
RFC3287 - Remote Monitoring MIB Extensions for Differentiated Services

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group A. Bierman

Request for Comments: 3287 Cisco Systems, Inc.

Category: Standards Track July 2002

Remote Monitoring MIB Extensions for

Differentiated Services

Status of this Memo

This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the

Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for

improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet

Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state

and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2002). All Rights Reserved.


This memo defines a portion of the Management Information Base (MIB)

for use with network management protocols in the Internet community.

In particular, it describes managed objects used for monitoring

Differentiated Services (DS) Codepoint usage in packets which contain

a DS field, utilizing the monitoring framework defined in the RMON-2

(Remote Network Monitoring Management Version 2) MIB.

Table of Contents

1 The SNMP Network Management Framework ........................... 2

2 Overview ........................................................ 3

2.1 Terms ......................................................... 4

2.2 Relationship to Differentiated Services ....................... 4

2.3 Relationship to the Remote Monitoring MIBs .................... 5

3 MIB StrUCture ................................................... 6

3.1 DSCP Counter Aggregation ...................................... 7

3.1.1 Counter Aggregation Configuration .......................... 8

3.2 MIB Group Overview ........................................... 8

3.2.1 DSCP Counter Aggregation Control Group ..................... 9

3.2.2 DS Statistics Group ........................................ 10

3.2.3 DS Protocol Distribution Group ............................. 10

3.2.4 DS Host Distribution Group ................................. 11

3.2.5 DSMON Capabilities Group ................................... 12

3.2.6 DS Matrix Distribution Group ............................... 13

3.3 RMON vs. DSMON Indexing Structure ............................ 13

4 Definitions .................................................... 16

5 Counter Aggregation Configuration Usage Examples .............. 108

5.1 Step 1: Unlock the Counter Aggregation Configuration ........ 109

5.2 Step 2: Check the Maximum number of Counter Aggregation

Groups ..................................................... 109

5.3 Step 3: Check if the counter aggregation profiles already

exist ...................................................... 109

5.4 Step 4: Create the Counter Aggregation Control Entries ...... 109

5.5 Step 5: Create the Counter Aggregation Group Descriptions

............................................................ 110

5.6 Step 6: Create the Counter Aggregation Profile Mappings ..... 112

5.7 Step 7: Lock the Counter Aggregation Configuration .......... 115

6 Intellectual Property ......................................... 115

7 Acknowledgements .............................................. 116

8 References .................................................... 116

9 Security Considerations ....................................... 118

10 Author's Address ............................................. 119

11 Full Copyright Statement ..................................... 120

1. The SNMP Network Management Framework

The SNMP Management Framework presently consists of five major


o An overall architecture, described in RFC2571 [RFC2571].

o Mechanisms for describing and naming objects and events for the

purpose of management. The first version of this Structure of

Management Information (SMI) is called SMIv1 and is described in

STD 16, RFC1155 [RFC1155], STD 16, RFC1212 [RFC1212] and RFC

1215 [RFC1215]. The second version, called SMIv2, is described in

STD 58, RFC2578 [RFC2578], RFC2579 [RFC2579] and RFC2580


o Message protocols for transferring management information. The

first version of the SNMP message protocol is called SNMPv1 and is

described in STD 15, RFC1157 [RFC1157]. A second version of the

SNMP message protocol, which is not an Internet standards track

protocol, is called SNMPv2c and is described in RFC1901 [RFC1901]

and RFC1906 [RFC1906]. The third version of the message protocol

is called SNMPv3 and is described in RFC1906 [RFC1906], RFC2572

[RFC2572] and RFC2574 [RFC2574].

o Protocol operations for Accessing management information. The

first set of protocol operations and associated PDU formats is

described in STD 15, RFC1157 [RFC1157]. A second set of protocol

operations and associated PDU formats is described in RFC1905


o A set of fundamental applications described in RFC2573 [RFC2573]

and the view-based access control mechanism described in RFC2575


A more detailed introduction to the current SNMP Management Framework

can be found in RFC2570 [RFC2570].

Managed objects are accessed via a virtual information store, termed

the Management Information Base or MIB. Objects in the MIB are

defined using the mechanisms defined in the SMI.

This memo specifies a MIB module that is compliant to the SMIv2. A

MIB conforming to the SMIv1 can be produced through the appropriate

translations. The resulting translated MIB must be semantically

equivalent, except where objects or events are omitted because no

translation is possible (use of Counter64). Some machine readable

information in SMIv2 will be converted into textual descriptions in

SMIv1 during the translation process. However, this loss of machine

readable information is not considered to change the semantics of the


2. Overview

There is a need for a standardized way of monitoring the network

traffic usage of Differentiated Services (DS) [RFC2474] codepoint

values. Each DS codepoint (DSCP) value may be given a different

treatment by a forwarding device, and this affects which packets get

dropped or delayed during periods of network congestion.

The IETF DIFFSERV working group has redefined the semantics of the

Type of Service (TOS) octet in the IP header, which is now called the

'DS field'. The 6-bit Codepoint (DSCP) portion is contained in the

DS field, which provides for 64 different packet treatments for the

implementation of differentiated network services.

By polling DSCP usage counters, an NMS can determine the network

throughput for traffic associated with different DSCPs. This data

can then be analyzed in order to 'tune' DSCP 'allocations' within a

network, based on the Quality of Service (QoS) policies for that


Remote monitoring agents are typically implemented as independent

software (and sometimes hardware) components, called 'RMON probes'.

Note that DSMON-capable RMON probes simply collect and aggregate

statistics, based on criteria (which includes the DSCP value) that

can be determined by inspecting the contents of monitored packets and

do not in any way monitor any ASPect of a DS forwarding device's

internal statistics.

2.1. Terms



document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14, RFC2119.


This document uses some terms that need introduction:


A source of data for monitoring purposes. This term is used

exactly as defined in the RMON-2 MIB [RFC2021].


A specific protocol encapsulation, as identified for monitoring

purposes. This term is used exactly as defined in the RMON

Protocol Identifiers document [RFC2074].

Counter Aggregation Group

A group of statistical counters that are being combined in the

agent to produce one aggregated counter. Refer to sections 3.1

and 3.2.1 for details on counter aggregation groups.

Counter Aggregation Profile

Also called 'profile'; A complete set of counter aggregation group

mappings for DSCP values (i.e., 64 mappings, for each DSCP values

0 to 63), which are applied to all monitored packets on a

particular data source and/or DSMON collection. Refer to sections

3.1 and 3.2.1 for details on counter aggregation profiles.

High Capacity Monitoring

The generic capability to collect and store statistics with an

internal range of 64 bits (e.g., Counter64). This term does not

refer to implementation of the High Capacity RMON MIB [RFC3273].

2.2. Relationship to Differentiated Services

The DSMON MIB is a product of the RMONMIB WG, not the DIFFSERV WG,

and it focuses on extending several existing RMON mechanisms to

support additional packet classification, based on DSCP values

observed in monitored packets. This document assumes the reader is

familiar with the DS Architecture [RFC2475].

It is eXPected that complex management applications will use the

counters in this MIB to help analyze DS-related throughput. It is

expected that other metrics, such as delay and jitter, will also be

analyzed, but support for other metrics is outside the scope of this


2.3. Relationship to the Remote Monitoring MIBs

This MIB is intended to be implemented in Remote Monitoring (RMON)

probes, which support the RMON-2 MIB [RFC2021]. Such probes may be

stand-alone devices, or may be co-located with other networking

devices (e.g., ethernet switches and repeaters).

The DSMON functions are intended to be implemented in conjunction

with the associated RMON functions, but the MIB is independent of all

other RMON data tables.

Several concepts and even MIB objects from the RMON MIBs are used in


Protocol Directory

The RMON-2 MIB [RFC2021] defines the protocolDirTable, which is a

directory of all the protocols that the RMON-2 agent is capable of

decoding and counting. The DSMON MIB utilizes this directory to

identify the protocols detected in monitored packets. The

protocolDirLocalIndex MIB object is used to identify protocol

encapsulations in all DSMON data tables which classify and

aggregate by protocol type in some manner. Note that the

protocolDirTable is used for protocol identification only,

independent of DSCP classification.


The RMON-2 TimeFilter textual convention provides a mechanism to

retrieve only rows which have been created or modified since the

last polling interval (for a particular NMS). The DSMON MIB uses

this textual convention in the large data tables, in order to

minimize polling impact.

Zero-Based Counters

Since counters are instantiated by management action, as in the

RMON MIBs, the DSMON MIB uses zero-based counters in all data

collection tables. Specifically, the ZeroBasedCounter32 textual

convention from the RMON-2 MIB [RFC2021] and the

ZeroBasedCounter64 textual convention (defined in the HCNUM-TC MIB

[RFC2856]) are used to define counter objects in this MIB.

High Capacity Counters

The DSMON MIB uses the 'SNMPv1 coexistence' strategy adopted by

the RMONMIB WG. That is, where a 64-bit counter is provided, a

32-bit version of the counter, and a 32-bit overflow counter are

also provided.

TopN Reports

The DSMON MIB uses the same TopN reporting MIB structure as the

RMON-2 MIB [RFC2021]. TopN reporting can greatly reduce the

polling overhead required to analyze DSCP usage patterns.

Some DESCRIPTION clauses for DSMON objects are very similar to those

for existing RMON-2 or HC-RMON objects. This is intentional, since

the semantics of the DSMON features are designed to be as close to

existing RMON feature as possible, to allow developers and users some

level of 'MIB re-use'.

3. MIB Structure

Figure 1: DSMON MIB Functional Structure

+--------------+ +---------------+


DSMON Aggregation

Capabilities Control

+--------------+ +---------------+



+-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+ +------------+

Data Src Protocol Net. Host App Matrix

Stats Stats Stats Stats

+-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+ +------------+


+-----------+ +-----------+ +------------+

Protocol Net. Host App Matrix

TopN TopN TopN

+-----------+ +-----------+ +------------+

Data Collection


The DSMON MIB can divided into three functional components:

- DSMON Capabilities

Describes which DSMON object groups are supported by the agent on

at least one data source.

- Counter Aggregation Control

Controls how individual DIFFSERV codepoint counters are aggregated

in DSMON data collections.

- Data Collection

Controls how individual statistical collections are maintained by

the agent and reported to management applications. The individual

boxes within the Data Collection box represent the DSMON data

collections (described in section 3.2):

- Data Source Statistics

- Protocol Statistics

- Protocol Statistics TopN Reporting

- Network Protocol Host Statistics

- Network Protocol Host Statistics TopN Reporting

- Application Protocol Matrix Statistics

- Application Protocol Matrix Statistics TopN Reporting

3.1. DSCP Counter Aggregation

A mechanism to configure the agent to internally aggregate counters

is provided, based on DSCP values. This is desirable for several


- agent data reduction

An agent implementation can potentially reduce the number of

counters maintained for a given DSMON collection.

- agent data collection limitations

Some implementation strategies might provide for a limited number

of high-speed (e.g., hardware-based) counters for either single or

aggregated codepoints.

- application data retrieval reduction

Applications that would otherwise aggregate counters for

individual codepoints can move that function to the agent in order

to reduce the polling overhead on the application, the network,

and the agent device.

- some unused codepoints at this time

Various DSCP values may be expected to remain unused on a given

network, and may be aggregated for counting purposes.

- some DSCP values are mapped to the same packet treatment

A network administrator may align the counter aggregation

configuration of the monitoring device with the DS configuration,

and aggregate statistics for DSCP values which are expected to

receive the same treatment by the forwarding devices.

3.1.1. Counter Aggregation Configuration

The configuration of DSCP counter to counter aggregation group

mappings is managed in a global manner, so that these settings can be

shared across several DSMON collections and/or data sources. One

complete set of DSCP counter mappings is called a counter aggregation

profile. The DSMON control tables are very similar to existing

RMON-2 control tables, except they contain an extra parameter to

identify the counter aggregation profile the agent should use for the


The appropriate granularity for counter aggregation profile

assignment may be the data source, but in order to reduce MIB

complexity (by avoiding an extra layer of tables), an instance of the

counter aggregation profile parameter exists for each collection. An

agent MAY choose to restrict configurations such that all DSMON data

collections for the same data source must use the same counter

aggregation profile.

The DSMON MIB supports the configuration of an arbitrary number of

counter aggregation profiles. There is a top-level counter

aggregation control table, which contains one entry for each counter

aggregation profile. A subordinate counter aggregation profile table

provides information about each DSCP counter to counter aggregation

group mapping in each profile. An auxiliary counter aggregation

group table also provides descriptive information about each counter

aggregation group in each profile. Refer to section 3.2.1 for

details on these MIB objects.

3.2. MIB Group Overview

The DSMON MIB contains six groups of MIB objects:

- dsmonAggregateControl group

Controls the configuration of counter aggregation groups for the

purpose of reducing the total number of counters maintained by the


- dsmonStatsObjects group

Report per counter aggregation group distribution statistics for a

particular RMON dataSource.

- dsmonPdistObjects group

Report per counter aggregation group distribution statistics for

each application protocol detected on a particular RMON


- dsmonHostObjects group

Report host address distribution statistics for each counter

aggregation group, detected on a particular RMON dataSource.

- dsmonCapsObjects group

Report the static DSMON MIB functional capabilities of the agent


- dsmonMatrixObjects group

Report host address pair distribution statistics for each counter

aggregation group, detected on a particular RMON dataSource.

3.2.1. DSCP Counter Aggregation Control Group

This group contains 4 scalar objects and three tables, and is used by

a management station to configure counter aggregation profiles.

The dsmonMaxAggGroups scalar is a read-only integer which indicates

the maximum number of counter aggregation groups that the agent will

allow to be configured into a single aggregation profile. This value

SHOULD be equal to 64 (the number of codepoints), but an agent MAY

limit the number of counter aggregation groups because of resource

limitations (e.g., small number of hardware-based counters). At

least one counter aggregation profile containing at least two counter

aggregation groups SHOULD be supported by the agent. (Note that

classifying all DSCP counters into the same statistical 'bucket' may

yield a redundant data collection, which can be achieved more easily

with an HC-RMON or RMON-2 collection instead.)

The dsmonAggControlLocked scalar is used as a top level switch,

controlling most write access to the dsmonAggControlTable,

dsmonAggProfileTable, and dsmonAggGroupTable. (The

dsmonAggControlOwner object is the only exception.) All active DSMON

collection data is deleted, and collection suspended, while this

object is equal to 'false', since the meaning of one or more counter

aggregation control tables may change when it is set back to 'true'.

The dsmonAggControlChanges counter and dsmonAggControlLastChangeTime

timestamp can be used by a management station to detect that the

codepoint to counter aggregation group mappings may have changed

between polls.

The dsmonAggControlTable is a read-create table which contains one

entry for each counter aggregation profile configured on the agent.

Each entry is identified by a dsmonAggControlIndex value, which is

also used as the major index into the dsmonAggProfileTable and

dsmonAggGroupTable. The DSMON control tables with DataSource objects

select a counter aggregation profile by referencing this index value.

The dsmonAggProfileTable is a read-write table which contains 64 rows

for each associated entry in the dsmonAggControlTable, which MUST be

indexed from 0 to 63. The agent creates this set of 64 instances

when the associated dsmonAggControlEntry is activated, and deletes

them when that dsmonAggControlEntry is deactivated. Each of the 64

rows represents a conceptual DSCP counter, identified by the same

dsmonAggProfileDSCP value, and contains the DSCP counter to counter

aggregation group mapping for that DSCP counter, in the indicated

profile. The agent SHOULD use the value zero as the initial counter

aggregation group assignment for each entry in this table.

The dsmonAggGroupTable contains an administratively assigned

descriptive label for each configured counter aggregation group.

This table is not required to be fully configured in order for data

collection to occur, since collections are identified by the agent

with integer indices. It is provided to allow the agent to store a

descriptive string for each configured counter aggregation group.

There is no attempt made to convey any real semantics for each

counter aggregation group. A management station MAY choose not to

configure entries in this table.

3.2.2. DS Statistics Group

This group contains two tables, the dsmonStatsControlTable and the

dsmonStatsTable, and supports counter aggregation group distribution

statistics for half and full-duplex, low and high speed interfaces.

Packet and octets distributions are maintained in the dsmonStatsTable

for each active control row in the dsmonStatsControlTable.

This group provides the lowest statistics granularity in the DSMON

MIB. It is expected that a management application will analyze

certain DS deployment or performance problems by first examining the

counter aggregation group distribution for an entire data source with

this group.

3.2.3. DS Protocol Distribution Group

This group contains two tables for statistics collection,

(dsmonPdistCtlTable and dsmonPdistStatsTable), and two tables for a

'Top N' reporting function for the collected statistics

(dsmonPdistTopNCtlTable and dsmonPdistTopNTable).

The dsmonPdistCtlTable and dsmonPdistStatsTable tables provide

counter aggregation group distribution statistics for each selected

protocol encapsulation in packets monitored on a particular

dataSource. Packet and octets distributions (per counter aggregation

group per protocol) are maintained in the dsmonPdistStatsTable for

each active control row in the dsmonPdistCtlTable.

Due to the potentially large number of entries, the DS Protocol

Distribution is different from the RMON-2 protocol distribution group

in several ways:

- maximum desired entries parameter added to the control table

- inserts and deletes counters added to the control table

- support for LRU garbage collection in the dsmonPdistStatsTable

- TimeFilter index added to the dsmonPdistStatsTable

- the selection of protocols is not configurable. Rather than

select individual protocols to monitor, (e.g., via a

'supportedOn/Off' extension to the protocolDirTable [RFC2021]), a

simplified configuration mechanism is provided. Since DSCP usage

statistics are most interesting at the application layer, the

dsmonPdistStatsTable is 'hardwired' to select only application

layer (i.e., 'terminal') protocols for statistical analysis.

The TopN feature requires two additional tables: the

dsmonPdistTopNCtlTable and the dsmonPdistTopNTable, and supports

periodic usage reporting for the statistics maintained in the

dsmonPdistStatsTable. This feature allows for simple periodic

retrieval of the most used application/counter aggregation group


3.2.4. DS Host Distribution Group

This group contains two tables for statistics collection,

(dsmonHostCtlTable and dsmonHostTable), and two tables for a 'Top N'

reporting function for the collected statistics

(dsmonHostTopNCtlTable and dsmonHostTopNTable).

The dsmonHostCtlTable and dsmonHostTables provide host distribution

statistics for each counter aggregation group detected in packets

monitored on a particular dataSource. The DSMON Host collection is

similar to the RMON-2 network layer host collection (nlHostTable).

There is no DSMON application host table defined at this time.

It is expected that a management application will analyze certain DS

deployment or performance problems by first determining the high

priority DSCP values to examine (beyond the scope of this document)

and then examining the dsmonHostTable or dsmonHostTopNTable

statistics to determine which hosts are using the selected counter

aggregation groups.

Packet and octets distributions (in and out, per counter aggregation

group per host) are maintained in the dsmonHostTable for each active

control row in the dsmonHostCtlTable.

The DS Host Distribution is different from the RMON-2 network layer

host group in two ways:

- the protocolDirLocalIndex in the INDEX clause MUST identify a

network protocol encapsulation which contains a DS field (e.g.,

IPv4 or IPv6). If a protocol encapsulation with multiple network

layers is specified, then associated entries in this table refer

to the innermost network protocol layer.

- the dsmonHostCtlTable supports limited IPv4 and IPv6 prefix

aggregation by allowing the number of 'monitored address bits' in

each address to be configured for each collection. The agent will

zero out the selected number of rightmost address bits for

counting purposes. This configuration parameter can dramatically

reduce the number of entries which must be maintained by the

agent, which should reduce CPU and memory resource requirements on

the agent, and reduce polling overhead on the network and the

management station. However, only one mask can be configured for

each address type, rather than multiple different length masks for

each address type, based on prefix value.

The TopN feature requires two additional tables: the

dsmonHostTopNCtlTable and the dsmonHostTopNTable, and supports

periodic usage reporting for the statistics maintained in the

dsmonHostTable. This feature allows for simple periodic retrieval of

the most used IP-host/DSCP combinations.

3.2.5. DSMON Capabilities Group

This group contains a single read-only scalar object,

dsmonCapabilities, which provides an indication of the MIB groups

within this MIB that the agent supports.

3.2.6. DS Matrix Distribution Group

This group contains three tables for statistics collection,

(dsmonMatrixCtlTable, dsmonMatrixSDTable, and dsmonMatrixDSTable),

and two tables for a 'Top N' reporting function for the collected

statistics (dsmonMatrixTopNCtlTable and dsmonMatrixTopNTable).

The dsmonMatrixCtlTable, dsmonMatrixSDTable, and dsmonMatrixDSTable

provide host-pair distribution statistics for each counter

aggregation group detected in packets monitored on a particular

dataSource. The DSMON Matrix collection is similar to the RMON-2

application layer matrix collection (alMatrixSDTable and

alMatrixDSTable). There is no DSMON network layer matrix table

defined at this time.

It is expected that a management application will analyze certain DS

deployment or performance problems by first determining the high

priority DSCP values to examine (beyond the scope of this document)

and then examining the dsmonMatrixSDTable, dsmonMatrixDSTable, and/or

dsmonMatrixTopNTable statistics to determine which host-pairs are

using the selected counter aggregation groups.

Packet and octets distributions (source to destination, per counter

aggregation group per host-pair) are maintained in the

dsmonMatrixSDTable and dsmonMatrixDSTable for each active control row

in the dsmonMatrixCtlTable.

The TopN feature requires two additional tables: the

dsmonMatrixTopNCtlTable and the dsmonMatrixTopNTable, and supports

periodic usage reporting for the statistics maintained in the

dsmonMatrixSDTable. This feature allows for simple periodic

retrieval of the most used IP-host-pair/DSCP combinations.

3.3. RMON vs. DSMON Indexing Structure

The DSMON-MIB control and data tables are very similar in structure

and look-and-feel to existing RMON-2 and HC-RMON control tables for

the comparable feature, in order to maintain consistent agent

behavior and functionality across RMON MIBs. The DSMON data tables

are indexed as closely as possible to the comparable RMON-2 or HC-

RMON tables, with the addition of an index component for DSCP-based

classification (i.e. dsmonAggGroup). Refer to Table 1 for a

comparison of DSMON indexing structure with similar existing RMON


Table 1: DSMON Indexing Comparison



Full Duplex Interface Statistics

mediaIndependentEntry dsmonStatsControlEntry

mediaIndependentIndex dsmonStatsControlIndex





Protocol Statistics

protocolDistControlEntry dsmonPdistCtlEntry

protocolDistControlIndex dsmonPdistCtlIndex

protocolDistStatsEntry dsmonPdistStatsEntry

protocolDistControlIndex, dsmonPdistCtlIndex,

protocolDirLocalIndex dsmonPdistTimeMark,




Protocol TopN Distribution



none dsmonPdistTopNEntry




Network Host Statistics

hlHostControlEntry dsmonHostCtlEntry

hlHostControlIndex dsmonHostCtlIndex

nlHostEntry dsmonHostEntry

hlHostControlIndex, dsmonHostCtlIndex,

nlHostTimeMark, dsmonHostTimeMark,

protocolDirLocalIndex, dsmonAggGroupIndex,

nlHostAddress protocolDirLocalIndex,



Table 1 (Continued): DSMON Indexing Comparison



Network Host TopN Distribution



none dsmonHostTopNEntry




Application Matrix Statistics

hlMatrixControlEntry dsmonMatrixCtlEntry

hlMatrixControlIndex dsmonMatrixCtlIndex

alMatrixSDEntry dsmonMatrixSDEntry

hlMatrixControlIndex, dsmonMatrixCtlIndex,

alMatrixSDTimeMark, dsmonMatrixTimeMark,

protocolDirLocalIndex, dsmonAggGroupIndex,

nlMatrixSDSourceAddress, dsmonMatrixNLIndex,

nlMatrixSDDestAddress dsmonMatrixSourceAddress

protocolDirLocalIndex dsmonMatrixDestAddress


alMatrixDSEntry dsmonMatrixDSEntry

hlMatrixControlIndex, dsmonMatrixCtlIndex,

alMatrixDSTimeMark, dsmonMatrixTimeMark,

protocolDirLocalIndex, dsmonAggGroupIndex,

nlMatrixDSDestAddress, dsmonMatrixNLIndex,

nlMatrixDSSourceAddress dsmonMatrixDestAddress

protocolDirLocalIndex dsmonMatrixSourceAddress



Application Matrix TopN Distribution


none dsmonMatrixTopNCtlIndex


(similar to nlMatrixTopN) dsmonMatrixTopNCtlIndex,



4. Definitions




Counter32, Gauge32




RowStatus, TimeStamp, TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, TruthValue


OwnerString, rmon


protocolDirLocalIndex, LastCreateTime,

DataSource, ZeroBasedCounter32, TimeFilter


CounterBasedGauge64, ZeroBasedCounter64







LAST-UPDATED "200205310000Z"



" Andy Bierman

Cisco Systems, Inc.


Postal: 170 West Tasman Drive

San Jose, CA USA 95134

Tel: +1 408 527-3711

E-mail: abierman@cisco.com

Send comments to <rmonmib@ietf.org>

Mailing list subscription info:

http://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/rmonmib "


"This module defines Remote Monitoring MIB extensions for

Differentiated Services enabled networks.


* Per Counter Aggregation Group

* Per Protocol Per Counter Aggregation Group

* Per Counter Aggregation Group Per Host

* Per Counter Aggregation Group Per Host-Pair

In order to maintain the RMON 'look-and-feel' and semantic

consistency, some of the text from the RMON-2 and HC-RMON

MIBs by Steve Waldbusser has been adapted for use in this


REVISION "200205310000Z"


"Initial version of the DSMON MIB module. This version

published as RFC3287."

::= { rmon 26 }

dsmonObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dsmonMIB 1 }

dsmonNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dsmonMIB 2 }

dsmonConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dsmonMIB 3 }

dsmonAggObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dsmonObjects 1 }

dsmonStatsObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dsmonObjects 2 }

dsmonPdistObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dsmonObjects 3 }

dsmonHostObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dsmonObjects 4 }

dsmonCapsObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dsmonObjects 5 }

dsmonMatrixObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dsmonObjects 6 }


-- Textual Convention to define a

-- DSMON Counter Aggregation Group Index


DsmonCounterAggGroupIndex ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION

STATUS current


"This TC describes a data type which identifies a DSMON

counter aggregation group, which is an arbitrary grouping of

conceptual counters, for monitoring purposes only. The

range for this data type begins with zero (instead of

one), to allow for a direct mapping between counter

indexing schemes that start at zero (e.g. DSCP values in

packets) and counter aggregation group values."

SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647)


-- Textual Convention to define a

-- DSMON Counter Aggregation Profile Index


DsmonCounterAggProfileIndex ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION

STATUS current


"This TC describes a data type which identifies a DSMON

counter aggregation profile, which is a set of counter

aggregation group assignments for each of the 64 DSCP

values, for a particular statistical collection."

SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647)

-- ***********************************************************

-- * *

-- * D S M O N C A P A B I L I T I E S *

-- * *

-- ***********************************************************

dsmonCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE

















MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"This object provides an indication of the DSMON groups

supported by the agent. If a bit is set, then the agent

implements all of the objects in the DSMON object group,

where bit 'n' represents the MIB group identified by the

OBJECT IDENTIFIER value { dsmonGroups n+1 }."

::= { dsmonCapsObjects 1 }

-- ***********************************************************

-- * *

-- * A G G R E G A T I O N C O N T R O L G R O U P S *

-- * *

-- ***********************************************************

dsmonMaxAggGroups OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Integer32 (2..64)

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The maximum number of counter aggregation groups that this

agent can support. The agent will allow this number of

distinct groups to be configured in the

dsmonAggProfileTable, numbered from '0' to

'dsmonMaxAggGroups - 1', for each counter aggregation

profile entry supported by the agent.

The agent MUST NOT lower this value during system operation,

and SHOULD set this object to an appropriate value during

system initialization."

::= { dsmonAggObjects 1 }

dsmonAggControlLocked OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX TruthValue

MAX-ACCESS read-write

STATUS current


"Controls the setup of counter aggregation groups for this


If this object contains the value 'true', then write access

to the objects in the dsmonAggControlTable (except the

dsmonAggControlOwner object), dsmonAggProfileTable, and

dsmonAggGroupTable is not permitted, and data collection is

possible. This object only controls write access to these

MIB objects. The DSMON data collection control tables

(e.g., dsmonHostCtlTable) can be configured at any time,

regardless of the value of this object.

If this object contains the value 'false', write access to

the objects in the dsmonAggControlTable,

dsmonAggProfileTable, and dsmonAggGroupTable is permitted,

and data collection is not possible. In addition, all

objects in all DSMON data tables (e.g., dsmonStatsTable)

shall be deleted.

An agent is not required to process SNMP Set Requests for

this object in conjunction with other objects from this MIB.

This is intended to simplify the processing of Set Requests

for tables such as the dsmonAggProfileTable, by eliminating

the possibility that a single Set PDU will contain multiple

varbinds which are in conflict, such as a PDU which both

modifies the dsmonAggProfileTable and locks the

dsmonAggProfileTable at the same time.

Note that the agent is not required to validate the entire

counter aggregation configuration when an attempt is made to

transition an instance of this object from 'true' to

'false'. That validation is done if and when a DSMON data

collection is activated.

An agent is required to reactivate any suspended data

collections when this object transitions to 'true', Each

active data control entry (e.g., dsmonStatsControlEntry),

will be validated with respect to the new counter

aggregation configuration. If the counter aggregation

profile referenced in the data collection is valid, then

that collection will be restarted. Otherwise, the RowStatus

object (e.g., dsmonStatsControlStatus) will be set to

'notReady' for that collection control entry."

::= { dsmonAggObjects 2 }

dsmonAggControlChanges OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Counter32

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"This object counts the number of times the value of the

dsmonAggControlLocked object has changed. A management

station can use this object to detect if counters in the

DSMON data tables (e.g., dsmonStatsEntry) have been deleted

and recreated between polls.

This object shall be incremented by one each time the

dsmonAggControlLocked object changes from 'false' to 'true',

or from 'true' to 'false'."

::= { dsmonAggObjects 3 }

dsmonAggControlLastChangeTime OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX TimeStamp

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"This object identifies the value of sysUpTime at the moment

the dsmonAggControlLocked object was last modified. A

management station can use this object to detect if counters

in the DSMON data tables (e.g., dsmonStatsEntry) have been

deleted and recreated between polls.

This object shall be updated with the current value of

sysUpTime, if the dsmonAggControlLocked object changes from

'false' to 'true', or from 'true' to 'false'.

Upon system initialization, this object shall contain the

value zero."

::= { dsmonAggObjects 4 }


-- Counter Aggregation Control Table


dsmonAggControlTable OBJECT-TYPE


MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"This table provides an overall description and control

point for all dsmonAggProfileEntries with the same

dsmonAggControlIndex value.

A management application SHOULD create a counter aggregation

profile by first creating and activating an entry in this

table. This will cause the agent to create a set of 64

dsmonAggProfileEntries on behalf of this control entry. An

application can then set the individual counter aggregation

group assignments for each of the 64 DSCP values,

This table MUST NOT be modified if the dsmonAggControlLocked

object is equal to 'true'.

Note that an agent MAY choose to limit the actual number of

entries which may be created in this table, and

(independently) the number of counter aggregation profiles

which may be applied to a particular data source. In this

case, the agent SHOULD return an error-status of

'resourceUnavailable(13)', as per section 4.2.5 of the

'Protocol Operations for SNMPv2' specification [RFC1905].

The agent SHOULD support non-volatile configuration of this

table, and upon system initialization, the table SHOULD be

initialized with the saved values. Otherwise, each

potential counter aggregation group description string

SHOULD contain the empty string."

::= { dsmonAggObjects 5 }

dsmonAggControlEntry OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX DsmonAggControlEntry

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"A conceptual row in the dsmonAggControlTable."

INDEX { dsmonAggControlIndex }

::= { dsmonAggControlTable 1 }

DsmonAggControlEntry ::= SEQUENCE {

dsmonAggControlIndex DsmonCounterAggProfileIndex,

dsmonAggControlDescr SnmpAdminString,

dsmonAggControlOwner OwnerString,

dsmonAggControlStatus RowStatus


dsmonAggControlIndex OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX DsmonCounterAggProfileIndex

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"An arbitrary integer index value used to identify the

counter aggregation profile specified by this control


::= { dsmonAggControlEntry 1 }

dsmonAggControlDescr OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..64))

MAX-ACCESS read-create

STATUS current


"An administratively assigned description of the counter

aggregation profile identified by this entry.

Upon first creation of an instance of this object, the agent

SHOULD set this object to the empty string. If the agent

supports non-volatile storage, then this object SHOULD be

re-initialized with its stored value after a system reboot.

This object MUST NOT be modified if the associated

dsmonAggControlStatus object is equal to 'active', or the

dsmonAggControlLocked object is equal to 'true'."

::= { dsmonAggControlEntry 2 }

dsmonAggControlOwner OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX OwnerString

MAX-ACCESS read-create

STATUS current


"The entity that configured this entry and is therefore

using the resources assigned to it."

::= { dsmonAggControlEntry 3 }

dsmonAggControlStatus OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX RowStatus

MAX-ACCESS read-create

STATUS current


"The status of this row.

An entry MUST NOT exist in the active state unless all

objects in the entry have an appropriate value.

Upon setting this object to active(1), the agent will create

a complete set of 64 associated entries in the


If this object is not equal to active(1), all associated

entries in the dsmonAggProfileTable shall be deleted.

This object MUST NOT be modified if the

dsmonAggControlLocked object is equal to 'true'."

::= { dsmonAggControlEntry 4 }


-- Counter Aggregation Profile Table


dsmonAggProfileTable OBJECT-TYPE


MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"Controls the setup of counter aggregation profiles for this

agent. For each such profile, every DSCP value MUST be

configured into exactly one counter aggregation group.

This table MUST NOT be modified if the dsmonAggControlLocked

object is equal to 'true'.

The agent will create a set of 64 entries in this table

(with the same dsmonAggControlIndex value) when the

associated dsmonAggControlEntry is activated.

If the agent supports non-volatile configuration of this

table, then upon system initialization, this table SHOULD be

initialized with the saved values."

::= { dsmonAggObjects 6 }

dsmonAggProfileEntry OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX DsmonAggProfileEntry

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"A conceptual row in the dsmonAggProfileTable. The

dsmonAggControlIndex value in the index identifies the

dsmonAggControlEntry associated with each entry in this


INDEX { dsmonAggControlIndex, dsmonAggProfileDSCP }

::= { dsmonAggProfileTable 1 }

DsmonAggProfileEntry ::= SEQUENCE {

dsmonAggProfileDSCP Dscp,

dsmonAggGroupIndex DsmonCounterAggGroupIndex




MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"The specific DSCP value for the DSCP counter which is

configured in a counter aggregation group by this entry."

::= { dsmonAggProfileEntry 1 }

dsmonAggGroupIndex OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX DsmonCounterAggGroupIndex

MAX-ACCESS read-write

STATUS current


"The counter aggregation group which contains this DSCP

value. Upon creation of a new sub-tree (set of 64 entries

with the same dsmonAggControlIndex value) in this table, the

agent SHOULD initialize all related instances of this object

to the value zero.

This object MUST NOT be modified if the

dsmonAggControlLocked object is equal to 'true'."

DEFVAL { 0 }

::= { dsmonAggProfileEntry 2 }


-- Counter Aggregation Group Table


dsmonAggGroupTable OBJECT-TYPE


MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"This table provides a description of each counter

aggregation group configured on this system. Note that the

semantics of a particular counter aggregation group are only

relevant within the scope of a particular counter

aggregation profile.

This table MUST NOT be modified if the dsmonAggControlLocked

object is equal to 'true'.

Note that an agent MAY choose to limit the actual number of

entries which may be created in this table, and

(independently) the number of counter aggregation profiles

which may be applied to a particular data source. In this

case, the agent SHOULD return an error-status of

'resourceUnavailable(13)', as per section 4.2.5 of the

'Protocol Operations for SNMPv2' specification [RFC1905].

If the agent supports non-volatile configuration of this

table, then upon system initialization, this table SHOULD be

initialized with the saved values. Otherwise, each

potential counter aggregation group description string

SHOULD contain the empty string.

An agent SHOULD allow entries to be created or modified in

this table, even if the specified dsmonAggControlIndex value

does not identify a valid dsmonAggControlEntry or a complete

set of valid dsmonAggProfileEntries, to reduce row creation

order dependencies."

::= { dsmonAggObjects 7 }

dsmonAggGroupEntry OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX DsmonAggGroupEntry

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"A conceptual row in the dsmonAggGroupTable. The

dsmonAggGroupIndex value in the INDEX identifies the counter

aggregation group associated with each entry.

The dsmonAggControlIndex in the index identifies the counter

aggregation profile associated with each entry, identified

by the dsmonAggControlEntry and dsmonAggProfileEntries with

the same index value.

The agent SHOULD support non-volatile configuration of this

table, and upon system initialization, the table SHOULD be

initialized with the saved values.

The dsmonAggGroupIndex in the index identifies the counter

aggregation group associated with each entry. This object

SHOULD be indexed from zero to 'N', where 'N' is less than

the value of the dsmonMaxAggGroups for this agent."

INDEX { dsmonAggControlIndex, dsmonAggGroupIndex }

::= { dsmonAggGroupTable 1 }

DsmonAggGroupEntry ::= SEQUENCE {

dsmonAggGroupDescr SnmpAdminString,

dsmonAggGroupStatus RowStatus


dsmonAggGroupDescr OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..64))

MAX-ACCESS read-create

STATUS current


"An administratively assigned description of the counter

aggregation group identified by this entry.

Upon first creation of an instance of this object, the agent

SHOULD set this object to the empty string.

This object MUST NOT be modified if the associated

dsmonAggGroupStatus object is equal to 'active', or the

dsmonAggControlLocked object is equal to 'true'."

::= { dsmonAggGroupEntry 1 }

dsmonAggGroupStatus OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX RowStatus

MAX-ACCESS read-create

STATUS current


"The status of this row.

An entry MUST NOT exist in the active state unless all

objects in the entry have an appropriate value.

This object MUST NOT be modified if the

dsmonAggControlLocked object is equal to 'true'."

::= { dsmonAggGroupEntry 2 }

-- *************************************************************

-- * *

-- * P E R - D A T A S O U R C E C O L L E C T I O N S *

-- * *

-- *************************************************************


-- Per-DataSource Statistics Control Table


dsmonStatsControlTable OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DsmonStatsControlEntry

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"Controls the setup of per data source per counter

aggregation group distribution statistics.

Note that an agent MAY choose to limit the actual number of

entries which may be created in this table. In this case,

the agent SHOULD return an error-status of

'resourceUnavailable(13)', as per section 4.2.5 of the

'Protocol Operations for SNMPv2' specification [RFC1905]."

::= { dsmonStatsObjects 1 }

dsmonStatsControlEntry OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX DsmonStatsControlEntry

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"A conceptual row in the dsmonStatsControlTable.

Entries are created and deleted from this table by

management action only, using the dsmonStatsControlStatus

RowStatus object.

The agent SHOULD support non-volatile configuration of this

table, and upon system initialization, the table SHOULD be

initialized with the saved values.

Activation of a control row in this table will cause an

associated dsmonStatsTable to be created and maintained by

the agent."

INDEX { dsmonStatsControlIndex }

::= { dsmonStatsControlTable 1 }

DsmonStatsControlEntry ::= SEQUENCE {

dsmonStatsControlIndex Integer32,

dsmonStatsControlDataSource DataSource,

dsmonStatsControlAggProfile DsmonCounterAggProfileIndex,

dsmonStatsControlDroppedFrames Counter32,

dsmonStatsControlCreateTime LastCreateTime,

dsmonStatsControlOwner OwnerString,

dsmonStatsControlStatus RowStatus


dsmonStatsControlIndex OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Integer32 (1..65535)

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"An arbitrary and unique index for this


::= { dsmonStatsControlEntry 1 }

dsmonStatsControlDataSource OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX DataSource

MAX-ACCESS read-create

STATUS current


"The data source of this per protocol per counter

aggregation group distribution.

Note that only packets that contain a network protocol

encapsulation which contains a DS field [RFC2474] will be

counted in this table.

This object MUST NOT be modified if the associated

dsmonStatsControlStatus object is equal to active(1)."

::= { dsmonStatsControlEntry 2 }

dsmonStatsControlAggProfile OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX DsmonCounterAggProfileIndex

MAX-ACCESS read-create

STATUS current


"The dsmonAggControlIndex value identifying the counter

aggregation profile which should be used on behalf of this


The associated dsmonAggControlEntry and

dsmonAggProfileEntries, identified by the same

dsmonAggControlIndex index value, MUST be active in order

for this entry to remain active. It is possible for the

counter aggregation configuration to change from a valid to

invalid state for this dsmonStats collection. In this case,

the associated dsmonStatsControlStatus object will be

changed to the 'notReady' state, and data collection will

not occur on behalf of this control entry.

Note that an agent MAY choose to limit the actual number of

counter aggregation profiles which may be applied to a

particular data source.

This object MUST NOT be modified if the associated

dsmonStatsControlStatus object is equal to active(1)."

::= { dsmonStatsControlEntry 3 }

dsmonStatsControlDroppedFrames OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Counter32

UNITS "frames"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The total number of frames which were received by the probe

and therefore not accounted for in the *StatsDropEvents, but

for which the probe chose not to count for this entry for

whatever reason. Most often, this event occurs when the

probe is out of some resources and decides to shed load from

this collection.

This count does not include packets that were not counted

because they had MAC-layer errors.

Note that, unlike the dropEvents counter, this number is the

exact number of frames dropped."

::= { dsmonStatsControlEntry 4 }

dsmonStatsControlCreateTime OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX LastCreateTime

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The value of sysUpTime when this control entry was last

activated. This can be used by the management station to

detect if the table has been deleted and recreated between


::= { dsmonStatsControlEntry 5 }

dsmonStatsControlOwner OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX OwnerString

MAX-ACCESS read-create

STATUS current


"The entity that configured this entry and is therefore

using the resources assigned to it."

::= { dsmonStatsControlEntry 6 }

dsmonStatsControlStatus OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX RowStatus

MAX-ACCESS read-create

STATUS current


"The status of this row.

An entry MUST NOT exist in the active state unless all

objects in the entry have an appropriate value.

If this object is not equal to active(1), all associated

entries in the dsmonStatsTable shall be deleted."

::= { dsmonStatsControlEntry 7 }


-- Per-DataSource Statistics Table


dsmonStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE


MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"A list of information on counter aggregation group usage

for each monitored data source.

The following table defines per counter aggregation group

statistics for full and/or half-duplex links as well as high

capacity links.

For half-duplex links, or full-duplex-capable links

operating in half-duplex mode, the dsmonStatsIn* objects

shall be used and the dsmonStatsOut* objects will not


For full-duplex links, the dsmonStatsOut* objects will be

present. Whenever possible, the probe SHOULD count packets

moving away from the closest terminating equipment as output

packets. Failing that, the probe SHOULD count packets

moving away from the DTE as output packets.

If the dsmonAggControlLocked object is equal to 'false',

then all entries in this table will be deleted and the agent

will not process packets on behalf of any


::= { dsmonStatsObjects 2 }

dsmonStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX DsmonStatsEntry

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"A list of information on Differentiated Services DSCP

usage, containing inbound and outbound packet and octet

counters for each counter aggregation group configured for


The dsmonStatsControlIndex value in the index identifies the

dsmonStatsControlEntry on whose behalf this entry was


The dsmonAggGroupIndex value in the index is determined by

examining the DSCP value in each monitored packet, and the

dsmonAggProfileTable entry for that DSCP value.

Note that only packets that contain a network protocol

encapsulation which contains a DS field [RFC2474] will be

counted in this table.

An example of the indexing of this entry is


INDEX { dsmonStatsControlIndex, dsmonAggGroupIndex }

::= { dsmonStatsTable 1 }

DsmonStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {

dsmonStatsInPkts ZeroBasedCounter32,

dsmonStatsInOctets ZeroBasedCounter32,

dsmonStatsInOvflPkts ZeroBasedCounter32,

dsmonStatsInOvflOctets ZeroBasedCounter32,

dsmonStatsInHCPkts ZeroBasedCounter64,

dsmonStatsInHCOctets ZeroBasedCounter64,

dsmonStatsOutPkts ZeroBasedCounter32,

dsmonStatsOutOctets ZeroBasedCounter32,

dsmonStatsOutOvflPkts ZeroBasedCounter32,

dsmonStatsOutOvflOctets ZeroBasedCounter32,

dsmonStatsOutHCPkts ZeroBasedCounter64,

dsmonStatsOutHCOctets ZeroBasedCounter64


dsmonStatsInPkts OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX ZeroBasedCounter32

UNITS "packets"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The number of packets using one of the DSCP values in the

indicated counter aggregation group, received on a half-

duplex link or on the inbound connection of a full-duplex


::= { dsmonStatsEntry 1 }

dsmonStatsInOctets OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX ZeroBasedCounter32

UNITS "octets"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The number of octets in packets, using one of the DSCP

values in the indicated counter aggregation group, received

on a half-duplex link or on the inbound connection of a

full-duplex link."

::= { dsmonStatsEntry 2 }

dsmonStatsInOvflPkts OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX ZeroBasedCounter32

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS deprecated


"The number of times the associated dsmonStatsInPkts counter

has overflowed. Note that this object will only be

instantiated if the associated dsmonStatsInHCPkts object is

also instantiated for a particular dataSource."

::= { dsmonStatsEntry 3 }

dsmonStatsInOvflOctets OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX ZeroBasedCounter32

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS deprecated


"The number of times the associated dsmonStatsInOctets

counter has overflowed. Note that this object will only be

instantiated if the associated dsmonStatsInHCOctets object

is also instantiated for a particular dataSource."

::= { dsmonStatsEntry 4 }

dsmonStatsInHCPkts OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX ZeroBasedCounter64

UNITS "packets"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The 64-bit version of the dsmonStatsInPkts object.

Note that this object will only be instantiated if the RMON

agent supports High Capacity monitoring for a particular


::= { dsmonStatsEntry 5 }

dsmonStatsInHCOctets OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX ZeroBasedCounter64

UNITS "octets"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The 64-bit version of the dsmonStatsInOctets object.

Note that this object will only be instantiated if the RMON

agent supports High Capacity monitoring for a particular


::= { dsmonStatsEntry 6 }

dsmonStatsOutPkts OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX ZeroBasedCounter32

UNITS "packets"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The number of packets using one of the DSCP values in the

indicated counter aggregation group, received on a full-

duplex link in the direction of the network."

::= { dsmonStatsEntry 7 }

dsmonStatsOutOctets OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX ZeroBasedCounter32

UNITS "octets"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The number of octets in packets, using one of the DSCP

values in the indicated counter aggregation group, received

on a full-duplex link in the direction of the network."

::= { dsmonStatsEntry 8 }

dsmonStatsOutOvflPkts OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX ZeroBasedCounter32

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS deprecated


"The number of times the associated dsmonStatsOutPkts

counter has overflowed. Note that this object will only be

instantiated if the associated dsmonStatsOutHCPkts object is

also instantiated for a particular dataSource."

::= { dsmonStatsEntry 9 }

dsmonStatsOutOvflOctets OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX ZeroBasedCounter32

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS deprecated


"The number of times the associated dsmonStatsOutOctets

counter has overflowed. Note that this object will only be

instantiated if the associated dsmonStatsOutHCOctets object

is also instantiated for a particular dataSource."

::= { dsmonStatsEntry 10 }

dsmonStatsOutHCPkts OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX ZeroBasedCounter64

UNITS "packets"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The 64-bit version of the dsmonStatsOutPkts object.

Note that this object will only be instantiated if the RMON

agent supports High Capacity monitoring for a particular


::= { dsmonStatsEntry 11 }

dsmonStatsOutHCOctets OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX ZeroBasedCounter64

UNITS "octets"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The 64-bit version of the dsmonStatsOutOctets object.

Note that this object will only be instantiated if the RMON

agent supports High Capacity monitoring for a particular


::= { dsmonStatsEntry 12 }

-- ***********************************************************

-- * *

-- * P E R - P R O T O C O L C O L L E C T I O N S *

-- * *

-- ***********************************************************


-- DSCP Per-Protocol Statistics Control Table


dsmonPdistCtlTable OBJECT-TYPE


MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"Controls the setup of per application per counter

aggregation group distribution statistics.

Note that an agent MAY choose to limit the actual number of

entries which may be created in this table. In this case,

the agent SHOULD return an error-status of

'resourceUnavailable(13)', as per section 4.2.5 of the

'Protocol Operations for SNMPv2' specification [RFC1905]."

::= { dsmonPdistObjects 1 }

dsmonPdistCtlEntry OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX DsmonPdistCtlEntry

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"A conceptual row in the dsmonPdistCtlTable.

Entries are created and deleted from this table by

management action only, using the dsmonPdistCtlStatus

RowStatus object.

The agent SHOULD support non-volatile configuration of this

table, and upon system initialization, the table SHOULD be

initialized with the saved values.

Activation of a control row in this table will cause an

associated dsmonPdistStatsTable to be created and maintained

by the agent."

INDEX { dsmonPdistCtlIndex }

::= { dsmonPdistCtlTable 1 }

DsmonPdistCtlEntry ::= SEQUENCE {

dsmonPdistCtlIndex Integer32,

dsmonPdistCtlDataSource DataSource,

dsmonPdistCtlAggProfile DsmonCounterAggProfileIndex,

dsmonPdistCtlMaxDesiredEntries Integer32,

dsmonPdistCtlDroppedFrames Counter32,

dsmonPdistCtlInserts Counter32,

dsmonPdistCtlDeletes Counter32,

dsmonPdistCtlCreateTime LastCreateTime,

dsmonPdistCtlOwner OwnerString,

dsmonPdistCtlStatus RowStatus


dsmonPdistCtlIndex OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Integer32 (1..65535)

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"An arbitrary and unique index for this dsmonPdistCtlEntry."

::= { dsmonPdistCtlEntry 1 }

dsmonPdistCtlDataSource OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX DataSource

MAX-ACCESS read-create

STATUS current


"The source of data for the this per protocol counter

aggregation group distribution.

This object MUST NOT be modified if the associated

dsmonPdistCtlStatus object is equal to active(1)."

::= { dsmonPdistCtlEntry 2 }

dsmonPdistCtlAggProfile OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX DsmonCounterAggProfileIndex

MAX-ACCESS read-create

STATUS current


"The dsmonAggControlIndex value identifying the counter

aggregation profile which should be used on behalf of this


The associated dsmonAggControlEntry and

dsmonAggProfileEntries, identified by the same

dsmonAggControlIndex index value, MUST be active in order

for this entry to remain active. It is possible for the

counter aggregation configuration to change from a valid to

invalid state for this dsmonPdist collection. In this case,

the associated dsmonPdistCtlStatus object will be changed to

the 'notReady' state, and data collection will not occur on

behalf of this control entry.

Note that an agent MAY choose to limit the actual number of

counter aggregation profiles which may be applied to a

particular data source.

This object MUST NOT be modified if the associated

dsmonPdistCtlStatus object is equal to active(1)."

::= { dsmonPdistCtlEntry 3 }

dsmonPdistCtlMaxDesiredEntries OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Integer32 (-1 1..2147483647)

MAX-ACCESS read-create

STATUS current


"The maximum number of entries that are desired in the

dsmonPdistStatsTable on behalf of this control entry. The

probe will not create more than this number of associated

entries in the table, but MAY choose to create fewer entries

in this table for any reason including the lack of


If this value is set to -1, the probe MAY create any number

of entries in this table.

This object MUST NOT be modified if the associated

dsmonPdistCtlStatus object is equal to active(1)."

::= { dsmonPdistCtlEntry 4 }

dsmonPdistCtlDroppedFrames OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Counter32

UNITS "frames"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The total number of frames which were received by the probe

and therefore not accounted for in the *StatsDropEvents, but

for which the probe chose not to count for this entry for

whatever reason. Most often, this event occurs when the

probe is out of some resources and decides to shed load from

this collection.

This count does not include packets that were not counted

because they had MAC-layer errors.

Note that, unlike the dropEvents counter, this number is the

exact number of frames dropped."

::= { dsmonPdistCtlEntry 5 }

dsmonPdistCtlInserts OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Counter32

UNITS "table entries"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The number of times a dsmonPdist entry has been inserted

into the dsmonPdistTable. If an entry is inserted, then

deleted, and then inserted, this counter will be incremented

by 2.

To allow for efficient implementation strategies, agents MAY

delay updating this object for short periods of time. For

example, an implementation strategy may allow internal data

structures to differ from those visible via SNMP for short

periods of time. This counter may reflect the internal data

structures for those short periods of time.

Note that the table size can be determined by suBTracting

dsmonPdistCtlDeletes from dsmonPdistCtlInserts."

::= { dsmonPdistCtlEntry 6 }

dsmonPdistCtlDeletes OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Counter32

UNITS "table entries"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The number of times a dsmonPdist entry has been deleted

from the dsmonPdist table (for any reason). If an entry is

deleted, then inserted, and then deleted, this counter will

be incremented by 2.

To allow for efficient implementation strategies, agents MAY

delay updating this object for short periods of time. For

example, an implementation strategy may allow internal data

structures to differ from those visible via SNMP for short

periods of time. This counter may reflect the internal data

structures for those short periods of time.

Note that the table size can be determined by subtracting

dsmonPdistCtlDeletes from dsmonPdistCtlInserts."

::= { dsmonPdistCtlEntry 7 }

dsmonPdistCtlCreateTime OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX LastCreateTime

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The value of sysUpTime when this control entry was last

activated. This can be used by the management station to

detect if the table has been deleted and recreated between


::= { dsmonPdistCtlEntry 8 }

dsmonPdistCtlOwner OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX OwnerString

MAX-ACCESS read-create

STATUS current


"The entity that configured this entry and is therefore

using the resources assigned to it."

::= { dsmonPdistCtlEntry 9 }

dsmonPdistCtlStatus OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX RowStatus

MAX-ACCESS read-create

STATUS current


"The status of this row.

An entry MUST NOT exist in the active state unless all

objects in the entry have an appropriate value.

If this object is not equal to active(1), all associated

entries in the dsmonPdistStatsTable shall be deleted."

::= { dsmonPdistCtlEntry 10 }


-- Per-Protocol Statistics Table


dsmonPdistStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE


MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"A list of information on a per protocol per counter

aggregation group usage.

If the dsmonAggControlLocked object is equal to 'false',

then all entries in this table will be deleted and the agent

will not process packets on behalf of any


::= { dsmonPdistObjects 2 }

dsmonPdistStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX DsmonPdistStatsEntry

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"A list of information on Differentiated Services DSCP

usage, containing packet and octet counters for each counter

aggregation group configured for collection, and each

protocol (as identified by the protocolDirLocalIndex for the

protocol) identified in each monitored packet.

The dsmonPdistCtlIndex value in the index identifies the

dsmonPdistCtlEntry on whose behalf this entry was created.

Note that only packets that contain a network protocol

encapsulation which contains a DS field [RFC2474] will be

counted in this table.

The dsmonAggGroupIndex value in the index is determined by

examining the DSCP value in each monitored packet, and the

dsmonAggProfileTable entry for that value.

The protocolDirLocalIndex in the index identifies the

protocolDirEntry for the protocol encapsulation of each

monitored packet. The agent will include only application

layer protocols in the associated dsmonPdistStatsTable. Any

'terminal' protocol is considered to be an application


An example of the indexing of this entry is


INDEX { dsmonPdistCtlIndex,



protocolDirLocalIndex }

::= { dsmonPdistStatsTable 1 }

DsmonPdistStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {

dsmonPdistTimeMark TimeFilter,

dsmonPdistStatsPkts ZeroBasedCounter32,

dsmonPdistStatsOctets ZeroBasedCounter32,

dsmonPdistStatsOvflPkts ZeroBasedCounter32,

dsmonPdistStatsOvflOctets ZeroBasedCounter32,

dsmonPdistStatsHCPkts ZeroBasedCounter64,

dsmonPdistStatsHCOctets ZeroBasedCounter64,

dsmonPdistStatsCreateTime LastCreateTime


dsmonPdistTimeMark OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX TimeFilter

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"The Time Filter index for this table. This object may be

used by a management station to retrieve only rows which

have been created or modified since a particular time. Note

that the current value for a row are always returned and the

TimeFilter is not a historical data archiving mechanism.

Refer to RFC2021 [RFC2021] for a detailed description of

TimeFilter operation."

::= { dsmonPdistStatsEntry 1 }

dsmonPdistStatsPkts OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX ZeroBasedCounter32

UNITS "packets"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The number of packets, using one of the DSCP values in the

indicated counter aggregation group, for the protocol

identified by the associated protocolDirLocalIndex value."

::= { dsmonPdistStatsEntry 2 }

dsmonPdistStatsOctets OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX ZeroBasedCounter32

UNITS "octets"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The number of octets in packets, using one of the DSCP

values in the indicated counter aggregation group, for the

protocol identified by the associated protocolDirLocalIndex


Note that this object doesn't count just those octets in the

particular protocol frames, but includes the entire packet

that contained the protocol."

::= { dsmonPdistStatsEntry 3 }

dsmonPdistStatsOvflPkts OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX ZeroBasedCounter32

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS deprecated


"The number of times the associated dsmonPdistStatsPkts

counter has overflowed. Note that this object will only be

instantiated if the associated dsmonPdistStatsHCPkts object

is also instantiated for a particular dataSource."

::= { dsmonPdistStatsEntry 4 }

dsmonPdistStatsOvflOctets OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX ZeroBasedCounter32

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS deprecated


"The number of times the associated dsmonPdistStatsOctets

counter has overflowed. Note that this object will only be

instantiated if the associated dsmonPdistStatsHCOctets

object is also instantiated for a particular dataSource."

::= { dsmonPdistStatsEntry 5 }

dsmonPdistStatsHCPkts OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX ZeroBasedCounter64

UNITS "packets"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The 64-bit version of the dsmonPdistStatsPkts object.

Note that this object will only be instantiated if the RMON

agent supports High Capacity monitoring for a particular


::= { dsmonPdistStatsEntry 6 }

dsmonPdistStatsHCOctets OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX ZeroBasedCounter64

UNITS "octets"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The 64-bit version of the dsmonPdistStatsOctets object.

Note that this object will only be instantiated if the RMON

agent supports High Capacity monitoring for a particular


::= { dsmonPdistStatsEntry 7 }

dsmonPdistStatsCreateTime OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX LastCreateTime

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The value of sysUpTime when this dsmonPdistStats entry was

last instantiated by the agent. This can be used by the

management station to detect if the entry has been deleted

and recreated between polls."

::= { dsmonPdistStatsEntry 8 }


-- Per-Protocol Statistics TopN Control Table


dsmonPdistTopNCtlTable OBJECT-TYPE


MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"A set of parameters that control the creation of a report

of the top N dsmonPdist entries according to a particular


Note that an agent MAY choose to limit the actual number of

entries which may be created in this table. In this case,

the agent SHOULD return an error-status of

'resourceUnavailable(13)', as per section 4.2.5 of the

'Protocol Operations for SNMPv2' specification [RFC1905]."

::= { dsmonPdistObjects 3 }

dsmonPdistTopNCtlEntry OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX DsmonPdistTopNCtlEntry

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"A conceptual row in the dsmonPdistTopNCtlTable.

Entries are created and deleted from this table by

management action only, using the dsmonPdistTopNCtlStatus

RowStatus object.

The agent SHOULD support non-volatile configuration of this

table, and upon system initialization, the table SHOULD be

initialized with the saved values.

Activation of a control row in this table will cause an

associated dsmonPdistTopNTable to be created and maintained

by the agent."

INDEX { dsmonPdistTopNCtlIndex }

::= { dsmonPdistTopNCtlTable 1 }

DsmonPdistTopNCtlEntry ::= SEQUENCE {

dsmonPdistTopNCtlIndex Integer32,

dsmonPdistTopNCtlPdistIndex Integer32,

dsmonPdistTopNCtlRateBase INTEGER,

dsmonPdistTopNCtlTimeRemaining Integer32,

dsmonPdistTopNCtlGeneratedReprts Counter32,

dsmonPdistTopNCtlDuration Integer32,

dsmonPdistTopNCtlRequestedSize Integer32,

dsmonPdistTopNCtlGrantedSize Integer32,

dsmonPdistTopNCtlStartTime TimeStamp,

dsmonPdistTopNCtlOwner OwnerString,

dsmonPdistTopNCtlStatus RowStatus


dsmonPdistTopNCtlIndex OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Integer32 (1..65535)

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"An index that uniquely identifies an entry in the

dsmonPdistTopNCtlTable, with the same dsmonPdistTopNCtlIndex

value as this object. Each entry in this table defines one

Top N report prepared on behalf of the dsmonPdistStatsEntry

collection with the same dsmonPdistCtlIndex as this object."

::= { dsmonPdistTopNCtlEntry 1 }

dsmonPdistTopNCtlPdistIndex OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Integer32 (1..65535)

MAX-ACCESS read-create

STATUS current


"The dsmonPdistTable for which a top N report will be

prepared on behalf of this entry. The dsmonPdistTable is

identified by the value of the dsmonPdistCtlIndex for that

table - that value is used here to identify the particular


This object MUST NOT be modified if the associated

dsmonPdistTopNCtlStatus object is equal to active(1)."

::= { dsmonPdistTopNCtlEntry 2 }

dsmonPdistTopNCtlRateBase OBJECT-TYPE







MAX-ACCESS read-create

STATUS current


"The variable for each dsmonPdist that the

dsmonPdistTopNRate and dsmonPdistTopNHCRate variables are

based upon. Each dsmonPdistTopN report generated on behalf

of this control entry will be ranked in descending order,

based on the associated dsmonPdistStatsTable counter,

identified by this object.

The following table identifies the dsmonPdistTable counter

associated with each enumeration:

Enumeration RateBase MIB Object

----------- -------------------

dsmonPdistTopNPkts dsmonPdistStatsPkts

dsmonPdistTopNOctets dsmonPdistStatsOctets

dsmonPdistTopNHCPkts dsmonPdistStatsHCPkts

dsmonPdistTopNHCOctets dsmonPdistStatsHCOctets

Note that the dsmonPdistTopNHCPkts and

dsmonPdistTopNHCOctets enumerations are only available if

the agent supports High Capacity monitoring.

This object MUST NOT be modified if the associated

dsmonPdistTopNCtlStatus object is equal to active(1)."

::= { dsmonPdistTopNCtlEntry 3 }

dsmonPdistTopNCtlTimeRemaining OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647)

UNITS "seconds"

MAX-ACCESS read-create

STATUS current


"The number of seconds left in the report currently being

collected. When this object is modified by the management

station, a new collection is started, possibly aborting a

currently running report. The new value is used as the

requested duration of this report, and is immediately loaded

into the associated dsmonPdistTopNCtlDuration object.

When the report finishes, the probe will automatically start

another collection with the same initial value of

dsmonPdistTopNCtlTimeRemaining. Thus the management station

may simply read the resulting reports repeatedly, checking

the startTime and duration each time to ensure that a report

was not missed or that the report parameters were not


While the value of this object is non-zero, it decrements by

one per second until it reaches zero. At the time that this

object decrements to zero, the report is made accessible in

the dsmonPdistTopNTable, overwriting any report that may be


When this object is modified by the management station, any

associated entries in the dsmonPdistTopNTable shall be


DEFVAL { 1800 }

::= { dsmonPdistTopNCtlEntry 4 }

dsmonPdistTopNCtlGeneratedReprts OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Counter32

UNITS "reports"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The number of reports that have been generated by this


::= { dsmonPdistTopNCtlEntry 5 }

dsmonPdistTopNCtlDuration OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647)

UNITS "seconds"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The number of seconds that this report has collected during

the last sampling interval.

When the associated dsmonPdistTopNCtlTimeRemaining object is

set, this object shall be set by the probe to the same value

and shall not be modified until the next time the

dsmonPdistTopNCtlTimeRemaining is set.

This value shall be zero if no reports have been requested

for this dsmonPdistTopNCtlEntry."

::= { dsmonPdistTopNCtlEntry 6 }

dsmonPdistTopNCtlRequestedSize OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647)

UNITS "table entries"

MAX-ACCESS read-create

STATUS current


"The maximum number of dsmonPdist entries requested for this


When this object is created or modified, the probe SHOULD

set dsmonPdistTopNCtlGrantedSize as closely to this object

as is possible for the particular probe implementation and

available resources."

DEFVAL { 150 }

::= { dsmonPdistTopNCtlEntry 7 }

dsmonPdistTopNCtlGrantedSize OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647)

UNITS "table entries"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The maximum number of dsmonPdist entries in this report.

When the associated dsmonPdistTopNCtlRequestedSize object is

created or modified, the probe SHOULD set this object as

closely to the requested value as is possible for the

particular implementation and available resources. The

probe MUST NOT lower this value except as a result of a

set to the associated dsmonPdistTopNCtlRequestedSize


Protocol entries with the highest value of

dsmonPdistTopNRate or dsmonPdistTopNHCRate (depending on the

value of the associated dsmonPdistTopNCtlRateBase object)

shall be placed in this table in decreasing order of this

rate until there is no more room or until there are no more

dsmonPdist entries."

::= { dsmonPdistTopNCtlEntry 8 }

dsmonPdistTopNCtlStartTime OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX TimeStamp

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The value of sysUpTime when this top N report was last

started. In other words, this is the time that the

associated dsmonPdistTopNCtlTimeRemaining object was

modified to start the requested report or the time the

report was last automatically (re)started.

This object may be used by the management station to

determine if a report was missed or not."

::= { dsmonPdistTopNCtlEntry 9 }

dsmonPdistTopNCtlOwner OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX OwnerString

MAX-ACCESS read-create

STATUS current


"The entity that configured this entry and is therefore

using the resources assigned to it."

::= { dsmonPdistTopNCtlEntry 10 }

dsmonPdistTopNCtlStatus OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX RowStatus

MAX-ACCESS read-create

STATUS current


"The status of this dsmonPdistTopNCtlEntry.

An entry MUST NOT exist in the active state unless all

objects in the entry have an appropriate value.

If this object is not equal to active(1), all associated

entries in the dsmonPdistTopNTable shall be deleted by the


::= { dsmonPdistTopNCtlEntry 11 }


-- dsmonPdist TopN Table


dsmonPdistTopNTable OBJECT-TYPE


MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"A set of statistics for those protocol distribution entries

that have counted the highest number of octets or packets.

If the dsmonAggControlLocked object is equal to 'false',

then all entries in this table SHALL be deleted, and the

agent will not process TopN reports on behalf of any


When the dsmonAggControlLocked object is set to 'true', then

particular reports SHOULD be restarted from the beginning,

on behalf of all active rows in the dsmonPdistTopNCtlTable.

Note that dsmonPdist entries which did not increment at all

during the report interval SHOULD NOT be included in

dsmonPdistTopN reports."

::= { dsmonPdistObjects 4 }

dsmonPdistTopNEntry OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX DsmonPdistTopNEntry

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"A conceptual row in the dsmonPdistTopNTable.

The dsmonPdistTopNCtlIndex value in the index identifies the

dsmonPdistTopNCtlEntry on whose behalf this entry was

created. Entries in this table are ordered from 1 to 'N',

where lower numbers represent higher values of the rate base

object, over the report interval."

INDEX { dsmonPdistTopNCtlIndex, dsmonPdistTopNIndex }

::= { dsmonPdistTopNTable 1 }

DsmonPdistTopNEntry ::= SEQUENCE {

dsmonPdistTopNIndex Integer32,

dsmonPdistTopNPDLocalIndex Integer32,

dsmonPdistTopNAggGroup DsmonCounterAggGroupIndex,

dsmonPdistTopNRate Gauge32,

dsmonPdistTopNRateOvfl Gauge32,

dsmonPdistTopNHCRate CounterBasedGauge64


dsmonPdistTopNIndex OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647)

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"An index that uniquely identifies an entry in the

dsmonPdistTopNTable among those in the same report. This

index is between 1 and N, where N is the number of entries

in this report. Note that 'N' may change over time, and may

also be less than the dsmonPdistTopNCtlGrantedSize value

associated with this entry."

::= { dsmonPdistTopNEntry 1 }

dsmonPdistTopNPDLocalIndex OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647)

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The protocolDirLocalIndex value which identifies the

protocol associated with this entry.

If the protocolDirEntry associated with the

protocolDirLocalIndex with the same value as this object is

de-activated or deleted, then the agent MUST delete this

dsmonPdistTopN entry."

::= { dsmonPdistTopNEntry 2 }

dsmonPdistTopNAggGroup OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX DsmonCounterAggGroupIndex

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The DSCP counter aggregation group index value associated

with protocol identified in this entry. This object

identifies the dsmonAggGroupEntry with the same

dsmonAggControlIndex value as the associated

dsmonPdistCtlAggProfile object and the same

dsmonAggGroupIndex value as this object."

::= { dsmonPdistTopNEntry 3 }

dsmonPdistTopNRate OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Gauge32

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The amount of change in the selected variable during this

sampling interval. The selected variable is this protocol's

instance of the object selected by


If the associated dsmonPdistTopNCtlRateBase is equal to

'dsmonPdistTopNHCPkts' or 'dsmonPdistTopNHCOctets', then

this object will contain the the least significant 32 bits

of the associated dsmonPdistTopNHCRate object."

::= { dsmonPdistTopNEntry 4 }

dsmonPdistTopNRateOvfl OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Gauge32

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS deprecated


"The most significant 32 bits of the associated

dsmonPdistTopNHCRate object.

If the associated dsmonPdistTopNCtlRateBase is equal to

'dsmonPdistTopNHCPkts' or 'dsmonPdistTopNHCOctets', then

this object will contain the upper 32 bits of the associated

dsmonPdistTopNHCRate object.

If the associated dsmonPdistTopNCtlRateBase is equal to

'dsmonPdistTopNPkts' or 'dsmonPdistTopNOctets', then this

object will contain the value zero.

The agent MAY choose not to instantiate this object if High

Capacity monitoring is not supported."

::= { dsmonPdistTopNEntry 5 }

dsmonPdistTopNHCRate OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX CounterBasedGauge64

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The amount of change in the selected variable during this

sampling interval. The selected variable is this protocol's

instance of the object selected by


If the associated dsmonPdistTopNCtlRateBase is equal to

'dsmonPdistTopNPkts' or 'dsmonPdistTopNOctets', then this

object will contain the value zero, and the associated

dsmonPdistTopNRate object will contain the change in the

selected variable during the sampling interval.

The agent MAY choose not to instantiate this object if High

Capacity monitoring is not supported."

::= { dsmonPdistTopNEntry 6 }

-- ***********************************************************

-- * *

-- * P E R - H O S T C O L L E C T I O N S *

-- * *

-- ***********************************************************


-- NL Host Statistics Control Table


dsmonHostCtlTable OBJECT-TYPE


MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"Controls setup of per counter aggregation group, per

network layer host distribution statistics.

Note that an agent MAY choose to limit the actual number of

entries which may be created in this table. In this case,

the agent SHOULD return an error-status of

'resourceUnavailable(13)', as per section 4.2.5 of the

'Protocol Operations for SNMPv2' specification [RFC1905]."

::= { dsmonHostObjects 1 }

dsmonHostCtlEntry OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX DsmonHostCtlEntry

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"A conceptual row in the dsmonHostCtlTable.

Entries are created and deleted from this table by

management action only, using the dsmonHostCtlStatus

RowStatus object.

The agent SHOULD support non-volatile configuration of this

table, and upon system initialization, the table SHOULD be

initialized with the saved values.

Activation of a control row in this table will cause an

associated dsmonHostTable to be created and maintained by

the agent."

INDEX { dsmonHostCtlIndex }

::= { dsmonHostCtlTable 1 }

DsmonHostCtlEntry ::= SEQUENCE {

dsmonHostCtlIndex Integer32,

dsmonHostCtlDataSource DataSource,

dsmonHostCtlAggProfile DsmonCounterAggProfileIndex,

dsmonHostCtlMaxDesiredEntries Integer32,

dsmonHostCtlIPv4PrefixLen Integer32,

dsmonHostCtlIPv6PrefixLen Integer32,

dsmonHostCtlDroppedFrames Counter32,

dsmonHostCtlInserts Counter32,

dsmonHostCtlDeletes Counter32,

dsmonHostCtlCreateTime LastCreateTime,

dsmonHostCtlOwner OwnerString,

dsmonHostCtlStatus RowStatus


dsmonHostCtlIndex OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Integer32 (1..65535)

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"An arbitrary and unique index for this dsmonHostCtlEntry."

::= { dsmonHostCtlEntry 1 }

dsmonHostCtlDataSource OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX DataSource

MAX-ACCESS read-create

STATUS current


"The source of data for the associated dsmonHostTable.

Note that only packets that contain a network protocol

encapsulation which contains a DS field [RFC2474] will be

counted in this table.

This object MUST NOT be modified if the associated

dsmonHostCtlStatus object is equal to active(1)."

::= { dsmonHostCtlEntry 2 }

dsmonHostCtlAggProfile OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX DsmonCounterAggProfileIndex

MAX-ACCESS read-create

STATUS current


"The dsmonAggControlIndex value identifying the counter

aggregation profile which should be used on behalf of this


The associated dsmonAggControlEntry and

dsmonAggProfileEntries, identified by the same

dsmonAggControlIndex index value, MUST be active in order

for this entry to remain active. It is possible for the

counter aggregation configuration to change from a valid to

invalid state for this dsmonHost collection. In this case,

the associated dsmonHostCtlStatus object will be changed to

the 'notReady' state, and data collection will not occur on

behalf of this control entry.

Note that an agent MAY choose to limit the actual number of

counter aggregation profiles which may be applied to a

particular data source.

This object MUST NOT be modified if the associated

dsmonHostCtlStatus object is equal to active(1)."

::= { dsmonHostCtlEntry 3 }

dsmonHostCtlMaxDesiredEntries OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Integer32 (-1 1..2147483647)

UNITS "table entries"

MAX-ACCESS read-create

STATUS current


"The maximum number of entries that are desired in the

dsmonHostTable on behalf of this control entry. The probe

will not create more than this number of associated entries

in the table, but MAY choose to create fewer entries in this

table for any reason including the lack of resources.

If this value is set to -1, the probe MAY create any number

of entries in this table.

This object MUST NOT be modified if the associated

dsmonHostCtlStatus object is equal to active(1)."

::= { dsmonHostCtlEntry 4 }

dsmonHostCtlIPv4PrefixLen OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Integer32 (8..32)

UNITS "bits"

MAX-ACCESS read-create

STATUS current


"The number of 'leftmost' contiguous bits in the host

address field for encapsulations of IPv4, that should be

maintained in this collection. This object controls how the

dsmonHostAddress object is derived for packets which contain

an encapsulation of IPv4.

If this object has a value less than 32, then 'm' rightmost

bits, where 'm' is equal to '32 -

dsmonHostCtlIPv4PrefixLen', will be cleared to zero for

counting purposes only. The 'leftmost' bit is the most

significant bit of the first network-byte-order octet of the


If this object is equal to 32, then no bits are cleared in

each dsmonHostAddress field.

This object MUST NOT be modified if the associated

dsmonHostCtlStatus object is equal to active(1)."

DEFVAL { 32 }

::= { dsmonHostCtlEntry 5 }

dsmonHostCtlIPv6PrefixLen OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Integer32 (8..128)

UNITS "bits"

MAX-ACCESS read-create

STATUS current


"The number of 'leftmost' contiguous bits in the host

address field for encapsulations of IPv6, that should be

maintained in this collection. This object controls how the

dsmonHostAddress object is derived for packets which contain

an encapsulation of IPv6.

If this object has a value less than 128, then 'm' rightmost

bits, where 'm' is equal to '128 -

dsmonHostCtlIPv6PrefixLen', will be cleared to zero for

counting purposes only. The 'leftmost' bit is the most

significant bit of the first network-byte-order octet of the


If this object is equal to 128, then no bits are cleared in

each dsmonHostAddress field.

This object MUST NOT be modified if the associated

dsmonHostCtlStatus object is equal to active(1)."

DEFVAL { 128 }

::= { dsmonHostCtlEntry 6 }

dsmonHostCtlDroppedFrames OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Counter32

UNITS "frames"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The total number of frames which were received by the probe

and therefore not accounted for in the *StatsDropEvents, but

for which the probe chose not to count for the associated

dsmonHost entries for whatever reason. Most often, this

event occurs when the probe is out of some resources and

decides to shed load from this collection.

This count does not include packets that were not counted

because they had MAC-layer errors.

Note that if the dsmonHostTable is inactive because no

appropriate protocols are enabled in the protocol directory,

this value SHOULD be 0.

Note that, unlike the dropEvents counter, this number is the

exact number of frames dropped."

::= { dsmonHostCtlEntry 7 }

dsmonHostCtlInserts OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Counter32

UNITS "table entries"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The number of times a dsmonHost entry has been inserted

into the dsmonHost table. If an entry is inserted, then

deleted, and then inserted, this counter will be incremented

by 2.

To allow for efficient implementation strategies, agents MAY

delay updating this object for short periods of time. For

example, an implementation strategy may allow internal data

structures to differ from those visible via SNMP for short

periods of time. This counter may reflect the internal data

structures for those short periods of time.

Note that the table size can be determined by subtracting

dsmonHostCtlDeletes from dsmonHostCtlInserts."

::= { dsmonHostCtlEntry 8 }

dsmonHostCtlDeletes OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Counter32

UNITS "table entries"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The number of times a dsmonHost entry has been deleted from

the dsmonHost table (for any reason). If an entry is

deleted, then inserted, and then deleted, this counter will

be incremented by 2.

To allow for efficient implementation strategies, agents MAY

delay updating this object for short periods of time. For

example, an implementation strategy may allow internal data

structures to differ from those visible via SNMP for short

periods of time. This counter may reflect the internal data

structures for those short periods of time.

Note that the table size can be determined by subtracting

dsmonHostCtlDeletes from dsmonHostCtlInserts."

::= { dsmonHostCtlEntry 9 }

dsmonHostCtlCreateTime OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX LastCreateTime

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The value of sysUpTime when this control entry was last

activated. This can be used by the management station to

detect if the table has been deleted and recreated between


::= { dsmonHostCtlEntry 10 }

dsmonHostCtlOwner OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX OwnerString

MAX-ACCESS read-create

STATUS current


"The entity that configured this entry and is therefore

using the resources assigned to it."

::= { dsmonHostCtlEntry 11 }

dsmonHostCtlStatus OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX RowStatus

MAX-ACCESS read-create

STATUS current


"The status of this dsmonHostCtlEntry.

An entry MUST NOT exist in the active state unless all

objects in the entry have an appropriate value.

If this object is not equal to active(1), all associated

entries in the dsmonHostTable shall be deleted."

::= { dsmonHostCtlEntry 12 }


-- NL Host Statistics Table


dsmonHostTable OBJECT-TYPE


MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"A collection of statistics for particular network protocols

which contain a DS field, and that has been discovered on a

particular dataSource.

The probe will add to this table all appropriate network

protocols, for each network address seen as the source or

destination address in all packets with no MAC errors, and

will increment octet and packet counts in the table for all

packets with no MAC errors.

If the dsmonAggControlLocked object is equal to 'false',

then all entries in this table will be deleted, and the

agent will not process packets on behalf of any


::= { dsmonHostObjects 2 }

dsmonHostEntry OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX DsmonHostEntry

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"A list of information on Differentiated Services DSCP

usage, containing packet and octet counters for each counter

aggregation group index configured for collection per host

address, as identified in the dsmonAggProfileTable.

The dsmonHostCtlIndex value in the index identifies the

dsmonHostCtlEntry on whose behalf this entry was created.

The protocolDirLocalIndex value in the index identifies the

specific network layer protocol encapsulation associated

with each entry, and the network protocol type of the

dsmonHostAddress object. It MUST identify a

protocolDirEntry which contains a DS field (e.g., IPv4 or

IPv6). Note that if a protocol encapsulation with multiple

network layers is specified, then associated entries in this

table refer to the innermost network protocol layer host


The dsmonAggGroupIndex value in the index is determined by

examining the DSCP value in each monitored packet, and the

dsmonAggProfileTable entry configured for that value.

An example of the indexing of this entry is


INDEX { dsmonHostCtlIndex,




dsmonHostAddress }

::= { dsmonHostTable 1 }

DsmonHostEntry ::= SEQUENCE {

dsmonHostTimeMark TimeFilter,

dsmonHostAddress OCTET STRING,

dsmonHostInPkts ZeroBasedCounter32,

dsmonHostInOctets ZeroBasedCounter32,

dsmonHostInOvflPkts ZeroBasedCounter32,

dsmonHostInOvflOctets ZeroBasedCounter32,

dsmonHostInHCPkts ZeroBasedCounter64,

dsmonHostInHCOctets ZeroBasedCounter64,

dsmonHostOutPkts ZeroBasedCounter32,

dsmonHostOutOctets ZeroBasedCounter32,

dsmonHostOutOvflPkts ZeroBasedCounter32,

dsmonHostOutOvflOctets ZeroBasedCounter32,

dsmonHostOutHCPkts ZeroBasedCounter64,

dsmonHostOutHCOctets ZeroBasedCounter64,

dsmonHostCreateTime LastCreateTime


dsmonHostTimeMark OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX TimeFilter

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"The Time Filter index for this table. This object may be

used by a management station to retrieve only rows which

have been created or modified since a particular time. Note

that the current value for a row are always returned and the

TimeFilter is not a historical data archiving mechanism.

Refer to RFC2021 [RFC2021] for a detailed description of

TimeFilter operation."

::= { dsmonHostEntry 1 }

dsmonHostAddress OBJECT-TYPE


MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"The network address for this dsmonHostEntry.

This object is encoded according to the protocol type

indicated by the protocolDirLocalIndex value in the index.

In addition, this object may have some 'rightmost' bits

cleared to zero for counting purposes, as indicated by the

associated dsmonHostCtlIPv4PrefixLen or

dsmonHostCtlIPv6PrefixLen objects."

::= { dsmonHostEntry 2 }

dsmonHostInPkts OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX ZeroBasedCounter32

UNITS "packets"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The number of packets without errors, using one of the DSCP

values in the indicated counter aggregation group, and

transmitted to this address, since this entry was added to

the dsmonHostTable. Note that this is the number of link-

layer packets, so if a single network-layer packet is

fragmented into several link-layer frames, this counter is

incremented several times."

::= { dsmonHostEntry 3 }

dsmonHostInOctets OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX ZeroBasedCounter32

UNITS "octets"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The number of octets in all packets, transmitted to this

address and using one of the DSCP values in the indicated

counter aggregation group, since this entry was added to the

dsmonHostTable (excluding framing bits but including FCS

octets), excluding those octets in packets that contained


Note this doesn't count just those octets in the particular

protocol frames, but includes the entire packet that

contained the protocol."

::= { dsmonHostEntry 4 }

dsmonHostInOvflPkts OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX ZeroBasedCounter32

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS deprecated


"The number of times the associated dsmonHostInPkts counter

has overflowed. Note that this object will only be

instantiated if the associated dsmonHostInHCPkts object is

also instantiated for a particular dataSource."

::= { dsmonHostEntry 5 }

dsmonHostInOvflOctets OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX ZeroBasedCounter32

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS deprecated


"The number of times the associated dsmonHostInOctets

counter has overflowed. Note that this object will only be

instantiated if the associated dsmonHostInHCOctets object is

also instantiated for a particular dataSource."

::= { dsmonHostEntry 6 }


SYNTAX ZeroBasedCounter64

UNITS "packets"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The 64-bit version of the dsmonHostInPkts object.

Note that this object will only be instantiated if the RMON

agent supports High Capacity monitoring for a particular


::= { dsmonHostEntry 7 }

dsmonHostInHCOctets OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX ZeroBasedCounter64

UNITS "octets"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The 64-bit version of the dsmonHostInOctets object.

Note that this object will only be instantiated if the RMON

agent supports High Capacity monitoring for a particular


::= { dsmonHostEntry 8 }

dsmonHostOutPkts OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX ZeroBasedCounter32

UNITS "packets"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The number of packets without errors, using one of the DSCP

values in the indicated counter aggregation group, and

transmitted by this address, since this entry was added to

the dsmonHostTable. Note that this is the number of link-

layer packets, so if a single network-layer packet is

fragmented into several link-layer frames, this counter is

incremented several times."

::= { dsmonHostEntry 9 }

dsmonHostOutOctets OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX ZeroBasedCounter32

UNITS "octets"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The number of octets, transmitted by this address and using

one of the DSCP values in the identified counter aggregation

group, since this entry was added to the dsmonHostTable

(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets), excluding

those octets in packets that contained errors.

Note this doesn't count just those octets in the particular

protocol frames, but includes the entire packet that

contained the protocol."

::= { dsmonHostEntry 10 }

dsmonHostOutOvflPkts OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX ZeroBasedCounter32

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS deprecated


"The number of times the associated dsmonHostOutPkts counter

has overflowed. Note that this object will only be

instantiated if the associated dsmonHostOutHCPkts object is

also instantiated for a particular dataSource."

::= { dsmonHostEntry 11 }

dsmonHostOutOvflOctets OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX ZeroBasedCounter32

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS deprecated


"The number of times the associated dsmonHostOutOctets

counter has overflowed. Note that this object will only be

instantiated if the associated dsmonHostOutHCOctets object

is also instantiated for a particular dataSource."

::= { dsmonHostEntry 12 }

dsmonHostOutHCPkts OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX ZeroBasedCounter64

UNITS "packets"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The 64-bit version of the dsmonHostOutPkts object.

Note that this object will only be instantiated if the RMON

agent supports High Capacity monitoring for a particular


::= { dsmonHostEntry 13 }

dsmonHostOutHCOctets OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX ZeroBasedCounter64

UNITS "octets"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The 64-bit version of the dsmonHostOutOctets object.

Note that this object will only be instantiated if the RMON

agent supports High Capacity monitoring for a particular


::= { dsmonHostEntry 14 }

dsmonHostCreateTime OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX LastCreateTime

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The value of sysUpTime when this dsmonHost entry was last

instantiated by the agent. This can be used by the

management station to ensure that the entry has not been

deleted and recreated between polls."

::= { dsmonHostEntry 15 }


-- Per-Protocol Per-Host NL Statistics TopN Control Table


dsmonHostTopNCtlTable OBJECT-TYPE


MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"A set of parameters that control the creation of a report

of the top N dsmonHost entries according to a selected


Note that an agent MAY choose to limit the actual number of

entries which may be created in this table. In this case,

the agent SHOULD return an error-status of

'resourceUnavailable(13)', as per section 4.2.5 of the

'Protocol Operations for SNMPv2' specification [RFC1905]."

::= { dsmonHostObjects 3 }

dsmonHostTopNCtlEntry OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX DsmonHostTopNCtlEntry

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"A conceptual row in the dsmonHostTopNCtlTable.

Entries are created and deleted from this table by

management action only, using the dsmonHostTopNCtlStatus

RowStatus object.

The agent SHOULD support non-volatile configuration of this

table, and upon system initialization, the table SHOULD be

initialized with the saved values.

Activation of a control row in this table will cause an

associated dsmonHostTopNTable to be created and maintained

by the agent."

INDEX { dsmonHostTopNCtlIndex }

::= { dsmonHostTopNCtlTable 1 }

DsmonHostTopNCtlEntry ::= SEQUENCE {

dsmonHostTopNCtlIndex Integer32,

dsmonHostTopNCtlHostIndex Integer32,

dsmonHostTopNCtlRateBase INTEGER,

dsmonHostTopNCtlTimeRemaining Integer32,

dsmonHostTopNCtlGeneratedReports Counter32,

dsmonHostTopNCtlDuration Integer32,

dsmonHostTopNCtlRequestedSize Integer32,

dsmonHostTopNCtlGrantedSize Integer32,

dsmonHostTopNCtlStartTime TimeStamp,

dsmonHostTopNCtlOwner OwnerString,

dsmonHostTopNCtlStatus RowStatus


dsmonHostTopNCtlIndex OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Integer32 (1..65535)

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"An index that uniquely identifies an entry in the

dsmonHostTopNCtlTable. Each such entry defines one Top N

report prepared for one RMON dataSource."

::= { dsmonHostTopNCtlEntry 1 }

dsmonHostTopNCtlHostIndex OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Integer32 (1..65535)

MAX-ACCESS read-create

STATUS current


"The dsmonHostTable for which a top N report will be

prepared on behalf of this entry. The dsmonHostTable is

identified by the value of the dsmonHostCtlIndex for that

table - that value is used here to identify the particular


This object MUST NOT be modified if the associated

dsmonHostTopNCtlStatus object is equal to active(1)."

::= { dsmonHostTopNCtlEntry 2 }

dsmonHostTopNCtlRateBase OBJECT-TYPE















MAX-ACCESS read-create

STATUS current


"The variable(s) for each dsmonHost that the

dsmonHostTopNRate and dsmonHostTopNHCRate variables are

based upon. Each dsmonHostTopN report generated on behalf

of this control entry will be ranked in descending order,

based on the associated dsmonHostTable counter(s),

identified by this object.

The following table identifies the dsmonHostTable counters

associated with each enumeration:

Enumeration RateBase MIB Objects

----------- --------------------

dsmonHostTopNInPkts dsmonHostInPkts

dsmonHostTopNInOctets dsmonHostInOctets

dsmonHostTopNOutPkts dsmonHostOutPkts

dsmonHostTopNOutOctets dsmonHostOutOctets

dsmonHostTopNTotalPkts dsmonHostInPkts +


dsmonHostTopNTotalOctets dsmonHostInOctets +


dsmonHostTopNInHCPkts dsmonHostInHCPkts

dsmonHostTopNInHCOctets dsmonHostInHCOctets

dsmonHostTopNOutHCPkts dsmonHostOutHCPkts

dsmonHostTopNOutHCOctets dsmonHostOutHCPkts

dsmonHostTopNTotalHCPkts dsmonHostInHCPkts +


dsmonHostTopNTotalHCOctets dsmonHostInHCOctets +


The following enumerations are only available if the agent

supports High Capacity monitoring:







It is an implementation-specific matter whether an agent can

detect an overflow condition resulting from the addition of

two counter delta values for the following enumerations:





In the event such an overflow condition can be detected by

the agent, the associated dsmonHostTopNRate,

dsmonHostTopNRateOvfl, and/or dsmonHostTopNHCRate objects

should be set to their maximum value.

This object MUST NOT be modified if the associated

dsmonHostTopNCtlStatus object is equal to active(1)."

::= { dsmonHostTopNCtlEntry 3 }

dsmonHostTopNCtlTimeRemaining OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647)

UNITS "seconds"

MAX-ACCESS read-create

STATUS current


"The number of seconds left in the report currently being

collected. When this object is modified by the management

station, a new collection is started, possibly aborting a

currently running report. The new value is used as the

requested duration of this report, and is immediately loaded

into the associated dsmonHostTopNCtlDuration object.

When the report finishes, the probe will automatically start

another collection with the same initial value of

dsmonHostTopNCtlTimeRemaining. Thus the management station

may simply read the resulting reports repeatedly, checking

the startTime and duration each time to ensure that a report

was not missed or that the report parameters were not


While the value of this object is non-zero, it decrements by

one per second until it reaches zero. At the time that this

object decrements to zero, the report is made accessible in

the dsmonHostTopNTable, overwriting any report that may be


When this object is modified by the management station, any

associated entries in the dsmonHostTopNTable shall be


DEFVAL { 1800 }

::= { dsmonHostTopNCtlEntry 4 }

dsmonHostTopNCtlGeneratedReports OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Counter32

UNITS "reports"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The number of reports that have been generated by this


::= { dsmonHostTopNCtlEntry 5 }

dsmonHostTopNCtlDuration OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647)

UNITS "seconds"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The number of seconds that this report has collected during

the last sampling interval.

When the associated dsmonHostTopNCtlTimeRemaining object is

set, this object shall be set by the probe to the same value

and shall not be modified until the next time the

dsmonHostTopNCtlTimeRemaining is set.

This value shall be zero if no reports have been requested

for this dsmonHostTopNCtlEntry."

::= { dsmonHostTopNCtlEntry 6 }

dsmonHostTopNCtlRequestedSize OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647)

UNITS "table entries"

MAX-ACCESS read-create

STATUS current


"The maximum number of dsmonHost entries requested for this


When this object is created or modified, the probe SHOULD

set dsmonHostTopNCtlGrantedSize as closely to this object as

is possible for the particular probe implementation and

available resources."

DEFVAL { 150 }

::= { dsmonHostTopNCtlEntry 7 }

dsmonHostTopNCtlGrantedSize OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647)

UNITS "table entries"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The maximum number of dsmonHost entries in this report.

When the associated dsmonHostTopNCtlRequestedSize object is

created or modified, the probe SHOULD set this object as

closely to the requested value as is possible for the

particular implementation and available resources. The

probe MUST NOT lower this value except as a result of a

set to the associated dsmonHostTopNCtlRequestedSize


Protocol entries with the highest value of dsmonHostTopNRate

or dsmonHostTopNHCRate (depending on the value of the

associated dsmonHostTopNCtlRateBase object) shall be placed

in this table in decreasing order of this rate until there

is no more room or until there are no more dsmonHost


::= { dsmonHostTopNCtlEntry 8 }

dsmonHostTopNCtlStartTime OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX TimeStamp

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The value of sysUpTime when this top N report was last

started. In other words, this is the time that the

associated dsmonHostTopNCtlTimeRemaining object was modified

to start the requested report or the time the report was

last automatically (re)started.

This object may be used by the management station to

determine if a report was missed or not."

::= { dsmonHostTopNCtlEntry 9 }

dsmonHostTopNCtlOwner OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX OwnerString

MAX-ACCESS read-create

STATUS current


"The entity that configured this entry and is therefore

using the resources assigned to it."

::= { dsmonHostTopNCtlEntry 10 }

dsmonHostTopNCtlStatus OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX RowStatus

MAX-ACCESS read-create

STATUS current


"The status of this dsmonHostTopNCtlEntry.

An entry MUST NOT exist in the active state unless all

objects in the entry have an appropriate value.

If this object is not equal to active(1), all associated

entries in the dsmonHostTopNTable shall be deleted by the


::= { dsmonHostTopNCtlEntry 11 }


-- dsmonHost TopN Table


dsmonHostTopNTable OBJECT-TYPE


MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"A set of statistics for those dsmonHost entries that have

counted the highest number of octets or packets.

If the dsmonAggControlLocked object is equal to 'false',

then all entries in this table SHALL be deleted, and the

agent will not process TopN reports on behalf of any


When the dsmonAggControlLocked object is set to 'true', then

particular reports SHOULD be restarted from the beginning,

on behalf of all active rows in the dsmonHostTopNCtlTable.

Note that dsmonHost entries which did not increment at all

during the report interval SHOULD NOT be included in

dsmonHostTopN reports."

::= { dsmonHostObjects 4 }

dsmonHostTopNEntry OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX DsmonHostTopNEntry

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"A conceptual row in the dsmonHostTopNTable.

The dsmonHostTopNCtlIndex value in the index identifies the

dsmonHostTopNCtlEntry on whose behalf this entry was


Entries in this table are ordered from 1 to 'N', where lower

numbers represent higher values of the rate base object,

over the report interval."

INDEX { dsmonHostTopNCtlIndex, dsmonHostTopNIndex }

::= { dsmonHostTopNTable 1 }

DsmonHostTopNEntry ::= SEQUENCE {

dsmonHostTopNIndex Integer32,

dsmonHostTopNPDLocalIndex Integer32,

dsmonHostTopNAddress OCTET STRING,

dsmonHostTopNAggGroup DsmonCounterAggGroupIndex,

dsmonHostTopNRate Gauge32,

dsmonHostTopNRateOvfl Gauge32,

dsmonHostTopNHCRate CounterBasedGauge64


dsmonHostTopNIndex OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647)

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"An index that uniquely identifies an entry in the

dsmonHostTopNTable among those in the same report. This

index is between 1 and N, where N is the number of entries

in this report."

::= { dsmonHostTopNEntry 1 }

dsmonHostTopNPDLocalIndex OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647)

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The protocolDirLocalIndex value which identifies the

protocol associated with the dsmonHostTopNAddress object in

this entry.

If the protocolDirEntry associated with the

protocolDirLocalIndex with the same value as this object is

de-activated or deleted, then the agent MUST delete this

dsmonHostTopN entry."

::= { dsmonHostTopNEntry 2 }

dsmonHostTopNAddress OBJECT-TYPE


MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The dsmonHostAddress value for the network host identified

in this entry. The associated dsmonHostTopNPDLocalIndex

object identifies the network protocol type and the encoding

rules for this object."

::= { dsmonHostTopNEntry 3 }

dsmonHostTopNAggGroup OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX DsmonCounterAggGroupIndex

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The counter aggregation group index value associated with

host identified in this entry. This object identifies the

dsmonAggGroupEntry with the same dsmonAggControlIndex value

as the associated dsmonHostCtlAggProfile object and the same

dsmonAggGroupIndex value as this object."

::= { dsmonHostTopNEntry 4 }

dsmonHostTopNRate OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Gauge32

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The amount of change in the selected variable during this

sampling interval. The selected variable is this host's

instance of the object selected by dsmonHostTopNCtlRateBase.

If the associated dsmonHostTopNCtlRateBase indicates a High

Capacity monitoring enumeration, (e.g.

'dsmonHostTopNInHCPkts'), then this object will contain the

the least significant 32 bits of the associated

dsmonHostTopNHCRate object."

::= { dsmonHostTopNEntry 5 }

dsmonHostTopNRateOvfl OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Gauge32

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS deprecated


"The most significant 32 bits of the associated

dsmonHostTopNHCRate object.

If the associated dsmonHostTopNCtlRateBase is equal to any

of the High Capacity monitoring enumerations (e.g.

'dsmonHostTopNInHCPkts'), then this object will contain the

upper 32 bits of the associated dsmonHostTopNHCRate object.

If the associated dsmonHostTopNCtlRateBase is not equal to

any of High Capacity monitoring enumerations, then this

object will contain the value zero.

The agent MAY choose not to instantiate this object if High

Capacity monitoring is not supported."

::= { dsmonHostTopNEntry 6 }


SYNTAX CounterBasedGauge64

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The amount of change in the selected variable during this

sampling interval. The selected variable is this host's

instance of the object selected by dsmonHostTopNCtlRateBase.

If the associated dsmonHostTopNCtlRateBase is not equal to

any of the High Capacity monitoring enumerations (e.g.,

'dsmonHostTopNInPkts'), then this object will contain the

value zero, and the associated dsmonHostTopNRate object will

contain the change in the selected variable during the

sampling interval.

The agent MAY choose not to instantiate this object if High

Capacity monitoring is not supported."

::= { dsmonHostTopNEntry 7 }

-- **************************************************************

-- * *

-- * P E R - C O N V E R S I O N C O L L E C T I O N S *

-- * *

-- **************************************************************


-- AL Matrix Statistics Control Table


dsmonMatrixCtlTable OBJECT-TYPE


MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"Controls setup of per counter aggregation group, per host-

pair, application protocol distribution statistics.

Note that an agent MAY choose to limit the actual number of

entries which may be created in this table. In this case,

the agent SHOULD return an error-status of

'resourceUnavailable(13)', as per section 4.2.5 of the

'Protocol Operations for SNMPv2' specification [RFC1905]."

::= { dsmonMatrixObjects 1 }

dsmonMatrixCtlEntry OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX DsmonMatrixCtlEntry

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"A conceptual row in the dsmonMatrixCtlTable.

Entries are created and deleted from this table by

management action only, using the dsmonMatrixCtlStatus

RowStatus object.

The agent SHOULD support non-volatile configuration of this

table, and upon system initialization, the table SHOULD be

initialized with the saved values.

Activation of a control row in this table will cause an

associated dsmonMatrixSDTable and dsmonMatrixDSTable to be

created and maintained by the agent."

INDEX { dsmonMatrixCtlIndex }

::= { dsmonMatrixCtlTable 1 }

DsmonMatrixCtlEntry ::= SEQUENCE {

dsmonMatrixCtlIndex Integer32,

dsmonMatrixCtlDataSource DataSource,

dsmonMatrixCtlAggProfile DsmonCounterAggProfileIndex,

dsmonMatrixCtlMaxDesiredEntries Integer32,

dsmonMatrixCtlDroppedFrames Counter32,

dsmonMatrixCtlInserts Counter32,

dsmonMatrixCtlDeletes Counter32,

dsmonMatrixCtlCreateTime LastCreateTime,

dsmonMatrixCtlOwner OwnerString,

dsmonMatrixCtlStatus RowStatus


dsmonMatrixCtlIndex OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Integer32 (1..65535)

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"An arbitrary and unique index for this


::= { dsmonMatrixCtlEntry 1 }

dsmonMatrixCtlDataSource OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX DataSource

MAX-ACCESS read-create

STATUS current


"The source of data for the associated dsmonMatrixSDTable

and dsmonMatrixDSTable.

Note that only packets that contain a network protocol

encapsulation which contains a DS field [RFC2474] will be

counted in this table.

This object MUST NOT be modified if the associated

dsmonMatrixCtlStatus object is equal to active(1)."

::= { dsmonMatrixCtlEntry 2 }

dsmonMatrixCtlAggProfile OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX DsmonCounterAggProfileIndex

MAX-ACCESS read-create

STATUS current


"The dsmonAggControlIndex value identifying the counter

aggregation profile which should be used on behalf of this


The associated dsmonAggControlEntry and

dsmonAggProfileEntries, identified by the same

dsmonAggControlIndex index value, MUST be active in order

for this entry to remain active. It is possible for the

counter aggregation configuration to change from a valid to

invalid state for this dsmonMatrix collection. In this

case, the associated dsmonMatrixCtlStatus object will be

changed to the 'notReady' state, and data collection will

not occur on behalf of this control entry.

Note that an agent MAY choose to limit the actual number of

counter aggregation profiles which may be applied to a

particular data source.

This object MUST NOT be modified if the associated

dsmonMatrixCtlStatus object is equal to active(1)."

::= { dsmonMatrixCtlEntry 3 }

dsmonMatrixCtlMaxDesiredEntries OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Integer32 (-1 1..2147483647)

UNITS "table entries"

MAX-ACCESS read-create

STATUS current


"The maximum number of entries that are desired in the

dsmonMatrix tables on behalf of this control entry. The

probe will not create more than this number of associated

entries in these tables, but may choose to create fewer

entries in this table for any reason including the lack of


If this value is set to -1, the probe may create any number

of entries in this table.

This object MUST NOT be modified if the associated

dsmonMatrixCtlStatus object is equal to active(1)."

::= { dsmonMatrixCtlEntry 4 }

dsmonMatrixCtlDroppedFrames OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Counter32

UNITS "frames"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The total number of frames which were received by the probe

and therefore not accounted for in the *StatsDropEvents, but

for which the probe chose not to count for the associated

dsmonMatrixSD and dsmonMatrixDS entries for whatever reason.

Most often, this event occurs when the probe is out of some

resources and decides to shed load from this collection.

This count does not include packets that were not counted

because they had MAC-layer errors.

Note that if the dsmonMatrix tables are inactive because no

appropriate protocols are enabled in the protocol directory,

this value SHOULD be 0.

Note that, unlike the dropEvents counter, this number is the

exact number of frames dropped."

::= { dsmonMatrixCtlEntry 5 }

dsmonMatrixCtlInserts OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Counter32

UNITS "table entries"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The number of times a dsmonMatrix entry has been inserted

into the dsmonMatrix tables. If an entry is inserted, then

deleted, and then inserted, this counter will be incremented

by 2. The addition of a conversation into both the

dsmonMatrixSDTable and dsmonMatrixDSTable shall be counted

as two insertions (even though every addition into one table

must be accompanied by an insertion into the other).

To allow for efficient implementation strategies, agents may

delay updating this object for short periods of time. For

example, an implementation strategy may allow internal data

structures to differ from those visible via SNMP for short

periods of time. This counter may reflect the internal data

structures for those short periods of time. Note that the

sum of the dsmonMatrixSDTable and dsmonMatrixDSTable sizes

can be determined by subtracting dsmonMatrixCtlDeletes from


::= { dsmonMatrixCtlEntry 6 }

dsmonMatrixCtlDeletes OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Counter32

UNITS "table entries"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The number of times a dsmonMatrix entry has been deleted

from the dsmonMatrix tables (for any reason). If an entry

is deleted, then inserted, and then deleted, this counter

will be incremented by 2. The deletion of a conversation

from both the dsmonMatrixSDTable and dsmonMatrixDSTable

shall be counted as two deletions (even though every

deletion from one table must be accompanied by a deletion

from the other).

To allow for efficient implementation strategies, agents MAY

delay updating this object for short periods of time. For

example, an implementation strategy may allow internal data

structures to differ from those visible via SNMP for short

periods of time. This counter may reflect the internal data

structures for those short periods of time.

Note that the sum of the dsmonMatrixSDTable and

dsmonMatrixDSTable sizes can be determined by subtracting

dsmonMatrixCtlDeletes from dsmonMatrixCtlInserts."

::= { dsmonMatrixCtlEntry 7 }

dsmonMatrixCtlCreateTime OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX LastCreateTime

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The value of sysUpTime when this control entry was last

activated. This can be used by the management station to

detect if the table has been deleted and recreated between


::= { dsmonMatrixCtlEntry 8 }

dsmonMatrixCtlOwner OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX OwnerString

MAX-ACCESS read-create

STATUS current


"The entity that configured this entry and is therefore

using the resources assigned to it."

::= { dsmonMatrixCtlEntry 9 }

dsmonMatrixCtlStatus OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX RowStatus

MAX-ACCESS read-create

STATUS current


"The status of this dsmonMatrixCtlEntry.

An entry MUST NOT exist in the active state unless all

objects in the entry have an appropriate value.

If this object is not equal to active(1), all associated

entries in the dsmonMatrixSDTable and dsmonMatrixDSTable

shall be deleted."

::= { dsmonMatrixCtlEntry 10 }


-- AL Matrix SD Statistics Table


dsmonMatrixSDTable OBJECT-TYPE


MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"A list of application traffic matrix entries which collect

statistics for conversations of a particular application

protocol between two network-level addresses. This table is

indexed first by the source address and then by the

destination address to make it convenient to collect all

statistics from a particular address.

The probe will add to this table all pairs of addresses for

all protocols seen in all packets with no MAC errors, and

will increment octet and packet counts in the table for all

packets with no MAC errors."

::= { dsmonMatrixObjects 2 }

dsmonMatrixSDEntry OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX DsmonMatrixSDEntry

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"A conceptual row in the dsmonMatrixSDTable.

The dsmonMatrixCtlIndex value in the index identifies the

dsmonMatrixCtlEntry on whose behalf this entry was created.

The dsmonAggGroupIndex value in the index is determined by

examining the DSCP value in each monitored packet, and the

dsmonAggProfileTable entry configured for that value."

INDEX { dsmonMatrixCtlIndex,








::= { dsmonMatrixSDTable 1 }

DsmonMatrixSDEntry ::= SEQUENCE {

dsmonMatrixTimeMark TimeFilter,

dsmonMatrixNLIndex Integer32,

dsmonMatrixSourceAddress OCTET STRING,

dsmonMatrixDestAddress OCTET STRING,

dsmonMatrixALIndex Integer32,

dsmonMatrixSDPkts ZeroBasedCounter32,

dsmonMatrixSDOvflPkts ZeroBasedCounter32,

dsmonMatrixSDHCPkts ZeroBasedCounter64,

dsmonMatrixSDOctets ZeroBasedCounter32,

dsmonMatrixSDOvflOctets ZeroBasedCounter32,

dsmonMatrixSDHCOctets ZeroBasedCounter64,

dsmonMatrixSDCreateTime LastCreateTime


dsmonMatrixTimeMark OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX TimeFilter

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"The Time Filter index for this table. This object may be

used by a management station to retrieve only rows which

have been created or modified since a particular time. Note

that the current value for a row are always returned and the

TimeFilter is not a historical data archiving mechanism.

Refer to RFC2021 [RFC2021] for a detailed description of

TimeFilter operation."

::= { dsmonMatrixSDEntry 1 }

dsmonMatrixNLIndex OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647)

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"The protocolDirLocalIndex value of a protocolDirEntry

representing the specific network layer protocol

encapsulation associated with each entry, and the network

protocol type of the dsmonMatrixSourceAddress and

dsmonMatrixDestAddress objects."

::= { dsmonMatrixSDEntry 2 }

dsmonMatrixSourceAddress OBJECT-TYPE


MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"The network source address for this dsmonMatrix entry.

This is represented as an octet string with specific

semantics and length as identified by the dsmonMatrixNLIndex

component of the index.

For example, if the dsmonMatrixNLIndex indicates an

encapsulation of IPv4, this object is encoded as a length

octet of 4, followed by the 4 octets of the IPv4 address, in

network byte order."

::= { dsmonMatrixSDEntry 3 }

dsmonMatrixDestAddress OBJECT-TYPE


MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"The network destination address for this dsmonMatrix entry.

This is represented as an octet string with specific

semantics and length as identified by the dsmonMatrixNLIndex

component of the index.

For example, if the dsmonMatrixNLIndex indicates an

encapsulation of IPv4, this object is encoded as a length

octet of 4, followed by the 4 octets of the IPv4 address, in

network byte order."

::= { dsmonMatrixSDEntry 4 }

dsmonMatrixALIndex OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647)

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"The protocolDirLocalIndex value of the protocolDirEntry

representing the specific application layer protocol

associated with each entry.

It MUST identify an protocolDirEntry which is a direct or

indirect descendant of the protocolDirEntry identified by

the associated dsmonMatrixNLIndex object."

::= { dsmonMatrixSDEntry 5 }

dsmonMatrixSDPkts OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX ZeroBasedCounter32

UNITS "packets"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The number of packets of this protocol type (indicated by

the associated dsmonMatrixALIndex object) without errors

transmitted from the source address to the destination

address since this entry was added to the

dsmonMatrixSDTable. Note that this is the number of link-

layer packets, so if a single network-layer packet is

fragmented into several link-layer frames, this counter is

incremented several times."

::= { dsmonMatrixSDEntry 6 }

dsmonMatrixSDOvflPkts OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX ZeroBasedCounter32

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS deprecated


"The number of times the associated dsmonMatrixSDPkts

counter has overflowed, since this entry was added to the


::= { dsmonMatrixSDEntry 7 }


SYNTAX ZeroBasedCounter64

UNITS "packets"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The 64-bit version of the dsmonMatrixSDPkts object.

Note that this object will only be instantiated if the RMON

agent supports High Capacity monitoring for a particular


::= { dsmonMatrixSDEntry 8 }

dsmonMatrixSDOctets OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX ZeroBasedCounter32

UNITS "octets"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The number of octets in packets of this protocol type

transmitted from the source address to the destination

address since this entry was added to the dsmonMatrixSDTable

(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets), excluding

those octets in packets that contained errors.

Note this doesn't count just those octets in the particular

protocol frames, but includes the entire packet that

contained the protocol."

::= { dsmonMatrixSDEntry 9 }

dsmonMatrixSDOvflOctets OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX ZeroBasedCounter32

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS deprecated


"The number of times the associated dsmonMatrixSDOctets

counter has overflowed, since this entry was added to the


::= { dsmonMatrixSDEntry 10 }

dsmonMatrixSDHCOctets OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX ZeroBasedCounter64

UNITS "octets"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The 64-bit version of the dsmonMatrixSDPkts object.

Note that this object will only be instantiated if the RMON

agent supports High Capacity monitoring for a particular


::= { dsmonMatrixSDEntry 11 }

dsmonMatrixSDCreateTime OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX LastCreateTime

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The value of sysUpTime when this entry was last activated.

This can be used by the management station to ensure that

the entry has not been deleted and recreated between polls."

::= { dsmonMatrixSDEntry 12 }


-- AL Matrix DS Statistics Table


dsmonMatrixDSTable OBJECT-TYPE


MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"A list of application traffic matrix entries which collect

statistics for conversations of a particular application

protocol between two network-level addresses. This table is

indexed first by the destination address and then by the

source address to make it convenient to collect all

statistics from a particular address.

The probe will add to this table all pairs of addresses for

all protocols seen in all packets with no MAC errors, and

will increment octet and packet counts in the table for all

packets with no MAC errors."

::= { dsmonMatrixObjects 3 }

dsmonMatrixDSEntry OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX DsmonMatrixDSEntry

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"A conceptual row in the dsmonMatrixDSTable. Note that this

table is conceptually a re-ordered version of the

dsmonMatrixSDTable. Therefore, all of the index values from

that table are used by reference, and their semantics are

exactly as described in the dsmonMatrixSDTable.

The dsmonMatrixCtlIndex value in the index identifies the

dsmonMatrixCtlEntry on whose behalf this entry was created.

The dsmonMatrixTimeMark value in the index identifies the

Time Filter index for this table.

The dsmonAggGroupIndex value in the index is determined by

examining the DSCP value in each monitored packet, and the

dsmonAggProfileTable entry configured for that value.

The dsmonMatrixNLIndex value in the index identifies the

protocolDirLocalIndex value of a protocolDirEntry

representing the specific network layer protocol

encapsulation associated with each entry, and the network

protocol type of the dsmonMatrixSourceAddress and

dsmonMatrixDestAddress objects.

The dsmonMatrixDestAddress value in the index identifies the

network destination address for this dsmonMatrix entry.

The dsmonMatrixSourceAddress value in the index identifies

the network source address for this dsmonMatrix entry.

The dsmonMatrixALIndex value in the index identifies the

protocolDirLocalIndex value of the protocolDirEntry

representing the specific application layer protocol

associated with each entry."

INDEX { dsmonMatrixCtlIndex,








::= { dsmonMatrixDSTable 1 }

DsmonMatrixDSEntry ::= SEQUENCE {

dsmonMatrixDSPkts ZeroBasedCounter32,

dsmonMatrixDSOvflPkts ZeroBasedCounter32,

dsmonMatrixDSHCPkts ZeroBasedCounter64,

dsmonMatrixDSOctets ZeroBasedCounter32,

dsmonMatrixDSOvflOctets ZeroBasedCounter32,

dsmonMatrixDSHCOctets ZeroBasedCounter64,

dsmonMatrixDSCreateTime LastCreateTime


dsmonMatrixDSPkts OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX ZeroBasedCounter32

UNITS "packets"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The number of packets of this protocol type (indicated by

the associated dsmonMatrixALIndex object) without errors

transmitted from the source address to the destination

address since this entry was added to the

dsmonMatrixDSTable. Note that this is the number of link-

layer packets, so if a single network-layer packet is

fragmented into several link-layer frames, this counter is

incremented several times."

::= { dsmonMatrixDSEntry 1 }

dsmonMatrixDSOvflPkts OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX ZeroBasedCounter32

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS deprecated


"The number of times the associated dsmonMatrixDSPkts

counter has overflowed, since this entry was added to the


::= { dsmonMatrixDSEntry 2 }


SYNTAX ZeroBasedCounter64

UNITS "packets"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The 64-bit version of the dsmonMatrixDSPkts object.

Note that this object will only be instantiated if the RMON

agent supports High Capacity monitoring for a particular


::= { dsmonMatrixDSEntry 3 }

dsmonMatrixDSOctets OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX ZeroBasedCounter32

UNITS "octets"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The number of octets in packets of this protocol type

transmitted from the source address to the destination

address since this entry was added to the dsmonMatrixDSTable

(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets), excluding

those octets in packets that contained errors.

Note this doesn't count just those octets in the particular

protocol frames, but includes the entire packet that

contained the protocol."

::= { dsmonMatrixDSEntry 4 }

dsmonMatrixDSOvflOctets OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX ZeroBasedCounter32

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS deprecated


"The number of times the associated dsmonMatrixDSOctets

counter has overflowed, since this entry was added to the


::= { dsmonMatrixDSEntry 5 }

dsmonMatrixDSHCOctets OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX ZeroBasedCounter64

UNITS "octets"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The 64-bit version of the dsmonMatrixDSPkts object.

Note that this object will only be instantiated if the RMON

agent supports High Capacity monitoring for a particular


::= { dsmonMatrixDSEntry 6 }

dsmonMatrixDSCreateTime OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX LastCreateTime

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The value of sysUpTime when this entry was last activated.

This can be used by the management station to ensure that

the entry has not been deleted and recreated between polls."

::= { dsmonMatrixDSEntry 7 }


-- Per-Protocol Per-Matrix Statistics TopN Control Table


dsmonMatrixTopNCtlTable OBJECT-TYPE


MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"A set of parameters that control the creation of a report

of the top N dsmonMatrix entries according to a selected


Note that an agent MAY choose to limit the actual number of

entries which may be created in this table. In this case,

the agent SHOULD return an error-status of

'resourceUnavailable(13)', as per section 4.2.5 of the

'Protocol Operations for SNMPv2' specification [RFC1905]."

::= { dsmonMatrixObjects 4 }

dsmonMatrixTopNCtlEntry OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX DsmonMatrixTopNCtlEntry

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"A conceptual row in the dsmonMatrixTopNCtlTable.

Entries are created and deleted from this table by

management action only, using the dsmonMatrixTopNCtlStatus

RowStatus object.

The agent SHOULD support non-volatile configuration of this

table, and upon system initialization, the table SHOULD be

initialized with the saved values.

Activation of a control row in this table will cause an

associated dsmonMatrixTopNTable to be created and maintained

by the agent."

INDEX { dsmonMatrixTopNCtlIndex }

::= { dsmonMatrixTopNCtlTable 1 }

DsmonMatrixTopNCtlEntry ::= SEQUENCE {

dsmonMatrixTopNCtlIndex Integer32,

dsmonMatrixTopNCtlMatrixIndex Integer32,

dsmonMatrixTopNCtlRateBase INTEGER,

dsmonMatrixTopNCtlTimeRemaining Integer32,

dsmonMatrixTopNCtlGeneratedRpts Counter32,

dsmonMatrixTopNCtlDuration Integer32,

dsmonMatrixTopNCtlRequestedSize Integer32,

dsmonMatrixTopNCtlGrantedSize Integer32,

dsmonMatrixTopNCtlStartTime TimeStamp,

dsmonMatrixTopNCtlOwner OwnerString,

dsmonMatrixTopNCtlStatus RowStatus


dsmonMatrixTopNCtlIndex OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Integer32 (1..65535)

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"An index that uniquely identifies an entry in the

dsmonMatrixTopNCtlTable. Each such entry defines one Top N

report prepared for one RMON dataSource."

::= { dsmonMatrixTopNCtlEntry 1 }

dsmonMatrixTopNCtlMatrixIndex OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Integer32 (1..65535)

MAX-ACCESS read-create

STATUS current


"The dsmonMatrixSDTable for which a top N report will be

prepared on behalf of this entry. The dsmonMatrixSDTable is

identified by the same value of the dsmonMatrixCtlIndex


This object MUST NOT be modified if the associated

dsmonMatrixTopNCtlStatus object is equal to active(1)."

::= { dsmonMatrixTopNCtlEntry 2 }

dsmonMatrixTopNCtlRateBase OBJECT-TYPE







MAX-ACCESS read-create

STATUS current


"The variable for each dsmonMatrixSD entry that the

dsmonMatrixTopNRate and dsmonMatrixTopNHCRate variables are

based upon. Each dsmonMatrixTopN report generated on behalf

of this control entry will be ranked in descending order,

based on the associated dsmonMatrixSDTable counter,

identified by this object.

The following table identifies the dsmonMatrixSDTable

counters associated with each enumeration:

Enumeration RateBase MIB Objects

----------- --------------------

dsmonMatrixTopNPkts dsmonMatrixSDPkts

dsmonMatrixTopNOctets dsmonMatrixSDOctets

dsmonMatrixTopNHCPkts dsmonMatrixSDHCPkts

dsmonMatrixTopNHCOctets dsmonMatrixSDHCOctets

The following enumerations are only available if the agent

supports High Capacity monitoring:



This object MUST NOT be modified if the associated

dsmonMatrixTopNCtlStatus object is equal to active(1)."

::= { dsmonMatrixTopNCtlEntry 3 }

dsmonMatrixTopNCtlTimeRemaining OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647)

UNITS "seconds"

MAX-ACCESS read-create

STATUS current


"The number of seconds left in the report currently being

collected. When this object is modified by the management

station, a new collection is started, possibly aborting a

currently running report. The new value is used as the

requested duration of this report, and is immediately loaded

into the associated dsmonMatrixTopNCtlDuration object.

When the report finishes, the probe will automatically start

another collection with the same initial value of

dsmonMatrixTopNCtlTimeRemaining. Thus the management

station may simply read the resulting reports repeatedly,

checking the startTime and duration each time to ensure that

a report was not missed or that the report parameters were

not changed.

While the value of this object is non-zero, it decrements by

one per second until it reaches zero. At the time that this

object decrements to zero, the report is made accessible in

the dsmonMatrixTopNTable, overwriting any report that may be


When this object is modified by the management station, any

associated entries in the dsmonMatrixTopNTable shall be


DEFVAL { 1800 }

::= { dsmonMatrixTopNCtlEntry 4 }

dsmonMatrixTopNCtlGeneratedRpts OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Counter32

UNITS "reports"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The number of reports that have been generated by this


::= { dsmonMatrixTopNCtlEntry 5 }

dsmonMatrixTopNCtlDuration OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647)

UNITS "seconds"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The number of seconds that this report has collected during

the last sampling interval.

When the associated dsmonMatrixTopNCtlTimeRemaining object

is set, this object shall be set by the probe to the same

value and shall not be modified until the next time the

dsmonMatrixTopNCtlTimeRemaining is set.

This value shall be zero if no reports have been requested

for this dsmonMatrixTopNCtlEntry."

::= { dsmonMatrixTopNCtlEntry 6 }

dsmonMatrixTopNCtlRequestedSize OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647)

UNITS "table entries"

MAX-ACCESS read-create

STATUS current


"The maximum number of dsmonMatrix entries requested for

this report.

When this object is created or modified, the probe SHOULD

set dsmonMatrixTopNCtlGrantedSize as closely to this object

as is possible for the particular probe implementation and

available resources."

DEFVAL { 150 }

::= { dsmonMatrixTopNCtlEntry 7 }

dsmonMatrixTopNCtlGrantedSize OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647)

UNITS "table entries"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The maximum number of dsmonMatrix entries in this report.

When the associated dsmonMatrixTopNCtlRequestedSize object

is created or modified, the probe SHOULD set this object as

closely to the requested value as is possible for the

particular implementation and available resources. The

probe MUST NOT lower this value except as a result of a

set to the associated dsmonMatrixTopNCtlRequestedSize


Protocol entries with the highest value of

dsmonMatrixTopNRate or dsmonMatrixTopNHCRate (depending on

the value of the associated dsmonMatrixTopNCtlRateBase

object) shall be placed in this table in decreasing order of

this rate until there is no more room or until there are no

more dsmonMatrix entries."

::= { dsmonMatrixTopNCtlEntry 8 }

dsmonMatrixTopNCtlStartTime OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX TimeStamp

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The value of sysUpTime when this top N report was last

started. In other words, this is the time that the

associated dsmonMatrixTopNCtlTimeRemaining object was

modified to start the requested report or the time the

report was last automatically (re)started.

This object may be used by the management station to

determine if a report was missed or not."

::= { dsmonMatrixTopNCtlEntry 9 }

dsmonMatrixTopNCtlOwner OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX OwnerString

MAX-ACCESS read-create

STATUS current


"The entity that configured this entry and is therefore

using the resources assigned to it."

::= { dsmonMatrixTopNCtlEntry 10 }

dsmonMatrixTopNCtlStatus OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX RowStatus

MAX-ACCESS read-create

STATUS current


"The status of this dsmonMatrixTopNCtlEntry.

An entry MUST NOT exist in the active state unless all

objects in the entry have an appropriate value.

If this object is not equal to active(1), all associated

entries in the dsmonMatrixTopNTable shall be deleted by the


::= { dsmonMatrixTopNCtlEntry 11 }


-- dsmonMatrix TopN Table


dsmonMatrixTopNTable OBJECT-TYPE


MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"A set of statistics for those dsmonMatrix entries that have

counted the highest number of octets or packets.

If the dsmonAggControlLocked object is equal to 'false',

then all entries in this table SHALL be deleted, and the

agent will not process TopN reports on behalf of any


When the dsmonAggControlLocked object is set to 'true', then

particular reports SHOULD be restarted from the beginning,

on behalf of all active rows in the dsmonMatrixTopNCtlTable.

Note that dsmonMatrix entries which did not increment at all

during the report interval SHOULD NOT be included in

dsmonMatrixTopN reports."

::= { dsmonMatrixObjects 5 }

dsmonMatrixTopNEntry OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX DsmonMatrixTopNEntry

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"A conceptual row in the dsmonMatrixTopNTable.

The dsmonMatrixTopNCtlIndex value in the index identifies

the dsmonMatrixTopNCtlEntry on whose behalf this entry was


Entries in this table are ordered from 1 to 'N', where lower

numbers represent higher values of the rate base object,

over the report interval."

INDEX { dsmonMatrixTopNCtlIndex, dsmonMatrixTopNIndex }

::= { dsmonMatrixTopNTable 1 }

DsmonMatrixTopNEntry ::= SEQUENCE {

dsmonMatrixTopNIndex Integer32,

dsmonMatrixTopNAggGroup DsmonCounterAggGroupIndex,

dsmonMatrixTopNNLIndex Integer32,

dsmonMatrixTopNSourceAddress OCTET STRING,

dsmonMatrixTopNDestAddress OCTET STRING,

dsmonMatrixTopNALIndex Integer32,

dsmonMatrixTopNPktRate Gauge32,

dsmonMatrixTopNPktRateOvfl Gauge32,

dsmonMatrixTopNHCPktRate CounterBasedGauge64,

dsmonMatrixTopNRevPktRate Gauge32,

dsmonMatrixTopNRevPktRateOvfl Gauge32,

dsmonMatrixTopNHCRevPktRate CounterBasedGauge64,

dsmonMatrixTopNOctetRate Gauge32,

dsmonMatrixTopNOctetRateOvfl Gauge32,

dsmonMatrixTopNHCOctetRate CounterBasedGauge64,

dsmonMatrixTopNRevOctetRate Gauge32,

dsmonMatrixTopNRevOctetRateOvfl Gauge32,

dsmonMatrixTopNHCRevOctetRate CounterBasedGauge64


dsmonMatrixTopNIndex OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647)

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"An index that uniquely identifies an entry in the

dsmonMatrixTopNTable among those in the same report. This

index is between 1 and N, where N is the number of entries

in this report."

::= { dsmonMatrixTopNEntry 1 }

dsmonMatrixTopNAggGroup OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX DsmonCounterAggGroupIndex

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The counter aggregation group index value associated with

host identified in this entry. This object identifies the

dsmonAggGroupEntry with the same dsmonAggControlIndex value

as the associated dsmonMatrixCtlAggProfile object and the

same dsmonAggGroupIndex value as this object."

::= { dsmonMatrixTopNEntry 2 }

dsmonMatrixTopNNLIndex OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647)

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The protocolDirLocalIndex value which identifies the

protocol associated with the dsmonMatrixTopNSourceAddress

and dsmonMatrixTopNDestAddress objects in this entry.

If the protocolDirEntry associated with the

protocolDirLocalIndex with the same value as this object is

de-activated or deleted, then the agent MUST delete this

dsmonMatrixTopN entry."

::= { dsmonMatrixTopNEntry 3 }

dsmonMatrixTopNSourceAddress OBJECT-TYPE


MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The dsmonMatrixSDSourceAddress value for the source network

host identified in this entry. The associated

dsmonMatrixTopNNLIndex object identifies the network

protocol type and the encoding rules for this object."

::= { dsmonMatrixTopNEntry 4 }

dsmonMatrixTopNDestAddress OBJECT-TYPE


MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The dsmonMatrixSDDestAddress value for the destination

network host identified in this entry. The associated

dsmonMatrixTopNNLIndex object identifies the network

protocol type and the encoding rules for this object."

::= { dsmonMatrixTopNEntry 5 }

dsmonMatrixTopNALIndex OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647)

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The protocolDirLocalIndex value which identifies the

application protocol associated with this entry.

If the protocolDirEntry associated with the

protocolDirLocalIndex with the same value as this object is

de-activated or deleted, then the agent MUST delete this

dsmonMatrixTopN entry."

::= { dsmonMatrixTopNEntry 6 }

dsmonMatrixTopNPktRate OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Gauge32

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The number of packets seen of this protocol from the source

host to the destination host during this sampling interval,

counted using the rules for counting the dsmonMatrixSDPkts


If the value of dsmonMatrixTopNCtlRateBase is

dsmonMatrixTopNPkts, this variable will be used to sort this


If the value of the dsmonMatrixTopNCtlRateBase is

dsmonMatrixTopNHCPkts or dsmonMatrixTopNHCOctets, then this

object will contain the the least significant 32 bits of the

associated dsmonMatrixTopNHCPktRate object."

::= { dsmonMatrixTopNEntry 7 }

dsmonMatrixTopNPktRateOvfl OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Gauge32

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS deprecated


"The most significant 32 bits of the associated

dsmonMatrixTopNHCPktRate object.

If the associated dsmonMatrixTopNCtlRateBase is equal to

dsmonMatrixTopNHCPkts or dsmonMatrixTopNHCOctets, then this

object will contain the most significant 32 bits of the

associated dsmonMatrixTopNHCPktRate object, otherwise this

object will contain the value zero.

The agent MAY choose not to instantiate this object if High

Capacity monitoring is not supported."

::= { dsmonMatrixTopNEntry 8 }

dsmonMatrixTopNHCPktRate OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX CounterBasedGauge64

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The number of packets seen of this protocol from the source

host to the destination host during this sampling interval,

counted using the rules for counting the dsmonMatrixSDHCPkts


If the value of dsmonMatrixTopNCtlRateBase is

dsmonMatrixTopNHCPkts, this variable will be used to sort

this report.

The agent MAY choose not to instantiate this object if High

Capacity monitoring is not supported."

::= { dsmonMatrixTopNEntry 9 }

dsmonMatrixTopNRevPktRate OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Gauge32

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The number of packets seen of this protocol from the

destination host to the source host during this sampling

interval, counted using the rules for counting the

dsmonMatrixDSPkts object (note that the corresponding

dsmonMatrixSDPkts object selected is the one whose source

address is equal to dsmonMatrixTopNDestAddress and whose

destination address is equal to


::= { dsmonMatrixTopNEntry 10 }

dsmonMatrixTopNRevPktRateOvfl OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Gauge32

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS deprecated


"The most significant 32 bits of the associated

dsmonMatrixTopNHCRevPktRate object.

If the associated dsmonMatrixTopNCtlRateBase is equal to

dsmonMatrixTopNHCPkts or dsmonMatrixTopNHCOCtets, then this

object will contain the most significant 32 bits of the

associated dsmonMatrixTopNHCRevPktRate object, otherwise

this object will contain the value zero.

The agent MAY choose not to instantiate this object if High

Capacity monitoring is not supported."

::= { dsmonMatrixTopNEntry 11 }

dsmonMatrixTopNHCRevPktRate OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX CounterBasedGauge64

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The number of packets seen of this protocol from the

destination host to the source host during this sampling

interval, counted using the rules for counting the

dsmonMatrixDSHCPkts object (note that the corresponding

dsmonMatrixSDHCPkts object selected is the one whose source

address is equal to dsmonMatrixTopNDestAddress and whose

destination address is equal to


The agent MAY choose not to instantiate this object if High

Capacity monitoring is not supported."

::= { dsmonMatrixTopNEntry 12 }

dsmonMatrixTopNOctetRate OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Gauge32

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The number of octets seen of this protocol from the source

host to the destination host during this sampling interval,

counted using the rules for counting the dsmonMatrixSDOctets


If the value of dsmonMatrixTopNCtlRateBase is

dsmonMatrixTopNOctets, this variable will be used to sort

this report.

If the value of the dsmonMatrixTopNCtlRateBase is

dsmonMatrixTopNHCPkts or dsmonMatrixTopNHCOctets, then this

object will contain the the least significant 32 bits of the

associated dsmonMatrixTopNHCPktRate object."

::= { dsmonMatrixTopNEntry 13 }

dsmonMatrixTopNOctetRateOvfl OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Gauge32

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS deprecated


"The most significant 32 bits of the associated

dsmonMatrixTopNHCOctetRate object.

If the associated dsmonMatrixTopNCtlRateBase is equal to

dsmonMatrixTopNHCPkts or dsmonMatrixTopNHCOctets, then this

object will contain the most significant 32 bits of the

associated dsmonMatrixTopNHCOctetRate object, otherwise this

object will contain the value zero.

The agent MAY choose not to instantiate this object if High

Capacity monitoring is not supported."

::= { dsmonMatrixTopNEntry 14 }

dsmonMatrixTopNHCOctetRate OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX CounterBasedGauge64

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The number of octets seen of this protocol from the source

host to the destination host during this sampling interval,

counted using the rules for counting the

dsmonMatrixSDHCOctets object.

If the value of dsmonMatrixTopNCtlRateBase is

dsmonMatrixTopNHCOctets, this variable will be used to sort

this report.

The agent MAY choose not to instantiate this object if High

Capacity monitoring is not supported."

::= { dsmonMatrixTopNEntry 15 }

dsmonMatrixTopNRevOctetRate OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Gauge32

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The number of octets seen of this protocol from the

destination host to the source host during this sampling

interval, counted using the rules for counting the

dsmonMatrixDSOctets object (note that the corresponding

dsmonMatrixSDOctets object selected is the one whose source

address is equal to dsmonMatrixTopNDestAddress and whose

destination address is equal to


::= { dsmonMatrixTopNEntry 16 }

dsmonMatrixTopNRevOctetRateOvfl OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Gauge32

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS deprecated


"The most significant 32 bits of the associated

dsmonMatrixTopNHCRevOctetRate object.

If the associated dsmonMatrixTopNCtlRateBase is equal to

dsmonMatrixTopNHCPkts or dsmonMatrixTopNHCOCtets, then this

object will contain the most significant 32 bits of the

associated dsmonMatrixTopNHCRevPktRate object, otherwise

this object will contain the value zero.

The agent MAY choose not to instantiate this object if High

Capacity monitoring is not supported."

::= { dsmonMatrixTopNEntry 17 }

dsmonMatrixTopNHCRevOctetRate OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX CounterBasedGauge64

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The number of octets seen of this protocol from the

destination host to the source host during this sampling

interval, counted using the rules for counting the

dsmonMatrixDSHCOctets object (note that the corresponding

dsmonMatrixSDHCOctets object selected is the one whose

source address is equal to dsmonMatrixTopNDestAddress and

whose destination address is equal to


The agent MAY choose not to instantiate this object if High

Capacity monitoring is not supported."

::= { dsmonMatrixTopNEntry 18 }


-- Conformance Section


dsmonCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dsmonConformance 1 }

dsmonGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dsmonConformance 2 }


-- Compliance for agents that do not support HC or Counter64



STATUS current


"Describes the requirements for conformance to the

Differentiated Services Monitoring MIB."

MODULE -- this module






GROUP dsmonStatsHCGroup


"The dsmonStatsHCGroup is mandatory for systems which

implement High Capacity monitoring."

GROUP dsmonPdistGroup


"The dsmonPdistGroup is mandatory for systems which

implement RMON-2 protocolDirTable based protocol

distribution monitoring."

GROUP dsmonPdistHCGroup


"The dsmonPdistHCGroup is mandatory for systems which

implement RMON-2 protocolDirTable based protocol

distribution monitoring on high capacity interfaces."

GROUP dsmonHostGroup


"The dsmonHostGroup is mandatory for systems which implement

RMON-2 nlHostTable based network protocol monitoring."

GROUP dsmonHostHCGroup


"The dsmonHostHCGroup is mandatory for systems which

implement RMON-2 nlHostTable based network protocol

monitoring, on high capacity interfaces."

GROUP dsmonMatrixGroup


"The dsmonMatrixGroup is mandatory for systems which

implement RMON-2 alMatrix based application protocol


GROUP dsmonMatrixHCGroup


"The dsmonMatrixHCGroup is mandatory for systems which

implement RMON-2 alMatrix based application protocol

monitoring, on high capacity interfaces."

::= { dsmonCompliances 1 }


-- Compliance for agents that support HC and Counter64



STATUS current


"Describes the requirements for conformance to the

Differentiated Services Monitoring MIB for agents which also

support High Capacity monitoring and the Counter64 data


MODULE -- this module







GROUP dsmonPdistGroup


"The dsmonPdistGroup is mandatory for systems which

implement RMON-2 protocolDirTable based protocol

distribution monitoring."

GROUP dsmonPdistHCGroup


"The dsmonPdistHCGroup is mandatory for systems which

implement RMON-2 protocolDirTable based protocol

distribution monitoring."

GROUP dsmonHostGroup


"The dsmonHostGroup is mandatory for systems which implement

RMON-2 nlHostTable based network protocol monitoring."

GROUP dsmonHostHCGroup


"The dsmonHostHCGroup is mandatory for systems which

implement RMON-2 nlHostTable based network protocol


GROUP dsmonMatrixGroup


"The dsmonMatrixGroup is mandatory for systems which

implement RMON-2 alMatrix based application protocol


GROUP dsmonMatrixHCGroup


"The dsmonMatrixHCGroup is mandatory for systems which

implement RMON-2 alMatrix based application protocol


::= { dsmonCompliances 2 }


-- Compliance for agents that support HC, but not Counter64



STATUS deprecated


"Describes the requirements for conformance to the

Differentiated Services Monitoring MIB for an agent which

supports high capacity monitoring, but does not support the

Counter64 data type (e.g., only supports the SNMPv1


MODULE -- this module







GROUP dsmonStatsHCGroup


"Implementation of the dsmonStatsHCGroup is not required.

High Capacity monitoring."

GROUP dsmonPdistGroup


"The dsmonPdistGroup is mandatory for systems which

implement RMON-2 protocolDirTable based protocol

distribution monitoring."

GROUP dsmonPdistOvflGroup


"The dsmonPdistGroup is mandatory for systems which

implement RMON-2 protocolDirTable based protocol

distribution monitoring."

GROUP dsmonPdistHCGroup


"Implementation of the dsmonPdistHCGroup is not required."

GROUP dsmonHostGroup


"The dsmonHostGroup is mandatory for systems which implement

RMON-2 nlHostTable based network protocol monitoring."

GROUP dsmonHostOvflGroup


"The dsmonHostGroup is mandatory for systems which implement

RMON-2 nlHostTable based network protocol monitoring."

GROUP dsmonHostHCGroup


"Implementation of the dsmonHostHCGroup is not required."

GROUP dsmonMatrixGroup


"The dsmonMatrixGroup is mandatory for systems which

implement RMON-2 alMatrix based application protocol


GROUP dsmonMatrixOvflGroup


"The dsmonMatrixGroup is mandatory for systems which

implement RMON-2 alMatrix based application protocol


GROUP dsmonMatrixHCGroup


"Implementation of the dsmonMatrixHCGroup is not required."

::= { dsmonCompliances 3 }

-- Object Groups

dsmonCounterAggControlGroup OBJECT-GROUP













STATUS current


"A collection of objects used to configure and manage

counter aggregation groups for DSMON collection purposes."

::= { dsmonGroups 1 }

dsmonStatsGroup OBJECT-GROUP













STATUS current


"A collection of objects providing per DSCP statistics."

::= { dsmonGroups 2 }

dsmonStatsOvflGroup OBJECT-GROUP







STATUS deprecated


"A collection of objects providing per-DSCP overflow

counters for systems with high capacity data sources, but

without support for the Counter64 data type."

::= { dsmonGroups 3 }

dsmonStatsHCGroup OBJECT-GROUP







STATUS current


"A collection of objects providing per DSCP statistics for

high capacity data sources."

::= { dsmonGroups 4 }

dsmonPdistGroup OBJECT-GROUP




























STATUS current


"A collection of objects providing per protocol DSCP

monitoring extensions to the RMON-2 MIB."

::= { dsmonGroups 5 }

dsmonPdistOvflGroup OBJECT-GROUP






STATUS deprecated


"A collection of objects providing per-protocol DSCP

overflow counters for systems with high capacity data

sources, but without support for the Counter64 data type."

::= { dsmonGroups 6 }

dsmonPdistHCGroup OBJECT-GROUP






STATUS current


"A collection of objects providing per protocol DSCP

monitoring extensions to the RMON-2 MIB for High Capacity


::= { dsmonGroups 7 }

dsmonHostGroup OBJECT-GROUP

































STATUS current


"A collection of objects providing per Host monitoring


::= { dsmonGroups 8 }

dsmonHostOvflGroup OBJECT-GROUP








STATUS deprecated


"A collection of objects providing per host DSCP overflow

counters for systems with high capacity data sources, but

without support for the Counter64 data type."

::= { dsmonGroups 9 }









STATUS current


"A collection of objects providing per Host monitoring

functions for High Capacity networks."

::= { dsmonGroups 10 }

dsmonCapsGroup OBJECT-GROUP




STATUS current


"A collection of objects providing an indication of the

DSMON monitoring functions supported by the agent."

::= { dsmonGroups 11 }

dsmonMatrixGroup OBJECT-GROUP





































STATUS current


"A collection of objects providing per conversation

monitoring functions."

::= { dsmonGroups 12 }

dsmonMatrixOvflGroup OBJECT-GROUP











STATUS deprecated


"A collection of objects providing per conversation

monitoring functions for systems with high capacity data

sources, but without support for the Counter64 data type."

::= { dsmonGroups 13 }

dsmonMatrixHCGroup OBJECT-GROUP











STATUS current


"A collection of objects providing per conversation

monitoring functions for High Capacity networks."

::= { dsmonGroups 14 }


5. Counter Aggregation Configuration Usage Examples

This section contains an example of the steps that may be followed by

a management station to configure the objects in the


A note about these examples:

- they do not define a standard

- an agent is not obligated to support them

- a management application is not constrained by them

- the SET(object = value [, ...]) notation is only conceptual, and

is not meant to represent an actual SNMP Set PDU.

5.1. Step 1: Unlock the Counter Aggregation Configuration

Before any write operations to the tabular objects in this group can

be made, the counter aggregation configuration must be unlocked by

setting the dsmonAggControlLocked scalar to false:

SET(dsmonAggControlLocked.0 = false(2));

5.2. Step 2: Check the Maximum number of Counter Aggregation Groups

Make sure the desired counter aggregation groups have a chance of

being configured on the agent.

maxGroups = GET(dsmonAggMaxAggGroups.0);

For this example, maxGroups is greater or equal to 64.

5.3. Step 3: Check if the counter aggregation profiles already exist

Make sure the desired counter aggregation profiles have not already

been configured, or perhaps recreated after an agent restart. The

following example is oversimplified, in that the entire counter

aggregation configuration should actually be verified.

profile1Descr = GET(dsmonAggControlDescr.1);

profile1Owner = GET(dsmonAggControlOwner.1);

profile1Status = GET(dsmonAggControlStatus.1);

For this example, none of the counter aggregation profiles already


5.4. Step 4: Create the Counter Aggregation Control Entries

The management station should create one entry in the

dsmonAggControlTable for each counter aggregation profile to be

configured on the agent.

Steps 4, 5, and 6 are repeated for each counter aggregation profile

to be configured on the agent. There are 3 example counter

aggregation profiles shown in each of these steps.

Example 1: Each DSCP in its own counter aggregation group.

SET(dsmonAggControlStatus.1 = createAndGo(4),

dsmonAggControlOwner.1 = "Example App 1",

dsmonAggControlDescr.1 = "1 DSCP Per Group");

Example 2: a collection of DIFFSERV PHBs.

SET(dsmonAggControlStatus.2 = createAndGo(4),

dsmonAggControlOwner.2 = "Example App 2",

dsmonAggControlDescr.2 = "June 2000 DIFFSERV PHBs");

Example 3: an aggregated collection of DIFFSERV PHBs.

SET(dsmonAggControlStatus.3 = createAndGo(4),

dsmonAggControlOwner.3 = "Example App 3",

dsmonAggControlDescr.3 = "Limited June 2000 PHBs");

5.5. Step 5: Create the Counter Aggregation Group Descriptions

Example 1: Each DSCP in its own counter aggregation group. One group

is created for each codepoint, for a total of 64 rows.

SET(dsmonAggGroupStatus.1.0 = createAndGo(4),

dsmonAggGroupDescr.1.0 = "DSCP 0");

SET(dsmonAggGroupStatus.1.1 = createAndGo(4),

dsmonAggGroupDescr.1.1 = "DSCP 1");

SET(dsmonAggGroupStatus.1.2 = createAndGo(4),

dsmonAggGroupDescr.1.2 = "DSCP 2");

SET(dsmonAggGroupStatus.1.3 = createAndGo(4),

dsmonAggGroupDescr.1.3 = "DSCP 3");


SET(dsmonAggGroupStatus.1.63 = createAndGo(4),

dsmonAggGroupDescr.1.63 = "DSCP 63");

Example 2: a collection of current DIFFSERV PHBs. One group is

created for each PHB to be monitored.

SET(dsmonAggGroupStatus.2.0 = createAndGo(4),

dsmonAggGroupDescr.2.0 = "CS0");

SET(dsmonAggGroupStatus.2.1 = createAndGo(4),

dsmonAggGroupDescr.2.1 = "CS1");

SET(dsmonAggGroupStatus.2.2 = createAndGo(4),

dsmonAggGroupDescr.2.2 = "CS2");

SET(dsmonAggGroupStatus.2.3 = createAndGo(4),

dsmonAggGroupDescr.2.3 = "CS3");

SET(dsmonAggGroupStatus.2.4 = createAndGo(4),

dsmonAggGroupDescr.2.4 = "CS4");

SET(dsmonAggGroupStatus.2.5 = createAndGo(4),

dsmonAggGroupDescr.2.5 = "CS5");

SET(dsmonAggGroupStatus.2.6 = createAndGo(4),

dsmonAggGroupDescr.2.6 = "CS6");

SET(dsmonAggGroupStatus.2.7 = createAndGo(4),

dsmonAggGroupDescr.2.7 = "CS7");

SET(dsmonAggGroupStatus.2.8 = createAndGo(4),

dsmonAggGroupDescr.2.8 = "EF");

SET(dsmonAggGroupStatus.2.9 = createAndGo(4),

dsmonAggGroupDescr.2.9 = "AF11");

SET(dsmonAggGroupStatus.2.10 = createAndGo(4),

dsmonAggGroupDescr.2.10 = "AF12");

SET(dsmonAggGroupStatus.2.11 = createAndGo(4),

dsmonAggGroupDescr.2.11 = "AF13");

SET(dsmonAggGroupStatus.2.12 = createAndGo(4),

dsmonAggGroupDescr.2.12 = "AF21");

SET(dsmonAggGroupStatus.2.13 = createAndGo(4),

dsmonAggGroupDescr.2.13 = "AF22");

SET(dsmonAggGroupStatus.2.14 = createAndGo(4),

dsmonAggGroupDescr.2.14 = "AF23");

SET(dsmonAggGroupStatus.2.15 = createAndGo(4),

dsmonAggGroupDescr.2.15 = "AF31");

SET(dsmonAggGroupStatus.2.16 = createAndGo(4),

dsmonAggGroupDescr.2.16 = "AF32");

SET(dsmonAggGroupStatus.2.17 = createAndGo(4),

dsmonAggGroupDescr.2.17 = "AF33");

SET(dsmonAggGroupStatus.2.18 = createAndGo(4),

dsmonAggGroupDescr.2.18 = "AF41");

SET(dsmonAggGroupStatus.2.19 = createAndGo(4),

dsmonAggGroupDescr.2.19 = "AF42");

SET(dsmonAggGroupStatus.2.20 = createAndGo(4),

dsmonAggGroupDescr.2.20 = "AF43");

SET(dsmonAggGroupStatus.2.21 = createAndGo(4),

dsmonAggGroupDescr.2.21 = "Nonzero Default");

Example 3: an aggregated representation of current DIFFSERV PHBs.

One group is created for each counter aggregation to be monitored (8

rows in this example).

SET(dsmonAggGroupStatus.3.0 = createAndGo(4),

dsmonAggGroupDescr.3.0 = "Zero CS");

SET(dsmonAggGroupStatus.3.1 = createAndGo(4),

dsmonAggGroupDescr.3.1 = "Nonzero CS");

SET(dsmonAggGroupStatus.3.2 = createAndGo(4),

dsmonAggGroupDescr.3.2 = "EF");

SET(dsmonAggGroupStatus.3.3 = createAndGo(4),

dsmonAggGroupDescr.3.3 = "AF1");

SET(dsmonAggGroupStatus.3.4 = createAndGo(4),

dsmonAggGroupDescr.3.4 = "AF2");

SET(dsmonAggGroupStatus.3.5 = createAndGo(4),

dsmonAggGroupDescr.3.5 = "AF3");

SET(dsmonAggGroupStatus.3.6 = createAndGo(4),

dsmonAggGroupDescr.3.6 = "AF4");

SET(dsmonAggGroupStatus.3.7 = createAndGo(4),

dsmonAggGroupDescr.3.7 = "Nonzero Default");

5.6. Step 6: Create the Counter Aggregation Profile Mappings

After the dsmonAggControlEntries are activated, the associated read-

write dsmonAggProfileEntries will be created. The management station

must create 64 entries in the dsmonAggProfileTable for each counter

aggregation profile configured in the dsmonAggControlTable.

Example 1: Each DSCP in its own counter aggregation group

SET(dsmonAggGroupIndex.1.0 = 0,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.1.1 = 1,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.1.2 = 2,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.1.3 = 3,


dsmonAggGroupIndex.1.63 = 63);

Example 2: a collection of current DIFFSERV PHBs.

SET(dsmonAggGroupIndex.2.0 = 0, -- CS0

dsmonAggGroupIndex.2.1 = 21, -- Nonzero Default

dsmonAggGroupIndex.2.2 = 21,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.2.3 = 21,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.2.4 = 21,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.2.5 = 21,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.2.6 = 21,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.2.7 = 21,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.2.8 = 1, -- CS1

dsmonAggGroupIndex.2.9 = 21,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.2.10 = 9, -- AF11

dsmonAggGroupIndex.2.11 = 21,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.2.12 = 10, -- AF12

dsmonAggGroupIndex.2.13 = 21,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.2.14 = 11, -- AF13

dsmonAggGroupIndex.2.15 = 21,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.2.16 = 2, -- CS2

dsmonAggGroupIndex.2.17 = 21,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.2.18 = 12, -- AF21

dsmonAggGroupIndex.2.19 = 21,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.2.20 = 13, -- AF22

dsmonAggGroupIndex.2.21 = 21,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.2.22 = 14, -- AF23

dsmonAggGroupIndex.2.23 = 21,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.2.24 = 3, -- CS3

dsmonAggGroupIndex.2.25 = 21,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.2.26 = 15, -- AF31

dsmonAggGroupIndex.2.27 = 21,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.2.28 = 16, -- AF32

dsmonAggGroupIndex.2.29 = 8, -- EF

dsmonAggGroupIndex.2.30 = 17, -- AF33

dsmonAggGroupIndex.2.31 = 21,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.2.32 = 4, -- CS4

dsmonAggGroupIndex.2.33 = 21,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.2.34 = 18, -- AF41

dsmonAggGroupIndex.2.35 = 21,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.2.36 = 19, -- AF42

dsmonAggGroupIndex.2.37 = 21,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.2.38 = 20, -- AF43

dsmonAggGroupIndex.2.39 = 21,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.2.40 = 5, -- CS5

dsmonAggGroupIndex.2.41 = 21,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.2.42 = 21,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.2.43 = 21,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.2.44 = 21,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.2.45 = 21,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.2.46 = 21,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.2.47 = 21,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.2.48 = 6, -- CS6

dsmonAggGroupIndex.2.49 = 21,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.2.50 = 21,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.2.51 = 21,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.2.52 = 21,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.2.53 = 21,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.2.54 = 21,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.2.55 = 21,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.2.56 = 7, -- CS7

dsmonAggGroupIndex.2.57 = 21,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.2.58 = 21,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.2.59 = 21,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.2.60 = 21,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.2.61 = 21,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.2.62 = 21,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.2.63 = 21);

Example 3: an aggregated collection of current DIFFSERV PHBs.

SET(dsmonAggGroupIndex.3.0 = 0, -- Zero CS

dsmonAggGroupIndex.3.1 = 7, -- Nonzero Default

dsmonAggGroupIndex.3.2 = 7,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.3.3 = 7,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.3.4 = 7,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.3.5 = 7,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.3.6 = 7,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.3.7 = 7,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.3.8 = 1, -- Nonzero CS

dsmonAggGroupIndex.3.9 = 7,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.3.10 = 3, -- AF1

dsmonAggGroupIndex.3.11 = 7,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.3.12 = 3,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.3.13 = 7,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.3.14 = 3,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.3.15 = 7,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.3.16 = 1,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.3.17 = 7,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.3.18 = 4, -- AF2

dsmonAggGroupIndex.3.19 = 7,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.3.20 = 4,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.3.21 = 7,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.3.22 = 4,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.3.23 = 7,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.3.24 = 1,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.3.25 = 7,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.3.26 = 5, -- AF3

dsmonAggGroupIndex.3.27 = 7,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.3.28 = 5,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.3.29 = 2, -- EF

dsmonAggGroupIndex.3.30 = 5,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.3.31 = 7,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.3.32 = 1,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.3.33 = 7,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.3.34 = 6, -- AF4

dsmonAggGroupIndex.3.35 = 7,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.3.36 = 6,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.3.37 = 7,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.3.38 = 6,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.3.39 = 7,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.3.40 = 1,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.3.41 = 7,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.3.42 = 7,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.3.43 = 7,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.3.44 = 7,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.3.45 = 7,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.3.46 = 7,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.3.47 = 7,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.3.48 = 1,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.3.49 = 7,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.3.50 = 7,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.3.51 = 7,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.3.52 = 7,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.3.53 = 7,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.3.54 = 7,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.3.55 = 7,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.3.56 = 1,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.3.57 = 7,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.3.58 = 7,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.3.59 = 7,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.3.60 = 7,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.3.61 = 7,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.3.62 = 7,

dsmonAggGroupIndex.3.63 = 7);

5.7. Step 7: Lock the Counter Aggregation Configuration

Before any existing collections can be activated by the agent, the

counter aggregation configuration must be locked, by setting the

dsmonAggControlLocked scalar to 'true'.

SET(dsmonAggControlLocked.0 = true(1));

6. Intellectual Property

The IETF takes no position regarding the validity or scope of any

intellectual property or other rights that might be claimed to

pertain to the implementation or use of the technology described in

this document or the extent to which any license under such rights

might or might not be available; neither does it represent that it

has made any effort to identify any such rights. Information on the

IETF's procedures with respect to rights in standards-track and

standards-related documentation can be found in BCP 11, RFC2028.

Copies of claims of rights made available for publication and any

assurances of licenses to be made available, or the result of an

attempt made to obtain a general license or permission for the use of

such proprietary rights by implementors or users of this

specification can be obtained from the IETF Secretariat.

The IETF invites any interested party to bring to its attention any

copyrights, patents or patent applications, or other proprietary

rights which may cover technology that may be required to practice

this standard. Please address the information to the IETF Executive


7. Acknowledgements

This memo is a product of the RMONMIB WG. It is based on an Internet

Draft that was produced with a great deal of assistance from Keith

McCloghrie and Bijendra Jain.

8. References

[RFC1155] Rose, M. and K. McCloghrie, "Structure and Identification

of Management Information for TCP/IP-based Internets", STD

16, RFC1155, May 1990.

[RFC1157] Case, J., Fedor, M., Schoffstall, M. and C. Davin, "Simple

Network Management Protocol", STD 15, RFC1157, May 1990.

[RFC1212] Rose, M. and K. McCloghrie, "Concise MIB Definitions", STD

16, RFC1212, March 1991.

[RFC1215] Rose, M., "A Convention for Defining Traps for use with the

SNMP", RFC1215, March 1991.

[RFC1901] Case, J., McCloghrie, K., Rose, M. and S. Waldbusser,

"Introduction to Community-based SNMPv2", RFC1901, January


[RFC1905] Case, J., McCloghrie, K., Rose, M. and S. Waldbusser,

"Protocol Operations for Version 2 of the Simple Network

Management Protocol (SNMPv2)", RFC1905, January 1996.

[RFC1906] Case, J., McCloghrie, K., Rose, M. and S. Waldbusser,

"Transport Mappings for Version 2 of the Simple Network

Management Protocol (SNMPv2)", RFC1906, January 1996.

[RFC2021] Waldbusser, S., "Remote Network Monitoring Management

Information Base Version 2 using SMIv2", RFC2021, January


[RFC2026] Bradner, S., "The Internet Standards Process -- Revision

3", BCP 9, RFC2026, October 1996.

[RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate

Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC2119, March 1997.

[RFC2474] Nichols, K., Blake, S., Baker, F. and D. Black, "Definition

of the Differentiated Services Field (DS Field) in the IPv4

and IPv6 Headers", RFC2474, December 1998.

[RFC2475] Blake, S., Black, D., Carlson, M., Davies, E., Wang, Z. and

W. Weiss, "An Architecture for Differentiated Services",

RFC2475, December 1998.

[RFC2570] Case, J., Mundy, R., Partain, D. and B. Stewart,

"Introduction to Version 3 of the Internet-standard Network

Management Framework", RFC2570, April 1999.

[RFC2571] Wijnen, B., Harrington, D. and R. Presuhn, "An Architecture

for Describing SNMP Management Frameworks", RFC2571, April


[RFC2572] Case, J., Harrington D., Presuhn R. and B. Wijnen, "Message

Processing and Dispatching for the Simple Network

Management Protocol (SNMP)", RFC2572, April 1999.

[RFC2573] Levi, D., Meyer, P. and B. Stewart, "SNMPv3 Applications",

RFC2573, April 1999.

[RFC2574] Blumenthal, U. and B. Wijnen, "User-based Security Model

(USM) for version 3 of the Simple Network Management

Protocol (SNMPv3)", RFC2574, April 1999.

[RFC2575] Wijnen, B., Presuhn, R. and K. McCloghrie, "View-based

Access Control Model (VACM) for the Simple Network

Management Protocol (SNMP)", RFC2575, April 1999.

[RFC2578] McCloghrie, K., Perkins, D. and J. Schoenwaelder,

"Structure of Management Information Version 2 (SMIv2)",

STD 58, RFC2578, April 1999.

[RFC2579] McCloghrie, K., Perkins, D.and J. Schoenwaelder, "Textual

Conventions for SMIv2", STD 58, RFC2579, April 1999.

[RFC2580] McCloghrie, K., Perkins, D. and J. Schoenwaelder,

"Conformance Statements for SMIv2", STD 58, RFC2580, April


[RFC2856] Bierman, A., McCloghrie, K., and R. Presuhn, "Textual

Conventions for Additional High Capacity Data Types", RFC

2856, June 2000.

[RFC2895] Bierman, A., Bucci, C. and R. Iddon, "Remote Network

Monitoring MIB Protocol Identifier Reference", RFC2895,

August 2000.

[RFC3273] Waldbusser, S., "Remote Monitoring Management Information

Base for High Capacity Networks", RFC3273, May 2002.

9. Security Considerations

In order to implement this MIB, a probe must capture all packets on

the locally-attached network, including packets between third

parties. These packets are analyzed to collect network addresses,

protocol usage information, and conversation statistics. Data of

this nature may be considered sensitive in some environments. In

such environments the administrator may wish to restrict SNMP access

to the probe.

There are a number of management objects defined in this MIB that

have a MAX-ACCESS clause of read-write and/or read-create. Such

objects may be considered sensitive or vulnerable in some network

environments. The support for SET operations in a non-secure

environment without proper protection can have a negative effect on

network operations.

SNMPv1 by itself is not a secure environment. Even if the network

itself is secure (for example by using IPSec), even then, there is no

control as to who on the secure network is allowed to access and

GET/SET (read/change/create/delete) the objects in this MIB.

It is recommended that the implementors consider the security

features as provided by the SNMPv3 framework. Specifically, the use

of the User-based Security Model RFC2574 [RFC2574] and the View-

based Access Control Model RFC2575 [RFC2575] is recommended.

It is then a customer/user responsibility to ensure that the SNMP

entity giving access to an instance of this MIB, is properly

configured to give access to the objects only to those principals

(users) that have legitimate rights to indeed GET or SET

(change/create/delete) them.

10. Author's Address

Andy Bierman

Cisco Systems, Inc.

170 West Tasman Drive

San Jose, CA USA 95134

Phone: +1 408-527-3711

EMail: abierman@cisco.com

11. Full Copyright Statement

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2002). All Rights Reserved.

This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to

others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it

or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published

and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any

kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are

included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this

document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing

the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other

Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of

developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for

copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be

followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than


The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be

revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.

This document and the information contained herein is provided on an







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Internet Society.

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