
RFC3101 - The OSPF Not-So-Stubby Area (NSSA) Option

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group P. Murphy

Request for Comments: 3101 US Geological Survey

Obsoletes: 1587 January 2003

Category: Standards Track

The OSPF Not-So-Stubby Area (NSSA) Option

Status of this Memo

This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the

Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for

improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet

Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state

and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2003). All Rights Reserved.


This memo documents an optional type of Open Shortest Path First

(OSPF) area that is somewhat humorously referred to as a "not-so-

stubby" area (or NSSA). NSSAs are similar to the existing OSPF stub

area configuration option but have the additional capability of

importing AS external routes in a limited fashion.

The OSPF NSSA Option was originally defined in RFC1587. The

functional differences between this memo and RFC1587 are eXPlained

in Appendix F. All differences, while expanding capability, are

backward-compatible in nature. Implementations of this memo and of

RFC1587 will interoperate.

Table Of Contents

1.0 Overview ................................................. 2

1.1 Motivation - Transit Networks ......................... 2

1.2 Motivation - Corporate Networks ....................... 4

1.3 Proposed Solution ..................................... 5

2.0 NSSA Intra-Area Implementation Details ................... 7

2.1 The N-bit ............................................. 7

2.2 Type-7 Address Ranges ................................. 7

2.3 Type-7 LSAs ........................................... 8

2.4 Originating Type-7 LSAs ............................... 9

2.5 Calculating Type-7 AS External Routes ................. 10

2.6 Incremental Updates ................................... 14

2.7 Optionally Importing Summary Routes ................... 14

3.0 Intra-AS Implementation Details .......................... 15

3.1 Type-7 Translator Election ............................ 15

3.2 Translating Type-7 LSAs into Type-5 LSAs .............. 16

3.3 Flushing Translated Type-7 LSAs ....................... 19

4.0 Security Considerations .................................. 20

5.0 Acknowledgements ......................................... 21

6.0 Contributors ............................................. 22

7.0 References ............................................... 22

Appendix A: The Options Field ................................ 23

Appendix B: Router-LSAs ...................................... 24

Appendix C: Type-7 LSA Packet Format ......................... 26

Appendix D: Configuration Parameters ......................... 27

Appendix E: The P-bit Policy Paradox ......................... 28

Appendix F: Differences from RFC1587 ........................ 30

Author's Addresses ........................................... 32

Full Copyright Statement ..................................... 33

1.0 Overview

1.1 Motivation - Transit Networks

Wide-area transit networks often have connections to moderately

complex "leaf" sites. A leaf site may have multiple IP network

numbers assigned to it. Typically, one of the leaf site's networks

is directly connected to a router provided and administered by the

transit network while the others are distributed throughout and

administered by the site. From the transit network's perspective,

all of the network numbers associated with the site make up a single

"stub" entity. For example, BBN Planet has one site composed of a

class-B network,, and a class-C network,

From BBN Planet's perspective, this configuration looks something

like the diagram on the next page, where the "cloud" consists of the

subnets of 130.57 and network 192.31.114, all of which are learned by

RIP on router BR18.



-------------- 130.57.4

------ 131.119.13 ------


------ ------


to BBN Planet "core" OSPF system

Topologically, this cloud looks very mUCh like an OSPF stub area.

The advantages of running the cloud as an OSPF stub area are:

1. External routes learned from OSPF's Type-5 AS-external-LSAs are

not advertised beyond the router labeled "BR10". This is

advantageous because the link between BR10 and BR18 may be a

low-speed link or the router BR18 may have limited resources.

2. The transit network is abstracted to the "leaf" router BR18 by

advertising only a default route across the link between BR10

and BR18.

3. The cloud becomes a single, manageable "leaf" with respect to

the transit network.

4. The cloud can become, logically, a part of the transit

network's OSPF routing system.

However, the original definition of the OSPF protocol (See [OSPF])

imposes topological limitations that restrict simple cloud topologies

from becoming OSPF stub areas. In particular, it is illegal for a

stub area to import routes external to OSPF; thus it is not possible

for routers BR18 and BR10 to both be members of the stub area and to

import into OSPF as Type-5 AS-external-LSAs routes learned from RIP

or other IP routing protocols. In order to run OSPF out to BR18,

BR18 must be a member of a non-stub area or the OSPF backbone before

it can import routes other than its directly connected network(s).

Since it is not acceptable for BR18 to maintain all of BBN Planet's

Type-5 AS external routes, BBN Planet is forced by OSPF's topological

limitations to only run OSPF out to BR10 and to run RIP between BR18

and BR10.

1.2 Motivation - Corporate Networks

In a corporate network that supports a large corporate infrastructure

it is not uncommon for its OSPF domain to have a complex non-zero

area infrastructure that injects large routing tables into its Area 0

backbone. Organizations within the corporate infrastructure may

routinely multi-home their non-zero OSPF areas to strategically

located Area 0 backbone routers, either to provide backbone

redundancy or to increase backbone connectivity or both. Because of

these large routing tables, OSPF aggregation via summarization is

routinely used and recommended. Stub areas are also recommended to

keep the size of the routing tables of non-backbone routers small.

Organizations within the corporation are administratively autonomous

and compete for corporate backbone resources. They also want

isolation from each other in order to protect their own network

resources within the organization.

Consider the typical example configuration shown below where routers

A1, B1 and A2, B2 are connected to Area 1 and Area 2 respectively,

and where routers A0 and B0 are Area 0 border routers that connect to

both Area 1 and Area 2. Assume the 192.168.192/20 and 192.168.208/22

clouds are subnetted with a protocol different from the corporate

OSPF instance. These other protocols could be RIP, IGRP, or second

and third OSPF instances separate from the corporate OSPF backbone


Area 1 and Area 2 would like to be stub areas to minimize the size of

their link state databases. It is also desirable to originate two

aggregated external advertisements for the subnets of 192.168.192/20

and 192.168.208/22 in such a way that the preferred path to

192.168.192/20 is through A0 and the preferred path to 192.168.208/22

is through B0.

+---A0------Area 0 cloud------B0---+

T1 56kbs

56kbs T1

Area 1 cloud


+---A2 B2---+

Area 2 cloud


The current standard OSPF stub area has no mechanism to support the

redistribution of routes for the subnets of 192.168.192/20 and

192.168.208/22 within a stub area or the ability to aggregate a range

of external routes in any OSPF area. Any solution to this dilemma

must also honor Area 1's path of choice to 192.168.192/20 through A0

with redundancy through B0 while at the same time honoring Area 2's

path of choice to 192.168.208/20 through B0 with redundancy through


1.3 Proposed Solution

This document describes a new optional type of OSPF area, somewhat

humorously referred to as a "not-so-stubby" area (or NSSA), which has

the capability of importing external routes in a limited fashion.

The OSPF specification defines two general classes of area

configuration. The first allows Type-5 LSAs to be flooded throughout

the area. In this configuration, Type-5 LSAs may be originated by

routers internal to the area or flooded into the area by area border

routers. These areas, referred to herein as Type-5 capable areas (or

just plain areas in the OSPF specification), are distinguished by the

fact that they can carry transit traffic. The backbone is always a

Type-5 capable area. The second type of area configuration, called

stub, does not allow Type-5 LSAs to be propagated into/throughout the

area and instead depends on default routing to external destinations.

NSSAs are defined in much the same manner as existing stub areas. To

support NSSAs, a new option bit (the "N" bit) and a new type of LSA

(Type-7) are defined. The "N" bit ensures that routers belonging to

an NSSA agree on its configuration. Similar to the stub area's use

of the "E" bit, both NSSA neighbors must agree on the setting of the

"N" bit or the OSPF neighbor adjacency will not form.

Type-7 LSAs provide for carrying external route information within an

NSSA. Type-7 LSAs have virtually the same syntax as Type-5 LSAs with

the obvious exception of the link-state type. (See section 2.3 for

more details.) Both LSAs are considered a type of OSPF AS-

external-LSA. There are two major semantic differences between

Type-5 LSAs and Type-7 LSAs.

o Type-7 LSAs may be originated by and advertised throughout an

NSSA; as with stub areas, Type-5 LSAs are not flooded into

NSSAs and do not originate there.

o Type-7 LSAs are advertised only within a single NSSA; they are

not flooded into the backbone area or any other area by border

routers, though the information that they contain may be

propagated into the backbone area. (See Section 3.2.)

In order to allow limited exchange of external information across an

NSSA border, NSSA border routers will translate selected Type-7 LSAs

received from the NSSA into Type-5 LSAs. These Type-5 LSAs will be

flooded to all Type-5 capable areas. NSSA border routers may be

configured with address ranges so that multiple Type-7 LSAs may be

aggregated into a single Type-5 LSA. The NSSA border routers that

perform translation are configurable. In the absence of a configured

translator one is elected.

In addition, an NSSA border router should originate a default LSA (IP

network is into the NSSA. Default routes are necessary

because NSSAs do not receive full routing information and must have a

default route in order to route to AS-external destinations. Like

stub areas, NSSAs may be connected to the Area 0 backbone at more

than one NSSA border router, but may not be used as a transit area.

Note that a Type-7 default LSA originated by an NSSA border router is

never translated into a Type-5 LSA, however, a Type-7 default LSA

originated by an NSSA internal AS boundary router (one that is not an

NSSA border router) may be translated into a Type-5 LSA.

Like stub areas, NSSA border routers optionally import summary routes

into their NSSAs as Type-3 summary-LSAs. If the import is disabled,

particular care should be taken to ensure that summary routing is not

obscured by an NSSA's Type-7 AS-external-LSAs. This may happen when

the AS's other IGPs, like RIP and ISIS, leak routing information into

the NSSA. In these cases all summary routes should be imported into

the NSSA. The recommended default behavior is to import summary

routes into NSSAs. Since Type-5 AS-external-LSAs are not flooded

into NSSAs, NSSA border routers should not originate Type-4 summary-

LSAs into their NSSAs. Also an NSSA's border routers never originate

Type-4 summary-LSAs for the NSSA's AS boundary routers, since Type-7

AS-external-LSAs are never flooded beyond the NSSA's border.

When summary routes are not imported into an NSSA, the default LSA

originated into it by its border routers must be a Type-3 summary-

LSA. This default summary-LSA insures intra-AS connectivity to the

rest of the OSPF domain, as its default summary route is preferred

over the default route of a Type-7 default LSA. Without a default

summary route the OSPF domain's inter-area traffic, which is normally

forwarded by summary routes, might exit the AS via the default route

of a Type-7 default LSA originated by an NSSA internal router. The

Type-7 default LSAs originated by NSSA internal routers and the no-

summary option are mutually exclusive features. When summary routes

are imported into the NSSA, the default LSA originated by a NSSA

border router into the NSSA should be a Type-7 LSA.

In our transit topology example the subnets of 130.57 and network

192.31.114 will still be learned by RIP on router BR18, but now both

BR10 and BR18 can be in an NSSA and all of BBN Planet's external

routes are hidden from BR18; BR10 becomes an NSSA border router and

BR18 becomes an AS boundary router internal to the NSSA. BR18 will

import the subnets of 130.57 and network 192.31.114 as Type-7 LSAs

into the NSSA. BR10 then translates these routes into Type-5 LSAs

and floods them into BBN Planet's backbone.

In our corporate topology example if Area 1 and Area 2 are NSSAs the

external paths to the subnets of the address ranges 192.168.192/20

and 192.168.208/22 can be redistributed as Type-7 LSAs throughout

Area 1 and Area 2 respectively, and then aggregated during the

translation process into separate Type-5 LSAs that are flooded into

Area 0. A0 may be configured as Area 1's translator even though B0

is the translator of Area 2.

2.0 NSSA Intra-Area Implementation Details

2.1 The N-bit

The N-bit ensures that all members of an NSSA agree on the area's

configuration. Together, the N-bit and E-bit reflect an interface's

(and consequently the interface's associated area) external LSA

flooding capability. As explained in [OSPF] Section 10.5, if Type-5

LSAs are not flooded into/throughout the area, the E-bit must be

clear in the option field of the received Hello packets. Interfaces

associated with an NSSA will not send or receive Type-5 LSAs on that

interface but may send and receive Type-7 LSAs. Therefore, if the

N-bit is set in the options field, the E-bit must be clear.

To support the NSSA option an additional check must be made in the

function that handles the receiving of the Hello packet to verify

that both the N-bit and the E-bit found in the Hello packet's option

field match the area type and ExternalRoutingCapability of the area

of the receiving interface. A mismatch in the options causes

processing of the received Hello packet to stop and the packet to be


2.2 Type-7 Address Ranges

NSSA border routers may be configured with Type-7 address ranges.

Each Type-7 address range is defined as an [address,mask] pair. Many

separate Type-7 networks may fall into a single Type-7 address range,

just as a subnetted network is composed of many separate subnets.

NSSA border routers may aggregate Type-7 routes by advertising a

single Type-5 LSA for each Type-7 address range. The Type-5 LSA

resulting from a Type-7 address range match will be distributed to

all Type-5 capable areas. Section 3.2 details how Type-5 LSAs are

generated from Type-7 address ranges.

A Type-7 address range includes the following configurable items.

o An [address,mask] pair.

o A status indication of either Advertise or DoNotAdvertise.

o An external route tag.

2.3 Type-7 LSAs

External routes are imported into NSSAs as Type-7 LSAs by NSSA AS

boundary routers. An NSSA AS boundary router (ASBR) is a router that

has an interface associated with the NSSA and is exchanging routing

information with routers belonging to another AS. Like OSPF ASBRs,

an NSSA router indicates it is an NSSA ASBR by setting the E-bit in

its router-LSA. As with Type-5 LSAs a separate Type-7 LSA is

originated for each destination network. To support NSSAs the link-

state database must therefore be expanded to contain Type-7 LSAs.

Type-7 LSAs are identical to Type-5 LSAs except for the following

(see [OSPF] Section 12.4.4, "AS external links").

1. The Type field in the LSA header is 7.

2. Type-7 LSAs are only flooded within the originating NSSA. The

flooding of Type-7 LSAs follows the same rules as the flooding

of Type-1 and Type-2 LSAs.

3. Type-7 LSAs are only listed within the OSPF area data

structures of their respective NSSAs, making them area

specific. Type-5 LSAs, which are flooded to all Type-5 capable

areas, have global scope and are listed in the OSPF protocol

data structure.

4. NSSA border routers select which Type-7 LSAs are translated

into Type-5 LSAs and flooded into the OSPF domain's transit


5. Type-7 LSAs have a propagate (P) bit that, when set, tells an

NSSA border router to translate a Type-7 LSA into a Type-5 LSA.

6. Those Type-7 LSAs that are to be translated into Type-5 LSAs

must have their forwarding address set.

Type-5 LSAs that are translations of Type-7 LSAs copy the Type-7

LSAs' non-zero forwarding addresses. Only those Type-5 LSAs that are

aggregations of Type-7 LSAs may have as a forwarding address.

(See Section 3.2 for details.) Non-zero forwarding addresses produce

efficient inter-area routing to an NSSA's AS external destinations

when it has multiple border routers. Also the non-zero forwarding

addresses of Type-7 LSAs ease the process of their translation into

Type-5 LSAs, as NSSA border routers are not required to compute them.

Normally the next hop address of an installed AS external route

learned by an NSSA ASBR from an adjacent AS points at one of the

adjacent AS's gateway routers. If this address belongs to a network

connected to the NSSA ASBR via one of its NSSAs' active interfaces,

then the NSSA ASBR copies this next hop address into the forwarding

address field of the route's Type-7 LSA that is originated into this

NSSA, as is currently done with Type-5 LSAs. (See [OSPF] Section For an NSSA with no such network the forwarding address

field may only be filled with an address from one of the its active

interfaces or If the P-bit is set, the forwarding address

must be non-zero; otherwise it may be If an NSSA requires

the P-bit be set and a non-zero forwarding address is unavailable,

then the route's Type-7 LSA is not originated into this NSSA.

When a router is forced to pick a forwarding address for a Type-7

LSA, preference should be given first to the router's internal

addresses (provided internal addressing is supported). If internal

addresses are not available, preference should be given to the

router's active OSPF stub network addresses. These choices avoid the

possible extra hop that may happen when a transit network's address

is used. When the interface whose IP address is the LSA's forwarding

address transitions to a Down state (see [OSPF] Section 9.3), the

router must select a new forwarding address for the LSA and then re-

originate it. If one is not available the LSA should be flushed.

The metrics and path types of Type-5 LSAs are directly comparable

with the metrics and path types of Type-7 LSAs.

2.4 Originating Type-7 LSAs

NSSA AS boundary routers may only originate Type-7 LSAs into NSSAs.

An NSSA internal AS boundary router must set the P-bit in the LSA

header's option field of any Type-7 LSA whose network it wants

advertised into the OSPF domain's full transit topology. The LSAs of

these networks must have a valid non-zero forwarding address. If the

P-bit is clear the LSA is not translated into a Type-5 LSA by NSSA

border routers.

When an NSSA border router originates both a Type-5 LSA and a Type-7

LSA for the same network, then the P-bit must be clear in the Type-7

LSA so that it isn't translated into a Type-5 LSA by another NSSA

border router. If the border router only originates a Type-7 LSA, it

may set the P-bit so that the network may be aggregated/propagated

during Type-7 translation. If an NSSA's border router originates a

Type-5 LSA with a forwarding address from the NSSA, it should also

originate a Type-7 LSA into the NSSA. If two NSSA routers, both

reachable from one another over the NSSA, originate functionally

equivalent Type-7 LSAs (i.e., same destination, cost and non-zero

forwarding address), then the router having the least preferred LSA

should flush its LSA. (See [OSPF] Section Preference

between two Type-7 LSAs is determined by the following tie breaker


1. An LSA with the P-bit set is preferred over one with the P-bit


2. If the P-bit settings are the same, the LSA with the higher

router ID is preferred.

A Type-7 default LSA for the network may be originated into

the NSSA by any NSSA router. The Type-7 default LSA originated by an

NSSA border router must have the P-bit clear. An NSSA ASBR that is

not an NSSA border router may originate a Type-7 default LSA with the

P-bit set. A Type-7 default LSA may be installed by NSSA border

routers if and only if its P-bit is set. (See Appendix E.)

NSSA border routers must originate an LSA for the default destination

into all their directly attached NSSAs in order to support intra-AS

routing and inter-AS routing. This default destination is advertised

in either a Type-3 LSA or a Type-7 LSA, as described in Section 2.7.

The default LSA's metric should be configurable. For Type-7 default

LSAs, the metric type (1 or 2) should also be configurable.

2.5 Calculating Type-7 AS External Routes

This calculation must be run when Type-7 LSAs are processed during

the AS external route calculation. This calculation may process

Type-5 LSAs, but it is written that way only for comparison sake.

Non-default Type-7 LSAs with the P-bit clear may be installed in the

OSPF routing table of NSSA border routers. Since these LSAs are not

propagated throughout the OSPF domain, traffic that originates

external to an NSSA and that passes through one of the NSSA's border

routers may be unexpectedly diverted into the NSSA. (See Appendix


An NSSA border router should examine both Type-5 LSAs and Type-7 LSAs

if either Type-5 or Type-7 routes need to be updated or recalculated.

This is done as part of the AS external route calculation. An NSSA

internal router should examine Type-7 LSAs when Type-7 routes need to

be recalculated.

What follows is only a modest modification of [OSPF] Section 16.4.

Original paragraphs are tagged with [OSPF]. Paragraphs with minor

changes are tagged with ~[OSPF]. Paragraphs specific to NSSA are

tagged with [NSSA].

AS external routes are calculated by examining AS-external-LSAs, be

they Type-5 or Type-7. Each of the AS-external-LSAs is considered in

turn. Most AS-external-LSAs describe routes to specific IP

destinations. An AS-external-LSA can also describe a default route

for the Autonomous System (Destination ID = DefaultDestination,

network/subnet mask = 0x00000000). For each AS-external-LSA:


(1) If the metric specified by the LSA is LSInfinity, or if the

age of the LSA equals MaxAge, then examine the next LSA.


(2) If the LSA was originated by the calculating router itself,

examine the next LSA.


(3) Call the destination described by the LSA N. N's address is

oBTained by maSKINg the LSA's Link State ID with the

network/subnet mask contained in the body of the LSA. Look up

the routing table entries that match the LSA's type for the AS

boundary router (ASBR) that originated the LSA. For a Type-5

LSA, routing table entries may only be selected from each

attached Type-5 capable area. Since the flooding scope of a

Type-7 LSA is restricted to the originating NSSA, the routing

table entry of its ASBR must be found in the originating NSSA.

If no entries exist for the ASBR (i.e. the ASBR is unreachable

over the transit topology for a Type-5 LSA, or, for a Type-7

LSA, it is unreachable over the LSA's originating NSSA), do

nothing with this LSA and consider the next in the list.


Else if the destination is a Type-7 default route (destination

ID = DefaultDestination) and one of the following is true,

then do nothing with this LSA and consider the next in the


o The calculating router is a border router and the LSA has

its P-bit clear. Appendix E describes a technique

whereby an NSSA border router installs a Type-7 default

LSA without propagating it.

o The calculating router is a border router and is

suppressing the import of summary routes as Type-3



Else, this LSA describes an AS external path to destination N.

Examine the forwarding address specified in the AS-external-

LSA. This indicates the IP address to which packets for the

destination should be forwarded.


If the forwarding address is set to then packets

should be sent to the ASBR itself. If the LSA is Type-5, from

among the multiple non-NSSA routing table entries for the ASBR

(both NSSA and non-NSSA ASBR entries might exists on an NSSA

border router), select the preferred entry as follows:


If RFC1583Compatibility is set to "disabled", prune the set

of routing table entries for the ASBR as described in OSPF

Section 16.4.1. In any case, among the remaining routing

table entries, select the routing table entry with the least

cost; when there are multiple least cost routing table

entries the entry whose associated area has the largest OSPF

Area ID (when considered as an unsigned 32-bit integer) is



Since a Type-7 LSA only has area-wide flooding scope, when its

forwarding address is set to, its ASBR's routing table

entry must be chosen from the originating NSSA. Here no

pruning is necessary since this entry always contains non-

backbone intra-area paths.


If the forwarding address is non-zero look up the forwarding

address in the routing table. For a Type-5 LSA the matching

routing table entry must specify an intra-area or inter-area

path through a Type-5 capable area. For a Type-7 LSA the

matching routing table entry must specify an intra-area path

through the LSA's originating NSSA. If no such path exists

then do nothing with this LSA and consider the next in the



(4) Let X be the cost specified by the preferred routing table

entry for the ASBR/forwarding address, and Y the cost

specified in the LSA. X is in terms of the link state metric,

and Y is a type 1 or 2 external metric.


(5) Now, look up the routing table entry for the destination N.

If no entry exists for N, install the AS external path to N,

with the next hop equal to the list of next hops to the

ASBR/forwarding address, and advertising router equal to the

ASBR. If the external metric type is 1, then the path-type is

set to Type-1 external and the cost is equal to X + Y. If the

external metric type is 2, the path-type is set to Type-2

external, the link-state component of the route's cost is X,

and the type 2 cost is Y.


(6) Otherwise compare the AS external path described by the LSA

with the existing paths in N's routing table entry. If the

new path is preferred, it replaces the present paths in N's

routing table entry. If the new path is of equal preference,

it is added to the present paths in N's routing table entry.


Preference is defined as follows:

(a) Intra-area and inter-area paths are always preferred over

AS external paths.


(b) Type 1 external paths are always preferred over type 2

external paths. When all paths are type 2 external paths,

the paths with the smallest advertised type 2 metric are

always preferred.


(c) If the new AS external path is still indistinguishable

from the current paths in N's routing table entry, and

RFC1583Compatibility is set to "disabled", select the

preferred paths based on the intra-AS paths to the

ASBR/forwarding addresses, as specified in Section 16.4.1.

Here intra-NSSA paths are equivalent to the intra-area

paths of non-backbone regular OSPF areas.


(d) If the new AS external path is still indistinguishable

from the current paths in N's routing table entry, select

the preferred path based on a least cost comparison. Type

1 external paths are compared by looking at the sum of the

distance to the ASBR/forwarding addresses and the

advertised type 1 metric (X+Y). Type 2 external paths

advertising equal type 2 metrics are compared by looking

at the distance to the ASBR/forwarding addresses.


(e) If the current LSA is functionally the same as an

installed LSA (i.e., same destination, cost and non-zero

forwarding address) then apply the following priorities in

deciding which LSA is preferred:

1. A Type-7 LSA with the P-bit set.

2. A Type-5 LSA.

3. The LSA with the higher router ID.


2.6 Incremental Updates

Incremental updates for Type-7 LSAs should be treated the same as

incremental updates for Type-5 LSAs (see [OSPF] Section 16.6). When

a new instance of a Type-7 LSA is received it is not necessary to

recalculate the entire routing table. Call the destination described

by the Type-7 LSA N. N's address is obtained by masking the LSA's

Link State ID with the network/subnet mask contained in the body of

the LSA. If there is already an intra-area or inter-area route to

the destination, no recalculation is necessary (internal routes take


Otherwise, the procedure in the preceding section will have to be

performed but only for the external routes (Type-5 and Type-7) whose

destination is N. Before this procedure is performed, the present

routing table entry for N should be invalidated.

2.7 Optionally Importing Summary Routes

In order for OSPF's summary routing to not be obscured by an NSSA's

Type-7 AS-external-LSAs, all NSSA border router implementations must

support the optional import of summary routes into NSSAs as Type-3

summary-LSAs. The default behavior is to import summary routes. A

new area configuration parameter, ImportSummaries, is defined in

Appendix D. When ImportSummaries is set to enabled, summary routes

are imported. When it is set to disabled, summary routes are not

imported. The default setting is enabled.

When OSPF's summary routes are not imported, the default LSA

originated by an NSSA border router into the NSSA should be a Type-3

summary-LSA. This protects the NSSA from routing intra-AS traffic out

the AS via the default route of a Type-7 default LSA originating from

one of the NSSA's internal routers. When summary routes are imported

into the NSSA, the default LSA originated by an NSSA border router

must not be a Type-3 summary-LSA; otherwise its default route would

be chosen over the potentially more preferred default routes of

Type-7 default LSAs.

3.0 Intra-AS Implementation Details

3.1 Type-7 Translator Election

It is not recommended that multiple NSSA border routers perform

Type-7 to Type-5 translation unless it is required to route packets

efficiently through Area 0 to an NSSA partitioned by Type-7 address

ranges. It is normally sufficient to have only one NSSA border

router perform the translation. Excessive numbers of Type-7

translators unnecessarily increase the size of the OSPF link state

data base.

A new area configuration parameter, NSSATranslatorRole, is defined in

Appendix D. It specifies whether or not an NSSA router will

unconditionally translate Type-7 LSAs to Type-5 LSAs when acting as

an NSSA border router. Configuring the identity of the translator can

be used to bias the routing to aggregated destinations. When

NSSATranslatorRole is set to Always, Type-7 LSAs are always

translated regardless of the translator state of other NSSA border

routers. When NSSATranslatorRole is set to Candidate an NSSA border

router will participate in the translator election process described


A new area parameter, NSSATranslatorState, is maintained in an NSSA's

OSPF area data structure. By default all NSSA routers initialize

NSSATranslatorState to disabled. When an NSSA border router's

NSSATranslatorState changes from disabled to either enabled or

elected, it begins translating the NSSA's Type-7 LSAs into Type-5

LSAs. When its NSSATranslatorState changes from either enabled or

elected to disabled, it ceases translating the NSSA's Type-7 LSAs

into Type-5 LSAs. (See paragraphs below.)

A new bit, Nt, is defined for the router-LSAs of NSSAs. (See

Appendix B.) By default routers clear bit Nt when originating

router-LSAs. However, when an NSSA border router has its

NSSATranslatorState enabled, it sets bit Nt in the router-LSA it

originates into the NSSA. An NSSA router whose NSSATranslatorRole is

set to Always should re-originate a router-LSA into the NSSA whenever

its NSSATranslatorState changes.

When an NSSA router with the NSSA's NSSATranslatorRole set to Always

attains border router status, it should change NSSATranslatorState

from disabled to enabled. When it loses border router status, it

should change NSSATranslatorState from enabled to disabled.

All NSSA border routers must set the E-bit in the Type-1 router-LSAs

of their directly attached non-stub areas, even when they are not

translating. This allows other NSSA border routers to see their ASBR

status across the AS's transit topology. Failure to do so may cause

the election algorithm to elect unnecessary translators. Every NSSA

border router is a potential translator.

An NSSA border router whose NSSA's NSSATranslatorRole is set to

Candidate must maintain a list of the NSSA's border routers that are

reachable both over the NSSA and as ASBRs over the AS's transit

topology. Any change in this list, or to the Nt bit settings of

members of this list, causes the NSSA border router to reevaluate its

NSSATranslatorState. If there exists another border router in this

list whose router-LSA has bit Nt set or who has a higher router ID,

then its NSSATranslatorState is disabled. Otherwise its

NSSATranslatorState is elected.

An elected translator will continue to perform translation duties

until supplanted by a reachable NSSA border router whose Nt bit is

set or whose router ID is greater. Such an event may happen when an

NSSA router with NSSATranslatorRole set to Always regains border

router status, or when a partitioned NSSA becomes whole. If an

elected translator determines its services are no longer required, it

continues to perform its translation duties for the additional time

interval defined by a new area configuration parameter,

TranslatorStabilityInterval. This minimizes excessive flushing of

translated Type-7 LSAs and provides for a more stable translator

transition. The default value for the TranslatorStabilityInterval

parameter has been defined as 40 seconds. (See Appendix D.)

3.2 Translating Type-7 LSAs into Type-5 LSAs

This step is performed as part of the NSSA's Dijkstra calculation

after Type-5 and Type-7 routes have been calculated. If the

calculating router is currently not an NSSA border router translator,

then this translation algorithm should be skipped. Only installed

Type-7 LSAs and those non-default Type-7 LSAs originated by the

router itself should be examined. Locally sourced Type-7 LSAs should

be processed first.

Note that it is possible for a Type-5 LSA generated by translation to

supplant a Type-5 LSA originating from a local OSPF external source.

Future reoriginations of the locally sourced Type-5 LSA should be

suppressed until the Type-5 LSA generated by translation is flushed.

A Type-7 LSA and a Type-7 address range best match one another if

there does not exist a more specific Type-7 address range that

contains the LSA's network. For each eligible Type-7 LSA perform the


(1) If the Type-7 LSA has the P-bit clear, or its forwarding

address is set to, or the most specific Type-7 address

range that subsumes the LSA's network has DoNotAdvertise

status, then do nothing with this Type-7 LSA and consider the

next one in the list. Otherwise term the LSA as translatable

and proceed with step (2).

(2) If the Type-7 LSA is not contained in any explicitly

configured Type-7 address range and the calculating router has

the highest router ID amongst NSSA translators that have

originated a functionally equivalent Type-5 LSA (i.e. same

destination, cost and non-zero forwarding address) and that

are reachable over area 0 and the NSSA, then a Type-5 LSA

should be generated if there is currently no Type-5 LSA

originating from this router corresponding to the Type-7 LSA's

network, or there is an existing Type-5 LSA and either it

corresponds to a local OSPF external source whose path type

and metric is less preferred (see Section 2.5 step (6), parts

(b) and (d)), or it doesn't and the Type-5 LSA's path type or

cost(s) have changed (See Section 2.5 step (5)) or the

forwarding address no longer maps to a translatable Type-7


The newly originated Type-5 LSA will describe the same network

and have the same network mask, path type, metric, forwarding

address and external route tag as the Type-7 LSA. The

advertising router field will be the router ID of this NSSA

border router. The link-state ID is equal to the LSA's

network address (in the case of multiple originations of

Type-5 LSAs with the same network address but different mask,

the link-state ID can also have one or more of the network's

"host" bits set).

(3) Else the Type-7 LSA must be aggregated by the most specific

Type-7 address range that subsumes it. If this Type-7 address

range has the same [address,mask] pair as the LSA's network

and no other translatable Type-7 LSA with a different network

best matches this range, then flag the LSA as not contained in

any explicitly configured Type-7 address range and process the

LSA as described in step (2). Otherwise compute the path type

and metric for this Type-7 address range as described below.

The path type and metric of the Type-7 address range is

determined from the path types and metrics of those

translatable Type-7 LSAs that best match the range plus any

locally sourced Type-5 LSAs whose network has the same

[address,mask] pair. If any of these LSAs have a path type of

2, the range's path type is 2, otherwise it is 1. If the

range's path type is 1 its metric is the highest cost amongst

these LSAs; if the range's path type is 2 its metric is the

highest Type-2 cost + 1 amongst these LSAs. (See Section 2.5

step (5).) 1 is added to the Type-2 cost to ensure that the

translated Type-5 LSA does not appear closer on the NSSA

border than a translatable Type-7 LSA whose network has the

same [address,mask] pair and Type-2 cost.

A Type-5 LSA is generated from the Type-7 address range when

there is currently no Type-5 LSA originated by this router

whose network has the same [address,mask] pair as the range or

there is but either its path type or metric has changed or its

forwarding address is non-zero.

The newly generated Type-5 LSA will have a link-state ID equal

to the Type-7 address range's address (in the case of multiple

originations of Type-5 LSAs with the same network address but

different mask, the link-state ID can also have one or more of

the range's "host" bits set). The advertising router field

will be the router ID of this area border router. The network

mask and the external route tag are set to the range's

configured values. The forwarding address is set to

The path type and metric are set to the range's path type and

metric as defined and computed above.

The pending processing of other translation eligible Type-7

LSAs that best match this Type-7 address range is suppressed.

Thus at most a single Type-5 LSA is originated for each Type-7

address range.

For example, given a Type-7 address range of [,]

that subsumes the following Type-7 routes: path type 1, cost 10 path type 1, cost 11 path type 2, type 2 cost 5

a Type-5 LSA would be generated with a path type of 2 and a metric 6.

Given a Type-7 address range of [,] that subsumes

the following Type-7 routes: path type 1, cost 10 path type 1, cost 11 path type 1, cost 5

a Type-5 LSA will be generated with a path type of 1 and a metric 11.

These Type-7 address range metric and path type rules will avoid

routing loops in the event that path types 1 and 2 are both used

within the area.

As with all newly originated Type-5 LSAs, a Type-5 LSA that is the

result of a Type-7 LSA translation or aggregation is flooded to all

attached Type-5 capable areas.

Like Type-3 address ranges, a Type-7 address range performs the dual

function of setting propagation policy via its

Advertise/DoNotAdvertise parameter and aggregation via its network

address and mask pair. Unlike the origination of Type-3 summary-LSAs,

the translation of a Type-7 LSA into a Type-5 LSA may result in more

efficient routing when the forwarding address is set, as is done

during step (2) of the translation procedure.

Another important feature of this translation process is that it

allows a Type-7 address range to apply different properties

(aggregation, forwarding address, and Advertise/DoNotAdvertise

status) for the Type-7 routes it subsumes, versus those Type-7 routes

subsumed by other more specific Type-7 address ranges contained in

the Type-7 address range.

3.3 Flushing Translated Type-7 LSAs

If an NSSA border router has either translated or aggregated an

installed Type-7 LSA into a Type-5 LSA that should no longer be

translated or aggregated, then the Type-5 LSA should either be

flushed or reoriginated as a translation or aggregation of other

Type-7 LSAs.

If an NSSA border router is translating Type-7 LSA's into Type-5

LSA's with NSSATranslatorState set to elected and the NSSA border

router has determined that its translator election status has been

deposed by another NSSA border router (see Section 3.1), then, as

soon as the TranslatorStabilityInterval has expired without the

router reelecting itself as a translator, Type-5 LSAs that are

generated by aggregating Type-7 LSAs into their best matched Type-7

address ranges (see Section 3.2, Step (3)) are flushed. Conversely

Type-5 LSAs generated by translating Type-7 LSAs are not immediately

flushed, but are allowed to remain in the OSPF routing domain as if

the originator is still an elected translator. This minimizes the

flushing and flooding impact on the transit topology of an NSSA that

changes its translators frequently.

4.0 Security Considerations

There are two types of issues that need be addressed when looking at

protecting routing protocols from misconfigurations and malicious

attacks. The first is authentication and certification of routing

protocol information. The second is denial of service attacks

resulting from repetitive origination of the same router

advertisement or origination of a large number of distinct

advertisements resulting in database overflow. Note that both of

these concerns exist independently of a router's support for the NSSA


The OSPF protocol addresses authentication concerns by authenticating

OSPF protocol exchanges. OSPF supports multiple types of

authentication; the type of authentication in use can be configured

on a per network segment basis. One of OSPF's authentication types,

namely the Cryptographic authentication option, is believed to be

secure against passive attacks and provides significant protection

against active attacks. When using the Cryptographic authentication

option, each router appends a "message digest" to its transmitted

OSPF packets. Receivers then use the shared secret key and the

received digest to verify that each received OSPF packet is


The quality of the security provided by the Cryptographic

authentication option depends completely on the strength of the

message digest algorithm (MD5 is currently the only message digest

algorithm specified), the strength of the key being used, and the

correct implementation of the security mechanism in all communicating

OSPF implementations. It also requires that all parties maintain the

secrecy of the shared secret key. None of the standard OSPF

authentication types provide confidentiality, nor do they protect

against traffic analysis. For more information on the standard OSPF

security mechanisms, see Sections 8.1, 8.2, and Appendix D of [OSPF].

[DIGI] describes the extensions to OSPF required to add digital

signature authentication to Link State data and to provide a

certification mechanism for router data. [DIGI] also describes the

added LSA processing and key management as well as a method for

migration from or co-existence with standard OSPF V2.

OSPF addresses repetitive origination of advertisements by mandating

a limit on how frequent new instances of any particular LSA can be

originated and accepted during the flooding procedure. The frequency

at which new LSA instances may be originated is set to once every

MinLSInterval seconds, whose value is 5 seconds. (See [OSPF] Section

12.4.) The frequency at which new LSA instances are accepted during

flooding is once every MinLSArrival seconds, whose value is set to 1

second. (See [OSPF] Section 13, Appendix B, and G.1.)

Proper operation of the OSPF protocol requires that all OSPF routers

maintain an identical copy of the OSPF link state database. However,

when the size of the link state database becomes very large, some

routers may be unable to keep the entire database due to resource

shortages; this is termed "database overflow". When database

overflow is anticipated, the routers with limited resources can be

accommodated by configuring OSPF stub areas and NSSAs. [OVERFLOW]

details a way of gracefully handling unanticipated database


5.0 Acknowledgements

This document was produced by the OSPF Working Group, chaired by John


In addition, the comments of the following individuals are also


Antoni Przygienda Redback Networks, Inc

Alex Zinin cisco

It is also noted that comments from

Phani Jajjarvarpu cisco

Dino Farinacci cisco

Jeff Honig Cornell University

Doug Williams IBM

were acknowledged in the predecessor of this document, RFC1587.

6.0 Contributors

This document, RFC3101, adds new sections, features, edits, and

revisions to its predecessor, RFC1587, "The OSPF NSSA Option",

authored by Rob Coltun, Movaz Networks, and Vince Fuller. Content

from RFC1587 is used throughout RFC3101. In addition to adding new

features, this document makes the NSSA specification consistent with

the OSPFv2 specification, RFC2328, authored by John Moy, Sycamore

Networks, Inc. Section 2.5, Calculating Type-7 AS External Routes,

and Section 2.6, Incremental Updates, rely heavily on text in RFC

2328's Section 16.4 and Section 16.6 respectively. Section 4.0,

Security Considerations, is an edit of similar content in Rob

Coltun's RFC2370, "The OSPF Opaque LSA option", Section 6.0.

Acee Lindem, Redback Networks, Inc, is also recognized for the first

full known implementation of this specification. Acee's

implementation resulted in substantive content change.

7.0 References

[DIGI] Murphy, S., Badger, M. and B. Wellington, "OSPF with

Digital Signatures", RFC2154, June 1997.

[MUEX] Moy, J., "Multicast Extensions to OSPF", RFC1584, March


[OSPF] Moy, J., "OSPF Version 2", RFC2328, April 1998.

[OPAQUE] Coltun, R., "The OSPF Opaque LSA Option", RFC2370, July


[OVERFLOW] Moy, J., "OSPF Database Overflow", RFC1765, March 1995.

Appendix A: The Options Field

The OSPF options field is present in OSPF Hello packets, Database

Description packets and all link state advertisements. See [OSPF]

Appendix A.2 and [OPAQUE] Appendix A.1 for a description of the

options field. Six bits are assigned but only two (the E-bit and the

N/P bit) are described completely in this section.


* O DC EA N/P MC E *


The Type-7 LSA options field

E-bit: Type-5 AS-external-LSAs are not flooded into/through OSPF

stub areas and NSSAs. The E-bit ensures that all members

of a stub area or NSSA agree on that area configuration.

The E-bit is meaningful only in OSPF Hello and Database

Description packets. When the E-bit is clear in the Hello

packet sent out a particular interface, it means that the

router will neither send nor receive Type-5 AS-external-

LSAs on that interface (in other Words, the interface

connects to a stub area or NSSA). Two routers will not

become neighbors unless they agree on the state of the E-


N-bit: The N-bit describes the router's NSSA capability. The N-

bit is used only in Hello packets and ensures that all

members of an NSSA agree on that area's configuration.

When the N-bit is set in the Hello packet that is sent out

a particular interface, it means that the router will send

and receive Type-7 LSAs on that interface. Two routers

will not form an adjacency unless they agree on the state

of the N-bit. If the N-bit is set in the options field,

the E-bit must be clear.

P-bit: The P-bit is used only in the Type-7 LSA header. It flags

the NSSA border router to translate the Type-7 LSA into a

Type-5 LSA. The default setting for the P-bit is clear.

Appendix B: Router-LSAs

Router-LSAs are the Type-1 LSAs. Each router in an area originates a

router-LSA. The LSA describes the state and cost of the router's

links (i.e., interfaces) to the area. All of the router's links to

the area must be described in a single router-LSA. For details

concerning the construction of router-LSAs, see [OSPF] Section


0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


LS age Options 1


Link State ID


Advertising Router


LS sequence number


LS checksum length


0 NtWVEB 0 # links


Link ID


Link Data


Type # TOS TOS 0 metric


TOS 0 metric




TOS 0 metric


Link ID


Link Data



In router-LSAs, the Link State ID field is set to the router's OSPF

Router ID. Router-LSAs are flooded throughout a single area only.

bit V

When set, the router is an endpoint of one or more fully

adjacent virtual links having the described area as their

transit area (V is for virtual link endpoint).

bit E

When set, the router is an AS boundary router (E is for

external). ALL NSSA border routers set bit E in those

router-LSAs originated into directly attached Type-5 capable

areas. An NSSA's AS boundary routers also set bit E in their

router-LSAs originated into the NSSA. (See Section 3.1 for


bit B

When set, the router is an area border router (B is for


bit W

When set, the router is a wild-card multicast receiver (W is

for wild).

bit Nt

When set, the router is an NSSA border router that is

unconditionally translating Type-7 LSAs into Type-5 LSAs (Nt

stands for NSSA translation). Note that such routers have

their NSSATranslatorRole area configuration parameter set to

Always. (See Appendix D and Section 3.1.)

The remainder of the router-LSAs specification is defined in [OSPF]

Section A.4.2.

Appendix C: Type-7 LSA Packet Format

0 32


Options 7


Link-State Header


Network Mask

------------------------------------ ______

E TOS metric .

------------------------------------ . repeated for each TOS

Forwarding Address .

------------------------------------ .

External Route Tag ______


The definitions of the link-state ID, network mask, metrics and

external route tag are the same as the definitions for Type-5 LSAs

(See [OSPF] Appendix A.4.5), except for the forwarding address and

the N/P-bit. The Options field must have the N/P bit set as

described in Appendix A when the originating router desires that the

external route be propagated throughout the OSPF domain.

Forwarding address

Data traffic for the advertised destination will be forwarded to

this address. If the forwarding address is set to, data

traffic will be forwarded to the LSA's originator (i.e., the

responsible NSSA AS boundary router). Normally the next hop

address of an installed AS external route learned by an NSSA ASBR

from an adjacent AS points at one of the adjacent AS's gateway

routers. If this address belongs to a network connected to the

NSSA ASBR via one of its NSSAs' active interfaces, then it is the

forwarding address for the route's Type-7 LSA originated into this

NSSA. For an NSSA with no such network the forwarding address is

either an address from one of its active interfaces or

If the P-bit is set, the forwarding address must be non-zero,

otherwise it may be (See Section 2.3 for details.)

Appendix D: Configuration Parameters

[OSPF] Appendix C.2 lists the area configuration parameters. The

area ID and the list of address ranges for Type-3 summary routes

remain unchanged. Section 2.2 of this document lists the

configuration parameters for Type-7 address ranges. The following

area configuration parameters have been added:


Specifies whether or not an NSSA border router will

unconditionally translate Type-7 LSAs into Type-5 LSAs. When

it is set to Always, an NSSA border router always translates

Type-7 LSAs into Type-5 LSAs regardless of the translator state

of other NSSA border routers. When it is set to Candidate, an

NSSA border router participates in the translator election

process described in Section 3.1. The default setting is



Defines the length of time an elected Type-7 translator will

continue to perform its translator duties once it has

determined that its translator status has been deposed by

another NSSA border router translator as described in Section

3.1 and 3.3. The default setting is 40 seconds.


When set to enabled, OSPF's summary routes are imported into

the NSSA as Type-3 summary-LSAs. When set to disabled, summary

routes are not imported into the NSSA. The default setting is


Implementations must provide a vehicle for setting the P-bit when

external routes are imported into the NSSA as Type-7 LSAs. Without

configuration, the default setting of the P-bit is clear. (See

Section 2.3 and Appendix B.)

For NSSAs the ExternalRoutingCapability area configuration parameter

must be set to accept Type-7 external routes. Additionally there

must be a way of configuring the metric of the default LSA that a

border router advertises into its directly attached NSSAs. If a

Type-7 default LSA is advertised, its metric type (1 or 2) should

also be configurable.

Appendix E: The P-bit Policy Paradox.

Non-default Type-7 LSAs with the P-bit clear may be installed in the

OSPF routing table of NSSA border routers. (See Section 2.5.) These

LSAs are not propagated throughout the OSPF domain as translated

Type-5 LSAs. (See Section 3.2.) Thus, traffic that is external to

an NSSA and that passes through one of the NSSA's border routers may

be hijacked into the NSSA by a route installed from a Type-7 LSA with

the P-bit clear. This may be contrary to the expected path at the

source of the traffic. It may also violate the routing policy

intended by the Type-7 LSA's clear P-bit. A Type-7 address range

that is configured with DoNotAdvertise exhibits the same paradox for

any installed Type-7 LSAs it subsumes, regardless of the P-bit


This paradox is best illustrated by the following example. Consider

an OSPF domain (AS 1842) with connections for default Internet

routing and to external AS 4156. NSSA 1 and OSPF Area 2 are

partially defined in the following diagram:

AS 4156

Area 2

A2 A0 Area 0 C0-----Internet



/ / / Internet------------A1 B1------AS 4156 (P-bit clear)

Default (P-bit set)


Here A0, B0, and C0 are Area 0 routers, A1 and B1 are NSSA 1 routers,

and A2 is an Area 2 router. B0 is a border router for both NSSA 1

and Area 2.

If the Type-7 external routes imported by B1 for AS 4156 are

installed on B0 so that the NSSA 1 tree below A1 can take advantage

of them, then A2's traffic to AS 4156 is hijacked through B0 by B1,

rather than its computed path through A0.

An NSSA border router's installed Type-7 default LSAs will exhibit

this paradox when it possesses a Type-7 address range [0,0]

configured with DoNotAdvertise, as these LSAs are not propagated even

though their P-bit is set. In the example above, if A1's default is

installed on B0, which has a configured Type-7 address range [0,0]

with DoNotAdvertise set, then A2's Internet traffic is hijacked

through B0 by A1 rather than the computed path through C0.

Appendix F: Differences from RFC1587

This section documents the differences between this memo and RFC

1587. All differences are backward-compatible. Implementations of

this memo and of RFC1587 will interoperate.

F.1 Enhancements to the import of OSPF's summary routes.

The import of OSPF's summary routes into an NSSA as Type-3 summary-

LSAs is now optional. In RFC1587 the import of summary routes was

mandated in order to guarantee that inter-area summary routing was

not obscured by an NSSA's Type-7 AS-external-LSAs. The current

recommended default behavior is to import summary routes. When

summary routes are not imported into an NSSA, the default LSA

originated by its border routers must be a Type-3 summary-LSA.

See Sections 1.3 and 2.7 for details.

F.2 Changes to Type-7 LSAs.

The setting of the forwarding address in Type-7 LSAs has been further


See Section 2.3 for details.

F.3 Changes to the Type-7 AS external routing calculation.

The Type-7 external route calculation has been revised. Most


o The path preference defined in [OSPF] Section 16.4.1 has been


o A Type-7 default route with the P-bit clear will not be

installed on an NSSA border router. This protects the default

routing of other OSPF Areas. (See Appendix E.)

o The LSA type of two AS-external-LSAs plays no role in

determining path preference except when the LSAs are

functionally the same (i.e., same destination, cost and non-

zero forwarding address).

See Section 2.5 for details.

F.4 Changes to translating Type-7 LSAs into Type-5 LSAs

The translator election algorithm of RFC1587 has been updated to

close a bug that results when the translator with the highest router

ID loses connectivity to the AS's transit topology. The default

translator election process occurs only in the absence of an existing


The identity of the translator is optionally configurable, with more

than one allowed. This allows the network designer to choose the

most cost effective intra-AS route for NSSA originated Type-5 LSA

aggregations of Type-7 LSAs.

Self-originated non-default Type-7 LSAs are now included in the

translation process.

The translation process has been strengthened to close some of the

weak points of RFC1587.

See Sections 3.1 and 3.2 for details.

F.5 Changes to flushing translated Type-7 LSAs

An NSSA border router, which was elected by the augmented RFC1587

translator selection process defined in Section 3.1 and which has

been deposed from its translation duties by another NSSA border

router, flushes its self-originated Type-5 LSAs that resulted from

the aggregation of Type-7 LSAs. This prevents these obsolete

aggregations from short circuiting the preferred path through the new

translator(s). A deposed translator continues to maintain its self-

originated Type-5 LSAs resulting from translation until they age out


See Section 3.3 for details.

F.6 P-bit additions

The P-bit default has been defined as clear. RFC1587 had no default

setting. (See Appendix C.)

A discussion on the packet forwarding impact of installing Type-7

LSAs with the P-bit clear on NSSA border routers has been added as

Appendix E.

Author's Addresses

Pat Murphy

US Geological Survey

345 Middlefield Road

Menlo Park, California 94560

Phone: (650) 329-4044

EMail: pmurphy@noc.usgs.net

Full Copyright Statement

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2003). All Rights Reserved.

This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to

others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it

or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published

and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any

kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are

included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this

document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing

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This document and the information contained herein is provided on an







Funding for the RFCEditor function is currently provided by the

Internet Society.

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