
RFC3141 - CDMA2000 Wireless Data Requirements for AAA

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group T. Hiller, LUCent Technologies

Request for Comments: 3141 P. Walsh, Lucent Technologies

Category: Informational X. Chen, Alcatel

M. Munson

G. Dommety, Cisco Systems

S. Sivalingham, EriCsson Wireless Communications

B. Lim, LG Information & Communications, Ltd.

P. McCann, Lucent Technologies

H. Shiino, Lucent Technologies

B. Hirschman, Motorola

S. Manning, Award Solutions, Inc.

R. Hsu, Qualcomm, Inc.

H. Koo, Samsung Telecommunications America, Inc.

M. Lipford, Sprint PCS

P. Calhoun, Sun Laboratories, Inc.

C. Lo, Vodafone

E. Jaques, Vodafone

E. Campbell, CommWorks Corporation, A 3Com Company

Y. Xu, WaterCove Networks

S. Baba, Toshiba America Research, Inc.

T. Ayaki, DDI Corporation

T. Seki, DO Corporation

A. Hameed, Fujitsu

June 2001

CDMA2000 Wireless Data Requirements for AAA

Status of this Memo

This memo provides information for the Internet community. It does

not specify an Internet standard of any kind. Distribution of this

memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2001). All Rights Reserved.


This memo specifies cdma2000 wireless data AAA (Authentication,

Authorization, Accounting) requirements associated with third

generation wireless architecture that supports roaming among service

providers for traditional PPP and Mobile IP services.

1. Introduction

The architecture is designed for use with a cellular network as an

Access medium. Sections 1, 2, present a brief high level review of

the cdma2000 wireless data architecture. Section 3 presents cdma2000

AAA requirements.

This document specifies AAA requirements associated with a third

generation cdma2000 wireless architecture that supports roaming among

service providers for traditional PPP and Mobile IP services. The

architecture is designed for use with a cellular network as an access


Sections 1 and 2 present a brief, high level review of the cdma2000

wireless data architecture as an aid to interested AAA WG members.

Section 3 presents cdma2000 AAA requirements, and is self contained

relative to the architecture review.

1.1. Requirements language

In this document, the key Words "MAY", "MUST, "MUST NOT", "optional",

"recommended", "SHOULD", and "SHOULD NOT", are to be interpreted as

described in [RFC2119].

Please note that the requirements specified in this document are to

be used in evaluating AAA protocol submissions. As such, the

requirements language refers to capabilities of these protocols; the

protocol documents will specify whether these features are required,

recommended, or optional. For example, requiring that a protocol

support confidentiality is NOT the same thing as requiring that all

protocol traffic be encrypted.

A protocol submission is not compliant if it fails to satisfy one or

more of the MUST or MUST NOT requirements for the capabilities that

it implements. A protocol submission that satisfies all the MUST,

MUST NOT, SHOULD and SHOULD NOT requirements for its capabilities is

said to be "unconditionally compliant"; one that satisfies all the

MUST and MUST NOT requirements but not all the SHOULD or SHOULD NOT

requirements for its protocols is said to be "conditionally


1.2. General Service Requirements

o Provide service during subscriber visiting between wireless

networks systems while maintaining a formal customer-service

provider relation with only one wireless service provider.

o Support Traditional PPP and Mobile IP services:

o Support dynamic and static home address assignments for

Mobile IP

o Support a Home Agent in the mobile's home wireless network,

home ISP, or private network.

o Support IP Security on the Mobile IP tunnel between Foreign

Agent and Home Agent, in order to avoid the overhead of a

voluntary tunnel on the radio interface.

o Provide robust authentication, authorization and accounting

services (AAA):

o Provide separation of airlink resource AAA services and data

resource AAA services.

o Authenticate and authorize a mobile based on an IMSI and an

NAI. The architecture allows for a carrier to determine if

billing is based on the IMSI or the NAI.

o Support optional AAA broker services between wireless

carriers and between wireless carriers and other external

data networks.

o Allow for distribution of specific Mobile IP security key

information to support home agent assignment, fast handoff,

and fast HA-FA authentication assignment during


o Provide QoS

2. High Level Architecture

The high level architecture is shown in Figure 1. The six major

entities that compose the network are the Home Agent, the PDSN, the

AAA Server, the Radio Network, the HLR/VLR, and Mobile Client.

Visited Access Home Access

Provider Network Provider Network

+--------+ +--------+


VLR ----------------- HLR

+--------+ +--------+

Visited Access Broker Home IP

Provider Network Network Network

+--------+ +--------+ +--------+

AAA ------ AAA --- AAA

+--------+ +--------+ +--------+

\ \

\ \

\ \

\ \

\ \

+---------+ +---------+ +---------+

RN ------- PDSN ------- HA

+---------+ +---------+ +---------+

Visited Access Home Network

Provider Network -Private

Mobile -Visited Provider

IP -Home Provider

-Home ISP





Figure 1: General cdma2000 Wireless IP Architecture

2.1. PDSN

o Acts as a Foreign Agent;

o Establish, maintain, and terminate link layer to the mobile


o Initiate the authentication, authorization and accounting for

the mobile client;

o Optionally, securely tunnel using IP security to the Home


o Receives service parameters from AAA for mobile client;

o Collect usage data for accounting purposes to be relayed to


o Routes packets to external packet data networks or to the HA in

the case of reverse tunneling;

o Maps home address and Home Agent address to a unique link layer

identifier used to communicate with Radio Network.

2.2. Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting Server

o Interact with the Foreign Agent and other AAA servers to

authorize, authenticate and perform accounting for the mobile


o Provides mechanism to support security association between

PDSN/FA and HA and between the MN and PDSN/FA;

o For dynamic Home Agent assignment, dynamically identify an HA

and assign a MN on that HA, and provide the security

association between the MN and HA;

o Provide QoS information to the PDSN;

o Optionally, assign dynamic home address.

2.3. Radio Network

o Maps Mobile Client identifier reference to a unique link layer

identifier used to communicate with PDSN;

o Validates Mobile Station for access service;

o Manages physical layer connection to the Mobile Client;

o Maintain state of reachability for packet service between the

access radio network and the mobile station;

o Buffers packets arriving from the PDSN, when radio resources

are not in place or are insufficient to support the flow from

the PDSN;

o Relays packets between the mobile station and the PDSN.

2.4. Location Registers (VLR/HLR)

o Stores authentication and authorization information for the

radio network.

2.5. Home Agent

o Maintains user registration and redirects packets to the PDSN;

o Optionally, establish an IP secure tunnel to the PDSN/FA;

o Supports the dynamic Home Agent assignment;

o Optionally, assigns dynamic home address;

o Support reverse tunneling.

2.6. Mobile Node

o Support PPP;

o Can act as a Mobile IP Node; and support Foreign Agent

Challenge and NAI;

o Interacts with the Radio Network to oBTain appropriate radio

resources from the network for the exchange of packets;

o Maintains knowledge of status of radio resources (e.g., active,

standby, dormant);

o Buffers packets when radio resources are not in place or are

insufficient to support the flow to the network.

3. AAA Requirements

3.1. Core AAA Requirements

The following is a summary of cdma2000 AAA specific requirements. In

these requirements, the serving network and home network may or may

not have a direct business relationship. In such cases in which

there is not a direct business relationship, service may be supported

indirectly via broker.

o Authenticate and authorize a user NAI in a roaming environment.

The NAI is obtained via CHAP (for traditional PPP service) or a

Foreign Agent Challenge (for Mobile IP service). A shared

secret exists between the mobile and its HAAA. The FAC will

typically be computed in a manner consistent with CHAP.

o Transport wireless data attributes from the home network to the

Serving network. This may often take the form of a user


o Encrypt or sign one or more AVPs in an AAA message between

home, serving network, or some broker across multiple AAA

server hops.

o Support a reliable AAA transport mechanism.

o This transport mechanism will be able indicate to an AAA

application that a message was delivered to the next peer

AAA application or that a time out occurred.

o Retransmission is controlled by the reliable AAA transport

mechanism, and not by lower layer protocols such as TCP.

o Even if the AAA message is to be forwarded, or the message's

options or semantics do not conform with the AAA protocol,

the transport mechanism will acknowledge that the peer

received the AAA message. However, if the message fails to

pass authentication, it will not be acknowledged.

o Acknowledgements should be allowed to be piggybacked in AAA


o The reliable transport mechanism features shall have the

capability to detect silent failures of the AAA peer or path

to the AAA peer, to manage failure on a proactive basis.

o Transport a digital certificate in an AAA message, in order

to minimize the number of round trips associated with AAA

transactions. Note: This requirement applies to AAA

applications and not mobile stations.

o Support both proxy and non-proxy brokers, where non-proxy

brokers imply the broker terminates an entire request and

initiates a new request. AAA brokers should have the

capability to modify certain parts of AAA messages whereby

to operate to in non-proxy or proxy environments.

o Provide message integrity and identity authentication on a

per hop (AAA node) basis.

o Support replay protection and optional non-repudiation

capabilities for all authorization and accounting messages.

The AAA protocol must provide the capability for accounting

messages to be matched with prior authorization messages.

o Support accounting via both bilateral arrangements and via

broker AAA servers providing accounting clearinghouse and

reconciliation between serving and home networks. There is

an eXPlicit agreement that if the private network or home

ISP authenticates the mobile station requesting service,

then the private network or home ISP network also agrees to

reconcile charges with the home service provider or broker.

Real time accounting must be supported.

o Provides security between AAA servers, and between AAA

server and PDSN or HA via IP security.

3.2. Mobile IP Specific Requirements and AAA

3.2.1. Mobile IP Security Discussion

Three Mobile IP security extensions are defined in RFC2002:

. HA - FA

. MN - FA

. HA - MN

Therefore, Mobile IP and IPsec security models differ in that Mobile

IP provides its own authentication mechanisms calculated within the

Mobile IP registration procedures whereas IPsec uses IPsec AH.

The keys and SPIs associated with the MN-FA and HA-FA extensions need

to be dynamically established in a roaming wireless carrier

environment. The MN-FA extension is useful for allowing a new FA

(PDSN) to quickly authenticate a mobile using the previous foreign

agent extension. The HA-FA extension is useful for the HA to ensure

that only FAs from carrier's with roaming agreements access the HA.

The MN-HA is usually provisioned, but for dynamic Home Agent

assignment, this security association must be dynamically created.

It is possible to use IPsec AH between MN and FA, FA and HA, and MN

and HA. IKE may be used to establish security associations between

these entities. However, use of IKE may pose a problem for smaller

mobiles and may introduce unacceptable delays for certain

applications (e.g., Voice Over IP). The following three sections

outline Mobile IP specific functions that benefit from AAA based key


3.2.2. Dynamic Home Agent Assignment

A visited or home AAA server will optionally be able perform dynamic

HA assignment. For dynamically assigned HA, the visited AAA server

will indicate to the home AAA server whether it supports dynamic HA

assignment in those cases in which the mobile node requests dynamic

assignment. If so indicated, the home AAA server may choose to allow

the visited AAA server to perform the HA assignment. Otherwise, the

home AAA assigns the HA.

3.2.3. Fast Handoff

To achieve a faster handoff, the mobile may attempt to avoid an AAA

transaction with the home AAA server. To accomplish this, the mobile

may send the PDSN the Previous FA address in the RRQ message from the

mobile, along with the MN-FA authentication extension. The new PDSN

passes the Previous FA address and MN-FA authentication extension to

the visited AAA server. If the visited AAA server is able

authenticate the MN-FA authentication extension for the mobile, then

the visited AAA may be able to avoid an actual transaction to the

home AAA server.

3.2.4. HA-FA Authentication

To achieve a fast registration for the case of a mobile station with

a Home Agent, the PDSN and HA may receive from the AAA mechanism a

HA-FA key and SPI that is used to authenticate the PDSN and the HA to

each other.

3.2.5. Key Distribution

These functions are primarily useful in a wireless environment in

which handoffs may occur rapidly (implying a need for low latency),

or where mobile devices have limited computing power. To achieve

these functions, AAA will be used to securely pass keys and SPIs

between the serving network and target network in encrypted form.

These keys are then used for the specific functions outlined in this


3.3. IKE and AAA

The use of IKE in the cdma2000 wireless architecture requires the use

of certificates. However, the AAA servers may be able to distribute

a pre- shared key to the Mobile IP Agents for use during Phase 1

ISAKMP exchanges. This may lessen the need for on-line revocation


3.4. Interoperability with RADIUS

Users with a home AAA server based on RADIUS may desire to roam into

a wireless carrier network that uses "new" AAA servers based on the

requirements in this document, and vice verse. The AAA protocol

should be designed in a way so as to make conversions to and from

RADIUS messages straight forward. This will allow for the

development of gateway processes to aid in interoperability. Note:

The features of the new AAA protocols which are beyond the feature

set of the RADIUS protocol will not be available for users while on

home or serving networks based on RADIUS.

4. References

[RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate

Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC2119, March 1997.

5. Security Considerations

This document is very much about security. These requirements do not

require the serving and home networks to not be in the same domain

nor must they have a direct relationship. The serving network

requires authorization from the home network so that the serving

network obtains proof it will get paid for services rendered to the

mobile. This implies the home network must authenticate the user.

AAA functions must be performed in a secure manner. The requirements

contained in section 2 outline the security required.

Mobile IP supports authentication mechanisms outside IP Security.

These mechanism may be enhanced in a cellular wireless environment by

allowing a home AAA server to distribute keys to the serving network.

Additionally, the home AAA server may be able to send a pre-shared

key to be used in Phase 1 ISAKMP security association establishment

between FA and HA. These keys would sent in encrypted form from the

home network to the serving network. As supported in the

requirements contained in section 2, the encryption could be handled

via public cryptography and certificates.

6. IANA Considerations

This document does not create any new number spaces for IANA


7. Acknowledgements

The authors are active members of the TIA TR45.6 committee.

8. Authors' Addresses

Pat R. Calhoun

Network and Security Research Center, Sun Labs

Sun Microsystems, Inc.

15 Network Circle

Menlo Park, CA 94025


Phone: (650) 786-7733

EMail: pcalhoun@eng.sun.com

Ed Campbell

CommWorks Corporation, A 3Com Company

3800 Golf Road

Rolling Meadows, IL 60008

Phone: (847)262-2325

E-Mail: ed_campbell@commworks.com

Gopal Dommety

Cisco Systems, Inc.

170 West Tasman Drive

San Jose, CA 95134


EMail: gdommety@cisco.com

Tom Hiller

Rm 2F-218

263 Shuman Dr.

Lucent Technologies

Naperville, IL


Phone: (630) 979-7673

EMail: tom.hiller@lucent.com

Raymond T. Hsu

Qualcomm Inc.

6455 Lusk Blvd.

San Diego, CA 92121


Phone: (619) 651-3623

EMail: rhsu@qualcomm.com

Mark A. Lipford

Sprint PCS

15405 College Blvd.

Lenexa, KS 66219

Phone: (913) 890-4248

EMail: mlipfo01@sprintspectrum.com

Serge Manning

Award Solutions, Inc.

800 E. Campbell Rd., Suite 120

Richardson, TX 75081

Phone: (972) 664-0727 x350

EMail: serge@awardsolutions.com

Peter J. McCann

Lucent Technologies

Rm 2Z-305

263 Shuman Blvd

Naperville, IL 60566


Phone: (630) 713 9359

EMail: mccap@lucent.com

Mark Munson

1371 Winding Branch Circle

Atlanta, Georgia 30338


Phone: (678) 339-4439

EMail: mmunson@gte.net

Haeng Koo

Samsung Telecommunications America, Inc.

1130 E. Arapaho Road

Richardson, TX 75081


Phone: (972)761-7755

EMail: hskoo@sta.samsung.com

Pat Walsh

Lucent Technologies

263 Shuman Blvd.


Naperville, IL

Phone: +1 630-713-5063

EMail: walshp@lucent.com

Yingchun Xu

WaterCove Networks

One Century Centre, Suite 550

1750 E. Golf Road

Schaumburg, IL

Phone: +1 847-477-9280

EMail: yxu@watercove.com

Brent Hirschman

1501 Shure Dr.

Arlington Heights, IL 60006


Phone: (847) 632-1563

EMail: qa4053@email.mot.com

Eric Jaques


2999 Oak Road, MS-750

Walnut Creek, CA 94596


Phone: +1-925-210-3900

EMail: ejaques@akamail.com

Sanjeevan Sivalingham

Ericsson Wireless Communications Inc.,

Rm Q-356C

6455 Lusk Blvd

San Diego, CA 92126


Phone: (858) 332-5670

EMail: s.sivalingham@ericsson.com

Xing Chen

Alcatel USA

1000 Coit Road

Plano, TX 75075


Phone: 972-519-4142

Fax: +1 972-519-3300

EMail: xing.chen@usa.alcatel.com

Byung-Keun Lim

LG Electronics Inc.

533, Hogye-dong, Donan-Ku, Anyang-shi, Kyungki-do, 431-080,


Phone: +82-31-450-7199

Fax: +82-31-450-7050

EMail: bklim@lge.com

Hajime Shiino

Lucent Technologies Japan Ltd.

25 Mori Bldg. 1-4-30 Roppongi,

Minato-ku Tokyo


Phone: +81-3-5561-3695

EMail: hshiino@lucent.com

Shinichi Baba

Toshiba America Research, Inc.

PO Box 136,

Convent Station, NJ 07961-0136


Phone: (973) 829-4795

EMail: sbaba@tari.toshiba.com

Takahiro Ayaki

DDI corporation

Ichibancho FS Bldg.

8, Ichibancho, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo


Phone: +81-3-3221-9682

EMail: ayaki@ddi.co.jp

Alan Hameed


2801 Telecom Parkway

Richardson, Texas 75082


Phone: (972) 479-2089

Charles N. Lo

Vodafone AirTouch

2999 Oak Rd

Walnut Creek, CA 94596


Phone: (925) 210-3460

EMail: Charles.Lo@vodafone-us.com

Takuo Seki

IDO Corporation

Gobancho YS Bldg.

12-3, Gobancho, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo


Phone: +81-3-3263-9660

EMail: t-seki@kddi.com

Full Copyright Statement

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2001). All Rights Reserved.

This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to

others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it

or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published

and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any

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Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of

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The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be

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