
RFC3208 - PGM Reliable Transport Protocol Specification

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group T. Speakman

Request for Comments: 3208 Cisco Systems

Category: EXPerimental J. Crowcroft


J. Gemmell


D. Farinacci

Procket Networks

S. Lin

Juniper Networks

D. Leshchiner

TIBCO Software

M. Luby

Digital Fountain

T. Montgomery

Talarian Corporation

L. Rizzo

University of Pisa

A. Tweedly

N. Bhaskar

R. Edmonstone

R. Sumanasekera

L. Vicisano

Cisco Systems

December 2001

PGM Reliable Transport Protocol Specification

Status of this Memo

This memo defines an Experimental Protocol for the Internet

community. It does not specify an Internet standard of any kind.

Discussion and suggestions for improvement are requested.

Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2001). All Rights Reserved.


Pragmatic General Multicast (PGM) is a reliable multicast transport

protocol for applications that require ordered or unordered,

duplicate-free, multicast data delivery from multiple sources to

multiple receivers. PGM guarantees that a receiver in the group

either receives all data packets from transmissions and repairs, or

is able to detect unrecoverable data packet loss. PGM is

specifically intended as a workable solution for multicast

applications with basic reliability requirements. Its central design

goal is simplicity of operation with due regard for scalability and

network efficiency.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction and Overview .................................. 3

2. Architectural Description .................................. 9

3. Terms and Concepts ......................................... 12

4. Procedures - General ....................................... 18

5. Procedures - Sources ....................................... 19

6. Procedures - Receivers ..................................... 22

7. Procedures - Network Elements .............................. 27

8. Packet Formats ............................................. 31

9. Options .................................................... 40

10. Security Considerations .................................... 56

11. Appendix A - Forward Error Correction ...................... 58

12. Appendix B - Support for Congestion Control ................ 72

13. Appendix C - SPM Requests .................................. 79

14. Appendix D - Poll Mechanism ................................ 82

15. Appendix E - Implosion Prevention .......................... 92

16. Appendix F - Transmit Window Example ....................... 98

17 Appendix G - Applicability Statement ....................... 103

18. Abbreviations .............................................. 105

19. Acknowledgments ............................................ 106

20. References ................................................. 106

21. Authors' Addresses.......................................... 108

22. Full Copyright Statement ................................... 111

Nota Bene:

The publication of this specification is intended to freeze the

definition of PGM in the interest of fostering both ongoing and

prospective experimentation with the protocol. The intent of that

experimentation is to provide experience with the implementation and

deployment of a reliable multicast protocol of this class so as to be

able to feed that experience back into the longer-term

standardization process underway in the Reliable Multicast Transport

Working Group of the IETF. Appendix G provides more specific detail

on the scope and status of some of this experimentation. Reports of

experiments include [16-23]. Additional results and new

experimentation are encouraged.

1. Introduction and Overview

A variety of reliable protocols have been proposed for multicast data

delivery, each with an emphasis on particular types of applications,

network characteristics, or definitions of reliability ([1], [2],

[3], [4]). In this tradition, Pragmatic General Multicast (PGM) is a

reliable transport protocol for applications that require ordered or

unordered, duplicate-free, multicast data delivery from multiple

sources to multiple receivers.

PGM is specifically intended as a workable solution for multicast

applications with basic reliability requirements rather than as a

comprehensive solution for multicast applications with sophisticated

ordering, agreement, and robustness requirements. Its central design

goal is simplicity of operation with due regard for scalability and

network efficiency.

PGM has no notion of group membership. It simply provides reliable

multicast data delivery within a transmit window advanced by a source

according to a purely local strategy. Reliable delivery is provided

within a source's transmit window from the time a receiver joins the

group until it departs. PGM guarantees that a receiver in the group

either receives all data packets from transmissions and repairs, or

is able to detect unrecoverable data packet loss. PGM supports any

number of sources within a multicast group, each fully identified by

a globally unique Transport Session Identifier (TSI), but since these

sources/sessions operate entirely independently of each other, this

specification is phrased in terms of a single source and extends

without modification to multiple sources.

More specifically, PGM is not intended for use with applications that

depend either upon acknowledged delivery to a known group of

recipients, or upon total ordering amongst multiple sources.

Rather, PGM is best suited to those applications in which members may

join and leave at any time, and that are either insensitive to

unrecoverable data packet loss or are prepared to resort to

application recovery in the event. Through its optional extensions,

PGM provides specific mechanisms to support applications as disparate

as stock and news updates, data conferencing, low-delay real-time

video transfer, and bulk data transfer.

In the following text, transport-layer originators of PGM data

packets are referred to as sources, transport-layer consumers of PGM

data packets are referred to as receivers, and network-layer entities

in the intervening network are referred to as network elements.

Unless otherwise specified, the term "repair" will be used to

indicate both the actual retransmission of a copy of a missing packet

or the transmission of an FEC repair packet.




document are to be interpreted as described in RFC2119 [14] and

indicate requirement levels for compliant PGM implementations.

1.1. Summary of Operation

PGM runs over a datagram multicast protocol such as IP multicast [5].

In the normal course of data transfer, a source multicasts sequenced

data packets (ODATA), and receivers unicast selective negative

acknowledgments (NAKs) for data packets detected to be missing from

the expected sequence. Network elements forward NAKs PGM-hop-by-

PGM-hop to the source, and confirm each hop by multicasting a NAK

confirmation (NCF) in response on the interface on which the NAK was

received. Repairs (RDATA) may be provided either by the source

itself or by a Designated Local Repairer (DLR) in response to a NAK.

Since NAKs provide the sole mechanism for reliability, PGM is

particularly sensitive to their loss. To minimize NAK loss, PGM

defines a network-layer hop-by-hop procedure for reliable NAK


Upon detection of a missing data packet, a receiver repeatedly

unicasts a NAK to the last-hop PGM network element on the

distribution tree from the source. A receiver repeats this NAK until

it receives a NAK confirmation (NCF) multicast to the group from that

PGM network element. That network element responds with an NCF to

the first occurrence of the NAK and any further retransmissions of

that same NAK from any receiver. In turn, the network element

repeatedly forwards the NAK to the upstream PGM network element on

the reverse of the distribution path from the source of the original

data packet until it also receives an NCF from that network element.

Finally, the source itself receives and confirms the NAK by

multicasting an NCF to the group.

While NCFs are multicast to the group, they are not propagated by PGM

network elements since they act as hop-by-hop confirmations.

To avoid NAK implosion, PGM specifies procedures for subnet-based NAK

suppression amongst receivers and NAK elimination within network

elements. The usual result is the propagation of just one copy of a

given NAK along the reverse of the distribution path from any network

with directly connected receivers to a source.

The net effect is that unicast NAKs return from a receiver to a

source on the reverse of the path on which ODATA was forwarded, that

is, on the reverse of the distribution tree from the source. More

specifically, they return through exactly the same sequence of PGM

network elements through which ODATA was forwarded, but in reverse.

The reasons for handling NAKs this way will become clear in the

discussion of constraining repairs, but first it's necessary to

describe the mechanisms for establishing the requisite source path

state in PGM network elements.

To establish source path state in PGM network elements, the basic

data transfer operation is augmented by Source Path Messages (SPMs)

from a source, periodically interleaved with ODATA. SPMs function

primarily to establish source path state for a given TSI in all PGM

network elements on the distribution tree from the source. PGM

network elements use this information to address returning unicast

NAKs directly to the upstream PGM network element toward the source,

and thereby insure that NAKs return from a receiver to a source on

the reverse of the distribution path for the TSI.

SPMs are sent by a source at a rate that serves to maintain up-to-

date PGM neighbor information. In addition, SPMs complement the role

of DATA packets in provoking further NAKs from receivers, and

maintaining receive window state in the receivers.

As a further efficiency, PGM specifies procedures for the constraint

of repairs by network elements so that they reach only those network

segments containing group members that did not receive the original

transmission. As NAKs traverse the reverse of the ODATA path

(upward), they establish repair state in the network elements which

is used in turn to constrain the (downward) forwarding of the

corresponding RDATA.

Besides procedures for the source to provide repairs, PGM also

specifies options and procedures that permit designated local

repairers (DLRs) to announce their availability and to redirect

repair requests (NAKs) to themselves rather than to the original

source. In addition to these conventional procedures for loss

recovery through selective ARQ, Appendix A specifies Forward Error

Correction (FEC) procedures for sources to provide and receivers to

request general error correcting parity packets rather than selective


Finally, since PGM operates without regular return traffic from

receivers, conventional feedback mechanisms for transport flow and

congestion control cannot be applied. Appendix B specifies a TCP-

friendly, NE-based solution for PGM congestion control, and cites a

reference to a TCP-friendly, end-to-end solution for PGM congestion


In its basic operation, PGM relies on a purely rate-limited

transmission strategy in the source to bound the bandwidth consumed

by PGM transport sessions and to define the transmit window

maintained by the source.

PGM defines four basic packet types: three that flow downstream

(SPMs, DATA, NCFs), and one that flows upstream (NAKs).

1.2. Design Goals and Constraints

PGM has been designed to serve that broad range of multicast

applications that have relatively simple reliability requirements,

and to do so in a way that realizes the much advertised but often

unrealized network efficiencies of multicast data transfer. The

usual impediments to realizing these efficiencies are the implosion

of negative and positive acknowledgments from receivers to sources,

repair latency from the source, and the propagation of repairs to

disinterested receivers.

1.2.1. Reliability.

Reliable data delivery across an unreliable network is conventionally

achieved through an end-to-end protocol in which a source (implicitly

or explicitly) solicits receipt confirmation from a receiver, and the

receiver responds positively or negatively. While the frequency of

negative acknowledgments is a function of the reliability of the

network and the receiver's resources (and so, potentially quite low),

the frequency of positive acknowledgments is fixed at at least the

rate at which the transmit window is advanced, and usually more


Negative acknowledgments primarily determine repairs and reliability.

Positive acknowledgments primarily determine transmit buffer


When these principles are extended without modification to multicast

protocols, the result, at least for positive acknowledgments, is a

burden of positive acknowledgments transmitted to the source that

quickly threatens to overwhelm it as the number of receivers grows.

More succinctly, ACK implosion keeps ACK-based reliable multicast

protocols from scaling well.

One of the goals of PGM is to get as strong a definition of

reliability as possible from as simple a protocol as possible. ACK

implosion can be addressed in a variety of effective but complicated

ways, most of which require re-transmit capability from other than

the original source.

An alternative is to dispense with positive acknowledgments

altogether, and to resort to other strategies for buffer management

while retaining negative acknowledgments for repairs and reliability.

The approach taken in PGM is to retain negative acknowledgments, but

to dispense with positive acknowledgments and resort instead to

timeouts at the source to manage transmit resources.

The definition of reliability with PGM is a direct consequence of

this design decision. PGM guarantees that a receiver either receives

all data packets from transmissions and repairs, or is able to detect

unrecoverable data packet loss.

PGM includes strategies for repeatedly provoking NAKs from receivers,

and for adding reliability to the NAKs themselves. By reinforcing

the NAK mechanism, PGM minimizes the probability that a receiver will

detect a missing data packet so late that the packet is unavailable

for repair either from the source or from a designated local repairer

(DLR). Without ACKs and knowledge of group membership, however, PGM

cannot eliminate this possibility.

1.2.2. Group Membership

A second consequence of eliminating ACKs is that knowledge of group

membership is neither required nor provided by the protocol.

Although a source may receive some PGM packets (NAKs for instance)

from some receivers, the identity of the receivers does not figure in

the processing of those packets. Group membership MAY change during

the course of a PGM transport session without the knowledge of or

consequence to the source or the remaining receivers.

1.2.3. Efficiency

While PGM avoids the implosion of positive acknowledgments simply by

dispensing with ACKs, the implosion of negative acknowledgments is

addressed directly.

Receivers observe a random back-off prior to generating a NAK during

which interval the NAK is suppressed (i.e. it is not sent, but the

receiver acts as if it had sent it) by the receiver upon receipt of a

matching NCF. In addition, PGM network elements eliminate duplicate

NAKs received on different interfaces on the same network element.

The combination of these two strategies usually results in the source

receiving just a single NAK for any given lost data packet.

Whether a repair is provided from a DLR or the original source, it is

important to constrain that repair to only those network segments

containing members that negatively acknowledged the original

transmission rather than propagating it throughout the group. PGM

specifies procedures for network elements to use the pattern of NAKs

to define a sub-tree within the group upon which to forward the

corresponding repair so that it reaches only those receivers that

missed it in the first place.

1.2.4. Simplicity

PGM is designed to achieve the greatest improvement in reliability

(as compared to the usual UDP) with the least complexity. As a

result, PGM does NOT address conference control, global ordering

amongst multiple sources in the group, nor recovery from network


1.2.5. Operability

PGM is designed to function, albeit with less efficiency, even when

some or all of the network elements in the multicast tree have no

knowledge of PGM. To that end, all PGM data packets can be

conventionally multicast routed by non-PGM network elements with no

loss of functionality, but with some inefficiency in the propagation

of RDATA and NCFs.

In addition, since NAKs are unicast to the last-hop PGM network

element and NCFs are multicast to the group, NAK/NCF operation is

also consistent across non-PGM network elements. Note that for NAK

suppression to be most effective, receivers should always have a PGM

network element as a first hop network element between themselves and

every path to every PGM source. If receivers are several hops

removed from the first PGM network element, the efficacy of NAK

suppression may degrade.

1.3. Options

In addition to the basic data transfer operation described above, PGM

specifies several end-to-end options to address specific application

requirements. PGM specifies options to support fragmentation, late

joining, redirection, Forward Error Correction (FEC), reachability,

and session synchronization/termination/reset. Options MAY be

appended to PGM data packet headers only by their original

transmitters. While they MAY be interpreted by network elements,

options are neither added nor removed by network elements.

All options are receiver-significant (i.e., they must be interpreted

by receivers). Some options are also network-significant (i.e., they

must be interpreted by network elements).

Fragmentation MAY be used in conjunction with data packets to allow a

transport-layer entity at the source to break up application-layer

data packets into multiple PGM data packets to conform with the

maximum transmission unit (MTU) supported by the network layer.

Late joining allows a source to indicate whether or not receivers may

request all available repairs when they initially join a particular

transport session.

Redirection MAY be used in conjunction with Poll Responses to allow a

DLR to respond to normal NCFs or POLLs with a redirecting POLR

advertising its own address as an alternative re-transmitter to the

original source.

FEC techniques MAY be applied by receivers to use source-provided

parity packets rather than selective retransmissions to effect loss


2. Architectural Description

As an end-to-end transport protocol, PGM specifies packet formats and

procedures for sources to transmit and for receivers to receive data.

To enhance the efficiency of this data transfer, PGM also specifies

packet formats and procedures for network elements to improve the

reliability of NAKs and to constrain the propagation of repairs. The

division of these functions is described in this section and expanded

in detail in the next section.

2.1. Source Functions

Data Transmission

Sources multicast ODATA packets to the group within the

transmit window at a given transmit rate.

Source Path State

Sources multicast SPMs to the group, interleaved with ODATA if

present, to establish source path state in PGM network


NAK Reliability

Sources multicast NCFs to the group in response to any NAKs

they receive.


Sources multicast RDATA packets to the group in response to

NAKs received for data packets within the transmit window.

Transmit Window Advance

Sources MAY advance the trailing edge of the window according

to one of a number of strategies. Implementations MAY support

automatic adjustments such as keeping the window at a fixed

size in bytes, a fixed number of packets or a fixed real time

duration. In addition, they MAY optionally delay window

advancement based on NAK-silence for a certain period. Some

possible strategies are outlined later in this document.

2.2. Receiver Functions

Source Path State

Receivers use SPMs to determine the last-hop PGM network

element for a given TSI to which to direct their NAKs.

Data Reception

Receivers receive ODATA within the transmit window and

eliminate any duplicates.

Repair Requests

Receivers unicast NAKs to the last-hop PGM network element (and

MAY optionally multicast a NAK with TTL of 1 to the local

group) for data packets within the receive window detected to

be missing from the expected sequence. A receiver MUST

repeatedly transmit a given NAK until it receives a matching


NAK Suppression

Receivers suppress NAKs for which a matching NCF or NAK is

received during the NAK transmit back-off interval.

Receive Window Advance

Receivers immediately advance their receive windows upon

receipt of any PGM data packet or SPM within the transmit

window that advances the receive window.

2.3. Network Element Functions

Network elements forward ODATA without intervention.

Source Path State

Network elements intercept SPMs and use them to establish

source path state for the corresponding TSI before multicast

forwarding them in the usual way.

NAK Reliability

Network elements multicast NCFs to the group in response to any

NAK they receive. For each NAK received, network elements

create repair state recording the transport session identifier,

the sequence number of the NAK, and the input interface on

which the NAK was received.

Constrained NAK Forwarding

Network elements repeatedly unicast forward only the first copy

of any NAK they receive to the upstream PGM network element on

the distribution path for the TSI until they receive an NCF in

response. In addition, they MAY optionally multicast this NAK

upstream with TTL of 1.

Nota Bene: Once confirmed by an NCF, network elements discard NAK

packets; NAKs are NOT retained in network elements beyond this

forwarding operation, but state about the reception of them is


NAK Elimination

Network elements discard exact duplicates of any NAK for which

they already have repair state (i.e., that has been forwarded

either by themselves or a neighboring PGM network element), and

respond with a matching NCF.

Constrained RDATA Forwarding

Network elements use NAKs to maintain repair state consisting

of a list of interfaces upon which a given NAK was received,

and they forward the corresponding RDATA only on these


NAK Anticipation

If a network element hears an upstream NCF (i.e., on the

upstream interface for the distribution tree for the TSI), it

establishes repair state without outgoing interfaces in

anticipation of responding to and eliminating duplicates of the

NAK that may arrive from downstream.

3. Terms and Concepts

Before proceeding from the preceding overview to the detail in the

subsequent Procedures, this section presents some concepts and

definitions that make that detail more intelligible.

3.1. Transport Session Identifiers

Every PGM packet is identified by a:

TSI transport session identifier

TSIs MUST be globally unique, and only one source at a time may act

as the source for a transport session. (Note that repairers do not

change the TSI in any RDATA they transmit). TSIs are composed of the

concatenation of a globally unique source identifier (GSI) and a

source-assigned data-source port.

Since all PGM packets originated by receivers are in response to PGM

packets originated by a source, receivers simply echo the TSI heard

from the source in any corresponding packets they originate.

Since all PGM packets originated by network elements are in response

to PGM packets originated by a receiver, network elements simply echo

the TSI heard from the receiver in any corresponding packets they


3.2. Sequence Numbers

PGM uses a circular sequence number space from 0 through ((2**32) -

1) to identify and order ODATA packets. Sources MUST number ODATA

packets in unit increments in the order in which the corresponding

application data is submitted for transmission. Within a transmit or

receive window (defined below), a sequence number x is "less" or

"older" than sequence number y if it numbers an ODATA packet

preceding ODATA packet y, and a sequence number y is "greater" or

"more recent" than sequence number x if it numbers an ODATA packet

subsequent to ODATA packet x.

3.3. Transmit Window

The description of the operation of PGM rests fundamentally on the

definition of the source-maintained transmit window. This definition

in turn is derived directly from the amount of transmitted data (in

seconds) a source retains for repair (TXW_SECS), and the maximum

transmit rate (in bytes/second) maintained by a source to regulate

its bandwidth utilization (TXW_MAX_RTE).

In terms of sequence numbers, the transmit window is the range of

sequence numbers consumed by the source for sequentially numbering

and transmitting the most recent TXW_SECS of ODATA packets. The

trailing (or left) edge of the transmit window (TXW_TRAIL) is defined

as the sequence number of the oldest data packet available for repair

from a source. The leading (or right) edge of the transmit window

(TXW_LEAD) is defined as the sequence number of the most recent data

packet a source has transmitted.

The size of the transmit window in sequence numbers (TXW_SQNS) (i.e.,

the difference between the leading and trailing edges plus one) MUST

be no greater than half the PGM sequence number space less one.

When TXW_TRAIL is equal to TXW_LEAD, the transmit window size is one.

When TXW_TRAIL is equal to TXW_LEAD plus one, the transmit window

size is empty.

3.4. Receive Window

The receive window at the receivers is determined entirely by PGM

packets from the source. That is, a receiver simply obeys what the

source tells it in terms of window state and advancement.

For a given transport session identified by a TSI, a receiver


RXW_TRAIL the sequence number defining the trailing edge of the

receive window, the sequence number (known from data

packets and SPMs) of the oldest data packet available

for repair from the source

RXW_LEAD the sequence number defining the leading edge of the

receive window, the greatest sequence number of any

received data packet within the transmit window

The receive window is the range of sequence numbers a receiver is

expected to use to identify receivable ODATA.

A data packet is described as being "in" the receive window if its

sequence number is in the receive window.

The receive window is advanced by the receiver when it receives an

SPM or ODATA packet within the transmit window that increments

RXW_TRAIL. Receivers also advance their receive windows upon receipt

of any PGM data packet within the receive window that advances the

receive window.

3.5. Source Path State

To establish the repair state required to constrain RDATA, it's

essential that NAKs return from a receiver to a source on the reverse

of the distribution tree from the source. That is, they must return

through the same sequence of PGM network elements through which the

ODATA was forwarded, but in reverse. There are two reasons for this,

the less obvious one being by far the more important.

The first and obvious reason is that RDATA is forwarded on the same

path as ODATA and so repair state must be established on this path if

it is to constrain the propagation of RDATA.

The second and less obvious reason is that in the absence of repair

state, PGM network elements do NOT forward RDATA, so the default

behavior is to discard repairs. If repair state is not properly

established for interfaces on which ODATA went missing, then

receivers on those interfaces will continue to NAK for lost data and

ultimately experience unrecoverable data loss.

The principle function of SPMs is to provide the source path state

required for PGM network elements to forward NAKs from one PGM

network element to the next on the reverse of the distribution tree

for the TSI, establishing repair state each step of the way. This

source path state is simply the address of the upstream PGM network

element on the reverse of the distribution tree for the TSI. That

upstream PGM network element may be more than one subnet hop away.

SPMs establish the identity of the upstream PGM network element on

the distribution tree for each TSI in each group in each PGM network

element, a sort of virtual PGM topology. So although NAKs are

unicast addressed, they are NOT unicast routed by PGM network

elements in the conventional sense. Instead PGM network elements use

the source path state established by SPMs to direct NAKs PGM-hop-by-

PGM-hop toward the source. The idea is to constrain NAKs to the pure

PGM topology spanning the more heterogeneous underlying topology of

both PGM and non-PGM network elements.

The result is repair state in every PGM network element between the

receiver and the source so that the corresponding RDATA is never

discarded by a PGM network element for lack of repair state.

SPMs also maintain transmit window state in receivers by advertising

the trailing and leading edges of the transmit window (SPM_TRAIL and

SPM_LEAD). In the absence of data, SPMs MAY be used to close the

transmit window in time by advancing the transmit window until

SPM_TRAIL is equal to SPM_LEAD plus one.

3.6. Packet Contents

This section just provides enough short-hand to make the Procedures

intelligible. For the full details of packet contents, please refer

to Packet Formats below.

3.6.1. Source Path Messages SPMs

SPMs are transmitted by sources to establish source-path state in PGM

network elements, and to provide transmit-window state in receivers.

SPMs are multicast to the group and contain:

SPM_TSI the source-assigned TSI for the session to which the

SPM corresponds

SPM_SQN a sequence number assigned sequentially by the source

in unit increments and scoped by SPM_TSI

Nota Bene: this is an entirely separate sequence than is used to

number ODATA and RDATA.

SPM_TRAIL the sequence number defining the trailing edge of the

source's transmit window (TXW_TRAIL)

SPM_LEAD the sequence number defining the leading edge of the

source's transmit window (TXW_LEAD)

SPM_PATH the network-layer address (NLA) of the interface on

the PGM network element on which the SPM is forwarded

3.6.2. Data Packets ODATA - Original Data

ODATA packets are transmitted by sources to send application data to


ODATA packets are multicast to the group and contain:

OD_TSI the globally unique source-assigned TSI

OD_TRAIL the sequence number defining the trailing edge of the

source's transmit window (TXW_TRAIL)

OD_TRAIL makes the protocol more robust in the face of

lost SPMs. By including the trailing edge of the

transmit window on every data packet, receivers that

have missed any SPMs that advanced the transmit window

can still detect the case, recover the application,

and potentially re-synchronize to the transport


OD_SQN a sequence number assigned sequentially by the source

in unit increments and scoped by OD_TSI RDATA - Repair Data

RDATA packets are repair packets transmitted by sources or DLRs in

response to NAKs.

RDATA packets are multicast to the group and contain:

RD_TSI OD_TSI of the ODATA packet for which this is a repair

RD_TRAIL the sequence number defining the trailing edge of the

source's transmit window (TXW_TRAIL). This is updated

to the most current value when the repair is sent, so

it is not necessarily the same as OD_TRAIL of the

ODATA packet for which this is a repair

RD_SQN OD_SQN of the ODATA packet for which this is a repair

3.6.3. Negative Acknowledgments NAKs - Negative Acknowledgments

NAKs are transmitted by receivers to request repairs for missing data


NAKs are unicast (PGM-hop-by-PGM-hop) to the source and contain:

NAK_TSI OD_TSI of the ODATA packet for which a repair is


NAK_SQN OD_SQN of the ODATA packet for which a repair is


NAK_SRC the unicast NLA of the original source of the missing


NAK_GRP the multicast group NLA NNAKs - Null Negative Acknowledgments

NNAKs are transmitted by a DLR that receives NAKs redirected to it by

either receivers or network elements to provide flow-control feed-

back to a source.

NNAKs are unicast (PGM-hop-by-PGM-hop) to the source and contain:

NNAK_TSI NAK_TSI of the corresponding re-directed NAK.

NNAK_SQN NAK_SQN of the corresponding re-directed NAK.

NNAK_SRC NAK_SRC of the corresponding re-directed NAK.

NNAK_GRP NAK_GRP of the corresponding re-directed NAK.

3.6.4. Negative Acknowledgment Confirmations NCFs - NAK confirmations

NCFs are transmitted by network elements and sources in response to


NCFs are multicast to the group and contain:

NCF_TSI NAK_TSI of the NAK being confirmed

NCF_SQN NAK_SQN of the NAK being confirmed

NCF_SRC NAK_SRC of the NAK being confirmed

NCF_GRP NAK_GRP of the NAK being confirmed

3.6.5. Option Encodings

OPT_LENGTH 0x00 - Option's Length

OPT_FRAGMENT 0x01 - Fragmentation

OPT_NAK_LIST 0x02 - List of NAK entries

OPT_JOIN 0x03 - Late Joining

OPT_REDIRECT 0x07 - Redirect

OPT_SYN 0x0D - Synchronization

OPT_FIN 0x0E - Session Fin receivers, conventional


OPT_RST 0x0F - Session Reset

OPT_PARITY_PRM 0x08 - Forward Error Correction Parameters

OPT_PARITY_GRP 0x09 - Forward Error Correction Group Number

OPT_CURR_TGSIZE 0x0A - Forward Error Correction Group Size

OPT_CR 0x10 - Congestion Report

OPT_CRQST 0x11 - Congestion Report Request

OPT_NAK_BO_IVL 0x04 - NAK Back-Off Interval

OPT_NAK_BO_RNG 0x05 - NAK Back-Off Range

OPT_NBR_UNREACH 0x0B - Neighbor Unreachable


OPT_INVALID 0x7F - Option invalidated

4. Procedures - General

Since SPMs, NCFs, and RDATA must be treated conditionally by PGM

network elements, they must be distinguished from other packets in

the chosen multicast network protocol if PGM network elements are to

extract them from the usual switching path.

The most obvious way for network elements to achieve this is to

examine every packet in the network for the PGM transport protocol

and packet types. However, the overhead of this approach is costly

for high-performance, multi-protocol network elements. An

alternative, and a requirement for PGM over IP multicast, is that

SPMs, NCFs, and RDATA MUST be transmitted with the IP Router Alert

Option [6]. This option gives network elements a network-layer

indication that a packet should be extracted from IP switching for

more detailed processing.

5. Procedures - Sources

5.1. Data Transmission

Since PGM relies on a purely rate-limited transmission strategy in

the source to bound the bandwidth consumed by PGM transport sessions,

an assortment of techniques is assembled here to make that strategy

as conservative and robust as possible. These techniques are the

minimum REQUIRED of a PGM source.

5.1.1. Maximum Cumulative Transmit Rate

A source MUST number ODATA packets in the order in which they are

submitted for transmission by the application. A source MUST

transmit ODATA packets in sequence and only within the transmit

window beginning with TXW_TRAIL at no greater a rate than


TXW_MAX_RTE is typically the maximum cumulative transmit rate of SPM,

ODATA, and RDATA. Different transmission strategies MAY define

TXW_MAX_RTE as appropriate for the implementation.

5.1.2. Transmit Rate Regulation

To regulate its transmit rate, a source MUST use a token bucket

scheme or any other traffic management scheme that yields equivalent

behavior. A token bucket [7] is characterized by a continually

sustainable data rate (the token rate) and the extent to which the

data rate may exceed the token rate for short periods of time (the

token bucket size). Over any arbitrarily chosen interval, the number

of bytes the source may transmit MUST NOT exceed the token bucket

size plus the product of the token rate and the chosen interval.

In addition, a source MUST bound the maximum rate at which successive

packets may be transmitted using a leaky bucket scheme drained at a

maximum transmit rate, or equivalent mechanism.

5.1.3. Outgoing Packet Ordering

To preserve the logic of PGM's transmit window, a source MUST

strictly prioritize sending of pending NCFs first, pending SPMs

second, and only send ODATA or RDATA when no NCFs or SPMs are

pending. The priority of RDATA versus ODATA is application

dependent. The sender MAY implement weighted bandwidth sharing

between RDATA and ODATA. Note that strict prioritization of RDATA

over ODATA may stall progress of ODATA if there are receivers that

keep generating NAKs so as to always have RDATA pending (e.g. a

steady stream of late joiners with OPT_JOIN). Strictly prioritizing

ODATA over RDATA may lead to a larger portion of receivers getting

unrecoverable losses.

5.1.4. Ambient SPMs

Interleaved with ODATA and RDATA, a source MUST transmit SPMs at a

rate at least sufficient to maintain current source path state in PGM

network elements. Note that source path state in network elements

does not track underlying changes in the distribution tree from a

source until an SPM traverses the altered distribution tree. The

consequence is that NAKs may go unconfirmed both at receivers and

amongst network elements while changes in the underlying distribution

tree take place.

5.1.5. Heartbeat SPMs

In the absence of data to transmit, a source SHOULD transmit SPMs at

a decaying rate in order to assist early detection of lost data, to

maintain current source path state in PGM network elements, and to

maintain current receive window state in the receivers.

In this scheme [8], a source maintains an inter-heartbeat timer

IHB_TMR which times the interval between the most recent packet

(ODATA, RDATA, or SPM) transmission and the next heartbeat

transmission. IHB_TMR is initialized to a minimum interval IHB_MIN

after the transmission of any data packet. If IHB_TMR expires, the

source transmits a heartbeat SPM and initializes IHB_TMR to double

its previous value. The transmission of consecutive heartbeat SPMs

doubles IHB each time up to a maximum interval IHB_MAX. The

transmission of any data packet initializes IHB_TMR to IHB_MIN once

again. The effect is to provoke prompt detection of missing packets

in the absence of data to transmit, and to do so with minimal

bandwidth overhead.

5.1.6. Ambient and Heartbeat SPMs

Ambient and heartbeat SPMs are described as driven by separate timers

in this specification to highlight their contrasting functions.

Ambient SPMs are driven by a count-down timer that expires regularly

while heartbeat SPMs are driven by a count-down timer that keeps

being reset by data, and the interval of which changes once it begins

to expire. The ambient SPM timer is just counting down in real-time

while the heartbeat timer is measuring the inter-data-packet


In the presence of data, no heartbeat SPMs will be transmitted since

the transmission of data keeps setting the IHB_TMR back to its

initial value. At the same time however, ambient SPMs MUST be

interleaved into the data as a matter of course, not necessarily as a

heartbeat mechanism. This ambient transmission of SPMs is REQUIRED

to keep the distribution tree information in the network current and

to allow new receivers to synchronize with the session.

An implementation SHOULD de-couple ambient and heartbeat SPM timers

sufficiently to permit them to be configured independently of each


5.2. Negative Acknowledgment Confirmation

A source MUST immediately multicast an NCF in response to any NAK it

receives. The NCF is REQUIRED since the alternative of responding

immediately with RDATA would not allow other PGM network elements on

the same subnet to do NAK anticipation, nor would it allow DLRs on

the same subnet to provide repairs. A source SHOULD be able to

detect a NAK storm and adopt countermeasure to protect the network

against a denial of service. A possible countermeasure is to send

the first NCF immediately in response to a NAK and then delay the

generation of further NCFs (for identical NAKs) by a small interval,

so that identical NCFs are rate-limited, without affecting the

ability to suppress NAKs.

5.3. Repairs

After multicasting an NCF in response to a NAK, a source MUST then

multicast RDATA (while respecting TXW_MAX_RTE) in response to any NAK

it receives for data packets within the transmit window.

In the interest of increasing the efficiency of a particular RDATA

packet, a source MAY delay RDATA transmission to accommodate the

arrival of NAKs from the whole loss neighborhood. This delay SHOULD

not exceed twice the greatest propagation delay in the loss


6. Procedures - Receivers

6.1. Data Reception

Initial data reception

A receiver SHOULD initiate data reception beginning with the first

data packet it receives within the advertised transmit window. This

packet's sequence number (ODATA_SQN) temporarily defines the trailing

edge of the transmit window from the receiver's perspective. That

is, it is assigned to RXW_TRAIL_INIT within the receiver, and until

the trailing edge sequence number advertised in subsequent packets

(SPMs or ODATA or RDATA) increments past RXW_TRAIL_INIT, the receiver

MUST only request repairs for sequence numbers subsequent to

RXW_TRAIL_INIT. Thereafter, it MAY request repairs anywhere in the

transmit window. This temporary restriction on repair requests

prevents receivers from requesting a potentially large amount of

history when they first begin to receive a given PGM transport


Note that the JOIN option, discussed later, MAY be used to provide a

different value for RXW_TRAIL_INIT.

Receiving and discarding data packets

Within a given transport session, a receiver MUST accept any ODATA or

RDATA packets within the receive window. A receiver MUST discard any

data packet that duplicates one already received in the transmit

window. A receiver MUST discard any data packet outside of the

receive window.

Contiguous data

Contiguous data is comprised of those data packets within the receive

window that have been received and are in the range from RXW_TRAIL up

to (but not including) the first missing sequence number in the

receive window. The most recently received data packet of contiguous

data defines the leading edge of contiguous data.

As its default mode of operation, a receiver MUST deliver only

contiguous data packets to the application, and it MUST do so in the

order defined by those data packets' sequence numbers. This provides

applications with a reliable ordered data flow.

Non contiguous data

PGM receiver implementations MAY optionally provide a mode of

operation in which data is delivered to an application in the order

received. However, the implementation MUST only deliver complete

application protocol data units (APDUs) to the application. That is,

APDUs that have been fragmented into different TPDUs MUST be

reassembled before delivery to the application.

6.2. Source Path Messages

Receivers MUST receive and sequence SPMs for any TSI they are

receiving. An SPM is in sequence if its sequence number is greater

than that of the most recent in-sequence SPM and within half the PGM

number space. Out-of-sequence SPMs MUST be discarded.

For each TSI, receivers MUST use the most recent SPM to determine the

NLA of the upstream PGM network element for use in NAK addressing. A

receiver MUST NOT initiate repair requests until it has received at

least one SPM for the corresponding TSI.

Since SPMs require per-hop processing, it is likely that they will be

forwarded at a slower rate than data, and that they will arrive out

of sync with the data stream. In this case, the window information

that the SPMs carry will be out of date. Receivers SHOULD expect

this to be the case and SHOULD detect it by comparing the packet lead

and trail values with the values the receivers have stored for lead

and trail. If the SPM packet values are less, they SHOULD be

ignored, but the rest of the packet SHOULD be processed as normal.

6.3. Data Recovery by Negative Acknowledgment

Detecting missing data packets

Receivers MUST detect gaps in the expected data sequence in the

following manners:

by comparing the sequence number on the most recently received

ODATA or RDATA packet with the leading edge of contiguous data

by comparing SPM_LEAD of the most recently received SPM with the

leading edge of contiguous data

In both cases, if the receiver has not received all intervening data

packets, it MAY initiate selective NAK generation for each missing

sequence number.

In addition, a receiver may detect a single missing data packet by

receiving an NCF or multicast NAK for a data packet within the

transmit window which it has not received. In this case it MAY

initiate selective NAK generation for the said sequence number.

In all cases, receivers SHOULD temper the initiation of NAK

generation to account for simple mis-ordering introduced by the

network. A possible mechanism to achieve this is to assume loss only

after the reception of N packets with sequence numbers higher than

those of the (assumed) lost packets. A possible value for N is 2.

This method SHOULD be complemented with a timeout based mechanism

that handles the loss of the last packet before a pause in the

transmission of the data stream. The leading edge field in SPMs

SHOULD also be taken into account in the loss detection algorithm.

Generating NAKs

NAK generation follows the detection of a missing data packet and is

the cycle of:

waiting for a random period of time (NAK_RB_IVL) while listening

for matching NCFs or NAKs

transmitting a NAK if a matching NCF or NAK is not heard

waiting a period (NAK_RPT_IVL) for a matching NCF and recommencing

NAK generation if the matching NCF is not received

waiting a period (NAK_RDATA_IVL) for data and recommencing NAK

generation if the matching data is not received

The entire generation process can be summarized by the following

state machine:

detect missing tpdu

- clear data retry count

- clear NCF retry count


matching NCF --------------------------

<--------------- BACK-OFF_STATE <----------------------

start timer(NAK_RB_IVL) ^ ^


matching timer expires

NAK - send NAK




matching NCF start timer(NAK_RPT_IVL)

<-------------- ------------>

-------------------------- timer expires

^ - increment NCF

NAK_NCF_RETRIES retry count


V -----------

Cancelation matching NAK

- restart timer(NAK_RPT_IVL)

V --------------------------

---------------> WAIT_DATA_STATE ----------------------->

start timer(NAK_RDATA_IVL) timer expires

- increment data

-------------------------- retry count





matching NCF or NAK

V - restart timer(NAK_RDATA_IVL)


In any state, receipt of matching RDATA or ODATA completes data

recovery and successful exit from the state machine. State

transition stops any running timers.

In any state, if the trailing edge of the window moves beyond the

sequence number, data recovery for that sequence number terminates.

During NAK_RB_IVL a NAK is said to be pending. When awaiting data or

an NCF, a NAK is said to be outstanding.

Backing off NAK transmission

Before transmitting a NAK, a receiver MUST wait some interval

NAK_RB_IVL chosen randomly over some time period NAK_BO_IVL. During

this period, receipt of a matching NAK or a matching NCF will suspend

NAK generation. NAK_RB_IVL is counted down from the time a missing

data packet is detected.

A value for NAK_BO_IVL learned from OPT_NAK_BO_IVL (see 16.4.1 below)

MUST NOT be used by a receiver (i.e., the receiver MUST NOT NAK)

unless either NAK_BO_IVL_SQN is zero, or the receiver has seen

POLL_RND == 0 for POLL_SQN =< NAK_BO_IVL_SQN within half the sequence

number space.

When a parity NAK (Appendix A, FEC) is being generated, the back-off

interval SHOULD be inversely biased with respect to the number of

parity packets requested. This way NAKs requesting larger numbers of

parity packets are likely to be sent first and thus suppress other

NAKs. A NAK for a given transmission group suppresses another NAK

for the same transmission group only if it is requesting an equal or

larger number of parity packets.

When a receiver has to transmit a sequence of NAKs, it SHOULD

transmit the NAKs in order from oldest to most recent.

Suspending NAK generation

Suspending NAK generation just means waiting for either NAK_RB_IVL,

NAK_RPT_IVL or NAK_RDATA_IVL to pass. A receiver MUST suspend NAK

generation if a duplicate of the NAK is already pending from this

receiver or the NAK is already outstanding from this or another


NAK suppression

A receiver MUST suppress NAK generation and wait at least

NAK_RDATA_IVL before recommencing NAK generation if it hears a

matching NCF or NAK during NAK_RB_IVL. A matching NCF must match


Transmitting a NAK

Upon expiry of NAK_RB_IVL, a receiver MUST unicast a NAK to the

upstream PGM network element for the TSI specifying the transport

session identifier and missing sequence number. In addition, it MAY

multicast a NAK with TTL of 1 to the group, if the PGM parent is not

directly connected. It also records both the address of the source

of the corresponding ODATA and the address of the group in the NAK


It MUST repeat the NAK at a rate governed by NAK_RPT_IVL up to

NAK_NCF_RETRIES times while waiting for a matching NCF. It MUST then

wait NAK_RDATA_IVL before recommencing NAK generation. If it hears a

matching NCF or NAK during NAK_RDATA_IVL, it MUST wait anew for

NAK_RDATA_IVL before recommencing NAK generation (i.e. matching NCFs

and NAKs restart NAK_RDATA_IVL).

Completion of NAK generation

NAK generation is complete only upon the receipt of the matching

RDATA (or even ODATA) packet at any time during NAK generation.

Cancellation of NAK generation

NAK generation is cancelled upon the advancing of the receive window

so as to exclude the matching sequence number of a pending or

outstanding NAK, or NAK_DATA_RETRIES / NAK_NCF_RETRIES being

exceeded. Cancellation of NAK generation indicates unrecoverable

data loss.

Receiving NCFs and multicast NAKs

A receiver MUST discard any NCFs or NAKs it hears for data packets

outside the transmit window or for data packets it has received.

Otherwise they are treated as appropriate for the current repair


7. Procedures - Network Elements

7.1. Source Path State

Upon receipt of an in-sequence SPM, a network element records the

Source Path Address SPM_PATH with the multicast routing information

for the TSI. If the receiving network element is on the same subnet

as the forwarding network element, this address will be the same as

the address of the immediately upstream network element on the

distribution tree for the TSI. If, however, non-PGM network elements

intervene between the forwarding and the receiving network elements,

this address will be the address of the first PGM network element

across the intervening network elements.

The network element then forwards the SPM on each outgoing interface

for that TSI. As it does so, it encodes the network address of the

outgoing interface in SPM_PATH in each copy of the SPM it forwards.

7.2. NAK Confirmation

Network elements MUST immediately transmit an NCF in response to any

unicast NAK they receive. The NCF MUST be multicast to the group on

the interface on which the NAK was received.

Nota Bene: In order to avoid creating multicast routing state for

PGM network elements across non-PGM-capable clouds, the network-

header source address of NCFs transmitted by network elements MUST

be set to the ODATA source's NLA, not the network element's NLA as

might be expected.

Network elements should be able to detect a NAK storm and adopt

counter-measure to protect the network against a denial of service.

A possible countermeasure is to send the first NCF immediately in

response to a NAK and then delay the generation of further NCFs (for

identical NAKs) by a small interval, so that identical NCFs are

rate-limited, without affecting the ability to suppress NAKs.

Simultaneously, network elements MUST establish repair state for the

NAK if such state does not already exist, and add the interface on

which the NAK was received to the corresponding repair interface list

if the interface is not already listed.

7.3. Constrained NAK Forwarding

The NAK forwarding procedures for network elements are quite similar

to those for receivers, but three important differences should be


First, network elements do NOT back off before forwarding a NAK

(i.e., there is no NAK_BO_IVL) since the resulting delay of the NAK

would compound with each hop. Note that NAK arrivals will be

randomized by the receivers from which they originate, and this

factor in conjunction with NAK anticipation and elimination will

combine to forestall NAK storms on subnets with a dense network

element population.

Second, network elements do NOT retry confirmed NAKs if RDATA is not

seen; they simply discard the repair state and rely on receivers to

re-request the repair. This approach keeps the repair state in the

network elements relatively ephemeral and responsive to underlying

routing changes.

Third, note that ODATA does NOT cancel NAK forwarding in network

elements since it is switched by network elements without transport-

layer intervention.

Nota Bene: Once confirmed by an NCF, network elements discard NAK

packets; they are NOT retained in network elements beyond this

forwarding operation.

NAK forwarding requires that a network element listen to NCFs for the

same transport session. NAK forwarding also requires that a network

element observe two time out intervals for any given NAK (i.e., per


The NAK repeat interval NAK_RPT_IVL, limits the length of time for

which a network element will repeat a NAK while waiting for a

corresponding NCF. NAK_RPT_IVL is counted down from the transmission

of a NAK. Expiry of NAK_RPT_IVL cancels NAK forwarding (due to

missing NCF).

The NAK RDATA interval NAK_RDATA_IVL, limits the length of time for

which a network element will wait for the corresponding RDATA.

NAK_RDATA_IVL is counted down from the time a matching NCF is

received. Expiry of NAK_RDATA_IVL causes the network element to

discard the corresponding repair state (due to missing RDATA).

During NAK_RPT_IVL, a NAK is said to be pending. During

NAK_RDATA_IVL, a NAK is said to be outstanding.

A Network element MUST forward NAKs only to the upstream PGM network

element for the TSI.

A network element MUST repeat a NAK at a rate of NAK_RPT_RTE for an

interval of NAK_RPT_IVL until it receives a matching NCF. A matching

NCF must match NCF_TSI with NAK_TSI, and NCF_SQN with NAK_SQN.

Upon reception of the corresponding NCF, network elements MUST wait

at least NAK_RDATA_IVL for the corresponding RDATA. Receipt of the

corresponding RDATA at any time during NAK forwarding cancels NAK

forwarding and tears down the corresponding repair state in the

network element.

7.4. NAK elimination

Two NAKs duplicate each other if they bear the same NAK_TSI and

NAK_SQN. Network elements MUST discard all duplicates of a NAK that

is pending.

Once a NAK is outstanding, network elements MUST discard all

duplicates of that NAK for NAK_ELIM_IVL. Upon expiry of

NAK_ELIM_IVL, network elements MUST suspend NAK elimination for that

TSI/SQN until the first duplicate of that NAK is seen after the

expiry of NAK_ELIM_IVL. This duplicate MUST be forwarded in the

usual manner. Once this duplicate NAK is outstanding, network

elements MUST once again discard all duplicates of that NAK for

NAK_ELIM_IVL, and so on. NAK_RDATA_IVL MUST be reset each time a NAK

for the corresponding TSI/SQN is confirmed (i.e., each time

NAK_ELIM_IVL is reset). NAK_ELIM_IVL MUST be some small fraction of


NAK_ELIM_IVL acts to balance implosion prevention against repair

state liveness. That is, it results in the elimination of all but at

most one NAK per NAK_ELIM_IVL thereby allowing repeated NAKs to keep

the repair state alive in the PGM network elements.

7.5. NAK Anticipation

An unsolicited NCF is one that is received by a network element when

the network element has no corresponding pending or outstanding NAK.

Network elements MUST process unsolicited NCFs differently depending

on the interface on which they are received.

If the interface on which an NCF is received is the same interface

the network element would use to reach the upstream PGM network

element, the network element simply establishes repair state for

NCF_TSI and NCF_SQN without adding the interface to the repair

interface list, and discards the NCF. If the repair state already

exists, the network element restarts the NAK_RDATA_IVL and

NAK_ELIM_IVL timers and discards the NCF.

If the interface on which an NCF is received is not the same

interface the network element would use to reach the upstream PGM

network element, the network element does not establish repair state

and just discards the NCF.

Anticipated NAKs permit the elimination of any subsequent matching

NAKs from downstream. Upon establishing anticipated repair state,

network elements MUST eliminate subsequent NAKs only for a period of

NAK_ELIM_IVL. Upon expiry of NAK_ELIM_IVL, network elements MUST

suspend NAK elimination for that TSI/SQN until the first duplicate of

that NAK is seen after the expiry of NAK_ELIM_IVL. This duplicate

MUST be forwarded in the usual manner. Once this duplicate NAK is

outstanding, network elements MUST once again discard all duplicates

of that NAK for NAK_ELIM_IVL, and so on. NAK_RDATA_IVL MUST be reset

each time a NAK for the corresponding TSI/SQN is confirmed (i.e.,

each time NAK_ELIM_IVL is reset). NAK_ELIM_IVL must be some small

fraction of NAK_RDATA_IVL.

7.6. NAK Shedding

Network elements MAY implement local procedures for withholding NAK

confirmations for receivers detected to be reporting excessive loss.

The result of these procedures would ultimately be unrecoverable data

loss in the receiver.

7.7. Addressing NAKs

A PGM network element uses the source and group addresses (NLAs)

contained in the transport header to find the state for the

corresponding TSI, looks up the corresponding upstream PGM network

element's address, uses it to re-address the (unicast) NAK, and

unicasts it on the upstream interface for the distribution tree for

the TSI.

7.8. Constrained RDATA Forwarding

Network elements MUST maintain repair state for each interface on

which a given NAK is received at least once. Network elements MUST

then use this list of interfaces to constrain the forwarding of the

corresponding RDATA packet only to those interfaces in the list. An

RDATA packet corresponds to a NAK if it matches NAK_TSI and NAK_SQN.

Network elements MUST maintain this repair state only until either

the corresponding RDATA is received and forwarded, or NAK_RDATA_IVL

passes after forwarding the most recent instance of a given NAK.

Thereafter, the corresponding repair state MUST be discarded.

Network elements SHOULD discard and not forward RDATA packets for

which they have no repair state. Note that the consequence of this

procedure is that, while it constrains repairs to the interested

subset of the network, loss of repair state precipitates further NAKs

from neglected receivers.

8. Packet Formats

All of the packet formats described in this section are transport-

layer headers that MUST immediately follow the network-layer header

in the packet. Only data packet headers (ODATA and RDATA) may be

followed in the packet by application data. For each packet type,

the network-header source and destination addresses are specified in

addition to the format and contents of the transport layer header.

Recall from General Procedures that, for PGM over IP multicast, SPMs,

NCFs, and RDATA MUST also bear the IP Router Alert Option.

For PGM over IP, the IP protocol number is 113.

In all packets the descriptions of Data-Source Port, Data-Destination

Port, Type, Options, Checksum, Global Source ID (GSI), and Transport

Service Data Unit (TSDU) Length are:

Data-Source Port:

A random port number generated by the source. This port number

MUST be unique within the source. Source Port together with

Global Source ID forms the TSI.

Data-Destination Port:

A globally well-known port number assigned to the given PGM



The high-order two bits of the Type field encode a version

number, 0x0 in this instance. The low-order nibble of the type

field encodes the specific packet type. The intervening two

bits (the low-order two bits of the high-order nibble) are

reserved and MUST be zero.

Within the low-order nibble of the Type field:

values in the range 0x0 through 0x3 represent SPM-like

packets (i.e., session-specific, sourced by a source,


values in the range 0x4 through 0x7 represent DATA-like

packets (i.e., data and repairs),

values in the range 0x8 through 0xB represent NAK-like

packets (i.e., hop-by-hop reliable NAK forwarding


and values in the range 0xC through 0xF represent SPMR-like

packets (i.e., session-specific, sourced by a receiver,



This field encodes binary indications of the presence and

significance of any options. It also directly encodes some


bit 0 set => One or more Option Extensions are present

bit 1 set => One or more Options are network-significant

Note that this bit is clear when OPT_FRAGMENT and/or

OPT_JOIN are the only options present.

bit 6 set => Packet is a parity packet for a transmission group

of variable sized packets (OPT_VAR_PKTLEN). Only present when

OPT_PARITY is also present.

bit 7 set => Packet is a parity packet (OPT_PARITY)

Bits are numbered here from left (0 = MSB) to right (7 = LSB).

All the other options (option extensions) are encoded in

extensions to the PGM header.


This field is the usual 1's complement of the 1's complement

sum of the entire PGM packet including header.

The checksum does not include a network-layer pseudo header for

compatibility with network address translation. If the

computed checksum is zero, it is transmitted as all ones. A

value of zero in this field means the transmitter generated no


Note that if any entity between a source and a receiver

modifies the PGM header for any reason, it MUST either

recompute the checksum or clear it. The checksum is mandatory

on data packets (ODATA and RDATA).

Global Source ID:

A globally unique source identifier. This ID MUST NOT change

throughout the duration of the transport session. A

RECOMMENDED identifier is the low-order 48 bits of the MD5 [9]

signature of the DNS name of the source. Global Source ID

together with Data-Source Port forms the TSI.

TSDU Length:

The length in octets of the transport data unit exclusive of

the transport header.

Note that those who require the TPDU length must oBTain it from

sum of the transport header length (TH) and the TSDU length.

TH length is the sum of the size of the particular PGM packet

header (type_specific_size) plus the length of any options that

might be present.

Address Family Indicators (AFIs) are as specified in [10].

8.1. Source Path Messages

SPMs are sent by a source to establish source path state in network

elements and to provide transmit window state to receivers.

The network-header source address of an SPM is the unicast NLA of the

entity that originates the SPM.

The network-header destination address of an SPM is a multicast group


0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


Source Port Destination Port


Type Options Checksum


Global Source ID ...


... Global Source ID TSDU Length


SPM's Sequence Number


Trailing Edge Sequence Number


Leading Edge Sequence Number


NLA AFI Reserved


Path NLA ...


Option Extensions when present ...

+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- ... -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+

Source Port:


Data-Source Port, together with SPM_GSI forms SPM_TSI

Destination Port:


Data-Destination Port


SPM_TYPE = 0x00

Global Source ID:


Together with SPM_SPORT forms SPM_TSI

SPM's Sequence Number


The sequence number assigned to the SPM by the source.

Trailing Edge Sequence Number:


The sequence number defining the current trailing edge of the

source's transmit window (TXW_TRAIL).

Leading Edge Sequence Number:


The sequence number defining the current leading edge of the

source's transmit window (TXW_LEAD).

If SPM_TRAIL == 0 and SPM_LEAD == 0x80000000, this indicates that

no window information is present in the packet.

Path NLA:


The NLA of the interface on the network element on which this SPM

was forwarded. Initialized by a source to the source's NLA,

rewritten by each PGM network element upon forwarding.

8.2. Data Packets

Data packets carry application data from a source or a repairer to



Original data packets transmitted by a source.


Repairs transmitted by a source or by a designated local

repairer (DLR) in response to a NAK.

The network-header source address of a data packet is the unicast NLA

of the entity that originates the data packet.

The network-header destination address of a data packet is a

multicast group NLA.

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


Source Port Destination Port


Type Options Checksum


Global Source ID ...


... Global Source ID TSDU Length


Data Packet Sequence Number


Trailing Edge Sequence Number


Option Extensions when present ...

+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- ... -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+

Data ...

+-+-+- ...

Source Port:


Data-Source Port, together with Global Source ID forms:


Destination Port:


Data-Destination Port


OD_TYPE = 0x04 RD_TYPE = 0x05

Global Source ID:


Together with Source Port forms:


Data Packet Sequence Number:


The sequence number originally assigned to the ODATA packet by the


Trailing Edge Sequence Number:


The sequence number defining the current trailing edge of the

source's transmit window (TXW_TRAIL). In RDATA, this MAY not be

the same as OD_TRAIL of the ODATA packet for which it is a repair.


Application data.

8.3. Negative Acknowledgments and Confirmations


Negative Acknowledgments are sent by receivers to request the

repair of an ODATA packet detected to be missing from the

expected sequence.


Null Negative Acknowledgments are sent by DLRs to provide flow

control feedback to the source of ODATA for which the DLR has

provided the corresponding RDATA.

The network-header source address of a NAK is the unicast NLA of the

entity that originates the NAK. The network-header source address of

NAK is rewritten by each PGM network element with its own.

The network-header destination address of a NAK is initialized by the

originator of the NAK (a receiver) to the unicast NLA of the upstream

PGM network element known from SPMs. The network-header destination

address of a NAK is rewritten by each PGM network element with the

unicast NLA of the upstream PGM network element to which this NAK is

forwarded. On the final hop, the network-header destination address

of a NAK is rewritten by the PGM network element with the unicast NLA

of the original source or the unicast NLA of a DLR.


NAK Confirmations are sent by network elements and sources to

confirm the receipt of a NAK.

The network-header source address of an NCF is the ODATA source's

NLA, not the network element's NLA as might be expected.

The network-header destination address of an NCF is a multicast group


Note that in NAKs and N-NAKs, unlike the other packets, the field

SPORT contains the Data-Destination port and the field DPORT contains

the Data-Source port. As a general rule, the content of SPORT/DPORT

is determined by the direction of the flow: in packets which travel

down-stream SPORT is the port number chosen in the data source

(Data-Source Port) and DPORT is the data destination port number

(Data-Destination Port). The opposite holds for packets which travel

upstream. This makes DPORT the protocol endpoint in the recipient

host, regardless of the direction of the packet.

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


Source Port Destination Port


Type Options Checksum


Global Source ID ...


... Global Source ID TSDU Length


Requested Sequence Number


NLA AFI Reserved


Source NLA ...


NLA AFI Reserved


Multicast Group NLA ...


Option Extensions when present ...

+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- ...

Source Port:


Data-Destination Port


Data-Source Port, together with Global Source ID forms NCF_TSI

Destination Port:


Data-Source Port, together with Global Source ID forms:



Data-Destination Port


NAK_TYPE = 0x08 NNAK_TYPE = 0x09


Global Source ID:


Together with Data-Source Port forms


Requested Sequence Number:


NAK_SQN is the sequence number of the ODATA packet for which a

repair is requested.

NNAK_SQN is the sequence number of the RDATA packet for which a

repair has been provided by a DLR.


NCF_SQN is NAK_SQN from the NAK being confirmed.

Source NLA:


The unicast NLA of the original source of the missing ODATA.

Multicast Group NLA:


The multicast group NLA. NCFs MAY bear OPT_REDIRECT and/or


9. Options

PGM specifies several end-to-end options to address specific

application requirements. PGM specifies options to support

fragmentation, late joining, and redirection.

Options MAY be appended to PGM data packet headers only by their

original transmitters. While they MAY be interpreted by network

elements, options are neither added nor removed by network elements.

Options are all in the TLV style, or Type, Length, Value. The Type

field is contained in the first byte, where bit 0 is the OPT_END bit,

followed by 7 bits of type. The OPT_END bit MUST be set in the last

option in the option list, whichever that might be. The Length field

is the total length of the option in bytes, and directly follows the

Type field. Following the Length field are 5 reserved bits, the

OP_ENCODED flag, the 2 Option Extensibility bits OPX and the

OP_ENCODED_NULL flag. Last are 7 bits designated for option specific

information which may be defined on a per-option basis. If not

defined for a particular option, they MUST be set to 0.

The Option Extensibility bits dictate the desired treatment of an

option if it is unknown to the network element processing it.

Nota Bene: Only network elements pay any attention to these bits.

The OPX bits are defined as follows:

00 - Ignore the option

01 - Invalidate the option by changing the type to OPT_INVALID

= 0x7F

10 - Discard the packet

11 - Unsupported, and reserved for future use

Some options present in data packet (ODATA and RDATA) are strictly

associated with the packet content (PGM payload), OPT_FRAGMENT being

an example. These options must be preserved even when the data

packet that would normally contain them is not received, but its the

payload is recovered though the use of FEC. PGM specifies a

mechanism to accomplish this that uses the F (OP_ENCODED) and U

(OP_ENCODED_NULL) bits in the option common header. OP_ENCODED and

OP_ENCODED_NULL MUST be normally set to zero except when the option

is used in FEC packets to preserve original options. See Appendix A

for details.

There is a limit of 16 options per packet.

General Option Format

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


E Option Type Option Length Reserved FOPXUOpt. Specific


Option Value ...


9.1. Option extension length - OPT_LENGTH

When option extensions are appended to the standard PGM header, the

extensions MUST be preceded by an option extension length field

specifying the total length of all option extensions.

In addition, the presence of the options MUST be encoded in the

Options field of the standard PGM header before the Checksum is


All network-significant options MUST be appended before any

exclusively receiver-significant options.

To provide an indication of the end of option extensions, OPT_END

(0x80) MUST be set in the Option Type field of the trailing option


9.1.1. OPT_LENGTH - Packet Extension Format

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


Option Type Option Length Total length of all options


Option Type = 0x00

Option Length = 4 octets

Total length of all options

The total length in octets of all option extensions including


OPT_LENGTH is NOT network-significant.

9.2. Fragmentation Option - OPT_FRAGMENT

Fragmentation allows transport-layer entities at a source to break up

application protocol data units (APDUs) into multiple PGM data

packets (TPDUs) to conform with the MTU supported by the network

layer. The fragmentation option MAY be applied to ODATA and RDATA

packets only.

Architecturally, the accumulation of TSDUs into APDUs is applied to

TPDUs that have already been received, duplicate eliminated, and

contiguously sequenced by the receiver. Thus APDUs MAY be

reassembled across increments of the transmit window.

9.2.1. OPT_FRAGMENT - Packet Extension Contents

OPT_FRAG_OFF the offset of the fragment from the beginning of the


OPT_FRAG_LEN the total length of the original APDU

9.2.2. OPT_FRAGMENT - Procedures - Sources

A source fragments APDUs into a contiguous series of fragments no

larger than the MTU supported by the network layer. A source

sequentially and uniquely assigns OD_SQNs to these fragments in the

order in which they occur in the APDU. A source then sets

OPT_FRAG_OFF to the value of the offset of the fragment in the

original APDU (where the first byte of the APDU is at offset 0, and

OPT_FRAG_OFF numbers the first byte in the fragment), and set

OPT_FRAG_LEN to the value of the total length of the original APDU.

9.2.3. OPT_FRAGMENT - Procedures - Receivers

Receivers detect and accumulate fragmented packets until they have

received an entire contiguous sequence of packets comprising an APDU.

This sequence begins with the fragment bearing OPT_FRAG_OFF of 0, and

terminates with the fragment whose length added to its OPT_FRAG_OFF


9.2.4. OPT_FRAGMENT - Packet Extension Format

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


E Option Type Option Length Reserved FOPXU


First Sequence Number






Option Type = 0x01

Option Length = 12 octets

First Sequence Number

Sequence Number of the PGM DATA/RDATA packet containing the first

fragment of the APDU.


The byte offset of the fragment from the beginning of the APDU



The total length of the original APDU (OPT_FRAG_LEN).

OPT_FRAGMENT is NOT network-significant.

9.3. NAK List Option - OPT_NAK_LIST

The NAK List option MAY be used in conjunction with NAKs to allow

receivers to request transmission for more than one sequence number

with a single NAK packet. The option is limited to 62 listed NAK

entries. The NAK list MUST be unique and duplicate free. It MUST be

ordered, and MUST consist of either a list of selective or a list of

parity NAKs. In general, network elements, sources and receivers

must process a NAK list as if they had received individual NAKs for

each sequence number in the list. The procedures for each are

outlined in detail earlier in this document. Clarifications and

differences are detailed here.

9.3.1. OPT_NAK_LIST - Packet Extensions Contents

A list of sequence numbers for which retransmission is requested.

9.3.2. OPT_NAK_LIST - Procedures - Receivers

Receivers MAY append the NAK List option to a NAK to indicate that

they wish retransmission of a number of RDATA.

Receivers SHOULD proceed to back off NAK transmission in a manner

consistent with the procedures outlined for single sequence number

NAKs. Note that the repair of each separate sequence number will be

completed upon receipt of a separate RDATA packet.

Reception of an NCF or multicast NAK containing the NAK List option

suspends generation of NAKs for all sequence numbers within the NAK

list, as well as the sequence number within the NAK header.

9.3.3. OPT_NAK_LIST - Procedures - Network Elements

Network elements MUST immediately respond to a NAK with an identical

NCF containing the same NAK list as the NAK itself.

Network elements MUST forward a NAK containing a NAK List option if

any one sequence number specified by the NAK (including that in the

main NAK header) is not currently outstanding. That is, it MUST

forward the NAK, if any one sequence number does not have an

elimination timer running for it. The NAK must be forwarded intact.

Network elements MUST eliminate a NAK containing the NAK list option

only if all sequence numbers specified by the NAK (including that in

the main NAK header) are outstanding. That is, they are all running

an elimination timer.

Upon receipt of an unsolicited NCF containing the NAK list option, a

network element MUST anticipate data for every sequence number

specified by the NAK as if it had received an NCF for every sequence

number specified by the NAK.

9.3.4. OPT_NAK_LIST - Procedures - Sources

A source MUST immediately respond to a NAK with an identical NCF

containing the same NAK list as the NAK itself.

It MUST then multicast RDATA (while respecting TXW_MAX_RTE) for every

requested sequence number.

9.3.5. OPT_NAK_LIST - Packet Extension Format

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


E Option Type Option Length Reserved FOPXU


Requested Sequence Number 1




Requested Sequence Number N


Option Type = 0x02

Option Length = 4 + (4 * number of SQNs) octets

Requested Sequence Number

A list of up to 62 additional sequence numbers to which the NAK


OPT_NAK_LIST is network-significant.

9.4. Late Joining Option - OPT_JOIN

Late joining allows a source to bound the amount of repair history

receivers may request when they initially join a particular transport


This option indicates that receivers that join a transport session in

progress MAY request repair of all data as far back as the given

minimum sequence number from the time they join the transport

session. The default is for receivers to receive data only from the

first packet they receive and onward.

9.4.1. OPT_JOIN - Packet Extensions Contents

OPT_JOIN_MIN the minimum sequence number for repair

9.4.2. OPT_JOIN - Procedures - Receivers

If a PGM packet (ODATA, RDATA, or SPM) bears OPT_JOIN, a receiver MAY

initialize the trailing edge of the receive window (RXW_TRAIL_INIT)

to the given Minimum Sequence Number and proceeds with normal data


9.4.3. OPT_JOIN - Packet Extension Format

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


E Option Type Option Length Reserved FOPXU


Minimum Sequence Number


Option Type = 0x03

Option Length = 8 octets

Minimum Sequence Number

The minimum sequence number defining the initial trailing edge of

the receive window for a late joining receiver.

OPT_JOIN is NOT network-significant.

9.5. Redirect Option - OPT_REDIRECT

Redirection MAY be used by a designated local repairer (DLR) to

advertise its own address as an alternative to the original source,

for requesting repairs.

These procedures allow a PGM Network Element to use a DLR that is one

PGM hop from it either upstream or downstream in the multicast

distribution tree. The former are referred to as upstream DLRs. The

latter are referred to as off-tree DLRs. Off-Tree because even

though they are downstream of the point of loss, they might not lie

on the subtree affected by the loss.

A DLR MUST receive any PGM sessions for which it wishes to provide

retransmissions. A DLR SHOULD respond to NCFs or POLLs sourced by

its PGM parent with a redirecting POLR response packet containing an

OPT_REDIRECT which provides its own network layer address.

Recipients of redirecting POLRs MAY then direct NAKs for subsequent

ODATA sequence numbers to the DLR rather than to the original source.

In addition, DLRs that receive redirected NAKs for which they have

RDATA MUST send a NULL NAK to provide flow control to the original

source without also provoking a repair from that source.

9.5.1. OPT_REDIRECT - Packet Extensions Contents

OPT_REDIR_NLA the DLR's own unicast network-layer address to which

recipients of the redirecting POLR MAY direct

subsequent NAKs for the corresponding TSI.

9.5.2. OPT_REDIRECT - Procedures - DLRs

A DLR MUST receive any PGM sessions for which it wishes to provide a

source of repairs. In addition to acting as an ordinary PGM

receiver, a DLR MAY then respond to NCFs or relevant POLLs sourced by

parent network elements (or even by the source itself) by sending a

POLR containing an OPT_REDIRECT providing its own network-layer


If a DLR can provide FEC repairs it MUST denote this by setting

OPT_PARITY in the PGM header of its POLR response. Upstream DLRs

If the NCF completes NAK transmission initiated by the DLR itself,

the DLR MUST NOT send a redirecting POLR.

When a DLR receives an NCF from its upstream PGM parent, it SHOULD

send a redirecting POLR, multicast to the group. The DLR SHOULD

record that it is acting as an upstream DLR for the said session.

Note that this POLR MUST have both the data source's source address

and the router alert option in its network header.

An upstream DLR MUST act as an ordinary PGM source in responding to

any NAK it receives (i.e., directed to it). That is, it SHOULD

respond first with a normal NCF and then RDATA as usual. In

addition, an upstream DLR that receives redirected NAKs for which it

has RDATA MUST send a NULL NAK to provide flow control to the

original source. If it cannot provide the RDATA it forwards the NAK

to the upstream PGM neighbor as usual.

Nota Bene: In order to propagate on exactly the same distribution

tree as ODATA, RDATA and POLR packets transmitted by DLRs MUST

bear the ODATA source's NLA as the network-header source address,

not the DLR's NLA as might be expected. Off-Tree DLRs

A DLR that receives a POLL with sub-type PGM_POLL_DLR MUST respond

with a unicast redirecting POLR if it provides the appropriate

service. The DLR SHOULD respond using the rules outlined for polling

in Appendix D of this text. If the DLR responds, it SHOULD record

that it is acting as an off-tree DLR for the said session.

An off-tree DLR acts in a special way in responding to any NAK it

receives (i.e., directed to it). It MUST respond to a NAK directed

to it from its parent by unicasting an NCF and RDATA to its parent.

The parent will then forward the RDATA down the distribution tree.

The DLR uses its own and the parent's NLA addresses in the network

header for the source and destination respectively. The unicast NCF

and RDATA packets SHOULD not have the router alert option. In all

other ways the RDATA header should be "as if" the packet had come

from the source.

Again, an off-tree DLR that receives redirected NAKs for which it has

RDATA MUST originate a NULL NAK to provide flow control to the

original source. It MUST originate the NULL NAK before originating

the RDATA. This must be done to reduce the state held in the network


If it cannot provide the RDATA for a given NAK, an off-tree DLR

SHOULD confirm the NAK with a unicast NCF as normal, then immediately

send a NAK for the said data packet back to its parent. Simultaneous Upstream and Off-Tree DLR operation

Note that it is possible for a DLR to provide service to its parent

and to downstream network elements simultaneously. A downstream loss

coupled with a loss for the same data on some other part of the

distribution tree served by its parent could cause this. In this

case it may provide both upstream and off-tree functionality


Note that a DLR differentiates between NAKs from an NE downstream or

from its parent by comparing the network-header source address of the

NAK with it's upstream PGM parent's NLA. The DLR knows the parent's

NLA from the session's SPM messages.

9.5.3. OPT_REDIRECT - Procedures - Network Elements Discovering DLRs

When a PGM router receives notification of a loss via a NAK, it

SHOULD first try to use a known DLR to recover the loss. If such a

DLR is not known it SHOULD initiate DLR discovery. DLR discovery may

occur in two ways. If there are upstream DLRs, the NAK transmitted

by this router to its PGM parent will trigger their discovery, via a

redirecting POLR. Also, a network element SHOULD initiate a search

for off-tree DLRs using the PGM polling mechanism, and the sub-type


If a DLR can provide FEC repairs it will denote this by setting

OPT_PARITY in the PGM header of its POLR response. A network element

SHOULD only direct parity NAKs to a DLR that can provide FEC repairs. Redirected Repair

When it can, a network element SHOULD use upstream DLRs.

Upon receiving a redirecting POLR, network elements SHOULD record the

redirecting information for the TSI, and SHOULD redirect subsequent

NAKs for the same TSI to the network address provided in the

redirecting POLR rather than to the PGM neighbor known via the SPMs.

Note, however, that a redirecting POLR is NOT regarded as matching

the NAK that provoked it, so it does not complete the transmission of

that NAK. Only a normal matching NCF can complete the transmission

of a NAK.

For subsequent NAKs, if the network element has recorded redirection

information for the corresponding TSI, it MAY change the destination

network address of those NAKs and attempt to transmit them to the

DLR. No NAK for a specific SQN SHOULD be sent to an off-tree DLR if

a NAK for the SQN has been seen on the interface associated with the

DLR. Instead the NAK SHOULD be forwarded upstream. Subsequent NAKs

for different SQNs MAY be forwarded to the said DLR (again assuming

no NAK for them has been seen on the interface to the DLR).

If a corresponding NCF is not received from the DLR within

NAK_RPT_IVL, the network element MUST discard the redirecting

information for the TSI and re-attempt to forward the NAK towards the

PGM upstream neighbor.

If a NAK is received from the DLR for a requested SQN, the network

element MUST discard the redirecting information for the SQN and re-

attempt to forward the NAK towards the PGM upstream neighbor. The

network element MAY still direct NAKs for different SQNs to the DLR.

RDATA and NCFs from upstream DLRs will flow down the distribution

tree. However, RDATA and NCFs from off-tree DLRs will be unicast to

the network element. The network element will terminate the NCF, but

MUST put the source's NLA and the group address into the network

header and MUST add router alert before forwarding the RDATA packet

to the distribution subtree.

NULL NAKs from an off-tree DLR for an RDATA packet requested from

that off-tree DLR MUST always be forwarded upstream. The network

element can assume that these will arrive before the matching RDATA.

Other NULL NAKs are forwarded only if matching repair state has not

already been created. Network elements MUST NOT confirm or retry

NULL NAKs and they MUST NOT add the receiving interface to the repair

state. If a NULL NAK is used to initially create repair state, this

fact must be recorded so that any subsequent non-NULL NAK will not be

eliminated, but rather will be forwarded to provoke an actual repair.

State created by a NULL NAK exists only for NAK_ELIM_IVL.

9.5.4. OPT_REDIRECT - Procedures - Receivers

These procedures are intended to be applied in instances where a

receiver's first hop router on the reverse path to the source is not

a PGM Network Element. So, receivers MUST ignore a redirecting POLR

from a DLR on the same IP subnet that the receiver resides on, since

this is likely to suffer identical loss to the receiver and so be

useless. Therefore, these procedures are entirely OPTIONAL. A

receiver MAY choose to ignore all redirecting POLRs since in cases

where its first hop router on the reverse path is PGM capable, it

would ignore them anyway. Also, note that receivers will never learn

of off-tree DLRs.

Upon receiving a redirecting POLR, receivers SHOULD record the

redirecting information for the TSI, and MAY redirect subsequent NAKs

for the same TSI to the network address provided in the redirecting

POLR rather than to the PGM neighbor for the corresponding ODATA for

which the receiver is requesting repair. Note, however, that a

redirecting POLR is NOT regarded as matching the NAK that provoked

it, so it does not complete the transmission of that NAK. Only a

normal matching NCF can complete the transmission of a NAK.

For subsequent NAKs, if the receiver has recorded redirection

information for the corresponding TSI, it MAY change the destination

network address of those NAKs and attempt to transmit them to the

DLR. If a corresponding NCF is not received within NAK_RPT_IVL, the

receiver MUST discard the redirecting information for the TSI and

re-attempt to forward the NAK to the PGM neighbor for the original

source of the missing ODATA.

9.5.5. OPT_REDIRECT - Packet Extension Format

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


E Option Type Option Length Reserved FOPXU


NLA AFI Reserved


DLR's NLA ...


Option Type = 0x07

Option Length = 4 + NLA length


The DLR's own unicast network address to which recipients of the

redirecting POLR may direct subsequent NAKs.

OPT_REDIRECT is network-significant.

9.6. OPT_SYN - Synchronization Option

The SYN option indicates the starting data packet for a session. It

must only appear in ODATA or RDATA packets.

The SYN option MAY be used to provide a useful abstraction to

applications that can simplify application design by providing stream

start notification. It MAY also be used to let a late joiner to a

session know that it is indeed late (i.e. it would not see the SYN


9.6.1. OPT_SYN - Procedures - Receivers

Procedures for receivers are implementation dependent. A receiver

MAY use the SYN to provide its applications with abstractions of the

data stream.

9.6.2. OPT_SYN - Procedures - Sources

Sources MAY include OPT_SYN in the first data for a session. That

is, they MAY include the option in:

the first ODATA sent on a session by a PGM source

any RDATA sent as a result of loss of this ODATA packet

all FEC packets for the first transmission group; in this case it

is interpreted as the first packet having the SYN

9.6.3. OPT_SYN - Procedures - DLRs

In an identical manner to sources, DLRs MUST provide OPT_SYN in

any retransmitted data that is at the start of a session.

9.6.4. OPT_SYN - Packet Extension Format

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


E Option Type Option Length Reserved FOPXU


Option Type = 0x0D

Option Length = 4

OPT_SYN is NOT network-significant.

9.7. OPT_FIN - Session Finish Option

This FIN option indicates the last data packet for a session and

an orderly close down.

The FIN option MAY be used to provide an abstraction to

applications that can simplify application design by providing

stream end notification.

This option MAY be present in the last data packet or transmission

group for a session. The FIN PGM option MUST appear in every SPM

sent after the last ODATA for a session. The SPM_LEAD sequence

number in an SPM with the FIN option indicates the last known data

successfully transmitted for the session.

9.7.1. OPT_FIN - Procedures - Receivers

A receiver SHOULD use receipt of a FIN to let it know that it can

tear down its data structures for the said session once a suitable

time period has expired (TXW_SECS). It MAY still try to solicit

retransmissions within the existing transmit window.

Other than this, procedures for receivers are implementation

dependent. A receiver MAY use the FIN to provide its applications

with abstractions of the data stream and to inform its

applications that the session is ending.

9.7.2. OPT_FIN - Procedures - Sources

Sources MUST include OPT_FIN in every SPM sent after it has been

determined that the application has closed gracefully. If a

source is aware at the time of transmission that it is ending a

session the source MAY include OPT_FIN in,

the last ODATA

any associated RDATAs for the last data

FEC packets for the last transmission group; in this case it is

interpreted as the last packet having the FIN

When a source detects that it needs to send an OPT_FIN it SHOULD

immediately send it. This is done either by appending it to the last

data packet or transmission group or by immediately sending an SPM

and resetting the SPM heartbeat timer (i.e. it does not wait for a

timer to expire before sending the SPM). After sending an OPT_FIN,

the session SHOULD not close and stop sending SPMs until after a time

period equal to TXW_SECS.

9.7.3. OPT_FIN - Procedures - DLRs

In an identical manner to sources, DLRs MUST provide OPT_FIN in any

retransmitted data that is at the end of a session.

9.7.4. OPT_FIN - Packet Extension Format

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


E Option Type Option Length Reserved FOPXU


Option Type = 0x0E

Option Length = 4

OPT_FIN is NOT network-significant.

9.8. OPT_RST - Session Reset Option

The RST option MAY appear in every SPM sent after an unrecoverable

error is identified by the source. This acts to notify the receivers

that the session is being aborted. This option MAY appear only in

SPMs. The SPM_LEAD sequence number in an SPM with the RST option

indicates the last known data successfully transmitted for the


9.8.1. OPT_RST - Procedures - Receivers

Receivers SHOULD treat the reception of OPT_RST in an SPM as an abort

of the session.

A receiver that receives an SPM with an OPT_RST with the N bit set

SHOULD not send any more NAKs for the said session towards the

source. If the N bit (see 9.8.5) is not set, the receiver MAY

continue to try to solicit retransmit data within the current

transmit window.

9.8.2. OPT_RST - Procedures - Sources

Sources SHOULD include OPT_RST in every SPM sent after it has been

determined that an unrecoverable error condition has occurred. The N

bit of the OPT_RST SHOULD only be sent if the source has determined

that it cannot process NAKs for the session. The cause of the

OPT_RST is set to an implementation specific value. If the error

code is unknown, then the value of 0x00 is used. When a source

detects that it needs to send an OPT_RST it SHOULD immediately send

it. This is done by immediately sending an SPM and resetting the SPM

heartbeat timer (i.e. it does not wait for a timer to expire before

sending the SPM). After sending an OPT_RST, the session SHOULD not

close and stop sending SPMs until after a time period equal to


9.8.3. OPT_RST - Procedures - DLRs


9.8.4. OPT_RST - Packet Extension Format

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


E Option Type Option Length Reserved FOPXUNError Code


Option Type = 0x0F

Option Length = 4

N bit

The N bit is set to 1 to indicate that NAKs for previous ODATA

will go unanswered from the source. The application will tell the

source to turn this bit on or off.

Error Code

The 6 bit error code field is used to forward an error code down

to the receivers from the source.

The value of 0x00 indicates an unknown reset reason. Any other

value indicates the application purposely aborted and gave a

reason (the error code value) that may have meaning to the end

receiver application. These values are entirely application


OPT_RST is NOT network-significant.

10. Security Considerations

In addition to the usual problems of end-to-end authentication, PGM

is vulnerable to a number of security risks that are specific to the

mechanisms it uses to establish source path state, to establish

repair state, to forward NAKs, to identify DLRs, and to distribute

repairs. These mechanisms expose PGM network elements themselves to

security risks since network elements not only switch but also

interpret SPMs, NAKs, NCFs, and RDATA, all of which may legitimately

be transmitted by PGM sources, receivers, and DLRs. Short of full

authentication of all neighboring sources, receivers, DLRs, and

network elements, the protocol is not impervious to abuse.

So putting aside the problems of rogue PGM network elements for the

moment, there are enough potential security risks to network elements

associated with sources, receivers, and DLRs alone. These risks

include denial of service through the exhausting of both CPU

bandwidth and memory, as well as loss of (repair) data connectivity

through the muddling of repair state.

False SPMs may cause PGM network elements to mis-direct NAKs intended

for the legitimate source with the result that the requested RDATA

would not be forthcoming.

False NAKs may cause PGM network elements to establish spurious

repair state that will expire only upon time-out and could lead to

memory exhaustion in the meantime.

False NCFs may cause PGM network elements to suspend NAK forwarding

prematurely (or to mis-direct NAKs in the case of redirecting POLRs)

resulting eventually in loss of RDATA.

False RDATA may cause PGM network elements to tear down legitimate

repair state resulting eventually in loss of legitimate RDATA.

The development of precautions for network elements to protect

themselves against incidental or unsophisticated versions of these

attacks is work outside of this spec and includes:

Damping of jitter in the value of either the network-header source

address of SPMs or the path NLA in SPMs. While the network-header

source address is expected to change seldom, the path NLA is

expected to change occasionally as a consequence of changes in

underlying multicast routing information.

The extension of NAK shedding procedures to control the volume, not

just the rate, of confirmed NAKs. In either case, these procedures

assist network elements in surviving NAK attacks at the expense of

maintaining service. More efficiently, network elements may use the

knowledge of TSIs and their associated transmit windows gleaned from

SPMs to control the proliferation of repair state.

A three-way handshake between network elements and DLRs that would

permit a network element to ascertain with greater confidence that an

alleged DLR is identified by the alleged network-header source

address, and is PGM conversant.

11. Appendix A - Forward Error Correction

11.1. Introduction

The following procedures incorporate packet-level Reed Solomon

Erasure correcting techniques as described in [11] and [12] into PGM.

This approach to Forward Error Correction (FEC) is based upon the

computation of h parity packets from k data packets for a total of n

packets such that a receiver can reconstruct the k data packets out

of any k of the n packets. The original k data packets are referred

to as the Transmission Group, and the total n packets as the FEC


These procedures permit any combination of pro-active FEC or on-

demand FEC with conventional ARQ (selective retransmission) within a

given TSI to provide any flavor of layered or integrated FEC. The

two approaches can be used by the same or different receivers in a

single transport session without conflict. Once provided by a

source, the actual use of FEC or selective retransmission for loss

recovery in the session is entirely at the discretion of the

receivers. Note however that receivers SHOULD NOT ask for selective

retransmissions when FEC is available, nevertheless sources MUST

provide selective retransmissions in response to selective NAKs from

the leading partial transmission group (i.e. the most recent

transmission group, which is not yet full). For any group that is

full, the source SHOULD provide FEC on demand in response to a

selective NAK.

Pro-active FEC refers to the technique of computing parity packets at

transmission time and transmitting them as a matter of course

following the data packets. Pro-active FEC is RECOMMENDED for

providing loss recovery over simplex or asymmetric multicast channels

over which returning repair requests is either impossible or costly.

It provides increased reliability at the expense of bandwidth.

On-demand FEC refers to the technique of computing parity packets at

repair time and transmitting them only upon demand (i.e., receiver-

based loss detection and repair request). On-demand FEC is

RECOMMENDED for providing loss recovery of uncorrelated loss in very

large receiver populations in which the probability of any single

packet being lost is substantial. It provides equivalent reliability

to selective NAKs (ARQ) at no more and typically less expense of


Selective NAKs are NAKs that request the retransmission of specific

packets by sequence number corresponding to the sequence number of

any data packets detected to be missing from the expected sequence

(conventional ARQ). Selective NAKs can be used for recovering losses

occurring in leading partial transmission groups, i.e. in the most

recent transmission group, which is not yet full. The RECOMMENDED

way of handling partial transmission groups, however, is for the data

source to use variable-size transmission groups (see below).

Parity NAKs are NAKs that request the transmission of a specific

number of parity packets by count corresponding to the count of the

number of data packets detected to be missing from a group of k data

packets (on-demand FEC).

The objective of these procedures is to incorporate these FEC

techniques into PGM so that:

sources MAY provide parity packets either pro-actively or on-

demand, interchangeably within the same TSI,

receivers MAY use either selective or parity NAKs interchangeably

within the same TSI (however, in a session where on-demand parity

is available receivers SHOULD only use parity NAKs).

network elements maintain repair state based on either selective

or parity NAKs in the same data structure, altering only search,

RDATA constraint, and deletion algorithms in either case,

and only OPTION additions to the basic packet formats are


11.2. Overview

Advertising FEC parameters in the transport session

Sources add OPT_PARITY_PRM to SPMs to provide session-specific

parameters such as the number of packets (TGSIZE == k) in a

transmission group. This option lets receivers know how many packets

there are in a transmission group, and it lets network elements sort

repair state by transmission group number. This option includes an

indication of whether pro-active and/or on-demand parity is available

from the source.

Distinguishing parity packets from data packets

Sources send pro-active parity packets as ODATA (NEs do not forward

RDATA unless a repair state is present) and on-demand parity packets

as RDATA. A source MUST add OPT_PARITY to the ODATA/RDATA packet

header of parity packets to permit network elements and receivers to

distinguish them from data packets.

Data and parity packet numbering

Parity packets MUST be calculated over a fixed number k of data

packets known as the Transmission Group. Grouping of packets into

transmission groups effectively partitions a packet sequence number

into a high-order portion (TG_SQN) specifying the transmission group

(TG), and a low-order portion (PKT_SQN) specifying the packet number

(PKT-NUM in the range 0 through k-1) within that group. From an

implementation point of view, it's handy if k, the TG size, is a

power of 2. If so, then TG_SQN and PKT_SQN can be mapped side-by-

side into the 32 bit SQN. log2(TGSIZE) is then the size in bits of


This mapping does not reduce the effective sequence number space

since parity packets marked with OPT_PARITY allow the sequence space

(PKT_SQN) to be completely reused in order to number the h parity

packets, as long as h is not greater than k.

In the case where h is greater than k, a source MUST add

OPT_PARITY_GRP to any parity packet numbered j greater than k-1,

specifying the number m of the group of k parity packets to which the

packet belongs, where m is just the quotient from the integer

division of j by k. Correspondingly, PKT-NUM for such parity packets

is just j modulo k. In other words, when a source needs to generate

more parity packets than there were original data packets (perhaps

because of a particularly lossy line such that a receiver lost not

only the original data but some of the parity RDATA as well), use the

OPT_PARITY_GRP option in order to number and identify the

transmission group of the extra packets that would exceed the normal

sequential number space.

Note that parity NAKs (and consequently their corresponding parity

NCFs) MUST also contain the OPT_PARITY flag in the options field of

the fixed header, and that in these packets, PKT_SQN MUST contain

PKT_CNT, the number of missing packets, rather than PKT_NUM, the SQN

of a specific missing packet. More on all this later.

Variable Transmission Group Size

The transmission group size advertised in the OPT_PARITY_PRM option

on SPMs MUST be a power of 2 and constant for the duration of the

session. However, the actual transmission group size used MAY not be

constant for the duration of the session, and MAY not be a power of

2. When a TG size different from the one advertised in

OPT_PARITY_PRM is used, the TG size advertised in OPT_PARITY_PRM MUST

be interpreted as specifying the maximum effective size of the TG.

When the actual TG size is not a power of 2 or is smaller than the

max TG size, there will be sparse utilization of the sequence number

space since some of the sequence numbers that would have been

consumed in numbering a maximum sized TG will not be assigned to

packets in the smaller TG. The start of the next transmission group

will always begin on the boundary of the maximum TG size as though

each of the sequence numbers had been utilized.

When the source decides to use a smaller group size than that

advertised in OPT_PARITY_PRM, it appends OPT_CURR_TGSIZE to the last

data packet (ODATA) in the truncated transmission group. This lets

the receiver know that it should not expect any more packets in this

transmission group, and that it may start requesting repairs for any

missing packets. If the last data packet itself went missing, the

receiver will detect the end of the group when it receives a parity

packet for the group, an SPM with SPM_LEAD equal to OD_SQN of the

last data packet, or the first packet of the next group, whichever

comes first. In addition, any parity packet from this TG will also

carry the OPT_CURR_TGSIZE option as will any SPM sent with SPM_LEAD

equal to OD_SQN of the last data packet.

Variable TSDU length

If a non constant TSDU length is used within a given transmission

group, the size of parity packets in the corresponding FEC block MUST

be equal to the size of the largest original data packet in the

block. Parity packets MUST be computed by padding the original

packets with zeros up to the size of the largest data packet. Note

that original data packets are transmitted without padding.

Receivers using a combination of original packets and FEC packets to

rebuild missing packets MUST pad the original packets in the same way

as the source does. The receiver MUST then feed the padded original

packets plus the parity packets to the FEC decoder. The decoder

produces the original packets padded with zeros up to the size of the

largest original packet in the group. In order for the receiver to

eliminate the padding on the reconstructed data packets, the original

size of the packet MUST be known, and this is accomplished as


The source, along with the packet payloads, encodes the TSDU

length and appends the 2-byte encoded length to the padded FEC


Receivers pad the original packets that they received to the

largest original packet size and then append the TSDU length to

the padded packets. They then pass them and the FEC packets to

the FEC decoder.

The decoder produces padded original packets with their original

TSDU length appended. Receivers MUST now use this length to get

rid of the padding.

A source that transmits variable size packets MUST take into account

the fact that FEC packets will have a size equal to the maximum size

of the original packets plus the size of the length field (2 bytes).

If a fixed packet size is used within a transmission group, the

encoded length is not appended to the parity packets. The presence

of the fixed header option flag OPT_VAR_PKTLEN in parity packets

allows receivers to distinguish between transmission groups with

variable sized packets and fixed-size ones, and behave accordingly.

Payload-specific options

Some options present in data packet (ODATA and RDATA) are strictly

associated with the packet content (PGM payload), OPT_FRAGMENT being

an example. These options must be preserved even when the data

packet that would normally contain them is not received, but its the

payload is recovered though the use of FEC.

To achieve this, PGM encodes the content of these options in special

options that are inserted in parity packets. Two flags present in

the the option common-header are used for this process: bit F


Whenever at least one of the original packets of a TG contains a

payload-specific option of a given type, the source MUST include an

encoded version of that option type in all the parity packets it

transmits. The encoded option is computed by applying FEC encoding

to the whole option with the exception of the first three bytes of

the option common-header (E, Option Type, Option Length, OP_ENCODED

and OPX fields). The type, length and OPX of the encoded option are

the same as the type, length and OPX in the original options.

OP_ENCODED is set to 1 (all original option have OP_ENCODED = 0).

The encoding is performed using the same process that is used to

compute the payload of the parity packet. i.e. the FEC encoder is fed

with one copy of that option type for each original packet in the TG.

If one (or more) original packet of the TG does not contain that

option type, an all zeroes option is used for the encoding process.

To be able to distinguish this "dummy" option from valid options with

all-zeroes payload, OP_ENCODED_NULL is used. OP_ENCODED_NULL is set

to 0 in all the original options, but the value of 1 is used in the

encoding process if the option did not exist in the original packet.

On the receiver side, all option with OP_ENCODED_NULL equal to 1 are

discarded after decoding.

When a receiver recovers a missing packet using FEC repair packets,

it MUST also recover payload-specific options, if any. The presence

of these can be unequivocally detected through the presence of

encoded options in parity packets (encoded options have OP_ENCODED

set to 1). Receivers apply FEC-recovery to encoded options and

possibly original options, as they do to recover packet payloads.

The FEC decoding is applied to the whole option with the exception of

the first three bytes of the option common-header (E, Option Type,

Option Length, OP_ENCODED and OPX fields). Each decoded option is

associated with the relative payload, unless OP_ENCODED_NULL turns

out to be 1, in which case the decoded option is discarded.

The decoding MUST be performed using the 1st occurrence of a given

option type in original/parity packets. If one or more original

packets do not contain that option type, an option of the same type

with zero value must be used. This option MUST have OP_ENCODED_NULL

equal to 1.

11.3. Packet Contents

This section just provides enough short-hand to make the Procedures

intelligible. For the full details of packet contents, please refer

to Packet Formats below.

OPT_PARITY indicated in pro-active (ODATA) and on-demand

(RDATA) parity packets to distinguish them from

data packets. This option is directly encoded in

the "Option" field of the fixed PGM header

OPT_VAR_PKTLEN MAY be present in pro-active (ODATA) and on-demand

(RDATA) parity packets to indicate that the

corresponding transmission group is composed of

variable size data packets. This option is

directly encoded in the "Option" field of the fixed

PGM header

OPT_PARITY_PRM appended by sources to SPMs to specify session-

specific parameters such as the transmission group

size and the availability of pro-active and/or on-

demand parity from the source

OPT_PARITY_GRP the number of the group (greater than 0) of h

parity packets to which the parity packet belongs

when more than k parity packets are provided by the


OPT_CURR_TGSIZE appended by sources to the last data packet and any

parity packets in a variable sized transmission

group to indicate to the receiver the actual size

of a transmission group. May also be appended to

certain SPMs

11.3.1. Parity NAKs

NAK_TG_SQN the high-order portion of NAK_SQN specifying the

transmission group for which parity packets are


NAK_PKT_CNT the low-order portion of NAK_SQN specifying the

number of missing data packets for which parity

packets are requested

Nota Bene: NAK_PKT_CNT (and NCF_PKT_CNT) are 0-based counters,

meaning that NAK_PKT_CNT = 0 means that 1 FEC RDATA is being

requested, and in general NAK_PKT_CNT = k - 1 means that k FEC

RDATA are being requested.

11.3.2. Parity NCFs

NCF_TG_SQN the high-order portion of NCF_SQN specifying the

transmission group for which parity packets were


NCF_PKT_CNT the low-order portion of NCF_SQN specifying the

number of missing data packets for which parity

packets were requested

Nota Bene: NCF_PKT_CNT (and NAK_PKT_CNT) are 0-based counters,

meaning that NAK_PKT_CNT = 0 means that 1 FEC RDATA is being

requested, and in general NAK_PKT_CNT = k - 1 means that k FEC

RDATA are being requested.

11.3.3. On-demand Parity

RDATA_TG_SQN the high-order portion of RDATA_SQN specifying the

transmission group to which the parity packet


RDATA_PKT_SQN the low-order portion of RDATA_SQN specifying the

parity packet sequence number within the

transmission group

11.3.4. Pro-active Parity

ODATA_TG_SQN the high-order portion of ODATA_SQN specifying the

transmission group to which the parity packet


ODATA_PKT_SQN the low-order portion of ODATA_SQN specifying the

parity packet sequence number within the

transmission group

11.4. Procedures - Sources

If a source elects to provide parity for a given transport session,

it MUST first provide the transmission group size PARITY_PRM_TGS in

the OPT_PARITY_PRM option of its SPMs. This becomes the maximum

effective transmission group size in the event that the source elects

to send smaller size transmission groups. If a source elects to

provide proactive parity for a given transport session, it MUST set

PARITY_PRM_PRO in the OPT_PARITY_PRM option of its SPMs. If a source

elects to provide on-demand parity for a given transport session, it

MUST set PARITY_PRM_OND in the OPT_PARITY_PRM option of its SPMs.

A source MUST send any pro-active parity packets for a given

transmission group only after it has first sent all of the

corresponding k data packets in that group. Pro-active parity

packets MUST be sent as ODATA with OPT_PARITY in the fixed header.

If a source elects to provide on-demand parity, it MUST respond to a

parity NAK for a transmission group with a parity NCF. The source

MUST complete the transmission of the k original data packets and the

proactive parity packets, possibly scheduled, before starting the

transmission of on-demand parity packets. Subsequently, the source

MUST send the number of parity packets requested by that parity NAK.

On-demand parity packets MUST be sent as RDATA with OPT_PARITY in the

fixed header. Previously transmitted pro-active parity packets

cannot be reused as on-demand parity packets, these MUST be computed

with new, previously unused, indexes.

In either case, the source MUST provide selective retransmissions

only in response to selective NAKs from the leading partial

transmission group. For any group that is full, the source SHOULD

provide FEC on demand in response to a selective retransmission


In the absence of data to transmit, a source SHOULD prematurely

terminate the current transmission group by including OPT_CURR_TGSIZE

to the last data packet or to any proactive parity packets provided.

If the last data packet has already been transmitted and there is no

provision for sending proactive parity packets, an SPM with


A source consolidates requests for on-demand parity in the same

transmission group according to the following procedures. If the

number of pending (i.e., unsent) parity packets from a previous

request for on-demand parity packets is equal to or greater than

NAK_PKT_CNT in a subsequent NAK, that subsequent NAK MUST be

confirmed but MAY otherwise be ignored. If the number of pending

(i.e., unsent) parity packets from a previous request for on-demand

parity packets is less than NAK_PKT_CNT in a subsequent NAK, that

subsequent NAK MUST be confirmed but the source need only increase

the number of pending parity packets to NAK_PKT_CNT.

When a source provides parity packets relative to a transmission

group with variable sized packets, it MUST compute parity packets by

padding the smaller original packets with zeroes out to the size of

the largest of the original packets. The source MUST also append the

encoded TSDU lengths at the end of any padding or directly to the end

of the largest packet, and add the OPT_VAR_PKTLEN option as specified

in the overview description.

When a source provides variable sized transmission groups, it SHOULD

append the OPT_CURR_TGSIZE option to the last data packet in the

shortened group, and it MUST append the OPT_CURR_TGSIZE option to any

parity packets it sends within that group. In case the the last data

packet is sent before a determination has been made to shorten the

group and there is no provision for sending proactive parity packets,

an SPM with OPT_CURR_TGSIZE SHOULD be sent. The source MUST also add

OPT_CURR_TGSIZE to any SPM that it sends with SPM_LEAD equal to

OD_SQN of the last data packet.

A receiver MUST NAK for the entire number of packets missing based on

the maximum TG size, even if it already knows that the actual TG size

is smaller. The source MUST take this into account and compute the

number of packets effectively needed as the difference between

NAK_PKT_CNT and an offset computed as the difference between the max

TG size and the effective TG size.

11.5. Procedures - Receivers

If a receiver elects to make use of parity packets for loss recovery,

it MUST first learn the transmission group size PARITY_PRM_TGS from

OPT_PARITY_PRM in the SPMs for the TSI. The transmission group size

is used by a receiver to determine the sequence number boundaries

between transmission groups.

Thereafter, if PARITY_PRM_PRO is also set in the SPMs for the TSI, a

receiver SHOULD use any pro-active parity packets it receives for

loss recovery, and if PARITY_PRM_OND is also set in the SPMs for the

TSI, it MAY solicit on-demand parity packets upon loss detection. If

PARITY_PRM_OND is set, a receiver MUST NOT send selective NAKs,

except in partial transmission groups if the source does not use the

variable transmission-group size option. Parity packets are ODATA

(pro-active) or RDATA (on-demand) packets distinguished by OPT_PARITY

which lets receivers know that ODATA/RDATA_TG_SQN identifies the

group of PARITY_PRM_TGS packets to which the parity may be applied

for loss recovery in the corresponding transmission group, and that

ODATA/RDATA_PKT_SQN is being reused to number the parity packets

within that group. Receivers order parity packets and eliminate

duplicates within a transmission group based on ODATA/RDATA_PKT_SQN

and on OPT_PARITY_GRP if present.

To solicit on-demand parity packets, a receiver MUST send parity NAKs

upon loss detection. For the purposes of soliciting on-demand

parity, loss detection occurs at transmission group boundaries, i.e.

upon receipt of the last data packet in a transmission group, upon

receipt of any data packet in any subsequent transmission group, or

upon receipt of any parity packet in the current or a subsequent

transmission group.

A parity NAK is simply a NAK with OPT_PARITY and NAK_PKT_CNT set to

the count of the number of packets detected to be missing from the

transmission group specified by NAK_TG_SQN. Note that this

constrains the receiver to request no more parity packets than there

are data packets in the transmission group.

A receiver SHOULD bias the value of NAK_BO_IVL for parity NAKs

inversely proportional to NAK_PKT_CNT so that NAKs for larger losses

are likely to be scheduled ahead of NAKs for smaller losses in the

same receiver population.

A confirming NCF for a parity NAK is a parity NCF with NCF_PKT_CNT

equal to or greater than that specified by the parity NAK.

A receiver's NAK_RDATA_IVL timer is not cancelled until all requested

parity packets have been received.

In the absence of data (detected from SPMs bearing SPM_LEAD equal to

RXW_LEAD) on non-transmission-group boundaries, receivers MAY resort

to selective NAKs for any missing packets in that partial

transmission group.

When a receiver handles parity packets belonging to a transmission

group with variable sized packets, (detected from the presence of the

OPT_VAR_PKTLEN option in the parity packets), it MUST decode them as

specified in the overview description and use the decoded TSDU length

to get rid of the padding in the decoded packet.

If the source was using a variable sized transmission group via the

OPT_CURR_TGSIZE, the receiver might learn this before having

requested (and received) any retransmission. The above happens if it

sees OPT_CURR_TGSIZE in the last data packet of the TG, in any

proactive parity packet or in a SPM. If the receivers learns this

and determines that it has missed one or more packets in the

shortened transmission group, it MAY then NAK for them without

waiting for the start of the next transmission group. Otherwise it

will start NAKing at the start of the next transmission group.

In both cases, the receiver MUST NAK for the number of packets

missing assuming that the size of the transmission group is the

maximum effective transmission group. In other words, the receivers

cannot exploit the fact that it might already know that the

transmission group was smaller but MUST always NAK for the number of

packets it believes are missing, plus the number of packets required

to bring the total packets up to the maximum effective transmission

group size.

After the first parity packet has been delivered to the receiver, the

actual TG size is known to him, either because already known or

because discovered via OPT_CURR_TGSIZE contained in the parity

packet. Hence the receiver can decode the whole group as soon as the

minimum number of parity packets needed is received.

11.6. Procedures - Network Elements

Pro-active parity packets (ODATA with OPT_PARITY) are switched by

network elements without transport-layer intervention.

On-demand parity packets (RDATA with OPT_PARITY) necessitate modified

request, confirmation and repair constraint procedures for network

elements. In the context of these procedures, repair state is

maintained per NAK_TSI and NAK_TG_SQN, and in addition to recording

the interfaces on which corresponding NAKs have been received,

records the largest value of NAK_PKT_CNT seen in corresponding NAKs

on each interface. This value is referred to as the known packet

count. The largest of the known packet counts recorded for any

interface in the repair state for the transmit group or carried by an

NCF is referred to as the largest known packet count.

Upon receipt of a parity NAK, a network element responds with the

corresponding parity NCF. The corresponding parity NCF is just an

NCF formed in the usual way (i.e., a multicast copy of the NAK with

the packet type changed), but with the addition of OPT_PARITY and

with NCF_PKT_CNT set to the larger of NAK_PKT_CNT and the known

packet count for the receiving interface. The network element then

creates repair state in the usual way with the following


If repair state for the receiving interface does not exist, the

network element MUST create it and additionally record NAK_PKT_CNT

from the parity NAK as the known packet count for the receiving


If repair state for the receiving interface already exists, the

network element MUST eliminate the NAK only if NAK_ELIM_IVL has not

expired and NAK_PKT_CNT is equal to or less than the largest known

packet count. If NAK_PKT_CNT is greater than the known packet count

for the receiving interface, the network element MUST update the

latter with the larger NAK_PKT_CNT.

Upon either adding a new interface or updating the known packet count

for an existing interface, the network element MUST determine if

NAK_PKT_CNT is greater than the largest known packet count. If so or

if NAK_ELIM_IVL has expired, the network element MUST forward the

parity NAK in the usual way with a value of NAK_PKT_CNT equal to the

largest known packet count.

Upon receipt of an on-demand parity packet, a network element MUST

locate existing repair state for the corresponding RDATA_TSI and

RDATA_TG_SQN. If no such repair state exists, the network element

MUST discard the RDATA as usual.

If corresponding repair state exists, the largest known packet count

MUST be decremented by one, then the network element MUST forward the

RDATA on all interfaces in the existing repair state, and decrement

the known packet count by one for each. Any interfaces whose known

packet count is thereby reduced to zero MUST be deleted from the

repair state. If the number of interfaces is thereby reduced to

zero, the repair state itself MUST be deleted.

Upon reception of a parity NCF, network elements MUST cancel pending

NAK retransmission only if NCF_PKT_CNT is greater or equal to the

largest known packet count. Network elements MUST use parity NCFs to

anticipate NAKs in the usual way with the addition of recording

NCF_PKT_CNT from the parity NCF as the largest known packet count

with the anticipated state so that any subsequent NAKs received with

NAK_PKT_CNT equal to or less than NCF_PKT_CNT will be eliminated, and

any with NAK_PKT_CNT greater than NCF_PKT_CNT will be forwarded.

Network elements which receive a parity NCF with NCF_PKT_CNT larger

than the largest known packet count MUST also use it to anticipate

NAKs, increasing the largest known packet count to reflect

NCF_PKT_CNT (partial anticipation).

Parity NNAKs follow the usual elimination procedures with the

exception that NNAKs are eliminated only if existing NAK state has a

NAK_PKT_CNT greater than NNAK_PKT_CNT.

Network elements must take extra precaution when the source is using

a variable sized transmission group. Network elements learn that the

source is using a TG size smaller than the maximum from

OPT_CURR_TGSIZE in parity RDATAs or in SPMs. When this happens, they

compute a TG size offset as the difference between the maximum TG

size and the actual TG size advertised by OPT_CURR_TGSIZE. Upon

reception of parity RDATA, the TG size offset is used to update the

repair state as follows:

Any interface whose known packet count is reduced to the TG size

offset is deleted from the repair state.

This replaces the normal rule for deleting interfaces that applies

when the TG size is equal to the maximum TG size.

11.7. Procedures - DLRs

A DLR with the ability to provide FEC repairs MUST indicate this by

setting the OPT_PARITY bit in the redirecting POLR. It MUST then

process any redirected FEC NAKs in the usual way.

11.8. Packet Formats

11.8.1. OPT_PARITY_PRM - Packet Extension Format

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


E Option Type Option Length Reserved FOPXU P O


Transmission Group Size


Option Type = 0x08

Option Length = 8 octets


Indicates when set that the source is providing pro-active parity



Indicates when set that the source is providing on-demand parity


At least one of PARITY_PRM_PRO and PARITY_PRM_OND MUST be set.

Transmission Group Size (PARITY_PRM_TGS)

The number of data packets in the transmission group over which

the parity packets are calculated. If a variable transmission

group size is being used, then this becomes the maximum effective

transmission group size across the session.

OPT_PARITY_PRM MAY be appended only to SPMs.

OPT_PARITY_PRM is network-significant.

11.8.2. OPT_PARITY_GRP - Packet Extension Format

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


E Option Type Option Length Reserved FOPXU


Parity Group Number


Option Type = 0x09

Option Length = 8 octets

Parity Group Number (PRM_GROUP)

The number of the group of k parity packets amongst the h parity

packets within the transmission group to which the parity packet

belongs, where the first k parity packets are in group zero.


OPT_PARITY_GRP MAY be appended only to parity packets.

OPT_PARITY_GRP is NOT network-significant.

11.8.3. OPT_CURR_TGSIZE - Packet Extension Format

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


E Option Type Option Length Reserved FOPXU


Actual Transmission Group Size


Option Type = 0x0A

Option Length = 8 octets

Actual Transmission Group Size (PRM_ATGSIZE)

The actual number of data packets in this transmission group.

This MUST be less than or equal to the maximum transmission group


OPT_CURR_TGSIZE MAY be appended to data and parity packets (ODATA or

RDATA) and to SPMs.

OPT_CURR_TGSIZE is network-significant except when appended to ODATA.

12. Appendix B - Support for Congestion Control

12.1. Introduction

A source MUST implement strategies for congestion avoidance, aimed at

providing overall network stability, fairness among competing PGM

flows, and some degree of fairness towards coexisting TCP flows [13].

In order to do this, the source must be provided with feedback on the

status of the network in terms of traffic load. This appendix

specifies NE procedures that provide such feedback to the source in a

scalable way. (An alternative TCP-friendly scheme for congestion

control that does not require NE support can be found in [16]).

The procedures specified in this section enable the collection and

selective forwarding of three types of feedback to the source:

o Worst link load as measured in network elements.

o Worst end-to-end path load as measured in network elements.

o Worst end-to-end path load as reported by receivers.

This specification defines in detail NE procedures, receivers

procedures and packet formats. It also defines basic procedures in

receivers for generating congestion reports. This specification does

not define the procedures used by PGM sources to adapt their

transmission rates in response of congestion reports. Those

procedures depend upon the specific congestion control scheme.

PGM defines a header option that PGM receivers may append to NAKs

(OPT_CR). OPT_CR carries congestion reports in NAKs that propagate

upstream towards the source.

During the process of hop-by-hop reverse NAK forwarding, NEs examine

OPT_CR and possibly modify its contents prior to forwarding the NAK

upstream. Forwarding CRs also has the side effect of creating

congestion report state in the NE. The presence of OPT_CR and its

contents also influences the normal NAK suppression rules. Both the

modification performed on the congestion report and the additional

suppression rules depend on the content of the congestion report and

on the congestion report state recorded in the NE as detailed below.

OPT_CR contains the following fields:

OPT_CR_NE_WL Reports the load in the worst link as detected though

NE internal measurements

OPT_CR_NE_WP Reports the load in the worst end-to-end path as

detected though NE internal measurements

OPT_CR_RX_WP Reports the load in the worst end-to-end path as

detected by receivers

A load report is either a packet drop rate (as measured at an NE's

interfaces) or a packet loss rate (as measured in receivers). Its

value is linearly encoded in the range 0-0xFFFF, where 0xFFFF

represents a 100% loss/drop rate. Receivers that send a NAK bearing

OPT_CR determine which of the three report fields are being reported.

OPT_CR also contains the following fields:

OPT_CR_NEL A bit indicating that OPT_CR_NE_WL is being reported.

OPT_CR_NEP A bit indicating that OPT_CR_NE_WP is being reported.

OPT_CR_RXP A bit indicating that OPT_CR_RX_WP is being reported.

OPT_CR_LEAD A SQN in the ODATA space that serves as a temporal

reference for the load report values. This is

initialized by receivers with the leading edge of the

transmit window as known at the moment of transmitting

the NAK. This value MAY be advanced in NEs that

modify the content of OPT_CR.

OPT_CR_RCVR The identity of the receiver that generated the worst


The complete format of the option is specified later.

12.2. NE-Based Worst Link Report

To permit network elements to report worst link, receivers append

OPT_CR to a NAK with bit OPT_CR_NEL set and OPT_CR_NE_WL set to zero.

NEs receiving NAKs that contain OPT_CR_NE_WL process the option and

update per-TSI state related to it as described below. The ultimate

result of the NEs' actions ensures that when a NAK leaves a sub-tree,

OPT_CR_NE_WL contains a congestion report that reflects the load of

the worst link in that sub-tree. To achieve this, NEs rewrite

OPT_CR_NE_WL with the worst value among the loads measured on the

local (outgoing) links for the session and the congestion reports

received from those links.

Note that the mechanism described in this sub-section does not permit

the monitoring of the load on (outgoing) links at non-PGM-capable

multicast routers. For this reason, NE-Based Worst Link Reports

SHOULD be used in pure PGM topologies only. Otherwise, this

mechanism might fail in detecting congestion. To overcome this

limitation PGM sources MAY use a heuristic that combines NE-Based

Worst Link Reports and Receiver-Based Reports.

12.3. NE-Based Worst Path Report

To permit network elements to report a worst path, receivers append

OPT_CR to a NAK with bit OPT_CR_NEP set and OPT_CR_NE_WP set to zero.

The processing of this field is similar to that of OPT_CR_NE_WL with

the difference that, on the reception of a NAK, the value of

OPT_CR_NE_WP is adjusted with the load measured on the interface on

which the NAK was received according to the following formula:

OPT_CR_NE_WP = if_load + OPT_CR_NE_WP * (100% - if_loss_rate)

The worst among the adjusted OPT_CR_NE_WP is then written in the

outgoing NAK. This results in a hop-by-hop accumulation of link loss

rates into a path loss rate.

As with OPT_CR_NE_WL, the congestion report in OPT_CR_NE_WP may be

invalid if the multicast distribution tree includes non-PGM-capable


12.4. Receiver-Based Worst Report

To report a packet loss rate, receivers append OPT_CR to a NAK with

bit OPT_CR_RXP set and OPT_CR_RX_WP set to the packet loss rate. NEs

receiving NAKs that contain OPT_CR_RX_WP process the option and

update per-TSI state related to it as described below. The ultimate

result of the NEs' actions ensures that when a NAK leaves a sub-tree,

OPT_CR_RX_WP contains a congestion report that reflects the load of

the worst receiver in that sub-tree. To achieve this, NEs rewrite

OTP_CR_RE_WP with the worst value among the congestion reports

received on its outgoing links for the session. In addition to this,

OPT_CR_RCVR MUST contain the NLA of the receiver that originally

measured the value of OTP_CR_RE_WP being forwarded.

12.5. Procedures - Receivers

To enable the generation of any type of congestion report, receivers

MUST insert OPT_CR in each NAK they generate and provide the

corresponding field (OPT_CR_NE_WL, OPT_CR_NE_WP, OPT_CR_RX_WP). The

specific fields to be reported will be advertised to receivers in

OPT_CRQST on the session's SPMs. Receivers MUST provide only those

options requested in OPT_CRQST.

Receivers MUST initialize OPT_CR_NE_WL and OPT_CR_NE_WP to 0 and they

MUST initialize OPT_CR_RCVR to their NLA. At the moment of sending

the NAK, they MUST also initialize OPT_CR_LEAD to the leading edge of

the transmission window.

Additionally, if a receiver generates a NAK with OPT_CR with

OPT_CR_RX_WP, it MUST initialize OPT_CR_RX_WP to the proper value,

internally computed.

12.6. Procedures - Network Elements

Network elements start processing each OPT_CR by selecting a

reference SQN in the ODATA space. The reference SQN selected is the

highest SQN known to the NE. Usually this is OPT_CR_LEAD contained

in the NAK received.

They use the selected SQN to age the value of load measurement as


o locally measured load values (e.g. interface loads) are

considered up-to-date

o load values carried in OPT_CR are considered up-to-date and are

not aged so as to be independent of variance in round-trip

times from the network element to the receivers

o old load values recorded in the NE are exponentially aged

according to the difference between the selected reference SQN

and the reference SQN associated with the old load value.

The exponential aging is computed so that a recorded value gets

scaled down by a factor exp(-1/2) each time the expected inter-NAK

time elapses. Hence the aging formula must include the current loss

rate as follows:

aged_loss_rate = loss_rate * exp( - SQN_difference * loss_rate /


Note that the quantity 1/loss_rate is the expected SQN_lag between

two NAKs, hence the formula above can also be read as:

aged_loss_rate = loss_rate * exp( - 1/2 * SQN_difference /


which equates to (loss_rate * exp(-1/2)) when the SQN_difference is

equal to expected SQN_lag between two NAKs.

All the subsequent computations refer to the aged load values.

Network elements process OPT_CR by handling the three possible types

of congestion reports independently.

For each congestion report in an incoming NAK, a new value is

computed to be used in the outgoing NAK:

o The new value for OPT_CR_NE_WL is the maximum of the load

measured on the outgoing interfaces for the session, the value

of OPT_CR_NE_WL of the incoming NAK, and the value previously

sent upstream (recorded in the NE). All these values are as

obtained after the aging process.

o The new value for OPT_CR_NE_WP is the maximum of the value

previously sent upstream (after aging) and the value of

OPT_CR_NE_WP in the incoming NAK adjusted with the load on the

interface upon which the NAK was received (as described above).

o The new value for OPT_CR_RX_WP is the maximum of the value

previously sent upstream (after aging) and the value of

OPT_CR_RX_WP in the incoming NAK.

o If OPT_CR_RX_WP was selected from the incoming NAK, the new

value for OPT_CR_RCVR is the one in the incoming NAK.

Otherwise it is the value previously sent upstream.

o The new value for OPT_CR_LEAD is the reference SQN selected for

the aging procedure.

12.6.1. Overriding Normal Suppression Rules

Normal suppression rules hold to determine if a NAK should be

forwarded upstream or not. However if any of the outgoing congestion

reports has changed by more than 5% relative to the one previously

sent upstream, this new NAK is not suppressed.

12.6.2. Link Load Measurement

PGM routers monitor the load on all their outgoing links and record

it in the form of per-interface loss rate statistics. "load" MUST be

interpreted as the percentage of the packets meant to be forwarded on

the interface that were dropped. Load statistics refer to the

aggregate traffic on the links and not to PGM traffic only.

This document does not specify the algorithm to be used to collect

such statistics, but requires that such algorithm provide both

accuracy and responsiveness in the measurement process. As far as

accuracy is concerned, the expected measurement error SHOULD be

upper-limited (e.g. less than than 10%). As far as responsiveness is

concerned, the measured load SHOULD converge to the actual value in a

limited time (e.g. converge to 90% of the actual value in less than

200 milliseconds), when the instantaneous offered load changes.

Whenever both requirements cannot be met at the same time, accuracy

SHOULD be traded for responsiveness.

12.7. Packet Formats

12.7.1. OPT_CR - Packet Extension Format

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


E Option Type Option Length Reserved FOPXU L P R


Congestion Report Reference SQN


NE Worst Link NE Worst Path


Rcvr Worst Path Reserved


NLA AFI Reserved


Worst Receiver's NLA ...


Option Type = 0x10

Option Length = 20 octets + NLA length

L OPT_CR_NEL bit : set indicates OPT_CR_NE_WL is being reported

P OPT_CR_NEP bit : set indicates OPT_CR_NE_WP is being reported

R OPT_CR_RXP bit : set indicates OPT_CR_RX_WP is being reported

Congestion Report Reference SQN (OPT_CR_LEAD).

A SQN in the ODATA space that serves as a temporal reference point

for the load report values.

NE Worst Link (OPT_CR_NE_WL).

Reports the load in the worst link as detected though NE internal


NE Worst Path (OPT_CR_NE_WP).

Reports the load in the worst end-to-end path as detected though

NE internal measurements

Rcvr Worst Path (OPT_CR_RX_WP).

Reports the load in the worst end-to-end path as detected by


Worst Receiver's NLA (OPT_CR_RCVR).

The unicast address of the receiver that generated the worst


OPT_CR MAY be appended only to NAKs.

OPT-CR is network-significant.

12.7.2. OPT_CRQST - Packet Extension Format

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


E Option Type Option Length Reserved FOPXU L P R


Option Type = 0x11

Option Length = 4 octets

L OPT_CRQST_NEL bit : set indicates OPT_CR_NE_WL is being


P OPT_CRQST_NEP bit : set indicates OPT_CR_NE_WP is being


R OPT_CRQST_RXP bit : set indicates OPT_CR_RX_WP is being


OPT_CRQST MAY be appended only to SPMs.

OPT-CRQST is network-significant.

13. Appendix C - SPM Requests

13.1. Introduction

SPM Requests (SPMRs) MAY be used to solicit an SPM from a source in a

non-implosive way. The typical application is for late-joining

receivers to solicit SPMs directly from a source in order to be able

to NAK for missing packets without having to wait for a regularly

scheduled SPM from that source.

13.2. Overview

Allowing for SPMR implosion protection procedures, a receiver MAY

unicast an SPMR to a source to solicit the most current session,

window, and path state from that source any time after the receiver

has joined the group. A receiver may learn the TSI and source to

which to direct the SPMR from any other PGM packet it receives in the

group, or by any other means such as from local configuration or

Directory services. The receiver MUST use the usual SPM procedures

to glean the unicast address to which it should direct its NAKs from

the solicited SPM.

13.3. Packet Contents

This section just provides enough short-hand to make the Procedures

intelligible. For the full details of packet contents, please refer

to Packet Formats below.

13.3.1. SPM Requests

SPMRs are transmitted by receivers to solicit SPMs from a source.

SPMs are unicast to a source and contain:

SPMR_TSI the source-assigned TSI for the session to which the

SPMR corresponds

13.4. Procedures - Sources

A source MUST respond immediately to an SPMR with the corresponding

SPM rate limited to once per IHB_MIN per TSI. The corresponding SPM


13.5. Procedures - Receivers

To moderate the potentially implosive behavior of SPMRs at least on a

densely populated subnet, receivers MUST use the following back-off

and suppression procedure based on multicasting the SPMR with a TTL

of 1 ahead of and in addition to unicasting the SPMR to the source.

The role of the multicast SPMR is to suppress the transmission of

identical SPMRs from the subnet.

More specifically, before unicasting a given SPMR, receivers MUST

choose a random delay on SPMR_BO_IVL (~250 msecs) during which they

listen for a multicast of an identical SPMR. If a receiver does not

see a matching multicast SPMR within its chosen random interval, it

MUST first multicast its own SPMR to the group with a TTL of 1 before

then unicasting its own SPMR to the source. If a receiver does see a

matching multicast SPMR within its chosen random interval, it MUST

refrain from unicasting its SPMR and wait instead for the

corresponding SPM.

In addition, receipt of the corresponding SPM within this random

interval SHOULD cancel transmission of an SPMR.

In either case, the receiver MUST wait at least SPMR_SPM_IVL before

attempting to repeat the SPMR by choosing another delay on

SPMR_BO_IVL and repeating the procedure above.

The corresponding SPMR matches SPMR_TSI to SPMR_TSI and SPMR_DPORT to

SPMR_DPORT. The corresponding SPM matches SPM_TSI to SPMR_TSI and


13.6. SPM Requests


SPM Requests are sent by receivers to request the immediate

transmission of an SPM for the given TSI from a source.

The network-header source address of an SPMR is the unicast NLA of

the entity that originates the SPMR.

The network-header destination address of an SPMR is the unicast NLA

of the source from which the corresponding SPM is requested.

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


Source Port Destination Port


Type Options Checksum


Global Source ID ...


... Global Source ID TSDU Length


Option Extensions when present ...

+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- ...

Source Port:


Data-Destination Port

Destination Port:


Data-Source Port, together with Global Source ID forms SPMR_TSI



Global Source ID:


Together with Source Port forms


14. Appendix D - Poll Mechanism

14.1. Introduction

These procedures provide PGM network elements and sources with the

ability to poll their downstream PGM neighbors to solicit replies

in an implosion-controlled way.

Both general polls and specific polls are possible. The former

provide a PGM (parent) node with a way to check if there are any

PGM (children) nodes connected to it, both network elements and

receivers, and to estimate their number. The latter may be used

by PGM parent nodes to search for nodes with specific properties

among its PGM children. An example of application for this is DLR


Polling is implemented using two additional PGM packets:

POLL a Poll Request that PGM parent nodes multicast to the group to

perform the poll. Similarly to NCFs, POLL packets stop at the

first PGM node they reach, as they are not forwarded by PGM

network elements.

POLR a Poll Response that PGM children nodes (either network elements

or receivers) use to reply to a Poll Request by addressing it

to the NLA of the interface from which the triggering POLL was


The polling mechanism dictates that PGM children nodes that receive a

POLL packet reply to it only if certain conditions are satisfied and

ignore the POLL otherwise. Two types of condition are possible: a

random condition that defines a probability of replying for the

polled child, and a deterministic condition. Both the random

condition and the deterministic condition are controlled by the

polling PGM parent node by specifying the probability of replying and

defining the deterministic condition(s) respectively. Random-only

poll, deterministic-only poll or a combination of the two are


The random condition in polls allows the prevention of implosion of

replies by controlling their number. Given a probability of replying

P and assuming that each receiver makes an independent decision, the

number of expected replies to a poll is P*N where N is the number of

PGM children relative to the polling PGM parent. The polling node

can control the number of expected replies by specifying P in the

POLL packet.

14.2. Packet Contents

This section just provides enough short-hand to make the Procedures

intelligible. For the full details of packet contents, please refer

to Packet Formats below.

14.2.1. POLL (Poll Request)

POLL_SQN a sequence number assigned sequentially by the polling

parent in unit increments and scoped by POLL_PATH and

the TSI of the session.

POLL_ROUND a poll round sequence number. Multiple poll rounds

are possible within a POLL_SQN.

POLL_S_TYPE the sub-type of the poll request

POLL_PATH the network-layer address (NLA) of the interface on

the PGM network element or source on which the POLL is


POLL_BO_IVL the back-off interval that MUST be used to compute the

random back-off time to wait before sending the

response to a poll. POLL_BO_IVL is expressed in


POLL_RAND a random string used to implement the randomness in


POLL_MASK a bit-mask used to determine the probability of random


Poll request MAY also contain options which specify deterministic

conditions for the reply. No options are currently defined.

14.2.2. POLR (Poll Response)

POLR_SQN POLL_SQN of the poll request for which this is a reply

POLR_ROUND POLL_ROUND of the poll request for which this is a


Poll response MAY also contain options. No options are currently


14.3. Procedures - General

14.3.1. General Polls

General Polls may be used to check for and count PGM children that

are 1 PGM hop downstream of an interface of a given node. They have

POLL_S_TYPE equal to PGM_POLL_GENERAL. PGM children that receive a

general poll decide whether to reply to it only based on the random

condition present in the POLL.

To prevent response implosion, PGM parents that initiate a general

poll SHOULD establish the probability of replying to the poll, P, so

that the expected number of replies is contained. The expected

number of replies is N * P, where N is the number of children. To be

able to compute this number, PGM parents SHOULD already have a rough

estimate of the number of children. If they do not have a recent

estimate of this number, they SHOULD send the first poll with a very

low probability of replying and increase it in subsequent polls in

order to get the desired number of replies.

To prevent poll-response implosion caused by a sudden increase in the

children population occurring between two consecutive polls with

increasing probability of replying, PGM parents SHOULD use poll

rounds. Poll rounds allow PGM parents to "freeze" the size of the

children population when they start a poll and to maintain it

constant across multiple polls (with the same POLL_SQN but different

POLL_ROUND). This works by allowing PGM children to respond to a

poll only if its POLL_ROUND is zero or if they have previously

received a poll with the same POLL_SQN and POLL_ROUND equal to zero.

In addition to this PGM children MUST observe a random back-off in

replying to a poll. This spreads out the replies in time and allows

a PGM parent to abort the poll if too many replies are being

received. To abort an ongoing poll a PGM parent MUST initiate

another poll with different POLL_SQN. PGM children that receive a

POLL MUST cancel any pending reply for POLLs with POLL_SQN different

from the one of the last POLL received.

For a given poll with probability of replying P, a PGM parent

estimates the number of children as M / P, where M is the number of

responses received. PGM parents SHOULD keep polling periodically and

use some average of the result of recent polls as their estimate for

the number of children.

14.3.2. Specific Polls

Specific polls provide a way to search for PGM children that comply

to specific requisites. As an example specific poll could be used to

search for down-stream DLRs. A specific poll is characterized by a

POLL_S_TYPE different from PGM_POLL_GENERAL. PGM children decide

whether to reply to a specific poll or not based on the POLL_S_TYPE,

on the random condition and on options possibly present in the POLL.

The way options should be interpreted is defined by POLL_S_TYPE. The

random condition MUST be interpreted as an additional condition to be

satisfied. To disable the random condition PGM parents MUST specify

a probability of replying P equal to 1.

PGM children MUST ignore a POLL packet if they do not understand

POLL_S_TYPE. Some specific POLL_S_TYPE may also require that the

children ignore a POLL if they do not fully understand all the PGM

options present in the packet.

14.4. Procedures - PGM Parents (Sources or Network Elements)

A PGM parent (source or network element), that wants to poll the

first PGM-hop children connected to one of its outgoing interfaces

MUST send a POLL packet on that interface with:

POLL_SQN equal to POLL_SQN of the last POLL sent incremented by

one. If poll rounds are used, this must be equal to

POLL_SQN of the last group of rounds incremented by


POLL_ROUND The round of the poll. If the poll has a single

round, this must be zero. If the poll has multiple

rounds, this must be one plus the last POLL_ROUND for

the same POLL_SQN, or zero if this is the first round

within this POLL_SQN.

POLL_S_TYPE the type of the poll. For general poll use


POLL_PATH set to the NLA of the outgoing interface

POLL_BO_IVL set to the wanted reply back-off interval. As far as

the choice of this is concerned, using NAK_BO_IVL is

usually a conservative option, however a smaller value

MAY be used, if the number of expected replies can be

determined with a good confidence or if a

conservatively low probability of reply (P) is being

used (see POLL_MASK next). When the number of

expected replies is unknown, a large POLL_BO_IVL

SHOULD be used, so that the poll can be effectively

aborted if the number of replies being received is too


POLL_RAND MUST be a random string re-computed each time a new

poll is sent on a given interface

POLL_MASK determines the probability of replying, P, according

to the relationship P = 1 / ( 2 ^ B ), where B is the

number of bits set in POLL_MASK [15]. If this is a

deterministic poll, B MUST be 0, i.e. POLL_MASK MUST

be a all-zeroes bit-mask.

Nota Bene: POLLs transmitted by network elements MUST bear the

ODATA source's network-header source address, not the network

element's NLA. POLLs MUST also be transmitted with the IP

Router Alert Option [6], to be allow PGM network element to

intercept them.

A PGM parent that has started a poll by sending a POLL packet SHOULD

wait at least POLL_BO_IVL before starting another poll. During this

interval it SHOULD collect all the valid response (the one with

POLR_SQN and POLR_ROUND matching with the outstanding poll) and

process them at the end of the collection interval.

A PGM parent SHOULD observe the rules mentioned in the description of

general procedures, to prevent implosion of response. These rules

should in general be observed both for generic polls and specific

polls. The latter however can be performed using deterministic poll

(with no implosion prevention) if the expected number of replies is

known to be small. A PGM parent that issue a generic poll with the

intent of estimating the children population size SHOULD use poll

rounds to "freeze" the children that are involved in the measure

process. This allows the sender to "open the door wider" across

subsequent rounds (by increasing the probability of response),

without fear of being flooded by late joiners. Note the use of

rounds has the drawback of introducing additional delay in the

estimate of the population size, as the estimate obtained at the end

of a round-group refers to the condition present at the time of the

first round.

A PGM parent that has started a poll SHOULD monitor the number of

replies during the collection phase. If this become too large, the

PGM parent SHOULD abort the poll by immediately starting a new poll

(different POLL_SQN) and specifying a very low probability of


When polling is being used to estimate the receiver population for

the purpose of calculating NAK_BO_IVL, OPT_NAK_BO_IVL (see 16.4.1

below) MUST be appended to SPMs, MAY be appended to NCFs and POLLs,

and in all cases MUST have NAK_BO_IVL_SQN set to POLL_SQN of the most

recent complete round of polls, and MUST bear that round's

corresponding derived value of NAK_BAK_IVL. In this way,

OPT_NAK_BO_IVL provides a current value for NAK_BO_IVL at the same

time as information is being gathered for the calculation of a future

value of NAK_BO_IVL.

14.5. Procedures - PGM Children (Receivers or Network Elements)

PGM receivers and network elements MUST compute a 32-bit random node

identifier (RAND_NODE_ID) at startup time. When a PGM child

(receiver or network element) receives a POLL it MUST use its

RAND_NODE_ID to match POLL_RAND of incoming POLLs. The match is

limited to the bits specified by POLL_MASK. If the incoming POLL

contain a POLL_MASK made of all zeroes, the match is successful

despite the content of POLL_RAND (deterministic reply). If the match

fails, then the receiver or network element MUST discard the POLL

without any further action, otherwise it MUST check the fields

POLL_ROUND, POLL_S_TYPE and any PGM option included in the POLL to

determine whether it SHOULD reply to the poll.

If POLL_ROUND is non-zero and the PGM receiver has not received a

previous poll with the same POLL_SQN and a zero POLL_ROUND, it MUST

discard the poll without further action.

If POLL_S_TYPE is equal to PGM_POLL_GENERAL, the PGM child MUST

schedule a reply to the POLL despite the presence of PGM options on

the POLL packet.

If POLL_S_TYPE is different from PGM_POLL_GENERAL, the decision on

whether a reply should be scheduled depends on the actual type and on

the options possibly present in the POLL.

If POLL_S_TYPE is unknown to the recipient of the POLL, it MUST NOT

reply and ignore the poll. Currently the only POLL_S_TYPE defined


If a PGM receiver or network element has decided to reply to a POLL,

it MUST schedule the transmission of a single POLR at a random time

in the future. The random delay is chosen in the interval [0,

POLL_BO_IVL]. POLL_BO_IVL is the one contained in the POLL received.

When this timer expires, it MUST send a POLR using POLL_PATH of the

received POLL as destination address. POLR_SQN MUST be equal to


contain PGM options according to the semantic of POLL_S_TYPE or the

semantic of PGM options possibly present in the POLL. If POLL_S_TYPE


A PGM receiver or network element MUST cancel any pending

transmission of POLRs if a new POLL is received with POLL_SQN

different from POLR_SQN of the poll that scheduled POLRs.

14.6. Constant Definition

The POLL_S_TYPE values currently defined are:



14.7. Packet Formats

The packet formats described in this section are transport-layer

headers that MUST immediately follow the network-layer header in the


The descriptions of Data-Source Port, Data-Destination Port, Options,

Checksum, Global Source ID (GSI), and TSDU Length are those provided

in Section 8.

14.7.1. Poll Request

POLL are sent by PGM parents (sources or network elements) to

initiate a poll among their first PGM-hop children.

POLLs are sent to the ODATA multicast group. The network-header

source address of a POLL is the ODATA source's NLA. POLL MUST be

transmitted with the IP Router Alert Option.

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


Source Port Destination Port


Type Options Checksum


Global Source ID ...


... Global Source ID TSDU Length


POLL's Sequence Number


POLL's Round POLL's Sub-type


NLA AFI Reserved


Path NLA ...


POLL's Back-off Interval


Random String


Matching Bit-Mask


Option Extensions when present ...

+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- ... -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+

Source Port:


Data-Source Port, together with POLL_GSI forms POLL_TSI

Destination Port:


Data-Destination Port


POLL_TYPE = 0x01

Global Source ID:


Together with POLL_SPORT forms POLL_TSI

POLL's Sequence Number


The sequence number assigned to the POLL by the originator.

POLL's Round


The round number within the poll sequence number.

POLL's Sub-type


The sub-type of the poll request.

Path NLA:


The NLA of the interface on the source or network element on which

this POLL was forwarded.

POLL's Back-off Interval


The back-off interval used to compute a random back-off for the

reply, expressed in microseconds.

Random String


A random string used to implement the random condition in


Matching Bit-Mask


A bit-mask used to determine the probability of random replies.

14.7.2. Poll Response

POLR are sent by PGM children (receivers or network elements) to

reply to a POLL.

The network-header source address of a POLR is the unicast NLA of the

entity that originates the POLR. The network-header destination

address of a POLR is initialized by the originator of the POLL to the

unicast NLA of the upstream PGM element (source or network element)

known from the POLL that triggered the POLR.

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


Source Port Destination Port


Type Options Checksum


Global Source ID ...


... Global Source ID TSDU Length


POLR's Sequence Number


POLR's Round reserved


Option Extensions when present ...

+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- ... -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+

Source Port:


Data-Destination Port

Destination Port:


Data-Source Port, together with Global Source ID forms POLR_TSI


POLR_TYPE = 0x02

Global Source ID:


Together with POLR_DPORT forms POLR_TSI

POLR's Sequence Number


The sequence number (POLL_SQN) of the POLL packet for which this

is a reply.

POLR's Round


The round number (POLL_ROUND) of the POLL packet for which this is

a reply.

15. Appendix E - Implosion Prevention

15.1. Introduction

These procedures are intended to prevent NAK implosion and to limit

its extent in case of the loss of all or part of the suppressing

multicast distribution tree. They also provide a means to adaptively

tune the NAK back-off interval, NAK_BO_IVL.

The PGM virtual topology is established and refreshed by SPMs.

Between one SPM and the next, PGM nodes may have an out-of-date view

of the PGM topology due to multicast routing changes, flapping, or a

link/router failure. If any of the above happens relative to a PGM

parent node, a potential NAK implosion problem arises because the

parent node is unable to suppress the generation of duplicate NAKs as

it cannot reach its children using NCFs. The procedures described

below introduce an alternative way of performing suppression in this

case. They also attempt to prevent implosion by adaptively tuning


15.2. Tuning NAK_BO_IVL

Sources and network elements continuously monitor the number of

duplicated NAKs received and use this observation to tune the NAK

back-off interval (NAK_BO_IVL) for the first PGM-hop receivers

connected to them. Receivers learn the current value of NAK_BO_IVL

through OPT_NAK_BO_IVL appended to NCFs or SPMs.

15.2.1. Procedures - Sources and Network Elements

For each TSI, sources and network elements advertise the value of

NAK_BO_IVL that their first PGM-hop receivers should use. They

advertise a separate value on all the outgoing interfaces for the TSI

and keep track of the last values advertised.

For each interface and TSI, sources and network elements count the

number of NAKs received for a specific repair state (i.e., per

sequence number per TSI) from the time the interface was first added

to the repair state list until the time the repair state is

discarded. Then they use this number to tune the current value of

NAK_BO_IVL as follows:

Increase the current value NAK_BO_IVL when the first duplicate NAK

is received for a given SQN on a particular interface.

Decrease the value of NAK_BO_IVL if no duplicate NAKs are received on

a particular interface for the last NAK_PROBE_NUM measurements where

each measurement corresponds to the creation of a new repair state.

An upper and lower limit are defined for the possible value of

NAK_BO_IVL at any time. These are NAK_BO_IVL_MAX and NAK_BO_IVL_MIN

respectively. The initial value that should be used as a starting

point to tune NAK_BO_IVL is NAK_BO_IVL_DEFAULT. The policies

RECOMMENDED for increasing and decreasing NAK_BO_IVL are multiplying

by two and dividing by two respectively.

Sources and network elements advertise the current value of

NAK_BO_IVL through the OPT_NAK_BO_IVL that they append to NCFs. They

MAY also append OPT_NAK_BO_IVL to outgoing SPMs.

In order to avoid forwarding the NAK_BO_IVL advertised by the parent,

network elements must be able to recognize OPT_NAK_BO_IVL. Network

elements that receive SPMs containing OPT_NAK_BO_IVL MUST either

remove the option or over-write its content (NAK_BO_IVL) with the

current value of NAK_BO_IVL for the outgoing interface(s), before

forwarding the SPMs.

Sources MAY advertise the value of NAK_BO_IVL_MAX and NAK_BO_IVL_MIN

to the session by appending a OPT_NAK_BO_RNG to SPMs.

15.2.2. Procedures - Receivers

Receivers learn the value of NAK_BO_IVL to use through the option

OPT_NAK_BO_IVL, when this is present in NCFs or SPMs. A value for

NAK_BO_IVL learned from OPT_NAK_BO_IVL MUST NOT be used by a receiver

unless either NAK_BO_IVL_SQN is zero, or the receiver has seen

POLL_RND == 0 for POLL_SQN =< NAK_BO_IVL_SQN within half the sequence

number space. The initial value of NAK_BO_IVL is set to


Receivers that receive an SPM containing OPT_NAK_BO_RNG MUST use its

content to set the local values of NAK_BO_IVL_MAX and NAK_BO_IVL_MIN.

15.2.3. Adjusting NAK_BO_IVL in the absence of NAKs

Monitoring the number of duplicate NAKs provides a means to track

indirectly the change in the size of first PGM-hop receiver

population and adjust NAK_BO_IVL accordingly. Note that the number

of duplicate NAKs for a given SQN is related to the number of first

PGM-hop children that scheduled (or forwarded) a NAK and not to the

absolute number of first PGM-hop children. This mechanism, however,

does not work in the absence of packet loss, hence a large number of

duplicate NAKs is possible after a period without NAKs, if many new

receivers have joined the session in the meanwhile. To address this

issue, PGM Sources and network elements SHOULD periodically poll the

number of first PGM-hop children using the "general poll" procedures

described in Appendix D. If the result of the polls shows that the

population size has increased significantly during a period without

NAKs, they SHOULD increase NAK_BO_IVL as a safety measure.

15.3. Containing Implosion in the Presence of Network Failures

15.3.1. Detecting Network Failures

In some cases PGM (parent) network elements can promptly detect the

loss of all or part of the suppressing multicast distribution tree

(due to network failures or route changes) by checking their

multicast connectivity, when they receive NAKs. In some other cases

this is not possible as the connectivity problem might occur at some

other non-PGM node downstream or might take time to reflect in the

multicast routing table. To address these latter cases, PGM uses a

simple heuristic: a failure is assumed for a TSI when the count of

duplicated NAKs received for a repair state reaches the value

DUP_NAK_MAX in one of the interfaces.

15.3.2. Containing Implosion

When a PGM source or network element detects or assumes a failure for

which it looses multicast connectivity to down-stream PGM agents

(either receivers or other network elements), it sends unicast NCFs

to them in response to NAKs. Downstream PGM network elements which

receive unicast NCFs and have multicast connectivity to the multicast

session send special SPMs to prevent further NAKs until a regular SPM

sent by the source refreshes the PGM tree.

Procedures - Sources and Network Elements

PGM sources or network elements which detect or assume a failure that

prevents them from reaching down-stream PGM agents through multicast

NCFs revert to confirming NAKs through unicast NCFs for a given TSI

on a given interface. If the PGM agent is the source itself, than it

MUST generate an SPM for the TSI, in addition to sending the unicast


Network elements MUST keep using unicast NCFs until they receive a

regular SPM from the source.

When a unicast NCF is sent for the reasons described above, it MUST

contain the OPT_NBR_UNREACH option and the OPT_PATH_NLA option.

OPT_NBR_UNREACH indicates that the sender is unable to use multicast

to reach downstream PGM agents. OPT_PATH_NLA carries the network

layer address of the NCF sender, namely the NLA of the interface

leading to the unreachable subtree.

When a PGM network element receives an NCF containing the

OPT_NBR_UNREACH option, it MUST ignore it if OPT_PATH_NLA specifies

an upstream neighbour different from the one currently known to be

the upstream neighbor for the TSI. Assuming the network element

matches the OPT_PATH_NLA of the upstream neighbour address, it MUST

stop forwarding NAKs for the TSI until it receives a regular SPM for

the TSI. In addition, it MUST also generate a special SPM to prevent

downstream receivers from sending more NAKs. This special SPM MUST

contain the OPT_NBR_UNREACH option and SHOULD have a SPM_SQN equal to

SPM_SQN of the last regular SPM forwarded. The OPT_NBR_UNREACH

option invalidates the windowing information in SPMs (SPM_TRAIL and

SPM_LEAD). The PGM network element that adds the OPT_NBR_UNREACH

option SHOULD invalidate the windowing information by setting

SPM_TRAIL to 0 and SPM_LEAD to 0x80000000.

PGM network elements which receive an SPM containing the

OPT_NBR_UNREACH option and whose SPM_PATH matches the currently known

PGM parent, MUST forward them in the normal way and MUST stop

forwarding NAKs for the TSI until they receive a regular SPM for the

TSI. If the SPM_PATH does not match the currently known PGM parent,

the SPM containing the OPT_NBR_UNREACH option MUST be ignored.

Procedures - Receivers

PGM receivers which receive either an NCF or an SPM containing the

OPT_NBR_UNREACH option MUST stop sending NAKs until a regular SPM is

received for the TSI.

On reception of a unicast NCF containing the OPT_NBR_UNREACH option

receivers MUST generate a multicast copy of the packet with TTL set

to one on the RPF interface for the data source. This will prevent

other receivers in the same subnet from generating NAKs.

Receivers MUST ignore windowing information in SPMs which contain the


Receivers MUST ignore NCFs containing the OPT_NBR_UNREACH option if

the OPT_PATH_NLA specifies a neighbour different than the one

currently know to be the PGM parent neighbour. Similarly receivers

MUST ignore SPMs containing the OPT_NBR_UNREACH option if SPM_PATH

does not match the current PGM parent.

15.4. Packet Formats

15.4.1. OPT_NAK_BO_IVL - Packet Extension Format

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


E Option Type Option Length Reserved FOPXU


NAK Back-Off Interval


NAK Back-Off Interval SQN


Option Type = 0x04

NAK Back-Off Interval

The value of NAK-generation Back-Off Interval in microseconds.

NAK Back-Off Interval Sequence Number

The POLL_SQN to which this value of NAK_BO_IVL corresponds. Zero

is reserved and means NAK_BO_IVL is NOT being determined through

polling (see Appendix D) and may be used immediately. Otherwise,

NAK_BO_IVL MUST NOT be used unless the receiver has also seen

POLL_ROUND = 0 for POLL_SQN =< NAK_BO_IVL_SQN within half the

sequence number space.

OPT_NAK_BO_IVL MAY be appended to NCFs, SPMs, or POLLs.

OPT_NAK_BO_IVL is network-significant.

15.4.2. OPT_NAK_BO_RNG - Packet Extension Format

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


E Option Type Option Length Reserved FOPXU


Maximum NAK Back-Off Interval


Minimum NAK Back-Off Interval


Option Type = 0x05

Maximum NAK Back-Off Interval

The maximum value of NAK-generation Back-Off Interval in


Minimum NAK Back-Off Interval

The minimum value of NAK-generation Back-Off Interval in


OPT_NAK_BO_RNG MAY be appended to SPMs.

OPT_NAK_BO_RNG is network-significant.

15.4.3. OPT_NBR_UNREACH - Packet Extension Format

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


E Option Type Option Length Reserved FOPXU


Option Type = 0x0B

When present in SPMs, it invalidates the windowing information.

OPT_NBR_UNREACH MAY be appended to SPMs and NCFs.

OPT_NBR_UNREACH is network-significant.

15.4.4. OPT_PATH_NLA - Packet Extension Format

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


E Option Type Option Length Reserved FOPXU


Path NLA


Option Type = 0x0C

Path NLA

The NLA of the interface on the originating PGM network element

that it uses to send multicast SPMs to the recipient of the packet

containing this option.

OPT_PATH_NLA MAY be appended to NCFs.

OPT_PATH_NLA is network-significant.

16. Appendix F - Transmit Window Example

Nota Bene: The concept of and all references to the increment

window (TXW_INC) and the window increment (TXW_ADV_SECS)

throughout this document are for illustrative purposes only. They

provide the shorthand with which to describe the concept of

advancing the transmit window without also implying any particular

implementation or policy of advancement.

The size of the transmit window in seconds is simply TXW_SECS. The

size of the transmit window in bytes (TXW_BYTES) is (TXW_MAX_RTE *

TXW_SECS). The size of the transmit window in sequence numbers

(TXW_SQNS) is (TXW_BYTES / bytes-per-packet).

The fraction of the transmit window size (in seconds of data) by

which the transmit window is advanced (TXW_ADV_SECS) is called the

window increment. The trailing (oldest) such fraction of the

transmit window itself is called the increment window.

In terms of sequence numbers, the increment window is the range of

sequence numbers that will be the first to be expired from the

transmit window. The trailing (or left) edge of the increment window

is just TXW_TRAIL, the trailing (or left) edge of the transmit

window. The leading (or right) edge of the increment window

(TXW_INC) is defined as one less than the sequence number of the

first data packet transmitted by the source TXW_ADV_SECS after

transmitting TXW_TRAIL.

A data packet is described as being "in" the transmit or increment

window, respectively, if its sequence number is in the range defined

by the transmit or increment window, respectively.

The transmit window is advanced across the increment window by the

source when it increments TXW_TRAIL to TXW_INC. When the transmit

window is advanced across the increment window, the increment window

is emptied (i.e., TXW_TRAIL is momentarily equal to TXW_INC), begins

to refill immediately as transmission proceeds, is full again

TXW_ADV_SECS later (i.e., TXW_TRAIL is separated from TXW_INC by

TXW_ADV_SECS of data), at which point the transmit window is advanced

again, and so on.

16.1. Advancing across the Increment Window

In anticipation of advancing the transmit window, the source starts a

timer TXW_ADV_IVL_TMR which runs for time period TXW_ADV_IVL.

TXW_ADV_IVL has a value in the range (0, TXW_ADV_SECS). The value

MAY be configurable or MAY be determined statically by the strategy

used for advancing the transmit window.

When TXW_ADV_IVL_TMR is running, a source MAY reset TXW_ADV_IVL_TMR

if NAKs are received for packets in the increment window. In

addition, a source MAY transmit RDATA in the increment window with

priority over other data within the transmit window.

When TXW_ADV_IVL_TMR expires, a source SHOULD advance the trailing

edge of the transmit window from TXW_TRAIL to TXW_INC.

Once the transmit window is advanced across the increment window,

SPM_TRAIL, OD_TRAIL and RD_TRAIL are set to the new value of

TXW_TRAIL in all subsequent transmitted packets, until the next

window advancement.

PGM does not constrain the strategies that a source may use for

advancing the transmit window. The source MAY implement any scheme

or number of schemes. Three suggested strategies are outlined here.

Consider the following example:

Assuming a constant transmit rate of 128kbps and a constant data

packet size of 1500 bytes, if a source maintains the past 30

seconds of data for repair and increments its transmit window in 5

second increments, then

TXW_MAX_RTE = 16kBps

TXW_ADV_SECS = 5 seconds,

TXW_SECS = 35 seconds,

TXW_BYTES = 560kB,

TXW_SQNS = 383 (rounded up),

and the size of the increment window in sequence numbers

(TXW_MAX_RTE * TXW_ADV_SECS / 1500) = 54 (rounded down).

Continuing this example, the following is a diagram of the transmit

window and the increment window therein in terms of sequence numbers.


----------------- Transmit Window -----------------

v v

v v

n-1 n n+1 ... n+53 n+54 ... n+381 n+382 n+383


^ ^

--- Increment Window---


So the values of the sequence numbers defining these windows are:


TXW_INC = n+53

TXW_LEAD = n+382

Nota Bene: In this example the window sizes in terms of sequence

numbers can be determined only because of the assumption of a

constant data packet size of 1500 bytes. When the data packet

sizes are variable, more or fewer sequence numbers MAY be consumed

transmitting the same amount (TXW_BYTES) of data.

So, for a given transport session identified by a TSI, a source


TXW_MAX_RTE a maximum transmit rate in kBytes per second, the

cumulative transmit rate of some combination of SPMs,

ODATA, and RDATA depending on the transmit window

advancement strategy

TXW_TRAIL the sequence number defining the trailing edge of the

transmit window, the sequence number of the oldest

data packet available for repair

TXW_LEAD the sequence number defining the leading edge of the

transmit window, the sequence number of the most

recently transmitted ODATA packet

TXW_INC the sequence number defining the leading edge of the

increment window, the sequence number of the most

recently transmitted data packet amongst those that

will expire upon the next increment of the transmit


PGM does not constrain the strategies that a source may use for

advancing the transmit window. A source MAY implement any scheme or

number of schemes. This is possible because a PGM receiver must obey

the window provided by the source in its packets. Three strategies

are suggested within this document.

In the first, called "Advance with Time", the transmit window

maintains the last TXW_SECS of data in real-time, regardless of

whether any data was sent in that real time period or not. The

actual number of bytes maintained at any instant in time will vary

between 0 and TXW_BYTES, depending on traffic during the last

TXW_SECS. In this case, TXW_MAX_RTE is the cumulative transmit rate

of SPMs and ODATA.

In the second, called "Advance with Data", the transmit window

maintains the last TXW_BYTES bytes of data for repair. That is, it

maintains the theoretical maximum amount of data that could be

transmitted in the time period TXW_SECS, regardless of when they were

transmitted. In this case, TXW_MAX_RTE is the cumulative transmit

rate of SPMs, ODATA, and RDATA.

The third strategy leaves control of the window in the hands of the

application. The API provided by a source implementation for this,

could allow the application to control the window in terms of APDUs

and to manually step the window. This gives a form of Application

Level Framing (ALF). In this case, TXW_MAX_RTE is the cumulative

transmit rate of SPMs, ODATA, and RDATA.

16.2. Advancing with Data

In the first strategy, TXW_MAX_RTE is calculated from SPMs and both

ODATA and RDATA, and NAKs reset TXW_ADV_IVL_TMR. In this mode of

operation the transmit window maintains the last TXW_BYTES bytes of

data for repair. That is, it maintains the theoretical maximum

amount of data that could be transmitted in the time period TXW_SECS.

This means that the following timers are not treated as real-time

timers, instead they are "data driven". That is, they expire when

the amount of data that could be sent in the time period they define

is sent. They are the SPM ambient time interval, TXW_ADV_SECS,

TXW_SECS, TXW_ADV_IVL, TXW_ADV_IVL_TMR and the join interval. Note

that the SPM heartbeat timers still run in real-time.

While TXW_ADV_IVL_TMR is running, a source uses the receipt of a NAK

for ODATA within the increment window to reset timer TXW_ADV_IVL_TMR

to TXW_ADV_IVL so that transmit window advancement is delayed until

no NAKs for data in the increment window are seen for TXW_ADV_IVL

seconds. If the transmit window should fill in the meantime, further

transmissions would be suspended until the transmit window can be


A source MUST advance the transmit window across the increment window

only upon expiry of TXW_ADV_IVL_TMR.

This mode of operation is intended for non-real-time, messaging

applications based on the receipt of complete data at the expense of


16.3. Advancing with Time

This strategy advances the transmit window in real-time. In this

mode of operation, TXW_MAX_RTE is calculated from SPMs and ODATA only

to maintain a constant data throughput rate by consuming extra

bandwidth for repairs. TXW_ADV_IVL has the value 0 which advances

the transmit window without regard for whether NAKs for data in the

increment window are still being received.

In this mode of operation, all timers are treated as real-time


This mode of operation is intended for real-time, streaming

applications based on the receipt of timely data at the expense of


16.4. Advancing under explicit application control

Some applications may wish more explicit control of the transmit

window than that provided by the advance with data / time strategies

above. An implementation MAY provide this mode of operation and

allow an application to explicitly control the window in terms of


17. Appendix G - Applicability Statement

As stated in the introduction, PGM has been designed with a specific

class of applications in mind in recognition of the fact that a

general solution for reliable multicast has proven elusive. The

applicability of PGM is narrowed further, and perhaps more

significantly, by the prototypical nature of at least four of the

transport elements the protocol incorporates. These are congestion

control, router assist, local retransmission, and a programmatic API

for reliable multicast protocols of this class. At the same time as

standardization efforts address each of these elements individually,

this publication is intended to foster experimentation with these

elements in general, and to inform that standardization process with

results from practise.

This section briefly describes some of the experimental ASPects of

PGM and makes non-normative references to some examples of current

practise based upon them.

At least 3 different approaches to congestion control can be explored

with PGM: a receiver-feedback based approach, a router-assist based

approach, and layer-coding based approach. The first is supported by

the negative acknowledgement mechanism in PGM augmented by an

application-layer acknowledgement mechanism. The second is supported

by the router exception processing mechanism in PGM. The third is

supported by the FEC mechanisms in PGM. An example of a receiver-

feedback based approach is provided in [16], and a proposal for a

router-assist based approach was proposed in [17]. Open issues for

the researchers include how do each of these approaches behave in the

presence of multiple competing sessions of the same discipline or of

different disciplines, TCP most notably; how do each of them behave

over a particular range of topologies, and over a particular range of

loads; and how do each of them scale as a function of the size of the

receiver population.

Router assist has applications not just to implosion control and

retransmit constraint as described in this specification, but also to

congestion control as described above, and more generally to any

feature which may be enhanced by Access to per-network-element state

and processing. The full range of these features is as yet

unexplored, but a general mechanism for providing router assist in a

transport-protocol independent way (GRA) is a topic of active

research [18]. That effort has been primarily informed by the router

assist component of PGM, and implementation and deployment experience

with PGM will continue to be fed back into the specification and

eventual standardization of GRA. Open questions facing the

researchers ([19], [20], [21]) include how router-based state scales

relative to the feature benefit obtained, how system-wide factors

(such as throughput and retransmit latency) vary relative to the

scale and topology of deployed router assistance, and how incremental

deployment considerations affect the tractability of router-assist

based features. Router assist may have additional implications in

the area of congestion control to the extent that it may be applied

in multi-group layered coding schemes to increase the granularity and

reduce the latency of receiver based congestion control.

GRA itself explicitly incorporates elements of active networking, and

to the extent that the router assist component of PGM is reflected in

GRA, experimentation with the narrowly defined network-element

functionality of PGM will provide some of the first real world

experience with this promising if controversial technology.

Local retransmission is not a new idea in general in reliable

multicast, but the specific approach taken in PGM of locating re-

transmitters on the distribution tree for the session, diverting

repair requests from network elements to the re-transmitters, and

then propagating repairs downward from the repair point on the

distribution tree raises interesting questions concerning where to

locate re-transmitters in a given topology, and how network elements

locate those re-transmitters and evaluate their efficiency relative

to other available sources of retransmissions, most notably the

source itself. This particular aspect of PGM, while fully specified,

has only been implemented on the network element side, and awaits a

host-side implementation before questions like these can be


PGM presents the opportunity to develop a programming API for

reliable multicast applications that reflects both those

applications' service requirements as well as the services provided

by PGM in support of those applications that may usefully be made

visible above the transport interface. At least a couple of host-

side implementations of PGM and a concomitant API have been developed

for research purposes ([22], [23]), and are available as open source

explicitly for the kind of experimentation described in this section.

Perhaps the broadest experiment that PGM can enable in a community of

researchers using a reasonable scale experimental transport protocol

is simply in the definition, implementation, and deployment of IP

multicast applications for which the reliability provided by PGM is a

significant enabler. Experience with such applications will not just

illuminate the value of reliable multicast, but will also provoke

practical examination of and responses to the attendant policy issues

(such as peering, billing, access control, firewalls, NATs, etc.),

and, if successful, will ultimately encourage more wide spread

deployment of IP multicast itself.

18. Abbreviations

ACK Acknowledgment

AFI Address Family Indicator

ALF Application Level Framing

APDU Application Protocol Data Unit

ARQ Automatic Repeat reQuest

DLR Designated Local Repairer

GSI Globally Unique Source Identifier

FEC Forward Error Correction

MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm

MTU Maximum Transmission Unit

NAK Negative Acknowledgment

NCF NAK Confirmation

NLA Network Layer Address

NNAK Null Negative Acknowledgment

ODATA Original Data

POLL Poll Request

POLR Poll Response

RDATA Repair Data

RSN Receive State Notification

SPM Source Path Message

SPMR SPM Request

TG Transmission Group

TGSIZE Transmission Group Size

TPDU Transport Protocol Data Unit

TSDU Transport Service Data Unit

TSI Transport Session Identifier

TSN Transmit State Notification

19. Acknowledgements

The design and specification of PGM has been substantially influenced

by reviews and revisions provided by several people who took the time

to read and critique this document. These include, in alphabetical


Bob Albrightson

Joel Bion

Mark Bowles

Steve Deering

Tugrul Firatli

Dan Harkins

Dima Khoury

Gerard Newman

Dave Oran

Denny Page

Ken Pillay

Chetan Rai

Yakov Rekhter

Dave Rossetti

Paul Stirpe

Brian Whetten

Kyle York

20. References

[1] B. Whetten, T. Montgomery, S. Kaplan, "A High Performance

Totally Ordered Multicast Protocol", in "Theory and Practice in

Distributed Systems", Springer Verlag LCNS938, 1994.

[2] S. Floyd, V. Jacobson, C. Liu, S. McCanne, L. Zhang, "A

Reliable Multicast Framework for Light-weight Sessions and

Application Level Framing", ACM Transactions on Networking,

November 1996.

[3] J. C. Lin, S. Paul, "RMTP: A Reliable Multicast Transport

Protocol", ACM SIGCOMM August 1996.

[4] Miller, K., Robertson, K., Tweedly, A. and M. White, "Multicast

File Transfer Protocol (MFTP) Specification", Work In Progress.

[5] Deering, S., "Host Extensions for IP Multicasting", STD 5, RFC

1112, August 1989.

[6] Katz, D., "IP Router Alert Option", RFC2113, February 1997.

[7] C. Partridge, "Gigabit Networking", Addison Wesley 1994.

[8] H. W. Holbrook, S. K. Singhal, D. R. Cheriton, "Log-Based

Receiver-Reliable Multicast for Distributed Interactive

Simulation", ACM SIGCOMM 1995.

[9] Rivest, R., "The MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm", RFC1321, April


[10] Reynolds, J. and J. Postel, "Assigned Numbers", STD 2, RFC

1700, October 1994.

[11] J. Nonnenmacher, E. Biersack, D. Towsley, "Parity-Based Loss

Recovery for Reliable Multicast Transmission", ACM SIGCOMM

September 1997.

[12] L. Rizzo, "Effective Erasure Codes for Reliable Computer

Communication Protocols", Computer Communication Review, April


[13] V. Jacobson, "Congestion Avoidance and Control", ACM SIGCOMM

August 1988.

[14] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement

Levels", BCP, 14, RFC2119, March 1997.

[15] J. Bolot, T. Turletti, I. Wakeman, "Scalable Feedback Control

for Multicast Video Distribution in the Internet", Proc.

ACM/Sigcomm 94, pp. 58-67.

[16] L. Rizzo, "pgmcc: A TCP-friendly Single-Rate Multicast

Congestion Control Scheme", Proc. of ACM SIGCOMM August 2000.

[17] M. Luby, L. Vicisano, T. Speakman. "Heterogeneous multicast

congestion control based on router packet filtering", RMT

working group, June 1999, Pisa, Italy.

[18] Cain, B., Speakman, T. and D. Towsley, "Generic Router Assist

(GRA) Building Block, Motivation and Architecture", Work In


[19] C. Papadopoulos, and E. Laliotis,"Incremental Deployment of a

Router-assisted Reliable Multicast Scheme,", Proc. of Networked

Group Communications (NGC2000), Stanford University, Palo Alto,

CA. November 2000.

[20] C. Papadopoulos, "RAIMS: an Architecture for Router-Assisted

Internet Multicast Services." Presented at ETH, Zurich,

Switzerland, October 23 2000.

[21] J. Chesterfield, A. Diana, A. Greenhalgh, M. Lad, and M. Lim,

"A BSD Router Implementation of PGM",


[22] L. Rizzo, "A PGM Host Implementation for FreeBSD",


[23] M. Psaltaki, R. Araujo, G. Aldabbagh, P. Kouniakis, and A.

Giannopoulos, "Pragmatic General Multicast (PGM) host

implementation for FreeBSD.",


21. Authors' Addresses

Tony Speakman

EMail: speakman@cisco.com

Dino Farinacci

Procket Networks

3850 North First Street

San Jose, CA 95134


EMail: dino@procket.com

Steven Lin

Juniper Networks

1194 N. Mathilda Ave.

Sunnyvale, CA 94086


EMail: steven@juniper.net

Alex Tweedly

EMail: agt@cisco.com

Nidhi Bhaskar

EMail: nbhaskar@cisco.com

Richard Edmonstone

EMail: redmonst@cisco.com

Rajitha Sumanasekera

EMail: rajitha@cisco.com

Lorenzo Vicisano

Cisco Systems, Inc.

170 West Tasman Drive,

San Jose, CA 95134


EMail: lorenzo@cisco.com

Jon Crowcroft

Department of Computer Science

University College London

Gower Street

London WC1E 6BT


EMail: j.crowcroft@cs.ucl.ac.uk

Jim Gemmell

Microsoft Bay Area Research Center

301 Howard Street, #830

San Francisco, CA 94105


EMail: jgemmell@microsoft.com

Dan Leshchiner

Tibco Software

3165 Porter Dr.

Palo Alto, CA 94304


EMail: dleshc@tibco.com

Michael Luby

Digital Fountain, Inc.

39141 Civic Center Drive

Fremont CA 94538


EMail: luby@digitalfountain.com

Todd L. Montgomery

Talarian Corporation

124 Sherman Ave.

Morgantown, WV 26501


EMail: todd@talarian.com

Luigi Rizzo

Dip. di Ing. dell'Informazione

Universita` di Pisa

via Diotisalvi 2

56126 Pisa


EMail: luigi@iet.unipi.it

22. Full Copyright Statement

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2001). All Rights Reserved.

This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to

others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it

or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published

and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any

kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are

included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this

document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing

the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other

Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of

developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for

copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be

followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than


The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be

revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.

This document and the information contained herein is provided on an







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