
RFC3179 - Script MIB Extensibility Protocol Version 1.1

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
窄屏简体版  字體: |||超大  

Network Working Group J. Schoenwaelder

Request for Comments: 3179 TU Braunschweig

Obsoletes: 2593 J. Quittek

Category: EXPerimental NEC Europe Ltd.

October 2001

Script MIB Extensibility Protocol Version 1.1

Status of this Memo

This memo defines an Experimental Protocol for the Internet

community. It does not specify an Internet standard of any kind.

Discussion and suggestions for improvement are requested.

Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2001). All Rights Reserved.


The Script MIB extensibility protocol (SMX) defined in this memo

separates language specific runtime systems from language independent

Script MIB implementations. The IETF Script MIB defines an interface

for the delegation of management functions based on the Internet

management framework. A management script is a set of instrUCtions

that are executed by a language specific runtime system.

Table of Contents

1 Introduction ................................................. 2

2 Process Model and Communication Model ........................ 3

3 Security Profiles ............................................ 4

4 Start of Runtime Systems and Connection Establishment ........ 4

5 SMX Messages ................................................. 5

5.1 Common Definitions ......................................... 5

5.2 Commands ................................................... 7

5.3 Replies .................................................... 7

6 Elements of Procedure ........................................ 9

6.1 SMX Message Processing on the Runtime Systems .............. 9

6.1.1 Processing the `hello' Command ........................... 10

6.1.2 Processing the `start' Command ........................... 10

6.1.3 Processing the `suspend' Command ......................... 11

6.1.4 Processing the `resume' Command .......................... 12

6.1.5 Processing the `abort' Command ........................... 12

6.1.6 Processing the `status' Command .......................... 12

6.1.7 Generation of Asynchronous Notifications ................. 13

6.2 SMX Message Processing on the SNMP Agent ................... 13

6.2.1 Creating a Runtime System ................................ 14

6.2.2 Generating the `hello' Command ........................... 14

6.2.3 Generating the `start' Command ........................... 15

6.2.4 Generating the `suspend' Command ......................... 16

6.2.5 Generating the `resume' Command .......................... 16

6.2.6 Generating the `abort' Command ........................... 17

6.2.7 Generating the `status' Command .......................... 18

6.2.8 Processing Asynchronous Notifications .................... 19

7 Example SMX Message Flow ..................................... 20

8 Transport Mappings ........................................... 20

8.1 SMX over Bi-directional Pipes .............................. 21

8.2 SMX over TCP ............................................... 21

9 Security Considerations ...................................... 21

10 Changes from RFC2593 ....................................... 22

11 Acknowledgments ............................................. 23

12 References .................................................. 23

13 Authors' Addresses .......................................... 24

14 Full Copyright Statement .................................... 25

1. Introduction

The Script MIB [1] defines a standard interface for the delegation of

management functions based on the Internet management framework. In

particular, it provides the following capabilities:

1. Transfer of management scripts to a distributed manager.

2. Initiating, suspending, resuming and terminating management


3. Transfer of arguments for management scripts.

4. Monitoring and control of running management scripts.

5. Transfer of results produced by management scripts.

A management script is a set of instructions executed by a language

specific runtime system. The Script MIB does not prescribe a

specific language. Instead, it allows to control scripts written in

different languages that are executing concurrently.

The Script MIB Extensibility protocol (SMX) defined in this memo can

be used to separate language specific runtime systems from the

runtime system independent Script MIB implementations. The

lightweight SMX protocol can be used to support different runtime

systems without any changes to the language neutral part of a Script

MIB implementation.

Examples of languages and runtime systems considered during the

design of the SMX protocol are the Java virtual machine [2] and the

Tool Command Language (Tcl) [3]. Other languages with comparable

features should be easy to integrate as well.

2. Process Model and Communication Model

Figure 1 shows the process and communication model underlying the SMX

protocol. The language and runtime system independent SNMP agent

implementing the Script MIB communicates with one ore more runtime

systems via the SMX protocol. A runtime system may be able to

execute one or multiple scripts simultaneously (multi-threading).

The SMX protocol supports multi-threading, but it does not require

multi-threaded runtime systems.

The SMX protocol uses a local storage device (usually implemented on

top of the local file system) to transfer scripts from the SNMP agent

to the runtime systems. The SNMP agent has read and write Access to

the script storage device while the runtime systems only need read

access. The SMX protocol passes the location of a script in the

local storage device to the runtime engines. It is then the

responsibility of the runtime engines to load the script from the

specified location.

runtime 1

+--------------+ SMX +---------+

<--------------> O O O <-+

SNMP Script MIB +---------+


SNMP Agent runtime 2

SMX +---------+

<--------------> O

+--------------+ +---------+

^ ^


script ----------+

+------> storage ------------------+


Figure 1: SMX process and communication model

3. Security Profiles

Security profiles control what a running script is allowed to do. It

is useful to distinguish two different classes of security profiles:

- The operating system security profile specifies the set of

operating system services that can be used by the operating system

level process which executes a script. Under UNIX, this maps to

the effective user and group identity for the running process. In

addition, many UNIX versions allow to set other resource limits,

such as the number of open files or the maximum stack sizes.

Another mechanism in UNIX is the chroot() system call which

changes the file system root for a process. The chroot()

mechanism can be used to prevent runtime systems from accessing

any system files. It is suggested to make use of all applicable

operating system security mechanism in order to protect the

operating system from malicious scripts or runtime systems.

- Secure runtime systems provide fine grained control over the set

of services that can be used by a running script at a particular

point during script execution. A runtime security profile

specifying fine grained access control is runtime system

dependent. For a Java virtual machine, the runtime security

profile is interpreted by the SecurityManager and ClassLoader

classes[4]. For Tcl, the runtime security profile maps to the

interpreter's security profile [5].

The SMX protocol allows to execute scripts under different operating

system profiles and runtime system profiles. Multiple operating

system security profiles are realized by using multiple runtime

systems which execute in operating system processes with different

security profiles. Multiple runtime security profiles are supported

by passing a security profile name to a runtime system during script


The Script MIB does not define how operating system or runtime system

security profiles are identified. This memo suggests that the

smLaunchOwner is mapped to an operating system security profile and a

runtime system security profile when a script is started.

4. Start of Runtime Systems and Connection Establishment

The SNMP agent starts runtime systems based on the static properties

of the runtime system (multi-threaded or single-threaded) and the

operating system security profiles. Starting a new runtime system

requires to create a process environment which matches the operating

system security profile.

In order to prevent SMX communication from untrusted peers the SNMP

agent has to choose a secure SMX transport. This memo defines two

transports in Section 8: (a) a bi-directional pipe using standard

input/output streams on the runtime engine side, and (b) a TCP

connection where the SNMP agent acts as a listening server that

accepts only connections from local runtime engines that authenticate

themselves with a secret shared between the agent and the runtime


5. SMX Messages

The message formats described below are defined using the Augmented

BNF (ABNF) defined in RFC2234 [6]. The definitions for `ALPHA',

`DIGIT', `HEXDIG', `WSP', `CRLF', `CR', `LF', `HTAB', `VCHAR' and

`DQUOTE' are imported from appendix A of RFC2234 and not repeated


5.1. Common Definitions

The following ABNF definitions are used in subsequent sections to

define the SMX protocol messages.

Zero = %x30 ; the ASCII character '0'

ProfileChars = DIGIT / ALPHA / %x2D-2F / %x3A / %x5F

; digits, alphas, and the characters

; '-', '.', '/', ':', '_'


HexString = 1*(HEXDIG HEXDIG)

Id = 1*DIGIT ; identifier for an SMX transaction

Script = QuotedString ; script file name

RunId = 1*DIGIT ; globally unique identifier for a

; running script (note, smRunIndex

; is only unique for a smLaunchOwner,

; smLaunchName pair)

Profile = 1*ProfileChars ; security profile name

RunState = "1" ; smRunState `initializing'

RunState =/ "2" ; smRunState `executing'

RunState =/ "3" ; smRunState `suspending'

RunState =/ "4" ; smRunState `suspended'

RunState =/ "5" ; smRunState `resuming'

RunState =/ "6" ; smRunState `aborting'

RunState =/ "7" ; smRunState `terminated'

ExitCode = "1" ; smRunExitCode `noError'

ExitCode =/ "2" ; smRunExitCode `halted'

ExitCode =/ "3" ; smRunExitCode `lifeTimeExceeded'

ExitCode =/ "4" ; smRunExitCode `noResourcesLeft'

ExitCode =/ "5" ; smRunExitCode `languageError'

ExitCode =/ "6" ; smRunExitCode `runtimeError'

ExitCode =/ "7" ; smRunExitCode `invalidArgument'

ExitCode =/ "8" ; smRunExitCode `securityViolation'

ExitCode =/ "9" ; smRunExitCode `genericError'

Authenticator = HexString ; authentication cookie

Version = "SMX/1.1" ; current version of the SMX protocol

Argument = HexString / QuotedString ; see smRunArgument

Result = HexString / QuotedString ; see smRunResult

ErrorMsg = HexString / QuotedString ; see smRunError

The definition of QuotedString requires further explanation. A

quoted string may contain special character sequences, all starting

with the backslash character (%x5C). The interpretation of these

sequences is as follows:

`\\' backslash character (`%x5C')

`\t' tab character (`HTAB')

`\n' newline character (`LF')

`\r' carriage-return character (`CR')

`\"' quote character (`DQUOTE')

In all other cases not listed above, the backslash is dropped and the

following character is treated as an ordinary character.

`Argument' and `Result' is either a QuotedString or a HexString. The

Script MIB defines script arguments and results as arbitrary octet

strings. The SMX protocol supports a binary and a human readable

representation since it is likely that printable argument and result

strings will be used frequently. However, an implementation must be

able to handle both formats in order to be compliant with the Script


The `Authenticator' is a HexString which does not carry any semantics

other than being a random sequence of bytes. It is therefore not

necessary to have a human readable representation.

5.2. Commands

The following ABNF definitions define the set of SMX commands which

can be sent from the SNMP agent to a runtime system.

Command = "hello" WSP Id CRLF

Command =/ "start" WSP Id WSP RunId WSP Script WSP Profile

WSP Argument CRLF

Command =/ "suspend" WSP Id WSP RunId CRLF

Command =/ "resume" WSP Id WSP RunId CRLF

Command =/ "abort" WSP Id WSP RunId CRLF

Command =/ "status" WSP Id WSP RunId CRLF

The `hello' command is always the first command sent over a SMX

connection. It is used to identify and authenticate the runtime

system. The `start' command starts the execution of a script. The

`suspend', `resume' and `abort' commands can be used to change the

status of a running script. The `status' command is used to retrieve

status information for a running script.

There is no compile command. It is the responsibility of the SNMP

agent to perform any compilation steps as needed before using the SMX

`start' command. There is no SMX command to shutdown a runtime

system. Closing the connection must be interpreted as a request to

terminate all running scripts in that runtime system and to shutdown

the runtime system.

5.3. Replies

Every reply message starts with a three digit reply code and ends

with `CRLF'. The three digits in a reply code have a special

meaning. The first digit identifies the class of a reply message.

The following classes exist:

1yz transient positive response

2yz permanent positive response

3yz transient negative response

4yz permanent negative response

5yz asynchronous notification

The classes 1yz and 3yz are currently not used by SMX version 1.1.

They are defined only for future SMX extensions.

The second digit encodes the specific category. The following

categories exist:

x0z syntax errors that don't fit any other category

x1z replies for commands targeted at the whole runtime system

x2z replies for commands targeted at scripts

x3z replies for commands targeted at running instances of scripts

The third digit gives a finer gradation of meaning in each category

specified by the second digit. Below is the ABNF definition of all

reply messages and codes:

Reply = "211" WSP Id WSP Version *1(WSP Authenticator) CRLF

; identification of the

; runtime system

Reply =/ "231" WSP Id WSP RunState CRLF

; status of a running script

Reply =/ "232" WSP Id CRLF ; abort of a running script

Reply =/ "401" WSP Id CRLF ; syntax error in command

Reply =/ "402" WSP Id CRLF ; unknown command

Reply =/ "421" WSP Id CRLF ; unknown or illegal Script

Reply =/ "431" WSP Id CRLF ; unknown or illegal RunId

Reply =/ "432" WSP Id CRLF ; unknown or illegal Profile

Reply =/ "433" WSP Id CRLF ; illegal Argument

Reply =/ "434" WSP Id CRLF ; unable to change the status of

; a running script

Reply =/ "511" WSP Zero WSP QuotedString CRLF

; an arbitrary message send from

; the runtime system

Reply =/ "531" WSP Zero WSP RunId WSP RunState CRLF

; asynchronous running script

; status change

Reply =/ "532" WSP Zero WSP RunId WSP RunState WSP Result CRLF

; intermediate script result

Reply =/ "533" WSP Zero WSP RunId WSP RunState WSP Result CRLF

; intermediate script result that

; triggers an event report

Reply =/ "534" WSP Zero WSP RunId WSP Result CRLF

; normal script termination,

; deprecated

Reply =/ "535" WSP Zero WSP RunId WSP ExitCode WSP ErrorMsg CRLF

; abnormal script termination,

; deprecated

Reply =/ "536" WSP Zero WSP RunId WSP RunState WSP ErrorMsg CRLF

; script error

Reply =/ "537" WSP Zero WSP RunId WSP RunState WSP ErrorMsg CRLF

; script error that

; triggers an event report

Reply =/ "538" WSP Zero WSP RunId WSP ExitCode CRLF

; script termination

6. Elements of Procedure

This section describes in detail the processing steps performed by

the SNMP agent and the runtime system with regard to the SMX


6.1. SMX Message Processing on the Runtime Systems

This section describes the processing of SMX command messages by a

runtime engine and the conditions under which asynchronous

notifications are generated.

When the runtime system receives a message, it first tries to

recognize a command consisting of the command string and the

transaction identifier. If the runtime system is not able to extract

both the command string and the transaction identifier, then the

message is discarded. An asynchronous `511' reply may be generated

in this case. Otherwise, the command string is checked to be valid,

i.e. to be one of the strings `hello', `start', `suspend', `resume',

`abort', or `status'. If the string is invalid, a `402' reply is

sent and processing of the message stops. If a valid command has

been detected, further processing of the message depends on the

command as described below.

The command specific processing describes several possible syntax

errors for which specific reply messages are generated. If the

runtime engine detects any syntax error which is not explicitly

mentioned or which cannot be identified uniquely, a generic `401'

reply is sent indicating that the command cannot be executed.

6.1.1. Processing the `hello' Command

When the runtime system receives a `hello' command, it processes it

as follows:

1. The runtime system sends a `211' reply. If the runtime system has

access to a shared secret, then the reply must contain the

optional `Authenticator', which is a function of the shared


6.1.2. Processing the `start' Command

When the runtime system receives a `start' command, it processes it

as follows:

1. The syntax of the arguments of the `start' command is checked.

The following four checks must be made:

(a) The syntax of the `RunId' parameter is checked and a `431'

reply is sent if any syntax error is detected.

(b) The syntax of the `Script' parameter is checked and a `421'

reply is sent if any syntax error is detected.

(c) The syntax of the `Profile' parameter is checked and a `432'

reply is sent if any syntax error is detected.

(d) If syntax of the `Argument' parameter is checked and a `433'

reply is sent if any syntax error is detected.

2. The runtime system checks whether the new `RunId' is already in

use. If yes, a `431' reply is sent and processing stops.

3. The runtime system checks whether the `Script' parameter is the

name of a file on the local storage device, that can be read. A

`421' reply is sent and processing stops if the file does not

exist or is not readable.

4. The runtime system checks whether the security profile is known

and sends a `432' reply and stops processing if not.

5. The runtime engine starts the script given by the script name.

When the script has been started, a `231' reply is sent including

the current run state.

Processing of the `start' command stops, when the script reaches the

state `running'. For each asynchronous state change of the running

script, a `531' reply is sent. Processing of the `start' command is

also stopped if an error occurs before the state `running' is

reached. In this case, the run is aborted and a `538' reply is

generated. An optional `536' reply can be send before the `538'

reply to report an error message.

If an `abort' command or a `suspend' command for the running script

is received before processing of the `start' command is complete,

then the processing of the `start' command may be stopped before the

state `running' is reached. In this case, the resulting status of

the running script is given by the respective reply to the `abort' or

`suspend' command, and no reply with the transaction identifier of

the `start' command is generated.

6.1.3. Processing the `suspend' Command

When the runtime system receives a `suspend' command, it processes it

as follows:

1. If there is a syntax error in the running script identifier or if

there is no running script matching the identifier, a `431' reply

is sent and processing of the command is stopped.

2. If the running script is already in the state `suspended', a `231'

reply is sent and processing of the command is stopped.

3. If the running script is in the state `running', it is suspended

and a `231' reply is sent after suspending. If suspending fails,

a `434' reply is sent and processing of the command is stopped.

4. If the running script has not yet reached the state `running' (the

`start' command still being processed), it may reach the state

`suspended' without having been in the state `running'. After

reaching the state `suspended', a `231' reply is sent.

5. If the running script is in any other state, a `434' reply is


6.1.4. Processing the `resume' Command

When the runtime system receives a `resume' command, it processes it

as follows:

1. If there is a syntax error in the running script identifier or if

there is no running script matching the identifier, a `431' reply

is sent and processing of the command is stopped.

2. If the running script is already in the state `running', a `231'

reply is sent and processing of the command is stopped.

3. If the running script is in the state `suspended', it is resumed

and a `231' reply is sent after resuming. If resuming fails, a

`434' reply is sent and processing of the command is stopped.

4. If the `start' command is still being processed for the script, a

`231' reply is sent when the state `running' has been reached.

5. If the running script is in any other state, a `434' reply is


6.1.5. Processing the `abort' Command

When the runtime system receives an `abort' command, it processes it

as follows:

1. If there is a syntax error in the running script identifier or if

there is no running script matching the identifier, a `431' reply

is sent and processing of the command is stopped.

2. If the running script is already aborted, a `232' reply is sent

and processing of the command is stopped.

3. The running script is aborted and a `232' reply is sent after

aborting. If aborting fails, a `434' reply is sent and processing

is stopped.

6.1.6. Processing the `status' Command

When the runtime system receives a `status' command, it processes it

as follows:

1. If there is a syntax error in the running script identifier or if

there is no running script matching the identifier, a `431' reply

is sent and processing of the command is stopped.

2. The status of the script is oBTained and a `231' reply is sent.

6.1.7. Generation of Asynchronous Notifications

The runtime system generates or may generate the following


1. If a change of the status of a running script is observed by the

runtime system, a `531' reply is sent.

2. A `534' reply is sent if a running script terminates normally.

This reply is deprecated. You can emulate this reply with a

combination of a `532' reply and a `538' reply.

3. A `535' reply is sent if a running script terminates abnormally.

This reply is deprecated. You can emulate this reply with a

combination of a `536' reply and a `538' reply.

4. A `532' reply is sent if a script generates an intermediate


5. A `533' reply is sent if a script generates an intermediate result

which causes the generation of a `smScriptResult' notification.

6. A `536' reply is sent if a running script produces an error. If

the error is fatal, the script execution will be terminated and a

538 reply will follow. Otherwise, if the error is non-fatal, the

script continues execution.

7. A `537' reply is sent if a running script produces an error which

should cause the generation of a `smScriptException' notification.

If the error is fatal, the script execution will be terminated and

a 538 reply will follow. Otherwise, if the error is non-fatal,

the script continues execution.

8. A `538' reply is sent if a running script terminates. The

ExitCode is used to distinguish between normal termination

(`noError') or abnormal termination.

9. Besides the notifications mentioned above, the runtime system may

generate arbitrary `511' replies, which are logged or displayed by

the SNMP agent.

6.2. SMX Message Processing on the SNMP Agent

This section describes the conditions under which an SNMP agent

implementing the Script MIB generates SMX commands. It also

describes how the SNMP agent processes replies to SMX commands.

6.2.1. Creating a Runtime System

New runtime systems are started by the SNMP agent while processing

set requests for a `smLaunchStart' variable. The SNMP agent first

searches for an already running runtime systems which matches the

security profiles associated with the `smLaunchStart' variable. If

no suitable runtime system is available, a new runtime system is

started by either

(a) starting the executable for the runtime system in a new process

which conforms to the operating system security profile, and

establishing a bi-directional pipe to the runtime systems

standard input/output streams to be used for SMX transport, or

(b) preparing the environment for the new runtime system and starting

the executable for the runtime system in a new process which

conforms to the operating system security profile. The SNMP

agent prepares to accept a connection from the new runtime


The `smRunState' of all scripts that should be executed in the new

runtime system is set to `initializing'.

6.2.2. Generating the `hello' Command

The `hello' command is generated once an SMX connection is

established. The SNMP agent sends the `hello' command as defined in

section 5.2. The SNMP agent then expects a reply from the runtime

system within a reasonable timeout interval.

1. If the timeout expires before the SNMP agent received a reply,

then the connection is closed and all data associated with it is

deleted. Any scripts that should be running in this runtime

system are aborted, the `smRunExitCode' is set to `genericError'

and `smRunError' is modified to describe the error situation.

2. If the received message can not be analyzed because it does not

have the required format, then the connection is closed and all

data associated with it is deleted. Any scripts that should be

running in this runtime system are aborted, the `smRunExitCode' is

set to `genericError' and `smRunError' is modified to describe the

error situation.

3. If the received message is a `211' reply, then the `Id' is checked

whether it matches the `Id' used in the `hello' command. If the

`Id' matches, then the `Version' is checked. If the `Version'

matches a supported SMX protocol version, then, if present, the

`Authenticator' is checked. If any of the tests fails or if the

SNMP agent requires an authenticator and it did not receive a

matching `Authenticator' with the `211' reply, then the connection

is closed and all data associated with this runtime system is

deleted. Any scripts that should be running in this runtime

system are aborted, the `smRunExitCode' is set to `genericError'

and `smRunError' is modified to describe the error situation.

4. Received messages are discarded if none of the previous rules


6.2.3. Generating the `start' Command

The `start' command is generated while processing set-requests for a

`smLaunchStart' variable. The `start' command assumes that the SNMP

agent already determined a runtime system suitable to execute the

script associated with the `smLaunchStart' variable. The SNMP agent

sends the `start' command as defined in section 5.2 to the selected

runtime system. The SNMP agent then expects a reply from the runtime

system within a reasonable timeout interval.

1. If the timeout expires before the SNMP agent received a reply,

then the SNMP agent sends an `abort' command to abort the running

script and sets the `RunState' of the running script to

`terminated', the `smRunExitCode' to `genericError' and

`smRunError' is modified to describe the timeout situation.

2. If the received message can not be analyzed because it does not

have the required format, then the message is ignored. The SNMP

agent continues to wait for a valid reply message until the

timeout expires.

3. If the received message is a `4yz' reply and the `Id' matches the

`Id' of the `start' command, then the SNMP agent assumes that the

script can not be started. The `smRunState' of the running script

is set to `terminated', the `smRunExitCode' to `genericError' and

the `smRunError' is modified to contain a message describing the

error situation.

4. If the received message is a `231' reply and the `Id' matches the

`Id' of the `start' command, then the `smRunState' variable of the

running script is updated.

5. Received messages are discarded if none of the previous rules


6.2.4. Generating the `suspend' Command

The `suspend' command is generated while processing set-requests for

the `smLaunchControl' and `smRunControl' variables which change the

value to `suspend'. The SNMP agent sets the `smRunState' variable to

`suspending' and sends the `suspend' command as defined in section

5.2. The SNMP agent then expects a reply from the runtime system

within a reasonable timeout interval.

1. If the timeout expires before the SNMP agent received a reply,

then the SNMP agent sends an `abort' command to abort the running

script and sets the `smRunState' of the running script to

`terminated', the `smRunExitCode' to `genericError' and

`smRunError' is modified to describe the timeout situation.

2. If the received message can not be analyzed because it does not

have the required format, then the message is ignored. The SNMP

agent continues to wait for a valid reply message until the

timeout expires.

3. If the received message is a `401', `402' or a `431' reply and the

`Id' matches the `Id' of the `suspend' command, then the runtime

systems is assumed to not provide the suspend/resume capability

and processing of the `suspend' command stops.

4. If the received message is a `231' reply and the `Id' matches the

`Id' of the `suspend' command, then the `smRunState' variable of

the running script is updated.

5. Received messages are discarded if none of the previous rules


6.2.5. Generating the `resume' Command

The `resume' command is generated while processing set-requests for

the `smLaunchControl' and `smRunControl' variables which change the

value to `resume'. The SNMP agent sets the `smRunState' variable to

`resuming' and sends the `resume' command as defined in section 5.2.

The SNMP agent then expects a reply from the runtime system within a

reasonable timeout interval.

1. If the timeout expires before the SNMP agent received a reply,

then the SNMP agent sends an `abort' command to abort the running

script and sets the `smRunState' of the running script to

`terminated', the `smRunExitCode' to `genericError' and

`smRunError' is modified to describe the timeout situation.

2. If the received message can not be analyzed because it does not

have the required format, then the message is ignored. The SNMP

agent continues to wait for a valid reply message until the

timeout expires.

3. If the received message is a `401', `402' or a `431' reply and the

`Id' matches the `Id' of the `resume' command, then the runtime

systems is assumed to not provide the suspend/resume capability

and processing of the `resume' command stops.

4. If the received message is a `231' reply and the `Id' matches the

`Id' of the `resume' command, then the `smRunState' variable of

the running script is updated.

5. Received messages are discarded if none of the previous rules


6.2.6. Generating the `abort' Command

The `abort' command is generated while processing set-requests for

the `smLaunchControl' and `smRunControl' variables which change the

value to `abort'. In addition, the `abort' command is also generated

if the `smRunLifeTime' variable reaches the value 0. The SNMP agent

sends the `abort' command as defined in section 5.2. The SNMP agent

then expects a reply from the runtime system within a reasonable

timeout interval.

1. If the timeout expires before the SNMP agent received a reply,

then the SNMP agent sets the `smRunState' of the running script to

`terminated', the `smRunExitCode' to `genericError' and

`smRunError' is modified to describe the timeout situation.

2. If the received message can not be analyzed because it does not

have the required format, then the message is ignored. The SNMP

agent continues to wait for a valid reply message until the

timeout expires.

3. If the received message is a `4yz' reply and the `Id' matches the

`Id' of the `abort' command, then the SNMP agent assumes that the

script can not be aborted. The `smRunState' of the running script

is set to `terminated', the `smRunExitCode' to `genericError' and

the `smRunResult' is modified to describe the error situation.

4. If the received message is a `232' reply and the `Id' matches the

`Id' of the `abort' command, then the `smRunExitCode' variable of

the terminated script is changed to either `halted' (when

processing a set-request for the `smLaunchControl' and

`smRunControl' variables) or `lifeTimeExceeded' (if the `abort'

command was generated because the `smRunLifeTime' variable reached

the value 0). The `smRunState' variable is changed to the value


5. Received messages are discarded if none of the previous rules


6.2.7. Generating the `status' Command

The `status' command is generated either periodically or on demand by

the SNMP agent in order to retrieve status information from running

scripts. The SNMP agent sends the `status' command as defined in

5.2. The SNMP agent then expects a reply from the runtime system

within a reasonable timeout interval.

1. If the timeout expires before the SNMP agent received a reply,

then the SNMP agent sends an `abort' command to abort the running

script and sets the `smRunState' of the running script to

`terminated', the `smRunExitCode' to `genericError' and

`smRunError' is modified to describe the timeout situation.

2. If the received message can not be analyzed because it does not

have the required format, then the message is ignored. The SNMP

agent continues to wait for a valid reply message until the

timeout expires.

3. If the received message is a `4yz' reply and the `Id' matches the

`Id' of the `status' command, then the SNMP agent assumes that the

script status can not be read, which is a fatal error condition.

The SNMP agent sends an `abort' command to abort the running

script. The `smRunState' of the running script is set to

`terminated', the `smRunExitCode' to `genericError' and the

`smRunError' is modified to describe the error situation.

4. If the received message is a `231' reply and the `Id' matches the

`Id' of the `status' command, then the `smRunState' variable of

the running script is updated.

5. Received messages are discarded if none of the previous rules


6.2.8. Processing Asynchronous Notifications

The runtime system can send asynchronous status change notifications.

These `5yz' replies are processed as described below.

1. If the received message is a `511' reply, then the message is

displayed or logged appropriately and processing stops.

2. If the received message is a `531' reply, then the SNMP agent

checks whether a running script with the given `RunId' exists in

the runtime system. Processing of the notification stops if there

is no running script with the `RunId'. Otherwise, the

`smRunState' is updated.

3. If the received message is a `532' reply, then the SNMP agent

checks whether a running script with the given `RunId' exists in

the runtime system. Processing of the notification stops if there

is no running script with the `RunId'. Otherwise, `smRunState'

and `smRunResult' are updated.

4. If the received message is a `533' reply, then the SNMP agent

checks whether a running script with the given `RunId' exists in

the runtime system. Processing of the notification stops if there

is no running script with the `RunId'. Otherwise, `smRunState'

and `smRunResult' are updated and the `smScriptResult'

notification is generated.

5. If the received message is a `534' reply, then the SNMP agent

checks whether a running script with the given `RunId' exists in

the runtime system. Processing stops if there is no running

script with the `RunId'. Otherwise, `smExitCode' is set to

`noError', `smRunState' is set to `terminated' and `smRunResult'

is updated.

6. If the received message is a `535' reply, then the SNMP agent

checks whether a running script with the given `RunId' exists in

the runtime system. Processing stops if there is no running

script with the `RunId'. Otherwise, `smRunState' is set to

`terminated' and `smExitCode' and `smRunError' are updated.

7. If the received message is a `536' reply, then the SNMP agent

checks whether a running script with the given `RunId' exists in

the runtime system. Processing of the notification stops if there

is no running script with the `RunId'. Otherwise, `smRunState'

and `smRunError' are updated.

8. If the received message is a `537' reply, then the SNMP agent

checks whether a running script with the given `RunId' exists in

the runtime system. Processing of the notification stops if there

is no running script with the `RunId'. Otherwise, `smRunState'

and `smRunError' are updated and the `smScriptException'

notification is generated.

9. If the received message is a `538' reply, then the SNMP agent

checks whether a running script with the given `RunId' exists in

the runtime system. Processing of the notification stops if there

is no running script with the `RunId'. Otherwise, `smRunState' is

set to `terminated' and the `smExitCode' is updated.

7. Example SMX Message Flow

Below is an example SMX message exchange. Messages sent from the

SNMP agent are marked with `>' while replies sent from the runtime

system are marked with `<'. Line terminators (`CRLF') are not shown

in order to make the example more readable.

> hello 1

< 211 1 SMX/1.1 0AF0BAED6F877FBC

> start 2 42 "/var/snmp/scripts/foo.jar" untrusted ""

> start 5 44 "/var/snmp/scripts/bar.jar" trusted "www.ietf.org"

< 231 2 2

> start 12 48 "/var/snmp/scripts/foo.jar" funny ""

< 231 5 2

< 532 0 44 2 "waiting for response"

> status 18 42

> status 19 44

< 432 12

< 231 19 2

< 231 18 2

> hello 578

< 211 578 SMX/1.1 0AF0BAED6F877FBC

> suspend 581 42

< 231 581 4

< 532 0 44 7 "test completed"

< 538 0 44 1

> abort 611 42

< 232 611

8. Transport Mappings

In order to prevent SMX communication from untrusted peers the SNMP

agent has to choose a secure SMX transport. This memo defines two

transports in Section 8: (a) a bi-directional pipe using standard

input/output streams on the runtime engine side, and (b) a TCP

connection where the SNMP agent acts as a listening server that

accepts only connections from local runtime engines that authenticate

themselves with a secret shared between the agent and the runtime


For simplicity and security reasons the transport over bi-directional

pipes is the preferred transport.

Further transports (e.g., UNIX domain sockets) are possible but not

defined at this point in time. The reason for choosing pipes and TCP

connections as the transport for SMX was that these IPC mechanisms

are supported by most potential runtime systems, while other

transports are not universally available.

8.1. SMX over Bi-directional Pipes

The SNMP agent first creates a bi-directional pipe. Then the agent

creates the runtime system process with its standard input and

standard output streams connected to the pipe. Further

authentication mechanisms are not required.

8.2. SMX over TCP

The SNMP agent first creates a listening TCP socket which accepts

connections from runtime systems. Then the agent creates the runtime

system process. It is then the responsibility of the runtime system

to establish a connection to the agent's TCP socket once it has been

started. The SNMP agent must ensure that only authorized runtime

systems establish a connection to the listening TCP socket. The

following rules are used for this purpose:

- The TCP connection must originate from the local host.

- The SNMP agent must check the `Authenticator' in the `211' reply

if authentication is required and it must close the TCP connection

if no valid response is received within a given time interval.

9. Security Considerations

The SMX protocol as specified in this memo runs over a bi-directional

pipe or over a local TCP connection between the agent and the runtime

system. Protocol messages never leave the local system. It is

therefore not possible to attack the message exchanges if the

underlying operating system protects bi-directional pipes and local

TCP connections from other users on the same machine.

The transport over a bi-directional pipe specifies that the pipe is

created and connected to the standard input/output stream of the

runtime engine by the agent before the runtime engine is started. It

is therefore not possible that an unauthorized process can exchange

SMX messages over the bi-directional pipe.

In case of the TCP transport, the only critical situation is the

connection establishment phase. The rules defined in section 8

ensure that only local connections are accepted and that a runtime

system has to authenticate itself with an authenticator if the agent

requires authentication. It is strongly suggested that agents

require authentication, especially on multiuser systems.

The SMX 1.0 specification in RFC2593 suggested a scheme where the

authenticator was passed to the runtime engines as part of the

process environment. This scheme relies on the protection of process

environments by the operating system against unauthorized access.

Some operating systems allow users to read the process environment of

arbitrary processes. Hence the scheme proposed in RFC2593 is

considered unsecure on these operating systems. This memo does not

dictate the mechanism by which the runtime obtains the shares secret.

It is the responsibility of implementors or administrators to select

a mechanism which is secure on the target platforms.

The SMX protocol assumes a local script storage area which is used to

pass script code from the SNMP agent to the runtime systems. The SMX

protocol passes file names from the agent to the runtime engines. It

is necessary that the script files in the local script storage area

are properly protected so that only the SNMP agent has write access.

Failure to properly protect write access to the local script storage

area can allow attackers to execute arbitrary code in runtime systems

that might have special privileges.

The SMX protocol allows to execute script under different operating

system and runtime system security profiles. The memo suggests to

map the smLaunchOwner value to an operating system and a runtime

system security profile. The operating system security profile is

enforced by the operating system by setting up a proper process

environment. The runtime security profile is enforced by a secure

runtime system (e.g., the Java virtual machine or a safe Tcl

interpreter) [7].

10. Changes from RFC2593

The following non-editorial changes have been made:

1. Added the `536' and `537' replies which may be generated

asynchronously by runtime engines to report error conditions.

2. Added the `538' reply which can be used to signal the (normal or

abnormal) termination of a running script. This new reply

replaces the `534' and `535' replies, which are now deprecated.

3. Relaxed the rules for ProfileChars to also include the characters

':' and '_', which are frequently used in namespaces and


4. Changed the SMX protocol version number from 1.0 to 1.1.

5. Added a second (and preferred) transport over a bi-directional

pipe due to security risks when a shared secret is passed through

an operating system's environment variable.

6. Made the `Authenticator' in the `211' reply optional.

11. Acknowledgments

The protocol described in this memo is the result of a joint project

between the Technical University of Braunschweig and C&C Research

Laboratories of NEC Europe Ltd. in Heidelberg. The authors like to

thank Matthias Bolz, Cornelia Kappler, Andreas Kind, Sven Mertens,

Jan Nicklisch, and Frank Strauss for their contributions to the

design and the implementation of the protocol described in this memo.

The authors also like to thank David Wallis for pointing out a

security risk in SMX 1.0 with passing a cookie via an operating

system environment variable.

12. References

[1] Levi, D. and J. Schoenwaelder, "Definitions of Managed Objects

for the Delegation of Management Scripts", RFC3165, September


[2] Lindholm, T., and F. Yellin, "The Java Virtual Machine

Specification", Addison Wesley, 1997.

[3] J.K. Ousterhout, "Tcl and the Tk Toolkit", Addison Wesley, 1994.

[4] Fritzinger, J.S., and M. Mueller, "Java Security", White Paper,

Sun Microsystems, Inc., 1996.

[5] Levy, J.Y., Demailly, L., Ousterhout, J.K., and B. Welch, "The

Safe-Tcl Security Model", Proc. USENIX Annual Technical

Conference, June 1998.

[6] Crocker, D. and P. Overell, "Augmented BNF for Syntax

Specifications: ABNF", RFC2234, November 1997.

[7] Schoenwaelder, J., and J. Quittek, "Secure Internet Management

by Delegation", Computer Networks 35(1), January 2001.

13. Authors' Addresses

Juergen Schoenwaelder

TU Braunschweig

Bueltenweg 74/75

38106 Braunschweig


Phone: +49 531 391-3283

EMail: schoenw@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de

Juergen Quittek

NEC Europe Ltd.

C&C Research Laboratories

Adenauerplatz 6

69115 Heidelberg


Phone: +49 6221 90511-15

EMail: quittek@ccrle.nec.de

14. Full Copyright Statement

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2001). All Rights Reserved.

This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to

others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it

or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published

and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any

kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are

included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this

document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing

the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other

Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of

developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for

copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be

followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than


The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be

revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.

This document and the information contained herein is provided on an







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