
RFC3230 - Instance Digests in HTTP

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Network Working Group J. Mogul

Request for Comments: 3230 Compaq WRL

Category: Standards Track A. Van Hoff


January 2002

Instance Digests in HTTP

Status of this Memo

This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the

Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for

improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet

Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state

and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2002). All Rights Reserved.


HTTP/1.1 defines a Content-MD5 header that allows a server to include

a digest of the response body. However, this is specifically defined

to cover the body of the actual message, not the contents of the full

file (which might be quite different, if the response is a Content-

Range, or uses a delta encoding). Also, the Content-MD5 is limited

to one specific digest algorithm; other algorithms, sUCh as SHA-1

(Secure Hash Standard), may be more appropriate in some

circumstances. Finally, HTTP/1.1 provides no eXPlicit mechanism by

which a client may request a digest. This document proposes HTTP

extensions that solve these problems.

Table of Contents

1 Introduction.................................................... 2

1.1 Other limitations of HTTP/1.1............................ 3

2 Goals........................................................... 4

3 Terminology..................................................... 5

4 Specification................................................... 6

4.1 Protocol parameter specifications........................ 6

4.1.1 Digest algorithms................................. 6

4.2 Instance digests......................................... 7

4.3 Header specifications.................................... 8

4.3.1 Want-Digest....................................... 8

4.3.2 Digest............................................ 9

5 Negotiation of Content-MD5...................................... 9

6 IANA Considerations............................................. 10

7 Security Considerations......................................... 10

8 Acknowledgements................................................ 10

9 References...................................................... 10

10 Authors' Addresses............................................. 12

11 Full Copyright Statement....................................... 13

1 Introduction

Although HTTP is typically layered over a reliable transport

protocol, such as TCP, this does not guarantee reliable transport of

information from sender to receiver. Various problems, including

undetected transmission errors, programming errors, corruption of

stored data, and malicious intervention can cause errors in the

transmitted information.

A common approach to the problem of data integrity in a network

protocol or distributed system, such as HTTP, is the use of digests,

checksums, or hash values. The sender computes a digest and sends it

with the data; the recipient computes a digest of the received data,

and then verifies the integrity of this data by comparing the


Checksums are used at virtually all layers of the IP stack. However,

different digest algorithms might be used at each layer, for reasons

of computational cost, because the size and nature of the data being

protected varies, and because the possible threats to data integrity

vary. For example, Ethernet uses a Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC).

The IPv4 protocol uses a ones-complement checksum over the IP header

(but not the rest of the packet). TCP uses a ones-complement

checksum over the TCP header and data, and includes a "pseudo-header"

to detect certain kinds of programming errors.

HTTP/1.1 [4] includes a mechanism for ensuring message integrity, the

Content-MD5 header. This header is actually defined for MIME-

conformant messages in a standalone specification [10]. According to

the HTTP/1.1 specification,

The Content-MD5 entity-header field [...] is an MD5 digest of the

entity-body for the purpose of providing an end-to-end message

integrity check (MIC) of the entity-body.

HTTP/1.1 borrowed Content-MD5 from the MIME world based on an analogy

between MIME messages (e.g., electronic mail messages) and HTTP

messages (requests to or responses from an HTTP server).

As discussed in more detail in section 3, this analogy between MIME

messages and HTTP messages has resulted in some confusion. In

particular, while a MIME message is self-contained, an HTTP message

might not contain the entire representation of the current state of a

resource. (More precisely, an HTTP response might not contain an

entire "instance"; see section 3 for a definition of this term.)

There are at least two situations where this distinction is an issue:

1. When an HTTP server sends a 206 (Partial Content) response, as

defined in HTTP/1.1. The client may form its view of an

instance (e.g., an Html document) by combining a cache entry

with the partial content in the message.

2. When an HTTP server uses a "delta encoding", as proposed in a

separate document [9]. A delta encoding represents the changes

between the current instance of a resource and a previous

instance, and is an efficient way of reducing the bandwidth

required for cache updates. The client forms its view of an

instance by applying the delta in the message to one of its

cache entries.

We include these two kinds of transformations in a potentially

broader category we call "instance manipulations."

In each of these cases, the server might use a Content-MD5 header to

protect the integrity of the response message. However, because the

MIC in a Content-MD5 header field applies only to the entity in that

message, and not to the entire instance being reassembled, it cannot

protect against errors due to data corruption (e.g., of cache

entries), programming errors (e.g., improper application of a partial

content or delta), certain malicious attacks [9], or corruption of

certain HTTP headers in transit.

Thus, the Content-MD5 header, while useful and sufficient in many

cases, is not sufficient for verifying instance integrity in all uses

of HTTP.

The Digest Authentication mechanism [5] provides (in addition to its

other goals) a message-digest function similar to Content-MD5, except

that it includes certain header fields. Like Content-MD5, it covers

a specific message, not an entire instance.

1.1 Other limitations of HTTP/1.1

Checksums are not free. Computing a digest takes CPU resources, and

might add latency to the generation of a message. (Some of these

costs can be avoided by careful caching at the sender's end, but in

many cases such a cache would not have a useful hit ratio.)

Transmitting a digest consumes HTTP header space (and therefore

increases latency and network bandwidth requirements.) If the

message recipient does not intend to use the digest, why should the

message sender waste resources computing and sending it?

The Content-MD5 header, of course, implies the use of the MD5

algorithm [15]. Other algorithms, however, might be more appropriate

for some purposes. These include the SHA-1 algorithm [12] and

various "fingerprinting" algorithms [7]. HTTP currently provides no

standardized support for the use of these algorithms.

HTTP/1.1 apparently assumes that the choice to generate a digest is

up to the sender, and provides no mechanism for the recipient to

indicate whether a checksum would be useful, or what checksum

algorithms it would understand.

2 Goals

The goals of this proposal are:

1. Digest coverage for entire instances communicated via HTTP.

2. Support for multiple digest algorithms.

3. Negotiation of the use of digests.

The goals do not include:

- header integrity

The digest mechanisms described here cover only the bodies of

instances, and do not protect the integrity of associated

"entity headers" or other message headers.

- authentication

The digest mechanisms described here are not meant to support

authentication of the source of a digest or of a message or

instance. These mechanisms, therefore, are not sufficient

defense against many kinds of malicious attacks.

- privacy

Digest mechanisms do not provide message privacy.

- authorization

The digest mechanisms described here are not meant to support

authorization or other kinds of Access controls.

The Digest Access Authentication mechanism [5] can provide some

integrity for certain HTTP headers, and does provide authentication.

3 Terminology

HTTP/1.1 [4] defines the following terms:

resource A network data object or service that can be

identified by a URI, as defined in section 3.2.

Resources may be available in multiple

representations (e.g. multiple languages, data

formats, size, resolutions) or vary in other ways.

entity The information transferred as the payload of a

request or response. An entity consists of

metainformation in the form of entity-header fields

and content in the form of an entity-body, as

described in section 7.

variant A resource may have one, or more than one,

representation(s) associated with it at any given

instant. Each of these representations is termed a

`variant.' Use of the term `variant' does not

necessarily imply that the resource is subject to

content negotiation.

The dictionary definition for "entity" is "something that has

separate and distinct existence and objective or conceptual reality"

[8]. Unfortunately, the definition for "entity" in HTTP/1.1 is

similar to that used in MIME [6], based on an entirely false analogy

between MIME and HTTP.

In MIME, electronic mail messages do have distinct and separate

existences. MIME defines "entity" as something that "refers

specifically to the MIME-defined header fields and contents of either

a message or one of the parts in the body of a multipart entity."

In HTTP, however, a response message to a GET does not have a

distinct and separate existence. Rather, it is describing the

current state of a resource (or a variant, subject to a set of

constraints). The HTTP/1.1 specification provides no term to

describe "the value that would be returned in response to a GET

request at the current time for the selected variant of the specified

resource." This leads to awkward Wordings in the HTTP/1.1

specification in places where this concept is necessary.

It is too late to fix the terminological failure in the HTTP/1.1

specification, so we instead define a new term, for use in this


instance The entity that would be returned in a status-200

response to a GET request, at the current time, for

the selected variant of the specified resource,

with the application of zero or more content-

codings, but without the application of any

instance manipulations or transfer-codings.

It is convenient to think of an entity tag, in HTTP/1.1, as being

associated with an instance, rather than an entity. That is, for a

given resource, two different response messages might include the

same entity tag, but two different instances of the resource should

never be associated with the same (strong) entity tag.

We also define this term:

instance manipulation

An operation on one or more instances which may

result in an instance being conveyed from server to

client in parts, or in more than one response

message. For example, a range selection or a delta

encoding. Instance manipulations are end-to-end,

and often involve the use of a cache at the client.

4 Specification

In this specification, the key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "SHOULD",

"SHOULD NOT", and "MAY" are to be interpreted as described in RFC

2119 [2].

4.1 Protocol parameter specifications

4.1.1 Digest algorithms

Digest algorithm values are used to indicate a specific digest

computation. For some algorithms, one or more parameters may be


digest-algorithm = token

The BNF for "parameter" is as is used in RFC2616 [4]. All digest-

algorithm values are case-insensitive.

The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) acts as a registry for

digest-algorithm values. Initially, the registry contains the

following tokens:

MD5 The MD5 algorithm, as specified in RFC1321 [15].

The output of this algorithm is encoded using the

base64 encoding [1].

SHA The SHA-1 algorithm [12]. The output of this

algorithm is encoded using the base64 encoding [1].

UNIXsum The algorithm computed by the UNIX "sum" command,

as defined by the Single UNIX Specification,

Version 2 [13]. The output of this algorithm is an

ASCII decimal-digit string representing the 16-bit

checksum, which is the first word of the output of

the UNIX "sum" command.

UNIXcksum The algorithm computed by the UNIX "cksum" command,

as defined by the Single UNIX Specification,

Version 2 [13]. The output of this algorithm is an

ASCII digit string representing the 32-bit CRC,

which is the first word of the output of the UNIX

"cksum" command.

If other digest-algorithm values are defined, the associated encoding

MUST either be represented as a quoted string, or MUST NOT include

";" or "," in the character sets used for the encoding.

4.2 Instance digests

An instance digest is the representation of the output of a digest

algorithm, together with an indication of the algorithm used (and any


instance-digest = digest-algorithm "="

<encoded digest output>

The digest is computed on the entire instance associated with the

message. The instance is a snapshot of the resource prior to the

application of of any instance manipulation or transfer-coding (see

section 3). The byte order used to compute the digest is the

transmission byte order defined for the content-type of the instance.

Note: the digest is computed before the application of any

instance manipulation. If a range or a delta-coding [9] is used,

the computation of the digest after the computation of the range

or delta would not provide a digest useful for checking the

integrity of the reassembled instance.

The encoded digest output uses the encoding format defined for the

specific digest-algorithm. For example, if the digest-algorithm is

"MD5", the encoding is base64; if the digest-algorithm is "UNIXsum",

the encoding is an ASCII string of decimal digits.





4.3 Header specifications

The following headers are defined.

4.3.1 Want-Digest

The Want-Digest message header field indicates the sender's desire to

receive an instance digest on messages associated with the Request-


Want-Digest = "Want-Digest" ":"

#(digest-algorithm [ ";" "q" "=" qvalue])

If a digest-algorithm is not accompanied by a qvalue, it is treated

as if its associated qvalue were 1.0.

The sender is willing to accept a digest-algorithm if and only if it

is listed in a Want-Digest header field of a message, and its qvalue

is non-zero.

If multiple acceptable digest-algorithm values are given, the

sender's preferred digest-algorithm is the one (or ones) with the

highest qvalue.


Want-Digest: md5

Want-Digest: MD5;q=0.3, sha;q=1

4.3.2 Digest

The Digest message header field provides a message digest of the

instance described by the message.

Digest = "Digest" ":" #(instance-digest)

The instance described by a message might be fully contained in the

message-body, partially-contained in the message-body, or not at all

contained in the message-body. The instance is specified by the

Request-URI and any cache-validator contained in the message.

A Digest header field MAY contain multiple instance-digest values.

This could be useful for responses expected to reside in caches

shared by users with different browsers, for example.

A recipient MAY ignore any or all of the instance-digests in a Digest

header field.

A sender MAY send an instance-digest using a digest-algorithm without

knowing whether the recipient supports the digest-algorithm, or even

knowing that the recipient will ignore it.


Digest: md5=HUXZLQLMuI/KZ5KDcJPcOA==

Digest: SHA=thvDyvhfIqlvFe+A9MYgxAfm1q5=,unixsum=30637

5 Negotiation of Content-MD5

HTTP/1.1 provides a Content-MD5 header field, but does not provide

any mechanism for requesting its use (or non-use). The Want-Digest

header field defined in this document provides the basis for such a


First, we add to the set of digest-algorithm values (in section

4.1.1) the token "contentMD5", with the provision that this digest-

algorithm MUST NOT be used in a Digest header field.

The presence of the "contentMD5" digest-algorithm with a non-zero

qvalue in a Want-Digest header field indicates that the sender wishes

to receive a Content-MD5 header on messages associated with the


The presence of the "contentMD5" digest-algorithm with a zero qvalue

in a Want-Digest header field indicates that the sender will ignore

Content-MD5 headers on messages associated with the Request-URI.

6 IANA Considerations

The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) administers the name

space for digest-algorithm values. Values and their meaning must be

documented in an RFCor other peer-reviewed, permanent, and readily

available reference, in sufficient detail so that interoperability

between independent implementations is possible. Subject to these

constraints, name assignments are First Come, First Served (see RFC

2434 [11]).

7 Security Considerations

This document specifies a data integrity mechanism that protects HTTP

instance data, but not HTTP entity headers, from certain kinds of

accidental corruption. It is also useful in detecting at least one

spoofing attack [9]. However, it is not intended as general

protection against malicious tampering with HTTP messages.

The HTTP Digest Access Authentication mechanism [5] provides some

protection against malicious tampering.

8 Acknowledgements

It is not clear who first realized that the Content-MD5 header field

is not sufficient to provide data integrity when ranges or deltas are


Laurent Demailly may have been the first to suggest an algorithm-

independent checksum header for HTTP [3]. Dave Raggett suggested the

use of the term "digest" instead of "checksum" [14].

9 References

[1] Freed, N. and N. Borenstein, N., "MIME (Multipurpose Internet

Mail Extensions) Part One: Mechanisms for Specifying and

Describing the Format of Internet Message Bodies", RFC2049,

November 1996.

[2] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement

Levels", BCP 14, RFC2119, March 1997.

[3] Laurent Demailly. Re: Revised Charter.


[4] Fielding, R., Gettys, J., Mogul, J., Frystyk, H., Masinter, L.,

Leach, P. and T. Berners-Lee, "Hypertext Transfer Protocol --

HTTP/1.1.", RFC2616, June 1999.

[5] Franks, J., Hallam-Baker, P., Hostetler, J., Lawrence, S.,

Leach, P., Luotonen, A. and L. Stewart, "HTTP Authentication:

Basic and Digest Access Authentication", RFC2617, June 1999.

[6] Freed, N. and N. Borenstein, "Multipurpose Internet Mail

Extensions (MIME) Part One: Format of Internet Message Bodies",

RFC2045, November 1996.

[7] Nevin Heintze. Scalable Document Fingerprinting. Proc. Second

USENIX Workshop on Electronic Commerce, USENIX, Oakland, CA,

November, 1996, pp. 191-200.


[8] Merriam-Webster. Webster's Seventh New Collegiate Dictionary.

G. & C. Merriam Co., Springfield, MA, 1963.

[9] Mogul, J., Krishnamurthy, B., Douglis, F., Feldmann, A., Goland,

Y. and A. van Hoff, "Delta encoding in HTTP", RFC3229, December


[10] Myers, J. and M. Rose, "The Content-MD5 Header Field", RFC1864,

October 1995.

[11] Narten, T. and H. Alvestrand, "Guidelines for Writing an IANA

Considerations Section in RFCs", BCP 26, RFC2434, October 1998.

[12] National Institute of Standards and Technology. Secure Hash


180-1, U.S. Department of Commerce, April, 1995.


[13] The Open Group. The Single UNIX Specification, Version 2 - 6

Vol Set for UNIX 98. Document number T912, The Open Group,

February, 1997.

[14] Dave Raggett. Re: Revised Charter.


[15] Rivest, R., "The MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm", RFC1321, April


10 Authors' Addresses

Jeffrey C. Mogul

Western Research Laboratory

Compaq Computer Corporation

250 University Avenue

Palo Alto, California, 94305, U.S.A.

EMail: JeffMogul@acm.org

Phone: 1 650 617 3304 (email preferred)

Arthur van Hoff

Marimba, Inc.

440 Clyde Avenue

Mountain View, CA 94043

EMail: avh@marimba.com

Phone: 1 (650) 930 5283

11 Full Copyright Statement

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2002). All Rights Reserved.

This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to

others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it

or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published

and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any

kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are

included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this

document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing

the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other

Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of

developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for

copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be

followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than


The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be

revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.

This document and the information contained herein is provided on an







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