
RFC3248 - A Delay Bound alternative revision of RFC2598

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Network Working Group G. Armitage

Request for Comments: 3248 Swinburne University of Technology

Category: Informational B. Carpenter


A. Casati

LUCent Technologies

J. Crowcroft

University of Cambridge

J. Halpern


B. Kumar

Corona Networks Inc.

J. Schnizlein

Cisco Systems

March 2002

A Delay Bound alternative revision of RFC2598

Status of this Memo

This memo provides information for the Internet community. It does

not specify an Internet standard of any kind. Distribution of this

memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2001). All Rights Reserved.


For historical interest, this document captures the EF Design Team's

proposed solution, preferred by the original authors of RFC2598 but

not adopted by the working group in December 2000. The original

definition of EF was based on comparison of forwarding on an unloaded

network. This eXPerimental Delay Bound (DB) PHB requires a bound on

the delay of packets due to other traffic in the network. At the

Pittsburgh IETF meeting in August 2000, the Differentiated Services

working group faced serious questions regarding RFC2598 - the

group's standards track definition of the Expedited Forwarding (EF)

Per Hop Behavior (PHB). An 'EF Design Team' volunteered to develop a

re-expression of RFC2598, bearing in mind the issues raised in the

DiffServ group. At the San Diego IETF meeting in December 2000 the

DiffServ working group decided to pursue an alternative re-expression

of the EF PHB.

Specification of Requirements

This document is for Informational purposes only. If implementors

choose to experiment with the DB PHB, key Words "MUST", "MUST NOT",


"RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" are interpreted as described in

RFC2119 [3].

1 Introduction

RFC2598 was the Differentiated Services (DiffServ) working group's

first standards track definition of the Expedited Forwarding (EF) Per

Hop Behavior (PHB) [1]. As part of the DiffServ working group's

ongoing refinement of the EF PHB, various issues were raised with the

text in RFC2598 [2].

After the Pittsburgh IETF meeting in August 2000, a volunteer 'EF

design team' was formed (the authors of this document) to propose a

new expression of the EF PHB. The remainder of this Informational

document captures our feedback to the DiffServ working group at the

San Diego IETF in December 2000. Our solution focussed on a Delay

Bound (DB) based re-expression of RFC2598 which met the goals of RFC

2598's original authors. The DiffServ working group ultimately chose

an alternative re-expression of the EF PHB text, developed by the

authors of [2] and revised to additionally encompass our model

described here.

Our proposed Delay Bound solution is archived for historical

interest. Section 2 covers the minimum, necessary and sufficient

description of what we believed qualifies as 'DB' behavior from a

single node. Section 3 then discusses a number of issues and

assumptions made to support the definition in section 2.

2. Definition of Delay Bound forwarding

For a traffic stream not exceeding a particular configured rate, the

goal of the DB PHB is a strict bound on the delay variation of

packets through a hop.

This section will begin with the goals and necessary boundary

conditions for DB behavior, then provide a descriptive definition of

DB behavior itself, discuss what it means to conform to the DB

definition, and assign the experimental DB PHB code point.

2.1 Goal and Scope of DB

For a traffic stream not exceeding a configured rate the goal of the

DB PHB is a strict bound on the delay variation of packets through a


Traffic MUST be policed and/or shaped at the source edge (for

example, on ingress to the DS-domain as discussed in RFC2475 [5]) in

order to get such a bound. However, specific policing and/or shaping

rules are outside the scope of the DB PHB definition. Such rules

MUST be defined in any per-domain behaviors (PDBs) composed from the


A device (hop) delivers DB behavior to appropriately marked traffic

received on one or more interfaces (marking is specified in section

2.4). A device SHALL deliver the DB behavior on an interface to DB

marked traffic meeting (i.e. less than or equal) a certain arrival

rate limit R.

If more DB traffic arrives than is acceptable, the device is NOT

REQUIRED to deliver the DB behavior. However, although the original

source of DB traffic will be shaped, aggregation and upstream jitter

ensure that the traffic arriving at any given hop cannot be assumed

to be so shaped. Thus a DB implementation SHOULD have some tolerance

for burstiness - the ability to provide EF behavior even when the

arrival rate exceeds the rate limit R.

Different DB implementations are free to exhibit different tolerance

to burstiness. (Burstiness MAY be characterized in terms of the

number of back-to-back wire-rate packets to which the hop can deliver

DB behavior. However, since the goal of characterizing burstiness is

to allow useful comparison of DB implementations, vendors and users

of DB implementations MAY choose to utilize other burstiness


The DB PHB definition does NOT mandate or recommend any particular

method for achieving DB behavior. Rather, the DB PHB definition

identifies parameters that bound the operating range(s) over which an

implementation can deliver DB behavior. Implementors characterize

their implementations using these parameters, while network designers

and testers use these parameters to assess the utility of different

DB implementations.

2.2 Description of DB behavior

For simplicity the definition will be explained using an example

where traffic arrives on only one interface and is destined for

another (single) interface.

The crux of this definition is that the difference in time between

when a packet might have been delivered, and when it is delivered,

will never exceed a specifiable bound.

Given an acceptable (not exceeding arrival rate limit R) stream of DB

packets arriving on an interface:

There is a time sequence E(i) when these packets would be

delivered at the output interface in the absence of competing

traffic. That is, E(i) are the earliest times that the packets

could be delivered by the device.

In the presence of competing traffic, the packets will be delayed

to some later time D(i).

Competing traffic includes all DB traffic arriving at the device on

other ports, and all non-DB traffic arriving at the device on any


DB is defined as the behavior which ensures, for all i, that:

D(i) - E(i) <= S * MTU/R.

MTU is the maximum transmission unit (packet size) of the output. R

is the arrival rate that the DB device is prepared to accept on this


Note that D(i) and E(i) simply refer to the times of what can be

thought of as "the same packet" under the two treatments (with and

without competing traffic).

The score, S, is a characteristic of the device at the rate, R, in

order to meet this defined bound. This score, preferably a small

constant, depends on the scheduling mechanism and configuration of

the device.

2.3 Conformance to DB behavior

An implementation need not conform to the DB specification over an

arbitrary range of parameter values. Instead, implementations MUST

specify the rates, R, and scores S, for which they claim conformance

with the DB definition in section 2.2, and the implementation-

specific configuration parameters needed to deliver conformant

behavior. An implementation SHOULD document the traffic burstiness

it can tolerate while still providing DB behavior.

The score, S, and configuration parameters depend on the

implementation error from an ideal scheduler. Discussion of the

ability of any particular scheduler to provide DB behavior, and the

conditions under which it might do so, is outside the scope of this


The implementor MAY define additional constraints on the range of

configurations in which DB behavior is delivered. These constraints

MAY include limits on the total DB traffic across the device, or

total DB traffic targeted at a given interface from all inputs.

This document does not specify any requirements on DB

implementation's values for R, S, or tolerable burstiness. These

parameters will be bounded by real-world considerations such as the

actual network being designed and the desired PDB.

2.4 Marking for DB behavior

One or more DiffServ codepoint (DSCP) value may be used to indicate a

requirement for DB behavior [4].

By default we suggest an 'experimental' DSCP of 101111 be used to

indicate that DB PHB is required.

3. Discussion

This section discusses some issues that might not be immediately

obvious from the definition in section 2.

3.1 Mutability

Packets marked for DB PHB MAY be remarked at a DS domain boundary

only to other codepoints that satisfy the DB PHB. Packets marked for

DB PHBs SHOULD NOT be demoted or promoted to another PHB by a DS


3.2 Tunneling

When DB packets are tunneled, the tunneling packets must be marked as


3.3 Interaction with other PHBs

Other PHBs and PHB groups may be deployed in the same DS node or

domain with the DB PHB as long as the requirement of section 2 is


3.4 Output Rate not specified

The definition of DB behavior given in section 2 is quite explicitly

given in terms of input rate R and output delay variation D(i) -

E(i). A scheduler's output rate does not need to be specified, since

(by design) it will be whatever is needed to achieve the target delay

variation bounds.

3.5 Jitter

Jitter is not the bounded parameter in DB behavior. Jitter can be

understood in a number of ways, for example the variability in

inter-packet times from one inter-packet interval to the next.

However, DB behavior aims to bound a related but different parameter

- the variation in delay between the time packets would depart in the

absence of competing traffic, E(i), and when they would depart in the

presence of competing traffic, D(i).

3.6 Multiple Inputs and/or Multiple Outputs

The definition of 'competing traffic' in section 2.2 covers both the

single input/single output case and the more general case where DB

traffic is converging on a single output port from multiple input

ports. When evaluating the ability of an DB device to offer DB

behavior to traffic arriving on one port, DB traffic arriving on

other ports is factored in as competing traffic.

When considering DB traffic from a single input that is leaving via

multiple ports, it is clear that the behavior is no worse than if all

of the traffic could be leaving through each one of those ports

individually (subject to limits on how much is permitted).

3.7 Fragmentation and Rate

Where an ingress link has an MTU higher than that of an egress link,

it is conceivable packets may be fragmented as they pass through a

Diffserv hop. However, the unpredictability of fragmentation is

significantly counter to the goal of providing controllable QoS.

Therefore we assume that fragmentation of DB packets is being avoided

(either through some form of Path MTU discovery, or configuration),

and does not need to be specifically considered in the DB behavior


3.8 Interference with other traffic

If the DB PHB is implemented by a mechanism that allows unlimited

preemption of other traffic (e.g., a priority queue), the

implementation MUST include some means to limit the damage DB traffic

could inflict on other traffic. This will be reflected in the DB

device's burst tolerance described in section 2.1.

3.9 Micro flow awareness

Some DB implementations may choose to provide queuing and scheduling

at a finer granularity, (for example, per micro flow), than is

indicated solely by the packet's DSCP. Such behavior is NOT

precluded by the DB PHB definition. However, such behavior is also

NOT part of the DB PHB definition. Implementors are free to

characterize and publicize the additional per micro flow capabilities

of their DB implementations as they see fit.

3.10 Arrival rate 'R'

In the absence of additional information, R is assumed to be limited

by the slowest interface on the device.

In addition, an DB device may be characterized by different values of

R for different traffic flow scenarios (for example, for traffic

aimed at different ports, total incoming R, and possibly total per

output port incoming R across all incoming interfaces).

4. IANA Considerations

This document suggests one experimental codepoint, 101111. Because

the DSCP is taken from the experimental code space, it may be re-used

by other experimental or informational DiffServ proposals.

5. Conclusion.

This document defines DB behavior in terms of a bound on delay

variation for traffic streams that are rate shaped on ingress to a DS

domain. Two parameters - capped arrival rate (R) and a 'score' (S),

are defined and related to the target delay variation bound. All

claims of DB 'conformance' for specific implementations of DB

behavior are made with respect to particular values for R, S, and the

implementation's ability to tolerate small amounts of burstiness in

the arriving DB traffic stream.

Security Considerations

To protect itself against denial of service attacks, the edge of a DS

domain MUST strictly police all DB marked packets to a rate

negotiated with the adjacent upstream domain (for example, some value

less than or equal to the capped arrival rate R). Packets in excess

of the negotiated rate MUST be dropped. If two adjacent domains have

not negotiated an DB rate, the downstream domain MUST use 0 as the

rate (i.e., drop all DB marked packets).

Since PDBs constructed from the DB PHB will require that the upstream

domain police and shape DB marked traffic to meet the rate negotiated

with the downstream domain, the downstream domain's policer should

never have to drop packets. Thus these drops (or a summary of these

drops) SHOULD be noted (e.g., via rate-limited SNMP traps) as

possible security violations or serious misconfiguration.

Overflow events on an DB queue MAY also be logged as indicating

possible denial of service attacks or serious network



This document is the product of the volunteer 'EF Resolve' design

team, building on the work of V. Jacobson, K. Nichols, K. Poduri [1]

and clarified through discussions with members of the DiffServ

working group (particularly the authors of [2]). Non-contentious

text (such as the use of DB with tunnels, the security

considerations, etc.) were drawn directly from equivalent text in RFC


Intellectual Properties Considerations

To establish whether any considerations apply to the idea expressed

in this document, readers are encouraged to review notices filed with

the IETF and stored at:



[1] Jacobson, V., Nichols, K. and K. Poduri, "An Expedited Forwarding

PHB", RFC2598, June 1999.

[2] Davie, B., Charny, A., Baker, F., Bennett, J.C.R., Benson, K., Le

Boudec, J.Y., Chiu, A., Courtney, W., Davari, S., Firoiu, V.,

Kalmanek, C., Ramakrishnan, K. and D. Stiliadis, "An Expedited

Forwarding PHB (Per-Hop Behavior)", RFC3246, March 2002.

[3] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement

Levels", BCP 14, RFC2119, March 1997.

[4] Nichols, K., Blake, S., Baker, F. and D. Black, "Definition of

the Differentiated Services Field (DS Field) in the IPv4 and IPv6

Headers", RFC2474, December 1998.

[5] Black, D., Blake, S., Carlson, M., Davies, E., Wang, Z. and W.

Weiss, "An Architecture for Differentiated Services", RFC2475,

December 1998.

Authors (volunteer EF Design Team members)

Grenville Armitage

Center for Advanced Internet Architectures

Swinburne University of Technology,

Melbourne, Australia

EMail: garmitage@swin.edu.au

Brian E. Carpenter (team observer, WG co-chair)

IBM Zurich Research Laboratory

Saeumerstrasse 4

8803 Rueschlikon




Alessio Casati

Lucent Technologies

Swindon, WI SN5 7DJ United Kingdom

EMail: acasati@lucent.com

Jon Crowcroft

Marconi Professor of Communications Systems

University of Cambridge

Computer Laboratory

William Gates Building

J J Thomson Avenue



Phone: +44 (0)1223 763633

EMail: Jon.Crowcroft@cl.cam.ac.uk

Joel M. Halpern

P. O. Box 6049

Leesburg, VA 20178

Phone: 1-703-371-3043

EMail: jmh@joelhalpern.com

Brijesh Kumar

Corona Networks Inc.,

630 Alder Drive,

Milpitas, CA 95035



John Schnizlein

Cisco Systems

9123 Loughran Road

Fort Washington, MD 20744

EMail: john.schnizlein@cisco.com

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Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2001). All Rights Reserved.

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or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published

and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any

kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are

included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this

document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing

the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other

Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of

developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for

copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be

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The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be

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