
RFC3214 - LSP Modification Using CR-LDP

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Network Working Group J. Ash

Request for Comments: 3214 AT&T

Category: Standards Track Y. Lee

Ceterus Networks

P. Ashwood-Smith

B. Jamoussi

D. Fedyk

D. Skalecki

Nortel Networks

L. Li

SS8 Networks

January 2002

LSP Modification Using CR-LDP

Status of this Memo

This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the

Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for

improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet

Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state

and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2002). All Rights Reserved.


This document presents an approach to modify the bandwidth and

possibly other parameters of an established CR-LSP (Constraint-based

Routed Label Switched Paths) using CR-LDP (Constraint-based Routed

Label Distribution Protocol) without service interruption. After a

CR-LSP is set up, its bandwidth reservation may need to be changed by

the network operator, due to the new requirements for the traffic

carried on that CR-LSP. The LSP modification feature can be

supported by CR-LDP by use of the _modify_value for the _action

indicator flag_ in the LSPID TLV. This feature has application in

dynamic network resources management where traffic of different

priorities and service classes is involved.

Table of Contents

1. Conventions Used in This Document ............................ 2

2. IntrodUCtion ................................................. 2

3. LSP Modification Using CR-LDP ................................ 3

3.1 Basic Procedure for Resource Modification .................. 3

3.2 Rerouting LSPs ............................................. 5

3.3 Priority Handling .......................................... 6

3.4 Modification Failure Case Handling ......................... 6

4. Application of LSP Bandwidth Modification in Dynamic Resource

Management ................................................... 7

5. Acknowledgments .............................................. 8

6. Intellectual Property Considerations ......................... 8

7. Security Considerations ...................................... 8

8. References ................................................... 8

9. Authors' Addresses ........................................... 9

10. Full Copyright Statement ..................................... 11

1. Conventions Used in This Document

L: LSP (Label Switched Path)

L-id: LSPID (LSP Identifier)

T: Traffic Parameters

R: LSR (Label Switching Router)

FEC: Forwarding Equivalence Class

NHLFE: Next Hop Label Forwarding Entry


TLV: Type Length Value



document are to be interpreted as described in RFC2119 [4].

2. Introduction

Consider an LSP L1 that has been established with its set of traffic

parameters T0. A certain amount of bandwidth is reserved along the

path of L1. Consider then that some changes are required on L1. For

example, the bandwidth of L1 needs to be increased to accommodate the

increased traffic on L1. Or the SLA associated with L1 needs to be

modified because a different service class is desired. The network

operator, in these cases, would like to modify the characteristics of

L1, for example, to change its traffic parameter set from T0 to T1,

without releasing the LSP L1 to interrupt the service. In some other

cases, network operators may want to reroute a CR-LSP to a different

path for either improved performance or better network resource

utilization. In all these cases, LSP modification is required. In

section 3 below, a method to modify an active LSP using CR-LDP is

presented. The concept of LSPID in CR-LDP is used to achieve the LSP

modification, without releasing the LSP and interrupting the service

and, without double booking the bandwidth. In Section 4, an example

is described to demonstrate an application of the presented method in

dynamically managing network bandwidth requirements without

interrupting service. In CR-LDP, an action indicator flag of

_modify_ is used in order to eXPlicitly specify the behavior, and

allow the existing LSPID to support other networking capabilities in

the future. Reference [3], RFCXXXX, specifies the action indicator

flag of _modify_ for CR-LDP.

3. LSP Modification Using CR-LDP

3.1 Basic Procedure for Resource Modification

LSP modification can only be allowed when the LSP is already set up

and active. That is, modification is not defined nor allowed during

the LSP establishment or label release/withdraw phases. Only

modification requested by the ingress LSR of the LSP is considered in

this document for CR-LSP. The Ingress LSR cannot modify an LSP

before a previous modification procedure is completed.

Assume that CR-LSP L1 is set up with LSPID L-id1, which is unique in

the MPLS network. The ingress LSR R1 of L1 has in its FTN (FEC To

NHLFE) table FEC1 -> Label A mapping where A is the outgoing label

for LSP L1. To modify the characteristics of L1, R1 sends a Label

Request Message. In the message, the TLVs will have the new

requested values, and the LSPID TLV is included which indicates the

value of L-id1. The Traffic Parameters TLV, the ER-TLV, the Resource

Class (color) TLV and the Preemption TLV can have values different

from those in the original Label Request Message, which has been

used to set up L1 earlier. Thus, L1 can be changed in its bandwidth

request (traffic parameter TLV), its traffic service class (traffic

parameter TLV), the route it traverses (ER TLV) and its setup and

holding (Preemption TLV) priorities. The ingress LSR R1 now still has

the entry in its FTN as FEC1 -> Label A. R1 is waiting to establish

another entry for FEC1.

When an LSR Ri along the path of L1 receives the Label Request

message, its behavior is the same as that of receiving any Label

request message. The only extension is that Ri examines the LSPID

carried in the Label Request Message, L-id1, and identifies if it

already has L-id1. If Ri does not have L-id1, Ri behaves the same as

receiving a new Label Request message. If Ri already has L-id1, Ri

takes the newly received Traffic Parameter TLV and computes the new

bandwidth required and derives the new service class. Compared with

the already reserved bandwidth for L-id1, Ri now reserves only the

difference of the bandwidth requirements. This prevents Ri from doing

bandwidth double booking. If a new service class is requested, Ri

also prepares to receive the traffic on L1 in just the same way as

handling it for a Label Request Message, perhaps using a different

type of queue. Ri assigns a new label for the Label Request Message.

When the Label Mapping message is received, two sets of labels exist

for the same LSPID. Then the ingress LSR R1 will have two outgoing

labels, A and B, associated with the same FEC, where B is the new

outgoing label received for LSP L1. The ingress LSR R1 can now

activate the new entry in its FTN, FEC1 - > Label B. This means that

R1 swaps traffic on L1 to the new label _B_ (_new_ path) for L1. The

packets can now be sent with the new label B, with the new set of

traffic parameters if any, on a new path, that is, if a new path is

requested in the Label Request Message for the modification. All the

other LSRs along the path will start to receive the incoming packets

with the new label. For the incoming new label, the LSR has already

established its mapping to the new outgoing label. Thus, the packets

will be sent out with the new outgoing label. The LSRs do not have

to implement new procedures to track the new and old characteristics

of the LSP.

The ingress LSR R1 then starts to release the original label A for

LSP L1. The Label Release Message is sent by R1 towards the down

stream LSRs. The Release message carries the LSPID of L-id1 and the

Label TLV to indicate which label is to be released. The Release

Message is propagated to the egress LSR to release the original

labels previously used for L1. Upon receiving the Label Release

Message, LSR Ri examines the LSPID, L-id1, and finds out that the L-

id1 has still another set of labels (incoming/outgoing) under it.

Thus, the old label is released without releasing the resource in

use. That is, if the bandwidth has been decreased for L1, the delta

bandwidth is released. Otherwise, no bandwidth is released. This

modification procedure can not only be applied to modify the traffic

parameters and/or service class of an active LSP, but also to reroute

an existing LSP (as described in Section 3.2 below), and/or change

its setup/holding priority if desired. After the release procedure,

the modification of the LSP is completed.

The method described above follows the normal behavior of Label

Request / Mapping / Notification / Release / Withdraw procedure of a

CR-LDP operated LSR with a specific action taken on an LSPID. If a

Label Withdraw Message is used to withdraw a label associated with an

LSPID, the Label TLV should be included to specify which label to

withdraw. Since the LSPID can also be used for other feature

support, an action indication flag of _modify_ assigned to the LSPID

would explicitly explain the action/semantics that should be

associated with the messaging procedure. The details of this flag

are addressed in the CR-LDP document, Reference [3].

3.2 Rerouting LSPs

LSP modification can also be used to reroute an existing LSP. Only

modification requested by the ingress LSR of the LSP is considered in

this document for CR-LSP. The Ingress LSR cannot modify an LSP before

a previous modification procedure is completed.

As in the previous section, consider a CR-LSP L1 with LSPID L-id1.

To modify the route of the LSP, the ingress LSR R1 sends a Label

Request Message. In the message, the LSPID TLV indicates L-id1 and

the Explicit Route TLV is specified with some different hops from the

explicit route specified in the original Label Request Message. The

action indication flag has the value _modify_.

At this point, the ingress LSR R1 still has an entry in FTN as

FEC1 -> Label A. R1 is waiting to establish another entry for FEC1.

When an LSR Ri along the path of L1 receives the Label Request

message, its behavior is the same as that of receiving a Label

Request Message that modifies some other parameters of the LSP. Ri

assigns a new label for the Label Request Message and forwards the

message along the explicit route. It does not allocate any more

resources except as described in section 3.1.

At another LSR Rj further along the path, the explicit route diverges

from the previous route. Rj acts as Ri, but forwards the Label

Request message along the new route. From this point onwards the

Label Request Message is treated as setting up a new LSP by each LSR

until the paths converge at later LSR Rk. The _modify_ value of the

action indication flag is ignored.

At Rk and subsequent LSRs, the Label Request Message is handled as at


On the return path, when the Label Mapping message is received, two

sets of labels for the LSPID exist where the new route coincide with

the old. Only one set of labels will exist at LSRs where the routes


When the Label Mapping message is received at the ingress LSR R1 it

has two outgoing labels, A and B, associated with the same FEC, where

B is the new outgoing label received for LSP L1. R1 can now activate

the new entry in the FTN, FEC1 - > Label B and de-activate the old

entry FEC1 - > Label A. This means that R1 swaps traffic on L1 to the

new label B. The packets are now sent with the new label B, on the

new path.

The ingress LSR R1 then starts to release the original label A for

LSP L1. The Label Release Message is sent by R1 towards the down

stream LSRs following the original route. The Release message carries

the LSPID of L-id1 and the Label TLV to indicate which label is to be

released. At each LSR the old label is released - no further action

is required to change the path of the data packets which are already

following the new route programmed by the Label Mapping message.

At some LSRs, where the routes diverged, there is only one label for

the LSPID. For example, between Rj and Rk, the Label Release Message

will follow the old route. At LSRs between Rj and Rk only the labels

from the original route will exist for LSPID L-id1. At these LSRs

the LSPID TLV does not need to be examined to release the correct

label, but it must still be updated and passed on to the next LSR as

the Label Release message is propagated. In this way, at Rk where the

routes converge, the downstream LSR will know which label to release

and can continue to forward the Label Release Message along the old


3.3 Priority Handling

When sending a Label Request Message for an active LSP L1 to request

changes, the setup priority used in the label Request Message can be

different from the one used in the previous Label Request Message,

effectively indicating the priority of this _modification_ request.

Network operators can use this feature to decide what priority is to

be assigned to a modification request, based on their

policies/algorithms and other traffic situations in the network. For

example, the priority for modification can be determined by the

priority of the customer/LSP. If a customer has exceeded the

reserved bandwidth of its VPN LSP tunnel by too much, the

modification request's priority may be given as a higher value. The

Label Request message for the modification of an active LSP can also

be sent with a holding priority different from its previous one.

This effectively changes the holding priority of the LSP. Upon

receiving a Label Request Message that requests a new holding

priority, the LSR assigns the new holding priority to the bandwidth.

That is, the new holding priority is assigned to both the existing

incoming / outgoing labels and the new labels to be established for

the LSPID in question. In this way self-bumping is prevented.

3.4 Modification Failure Case Handling

A modification attempt may fail due to insufficient resource or other

situations. A Notification message is sent back to the ingress LSR

R1 to indicate the failure of Label Request Message that intended to

modify the LSP. A retry may be attempted if desired by the network

operator. If the LSP on the original path failed when a modification

attempt is in progress, the attempt should be aborted by using the

Label Abort Request message as specified in the LDP document [5].

In the event of a modification failure, all modifications to the LSP

including the holding priority must be restored to their original


4. Application of LSP Bandwidth Modification in Dynamic Resource


In this section, we gave an example of dynamic network resource

management using the LSP bandwidth modification capability. The

details of this example can be found in a previous internet-draft

[2]. Assume that customers or services are assigned with given CR-

LSPs. These customers/services are assigned with one of three

priorities: key, normal or best effort. The network operator does

not want to bump any LSPs during an LSP setup, so after these CR-LSPs

are set up, their holding priorities are all assigned as the highest


The network operator wants to control the resource on the links of

the LSRs, so each LSR keeps the usage status of its links. Based on

the usage history, each link is assigned a current threshold priority

Pi, which means that the link has no bandwidth available for a Label

Request with a setup priority lower than Pi. When an LSP's bandwidth

needs to be modified, the operator uses a policy-based algorithm to

assign a priority for its modification request, say Mp for LSP L2.

The ingress LSR then sends a Label Request message with Setup

Priority = Mp. If there is sufficient bandwidth on the link for the

modification, and the Setup priority in the Label Request Message is

higher in priority (Mp numerically smaller) than the Pi threshold of

the link, the Label Request Message will be accepted by the LSR.

Otherwise, the Label Request message will be rejected with a

Notification message which indicates that there are insufficient

resources. It should also be noted that when OSPF (or IS-IS) floods

the available-link-bandwidth information, the available bandwidth

associated with a priority lower than Pi (numerical value bigger)

should be interpreted as _0_.

This example based on a priority threshold Pi is implementation

specific, and illustrates the flexibility of the modification

procedure to prioritize and control network resources. The

calculation of Mp can be network and service dependent, and is based

on the operator's routing policy. For example, the operator may

assign a higher priority (lower Mp value) to L2 bandwidth

modification if L2 belongs to a customer or service with _Key_

priority. The operator may also collect the actual usage of each LSP

and assign a lower priority (higher Mp) to L2 bandwidth-increase

modification if, for example, in the past week L2 has exceeded its

reserved bandwidth by 2 times on the average. In addition, an

operator may try to increase the bandwidth of L2 on its existing path

unsuccessfully if there is insufficient bandwidth available on L2.

In that case, the operator is willing to increase the bandwidth of

another LSP, L3, with the same ingress/egress LSRs as L2, in order to

increase the overall ingress/egress bandwidth allocation. However,

in this case the L3 bandwidth modification is performed with a lower

priority (higher Mp value) since L3 is routed on a secondary path,

which results in the higher bandwidth allocation priority being given

to the LSPs that are on their primary paths [2].

5. Acknowledgments

The authors would like to acknowledge the careful review and comments

of Adrian Farrel.

6. Intellectual Property Considerations

The IETF has been notified of intellectual property rights claimed in

regard to some or all of the specification contained in this

document. For more information consult the online list of claimed


7. Security Considerations

Protection against modification to LSPs by malign agents has to be

controlled by the MPLS domain.

8. References

[1] Bradner, S., "The Internet Standards Process -- Revision 3", BCP

9, RFC2026, October 1996.

[2] Ash, J., "Traffic Engineering & QoS Methods for IP-, ATM-, &

TDM-Based Multiservice Networks", Work in Progress.

[3] Jamoussi, B., Editor, Andersson, L., Callon, R., Dantu, R., Wu,

L., Doolan, P., Worster, T., Feldman, N., Fredette, A., Girish,

M., Gray, E., Heinanen, J., Kilty, T. and A. Malis, "Constraint-

based LSP Setup Using LDP", RFC3212, January 2002.

[4] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement

Levels", BCP 14, RFC2119, March 1997.

[5] Andersson, L., Doolan, P., Feldman, N., Fredette, A. and B.

Thomas, "LDP Specification", RFC3036, January 2001.

[6] Rosen, E., Viswanathan, A. and R. Callon, "Multiprotocol Label

Switching Architecture", RFC3031, January 2001.

[7] Awduche, D., Malcolm, J., Agogbua, J., O'Dell, M. and J. McManus,

"Requirements for Traffic Engineering Over MPLS", RFC2702,

September 1999.

[8] Ash, J., Girish, M., Gray, E., Jamoussi,B. and G. Wright,

"Applicability Statement for CR-LDP", RFC3213, January 2002.

9. Authors' Addresses

Gerald R. Ash


Room MT D5-2A01

200 Laurel Avenue

Middletown, NJ 07748


Phone: 732-420-4578

EMail: gash@att.com

Bilel Jamoussi

Nortel Networks Corp.

600 Tech Park

Billerica, MA 01821


Phone: 978-288-4506

EMail: jamoussi@NortelNetworks.com

Peter Ashwood-Smith

Nortel Networks Corp.

P O Box 3511 Station C

Ottawa, ON K1Y 4H7


Phone: +1 613 763-4534

EMail: petera@NortelNetworks.com

Darek Skalecki

Nortel Networks Corp.

P O Box 3511 Station C

Ottawa, ON K1Y 4H7


Phone: +1 613 765-2252

EMail: dareks@nortelnetworks.com

Young Lee

Ceterus Networks

EMail: ylee@ceterusnetworks.com

Li Li

SS8 Networks

495 March Rd., 5th Floor

Kanata, Ontario

K2K 3G1 Canada

Phone: +1 613 592-2100 ext. 3228

EMail: lili@ss8networks.com

Don Fedyk

Nortel Networks Corp.

600 Tech Park

Billerica, MA 01821


Phone: 978-288-3041

EMail: dwfedyk@nortelnetworks.com

10. Full Copyright Statement

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2002). All Rights Reserved.

This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to

others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it

or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published

and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any

kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are

included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this

document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing

the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other

Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of

developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for

copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be

followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than


The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be

revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.

This document and the information contained herein is provided on an







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