
RFC3124 - The Congestion Manager

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group H. Balakrishnan

Request for Comments: 3124 MIT LCS

Category: Standards Track S. Seshan


June 2001

The Congestion Manager

Status of this Memo

This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the

Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for

improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet

Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state

and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2001). All Rights Reserved.


This document describes the Congestion Manager (CM), an end-system

module that:

(i) Enables an ensemble of multiple concurrent streams from a sender

destined to the same receiver and sharing the same congestion

properties to perform proper congestion avoidance and control, and

(ii) Allows applications to easily adapt to network congestion.

1. Conventions used in this document:



document are to be interpreted as described in RFC-2119 [Bradner97].


A group of packets that all share the same source and destination

IP address, IP type-of-service, transport protocol, and source and

destination transport-layer port numbers.


A group of CM-enabled streams that all use the same congestion

management and scheduling algorithms, and share congestion state

information. Currently, streams destined to different receivers

belong to different macroflows. Streams destined to the same

receiver MAY belong to different macroflows. When the Congestion

Manager is in use, streams that eXPerience identical congestion

behavior and use the same congestion control algorithm SHOULD

belong to the same macroflow.


Any software module that uses the CM. This includes user-level

applications sUCh as Web servers or audio/video servers, as well

as in-kernel protocols such as TCP [Postel81] that use the CM for

congestion control.


An application that only transmits when allowed by the CM and

accurately accounts for all data that it has sent to the receiver

by informing the CM using the CM API.


The size of the largest packet that the sender can transmit

without it being fragmented en route to the receiver. It includes

the sizes of all headers and data except the IP header.


A CM state variable that modulates the amount of outstanding data

between sender and receiver.


The number of bytes that has been transmitted by the source, but

not known to have been either received by the destination or lost

in the network.


The size of the sender's congestion window at the beginning of a



We use "u64" for unsigned 64-bit, "u32" for unsigned 32-bit, "u16"

for unsigned 16-bit, "u8" for unsigned 8-bit, "i32" for signed

32-bit, "i16" for signed 16-bit quantities, "float" for IEEE

floating point values. The type "void" is used to indicate that

no return value is expected from a call. Pointers are referred to

using "*" syntax, following C language convention.

We emphasize that all the API functions described in this document

are "abstract" calls and that conformant CM implementations may

differ in specific implementation details.

2. Introduction

The framework described in this document integrates congestion

management across all applications and transport protocols. The CM

maintains congestion parameters (available aggregate and per-stream

bandwidth, per-receiver round-trip times, etc.) and exports an API

that enables applications to learn about network characteristics,

pass information to the CM, share congestion information with each

other, and schedule data transmissions. This document focuses on

applications and transport protocols with their own independent per-

byte or per-packet sequence number information, and does not require

modifications to the receiver protocol stack. However, the receiving

application must provide feedback to the sending application about

received packets and losses, and the latter is expected to use the CM

API to update CM state. This document does not address networks with

reservations or service differentiation.

The CM is an end-system module that enables an ensemble of multiple

concurrent streams to perform stable congestion avoidance and

control, and allows applications to easily adapt their transmissions

to prevailing network conditions. It integrates congestion

management across all applications and transport protocols. It

maintains congestion parameters (available aggregate and per-stream

bandwidth, per-receiver round-trip times, etc.) and exports an API

that enables applications to learn about network characteristics,

pass information to the CM, share congestion information with each

other, and schedule data transmissions. When the CM is used, all

data transmissions subject to the CM must be done with the explicit

consent of the CM via this API to ensure proper congestion behavior.

Systems MAY choose to use CM, and if so they MUST follow this


This document focuses on applications and networks where the

following conditions hold:

1. Applications are well-behaved with their own independent

per-byte or per-packet sequence number information, and use the

CM API to update internal state in the CM.

2. Networks are best-effort without service discrimination or

reservations. In particular, it does not address situations

where different streams between the same pair of hosts traverse

paths with differing characteristics.

The Congestion Manager framework can be extended to support

applications that do not provide their own feedback and to

differentially-served networks. These extensions will be addressed

in later documents.

The CM is motivated by two main goals:

(i) Enable efficient multiplexing. Increasingly, the trend on the

Internet is for unicast data senders (e.g., Web servers) to transmit

heterogeneous types of data to receivers, ranging from unreliable

real-time streaming content to reliable Web pages and applets. As a

result, many logically different streams share the same path between

sender and receiver. For the Internet to remain stable, each of

these streams must incorporate control protocols that safely probe

for spare bandwidth and react to congestion. Unfortunately, these

concurrent streams typically compete with each other for network

resources, rather than share them effectively. Furthermore, they do

not learn from each other about the state of the network. Even if

they each independently implement congestion control (e.g., a group

of TCP connections each implementing the algorithms in [Jacobson88,

Allman99]), the ensemble of streams tends to be more aggressive in

the face of congestion than a single TCP connection implementing

standard TCP congestion control and avoidance [Balakrishnan98].

(ii) Enable application adaptation to congestion. Increasingly,

popular real-time streaming applications run over UDP using their own

user-level transport protocols for good application performance, but

in most cases today do not adapt or react properly to network

congestion. By implementing a stable control algorithm and exposing

an adaptation API, the CM enables easy application adaptation to

congestion. Applications adapt the data they transmit to the current

network conditions.

The CM framework builds on recent work on TCP control block sharing

[Touch97], integrated TCP congestion control (TCP-Int)

[Balakrishnan98] and TCP sessions [Padmanabhan98]. [Touch97]

advocates the sharing of some of the state in the TCP control block

to improve transient transport performance and describes sharing

across an ensemble of TCP connections. [Balakrishnan98],

[Padmanabhan98], and [Eggert00] describe several experiments that

quantify the benefits of sharing congestion state, including improved

stability in the face of congestion and better loss recovery.

Integrating loss recovery across concurrent connections significantly

improves performance because losses on one connection can be detected

by noticing that later data sent on another connection has been

received and acknowledged. The CM framework extends these ideas in

two significant ways: (i) it extends congestion management to non-TCP

streams, which are becoming increasingly common and often do not

implement proper congestion management, and (ii) it provides an API

for applications to adapt their transmissions to current network

conditions. For an extended discussion of the motivation for the CM,

its architecture, API, and algorithms, see [Balakrishnan99]; for a

description of an implementation and performance results, see


The resulting end-host protocol architecture at the sender is shown

in Figure 1. The CM helps achieve network stability by implementing

stable congestion avoidance and control algorithms that are "TCP-

friendly" [Mahdavi98] based on algorithms described in [Allman99].

However, it does not attempt to enforce proper congestion behavior

for all applications (but it does not preclude a policer on the host

that performs this task). Note that while the policer at the end-

host can use CM, the network has to be protected against compromises

to the CM and the policer at the end hosts, a task that requires

router machinery [Floyd99a]. We do not address this issue further in

this document.

-------- -------- -------- -------- --------------


-------- -------- -------- --------

^ ^





v v v v --------------

-------- -------- ------------- ^


-------- -------- -------------

^ ^ --------------

P -->

---------+------------------------> Congestion


v v v Controller


IP -->

----------------------------------- --------------


Figure 1

The key components of the CM framework are (i) the API, (ii) the

congestion controller, and (iii) the scheduler. The API is (in part)

motivated by the requirements of application-level framing (ALF)

[Clark90], and is described in Section 4. The CM internals (Section

5) include a congestion controller (Section 5.1) and a scheduler to

orchestrate data transmissions between concurrent streams in a

macroflow (Section 5.2). The congestion controller adjusts the

aggregate transmission rate between sender and receiver based on its

estimate of congestion in the network. It oBTains feedback about its

past transmissions from applications themselves via the API. The

scheduler apportions available bandwidth amongst the different

streams within each macroflow and notifies applications when they are

permitted to send data. This document focuses on well-behaved

applications; a future one will describe the sender-receiver protocol

and header formats that will handle applications that do not

incorporate their own feedback to the CM.


By convention, the IETF does not treat Application Programming

Interfaces as standards track. However, it is considered important

to have the CM API and CM algorithm requirements in one coherent

document. The following section on the CM API uses the terms MUST,

SHOULD, etc., but the terms are meant to apply within the context of

an implementation of the CM API. The section does not apply to

congestion control implementations in general, only to those

implementations offering the CM API.

Using the CM API, streams can determine their share of the available

bandwidth, request and have their data transmissions scheduled,

inform the CM about successful transmissions, and be informed when

the CM's estimate of path bandwidth changes. Thus, the CM frees

applications from having to maintain information about the state of

congestion and available bandwidth along any path.

The function prototypes below follow standard C language convention.

We emphasize that these API functions are abstract calls and

conformant CM implementations may differ in specific details, as long

as equivalent functionality is provided.

When a new stream is created by an application, it passes some

information to the CM via the cm_open(stream_info) API call.

Currently, stream_info consists of the following information: (i) the

source IP address, (ii) the source port, (iii) the destination IP

address, (iv) the destination port, and (v) the IP protocol number.

3.1 State maintenance

1. Open: All applications MUST call cm_open(stream_info) before

using the CM API. This returns a handle, cm_streamid, for the

application to use for all further CM API invocations for that

stream. If the returned cm_streamid is -1, then the cm_open()

failed and that stream cannot use the CM.

All other calls to the CM for a stream use the cm_streamid

returned from the cm_open() call.

2. Close: When a stream terminates, the application SHOULD invoke

cm_close(cm_streamid) to inform the CM about the termination

of the stream.

3. Packet size: cm_mtu(cm_streamid) returns the estimated PMTU of

the path between sender and receiver. Internally, this

information SHOULD be obtained via path MTU discovery

[Mogul90]. It MAY be statically configured in the absence of

such a mechanism.

3.2 Data transmission

The CM accommodates two types of adaptive senders, enabling

applications to dynamically adapt their content based on prevailing

network conditions, and supporting ALF-based applications.

1. Callback-based transmission. The callback-based transmission API

puts the stream in firm control of deciding what to transmit at each

point in time. To achieve this, the CM does not buffer any data;

instead, it allows streams the opportunity to adapt to unexpected

network changes at the last possible instant. Thus, this enables

streams to "pull out" and repacketize data upon learning about any

rate change, which is hard to do once the data has been buffered.

The CM must implement a cm_request(i32 cm_streamid) call for streams

wishing to send data in this style. After some time, depending on

the rate, the CM MUST invoke a callback using cmapp_send(), which is

a grant for the stream to send up to PMTU bytes. The callback-style

API is the recommended choice for ALF-based streams. Note that

cm_request() does not take the number of bytes or MTU-sized units as

an argument; each call to cm_request() is an implicit request for

sending up to PMTU bytes. The CM MAY provide an alternate interface,

cm_request(int k). The cmapp_send callback for this request is

granted the right to send up to k PMTU sized segments. Section 4.3

discusses the time duration for which the transmission grant is

valid, while Section 5.2 describes how these requests are scheduled

and callbacks made.

2. Synchronous-style. The above callback-based API accommodates a

class of ALF streams that are "asynchronous." Asynchronous

transmitters do not transmit based on a periodic clock, but do so

triggered by asynchronous events like file reads or captured frames.

On the other hand, there are many streams that are "synchronous"

transmitters, which transmit periodically based on their own internal

timers (e.g., an audio senders that sends at a constant sampling

rate). While CM callbacks could be configured to periodically

interrupt such transmitters, the transmit loop of such applications

is less affected if they retain their original timer-based loop. In

addition, it complicates the CM API to have a stream express the

periodicity and granularity of its callbacks. Thus, the CM MUST

export an API that allows such streams to be informed of changes in

rates using the cmapp_update(u64 newrate, u32 srtt, u32 rttdev)

callback function, where newrate is the new rate in bits per second

for this stream, srtt is the current smoothed round trip time

estimate in microseconds, and rttdev is the smoothed linear deviation

in the round-trip time estimate calculated using the same algorithm

as in TCP [Paxson00]. The newrate value reports an instantaneous

rate calculated, for example, by taking the ratio of cwnd and srtt,

and dividing by the fraction of that ratio allocated to the stream.

In response, the stream MUST adapt its packet size or change its

timer interval to conform to (i.e., not exceed) the allowed rate. Of

course, it may choose not to use all of this rate. Note that the CM

is not on the data path of the actual transmission.

To avoid unnecessary cmapp_update() callbacks that the application

will only ignore, the CM MUST provide a cm_thresh(float

rate_downthresh, float rate_upthresh, float rtt_downthresh, float

rtt_upthresh) function that a stream can use at any stage in its

execution. In response, the CM SHOULD invoke the callback only when

the rate decreases to less than (rate_downthresh * lastrate) or

increases to more than (rate_upthresh * lastrate), where lastrate is

the rate last notified to the stream, or when the round-trip time

changes correspondingly by the requisite thresholds. This

information is used as a hint by the CM, in the sense the

cmapp_update() can be called even if these conditions are not met.

The CM MUST implement a cm_query(i32 cm_streamid, u64* rate, u32*

srtt, u32* rttdev) to allow an application to query the current CM

state. This sets the rate variable to the current rate estimate in

bits per second, the srtt variable to the current smoothed round-trip

time estimate in microseconds, and rttdev to the mean linear

deviation. If the CM does not have valid estimates for the

macroflow, it fills in negative values for the rate, srtt, and


Note that a stream can use more than one of the above transmission

APIs at the same time. In particular, the knowledge of sustainable

rate is useful for asynchronous streams as well as synchronous ones;

e.g., an asynchronous Web server disseminating images using TCP may

use cmapp_send() to schedule its transmissions and cmapp_update() to

decide whether to send a low-resolution or high-resolution image. A

TCP implementation using the CM is described in Section 6.1.1, where

the benefit of the cm_request() callback API for TCP will become


The reader will notice that the basic CM API does not provide an

interface for buffered congestion-controlled transmissions. This is

intentional, since this transmission mode can be implemented using

the callback-based primitive. Section 6.1.2 describes how

congestion-controlled UDP sockets may be implemented using the CM


3.3 Application notification

When a stream receives feedback from receivers, it MUST use

cm_update(i32 cm_streamid, u32 nrecd, u32 nlost, u8 lossmode, i32

rtt) to inform the CM about events such as congestion losses,

successful receptions, type of loss (timeout event, Explicit

Congestion Notification [Ramakrishnan99], etc.) and round-trip time

samples. The nrecd parameter indicates how many bytes were

successfully received by the receiver since the last cm_update call,

while the nrecd parameter identifies how many bytes were received

were lost during the same time period. The rtt value indicates the

round-trip time measured during the transmission of these bytes. The

rtt value must be set to -1 if no valid round-trip sample was

obtained by the application. The lossmode parameter provides an

indicator of how a loss was detected. A value of CM_NO_FEEDBACK

indicates that the application has received no feedback for all its

outstanding data, and is reporting this to the CM. For example, a

TCP that has experienced a timeout would use this parameter to inform

the CM of this. A value of CM_LOSS_FEEDBACK indicates that the

application has experienced some loss, which it believes to be due to

congestion, but not all outstanding data has been lost. For example,

a TCP segment loss detected using duplicate (selective)

acknowledgments or other data-driven techniques fits this category.

A value of CM_EXPLICIT_CONGESTION indicates that the receiver echoed

an explicit congestion notification message. Finally, a value of

CM_NO_CONGESTION indicates that no congestion-related loss has

occurred. The lossmode parameter MUST be reported as a bit-vector

where the bits correspond to CM_NO_FEEDBACK, CM_LOSS_FEEDBACK,


(paths) that experience losses for reasons other than congestion, an

application SHOULD inform the CM of losses, with the CM_NO_CONGESTION

field set.

cm_notify(i32 cm_streamid, u32 nsent) MUST be called when data is

transmitted from the host (e.g., in the IP output routine) to inform

the CM that nsent bytes were just transmitted on a given stream.

This allows the CM to update its estimate of the number of

outstanding bytes for the macroflow and for the stream.

A cmapp_send() grant from the CM to an application is valid only for

an expiration time, equal to the larger of the round-trip time and an

implementation-dependent threshold communicated as an argument to the

cmapp_send() callback function. The application MUST NOT send data

based on this callback after this time has expired. Furthermore, if

the application decides not to send data after receiving this

callback, it SHOULD call cm_notify(stream_info, 0) to allow the CM to

permit other streams in the macroflow to transmit data. The CM

congestion controller MUST be robust to applications forgetting to

invoke cm_notify(stream_info, 0) correctly, or applications that

crash or disappear after having made a cm_request() call.

3.4 Querying

If applications wish to learn about per-stream available bandwidth

and round-trip time, they can use the CM's cm_query(i32 cm_streamid,

i64* rate, i32* srtt, i32* rttdev) call, which fills in the desired

quantities. If the CM does not have valid estimates for the

macroflow, it fills in negative values for the rate, srtt, and


3.5 Sharing granularity

One of the decisions the CM needs to make is the granularity at which

a macroflow is constructed, by deciding which streams belong to the

same macroflow and share congestion information. The API provides

two functions that allow applications to decide which of their

streams ought to belong to the same macroflow.

cm_getmacroflow(i32 cm_streamid) returns a unique i32 macroflow

identifier. cm_setmacroflow(i32 cm_macroflowid, i32 cm_streamid)

sets the macroflow of the stream cm_streamid to cm_macroflowid. If

the cm_macroflowid that is passed to cm_setmacroflow() is -1, then a

new macroflow is constructed and this is returned to the caller.

Each call to cm_setmacroflow() overrides the previous macroflow

association for the stream, should one exist.

The default suggested aggregation method is to aggregate by

destination IP address; i.e., all streams to the same destination

address are aggregated to a single macroflow by default. The

cm_getmacroflow() and cm_setmacroflow() calls can then be used to

change this as needed. We do note that there are some cases where

this may not be optimal, even over best-effort networks. For

example, when a group of receivers are behind a NAT device, the

sender will see them all as one address. If the hosts behind the NAT

are in fact connected over different bottleneck links, some of those

hosts could see worse performance than before. It is possible to

detect such hosts when using delay and loss estimates, although the

specific mechanisms for doing so are beyond the scope of this


The objective of this interface is to set up sharing of groups not

sharing policy of relative weights of streams in a macroflow. The

latter requires the scheduler to provide an interface to set sharing

policy. However, because we want to support many different

schedulers (each of which may need different information to set

policy), we do not specify a complete API to the scheduler (but see

Section 5.2). A later guideline document is expected to describe a

few simple schedulers (e.g., weighted round-robin, hierarchical

scheduling) and the API they export to provide relative


4. CM internals

This section describes the internal components of the CM. It

includes a Congestion Controller and a Scheduler, with well-defined,

abstract interfaces exported by them.

4.1 Congestion controller

Associated with each macroflow is a congestion control algorithm; the

collection of all these algorithms comprises the congestion

controller of the CM. The control algorithm decides when and how

much data can be transmitted by a macroflow. It uses application

notifications (Section 4.3) from concurrent streams on the same

macroflow to build up information about the congestion state of the

network path used by the macroflow.

The congestion controller MUST implement a "TCP-friendly" [Mahdavi98]

congestion control algorithm. Several macroflows MAY (and indeed,

often will) use the same congestion control algorithm but each

macroflow maintains state about the network used by its streams.

The congestion control module MUST implement the following abstract

interfaces. We emphasize that these are not directly visible to

applications; they are within the context of a macroflow, and are

different from the CM API functions of Section 4.

- void query(u64 *rate, u32 *srtt, u32 *rttdev): This function

returns the estimated rate (in bits per second) and smoothed

round trip time (in microseconds) for the macroflow.

- void notify(u32 nsent): This function MUST be used to notify the

congestion control module whenever data is sent by an

application. The nsent parameter indicates the number of bytes

just sent by the application.

- void update(u32 nsent, u32 nrecd, u32 rtt, u32 lossmode): This

function is called whenever any of the CM streams associated with

a macroflow identifies that data has reached the receiver or has

been lost en route. The nrecd parameter indicates the number of

bytes that have just arrived at the receiver. The nsent

parameter is the sum of the number of bytes just received and the

number of bytes identified as lost en route. The rtt parameter is

the estimated round trip time in microseconds during the

transfer. The lossmode parameter provides an indicator of how a

loss was detected (section 4.3).

Although these interfaces are not visible to applications, the

congestion controller MUST implement these abstract interfaces to

provide for modular inter-operability with different separately-

developed schedulers.

The congestion control module MUST also call the associated

scheduler's schedule function (section 5.2) when it believes that the

current congestion state allows an MTU-sized packet to be sent.

4.2 Scheduler

While it is the responsibility of the congestion control module to

determine when and how much data can be transmitted, it is the

responsibility of a macroflow's scheduler module to determine which

of the streams should get the opportunity to transmit data.

The Scheduler MUST implement the following interfaces:

- void schedule(u32 num_bytes): When the congestion control module

determines that data can be sent, the schedule() routine MUST be

called with no more than the number of bytes that can be sent.

In turn, the scheduler MAY call the cmapp_send() function that CM

applications must provide.

- float query_share(i32 cm_streamid): This call returns the

described stream's share of the total bandwidth available to the

macroflow. This call combined with the query call of the

congestion controller provides the information to satisfy an

application's cm_query() request.

- void notify(i32 cm_streamid, u32 nsent): This interface is used

to notify the scheduler module whenever data is sent by a CM

application. The nsent parameter indicates the number of bytes

just sent by the application.

The Scheduler MAY implement many additional interfaces. As

experience with CM schedulers increases, future documents may

make additions and/or changes to some parts of the scheduler


5. Examples

5.1 Example applications

This section describes three possible uses of the CM API by

applications. We describe two asynchronous applications---an

implementation of a TCP sender and an implementation of congestion-

controlled UDP sockets, and a synchronous application---a streaming

audio server. More details of these applications and CM

implementation optimizations for efficient operation are described in


All applications that use the CM MUST incorporate feedback from the

receiver. For example, it must periodically (typically once or twice

per round trip time) determine how many of its packets arrived at the

receiver. When the source gets this feedback, it MUST use

cm_update() to inform the CM of this new information. This results

in the CM updating ownd and may result in the CM changing its

estimates and calling cmapp_update() of the streams of the macroflow.

The protocols in this section are examples and suggestions for

implementation, rather than requirements for any conformant


5.1.1 TCP

A TCP implementation that uses CM should use the cmapp_send()

callback API. TCP only identifies which data it should send upon the

arrival of an acknowledgement or expiration of a timer. As a result,

it requires tight control over when and if new data or

retransmissions are sent.

When TCP either connects to or accepts a connection from another

host, it performs a cm_open() call to associate the TCP connection

with a cm_streamid.

Once a connection is established, the CM is used to control the

transmission of outgoing data. The CM eliminates the need for

tracking and reacting to congestion in TCP, because the CM and its

transmission API ensure proper congestion behavior. Loss recovery is

still performed by TCP based on fast retransmissions and recovery as

well as timeouts. In addition, TCP is also modified to have its own

outstanding window (tcp_ownd) estimate. Whenever data segments are

sent from its cmapp_send() callback, TCP updates its tcp_ownd value.

The ownd variable is also updated after each cm_update() call. TCP

also maintains a count of the number of outstanding segments

(pkt_cnt). At any time, TCP can calculate the average packet size

(avg_pkt_size) as tcp_ownd/pkt_cnt. The avg_pkt_size is used by TCP

to help estimate the amount of outstanding data. Note that this is

not needed if the SACK option is used on the connection, since this

information is explicitly available.

The TCP output routines are modified as follows:

1. All congestion window (cwnd) checks are removed.

2. When application data is available. The TCP output routines

perform all non-congestion checks (Nagle algorithm, receiver-

advertised window check, etc). If these checks pass, the output

routine queues the data and calls cm_request() for the stream.

3. If incoming data or timers result in a loss being detected, the

retransmission is also placed in a queue and cm_request() is

called for the stream.

4. The cmapp_send() callback for TCP is set to an output routine.

If any retransmission is enqueued, the routine outputs the

retransmission. Otherwise, the routine outputs as much new data

as the TCP connection state allows. However, the cmapp_send()

never sends more than a single segment per call. This routine

arranges for the other output computations to be done, such as

header and options computations.

The IP output routine on the host calls cm_notify() when the packets

are actually sent out. Because it does not know which cm_streamid is

responsible for the packet, cm_notify() takes the stream_info as

argument (see Section 4 for what the stream_info should contain).

Because cm_notify() reports the IP payload size, TCP keeps track of

the total header size and incorporates these updates.

The TCP input routines are modified as follows:

1. RTT estimation is done as normal using either timestamps or

Karn's algorithm. Any rtt estimate that is generated is passed to

CM via the cm_update call.

2. All cwnd and slow start threshold (ssthresh) updates are


3. Upon the arrival of an ack for new data, TCP computes the value

of in_flight (the amount of data in flight) as snd_max-ack-1

(i.e., MAX Sequence Sent - Current Ack - 1). TCP then calls

cm_update(streamid, tcp_ownd - in_flight, 0, CM_NO_CONGESTION,


4. Upon the arrival of a duplicate acknowledgement, TCP must check

its dupack count (dup_acks) to determine its action. If dup_acks

< 3, the TCP does nothing. If dup_acks == 3, TCP assumes that a

packet was lost and that at least 3 packets arrived to generate

these duplicate acks. Therefore, it calls cm_update(streamid, 4 *

avg_pkt_size, 3 * avg_pkt_size, CM_LOSS_FEEDBACK, rtt). The

average packet size is used since the acknowledgments do not

indicate exactly how much data has reached the other end. Most

TCP implementations interpret a duplicate ACK as an indication

that a full MSS has reached its destination. Once a new ACK is

received, these TCP sender implementations may resynchronize with

TCP receiver. The CM API does not provide a mechanism for TCP to

pass information from this resynchronization. Therefore, TCP can

only infer the arrival of an avg_pkt_size amount of data from each

duplicate ack. TCP also enqueues a retransmission of the lost

segment and calls cm_request(). If dup_acks > 3, TCP assumes that

a packet has reached the other end and caused this ack to be sent.

As a result, it calls cm_update(streamid, avg_pkt_size,

avg_pkt_size, CM_NO_CONGESTION, rtt).

5. Upon the arrival of a partial acknowledgment (one that does not

exceed the highest segment transmitted at the time the loss

occurred, as defined in [Floyd99b]), TCP assumes that a packet was

lost and that the retransmitted packet has reached the recipient.

Therefore, it calls cm_update(streamid, 2 * avg_pkt_size,

avg_pkt_size, CM_NO_CONGESTION, rtt). CM_NO_CONGESTION is used

since the loss period has already been reported. TCP also

enqueues a retransmission of the lost segment and calls


When the TCP retransmission timer expires, the sender identifies that

a segment has been lost and calls cm_update(streamid, avg_pkt_size,

0, CM_NO_FEEDBACK, 0) to signify that no feedback has been received

from the receiver and that one segment is sure to have "left the

pipe." TCP also enqueues a retransmission of the lost segment and

calls cm_request().

5.1.2 Congestion-controlled UDP

Congestion-controlled UDP is a useful CM application, which we

describe in the context of Berkeley sockets [Stevens94]. They

provide the same functionality as standard Berkeley UDP sockets, but

instead of immediately sending the data from the kernel packet queue

to lower layers for transmission, the buffered socket implementation

makes calls to the API exported by the CM inside the kernel and gets

callbacks from the CM. When a CM UDP socket is created, it is bound

to a particular stream. Later, when data is added to the packet

queue, cm_request() is called on the stream associated with the

socket. When the CM schedules this stream for transmission, it calls

udp_ccappsend() in the UDP module. This function transmits one MTU

from the packet queue, and schedules the transmission of any

remaining packets. The in-kernel implementation of the CM UDP API

should not require any additional data copies and should support all

standard UDP options. Modifying existing applications to use

congestion-controlled UDP requires the implementation of a new socket

option on the socket. To work correctly, the sender must obtain

feedback about congestion. This can be done in at least two ways:

(i) the UDP receiver application can provide feedback to the sender

application, which will inform the CM of network conditions using

cm_update(); (ii) the UDP receiver implementation can provide

feedback to the sending UDP. Note that this latter alternative

requires changes to the receiver's network stack and the sender UDP

cannot assume that all receivers support this option without explicit


5.1.3 Audio server

A typical audio application often has Access to the sample in a

multitude of data rates and qualities. The objective of the

application is then to deliver the highest possible quality of audio

(typically the highest data rate) its clients. The selection of

which version of audio to transmit should be based on the current

congestion state of the network. In addition, the source will want

audio delivered to its users at a consistent sampling rate. As a

result, it must send data a regular rate, minimizing delaying

transmissions and reducing buffering before playback. To meet these

requirements, this application can use the synchronous sender API

(Section 4.2).

When the source first starts, it uses the cm_query() call to get an

initial estimate of network bandwidth and delay. If some other

streams on that macroflow have already been active, then it gets an

initial estimate that is valid; otherwise, it gets negative values,

which it ignores. It then chooses an encoding that does not exceed

these estimates (or, in the case of an invalid estimate, uses

application-specific initial values) and begins transmitting data.

The application also implements the cmapp_update() callback. When

the CM determines that network characteristics have changed, it calls

the application's cmapp_update() function and passes it a new rate

and round-trip time estimate. The application must change its choice

of audio encoding to ensure that it does not exceed these new


5.2 Example congestion control module

To illustrate the responsibilities of a congestion control module,

the following describes some of the actions of a simple TCP-like

congestion control module that implements Additive Increase

Multiplicative Decrease congestion control (AIMD_CC):

- query(): AIMD_CC returns the current congestion window (cwnd)

divided by the smoothed rtt (srtt) as its bandwidth estimate. It

returns the smoothed rtt estimate as srtt.

- notify(): AIMD_CC adds the number of bytes sent to its

outstanding data window (ownd).

- update(): AIMD_CC subtracts nsent from ownd. If the value of rtt

is non-zero, AIMD_CC updates srtt using the TCP srtt calculation.

If the update indicates that data has been lost, AIMD_CC sets

cwnd to 1 MTU if the loss_mode is CM_NO_FEEDBACK and to cwnd/2

(with a minimum of 1 MTU) if the loss_mode is CM_LOSS_FEEDBACK or

CM_EXPLICIT_CONGESTION. AIMD_CC also sets its internal ssthresh

variable to cwnd/2. If no loss had occurred, AIMD_CC mimics TCP

slow start and linear growth modes. It increments cwnd by nsent

when cwnd < ssthresh (bounded by a maximum of ssthresh-cwnd) and

by nsent * MTU/cwnd when cwnd > ssthresh.

- When cwnd or ownd are updated and indicate that at least one MTU

may be transmitted, AIMD_CC calls the CM to schedule a


5.3 Example Scheduler Module

To clarify the responsibilities of a scheduler module, the following

describes some of the actions of a simple round robin scheduler

module (RR_sched):

- schedule(): RR_sched schedules as many streams as possible in round

robin fashion.

- query_share(): RR_sched returns 1/(number of streams in macroflow).

- notify(): RR_sched does nothing. Round robin scheduling is not

affected by the amount of data sent.

6. Security Considerations

The CM provides many of the same services that the congestion control

in TCP provides. As such, it is vulnerable to many of the same

security problems. For example, incorrect reports of losses and

transmissions will give the CM an inaccurate picture of the network's

congestion state. By giving CM a high estimate of congestion, an

attacker can degrade the performance observed by applications. For

example, a stream on a host can arbitrarily slow down any other

stream on the same macroflow, a form of denial of service.

The more dangerous form of attack occurs when an application gives

the CM a low estimate of congestion. This would cause CM to be

overly aggressive and allow data to be sent much more quickly than

sound congestion control policies would allow.

[Touch97] describes a number of the security problems that arise with

congestion information sharing. An additional vulnerability (not

covered by [Touch97])) occurs because applications have access

through the CM API to control shared state that will affect other

applications on the same computer. For instance, a poorly designed,

possibly a compromised, or intentionally malicious UDP application

could misuse cm_update() to cause starvation and/or too-aggressive

behavior of others in the macroflow.

7. References

[Allman99] Allman, M. and Paxson, V., "TCP Congestion

Control", RFC2581, April 1999.

[Andersen00] Balakrishnan, H., System Support for Bandwidth

Management and Content Adaptation in Internet

Applications, Proc. 4th Symp. on Operating Systems

Design and Implementation, San Diego, CA, October

2000. Available from


[Balakrishnan98] Balakrishnan, H., Padmanabhan, V., Seshan, S.,

Stemm, M., and Katz, R., "TCP Behavior of a Busy

Web Server: Analysis and Improvements," Proc. IEEE

INFOCOM, San Francisco, CA, March 1998.

[Balakrishnan99] Balakrishnan, H., Rahul, H., and Seshan, S., "An

Integrated Congestion Management Architecture for

Internet Hosts," Proc. ACM SIGCOMM, Cambridge, MA,

September 1999.

[Bradner96] Bradner, S., "The Internet Standards Process ---

Revision 3", BCP 9, RFC2026, October 1996.

[Bradner97] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate

Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC2119, March 1997.

[Clark90] Clark, D. and Tennenhouse, D., "Architectural

Consideration for a New Generation of Protocols",

Proc. ACM SIGCOMM, PhilaDelphia, PA, September


[Eggert00] Eggert, L., Heidemann, J., and Touch, J., "Effects

of Ensemble TCP," ACM Computer Comm. Review,

January 2000.

[Floyd99a] Floyd, S. and Fall, K.," Promoting the Use of End-

to-End Congestion Control in the Internet,"

IEEE/ACM Trans. on Networking, 7(4), August 1999,

pp. 458-472.

[Floyd99b] Floyd, S. and T. Henderson,"The New Reno

Modification to TCP's Fast Recovery Algorithm," RFC

2582, April 1999.

[Jacobson88] Jacobson, V., "Congestion Avoidance and Control,"

Proc. ACM SIGCOMM, Stanford, CA, August 1988.

[Mahdavi98] Mahdavi, J. and Floyd, S., "The TCP Friendly



[Mogul90] Mogul, J. and S. Deering, "Path MTU Discovery," RFC

1191, November 1990.

[Padmanabhan98] Padmanabhan, V., "Addressing the Challenges of Web

Data Transport," PhD thesis, Univ. of California,

Berkeley, December 1998.

[Paxson00] Paxson, V. and M. Allman, "Computing TCP's

Retransmission Timer", RFC2988, November 2000.

[Postel81] Postel, J., Editor, "Transmission Control

Protocol", STD 7, RFC793, September 1981.

[Ramakrishnan99] Ramakrishnan, K. and Floyd, S., "A Proposal to Add

Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) to IP," RFC

2481, January 1999.

[Stevens94] Stevens, W., TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 1.

Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1994.

[Touch97] Touch, J., "TCP Control Block Interdependence", RFC

2140, April 1997.

8. Acknowledgments

We thank David Andersen, Deepak Bansal, and Dorothy Curtis for their

work on the CM design and implementation. We thank Vern Paxson for

his detailed comments, feedback, and patience, and Sally Floyd, Mark

Handley, and Steven McCanne for useful feedback on the CM

architecture. Allison Mankin and Joe Touch provided several useful

comments on previous drafts of this document.

9. Authors' Addresses

Hari Balakrishnan

Laboratory for Computer Science

200 Technology Square

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Cambridge, MA 02139

EMail: hari@lcs.mit.edu

Web: http://nms.lcs.mit.edu/~hari/

Srinivasan Seshan

School of Computer Science

Carnegie Mellon University

5000 Forbes Ave.

Pittsburgh, PA 15213

EMail: srini@cmu.edu

Web: http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~srini/

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