

/ \

IPv4 Site A ########## IPv4 Site B ##########

____________________# 6to4 #_ ____________________# 6to4 #_

# router # # router #

IPv6 Site A ########## IPv6 Site B ##########

2002:c001:0203::/48 2002:09fe:fdfc::/48

_______________________________ _______________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

Within a 6to4 site, addresses with the 2002::/16 prefix, apart from

those with the local 2002:V4ADDR::/48 prefix, will be handled like

any other non-local IPv6 address, i.e., by a default or explicit

route towards the 6to4 border router.

When an outgoing packet reaches the 6to4 router, it is encapsulated

as defined in Section 3, according to the additional sending rule

defined in Section 5.3. Incoming packets are decapsulated according

to the additional decapsulation rule defined in Section 5.3. The

additional sending and decapsulation rules are the only changes to

IPv6 forwarding, and they occur only at border routers. No IPv4

routing information is imported into IPv6 routing (nor vice versa).

In this scenario, any number of 6to4 sites can interoperate with no

tunnel configuration, and no special requirements from the IPv4

service. All that is required is the appropriate DNS entries and the

additional sending and decapsulation rules configured in the 6to4

router. This router SHOULD also generate the appropriate IPv6 prefix

announcements [CONF, DISC].

Although site A and site B will each need to run IPv6 routing

internally, they do not need to run an IPv6 exterior routing protocol

in this simple scenario; IPv4 exterior routing does the job for them.

It is RECOMMENDED that in any case each site should use only one IPv4

address per 6to4 router, and that should be the address assigned to

the external interface of the 6to4 router. Single-homed sites

therefore SHOULD use only one IPv4 address for 6to4 routing. Multi-

homed sites are discussed briefly in section 5.6.

Because of the lack of configuration, and the distributed deployment

model, there are believed to be no particular scaling issues with the

basic 6to4 mechanism apart from encapsulation overhead.

Specifically, it introduces no new entries in IPv4 routing tables.

5.2 Mixed scenario with relay to native IPv6

During the transition to IPv6 we can expect some sites to fit the

model just described (isolated sites whose only connectivity is the

IPv4 Internet), whereas others will be part of larger islands of

native or tunneled IPv6 using normal IPv6 TLA address space. The

6to4 sites will need connectivity to these native IPv6 islands and

vice versa. In the 6to4 model, this connectivity is accomplished by

IPv6 routers which possess both 6to4 and native IPv6 addresses.

Although they behave essentially as standard IPv6 routers, for the

purposes of this document they are referred to as relay routers to

distinguish them from routers supporting only 6to4, or only native


There must be at least one router acting as a relay between the 6to4

domain and a given native IPv6 domain. There is nothing special

about it; it is simply a normal router which happens to have at least

one logical 6to4 pseudo-interface and at least one other IPv6

interface. Since it is a 6to4 router, it implements the additional

sending and decapsulation rules defined in Section 5.3.

We now have three distinct classes of routing domain to consider:

1. the internal IPv6 routing domain of each 6to4 site;

2. an exterior IPv6 routing domain interconnecting

a given set of 6to4 border routers, including relay routers,

among themselves, i.e., a 6to4 exterior routing domain;

3. the exterior IPv6 routing domain of each native IPv6 island.

1. The internal routing domain of a 6to4 site behaves as described in

section 5.1.

2. There are two deployment options for a 6to4 exterior routing


2.1 No IPv6 exterior routing protocol is used. The 6to4 routers

using a given relay router each have a default IPv6 route pointing to

the relay router. The relay router MAY apply source address based

filters to accept traffic only from specific 6to4 routers.

2.2 An IPv6 exterior routing protocol is used. The set of 6to4

routers using a given relay router obtain native IPv6 routes from the

relay router using a routing protocol such as BGP4+ [RFC2283,

BGP4+]. The relay router will advertise whatever native IPv6 routing

prefixes are appropriate on its 6to4 pseudo-interface. These

prefixes will indicate the regions of native IPv6 topology that the

relay router is willing to relay to. Their choice is a matter of

routing policy. It is necessary for network operators to carefully

consider desirable traffic patterns and topology when choosing the

scope of such routing advertisements. The relay router will

establish BGP peering only with specific 6to4 routers whose traffic

it is willing to accept.

Although this solution is more complex, it provides effective policy

control, i.e., BGP4+ policy determines which 6to4 routers are able to

use which relay router.

3. A relay router MUST advertise a route to 2002::/16 into the native

IPv6 exterior routing domain. It is a matter of routing policy how

far this routing advertisement of 2002::/16 is propagated in the

native IPv6 routing system. Since there will in general be multiple

relay routers advertising it, network operators will require to

filter it in a managed way. Incorrect policy in this area will lead

to potential unreachability or to perverse traffic patterns.

6to4 prefixes more specific than 2002::/16 must not be propagated in

native IPv6 routing, to prevent pollution of the IPv6 routing table

by elements of the IPv4 routing table. Therefore, a 6to4 site which

also has a native IPv6 connection MUST NOT advertise its 2002::/48

routing prefix on that connection, and all native IPv6 network

operators MUST filter out and discard any 2002:: routing prefix

advertisements longer than /16.

Sites which have at least one native IPv6 connection, in addition to

a 6to4 connection, will therefore have at least one IPv6 prefix which

is not a 2002:: prefix. Such sites' DNS entries will reflect this

and DNS lookups will return multiple addresses. If two such sites

need to interoperate, whether the 6to4 route or the native route will

be used depends on IPv6 address selection by the individual hosts (or

even applications).

Now consider again the example of the previous section. Suppose an

IPv6 host on site B queries the DNS entry for a host on site A, and

the DNS returns multiple IPv6 addresses with different prefixes.

____________________________ ______________________

Wide Area IPv4 Network Native IPv6

Wide Area Network

____________________________ ______________________

/ \ //\ // 2001:0600::/48

____________/_ ____________________\_________//_

/ \ //

########## IPv4 Site B ##########

__# 6to4 #_ ____________________# 6to4 #_

# router # # router #

########## IPv6 Site B ##########


__Site A_____ 2001:0600::/48_________________

as before

______________ _________________________________

If the host picks the 6to4 prefix according to some rule for multiple

prefixes, it will simply send packets to an IPv6 address formed with

the prefix {FP=001,TLA=0x0002,NLA=}/48. It is essential

that they are sourced from the prefix

{FP=001,TLA=0x0002,NLA=}/48 for two-way connectivity to

be possible. The address selection mechanism of Section 2.1 will

ensure this.

5.2.1 Variant scenario with ISP relay

The previous scenario assumes that the relay router is provided by a

cooperative 6to4 user site. A variant of this is for an Internet

Service Provider, that already offers native IPv6 connectivity, to

operate a relay router. Technically this is no different from the

previous scenario; site B is simply an internal 6to4 site of the ISP,

possibly containing only one system, i.e., the relay router itself.

5.2.2 Summary of relay router configuration

A relay router participates in IPv6 unicast routing protocols on its

native IPv6 interface and may do so on its 6to4 pseudo-interface, but

these are independent routing domains with separate policies, even if

the same protocol, probably BGP4+, is used in both cases.

A relay router also participates in IPv4 unicast routing protocols on

its IPv4 interface used to support 6to4, but this is not further

discussed here.

On its native IPv6 interface, the relay router MUST advertise a route

to 2002::/16. It MUST NOT advertise a longer 2002:: routing prefix

on that interface. Routing policy within the native IPv6 routing

domain determines the scope of that advertisement, thereby limiting

the visibility of the relay router in that domain.

IPv6 packets received by the relay router whose next hop IPv6 address

matches 2002::/16 will be routed to its 6to4 pseudo-interface and

treated according to the sending rule of Section 5.1. BGP4+ not used

If BGP4+ is not deployed in the 6to4 exterior routing domain (option

2.1 of Section 5.2), the relay router will be configured to accept

and relay all IPv6 traffic only from its client 6to4 sites. Each

6to4 router served by the relay router will be configured with a

default IPv6 route to the relay router (for example, Site A's default

IPv6 route ::/0 would point to the relay router's address under

prefix 2002:09fe:fdfc::/48). BGP4+ used

If BGP4+ is deployed in the 6to4 exterior routing domain (option 2.2

of Section 5.2), the relay router advertises IPv6 native routing

prefixes on its 6to4 pseudo-interface, peering only with the 6to4

routers that it serves. (An alternative is that these routes could

be advertised along with IPv4 routes using BGP4 over IPv4, rather

than by running a separate BGP4+ session.) The specific routes

advertised depend on applicable routing policy, but they must be

chosen from among those reachable through the relay router's native

IPv6 interface. In the simplest case, a default route to the whole

IPv6 address space could be advertised. When multiple relay routers

are in use, more specific routing prefixes would be advertised

according to the desired routing policy. The usage of BGP4+ is

completely standard so is not discussed further in this document. Relay router scaling

Relay routers introduce the potential for scaling issues. In general

a relay router should not attempt to serve more sites than any other

transit router, allowing for the encapsulation overhead.

5.2.3 Unwilling to relay

It may arise that a site has a router with both 6to4 pseudo-

interfaces and native IPv6 interfaces, but is unwilling to act as a

relay router. Such a site MUST NOT advertise any 2002:: routing

prefix into the native IPv6 domain and MUST NOT advertise any native

IPv6 routing prefixes or a default IPv6 route into the 6to4 domain.

Within the 6to4 domain it will behave exactly as in the basic 6to4

scenario of Section 5.1.

5.3 Sending and decapsulation rules

The only change to standard IPv6 forwarding is that every 6to4 router

(and only 6to4 routers) MUST implement the following additional

sending and decapsulation rules.

In the sending rule, "next hop" refers to the next IPv6 node that the

packet will be sent to, which is not necessarily the final

destination, but rather the next IPv6 neighbor indicated by normal

IPv6 routing mechanisms. If the final destination is a 6to4 address,

it will be considered as the next hop for the purpose of this rule.

If the final destination is not a 6to4 address, and is not local, the

next hop indicated by routing will be the 6to4 address of a relay



if the next hop IPv6 address for an IPv6 packet

does match the prefix 2002::/16, and

does not match any prefix of the local site


apply any security checks (see Section 8);

encapsulate the packet in IPv4 as in Section 3,

with IPv4 destination address = the NLA value V4ADDR

extracted from the next hop IPv6 address;

queue the packet for IPv4 forwarding.

A simple decapsulation rule for incoming IPv4 packets with protocol

type 41 MUST be implemented:


apply any security checks (see Section 8);

remove the IPv4 header;

submit the packet to local IPv6 routing.

5.4 Variant scenario with tunnel to IPv6 space

A 6to4 site which has no IPv6 connections to the "native" IPv6

Internet can acquire effective connectivity to the v6 Internet via a

"configured tunnel" (using the terminology in [MECH]) to a

cooperating router which does have IPv6 Access, but which does not

need to be a 6to4 router. Such tunnels could be autoconfigured using

an IPv4 anycast address, but this is outside of the scope of this

document. Alternatively a tunnel broker can be used. This scenario

would be suitable for a small user-managed site.

These mechanisms are not described in detail in this document.

5.5 Fragmented Scenarios

If there are multiple relay routers between native IPv6 and the 6to4

world, different parts of the 6to4 world will be served by different

relays. The only complexity that this introduces is in the scoping

of 2002::/16 routing advertisements within the native IPv6 world.

Like any BGP4+ advertisements, their scope must be correctly defined

by routing policy to ensure that traffic to 2002::/16 follows the

intended paths.

If there are multiple IPv6 stubs all interconnected by 6to4 through

the global IPv4 Internet, this is a simple generalization of the

basic scenarios of sections 5.1. and 5.2 and no new issues arise.

This is shown in the following figure. Subject to consistent

configuration of routing advertisements, there are no known issues

with this scenario.



_IPv6 Network_ Both AS1 and AS2 advertise

AS1 AS2 2002::/16, but only one of

_____________ them reaches AS3.

// \ __________//_ _\\__________ ______________

6to4 Relay1 6to4 Relay2 IPv6 Network

_____________ _____________ AS4




Global IPv4 Network ----- 6to4 Relay3

________________________________________ _____________

_______ _______ _______ _______

6to4 6to4 6to4 6to4

Site A Site B Site C Site D

________ ________ ________ ________

If multiple IPv6 stubs are interconnected through multiple, disjoint

IPv4 networks (i.e., a fragmented IPv4 world) then the 6to4 world is

also fragmented; this is the one scenario that must be avoided. It

is illustrated below to show why it does not work, since the

2002::/16 advertisement from Relay1 will be invisible to Relay2, and

vice versa. Sites A and B therefore have no connectivity to sites C

and D.



_IPv6 Network_ Both AS1 and AS2 advertise

AS1 AS2 2002::/16, but sites A and B

_____________ cannot reach C and D.

// \ __________//_ _\\__________

6to4 Relay1 6to4 Relay2

_____________ _____________

_______________ _______________

IPv4 Network IPv4 Network

Segment 1 Segment 2

________________ ________________

_______ _______ _______ _______

6to4 6to4 6to4 6to4

Site A Site B Site C Site D

________ ________ ________ ________

5.6 Multihoming

Sites which are multihomed on IPv4 MAY extend the 6to4 scenario by

using a 2002:: prefix for each IPv4 border router, thereby obtaining

a simple form of IPv6 multihoming by using multiple simultaneous IPv6

prefixes and multiple simultaneous relay routers.

5.7 Transition Considerations

If the above rules for routing advertisements and address selection

are followed, then a site can migrate from using 6to4 to using native

IPv6 connections over a long period of co-existence, with no need to

stop 6to4 until it has ceased to be used. The stages involved are

1. Run IPv6 on site using any suitable implementation. True native

IPv6, [6OVER4], or tunnels are all acceptable.

2. Configure a border router (or router plus IPv4 NAT) connected to

the external IPv4 network to support 6to4, including advertising the

appropriate 2002:: routing prefix locally. Configure IPv6 DNS

entries using this prefix. At this point the 6to4 mechanism is

automatically available, and the site has obtained a "free" IPv6


3. Identify a 6to4 relay router willing to relay the site's traffic

to the native IPv6 world. This could either be at another

cooperative 6to4 site, or an ISP service. If no exterior routing

protocol is in use in the 6to4 exterior routing domain, the site's

6to4 router will be configured with a default IPv6 route pointing to

that relay router's 6to4 address. If an exterior routing protocol

such as BGP4+ is in use, the site's 6to4 router will be configured to

establish appropriate BGP peerings.

4. When native external IPv6 connectivity becomes available, add a

second (native) IPv6 prefix to both the border router configuration

and the DNS configuration. At this point, an address selection rule

will determine when 6to4 and when native IPv6 will be used.

5. When 6to4 usage is determined to have ceased (which may be several

years later), remove the 6to4 configuration.

5.8 Coexistence with firewall, NAT or RSIP

The 6to4 mechanisms appear to be unaffected by the presence of a

firewall at the border router.

If the site concerned has very limited global IPv4 address space, and

is running an IPv4 network address translator (NAT), all of the above

mechanisms remain valid. The NAT box must also contain a fully

functional IPv6 router including the 6to4 mechanism. The address

used for V4ADDR will simply be a globally unique IPv4 address

allocated to the NAT. In the example of Section 5.1 above, the 6to4

routers would also be the sites' IPv4 NATs, which would own the

globally unique IPv4 addresses and

Combining a 6to4 router with an IPv4 NAT in this way offers the site

concerned a globally unique IPv6 /48 prefix, automatically, behind

the IPv4 address of the NAT. Thus every host behind the NAT can

become an IPv6 host with no need for additional address space

allocation, and no intervention by the Internet service provider. No

address translation is needed by these IPv6 hosts.

A more complex situation arises if a host is more than one NAT hop

away from the globally unique IPv4 address space, since only the

outermost NAT has a unique IPv4 address. All IPv6 hosts in this

situation must use addresses derived from the 2002: prefix

constructed from the global IPv4 address of the outermost NAT. The

IPv4 addresses of the inner NATs are not globally unique and play no

part in the 6to4 mechanism, and 6to4 encapsulation and decapsulation

can only take place at the outermost NAT.

The Realm-Specific IP (RSIP) mechanism [RSIP] can also co-exist with

6to4. If a 6to4 border router is combined with an RSIP border

router, it can support IPv6 hosts using 6to4 addresses, IPv4 hosts

using RSIP, or dual stack hosts using both. The RSIP function

provides fine-grained management of dynamic global IPv4 address

allocation and the 6to4 function provides a stable IPv6 global

address to each host. As with NAT, the IPv4 address used to

construct the site's 2002: prefix will be one of the global

addresses of the RSIP border router.

5.9 Usage within Intranets

There is nothing to stop the above scenario being deployed within a

private corporate network as part of its internal transition to IPv6;

the corporate IPv4 backbone would serve as the virtual link layer for

individual corporate sites using 2002:: prefixes. The V4ADDR MUST be

a duly allocated global IPv4 address, which MUST be unique within the

private network. The Intranet thereby obtains globally unique IPv6

addresses even if it is internally using private IPv4 addresses [RFC


5.10 Summary of impact on routing

IGP (site) routing will treat the local site's 2002::/48 prefix

exactly like a native IPv6 site prefix assigned to the local site.

There will also be an IGP route to the generic 2002::/16 prefix,

which will be a route to the site's 6to4 router, unless this is

handled as a default route.

EGP (i.e., BGP) routing will include advertisements for the 2002::/16

prefix from relay routers into the native IPv6 domain, whose scope is

limited by routing policy. This is the only non-native IPv6 prefix

advertised by BGP.

It will be necessary for 6to4 routers to obtain routes to relay

routers in order to access the native IPv6 domain. In the simplest

case there will be a manually configured default IPv6 route to a

relay router's address under the prefix

{FP=001,TLA=0x0002,NLA=V4ADDR}/48, where V4ADDR is the IPv4 address

of the relay router. Such a route could be used to establish a BGP

session for the exchange of additional IPv6 routes.

By construction, unicast IPv6 traffic within a 6to4 domain will

follow exactly the same path as unicast IPv4 traffic.

5.11. Routing loop prevention

Since 6to4 has no impact on IPv4 routing, it cannot induce routing

loops in IPv4. Since 2002: prefixes behave exactly like standard

IPv6 prefixes, they will not create any new mechanisms for routing

loops in IPv6 unless misconfigured. One very dangerous

misconfiguration would be an announcement of the 2002::/16 prefix

into a 6to4 exterior routing domain, since this would attract all

6to4 traffic into the site making the announcement. Its 6to4 router

would then resend non-local 6to4 traffic back out, forming a loop.

The 2002::/16 routing prefix may be legitimately advertised into the

native IPv6 routing domain by a relay router, and into an IPv6 site's

local IPv6 routing domain; hence there is a risk of misconfiguration

causing it to be advertised into a 6to4 exterior routing domain.

To summarize, the 2002::/16 prefix MUST NOT be advertised to a 6to4

exterior routing domain.

6. Multicast and Anycast

It is not possible to assume the general availability of wide-area

IPv4 multicast, so (unlike [6OVER4]) the 6to4 mechanism must assume

only unicast capability in its underlying IPv4 carrier network. An

IPv6 multicast routing protocol is needed [MULTI].

The allocated anycast address space [ANYCAST] is compatible with

2002:: prefixes, i.e., anycast addresses formed with such prefixes

may be used inside a 6to4 site.

7. ICMP messages

ICMP "unreachable" and other messages returned by the IPv4 routing

system will be returned to the 6to4 router that generated a

encapsulated 2002:: packet. However, this router will often be

unable to return an ICMPv6 message to the originating IPv6 node, due

to the lack of sufficient information in the "unreachable" message.

This means that the IPv4 network will appear as an undiagnosable link

layer for IPv6 operational purposes. Other considerations are as

described in Section 4.1.3 of [MECH].

8. IANA Considerations

No assignments by the IANA are required beyond the special TLA value

0x0002 already assigned.

9. Security Considerations

Implementors should be aware that, in addition to possible attacks

against IPv6, security attacks against IPv4 must also be considered.

Use of IP security at both IPv4 and IPv6 levels should nevertheless

be avoided, for efficiency reasons. For example, if IPv6 is running

encrypted, encryption of IPv4 would be redundant except if traffic

analysis is felt to be a threat. If IPv6 is running authenticated,

then authentication of IPv4 will add little. Conversely, IPv4

security will not protect IPv6 traffic once it leaves the 6to4

domain. Therefore, implementing IPv6 security is required even if

IPv4 security is available.

By default, 6to4 traffic will be accepted and decapsulated from any

source from which regular IPv4 traffic is accepted. If this is for

any reason felt to be a security risk (for example, if IPv6 spoofing

is felt to be more likely than IPv4 spoofing), then additional source

address based packet filtering could be applied. A possible

plausibility check is whether the encapsulating IPv4 address is

consistent with the encapsulated 2002:: address. If this check is

applied, exceptions to it must be configured to admit traffic from

relay routers (Section 5). 2002:: traffic must also be excepted from

checks applied to prevent spoofing of "6 over 4" traffic [6OVER4].

In any case, any 6to4 traffic whose source or destination address

embeds a V4ADDR which is not in the format of a global unicast

address MUST be silently discarded by both encapsulators and

decapsulators. Specifically, this means that IPv4 addresses defined

in [RFC1918], broadcast, subnet broadcast, multicast and loopback

addresses are unacceptable.


The basic idea presented above is probably not original, and we have

had invaluable comments from Magnus Ahltorp, Harald Alvestrand, Jim

Bound, Scott Bradner, Randy Bush, Matt Crawford, Richard Draves,

Jun-ichiro itojun Hagino, Joel Halpern, Tony Hain, Andy Hazeltine,

Bob Hinden, Geoff Huston, Perry Metzger, Thomas Narten, Erik

Nordmark, Markku Savela, Ole Troan, Sowmini Varadhan, members of the

Compaq IPv6 engineering team, and other members of the NGTRANS

working group. Some text has been copied from [6OVER4]. George

Tsirtsis kindly drafted two of the diagrams.


[AARCH] Hinden, R. and S. Deering, "IP Version 6 Addressing

Architecture", RFC2373, July 1998.

[AGGR] Hinden., R, O'Dell, M. and S. Deering, "An IPv6

Aggregatable Global Unicast Address Format", RFC2374,

July 1998.

[API] Gilligan, R., Thomson, S., Bound, J. and W. Stevens,

"Basic Socket Interface Extensions for IPv6", RFC2553,

March 1999.

[BGP4+] Marques, P. and F. Dupont, "Use of BGP-4 Multiprotocol

Extensions for IPv6 Inter-Domain Routing", RFC2545, March


[CONF] Thomson, S. and T. Narten, "IPv6 Stateless Address

Autoconfiguration", RFC2462, December 1998.

[DISC] Narten, T., Nordmark, E. and W. Simpson, "Neighbor

Discovery for IP Version 6 (IPv6)", RFC2461, December


[IPV6] Deering, S. and R. Hinden, "Internet Protocol, Version 6

(IPv6) Specification", RFC2460, December 1998.

[6OVER4] Carpenter, B. and C. Jung, "Transmission of IPv6 over IPv4

Domains without Explicit Tunnels", RFC2529, March 1999.

[ANYCAST] Johnson, D. and S. Deering, "Reserved IPv6 Subnet Anycast

Addresses", Work in Progress.

[MULTI] Thaler, D., "Support for Multicast over 6to4 Networks",

Work in Progress.

[SCALE] Hain, T., "6to4-relay discovery and scaling", Work in


[SELECT] Draves, R., "Default Address Selection for IPv6", Work in


[RFC791] Postel, J., "Internet Protocol", STD 5, RFC791, September


[RFC1918] Rekhter, Y., Moskowitz, R., Karrenberg, D., de Groot, G.

and E. Lear, "Address Allocation for Private Internets",

BCP 5, RFC1918, February 1996.

[MECH] Gilligan, R. and E. Nordmark, "Transition Mechanisms for

IPv6 Hosts and Routers", RFC2893, August 2000.

[RSIP] Borella, M., Grabelsky, D., Lo, J. and K. Tuniguchi,

"Realm Specific IP: Protocol Specification", Work in


[RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate

Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC2119, March 1997.

[RFC2283] Bates, T., Chandra, R., Katz, D. and Y. Rekhter,

"Multiprotocol Extensions for BGP-4", RFC2283, February


Authors' Addresses

Brian E. Carpenter


iCAIR, Suite 150

1890 Maple Avenue

Evanston IL 60201, USA



Keith Moore

UT Computer Science Department

1122 Volunteer Blvd, Ste 203

Knoxville, TN 37996-3450


EMail: moore@cs.utk.edu

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