
RFC3157 - Securely Available Credentials - Requirements

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group A. Arsenault

Request for Comments: 3157 Diversinet

Category: Informational S. Farrell

Baltimore Technologies

August 2001

Securely Available Credentials - Requirements

Status of this Memo

This memo provides information for the Internet community. It does

not specify an Internet standard of any kind. Distribution of this

memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2001). All Rights Reserved.


This document describes requirements to be placed on Securely

Available Credentials (SACRED) protocols.

Table Of Contents

1. IntrodUCtion.................................................1

2. Framework Requirements.......................................4

3. Protocol Requirements........................................7

4. Security Considerations.....................................10



Authors' Addresses.............................................13

Appendix A: A note on SACRED vs. hardware support..............14

Appendix B: Additional Use Cases...............................14

Full Copyright Statement.......................................20

1. Introduction

"Credentials" are information that can be used to establish the

identity of an entity, or help that entity communicate securely.

Credentials include such things as private keys, trusted roots,

tickets, or the private part of a Personal Security Environment (PSE)

[RFC2510] - that is, information used in secure communication on the

Internet. Credentials are used to support various Internet

protocols, e.g., S/MIME, IPSec and TLS.

In simple models, users and other entities (e.g., computers like

routers) are provided with credentials, and these credentials stay in

one place. However, the number, and more importantly the number of

different types, of devices that can be used to Access the Internet

is increasing. It is now possible to access Internet services and

accounts using desktop computers, laptop computers, wireless phones,

pagers, personal digital assistants (PDAs) and other types of

devices. Further, many users want to access private information and

secure services from a number of different devices, and want access

to the same information from any device. Similarly credentials may

have to be moved between routers when they are upgraded.

This document identifies a set of requirements for credential

mobility. The Working Group will also produce companion documents,

which describe a framework for secure credential mobility, and a set

of protocols for accomplishing this goal.

The key Words "MUST", "REQUIRED", "SHOULD", "RECOMMENDED", and "MAY"

in this document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119].

1.1 Background and Motivation

In simple models of Internet use, users and other entities are

provided with credentials, and these credentials stay in one place.

For example, Mimi generates a public and private key on her desktop

computer, provides the public key to a Certification Authority (CA)

to be included in a certificate, and keeps the private key on her

computer. It never has to be moved.

However, Mimi may want to able to send signed e-mail messages from

her desktop computer when she is in the Office, and from her laptop

computer when she is on the road, and she does not want message

recipients to know the difference. In order to do this, she must

somehow make her private key available on both devices - that is,

that credential must be moved.

Similarly, Will may want to retrieve and read encrypted e-mail from

either his wireless phone or from his two-way pager. He wants to use

whichever device he has with him at the moment, and does not want to

be denied access to his mail or to be unable to decrypt important

messages simply because he has the wrong device. Thus, he must be

able to have the same private key available on both devices.

The following scenario relating to routers has also been offered:

"Once upon a time, a router generated a keypair. The administrators

transferred the public key of that router to a lot of other (peer)

routers and used that router to encrypt traffic to the other routers.

And this was good for many years. Then one day, the network

administrators found that this particular little router couldn't

handle an OC-192. So they trashed it and replaced it with a really

big router. While they were there, the craft workers inserted a

smart card into the router and logged into the router. They gave the

appropriate commands and entered the correct answers and so the

credentials (keypair) were transferred to the new, big router.

Alternatively, the craft people could have logged into the router,

given it a minimal configuration and transferred the credentials from

a credential server to the router. They had to perform the correct

incantations and authentications for the transfer to be successful.

In this way, the identity of the router was moved from an old router

to a new one. The administrators were glad that they didn't have to

edit the configurations of all of the peer routers as well."

It is generally accepted that the private key in these examples must

be transferred securely. In the first example, the private key

should not be eXPosed to anyone other than Mimi herself (and ideally,

it would not be directly exposed to her). Furthermore, it must be

transferred correctly. It must be transferred to the proper device,

and it must not be corrupted - improperly modified - during transfer.

Making credentials securely available (in an interoperable fashion)

will provide substantial value to network owners, administrators, and

end users. The intent is that this value be provided largely

independent of the hardware device used to access the secure

credential and the type of storage medium to which the secure

credential is written. Different credential storage devices, (e.g.,

desktop or laptop PC computer memory, a 3.5 inch flexible diskette, a

hard disk file, a cell phone, a smart card, etc.) will have very

different security characteristics and, often very different protocol

handling capabilities. Using SACRED protocols, users will be able to

securely move their credentials between different locations,

different Internet devices, and different storage media as needed.

In the remainder of this document we present a set of requirements

for the secure transfer of software-based credentials.

1.2 Working Group Organization and Documents

The SACRED Working Group is working on the standardization of a set

of protocols for securely transferring credentials among devices. A

general framework is being developed that will give an abstract

definition of protocols which can meet the credential-transfer

requirements. This framework will allow for the development of a set

of protocols, which may vary from one another in some respects.

Specific protocols that conform to the framework can then be


Work is being done on a number of documents. This document

identifies the requirements for the general framework, as well as the

requirements for specific protocols. Another document will describe

the protocol framework. Still others will define the protocols


1.3 Structure of This Document

Section 1 of this document provides an introduction to the problem

being solved by this working group. Section 2 describes requirements

on the framework. Section 3 identifies the overall requirements for

secure credential-transfer protocols, and separate requirements for

two different classes of solutions. Section 4 identifies Security

Considerations. Appendix A describes the relationship of the SACRED

solutions and credential-mobility solutions involving hardware

components such as smart cards. Appendix B contains some additional

scenarios which were considered when developing the requirements.

2. Framework Requirements

This section describes requirements that the SACRED framework has to

meet, as opposed to requirements that are to be met by a specific

protocol that uses the framework.

2.1 Credential Server and Direct solutions

There are at least two different ways to solve the problem of secure

credential transfer between devices. One class of solutions uses a

"credential server" as an intermediate node, and the other class

provides direct transfer between devices.

A "credential server" can be likened to a server that sits in front

of a repository where credentials can be securely stored for later

retrieval. The credential server is active in the protocol, that is,

it implements security enforcing functionality.

To transfer credentials securely from one end device to another is a

straightforward two-step process. Users can have their credentials

securely "uploaded" from one device, e.g., a wireless phone, to the

credential server. They can be stored on the credential server, and

"downloaded" when needed using another device; e.g., a two-way pager.

Some advantages of a credential server approach compared to

credential transfer are:

1. It provides a conceptually clean and straightforward approach.

For all end devices, there is one protocol, with a set of actions

defined to transfer credentials from the device to the server, and

another set of actions defined to transfer credentials from the

server to the device. Furthermore, this protocol involves clients

(the devices) and a server (the credential server), like many

other Internet protocols; thus, the design of this protocol is

likely to be familiar to most people familiar with most other

Internet protocols.

2. It provides for a place where credentials can be securely stored

for arbitrary lengths of time. Given a reasonable-quality server

operating under generally accepted practices, it is unlikely the

credentials will be permanently lost due to a hardware failure.

This contrasts with systems where credentials are only stored on

end devices, in which a failure of or the loss of the device could

mean that the credentials are lost forever.

3. The credential server may be able to enforce a uniform security

policy regarding credential handling. This is particularly the

case where credentials are issued by an organization for its own

purposes, and are not "created" by the end user, and so must be

governed by the policies of the issuer, not the user.

However, the credential server approach has some potential

disadvantages, too:

1. It might be somewhat expensive to maintain and run the credential

server, particularly if there are stringent requirements on

availability and reliability of the server. This is particularly

true for servers which are used for a large community of users.

When the credential server is intended for a small community, the

complexity and cost would be much less.

2. The credential server may have to be "trusted" in some sense and

also introduces a point of potential vulnerability. (See the

Security Considerations section for some of the issues.) Good

protocol and system design will limit the vulnerability that

exists at the credential server, but at a minimum, someone with

access to the credential server will be able to delete credentials

and thus deny the SACRED service to system users.

Thus, some users may prefer a different class of solution, in which

credentials are transferred directly from one device to another

(i.e., having no intermediary element that processes or has any

understanding of the credentials).

For example, consider the case where Mimi sends a message from her

wireless phone containing the credentials in question, and retrieves

it using her two-way pager. In getting from one place to another,

the bits of the message cross the wireless phone network to a base

station. These bits are likely transferred over the wired phone

network to a message server run by the wireless phone operator, and

are transferred from there over the Internet to a message server run

by the paging operator. From the paging operator they are

transferred to a base station and then finally to Mimi's pager.

Certainly, there are devices other than the original wireless phone

and ultimate pager that are involved in the credential transfer, in

the sense that they transmit bits from one place to another.

However, to all devices except the pager and the wireless phone, what

is being transferred is an un-interpreted and unprocessed set of

bits. No security-related decisions are made, and no actions are

taken based on the fact that this message contains credentials, at

any of the intermediate nodes. They exist simply to forward bits.

Thus, we consider this to be a "direct" transfer of credentials.

Solutions involving the direct transfer of credentials from one

device to another are potentially somewhat more complex than the

credential-server approach, owing to the large number of different

devices and formats that may have to be supported. Complexity is

also added due to the fact that each device may in turn have to

exhibit the behavior of both a client and a server.

We believe that both classes of solutions are useful in certain

environments, and thus that the SACRED framework will have to define

solutions for both. The extent to which elements of the above

solutions overlap remains to be determined.

This all leads to our first set of requirements:

F1. The framework MUST support both "credential server" and

"direct" solutions.

F2. The "credential server" and "direct" solutions SHOULD use the

same technology as far as possible.

2.2 User authentication

There is a wide range of deployment options for credential mobility

solutions. In many of these cases, it is useful to be able to re-use

an existing user authentication scheme, for example where passwords

have previously been established, it may be more secure to re-use

these than try to manage a whole new set of passwords. Different

devices may also limit the types of user authentication scheme that

are possible, e.g., not all mobile devices are practically capable of

carrying out asymmetric cryptography.

F3. The framework MUST allow for protocols which support different

user authentication schemes

2.3 Credential Formats

Today there is no single standard format for credentials and

this is not likely to change in the near future. There are a

number of fairly widely deployed formats, e.g., [PGP],

[PKCS#12] that have to be supported. This means that the

framework has to allow for protocols supporting any credential


F4. The details of the actual credential type or format MUST be

opaque to the protocol, though not to processing within the

protocol's peers. The protocol MUST NOT depend on the internal

structure of any credential type or format.

2.4 Transport Issues

Different devices allow for different transport layer possibilities,

e.g., current WAP 1.x devices do not support TCP. For this reason

the framework has to be transport "agnostic".

F5. The framework MUST allow use of different transports.

3. Protocol Requirements

In this section, we identify the requirements for secure credential-

transfer solutions. We will begin by listing a set of relevant

vulnerabilities and the requirements that must be met by all

solutions. Then we identify additional requirements that must be met

by solutions involving a credential server, followed by additional

requirements that must be met by solutions involving direct transfer

of credentials.

3.1 Vulnerabilities

This section lists the vulnerabilities against which a SACRED

protocol SHOULD offer protection. Any protocol claiming to meet the

requirements listed in this document MUST explicitly indicate how (or

whether) it offers protection for each of these vulnerabilities.

V1. A passive attacker can watch all packets on the network and

later carry out a dictionary attack.

V2. An attacker can attempt to masquerade as a credential server

in an attempt to get a client to reveal information on line

that allows for a later dictionary attack.

V3. An attacker can attempt to get a client to decrypt a chosen

"ciphertext" and get the client to make use of the resulting

plaintext - the attacker may then be able to carry out a

dictionary attack (e.g., if the plaintext resulting from

"decryption" of a random string is used as a DSA private


V4. An attacker could overwrite a repository entry so that when

a user subsequently uses what they think is a good

credential, they expose information about their password

(and hence the "real" credential).

V5. An attacker can copy a credential server's repository and

carry out a dictionary attack.

V6. An attacker can attempt to masquerade as a client in an

attempt to get a server to reveal information that allows

for a later dictionary attack.

V7. An attacker can persuade a server that a successful login

has occurred, even if it hasn't.

V8. (Upload) An attacker can overwrite someone else's

credentials on the server.

V9. (When using password-based authentication) An attacker can

force a password change to a known (or "weak") password.

V10. An attacker can attempt a man-in-the-middle attack for lots

V11. User enters password instead of name.

V12. An attacker could attempt various denial-of-service attacks.

3.2 General Protocol Requirements

Looking again at the examples described in Section 1.1, we can

readily see that there are a number of requirements that must apply

to the transfer of credentials if the ultimate goal of supporting the

Internet security protocols (e.g., TLS, IPSec, S/MIME) is to be met.

For example, the credentials must remain confidential at all times;

it is unacceptable for nodes other than the end-user's device(s) to

see the credentials in any readable, cleartext form.

These, then, are the requirements that apply to all secure

credential-transfer solutions:

G1. Credential transfer both to and from a device MUST be


G2. Credentials MUST NOT be forced by the protocol to be present

in cleartext at any device other than the end user's.

G3. The protocol SHOULD ensure that all transferred credentials

be authenticated in some way (e.g., digitally signed or


G4. The protocol MUST support a range of cryptographic

algorithms, including symmetric and asymmetric algorithms,

hash algorithms, and MAC algorithms.

G5. The protocol MUST allow the use of various credential types

and formats (e.g., X.509, PGP, PKCS12, ...).

G6. One mandatory to support credential format MUST be defined.

G7. One mandatory to support user authentication scheme MUST be


G8. The protocol MAY allow credentials to be labeled with a text

handle, (outside the credential), to allow the end user to

select amongst a set of credentials or to name a particular


G9. Full I18N support is REQUIRED (via UTF8 support) [RFC2277].

G10. It is desirable that the protocol be able to support

privacy, that is, anonymity for the client.

G11. Transferred credentials MAY incorporate timing information,

for example a "time to live" value determining the maximum

time for which the credential is to be usable following


3.3 Requirements for Credential Server-based solutions

The following requirements assume that there is a credential server

from which credentials are downloaded to the end user device, and to

which credentials are uploaded from an end user device.

S1. Credential downloads (to an end user) and upload (to the

credential server) MUST be supported.

S2. Credentials MUST only be downloadable following user

authentication or else only downloaded in a format that

requires completion of user authentication for deciphering.

S3. It MUST be possible to ensure the authenticity of a

credential during upload.

S4. Different end user devices MAY be used to

download/upload/manage the same set of credentials.

S5. Credential servers SHOULD be authenticated to the user for

all operations except download. Note: This requirement can

be ignored if the credential format itself is strongly

protected, as there is no risk (other than user confusion)

from an unauthenticated credential server.

S6. It SHOULD be possible to authenticate the credential server

to the user as part of a download operation.

S7. The user SHOULD only have to enter a single secret value in

order to download and use a credential.

S8. Sharing of secrets across multiple servers MAY be possible,

so that penetration of some servers does not expose the

private parts of a credential ("m-from-n" operation).

S9. The protocol MAY support "away-from-home" operation, where

the user enters both a name and a domain (e.g.

RoamingStephen@baltimore.ie) and the domain can be used in

order to locate the user's credential server.

S10. The protocol MUST provide operations allowing users to

manage their credentials stored on the credential server,

e.g., to retrieve a list of their credentials stored on a

server; add credentials to the server; delete credentials

from the server.

S11. Client-initiated authentication information (e.g., password)

change MUST be supported.

S12. The user SHOULD be able to retrieve a list of

accesses/changes to their credentials.

S13. The protocol MUST support user self-enrollment. One

scenario calling for this is where a previously unknown user

uploads his credential without requiring manual operator


S14. The protocol MUST NOT prevent bulk initializing of a

credential server's repository.

S15. The protocol SHOULD require minimal client configuration.

3.4 Requirements for Direct-Transfer Solutions

The full set of requirements for this case has not been elucidated,

and this list is therefore provisional. An additional requirements

document (or a modification of this one) will be required prior to

progression of a direct-transfer protocol.

The following requirements apply to solutions supporting the "direct"

transfer of credentials from one device to another. (See Section 2

for the note on the meaning of "direct" in this case.)

D1. It SHOULD be possible for the receiving device to authenticate

that the credential package indeed came from the purported

sending device.

D2. In order for a sender to know that a credential has been

received by a recipient, it SHOULD be possible for the

receiving device to send an acknowledgment of credential

receipt back to the sending device, and for the sending device

to authenticate this acknowledgment.

4. Security Considerations

4.1 Hardware vs. Software

Mobile credentials will never be as secure as a "pure" hardware-based

solution, because of potential attacks through the operating system

of the end-user device. However, an acceptable level of security may

be accomplished through some simple means. In fact the level of

security may be improved (compared to password encrypted files)

through the use of SACRED protocols.

The platforms to which credentials are downloaded usually cannot be

regarded as tamper-resistant, and it therefore is not too hard to

analyze contents of their memories. Further, storage of private

keys, even if they are encrypted, on a credential server, will be

unacceptable in some environments. Lastly, replacement of installed

or downloaded SACRED client software with a Trojan horse program will

always be possible, such a program could email the username and

password to the program's author.

4.2 Auditing

Although out of scope of the SACRED protocol development work,

implementations should carefully audit events that may be security

relevant. In particular credential server implementations should

audit all operations and should include information about the time

and source (e.g., IP address) of the operation, the claimed identity

of the client (possibly masked - see below), the type and result of

the operation and possibly other operation specific information.

Implementations should also take care not to include security

sensitive information in the audit trail, especially not sensitive

authentication information.

It may be sensible to mask the claimed identity in some way in order

to ensure that even if a user enters her password in a "username"

field, that that information is not in clear in the audit trail,

regardless of whether or not it was received in clear.

Similar mechanisms which should be supported, but which are out of

scope of protocol development include alerts and account locking, in

particular following repeated authentication failures.

4.3 Defense against attacks

Credential servers are major targets. Someone who can successfully

attack a credential server might be able to gain access to the

credentials of a number of users, unless those credentials are

sufficiently protected (e.g., encrypted sufficiently that they cannot

be read or used by someone who gains access to them). Attackers

might also be able to substitute credentials of users, to carry out

other system attacks (e.g., an attacker could provide a user with a

"trusted root" credential that the attacker controls, which would

later allow the attacker to have some other certificate accepted by

the user counter to policy).

In addition, a credential server is a major target for denial of

service attacks. Ensuring that a credential server is unavailable to

legitimate users can be of great assistance to attackers. Users who

were not able to retrieve needed credentials might be forced to

operate insecurely, or not operate at all. Credential servers are

especially vulnerable to denial of service attacks if they do lots of

expensive cryptographic operations - it might not take very many

operations for the attacker to bring service to an unacceptable


Thus, great care should be taken in designing systems that use

credential servers to protect against these attacks.


[PGP] Callas, J., Donnerhacke, L., Finney, H. and R. Thayer,

"OpenPGP Message Format", RFC2440, November 1998.

[PKCS12] "PKCS #12 v1.0: Personal Information Exchange Syntax

Standard", RSA Laboratories, June 24, 1999.

[CMS] Housley, R., "Cryptographic Message Syntax", RFC2630,

June 1999.

[PKCS15] "PKCS #15 v1.1: Cryptographic Token Information Syntax

Standard," RSA Laboratories, June 2000.

[RFC2026] Bradner, S., "The Internet Standards Process -- Revision

3", BCP 9, RFC2026, October 1996.

[RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate

Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC2119, March 1997.

[RFC2277] Alvestrand, H., " IETF Policy on Character Sets and

Languages", BCP 18, RFC2277, January 1998.

[RFC2510] Adams, C. and S. Farrell, "Internet X.509 Public Key

Infrastructure Certificate Management Protocols", RFC

2510, March 1999.

[RFC2616] Fielding, R., Gettys, J., Mogul, J., Frysyk, H.,

Masinter, L., Leach, P. and T. Berners-Lee, "Hypertext

Transfer Protocol - HTTP/1.1", RFC2616, June 1999.


The authors gratefully acknowledge the text containing additional use

cases in Appendix B that was supplied by Neal Mc Burnett


Authors' Addresses

Alfred Arsenault

Diversinet Corp.

P.O. Box 6530

Ellicott City, MD 21042


Phone: +1 410-480-2052

EMail: aarsenault@dvnet.com

Stephen Farrell,

Baltimore Technologies,

39 Parkgate Street,

Dublin 8,


Phone: +353-1-881-6000

EMail: stephen.farrell@baltimore.ie

Appendix A: A note on SACRED vs. hardware support.

One way of accomplishing many of the goals of the SACRED WG is to put

the credentials on hardware tokens - e.g., smart cards, PCMCIA cards,

or other devices. There are a number of types of hardware tokens

today that provide secure storage for sensitive information, some

degree of authentication, and interfaces to a number of types of

wireless and other devices. Thus, in the second example from section

1.1, Will could simply put his private key on a smart card, always

take the smart card with him, and be assured that whichever device he

uses to retrieve his e-mail, he will have all of the information

necessary to decrypt and read messages.

However, hardware tokens are not appropriate for every environment.

They cost more than software-only solutions, and the additional

security they provide may or may not be worth the incremental cost.

Not all devices have interfaces for the same hardware tokens. And

hardware tokens are subject to different failure modes than typical

computers - it is not at all unusual for a smart card to be lost or

stolen; or for a PCMCIA card to physically break.

Thus, it is appropriate to develop complementary software-based

solution that allows credentials to be moved from one device to

another, and provides a level of security sufficient for its

environments. While we recognize that the level of security provided

by a software solution may not be as high as that provided by the

hardware solutions discussed above, and some organizations may not

consider it sufficient at all, we believe that a worthwhile solution

can be developed.

Finally, SACRED protocols can also complement hardware credential

solutions by providing standard mechanisms for the update of

credentials which are stored on the hardware device. Today, this

often requires returning (with) the device to an administrative

centre, which is often inconvenient and may be costly. SACRED

protocols provide a way to update and manage credentials stored on

hardware devices without requiring such physical presence.

Appendix B: Additional Use Cases

This appendix describes some additional use cases for SACRED

protocols. SACRED protocols are NOT REQUIRED to support all these

use cases, that is, this text is purely informative.

B.1 Home/Work Desktop Computer

Scenario Overview

A university utilizing a PKI for various applications and services

on-campus is likely to find that many of its users would like to make

use of the same PKI-enabled services and applications on computers

located in their residence. These home computers may be owned either

by the university or by the individual but are permanently located at

the residence as opposed to laptop systems that may be taken home.

The usage depicted in this scenario may be motivated by formal

telecommuting arrangements or simply by the need to catch up on work

from home in the evenings. The basic scenario should apply equally

well to the commercial, health care, and higher education



This scenario assumes that the institution has not implemented a

hardware token-based PKI mobility solution

The home computer has a dial-up as opposed to a permanent network


The PKI applications, whenever practical, should be functional in

both on-line and off-line modes. For example, the home user signing

an email message to be queued for later bulk sending and the reading

of a received encrypted message may be supported off-line while

composing and queuing of an encrypted message might not be supported

in off-line mode.

Applications using digital signatures may require "non-repudiation".

The institution prefers that the user be identified via a single

certificate / key-pair from all computers used by the individual.

The home computer system can not be directly supported by the

institution's IT staff. Hardware, operating system versions, and

operating system configurations will vary widely. Significant

software installation or specialized configurations will be difficult

to implement.

Uniqueness of Scenario

vThe PKI mobility support needed for this scenario is, in general,

similar to the other mobility scenarios. However, it does have

several unique ASPects:

1. The home-user scenario differs from the general public workstation

case in that it provides the opportunity to permanently store the

user's certificate and key-pair on the workstation.

2. Likewise the appropriate CA certificates and even certificates for

other users can be permanently stored or cached on the home


3. Another key difference is the need to support off-line use of the

PKI credentials given the assumed dial-up network connection.

4. The level of hardware and software platform consistency (operating

system versions and configurations) will vary widely.

5. Finally, the level of available technical support is significantly

less for home systems than for equivalent systems managed by the

IT staff at the office location.

B.2 Public Lab / On-campus Shared Workstation

Scenario Overview

Many colleges and universities operate labs full of computer systems

that are available for use by the general student population. These

computers are typically configured with identical hardware and an

operating system build that is replicated to all of the systems in

the lab. Many typical configurations provide no permanent storage of

any type while others may offer individual disk space for personal

files on a central server. Some scheme is generally used to ensure

that the configuration of the operating system is preserved across

users and that temporary files created by one user are removed before

the next user logs in. Students generally sit down at the next

available workstation without any clear pattern of usage.

The same basic technical solutions used to operate public labs are

often also used in general environments where several people share a

single workstation. This is often found in locations with shift work

such as medical facilities and service bureaus that provide services

to multiple time zones.


1. This scenario assumes that the institution has not implemented a

hardware token-based PKI mobility solution.

2. The computer systems are permanently networked with LAN


3. The configuration of the computer system is centrally maintained

and customizations are relatively easy to implement. For example

it would be easy to load enterprise root certificates, LDAP server

configurations, specialized software, and any other needed

components of the PKI on to the workstations.

4. Applications using digital signatures may require "non-

repudiation" in some of the anticipated environments. Examples of

this might include homework submission in a public lab environment

or medical records in a health care environment.

5. The institution prefers that the user be identified via a single

certificate / key-pair from all computers used by the individual.

6. Many anticipated implementations of this scenario will not

implement any user authentication at the desktop operating system

level. Instead, user authentication will occur at during the

startup of networked applications such as email, web-based

services, etc. Login at the desktop level may be with generic

user names that are more targeted at matching printouts to

machines than identifying users.

7. Users, with almost ridiculous frequency, will walk away from a

system forgetting to first logout from running authenticated


Uniqueness of Scenario

The PKI mobility support needed for this scenario is, in general,

similar to the other mobility scenarios. However, it does have

several unique aspects:

1. Unlike situations with personal workstations, there is no

permanent storage available to hold user key pairs and


2. Appropriate CA certificates and custom software are easily added

and maintained for these types of shared systems.

3. The workstations are installed in public locations and users will

frequently forget to close applications before permanently walking

away from the workstation.

B.3 Public Kiosk Mobility


This scenario describes the needs of the traveler or the shopper.

This person is traveling light (no computer) or is burdened with

everything but a computer. It recognizes the increasing availability

of Internet access points in public spaces, such as libraries,

airports, shopping malls, and "cyber cafes".

The Need

In our increasingly mobile society, the chances of needing

information when away from the normal computing place are great. One

may need to look up a telephone number. Have you tried to find a

phone book at a public phone lately? It may become necessary to use

a data device to find the next place to rush to. With the

proliferation of wireless devices (electronic leashes), others have

the ability to create a need for quick access to electronic

information. A pager can generate a need to check the email inbox or

address book. A cell phone can drive you to your database to answer

a pressing question.

The ability to quickly access sensitive or protected information or

services from publicly available devices will only become more

necessary as we become more and more "connected".

The Device

The access device is more a function of the best discount or

marketing effort than of design. Any number of hardware platforms

will be encountered.

Since these devices are open to the public I/O ports are not likely

to be. In order to protect the device and its immediate network

environment, most devices will be in some sort of protective

container. Access to serial, parallel, USB, firewire, SCSI, or

PCMCIA connections will not be possible. Likewise floppy, zip, or CD

drives. Therefore, any software "token" must be oBTained from the

network itself.

The Concerns

1. Getting the "token". Since it will be necessary to obtain the

token (key, certificate, credential) from across the network. How

can it be protected during transit?

2. Where did you get it? One of the primary controls in PKI is

protection of the private key. Placing the key on a host that is

accessible from a public network means that there is an inherent

exposure from that network. The access controls and other

security measures on the host machine are an area of concern.

3. How did you get it? When you obtained the token from the server,

how did it know that you are you? Authentication becomes


4. What happens to the token when you leave? You've checked your

mail, downloaded a recipe from that super-secure recipe server,

found out how to get to the adult beverage store for the... uh...

accessories... for the meal, and you're off! Is your token? Or

is it still sitting there on the public kiosk waiting for those

youngsters coming out of the music store to notice and cruise the

information highway on your ticket?

Full Copyright Statement

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2001). All Rights Reserved.

This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to

others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it

or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published

and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any

kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are

included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this

document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing

the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other

Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of

developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for

copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be

followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than


The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be

revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.

This document and the information contained herein is provided on an







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Internet Society.

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