
RFC3257 - Stream Control Transmission Protocol Applicability Statement

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group L. Coene

Request for Comments: 3257 Siemens

Category: Informational April 2002

Stream Control Transmission Protocol Applicability Statement

Status of this Memo

This memo provides information for the Internet community. It does

not specify an Internet standard of any kind. Distribution of this

memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2002). All Rights Reserved.


This document describes the applicability of the Stream Control

Transmission Protocol (SCTP). It also contrasts SCTP with the two

dominant transport protocols, User Datagram Protocol (UDP) &

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), and gives some guidelines for

when best to use SCTP and when not best to use SCTP.

Table of contents

1. IntrodUCtion .................................................. 2

1.1 Terminology .................................................. 2

2 Transport protocols ............................................ 2

2.1 TCP service model ............................................ 2

2.2 SCTP service model ........................................... 3

2.3 UDP service model ............................................ 4

3 SCTP Multihoming issues ........................................ 4

4 SCTP Network Address Translators (NAT) issues [RFC2663] ........ 5

5 Security Considerations ........................................ 6

5.1 Security issues with TCP ..................................... 6

5.2 Security issues with SCTP .................................... 7

5.3 Security issues with both TCP and SCTP ....................... 8

6 References and related work .................................... 9

7 Acknowledgments ................................................ 10

Appendix A: Major functions provided by SCTP ..................... 11

Editor's Address ................................................. 12

Full Copyright Statement ......................................... 13

1 Introduction

SCTP is a reliable transport protocol [RFC2960], which along with TCP

[RFC793], RTP [RFC1889], and UDP [RFC768], provides transport-layer

services for upper layer protocols and services. UDP, RTP, TCP, and

SCTP are currently the IETF standards-track transport-layer

protocols. Each protocol has a domain of applicability and services

it provides, albeit with some overlaps.

By clarifying the situations where the functionality of these

protocols are applicable, this document can guide implementers and

protocol designers in selecting which protocol to use.

Special attention is given to services SCTP provides which would make

a decision to use SCTP the right one.

Major functions provided by SCTP can be found in Appendix A.

1.1 Terminology

The following terms are commonly identified in this work:

Association: SCTP connection between two endpoints.

Transport address: A combination of IP address and SCTP port number.

Upper layer: The user of the SCTP protocol, which may be an

adaptation layer, a session layer protocol, or the user application


Multihoming: Assigning more than one IP network interface to a single


2 Transport protocols

2.1 TCP service model

TCP is a connection-oriented (a.k.a., session-oriented) transport

protocol. This means that it requires both the establishment of a

connection prior to the exchange of application data and a connection

tear-down to release system resources after the completion of data


TCP is currently the most widely used connection-oriented transport

protocol for the Internet.

TCP provides the upper layer with the following transport services:

- data reliability;

- data sequence preservation; and

- flow and congestion control.

2.2 SCTP service model

SCTP is also connection-oriented and provides all the transport

services that TCP provides. Many Internet applications therefore

should find that either TCP or SCTP will meet their transport

requirements. Note, for applications conscious about processing

cost, there might be a difference in processing cost associated with

running SCTP with only a single ordered stream and one address pair

in comparison to running TCP.

However, SCTP has some additional capabilities that TCP lacks and

This can make SCTP a better choice for some applications and


- multi-streams support:

SCTP supports the delivery of multiple independent user message

streams within a single SCTP association. This capability, when

properly used, can alleviate the so-called head-of-line-blocking

problem caused by the strict sequence delivery constraint imposed to

the user data by TCP.

This can be particularly useful for applications that need to

exchange multiple, logically separate message streams between two


- multi-homing support:

SCTP provides transparent support for communications between two

endpoints of which one or both is multi-homed.

SCTP provides monitoring of the reachability of the addresses on the

remote endpoint and in the case of failure can transparently failover

from the primary address to an alternate address, without upper layer


This capability can be used to build redundant paths between two SCTP

endpoints and can be particularly useful for applications that seek

transport-level fault tolerance.

Achieving path redundancy between two SCTP endpoints normally

requires that the two endpoints being equipped with multiple

interfaces assigned with multiple addresses and that routing is

configured appropriately (see Section 3).

- preservation of message boundaries:

SCTP preserves application messages boundaries. This is useful when

the application data is not a continuous byte stream but comes in

logical chunks that the receiver handles separately.

In contrast, TCP offers a reliable data stream that has no indication

of what an application may consider logical chunks of the data.

- unordered reliable message delivery:

SCTP supports the transportation of user messages that have no

application-specified order, yet need guaranteed reliable delivery.

Applications that need to send un-ordered reliable messages or prefer

using their own message sequencing and ordering mechanisms may find

this SCTP capability useful.

2.3 UDP Service model

UDP is connectionless. This means that applications that use UDP do

not need to perform connection establishment or tear-down.

As transport services to its upper layer, UDP provides only:

- best-effort data delivery, and

- preservation of message boundaries.

Applications that do not require a reliable transfer of more than a

packet's worth of data will find UDP adequate. Some transaction-

based applications fall into this category.

3 SCTP Multihoming Issues

SCTP provides transport-layer support for multihoming. Multihoming

has the potential of providing additional robustness against network

failures. In some applications, this may be extremely important, for

example, in signaling transport of PSTN signaling messages [RFC2719].

It should be noted that SCTP multihoming support only deals with

communication between two endpoints of which one or both is assigned

with multiple IP addresses on possibly multiple network interfaces.

It does NOT deal with communication ends that contain multiple

endpoints (i.e., clustered endpoints) that can switch over to an

alternate endpoint in case of failure of the original endpoint.

Generally, for truly fault resilient communication between two end-

points, the multihoming feature needs more than one IP network

interface for each endpoint. The number of paths used is the minimum

of network interfaces used by any of the endpoints. When an endpoint

selects its source address, careful consideration must be taken. If

the same source address is always used, then it is possible that the

endpoint will be subject to the same single point of failure. When

the endpoint chooses a source address, it should always select the

source address of the packet to correspond to the IP address of the

Network interface where the packet will be emitted subject to the

binding address constraint. The binding address constraint is, put

simply, that the endpoint must never choose a source address that is

not part of the association i.e., the peer endpoint must recognize

any source address used as being part of the association.

The availability of the association will benefit greatly from having

multiple addresses bound to the association endpoint when the

endpoint is on a multi-homed host.

4 SCTP Network Address Translators (NAT) issues [RFC2663]

When two endpoints are to setup an SCTP association and one (or both)

of them is behind a NAT (i.e., it does not have any publicly

available network addresses), the endpoint(s) behind the NAT should

consider one of the following options:

(1) When single homed sessions are to be used, no transport addresses

should be sent in the INIT or INIT ACK chunk(Refer to section 3.3 of

RFC2960 for chunk definitions). This will force the endpoint that

receives this initiation message to use the source address in the IP

header as the only destination address for this association. This

method can be used for a NAT, but any multi-homing configuration at

the endpoint that is behind the NAT will not be visible to its peer,

and thus not be taken advantage of. See figure 1.

+-------+ +---------+ *~~~~~~~~~~* +------+

Host A NAT * Cloud * Host B

10.2 +--10.12.1 ---------------------------+ 1.2

* *

+-------+ +---------+ *~~~~~~~~~~* +------+

Fig 1: SCTP through NAT without multihoming

For multihoming the NAT must have a public IP address for each

represented internal IP address. The host can preconfigure an IP

address that the NAT can substitute, or, the NAT can have internal

Application Layer Gateway (ALG) which will intelligently translate

the IP addresses in the INIT and INIT ACK chunks. See Figure 2.

If Network Address Port Translation is used with a multihomed SCTP

endpoint, then any port translation must be applied on a per-

association basis such that an SCTP endpoint continues to receive the

same port number for all messages within a given association.

+-------+ +----------+ *~~~~~~~~~~* +------+

Host A NAT * Cloud * Host B

10.2 +---+ 10.15.2 +-----+ 1.1<+->3.1--+---------+ 1.2

11.2 +---+ 11.16.2 +->4.2--+---------+ 2.2

* *

+-------+ +----------+ *~~~~~~~~~* +------+

Fig 2: SCTP through NAT with multihoming

(2) Another alternative is to use the hostname feature and DNS to

resolve the addresses. The hostname is included in the INIT of the

association or in the INIT ACK. The hostname must be resolved by DNS

before the association is completely set up. There are special

issues regarding NAT and DNS, refer to RFC2694 for details.

5 Security Considerations

In this section, some relevant security issues found in the

deployment of the connection-oriented transport protocols will be


5.1 Security issues with TCP

Some TCP implementations have been known to be vulnerable to blind

denial of service attacks, i.e., attacks that had been executed by an

attacker that could not see most of the traffic to or from the target


The attacker would send a large number of connection establishment

requests (TCP-SYN packets) to the attacked target, possibly from

faked IP source addresses. The attacked host would reply by sending

SYN-ACK packets and entering SYN-received state, thereby allocating

space for a TCB. At some point the SYN-queue would fill up, (i.e.,

the number of connections waiting to be established would rise to a

limit) and the host under attack would have to start turning down new

connection establishment requests.

TCP implementations with SYN-cookies algorithm [SYN-COOK] reduce the

risk of such blind denial of service attacks. TCP implementations

can switch to using this algorithm in times when their SYN-queues are

filled up while still fully conforming to the TCP specification

[RFC793]. However, use of options such as a window scale [RFC1323],

is not possible, then. With the SYN-cookie mechanism, a TCB is only

created when the client sends back a valid ACK packet to the server,

and the 3-way handshake has thus been successfully completed.

Blind connection forgery is another potential threat to TCP. By

guessing valid sequence numbers, an attacker would be able to forge a

connection. However, with a secure hashsum algorithm, for some of

the current SYN-cookie implementations the likelihood of achieving

this attack is on the order of magnitude of 1 in 2^24, i.e., the

attacker would have to send 2^24 packets before oBTaining one forged

connection when SYN-cookies are used.

5.2 Security issues with SCTP

SCTP has been designed with the eXPeriences made with TCP in mind.

To make it hard for blind attackers (i.e., attackers that are not

man-in-the-middle) to inject forged SCTP datagrams into existing

associations, each side of an SCTP association uses a 32 bit value

called "Verification Tag" to ensure that a datagram really belongs to

the existing association. So in addition to a combination of source

and destination transport addresses that belong to an established

association, a valid SCTP datagram must also have the correct tag to

be accepted by the recipient.

Unlike in TCP, usage of cookie in association establishment is made

mandatory in SCTP. For the server, a new association is fully

established after three messages (containing INIT, INIT-ACK, COOKIE-

ECHO chunks) have been exchanged. The cookie is a variable length

parameter that contains all relevant data to initialize the TCB on

the server side, plus a HMAC used to secure it. This HMAC (MD5 as

per [RFC1321] or SHA-1 [SHA1]) is computed over the cookie and a

secret, server-owned key.

As specifically prescribed for SCTP implementations [RFC2960],

additional resources for new associations may only be reserved in

case a valid COOKIE-ECHO chunk is received by a client, and the

computed HMAC for this new cookie matches that contained in the


With SCTP the chances of an attacker being able to blindly forge a

connection are even lower than in the case of TCP using SYN-cookies,

since the attacker would have to guess a correct value for the HMAC

contained in the cookie, i.e., lower than 1 in 2^128 which for all

practical purposes is negligible.

It should be noted that SCTP only tries to increase the availability

of a network. SCTP does not contain any protocol mechanisms that are

directly related to user message authentication, integrity and

confidentiality functions. For such features, it depends on the

IPsec protocols and architecture and/or on security features of the

application protocols.

Transport Layer security(TLS)[RFC2246] using SCTP must always use

in-order streams.

Currently the IPSEC working group is investigating the support of

multi-homing by IPSEC protocols. At the present time to use IPSEC,

one must use 2 * N * M security associations if one endpoint uses N

addresses and the other M addresses.

5.3 Security Issues with both TCP and SCTP

It is important to note that neither TCP nor SCTP protect itself from

man-in-the-middle attacks where an established session might be

hijacked (assuming the attacker can see the traffic from and inject

its own packets to either endpoints).

Also, to prevent blind connection/session setup forgery, both TCP

implementations supporting SYN-cookies and SCTP implementations rely

on a server-known, secret key to protect the HMAC data. It must be

ensured that this key is created subject to the recommendations

mentioned in [RFC1750].

Although SCTP has been designed carefully as to avoid some of the

problems that have appeared with TCP, it has as of yet not been

widely deployed. It is therefore possible that new security issues

will be identified that will have to be addressed in further

revisions of [RFC2960].

6 References and related work

[RFC2960] Stewart, R., Xie, Q., Morneault, K., Sharp, C.,

Schwarzbauer, H., Taylor, T., Rytina, I., Kalla, M.,

Zhang, L. and V. Paxson, "Stream Control Transmission

Protocol", RFC2960, October 2000.

[RFC2401] Kent, S. and R. Atkinson, "Security Architecture for the

Internet Protocol", RFC2401, November 1998.

[RFC2663] Srisuresh, P. and M. Holdrege, "IP Network Address

Translator (NAT) Terminology and Considerations", RFC

2663, August 1999.

[RFC2694] Srisuresh, P., Tsirtsis, G., Akkiraju, P. and A.

Heffernan, "DNS extensions to Network Address Translators

(DNS_ALG)", RFC2694, September 1999.

[RFC768] Postel, J., "User Datagram Protocol", STD 6, RFC768,

August 1980.

[RFC793] Postel, J., "Transmission Control Protocol", STD 7, RFC

793, September 1981.

[RFC2719] Ong, L., Rytina, I., Garcia, M., Schwarzbauer, H., Coene,

L., Lin, H., Juhasz, I., Holdrege, M. and C. Sharp,

"Architectural Framework for Signaling Transport", RFC

2719, October 1999.

[RFC1321] Rivest, R., "The MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm", RFC1321,

April 1992.

[RFC1323] Jacobson, V., Braden, R. and D. Borman, "TCP Extensions

for High Performance", RFC1323, May 1992.

[RFC1750] Eastlake, D., Crocker, S. and J. Schiller, "Randomness

Recommendations for Security", RFC1750, December 1994.

[SHA1] NIST FIPS PUB 180-1, "Secure Hash Standard," National

Institute of Standards and Technology, U.S. Department of

Commerce, April 1995.

[SYNCOOK] Dan J. Bernstein, SYN cookies, 1997, see also


[RFC2246] Dierks, T. and C. Allen, "The TLS Protocol Version 1.0",

RFC2246, January 1999.

[RFC1889] Schulzrinne, H., Casner, S., Frederick, R. and V.

Jacobson, "RTP: A Transport Protocol for Real-Time

Applications", RFC1889, January 1996.

7 Acknowledgments

This document was initially developed by a design team consisting of

Lode Coene, John Loughney, Michel Tuexen, Randall R. Stewart,

Qiaobing Xie, Matt Holdrege, Maria-Carmen Belinchon, Andreas

Jungmaier, Gery Verwimp and Lyndon Ong.

The authors wish to thank Renee Revis, I. Rytina, H.J. Schwarzbauer,

J.P. Martin-Flatin, T. Taylor, G. Sidebottom, K. Morneault, T.

George, M. Stillman, N. Makinae, S. Bradner, A. Mankin, G. Camarillo,

H. Schulzrinne, R. Kantola, J. Rosenberg, R.J. Atkinson, and many

others for their invaluable comments.

Appendix A: Major functions provided by SCTP

- Reliable Data Transfer

- Multiple streams to help avoid head-of-line blocking

- Ordered and unordered data delivery on a per-stream basis

- Bundling and fragmentation of user data

- TCP friendly Congestion and flow control

- Support continuous monitoring of reachability

- Graceful termination of association

- Support of multi-homing for added reliability

- Some protection against blind denial-of-service attacks

- Some protection against blind masquerade attacks

8 Editor's Address

Lode Coene

Siemens Atea

Atealaan 34

B-2200 Herentals


Phone: +32-14-252081

EMail: lode.coene@siemens.atea.be

9. Full Copyright Statement

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2002). All Rights Reserved.

This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to

others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it

or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published

and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any

kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are

included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this

document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing

the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other

Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of

developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for

copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be

followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than


The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be

revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.

This document and the information contained herein is provided on an







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