
RFC3155 - End-to-end Performance Implications of Links with Errors

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group S. Dawkins

Request for Comments: 3155 G. Montenegro

BCP: 50 M. Kojo

Category: Best Current Practice V. Magret

N. Vaidya

August 2001

End-to-end Performance Implications of Links with Errors

Status of this Memo

This document specifies an Internet Best Current Practices for the

Internet Community, and requests discussion and suggestions for

improvements. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2001). All Rights Reserved.


This document discusses the specific TCP mechanisms that are

problematic in environments with high uncorrected error rates, and

discusses what can be done to mitigate the problems without

introdUCing intermediate devices into the connection.

Table of Contents

1.0 Introduction ............................................. 2

1.1 Should you be reading this recommendation? ........... 3

1.2 Relationship of this recommendation to PEPs ........... 4

1.3 Relationship of this recommendation to Link Layer

Mechanisms............................................. 4

2.0 Errors and Interactions with TCP Mechanisms .............. 5

2.1 Slow Start and Congestion Avoidance [RFC2581] ......... 5

2.2 Fast Retransmit and Fast Recovery [RFC2581] ........... 6

2.3 Selective Acknowledgements [RFC2018, RFC2883] ......... 7

3.0 Summary of Recommendations ............................... 8

4.0 Topics For Further Work .................................. 9

4.1 Achieving, and maintaining, large windows ............. 10

5.0 Security Considerations .................................. 11

6.0 IANA Considerations ...................................... 11

7.0 Acknowledgements ......................................... 11

References ................................................... 11

Authors' Addresses ........................................... 14

Full Copyright Statement ..................................... 16

1.0 Introduction

The rapidly-growing Internet is being Accessed by an increasingly

wide range of devices over an increasingly wide variety of links. At

least some of these links do not provide the degree of reliability

that hosts eXPect, and this expansion into unreliable links causes

some Internet protocols, especially TCP [RFC793], to perform poorly.

Specifically, TCP congestion control [RFC2581], while appropriate for

connections that lose traffic primarily because of congestion and

buffer exhaustion, interacts badly with uncorrected errors when TCP

connections traverse links with high uncorrected error rates. The

result is that sending TCPs may spend an excessive amount of time

waiting for acknowledgement that do not arrive, and then, although

these losses are not due to congestion-related buffer exhaustion, the

sending TCP transmits at substantially reduced traffic levels as it

probes the network to determine "safe" traffic levels.

This document does not address issues with other transport protocols,

for example, UDP.

Congestion avoidance in the Internet is based on an assumption that

most packet losses are due to congestion. TCP's congestion avoidance

strategy treats the absence of acknowledgement as a congestion

signal. This has worked well since it was introduced in 1988 [VJ-

DCAC], because most links and subnets have relatively low error rates

in normal operation, and congestion is the primary cause of loss in

these environments. However, links and subnets that do not enjoy low

uncorrected error rates are becoming more prevalent in parts of the

Internet. In particular, these include terrestrial and satellite

wireless links. Users relying on traffic traversing these links may

see poor performance because their TCP connections are spending

excessive time in congestion avoidance and/or slow start procedures

triggered by packet losses due to transmission errors.

The recommendations in this document aim at improving utilization of

available path capacity over such high error-rate links in ways that

do not threaten the stability of the Internet.

Applications use TCP in very different ways, and these have

interactions with TCP's behavior [RFC2861]. Nevertheless, it is

possible to make some basic assumptions about TCP flows.

Accordingly, the mechanisms discussed here are applicable to all uses

of TCP, albeit in varying degrees according to different scenarios

(as noted where appropriate).

This recommendation is based on the explicit assumption that major

changes to the entire installed base of routers and hosts are not a

practical possibility. This constrains any changes to hosts that are

directly affected by errored links.

1.1 Should you be reading this recommendation?

All known subnetwork technologies provide an "imperfect" subnetwork

service - the bit error rate is non-zero. But there's no obvious way

for end stations to tell the difference between packets discarded due

to congestion and losses due to transmission errors.

If a directly-attached subnetwork is reporting transmission errors to

a host, these reports matter, but we can't rely on explicit

transmission error reports to both hosts.

Another way of deciding if a subnetwork should be considered to have

a "high error rate" is by appealing to mathematics.

An approximate formula for the TCP Reno response function is given in



T = --------------------------------------------------

RTT*sqrt(2p/3) + tRTO*(3*sqrt(3p/8))*p*(1 + 32p**2)


T = the sending rate in bytes per second

s = the packet size in bytes

RTT = round-trip time in seconds

tRTO = TCP retransmit timeout value in seconds

p = steady-state packet loss rate

If one plugs in an observed packet loss rate, does the math and then

sees predicted bandwidth utilization that is greater than the link

speed, the connection will not benefit from recommendations in this

document, because the level of packet losses being encountered won't

affect the ability of TCP to utilize the link. If, however, the

predicted bandwidth is less than the link speed, packet losses are

affecting the ability of TCP to utilize the link.

If further investigation reveals a subnetwork with significant

transmission error rates, the recommendations in this document will

improve the ability of TCP to utilize the link.

A few caveats are in order, when doing this calculation:

(1) the RTT is the end-to-end RTT, not the link RTT.

(2) Max(1.0, 4*RTT) can be substituted as a simplification for


(3) losses may be bursty - a loss rate measured over an interval

that includes multiple bursty loss events may understate the

impact of these loss events on the sending rate.

1.2 Relationship of this recommendation to PEPs

This document discusses end-to-end mechanisms that do not require

TCP-level awareness by intermediate nodes. This places severe

limitations on what the end nodes can know about the nature of losses

that are occurring between the end nodes. Attempts to apply

heuristics to distinguish between congestion and transmission error

have not been successful [BV97, BV98, BV98a]. This restriction is

relaxed in an informational document on Performance Enhancing Proxies

(PEPs) [RFC3135]. Because PEPs can be placed on boundaries where

network characteristics change dramatically, PEPs have an additional

opportunity to improve performance over links with uncorrected


However, generalized use of PEPs contravenes the end-to-end principle

and is highly undesirable given their deleterious implications, which

include the following: lack of fate sharing (a PEP adds a third point

of failure besides the endpoints themselves), end-to-end reliability

and diagnostics, preventing end-to-end security (particularly network

layer security such as IPsec), mobility (handoffs are much more

complex because state must be transferred), asymmetric routing (PEPs

typically require being on both the forward and reverse paths of a

connection), scalability (PEPs add more state to maintain), QoS

transparency and guarantees.

Not every type of PEP has all the drawbacks listed above.

Nevertheless, the use of PEPs may have very serious consequences

which must be weighed carefully.

1.3 Relationship of this recommendation to Link Layer Mechanisms

This recommendation is for use with TCP over subnetwork technologies

(link layers) that have already been deployed. Subnetworks that are

intended to carry Internet protocols, but have not been completely

specified are the subject of a best common practices (BCP) document

which has been developed or is under development by the Performance

Implications of Link Characteristics WG (PILC) [PILC-WEB]. This last

document is aimed at designers who still have the opportunity to

reduce the number of uncorrected errors TCP will encounter.

2.0 Errors and Interactions with TCP Mechanisms

A TCP sender adapts its use of network path capacity based on

feedback from the TCP receiver. As TCP is not able to distinguish

between losses due to congestion and losses due to uncorrected

errors, it is not able to accurately determine available path

capacity in the presence of significant uncorrected errors.

2.1 Slow Start and Congestion Avoidance [RFC2581]

Slow Start and Congestion Avoidance [RFC2581] are essential to the

current stability of the Internet. These mechanisms were designed to

accommodate networks that do not provide explicit congestion

notification. Although experimental mechanisms such as [RFC2481] are

moving in the direction of explicit congestion notification, the

effect of ECN on ECN-aware TCPs is essentially the same as the effect

of implicit congestion notification through congestion-related loss,

except that ECN provides this notification before packets are lost,

and must then be retransmitted.

TCP connections experiencing high error rates on their paths interact

badly with Slow Start and with Congestion Avoidance, because high

error rates make the interpretation of losses ambiguous - the sender

cannot know whether detected losses are due to congestion or to data

corruption. TCP makes the "safe" choice and assumes that the losses

are due to congestion.

- Whenever sending TCPs receive three out-of-order

acknowledgement, they assume the network is mildly congested

and invoke fast retransmit/fast recovery (described below).

- Whenever TCP's retransmission timer expires, the sender assumes

that the network is congested and invokes slow start.

- Less-reliable link layers often use small link MTUs. This

slows the rate of increase in the sender's window size during

slow start, because the sender's window is increased in units

of segments. Small link MTUs alone don't improve reliability.

Path MTU discovery [RFC1191] must also be used to prevent

fragmentation. Path MTU discovery allows the most rapid

opening of the sender's window size during slow start, but a

number of round trips may still be required to open the window


Recommendation: Any standards-conformant TCP will implement Slow

Start and Congestion Avoidance, which are MUSTs in STD 3 [RFC1122].

Recommendations in this document will not interfere with these


2.2 Fast Retransmit and Fast Recovery [RFC2581]

TCP provides reliable delivery of data as a byte-stream to an

application, so that when a segment is lost (whether due to either

congestion or transmission loss), the receiver TCP implementation

must wait to deliver data to the receiving application until the

missing data is received. The receiver TCP implementation detects

missing segments by segments arriving with out-of-order sequence


TCPs should immediately send an acknowledgement when data is received

out-of-order [RFC2581], providing the next expected sequence number

with no delay, so that the sender can retransmit the required data as

quickly as possible and the receiver can resume delivery of data to

the receiving application. When an acknowledgement carries the same

expected sequence number as an acknowledgement that has already been

sent for the last in-order segment received, these acknowledgement

are called "duplicate ACKs".

Because IP networks are allowed to reorder packets, the receiver may

send duplicate acknowledgments for segments that arrive out of order

due to routing changes, link-level retransmission, etc. When a TCP

sender receives three duplicate ACKs, fast retransmit [RFC2581]

allows it to infer that a segment was lost. The sender retransmits

what it considers to be this lost segment without waiting for the

full retransmission timeout, thus saving time.

After a fast retransmit, a sender halves its congestion window and

invokes the fast recovery [RFC2581] algorithm, whereby it invokes

congestion avoidance from a halved congestion window, but does not

invoke slow start from a one-segment congestion window as it would do

after a retransmission timeout. As the sender is still receiving

dupacks, it knows the receiver is receiving packets sent, so the full

reduction after a timeout when no communication has been received is

not called for. This relatively safe optimization also saves time.

It is important to be realistic about the maximum throughput that TCP

can have over a connection that traverses a high error-rate link. In

general, TCP will increase its congestion window beyond the delay-

bandwidth product. TCP's congestion avoidance strategy is additive-

increase, multiplicative-decrease, which means that if additional

errors are encountered before the congestion window recovers

completely from a 50-percent reduction, the effect can be a "downward

spiral" of the congestion window due to additional 50-percent

reductions. Even using Fast Retransmit/Fast Recovery, the sender

will halve the congestion window each time a window contains one or

more segments that are lost, and will re-open the window by one

additional segment for each congestion window's worth of

acknowledgement received.

If a connection's path traverses a link that loses one or more

segments during this recovery period, the one-half reduction takes

place again, this time on a reduced congestion window - and this

downward spiral will continue to hold the congestion window below

path capacity until the connection is able to recover completely by

additive increase without experiencing loss.

Of course, no downward spiral occurs if the error rate is constantly

high and the congestion window always remains small; the

multiplicative-increase "slow start" will be exited early, and the

congestion window remains low for the duration of the TCP connection.

In links with high error rates, the TCP window may remain rather

small for long periods of time.

Not all causes of small windows are related to errors. For example,

HTTP/1.0 commonly closes TCP connections to indicate boundaries

between requested resources. This means that these applications are

constantly closing "trained" TCP connections and opening "untrained"

TCP connections which will execute slow start, beginning with one or

two segments. This can happen even with HTTP/1.1, if webmasters

configure their HTTP/1.1 servers to close connections instead of

waiting to see if the connection will be useful again.

A small window - especially a window of less than four segments -

effectively prevents the sender from taking advantage of Fast

Retransmits. Moreover, efficient recovery from multiple losses

within a single window requires adoption of new proposals (NewReno


Recommendation: Implement Fast Retransmit and Fast Recovery at this

time. This is a widely-implemented optimization and is currently at

Proposed Standard level. [RFC2488] recommends implementation of Fast

Retransmit/Fast Recovery in satellite environments.

2.3 Selective Acknowledgements [RFC2018, RFC2883]

Selective Acknowledgements [RFC2018] allow the repair of multiple

segment losses per window without requiring one (or more) round-trips

per loss.

[RFC2883] proposes a minor extension to SACK that allows receiving

TCPs to provide more information about the order of delivery of

segments, allowing "more robust operation in an environment of

reordered packets, ACK loss, packet replication, and/or early

retransmit timeouts". Unless explicitly stated otherwise, in this

document, "Selective Acknowledgements" (or "SACK") refers to the

combination of [RFC2018] and [RFC2883].

Selective acknowledgments are most useful in LFNs ("Long Fat

Networks") because of the long round trip times that may be

encountered in these environments, according to Section 1.1 of

[RFC1323], and are especially useful if large windows are required,

because there is a higher probability of multiple segment losses per


On the other hand, if error rates are generally low but occasionally

higher due to channel conditions, TCP will have the opportunity to

increase its window to larger values during periods of improved

channel conditions between bursts of errors. When bursts of errors

occur, multiple losses within a window are likely to occur. In this

case, SACK would provide benefits in speeding the recovery and

preventing unnecessary reduction of the window size.

Recommendation: Implement SACK as specified in [RFC2018] and updated

by [RFC2883], both Proposed Standards. In cases where SACK cannot be

enabled for both sides of a connection, TCP senders may use NewReno

[RFC2582] to better handle partial ACKs and multiple losses within a

single window.

3.0 Summary of Recommendations

The Internet does not provide a widely-available loss feedback

mechanism that allows TCP to distinguish between congestion loss and

transmission error. Because congestion affects all traffic on a path

while transmission loss affects only the specific traffic

encountering uncorrected errors, avoiding congestion has to take

precedence over quickly repairing transmission errors. This means

that the best that can be achieved without new feedback mechanisms is

minimizing the amount of time that is spent unnecessarily in

congestion avoidance.

The Fast Retransmit/Fast Recovery mechanism allows quick repair of

loss without giving up the safety of congestion avoidance. In order

for Fast Retransmit/Fast Recovery to work, the window size must be

large enough to force the receiver to send three duplicate

acknowledgments before the retransmission timeout interval expires,

forcing full TCP slow-start.

Selective Acknowledgements (SACK) extend the benefit of Fast

Retransmit/Fast Recovery to situations where multiple segment losses

in the window need to be repaired more quickly than can be

accomplished by executing Fast Retransmit for each segment loss, only

to discover the next segment loss.

These mechanisms are not limited to wireless environments. They are

usable in all environments.

4.0 Topics For Further Work

"Limited Transmit" [RFC3042] has been specified as an optimization

extending Fast Retransmit/Fast Recovery for TCP connections with

small congestion windows that will not trigger three duplicate

acknowledgments. This specification is deemed safe, and it also

provides benefits for TCP connections that experience a large amount

of packet (data or ACK) loss. Implementors should evaluate this

standards track specification for TCP in loss environments.

Delayed Duplicate Acknowledgements [MV97, VMPM99] attempts to prevent

TCP-level retransmission when link-level retransmission is still in

progress, adding additional traffic to the network. This proposal is

worthy of additional study, but is not recommended at this time,

because we don't know how to calculate appropriate amounts of delay

for an arbitrary network topology.

It is not possible to use explicit congestion notification [RFC2481]

as a surrogate for explicit transmission error notification (no

matter how much we wish it was!). Some mechanism to provide explicit

notification of transmission error would be very helpful. This might

be more easily provided in a PEP environment, especially when the PEP

is the "first hop" in a connection path, because current checksum

mechanisms do not distinguish between transmission error to a payload

and transmission error to the header. Furthermore, if the header is

damaged, sending explicit transmission error notification to the

right endpoint is problematic.

Losses that take place on the ACK stream, especially while a TCP is

learning network characteristics, can make the data stream quite

bursty (resulting in losses on the data stream, as well). Several

ways of limiting this burstiness have been proposed, including TCP

transmit pacing at the sender and ACK rate control within the


"Appropriate Byte Counting" (ABC) [ALL99], has been proposed as a way

of opening the congestion window based on the number of bytes that

have been successfully transfered to the receiver, giving more

appropriate behavior for application protocols that initiate

connections with relatively short packets. For SMTP [RFC2821], for

instance, the client might send a short HELO packet, a short MAIL

packet, one or more short RCPT packets, and a short DATA packet -

followed by the entire mail body sent as maximum-length packets. An

ABC TCP sender would not use ACKs for each of these short packets to

increase the congestion window to allow additional full-length

packets. ABC is worthy of additional study, but is not recommended

at this time, because ABC can lead to increased burstiness when

acknowledgments are lost.

4.1 Achieving, and maintaining, large windows

The recommendations described in this document will aid TCPs in

injecting packets into ERRORed connections as fast as possible

without destabilizing the Internet, and so optimizing the use of

available bandwidth.

In addition to these TCP-level recommendations, there is still

additional work to do at the application level, especially with the

dominant application protocol on the World Wide Web, HTTP.

HTTP/1.0 (and earlier versions) closes TCP connections to signal a

receiver that all of a requested resource had been transmitted.

Because WWW objects tend to be small in size [MOGUL], TCPs carrying

HTTP/1.0 traffic experience difficulty in "training" on available

path capacity (a substantial portion of the transfer has already

happened by the time TCP exits slow start).

Several HTTP modifications have been introduced to improve this

interaction with TCP ("persistent connections" in HTTP/1.0, with

improvements in HTTP/1.1 [RFC2616]). For a variety of reasons, many

HTTP interactions are still HTTP/1.0-style - relatively short-lived.

Proposals which reuse TCP congestion information across connections,

like TCP Control Block Interdependence [RFC2140], or the more recent

Congestion Manager [BS00] proposal, will have the effect of making

multiple parallel connections impact the network as if they were a

single connection, "trained" after a single startup transient. These

proposals are critical to the long-term stability of the Internet,

because today's users always have the choice of clicking on the

"reload" button in their browsers and cutting off TCP's exponential

bacKOFf - replacing connections which are building knowledge of the

available bandwidth with connections with no knowledge at all.

5.0 Security Considerations

A potential vulnerability introduced by Fast Retransmit/Fast Recovery

is (as pointed out in [RFC2581]) that an attacker may force TCP

connections to grind to a halt, or, more dangerously, behave more

aggressively. The latter possibility may lead to congestion

collapse, at least in some regions of the network.

Selective acknowledgments is believed to neither strengthen nor

weaken TCP's current security properties [RFC2018].

Given that the recommendations in this document are performed on an

end-to-end basis, they continue working even in the presence of end-

to-end IPsec. This is in direct contrast with mechanisms such as

PEP's which are implemented in intermediate nodes (section 1.2).

6.0 IANA Considerations

This document is a pointer to other, existing IETF standards. There

are no new IANA considerations.

7.0 Acknowledgements

This recommendation has grown out of RFC2757, "Long Thin Networks",

which was in turn based on work done in the IETF TCPSAT working

group. The authors are indeBTed to the active members of the PILC

working group. In particular, Mark Allman and Lloyd Wood gave us

copious and insightful feedback, and Dan Grossman and Jamshid Mahdavi

provided text replacements.


[ALL99] M. Allman, "TCP Byte Counting Refinements," ACM Computer

Communication Review, Volume 29, Number 3, July 1999.



[BS00] Balakrishnan, H. and S. Seshan, "The Congestion Manager",

RFC3124, June 2001.

[BV97] S. Biaz and N. Vaidya, "Using End-to-end Statistics to

Distinguish Congestion and Corruption Losses: A Negative

Result," Texas A&M University, Technical Report 97-009,

August 18, 1997.

[BV98] S. Biaz and N. Vaidya, "Sender-Based heuristics for

Distinguishing Congestion Losses from Wireless

Transmission Losses," Texas A&M University, Technical

Report 98-013, June 1998.

[BV98a] S. Biaz and N. Vaidya, "Discriminating Congestion Losses

from Wireless Losses using Inter-Arrival Times at the

Receiver," Texas A&M University, Technical Report 98-014,

June 1998.

[MOGUL] "The Case for Persistent-Connection HTTP", J. C. Mogul,

Research Report 95/4, May 1995. Available as



[MV97] M. Mehta and N. Vaidya, "Delayed Duplicate-

Acknowledgements: A Proposal to Improve Performance of

TCP on Wireless Links," Texas A&M University, December 24,

1997. Available at


[PILC-WEB] http://pilc.grc.nasa.gov/

[PFTK98] Padhye, J., Firoiu, V., Towsley, D. and J.Kurose, "TCP

Throughput: A simple model and its empirical validation",

SIGCOMM Symposium on Communications Architectures and

Protocols, August 1998.

[RFC793] Postel, J., "Transmission Control Protocol", STD 7, RFC

793, September 1981.

[RFC2821] Klensin, J., Editor, "Simple Mail Transfer Protocol", RFC

2821, April 2001.

[RFC1122] Braden, R., "Requirements for Internet Hosts --

Communication Layers", STD 3, RFC1122, October 1989.

[RFC1191] Mogul J., and S. Deering, "Path MTU Discovery", RFC1191,

November 1990.

[RFC1323] Jacobson, V., Braden, R. and D. Borman. "TCP Extensions

for High Performance", RFC1323, May 1992.

[RFC2018] Mathis, M., Mahdavi, J., Floyd, S. and A. Romanow "TCP

Selective Acknowledgment Options", RFC2018, October 1996.

[RFC2140] Touch, J., "TCP Control Block Interdependence", RFC2140,

April 1997.

[RFC2309] Braden, B., Clark, D., Crowcrfot, J., Davie, B., Deering,

S., Estrin, D., Floyd, S., Jacobson, V., Minshall, G.,

Partridge, C., Peterson, L., Ramakrishnan, K., Shecker,

S., Wroclawski, J. and L, Zhang, "Recommendations on Queue

Management and Congestion Avoidance in the Internet", RFC

2309, April 1998.

[RFC2481] Ramakrishnan K. and S. Floyd, "A Proposal to add Explicit

Congestion Notification (ECN) to IP", RFC2481, January


[RFC2488] Allman, M., Glover, D. and L. Sanchez. "Enhancing TCP Over

Satellite Channels using Standard Mechanisms", BCP 28, RFC

2488, January 1999.

[RFC2581] Allman, M., Paxson, V. and W. Stevens, "TCP Congestion

Control", RFC2581, April 1999.

[RFC2582] Floyd, S. and T. Henderson, "The NewReno Modification to

TCP's Fast Recovery Algorithm", RFC2582, April 1999.

[RFC2616] Fielding, R., Gettys, J., Mogul, J., Frystyk, H.,

Masinter, L., Leach P. and T. Berners-Lee, "Hypertext

Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1", RFC2616, June 1999.

[RFC2861] Handley, H., Padhye, J. and S., Floyd, "TCP Congestion

Window Validation", RFC2861, June 2000.

[RFC2883] Floyd, S., Mahdavi, M., Mathis, M. and M. Podlosky, "An

Extension to the Selective Acknowledgement (SACK) Option

for TCP", RFC2883, August 1999.

[RFC2923] Lahey, K., "TCP Problems with Path MTU Discovery", RFC

2923, September 2000.

[RFC3042] Allman, M., Balakrishnan, H. and S. Floyd, "Enhancing

TCP's Loss Recovery Using Limited Transmit", RFC3042,

January, 2001.

[RFC3135] Border, J., Kojo, M., Griner, J., Montenegro, G. and Z.

Shelby, "Performance Enhancing Proxies Intended to

Mitigate Link-Related Degradations", RFC3135, June 2001.

[VJ-DCAC] Jacobson, V., "Dynamic Congestion Avoidance / Control" e-

mail dated February 11, 1988, available from


[VMPM99] N. Vaidya, M. Mehta, C. Perkins, and G. Montenegro,

"Delayed Duplicate Acknowledgements: A TCP-Unaware

Approach to Improve Performance of TCP over Wireless,"

Technical Report 99-003, Computer Science Dept., Texas A&M

University, February 1999. Also, to appear in Journal of

Wireless Communications and Wireless Computing (Special

Issue on Reliable Transport Protocols for Mobile


Authors' Addresses

Questions about this document may be directed to:

Spencer Dawkins

Fujitsu Network Communications

2801 Telecom Parkway

Richardson, Texas 75082

Phone: +1-972-479-3782

EMail: spencer.dawkins@fnc.fujitsu.com

Gabriel E. Montenegro

Sun Microsystems

Laboratories, Europe

29, chemin du Vieux Chene

38240 Meylan


Phone: +33 476 18 80 45

EMail: gab@sun.com

Markku Kojo

Department of Computer Science

University of Helsinki

P.O. Box 26 (Teollisuuskatu 23)



Phone: +358-9-1914-4179

EMail: kojo@cs.helsinki.fi

Vincent Magret

Alcatel Internetworking, Inc.

26801 W. Agoura road

Calabasas, CA, 91301

Phone: +1 818 878 4485

EMail: vincent.magret@alcatel.com

Nitin H. Vaidya

458 Coodinated Science Laboratory, MC-228

1308 West Main Street

Urbana, IL 61801

Phone: 217-265-5414

E-mail: nhv@crhc.uiuc.edu

Full Copyright Statement

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2001). All Rights Reserved.

This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to

others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it

or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published

and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any

kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are

included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this

document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing

the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other

Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of

developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for

copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be

followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than


The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be

revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.

This document and the information contained herein is provided on an







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