
RFC3105 - Finding an RSIP Server with SLP

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Network Working Group J. Kempf

Request for Comments: 3105 NTT DoCoMo USA Labs

Category: EXPerimental G. Montenegro

Sun Microsystems

October 2001

Finding an RSIP Server with SLP

Status of this Memo

This memo defines an Experimental Protocol for the Internet

community. It does not specify an Internet standard of any kind.

Discussion and suggestions for improvement are requested.

Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2001). All Rights Reserved.


The IESG notes that the set of documents describing the RSIP

technology imply significant host and gateway changes for a complete

implementation. In addition, the floating of port numbers can cause

problems for some applications, preventing an RSIP-enabled host from

interoperating transparently with existing applications in some cases

(e.g., IPsec). Finally, there may be significant operational

complexities associated with using RSIP. Some of these and other

complications are outlined in section 6 of the RFC3102, as well as

in the Appendices of RFC3104. Accordingly, the costs and benefits

of using RSIP should be carefully weighed against other means of

relieving address shortage.


This document contains an SLP service type template that describes

the advertisements made by RSIP servers for their services. Service

Location Protocol (SLP) is an IETF standards track protocol

specifically designed to allow clients to find servers offering

particular services. Since RSIP (Realm Specific IP) clients require

a mechanism to discover RSIP servers, SLP is a natural match for a

solution. The service type template is the basis for an Internet

Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) standard definition of the

advertisements offered by RSIP servers, an important step toward


Table of Contents

1. IntrodUCtion ............................................... 2

2. Notation Conventions ....................................... 2

3. Terminology ................................................ 2

4. Using SLP for RSIP Service Discovery ....................... 3

5. Using Scopes for Server Provisioning ....................... 4

6. Load Balancing ............................................. 6

7. The RSIP Service Type Template ............................. 7

8. Security Considerations .................................... 9

9. Summary .................................................... 9

References ..................................................... 9

Authors' Addresses ............................................. 10

Full Copyright Statement ....................................... 11

1. Introduction

Realm Specific IP (RSIP) [7] enables an RSIP client in one realm to

borrow addresses and other resources from another realm. It does so

by engaging in an RSIP protocol [1] exchange with an RSIP server.

The RSIP protocol requires the RSIP server to have a permanent

presence on both realms.

There are a variety of traditional ways an RSIP client could go about

locating the appropriate RSIP server. However, Service Location

Protocol (SLP) [2][11] is an IETF standards track protocol

specifically designed to facilitate location of services and their

servers by clients. SLP provides a number of features that simplify

locating RSIP servers. In this document, we describe how RSIP

clients can use SLP to discover RSIP servers.

2. Notation Conventions



document are to be interpreted as described in [4].

3. Terminology

We reproduce here some SLP terminology from [2] for readers

unfamiliar with SLP.

User Agent (UA)

A process working on the user's behalf to establish contact with

some service. The UA retrieves service information from the

Service Agents or Directory Agents.

Service Agent (SA)

A process working on behalf of one or more services to advertise

the services and their capabilities.

Directory Agent (DA)

A process which collects service advertisements. There can only

be one DA present per given host.


A set of services, typically making up a logical administrative


Service Advertisement

A URL, attributes, and a lifetime (indicating how long the

advertisement is valid), providing service Access information and

capabilities description for a particular service.

4. Using SLP for RSIP Service Discovery

SLP provides the framework in which RSIP clients and servers make

contact. Here is a description of how an RSIP server and client find

each other using SLP:

1. The RSIP server implements a SLP SA while the RSIP client

implements an SLP UA.

2. The RSIP SA constructs a service advertisement consisting of a

service URL, attributes and a lifetime. The URL has service type

"service:rsip", and attributes defined according to the template

in Section 7.

3. If an SLP DA is found, the SA contacts the DA and registers the

advertisement. If no DA is found, the SA maintains the

advertisement itself, answering multicast UA queries directly.

4. When the RSIP client requires contact information for an RSIP

server, the UA either contacts the DA using unicast or the SA

using multicast. The UA includes a query based on the attributes

to indicate the characteristics of the server it requires.

5. Once the UA has the host name or address of the RSIP server as

well as the port number, it can begin negotiation using the RSIP


This procedure is exactly the same for any client/server pair

implementing SLP and is not specific to RSIP.

Many protocols use a variety of traditional methods for service

discovery. These methods include static configuration, purpose-build

protocols for discovery, special features in the protocol itself, DNS

SRV RRs [5], or DHCP [6]. SLP provides a number of advantages over

these traditional methods:

1. Discovery of services using SLP is dynamic, whereas many of the

traditional methods only allow static or weakly dynamic (i.e.,

difficult to update) discovery. Clients only discover services

that are actually active with SLP. Furthermore, if subsequent to

initial discovery a server goes down, the client can reissue an

SLP query and oBTain a new server. On the server side, no

databases must be updated to provide dynamic discovery, the

servers advertise themselves.

2. SLP requires no third party configuration. Only the server

offering the service and the client seeking it are required to

know the details for the particular service type.

3. SLP allows clients to specify the attributes describing the

desired server. A client discovers servers that meet a set of

specific requirements. This reduces the amount of network traffic

involved in selecting a server when many possible choices are


4. SLP contains a number of scaling mechanisms (DAs, scopes,

multicast convergence algorithm), that facilitate deployment in

large enterprise networks as well as in smaller networks.

5. Using Scopes for Server Provisioning

One particular design feature of SLP that is useful for RSIP is

scopes. Scopes in SLP are a mechanism for provisioning access to

particular service advertisements. An administrator assigns UAs and

SAs to particular scopes to assure that UAs only find SAs in those

scopes. Scopes are not an access control mechanism for the service

itself, however. UAs from outside the scope can still access

services in a particular scope (unless the service itself provides

for access control), they just won't be able to find the services

using SLP.

Scopes are useful for RSIP service advertisement provisioning because

they allow a system administrator to tie particular RSIP clients to

specific RSIP servers. For example, consider the network

architecture described in Section 4.2.1 of [7]. RSIP clients are

recommended to find "the nearest" RSIP server, but exactly how that

should be arranged is left unspecified. SLP provides a way for

system administrators to precisely specify which realm an RSIP client

resides in, by tying the realm to an SLP scope. The diagram from

Section 14.1 is reproduced here, with SLP scopes included to

illustrate how clients could be directed to the right RSIP servers.



server +----

B SLP Scope: B


+-----------+ ( RSIP +--+

----------------+ server SLP Scope: A

A +--+





server +----

C SLP Scope: C


Clients on the upper network are configured to use SLP

scope B, while clients on the lower network are configured

to use SLP scope C. RSIP servers B and C (as clients of server A)

use SLP to locate RSIP server A, as do other RSIP clients on the and subnets. Within these two subnets, all

clients have their scopes configured to be A.

Note that specifying a particular SLP scope for RSIP clients does not

restrict the SLP scope for other services advertised by SLP. SLP UAs

can be configured for multiple scopes, so the scope configured for

printing may be different from the scope configured for RSIP service.

Since SLP scopes are configured through a DHCP option [8], along with

the IP address, system administrators can easily switch a cluster of

machines from one realm to another by simply changing the scope and

IP address assignments on the DHCP server. For example, in the above

architecture, suppose a system administrator wanted to remove RSIP

server B so that clients on the upper subnet were directly

on subnet These clients now communicate with RSIP

server A. By simply changing the address assignments and scope

configuration of these clients on the DHCP server, the realm can be

effectively switched.

6. Load Balancing

While SLP itself contains no specific provision for load balancing,

load balancing can easily be implemented using SLP. The only

requirement is that the service type template specify an attribute

indicating server load. In the case of RSIP, the service type

template in Section 7 contains such an attribute. The attribute

indicates the number of RSIP client sessions currently being

supported by the server.

In order to perform load balancing, the RSIP server must update its

service advertisement periodically as new connections are accepted.

An RSIP client seeking to find the server having the lightest load

performs the following series of SLP operations.

1. As in Section 4, the client issues an SLP service request and

collects all the returned service URLs.

2. For each service URL, the client performs an SLP attribute request

for the attribute LOAD. The integer load figures are returned.

3. The client sorts through the returned load figures and selects the

URL having the least number of connections. The client

establishes its RSIP session with that server.

Because of network delays, this procedure does not guarantee that a

client will always obtain a connection with the lightest loaded

server, but it does provide a high probability that the selected

server is more lightly loaded.

A similar procedure is used in [9] to load balance access to TN3270E

telnet servers.

7. The RSIP Service Type Template

Name of submitters: James Kempf <james@docomolabs-usa.com>

Gabriel Montenegro <gab@sun.com>

Language of service template: en

Security Considerations:

RSIP clients can use Service Location Protocol to find RSIP

servers having particular security characteristics. If secure

access to such information is required, SLP security should be


Template text:

----------------------template begins here -------------------------

template-type = rsip

template-version = 0.0


The service:rsip type provides advertisements for clients seeing

realm-specific IP (RSIP) servers. RSIP servers use the Realm

Specific IP protocol to manage addresses and other resources

from one realm on behalf of a client in another realm.


;No additional URL path information required. An example service

;URL for an RSIP server is: service:rsip://gateway.mydomain:4455

ipsec-support = BOOLEAN O

#True if the server supports IPSEC as per [10]

ike-support = BOOLEAN O

#True if the server supports IKE as per [10]

tunnel-type = STRING L M O


#The tunneling methods supported by the RSIP server. Clients

#should include this attribute in a query so that they obtain a

#server offering a tunneling method for which they have

#support. Default is IP-IP. The values are currently

#restricted to IP-IP, L2TP, GRE and NONE. A server can support

#multiple tunnel types.


transport = STRING L M O


#Transport used by the RSIP protocol itself.


load = INTEGER O

#If the server supports load balancing, this attribute should be

#set to an integer from 0 to 100. 0 is the lowest indication of

#load and 100 the highest. Clients can query for this attribute

#and obtain load information, from which they can make an

#intelligent decision about which server to use.

----------------------template ends here ---------------------------

8. Security Considerations

Service type templates provide information that is used to interpret

information obtained by clients through SLP. If the RSIP template is

modified or if a false template is distributed, RSIP servers may not

correctly register themselves, or RSIP clients may not be able to

interpret service information.

SLP provides an authentication mechanism for UAs to assure that

service advertisements only come from trusted SAs [2]. If trust is

an issue, particularly with respect to the information sought by the

client about IPSEC and IKE support, then SLP authentication should be

enabled in the network.

9. Summary

This document describes how SLP can be used by RSIP clients to find

RSIP servers. A service type template for an RSIP SLP service type

is presented. In addition, a few techniques for provisioning access

to service advertisements for particular gateway servers, and for

load balancing using SLP were provided. The result should allow RSIP

service provisioning that is considerably more dynamic and robust

than when traditional service discovery mechanisms are used.


[1] Borella, M., Grabelsky, D., Lo, J. and K. Taniguchi, "Realm

Specific IP: Protocol Specification", RFC3103, April 2001.

[2] Guttman, E., Perkins, C., Veizades, J. and M. Day, "Service

Location Protocol, version 2", RFC2608, July 1999.

[3] Guttman, E, Perkins, C. and J. Kempf, "Service Templates and

service: Schemes", RFC2609, July 1999.

[4] Bradner, S., "Key Words for Use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement

Levels", BCP 14, RFC2119, March 1997.

[5] Gulbrandsen, A. and P. Vixie, "A DNS RR for specifying the

location of services (DNS SRV)", RFC2052, October 1996.

[6] Droms, R., "Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol", RFC2131,

March 1997.

[7] Borella, M., Lo, J., Grabelsky, D. and G. Montenegro, "Realm

Specific IP: Framework", RFC3102, October 2001.

[8] Perkins, C. and E. Guttman, "DHCP Options for Service Location

Protocol", RFC2610, July 1999.

[9] Naugle, J., Kasthurirangan, K. and G. Ledford, "TN3270E Service

Location and Session Balancing", RFC3049, January 2001.

[10] Montenegro, G. and M. Borella, "RSIP Support for End-to-end

IPSEC", RFC3104, October 2001.

[11] E. Guttman, "Service Location Protocol: Automatic Discovery of

IP Network Services," IEEE Internet Computing, July/August 1999.

Available at: http://computer.org/internet/ic1999/w4toc.htm

Authors' Addresses

Questions about this document may be directed to:

James Kempf


181 Metro Drive, Suite 300

San Jose, CA


Phone: 408-451-4711

Email: james@docomolabs-usa.com

Gabriel E. Montenegro

Sun Microsystems

Laboratories, Europe

29, chemin du Vieux Chene

38240 Meylan


Phone: +33 476 18 80 45

EMail: gab@sun.com

Full Copyright Statement

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2001). All Rights Reserved.

This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to

others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it

or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published

and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any

kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are

included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this

document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing

the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other

Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of

developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for

copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be

followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than


The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be

revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.

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