
RFC3221 - Commentary on Inter-Domain Routing in the Internet

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group G. Huston

Request for Comments: 3221 Internet Architecture Board

Category: Informational December 2001

Commentary on

Inter-Domain Routing in the Internet

Status of this Memo

This memo provides information for the Internet community. It does

not specify an Internet standard of any kind. Distribution of this

memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2001). All Rights Reserved.


This document examines the various longer term trends visible within

the characteristics of the Internet's BGP table and identifies a

number of operational practices and protocol factors that contribute

to these trends. The potential impacts of these practices and

protocol properties on the scaling properties of the inter-domain

routing space are examined.

This document is the outcome of a collaborative exercise on the part

of the Internet Architecture Board.

Table of Contents

1. IntrodUCtion................................................. 2

2. Network Scaling and Inter-Domain Routing ................... 2

3. Measurements of the total size of the BGP Table ............ 4

4. Related Measurements derived from BGP Table ................ 7

5. Current State of inter-AS routing in the Internet .......... 11

6. Future Requirements for the Exterior Routing System ........ 14

7. Architectural Approaches to a scalable Exterior

Routing Protocol........................................... 15

8. Directions for Further Activity ............................ 21

9. Security Considerations .................................... 22

10. References ................................................. 23

11. Acknowledgements ........................................... 24

12. Author's Address ........................................... 24

13. Full Copyright Statement ................................... 25

1. Introduction

This document examines the various longer term trends visible within

the characteristics of the Internet's BGP table and identifies a

number of operational practices and protocol factors that contribute

to these trends. The potential impacts of these practices and

protocol properties on the scaling properties of the inter-domain

routing space are examined.

These impacts include the potential for exhaustion of the existing

Autonomous System number space, increasing convergence times for

selection of stable alternate paths following withdrawal of route

announcements, the stability of table entries, and the average prefix

length of entries in the BGP table. The larger long term issue is

that of an increasingly denser inter-connectivity mesh between ASes,

causing a finer degree of granularity of inter-domain policy and

finer levels of control to undertake inter-domain traffic


Various approaches to a refinement of the inter-domain routing

protocol and associated operating practices that may provide superior

scaling properties are identified as an area for further


This document is the outcome of a collaborative exercise on the part

of the Internet Architecture Board.

2. Network Scaling and Inter-Domain Routing

Are there inherent scaling limitations in the technology of the

Internet or its architecture of deployment that may impact on the

ability of the Internet to meet escalating levels of demand? There

are a number of potential areas to search for such limitations.

These include the capacity of transmission systems, packet switching

capacity, the continued availability of protocol addresses, and the

capability of the routing system to produce a stable view of the

overall topology of the network. In this study we will look at this

latter capability with the objective of identifying some ASPects of

the scaling properties of the Internet's routing system.

The basic structure of the Internet is a collection of networks, or

Autonomous Systems (ASes) that are interconnected to form a connected

domain. Each AS uses an interior routing system to maintain a

coherent view of the topology within the AS, and uses an exterior

routing system to maintain adjacency information with neighboring

ASes to create a view of the connectivity of the entire system.

This network-wide connectivity is described in the routing table used

by the BGP4 protocol (referred to as the Routing Information Base, or

RIB). Each entry in the table refers to a distinct route. The

attributes of the route, together with local policy constraints, are

used to determine the best path from the local AS to the AS that is

originating the route. Determining the 'best path' in this case is

determining which routing advertisement and associated next hop

address is the most preferred by the local AS. Within each local

BGP-speaking router this preferred route is then loaded into the

local RIB (Loc-RIB). This information is coupled with information

oBTained from the local instance of the interior routing protocol to

form a Forwarding Information Base (or FIB), for use by the local

router's forwarding engine.

The BGP routing system is not aware of finer level of topology of the

network on a link-by-link basis within the local AS or within any

remote AS. From this perspective BGP can be seen as an inter-AS

connectivity maintenance protocol, as distinct from a link-level

topology management protocol, and the BGP routing table can be viewed

as a description of the current connectivity of the Internet using an

AS as the basic element of connectivity computation.

There is an associated dimension of policy determination within the

routing table. If an AS advertises a route to a neighboring AS, the

local AS is offering to accept traffic from the neighboring AS which

is ultimately destined to addresses described by the advertised

routing entry. If the local AS does not originate the route, then

the inference is that the local AS is willing to undertake the role

of transit provider for this traffic on behalf of some third party.

Similarly, an AS may or may not choose to accept a route from a

neighbor. Accepting a route implies that under some circumstances,

as determined by the local route selection parameters, the local AS

will use the neighboring AS to reach addresses spanned by the route.

The BGP routing domain is intended to maintain a coherent view of the

connectivity of the inter-AS domain, where connectivity is eXPressed

as a preference for 'shortest paths' to reach any destination address

as modulated by the connectivity policies expressed by each AS, and

coherence is expressed as a global constraint that none of the paths

contains loops or dead ends. The elements of the BGP routing domain

are routing entries, expressed as a span of addresses. All addresses

advertised within each routing entry share a common origin AS and a

common connectivity policy. The total size of the BGP table is

therefore a metric of the number of distinct routes within the

Internet, where each route describes a contiguous set of addresses

that share a common origin AS and a common reachability policy.

When the scaling properties of the Internet were studied in the early

1990s two critical factors identified in the study were, not

surprisingly, routing and addressing [2]. As more devices connect to

the Internet they consume addresses, and the associated function of

maintaining reachability information for these addresses, with an

assumption of an associated growth in the number of distinct provider

networks and the number of distinct connectivity policies, implies

ever larger routing tables. The work in studying the limitations of

the 32 bit IPv4 address space produced a number of outcomes,

including the specification of IPv6 [3], as well as the refinement of

techniques of network address translation [4] intended to allow some

degree of transparent interaction between two networks using

different address realms. Growth in the routing system is not

directly addressed by these approaches, as the routing space is the

cross product of the complexity of the inter-AS topology of the

network, multiplied by the number of distinct connectivity policies

multiplied by the degree of fragmentation of the address space. For

example, use of NAT may reduce the pressure on the number of public

addresses required by a single connected network, but it does not

necessarily imply that the network's connectivity policies can be

subsumed within the aggregated policy of a single upstream provider.

When an AS advertises a block of addresses into the exterior routing

space this entry is generally carried across the entire exterior

routing domain of the Internet. To measure the common

characteristics of the global routing table, it is necessary to

establish a point in the default-free part of the exterior routing

domain and examine the BGP routing table that is visible at that


3. Measurements of the total size of the BGP Table

Measurements of the size of the routing table were somewhat sporadic

to start, and a number of measurements were taken at approximate

monthly intervals from 1988 until 1992 by Merit [5]. This effort was

resumed in 1994 by Erik-Jan Bos at Surfnet in the Netherlands, who

commenced measuring the size of the BGP table at hourly intervals in

1994. This measurement technique was adopted by the author in 1997,

using a measurement point located at the edge of AS 1221 at Telstra

in Australia, again using an hourly interval for the measurement.

The initial measurements were of the number of routing entries

contained within the set of selected best paths. These measurements

were expanded to include the number of AS numbers, number of AS

paths, and a set of measurements relating to the prefix size of

routing table entries.

This data contains a view of the dynamics of the Internet's routing

table growth that spans some 13 years in total and includes a very

detailed view spanning the most recent seven years [6]. Looking at

just the total size of the BGP routing table over this period, it is

possible to identify four distinct phases of inter-AS routing

practice in the Internet.

3.1 Pre-CIDR Growth

The initial characteristics of the routing table size from 1988 until

April 1994 show definite characteristics of exponential growth. If

continued unchecked, this growth would have lead to saturation of the

available BGP routing table space in the non-default routers of the

time within a small number of years.

Estimates of the time at which this would've happened varied somewhat

from study to study, but the overall general theme of these

observations was that the growth rates of the BGP routing table were

exceeding the growth in hardware and software capability of the

deployed network, and that at some point in the mid-1990's, the BGP

table size would have grown to the point where it was larger than the

capabilities of available equipment to support.

3.2 CIDR Deployment

The response from the engineering community was the introduction of a

hierarchy into the inter-domain routing system. The intent of the

hierarchical routing structure was to allow a provider to merge the

routing entries for its customers into a single routing entry that

spanned its entire customer base. The practical aspects of this

change was the introduction of routing protocols that dispensed with

the requirement for the Class A, B and C address delineation,

replacing this scheme with a routing system that carried an address

prefix and an associated prefix length. This approached was termed

Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) [5].

A concerted effort was undertaken in 1994 and 1995 to deploy CIDR

routing in the Internet, based on encouraging deployment of the

CIDR-capable version of the BGP protocol, BGP4 [7].

The intention of CIDR was one of hierarchical provider address

aggregation, where a network provider was allocated an address block

from an address registry, and the provider announced this entire

block into the exterior routing domain as a single entry with a

single routing policy. Customers of the provider were encouraged to

use a sub-allocation from the provider's address block, and these

smaller routing elements were aggregated by the provider and not

directly passed into the exterior routing domain. During 1994 the

size of the routing table remained relatively constant at some 20,000

entries as the growth in the number of providers announcing address

blocks was matched by a corresponding reduction in the number of

address announcements as a result of CIDR aggregation.

3.3 CIDR Growth

For the next four years until the start of 1998, CIDR proved

effective in damping unconstrained growth in the BGP routing table.

During this period, the BGP table grew at an approximate linear rate,

adding some 10,000 entries per year.

A close examination of the table reveals a greater level of stability

in the routing system at this time. The short term (hourly)

variation in the number of announced routes reduced, both as a

percentage of the number of announced routes, and also in absolute

terms. One of the other benefits of using large aggregate address

blocks is that instability at the edge of the network is not

immediately propagated into the routing core. The instability at the

last hop is absorbed at the point where an aggregate route is used in

place of a collection of more specific routes. This, coupled with

widespread adoption of BGP route flap damping, was very effective in

reducing the short term instability in the routing space during this


3.4 Current Growth

In late 1998 the trend of growth in the BGP table size changed

radically, and the growth for the period 1998 - 2000 is again showing

all the signs of a re-establishment of a growth trend with strong

correlation to an exponential growth model. This change in the

growth trend appears to indicate that pressure to use hierarchical

address allocations and CIDR has been unable to keep pace with the

levels of growth of the Internet, and some additional factors that

impact the growth in the BGP table size have become more prominent in

the Internet. This has lead to a growth pattern in the total size of

the BGP table that has more in common with a compound growth model

than a linear model. A good fit of the data for the period from

January 1999 until December 2000 is a compound growth model of 42%

growth per year.

An initial observation is that this growth pattern points to some

weakening of the hierarchical model of connectivity and routing

within the Internet. To identify the characteristics of this recent

trend it is necessary to look at a number of related characteristics

of the routing table.

BGP table size data for the first half of 2001 shows different trends

at various measurement points in the Internet. Some measurement

points where the local AS has a relative larger number of more

specific routes show a steady state for the first half of 2001 with

no appreciable growth, while other measurement points where the local

AS has had a lower number of more specific routes initially show a

continuation of table size growth. There are a number of commonly

observed discontinuities in the data for 2001, corresponding to

events where a significant number of more specific entries have been

replaced by an encompassing aggregate prefix.

4. Related Measurements derived from BGP Table

The level of analysis of the BGP routing table has been extended in

an effort to identify the factors contributing to this growth, and to

determine whether this leads to some limiting factors in the

potential size of the routing space. Analysis includes measuring the

number of ASes in the routing system, and the number of distinct AS

paths, the range of addresses spanned by the table and average span

of each routing entry.

4.1 AS Number Consumption

Each network that is multi-homed within the topology of the Internet

and wishes to express a distinct external routing policy must use a

unique AS number to associate its advertised addresses with such a

policy. In general, each network is associated with a single AS, and

the number of ASes in the default-free routing table tracks the

number of entities that have unique routing policies. There are some

exceptions to this, including large global transit providers with

varying regional policies, where multiple ASes are associated with a

single network, but such exceptions are relatively uncommon.

The number of unique ASes present in the BGP table has been tracked

since late 1996, and the trend of AS number deployment over the past

four years is also one that matches a compound growth model with a

growth rate of 51% per year. As of the start of May 2001 there were

some 10,700 ASes visible in the BGP table. At a continued rate of

growth of 51% p.a., the 16 bit AS number space will be fully deployed

by August 2005. Work is underway within the IETF to modify the BGP

protocol to carry AS numbers in a 32-bit field. [8] While the

protocol modifications are relatively straightforward, the major

responsibility rests with the operations community to devise a

transition plan that will allow gradual transition into this larger

AS number space.

4.2 Address Consumption

It is also possible to track the total amount of address space

advertised within the BGP routing table. At the start of 2001 the

routing table encompassed 1,081,131,733 addresses, or some 25.17% of

the total IPv4 address space, or 25.4% of the usable unicast public

address space. By September 2001 this has growth to 1,123,124,472

addresses, or some 26% of the IPv4 address space. This has grown

from 1,019,484,655 addresses in November 1999. However, there are a

number of /8 prefixes that are periodically announced and withdrawn

from the BGP table, and if the effects of these prefixes is removed,

a compound growth model against the previous 12 months of data of

this metric yields a best fit model of growth of 7% per year in the

total number of addresses spanned by the routing table.

Compared to the 42% growth in the number of routing advertisements,

the growth in the amount of address space advertised is far lower.

One possible explanation is that much of the growth of the Internet

in terms of growth in the number of connected devices is occurring

behind various forms of NAT gateways. In terms of solving the

perceived finite nature of the address space identified just under a

decade ago, this explanation would tend to indicate that the Internet

appears so far to have embraced the approach of using NATs,

irrespective of their various perceived functional shortcomings. [9]

This explanation also supports the observation of smaller address

fragments supporting distinct policies in the BGP table, as such

small address blocks may encompass arbitrarily large networks located

behind one or more NAT gateways. There are alternative explanations

of this difference between the growth of the table and the growth of

address space, including a trend towards discrete exterior routing

policies being applied to finer address blocks.

4.3 Granularity of Table Entries

The intent of CIDR aggregation was to support the use of large

aggregate address announcements in the BGP routing table. To confirm

whether this is still the case the average span of each BGP

announcement has been tracked for the past 12 months. The data

indicates a decline in the average span of a BGP advertisement from

16,000 individual addresses in November 1999 to 12,100 in December

2000. As of September 2001 this span has been further reduced to an

average 10,700 individual addresses per routing entry. This

corresponds to an increase in the average prefix length from /18.03

to /18.44 by December 2000 and a /18.6 by September 2001. Separate

observations of the average prefix length used to route traffic in

operation networks in late 2000 indicate an average length of 18.1

[11]. This trend towards finer-grained entries in the routing table

is potentially cause for concern, as it implies the increasing spread

of traffic over greater numbers of increasingly smaller forwarding

table entries. This, in turn, has implications for the design of

high speed core routers, particularly when extensive use is made of a

small number of very high speed cached forwarding entries within the

switching subsystem of a router's design.

A similar observation can be made regarding the number of addresses

advertised per AS. In December 1999 each AS advertised an average of

161,900 addresses (equivalent to a prefix length /14.69, and in

January 2001 this average has fallen to 115,800 addresses, an

equivalent prefix length of /15.18.

This points to increasingly finer levels of routing detail being

announced into the global routing domain. This, in turn, supports

the observation that the efficiencies of hierarchical routing

structures are no longer being fully realized within the deployed

Internet. Instead, increasingly finer levels of routing detail are

being announced globally in the BGP tables. The most likely cause of

this trend of finer levels of routing granularity is an increasingly

dense interconnection mesh, where more networks are moving from a

single-homed connection with hierarchical addressing and routing into

multi-homed connections without any hierarchical structure. The spur

for this increasingly dense connectivity mesh in the Internet may

well be the declining unit costs of communications bearer services

coupled with a common perception that richer sets of adjacencies

yields greater levels of service resilience.

4.4 Prefix Length Distribution

In addition to looking at the average prefix length, the analysis of

the BGP table also includes an examination of the number of

advertisements of each prefix length.

An extensive program commenced in the mid-nineties to move away from

intense use of the Class C space and to encourage providers to

advertise larger address blocks, as part of the CIDR effort. This

has been reinforced by the address registries who have used provider

allocation blocks that correspond to a prefix length of /19 and, more

recently, /20.

These measures were introduced in the mid-90's when there were some

20,000 - 30,000 entries in the BGP table. Some six years later in

April 2001 it is interesting to note that of the 108,000 entries in

the routing table, some 59,000 entries have a /24 prefix. In

absolute terms the /24 prefix set is the fastest growing set in the

BGP routing table. The routing entries of these smaller address

blocks also show a much higher level of change on an hourly basis.

While a large number of BGP routing points perform route flap

damping, nevertheless there is still a very high level of

announcements and withdrawals of these entries in this particular

area of the routing table when viewed using a perspective of route

updates per prefix length. Given that the numbers of these small

prefixes are growing rapidly, there is cause for some concern that

the total level of BGP flux, in terms of the number of announcements

and withdrawals per second may be increasing, despite the pressures

from flap damping. This concern is coupled with the observation

that, in terms of BGP stability under scaling pressure, it is not the

absolute size of the BGP table that is of prime importance, but the

rate of dynamic path re-computations that occur in the wake of

announcements and withdrawals. Withdrawals are of particular concern

due to the number of transient intermediate states that the BGP

distance vector algorithm explores in processing a withdrawal.

Current experimental observations indicate a typical convergence time

of some 2 minutes to propagate a route withdrawal across the BGP

domain. [10]

An increase in the density of the BGP mesh, coupled with an increase

in the rate of such dynamic changes, does have serious implications

in maintaining the overall stability of the BGP system as it

continues to grow. The registry allocation policies also have had

some impact on the routing table prefix distribution. The original

registry practice was to use a minimum allocation unit of a /19, and

the 10,000 prefix entries in the /17 to /19 range are a consequence

of this policy decision. More recently, the allocation policy now

allows for a minimum allocation unit of a /20 prefix, and the /20

prefix is used by some 4,300 entries as of January 2001, and in

relative terms is one of the fastest growing prefix sets. The number

of entries corresponding to very small address blocks (smaller than a

/24), while small in number as a proportion of the total BGP routing

table, is the fastest growing in relative terms. The number of /25

through /32 prefixes in the routing table is growing faster, in terms

of percentage change, than any other area of the routing table. If

prefix length filtering were in widespread use, the practice of

announcing a very small address block with a distinct routing policy

would have no particular beneficial outcome, as the address block

would not be passed throughout the global BGP routing domain and the

propagation of the associated policy would be limited in scope. The

growth of the number of these small address blocks, and the diversity

of AS paths associated with these routing entries, points to a

relatively limited use of prefix length filtering in today's

Internet. In the absence of any corrective pressure in the form of

widespread adoption of prefix length filtering, the very rapid growth

of global announcements of very small address blocks is likely to

continue. In percentage terms, the set of prefixes spanning /25 to

/32 show the largest growth rates.

4.5 Aggregation and Holes

With the CIDR routing structure it is possible to advertise a more

specific prefix of an existing aggregate. The purpose of this more

specific announcement is to punch a 'hole' in the policy of the

larger aggregate announcement, creating a different policy for the

specifically referenced address prefix.

Another use of this mechanism is to perform a rudimentary form of

load balancing and mutual backup for multi-homed networks. In this

model a network may advertise the same aggregate advertisement along

each connection, but then advertise a set of specific advertisements

for each connection, altering the specific advertisements such that

the load on each connection is approximately balanced. The two forms

of holes can be readily discerned in the routing table - while the

approach of policy differentiation uses an AS path that is different

from the aggregate advertisement, the load balancing and mutual

backup configuration uses the same As path for both the aggregate and

the specific advertisements. While it is difficult to understand

whether the use of such more specific advertisements was intended to

be an exception to a more general rule or not within the original

intent of CIDR deployment, there appears to be very widespread use of

this mechanism within the routing table. Some 59,000 advertisements,

or 55% of the total number of routing table entries, are being used

to punch policy holes in existing aggregate announcements. Of these

the overall majority of some 42,000 routes use distinct AS paths, so

that it does appear that this is evidence of finer levels of

granularity of connection policy in a densely interconnected space.

While long term data is not available for the relative level of such

advertisements as a proportion of the full routing table, the growth

level does strongly indicate that policy differentiation at a fine

level within existing provider aggregates is a significant driver of

overall table growth.

5. Current State of inter-AS routing in the Internet

The resumption of compound growth trends within the BGP table, and

the associated aspects of finer granularity of routing entries within

the table form adequate grounds for consideration of potential

refinements to the Internet's exterior routing protocols and

potential refinements to current operating practices of inter-AS

connectivity. With the exception of the 16 bit AS number space,

there is no particular finite limit to any aspect of the BGP table.

The motivation for such activity is that a long term pattern of

continued growth at current rates may once again pose a potential

condition where the capacity of the available processors may be

exceeded by some aspect of the Internet routing table.

5.1 A denser interconnectivity mesh

The decreasing unit cost of communications bearers in many part of

the Internet is creating a rapidly expanding market in exchange

points and other forms of inter-provider peering. A model of

extensive interconnection at the edges of the Internet is rapidly

supplanting the deployment model of a single-homed network with a

single upstream provider. The underlying deployment model of CIDR

was that of a single-homed network, allowing for a strict hierarchy

of supply providers. The business imperatives driving this denser

mesh of interconnection in the Internet are substantial, and the

casualty in this case is the CIDR-induced dampened growth of the BGP

routing table.

5.2 Multi-Homed small networks and service resiliency

It would appear that one of the major drivers of the recent growth of

the BGP table is that of small networks, advertised as a /24 prefix

entry in the routing table, multi-homing with a number of peers and

upstream providers. In the appropriate environment where there are a

number of networks in relatively close proximity, using peer

relationships can reduce total connectivity costs, as compared to

using a single upstream service provider. Equally significantly,

multi-homing with a number of upstream providers is seen as a means

of improving the overall availability of the service. In essence,

multi-homing is seen as an acceptable substitute for upstream service

resiliency. This has a potential side effect that when multi-homing

is seen as a preferable substitute for upstream provider resiliency,

the upstream provider cannot command a price premium for proving

resiliency as an attribute of the provided service, and therefore has

little economic incentive to spend the additional money required to

engineer resiliency into the network. The actions of the network's

multi-homed clients then become self-fulfilling. One way to

characterize this behavior is that service resiliency in the Internet

is becoming the responsibility of the customer, not the service


In such an environment resiliency still exists, but rather than being

a function of the bearer or switching subsystem, resiliency is

provided through the function of the BGP routing system. The

question is not whether this is feasible or desirable in the

individual case, but whether the BGP routing system can scale

adequately to continue to undertake this role.

5.3 Traffic Engineering via Routing

Further driving this growth in the routing table is the use of

selective advertisement of smaller prefixes along different paths in

an effort to undertake traffic engineering within a multi-homed

environment. While there is considerable effort being undertaken to

develop traffic engineering tools within a single network using MPLS

as the base flow management tool, inter-provider tools to achieve

similar outcomes are considerably more complex when using such

switching techniques.

At this stage the only tool being used for inter-provider traffic

engineering is that of the BGP routing table. Such use of BGP

appears to place additional fine-grained prefixes into the routing

table. This action further exacerbates the growth and stability

pressures being placed on the BGP routing domain.

5.4 Lack of Common Operational Practices

There is considerable evidence of a lack of uniformity of operational

practices within the inter-domain routing space. This includes the

use and setting of prefix filters, the use and setting of route

damping parameters and level of verification undertaken on BGP

advertisements by both the advertiser and the recipient. There is

some extent of 'noise' in the routing table where advertisements

appear to be propagated well beyond their intended domain of

applicability, and also where withdrawals and advertisements are not

being adequately damped close to the origin of the route flap. This

diversity of operating practices also extends to policies of

accepting advertisements that are more specific advertisements of

existing provider blocks.

5.5 CIDR and Hierarchical Routing

The current growth factors at play in the BGP table are not easily

susceptible to another round of CIDR deployment pressure within the

operator community. The denser interconnectivity mesh, the

increasing use of multi-homing with smaller address prefixes, the

extension of the use of BGP to perform roles related to inter-domain

traffic engineering and the lack of common operating practices all

point to a continuation of the trend of growth in the total size of

the BGP routing table, with this growth most apparent with

advertisements of smaller address blocks, and an increasing trend for

these small advertisements to be punching a connectivity policy

'hole' in an existing provider aggregate advertisement.

It may be appropriate to consider how to operate an Internet with a

BGP routing table that has millions of small entries, rather than the

expectation of a hierarchical routing space with at most tens of

thousands of larger entries in the global routing table.

6. Future Requirements for the Exterior Routing System

It is beyond the scope of this document to define a scalable inter-

domain routing environment and associated routing protocols and

operating practices. A more modest goal is to look at the attributes

of routing systems as understood and identify those aspects of such

systems that may be applicable to the inter-domain environment as a

potential set of requirements for inter-domain routing tools.

6.1 Scalability

The overall intent is scalability of the routing environment.

Scalability can be expressed in many dimensions, including number of

discrete network layer reachability entries, number of discrete route

policy entries, level of dynamic change over a unit of time of these

entries, time to converge to a coherent view of the connectivity of

the network following changes, and so on.

The basic objective behind this expressed requirement for scalability

is that the most likely near to medium trend in the structure of the

Internet is a continuation in the pattern of dense interconnectivity

between a large number of discrete network entities, and little

impetus behind hierarchical aggregating structures. It is not an

objective to place any particular metrics on scalability within this

examination of requirements, aside from indicating that a prudent

view would encompass a scale of connectivity in the inter-domain

space that is at least two orders of magnitude larger than comparable

metrics of the current environment.

6.2 Stability and Predictability

Any routing system should behave in a stable and predictable fashion.

What is inferred from the predictability requirement is the behavior

that under identical environmental conditions the routing system

should converge to the same state. Stability implies that the

routing state should be maintained for as long as the environmental

conditions remain constant. Stability also implies a qualitative

property that minor variations in the network's state should not

cause large scale instability across the entire network while a new

stable routing state is reached. Instead, routing changes should be

propagated only as far as necessary to reach a new stable state, so

that the global requirement for stability implies some degree of

locality in the behavior of the system.

6.3 Convergence

Any routing system should have adequate convergence properties. By

adequate it is implied that within a finite time following a change

in the external environment, the routing system will have reached a

shared common description of the network's topology that accurately

describes the current state of the network and is stable. In this

case finite time implies a time limit that is bounded by some upper

limit, and this upper limit reflects the requirements of the routing

system. In the case of the Internet this convergence time is

currently of the order of hundreds of seconds as an upper bound on

convergence. This long convergence time is perceived as having a

negative impact on various applications, particularly those that are

time critical. A more useful upper bound for convergence is of the

order of seconds or lower if it is desired to support a broad range

of application classes.

It is not a requirement to be able to undertake full convergence of

the inter-domain routing system in the sub-second timescale.

6.4 Routing Overhead

The greater the amount of information passed within the routing

system, and the greater the frequency of such information exchanges,

the greater the level of expectation that the routing system can

maintain an accurate view of the connectivity of the network.

Equally, the greater the amount of information passed within the

routing system, and the higher the frequency of information exchange,

the higher the level of overhead consumed by operation of the routing

system. There is an element of design compromise in a routing system

to pass enough information across the system to allow each routing

element to have adequate local information to reach a coherent local

view of the network, yet ensure that the total routing overhead is


7. Architectural approaches to a scalable Exterior Routing Protocol

This document does not attempt to define an inter-domain routing

protocol that possess all the attributes as listed above, but a

number of architectural considerations can be identified that would

form an integral part of the protocol design process.

7.1 Policy opaqueness vs. policy transparency

The two major approaches to routing protocols are distance vector and

link state.

In the distance vector protocol a routing node gathers information

from its neighbors, applies local policy to this information and then

distributes this updated information to its neighbors. In this model

the nature of the local policy applied to the routing information is

not necessarily visible to the node's neighbors, and the process of

converting received route advertisements into advertised route

advertisements uses a local policy process whose policy rules are not

visible externally. This scenario can be described as 'policy

opaque'. The side effect of such an environment is that a third

party cannot remotely compute which routes a network may accept and

which may be re-advertised to each neighbor.

In link state protocols a routing node effectively broadcasts its

local adjacencies, and the policies it has with respect to these

adjacencies, to all nodes within the link state domain. Every node

can perform an identical computation upon this set of adjacencies and

associated policies in order to compute the local forwarding table.

The essential attribute of this environment is that the routing node

has to announce its routing policies, in order to allow a remote node

to compute which routes will be accepted from which neighbor, and

which routes will be advertised to each neighbor and what, if any,

attributes are placed on the advertisement. Within an interior

routing domain the local policies are in effect metrics of each link

and these polices can be announced within the routing domain without

any consequent impact.

In the exterior routing domain it is not the case that

interconnection policies between networks are always fully

transparent. Various permutations of supplier / customer

relationships and peering relationships have associated policy

qualifications that are not publicly announced for business

competitive reasons. The current diversity of interconnection

arrangements appears to be predicated on policy opaqueness, and to

mandate a change to a model of open interconnection policies may be

contrary to operational business imperatives.

An inter-domain routing tool should be able to support models of

interconnection where the policy associated with the interconnection

is not visible to any third party. If the architectural choice is a

constrained one between distance vector and link state, then this

consideration would appear to favor the continued use of a distance

vector approach to inter-domain routing. This choice, in turn, has

implications on the convergence properties and stability of the

inter-domain routing environment. If there is a broader spectrum of

choice, the considerations of policy-opaqueness would still apply.

7.2 The number of routing objects

The current issues with the trend behaviors of the BGP space can be

coarsely summarized as the growth in the number of distinct routing

objects, the increased level of dynamic behaviors of these objects

(in the form of announcements and withdrawals).

This entails evaluating possible measures that can address the growth

rate in the number of objects in the inter-domain routing table, and

separately examining measures that can reduce the level of dynamic

change in the routing table. The current routing architecture

defines a basic unit of a route object as an originating AS number

and an address prefix.

In looking at the growth rate in the number of route objects, the

salient observation is that the number of route objects is the

byproduct of the density of the interconnection mesh and the number

of discrete points where policy is imposed of route objects. One

approach to reduce the growth in the number of objects is to allow

each object to describe larger segments of infrastructure. Such an

approach could use a single route object to describe a set of address

prefixes, or a collection of ASs, or a combination of the two. The

most direct form of extension would be to preserve the assumption

that each routing object represents an indivisible policy entity.

However, given that one of the drivers of the increasing number of

route objects is a proliferation of discrete route objects, it is not

immediately apparent that this form of aggregation will prove capable

in addressing the growth in the number of route objects.

If single route objects are to be used that encompass a set of

address prefixes and a collection of ASs, then it appears necessary

to define additional attributes within the route object to further

qualify the policies associated with the object in terms of specific

prefixes, specific ASs and specific policy semantics that may be

considered as policy exceptions to the overall aggregate

Another approach to reduce the number of route objects is to reduce

the scope of advertisement of each routing object, allowing the

object to be removed and proxy aggregated into some larger object

once the logical scope of the object has been reached. This approach

would entail the addition of route attributes that could be used to

define the circumstances where a specific route object would be

subsumed by an aggregate route object without impacting the policy

objectives associated with the original set of advertisements.

7.3 Inter-domain Traffic Engineering

Attempting to place greater levels of detail into route objects is

intended to address the dual role of the current BGP system as both

an inter-domain connectivity maintenance protocol and as an implicit

traffic engineering tool.

In the current environment, advertisement of more specific prefixes

with unique policy but with the same origin AS is often intended to

create a traffic engineering response, where incoming traffic to an

AS may be balanced across multiple paths. The outcome is that the

control of the relative profile of load is placed with the

originating AS. The way this is achieved is by using limited

knowledge of the remote AS's route selection policy to explicitly

limit the number of egress choices available to a remote AS. The

most common route selection policy is the preference for more

specific prefixes over larger address blocks. By advertising

specific prefixes along specific neighbor AS connections with

specific route attributes, traffic destined to these addresses is

passed through the selected transit paths. This limitation of choice

allows the originating AS to override the potential policy choices of

all other ASs, imposing its traffic import policies at a higher level

than the remote AS's egress policies.

An alternative approach is the use of a class of traffic engineering

attributes that are attached to an aggregate route object. The

intent of such attributes is to direct each remote AS to respond to

the route object in a manner that equates to the current response to

more specific advertisements, but without the need to advertise

specific prefix route objects. However, even this approach uses

route objects to communicate traffic engineering policy, and the same

risk remains that the route table is used to carry fine-detailed

traffic path policies.

An alternative direction is to separate the functions of connectivity

maintenance and traffic engineering, using the routing protocol to

identify a number of viable paths from a source AS to a destination

AS, and use a distinct collection of traffic engineering tools to

allow a traffic source AS to make egress path selections that match

the desired traffic service profile for the traffic.

There is one critical difference between traffic engineering

approaches as used in intra-domain environments and the current

inter-domain operating practices. Whereas the intra-domain

environment uses the ingress network element to make the appropriate

path choice to the egress point, the inter domain traffic engineering

has the opposite intent, where a downstream AS (or egress point) is

attempting to influence the path choice of an upstream AS (or ingress

point). If explicit traffic engineering were undertaken within the

inter-domain space, it is highly likely that the current structure

would be altered. Instead of the downstream element attempting to

constrain the path choices of an upstream element, a probable

approach is the downstream element placing a number of advisory

constraints on the upstream elements, and the upstream elements using

a combination of these advisory constraints, dynamic information

relating to path service characteristics and local policies to make

an egress choice.

From the perspective of the inter-domain routing environment, such

measures offer the potential to remove the advertisement of specific

routes for traffic engineering purposes. However, there is a need to

adding traffic engineering information into advertised route blocks,

requiring the definition of the syntax and semantics of traffic

engineering attributes that can be attached to route objects.

7.4 Hierarchical Routing Models

The CIDR routing model assumed a hierarchy of providers, where at

each level in the hierarchy the routing policies and address space of

networks at the lower level of hierarchy were subsumed by the next

level up (or 'upstream') provider. The connectivity policy assumed

by this model is also a hierarchical model, where horizontal

connections within a single level of the hierarchy are not visible

beyond the networks of the two parties.

A number of external factors are increasing the density of

interconnection including decreasing unit costs of communications

services and the increasing use of exchange points to augment point-

to-point connectivity models with point-to-multi-point facilities.

The outcome of these external factors is a significant reduction in

the hierarchical nature of the inter-domain space. Such a trend can

be viewed with concern given the common approach of using hierarchies

as a tool for scaling routing systems. BGP falls within this

approach, and relies on hierarchies in the address space to contain

the number of independently routing objects. The outcomes of this

characteristic of the Internet in terms of the routing space is the

increasing number of distinct route policies that are associated with

each multi-homed network within the Internet.

One way to limit the proliferation of such policies across the entire

inter-domain space is to associate attributes to such advertisements

that specify the conditions whereby a remote transit AS may proxy-

aggregate this route object with other route objects.

7.5 Extend or Replace BGP

A final consideration is to consider whether these requirements can

best be met by an approach of a set of upward-compatible extensions

to BGP, or by a replacement to BGP. No recommendation is made here,

and this is a topic requiring further investigation.

The general approach in extending BGP appears to lie in increasing

the number of supported transitive route attributes, allowing the

route originator greater control in specifying the scope of

propagation of the route and the intended outcome in terms of policy

and traffic engineering. It may also be necessary to allow BGP

sessions to negotiate additional functionality intended to improve

the convergence behavior of the protocol. Whether such changes can

produce a scalable and useful outcome in terms of inter-domain

routing remains, at this stage, an open question.

An alternative approach is that of a replacement protocol, and such

an approach may well be based on the adoption of a link-state

behavior. The issues of policy opaqueness and link-state protocols

have been described above. The other major issue with such an

approach is the need to limit the extent of link state flooding,

where the inter-domain space would need some further levels of

imposed structure similar to intra-domain areas. Such structure may

well imply the need for an additional set of operator inter-

relationships such as mutual transit, and this may prove challenging

to adapt to existing practices.

The potential sets of actions include more than extend or replace the

BGP protocol. A third approach is to continue to use BGP as the

basic means of propagating route objects and their associated AS

paths and other attributes, and use one or more overlay protocols to

support inter-domain traffic engineering and other forms of inter-

domain policy negotiation. This approach would appear to offer a

means of transition for the large installed base currently using BGP4

as their inter-domain routing protocol, placing additional

functionality in the overlay protocols while leaving the basic

functionality of BGP4 intact. The resultant inter-dependencies

between BGP and the overlay protocols would require very careful

attention, as this would be the most critical aspect of such an


8. Directions for Further Activity

While there may exist short term actions based on providing various

incentives for network operators to remove redundant or inefficiently

grouped entries from the BGP routing table, such actions are short

term palliative measures, and will not provide long term answers to

the need to a scalable inter-domain routing protocol.

One potential short term protocol refinement is to allow a set of

grouped advertisements to be aggregated into a single route

advertisement. This form of proxy aggregation would take a set of

bit-wise aligned routing entries with matching route attributes, and

under certain well identified circumstances, aggregate these routing

entries into a single re-advertised aggregate routing entry. This

technique removes information from the routing system, and some care

must be taken to define a set of proxy aggregation conditions that do

not materially alter the flow of traffic, or the ability of

originating ASes to announce routing policy.

A further refinement to this approach is to consider the definition

of the syntax and semantics of a number of additional route

attributes. Such attributes could define the extent to which

specific route advertisements should be propagated in the inter-

domain space, allowing the advertisement to be subsumed by a larger

aggregate advertisement at the boundary of this domain. This could

be used to form part of the preconditions of automated proxy

aggregation of specific routes, and also limit the extent to which

announcement and withdrawals are propagated across the routing


It is unclear that such measures would result in substantial longer

term changes to the scaling and convergence properties of BGP4.

Taking the requirement set enumerated in section 6 of this document,

one approach to the longer term requirements may be to preserve a

number of attributes of the current BGP protocol, while refine other

aspects of the protocol to improve its scaling and convergence

properties. A minimal set of alterations could retain the Autonomous

System concept to allow for boundaries of information summarization,

as well as retaining the approach of associating each prefix

advertisement with an originating AS. The concept of policy

opaqueness would also be retained in such an approach, implying that

each AS accepts a set of route advertisements, applies local policy

constraints, and re-advertises those advertisements permitted by the

local policy constraints. It could be feasible to consider

alterations to the distance vector path selection algorithm,

particularly as it relates to intermediate states during processing

of a route withdrawal. It is also feasible to consider the use of

compound route attributes, allowing a route object to include an

aggregate route, and a number of specifics of the aggregate route,

and attach attributes that may apply to the aggregate or a specific

address prefix. Such route attributes could be used to support

multi-homing and inter-domain traffic engineering mechanisms. The

overall intent of this approach is to address the major requirements

in the inter-domain routing space without using an increasing set of

globally propagated specific route objects.

A potential applied research topic is to consider the feasibility of

de-coupling the requirements of inter-domain connectivity management

with the applications of policy constraints and the issues of sender-

and/or receiver-managed traffic engineering requirements. Such an

approach may use a link-state protocol as a means of maintaining a

consistent view of the topology of inter-domain network, and then use

some form of overlay protocol to negotiate policy requirements of

each AS, and use a further overlay to support inter-domain traffic

engineering requirements. The underlying assumption of such an

approach is that by dividing up the functional role of inter-domain

routing into distinct components each component will have superior

scaling and convergence properties which in turn to result in

superior properties for the entire routing system. Obviously, this

assumption requires some testing.

Research topics with potential longer term application include the

approach of drawing a distinction between a network's identity, a

network's location relative to other networks, and a feasible path

between a source and destination network that satisfies various

policy and traffic engineering constraints. Again the intent of such

an approach would be to divide the current routing function into a

number of distinct scalable components.

9. Security Considerations

Any adopted inter-domain routing protocol needs to be secure against

disruption. Disruption comes from two primary sources:

- Accidental misconfiguration

- Malicious attacks

Given past experience with routing protocols, both can be significant

sources of harm.

Given that it is not reasonable to guarantee the security of all the

routers involved in the global Internet inter-domain routing system,

there is also every reason to believe that malicious attacks may come

from peer routers, in addition to coming from external sources.

A protocol design should therefore consider how to minimize the

damage to the overall routing computation that can be caused by a

single or small set of misbehaving routers.

The routing system itself needs to be resilient against accidental or

malicious advertisements of a route object by a route server not

entitled to generate such an advertisement. This implies several

things, including the need for cryptographic validation of

announcements, cryptographic protection of various critical routing

messages and an accurate and trusted database of routing assignments

via which authorization can be checked.

10. References

[1] Bradner, S., "The Internet Standards Process -- Revision 3",

BCP 9, RFC2026, October 1996.

[2] Clark, D., Chapin, L., Cerf, V., Braden, R. and R. Hobby,

"Towards the Future Internet Architecture", RFC1287, December


[3] Deering, S. and R. Hinden, "Internet Protocol, Version 6 (IPv6)

Specification, RFC2460, December 1998.

[4] Srisuresh, P. and K. Egevang, "Traditional IP Network Address

Translator (Traditional NAT)", RFC3022, January 2001.

[5] Fuller, V., Li, T., Yu, J. and K. Varadhan, "Classless Inter-

Domain Routing (CIDR): an Address Assignment and Aggregation

Strategy", RFC1519, September 1993.

[6] Huston, G., "The BGP Routing Table", The Internet Protocol

Journal, vol. 4, No. 1, March 2001.

[7] Rekhter, Y. and T. Li, "A Border Gateway Protocol 4 (BGP-4)",

RFC1771, March 1995.

[8] Vohara, Q. and E. Chen, "BGP support for four-octet AS number

space", Work in Progress.

[9] Hain, T., "Architectural Implications of NAT", RFC2993,

November 2000.

[10] Labovitz, C., Ahuja, A., Bose, A. and J. Jahanian, "Delayed

Internet Routing Convergence", Proceedings ACM SIGCOMM 2000,

August 2000.

[11] Lothberg, P., personal communication, December 2000.

11. Acknowledgements

This document is the outcome of a collaborative effort of the IAB,

and the editor acknowledges the contributions of the members of the

IAB in the preparation of the document. The contributions of John

Leslie, Thomas Narten and Abha Ahuja in reviewing this document are

also acknowledged.

12. Author

Internet Architecture Board

Email: iab@ietf.org

Geoff Huston


5/490 Northbourne Ave

Dickson ACT 2602


EMail: gih@telstra.net

13. Full Copyright Statement

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2001). All Rights Reserved.

This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to

others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it

or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published

and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any

kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are

included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this

document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing

the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other

Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of

developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for

copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be

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The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be

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