
RFC3168 - The Addition of Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) to IP

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Network Working Group K. Ramakrishnan

Request for Comments: 3168 TeraOptic Networks

Updates: 2474, 2401, 793 S. Floyd

Obsoletes: 2481 ACIRI

Category: Standards Track D. Black


September 2001

The Addition of EXPlicit Congestion Notification (ECN) to IP

Status of this Memo

This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the

Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for

improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet

Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state

and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2001). All Rights Reserved.


This memo specifies the incorporation of ECN (Explicit Congestion

Notification) to TCP and IP, including ECN's use of two bits in the

IP header.

Table of Contents

1. IntrodUCtion.................................................. 3

2. Conventions and Acronyms...................................... 5

3. Assumptions and General Principles............................ 5

4. Active Queue Management (AQM)................................. 6

5. Explicit Congestion Notification in IP........................ 6

5.1. ECN as an Indication of Persistent Congestion............... 10

5.2. Dropped or Corrupted Packets................................ 11

5.3. Fragmentation............................................... 11

6. Support from the Transport Protocol........................... 12

6.1. TCP......................................................... 13

6.1.1 TCP Initialization......................................... 14 Middlebox Issues........................................ 16 Robust TCP Initialization with an Echoed Reserved Field. 17

6.1.2. The TCP Sender............................................ 18

6.1.3. The TCP Receiver.......................................... 19

6.1.4. Congestion on the ACK-path................................ 20

6.1.5. Retransmitted TCP packets................................. 20

6.1.6. TCP Window Probes......................................... 22

7. Non-compliance by the End Nodes............................... 22

8. Non-compliance in the Network................................. 24

8.1. Complications Introduced by Split Paths..................... 25

9. Encapsulated Packets.......................................... 25

9.1. IP packets encapsulated in IP............................... 25

9.1.1. The Limited-functionality and Full-functionality Options.. 27

9.1.2. Changes to the ECN Field within an IP Tunnel.............. 28

9.2. IPsec Tunnels............................................... 29

9.2.1. Negotiation between Tunnel Endpoints...................... 31 ECN Tunnel Security Association Database Field.......... 32 ECN Tunnel Security Association Attribute............... 32 Changes to IPsec Tunnel Header Processing............... 33

9.2.2. Changes to the ECN Field within an IPsec Tunnel........... 35

9.2.3. Comments for IPsec Support................................ 35

9.3. IP packets encapsulated in non-IP Packet Headers............ 36

10. Issues Raised by Monitoring and Policing Devices............. 36

11. Evaluations of ECN........................................... 37

11.1. Related Work Evaluating ECN................................ 37

11.2. A Discussion of the ECN nonce.............................. 37

11.2.1. The Incremental Deployment of ECT(1) in Routers.......... 38

12. Summary of changes required in IP and TCP.................... 38

13. Conclusions.................................................. 40

14. Acknowledgements............................................. 41

15. References................................................... 41

16. Security Considerations...................................... 45

17. IPv4 Header Checksum Recalculation........................... 45

18. Possible Changes to the ECN Field in the Network............. 45

18.1. Possible Changes to the IP Header.......................... 46

18.1.1. Erasing the Congestion Indication........................ 46

18.1.2. Falsely Reporting Congestion............................. 47

18.1.3. Disabling ECN-Capability................................. 47

18.1.4. Falsely Indicating ECN-Capability........................ 47

18.2. Information carried in the Transport Header................ 48

18.3. Split Paths................................................ 49

19. Implications of Subverting End-to-End Congestion Control..... 50

19.1. Implications for the Network and for Competing Flows....... 50

19.2. Implications for the Subverted Flow........................ 53

19.3. Non-ECN-Based Methods of Subverting End-to-end Congestion

Control.................................................... 54

20. The Motivation for the ECT Codepoints........................ 54

20.1. The Motivation for an ECT Codepoint........................ 54

20.2. The Motivation for two ECT Codepoints...................... 55

21. Why use Two Bits in the IP Header?........................... 57

22. Historical Definitions for the IPv4 TOS Octet................ 58

23. IANA Considerations.......................................... 60

23.1. IPv4 TOS Byte and IPv6 Traffic Class Octet................. 60

23.2. TCP Header Flags........................................... 61

23.3. IPSEC Security Association Attributes....................... 62

24. Authors' Addresses........................................... 62

25. Full Copyright Statement..................................... 63

1. Introduction

We begin by describing TCP's use of packet drops as an indication of

congestion. Next we explain that with the addition of active queue

management (e.g., RED) to the Internet infrastructure, where routers

detect congestion before the queue overflows, routers are no longer

limited to packet drops as an indication of congestion. Routers can

instead set the Congestion Experienced (CE) codepoint in the IP

header of packets from ECN-capable transports. We describe when the

CE codepoint is to be set in routers, and describe modifications

needed to TCP to make it ECN-capable. Modifications to other

transport protocols (e.g., unreliable unicast or multicast, reliable

multicast, other reliable unicast transport protocols) could be

considered as those protocols are developed and advance through the

standards process. We also describe in this document the issues

involving the use of ECN within IP tunnels, and within IPsec tunnels

in particular.

One of the guiding principles for this document is that, to the

extent possible, the mechanisms specified here be incrementally

deployable. One challenge to the principle of incremental deployment

has been the prior existence of some IP tunnels that were not

compatible with the use of ECN. As ECN becomes deployed, non-

compatible IP tunnels will have to be upgraded to conform to this


This document obsoletes RFC2481, "A Proposal to add Explicit

Congestion Notification (ECN) to IP", which defined ECN as an

Experimental Protocol for the Internet Community. This document also

updates RFC2474, "Definition of the Differentiated Services Field

(DS Field) in the IPv4 and IPv6 Headers", in defining the ECN field

in the IP header, RFC2401, "Security Architecture for the Internet

Protocol" to change the handling of IPv4 TOS Byte and IPv6 Traffic

Class Octet in tunnel mode header construction to be compatible with

the use of ECN, and RFC793, "Transmission Control Protocol", in

defining two new flags in the TCP header.

TCP's congestion control and avoidance algorithms are based on the

notion that the network is a black-box [Jacobson88, Jacobson90]. The

network's state of congestion or otherwise is determined by end-

systems probing for the network state, by gradually increasing the

load on the network (by increasing the window of packets that are

outstanding in the network) until the network becomes congested and a

packet is lost. Treating the network as a "black-box" and treating

loss as an indication of congestion in the network is appropriate for

pure best-effort data carried by TCP, with little or no sensitivity

to delay or loss of individual packets. In addition, TCP's

congestion management algorithms have techniques built-in (such as

Fast Retransmit and Fast Recovery) to minimize the impact of losses,

from a throughput perspective. However, these mechanisms are not

intended to help applications that are in fact sensitive to the delay

or loss of one or more individual packets. Interactive traffic such

as telnet, web-browsing, and transfer of audio and video data can be

sensitive to packet losses (especially when using an unreliable data

delivery transport such as UDP) or to the increased latency of the

packet caused by the need to retransmit the packet after a loss (with

the reliable data delivery semantics provided by TCP).

Since TCP determines the appropriate congestion window to use by

gradually increasing the window size until it experiences a dropped

packet, this causes the queues at the bottleneck router to build up.

With most packet drop policies at the router that are not sensitive

to the load placed by each individual flow (e.g., tail-drop on queue

overflow), this means that some of the packets of latency-sensitive

flows may be dropped. In addition, such drop policies lead to

synchronization of loss across multiple flows.

Active queue management mechanisms detect congestion before the queue

overflows, and provide an indication of this congestion to the end

nodes. Thus, active queue management can reduce unnecessary queuing

delay for all traffic sharing that queue. The advantages of active

queue management are discussed in RFC2309 [RFC2309]. Active queue

management avoids some of the bad properties of dropping on queue

overflow, including the undesirable synchronization of loss across

multiple flows. More importantly, active queue management means that

transport protocols with mechanisms for congestion control (e.g.,

TCP) do not have to rely on buffer overflow as the only indication of


Active queue management mechanisms may use one of several methods for

indicating congestion to end-nodes. One is to use packet drops, as is

currently done. However, active queue management allows the router to

separate policies of queuing or dropping packets from the policies

for indicating congestion. Thus, active queue management allows

routers to use the Congestion Experienced (CE) codepoint in a packet

header as an indication of congestion, instead of relying solely on

packet drops. This has the potential of reducing the impact of loss

on latency-sensitive flows.

There exist some middleboxes (firewalls, load balancers, or intrusion

detection systems) in the Internet that either drop a TCP SYN packet

configured to negotiate ECN, or respond with a RST. This document

specifies procedures that TCP implementations may use to provide

robust connectivity even in the presence of such equipment.

2. Conventions and Acronyms


SHOULD NOT, RECOMMENDED, MAY, and OPTIONAL, when they appear in this

document, are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119].

3. Assumptions and General Principles

In this section, we describe some of the important design principles

and assumptions that guided the design choices in this proposal.

* Because ECN is likely to be adopted gradually, accommodating

migration is essential. Some routers may still only drop packets

to indicate congestion, and some end-systems may not be ECN-

capable. The most viable strategy is one that accommodates

incremental deployment without having to resort to "islands" of

ECN-capable and non-ECN-capable environments.

* New mechanisms for congestion control and avoidance need to co-

exist and cooperate with existing mechanisms for congestion

control. In particular, new mechanisms have to co-exist with

TCP's current methods of adapting to congestion and with

routers' current practice of dropping packets in periods of


* Congestion may persist over different time-scales. The time

scales that we are concerned with are congestion events that may

last longer than a round-trip time.

* The number of packets in an individual flow (e.g., TCP

connection or an exchange using UDP) may range from a small

number of packets to quite a large number. We are interested in

managing the congestion caused by flows that send enough packets

so that they are still active when network feedback reaches


* Asymmetric routing is likely to be a normal occurrence in the

Internet. The path (sequence of links and routers) followed by

data packets may be different from the path followed by the

acknowledgment packets in the reverse direction.

* Many routers process the "regular" headers in IP packets more

efficiently than they process the header information in IP

options. This suggests keeping congestion experienced

information in the regular headers of an IP packet.

* It must be recognized that not all end-systems will cooperate in

mechanisms for congestion control. However, new mechanisms

shouldn't make it easier for TCP applications to disable TCP

congestion control. The benefit of lying about participating in

new mechanisms such as ECN-capability should be small.

4. Active Queue Management (AQM)

Random Early Detection (RED) is one mechanism for Active Queue

Management (AQM) that has been proposed to detect incipient

congestion [FJ93], and is currently being deployed in the Internet

[RFC2309]. AQM is meant to be a general mechanism using one of

several alternatives for congestion indication, but in the absence of

ECN, AQM is restricted to using packet drops as a mechanism for

congestion indication. AQM drops packets based on the average queue

length exceeding a threshold, rather than only when the queue

overflows. However, because AQM may drop packets before the queue

actually overflows, AQM is not always forced by memory limitations to

discard the packet.

AQM can set a Congestion Experienced (CE) codepoint in the packet

header instead of dropping the packet, when such a field is provided

in the IP header and understood by the transport protocol. The use

of the CE codepoint with ECN allows the receiver(s) to receive the

packet, avoiding the potential for excessive delays due to

retransmissions after packet losses. We use the term 'CE packet' to

denote a packet that has the CE codepoint set.

5. Explicit Congestion Notification in IP

This document specifies that the Internet provide a congestion

indication for incipient congestion (as in RED and earlier work

[RJ90]) where the notification can sometimes be through marking

packets rather than dropping them. This uses an ECN field in the IP

header with two bits, making four ECN codepoints, '00' to '11'. The

ECN-Capable Transport (ECT) codepoints '10' and '01' are set by the

data sender to indicate that the end-points of the transport protocol

are ECN-capable; we call them ECT(0) and ECT(1) respectively. The

phrase "the ECT codepoint" in this documents refers to either of the

two ECT codepoints. Routers treat the ECT(0) and ECT(1) codepoints

as equivalent. Senders are free to use either the ECT(0) or the

ECT(1) codepoint to indicate ECT, on a packet-by-packet basis.

The use of both the two codepoints for ECT, ECT(0) and ECT(1), is

motivated primarily by the desire to allow mechanisms for the data

sender to verify that network elements are not erasing the CE

codepoint, and that data receivers are properly reporting to the

sender the receipt of packets with the CE codepoint set, as required

by the transport protocol. Guidelines for the senders and receivers

to differentiate between the ECT(0) and ECT(1) codepoints will be

addressed in separate documents, for each transport protocol. In

particular, this document does not address mechanisms for TCP end-

nodes to differentiate between the ECT(0) and ECT(1) codepoints.

Protocols and senders that only require a single ECT codepoint SHOULD

use ECT(0).

The not-ECT codepoint '00' indicates a packet that is not using ECN.

The CE codepoint '11' is set by a router to indicate congestion to

the end nodes. Routers that have a packet arriving at a full queue

drop the packet, just as they do in the absence of ECN.




ECT CE [Obsolete] RFC2481 names for the ECN bits.

0 0 Not-ECT

0 1 ECT(1)

1 0 ECT(0)

1 1 CE

Figure 1: The ECN Field in IP.

The use of two ECT codepoints essentially gives a one-bit ECN nonce

in packet headers, and routers necessarily "erase" the nonce when

they set the CE codepoint [SCWA99]. For example, routers that erased

the CE codepoint would face additional difficulty in reconstructing

the original nonce, and thus repeated erasure of the CE codepoint

would be more likely to be detected by the end-nodes. The ECN nonce

also can address the problem of misbehaving transport receivers lying

to the transport sender about whether or not the CE codepoint was set

in a packet. The motivations for the use of two ECT codepoints is

discussed in more detail in Section 20, along with some discussion of

alternate possibilities for the fourth ECT codepoint (that is, the

codepoint '01'). Backwards compatibility with earlier ECN

implementations that do not understand the ECT(1) codepoint is

discussed in Section 11.

In RFC2481 [RFC2481], the ECN field was divided into the ECN-Capable

Transport (ECT) bit and the CE bit. The ECN field with only the

ECN-Capable Transport (ECT) bit set in RFC2481 corresponds to the

ECT(0) codepoint in this document, and the ECN field with both the

ECT and CE bit in RFC2481 corresponds to the CE codepoint in this

document. The '01' codepoint was left undefined in RFC2481, and

this is the reason for recommending the use of ECT(0) when only a

single ECT codepoint is needed.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7




DSCP: differentiated services codepoint

ECN: Explicit Congestion Notification

Figure 2: The Differentiated Services and ECN Fields in IP.

Bits 6 and 7 in the IPv4 TOS octet are designated as the ECN field.

The IPv4 TOS octet corresponds to the Traffic Class octet in IPv6,

and the ECN field is defined identically in both cases. The

definitions for the IPv4 TOS octet [RFC791] and the IPv6 Traffic

Class octet have been superseded by the six-bit DS (Differentiated

Services) Field [RFC2474, RFC2780]. Bits 6 and 7 are listed in

[RFC2474] as Currently Unused, and are specified in RFC2780 as

approved for experimental use for ECN. Section 22 gives a brief

history of the TOS octet.

Because of the unstable history of the TOS octet, the use of the ECN

field as specified in this document cannot be guaranteed to be

backwards compatible with those past uses of these two bits that

pre-date ECN. The potential dangers of this lack of backwards

compatibility are discussed in Section 22.

Upon the receipt by an ECN-Capable transport of a single CE packet,

the congestion control algorithms followed at the end-systems MUST be

essentially the same as the congestion control response to a *single*

dropped packet. For example, for ECN-Capable TCP the source TCP is

required to halve its congestion window for any window of data

containing either a packet drop or an ECN indication.

One reason for requiring that the congestion-control response to the

CE packet be essentially the same as the response to a dropped packet

is to accommodate the incremental deployment of ECN in both end-

systems and in routers. Some routers may drop ECN-Capable packets

(e.g., using the same AQM policies for congestion detection) while

other routers set the CE codepoint, for equivalent levels of

congestion. Similarly, a router might drop a non-ECN-Capable packet

but set the CE codepoint in an ECN-Capable packet, for equivalent

levels of congestion. If there were different congestion control

responses to a CE codepoint than to a packet drop, this could result

in unfair treatment for different flows.

An additional goal is that the end-systems should react to congestion

at most once per window of data (i.e., at most once per round-trip

time), to avoid reacting multiple times to multiple indications of

congestion within a round-trip time.

For a router, the CE codepoint of an ECN-Capable packet SHOULD only

be set if the router would otherwise have dropped the packet as an

indication of congestion to the end nodes. When the router's buffer

is not yet full and the router is prepared to drop a packet to inform

end nodes of incipient congestion, the router should first check to

see if the ECT codepoint is set in that packet's IP header. If so,

then instead of dropping the packet, the router MAY instead set the

CE codepoint in the IP header.

An environment where all end nodes were ECN-Capable could allow new

criteria to be developed for setting the CE codepoint, and new

congestion control mechanisms for end-node reaction to CE packets.

However, this is a research issue, and as such is not addressed in

this document.

When a CE packet (i.e., a packet that has the CE codepoint set) is

received by a router, the CE codepoint is left unchanged, and the

packet is transmitted as usual. When severe congestion has occurred

and the router's queue is full, then the router has no choice but to

drop some packet when a new packet arrives. We anticipate that such

packet losses will become relatively infrequent when a majority of

end-systems become ECN-Capable and participate in TCP or other

compatible congestion control mechanisms. In an ECN-Capable

environment that is adequately-provisioned, packet losses should

occur primarily during transients or in the presence of non-

cooperating sources.

The above discussion of when CE may be set instead of dropping a

packet applies by default to all Differentiated Services Per-Hop

Behaviors (PHBs) [RFC2475]. Specifications for PHBs MAY provide

more specifics on how a compliant implementation is to choose between

setting CE and dropping a packet, but this is NOT REQUIRED. A router

MUST NOT set CE instead of dropping a packet when the drop that would

occur is caused by reasons other than congestion or the desire to

indicate incipient congestion to end nodes (e.g., a diffserv edge

node may be configured to unconditionally drop certain classes of

traffic to prevent them from entering its diffserv domain).

We expect that routers will set the CE codepoint in response to

incipient congestion as indicated by the average queue size, using

the RED algorithms suggested in [FJ93, RFC2309]. To the best of our

knowledge, this is the only proposal currently under discussion in

the IETF for routers to drop packets proactively, before the buffer

overflows. However, this document does not attempt to specify a

particular mechanism for active queue management, leaving that

endeavor, if needed, to other areas of the IETF. While ECN is

inextricably tied up with the need to have a reasonable active queue

management mechanism at the router, the reverse does not hold; active

queue management mechanisms have been developed and deployed

independent of ECN, using packet drops as indications of congestion

in the absence of ECN in the IP architecture.

5.1. ECN as an Indication of Persistent Congestion

We emphasize that a *single* packet with the CE codepoint set in an

IP packet causes the transport layer to respond, in terms of

congestion control, as it would to a packet drop. The instantaneous

queue size is likely to see considerable variations even when the

router does not experience persistent congestion. As such, it is

important that transient congestion at a router, reflected by the

instantaneous queue size reaching a threshold much smaller than the

capacity of the queue, not trigger a reaction at the transport layer.

Therefore, the CE codepoint should not be set by a router based on

the instantaneous queue size.

For example, since the ATM and Frame Relay mechanisms for congestion

indication have typically been defined without an associated notion

of average queue size as the basis for determining that an

intermediate node is congested, we believe that they provide a very

noisy signal. The TCP-sender reaction specified in this document for

ECN is NOT the appropriate reaction for such a noisy signal of

congestion notification. However, if the routers that interface to

the ATM network have a way of maintaining the average queue at the

interface, and use it to come to a reliable determination that the

ATM subnet is congested, they may use the ECN notification that is

defined here.

We continue to encourage experiments in techniques at layer 2 (e.g.,

in ATM switches or Frame Relay switches) to take advantage of ECN.

For example, using a scheme such as RED (where packet marking is

based on the average queue length exceeding a threshold), layer 2

devices could provide a reasonably reliable indication of congestion.

When all the layer 2 devices in a path set that layer's own

Congestion Experienced codepoint (e.g., the EFCI bit for ATM, the

FECN bit in Frame Relay) in this reliable manner, then the interface

router to the layer 2 network could copy the state of that layer 2

Congestion Experienced codepoint into the CE codepoint in the IP

header. We recognize that this is not the current practice, nor is

it in current standards. However, encouraging experimentation in this

manner may provide the information needed to enable evolution of

existing layer 2 mechanisms to provide a more reliable means of

congestion indication, when they use a single bit for indicating


5.2. Dropped or Corrupted Packets

For the proposed use for ECN in this document (that is, for a

transport protocol such as TCP for which a dropped data packet is an

indication of congestion), end nodes detect dropped data packets, and

the congestion response of the end nodes to a dropped data packet is

at least as strong as the congestion response to a received CE

packet. To ensure the reliable delivery of the congestion indication

of the CE codepoint, an ECT codepoint MUST NOT be set in a packet

unless the loss of that packet in the network would be detected by

the end nodes and interpreted as an indication of congestion.

Transport protocols such as TCP do not necessarily detect all packet

drops, such as the drop of a "pure" ACK packet; for example, TCP does

not reduce the arrival rate of subsequent ACK packets in response to

an earlier dropped ACK packet. Any proposal for extending ECN-

Capability to such packets would have to address issues such as the

case of an ACK packet that was marked with the CE codepoint but was

later dropped in the network. We believe that this ASPect is still

the subject of research, so this document specifies that at this

time, "pure" ACK packets MUST NOT indicate ECN-Capability.

Similarly, if a CE packet is dropped later in the network due to

corruption (bit errors), the end nodes should still invoke congestion

control, just as TCP would today in response to a dropped data

packet. This issue of corrupted CE packets would have to be

considered in any proposal for the network to distinguish between

packets dropped due to corruption, and packets dropped due to

congestion or buffer overflow. In particular, the ubiquitous

deployment of ECN would not, in and of itself, be a sufficient

development to allow end-nodes to interpret packet drops as

indications of corruption rather than congestion.

5.3. Fragmentation

ECN-capable packets MAY have the DF (Don't Fragment) bit set.

Reassembly of a fragmented packet MUST NOT lose indications of

congestion. In other words, if any fragment of an IP packet to be

reassembled has the CE codepoint set, then one of two actions MUST be


* Set the CE codepoint on the reassembled packet. However, this

MUST NOT occur if any of the other fragments contributing to

this reassembly carries the Not-ECT codepoint.

* The packet is dropped, instead of being reassembled, for any

other reason.

If both actions are applicable, either MAY be chosen. Reassembly of

a fragmented packet MUST NOT change the ECN codepoint when all of the

fragments carry the same codepoint.

We would note that because RFC2481 did not specify reassembly

behavior, older ECN implementations conformant with that Experimental

RFCdo not necessarily perform reassembly correctly, in terms of

preserving the CE codepoint in a fragment. The sender could avoid

the consequences of this behavior by setting the DF bit in ECN-

Capable packets.

Situations may arise in which the above reassembly specification is

insufficiently precise. For example, if there is a malicious or

broken entity in the path at or after the fragmentation point, packet

fragments could carry a mixture of ECT(0), ECT(1), and/or Not-ECT

codepoints. The reassembly specification above does not place

requirements on reassembly of fragments in this case. In situations

where more precise reassembly behavior would be required, protocol

specifications SHOULD instead specify that DF MUST be set in all

ECN-capable packets sent by the protocol.

6. Support from the Transport Protocol

ECN requires support from the transport protocol, in addition to the

functionality given by the ECN field in the IP packet header. The

transport protocol might require negotiation between the endpoints

during setup to determine that all of the endpoints are ECN-capable,

so that the sender can set the ECT codepoint in transmitted packets.

Second, the transport protocol must be capable of reacting

appropriately to the receipt of CE packets. This reaction could be

in the form of the data receiver informing the data sender of the

received CE packet (e.g., TCP), of the data receiver unsubscribing to

a layered multicast group (e.g., RLM [MJV96]), or of some other

action that ultimately reduces the arrival rate of that flow on that

congested link. CE packets indicate persistent rather than transient

congestion (see Section 5.1), and hence reactions to the receipt of

CE packets should be those appropriate for persistent congestion.

This document only addresses the addition of ECN Capability to TCP,

leaving issues of ECN in other transport protocols to further

research. For TCP, ECN requires three new pieces of functionality:

negotiation between the endpoints during connection setup to

determine if they are both ECN-capable; an ECN-Echo (ECE) flag in the

TCP header so that the data receiver can inform the data sender when

a CE packet has been received; and a Congestion Window Reduced (CWR)

flag in the TCP header so that the data sender can inform the data

receiver that the congestion window has been reduced. The support

required from other transport protocols is likely to be different,

particularly for unreliable or reliable multicast transport

protocols, and will have to be determined as other transport

protocols are brought to the IETF for standardization.

In a mild abuse of terminology, in this document we refer to `TCP

packets' instead of `TCP segments'.

6.1. TCP

The following sections describe in detail the proposed use of ECN in

TCP. This proposal is described in essentially the same form in

[Floyd94]. We assume that the source TCP uses the standard congestion

control algorithms of Slow-start, Fast Retransmit and Fast Recovery


This proposal specifies two new flags in the Reserved field of the

TCP header. The TCP mechanism for negotiating ECN-Capability uses

the ECN-Echo (ECE) flag in the TCP header. Bit 9 in the Reserved

field of the TCP header is designated as the ECN-Echo flag. The

location of the 6-bit Reserved field in the TCP header is shown in

Figure 4 of RFC793 [RFC793] (and is reproduced below for

completeness). This specification of the ECN Field leaves the

Reserved field as a 4-bit field using bits 4-7.

To enable the TCP receiver to determine when to stop setting the

ECN-Echo flag, we introduce a second new flag in the TCP header, the

CWR flag. The CWR flag is assigned to Bit 8 in the Reserved field of

the TCP header.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15



Header Length Reserved R C S S Y I



Figure 3: The old definition of bytes 13 and 14 of the TCP


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15



Header Length Reserved W C R C S S Y I



Figure 4: The new definition of bytes 13 and 14 of the TCP


Thus, ECN uses the ECT and CE flags in the IP header (as shown in

Figure 1) for signaling between routers and connection endpoints, and

uses the ECN-Echo and CWR flags in the TCP header (as shown in Figure

4) for TCP-endpoint to TCP-endpoint signaling. For a TCP connection,

a typical sequence of events in an ECN-based reaction to congestion

is as follows:

* An ECT codepoint is set in packets transmitted by the sender to

indicate that ECN is supported by the transport entities for

these packets.

* An ECN-capable router detects impending congestion and detects

that an ECT codepoint is set in the packet it is about to drop.

Instead of dropping the packet, the router chooses to set the CE

codepoint in the IP header and forwards the packet.

* The receiver receives the packet with the CE codepoint set, and

sets the ECN-Echo flag in its next TCP ACK sent to the sender.

* The sender receives the TCP ACK with ECN-Echo set, and reacts to

the congestion as if a packet had been dropped.

* The sender sets the CWR flag in the TCP header of the next

packet sent to the receiver to acknowledge its receipt of and

reaction to the ECN-Echo flag.

The negotiation for using ECN by the TCP transport entities and the

use of the ECN-Echo and CWR flags is described in more detail in the

sections below.

6.1.1 TCP Initialization

In the TCP connection setup phase, the source and destination TCPs

exchange information about their willingness to use ECN. Subsequent

to the completion of this negotiation, the TCP sender sets an ECT

codepoint in the IP header of data packets to indicate to the network

that the transport is capable and willing to participate in ECN for

this packet. This indicates to the routers that they may mark this

packet with the CE codepoint, if they would like to use that as a

method of congestion notification. If the TCP connection does not

wish to use ECN notification for a particular packet, the sending TCP

sets the ECN codepoint to not-ECT, and the TCP receiver ignores the

CE codepoint in the received packet.

For this discussion, we designate the initiating host as Host A and

the responding host as Host B. We call a SYN packet with the ECE and

CWR flags set an "ECN-setup SYN packet", and we call a SYN packet

with at least one of the ECE and CWR flags not set a "non-ECN-setup

SYN packet". Similarly, we call a SYN-ACK packet with only the ECE

flag set but the CWR flag not set an "ECN-setup SYN-ACK packet", and

we call a SYN-ACK packet with any other configuration of the ECE and

CWR flags a "non-ECN-setup SYN-ACK packet".

Before a TCP connection can use ECN, Host A sends an ECN-setup SYN

packet, and Host B sends an ECN-setup SYN-ACK packet. For a SYN

packet, the setting of both ECE and CWR in the ECN-setup SYN packet

is defined as an indication that the sending TCP is ECN-Capable,

rather than as an indication of congestion or of response to

congestion. More precisely, an ECN-setup SYN packet indicates that

the TCP implementation transmitting the SYN packet will participate

in ECN as both a sender and receiver. Specifically, as a receiver,

it will respond to incoming data packets that have the CE codepoint

set in the IP header by setting ECE in outgoing TCP Acknowledgement

(ACK) packets. As a sender, it will respond to incoming packets that

have ECE set by reducing the congestion window and setting CWR when

appropriate. An ECN-setup SYN packet does not commit the TCP sender

to setting the ECT codepoint in any or all of the packets it may

transmit. However, the commitment to respond appropriately to

incoming packets with the CE codepoint set remains even if the TCP

sender in a later transmission, within this TCP connection, sends a

SYN packet without ECE and CWR set.

When Host B sends an ECN-setup SYN-ACK packet, it sets the ECE flag

but not the CWR flag. An ECN-setup SYN-ACK packet is defined as an

indication that the TCP transmitting the SYN-ACK packet is ECN-

Capable. As with the SYN packet, an ECN-setup SYN-ACK packet does

not commit the TCP host to setting the ECT codepoint in transmitted


The following rules apply to the sending of ECN-setup packets within

a TCP connection, where a TCP connection is defined by the standard

rules for TCP connection establishment and termination.

* If a host has received an ECN-setup SYN packet, then it MAY send

an ECN-setup SYN-ACK packet. Otherwise, it MUST NOT send an

ECN-setup SYN-ACK packet.

* A host MUST NOT set ECT on data packets unless it has sent at

least one ECN-setup SYN or ECN-setup SYN-ACK packet, and has

received at least one ECN-setup SYN or ECN-setup SYN-ACK packet,

and has sent no non-ECN-setup SYN or non-ECN-setup SYN-ACK

packet. If a host has received at least one non-ECN-setup SYN

or non-ECN-setup SYN-ACK packet, then it SHOULD NOT set ECT on

data packets.

* If a host ever sets the ECT codepoint on a data packet, then

that host MUST correctly set/clear the CWR TCP bit on all

subsequent packets in the connection.

* If a host has sent at least one ECN-setup SYN or ECN-setup SYN-

ACK packet, and has received no non-ECN-setup SYN or non-ECN-

setup SYN-ACK packet, then if that host receives TCP data

packets with ECT and CE codepoints set in the IP header, then

that host MUST process these packets as specified for an ECN-

capable connection.

* A host that is not willing to use ECN on a TCP connection SHOULD

clear both the ECE and CWR flags in all non-ECN-setup SYN and/or

SYN-ACK packets that it sends to indicate this unwillingness.

Receivers MUST correctly handle all forms of the non-ECN-setup

SYN and SYN-ACK packets.

* A host MUST NOT set ECT on SYN or SYN-ACK packets.

A TCP client enters TIME-WAIT state after receiving a FIN-ACK, and

transitions to CLOSED state after a timeout. Many TCP

implementations create a new TCP connection if they receive an in-

window SYN packet during TIME-WAIT state. When a TCP host enters

TIME-WAIT or CLOSED state, it should ignore any previous state about

the negotiation of ECN for that connection. Middlebox Issues

ECN introduces the use of the ECN-Echo and CWR flags in the TCP

header (as shown in Figure 3) for initialization. There exist some

faulty firewalls, load balancers, and intrusion detection systems in

the Internet that either drop an ECN-setup SYN packet or respond with

a RST, in the belief that such a packet (with these bits set) is a

signature for a port-scanning tool that could be used in a denial-

of-service attack. Some of the offending equipment has been

identified, and a web page [FIXES] contains a list of non-compliant

products and the fixes posted by the vendors, where these are

available. The TBIT web page [TBIT] lists some of the web servers

affected by this faulty equipment. We mention this in this document

as a warning to the community of this problem.

To provide robust connectivity even in the presence of such faulty

equipment, a host that receives a RST in response to the transmission

of an ECN-setup SYN packet MAY resend a SYN with CWR and ECE cleared.

This could result in a TCP connection being established without using


A host that receives no reply to an ECN-setup SYN within the normal

SYN retransmission timeout interval MAY resend the SYN and any

subsequent SYN retransmissions with CWR and ECE cleared. To overcome

normal packet loss that results in the original SYN being lost, the

originating host may retransmit one or more ECN-setup SYN packets

before giving up and retransmitting the SYN with the CWR and ECE bits


We note that in this case, the following example scenario is


(1) Host A: Sends an ECN-setup SYN.

(2) Host B: Sends an ECN-setup SYN/ACK, packet is dropped or delayed.

(3) Host A: Sends a non-ECN-setup SYN.

(4) Host B: Sends a non-ECN-setup SYN/ACK.

We note that in this case, following the procedures above, neither

Host A nor Host B may set the ECT bit on data packets. Further, an

important consequence of the rules for ECN setup and usage in Section

6.1.1 is that a host is forbidden from using the reception of ECT

data packets as an implicit signal that the other host is ECN-

capable. Robust TCP Initialization with an Echoed Reserved Field

There is the question of why we chose to have the TCP sending the SYN

set two ECN-related flags in the Reserved field of the TCP header for

the SYN packet, while the responding TCP sending the SYN-ACK sets

only one ECN-related flag in the SYN-ACK packet. This asymmetry is

necessary for the robust negotiation of ECN-capability with some

deployed TCP implementations. There exists at least one faulty TCP

implementation in which TCP receivers set the Reserved field of the

TCP header in ACK packets (and hence the SYN-ACK) simply to reflect

the Reserved field of the TCP header in the received data packet.

Because the TCP SYN packet sets the ECN-Echo and CWR flags to

indicate ECN-capability, while the SYN-ACK packet sets only the ECN-

Echo flag, the sending TCP correctly interprets a receiver's

reflection of its own flags in the Reserved field as an indication

that the receiver is not ECN-capable. The sending TCP is not mislead

by a faulty TCP implementation sending a SYN-ACK packet that simply

reflects the Reserved field of the incoming SYN packet.

6.1.2. The TCP Sender

For a TCP connection using ECN, new data packets are transmitted with

an ECT codepoint set in the IP header. When only one ECT codepoint

is needed by a sender for all packets sent on a TCP connection,

ECT(0) SHOULD be used. If the sender receives an ECN-Echo (ECE) ACK

packet (that is, an ACK packet with the ECN-Echo flag set in the TCP

header), then the sender knows that congestion was encountered in the

network on the path from the sender to the receiver. The indication

of congestion should be treated just as a congestion loss in non-

ECN-Capable TCP. That is, the TCP source halves the congestion window

"cwnd" and reduces the slow start threshold "ssthresh". The sending

TCP SHOULD NOT increase the congestion window in response to the

receipt of an ECN-Echo ACK packet.

TCP should not react to congestion indications more than once every

window of data (or more loosely, more than once every round-trip

time). That is, the TCP sender's congestion window should be reduced

only once in response to a series of dropped and/or CE packets from a

single window of data. In addition, the TCP source should not

decrease the slow-start threshold, ssthresh, if it has been decreased

within the last round trip time. However, if any retransmitted

packets are dropped, then this is interpreted by the source TCP as a

new instance of congestion.

After the source TCP reduces its congestion window in response to a

CE packet, incoming acknowledgments that continue to arrive can

"clock out" outgoing packets as allowed by the reduced congestion

window. If the congestion window consists of only one MSS (maximum

segment size), and the sending TCP receives an ECN-Echo ACK packet,

then the sending TCP should in principle still reduce its congestion

window in half. However, the value of the congestion window is

bounded below by a value of one MSS. If the sending TCP were to

continue to send, using a congestion window of 1 MSS, this results in

the transmission of one packet per round-trip time. It is necessary

to still reduce the sending rate of the TCP sender even further, on

receipt of an ECN-Echo packet when the congestion window is one. We

use the retransmit timer as a means of reducing the rate further in

this circumstance. Therefore, the sending TCP MUST reset the

retransmit timer on receiving the ECN-Echo packet when the congestion

window is one. The sending TCP will then be able to send a new

packet only when the retransmit timer expires.

When an ECN-Capable TCP sender reduces its congestion window for any

reason (because of a retransmit timeout, a Fast Retransmit, or in

response to an ECN Notification), the TCP sender sets the CWR flag in

the TCP header of the first new data packet sent after the window

reduction. If that data packet is dropped in the network, then the

sending TCP will have to reduce the congestion window again and

retransmit the dropped packet.

We ensure that the "Congestion Window Reduced" information is

reliably delivered to the TCP receiver. This comes about from the

fact that if the new data packet carrying the CWR flag is dropped,

then the TCP sender will have to again reduce its congestion window,

and send another new data packet with the CWR flag set. Thus, the

CWR bit in the TCP header SHOULD NOT be set on retransmitted packets.

When the TCP data sender is ready to set the CWR bit after reducing

the congestion window, it SHOULD set the CWR bit only on the first

new data packet that it transmits.

[Floyd94] discusses TCP's response to ECN in more detail. [Floyd98]

discusses the validation test in the ns simulator, which illustrates

a wide range of ECN scenarios. These scenarios include the following:

an ECN followed by another ECN, a Fast Retransmit, or a Retransmit

Timeout; a Retransmit Timeout or a Fast Retransmit followed by an

ECN; and a congestion window of one packet followed by an ECN.

TCP follows existing algorithms for sending data packets in response

to incoming ACKs, multiple duplicate acknowledgments, or retransmit

timeouts [RFC2581]. TCP also follows the normal procedures for

increasing the congestion window when it receives ACK packets without

the ECN-Echo bit set [RFC2581].

6.1.3. The TCP Receiver

When TCP receives a CE data packet at the destination end-system, the

TCP data receiver sets the ECN-Echo flag in the TCP header of the

subsequent ACK packet. If there is any ACK withholding implemented,

as in current "delayed-ACK" TCP implementations where the TCP

receiver can send an ACK for two arriving data packets, then the

ECN-Echo flag in the ACK packet will be set to '1' if the CE

codepoint is set in any of the data packets being acknowledged. That

is, if any of the received data packets are CE packets, then the

returning ACK has the ECN-Echo flag set.

To provide robustness against the possibility of a dropped ACK packet

carrying an ECN-Echo flag, the TCP receiver sets the ECN-Echo flag in

a series of ACK packets sent subsequently. The TCP receiver uses the

CWR flag received from the TCP sender to determine when to stop

setting the ECN-Echo flag.

After a TCP receiver sends an ACK packet with the ECN-Echo bit set,

that TCP receiver continues to set the ECN-Echo flag in all the ACK

packets it sends (whether they acknowledge CE data packets or non-CE

data packets) until it receives a CWR packet (a packet with the CWR

flag set). After the receipt of the CWR packet, acknowledgments for

subsequent non-CE data packets do not have the ECN-Echo flag set. If

another CE packet is received by the data receiver, the receiver

would once again send ACK packets with the ECN-Echo flag set. While

the receipt of a CWR packet does not guarantee that the data sender

received the ECN-Echo message, this does suggest that the data sender

reduced its congestion window at some point *after* it sent the data

packet for which the CE codepoint was set.

We have already specified that a TCP sender is not required to reduce

its congestion window more than once per window of data. Some care

is required if the TCP sender is to avoid unnecessary reductions of

the congestion window when a window of data includes both dropped

packets and (marked) CE packets. This is illustrated in [Floyd98].

6.1.4. Congestion on the ACK-path

For the current generation of TCP congestion control algorithms, pure

acknowledgement packets (e.g., packets that do not contain any

accompanying data) MUST be sent with the not-ECT codepoint. Current

TCP receivers have no mechanisms for reducing traffic on the ACK-path

in response to congestion notification. Mechanisms for responding to

congestion on the ACK-path are areas for current and future research.

(One simple possibility would be for the sender to reduce its

congestion window when it receives a pure ACK packet with the CE

codepoint set). For current TCP implementations, a single dropped ACK

generally has only a very small effect on the TCP's sending rate.

6.1.5. Retransmitted TCP packets

This document specifies ECN-capable TCP implementations MUST NOT set

either ECT codepoint (ECT(0) or ECT(1)) in the IP header for

retransmitted data packets, and that the TCP data receiver SHOULD

ignore the ECN field on arriving data packets that are outside of the

receiver's current window. This is for greater security against

denial-of-service attacks, as well as for robustness of the ECN

congestion indication with packets that are dropped later in the


First, we note that if the TCP sender were to set an ECT codepoint on

a retransmitted packet, then if an unnecessarily-retransmitted packet

was later dropped in the network, the end nodes would never receive

the indication of congestion from the router setting the CE

codepoint. Thus, setting an ECT codepoint on retransmitted data

packets is not consistent with the robust delivery of the congestion

indication even for packets that are later dropped in the network.

In addition, an attacker capable of spoofing the IP source address of

the TCP sender could send data packets with arbitrary sequence

numbers, with the CE codepoint set in the IP header. On receiving

this spoofed data packet, the TCP data receiver would determine that

the data does not lie in the current receive window, and return a

duplicate acknowledgement. We define an out-of-window packet at the

TCP data receiver as a data packet that lies outside the receiver's

current window. On receiving an out-of-window packet, the TCP data

receiver has to decide whether or not to treat the CE codepoint in

the packet header as a valid indication of congestion, and therefore

whether to return ECN-Echo indications to the TCP data sender. If

the TCP data receiver ignored the CE codepoint in an out-of-window

packet, then the TCP data sender would not receive this possibly-

legitimate indication of congestion from the network, resulting in a

violation of end-to-end congestion control. On the other hand, if

the TCP data receiver honors the CE indication in the out-of-window

packet, and reports the indication of congestion to the TCP data

sender, then the malicious node that created the spoofed, out-of-

window packet has successfully "attacked" the TCP connection by

forcing the data sender to unnecessarily reduce (halve) its

congestion window. To prevent such a denial-of-service attack, we

specify that a legitimate TCP data sender MUST NOT set an ECT

codepoint on retransmitted data packets, and that the TCP data

receiver SHOULD ignore the CE codepoint on out-of-window packets.

One drawback of not setting ECT(0) or ECT(1) on retransmitted packets

is that it denies ECN protection for retransmitted packets. However,

for an ECN-capable TCP connection in a fully-ECN-capable environment

with mild congestion, packets should rarely be dropped due to

congestion in the first place, and so instances of retransmitted

packets should rarely arise. If packets are being retransmitted,

then there are already packet losses (from corruption or from

congestion) that ECN has been unable to prevent.

We note that if the router sets the CE codepoint for an ECN-capable

data packet within a TCP connection, then the TCP connection is

guaranteed to receive that indication of congestion, or to receive

some other indication of congestion within the same window of data,

even if this packet is dropped or reordered in the network. We

consider two cases, when the packet is later retransmitted, and when

the packet is not later retransmitted.

In the first case, if the packet is either dropped or delayed, and at

some point retransmitted by the data sender, then the retransmission

is a result of a Fast Retransmit or a Retransmit Timeout for either

that packet or for some prior packet in the same window of data. In

this case, because the data sender already has retransmitted this

packet, we know that the data sender has already responded to an

indication of congestion for some packet within the same window of

data as the original packet. Thus, even if the first transmission of

the packet is dropped in the network, or is delayed, if it had the CE

codepoint set, and is later ignored by the data receiver as an out-

of-window packet, this is not a problem, because the sender has

already responded to an indication of congestion for that window of


In the second case, if the packet is never retransmitted by the data

sender, then this data packet is the only copy of this data received

by the data receiver, and therefore arrives at the data receiver as

an in-window packet, regardless of how much the packet might be

delayed or reordered. In this case, if the CE codepoint is set on

the packet within the network, this will be treated by the data

receiver as a valid indication of congestion.

6.1.6. TCP Window Probes.

When the TCP data receiver advertises a zero window, the TCP data

sender sends window probes to determine if the receiver's window has

increased. Window probe packets do not contain any user data except

for the sequence number, which is a byte. If a window probe packet

is dropped in the network, this loss is not detected by the receiver.

Therefore, the TCP data sender MUST NOT set either an ECT codepoint

or the CWR bit on window probe packets.

However, because window probes use exact sequence numbers, they

cannot be easily spoofed in denial-of-service attacks. Therefore, if

a window probe arrives with the CE codepoint set, then the receiver

SHOULD respond to the ECN indications.

7. Non-compliance by the End Nodes

This section discusses concerns about the vulnerability of ECN to

non-compliant end-nodes (i.e., end nodes that set the ECT codepoint

in transmitted packets but do not respond to received CE packets).

We argue that the addition of ECN to the IP architecture will not

significantly increase the current vulnerability of the architecture

to unresponsive flows.

Even for non-ECN environments, there are serious concerns about the

damage that can be done by non-compliant or unresponsive flows (that

is, flows that do not respond to congestion control indications by

reducing their arrival rate at the congested link). For example, an

end-node could "turn off congestion control" by not reducing its

congestion window in response to packet drops. This is a concern for

the current Internet. It has been argued that routers will have to

deploy mechanisms to detect and differentially treat packets from

non-compliant flows [RFC2309,FF99]. It has also been suggested that

techniques such as end-to-end per-flow scheduling and isolation of

one flow from another, differentiated services, or end-to-end

reservations could remove some of the more damaging effects of

unresponsive flows.

It might seem that dropping packets in itself is an adequate

deterrent for non-compliance, and that the use of ECN removes this

deterrent. We would argue in response that (1) ECN-capable routers

preserve packet-dropping behavior in times of high congestion; and

(2) even in times of high congestion, dropping packets in itself is

not an adequate deterrent for non-compliance.

First, ECN-Capable routers will only mark packets (as opposed to

dropping them) when the packet marking rate is reasonably low. During

periods where the average queue size exceeds an upper threshold, and

therefore the potential packet marking rate would be high, our

recommendation is that routers drop packets rather then set the CE

codepoint in packet headers.

During the periods of low or moderate packet marking rates when ECN

would be deployed, there would be little deterrent effect on

unresponsive flows of dropping rather than marking those packets. For

example, delay-insensitive flows using reliable delivery might have

an incentive to increase rather than to decrease their sending rate

in the presence of dropped packets. Similarly, delay-sensitive flows

using unreliable delivery might increase their use of FEC in response

to an increased packet drop rate, increasing rather than decreasing

their sending rate. For the same reasons, we do not believe that

packet dropping itself is an effective deterrent for non-compliance

even in an environment of high packet drop rates, when all flows are

sharing the same packet drop rate.

Several methods have been proposed to identify and restrict non-

compliant or unresponsive flows. The addition of ECN to the network

environment would not in any way increase the difficulty of designing

and deploying such mechanisms. If anything, the addition of ECN to

the architecture would make the job of identifying unresponsive flows

slightly easier. For example, in an ECN-Capable environment routers

are not limited to information about packets that are dropped or have

the CE codepoint set at that router itself; in such an environment,

routers could also take note of arriving CE packets that indicate

congestion encountered by that packet earlier in the path.

8. Non-compliance in the Network

This section considers the issues when a router is operating,

possibly maliciously, to modify either of the bits in the ECN field.

We note that in IPv4, the IP header is protected from bit errors by a

header checksum; this is not the case in IPv6. Thus for IPv6 the

ECN field can be accidentally modified by bit errors on links or in

routers without being detected by an IP header checksum.

By tampering with the bits in the ECN field, an adversary (or a

broken router) could do one or more of the following: falsely report

congestion, disable ECN-Capability for an individual packet, erase

the ECN congestion indication, or falsely indicate ECN-Capability.

Section 18 systematically examines the various cases by which the ECN

field could be modified. The important criterion considered in

determining the consequences of such modifications is whether it is

likely to lead to poorer behavior in any dimension (throughput,

delay, fairness or functionality) than if a router were to drop a


The first two possible changes, falsely reporting congestion or

disabling ECN-Capability for an individual packet, are no worse than

if the router were to simply drop the packet. From a congestion

control point of view, setting the CE codepoint in the absence of

congestion by a non-compliant router would be no worse than a router

dropping a packet unnecessarily. By "erasing" an ECT codepoint of a

packet that is later dropped in the network, a router's actions could

result in an unnecessary packet drop for that packet later in the


However, as discussed in Section 18, a router that erases the ECN

congestion indication or falsely indicates ECN-Capability could

potentially do more damage to the flow that if it has simply dropped

the packet. A rogue or broken router that "erased" the CE codepoint

in arriving CE packets would prevent that indication of congestion

from reaching downstream receivers. This could result in the failure

of congestion control for that flow and a resulting increase in

congestion in the network, ultimately resulting in subsequent packets

dropped for this flow as the average queue size increased at the

congested gateway.

Section 19 considers the potential repercussions of subverting end-

to-end congestion control by either falsely indicating ECN-

Capability, or by erasing the congestion indication in ECN (the CE-

codepoint). We observe in Section 19 that the consequence of

subverting ECN-based congestion control may lead to potential

unfairness, but this is likely to be no worse than the subversion of

either ECN-based or packet-based congestion control by the end nodes.

8.1. Complications Introduced by Split Paths

If a router or other network element has Access to all of the packets

of a flow, then that router could do no more damage to a flow by

altering the ECN field than it could by simply dropping all of the

packets from that flow. However, in some cases, a malicious or

broken router might have access to only a subset of the packets from

a flow. The question is as follows: can this router, by altering

the ECN field in this subset of the packets, do more damage to that

flow than if it has simply dropped that set of the packets?

This is also discussed in detail in Section 18, which concludes as

follows: It is true that the adversary that has access only to a

subset of packets in an aggregate might, by subverting ECN-based

congestion control, be able to deny the benefits of ECN to the other

packets in the aggregate. While this is undesirable, this is not a

sufficient concern to result in disabling ECN.

9. Encapsulated Packets

9.1. IP packets encapsulated in IP

The encapsulation of IP packet headers in tunnels is used in many

places, including IPsec and IP in IP [RFC2003]. This section

considers issues related to interactions between ECN and IP tunnels,

and specifies two alternative solutions. This discussion is

complemented by RFC2983's discussion of interactions between

Differentiated Services and IP tunnels of various forms [RFC2983],

as Differentiated Services uses the remaining six bits of the IP

header octet that is used by ECN (see Figure 2 in Section 5).

Some IP tunnel modes are based on adding a new "outer" IP header that

encapsulates the original, or "inner" IP header and its associated

packet. In many cases, the new "outer" IP header may be added and

removed at intermediate points along a connection, enabling the

network to establish a tunnel without requiring endpoint

participation. We denote tunnels that specify that the outer header

be discarded at tunnel egress as "simple tunnels".

ECN uses the ECN field in the IP header for signaling between routers

and connection endpoints. ECN interacts with IP tunnels based on the

treatment of the ECN field in the IP header. In simple IP tunnels

the octet containing the ECN field is copied or mapped from the inner

IP header to the outer IP header at IP tunnel ingress, and the outer

header's copy of this field is discarded at IP tunnel egress. If the

outer header were to be simply discarded without taking care to deal

with the ECN field, and an ECN-capable router were to set the CE

(Congestion Experienced) codepoint within a packet in a simple IP

tunnel, this indication would be discarded at tunnel egress, losing

the indication of congestion.

Thus, the use of ECN over simple IP tunnels would result in routers

attempting to use the outer IP header to signal congestion to

endpoints, but those congestion warnings never arriving because the

outer header is discarded at the tunnel egress point. This problem

was encountered with ECN and IPsec in tunnel mode, and RFC2481

recommended that ECN not be used with the older simple IPsec tunnels

in order to avoid this behavior and its consequences. When ECN

becomes widely deployed, then simple tunnels likely to carry ECN-

capable traffic will have to be changed. If ECN-capable traffic is

carried by a simple tunnel through a congested, ECN-capable router,

this could result in subsequent packets being dropped for this flow

as the average queue size increases at the congested router, as

discussed in Section 8 above.

From a security point of view, the use of ECN in the outer header of

an IP tunnel might raise security concerns because an adversary could

tamper with the ECN information that propagates beyond the tunnel

endpoint. Based on an analysis in Sections 18 and 19 of these

concerns and the resultant risks, our overall approach is to make

support for ECN an option for IP tunnels, so that an IP tunnel can be

specified or configured either to use ECN or not to use ECN in the

outer header of the tunnel. Thus, in environments or tunneling

protocols where the risks of using ECN are judged to outweigh its

benefits, the tunnel can simply not use ECN in the outer header.

Then the only indication of congestion experienced at routers within

the tunnel would be through packet loss.

The result is that there are two viable options for the behavior of

ECN-capable connections over an IP tunnel, including IPsec tunnels:

* A limited-functionality option in which ECN is preserved in the

inner header, but disabled in the outer header. The only

mechanism available for signaling congestion occurring within

the tunnel in this case is dropped packets.

* A full-functionality option that supports ECN in both the inner

and outer headers, and propagates congestion warnings from nodes

within the tunnel to endpoints.

Support for these options requires varying amounts of changes to IP

header processing at tunnel ingress and egress. A small subset of

these changes sufficient to support only the limited-functionality

option would be sufficient to eliminate any incompatibility between

ECN and IP tunnels.

One goal of this document is to give guidance about the tradeoffs

between the limited-functionality and full-functionality options. A

full discussion of the potential effects of an adversary's

modifications of the ECN field is given in Sections 18 and 19.

9.1.1. The Limited-functionality and Full-functionality Options

The limited-functionality option for ECN encapsulation in IP tunnels

is for the not-ECT codepoint to be set in the outside (encapsulating)

header regardless of the value of the ECN field in the inside

(encapsulated) header. With this option, the ECN field in the inner

header is not altered upon de-capsulation. The disadvantage of this

approach is that the flow does not have ECN support for that part of

the path that is using IP tunneling, even if the encapsulated packet

(from the original TCP sender) is ECN-Capable. That is, if the

encapsulated packet arrives at a congested router that is ECN-

capable, and the router can decide to drop or mark the packet as an

indication of congestion to the end nodes, the router will not be

permitted to set the CE codepoint in the packet header, but instead

will have to drop the packet.

The full-functionality option for ECN encapsulation is to copy the

ECN codepoint of the inside header to the outside header on

encapsulation if the inside header is not-ECT or ECT, and to set the

ECN codepoint of the outside header to ECT(0) if the ECN codepoint of

the inside header is CE. On decapsulation, if the CE codepoint is

set on the outside header, then the CE codepoint is also set in the

inner header. Otherwise, the ECN codepoint on the inner header is

left unchanged. That is, for full ECN support the encapsulation and

decapsulation processing involves the following: At tunnel ingress,

the full-functionality option sets the ECN codepoint in the outer

header. If the ECN codepoint in the inner header is not-ECT or ECT,

then it is copied to the ECN codepoint in the outer header. If the

ECN codepoint in the inner header is CE, then the ECN codepoint in

the outer header is set to ECT(0). Upon decapsulation at the tunnel

egress, the full-functionality option sets the CE codepoint in the

inner header if the CE codepoint is set in the outer header.

Otherwise, no change is made to this field of the inner header.

With the full-functionality option, a flow can take advantage of ECN

in those parts of the path that might use IP tunneling. The

disadvantage of the full-functionality option from a security

perspective is that the IP tunnel cannot protect the flow from

certain modifications to the ECN bits in the IP header within the

tunnel. The potential dangers from modifications to the ECN bits in

the IP header are described in detail in Sections 18 and 19.

(1) An IP tunnel MUST modify the handling of the DS field octet at

IP tunnel endpoints by implementing either the limited-

functionality or the full-functionality option.

(2) Optionally, an IP tunnel MAY enable the endpoints of an IP

tunnel to negotiate the choice between the limited-functionality

and the full-functionality option for ECN in the tunnel.

The minimum required to make ECN usable with IP tunnels is the

limited-functionality option, which prevents ECN from being enabled

in the outer header of the tunnel. Full support for ECN requires the

use of the full-functionality option. If there are no optional

mechanisms for the tunnel endpoints to negotiate a choice between the

limited-functionality or full-functionality option, there can be a

pre-existing agreement between the tunnel endpoints about whether to

support the limited-functionality or the full-functionality ECN


All IP tunnels MUST implement the limited-functionality option, and

SHOULD support the full-functionality option.

In addition, it is RECOMMENDED that packets with the CE codepoint in

the outer header be dropped if they arrive at the tunnel egress point

for a tunnel that uses the limited-functionality option, or for a

tunnel that uses the full-functionality option but for which the

not-ECT codepoint is set in the inner header. This is motivated by

backwards compatibility and to ensure that no unauthorized

modifications of the ECN field take place, and is discussed further

in the next Section (9.1.2).

9.1.2. Changes to the ECN Field within an IP Tunnel.

The presence of a copy of the ECN field in the inner header of an IP

tunnel mode packet provides an opportunity for detection of

unauthorized modifications to the ECN field in the outer header.

Comparison of the ECT fields in the inner and outer headers falls

into two categories for implementations that conform to this


* If the IP tunnel uses the full-functionality option, then the

not-ECT codepoint should be set in the outer header if and only

if it is also set in the inner header.

* If the tunnel uses the limited-functionality option, then the

not-ECT codepoint should be set in the outer header.

Receipt of a packet not satisfying the appropriate condition could be

a cause of concern.

Consider the case of an IP tunnel where the tunnel ingress point has

not been updated to this document's requirements, while the tunnel

egress point has been updated to support ECN. In this case, the IP

tunnel is not explicitly configured to support the full-functionality

ECN option. However, the tunnel ingress point is behaving identically

to a tunnel ingress point that supports the full-functionality

option. If packets from an ECN-capable connection use this tunnel,

the ECT codepoint will be set in the outer header at the tunnel

ingress point. Congestion within the tunnel may then result in ECN-

capable routers setting CE in the outer header. Because the tunnel

has not been explicitly configured to support the full-functionality

option, the tunnel egress point expects the not-ECT codepoint to be

set in the outer header. When an ECN-capable tunnel egress point

receives a packet with the ECT or CE codepoint in the outer header,

in a tunnel that has not been configured to support the full-

functionality option, that packet should be processed, according to

whether the CE codepoint was set, as follows. It is RECOMMENDED that

on a tunnel that has not been configured to support the full-

functionality option, packets should be dropped at the egress point

if the CE codepoint is set in the outer header but not in the inner

header, and should be forwarded otherwise.

An IP tunnel cannot provide protection against erasure of congestion

indications based on changing the ECN codepoint from CE to ECT. The

erasure of congestion indications may impact the network and other

flows in ways that would not be possible in the absence of ECN. It

is important to note that erasure of congestion indications can only

be performed to congestion indications placed by nodes within the

tunnel; the copy of the ECN field in the inner header preserves

congestion notifications from nodes upstream of the tunnel ingress

(unless the inner header is also erased). If erasure of congestion

notifications is judged to be a security risk that exceeds the

congestion management benefits of ECN, then tunnels could be

specified or configured to use the limited-functionality option.

9.2. IPsec Tunnels

IPsec supports secure communication over potentially insecure network

components such as intermediate routers. IPsec protocols support two

operating modes, transport mode and tunnel mode, that span a wide

range of security requirements and operating environments. Transport

mode security protocol header(s) are inserted between the IP (IPv4 or

IPv6) header and higher layer protocol headers (e.g., TCP), and hence

transport mode can only be used for end-to-end security on a

connection. IPsec tunnel mode is based on adding a new "outer" IP

header that encapsulates the original, or "inner" IP header and its

associated packet. Tunnel mode security headers are inserted between

these two IP headers. In contrast to transport mode, the new "outer"

IP header and tunnel mode security headers can be added and removed

at intermediate points along a connection, enabling security gateways

to secure vulnerable portions of a connection without requiring

endpoint participation in the security protocols. An important

aspect of tunnel mode security is that in the original specification,

the outer header is discarded at tunnel egress, ensuring that

security threats based on modifying the IP header do not propagate

beyond that tunnel endpoint. Further discussion of IPsec can be

found in [RFC2401].

The IPsec protocol as originally defined in [ESP, AH] required that

the inner header's ECN field not be changed by IPsec decapsulation

processing at a tunnel egress node; this would have ruled out the

possibility of full-functionality mode for ECN. At the same time,

this would ensure that an adversary's modifications to the ECN field

cannot be used to launch theft- or denial-of-service attacks across

an IPsec tunnel endpoint, as any such modifications will be discarded

at the tunnel endpoint.

In principle, permitting the use of ECN functionality in the outer

header of an IPsec tunnel raises security concerns because an

adversary could tamper with the information that propagates beyond

the tunnel endpoint. Based on an analysis (included in Sections 18

and 19) of these concerns and the associated risks, our overall

approach has been to provide configuration support for IPsec changes

to remove the conflict with ECN.

In particular, in tunnel mode the IPsec tunnel MUST support the

limited-functionality option outlined in Section 9.1.1, and SHOULD

support the full-functionality option outlined in Section 9.1.1.

This makes permission to use ECN functionality in the outer header of

an IPsec tunnel a configurable part of the corresponding IPsec

Security Association (SA), so that it can be disabled in situations

where the risks are judged to outweigh the benefits. The result is

that an IPsec security administrator is presented with two

alternatives for the behavior of ECN-capable connections within an

IPsec tunnel, the limited-functionality alternative and full-

functionality alternative described earlier.

In addition, this document specifies how the endpoints of an IPsec

tunnel could negotiate enabling ECN functionality in the outer

headers of that tunnel based on security policy. The ability to

negotiate ECN usage between tunnel endpoints would enable a security

administrator to disable ECN in situations where she believes the

risks (e.g., of lost congestion notifications) outweigh the benefits

of ECN.

The IPsec protocol, as defined in [ESP, AH], does not include the IP

header's ECN field in any of its cryptographic calculations (in the

case of tunnel mode, the outer IP header's ECN field is not

included). Hence modification of the ECN field by a network node has

no effect on IPsec's end-to-end security, because it cannot cause any

IPsec integrity check to fail. As a consequence, IPsec does not

provide any defense against an adversary's modification of the ECN

field (i.e., a man-in-the-middle attack), as the adversary's

modification will also have no effect on IPsec's end-to-end security.

In some environments, the ability to modify the ECN field without

affecting IPsec integrity checks may constitute a covert channel; if

it is necessary to eliminate such a channel or reduce its bandwidth,

then the IPsec tunnel should be run in limited-functionality mode.

9.2.1. Negotiation between Tunnel Endpoints

This section describes the detailed changes to enable usage of ECN

over IPsec tunnels, including the negotiation of ECN support between

tunnel endpoints. This is supported by three changes to IPsec:

* An optional Security Association Database (SAD) field indicating

whether tunnel encapsulation and decapsulation processing allows

or forbids ECN usage in the outer IP header.

* An optional Security Association Attribute that enables

negotiation of this SAD field between the two endpoints of an SA

that supports tunnel mode.

* Changes to tunnel mode encapsulation and decapsulation

processing to allow or forbid ECN usage in the outer IP header

based on the value of the SAD field. When ECN usage is allowed

in the outer IP header, the ECT codepoint is set in the outer

header for ECN-capable connections and congestion notifications

(indicated by the CE codepoint) from such connections are

propagated to the inner header at tunnel egress.

If negotiation of ECN usage is implemented, then the SAD field SHOULD

also be implemented. On the other hand, negotiation of ECN usage is

OPTIONAL in all cases, even for implementations that support the SAD

field. The encapsulation and decapsulation processing changes are

REQUIRED, but MAY be implemented without the other two changes by

assuming that ECN usage is always forbidden. The full-functionality

alternative for ECN usage over IPsec tunnels consists of the SAD

field and the full version of encapsulation and decapsulation

processing changes, with or without the OPTIONAL negotiation support.

The limited-functionality alternative consists of a subset of the

encapsulation and decapsulation changes that always forbids ECN


These changes are covered further in the following three subsections. ECN Tunnel Security Association Database Field

Full ECN functionality adds a new field to the SAD (see [RFC2401]):

ECN Tunnel: allowed or forbidden.

Indicates whether ECN-capable connections using this SA in tunnel

mode are permitted to receive ECN congestion notifications for

congestion occurring within the tunnel. The allowed value enables

ECN congestion notifications. The forbidden value disables such

notifications, causing all congestion to be indicated via dropped


[OPTIONAL. The value of this field SHOULD be assumed to be

"forbidden" in implementations that do not support it.]

If this attribute is implemented, then the SA specification in a

Security Policy Database (SPD) entry MUST support a corresponding

attribute, and this SPD attribute MUST be covered by the SPD

administrative interface (currently described in Section 4.4.1 of

[RFC2401]). ECN Tunnel Security Association Attribute

A new IPsec Security Association Attribute is defined to enable the

support for ECN congestion notifications based on the outer IP header

to be negotiated for IPsec tunnels (see [RFC2407]). This attribute

is OPTIONAL, although implementations that support it SHOULD also

support the SAD field defined in Section

Attribute Type

class value type


ECN Tunnel 10 Basic

The IPsec SA Attribute value 10 has been allocated by IANA to

indicate that the ECN Tunnel SA Attribute is being negotiated; the

type of this attribute is Basic (see Section 4.5 of [RFC2407]). The

Class Values are used to conduct the negotiation. See [RFC2407,

RFC2408, RFC2409] for further information including encoding formats

and requirements for negotiating this SA attribute.

Class Values

ECN Tunnel

Specifies whether ECN functionality is allowed to be used with Tunnel

Encapsulation Mode. This affects tunnel encapsulation and

decapsulation processing - see Section


Allowed 1

Forbidden 2

Values 3-61439 are reserved to IANA. Values 61440-65535 are for

private use.

If unspecified, the default shall be assumed to be Forbidden.

ECN Tunnel is a new SA attribute, and hence initiators that use it

can expect to encounter responders that do not understand it, and

therefore reject proposals containing it. For backwards

compatibility with such implementations initiators SHOULD always also

include a proposal without the ECN Tunnel attribute to enable such a

responder to select a transform or proposal that does not contain the

ECN Tunnel attribute. RFC2407 currently requires responders to

reject all proposals if any proposal contains an unknown attribute;

this requirement is expected to be changed to require a responder not

to select proposals or transforms containing unknown attributes. Changes to IPsec Tunnel Header Processing

For full ECN support, the encapsulation and decapsulation processing

for the IPv4 TOS field and the IPv6 Traffic Class field are changed

from that specified in [RFC2401] to the following:

<-- How Outer Hdr Relates to Inner Hdr -->

Outer Hdr at Inner Hdr at

IPv4 Encapsulator Decapsulator

Header fields: -------------------- ------------

DS Field copied from inner hdr (5) no change

ECN Field constructed (7) constructed (8)


Header fields:

DS Field copied from inner hdr (6) no change

ECN Field constructed (7) constructed (8)

(5)(6) If the packet will immediately enter a domain for which the

DSCP value in the outer header is not appropriate, that value MUST

be mapped to an appropriate value for the domain [RFC2474]. Also

see [RFC2475] for further information.

(7) If the value of the ECN Tunnel field in the SAD entry for this

SA is "allowed" and the ECN field in the inner header is set to

any value other than CE, copy this ECN field to the outer header.

If the ECN field in the inner header is set to CE, then set the

ECN field in the outer header to ECT(0).

(8) If the value of the ECN tunnel field in the SAD entry for this

SA is "allowed" and the ECN field in the inner header is set to

ECT(0) or ECT(1) and the ECN field in the outer header is set to

CE, then copy the ECN field from the outer header to the inner

header. Otherwise, make no change to the ECN field in the inner


(5) and (6) are identical to match usage in [RFC2401], although

they are different in [RFC2401].

The above description applies to implementations that support the ECN

Tunnel field in the SAD; such implementations MUST implement this

processing instead of the processing of the IPv4 TOS octet and IPv6

Traffic Class octet defined in [RFC2401]. This constitutes the

full-functionality alternative for ECN usage with IPsec tunnels.

An implementation that does not support the ECN Tunnel field in the

SAD MUST implement this processing by assuming that the value of the

ECN Tunnel field of the SAD is "forbidden" for every SA. In this

case, the processing of the ECN field reduces to:

(7) Set the ECN field to not-ECT in the outer header.

(8) Make no change to the ECN field in the inner header.

This constitutes the limited functionality alternative for ECN usage

with IPsec tunnels.

For backwards compatibility, packets with the CE codepoint set in the

outer header SHOULD be dropped if they arrive on an SA that is using

the limited-functionality option, or that is using the full-

functionality option with the not-ECN codepoint set in the inner


9.2.2. Changes to the ECN Field within an IPsec Tunnel.

If the ECN Field is changed inappropriately within an IPsec tunnel,

and this change is detected at the tunnel egress, then the receipt of

a packet not satisfying the appropriate condition for its SA is an

auditable event. An implementation MAY create audit records with

per-SA counts of incorrect packets over some time period rather than

creating an audit record for each erroneous packet. Any such audit

record SHOULD contain the headers from at least one erroneous packet,

but need not contain the headers from every packet represented by the


9.2.3. Comments for IPsec Support

Substantial comments were received on two areas of this document

during review by the IPsec working group. This section describes

these comments and explains why the proposed changes were not


The first comment indicated that per-node configuration is easier to

implement than per-SA configuration. After serious thought and

despite some initial encouragement of per-node configuration, it no

longer seems to be a good idea. The concern is that as ECN-awareness

is progressively deployed in IPsec, many ECN-aware IPsec

implementations will find themselves communicating with a mixture of

ECN-aware and ECN-unaware IPsec tunnel endpoints. In such an

environment with per-node configuration, the only reasonable thing to

do is forbid ECN usage for all IPsec tunnels, which is not the

desired outcome.

In the second area, several reviewers noted that SA negotiation is

complex, and adding to it is non-trivial. One reviewer suggested

using ICMP after tunnel setup as a possible alternative. The

addition to SA negotiation in this document is OPTIONAL and will

remain so; implementers are free to ignore it. The authors believe

that the assurance it provides can be useful in a number of

situations. In practice, if this is not implemented, it can be

deleted at a subsequent stage in the standards process. Extending

ICMP to negotiate ECN after tunnel setup is more complex than

extending SA attribute negotiation. Some tunnels do not permit

traffic to be addressed to the tunnel egress endpoint, hence the ICMP

packet would have to be addressed to somewhere else, scanned for by

the egress endpoint, and discarded there or at its actual

destination. In addition, ICMP delivery is unreliable, and hence

there is a possibility of an ICMP packet being dropped, entailing the

invention of yet another ack/retransmit mechanism. It seems better

simply to specify an OPTIONAL extension to the existing SA

negotiation mechanism.

9.3. IP packets encapsulated in non-IP Packet Headers.

A different set of issues are raised, relative to ECN, when IP

packets are encapsulated in tunnels with non-IP packet headers. This

occurs with MPLS [MPLS], GRE [GRE], L2TP [L2TP], and PPTP [PPTP].

For these protocols, there is no conflict with ECN; it is just that

ECN cannot be used within the tunnel unless an ECN codepoint can be

specified for the header of the encapsulating protocol. Earlier work

considered a preliminary proposal for incorporating ECN into MPLS,

and proposals for incorporating ECN into GRE, L2TP, or PPTP will be

considered as the need arises.

10. Issues Raised by Monitoring and Policing Devices

One possibility is that monitoring and policing devices (or more

informally, "penalty boxes") will be installed in the network to

monitor whether best-effort flows are appropriately responding to

congestion, and to preferentially drop packets from flows determined

not to be using adequate end-to-end congestion control procedures.

We recommend that any "penalty box" that detects a flow or an

aggregate of flows that is not responding to end-to-end congestion

control first change from marking to dropping packets from that flow,

before taking any additional action to restrict the bandwidth

available to that flow. Thus, initially, the router may drop packets

in which the router would otherwise would have set the CE codepoint.

This could include dropping those arriving packets for that flow that

are ECN-Capable and that already have the CE codepoint set. In this

way, any congestion indications seen by that router for that flow

will be guaranteed to also be seen by the end nodes, even in the

presence of malicious or broken routers elsewhere in the path. If we

assume that the first action taken at any "penalty box" for an ECN-

capable flow will be to drop packets instead of marking them, then

there is no way that an adversary that subverts ECN-based end-to-end

congestion control can cause a flow to be characterized as being

non-cooperative and placed into a more severe action within the

"penalty box".

The monitoring and policing devices that are actually deployed could

fall short of the `ideal' monitoring device described above, in that

the monitoring is applied not to a single flow, but to an aggregate

of flows (e.g., those sharing a single IPsec tunnel). In this case,

the switch from marking to dropping would apply to all of the flows

in that aggregate, denying the benefits of ECN to the other flows in

the aggregate also. At the highest level of aggregation, another

form of the disabling of ECN happens even in the absence of

monitoring and policing devices, when ECN-Capable RED queues switch

from marking to dropping packets as an indication of congestion when

the average queue size has exceeded some threshold.

11. Evaluations of ECN

11.1. Related Work Evaluating ECN

This section discusses some of the related work evaluating the use of

ECN. The ECN Web Page [ECN] has pointers to other papers, as well as

to implementations of ECN.

[Floyd94] considers the advantages and drawbacks of adding ECN to the

TCP/IP architecture. As shown in the simulation-based comparisons,

one advantage of ECN is to avoid unnecessary packet drops for short

or delay-sensitive TCP connections. A second advantage of ECN is in

avoiding some unnecessary retransmit timeouts in TCP. This paper

discusses in detail the integration of ECN into TCP's congestion

control mechanisms. The possible disadvantages of ECN discussed in

the paper are that a non-compliant TCP connection could falsely

advertise itself as ECN-capable, and that a TCP ACK packet carrying

an ECN-Echo message could itself be dropped in the network. The

first of these two issues is discussed in the appendix of this

document, and the second is addressed by the addition of the CWR flag

in the TCP header.

Experimental evaluations of ECN include [RFC2884,K98]. The

conclusions of [K98] and [RFC2884] are that ECN TCP gets moderately

better throughput than non-ECN TCP; that ECN TCP flows are fair

towards non-ECN TCP flows; and that ECN TCP is robust with two-way

traffic (with congestion in both directions) and with multiple

congested gateways. Experiments with many short web transfers show

that, while most of the short connections have similar transfer times

with or without ECN, a small percentage of the short connections have

very long transfer times for the non-ECN experiments as compared to

the ECN experiments.

11.2. A Discussion of the ECN nonce.

The use of two ECT codepoints, ECT(0) and ECT(1), can provide a one-

bit ECN nonce in packet headers [SCWA99]. The primary motivation for

this is the desire to allow mechanisms for the data sender to verify

that network elements are not erasing the CE codepoint, and that data

receivers are properly reporting to the sender the receipt of packets

with the CE codepoint set, as required by the transport protocol.

This section discusses issues of backwards compatibility with IP ECN

implementations in routers conformant with RFC2481, in which only

one ECT codepoint was defined. We do not believe that the

incremental deployment of ECN implementations that understand the

ECT(1) codepoint will cause significant operational problems. This

is particularly likely to be the case when the deployment of the

ECT(1) codepoint begins with routers, before the ECT(1) codepoint

starts to be used by end-nodes.

11.2.1. The Incremental Deployment of ECT(1) in Routers.

ECN has been an Experimental standard since January 1999, and there

are already implementations of ECN in routers that do not understand

the ECT(1) codepoint. When the use of the ECT(1) codepoint is

standardized for TCP or for other transport protocols, this could

mean that a data sender is using the ECT(1) codepoint, but that this

codepoint is not understood by a congested router on the path.

If allowed by the transport protocol, a data sender would be free not

to make use of ECT(1) at all, and to send all ECN-capable packets

with the codepoint ECT(0). However, if an ECN-capable sender is

using ECT(1), and the congested router on the path did not understand

the ECT(1) codepoint, then the router would end up marking some of

the ECT(0) packets, and dropping some of the ECT(1) packets, as

indications of congestion. Since TCP is required to react to both

marked and dropped packets, this behavior of dropping packets that

could have been marked poses no significant threat to the network,

and is consistent with the overall approach to ECN that allows

routers to determine when and whether to mark packets as they see fit

(see Section 5).

12. Summary of changes required in IP and TCP

This document specified two bits in the IP header to be used for ECN.

The not-ECT codepoint indicates that the transport protocol will

ignore the CE codepoint. This is the default value for the ECN

codepoint. The ECT codepoints indicate that the transport protocol

is willing and able to participate in ECN.

The router sets the CE codepoint to indicate congestion to the end

nodes. The CE codepoint in a packet header MUST NOT be reset by a


TCP requires three changes for ECN, a setup phase and two new flags

in the TCP header. The ECN-Echo flag is used by the data receiver to

inform the data sender of a received CE packet. The Congestion

Window Reduced (CWR) flag is used by the data sender to inform the

data receiver that the congestion window has been reduced.

When ECN (Explicit Congestion Notification) is used, it is required

that congestion indications generated within an IP tunnel not be lost

at the tunnel egress. We specified a minor modification to the IP

protocol's handling of the ECN field during encapsulation and de-

capsulation to allow flows that will undergo IP tunneling to use ECN.

Two options for ECN in tunnels were specified:

1) A limited-functionality option that does not use ECN inside the IP

tunnel, by setting the ECN field in the outer header to not-ECT, and

not altering the inner header at the time of decapsulation.

2) The full-functionality option, which sets the ECN field in the

outer header to either not-ECT or to one of the ECT codepoints,

depending on the ECN field in the inner header. At decapsulation, if

the CE codepoint is set in the outer header, and the inner header is

set to one of the ECT codepoints, then the CE codepoint is copied to

the inner header.

For IPsec tunnels, this document also defines an optional IPsec

Security Association (SA) attribute that enables negotiation of ECN

usage within IPsec tunnels and an optional field in the Security

Association Database to indicate whether ECN is permitted in tunnel

mode on a SA. The required changes to IPsec tunnels for ECN usage

modify RFC2401 [RFC2401], which defines the IPsec architecture and

specifies some aspects of its implementation. The new IPsec SA

attribute is in addition to those already defined in Section 4.5 of


This document obsoletes RFC2481, "A Proposal to add Explicit

Congestion Notification (ECN) to IP", which defined ECN as an

Experimental Protocol for the Internet Community. The rest of this

section describes the relationship between this document and its


RFC2481 included a brief discussion of the use of ECN with

encapsulated packets, and noted that for the IPsec specifications at

the time (January 1999), flows could not safely use ECN if they were

to traverse IPsec tunnels. RFC2481 also described the changes that

could be made to IPsec tunnel specifications to made them compatible

with ECN.

This document also incorporates work that was done after RFC2481.

First was to describe the changes to IPsec tunnels in detail, and

extensively discuss the security implications of ECN (now included as

Sections 18 and 19 of this document). Second was to extend the

discussion of IPsec tunnels to include all IP tunnels. Because older

IP tunnels are not compatible with a flow's use of ECN, the

deployment of ECN in the Internet will create strong pressure for

older IP tunnels to be updated to an ECN-compatible version, using

either the limited-functionality or the full-functionality option.

This document does not address the issue of including ECN in non-IP

tunnels such as MPLS, GRE, L2TP, or PPTP. An earlier preliminary

document about adding ECN support to MPLS was not advanced.

A third new piece of work after RFC2481 was to describe the ECN

procedure with retransmitted data packets, that an ECT codepoint

should not be set on retransmitted data packets. The motivation for

this additional specification is to eliminate a possible avenue for

denial-of-service attacks on an existing TCP connection. Some prior

deployments of ECN-capable TCP might not conform to the (new)

requirement not to set an ECT codepoint on retransmitted packets; we

do not believe this will cause significant problems in practice.

This document also expands slightly on the specification of the use

of SYN packets for the negotiation of ECN. While some prior

deployments of ECN-capable TCP might not conform to the requirements

specified in this document, we do not believe that this will lead to

any performance or compatibility problems for TCP connections with a

combination of TCP implementations at the endpoints.

This document also includes the specification of the ECT(1)

codepoint, which may be used by TCP as part of the implementation of

an ECN nonce.

13. Conclusions

Given the current effort to implement AQM, we believe this is the

right time to deploy congestion avoidance mechanisms that do not

depend on packet drops alone. With the increased deployment of

applications and transports sensitive to the delay and loss of a

single packet (e.g., realtime traffic, short web transfers),

depending on packet loss as a normal congestion notification

mechanism appears to be insufficient (or at the very least, non-


We examined the consequence of modifications of the ECN field within

the network, analyzing all the opportunities for an adversary to

change the ECN field. In many cases, the change to the ECN field is

no worse than dropping a packet. However, we noted that some changes

have the more serious consequence of subverting end-to-end congestion

control. However, we point out that even then the potential damage

is limited, and is similar to the threat posed by end-systems

intentionally failing to cooperate with end-to-end congestion


14. Acknowledgements

Many people have made contributions to this work and this document,

including many that we have not managed to directly acknowledge in

this document. In addition, we would like to thank Kenjiro Cho for

the proposal for the TCP mechanism for negotiating ECN-Capability,

Kevin Fall for the proposal of the CWR bit, Steve Blake for material

on IPv4 Header Checksum Recalculation, Jamal Hadi-Salim for

discussions of ECN issues, and Steve Bellovin, Jim Bound, Brian

Carpenter, Paul Ferguson, Stephen Kent, Greg Minshall, and Vern

Paxson for discussions of security issues. We also thank the

Internet End-to-End Research Group for ongoing discussions of these


Email discussions with a number of people, including Dax Kelson,

Alexey Kuznetsov, Jamal Hadi-Salim, and Venkat Venkatsubra, have

addressed the issues raised by non-conformant equipment in the

Internet that does not respond to TCP SYN packets with the ECE and

CWR flags set. We thank Mark Handley, Jitentra Padhye, and others

for discussions on the TCP initialization procedures.

The discussion of ECN and IP tunnel considerations draws heavily on

related discussions and documents from the Differentiated Services

Working Group. We thank Tabassum Bint Haque from Dhaka, Bangladesh,

for feedback on IP tunnels. We thank Derrell Piper and Kero Tivinen

for proposing modifications to RFC2407 that improve the usability of

negotiating the ECN Tunnel SA attribute.

We thank David Wetherall, David Ely, and Neil Spring for the proposal

for the ECN nonce. We also thank Stefan Savage for discussions on

this issue. We thank Bob Briscoe and Jon Crowcroft for raising the

issue of fragmentation in IP, on alternate semantics for the fourth

ECN codepoint, and several other topics. We thank Richard Wendland

for feedback on several issues in the document.

We also thank the IESG, and in particular the Transport Area

Directors over the years, for their feedback and their work towards

the standardization of ECN.

15. References

[AH] Kent, S. and R. Atkinson, "IP Authentication Header",

RFC2402, November 1998.

[ECN] "The ECN Web Page", URL

"http://www.aciri.org/floyd/ecn.Html". Reference for

informational purposes only.

[ESP] Kent, S. and R. Atkinson, "IP Encapsulating Security

Payload", RFC2406, November 1998.

[FIXES] ECN-under-Linux Unofficial Vendor Support Page, URL

"http://gtf.org/garzik/ecn/". Reference for

informational purposes only.

[FJ93] Floyd, S., and Jacobson, V., "Random Early Detection

gateways for Congestion Avoidance", IEEE/ACM

Transactions on Networking, V.1 N.4, August 1993, p.


[Floyd94] Floyd, S., "TCP and Explicit Congestion Notification",

ACM Computer Communication Review, V. 24 N. 5, October

1994, p. 10-23.

[Floyd98] Floyd, S., "The ECN Validation Test in the NS

Simulator", URL "http://www-mash.cs.berkeley.edu/ns/",

test tcl/test/test-all- ecn. Reference for

informational purposes only.

[FF99] Floyd, S., and Fall, K., "Promoting the Use of End-to-

End Congestion Control in the Internet", IEEE/ACM

Transactions on Networking, August 1999.

[FRED] Lin, D., and Morris, R., "Dynamics of Random Early

Detection", SIGCOMM '97, September 1997.

[GRE] Hanks, S., Li, T., Farinacci, D. and P. Traina, "Generic

Routing Encapsulation (GRE)", RFC1701, October 1994.

[Jacobson88] V. Jacobson, "Congestion Avoidance and Control", Proc.

ACM SIGCOMM '88, pp. 314-329.

[Jacobson90] V. Jacobson, "Modified TCP Congestion Avoidance

Algorithm", Message to end2end-interest mailing list,

April 1990. URL


[K98] Krishnan, H., "Analyzing Explicit Congestion

Notification (ECN) benefits for TCP", Master's thesis,

UCLA, 1998. Citation for acknowledgement purposes only.

[L2TP] Townsley, W., Valencia, A., Rubens, A., Pall, G., Zorn,

G. and B. Palter, "Layer Two Tunneling Protocol "L2TP"",

RFC2661, August 1999.

[MJV96] S. McCanne, V. Jacobson, and M. Vetterli, "Receiver-

driven Layered Multicast", SIGCOMM '96, August 1996, pp.


[MPLS] Awduche, D., Malcolm, J., Agogbua, J., O'Dell, M. and J.

McManus, Requirements for Traffic Engineering Over MPLS,

RFC2702, September 1999.

[PPTP] Hamzeh, K., Pall, G., Verthein, W., Taarud, J., Little,

W. and G. Zorn, "Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol

(PPTP)", RFC2637, July 1999.

[RFC791] Postel, J., "Internet Protocol", STD 5, RFC791,

September 1981.

[RFC793] Postel, J., "Transmission Control Protocol", STD 7, RFC

793, September 1981.

[RFC1141] Mallory, T. and A. Kullberg, "Incremental Updating of

the Internet Checksum", RFC1141, January 1990.

[RFC1349] Almquist, P., "Type of Service in the Internet Protocol

Suite", RFC1349, July 1992.

[RFC1455] Eastlake, D., "Physical Link Security Type of Service",

RFC1455, May 1993.

[RFC1701] Hanks, S., Li, T., Farinacci, D. and P. Traina, "Generic

Routing Encapsulation (GRE)", RFC1701, October 1994.

[RFC1702] Hanks, S., Li, T., Farinacci, D. and P. Traina, "Generic

Routing Encapsulation over IPv4 networks", RFC1702,

October 1994.

[RFC2003] Perkins, C., "IP Encapsulation within IP", RFC2003,

October 1996.

[RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate

Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC2119, March 1997.

[RFC2309] Braden, B., et al., "Recommendations on Queue Management

and Congestion Avoidance in the Internet", RFC2309,

April 1998.

[RFC2401] Kent, S. and R. Atkinson, Security Architecture for the

Internet Protocol, RFC2401, November 1998.

[RFC2407] Piper, D., "The Internet IP Security Domain of

Interpretation for ISAKMP", RFC2407, November 1998.

[RFC2408] Maughan, D., Schertler, M., Schneider, M. and J. Turner,

"Internet Security Association and Key Management

Protocol (ISAKMP)", RFC2409, November 1998.

[RFC2409] Harkins D. and D. Carrel, "The Internet Key Exchange

(IKE)", RFC2409, November 1998.

[RFC2474] Nichols, K., Blake, S., Baker, F. and D. Black,

"Definition of the Differentiated Services Field (DS

Field) in the IPv4 and IPv6 Headers", RFC2474, December


[RFC2475] Blake, S., Black, D., Carlson, M., Davies, E., Wang, Z.

and W. Weiss, "An Architecture for Differentiated

Services", RFC2475, December 1998.

[RFC2481] Ramakrishnan K. and S. Floyd, "A Proposal to add

Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) to IP", RFC2481,

January 1999.

[RFC2581] Alman, M., Paxson, V. and W. Stevens, "TCP Congestion

Control", RFC2581, April 1999.

[RFC2884] Hadi Salim, J. and U. Ahmed, "Performance Evaluation of

Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) in IP Networks",

RFC2884, July 2000.

[RFC2983] Black, D., "Differentiated Services and Tunnels",

RFC2983, October 2000.

[RFC2780] Bradner S. and V. Paxson, "IANA Allocation Guidelines

For Values In the Internet Protocol and Related

Headers", BCP 37, RFC2780, March 2000.

[RJ90] K. K. Ramakrishnan and Raj Jain, "A Binary Feedback

Scheme for Congestion Avoidance in Computer Networks",

ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, Vol.8, No.2, pp.

158-181, May 1990.

[SCWA99] Stefan Savage, Neal Cardwell, David Wetherall, and Tom

Anderson, TCP Congestion Control with a Misbehaving

Receiver, ACM Computer Communications Review, October


[TBIT] Jitendra Padhye and Sally Floyd, "Identifying the TCP

Behavior of Web Servers", ICSI TR-01-002, February 2001.

URL "http://www.aciri.org/tbit/".

16. Security Considerations

Security considerations have been discussed in Sections 7, 8, 18, and


17. IPv4 Header Checksum Recalculation

IPv4 header checksum recalculation is an issue with some high-end

router architectures using an output-buffered switch, since most if

not all of the header manipulation is performed on the input side of

the switch, while the ECN decision would need to be made local to the

output buffer. This is not an issue for IPv6, since there is no IPv6

header checksum. The IPv4 TOS octet is the last byte of a 16-bit


RFC1141 [RFC1141] discusses the incremental updating of the IPv4

checksum after the TTL field is decremented. The incremental

updating of the IPv4 checksum after the CE codepoint was set would

work as follows: Let HC be the original header checksum for an ECT(0)

packet, and let HC' be the new header checksum after the CE bit has

been set. That is, the ECN field has changed from '10' to '11'.

Then for header checksums calculated with one's complement

suBTraction, HC' would be recalculated as follows:

HC' = { HC - 1 HC > 1

{ 0x0000 HC = 1

For header checksums calculated on two's complement machines, HC'

would be recalculated as follows after the CE bit was set:

HC' = { HC - 1 HC > 0

{ 0xFFFE HC = 0

A similar incremental updating of the IPv4 checksum can be carried

out when the ECN field is changed from ECT(1) to CE, that is, from '

01' to '11'.

18. Possible Changes to the ECN Field in the Network

This section discusses in detail possible changes to the ECN field in

the network, such as falsely reporting congestion, disabling ECN-

Capability for an individual packet, erasing the ECN congestion

indication, or falsely indicating ECN-Capability.

18.1. Possible Changes to the IP Header

18.1.1. Erasing the Congestion Indication

First, we consider the changes that a router could make that would

result in effectively erasing the congestion indication after it had

been set by a router upstream. The convention followed is: ECN

codepoint of received packet -> ECN codepoint of packet transmitted.

Replacing the CE codepoint with the ECT(0) or ECT(1) codepoint

effectively erases the congestion indication. However, with the use

of two ECT codepoints, a router erasing the CE codepoint has no way

to know whether the original ECT codepoint was ECT(0) or ECT(1).

Thus, it is possible for the transport protocol to deploy mechanisms

to detect such erasures of the CE codepoint.

The consequence of the erasure of the CE codepoint for the upstream

router is that there is a potential for congestion to build for a

time, because the congestion indication does not reach the source.

However, the packet would be received and acknowledged.

The potential effect of erasing the congestion indication is complex,

and is discussed in depth in Section 19 below. Note that the effect

of erasing the congestion indication is different from dropping a

packet in the network. When a data packet is dropped, the drop is

detected by the TCP sender, and interpreted as an indication of

congestion. Similarly, if a sufficient number of consecutive

acknowledgement packets are dropped, causing the cumulative

acknowledgement field not to be advanced at the sender, the sender is

limited by the congestion window from sending additional packets, and

ultimately the retransmit timer expires.

In contrast, a systematic erasure of the CE bit by a downstream

router can have the effect of causing a queue buildup at an upstream

router, including the possible loss of packets due to buffer

overflow. There is a potential of unfairness in that another flow

that goes through the congested router could react to the CE bit set

while the flow that has the CE bit erased could see better

performance. The limitations on this potential unfairness are

discussed in more detail in Section 19 below.

The last of the three changes is to replace the CE codepoint with the

not-ECT codepoint, thus erasing the congestion indication and

disabling ECN-Capability at the same time.

The `erasure' of the congestion indication is only effective if the

packet does not end up being marked or dropped again by a downstream

router. If the CE codepoint is replaced by an ECT codepoint, the

packet remains ECN-Capable, and could be either marked or dropped by

a downstream router as an indication of congestion. If the CE

codepoint is replaced by the not-ECT codepoint, the packet is no

longer ECN-capable, and can therefore be dropped but not marked by a

downstream router as an indication of congestion.

18.1.2. Falsely Reporting Congestion

This change is to set the CE codepoint when an ECT codepoint was

already set, even though there was no congestion. This change does

not affect the treatment of that packet along the rest of the path.

In particular, a router does not examine the CE codepoint in deciding

whether to drop or mark an arriving packet.

However, this could result in the application unnecessarily invoking

end-to-end congestion control, and reducing its arrival rate. By

itself, this is no worse (for the application or for the network)

than if the tampering router had actually dropped the packet.

18.1.3. Disabling ECN-Capability

This change is to turn off the ECT codepoint of a packet. This means

that if the packet later encounters congestion (e.g., by arriving to

a RED queue with a moderate average queue size), it will be dropped

instead of being marked. By itself, this is no worse (for the

application) than if the tampering router had actually dropped the

packet. The saving grace in this particular case is that there is no

congested router upstream expecting a reaction from setting the CE


18.1.4. Falsely Indicating ECN-Capability

This change would incorrectly label a packet as ECN-Capable. The

packet may have been sent either by an ECN-Capable transport or a

transport that is not ECN-Capable.

If the packet later encounters moderate congestion at an ECN-Capable

router, the router could set the CE codepoint instead of dropping the

packet. If the transport protocol in fact is not ECN-Capable, then

the transport will never receive this indication of congestion, and

will not reduce its sending rate in response. The potential

consequences of falsely indicating ECN-capability are discussed

further in Section 19 below.

If the packet never later encounters congestion at an ECN-Capable

router, then the first of these two changes would have no effect,

other than possibly interfering with the use of the ECN nonce by the

transport protocol. The last change, however, would have the effect

of giving false reports of congestion to a monitoring device along

the path. If the transport protocol is ECN-Capable, then this change

could also have an effect at the transport level, by combining

falsely indicating ECN-Capability with falsely reporting congestion.

For an ECN-capable transport, this would cause the transport to

unnecessarily react to congestion. In this particular case, the

router that is incorrectly changing the ECN field could have dropped

the packet. Thus for this case of an ECN-capable transport, the

consequence of this change to the ECN field is no worse than dropping

the packet.

18.2. Information carried in the Transport Header

For TCP, an ECN-capable TCP receiver informs its TCP peer that it is

ECN-capable at the TCP level, conveying this information in the TCP

header at the time the connection is setup. This document does not

consider potential dangers introduced by changes in the transport

header within the network. We note that when IPsec is used, the

transport header is protected both in tunnel and transport modes

[ESP, AH].

Another issue concerns TCP packets with a spoofed IP source address

carrying invalid ECN information in the transport header. For

completeness, we examine here some possible ways that a node spoofing

the IP source address of another node could use the two ECN flags in

the TCP header to launch a denial-of-service attack. However, these

attacks would require an ability for the attacker to use valid TCP

sequence numbers, and any attacker with this ability and with the

ability to spoof IP source addresses could damage the TCP connection

without using the ECN flags. Therefore, ECN does not add any new

vulnerabilities in this respect.

An acknowledgement packet with a spoofed IP source address of the TCP

data receiver could include the ECE bit set. If accepted by the TCP

data sender as a valid packet, this spoofed acknowledgement packet

could result in the TCP data sender unnecessarily halving its

congestion window. However, to be accepted by the data sender, such

a spoofed acknowledgement packet would have to have the correct 32-

bit sequence number as well as a valid acknowledgement number. An

attacker that could successfully send such a spoofed acknowledgement

packet could also send a spoofed RST packet, or do other equally

damaging operations to the TCP connection.

Packets with a spoofed IP source address of the TCP data sender could

include the CWR bit set. Again, to be accepted, such a packet would

have to have a valid sequence number. In addition, such a spoofed

packet would have a limited performance impact. Spoofing a data

packet with the CWR bit set could result in the TCP data receiver

sending fewer ECE packets than it would otherwise, if the data

receiver was sending ECE packets when it received the spoofed CWR


18.3. Split Paths

In some cases, a malicious or broken router might have access to only

a subset of the packets from a flow. The question is as follows:

can this router, by altering the ECN field in this subset of the

packets, do more damage to that flow than if it had simply dropped

that set of packets?

We will classify the packets in the flow as A packets and B packets,

and assume that the adversary only has access to A packets. Assume

that the adversary is subverting end-to-end congestion control along

the path traveled by A packets only, by either falsely indicating

ECN-Capability upstream of the point where congestion occurs, or

erasing the congestion indication downstream. Consider also that

there exists a monitoring device that sees both the A and B packets,

and will "punish" both the A and B packets if the total flow is

determined not to be properly responding to indications of

congestion. Another key characteristic that we believe is likely to

be true is that the monitoring device, before `punishing' the A&B

flow, will first drop packets instead of setting the CE codepoint,

and will drop arriving packets of that flow that already have the CE

codepoint set. If the end nodes are in fact using end-to-end

congestion control, they will see all of the indications of

congestion seen by the monitoring device, and will begin to respond

to these indications of congestion. Thus, the monitoring device is

successful in providing the indications to the flow at an early


It is true that the adversary that has access only to the A packets

might, by subverting ECN-based congestion control, be able to deny

the benefits of ECN to the other packets in the A&B aggregate. While

this is unfortunate, this is not a reason to disable ECN.

A variant of falsely reporting congestion occurs when there are two

adversaries along a path, where the first adversary falsely reports

congestion, and the second adversary `erases' those reports. (Unlike

packet drops, ECN congestion reports can be `reversed' later in the

network by a malicious or broken router. However, the use of the ECN

nonce could help the transport to detect this behavior.) While this

would be transparent to the end node, it is possible that a

monitoring device between the first and second adversaries would see

the false indications of congestion. Keep in mind our recommendation

in this document, that before `punishing' a flow for not responding

appropriately to congestion, the router will first switch to dropping

rather than marking as an indication of congestion, for that flow.

When this includes dropping arriving packets from that flow that have

the CE codepoint set, this ensures that these indications of

congestion are being seen by the end nodes. Thus, there is no

additional harm that we are able to postulate as a result of multiple

conflicting adversaries.

19. Implications of Subverting End-to-End Congestion Control

This section focuses on the potential repercussions of subverting

end-to-end congestion control by either falsely indicating ECN-

Capability, or by erasing the congestion indication in ECN (the CE

codepoint). Subverting end-to-end congestion control by either of

these two methods can have consequences both for the application and

for the network. We discuss these separately below.

The first method to subvert end-to-end congestion control, that of

falsely indicating ECN-Capability, effectively subverts end-to-end

congestion control only if the packet later encounters congestion

that results in the setting of the CE codepoint. In this case, the

transport protocol (which may not be ECN-capable) does not receive

the indication of congestion from these downstream congested routers.

The second method to subvert end-to-end congestion control, `erasing'

the CE codepoint in a packet, effectively subverts end-to-end

congestion control only when the CE codepoint in the packet was set

earlier by a congested router. In this case, the transport protocol

does not receive the indication of congestion from the upstream

congested routers.

Either of these two methods of subverting end-to-end congestion

control can potentially introduce more damage to the network (and

possibly to the flow itself) than if the adversary had simply dropped

packets from that flow. However, as we discuss later in this section

and in Section 7, this potential damage is limited.

19.1. Implications for the Network and for Competing Flows

The CE codepoint of the ECN field is only used by routers as an

indication of congestion during periods of *moderate* congestion.

ECN-capable routers should drop rather than mark packets during heavy

congestion even if the router's queue is not yet full. For example,

for routers using active queue management based on RED, the router

should drop rather than mark packets that arrive while the average

queue sizes exceed the RED queue's maximum threshold.

One consequence for the network of subverting end-to-end congestion

control is that flows that do not receive the congestion indications

from the network might increase their sending rate until they drive

the network into heavier congestion. Then, the congested router

could begin to drop rather than mark arriving packets. For flows

that are not isolated by some form of per-flow scheduling or other

per-flow mechanisms, but are instead aggregated with other flows in a

single queue in an undifferentiated fashion, this packet-dropping at

the congested router would apply to all flows that share that queue.

Thus, the consequences would be to increase the level of congestion

in the network.

In some cases, the increase in the level of congestion will lead to a

substantial buffer buildup at the congested queue that will be

sufficient to drive the congested queue from the packet-marking to

the packet-dropping regime. This transition could occur either

because of buffer overflow, or because of the active queue management

policy described above that drops packets when the average queue is

above RED's maximum threshold. At this point, all flows, including

the subverted flow, will begin to see packet drops instead of packet

marks, and a malicious or broken router will no longer be able to `

erase' these indications of congestion in the network. If the end

nodes are deploying appropriate end-to-end congestion control, then

the subverted flow will reduce its arrival rate in response to

congestion. When the level of congestion is sufficiently reduced,

the congested queue can return from the packet-dropping regime to the

packet-marking regime. The steady-state pattern could be one of the

congested queue oscillating between these two regimes.

In other cases, the consequences of subverting end-to-end congestion

control will not be severe enough to drive the congested link into

sufficiently-heavy congestion that packets are dropped instead of

being marked. In this case, the implications for competing flows in

the network will be a slightly-increased rate of packet marking or

dropping, and a corresponding decrease in the bandwidth available to

those flows. This can be a stable state if the arrival rate of the

subverted flow is sufficiently small, relative to the link bandwidth,

that the average queue size at the congested router remains under

control. In particular, the subverted flow could have a limited

bandwidth demand on the link at this router, while still getting more

than its "fair" share of the link. This limited demand could be due

to a limited demand from the data source; a limitation from the TCP

advertised window; a lower-bandwidth access pipe; or other factors.

Thus the subversion of ECN-based congestion control can still lead to

unfairness, which we believe is appropriate to note here.

The threat to the network posed by the subversion of ECN-based

congestion control in the network is essentially the same as the

threat posed by an end-system that intentionally fails to cooperate

with end-to-end congestion control. The deployment of mechanisms in

routers to address this threat is an open research question, and is

discussed further in Section 10.

Let us take the example described in Section 18.1.1, where the CE

codepoint that was set in a packet is erased: {'11' -> '10' or '11'

-> '01'}. The consequence for the congested upstream router that set

the CE codepoint is that this congestion indication does not reach

the end nodes for that flow. The source (even one which is completely

cooperative and not malicious) is thus allowed to continue to

increase its sending rate (if it is a TCP flow, by increasing its

congestion window). The flow potentially achieves better throughput

than the other flows that also share the congested router, especially

if there are no policing mechanisms or per-flow queuing mechanisms at

that router. Consider the behavior of the other flows, especially if

they are cooperative: that is, the flows that do not experience

subverted end-to-end congestion control. They are likely to reduce

their load (e.g., by reducing their window size) on the congested

router, thus benefiting our subverted flow. This results in

unfairness. As we discussed above, this unfairness could either be

transient (because the congested queue is driven into the packet-

marking regime), oscillatory (because the congested queue oscillates

between the packet marking and the packet dropping regime), or more

moderate but a persistent stable state (because the congested queue

is never driven to the packet dropping regime).

The results would be similar if the subverted flow was intentionally

avoiding end-to-end congestion control. One difference is that a

flow that is intentionally avoiding end-to-end congestion control at

the end nodes can avoid end-to-end congestion control even when the

congested queue is in packet-dropping mode, by refusing to reduce its

sending rate in response to packet drops in the network. Thus the

problems for the network from the subversion of ECN-based congestion

control are less severe than the problems caused by the intentional

avoidance of end-to-end congestion control in the end nodes. It is

also the case that it is considerably more difficult to control the

behavior of the end nodes than it is to control the behavior of the

infrastructure itself. This is not to say that the problems for the

network posed by the network's subversion of ECN-based congestion

control are small; just that they are dwarfed by the problems for the

network posed by the subversion of either ECN-based or other

currently known packet-based congestion control mechanisms by the end


19.2. Implications for the Subverted Flow

When a source indicates that it is ECN-capable, there is an

expectation that the routers in the network that are capable of

participating in ECN will use the CE codepoint for indication of

congestion. There is the potential benefit of using ECN in reducing

the amount of packet loss (in addition to the reduced queuing delays

because of active queue management policies). When the packet flows

through an IPsec tunnel where the nodes that the tunneled packets

traverse are untrusted in some way, the expectation is that IPsec

will protect the flow from subversion that results in undesirable


In many cases, a subverted flow will benefit from the subversion of

end-to-end congestion control for that flow in the network, by

receiving more bandwidth than it would have otherwise, relative to

competing non-subverted flows. If the congested queue reaches the

packet-dropping stage, then the subversion of end-to-end congestion

control might or might not be of overall benefit to the subverted

flow, depending on that flow's relative tradeoffs between throughput,

loss, and delay.

One form of subverting end-to-end congestion control is to falsely

indicate ECN-capability by setting the ECT codepoint. This has the

consequence of downstream congested routers setting the CE codepoint

in vain. However, as described in Section 9.1.2, if an ECT codepoint

is changed in an IP tunnel, this can be detected at the egress point

of the tunnel, as long as the inner header was not changed within the


The second form of subverting end-to-end congestion control is to

erase the congestion indication by erasing the CE codepoint. In this

case, it is the upstream congested routers that set the CE codepoint

in vain.

If an ECT codepoint is erased within an IP tunnel, then this can be

detected at the egress point of the tunnel, as long as the inner

header was not changed within the tunnel. If the CE codepoint is set

upstream of the IP tunnel, then any erasure of the outer header's CE

codepoint within the tunnel will have no effect because the inner

header preserves the set value of the CE codepoint. However, if the

CE codepoint is set within the tunnel, and erased either within or

downstream of the tunnel, this is not necessarily detected at the

egress point of the tunnel.

With this subversion of end-to-end congestion control, an end-system

transport does not respond to the congestion indication. Along with

the increased unfairness for the non-subverted flows described in the

previous section, the congested router's queue could continue to

build, resulting in packet loss at the congested router - which is a

means for indicating congestion to the transport in any case. In the

interim, the flow might experience higher queuing delays, possibly

along with an increased bandwidth relative to other non-subverted

flows. But transports do not inherently make assumptions of

consistently experiencing carefully managed queuing in the path. We

believe that these forms of subverting end-to-end congestion control

are no worse for the subverted flow than if the adversary had simply

dropped the packets of that flow itself.

19.3. Non-ECN-Based Methods of Subverting End-to-end Congestion Control

We have shown that, in many cases, a malicious or broken router that

is able to change the bits in the ECN field can do no more damage

than if it had simply dropped the packet in question. However, this

is not true in all cases, in particular in the cases where the broken

router subverted end-to-end congestion control by either falsely

indicating ECN-Capability or by erasing the ECN congestion indication

(in the CE codepoint). While there are many ways that a router can

harm a flow by dropping packets, a router cannot subvert end-to-end

congestion control by dropping packets. As an example, a router

cannot subvert TCP congestion control by dropping data packets,

acknowledgement packets, or control packets.

Even though packet-dropping cannot be used to subvert end-to-end

congestion control, there *are* non-ECN-based methods for subverting

end-to-end congestion control that a broken or malicious router could

use. For example, a broken router could duplicate data packets, thus

effectively negating the effects of end-to-end congestion control

along some portion of the path. (For a router that duplicated

packets within an IPsec tunnel, the security administrator can cause

the duplicate packets to be discarded by configuring anti-replay

protection for the tunnel.) This duplication of packets within the

network would have similar implications for the network and for the

subverted flow as those described in Sections 18.1.1 and 18.1.4


20. The Motivation for the ECT Codepoints.

20.1. The Motivation for an ECT Codepoint.

The need for an ECT codepoint is motivated by the fact that ECN will

be deployed incrementally in an Internet where some transport

protocols and routers understand ECN and some do not. With an ECT

codepoint, the router can drop packets from flows that are not ECN-

capable, but can *instead* set the CE codepoint in packets that *are*

ECN-capable. Because an ECT codepoint allows an end node to have the

CE codepoint set in a packet *instead* of having the packet dropped,

an end node might have some incentive to deploy ECN.

If there was no ECT codepoint, then the router would have to set the

CE codepoint for packets from both ECN-capable and non-ECN-capable

flows. In this case, there would be no incentive for end-nodes to

deploy ECN, and no viable path of incremental deployment from a non-

ECN world to an ECN-capable world. Consider the first stages of such

an incremental deployment, where a subset of the flows are ECN-

capable. At the onset of congestion, when the packet

dropping/marking rate would be low, routers would only set CE

codepoints, rather than dropping packets. However, only those flows

that are ECN-capable would understand and respond to CE packets. The

result is that the ECN-capable flows would back off, and the non-

ECN-capable flows would be unaware of the ECN signals and would

continue to open their congestion windows.

In this case, there are two possible outcomes: (1) the ECN-capable

flows back off, the non-ECN-capable flows get all of the bandwidth,

and congestion remains mild, or (2) the ECN-capable flows back off,

the non-ECN-capable flows don't, and congestion increases until the

router transitions from setting the CE codepoint to dropping packets.

While this second outcome evens out the fairness, the ECN-capable

flows would still receive little benefit from being ECN-capable,

because the increased congestion would drive the router to packet-

dropping behavior.

A flow that advertised itself as ECN-Capable but does not respond to

CE codepoints is functionally equivalent to a flow that turns off

congestion control, as discussed earlier in this document.

Thus, in a world when a subset of the flows are ECN-capable, but

where ECN-capable flows have no mechanism for indicating that fact to

the routers, there would be less effective and less fair congestion

control in the Internet, resulting in a strong incentive for end

nodes not to deploy ECN.

20.2. The Motivation for two ECT Codepoints.

The primary motivation for the two ECT codepoints is to provide a

one-bit ECN nonce. The ECN nonce allows the development of

mechanisms for the sender to probabilistically verify that network

elements are not erasing the CE codepoint, and that data receivers

are properly reporting to the sender the receipt of packets with the

CE codepoint set.

Another possibility for senders to detect misbehaving network

elements or receivers would be for the data sender to occasionally

send a data packet with the CE codepoint set, to see if the receiver

reports receiving the CE codepoint. Of course, if these packets

encountered congestion in the network, the router might make no

change in the packets, because the CE codepoint would already be set.

Thus, for packets sent with the CE codepoint set, the TCP end-nodes

could not determine if some router intended to set the CE codepoint

in these packets. For this reason, sending packets with the CE

codepoint would have to be done sparingly, and would be a less

effective check against misbehaving network elements and receivers

than would be the ECN nonce.

The assignment of the fourth ECN codepoint to ECT(1) precludes the

use of this codepoint for some other purposes. For clarity, we

briefly list other possible purposes here.

One possibility might have been for the data sender to use the fourth

ECN codepoint to indicate an alternate semantics for ECN. However,

this seems to us more appropriate to be signaled using a

differentiated services codepoint in the DS field.

A second possible use for the fourth ECN codepoint would have been to

give the router two separate codepoints for the indication of

congestion, CE(0) and CE(1), for mild and severe congestion

respectively. While this could be useful in some cases, this

certainly does not seem a compelling requirement at this point. If

there was judged to be a compelling need for this, the complications

of incremental deployment would most likely necessitate more that

just one codepoint for this function.

A third use that has been informally proposed for the ECN codepoint

is for use in some forms of multicast congestion control, based on

randomized procedures for duplicating marked packets at routers.

Some proposed multicast packet duplication procedures are based on a

new ECN codepoint that (1) conveys the fact that congestion occurred

upstream of the duplication point that marked the packet with this

codepoint and (2) can detect congestion downstream of that

duplication point. ECT(1) can serve this purpose because it is both

distinct from ECT(0) and is replaced by CE when ECN marking occurs in

response to congestion or incipient congestion. Explanation of how

this enhanced version of ECN would be used by multicast congestion

control is beyond the scope of this document, as are ECN-aware

multicast packet duplication procedures and the processing of the ECN

field at multicast receivers in all cases (i.e., irrespective of the

multicast packet duplication procedure(s) used).

The specification of IP tunnel modifications for ECN in this document

assumes that the only change made to the outer IP header's ECN field

between tunnel endpoints is to set the CE codepoint to indicate

congestion. This is not consistent with some of the proposed uses of

ECT(1) by the multicast duplication procedures in the previous

paragraph, and such procedures SHOULD NOT be deployed unless this

inconsistency between multicast duplication procedures and IP tunnels

with full ECN functionality is resolved. Limited ECN functionality

may be used instead, although in practice many tunnel protocols

(including IPsec) will not work correctly if multicast traffic

duplication occurs within the tunnel

21. Why use Two Bits in the IP Header?

Given the need for an ECT indication in the IP header, there still

remains the question of whether the ECT (ECN-Capable Transport) and

CE (Congestion Experienced) codepoints should have been overloaded on

a single bit. This overloaded-one-bit alternative, explored in

[Floyd94], would have involved a single bit with two values. One

value, "ECT and not CE", would represent an ECN-Capable Transport,

and the other value, "CE or not ECT", would represent either

Congestion Experienced or a non-ECN-Capable transport.

One difference between the one-bit and two-bit implementations

concerns packets that traverse multiple congested routers. Consider

a CE packet that arrives at a second congested router, and is

selected by the active queue management at that router for either

marking or dropping. In the one-bit implementation, the second

congested router has no choice but to drop the CE packet, because it

cannot distinguish between a CE packet and a non-ECT packet. In the

two-bit implementation, the second congested router has the choice of

either dropping the CE packet, or of leaving it alone with the CE

codepoint set.

Another difference between the one-bit and two-bit implementations

comes from the fact that with the one-bit implementation, receivers

in a single flow cannot distinguish between CE and non-ECT packets.

Thus, in the one-bit implementation an ECN-capable data sender would

have to unambiguously indicate to the receiver or receivers whether

each packet had been sent as ECN-Capable or as non-ECN-Capable. One

possibility would be for the sender to indicate in the transport

header whether the packet was sent as ECN-Capable. A second

possibility that would involve a functional limitation for the one-

bit implementation would be for the sender to unambiguously indicate

that it was going to send *all* of its packets as ECN-Capable or as

non-ECN-Capable. For a multicast transport protocol, this

unambiguous indication would have to be apparent to receivers joining

an on-going multicast session.

Another concern that was described earlier (and recommended in this

document) is that transports (particularly TCP) should not mark pure

ACK packets or retransmitted packets as being ECN-Capable. A pure

ACK packet from a non-ECN-capable transport could be dropped, without

necessarily having an impact on the transport from a congestion

control perspective (because subsequent ACKs are cumulative). An

ECN-capable transport reacting to the CE codepoint in a pure ACK

packet by reducing the window would be at a disadvantage in

comparison to a non-ECN-capable transport. For this reason (and for

reasons described earlier in relation to retransmitted packets), it

is desirable to have the ECT codepoint set on a per-packet basis.

Another advantage of the two-bit approach is that it is somewhat more

robust. The most critical issue, discussed in Section 8, is that the

default indication should be that of a non-ECN-Capable transport. In

a two-bit implementation, this requirement for the default value

simply means that the not-ECT codepoint should be the default. In

the one-bit implementation, this means that the single overloaded bit

should by default be in the "CE or not ECT" position. This is less

clear and straightforward, and possibly more open to incorrect

implementations either in the end nodes or in the routers.

In summary, while the one-bit implementation could be a possible

implementation, it has the following significant limitations relative

to the two-bit implementation. First, the one-bit implementation has

more limited functionality for the treatment of CE packets at a

second congested router. Second, the one-bit implementation requires

either that extra information be carried in the transport header of

packets from ECN-Capable flows (to convey the functionality of the

second bit elsewhere, namely in the transport header), or that

senders in ECN-Capable flows accept the limitation that receivers

must be able to determine a priori which packets are ECN-Capable and

which are not ECN-Capable. Third, the one-bit implementation is

possibly more open to errors from faulty implementations that choose

the wrong default value for the ECN bit. We believe that the use of

the extra bit in the IP header for the ECT-bit is extremely valuable

to overcome these limitations.

22. Historical Definitions for the IPv4 TOS Octet

RFC791 [RFC791] defined the ToS (Type of Service) octet in the IP

header. In RFC791, bits 6 and 7 of the ToS octet are listed as

"Reserved for Future Use", and are shown set to zero. The first two

fields of the ToS octet were defined as the Precedence and Type of

Service (TOS) fields.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7




RFC1122 included bits 6 and 7 in the TOS field, though it did not

discuss any specific use for those two bits:

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7




The IPv4 TOS octet was redefined in RFC1349 [RFC1349] as follows:

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7




Bit 6 in the TOS field was defined in RFC1349 for "Minimize Monetary

Cost". In addition to the Precedence and Type of Service (TOS)

fields, the last field, MBZ (for "must be zero") was defined as

currently unused. RFC1349 stated that "The originator of a datagram

sets [the MBZ] field to zero (unless participating in an Internet

protocol experiment which makes use of that bit)."

RFC1455 [RFC1455] defined an experimental standard that used all

four bits in the TOS field to request a guaranteed level of link


RFC1349 and RFC1455 have been obsoleted by "Definition of the

Differentiated Services Field (DS Field) in the IPv4 and IPv6

Headers" [RFC2474] in which bits 6 and 7 of the DS field are listed

as Currently Unused (CU). RFC2780 [RFC2780] specified ECN as an

experimental use of the two-bit CU field. RFC2780 updated the

definition of the DS Field to only encompass the first six bits of

this octet rather than all eight bits; these first six bits are

defined as the Differentiated Services CodePoint (DSCP):

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


DSCP CU RFCs 2474,

+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ 2780

Because of this unstable history, the definition of the ECN field in

this document cannot be guaranteed to be backwards compatible with

all past uses of these two bits.

Prior to RFC2474, routers were not permitted to modify bits in

either the DSCP or ECN field of packets forwarded through them, and

hence routers that comply only with RFCs prior to 2474 should have no

effect on ECN. For end nodes, bit 7 (the second ECN bit) must be

transmitted as zero for any implementation compliant only with RFCs

prior to 2474. Such nodes may transmit bit 6 (the first ECN bit) as

one for the "Minimize Monetary Cost" provision of RFC1349 or the

experiment authorized by RFC1455; neither this aspect of RFC1349

nor the experiment in RFC1455 were widely implemented or used. The

damage that could be done by a broken, non-conformant router would

include "erasing" the CE codepoint for an ECN-capable packet that

arrived at the router with the CE codepoint set, or setting the CE

codepoint even in the absence of congestion. This has been discussed

in the section on "Non-compliance in the Network".

The damage that could be done in an ECN-capable environment by a

non-ECN-capable end-node transmitting packets with the ECT codepoint

set has been discussed in the section on "Non-compliance by the End


23. IANA Considerations

This section contains the namespaces that have either been created in

this specification, or the values assigned in existing namespaces

managed by IANA.

23.1. IPv4 TOS Byte and IPv6 Traffic Class Octet

The codepoints for the ECN Field of the IP header are specified by

the Standards Action of this RFC, as is required by RFC2780.

When this document is published as an RFC, IANA should create a new

registry, "IPv4 TOS Byte and IPv6 Traffic Class Octet", with the

namespace as follows:

IPv4 TOS Byte and IPv6 Traffic Class Octet

Description: The registrations are identical for IPv4 and IPv6.

Bits 0-5: see Differentiated Services Field Codepoints Registry


Bits 6-7, ECN Field:

Binary Keyword References

------ ------- ----------

00 Not-ECT (Not ECN-Capable Transport) [RFC3168]

01 ECT(1) (ECN-Capable Transport(1)) [RFC3168]

10 ECT(0) (ECN-Capable Transport(0)) [RFC3168]

11 CE (Congestion Experienced) [RFC3168]

23.2. TCP Header Flags

The codepoints for the CWR and ECE flags in the TCP header are

specified by the Standards Action of this RFC, as is required by RFC


When this document is published as an RFC, IANA should create a new

registry, "TCP Header Flags", with the namespace as follows:

TCP Header Flags

The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) included a 6-bit Reserved

field defined in RFC793, reserved for future use, in bytes 13 and 14

of the TCP header, as illustrated below. The other six Control bits

are defined separately by RFC793.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15



Header Length Reserved R C S S Y I



RFC3168 defines two of the six bits from the Reserved field to be

used for ECN, as follows:

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15



Header Length Reserved W C R C S S Y I



TCP Header Flags

Bit Name Reference

--- ---- ---------

8 CWR (Congestion Window Reduced) [RFC3168]

9 ECE (ECN-Echo) [RFC3168]

23.3. IPSEC Security Association Attributes

IANA allocated the IPSEC Security Association Attribute value 10 for

the ECN Tunnel use described in Section above at the request

of David Black in November 1999. The IANA has changed the Reference

for this allocation from David Black's request to this RFC.

24. Authors' Addresses

K. K. Ramakrishnan

TeraOptic Networks, Inc.

Phone: +1 (408) 666-8650

EMail: kk@teraoptic.com

Sally Floyd


Phone: +1 (510) 666-2989

EMail: floyd@aciri.org

URL: http://www.aciri.org/floyd/

David L. Black

EMC Corporation

42 South St.

Hopkinton, MA 01748

Phone: +1 (508) 435-1000 x75140

EMail: black_david@emc.com

25. Full Copyright Statement

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2001). All Rights Reserved.

This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to

others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it

or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published

and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any

kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are

included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this

document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing

the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other

Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of

developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for

copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be

followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than


The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be

revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.

This document and the information contained herein is provided on an







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