
RFC3125 - Electronic Signature Policies

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group J. Ross

Request for Comments: 3125 Security & Standards

Category: EXPerimental D. Pinkas


N. Pope

Security & Standards

September 2001

Electronic Signature Policies

Status of this Memo

This memo defines an Experimental Protocol for the Internet

community. It does not specify an Internet standard of any kind.

Discussion and suggestions for improvement are requested.

Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2001). All Rights Reserved.


This document defines signature policies for electronic signatures. A

signature policy is a set of rules for the creation and validation of

an electronic signature, under which the validity of signature can be

determined. A given legal/contractual context may recognize a

particular signature policy as meeting its requirements.

A signature policy has a globally unique reference, which is bound to

an electronic signature by the signer as part of the signature


The signature policy needs to be available in human readable form so

that it can be assessed to meet the requirements of the legal and

contractual context in which it is being applied.

To allow for the automatic processing of an electronic signature

another part of the signature policy specifies the electronic rules

for the creation and validation of the electronic signature in a

computer processable form. In the current document the format of the

signature policy is defined using ASN.1.

The contents of this document is based on the signature policy

defined in ETSI TS 101 733 V.1.2.2 (2000-12) Copyright (C).

Individual copies of this ETSI deliverable can be downloaded from


Table of Contents

1. IntrodUCtion 3

2. Major Parties 3

3. Signature Policy Specification 5

3.1 Overall ASN.1 Structure 5

3.2 Signature Validation Policy 6

3.3 Common Rules 7

3.4 Commitment Rules 8

3.5 Signer and Verifier Rules 9

3.5.1 Signer Rules 9

3.5.2 Verifier Rules 11

3.6 Certificate and Revocation Requirements 11

3.6.1 Certificate Requirements 11

3.6.2 Revocation Requirements 13

3.7 Signing Certificate Trust Conditions 14

3.8 Time-Stamp Trust Conditions 15

3.9 Attribute Trust Conditions 16

3.10 Algorithm Constraints 17

3.11 Signature Policy Extensions 18

4. Security Considerations 18

4.1 Protection of Private Key 18

4.2 Choice of Algorithms 18

5. Conformance Requirements 19

6. References 19

7. Authors' Addresses 20

Annex A (normative): 21

A.1 Definitions Using X.208 (1988) ASN.1 Syntax 21

A.2 Definitions Using X.680 (1997) ASN.1 Syntax 27

Annex B (informative): 34

B.1 Signature Policy and Signature Validation Policy 34

B.2 Identification of Signature Policy 36

B.3 General Signature Policy Information 36

B.4 Recognized Commitment Types 37

B.5 Rules for Use of Certification Authorities 37

B.5.1 Trust Points 38

B.5.2 Certification Path 38

B.6 Revocation Rules 39

B.7 Rules for the Use of Roles 39

B.7.1 Attribute Values 39

B.7.2 Trust Points for Certified Attributes 40

B.7.3 Certification Path for Certified Attributes 40

B.8 Rules for the Use of Time-Stamping and Timing 40

B.8.1 Trust Points and Certificate Paths 41

B.8.2 Time-Stamping Authority Names 41

B.8.3 Timing Constraints - Caution Period 41

B.8.4 Timing Constraints - Time-Stamp Delay 41

B.9 Rules for Verification Data to be followed 41

B.10 Rules for Algorithm Constraints and Key Lengths 42

B.11 Other Signature Policy Rules 42

B.12 Signature Policy Protection 42

Full Copyright Statement 44

1. Introduction

This document is intended to cover signature policies which can be

used with electronic signatures for various types of transactions,

including business transactions (e.g., purchase requisition,

contract, and invoice applications). Electronic signatures can be

used for any transaction between an individual and a company, between

two companies, between an individual and a governmental body, etc.

This document is independent of any environment. It can be applied

to any environment e.g., smart cards, GSM SIM cards, special programs

for electronic signatures etc.


"RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document (in uppercase,

as shown) are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119].

2. Major Parties

The document uses the following terms:

* the Signature Policy Issuer;

* the Signer;

* the Verifier;

* the Arbitrator;

* Trusted Service Providers (TSP);

The Signature Policy Issuer (which is a Trusted Service Provider

(TSP)) issues signatures policies that define the technical and

procedural requirements for electronic signature creation, and

validation/ verification, in order to meet a particular business


The Signer is the entity that creates the electronic signature. When

the signer digitally signs over an signature policy identifier, it

represents a commitment on behalf of the signing entity that the data

being signed is signed under the rules defined by the signature


The Verifier is the entity that validates the electronic signature,

it may be a single entity or multiple entities. The verifier MUST

validate the electronic signature under the rules defined by the

electronic signature policy for the signature to be valid.

An arbitrator, is an entity which arbitrates disputes between a

signer and a verifier. It acts as verifier when it verifies the

electronic signature after it has been previously validated.

The Trusted Service Providers (TSPs) are one or more entities that

help to build trust relationships between the signer and verifier.

Use of TSP specific services MAY be mandated by signature policy.

TSP supporting services include: user certificates, cross-

certificates, time-stamping tokens,CRLs, ARLs, OCSP responses.

A Trusted Service Providers (TSPs) MAY be a Signature Policy Issuer,

as Such, the TSP MUST define the technical and procedural

requirements for electronic signature creation and validation, in

order to meet a particular business need.

The following other TSPs are used to support the functions defined in

this document:

* Certification Authorities;

* Registration Authorities;

* Repository Authorities (e.g., a Directory);

* Time-Stamping Authorities;

* One-line Certificate Status Protocol responders;

* Attribute Authorities.

Certification Authorities provide users with public key certificates.

Registration Authorities allows the registration of entities before a

CA generates certificates.

Repository Authorities publish CRLs issued by CAs, , cross-

certificates (i.e., CA certificates) issued by CAs, signature

policies issued by Signature Policy Issuers and optionally public key

certificates (i.e., leaf certificates) issued by CAs.

Time-Stamping Authorities attest that some data was formed before a

given trusted time.

One-line Certificate Status Protocol responders (OSCP responders)

provide information about the status (i.e., revoked, not revoked,

unknown) of a particular certificate.

Attributes Authorities provide users with attributes linked to public

key certificates

An Arbitrator is an entity that arbitrates disputes between a signer

and a verifier.

3. Signature Policy Specification

A signature policy specification includes general information about

the policy, the validation policy rules and other signature policy


This document mandates that:

* an electronic signature must be processed by the signer and

verifier in accordance with the signature policy referenced by

the signer;

* the signature policy referenced by the signer must be

identifiable by an Object Identifier;

* there must exist a specification of the signature policy;

* for a given signature policy there must be one definitive form

of the specification which has a unique binary encoding;

* a hash of the definitive specification, using an agreed

algorithm, must be provided by the signer and checked by the


This document defines but does not mandate the form of the signature

policy specification. The signature policy may be specified either:

* in a free form document for human interpretation; or

* in a structured form using an agreed syntax and encoding.

This document defines an ASN.1 based syntax that may be used to

define a structured signature policy. Future versions of this

document may include structured a signature policy specification

using XML.

3.1 Overall ASN.1 Structure

The overall structure of a signature policy defined using ASN.1 is

given in this section. Use of this ASN.1 structure is optional.

This ASN.1 syntax is encoded using the Distinguished Encoding Rules


In this structure the policy information is preceded by an identifier

for the hashing algorithm used to protect the signature policy and

followed by the hash value which must be re-calculated and checked

whenever the signature policy is passed between the issuer and


The hash is calculated without the outer type and length fields.

SignaturePolicy ::= SEQUENCE {

signPolicyHashAlg AlgorithmIdentifier,

signPolicyInfo SignPolicyInfo,

signPolicyHash SignPolicyHash OPTIONAL }

SignPolicyHash ::= OCTET STRING

SignPolicyInfo ::= SEQUENCE {

signPolicyIdentifier SignPolicyId,

dateOfIssue GeneralizedTime,

policyIssuerName PolicyIssuerName,

fieldOfApplication FieldOfApplication,

signatureValidationPolicy SignatureValidationPolicy,

signPolExtensions SignPolExtensions




PolicyIssuerName ::= GeneralNames

FieldOfApplication ::= DirectoryString

The policyIssuerName field identifies the policy issuer in one or

more of the general name forms.

The fieldofApplication is a description of the expected application

of this policy.

The signature validation policy rules are fully processable to allow

the validation of electronic signatures issued under that form of

signature policy. They are described in the rest of this section.

The signPolExtensions is a generic way to extend the definition of

any sub-component of a signature policy.

3.2 Signature Validation Policy

The signature validation policy defines for the signer which data

elements must be present in the electronic signature he provides and

for the verifier which data elements must be present under that

signature policy for an electronic signature to be potentially valid.

The signature validation policy is described as follows:

SignatureValidationPolicy ::= SEQUENCE {

signingPeriod SigningPeriod,

commonRules CommonRules,

commitmentRules CommitmentRules,

signPolExtensions SignPolExtensions OPTIONAL


The signingPeriod identifies the date and time before which the

signature policy SHOULD NOT be used for creating signatures, and an

optional date after which it should not be used for creating


SigningPeriod ::= SEQUENCE {

notBefore GeneralizedTime,

notAfter GeneralizedTime OPTIONAL }

3.3 Common Rules

The CommonRules define rules that are common to all commitment types.

These rules are defined in terms of trust conditions for

certificates, time-stamps and attributes, along with any constraints

on attributes that may be included in the electronic signature.

CommonRules ::= SEQUENCE {

signerAndVeriferRules [0] SignerAndVerifierRules


signingCertTrustCondition [1] SigningCertTrustCondition


timeStampTrustCondition [2] TimestampTrustCondition


attributeTrustCondition [3] AttributeTrustCondition


algorithmConstraintSet [4] AlgorithmConstraintSet


signPolExtensions [5] SignPolExtensions



If a field is present in CommonRules then the equivalent field must

not be present in any of the CommitmentRules (see below). If any of

the following fields are not present in CommonRules then it must be

present in each CommitmentRule:

* signerAndVeriferRules;

* signingCertTrustCondition;

* timeStampTrustCondition.

3.4 Commitment Rules

The CommitmentRules consists of the validation rules which apply to

given commitment types:

CommitmentRules ::= SEQUENCE OF CommitmentRule

The CommitmentRule for given commitment types are defined in terms of

trust conditions for certificates, time-stamps and attributes, along

with any constraints on attributes that may be included in the

electronic signature.

CommitmentRule ::= SEQUENCE {

selCommitmentTypes SelectedCommitmentTypes,

signerAndVeriferRules [0] SignerAndVerifierRules


signingCertTrustCondition [1] SigningCertTrustCondition


timeStampTrustCondition [2] TimestampTrustCondition


attributeTrustCondition [3] AttributeTrustCondition


algorithmConstraintSet [4] AlgorithmConstraintSet


signPolExtensions [5] SignPolExtensions



SelectedCommitmentTypes ::= SEQUENCE OF CHOICE {

empty NULL,

recognizedCommitmentType CommitmentType }

If the SelectedCommitmentTypes indicates "empty" then this rule

applied when a commitment type is not present (i.e., the type of

commitment is indicated in the semantics of the message). Otherwise,

the electronic signature must contain a commitment type indication

that must fit one of the commitments types that are mentioned in


A specific commitment type identifier must not appear in more than

one commitment rule.

CommitmentType ::= SEQUENCE {

identifier CommitmentTypeIdentifier,

fieldOfApplication [0] FieldOfApplication OPTIONAL,

semantics [1] DirectoryString OPTIONAL }

The fieldOfApplication and semantics fields define the specific use

and meaning of the commitment within the overall field of application

defined for the policy.

3.5 Signer and Verifier Rules

The following rules apply to the format of electronic signatures

defined using [ES-FORMATS].

The SignerAndVerifierRules consists of signer rule and verification

rules as defined below:

SignerAndVerifierRules ::= SEQUENCE {

signerRules SignerRules,

verifierRules VerifierRules }

3.5.1 Signer Rules

The signer rules identify:

* if the eContent is empty and the signature is calculated using

a hash of signed data external to CMS structure.

* the CMS signed attributes that must be provided by the signer

under this policy;

* the CMS unsigned attribute that must be provided by the signer

under this policy;

* whether the certificate identifiers from the full certification

path up to the trust point must be provided by the signer in

the SigningCertificate attribute;

* whether a signer's certificate, or all certificates in the

certification path to the trust point must be by the signer in

the * certificates field of SignedData.

SignerRules ::= SEQUENCE {

externalSignedData BOOLEAN OPTIONAL,

-- True if signed data is external to CMS structure

-- False if signed data part of CMS structure

-- Not present if either allowed

mandatedSignedAttr CMSAttrs,

-- Mandated CMS signed attributes

mandatedUnsignedAttr CMSAttrs,

-- Mandated CMS unsigned attributed

mandatedCertificateRef [0] CertRefReq DEFAULT sigNeronly,

-- Mandated Certificate Reference

mandatedCertificateInfo [1] CertInfoReq DEFAULT none,

-- Mandated Certificate Info

signPolExtensions [2] SignPolExtensions OPTIONAL



The mandated SignedAttr field must include the object identifier for

all those signed attributes required by this document as well as

additional attributes required by this policy.

The mandatedUnsignedAttr field must include the object identifier for

all those unsigned attributes required by this document as well as

additional attributes required by this policy. For example, if a

signature time-stamp <see section 1.1) is required by the signer the

object identifier for this attribute must be included.

The mandatedCertificateRef identifies whether just the signer's

certificate, or all the full certificate path must be provided by the


CertRefReq ::= ENUMERATED {

signerOnly (1),

-- Only reference to signer cert mandated

fullpath (2)

-- References for full cert path up to a trust point required


The mandatedCertificateInfo field identifies whether a signer's

certificate, or all certificates in the certification path to the

trust point must be provided by the signer in the certificates field

of SignedData.

CertInfoReq ::= ENUMERATED {

none (0) ,

-- No mandatory requirements

signerOnly (1) ,

-- Only reference to signer cert mandated

fullpath (2)

-- References for full cert path up to a

-- trust point mandated


3.5.2 Verifier Rules

The verifier rules identify:

* The CMS unsigned attributes that must be present under this

policy and must be added by the verifier if not added by the


VerifierRules ::= SEQUENCE {

mandatedUnsignedAttr MandatedUnsignedAttr,

signPolExtensions SignPolExtensions OPTIONAL


MandatedUnsignedAttr ::= CMSAttrs

-- Mandated CMS unsigned attributed

3.6 Certificate and Revocation Requirement

The SigningCertTrustCondition, TimestampTrustCondition and

AttributeTrustCondition (defined in subsequent sub-sections) make use

of two ASN1 structures which are defined below: CertificateTrustTrees

and CertRevReq.

3.6.1 Certificate Requirements

The certificateTrustTrees identifies a set of self signed

certificates for the trust points used to start (or end) certificate

path processing and the initial conditions for certificate path

validation as defined RFC2459 [7] section 4. This ASN1 structure is

used to define policy for validating the signing certificate, the

TSA's certificate and attribute certificates.

CertificateTrustTrees ::= SEQUENCE OF CertificateTrustPoint

CertificateTrustPoint ::= SEQUENCE {

trustpoint Certificate,

-- self-signed certificate

pathLenConstraint [0] PathLenConstraint OPTIONAL,

acceptablePolicySet [1] AcceptablePolicySet OPTIONAL,

-- If not present "any policy"

nameConstraints [2] NameConstraints OPTIONAL,

policyConstraints [3] PolicyConstraints OPTIONAL }

The trustPoint field gives the self signed certificate for the CA

that is used as the trust point for the start of certificate path


The pathLenConstraint field gives the maximum number of CA

certificates that may be in a certification path following the

trustpoint. A value of zero indicates that only the given trustpoint

certificate and an end-entity certificate may be used. If present,

the pathLenConstraint field must be greater than or equal to zero.

Where pathLenConstraint is not present, there is no limit to the

allowed length of the certification path.

PathLenConstraint ::= INTEGER (0..MAX)

The acceptablePolicySet field identifies the initial set of

certificate policies, any of which are acceptable under the signature

policy. AcceptablePolicySet ::= SEQUENCE OF CertPolicyId


The nameConstraints field indicates a name space within which all

subject names in subsequent certificates in a certification path must

be located. Restrictions may apply to the subject distinguished name

or subject alternative names. Restrictions apply only when the

specified name form is present. If no name of the type is in the

certificate, the certificate is acceptable.

Restrictions are defined in terms of permitted or excluded name

suBTrees. Any name matching a restriction in the excludedSubtrees

field is invalid regardless of information appearing in the


NameConstraints ::= SEQUENCE {

permittedSubtrees [0] GeneralSubtrees OPTIONAL,

excludedSubtrees [1] GeneralSubtrees OPTIONAL }

GeneralSubtrees ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF GeneralSubtree

GeneralSubtree ::= SEQUENCE {

base GeneralName,

minimum [0] BaseDistance DEFAULT 0,

maximum [1] BaseDistance OPTIONAL }

BaseDistance ::= INTEGER (0..MAX)

The policyConstraints extension constrains path processing in two

ways. It can be used to prohibit policy mapping or require that each

certificate in a path contain an acceptable policy identifier.

The policyConstraints field, if present specifies requirement for

explicit indication of the certificate policy and/or the constraints

on policy mapping.

PolicyConstraints ::= SEQUENCE {

requireExplicitPolicy [0] SkipCerts OPTIONAL,

inhibitPolicyMapping [1] SkipCerts OPTIONAL }

SkipCerts ::= INTEGER (0..MAX)

If the inhibitPolicyMapping field is present, the value indicates the

number of additional certificates that may appear in the path

(including the trustpoint's self certificate) before policy mapping

is no longer permitted. For example, a value of one indicates that

policy mapping may be processed in certificates issued by the subject

of this certificate, but not in additional certificates in the path.

If the requireExplicitPolicy field is present, subsequent

certificates must include an acceptable policy identifier. The value

of requireExplicitPolicy indicates the number of additional

certificates that may appear in the path (including the trustpoint's

self certificate) before an explicit policy is required. An

acceptable policy identifier is the identifier of a policy required

by the user of the certification path or the identifier of a policy

which has been declared equivalent through policy mapping.

3.6.2 Revocation Requirements

The RevocRequirements field specifies minimum requirements for

revocation information, obtained through CRLs and/or OCSP responses,

to be used in checking the revocation status of certificates. This

ASN1 structure is used to define policy for validating the signing

certificate, the TSA's certificate and attribute certificates.

CertRevReq ::= SEQUENCE {

endCertRevReq RevReq,

caCerts [0] RevReq


Certificate revocation requirements are specified in terms of checks

required on:

* endCertRevReq: end certificates (i.e., the signers certificate,

the attribute certificate or the time-stamping authority


* caCerts: CA certificates.

RevReq ::= SEQUENCE {

enuRevReq EnuRevReq,

exRevReq SignPolExtensions OPTIONAL}

An authority certificate is certificate issued to an authority (e.g.,

either to a certification authority or to an attribute authority


A Time-Stamping Authority (TSA) is a trusted third party that creates

time-stamp tokens in order to indicate that a datum existed at a

particular point in time. See [TSP].

EnuRevReq ::= ENUMERATED {

clrCheck (0),

--Checks must be made against current CRLs

-- (or authority revocation lists (ARL))

ocspCheck (1), -- The revocation status must be checked

-- using the Online Certificate Status Protocol

-- (OCSP),RFC2450.

bothCheck (2),

-- Both CRL and OCSP checks must be carried out

eitherCheck (3),

-- At least one of CRL or OCSP checks must be

-- carried out

noCheck (4),

-- no check is mandated

other (5)

-- Other mechanism as defined by signature policy

-- extension


Revocation requirements are specified in terms of:

* clrCheck: Checks must be made against current CRLs (or

authority revocation lists);

* ocspCheck: The revocation status must be checked using the

Online Certificate Status Protocol (RFC2450);

* bothCheck: Both OCSP and CRL checks must be carried out;

* eitherCheck: Either OCSP or CRL checks must be carried out;

* noCheck: No check is mandated.

3.7 Signing Certificate Trust Conditions

The SigningCertTrustCondition field identifies trust conditions for

certificate path processing used to validate the signing certificate.

SigningCertTrustCondition ::= SEQUENCE {

signerTrustTrees CertificateTrustTrees,

signerRevReq CertRevReq


3.8 Time-Stamp Trust Conditions

The TimeStampTrustCondition field identifies trust conditions for

certificate path processing used to authenticate the timstamping

authority and constraints on the name of the time-stamping authority.

This applies to the time-stamp that must be present in every ES-T.

TimestampTrustCondition ::= SEQUENCE {

ttsCertificateTrustTrees [0] CertificateTrustTrees


ttsRevReq [1] CertRevReq


ttsNameConstraints [2] NameConstraints


cautionPeriod [3] DeltaTime


signatureTimestampDelay [4] DeltaTime


DeltaTime ::= SEQUENCE {

deltaSeconds INTEGER,

deltaMinutes INTEGER,

deltaHours INTEGER,

deltaDays INTEGER }

If ttsCertificateTrustTrees is not present then the same rule as

defined in certificateTrustCondition applies to certification of the

time-stamping authorities public key.

The tstrRevReq specifies minimum requirements for revocation

information, obtained through CRLs and/or OCSP responses, to be used

in checking the revocation status of the time-stamp that must be

present in the ES-T.

If ttsNameConstraints is not present then there are no additional

naming constraints on the trusted time-stamping authority other than

those implied by the ttsCertificateTrustTrees.

The cautionPeriod field specifies a caution period after the signing

time that it is mandated the verifier must wait to get high assurance

of the validity of the signer's key and that any relevant revocation

has been notified. The revocation status information forming the ES

with Complete validation data must not be collected and used to

validate the electronic signature until after this caution period.

The signatureTimestampDelay field specifies a maximum acceptable time

between the signing time and the time at which the signature time-

stamp, as used to form the ES Time-Stamped, is created for the

verifier. If the signature time-stamp is later that the time in the

signing-time attribute by more than the value given in

signatureTimestampDelay, the signature must be considered invalid.

3.9 Attribute Trust Conditions

If the attributeTrustCondition field is not present then any

certified attributes may not considered to be valid under this

validation policy. The AttributeTrustCondition field is defined as


AttributeTrustCondition ::= SEQUENCE {

attributeMandated BOOLEAN,

-- Attribute must be present

howCertAttribute HowCertAttribute,

attrCertificateTrustTrees [0] CertificateTrustTrees OPTIONAL,

attrRevReq [1] CertRevReq OPTIONAL,

attributeConstraints [2] AttributeConstraints OPTIONAL }

If attributeMandated is true then an attribute, certified within the

following constraints, must be present. If false, then the signature

is still valid if no attribute is specified.

The howCertAttribute field specifies whether attributes uncertified

attributes "claimed" by the signer, or certified attributes (i.e.,

Attribute Certificates) or either using the signer attributes

attribute defined in [ES-FORMATS] section 3.12.3.

HowCertAttribute ::= ENUMERATED {

claimedAttribute (0),

certifiedAttribtes (1),

either (2) }

The attrCertificateTrustTrees specifies certificate path conditions

for any attribute certificate. If not present the same rules apply

as in certificateTrustCondition.

The attrRevReq specifies minimum requirements for revocation

information, obtained through CRLs and/or OCSP responses, to be used

in checking the revocation status of Attribute Certificates, if any

are present.

If the attributeConstraints field is not present then there are no

constraints on the attributes that may be validated under this

policy. The attributeConstraints field is defined as follows:

AttributeConstraints ::= SEQUENCE {

attributeTypeConstarints [0] AttributeTypeConstraints


attributeValueConstarints [1] AttributeValueConstraints


If present, the attributeTypeConstarints field specifies the

attribute types which are considered valid under the signature

policy. Any value for that attribute is considered valid.

AttributeTypeConstraints ::= SEQUENCE OF AttributeType

If present, the attributeTypeConstraints field specifies the specific

attribute values which are considered valid under the signature


AttributeValueConstraints ::= SEQUENCE OF AttributeTypeAndValue

3.10 Algorithm Constraints

The algorithmConstrains fields, if present, identifies the signing

algorithms (hash, public key cryptography, combined hash and public

key cryptography) that may be used for specific purposes and any

minimum length. If this field is not present then the policy applies

no constraints.

AlgorithmConstraintSet ::= SEQUENCE { -- Algorithm constrains on:

signerAlgorithmConstraints [0] AlgorithmConstraints OPTIONAL,

-- signer

eeCertAlgorithmConstraints [1] AlgorithmConstraints OPTIONAL,

-- issuer of end entity certs.

caCertAlgorithmConstraints [2] AlgorithmConstraints OPTIONAL,

-- issuer of CA certificates

aaCertAlgorithmConstraints [3] AlgorithmConstraints OPTIONAL,

-- Attribute Authority

tsaCertAlgorithmConstraints [4] AlgorithmConstraints OPTIONAL

-- Time-Stamping Authority


AlgorithmConstraints ::= SEQUENCE OF AlgAndLength

AlgAndLength ::= SEQUENCE {



-- Minimum key length in bits

other SignPolExtensions OPTIONAL


An Attribute Authority (AA)is authority which assigns privileges by

issuing attribute certificates

3.11 Signature Policy Extensions

Additional signature policy rules may be added to:

* the overall signature policy structure, as defined in section


* the signature validation policy structure, as defined in

section 3.2;

* the common rules, as defined in section 3.3;

* the commitment rules, as defined in section 3.4;

* the signer rules, as defined in section 3.5.1;

* the verifier rules, as defined in section 3.5.2;

* the revocation requirements in section 3.6.2;

* the algorithm constraints in section 3.10.

These extensions to the signature policy rules must be defined using

an ASN.1 syntax with an associated object identifier carried in the

SignPolExtn as defined below:

SignPolExtensions ::= SEQUENCE OF SignPolExtn

SignPolExtn ::= SEQUENCE {


extnValue OCTET STRING }

The extnID field must contain the object identifier for the

extension. The extnValue field must contain the DER (see ITU-T

Recommendation X.690 [4]) encoded value of the extension. The

definition of an extension, as identified by extnID must include a

definition of the syntax and semantics of the extension.

4. Security Considerations

4.1 Protection of Private Key

The security of the electronic signature mechanism defined in this

document depends on the privacy of the signer's private key.

Implementations must take steps to ensure that private keys cannot be


4.2 Choice of Algorithms

Implementers should be aware that cryptographic algorithms become

weaker with time. As new cryptoanalysis techniques are developed and

computing performance improves, the work factor to break a particular

cryptographic algorithm will reduce. Therefore, cryptographic

algorithm implementations should be modular allowing new algorithms

to be readily inserted. That is, implementers should be prepared for

the set of mandatory to implement algorithms to change over time.

5. Conformance Requirements

Signer and verifier systems shall be able to process an electronic

signature in accordance with the specification of the signature

policy signature policy referenced identifiable by an Object

Identifier, see section 3.

6. References

[TS101733] ETSI Standard TS 101 733 V.1.2.2 (2000-12) Electronic

Signature Formats. Note: copies of ETSI TS 101 733 can

be freely download from the ETSI web site www.etsi.org.

[ES-FORMATS] Pinkas, D., Ross, J. and N. Pope, "Electronic Signature

Formats for Long Term Electronic Signatures", RFC3126,

June 2001.

[TSP] Adams, C, Pinkas, D., Zuccherato, R. and P. Cain,

"Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Time-Stamp

Protocol (TSP)", RFC3161, August 2001.

[OCSP] Myers, M., Ankney, R., Malpani, R., Galperin, S. and C.

Adams, "On-line Status Certificate Protocol", RFC2560,

June 1999.

[RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate

Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC2119, March 1997.

[ESS] Hoffman, P., "Enhanced Security Services for S/MIME",

RFC2634, June 1999.

[CMS] Housley, R., "Cryptographic Message Syntax", RFC2630,

June 1999.

[RFC2459] Housley, R., Ford, W., Polk, W. and D. Solo, "Internet

X.509 Public Key Infrastructure, Certificate and CRL

Profile," RFC2459, January 1999.

[PKCS9] RSA Laboratories, "The Public-Key Cryptography Standards

(PKCS)", RSA Data Security Inc., Redwood City,

California, November 1993 Release.

[ISONR] ISO/IEC 10181-5: Security Frameworks in Open Systems.

Non-Repudiation Framework. April 1997.

7. Authors' Addresses

This Experimental RFChas been produced in ETSI TC-SEC.


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Contact Point

Harri Rasilainen


650 Route des Lucioles

F-06921 Sophia Antipolis Cedex


EMail: harri.rasilainen@etsi.fr

John Ross

Security & Standards

192 Moulsham Street

Chelmsford, Essex


United Kingdom

EMail: ross@secstan.com

Denis Pinkas

Integris, Bull.

68, Route de Versailles

78434 Louveciennes CEDEX


EMail: Denis.Pinkas@bull.net

Nick Pope

Security & Standards

192 Moulsham Street

Chelmsford, Essex


United Kingdom

EMail: pope@secstan.com

Annex A (normative):

ASN.1 Definitions This annex provides the reference definition of the

ASN.1 syntax signature policies definitions for new syntax defined in

this document.

A.1 Definitions Using X.208 (1988) ASN.1 Syntax

NOTE: The ASN.1 Module defined in section A.1 has precedence over

that defined in Annex A-2 in the case of any conflict.

ETS-ElectronicSignaturePolicies-88syntax { iso(1) member-body(2)

us(840) rsadsi(113549) pkcs(1) pkcs-9(9) smime(16) id-mod(0)






-- Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure

- Certificate and CRL Profile: RFC2560

Certificate, AlgorithmIdentifier, CertificateList, Name,

GeneralNames, GeneralName, DirectoryString,Attribute,

AttributeTypeAndValue, AttributeType, AttributeValue,

PolicyInformation, BMPString, UTF8String

FROM PKIX1Explicit88

{iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1)

security(5) mechanisms(5) pkix(7) id-mod(0)



-- Signature Policy Specification

-- ==============================

SignaturePolicy ::= SEQUENCE {

signPolicyHashAlg AlgorithmIdentifier,

signPolicyInfo SignPolicyInfo,

signPolicyHash SignPolicyHash OPTIONAL }

SignPolicyHash ::= OCTET STRING

SignPolicyInfo ::= SEQUENCE {

signPolicyIdentifier SignPolicyId,

dateOfIssue GeneralizedTime,

policyIssuerName PolicyIssuerName,

fieldOfApplication FieldOfApplication,

signatureValidationPolicy SignatureValidationPolicy,

signPolExtensions SignPolExtensions



PolicyIssuerName ::= GeneralNames

FieldOfApplication ::= DirectoryString

SignatureValidationPolicy ::= SEQUENCE {

signingPeriod SigningPeriod,

commonRules CommonRules,

commitmentRules CommitmentRules,

signPolExtensions SignPolExtensions



SigningPeriod ::= SEQUENCE {

notBefore GeneralizedTime,

notAfter GeneralizedTime OPTIONAL }

CommonRules ::= SEQUENCE {

signerAndVeriferRules [0] SignerAndVerifierRules


signingCertTrustCondition [1] SigningCertTrustCondition


timeStampTrustCondition [2] TimestampTrustCondition


attributeTrustCondition [3] AttributeTrustCondition


algorithmConstraintSet [4] AlgorithmConstraintSet


signPolExtensions [5] SignPolExtensions



CommitmentRules ::= SEQUENCE OF CommitmentRule

CommitmentRule ::= SEQUENCE {

selCommitmentTypes SelectedCommitmentTypes,

signerAndVeriferRules [0] SignerAndVerifierRules


signingCertTrustCondition [1] SigningCertTrustCondition


timeStampTrustCondition [2] TimestampTrustCondition


attributeTrustCondition [3] AttributeTrustCondition


algorithmConstraintSet [4] AlgorithmConstraintSet


signPolExtensions [5] SignPolExtensions



SelectedCommitmentTypes ::= SEQUENCE OF CHOICE {

empty NULL,

recognizedCommitmentType CommitmentType }

CommitmentType ::= SEQUENCE {

identifier CommitmentTypeIdentifier,

fieldOfApplication [0] FieldOfApplication OPTIONAL,

semantics [1] DirectoryString OPTIONAL }

SignerAndVerifierRules ::= SEQUENCE {

signerRules SignerRules,

verifierRules VerifierRules }

SignerRules ::= SEQUENCE {

externalSignedData BOOLEAN OPTIONAL,

-- True if signed data is external to CMS structure

-- False if signed data part of CMS structure

-- not present if either allowed

mandatedSignedAttr CMSAttrs,

-- Mandated CMS signed attributes

mandatedUnsignedAttr CMSAttrs,

-- Mandated CMS unsigned attributed

mandatedCertificateRef [0] CertRefReq DEFAULT signerOnly,

-- Mandated Certificate Reference

mandatedCertificateInfo [1] CertInfoReq DEFAULT none,

-- Mandated Certificate Info

signPolExtensions [2] SignPolExtensions



CertRefReq ::= ENUMERATED {

signerOnly (1),

-- Only reference to signer cert mandated

fullPath (2)

-- References for full cert path up to a trust point required


CertInfoReq ::= ENUMERATED {

none (0),

-- No mandatory requirements

signerOnly (1),

-- Only reference to signer cert mandated

fullPath (2)

-- References for full cert path up to a trust point mandated


VerifierRules ::= SEQUENCE {

mandatedUnsignedAttr MandatedUnsignedAttr,

signPolExtensions SignPolExtensions OPTIONAL


MandatedUnsignedAttr ::= CMSAttrs

-- Mandated CMS unsigned attributed

CertificateTrustTrees ::= SEQUENCE OF CertificateTrustPoint

CertificateTrustPoint ::= SEQUENCE {

trustpoint Certificate,

-- self-signed certificate

pathLenConstraint [0] PathLenConstraint OPTIONAL,

acceptablePolicySet [1] AcceptablePolicySet OPTIONAL,

-- If not present "any policy"

nameConstraints [2] NameConstraints OPTIONAL,

policyConstraints [3] PolicyConstraints OPTIONAL }

PathLenConstraint ::= INTEGER (0..MAX)

AcceptablePolicySet ::= SEQUENCE OF CertPolicyId


NameConstraints ::= SEQUENCE {

permittedSubtrees [0] GeneralSubtrees OPTIONAL,

excludedSubtrees [1] GeneralSubtrees OPTIONAL }

GeneralSubtrees ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF GeneralSubtree

GeneralSubtree ::= SEQUENCE {

base GeneralName,

minimum [0] BaseDistance DEFAULT 0,

maximum [1] BaseDistance OPTIONAL }

BaseDistance ::= INTEGER (0..MAX)

PolicyConstraints ::= SEQUENCE {

requireExplicitPolicy [0] SkipCerts OPTIONAL,

inhibitPolicyMapping [1] SkipCerts OPTIONAL }

SkipCerts ::= INTEGER (0..MAX)

CertRevReq ::= SEQUENCE {

endCertRevReq RevReq,

caCerts [0] RevReq


RevReq ::= SEQUENCE {

enuRevReq EnuRevReq,

exRevReq SignPolExtensions OPTIONAL}

EnuRevReq ::= ENUMERATED {

clrCheck (0), --Checks must be made against current CRLs

-- (or authority revocation lists)

ocspCheck (1), -- The revocation status must be checked

-- using the Online Certificate Status Protocol (RFC2450)

bothCheck (2),

-- Both CRL and OCSP checks must be carried out

eitherCheck (3),

-- At least one of CRL or OCSP checks must be carried out

noCheck (4),

-- no check is mandated

other (5)

-- Other mechanism as defined by signature policy extension


SigningCertTrustCondition ::= SEQUENCE {

signerTrustTrees CertificateTrustTrees,

signerRevReq CertRevReq


TimestampTrustCondition ::= SEQUENCE {

ttsCertificateTrustTrees [0] CertificateTrustTrees


ttsRevReq [1] CertRevReq


ttsNameConstraints [2] NameConstraints


cautionPeriod [3] DeltaTime


signatureTimestampDelay [4] DeltaTime


DeltaTime ::= SEQUENCE {

deltaSeconds INTEGER,

deltaMinutes INTEGER,

deltaHours INTEGER,

deltaDays INTEGER }

AttributeTrustCondition ::= SEQUENCE {

attributeMandated BOOLEAN,

-- Attribute must be present

howCertAttribute HowCertAttribute,

attrCertificateTrustTrees [0] CertificateTrustTrees OPTIONAL,

attrRevReq [1] CertRevReq OPTIONAL,

attributeConstraints [2] AttributeConstraints OPTIONAL }

HowCertAttribute ::= ENUMERATED {

claimedAttribute (0),

certifiedAttribtes (1),

either (2) }

AttributeConstraints ::= SEQUENCE {

attributeTypeConstarints [0] AttributeTypeConstraints


attributeValueConstarints [1] AttributeValueConstraints


AttributeTypeConstraints ::= SEQUENCE OF AttributeType

AttributeValueConstraints ::= SEQUENCE OF AttributeTypeAndValue

AlgorithmConstraintSet ::= SEQUENCE { -- Algorithm constrains on:

signerAlgorithmConstraints [0] AlgorithmConstraints OPTIONAL,

-- signer

eeCertAlgorithmConstraints [1] AlgorithmConstraints OPTIONAL,

-- issuer of end entity certs.

caCertAlgorithmConstraints [2] AlgorithmConstraints OPTIONAL,

-- issuer of CA certificates

aaCertAlgorithmConstraints [3] AlgorithmConstraints OPTIONAL,

-- Attribute Authority

tsaCertAlgorithmConstraints [4] AlgorithmConstraints OPTIONAL

-- Time-Stamping Authority


AlgorithmConstraints ::= SEQUENCE OF AlgAndLength

AlgAndLength ::= SEQUENCE {



-- Minimum key length in bits other

SignPolExtensions OPTIONAL


SignPolExtensions ::= SEQUENCE OF SignPolExtn

SignPolExtn ::= SEQUENCE {


extnValue OCTET STRING }

END -- ETS-ElectronicSignaturePolicies-88syntax --

A.2 Definitions Using X.680 1997 ASN.1 Syntax

NOTE: The ASN.1 module defined in section A.1 has precedence over

that defined in section A.2 in the case of any conflict.

ETS-ElectronicSignaturePolicies-97Syntax { iso(1) member-body(2)

us(840) rsadsi(113549) pkcs(1) pkcs-9(9) smime(16) id-mod(0) 8}



-- EXPORTS All -


-- Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure

-- Certificate and CRL Profile: RFC2560

Certificate, AlgorithmIdentifier, CertificateList, Name,

GeneralNames, GeneralName, DirectoryString, Attribute,

AttributeTypeAndValue, AttributeType, AttributeValue,


FROM PKIX1Explicit93

{iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1)

security(5) mechanisms(5) pkix(7) id-mod(0)



-- S/MIME Object Identifier arcs used in the present document

-- ==================================================================

-- S/MIME OID arc used in the present document

-- id-smime OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { iso(1) member-body(2)

-- us(840) rsadsi(113549) pkcs(1) pkcs-9(9) 16 }

-- S/MIME Arcs

-- id-mod OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-smime 0 }

-- modules

-- id-ct OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-smime 1 }

-- content types

-- id-aa OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-smime 2 }

-- attributes

-- id-spq OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-smime 5 }

-- signature policy qualifier

-- id-cti OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-smime 6 }

-- commitment type identifier

-- Signature Policy Specification

-- ==============================

SignaturePolicy ::= SEQUENCE {

signPolicyHashAlg AlgorithmIdentifier,

signPolicyInfo SignPolicyInfo,

signPolicyHash SignPolicyHash OPTIONAL }

SignPolicyHash ::= OCTET STRING

SignPolicyInfo ::= SEQUENCE {

signPolicyIdentifier SignPolicyId,

dateOfIssue GeneralizedTime,

policyIssuerName PolicyIssuerName,

fieldOfApplication FieldOfApplication,

signatureValidationPolicy SignatureValidationPolicy,

signPolExtensions SignPolExtensions




PolicyIssuerName ::= GeneralNames

FieldOfApplication ::= DirectoryString

SignatureValidationPolicy ::= SEQUENCE {

signingPeriod SigningPeriod,

commonRules CommonRules,

commitmentRules CommitmentRules,

signPolExtensions SignPolExtensions OPTIONAL


SigningPeriod ::= SEQUENCE {

notBefore GeneralizedTime,

notAfter GeneralizedTime OPTIONAL }

CommonRules ::= SEQUENCE {

signerAndVeriferRules [0] SignerAndVerifierRules


signingCertTrustCondition [1] SigningCertTrustCondition


timeStampTrustCondition [2] TimestampTrustCondition


attributeTrustCondition [3] AttributeTrustCondition


algorithmConstraintSet [4] AlgorithmConstraintSet


signPolExtensions [5] SignPolExtensions



CommitmentRules ::= SEQUENCE OF CommitmentRule

CommitmentRule ::= SEQUENCE {

selCommitmentTypes SelectedCommitmentTypes,

signerAndVeriferRules [0] SignerAndVerifierRules


signingCertTrustCondition [1] SigningCertTrustCondition


timeStampTrustCondition [2] TimestampTrustCondition


attributeTrustCondition [3] AttributeTrustCondition


algorithmConstraintSet [4] AlgorithmConstraintSet


signPolExtensions [5] SignPolExtensions



SelectedCommitmentTypes ::= SEQUENCE OF CHOICE {

empty NULL,

recognizedCommitmentType CommitmentType }

CommitmentType ::= SEQUENCE {

identifier CommitmentTypeIdentifier,

fieldOfApplication [0] FieldOfApplication OPTIONAL,

semantics [1] DirectoryString OPTIONAL }

SignerAndVerifierRules ::= SEQUENCE {

signerRules SignerRules,

verifierRules VerifierRules }

SignerRules ::= SEQUENCE {

externalSignedData BOOLEAN OPTIONAL,

-- True if signed data is external to CMS structure

-- False if signed data part of CMS structure

-- not present if either allowed

mandatedSignedAttr CMSAttrs,

-- Mandated CMS signed attributes

mandatedUnsignedAttr CMSAttrs,

-- Mandated CMS unsigned attributed

mandatedCertificateRef [0] CertRefReq DEFAULT signerOnly,

-- Mandated Certificate Reference

mandatedCertificateInfo [1] CertInfoReq DEFAULT none,

-- Mandated Certificate Info

signPolExtensions [2] SignPolExtensions OPTIONAL



CertRefReq ::= ENUMERATED {

signerOnly (1),

-- Only reference to signer cert mandated

fullPath (2)

-- References for full cert path up to a trust

-- point required


CertInfoReq ::= ENUMERATED {

none (0) ,

-- No mandatory requirements

signerOnly (1) ,

-- Only reference to signer cert mandated

fullPath (2)

-- References for full cert path up to a

-- trust point mandated


VerifierRules ::= SEQUENCE {

mandatedUnsignedAttr MandatedUnsignedAttr,

signPolExtensions SignPolExtensions OPTIONAL


MandatedUnsignedAttr ::= CMSAttrs

-- Mandated CMS unsigned attributed

CertificateTrustTrees ::= SEQUENCE OF CertificateTrustPoint

CertificateTrustPoint ::= SEQUENCE {

trustpoint Certificate,

-- self-signed certificate

pathLenConstraint [0] PathLenConstraint OPTIONAL,

acceptablePolicySet [1] AcceptablePolicySet OPTIONAL,

-- If not present "any policy"

nameConstraints [2] NameConstraints OPTIONAL,

policyConstraints [3] PolicyConstraints OPTIONAL }

PathLenConstraint ::= INTEGER (0..MAX)

AcceptablePolicySet ::= SEQUENCE OF CertPolicyId


NameConstraints ::= SEQUENCE {

permittedSubtrees [0] GeneralSubtrees OPTIONAL,

excludedSubtrees [1] GeneralSubtrees OPTIONAL }

GeneralSubtrees ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF GeneralSubtree

GeneralSubtree ::= SEQUENCE {

base GeneralName,

minimum [0] BaseDistance DEFAULT 0,

maximum [1] BaseDistance OPTIONAL }

BaseDistance ::= INTEGER (0..MAX)

PolicyConstraints ::= SEQUENCE {

requireExplicitPolicy [0] SkipCerts OPTIONAL,

inhibitPolicyMapping [1] SkipCerts OPTIONAL }

SkipCerts ::= INTEGER (0..MAX)

CertRevReq ::= SEQUENCE {

endCertRevReq RevReq,

caCerts [0] RevReq


RevReq ::= SEQUENCE {

enuRevReq EnuRevReq,

exRevReq SignPolExtensions OPTIONAL}

EnuRevReq ::= ENUMERATED {

clrCheck (0),

-- Checks must be made against current CRLs

-- (or authority revocation lists)

ocspCheck (1),

-- The revocation status must be checked using

-- the Online Certificate Status Protocol (RFC2450)

bothCheck (2),

-- Both CRL and OCSP checks must be carried out

eitherCheck (3),

-- At least one of CRL or OCSP checks must be

-- carried out

noCheck (4),

-- no check is mandated

other (5)

-- Other mechanism as defined by signature policy

-- extension


SigningCertTrustCondition ::= SEQUENCE {

signerTrustTrees CertificateTrustTrees,

signerRevReq CertRevReq


TimestampTrustCondition ::= SEQUENCE {

ttsCertificateTrustTrees [0] CertificateTrustTrees


ttsRevReq [1] CertRevReq


ttsNameConstraints [2] NameConstraints


cautionPeriod [3] DeltaTime


signatureTimestampDelay [4] DeltaTime


DeltaTime ::= SEQUENCE {

deltaSeconds INTEGER,

deltaMinutes INTEGER,

deltaHours INTEGER,

deltaDays INTEGER }

AttributeTrustCondition ::= SEQUENCE {

attributeMandated BOOLEAN,

-- Attribute must be present

howCertAttribute HowCertAttribute,

attrCertificateTrustTrees [0] CertificateTrustTrees OPTIONAL,

attrRevReq [1] CertRevReq OPTIONAL,

attributeConstraints [2] AttributeConstraints OPTIONAL }

HowCertAttribute ::= ENUMERATED {

claimedAttribute (0),

certifiedAttribtes (1),

either (2) }

AttributeConstraints ::= SEQUENCE {

attributeTypeConstarints [0] AttributeTypeConstraints


attributeValueConstarints [1] AttributeValueConstraints


AttributeTypeConstraints ::= SEQUENCE OF AttributeType

AttributeValueConstraints ::= SEQUENCE OF AttributeTypeAndValue

AlgorithmConstraintSet ::= SEQUENCE {

-- Algorithm constrains on:

signerAlgorithmConstraints [0] AlgorithmConstraints OPTIONAL,

-- signer

eeCertAlgorithmConstraints [1] AlgorithmConstraints OPTIONAL,

-- issuer of end entity certs.

caCertAlgorithmConstraints [2] AlgorithmConstraints OPTIONAL,

-- issuer of CA certificates

aaCertAlgorithmConstraints [3] AlgorithmConstraints OPTIONAL,

-- Attribute Authority

tsaCertAlgorithmConstraints [4] AlgorithmConstraints OPTIONAL

-- Time-Stamping Authority


AlgorithmConstraints ::= SEQUENCE OF AlgAndLength

AlgAndLength ::= SEQUENCE {



-- Minimum key length in bits

other SignPolExtensions OPTIONAL


SignPolExtensions ::= SEQUENCE OF SignPolExtn

SignPolExtn ::= SEQUENCE {


extnValue OCTET STRING }

END -- ETS-ElectronicPolicies-97Syntax

Annex B (informative):

B.1 Signature Policy and Signature Validation Policy

The definition of electronic signature mentions: "a commitment has

been explicitly endorsed under a "Signature Policy", at a given time,

by a signer under an identifier, e.g., a name or a pseudonym, and

optionally a role."

Electronic signatures are commonly applied within the context of a

legal or contractual framework. This establishes the requirements on

the electronic signatures and any special semantics (e.g., agreement,

intent). These requirements may be defined in very general abstract

terms or in terms of detailed rules. The specific semantics

associated with an electronic signature implied by a legal or

contractual framework are outside the scope of this document.

If the signature policy is recognized, within the legal/contractual

context, as providing commitment, then the signer explicitly agrees

with terms and conditions which are implicitly or explicitly part of

the signed data.

When two independent parties want to evaluate an electronic

signature, it is fundamental that they get the same result. It is

therefore important that the conditions agreed by the signer at the

time of signing are indicated to the verifier and any arbitrator. An

ASPect that enables this to be known by all parties is the signature

policy. The technical implications of the signature policy on the

electronic signature with all the validation data are called the

"Signature Validation Policy". The signature validation policy

specifies the rules used to validate the signature.

This document does not mandate the form and encoding of the

specification of the signature policy. However, for a given

signature policy there must be one definitive form that has a unique

binary encoded value.

This document includes, as an option, a formal structure for

signature validation policy based on the use of Abstract Syntax

Notation 1 (ASN.1).

Given the specification of the signature policy and its hash value an

implementation of a verification process must obey the rules defined

in the specification.

This document places no restriction on how it should be implemented.

Provide the implementation conforms to the conformance requirements

as define in section 5 implementation options include:

A validation process that supports a specific signature policy as

identified by the signature policy OID. Such an implementation

should conform to a human readable description provided all the

processing rules of the signature policy are clearly defined.

However, if additional policies need to be supported, then such an

implementation would need to be customized for each additional

policy. This type of implementation may be simpler to implement

initially, but can be difficult to enhance to support numerous

additional signature policies.

A validation process that is dynamically programmable and able to

adapt its validation rules in accordance with a description of the

signature policy provided in a computer-processable language. This

present document defines such a policy using an ASN.1 structure (see

6.1). This type of implementation could support multiple signature

policies without being modified every time, provided all the

validation rules specified as part of the signature policy are known

by the implementation. (i.e., only requires modification if there

are additional rules specified).

The precise content of a signature policy is not mandated by the

current document. However, a signature policy must be sufficiently

definitive to avoid any ambiguity as to its implementation

requirements. It must be absolutely clear under which conditions an

electronic signature should be accepted. For this reason, it should

contain the following information:

* General information about the signature policy which includes:

- a unique identifier of the policy;

- the name of the issuer of the policy;

- the date the policy was issued;

- the field of application of the policy.

* The signature verification policy which includes:

- the signing period,

- a list of recognized commitment types;

- rules for Use of Certification Authorities;

- rules for Use of Revocation Status Information;

- rules for Use of Roles;

- rules for use of Time-Stamping and Timing;

- signature verification data to be provided by the

signer/collected by verifier;

- any constraints on signature algorithms and key lengths.

* Other signature policy rules required to meet the objectives of

the signature.

Variations of the validation policy rules may apply to different

commitment types.

B.2 Identification of Signature Policy

When data is signed the signer indicates the signature policy

applicable to that electronic signature by including an object

identifier for the signature policy with the signature. The signer

and verifier must apply the rules specified by the identified policy.

In addition to the identifier of the signature policy the signer must

include the hash of the signature policy, so it can be verified that

the policy selected by the signer is the identical to the one being

used the verifier.

A signature policy may be qualified by additional information. This

can includes:

* A URL where a copy of the Signature Policy may be obtained;

* A user notice that should be displayed when the signature is


If no signature policy is identified then the signature may be

assumed to have been generated/verified without any policy

constraints, and hence may be given no specific legal or contractual

significance through the context of a signature policy.

A "Signature Policy" will be identifiable by an OID (Object

Identifier) and verifiable using a hash of the signature policy.

B.3 General Signature Policy Information

General information should be recorded about the signature policy

along with the definition of the rules which form the signature

policy as described in subsequent subsections. This should include:

* Policy Object Identifier: The "Signature Policy" will be

identifiable by an OID (Object Identifier) whose last component

(i.e., right most) is an integer that is specific to a

particular version issued on the given date.

* Date of issue: When the "Signature Policy" was issued.

* Signature Policy Issuer name: An identifier for the body

responsible for issuing the Signature Policy. This may be used

by the signer or verifying in deciding if a policy is to be

trusted, in which case the signer/verifier must authenticate

the origin of the signature policy as coming from the

identified issuer.

* Signing period: The start time and date, optionally with an end

time and date, for the period over which the signature policy

may be used to generate electronic signatures.

* Field of application: This defines in general terms the general

legal/contract/application contexts in which the signature

policy is to be used and the specific purposes for which the

electronic signature is to be applied.

B.4 Recognized Commitment Types

The signature validation policy may recognize one or more types of

commitment as being supported by electronic signatures produced under

the security policy. If an electronic signature does not contain a

recognized commitment type then the semantics of the electronic

signature is dependent on the data being signed and the context in

which it is being used.

Only recognized commitment types are allowed in an electronic


The definition of a commitment type includes:

* the object identifier for the commitment;

* the contractual/legal/application context in which the

signature may be used (e.g., submission of messages);

* a description of the support provided within the terms of the

context (e.g., proof that the identified source submitted the

message if the signature is created when message submission is


The definition of a commitment type can be registered:

* as part of the validation policy;

* as part of the application/contract/legal environment;

* as part of generic register of definitions.

The legal/contractual context will determine the rules applied to the

signature, as defined by the signature policy and its recognized

commitment types, make it fit for purpose intended.

B.5 Rules for Use of Certification Authorities

The certificate validation process of the verifier, and hence the

certificates that may be used by the signer for a valid electronic

signature, may be constrained by the combination of the trust point

and certificate path constraints in the signature validation policy.

B.5.1 Trust Points

The signature validation policy defines the certification authority

trust points that are to be used for signature verification. Several

trust points may be specified under one signature policy. Specific

trust points may be specified for a particular type of commitment

defined under the signature policy. For a signature to be valid a

certification path must exists between the Certification Authority

that has granted the certificate selected by the signer (i.e., the

used user-certificate) and one of the trust point of the "Signature

Validation Policy".

B.5.2 Certification Path

There may be constraints on the use of certificates issued by one or

more CA(s) in the certificate chain and trust points. The two prime

constraints are certificate policy constraints and naming


* Certificate policy constraints limit the certification chain

between the user certificate and the certificate of the trusted

point to a given set of certificate policies, or equivalents

identified through certificate policy mapping.

* The naming constraints limit the forms of names that the CA is

allowed to certify.

Name constraints are particularly important when a "Signature policy"

identifies more than one trust point. In this case, a certificate of

a particular trusted point may only be used to verify signatures from

users with names permitted under the name constraint.

Certificate Authorities may be organized in a tree structure, this

tree structure may represent the trust relationship between various

CA(s) and the users CA. Alternatively, a mesh relationship may exist

where a combination of tree and peer cross-certificates may be used.

The requirement of the certificate path in this document is that it

provides the trust relationship between all the CAs and the signers

user certificate. The starting point from a verification point of

view, is the "trust point". A trust point is usually a CA that

publishes self-certified certificates, is the starting point from

which the verifier verifies the certificate chain. Naming

constraints may apply from the trust point, in which case they apply

throughout the set of certificates that make up the certificate path

down to the signer's user certificate.

Policy constraints can be easier to process but to be effective

require the presence of a certificate policy identifier in the

certificates used in a certification path.

Certificate path processing, thus generally starts with one of the

trust point from the signature policy and ends with the user

certificate. The certificate path processing procedures defined in

RFC2459 section 6 identifies the following initial parameters that

are selected by the verifier in certificate path processing:

* acceptable certificate policies;

* naming constraints in terms of constrained and excluded naming


* requirements for explicit certificate policy indication and

whether certificate policy mapping are allowed;

* restrictions on the certificate path length.

The signature validation policy identifies constraints on these


B.6 Revocation Rules

The signature policy should defines rules specifying requirements for

the use of certificate revocation lists (CRLs) and/or on-line

certificate status check service to check the validity of a

certificate. These rules specify the mandated minimum checks that

must be carried out.

It is expected that in many cases either check may be selected with

CRLs checks being carried out for certificate status that are

unavailable from OCSP servers. The verifier may take into account

information in the certificate in deciding how best to check the

revocation status (e.g., a certificate extension field about

authority information Access or a CRL distribution point) provided

that it does not conflict with the signature policy revocation rules.

B.7 Rules for the Use of Roles

Roles can be supported as claimed roles or as certified roles using

Attribute Certificates.

B.7.1 Attribute Values

When signature under a role is mandated by the signature policy, then

either Attribute Certificates may be used or the signer may provide a

claimed role attribute. The acceptable attribute types or values may

be dependent on the type of commitment. For example, a user may have

several roles that allow the user to sign data that imply commitments

based on one or more of his roles.

B.7.2 Trust Points for Certified Attributes

When a signature under a certified role is mandated by the signature

policy, Attribute Authorities are used and need to be validated as

part of the overall validation of the electronic signature. The

trust points for Attribute Authorities do not need to be the same as

the trust points to evaluate a certificate from the CA of the signer.

Thus the trust point for verifying roles need not be the same as

trust point used to validate the certificate path of the user's key.

Naming and certification policy constraints may apply to the AA in

similar circumstance to when they apply to CA. Constraints on the AA

and CA need not be exactly the same.

AA(s) may be used when a signer is creating a signature on behalf of

an organization, they can be particularly useful when the signature

represents an organizational role. AA(s) may or may not be the same

authority as CA(s).

Thus, the Signature Policy identifies trust points that can be used

for Attribute Authorities, either by reference to the same trust

points as used for Certification Authorities, or by an independent


B.7.3 Certification Path for Certified Attributes

Attribute Authorities may be organized in a tree structure in similar

way to CA where the AAs are the leafs of such a tree. Naming and

other constraints may be required on attribute certificate paths in a

similar manner to other electronic signature certificate paths.

Thus, the Signature Policy identify constraints on the following

parameters used as input to the certificate path processing:

* acceptable certificate policies, including requirements for

explicit certificate policy indication and whether certificate

policy mapping is allowed;

* naming constraints in terms of constrained and excluded naming


* restrictions on the certificate path length.

B.8 Rules for the Use of Time-Stamping and Timing

The following rules should be used when specifying, constraints on

the certificate paths for time-stamping authorities, constraints on

the time-stamping authority names and general timing constraints.

B.8.1 Trust Points and Certificate Paths

Signature keys from time-stamping authorities will need to be

supported by a certification path. The certification path used for

time-stamping authorities requires a trustpoint and possibly path

constraints in the same way that the certificate path for the

signer's key.

B.8.2 Time-Stamping Authority Names

Restrictions may need to be placed by the validation policy on the

named entities that may act a time-stamping authorities.

B.8.3 Timing Constraints - Caution Period

Before an electronic signature may really be valid, the verifier has

to be sure that the holder of the private key was really the only one

in possession of key at the time of signing. However, there is an

inevitable delay between a compromise or loss of key being noted, and

a report of revocation being distributed. To allow greater

confidence in the validity of a signature, a "cautionary period" may

be identified before a signature may be said to be valid with high

confidence. A verifier may revalidate a signature after this

cautionary signature, or wait for this period before validating a


The validation policy may specify such a cautionary period.

B.8.4 Timing Constraints - Time-Stamp Delay

There will be some delay between the time that a signature is created

and the time the signer's digital signature is time-stamped.

However, the longer this elapsed period the greater the risk of the

signature being invalidated due to compromise or deliberate

revocation of its private signing key by the signer. Thus the

signature policy should specify a maximum acceptable delay between

the signing time as claimed by the signer and the time included

within the time-stamp.

B.9 Rules for Verification Data to be followed

By specifying the requirements on the signer and verifier the

responsibilities of the two parties can be clearly defined to

establish all the necessary information.

These verification data rules should include:

* requirements on the signer to provide given signed attributes;

* requirements on the verifier to obtain additional certificates,

CRLs, results of on line certificate status checks and to use

time-stamps (if no already provided by the signer).

B.10 Rules for Algorithm Constraints and Key Lengths

The signature validation policy may identify a set of signing

algorithms (hashing, public key, combinations) and minimum key

lengths that may be used:

* by the signer in creating the signature;

* in end entity public key Certificates;

* CA Certificates;

* attribute Certificates;

* by the time-stamping authority.

B.11 Other Signature Policy Rules

The signature policy may specify additional policy rules, for example

rules that relate to the environment used by the signer. These

additional rules may be defined in computer processable and/or human

readable form.

B.12 Signature Policy Protection

When signer or verifier obtains a copy of the Signature Policy from

an issuer, the source should be authenticated (for example by using

electronic signatures). When the signer references a signature

policy the Object Identifier (OID) of the policy, the hash value and

the hash algorithm OID of that policy must be included in the

Electronic Signature.

It is a mandatory requirement of this present document that the

signature policy value computes to one, and only one hash value using

the specified hash algorithm. This means that there must be a single

binary value of the encoded form of the signature policy for the

unique hash value to be calculated. For example, there may exist a

particular file type, length and format on which the hash value is

calculated which is fixed and definitive for a particular signature


The hash value may be obtained by:

the signer performing his own computation of the hash over the

signature policy using his preferred hash algorithm permitted by

the signature policy, and the definitive binary encoded form.

the signer, having verified the source of the policy, may use both

the hash algorithm and the hash value included in the computer

processable form of the policy (see section 6.1).

Full Copyright Statement

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2001). All Rights Reserved.

This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to

others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it

or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published

and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any

kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are

included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this

document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing

the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other

Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of

developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for

copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be

followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than


The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be

revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.

This document and the information contained herein is provided on an







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Internet Society.

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