
RFC3193 - Securing L2TP using IPsec

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group B. Patel

Request for Comments: 3193 Intel

Category: Standards Track B. Aboba

W. Dixon


G. Zorn

S. Booth

Cisco Systems

November 2001

Securing L2TP using IPsec

Status of this Memo

This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the

Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for

improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet

Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state

and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2001). All Rights Reserved.


This document discusses how L2TP (Layer Two Tunneling Protocol) may

utilize IPsec to provide for tunnel authentication, privacy

protection, integrity checking and replay protection. Both the

voluntary and compulsory tunneling cases are discussed.

Table of Contents

1. IntrodUCtion .................................................. 2

1.1 Terminology .................................................. 3

1.2 Requirements language ........................................ 3

2. L2TP security requirements ................................... 4

2.1 L2TP security protocol ....................................... 5

2.2 Stateless compression and encryption ......................... 5

3. L2TP/IPsec inter-operability guidelines ....................... 6

3.1. L2TP tunnel and Phase 1 and 2 SA teardown ................... 6

3.2. Fragmentation Issues ........................................ 6

3.3. Per-packet security checks .................................. 7

4. IPsec Filtering details when protecting L2TP .................. 7

4.1. IKE Phase 1 Negotiations .................................... 8

4.2. IKE Phase 2 Negotiations .................................... 8

5. Security Considerations ....................................... 15

5.1 Authentication issues ........................................ 15

5.2 IPsec and PPP interactions ................................... 18

6. References .................................................... 21

Acknowledgments .................................................. 22

Authors' Addresses ............................................... 23

Appendix A: Example IPsec Filter sets ............................ 24

Intellectual Property Statement .................................. 27

Full Copyright Statement ......................................... 28

1. Introduction

L2TP [1] is a protocol that tunnels PPP traffic over variety of

networks (e.g., IP, SONET, ATM). Since the protocol encapsulates

PPP, L2TP inherits PPP authentication, as well as the PPP Encryption

Control Protocol (ECP) (described in [10]), and the Compression

Control Protocol (CCP) (described in [9]). L2TP also includes

support for tunnel authentication, which can be used to mutually

authenticate the tunnel endpoints. However, L2TP does not define

tunnel protection mechanisms.

IPsec is a protocol suite which is used to secure communication at

the network layer between two peers. This protocol is comprised of

IP Security Architecture document [6], IKE, described in [7], IPsec

AH, described in [3] and IPsec ESP, described in [4]. IKE is the key

management protocol while AH and ESP are used to protect IP traffic.

This document proposes use of the IPsec protocol suite for protecting

L2TP traffic over IP networks, and discusses how IPsec and L2TP

should be used together. This document does not attempt to

standardize end-to-end security. When end-to-end security is

required, it is recommended that additional security mechanisms (such

as IPsec or TLS [14]) be used inside the tunnel, in addition to L2TP

tunnel security.

Although L2TP does not mandate the use of IP/UDP for its transport

mechanism, the scope of this document is limited to L2TP over IP

networks. The exact mechanisms for enabling security for non-IP

networks must be addressed in appropriate standards for L2TP over

specific non-IP networks.

1.1. Terminology

Voluntary Tunneling

In voluntary tunneling, a tunnel is created by the user,

typically via use of a tunneling client. As a result, the

client will send L2TP packets to the NAS which will forward

them on to the LNS. In voluntary tunneling, the NAS does

not need to support L2TP, and the LAC resides on the same

machine as the client. Another example of voluntary

tunneling is the gateway to gateway scenario. In this case

the tunnel is created by a network device, typically a

router or network appliance. In this scenario either side

may start the tunnel on demand.

Compulsory Tunneling

In compulsory tunneling, a tunnel is created without any

action from the client and without allowing the client any

choice. As a result, the client will send PPP packets to

the NAS/LAC, which will encapsulate them in L2TP and tunnel

them to the LNS. In the compulsory tunneling case, the

NAS/LAC must be L2TP-capable.

Initiator The initiator can be the LAC or the LNS and is the device

which sends the SCCRQ and receives the SCCRP.

Responder The responder can be the LAC or the LNS and is the device

which receives the SCCRQ and replies with a SCCRP.

1.2. Requirements language

In this document, the key Words "MAY", "MUST, "MUST NOT", "OPTIONAL",

"RECOMMENDED", "SHOULD", and "SHOULD NOT", are to be interpreted as

described in [2].

2. L2TP security requirements

L2TP tunnels PPP traffic over the IP and non-IP public networks.

Therefore, both the control and data packets of L2TP protocol are

vulnerable to attack. Examples of attacks include:

[1] An adversary may try to discover user identities by snooping data


[2] An adversary may try to modify packets (both control and data).

[3] An adversary may try to hijack the L2TP tunnel or the PPP

connection inside the tunnel.

[4] An adversary can launch denial of service attacks by terminating

PPP connections, or L2TP tunnels.

[5] An adversary may attempt to disrupt the PPP ECP negotiation in

order to weaken or remove confidentiality protection.

Alternatively, an adversary may wish to disrupt the PPP LCP

authentication negotiation so as to weaken the PPP authentication

process or gain Access to user passwords.

To address these threats, the L2TP security protocol MUST be able to

provide authentication, integrity and replay protection for control

packets. In addition, it SHOULD be able to protect confidentiality

for control packets. It MUST be able to provide integrity and replay

protection of data packets, and MAY be able to protect

confidentiality of data packets. An L2TP security protocol MUST also

provide a scalable approach to key management.

The L2TP protocol, and PPP authentication and encryption do not meet

the security requirements for L2TP. L2TP tunnel authentication

provides mutual authentication between the LAC and the LNS at tunnel

origination. Therefore, it does not protect control and data traffic

on a per packet basis. Thus, L2TP tunnel authentication leaves the

L2TP tunnel vulnerable to attacks. PPP authenticates the client to

the LNS, but also does not provide per-packet authentication,

integrity, or replay protection. PPP encryption meets

confidentiality requirements for PPP traffic but does not address

authentication, integrity, replay protection and key management

requirements. In addition, PPP ECP negotiation, outlined in [10]

does not provide for a protected ciphersuite negotiation. Therefore,

PPP encryption provides a weak security solution, and in addition

does not assist in securing L2TP control channel.

Key management facilities are not provided by the L2TP protocol.

However, where L2TP tunnel authentication is desired, it is necessary

to distribute tunnel passwords.

Note that several of the attacks outlined above can be carried out on

PPP packets sent over the link between the client and the NAS/LAC,

prior to encapsulation of the packets within an L2TP tunnel. While

strictly speaking these attacks are outside the scope of L2TP

security, in order to protect against them, the client SHOULD provide

for confidentiality, authentication, replay and integrity protection

for PPP packets sent over the dial-up link. Authentication, replay

and integrity protection are not currently supported by PPP

encryption methods, described in [11]-[13].

2.1. L2TP Security Protocol

The L2TP security protocol MUST provide authentication, integrity and

replay protection for control packets. In addition, it SHOULD

protect confidentiality of control packets. It MUST provide

integrity and replay protection of data packets, and MAY protect

confidentiality of data packets. An L2TP security protocol MUST also

provide a scalable approach to key management.

To meet the above requirements, all L2TP security compliant

implementations MUST implement IPsec ESP for securing both L2TP

control and data packets. Transport mode MUST be supported; tunnel

mode MAY be supported. All the IPsec-mandated ciphersuites

(described in RFC2406 [4] and RFC2402 [3]), including NULL

encryption MUST be supported. Note that although an implementation

MUST support all IPsec ciphersuites, it is an operator choice which

ones will be used. If confidentiality is not required (e.g., L2TP

data traffic), ESP with NULL encryption may be used. The

implementations MUST implement replay protection mechanisms of IPsec.

L2TP security MUST meet the key management requirements of the IPsec

protocol suite. IKE SHOULD be supported for authentication, security

association negotiation, and key management using the IPsec DOI [5].

2.2. Stateless compression and encryption

Stateless encryption and/or compression is highly desirable when L2TP

is run over IP. Since L2TP is a connection-oriented protocol, use of

stateful compression/encryption is feasible, but when run over IP,

this is not desirable. While providing better compression, when used

without an underlying reliable delivery mechanism, stateful methods

magnify packet losses. As a result, they are problematic when used

over the Internet where packet loss can be significant. Although

L2TP [1] is connection oriented, packet ordering is not mandatory,

which can create difficulties in implementation of stateful

compression/encryption schemes. These considerations are not as

important when L2TP is run over non-IP media such as IEEE 802, ATM,

X.25, or Frame Relay, since these media guarantee ordering, and

packet losses are typically low.

3. L2TP/IPsec inter-operability guidelines

The following guidelines are established to meet L2TP security

requirements using IPsec in practical situations.

3.1. L2TP tunnel and Phase 1 and 2 SA teardown

Mechanisms within PPP and L2TP provide for both graceful and non-

graceful teardown. In the case of PPP, an LCP TermReq and TermAck

sequence corresponds to a graceful teardown. LCP keep-alive messages

and L2TP tunnel hellos provide the capability to detect when a non-

graceful teardown has occurred. Whenever teardown events occur,

causing the tunnel to close, the control connection teardown

mechanism defined in [1] must be used. Once the L2TP tunnel is

deleted by either peer, any phase 1 and phase 2 SA's which still

exist as a result of the L2TP tunnel between the peers SHOULD be

deleted. Phase 1 and phase 2 delete messages SHOULD be sent when

this occurs.

When IKE receives a phase 1 or phase 2 delete message, IKE should

notify L2TP this event has occurred. If the L2TP state is such that

a ZLB ack has been sent in response to a STOPCCN, this can be assumed

to be positive acknowledgment that the peer received the ZLB ack and

has performed a teardown of any L2TP tunnel state associated with the

peer. The L2TP tunnel state and any associated filters can now be

safely removed.

3.2. Fragmentation Issues

Since the default MRU for PPP connections is 1500 bytes,

fragmentation can become a concern when prepending L2TP and IPsec

headers to a PPP frame. One mechanism which can be used to reduce

this problem is to provide PPP with the MTU value of the

ingress/egress interface of the L2TP/IPsec tunnel minus the overhead

of the extra headers. This should occur after the L2TP tunnel has

been setup and but before LCP negotiations begin. If the MTU value

of the ingress/egress interface for the tunnel is less than PPP's

default MTU, it may replace the value being used. This value may

also be used as the initial value proposed for the MRU in the LCP

config req.

If an ICMP PMTU is received by IPsec, this value should be stored in

the SA as proposed in [6]. IPsec should also provide notification of

this event to L2TP so that the new MTU value can be reflected into

the PPP interface. Any new PTMU discoveries seen at the PPP

interface should be checked against this new value and processed


3.3. Per-packet security checks

When a packet arrives from a tunnel which requires security, L2TP


[1] Check to ensure that the packet was decrypted and/or

authenticated by IPsec. Since IPsec already verifies that the

packet arrived in the correct SA, L2TP can be assured that the

packet was indeed sent by a trusted peer and that it did not

arrive in the clear.

[2] Verify that the IP addresses and UDP port values in the packet

match the socket information which was used to setup the L2TP

tunnel. This step prevents malicious peers from spoofing packets

into other tunnels.

4. IPsec Filtering details when protecting L2TP

Since IKE/IPsec is agnostic about the nuances of the application it

is protecting, typically no integration is necessary between the

application and the IPsec protocol. However, protocols which allow

the port number to float during the protocol negotiations (such as

L2TP), can cause problems within the current IKE framework. The L2TP

specification [1] states that implementations MAY use a dynamically

assigned UDP source port. This port change is reflected in the SCCRP

sent from the responder to the initiator.

Although the current L2TP specification allows the responder to use a

new IP address when sending the SCCRP, implementations requiring

protection of L2TP via IPsec SHOULD NOT do this. To allow for this

behavior when using L2TP and IPsec, when the responder chooses a new

IP address it MUST send a StopCCN to the initiator, with the Result

and Error Code AVP present. The Result Code MUST be set to 2

(General Error) and the Error Code SHOULD be set to 7 (Try Another).

If the Error Code is set to 7, then the optional error message MUST

be present and the contents MUST contain the IP address (ASCII

encoded) that the Responder desires to use for subsequent

communications. Only the ASCII encoded IP address should be present

in the error message. The IP address is encoded in dotted decimal

format for IPv4 or in RFC2373 [17] format for IPv6. The initiator

MUST parse the result and error code information and send a new SCCRQ

to the new IP address contained in the error message. This approach

reduces complexity since now the initiator always knows precisely the

IP address of its peer. This also allows a controlled mechanism for

L2TP to tie IPsec filters and policy to the same peer.

The filtering details required to accommodate this behavior as well

as other mechanisms needed to protect L2TP with IPsec are discussed

in the following sections.

4.1. IKE Phase 1 Negotiations

Per IKE [7], when using pre-shared key authentication, a key must be

present for each peer to which secure communication is required.

When using Main Mode (which provides identity protection), this key

must correspond to the IP address for the peer. When using

Aggressive Mode (which does not provide identity protection), the

pre-shared key must map to one of the valid id types defined in the

IPsec DOI [5].

If the initiator receives a StopCCN with the result and error code

AVP set to "try another" and a valid IP address is present in the

message, it MAY bind the original pre-shared key used by IKE to the

new IP address contained in the error-message.

One may may wish to consider the implications for scalability of

using pre-shared keys as the authentication method for phase 1. As

the number of LAC and LNS endpoints grow, pre-shared keys become

increasingly difficult to manage. Whenever possible, authentication

with certificates is preferred.

4.2. IKE Phase 2 Negotiations

During the IKE phase 2 negotiations, the peers agree on what traffic

is to be protected by the IPsec protocols. The quick mode IDs

represent the traffic which the peers agree to protect and are

comprised of address space, protocol, and port information.

When securing L2TP with IPsec, the following cases must be




Initiator Port Responder Addr Responder Port


1701 Fixed 1701


1701 Fixed Dynamic


1701 Dynamic 1701


1701 Dynamic Dynamic


Dynamic Fixed 1701


Dynamic Fixed Dynamic


Dynamic Dynamic 1701


Dynamic Dynamic Dynamic


By solving the most general case of the above permutations, all cases

are covered. The most general case is the last one in the list.

This scenario is when the initiator chooses a new port number and the

responder chooses a new address and port number. The L2TP message

flow which occurs to setup this sequence is as follows:

-> IKE Phase 1 and Phase 2 to protect Initial SCCRQ

SCCRQ -> (Fixed IP address, Dynamic Initiator Port)

<- STOPCCN (Responder chooses new IP address)

-> New IKE Phase 1 and Phase 2 to protect new SCCRQ

SCCRQ -> (SCCRQ to Responder's new IP address)

<- New IKE Phase 2 to for port number change by the responder

<- SCCRP (Responder chooses new port number)

SCCCN -> (L2TP Tunnel Establishment completes)

Although the Initiator and Responder typically do not dynamically

change ports, L2TP security must accommodate emerging applications

such as load balancing and QoS. This may require that the port and

IP address float during L2TP tunnel establishment.

To support the general case, mechanisms must be designed into L2TP

and IPsec which allow L2TP to inject filters into the IPsec filter

database. This technique may be used by any application which floats

ports and requires security via IPsec, and is described in the

following sections.

The responder is not required to support the ability to float its IP

address and port. However, the initiator MUST allow the responder to

float its port and SHOULD allow the responder to choose a new IP

address (see section 4.2.3, below).

Appendix A provides examples of these cases using the process

described below.

4.2.1. Terminology definitions used for filtering statements

I-Port The UDP port number the Initiator chooses to

originate/receive L2TP traffic on. This can be a static

port such as 1701 or an ephemeral one assigned by the


R-Port The UDP port number the Responder chooses to

originate/receive L2TP traffic on. This can be the port

number 1701 or an ephemeral one assigned by the socket.

This is the port number the Responder uses after

receiving the initial SCCRQ.

R-IPAddr1 The IP address the Responder listens on for initial

SCCRQ. If the responder does not choose a new IP

address, this address will be used for all subsequent

L2TP traffic.

R-IPAddr2 The IP address the Responder chooses upon receiving the

SCCRQ. This address is used to send the SCCRP and all

subsequent L2TP tunnel traffic is sent and received on

this address.

R-IPAddr The IP address which the responder uses for sending and

receiving L2TP packets. This is either the initial value

of R-IPAddr1 or a new value of R-IPAddr2.

I-IPAddr The IP address the Initiator uses to communicate with for

the L2TP tunnel.

Any-Addr The presence of Any-Address defines that IKE should

accept any single address proposed in the local address

of the quick mode IDs sent by the peer during IKE phase 2

negotiations. This single address may be formatted as an

IP Single address, an IP Netmask address with the Netmask

set to, and IP address Range with the

range being 1, or a hostname which can be resolved to one

address. Refer to [5] for more information on the format

for quick mode IDs.

Any-Port The presence of Any-Port defines that IKE should accept a

value of 0 or a specific port value for the port value in

the port value in the quick mode IDs negotiated during

IKE phase 2.

The filters defined in the following sections are listed from highest

priority to lowest priority.

4.2.2. Initial filters needed to protect the SCCRQ

The initial filter set on the initiator and responder is necessary to

protect the SCCRQ sent by the initiator to open the L2TP tunnel.

Both the initiator and the responder must either be pre-configured

for these filters or L2TP must have a method to inject this

information into the IPsec filtering database. In either case, this

filter MUST be present before the L2TP tunnel setup messages start to


Responder Filters:

Outbound-1: None. They should be be dynamically created by IKE

upon successful completion of phase 2.

Inbound-1: From Any-Addr, to R-IPAddr1, UDP, src Any-Port, dst


Initiator Filters:

Outbound-1: From I-IPAddr, to R-IPAddr1, UDP, src I-Port,

dst 1701

Inbound-1: From R-IPAddr1, to I-IPAddr, UDP, src 1701,

dst I-Port

Inbound-2: From R-IPAddr1, to I-IPAddr, UDP, src Any-Port,

dst I-Port

When the initiator uses dynamic ports, L2TP must inject the filters

into the IPsec filter database, once its source port number is known.

If the initiator uses a fixed port of 1701, these filters MAY be

statically defined.

The Any-Port definition in the initiator's inbound-2 filter statement

is needed to handle the potential port change which may occur as the

result of the responder changing its port number.

If a phase 2 SA bundle is not already present to protect the SCCRQ,

the sending of a SCCRQ by the initiator SHOULD cause IKE to setup the

necessary SAs to protect this packet. Alternatively, L2TP may also

request IKE to setup the SA bundle. If the SA cannot be setup for

some reason, the packet MUST be dropped.

The port numbers in the Quick Mode IDs sent by the initiator MUST

contain the specific port numbers used to identify the UDP socket.

The port numbers would be either I-Port/1701 or 1701/1701 for the

initial SCCRQ. The quick mode IDs sent by the initiator will be a

subset of the Inbound-1 filter at the responder. As a result, the

quick mode exchange will finish and IKE should inject a specific

filter set into the IPsec filter database and associate this filter

set with the phase 2 SA established between the peers. These filters

should persist as long as the L2TP tunnel exists. The new filter set

at the responder will be:

Responder Filters:

Outbound-1: From R-IPAddr1, to I-IPAddr, UDP, src 1701,

dst I-Port

Inbound-1: From I-IPAddr, to R-IPAddr1, UDP, src I-Port,

dst 1701

Inbound-2: From Any-Addr, to R-IPAddr1, UDP, src Any-Port,

dst 1701

Mechanisms SHOULD exist between L2TP and IPsec such that L2TP is not

retransmitting the SCCRQ while the SA is being established. L2TP's

control channel retransmit mechanisms should start once the SA has

been established. This will help avoid timeouts which may occur as

the result of slow SA establishment.

Once the phase 2 SA has been established between the peers, the SCCRQ

should be sent from the initiator to the responder.

If the responder does not choose a new IP address or a new port

number, the L2TP tunnel can now proceed to establish.

4.2.3. Responder chooses new IP Address

This step describes the process which should be followed when the

responder chooses a new IP address. The only opportunity for the

responder to change its IP address is after receiving the SCCRQ but

before sending a SCCRP.

The new address the responder chooses to use MUST be reflected in the

result and error code AVP of a STOPCCN message. The Result Code MUST

be set to 2 (General Error) and the Error Code MUST be set to 7 (Try

Another). The optional error message MUST be present and the

contents MUST contain the IP address (ASCII encoded) the Responder

desires to use for subsequent communications. Only the ASCII encoded

IP address should be present in the error message. The IP address is

encoded in dotted decimal format for IPv4 or in RFC2373 [17] format

for IPv6.

The STOPCCN Message MUST be sent using the same address and UDP port

information which the initiator used to send the SCCRQ. This message

will be protecting using the initial SA bundle setup to protect the


Upon receiving the STOPCCN, the initiator MUST parse the IP address

from the Result and Error Code AVP and perform the necessary sanity

checks to verify this is a correctly formatted address. If no errors

are found L2TP should inject a new set of filters into the IPsec

filter database. If using pre-shared key authentication, L2TP MAY

request IKE to bind the new IP address to the pre-shared key which

was used for the original IP address.

Since the IP address of the responder changed, a new phase 1 and

phase 2 SA must be established between the peers before the new SCCRQ

is sent.

Assuming the initial tunnel has been torn down and the filters needed

to create the tunnel removed, the new filters for the initiator and

responder will be:

Initiator Filters:

Outbound-1: From I-IPAddr, to R-IPAddr2, UDP, src I-Port,

dst 1701

Inbound-1: From R-IPAddr2, to I-IPAddr, UDP, src 1701,

dst I-Port

Inbound-2: From R-IPAddr2, to I-IPAddr, UDP, src Any-Port,

dst I-Port

Once IKE phase 2 completes, the new filter set at the responder will


Responder Filters:

Outbound-1: From R-IPAddr2, to I-IPAddr, UDP, src 1701,

dst I-Port

Inbound-1: From I-IPAddr, to R-IPAddr2, UDP, src I-Port,

dst 1701

Inbound-2: From Any-Addr, to R-IPAddr1, UDP, src Any-Port,

dst 1701

If the responder chooses not to move to a new port number, the L2TP

tunnel setup can now complete.

4.2.4. Responder chooses new Port Number

The responder MAY choose a new UDP source port to use for L2TP tunnel

traffic. This decision MUST be made before sending the SCCRP. If a

new port number is chosen, then L2TP must inject new filters into the

IPsec filter database. The responder must start new IKE phase 2

negotiations with the initiator.

The final filter set at the initiator and responder is as follows.

Initiator Filters:

Outbound-1: From I-IPAddr, to R-IPAddr, UDP, src I-Port, dst


Outbound-2: From I-IPAddr, to R-IPAddr, UDP, src I-Port, dst


Inbound-1: From R-IPAddr, to I-IPAddr, UDP, src R-Port, dst


Inbound-2: From R-IPAddr, to I-IPAddr, UDP, src 1701, dst


Inbound-3: From R-IPAddr, to I-IPAddr, UDP, src Any-Port, dst


The Inbound-1 filter for the initiator will be injected by IKE

upon successful completion of the phase 2 negotiations

initiated by the peer.

Responder Filters:

Outbound-1: From R-IPAddr, to I-IPAddr, UDP, src R-Port, dst


Outbound-2: From R-IPAddr, to I-IPAddr, UDP, src 1701, dst


Inbound-1: From I-IPAddr, to R-IPAddr, UDP, src I-Port, dst


Inbound-2: From I-IPAddr, to R-IPAddr, UDP, src I-Port, dst


Inbound-3: From Any-Addr, to R-IPAddr1, UDP, src Any-Port, dst


Once the negotiations have completed, the SCCRP is sent and the L2TP

tunnel can complete establishment. After the L2TP tunnel has been

established, any residual SAs and their associated filters may be


4.2.5. Gateway-gateway and L2TP Dial-out considerations

In the gateway-gateway or the L2TP dial-out scenario, either side may

initiate L2TP. The process outlined in the previous steps should be

followed with one addition. The initial filter set at both sides

MUST include the following filter:

Inbound Filter:

1: From Any-Addr, to R-IPAddr1, UDP, src Any-Port, dst 1701

When either peer decides to start a tunnel, L2TP should inject the

necessary inbound and outbound filters to protect the SCCRQ. Tunnel

establishment then proceeds exactly as stated in the previous


5. Security Considerations

5.1. Authentication issues

IPsec IKE negotiation MUST negotiate an authentication method

specified in the IKE RFC2409 [7]. In addition to IKE

authentication, L2TP implementations utilize PPP authentication

methods, such as those described in [15]-[16]. In this section, we

discuss authentication issues.

5.1.1. Differences between IKE and PPP authentication

While PPP provides initial authentication, it does not provide per-

packet authentication, integrity or replay protection. This implies

that the identity verified in the initial PPP authentication is not

subsequently verified on reception of each packet.

With IPsec, when the identity asserted in IKE is authenticated, the

resulting derived keys are used to provide per-packet authentication,

integrity and replay protection. As a result, the identity verified

in the IKE conversation is subsequently verified on reception of each


Let us assume that the identity claimed in PPP is a user identity,

while the identity claimed within IKE is a machine identity. Since

only the machine identity is verified on a per-packet basis, there is

no way to verify that only the user authenticated within PPP is using

the tunnel. In fact, IPsec implementations that only support machine

authentication typically have no way to enforce traffic segregation.

As a result, where machine authentication is used, once an L2TP/IPsec

tunnel is opened, any user on a multi-user machine will typically be

able to send traffic down the tunnel.

If the IPsec implementation supports user authentication, this

problem can be averted. In this case, the user identity asserted

within IKE will be verified on a per-packet basis. In order to

provide segregation of traffic between users when user authentication

is used, the client MUST ensure that only traffic from that

particular user is sent down the L2TP tunnel.

5.1.2. Certificate authentication in IKE

When X.509 certificate authentication is chosen within IKE, the LNS

is eXPected to use an IKE Certificate Request Payload (CRP) to

request from the client a certificate issued by a particular

certificate authority or may use several CRPs if several certificate

authorities are trusted and configured in its IPsec IKE

authentication policy.

The LNS SHOULD be able to trust several certificate authorities in

order to allow tunnel client end-points to connect to it using their

own certificate credential from their chosen PKI. Client and server

side certificate revocation list checking MAY be enabled on a per-CA

basis, since differences in revocation list checking exist between

different PKI providers.

L2TP implementations MAY use dynamically assigned ports for both

source and destination ports only if security for each source and

destination port combination can be successfully negotiated by IKE.

5.1.3. Machine versus user certificate authentication in IKE

The certificate credentials provided by the L2TP client during the

IKE negotiation MAY be those of the machine or of the L2TP user.

When machine authentication is used, the machine certificate is

typically stored on the LAC and LNS during an enrollment process.

When user certificates are used, the user certificate can be stored

either on the machine or on a smartcard.

Since the value of a machine certificate is inversely proportional to

the ease with which an attacker can oBTain one under false pretenses,

it is advisable that the machine certificate enrollment process be

strictly controlled. For example, only administrators may have the

ability to enroll a machine with a machine certificate.

While smartcard certificate storage lessens the probability of

compromise of the private key, smartcards are not necessarily

desirable in all situations. For example, some organizations

deploying machine certificates use them so as to restrict use of

non-approved hardware. Since user authentication can be provided

within PPP (keeping in mind the weaknesses described earlier),

support for machine authentication in IPsec makes it is possible to

authenticate both the machine as well as the user.

In circumstances in which this dual assurance is considered valuable,

enabling movement of the machine certificate from one machine to

another, as would be possible if the machine certificate were stored

on a smart card, may be undesirable.

Similarly, when user certificate are deployed, it is advisable for

the user enrollment process to be strictly controlled. If for

example, a user password can be readily used to obtain a certificate

(either a temporary or a longer term one), then that certificate has

no more security value than the password. To limit the ability of an

attacker to obtain a user certificate from a stolen password, the

enrollment period can be limited, after which password access will be

turned off. Such a policy will prevent an attacker obtaining the

password of an unused account from obtaining a user certificate once

the enrollment period has expired.

5.1.4. Pre-shared keys in IKE

Use of pre-shared keys in IKE main mode is vulnerable to man-in-the-

middle attacks when used in remote access situations. In main mode

it is necessary for SKEYID_e to be used prior to the receipt of the

identification payload. Therefore the selection of the pre-shared

key may only be based on information contained in the IP header.

However, in remote access situations, dynamic IP address assignment

is typical, so that it is often not possible to identify the required

pre-shared key based on the IP address.

Thus when pre-shared keys are used in remote access scenarios, the

same pre-shared key is shared by a group of users and is no longer

able to function as an effective shared secret. In this situation,

neither the client nor the server identifies itself during IKE phase

1; it is only known that both parties are a member of the group with

knowledge of the pre-shared key. This permits anyone with access to

the group pre-shared key to act as a man-in-the-middle.

This vulnerability does not occur in aggressive mode since the

identity payload is sent earlier in the exchange, and therefore the

pre-shared key can be selected based on the identity. However, when

aggressive mode is used the user identity is exposed and this is

often considered undesirable.

As a result, where main mode is used with pre-shared keys, unless PPP

performs mutual authentication, the server is not authenticated.

This enables a rogue server in possession of the group pre-shared key

to successfully masquerade as the LNS and mount a dictionary attack

on legacy authentication methods such as CHAP [15]. Such an attack

could potentially compromise many passwords at a time. This

vulnerability is present in some existing IPsec tunnel mode


To avoid this problem, L2TP/IPsec implementations SHOULD NOT use a

group pre-shared key for IKE authentication to the LNS. IKE pre-

shared authentication key values SHOULD be protected in a manner

similar to the user's account password used by L2TP.

5.2. IPsec and PPP security interactions

When L2TP is protected with IPsec, both PPP and IPsec security

services are available. Which services are negotiated depends on

whether the tunnel is compulsory or voluntary. A detailed analysis

of voluntary and compulsory tunneling scenarios is included below.

These scenarios are non-normative and do not create requirements for

an implementation to be L2TP security compliant.

In the scenarios below, it is assumed that both L2TP clients and

servers are able to set and get the properties of IPsec security

associations, as well as to influence the IPsec security services

negotiated. Furthermore, it is assumed that L2TP clients and servers

are able to influence the negotiation process for PPP encryption and


5.2.1. Compulsory tunnel

In the case of a compulsory tunnel, the client sends PPP frames to

the LAC, and will typically not be aware that the frames are being

tunneled, nor that any security services are in place between the LAC

and LNS. At the LNS, a data packet will arrive, which includes a PPP

frame encapsulated in L2TP, which is itself encapsulated in an IP

packet. By obtaining the properties of the Security Association set

up between the LNS and the LAC, the LNS can obtain information about

security services in place between itself and the LAC. Thus in the

compulsory tunneling case, the client and the LNS have unequal

knowledge of the security services in place between them.

Since the LNS is capable of knowing whether confidentiality,

authentication, integrity and replay protection are in place between

itself and the LAC, it can use this knowledge in order to modify its

behavior during PPP ECP [10] and CCP [9] negotiation. Let us assume

that LNS confidentiality policy can be described by one of the

following terms: "Require Encryption," "Allow Encryption" or

"Prohibit Encryption." If IPsec confidentiality services are in

place, then an LNS implementing a "Prohibit Encryption" policy will

act as though the policy had been violated. Similarly, an LNS

implementing a "Require Encryption" or "Allow Encryption" policy will

act as though these policies were satisfied, and would not mandate

use of PPP encryption or compression. This is not the same as

insisting that PPP encryption and compression be turned off, since

this decision will depend on client policy.

Since the client has no knowledge of the security services in place

between the LAC and the LNS, and since it may not trust the LAC or

the wire between itself and the LAC, the client will typically want

to ensure sufficient security through use of end-to-end IPsec or PPP

encryption/compression between itself and the LNS.

A client wishing to ensure security services over the entire travel

path would not modify this behavior even if it had knowledge of the

security services in place between the LAC and the LNS. The client

negotiates confidentiality services between itself and the LNS in

order to provide privacy on the wire between itself and the LAC. The

client negotiates end-to-end security between itself and the end-

station in order to ensure confidentiality on the portion of the path

between the LNS and the end-station.

The client will typically not trust the LAC and will negotiate

confidentiality and compression services on its own. As a result,

the LAC may only wish to negotiate IPsec ESP with null encryption

with the LNS, and the LNS will request replay protection. This will

ensure that confidentiality and compression services will not be

duplicated over the path between the LAC and the LNS. This results

in better scalability for the LAC, since encryption will be handled

by the client and the LNS.

The client can satisfy its desire for confidentiality services in one

of two ways. If it knows that all end-stations that it will

communicate with are IPsec-capable (or if it refuses to talk to non-

IPsec capable end-stations), then it can refuse to negotiate PPP

encryption/compression and negotiate IPsec ESP with the end-stations

instead. If the client does not know that all end-stations it will

contact are IPsec capable (the most likely case), then it will

negotiate PPP encryption/compression. This may result in duplicate

compression/encryption which can only be eliminated if PPP

compression/encryption can be turned off on a per-packet basis. Note

that since the LNS knows that the client's packets are being tunneled

but the client does not, the LNS can ensure that stateless

compression/encryption is used by offering stateless

compression/encryption methods if available in the ECP and CCP


5.2.2. Voluntary tunnel

In the case of a voluntary tunnel, the client will be send L2TP

packets to the NAS, which will route them to the LNS. Over a dialup

link, these L2TP packets will be encapsulated in IP and PPP.

Assuming that it is possible for the client to retrieve the

properties of the Security Association between itself and the LNS,

the client will have knowledge of any security services negotiated

between itself and the LNS. It will also have knowledge of PPP

encryption/compression services negotiated between itself and the


From the LNS point of view, it will note a PPP frame encapsulated in

L2TP, which is itself encapsulated in an IP packet. This situation

is identical to the compulsory tunneling case. If LNS retrieves the

properties of the Security Association set up between itself and the

client, it can be informed of the security services in place between

them. Thus in the voluntary tunneling case, the client and the LNS

have symmetric knowledge of the security services in place between


Since the LNS is capable of knowing whether confidentiality,

authentication, integrity check or replay protection is in place

between the client and itself, it is able to use this knowledge to

modify its PPP ECP and CCP negotiation stance. If IPsec

confidentiality is in place, the LNS can behave as though a "Require

Encryption" directive had been fulfilled, not mandating use of PPP

encryption or compression. Typically the LNS will not insist that

PPP encryption/compression be turned off, instead leaving this

decision to the client.

Since the client has knowledge of the security services in place

between itself and the LNS, it can act as though a "Require

Encryption" directive had been fulfilled if IPsec ESP was already in

place between itself and the LNS. Thus, it can request that PPP

encryption and compression not be negotiated. If IP compression

services cannot be negotiated, it will typically be desirable to turn

off PPP compression if no stateless method is available, due to the

undesirable effects of stateful PPP compression.

Thus in the voluntary tunneling case the client and LNS will

typically be able to avoid use of PPP encryption and compression,

negotiating IPsec Confidentiality, Authentication, and Integrity

protection services instead, as well as IP Compression, if available.

This may result in duplicate encryption if the client is

communicating with an IPsec-capable end-station. In order to avoid

duplicate encryption/compression, the client may negotiate two

Security Associations with the LNS, one with ESP with null

encryption, and one with confidentiality/compression. Packets going

to an IPsec- capable end-station would run over the ESP with null

encryption security association, and packets to a non-IPsec capable

end-station would run over the other security association. Note that

many IPsec implementations cannot support this without allowing L2TP

packets on the same tunnel to be originated from multiple UDP ports.

This requires modifications to the L2TP specification.

Also note that the client may wish to put confidentiality services in

place for non-tunneled packets traveling between itself and the NAS.

This will protect the client against eavesdropping on the wire

between itself and the NAS. As a result, it may wish to negotiate

PPP encryption and compression with the NAS. As in compulsory

tunneling, this will result in duplicate encryption and possibly

compression unless PPP compression/encryption can be turned off on a

per-packet basis.

6. References

[1] Townsley, W., Valencia, A., Rubens, A., Pall, G., Zorn, G., and

B. Palter, "Layer Two Tunneling Protocol L2TP", RFC2661,

August 1999.

[2] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement

Levels", BCP 14, RFC2119, March 1997.

[3] Kent, S. and R. Atkinson, "IP Authentication Header", RFC2402,

November 1998.

[4] Kent, S. and R. Atkinson, "IP Encapsulating Security Payload

(ESP)", RFC2406, November 1998.

[5] Piper, D., "The Internet IP Security Domain of Interpretation

of ISAKMP", RFC2407, November 1998.

[6] Atkinson, R. and S. Kent, "Security Architecture for the

Internet Protocol", RFC2401, November 1998.

[7] Harkins, D. and D. Carrel, "The Internet Key Exchange (IKE)",

RFC2409, November 1998.

[8] Simpson, W., "The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)", STD 51, RFC

1661, July 1994.

[9] Rand, D., "The PPP Compression Control Protocol (CCP)", RFC

1962, June 1996.

[10] Meyer, G., "The PPP Encryption Control Protocol (ECP)", RFC

1968, June 1996.

[11] Sklower, K. and G. Meyer, "The PPP DES Encryption Protocol

(DESE)", RFC1969, June 1996.

[12] Sklower, K. and G. Meyer, "The PPP DES Encryption Protocol,

Version 2 (DESE-bis)", RFC2419, September 1998.

[13] Hummert, K., "The PPP Triple-DES Encryption Protocol (3DESE)",

RFC2420, September 1998.

[14] Dierks, T. and C. Allen, "The TLS Protocol Version 1.0", RFC

2246, November 1998.

[15] Simpson, W., "PPP Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol

(CHAP)," RFC1994, August 1996.

[16] Blunk, L. and J. Vollbrecht, "PPP Extensible Authentication

Protocol (EAP)," RFC2284, March 1998.

[17] Hinden, R. and S. Deering, "IP Version 6 Addressing

Architecture", RFC2373, July 1998.


Thanks to Gurdeep Singh Pall, David Eitelbach, Peter Ford, and Sanjay

Anand of Microsoft, John Richardson of Intel and Rob Adams of Cisco

for useful discussions of this problem space.

Authors' Addresses

Baiju V. Patel

Intel Corp

2511 NE 25th Ave

Hillsboro, OR 97124

Phone: +1 503 702 2303

EMail: baiju.v.patel@intel.com

Bernard Aboba

Microsoft Corporation

One Microsoft Way

Redmond, WA 98052

Phone: +1 425 706-6605

EMail: bernarda@microsoft.com

William Dixon

Microsoft Corporation

One Microsoft Way

Redmond, WA 98052

Phone: +1 425 703 8729

EMail: wdixon@microsoft.com

Glen Zorn

Cisco Systems, Inc.

500 108th Avenue N.E., Suite 500

Bellevue, Washington 98004

Phone: +1 425 438 8218

Fax: +1 425 438 1848

EMail: gwz@cisco.com

Skip Booth

Cisco Systems

7025 Kit Creek Road

RTP, NC 27709

Phone: +1 919 392 6951

EMail: ebooth@cisco.com

Appendix A: Example IPsec Filter sets for L2TP Tunnel Establishment

This section provides examples of IPsec filter sets for L2TP tunnel

establishment. While example filter sets are for IPv4, similar

examples could just as easily be constructed for IPv6.

A.1 Initiator and Responder use fixed addresses and ports

This is the most simple of the cases since nothing changes during

L2TP tunnel establishment. Since the initiator does not know whether

the responder will change its port number, it still must be prepared

for this case. In this example, the initiator will use an IPv4

address of and the responder will use an IPv4 address of

The filters for this scenario are:

A.1.1 Protect the SCCRQ

Initiator Filters:

Outbound-1: From, to, UDP, src 1701, dst 1701

Inbound-1: From, to, UDP, src 1701, dst 1701

Inbound-2: From, to, UDP, src Any-Port, dst 1701

Responder Filters:

Outbound-1: None, dynamically injected when IKE Phase 2 completes

Inbound-1: From Any-Addr, to, UDP, src Any-Port, dst 1701

After IKE Phase 2 completes the filters at the initiator and

responder will be:

Initiator Filters:

Outbound-1: From, to, UDP, src 1701, dst 1701

Inbound-1: From, to, UDP, src 1701, dst 1701

Inbound-2: From, to, UDP, src Any-Port, dst 1701

Responder Filters:

Outbound-1: From, to, UDP, src 1701, dst 1701

Inbound-1: From, to, UDP, src 1701, dst 1701

Inbound-2: From Any-Addr, to, UDP, src Any-Port, dst 1701

A.2 Gateway to Gateway Scenario where Initiator and Responder use

dynamic ports

In this scenario either side is allowed to initiate the tunnel.

Since dynamic ports will be used, an extra phase 2 negotiation must

occur to protect the SCCRP sent from the responder to the initiator.

Other than the additional phase 2 setup, the only other difference is

that L2TP on the responder must inject an additional filter into the

IPsec database once the new port number is chosen.

This example also shows the additional filter needed by the initiator

which allows either side to start the tunnel. In either the dial-out

or the gateway to gateway scenario this additional filter is


For this example, assume the dynamic port given to the initiator is

5000 and his IP address is The responder will use an IP

address of and a port number of 6000.

The filters for this scenario are:

A.2.1 Initial Filters to allow either side to respond to negotiations

In this case both peers must be able to accept phase 2 negotiations

to from L2TP peers. My-IPAddr is defined as whatever IP address the

device is willing to accept L2TP negotiations on.

Responder Filters present at both peers:

Inbound-1: From Any-Addr, to My-IPAddr, UDP, src Any-Port, dst 1701

Note: The source IP in the inbound-1 filter above for gateway to

gateway tunnels can be IP specific, such as, not necessarily


A.2.2 Protect the SCCRQ, one peer is now the initiator

Initiator Filters:

Outbound-1: From, to, UDP, src 5000, dst 1701

Inbound-1: From, to, UDP, src 1701, dst 5000

Inbound-2: From, to, UDP, src Any-Port, dst 5000

Inbound-3: From Any-Addr, to, UDP, src Any-Port, dst 1701

Responder Filters:

Outbound-1: None, dynamically injected when IKE Phase 2 completes

Inbound-1: From Any-Addr, to, UDP, src Any-Port, dst 1701

After IKE Phase 2 completes the filters at the initiator and

responder will be:

Initiator Filters:

Outbound-1: From, to, UDP, src 5000, dst 1701

Inbound-1: From, to, UDP, src 1701, dst 5000

Inbound-2: From, to, UDP, src Any-Port, dst 5000

Inbound-3: From Any-Addr, to, UDP, src Any-Port, dst 1701

Responder Filters:

Outbound-1: From, to, UDP, src 1701, dst 5000

Inbound-1: From, to, UDP, src 5000, dst 1701

Inbound-2: From Any-Addr, to, UDP, src Any-Port, dst 1701

A.2.3 Protect the SCCRP after port change

At this point the responder knows which port number it is going to

use. New filters should be injected by L2TP to reflect this new port


The new filter set at the responder is:

Responder Filters:

Outbound-1: From, to, UDP, src 6000, dst 5000

Outbound-2: From, to, UDP, src 1701, dst 5000

Inbound-1: From, to, UDP, src 5000, dst 6000

Inbound-2: From, to, UDP, src 5000, dst 1701

Inbound-3: From Any-Addr, to, UDP, src Any-Port, dst 1701

The second phase 2 will start once L2TP sends the SCCRP. Once the

phase 2 negotiations complete, the new filter set at the initiator

and the responder will be:

Initiator Filters:

Outbound-1: From, to, UDP, src 5000, dst 6000

Outbound-2: From, to, UDP, src 5000, dst 1701

Inbound-1: From, to, UDP, src 6000, dst 5000

Inbound-2: From, to, UDP, src 1701, dst 5000

Inbound-3: From, to, UDP, src Any-Port, dst 1701

Responder Filters:

Outbound-1: From, to, UDP, src 6000, dst 5000

Outbound-2: From, to, UDP, src 1701, dst 5000

Inbound-1: From, to, UDP, src 5000, dst 6000

Inbound-2: From, to, UDP, src 5000, dst 1701

Inbound-3: From Any-Addr, to, UDP, src Any-Port, dst 1701

Once the L2TP tunnel has been successfully established, the original

phase 2 may be deleted. This allows the Inbound-2 and Outbound-2

filter statements to be removed as well.

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